Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 12, Image 12

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When th winter amusmnt mmdh opens
tgaln In Omaha quit a number of people
will be pleasantly surprised by the manner
la whU-h Messrs. Hudson V Judah of Kan
sas City have redeemed their promise to
giv. Omaha a first-class home for the
popular priced plays. Their new theater
(for It Is a new theater In every respect,
nothing but the ground and a portion of the
walls of the old being- used), which Is now
almost resdy to be opened, la on of the
prettiest and cosiest In the west. It Is
taodern In all regards and la first-class In
all appointments, and so arranged that any
sort of production can be given with a
maximum of comfort and enjoyment for
both the audiene and the players. Car
penters, palntere and deooratora are stilt
al work, and will be for tha greater part
Of the' week, putting on tha finishing
touches to the Interior, and then the house
will be turned over to th upholsterers and
trimmers, who will com pi eta a design that
promises to show an Interior of rare beauty
when snlshed, , .,
,The main entrance will be on the Four
teenth street Bids, the gallery entrance be
ing located on Harney street. Exits are
so arranged that people seated in the gal
lery and balcony will go out onto Harney
street, and those In tfle dress circle and
rarquette will go out on Fourteenth street,
tha exits all being large and direct, so that
there will never be any confusion or Jan
: trng in getting out. The long lobby on
the Fourteenik ctri aide will V ona of
the attarctlv features of the theater. Its
walls are in old Ivory and gold, with dark
green panels, th ceilings tba same with
oval panels of a warm tone of green re
lieved by delicate floral designs. ' The In
terior walls of th theater are la a warm
ton of red, with old Ivory ceilings, th
boxes and balcony fronts being In old ivory,
picked out with gold, and the deep procen
lura being In the same shade, the arch re
lieved with a neat floral design, which en
hances the general effect of rloh simplic
ity. On th first floor th seats will be in
dark morocco leather, harmonising with
the general color schema of the auditorium.
The lighting Is direct from the arches and
celling, but Is so arranges: as to avoid con
centration or an uncomfortable glare. . As
a whole, the effect will be most pleasing
to th eye and will strongly contribute to
the sense of luxurious ease on expects to
experience at th theater. On th stag
arrangements have been madeito tak car
of th heaviest scenle production that goes
on th road, to handle It promptly and
give any sort of a play without hitch or da
lay. Dressing rooms are arranged to af
ford every convenience for th actors, and
am equipped with such devices a will con
tribute to the comfort of their occupants.
Viewed from any point,' the new Krug
theater will prove a welcome addition to
Omaha's list of amusement places, and
ought to be very popular among th pa
trons of th theater.
"Wt har spent a great deal mor money
on this house than w anticipated," said
Mr. Judah of th firm of managers, "but
w feel that tha outlay was Justified. It
Is our Intention in coming to Omaha t
gtre th people olaan and wholesom
theatrical amusement at popular prices,
. and to mak our theater a place where
th citizens will be glad to com and spend
aa evening, . where the. husbands and
fathers will always feel 'safe In sending
thetr wrvs and, children, and where no
on will aver have reason to complain
of bl treatment W do not expect to
begin eur campaign with a ' flourish of
trumpets, but expect to go about business
In Omaha as t w had always been lo
cated her. I cannot say just on what
day the -theater will be opened, nor with
what attraction, for our plana In that
direction are not all completed yet"
In on regard th house will be of much
aervlo to Omaha. For several years Mrs.
Flsk has been unable to appear her on
account of her difference with Messrs.
Klaw & Erlanger, the "syndicate," who
are the eastern agents for Meesrs. Wood
ward ft Burgess. Mrs. Flsk is on of the
leading women of the stage world, and
her absence from Omaha has been a source
of much regret to th admirers of her art.
Bhe will make a tour of th weat during
th coming winter, playing her greatest
piece, "Mary of Magdala," In whloh ah
cored such triumphs at th Manhattan
theater In New York last winter, and a
new piece, "Mart of the Lowlands."
which tells a story of Holland during th
time of the reformation, Both of these
plays will be given In Omaha at th Krug
theater during the wlnfer. In this connec
tion th Krug will be an example of the
"war" that exists between th "syndicate"
and the "Independents." Many of the com
panies that are booked through Klaw ft Er
langer will play at the Krug. and many of
in companies booked through Stair A
Havltn, th managers with whom Messrs,
Hudson ft Judah are allied, will be seen
at the Boyd. Last winter Btair ft Havlla
attraction went from the Boyd to the Hud
son ft Judah house In Kansas City, and
vie versa, an evidence that ths war is
mor apparent than real. In th ease of
Mr. Flake It is war, however, for that
hlgh-aplrlted lady refuses absolutely to ao
cept any favors from Messrs. Klaw ft Er
langer or any of their ai:ies. and the "syndl
cate" is equally firm In allowing her to go
her own way.
The "raid" of the Independents on the
"Syndicate" has not up to data borne any
startling fruit For three years the list of
"Independent" attractions has been Mrs.
Flske. Miss Crosman, James K. Hackett
and Mary Mannerlng. Last season 'a por
tion at least of Miss Mannorlng's tour was
booked by Meesrs. Klaw A Erlanger. This
stAsnn the Independents will book the tours
of lllie Collier, Martin Harvey (If he
com-a back to America). Charles Richman
And Louts Mann. Collier la going out tin
. ' tier th control of Weber ft Fields snd will
likely he seen In many, of th "syndicate"
houeee; Rlehmyr ha never starred yet,
and his departure from the Frohman Stock
company Is due to a fit of plqu on his
part. Martin Harvey's tour In America
last season was a failure and so was Louis
Mann .. A. neither of these acQUlslilons
- w -..v..o.wwua
ir-sents a defection from th ranks of
, syndlcat." stare and attractions. It
t clear Just wher. th. Independent,
hav gained any strength. All during th
summer the war has raged through the
. theatrical papere. which are ranged on
th on aid or th other, but now that the
tlm for real business Is st hand, the dis
pute will b pushed somewhat to th bark
ground, while the manager take up the
work of providing the publlo with the
amusement It demands.
At least two of the new starring combina
tions will be watched with Interest The
working together of Henry Miller and Msr
garet Anglln ought to produc splendid re
sult. These well known artists ar ao
eepted a stars wtth well defined orbits, and
hav long since, been assigned their re
spective place. In the Armament Now that
their light la to be commingled, each should
take on a greater effulgence, and th end
should be most satisfactory. They will play
th. society drama, giving "Th. Taming of
Helen." "CamU'e." 'Tho Devil's Disciple"
snd "The Iroi master." v. With a properly
equipped suipnrting company, this pair
nrht t make either one ef Its plays a de
CiJed Uet The second ef lae coniblua-
tlons Is Otis Skinner and Ada Rehan. Of
the place Miss Rehan one held In the esti
mation of th public there I no doubt;
whether she Is equal to maintaining her es
tablished reputation may be questioned. At I
least It must be proved. Her latest tour,
In which she undertook a revival of "Tam
ing of th Shrew," was neither an artistic
nor a financial success. ' Mr. Skinner Is well
known as an actor of unquestioned ability,
... . . . . . . ,,, I
ana ma ena oi in comoinauon w, n.r
b In doubt. They will play School for I
Scandal" and other classlo pieces Of wnicq I
. i r. . t . . i v. - rt.i- MiJiiik I
r.tmu sum wimuu iuw v-'f I
At present ths plans of most of ths great
stars and many of th smaller for th com
ing season hav been arranged, and they
know definitely what they will appear In.
Th dates for, ths opening of th season of
each hav not all been settled upon, but
her la a reasonably eomplet list of ths
star and th play a. flxe by th man.
Richard Mansfield.... "Ivan th Terrlbl"
ana a neiuio- i
berff." I
F3. A. Sothern.
'The Proud Prlnoe." I
Mrs. Flsk
"M.rv of Maadala"
-VI.,.. 7. th. I
7 i !i T I
Lowlands... I
Miss Crosmann
Miss Marlowe.,
Nat Goodwin..
Kyrle BeUw..
"As Tou Llk It."
"Fools of Nature."
"Midsummer Night's
..... "An Amateur Cracks
man." William Gillette "The Admirable
r Criohton."
Otis Skinner and Ada
"Tti School for Scan
dal" and other clas
sics. "The Pretty Bister of
Maud Adams.
'Captain Dieppe."
John Drew
Hnnr Miller and
Maxsraret Ansrlln.. "The Tamlnr of Hel
en, "uimuii
"T'h Devil's Disci- I
ra-t:??. 1B' lTn-
Maxlne Elliott "Her Own Way." I
Mr. and Mre. Forbes .
'TV., V.1-11 MVLjr
Eleanor Robson
Uad.s Carr Cook..
"La ValHer" and I
x auou. i
"Merely Mary Ann - 1
-Mrs. wisss oi iu i Vatnh." I
James O'Neill.,
Tyrone Power.
Mrs. Carter....,
illanch Bate.
Louis James
Brlaadfer Qerard." I
''TTlvaaea" I
S.a2Kl7-rf th.
Gods." I
and I i ..I
Frederick; Ward,
Wilton Lackay "The Pit."
James K. Haokett... "John Ermine.
Robert Edeson..
Herbert Keloey
V"anj"80l11r 0t rortun"
I...... "Sherlock Holme.."
'The Man from Mis-
Ktae Shannon
Tim Murphy,
Viola Allen "Twelfth Nlrht."
Ethel Sarrymore "Th Golden Silence."
Melbourne MoDow.ll. "Th. Capula of Na-
v..hrvn rk..,. P.tfi.."
Kathrvn Osterman... "Mlaa PettlcostS,
Jane Kennark "Under Two Flags."
Kklwara Morgan...... "Th Christian."
Walker Whlteald.... "W Ar King."
Isabel Irvina "Th Crisis."
Bertha Gaiiand. ...... "Dorothy Vernon of
Haddon Hall.-
Isadora Rush. "The Medal and The
Kenrv B. Dixer
"Faclna- th Musle.
Katnryn Jtmar
Sadls Martinet
"Lady Culnori'i
r unauons. m i
-in eecona ktb.
William Favershara
William Collier
Mary Shaw
, "Imprudence.1
, "PeraonaL"
, "GhosU.
Adelaide Thurston.... "Polly Primrose
Fllsabeth Kennedy... "As tou Like It.
Mildred Holland...... "Th Lily and th
trine" ana tm
&..nt. m " I
creea.,r I
lilr Lana-trr ... .... "ilrs , Deerlns's Dl-
uy Mtifirr..., iinnnri I
Clara Bloodgoed...... "Th CHri with tb
-,. Green Byes." I
Jana Dakar "A Gentleman from
dan mier ".rentieman irom I
Vlrrlnia Draw Tra.
. . . ...
AIr.."a.-:-JuV SEfSK
4-vM.vw. ,.N.W ,..-v...- iu 7 .u-
Rlftnitha Ttlnir ' 'Ifv 1 aA Txla m I
. arnm- tnn ninn.
vi wry iriftnnerinv. . . j.. juoiin urttj oinwrw. i
. ATn th .!?!? J?
a ,nr J Vlr "",!!, UmT
ar wuiiam tl. crane, Virginia narnea, I
AnnU RuMell, Martin Horry (who re I
turn from ngland .. eouhtful). and
Charles RIchman. No attempt has been I
made In th! to giv. any account of th.
various and divers stars that twinkle In
th comlo opera sky. They have their I
luminous vaiue, cut ineir droits are too un
certain to allow of .saying? just whan and
Th opening flat for th Orohoum has
not been decided en as yet but It la certain
It will be either September 17 or . It eon- I
tlnues as on
of th house tormina- th
or in nouses lorming in
' Clr 1 " A"."10 l?
a- ....--.... - I whos. natural goiaen Dionua nair wa nui
stvls of amusement aa heretofore win balm h. offset by an almost similar color by
kinh t.a. an. a Ka Mamtiu I
1 "
a fact attested
attendance 1a'
cult. Who oassed thraua-h Omaha last Mon. I
umana last Mon-
Will be treated to
lie line th coming
.k.!.. aM
day, aays local patrons
the but in th vaudeville
season, for besides th choice of th old
eetabltshed favorites many acts never hav-
Ing appeared her will
b seen, Among
a usual are Euro?
Mr U....r.M
thes a lasger number than
pean Importations, for.
president of th Orpheum company, apent
ver month. In th countries of thold
world, during whlrh tlm he engaged a
Tiwa. rintrr ana ucwmiorf win ua pui
to work during th coming week and from
! ,vi..
vu .'..fiuiia in auaMw mm
neat and nrattv aa Boaaltils. Mr. Cart
naitar will fmntinua aa mm.Mr whlla aa
felter. IL..
lormeny ni-iy cjrne win u ajier wis
finances and th. newarjaner work.
. , . av . . .
pasalaV Bveta.
Todsy Is the big day at Omaha's polite
resort Kruc park. A trio ef exceptionally
strong special attractions ar merged with
tn usual reiiurtt-HHiini i ihbi an Dear,
.ha ift.ina a h. Miliar wifi-a-
tary tournament and J. Waldorf Hall again
shot from a cannon." This afternoon and
aa a f.vnHt. taHtl. (Ka .aa.l. I " 1 . -.'-r.- . - noxipfji per UK iur m tuna vim o mm i i ne viuuii naa mm nuaiier oi jis iicbi ,
as a rayont wltn the people, I MlBM viotor'a nlace has been Induced to . " .. 1L. i. a.u. nm..--.i i k..u.V
last season toy th largest Tcoept a money consideration for her con- hands Simp y win not loosen up. rop ln- Bleep" oh slep; my lby.' "
In the history of th hous. Mr. rct and Miss Victor atVaLfni1. excuses and get down to Dusiness. tut cut Tha bov, wai la,t musical composi
te i .v. - f ha avn-nours-a-aay oeiuwon n is no iia.nfth.i.i.iwi wim. t ha
gcod many for. Befor-pp..
vening nira in uu iiihuikj pl iiieiwith 1LS nanania mium iuui :", ,.,
fllsUngulshed cornet virtuoso and band by the late Rouert Blum and A. B. Wen -
Vtarmaaa Ra'ataMi. foa aama llm.
BiinuusB k "in Muuiuercu.
atnuua ii . w. . viwui) ui i
-irri.nfti nraatlnT" march, whirk haa .
. .i.. Kuk...a i ,.
1 eolved the plaudits of many thoa.ands
eQiveu in piauaus oi many inoasanas oi
I tieople. will be given this evening In eon-
junction with a new composition yet un-
named. The cllmag ef th. live day.' mill-
tarr tournament the Millard Rifles have
Un promoting will be reached thl. after-
noon ana evening, ana in aaamon to in.
regular program all the evsnta candled by
th. Inclement weather will be Introduced
to make th spectacle doubly Interesting,
All of the exhibition drills and trophy con
teats of th. local and visiting cotrvpar.l
avlll Ka arlvan ktVMn th. houra of 10:
tMa morning and U this ."enlng. At I
oc? .her wind Emitting. J. Waldorf
Hall will repeat hi. bailoon aelWtloo of
th laat three Sunday of
hajng "shot from
in th. air at-
w - -
mx - r r n anin k wo iii : ivtm in a u air m .-
tmched to him talloca -JCraa park." Mr.
ii-u ui frw A. hotiararv mcmbir of
- . -
a Ion tn regulation military attir.
0asle freaa Itsselisi,
Otis fikinnar and Ada Rehan enen Octo-
her II at Trenton, N. J., In "Taming of the
Tlm Murohr starts Ms tour In "Th Man
from klmsourl" at KM-folk. Va., on bep-
teuibar .
n BAM.n.lM I.FAI,. .1 V n. .11
roi all pew sown, which ah will wear
duiUig th coaulug tour of "fr.tty Vvs.y."
Theee rowns were mart after cVslgns
drawn fmm the Hogarth pictures of i'eg
Vofflns.tun. -
Msxlne fllllott opens t the osrriea
theater. New York, on September 28, In
"Her Own Way."
Kos-1!. Knott Is to be Mury Tudor In
thle season's production of "When Knight
hood Was In Flower."
Mm Kiln Furnn has st.ned with Bronil-
hurst ft Currle to play Hoe Vsrtray In "A
Nat M. Wills opens his season in ths
musical comedy, "A Bon of Rest,' on Au- I
gust 11, st Saratoga Springs. N. T
" . iT..? Meh Vh rd
"Mr. Jol v of Jo let." of which Edward I
Oarvle is the star, opens at Bethlehem,
Fa., on August I. and goes south. I
Mr. Oeorg ober begins his starring tour I
In the Broadhurst comedies on Auguat 31 at I
Annapolis, Md. Tne tour embraces th I
n""Poll,t .,. Tne j t
tout n ana middle weet,
M.n,..r BureM of th, Boyd will return
Monday from New Tork, and promises to
give out tne finest line oi Dooaings ever
Kuuvuiiveu iur ms luwier.
..... jl , 1I v.l
ii.iii 7 miiioi biiu lli.i ftai i . min1"1 n -
their lolnt starring tour at the Columbia
theater, Ban Francisco, tomorrow night.
They will be In Omaha early in the season.
Vesta Tilley. the London comedienne, is
to mak an American tour under the dlrec- I
won oi xieDier ec io. rne win vvmu
f-kfnvn a. ha XTaw Jlorclolr theater. Octo
ber 13, In "Algy." I
- . . Ml Viele I
, , . Rudolph and Adolph," under
the direction of Broadhurst ft Currie at
Flalnfleld, N. J., on August . Th tour
tttricsj au tiisj a auiuu vwaan I
William Landon. who has for years been I
wm be In charge of the stage at Hie new
Krug. HIS successor at tne Lreignion- i
Ornhkiim h - nnl v.t himn nftjnad. I
... , v.- .un. In I
"J S 'r'.ZrX.Z. l"i",Y.
"""". "' " i .I I
ntsi Bcnere upera company, 10 m rn uu i
undA. tha mananmant of Charles B. Dll- I
lingham. ,Wllllam Caatletnan has also been ,k th ao t- ,v. rete
'Jlttlr. They ar careful of their buried
effect thai she Is hard at work on her re- I
hearsals for "Mrs. Ceerlng s divorce, in i
wnicn sn opens ncr American iour av u
fivv theater. New York, in September,
Her tour will Include Omaha. Paul Arthur 1
will be her leading man.
In iwhlch Eleanor Robson will be seen dur-
Ins) the season, a splendid production, 'ins
nluv frtllnttra
tne book very cioseiy, yi '
pronounced a decidedly finished work and
in ZangwlU's best vein,
vim Jk r.rlinnr'i Kew Amsterdam the-
ater will open ln Ootober with N. C. Good-
summer N?KMTDrKm''thrinltlar.t-
traction. This piece will be stagea most i
elaborately. In one effect aione mors
w . ,
Mr. W. R. Antlsdell, for many years ths I
dramatic editor ana critio or tne x-nuaaei-
pnia ttecoro, ana out vi ino uiu.i
h. i. n r tha tnit ai hoiarlv men In
his orofesslon In th United States, has 1
united himself with the Llebler & Co. forces I
KSirlTrlL1 fe.aofrthU"ctb:
base Patch."
Madam Jennie Norelll, the eoloratur
soprano engaged for Henry W Savage's I
salf for this counuy to begin rehearsals,
I Mm. iniii wn hnpn In fltorkholm. I
wher she received her early musical edu-
Sear, h was sngagtd at van?r6ard?n
and prior to that sang in grand opera with
marked sucoess in Berlin and Milan.
Rehearsals for "Alexander the Oreat," In I
which Louis Jame. and Frederick Ward.
Zr to Tocear durlna th coming season,
started, ifonday last at Wagenhals and
Kemnar'a atudlo at Orantra. N. J. The
nsw Dlav will be aeen first ln the weat
and on the Pacific coast and later in the
season will be presented for long engage
ments in unicego, r.ew xora ana oinrr
eastern cities. Fifty people will b used
in tne proauction.
Ned Harrlran's "Under Cover" will open
August m at juriageport, conn, as jonn
v.- rn L.a,,,,.-' ,h. wifa of
: "J ra.r..' :;i;;.iH
a Mott street Chinaman, and come on with
a black ay to tell the' tale of her life ln
a Kl.nlr t. 111 tha ft her lfa 11
TV 7 .
me tenaerioin ana ner ueaceni iu muu i
street, it is quite apparent that th Bridge-
port "dog" will have all It can stand for I
ona nlaht. at anv rate. .
Ths London company which will support
Forbee Robertson and Gertrude Elliott ln
r ' ... .1
"Tha Llaht That Failed" - during their
American tour, under the. direction of Klaw I
Er anger, will b headed by the rouow-
. " .K. cith i.. h.rt.n
Iniv nlav.rii Anhr.v fimtth. Ian Robertson. I
George Bumner. Guy Lane, Cecir Kard,
Lson Quartermaln, Frank Bickley, Herbert
Beaumont, Arthur Harrold, Ernest
r'" i, ri.. v.. dv..a vn.t
oeauniuiii, Afmur fi.iiviu .V, I
uosnam. ueorse ai. ursnam cnio r run 1
land Misses Minni unmn, Ami. ue vurgn,
1 . ,,l..l T a 1J K n.Fk.l.v CiMvutkHm Kmt. I
SriShiMHra Lily Prtb
- -
v.nb Tania a fan firr m viv nmR
tlV. WU..a.T. I naW inn naraeil
W"h (hSr& Pol't'Tndra1 to
cTo.. fis 'Won Vrematurely on account of
h accident. Is himself again, but slightly I
"hor-Bhy." a fact that fa particularly ap-
par tJ,3 .LWnt
nures In a scene with Mr. Daniels "up." I
Affrst the hSe wi a. fuUnofglr,er
surreptitiously drugged by the comedian,
compromise has been effected between I
J. J. Rosenthal, who conducts Kathrvn
Osterraan's tour, and Miss Josephine Vlo-
Itr, in tha lawsuit that haa bn Inatl- I
futfta nv mi laiitir iur a. veasua Miai r
tK. n q two. tt wm nlumA hv th
woman that she was engaged to play an
I Important part In the forthcoming prt
produc- I
i0"". ,. "1Bl.f fiond. t?ea.i
would all
to grow raven black. Thl was to be ln
t t0 tha ,tar, Kathryn Osterman,
who. natural golden blond, hair was noi
any of the other principals in tne caai. ins i
.u araa .nv.viul fnf tha m.rt In I .
m, ., v. V.. ..... -arna Imi. all
,0-n---y;oaUoB ent , Germany, Bwltxer-
land. Italy and France, is busy at the Man-
hattan theater New Tork. rehearsing her
company In "Mary of Magdala. which on
. "..r J""."' w"1 '"A. r a"..-".":
p,;mbW "it will begin a brief season at
I that house, where last season It ran for
many months to th flnest serise of audi-
w... .hi. ...ann will undartak. a Ions
tour, reacning 10 ui r ' "B
I Mr. Flake's tour tms soason win inciuue
i wm. icdbuii win w v . " v
.r"1 fngolnnXPn"d d.Mn!
company larg n numbers and diHtlr.-
i rulalieU in tne aciors wno win iiui)rim
I ih nromln.nt part. In Hays' great drama.
I Mr.. Flake, It has been .aid. never before
haa been .seen to such advantage as l
tn, role of Mary or Maaaaia, a. mat pan
I rails for both histrionic ooweri and for
ma noetic anu jiiiihiihcviu .imuuira ...a.
. J . I I Y. ... V .. w an.raaa . f
i nave mniinBuian a ... .
. ,,rdK, her greatest character, al.
I though she has heretofore shown wonder-I
I f ul
lore, ana nnwH in mnn; umrr ruie
orce and flneaae in many other roles
,,ilJi - :
i.k l. , . . V w.. r ,. a vava will tu. In.n.
i . . . . . n n.a a.'.
I M i m Th.air ,rumiaa to ba tha
i iiroscenlum arcli.
nCels was painted
I most niagninoeni to oe
I ,'i,i,,L .n o over the
I ""' f""" ' - .T:7.. TT. .. ' " i
-, XorS, di aiiown rua- -"'i'-- -
point pi "' uuT"-".r".r. -
. iii. nnminfliii wuu .iiw vawu.iu.a v. m.u...
i u..i,; hall In K.a
?. or W.e.nril"!n'i lu-?7.
otlinthe iloaion public library. The Mew
in th lloaion puuuo uuwr, iu iicw
Amaierdam theater will not only be noted
mJXl b'tlTuTnni
Convenlancs, which will lnclud. th. ' Nw
I Amsterdam room," smoking room, a re -
Stf!1? W 1Lfc2Ufa -tth . ,L TniTb;
K. D. C. Pelxolto. The wans oi tne New reer-tnougni waa reiiir wu-idi-t.w ' that one so lovely should have a life so
Amsterdam room will display sixteen great a, ner conscious mind was concerned. It brief "
panels, telling In olla the histoiy of New there, lust the same, and It waa there In the home wh.r stands her vacant
York from th. landing of Halnrlch .Hudson was mere, just l" ' " th. hearts are aching. Indeed, vet up
down to the present day. The. rooma In good plenty, Analyel howed that when y ,, fc Jh teadfatnes of their faith In
will an ois.nay ea.ui,ic i .ii
: Will be embellished by very beautiful anj
I i. tin terra cotta ornamentation. In the
artlatlo terra con ornamentation. In . the
jtfft 7. 'iinPr,1'...
will HlUs 'rate the drama,
I five the wagnenan teirai-j.jr aim wn ra-1
eit hire.VjM
. n a , w a. k. a. -. a. wm aj. s.a. nai
I drain. XVeeIUt-J mar? - a wv
in foyer by Irrrry iiluaiiailnf old and
I nw Na-r Amatardam. Tha facuda of th
, , . 1 1 .iiMlal nv a arrftiin r
punuina "
I fra--aLandln staluary from th chlnl
I fiaorea Oray Laniard, a group represent-
Ing eighteen monins lauor ujr i. xjariiaru
.land his aiaisiania. u !'"'.
I .i r.., ,,V.,,,u I. bV th. Kewmark
I rrolh,rs of hnmea and Daaael of (.'tins -
I and flowers wher U.jr lrus may be prop -
ny worked In.
tlana, modeled vv ',""' and the entire personality seem to change. I ... v M K R 1124 South Thirty-
& dJr or7h?,,drL',.o,h-ofL fhri when. In reaponse to a suggestloa that they mw 5f f ' HAlgt W.i, . u
a hUlund Interior along con.truc- .0uld "let the tone fall to piece. If It want. len Wood.ort h A .lu-bw Ali.a
n,.a. uaina animals, birds, foliaa .. .v.. ama forth Wjtlful. flnatln I and Mra. C. K. Taylor. t,ouotu oiuns.
This Is th "Meditation of the Oood Old
Summertime" which comes last In th pre
i ent series, as the summer days are drawing 1
to a close, and In ft week or so, tha ra
turning of th brethren will p recoraea in
tnl, column, studios will be one mor
echoing to th strains of music and ths
" .... ... .,
Churches will nav their various sn-ncss
broken. And th meditator hereof will b
ooUng his brow by the waters of Michigan,
.. . ., k . thm ..,.
collecting honey from th bees of th nortn-
rn places. lor i n Be or umana.
Here, then, la ft "Meditation Upon th
Oentl Art of Making Excuses."
' Ther is on record a very Interesting
homily upon th making of excuse which
tells how the guests sent regrets to him I
who had bidden them to th banquet, on
becaus he was very busy attending to
another, because he had- Just Invested In
. . I . A ..Vltu4 A k. . . V...
d .nothWi because It was his
ln rTw.M.r.d Mn?Uck
wedding day and it was considered unlucky
t jyirn v viisa aav w suuiii.
.nra that time It has been a habit
with us to xeus ourselves, and send re-
greis, wnen we iaii o acquire aum ui;
- kl.k . . -. Tf tha BMHrlnlr
. .. ... .
of a certain thing involves muen laDor, ana
X,.,A h.r tnlllna- let
u.-v v.-.
na ramemnar that Art and Nature ar very
Art jnvites you to her banquet. Bhe In-
. . i
viiee you ig cvmi inu iu h.ij. ,w.-..i w
th bast she has got
aut an doss not send for you In a gilded
- 8h "T! I101 'mplfr -ervvnt. to
dress you ana Dnng you 10 ner oanquei
Tou must do that yourself I
But she does provide th menul
And what a feast It Isl What Is mor
satisfying than th. knowledge of how to do
things T Th ton that carries, tne repose
whlch commands, the self-mastery which
prevail.) What would W not all giv for
the knowledge of thes things? xet Art I
. . ... . ...
(srs: "Oo on; you will And out. My secrets I
I... w,jj it i. y.,,t hv are thora
are hidden, It is true, but tnejr ar tner.
1 cannot expos my choloest g-ems to ths I
t).A,,t,tuBa uhm-Ti. Thm. rhn wnuM And I
U - -t lose themselves' snd March for
me. That Is, they must not seek or expect
to find m if they still hold onto old Ideas, I
, .
propositions,' or man-mad
theories. Tor I am Truth, and knowing th
mh nf thtna la Tni Knowleda-e. and I
you oa know me lf you really mean It,
and look for m diligently In everything
around you."
This Is ths Invitation of Art and th menu I
, , . , tn I
f--' " " '"T 'V":
this day whether or not you. will accept the
Fellow-guests, let as not send regrets!
And as to the form of regrets: A young
woman of unusually bright attalnmsnts,
with talent along many directions,' said
to ma th oth.r day "I ean't heln It" And
Instituted which
v .. t...h.r. h.rfl a hrirM. .ifted
..... . imno.fnl I
- --"7 -----
- -r
nt mnmm nnlnr. "Wall. I lnat
- a. . ' - . .
ean't heln It X hav tried my beet and It I
M nxr,,.,,.. ,. , I
.w"" w I
TKT . . . moVa .TMIIH IK.
'"."T" ,7SZ, " . i
stead of taking th attitude, "This is tha
.!. h.r.fnra tha aaav nr. Th. I
v.ih nv.r,t. ma fmm a-ati-lna-
it la an ma a.haiird. nraeonoalved. cerhana I
,ubcon,0,ou, idea that X must da aom-
. t I
Unlns; else, too. .
I Tcrk.n vi .r. wnrVlna- for a certain I
r 1,1 a a aal I
. nntn iwi m a... 1
iae.i b sure that th hardest enemy to
. .....
ovrcom. U th .ulvcon-ciou. mmo. or uiu
atMhim af mind which ; troeratM contln-1
vwi ---- - 1
' For rr coming
trom th court hou... with his book tinder
. . tlla MlMif Ilia Villf AHA Vlftllirht.
Ulrlng. But hi. T.ub-consclou. mind is
', .7 . . . Im
directing thos leg. and W;
on wi, cart.
"olousnesa on nis pan.
tratlon wp with othen
Follow this tllus
others and much better
one will occur to you.
Well th point I wish to mak IS this
jt te that same sub-conscious mentality
which mak-a your hand .Uffen up. Tou
roust control It Do not make excuses.
..- .-oh. oshaw I began too lat," or
T??1; Tor claymi
. .a. tr, flavin
"My hands w.r never mad for playln
tn piano; or I nave wuraeu nrwi
. . . - a 1
to wast BO rount. wme a. m wouuen
" " '"T " .1 ,i to bird.
board when you could be listening to birds
singing, or bathing your soul in Cod s sun-
or patUng a tired hors on th back.
shine, or patUng
Get down to wora ana una oui wn.t w.-
troubl Is. and you will think. In all proba-
neSS Of a physical part must Of necessity
t nava a "ounl w
" VZ:,!" St
i i" " ' " -
I " '
very p,a,n,y .what,.n7 ,,lcnr wanU
-hen h does It but somehow or c
, r . a
1 my att.mpts .na m rallur. u m now
I raise to my consciousness this sub-con-1
thouicht and see If X can find
; . .. . ,
I out why I atlffen my wrist.
a Th.n irk ma iiuuuii lunia uki.iuuj .
I . . ...
i ...j.,..- aiiantlv and undisturbed ana Tne
I doeply. SUeniiy ana unan urwu ana n.
revelation will come, for Art nas inviteo
i TOU o the Daoauet, aoa you nav com
I TOu to th banquet and you hav come
I - . . ...
and hav not maa excuses, ana you win
and hav.
I no. io awaj u..B j .
But Incidentally, don't leave Just a soon
" ,0UP U "rVed- mMt tM fl,n-
com later. , .
' '
I '
1 In mjr own cas, (I may be pardond for
1 wt arrlnaT to BIT Own atUdiO Work. SS II
"T.-. .,..,.
"",v- . " : ' .:- "7
i ... . an r. niir m x riinrn arai annual .
I uw
I have often found a pupil full of "fear,-
when thl. searching of th. sub - consclous -
wnen una -' "r
.. mmd had revealed the fault.
A V 'rou,1 lmP,y
rldlouled th. Idea tliat Sh. wag afraid
1 0f .nythlngl Nevertheless the honest
careful aearch revealed that while that
tj, tone was proven inwpauQtni vi nit
that COU,d f
the Jaw's sssLtance, f ear , was removed
tha trouble cone. .
,nd the trouble gone.
Again. I hav e oftee pupil. In the
study of ths "registers." (that bogey-word
1 whlcn n.s soarea so many, anu wnica iiva
" T!.!!""' Tha'LI
. . . a i.a M ei.
thouiro. waa P.v-r n.roy. . .u. wu.
Caua was tar; fear tha tba rolca would
fall to piece.1 iney were nnun( mw
oflm". : ...
l . m.. a.
to tn Art oanqum. "
i busy Wlln tna.uiu tutm. ur in vKttmi wui ua,
hk, sub-oonsdous inlnd wss at work, be
neath and apart frota their notice. And
I how often hav I seen th fac light up
1 . fl t accident had
jwwr .
I nailr. but whoss cbcratlons you cannot th National Conservatory of Muslo (Mrs.
... I -; . - . . Thurban. K.w TorV4 will taka nlaxa am
mm Pann
Remember that the two places that have the people's approval and
the only two that have BATHING and BOATING facilities are:
"Ton Nights In a Bar Room"
Thursday "Old Farmer Hopkins"
The biggest ad bet musical organization In the west
The Bathing Beach
Tha favorite place for all.
Thiclos' Orchestra at Kursaal.
Refreshments of all kinds
and Kursaal.
Over 50,000 People Visited This
. . . .. .
noi nappeneo. in voice did not fall to
yar must be stamped out. If you would
be a a-nnri tilavar a mrrA m mnA
doctor, a aood business man, or' a .ood
Fear Is at th root of all th troubles we
sr heir to. Becaus It Is largely sub-
conscious. Ws really do not know that we
ar scaid. iust ea. oftentimes, whan wa
d know w ar scared, we cannot tell
to save our lives, what ws are. scared at.
" 11 not ,oT
Therefor let jis work to cast out every
thoueht of faar.
aa ,.m.K",
. remember, lf w begin by saying
. on-
nonsense, I am. not afraid of that
tons, of that stiffness, of that failure," we
ar simply lying to ourselves, sending "re-
a1." "d sowing thistleseed to raise
"l"wu"7 . '
ajv noi in us mass excuses, uo not let
" r- woula ay- uu ,orry
,?f.?Ur,L!-."' u" ecept
m .ubstuut.
llla or w, ana we win come out on
r.ii w
mnsicai notes,
Last week I had a vrv tntaraatlna- com
mnnlratlnn frnm Mr nirr-u i uhi.nn
7. 1 . . U.I,,U1, ,
,hB . Ols'lngulshed nonprofessional local
pianist, and the Whitmore trio were having
a great time at th beautiful "Sehnvenln.
st1'"- listening to the Berlin Symphony
orcnestra every night.
Mr hi.aI,.i... -v. i..
fort H Is ei
and hi work.
Wonder to me
in...i.Ki -or.
i is entnusiastio over his teacher
work. Steckelberg.. is a constant
A h. . m .. . . . .1 I tr. , I
. V. "uuoiit,. ig ta aiinpijr
ninuio, rvaicn rim.
I miss uorinne muison writes entertain
Ilnalv frftm Rarlln
Th nnn.i a.o.
-.v...v-. .,uiiv
tiSSSg? embeV i.,5o a.
"J-. " " i'TWi
L...I.1..I ' I . - J- Vi a v .
ghlMf.-. day 'J (turW)
piano and violin, 10 a. m. to 12 ro., S to 4
femtm For further Prticular.adds
Pear little feet so restless and so rsv!
Dear little Una. that laurh m v r.area awavt
jjear mtio eyes, mat snine wttn enaiess
Bleep, on sleep, mv baby.
Th. arow,v itar. . bllnkin. in th. .kvr
The roving wind on listless wing goes by:
T whip-poor-will 1 lagging with his cry;
fel'e. ch -
All sounds of troubled 'day ar hushed to
wm pa "memoerea py au wno
tUndea tb 0maha Composers' Concert of
tn Womm's club, as sung by 1S Ed-
,. -w. m.,i ft.i,.. ... .., ,,.,
wards. Th musical qualities are such that
tt aboealad at ono. to th areat cornatlaL
iUrroan Bllstedt and will b
PW Cor
tha wmh. waalc
the leading
Cortland Beach
I Him home of many manaiona to preuare
I plee for her, with lila nam on har llpa
I to tha laat, a pur and (rentle spirit paaaed
I to tne last, a pure ana gentle s
I onward to her home with Htm.
W ith the beauty and sweetness of a
child's nature, with a happy heart, an ever
I read
I unM
ximuiiv. pna iiiiru m, uncu kiiu ivuuei L'im;tj 111
I .11 O .... I . . 1 . , ,1 V.. .1.. 1
1 " .v.. w .wu ,una-
left the older People, her
I yuung companions, the little children whoa.
I n
I lives
sh touched with such briKhtuess and
f lniln
goes in her dally work with them
i --ins loucn oi a vanisnea nana
I . The sound of a voice that is still.
Iwt a liuleSS. Sn.'XlvVi heV eYr.
I cation ln Omaha, passing with credit
I through th grades and the high school.
I then takin un tha atudv of hei ohoaen
In th. Kindergarten training school.
For four years ShS has served in th. DUb'
Ho school klnd.raartens. faithfully .nd
well. Her last year waa .pent t th l'a
n . , , . v. i , . i i . ,
l ci no wnui, wucrv .mr iimo iiuim, win
hong remember their eweet and genu
llttle pupils will
1 teshe frIendi ,nd mci.tes-in so-
elnl life, ln school' life, in that of the
.U....W In all . . t rhliV. hluiw. al.a waa a
devoted worker, fitted especially by lier
muslo and artlstlo talents, as well as by
her deep religious fervor, to nil the many
gaps so hard to fill and to reNpond to the
i Hun to whose sneitering arms sne naa
Fo'r U
I orft'
I .. .
nd wltn wnora sne is sale at nome.
though from out the bourne of time
d piace
Th. tld. msy bear m. far, I
, t ope to mt myPilot t .
hen i have croeaeo tn
ace io lac
. bar.
Veter.aa' Vnten Kleete Offleers.
ROCHESTER, N. T.. Aug. 15.-The
encampment of tha Veteran's union has
closed with th election of officer. Frank
lin D. Hutchinson of Rochester, was re
elected commander-in-chief. Among the
members Of the executive committee is
Q. F. Kellogg. Clinton. Ia.
Funeral noUc Ulf.
i ruiujfj it mm wiiu iuvu viuj utui .t
1 ..... 1 . .
ing for Today's Out in,
Today and Tonight Thi Famous B3CKETT FAMILY in STU
at Pavilion
Resort Ut Week.
Arrangements have ' been made for the
consolidation of the Pioneer, Douglas and
Omha councils, Royal Arcanum. One cen
tral council is to be formed which Da cal
culated to bring Into even closer relation
ship the members of this order ln Omaha.
A ratification meeting has been arranged
by the joint committee having the matter
ln hand, and the members of these three
oouncila are asked to meet in the rooms
of the Pioneer council In the Continental
block at 8 p. m. Tuesday, August 25, ,to
confirm the union. Following this action
th evening will be given over to pleasure.
A program will be arranged and Issued
later. '
The North Omaha Degree of Honor lodge
No. 29 will giv Its annual picnio nsxt
Wednesday and will follow It In th evening
with a dance.
Mecca tent Tribe of Ben Hur. met In
Its new place. of meeting for the first Urns
Friday evening. A pleasant program was
rendered and th evening . was made a
memorable one. ..The pew meeting place Is
ln Royal Arcanum hall at Sixteenth and
Harney streets. .... .
Th. Fraternal -Ordar nf Ravi aa haa Vlttul
Op Its ante-rooms ,at Us hall, 107 South Four
teenth street, for club and reception room..
They wlU b. formally opened at the next
meeting of the Eagles, August SO.
Clan Gordon No. 83, Order of Scottish
Clans, held a regular meeting August 4, at
which two new names were handed In.
August S the clan had Its fifteenth annual
picnio at Krug park, which was ene of th
most enjoyable the clan has had ln recent
years. For a wonder the day was fine,
though about 6 o'clock there were a few
drops of rain, and even some of the stout
est hearts began - to quake as the dark
clouds then Indicated the usual downpour.
But fourteen years ln succession were
seemingly enough, and this tlm tha fates
were in favor of dry weather.
Secretary James C, Lindsay goes to at
tend the convention of the order at Cleve
land, which begins Tuesday.
I aSfte Iflaaaa1 Shirt V.M
.a.. ..... .. ... , Baw.vrav .
435S Misses' Three riecegklrt II to II yrfc.
For Toung Girls; Misses' Shirt Waist,
4362 Misses' Three-Piece Skirt. 4356 Shirt
waists suit young girls to a nicety and ap
pear to grow In favor, both with skirts to
match and the contrasting ones of hinder
usage. This stylish costume shown com
bines a skirt of blue cheviot with a waist
of white linen, but suits all seasonable ma
terials, and the entire gown, as well as the
separate waist and skirt.
The waist Is plain, gathered at th neck
In front and at tha waist line, and Includes
the broad box plait and the sleeves that
form full puffs at the wrists. The salrt
Is cut In three pieces, with a graduated clr
cular flounce seamed to Its lower edge.
The quantity of material required for the
medium slse Is: For waist, 3V yards 21 or
Zl Inches wide or I yards 44 inches wide;
for skirt, 1 yards Zl, 4 yards 44 or 1 yards
it inches wide.
The waist pattern, 432, Is cut In slso
for misses pf 12, 14 and 14 years of age.
Th skirt pattern, 4SA, Is cut In sixes for
misses of 12. 14 and 14 years of age.
For he accommodation of The Bee
readers these patterns, which usuully retail
at from It to W cents, will be furnished at
a nominal price. 10 dents, which covers all
expense. In order to get a pattern enclose
19 cents, give number and name of pattern,
5omethlnf; never
seen any place he
fore A death-defy-Ing,
hair - raising,
daredevil actl
M ill tide a bicycle on
balloon afternoon
and evening.
lief rrshnifotH of all
kinds today.
Famous Glass Blowers,
Omaha's Polite Resort.
This is the Big Day
. a-aM t
This afternoon and evendng, last ap
pearance of the distinguished
Cornet Vlrtuoao,
Concluding program of the
Millard Rifles Grand
And th Reigning Sensation of Ben-
i satlona
J. Waldorf Hall
Shot from
a Cannon
Greatest Balloon ' Experiment
Ever Achieved.
1,000 Other Features
3 More Street Cars
than ever before promised tor today.
Vinton Street Park, Aug. li-tf-17.
Qame called at t v.
F. 0. Newlean,
Teacher of Tone Production and "
Art ol Singing.
Studio, 809-510 Karbacb Block
Ladles' Toilet Parlors and Ladles'
Just Opensd-Flaest Io th West.
a M. Nlchol and Dr. P, Rhodes Prop.
Oapasili tt Otpkwa UttW.
Hair Dressing, Bhamioolnir, Manicuring,
Msssttge and uty CuUur.. Steam.
Vapor. Hot Air, Electric. Shower anj
Needle Suray Hatha. On y establishment
west of New York administering 1HE
INTERNAL. BATH" i'lushlng Toc8,
investigate for your nrtuiu
Has prominent teeth, but they have alsjays
had the iw-t of care and ai as sound as
a dollar. Why not have yours fixed now.
They have to last you the bahmce f your
Ufa My charges are reasonable. All worn
u-Wd.DaBi UK!,TIST,
1&j6 rarnam Bt. (Kormurly Paxton Block.)
Lady Assistant.
Open .vsnlnss and Uundays.