Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. US-tM. During July and August We Close Saturdays at 1 p. m. Be. Aug. 14, 1901.
and Hosiery . . .
- sizes, low neck, sleeveless, colors pink and blue
?1.00 vests reduced to oOc 75c vests reduced to 35c 50c
."vests reduced to 23c each.
' A special good value in Ladies' Low Neck Sleeveless Vests
at 10c each.
; Ladies' Lace Lisle Hosiery in black, beautiful lace pat
terns, a good uOc quality special price 33e, or 3 pairs for 50c.
All the broken lines of sizes in Children's Summer Vest's,
-Pants and Drawers, sizes worth
jeach, or 2 for 25c.
lY. M. C. A. Buildinz. Corner
that is his due. I have no personal feelings I
In the matter. I have fought my laHt fight I
Corbett received many telegrams from
eastern friends, principally theatrical, of
fering him lucrative engagements, win or
. lose.
Tea Thousand See Mill.
Ten thousand persons were seated aboJt
he arena, representing sn expenditure for
seating accommodations aggregating $54,
000. This Is the largest crowd that ever
assembled at a ringside In this country
'and the third largest sum tn dollars and
! cents ever contested for. The two that ex-
eended It In receipts were ' the Corbett
: Jeffries fight at Coney Island, $06,000, and
the Corbett-McCoy fight at Madison Square
! Garden, New York, $GJ,000.
The scene about the big pavilion from 6
p. m. until the men stepped Into the ring
.was one of confusion. The gallery ticket
'holder formed In line on Paclflo, Larkln
and Grove streets In three long rows, and,
although there was much crowding and
, many scrimmages In the effort to gain
r admittance, 100 policemen kept perfect or
;der until the doors opened. The pavilion
ticket holders were more leisurely In claim
ing their seats. Not until 9 were the chairs,
, boxes and benches full.
About the ring were many who have at
tended every pugilistic encounter during
the last deoade. Among these were Parson
' Davles, George Bller, ' Harry Houghton,
,W. W. Naughton and Harry Thaw.
', ' On the south side of the arena more than
' 600 Jeffries admirers from Los Angeles sat
In a group. Official San Francisco was also
largely represented. Bench and bar, com
. ell and supervisors, In fact, every branch
of the executive administration were at
the ringside.
. ' There was less trouble in handling the
, big crowd than has been experienced on
; similar occasions. At 9 Police Captain
.Mooney entered the ring and told Billy
Jordan to announce that the contest would
not start till all ticket holders were seated.
'His announcement was greeted with cheers
and the few still standing found their
places and were quickly seated.
Preliminaries Both Draws.
The preliminaries, the first a six-round
draw between Frank Smith of Los Angeles
'and Jack Sheridan of San Rafael, and an
other of like length between Jack Evans
.and Jerry Fairbanks, kept the crowd In
teres ted till 9:16, the time set for the chain
'plonship mill.
, . The ring looked large compared with the
enclosures used heretofore in this city. In
pursuance to an understanding between the
men It was made the regulation twenty-four
foot ring. Heretofore twenty-foot rings
have been the rule.
; At 1 o'clock the betting at Harry Cor
: belt's resort was 2 to 1, with much Corbett
money in sight. There was no big betting
on the result, but some good Wagers were
placed. The most popular bet was even
money that Corbett would stay twelve
; rounds.
Crowd Grows Restless.
When the first preliminary waa ended all
eyes turned toward the entrance to the
dressing rooms of the principals. The
'crowd became restless and amused Itself
with calls for the two men, for the referee
and other ring celebrities.
! . At 1:16 the crowd rose enmasse as Cham
plon Jeffries walked down the long aisle
and vaulted through the ropes. He was
greeted with great cheers, which, however,
seemed Insignificant half a miuute later
when Jim Corbett followed him.
Jeffries wore black half-length tights.
with a belt made of the American flag.
He wore no bandages. Corbett had on a
long flannel dressing gown. He, too, had
no bandages on his hands. Corbett walked
across to Jeffries and shook him cordially
by the hand. Bob Fltsslmmons, wearln
patent leather shoes, dark trousers and a
negligee shirt, strolled about the ring
Corbett was Introduced first and received
great ovation. Jeffries was equally well
received a moment later when he was In
troduced as the champion of the world.
The seconds: For Jeffries, Bob Fltsslm
mons, Jack Jeffries, Joe Kennedy and Billy
For Corbett: Tommy Ryan. Sara Berger,
Tang Kennedy and Bob Dare.
Messages were received from Jack Mon
$20,000.00 Worth of Our
Stock Damaged
by Water.
Not a Spark Reached Either Our
Salesroom or Stockroom.
In the summer lines you will find many spe
cial values with the prices greatly reduced.
Kayser's Silk and Vega Silk Vests, broken
up to 38c your choice at 15c
Sixteenth .and Dougly Stj
rce and Jack Johnson, challenging the win
ner. Corbett Wears Bandages.
Corbett then proceeded to have his hands
wrapped with soft bandages, but It waa
remarked that Jeffries did not follow suit.
Jeffries walked over and examined Cor
bett's bandages at the suggestion Of Flts
slmmons. The two Jims argued good-
naturedly over the material used, Corbett
taking a piece and showing It was soft
and pliable. Jeffries nodded assent and
walked back to his corner.
Corbett removed his bath robes and dis
closed a simple black loin supporter.
Jeffries took the southwest and Corbett
the northeast corner. As they were donning
the gloves they presented a striking con
trast of form. Jeffries, big, muscular,
stolid and dark as an Indian, was a strik
ing contrast with the lithe, trim-built Cor
bett, with flesh as smooth and firm as
Parian marble. Corbett seemed a trifle
pale, but composed.
Tommy Ryan leaned over the ropes and
remarked to a friend that Jeffries was as
soft as mud and would certainly lose his
The men then lined up for a photograph
In fighting attltudo.
Jeffries removed the American flag from
his waist and Billy Delaney put It In his
pocket. The two men then shook hands
and the big mill started.
Fight br Rounds.
Round 1 The men came to the center.
Jeffries feinting and Corbett . stepping
lively, jenries swung iert over (ortett s
head. Jim came in quickly to a clinch and
they were slow In breaking. Jeffries put
light left to Corbett's ribs and they refused
to break. Corbett put right over the heart
and clinched. Corbett stayed close in and
put hard short-arm rights on the body.
They were exceedingly careful In the break.
jennes forced nis man across me ring
and put left light on the body. It was
noticed that Corbett did little foot work,
but stayed close In and put two rights
solidly over the heart. Jeffries missed right
for the body, but put It on the chest lightly.
As they broke Corbett quickly stepped in
and sent right to the heart. Jeffries re
marked "AU. ine nrst rouna ina.ics.iea
that Jeffries Is fast and that Corbett did
not do iinv fancv work.
Round --Jeffries came up quickly, missed
iert tor me neaa ana mey came to a enrrcn.
They would not break, -Corbett claiming
Jeffries was holding on. In the break Jef
fries swung left on back of the head lightly,
Corbett has failed thus far to land a single
left-hand blow. He attempted It at this
stage, but was too close in. Jeffries forced
him to the ropes, coming dangerously near
the )aw with a left hook. They Immedi
ately came into a clinch, In the break of
which Corbett hooked a smashing left to
the Jaw. Corbett sent In left and right to
the body, but got left hook on the head.
Jeffries came on quickly, but Corbett
clinched. Corbett sent In a peculiar right
hand half upper cut for the Jaw, but was
a trine low. i ney tougnt slimy to ine ena
1 1 ! 1 I . . 1 - .. J w.
while Jeffries showed Improvement In speed
and cleverness.
Round 9 Both came to the center, Jeffries
missing a left and Corbett clinching,
Jeffries hooked left to head and Corbett
lotted him over the ribs with short right
Corbett increased In speed somewhat and
had to run to avoid a rusn. Me turneo
quickly and put right over the heart.
There was a lot of clinching. Jeffries
barely missed right for Corbett's Jaw and
roughed him In the Clinch. There' was
much hooting from tne galleries, jennes
forced him. righting fiercely. Corbett be
gan using left hook on the Jaw, landing t
times, and left Into the stomach. T'e
blows did not hurt Jeffries and he Only
smiled and forced his man aDout the ring,
It was a rourh round.
Round 4 Jeffries went after Corbett, but
olever clinching and blocking prevented
damage. Referee Graney stopped the fight
to look at Jeffries' glove, which burst, but
he told them to go on with tne nght.
Jeffries fought hard In the clinches, out
Corbett got In too close to get hurt.
Jeffries swung hard left on chest and got
left on the mouth and right over heart.
There were yells that Jeffries was fighting
foul, but the proceedings did not warrant
any such claim. Corbett got In close,
Jabbing Jeffries several times with left.
Corbett stepped to his knees from a left
smash. Jeffries came back with another
one. but Corbett blocked It. Corbett was
strong and ran to his corner at the close.
Round 6 Police Captain Mooney entered
the ring to look at Jeffries' glove. Flts
slmmons and Kyan went to Jeffries' corner
and cut the glove off. Another waa sub
stituted, but not until thirty aeoonds of the
fifth round had expired. Jeffries fought for
the body continually. Corbett was doing
some fast side stepping. Corbett did not
seem to have a bit of force behind his left
hand hooks and alternated with a short
right over the heart which seemed to be
the best he had. Jeffries stood up straight
and hooked Jlrn twice in the stomach. Cor
bett put the beet blow thus far op Jeffries'
ribs. He got a left on the neck In return.
Jeffries put a hard left hook on Corbett's
Jaw, following It up with left and right
for. the body. Corbett held on and the
gong rang.
Corbett seemed tired. He did not appear
Boys' Vear,
Girls' Wear,
Infant's Voar.
to have any force behind his Mows. His
old rutting left stabs were not in evi
dence. Round ft Jeffries took his crouching po
sition for an Instant and put left on head.
Ho then stood straight and put left on the
chin. Corbett went down for nine seconds,
lis got up and stalled for a moment, then
clinched. He took left on the body end an
other on the head, but fought bsck gamely.
He crossed Jeffries wltn rlgnt to jaw. oui
without damage. Fighting st close qunr
ters Corbett uppercut Jeffries to the chin.
This round ended with Corbett. tired.
Round 7 Jeffries wrnt after Corbett
fiercely. Corbett used his feet to good ad
vantage at this stage. He tried to us his
once lightning left, but it was a lame ex
cuse, lie came In quickly and sent his
with left to the body. Corbett held on, eny-
ng: "He can t knorK me out. He can I
knock me out. Go on Jim, see If you can
Icnrwlr me mil." Thev rllnrhed rerieatedlV.
Corbett landed several short arm lefts and
lights on the head. As quickly as they
came Into break Jeffries was on top of
him, forcing him to clinch. Corbett took a
left on the head and vipperout to the chin.
Corbett was fighting faster on his feet at
this stage, using his fancy boxing tactics,
but they were of no use against his burly
Round 8 Corbett staggered Jeffries with
a left to the nose and ducked Jeffries' left.
Jeffries hooked right to the body, Corbett
sending In half a anion lefts and rights cn
Jeffries' fare, whlrh he arcepted pleasantly.
JeTrles was coming toward his man all
the time and In a breakaway almost landed
right on law. Jeffries put left to tne bony,
frot two lefts on fare and came hack with
eft on head. Corbett endeavored to stab
Jeffries In the eyes, but thus far his blows
have not raised a bump. Corbett fought
cleverly at this stage, sending In half a
dosen lefts and rights on the Jaw. He
seemed to Improve 100 per cent and the
crowa was in a state or win excitement.
They cheered him to the echo. This was
Corbett's round. He changed hJs style,
imlng some of his old-time cleverness In
ducking and blocking.
Round Jeffries came at corbett with a
rush like that of a mad bull. Corbett put
left on the face and avoided a return.
Jeffries leaned heavily on Corbett In the
clinch. Corbett seemed as strong as ever
and there was a long series of clinches.
Corbett put three rights on the body at
Close quarters. He hooked Jeffries on the
Jaw three times with left nid crossed with
right. He blocked Jeffries efforts and at
close quarters put three rights on the body
and one on the Jaw. He repeatedly stsbbed
Jeffries on the mouth with lefts. Corbett's
left cheek showed a lump from one of Jef
fries' close-arm blows. Jeffries had a sim
ilar mark. Jeffries hooked left to the body
and the referee had trouble in separating
them. At the close Corbett stabbed Jeffries'
mouth with his left three times, but they
were weak efforts.
Round 10 Jeffries stood straight up and
came after his man without hesitation.
Corbett seemed to be making a waiting
fight. They exchanged lefts to the face
and Jeffries made a vicious effort. Jeffries
sent a left hook to the stomach, and Cor
bett went down for nine seconds; he cot
up and received a left on the stomach and
right on the Jaw. He went down and after
the oount of seven Tommy Ryan threw up
the sponge. Corbett was suffering pain and
a chair was brought for him. After a
minute's rest he recovered and got up and
shook hands with Jeffrlea.
Newspaper Telephones ICept Busy and
Crowds Collect at Iportlng
The newspaper offices were early aware
of the fact that there were a large number
of people In Omaha who took an interest
In the big fight. Early In the evening the
telephone bell commenced ringing and
news from the fight was eagerly Inquired
for. That the Interest was more than pass
ing was evidenced by the fact that, though
the fight did not start until near midnight,
Omaha time, the calls became more nu
merous as the evening progressed and a
the time drew near It kept one man busy
answering the calls. Some evidently awoke
from their slumbers and suddenly remem
bered they had not heard from the con
test and immediately rushed to the tele
phone. These calls continued until the late
hours and some of the early risers were
also too anxious to wait for the delivery
of the morning papers.
A great deal of Interest was manifested
by the local lovers of the game and wher
ever the returns were received there a
large crowd was congregated to hear the
latest news. While almost everyone
seemed to think Jeffries was sure to win.
still when It looked at various stages of
the fight that Corbett had slightly the bet
ter end of the running a lusty cheer went
up for the former champion. Sympathy of
the crowds generally seemed to be with
him. There were many arguments engaged
In as the fight progressed and one at least
wound up by the participants assuming
the position of the heavyweights which
the argument was about. They were
promptly separated, however, by their
friends and the crowd, which had parted
for an Instant to allow them to decide dif
ferences, surged back and the incident was
The betting waa very dull all day yes
terday. The largest bet announced was
one of $50 to $100. A large number of small
beta were taken by the pool rooms, who
were forced to assume the Corbett end of
the betting at S to 6 to bring out any
money at all. While the pool rooms of
fered t to t on Corbett In the evening and
nearly all outsiders seemed to be favoring
Jeffries, there were very few takers. While
the general opinion prevailed that Jeffries
would win, there seemed to be very few
who were willing to carry the heavy end
and back their Judgment with money.
Quite a number of wagers were made re
garding the number of rounds the contest
would last, the number of rounds agreed
upon ranging all the way from five to the
limit, twenty. Almost all of these beta
were made at even money. After the be
ginning of the contest the pool rooms took
the Jeffries end of the betting and at
tempted to get some money up at 10 to I
on the winner, but there were practically
no takers, and after the announcement of
the result of the third round the attempt
was given up.' One Individual who Is sup
posed to be posted In such matters said
that the odds were too 'great and that
with the Interest manifested In the fight
If the odds could have been placed at 4
to t there would have been many large bets
recorded and the small bets would have
been almost unlimited.
Valoa Soldiers Commend Oeaeral's
Late Administration of X ac
tional Army. .
ROCHESTER, N. T.. Aug. 14. -At the
esalon of the Union Veteran Union na
tlonal encampment today a resolution was
passed commending the administrative acts
of Lieutenant General Miles.
It has been decided to take no format
action In the matter of the
troubles that have afflicted the organisation
since the bolt at the Des Moines convention
In m.
Masked Meat ielse ghee Tender,
Carry Him to Hills and
Slay Him.
DUPYER, Mont.. ' Aug. 14. Fourteen
masked' men, supposed to be cattlemen, took
a herder from Joe Sturgeon's sheep camp
last night, and, carrying him ten miles into
the mountals, tied him to a tree and
whipped him to death.
They also shot many of the herder's
sheep and drove the remainder away.
Sheriff Taylor and a posse are In pursuit
of the whitecaps.
Wife Refnsea Pay Draft.
LOS ANOELES. Cel., Aug. 14 The body
of a man found dead in a room at the
Hotel Southern has been Identified as that
of ('amain Hurry K. Bmlth. I . a. A., re
tired, lie was known as James Wilson.
Two weeks ago he gave the hotel proprie
tor a draft for 876 on his wife, Mrs.
Blanche Smith of Detroit. The draft was
returned unpaid and Smith was Uvt again
seen auve.
Woman's Anxiliar? - Printeri' Onion
Makes Mri. Kennedy President
Trpesrraphleal Convention Declares
that te Work shonld Be Done
by State Wherever Prac-tleable.
WASHINOTON, Aug. 14. The woman's
auxiliary to the International Typographi
cal union today elected the following of
ficers: President, Mrs. Frank A. Kennedy,
Omaha; secretary, Mrs. Edward Dunell,
Cincinnati; first vice president. Miss Laura
B. Gordon, Washington; second vice presi
dent, Mrs. Charles E. McKee, Indianapolis;
third vice president, Mrs. Edward Bu
chanan, Washington: fourth vice president,
Mrs. C. C. Houston, Atlanta; chaplain,
Mrs. W. S. Waudby, Rochester; guide, Mrs.
Joseph Martin, St. Joseph, Mo.
The main convention was occupied with
oommlttee reports. One of which, which
was adopted, reoommending that all gov
ernment printing should be done In the
government printing office at Washington
whenever practicable.
Miners Reply te Circular. t
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Aug. 14.-The
strike committee today Issued a reply to
the mine owners' manifesto, which declared
their Intention to reopen the mines and
called on the men to return to work. The
reply says the miners quit work , for a
principle, and will not go back unless or
dered to do so by their officers. It adds:
Regarding the offer Of protection for men
who desire to return to work, no protection
will be necessary, because the miners are
law abiding men and no trouble Is antici
pated. Will Strike Against Iron Leasee.
NEW YORK, Aug. H.-Samuel J. Parks,
walking delegate of the Housesmlths' and
Brldgemen's union, tonight announced that
he would call strikes tomorrow on eight
big Jobs in New York and that on Monday
and Tuesday the strike would extend to
many cities, among others St. Louis and
Hannibal, Mo. These strikes would be
mainly against the Iron league. '
Fleeing Can Kosher Stops Running
When shot Through
the Arm.
Police Officer Llckert proved his profi
ciency as a marksman last night by shoot
ing Edward Cushlng, who lives at 834
South Seventeenth street, through the fore
arm at a distance of about 100 feet.
Shortly after midnight someone living In
the neighborhood of Fourteenth and Leav
enworth streets telephoned the station that
there was a crowd on the .sidewalk In that
locality rushing the can and making the
night hideous by using loud and obscene
language. Detectives Drummy and Mad
sen were sent out to bring them In. When
they arrived on the scene they found four
men and two women. As they approached
the group three of. the men took to their
heels and tried to get away. Two of them
were captured by the detectives, but one,
who ran east on Leavenworth street, could
not be overtaken. Sergeant Slgwart came
along about the time the two men were
captured and one of them was turned over
to him,, while Detective Madsen went after
the other. The detective called to, mm xo
stop, but he kept on going. Officer Llckert
was patrolling his beat on Leavenworth
street and Cushlng passed him on the oppo
site side of the street. Madsen called to
the officer to stop the man and Llckert
called to him twice to stop. When he kept
going the officer brought his artillery Into
play and at the first shot Cushlng fell. He
laid still until the officer reached him.
The whole crowd, consisting of Mrs. Llllle
Haskell, Mrs. Dollle Benson, Clifford Free
man, living at 817 Leavenworth street; Wil
liam Mets, 1508 Marcy street; Edward Gray,
1508 Marcy street, and the wounded man,
were . taken to the station In the , patrol
The bullet, which passed through the
fleshy part of Cushing's left forearm and
lodged under the skin, was removed by
Police Surgeon Schleler.
Officer Llckert said he would not have
shot the man had he known that he was
wdrfted for can rushing. But he did not
know but he waa some desperate criminal,
Farmer Objects te Tnne Passerby
Makes and Dies for His
COLFAX, WlaAug. 14.-Because Wil
liam Hill objected to a tune that C. E.
Eaton was whistling today while driving
by his farm, Eaton drew a revolver and
shot him dead.
Man at Foatane, Kansas, la (track
' on Temple by a
FONTANA, Kan., Aug. 14-Wllllam
Higher, 0 years old. was killed In a base
ball game here.
While running between bases he wis
struck on the temple by a ball.
Will Meet on September 8.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-The State de
partment has been Informed by Ambassa
dor Choate that the first meeting of the
Alaskan Boundary commission will be held
on September 1 In the British Foreign
Hotee from Army Headquarters.
Corporal Logan, Troop K. Tenth cavalry,
slow firing 164. rapid tiring M, aggregate G21.
Corporal Thomas, Troop H, Fourth cav
alry, slow firing ltil, rapid firing to, aggre
gate 621.
Sergeant Anderson, N. C. 8., and band.
Tenth cavalry, slow fire 106. rapid fire 115,
aggregate til.
Sergeant Patchln, Troop A, Eighth cav
alry, first day slow firing 1S6, rapid fir
ing 106: sscond day slow firing 165, rapid
firing W, aggregate 622.
Captain Thomas Q. Donaldson. Jr., Eighth
cavalry, first day, slow firing 152, rapid fir
ing 9:; second day, slow firing 163, rapid
firing 105. aggregate 612.
Following is the record of the firings In
the Joint cavalry departmental competi
tions, between the Departments of the Mis
souri and Texas, at Fort Riley, Thursday,
with the list, of scores;
The leaves of absence granted Second
Lieutenant J. P. Barry, Fourth cavalry,
and Second Lieutenant C. W. Flake. Twen
ty-Second Infantry, have been extended one
. Captain F. A. Cook. A. C. 8.. TT. a. A
assistant to the chief commissary of the
Department of the Missouri, has been de
tailed acting chief commissary of tha de-
pitrimeni aunng tne aDsence ot Major W
li. Bean.
The following retirement of general offi
cers is announced from headquarters of the
army: Brigadier General Charles A. Cool-
edge, August Brigadier General Cyrus U
Roberts. August ; Wrlgadter General Cal
vin DeWltt. August 10.
Major W. H. Bean, chief commissary of
the Department of the Missouri, left Thurs
day evening for a vacation among the
Colorado mountain resorts, Wyoming and
Yellowstone Park. He will be absent tor
the remainder of this month. Mrs. Bean
accompanies mm.
The following officers have been detailed
to enter the class of the arncral service and
staff cullrge at Fort Leavenworth Septem
ber 1, and will report to the commandant
of that post on that date: First Lieutenants
Martin l raig. nixtn cavalry; Warren Uean.
Ktfteeenth cavalry; Second Lieutenant H
C. Tatum, Seventh cavalry.
Does Rest Work on Skirmish firing
and Passes Twenty-Second
LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Aug. 14 -(Special
Telegram.) The Department of the
Missouri rifle competition today was held
amid slight, shifting winds of six miles
an hour and bright skies. Everything
favorable. Both the morning and after
noon shoots were on the skirmish run.
Corporal Joseph E. Smith, Twenty-fifth In
fantry, colored, came to the front today,
the highest scorer. The contest for the
department gold medal, which ends to
morrow afternoon, promises to be close.
The twelve highest with their scores are
as follows:
Corporal Smith, Company O, Twenty
fifth Infantry, 600; Corporal Vlckey, Com
pany C, Twenty-second Infantry, Sf0; Ser
geant Fox, Company M, Twenty-fifth In
fantry, 648; Corporal Tate, Company K,
Twenty-fifth Infantry, $211; 8ergeant Young,
Company E, Twenty-second Infantry, 007;
Captain Poors, Sixth Infantry, 610; Lieu
tenant Smith, Sixth Infantry, 607; Musician
Rlggs, Company M, Twenty-second In
fantry, 691; Corporal Jarrell, Company A,
Twenty-fifth Infantry, 689: Sergeant Han
son, Company C, Sixth Infantry, 157; Ser
geant McClane, Company I, Sixth Infantry,
656; Lieutenant Graham, Twenty-second In
fantry, 673.
Ketr York Editor in Endorsed by !ta
tlonal Building Trades Conn
ell Convention.
DENVER, Aug. 14.-The National Build
ing Trades council convention today, after
a spirited debate, endorsed Congressman
elect William Randolph Hearst of New
York for the presidency of the United
States by a vote of 28 to 19.
Resolutions were adopted committing the
council to the principles of strict trade au
tonomy and recognising the Indisputable
and absolute rights of any or each trade to
their own separate and distinct organiza
tions without hindrance ' or Interference
from any other organisation.
A resolution was adopted that amended
the constitution that all local unions or
crafts, whose National or International or
ganisations ace affiliated with the National
Building Trades council, shall be required
to affiliate with local building trades coun
cils of their vicinity. . .
After the vote had" been taken the op
ponents of the resolution withdrew their
objections and the endorsement waa made
Denver Official Erroneously Arrested
for Horse Stealing- Vanishes
ia Illinois.
laney, chief of police of Denver, who came
to Springfield on Wednesday, has disap
peared and the Springfield police have been
unable to And him. Miss Mame Delaney,
daughter of the Denver chief, came here
with him and Is sttH at the Leland hotel,
Miss Delaney Is unable to account for her
father's disappearance.
Delaney soon after his arrival sent to a
livery stable for a horse and buggy and
by mistake drove off In the wrong rig.
Soon after he was arrested for horse steal
ing. After the mistake Was explained De
laney returned to the hotel, but soon after
wards disappeared and has not been1 seen
since. He had a large sum of money and
some valuable diamonds with him.
Anthorltles Arrest : Milwaukee City
Father for Selling His
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 14. Alderman George
Hlmmelsteln, chairman of the license com
mittee of the common council, waa arrested
today for asking $100 of Albert Frits to
push his license through the council and
for accepting 1100 from Frits, with the
understanding that he would vote for the
license and use his office to grant It.
Frlti's license went into the committee
with objections from Chief of Police Jan
neson. A GnaraateeeT, Care for Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng
Piles. Tour druggist will refund your
money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure
you. 60 cents. . .
'.In LAK
When the dog days and hot weather come it
is natural to look to the resorts in Lakeland
for comfort and recreation. Along the
lines of the
GSiieago, PilivauEioG S St. Paul
in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northern Iowa and
Illinois, are nearly a thousand resorts with the
best of fishing, boating, bathing, golf and
other outdoor sports. If you prefer to rest,
i every opportunity is offered. A postal card
will bring complete information.
1524 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Condemns the Hasty Action of Courts in
Trying Cat sou
Says the Greater tho Clamor, the
Greater Care Courts Shonld Kx
' eretse In Deriding Gallt or In
nocearo of Accused. .
CHAUTAUQUA, N. T., Aug. li Tbo dis
cussion of mob law and lynching was con
tinued here today by Chief Justice Lore
of Delaware. His subject was 'The Rela
tion of the Law to tho Manifestation of the
Mob Spirit."
Justice Lore, summarizing th effect of
mob rule, said It brutalized the Individual
man, destroyed free government and In
creased crime.
Continuing, he sold:
What Is the remedy? What Is the cure
for mobs? Most emphatically we say, the
remedy is not In hasty and feverish action
of courts of justice against the criminal
whose offense is the exciting cause.
Law has Its highest function in throwing
Its shield of protection before the Ignorant,
the weak and the helpless, and waa spe
cially designed as a barrier against tem
porary madness. The more brutal the
crime, the more degraded and Ignorant the
criminal, the more widespread and tense
the public rage, the more Imperative It Is
that courts of Justice should hear a fair,
calm and quiet hearing and the proof of
or I me be established, otherwise Innocent
men may bo convicted for a crime they
did not commit, as In the recent lynching
of a negro in the South, when it was found,
after his life had been taken, that he had
not been within twenty miles of the scene
of the outrage.
Duty of tho Conrts. "
When mob spirit rules, courts of Justice
Should be unyielding in their stand for fair
dealing, otherwise they simply become the
mob and vendors of vengeance and not of
Tho Judges of Delaware have no apology
to make for not listening to suggestions of
mob vengeance In the rase of George White.
One cure for mnb )hw unquestionably is
the fearless defense of the accused by his
Outside of violence, the remedy. In my
Judgment, Is that the people shall be taught
n season and out of season that our safety
as a people lies In implicit obedience to the
lnw. This should be taught In our public
schools, by the press, by the pulpit and on
the forum.
Antirohy lurks under the pleasing garb
of liberty, and the assassin clothes himself
na a defender of human rights. Lawless
ness is our danger. Reverence of the law
and obedience to Its mandates is our safety.
A strong, masterful sentiment of such
obedience to law Is a sure cure for mobs. I
believe with United States Judge David
Brewer "that there Is going to be a reaction
against the atrocious crime with which the
papers have been filled." The fact that the
feople are now interesting themselves In
he discussion of this problem makes It
manifest that there Is a tendency toward
a change. I expect It will come soon.
Vesuvius Continues to Erupt and
Populace to Crowd
( NAPLES, Aug. 14. The people are al
most tn a state of panlo over the activity
of Vesuvius, although tho flow of lava Is
less today thai)' yesterday.
The parish priest and the guardians of
the )aw are reporting difficulty In quieting
the. people, :who ure convinced that they
are to be overwhelmed. . .They gather in
churches, i whero .they cast themselves be
fore the altar, Imploring the Intercession
of the Virgin, The earthquake shocks have
served to Increase, the- ejarra. The people
rushed into the open places to escape the
debris of the houses, which they thought
ware falling. ,'
Priest Leaven Fortune to PoatiS and
Relatives Contest tho'
NAPLES, Aug. 14. A parish priest named
Mlltone willed his whole fortune of tSO.OOO
to the reigning pontiff when Leo XIII was
at the point of death. The priest has since
died and his family now set up the claim
that the will Is Invalid.
Cardinal Rampolla, as papal secretary of
state, has secured a local attorney to repre
sent him.
Anxious Crowds Doe; King's Steps.
VIENNA. Aug. 14. King Edward's flrt
day at Marlenbad, where he went to take
the waters, was not particularly pleasant,
his majesty expressing great annoyance
at the persistent curiosity of the crowds
which surrounded and followed him during
his walk. The police tried In vain to in
duce the peoplo to disperse, but the best
they could do was to secure a passago for
the king through the throngs.
Masses Three Hundred Thousand Men
In Fa East to Offset Japan's
LONDON, Aug. 18.-The Daily Mall's St.
Petersburg correspondent ays Russia In
tends to Increase Its military forces In the
for east to 800,000 men ao as to be prepared
for any eventuality In connection with the
possible warlike Intentione of Japan.
Ecuador Lands America.
GTJAXAQUIL, Ecuador, Aug. 14. Con
gress was convened today President
Plaxrt In his message warmly praised the
aetlon. of the American govemmont In
fulfilling Its promlaa to grant Cuba Inde
pendence A Hurt Sever Hurts
After Forter'a Antiscptlo Healing Oil Is ap
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at
the same time. For man or beast. Price, 25a.
Wllllaps D. English.
OAKLAND. Cat, Aug. 14. William I
English died today of appendicitis, from
which he had suffered for several months
and for which he had undergone two opera
tion. He was born in Jefferson county,
Virginia, In 1843. He participated In most
of the battles In which the Army of tha
Vlrgtnla was engaged. Aftor the war ho
came to California and In 12 waa chairman
of the democratic state committee. Later
he served as surveyor of customs and secre
tary of the State Harbor commission, which
place he resigned to become president of
the Contra Costa Water company.
William Temple.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 14. (Sneolal.)
Wllllam Templo, a veteran of the civil war
and for twenty years a resident of Gnge
oounty, died last night at his home, seven
miles southwest of this city, after a pro
longed Illness caused from a complication
of diseases. Deceased was 60 years of nee
and Is survived by a widow and four chil
dren, two daughters and two sons.
Fred Bond, Irrigation Expert.
CHETBNNE, Wyo., Aug. 14. (3peclnl
Telegram.) State Engineer Fred Bond died
at his home tn this city at 8 o'clock this
evening. Deceased had been ill with
typhoid fever for ten weeks. He was born
and educated in Iowa. He was a leading
authority on all irrigation matters.
Mrs. P. Daley.
ABERDEEN, S. D.. Aug. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. P. Daley, wife of State
Senator Daley, died suddenly this morning
after a brief Illness.
An Old Lino Company.
The officers of the Security Mutual Life
Insurance company of this city report that
the business of the company for the past
month was the largest of any July In Its
history. This company on the first day of
last month received its certificate of au
thority to do business under an act of tho
lost lefltslsture rrtvurnlnr mutual IaitaI t
serve life companies. It Is the only company
so far that has qualified under this act,
and Is therefore the only old lino mutual
company organized under the laws of this
state. Although the company was reor
ganized under the new law, no change waa
mads In Its officers and directors, except
that N. Z. Snell. who has been a director
of the company for nearly five years and
also Its attorney, was elected president,
succeeding 8. H. Bumham, who haa been
unable to take an active Interest In the
management owing to other business in
terests. . Mr. Bumham Is still a member of
the board.
The Security Mutual has made a net
gain of insurance In force since the first
of the year of half a million dollars. In
the same time It haa gained In admitted
assets over 80 per cent. All the money
It receives In premiums, except that used
in the payment of death claims and ex
penses, is loaned in Nebraska on farms
and the best city property. It is all ken
at home. Nebraska peopje appreciate tba
advantage of stopping the drain of money
eastward for the payment of premiums on
life Insurance In eastern companies, and
Interest on loans to these same companies,
by liberally patronizing home companies.
Vinton Street Park, Aug. 13-HM7.
Game called at 8:43.