10 TITT3 OMAnA PAIX? JlEEt TIT Tin PT AY, APfiUST 1.1. IQO'.l, 5TIC&NEY STILL I10LDS ROAD Preiideat of Great Wtra Deniet Iu Bale to the Gould tijitem. NO CHANGE TO BE MADE IN OWNERSHIP JlaSLeaota MaKnat Hla Horn Will Knter Omaha Bflwen Mid dle of aeptemhrr and First of October. A prominent local railroad official who taa Just returned from Bt. Paul, declare that the report that tha Gould Interests Iulvs" secured control of tha Chicago Great "Western ia given general credence by thoae Inen who ara close to all of the large rail road dealfl. For ten days or two weeks a persistent rumor has been In circulation to the effect that the Great Weatern had changed hands, but It has been Impossible to confirm It. President Btlckney of the Great West ern Is In the city and denied that any change had been or was to be made in the ownership of his toad. "No exact date has been set for the coming of the Great Western Into Omaha. Borne time between September IS and Octo ber 1," he said, "we begin giving service to Omaha. It Is not possible to give an exact date, as there ar so many things to be decided upon and to be done. This business of laying track and preparing for the handling of the trains Is dependant upon many things the weather, the work men and the arrival of supplies so that you see we do not know ourselves Just when we will get started. Tou can be ure, though, that we will begin running cour trains Into Omaha Just as soon as the track Is ready to handle them over." Kpvt Core for Weak Lanes. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion cures all coughs, oolds. grip and lung troubles or no pay. 60c, J1.00. For sale by Kuhn & Co. On Special Sale Thqrsday On Special sale Bargain Sale of Tidies Beautiful Spachtel and Lace Work Tidies At Five. Ten and Fifteen Cents Each For the past, week wc have shown in the win dow a line of 5pachte1 and lace work tidies In large and amall zt w hich we are going to place on aale today at 5c, 10c and 15c each. These have caused a great deal of wonder ment. nny have marveled how can we sell them so cheap. You should attend this sale today PADLOCK ARTISTS IN PRISON . Pair Who' "prong Veteran Fake Go to Jail In Default of Pay Ins Fine. t William Roberts and Charles Clausen, Whom John Johnson of Iowa said tried to get him to bet on the padlock game, were fined 130 and costs each by Police Judge Berka. Not having the necessary cash, the men were elected to go to Jail. Wil liam Jackson, who is believed to be the third member of the swindling party, has not yet had a hearing. Several day ago Johnson met one of the men at the Webster street station and the latter after a few moments' conversation Invited Johnson to take a walk. Then fol lowed the Hndlng of the padlock, the meet ing of the second stranger and the offer to bet. Johnson had undergone a similar ex perience and he promptly left the men and reported to the police. Roberts and Clau sen were later arrested and Identified. At the trial the men claimed they were not acquainted and had met accidentally shortly after the finding of the padlock. Colonel Joe Mlk, passenger director at the Burlington station, told the court that he bad seen the two men together at the sta tion on several occasions. The police are highly pleased with the conviction ' of these men, as their arrest waa the first of the kind for several years, though the padlock game has been worked many times during the last year. They believe that both Roberts and Clausen are clever artists In that line, but Inasmuch as they failed to work their game on John son, they were charged only with being Vagrants. Good Advice for Travelers. Whether going to the mountains or sea bora or taking a Journey on business or pleasure never leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. It Is worth many times Its cost whan noeded, and may save life. Buy It now. 5c-10c-15c 25c Half Wool Dress Goods, 81c Yd It Is Just the thing: for school dresses. Today we place on sale one counter of half wool bright dress plaids. These are in long mill lengths running from five to fifteen yards and all the new pat- fJ j I terns. They were made to sell at 2oc, we bought a i n l j 1 this one lot cheap and will offer it today at. . . . fcVil The New Felt Street Hats We have just received from our millinery buyer, who is now in the Eastern mtrlets, a line of new "Automobile street hats in all the new colors champagne, 198 O50 navy, brown, castor, oxford prices Ladies' Black Silk Trimmed Hats at $2.50 Black silk tucked taffeta in large and small shapes 50 trimmed with velvet and silk, black satin flowers and many with jet facings, special for Thursday . . . Clearance of Summer Millinery Ba.em.nt Ladies' Trimmed Ilats . .. . 50c Children's Leghorn Hats IOC Black Satin Roses, six in-bunch .IOc Fine wash laces, French Valenciennes laces, Inserting", and headings In narrow O-, widths, 10c quality, at, yard C Thousands of yards of wash laces In CS Laces Today countless st vies, worth 20c a vard KJ Embroidery Sale Huge display of embroid eries and ineertings, in nainsook and cambric, all widths, worth up to 35c a 11n 1 An 7-1 yard, at, -a yard 1W2 lUt-i2t ADVANCE NOTICE Shirt Sale Saturday $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00 Shirts at 75c. Seventy-five Cents Ji. . ?rn tc Pdittf II. Prxttfcei tt pan All swell Imported Shirtings the highest grade shirts shown In Omaha, at SEEKS REVENGE WITH FISTS Duffr Bays Oat Newsboys, Then Tries to Whip Them All and Is Arrested. Qua Plmw, fresh from the range, with a wide sombrero and plenty of money. Is tinder arrest for trying to brand several newsboys with various flstto designs. And tha causa of It was, the newsboys took ad vantage of Palmer's liberality and the looks of Ms garb. At an early hour yesterday the . west ener was accosted by a couple of news boys who wanted to sell him papers. Palmer bought) Others came up and' Palmer bought again, until . Anally he bought the stock of the entire crowd. Then the newsboys got Industrious. They went forth and returned with fresh stocks larger than the first. Palmer kept on buy ing until he found what the boys were doing to him. Then he broke Into a great rage, lie charged and swore and made a rush for the gang. When the dust cleared way a policeman had Palmer and the market waa again glutted with papers. TUB G1HL, AND THE BEE. A Story, ( the Igsersse, of m City 1 . Girl. The city girl coming down to breakfast at the farm house and observing a plate of honey on the table said: "Oh, I see you keep a bee." That's about the way some people talk about the blight of baldness Just as If a bald head waa something one got all at once Instead of being the result of long depletion by an Insidious germ which thrives upon the. roots of the hair and suc cumbs to only one known remedy, Newbro's Herplcldo, Newbro's Herplclde Is not a tonlo any snore than electricity Is a fluid. It Is an exterminator, pure and simple. "Destroy the cause you remove the ef fect." . Bold by leading druggists. Bend 10c In tamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Petrolt, Mich. Sherman & McCunnell Drug Co. special agents. CXAN-NA-GAKL, PKJIIO, Aseot Park, Iowa, Aaajaat 16. The Clan-Na-Oael Societies of Omaha and South Omaha will give their fourth nnual plcnlo at Ascot Park, la., Sunday, August IS. An elaborate program has been prepared. consisting of an address by Mr. Thomas J. Doyle of, Lincoln, Neb., orator of the day. A quartet will open the afternoon pro gram. Games of all kinds, for which prises will be awarded. The first train will leave the Union sU tlon, via Illinois Central R. R., at 1:30 a. m.; afternoon train, 12:45 p. m. First train returns at t p. m. Commalcstloa la Hestorcd. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 The Commercial Cable company today announces the res toration of mmm-jnlcatloii with Jamaica by the y or Uermuda. Sam't Burna sells real Mercer China Din. ner Set, It. TO. Mgatalas; Strikes lloasa. Urhtnlnr' struck the residence of Mrs, XL J. Arnold, ittm Norm EUgateeatA au-ea. GREAT AUGUST CLEARING SALE Furniture, Rugs and Curtains. If money saving ia an object to you our AUGUST CLEARING SALE ia what you are looking for. Aa we ad vertised it bo you will find ' BAKER FURNITURE GO. Furniture Attractions for Thursday. tlSS auarter-sawed oak dining suit. rnmnlete. sideboard, china cabinet, ex jther suit tennlon tablo and le seated chairs, whole piano finished 156.00 three-piece parlor suit, upholstered In tapestry 154.00 quarter-sawed oak feet long, highly polished and best make JM.UO three-piece parlor suit, armchair, reception chair, uphoiBtered in tapeBtry 131.00 mahogany fin Ished bed room BUlt ,.0 solid oak bed room suit 120.00 mahogany, birch dav enport. upholstered In cut velour $14.00 oak chiffonier, with hat box and French plate mirror top 110.50 mahogany armchair, with high back, uphol stered seat 1X.00 solid onk chiffonier, five drawers s $99 $25 buffet, five $38 divan, $18 $26.50 $18.50 '.. $19 $9 $6 $4.75 Rugs and Curtains SI5 $16.75 $32.75 $25 $3.75 $6.75 $13.75 $1.50 .... 85c 125.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x12 , 125.00 Japanese Oriental Rugs, 9x12 140.00 Wilton R'ms, 9x12 H5.00 Rlgelow Axmlnster Rugs, 9x12 , 16.00 Brussels I-tice Curtains lio.co HruHsels Curtains 12O.00 Brussels Curtains 12 50 Portieres. all colors 1250 Rope Portlerea Baker Furniture Co " 1315-17-19 Firnim Street. r i OMAHA'S FAVORITE (Sid opraj tor shortly before 10 yesterday morning and dltl slight damage. The department was called out. but only a small blaze resulted from the stroke and this waa sooa extin guished. Dr. F. W. Blabeugh, dentist, 511 N. T. Life. tiaCdlusT Permits Building permits have been Issued as fel lows: To A. Toittauhaupt. frame dwelling ?' ? N"rth Twenty-fifth. t'.iJ: John Kyhl, KjJii South Ninth, frame dwelling, ll.ouu; k. Iroty, southeast corner Twenty-seventh and Manderson, II. 9W: Kd Jepeon. corner Twenty-seventh as4 li ft Mltu Si rami! use nn i! THIS HKMABLK KTOHH, in the Great DOMESTIC ROOrj. Nearly all the CAMPHELL, GAINER & WELSC1IERS' stock is now in and we lire checking and placing in position for sale hursday. NEW FALL GOODS AT LESS THAN FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. This, with the Penney Hosiery and Under wear stock, makes a grand opportunity for the economical purchaser. A FEW POINTERS: 5c and 25c Fall Goods at 5c Royal Fayel worth 19c 36-Inch fine Tercale worth 15c closing spring v an Hoods worth 15c, 19c and Zoe ana otner goods too numerous to mention all will go at yard Yard wide fine Plnlds for chlldren'M school dresses worth 19c fine tyle SS-inch Imported Percales 25c Mercerlred Flannelettes ISO madrases 15c Bilks and other goods worth up to 29c yard all will go on sale at... 35c, 39c and 50c Goods 10c Linen Batlsten, Scotch Madras, high grade fleeced goods worth 35 high gTade mercerized grooda ana several otner lines worm up to boc all will go In this sale at Special Thursday Sales In the Big Linen and Domestic Room from the C 6. W. Stock of St. Joe. fiOo Table Linen Oe. Extra heavy cream Table Damask 60 Inches wide 50c kind at 2gC 7Hc Table I.lnen 40c. Silver bleached German Damask 70 inches wide 75o kind at A II it yard JO Xi.OO Napkins f 1.00. Will place on the counters 50 dozen all linen jNapklns size ZlxZl silgnliy eoiien otherwise perfect 20c value I flfl at docen IiWW ISo Cannon Cloth IOc. Extra heavy bleached Cannon Cloth for Oolites, tray cloths, aprons, ror either drawn or embrolderv. nlaht arowns. etr-. 86 Inches wide 15c value at yard IU Laces worth 6o per yard ior Laces worth 7'4o per yard ior iz THOSB BEKUTIFUL Aabnra TIdu, es avttembl saMnf faso. i . i i i v an i an .araa ua utti w di Imoerial Hair Regenerator "'oj olunsat aad saoet lMflng Hair OoL -4-Jtaruilei nil OsfK APPLICATION P. I. A 3 1 M HUM M- MupilBMINI vraa tree, aim u rsmsniM t i.i r-t,.,i.l - 1U W 93A at.. M buM iiy ktiicrinau McConaell Attujl Cow, ( linn Kb. 'Ml mm a hursday 2!c, 15c and 19c Plaids 71c- 5e t 7ic IOc 22 l2c Sheet la 17 l-2e. Extra fine qualltv full bleached Bheet'ng 73 Inches wide 22o kind at 7Jc IRo Cambric IOc. 36-Inch fine snow white Cambric no bet ter made 15c kind at IOi yard OOo Sheets 40o Extra heavy bleached Seamless BheeM not cut slie 81x90 the 80o kind AQc S2.00 Table Corers TRc. Will place on counter 160 oil boiled turkey 1 r.iuranti.pfl fast Colors StZS 75c 6 feet wide, 'tk feet long 1100 klnd-t Special Embroidery and Lace Sale Thursday Begins the Great Lace ana ciiDrmufrr Laces worth 10c and 15o per yard for Laces worth 25c and 30c per yard lor Laces worth 40c and 60c per yard- lor Laces worth 50c and 65c per yard ior , Laces worth 70c and 80c per yard ior Laces worth 11.00 per yard ior C ..2e ..IOc I2ic 15c 17c 25c Embroideries worth Bo per yard Iq fnr Embroideries worth 7Vic per yard )lc for fc Embroideries worth 10c per yard Cq lor Embroideries worth 16o per yard 7ic for 3 Embroideries worth J8o p' ya Iflc for Embroideries worth 85o per yard 2iC All-Over Laces per yard All-Over Embroideries per yard ..39c ...19c Highest Patent Minnesota Flour per sack Large sacks White or Yellow ( tjornmeal Neutrlta, Vim, Malta Ceres, etc. per pacKage 8-lb. package Union, Yankee or High Five Breakfast Oat Meal. Reliable Grocery Prices 98c 124 ..7o .15c Fancy XXXX Soda Crackers . Cf, per pound lv Fancy Crisp Gingersnnps Ak( per pound .....r2 !7ic 81c . 9c .3ic ...4c 3ic Hasty Jellycon or Fruit Puddle per package 3-pound cans Boston Baked Beans with sauce 1-pound cans fancy Alaska eaimon Oil or Mustard Baratnes per can ... Glass tumblers pureTrutt Jelly Pearl Barley, Sago, Tapioca, etc. per pound Imported Maccatonl per pacaage Laundry Soap any brand per bar Large, Juicy Lemons itc per dozen IM Frenh Roasted Peanuts per measure Large Bottles Fine Tomato Catsup Large Italian Prunes per pound , Fancy Mulr Peaches per pound 9c .2Jc 2c ,84c .34c ..7ic Fresh Meat Specials Leaf Lard per pound Pork Roast per pound Good Steak per pound .... Mutton Steak per pound .... .7c 8c .74c .74c IT Jl (o)fo) Alidy" mess of Fiah y. " ' Going Fishing? 1 1 W bare all kinds of tYi a n nretiralnna ta the "MlnneBOta Lake"" dur ing July, August and Septem ber. Our Minnesota trains leaye Omaha at 7:35 a. m. and 750 p. m. We'll tell you about It at 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. W. H. BRILI District Passenger Agent ''BROUGHAMS" IN OMAHA The first private Brougham ever con structed waa built for Lord Henry Brougham in 1824. For more than three quarters of a century the demands of a discriminating public and the best minds In our industry have contributed to mako the Brougham the highest example of dig nity and comfort and the leading product of the carluge markers' art. Omaha is getting to be quite a Brougham city, aad the next two months will add quite a few new and well appointed ve hicles of this sort, which our rltlxcns are beginning to appreciate. The Drummond Carriage Company offer two elegant new Broughams at their closing out sale, which are trimmed In morocco and satin, at prices below the figure to duplicate. Did You get a pair of those Hanan Women's oxfords yesterday? If you didn't, come Thursday and you can get your site of any of the Ideal patent kid 15.00 Oxfords for only $3.50 It's the same with the men's Hanan or Clapp Patent Leather Oxfords the 15.00, o.S0 and (6.00 kind Thursday $3.50 Once In a lifetime you get such a chance. DnEXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Upto-Date Shoe House (419 Farnam Street. COLLAR Save Your Hair But don't experiment with remedies which dniiend uton nothing but advertising to nell them and to satisfy the user. Parisian Hiilr Tonic Is UUAKAIN'l Kt-lJ MY i s TU CITHE DANDRUFF and to 8TOP FAIL ING HA1K. We refund the purchase prios If It falls. Do you know of an advertised hair remedy In this city which does this? We have several remedies for other pur poses which we sell on the same terms for instance, Dr. Hutler's Female Regulator Is guaranteed BY I'H to cure female weak ness and all other curable diseases of women. Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure is guaranteed UY Vtt to cure the tobacco hubit. Qulnacetol Is guaranteed BY US t., furl A oolfl. V 1 oo Parisian Hair Tonlo 1 00 Hutler's Female Regulator 11.00 Uncle Sara's Tobacoo Cure.... Kfio Qulnacetol 11.00 Peruna guaranteed genuine.., OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCUAEFER'S DRU1 STORE Two Pfcs T4T TU. 10th Chleasr Street. Omaha. Men's Underwear Worth 33c nnd 43c a garment on sale at 25c One hundred nnd twenty dozen of men's undergar ments, the odds and ends of a great summer's business, go on sale for 23c. They are r3c and 43o values, and were con mdered great values at their regular prices. Hut if you step lively you will find your size here for 23 cents. They are made of the celebrated Otis French balbrig gan, cut generously full Wortli 35c nnd 45c on sale for 25c 15c and 20c Men's 75c 50c Celts Hose, Shirts. for Men, 10 Cents. on sale 45c reduced to An Importer' line of Cut full and shape- 15 centsl ;?mplei o080 WOrt,h ly-atyllBh patterns. . , 3 16o and 20c, on sale 75o value All sizes and all ,or 10c- for 45o leathers XBSBBIBI agBQSBBSSB I fo) re. m nnir? 1 Ready-to-wear Silk Underskirts at $4.95TJiursday a special sale of black and colored taffeta silk underskirts some are accordion pleated, some with corded ruffles--not one of them worth less than A nr six fifty Thursday they go at New Japanese Silk Kimonas - qc . g Cf pretty assortment, at OtVO OeOU Pretty Dressing- Sacques at $7. 9 3 -Made la light blue, pink or line white, trimmed with bands of Insertions nC J. .VO Thursday for. Habitau Silk ' Wrappers Empire Crepe dc Chine Wrappers We put these on special sale Thursday each one Is very tastefull y trimmed with lace Insertion and ribbons These prices Q Q EI are Just two-thirds their real value, 14.90, 11.75, lO.PoOaVO China Silk Chemise and Drawers white, pink or ry lf b,ue, plain or trimmed 8.95, 4.19, 3.95, 2.90 and 4iO" Our. Extra Special We have dally arrivals of the swellest crea tions Mi reception and bridal dresses, also "the very nobbiest of the cobby" In ladles' street costumes the fashion Journals are growing ecstatic over them first showings In the west Thursday, August 13. Come and see them. Second floor. GREATER BARGAINS IN DRV GOODS than In any other dry goods store anywhere. White riuslln and Cambric at 6c a Yard 5,000 yard extra quality 38-lnch wide Lonsdale and Berkeley Camhrlos hest brands of white muslins fZf, 2 to 20 yards In a piece Harney street bargain circle, yard Bed Pillows 48c 200 two and a half pounds feather pillows made up of i odd ticks but the best worth a dollar a piece while AQn we have 'em 'tub Russian Crash 5c 100 pieces extra heavy white Russian Crash Towel Ins; worth 10 cents a yard Harney street bargain counter H Thursday, at, per yard uC New Dress Goods at I2ic 100 pieces pretty new fall dress goods In pretty plaids, stripes, checks and fancy mixtures very nice for children's school dresses worth 20c and 25c a yard at -4 1 big bargain circle Thursday , M. W 2C AN INVITATION Be sure and attend the bi? sale of ner fall dress itoods. In blacks and colors worth double these prices main floor. or ' sale price 1100, 75c, 48o and OyC . 5c 10c 75c 7&c c 67c PerfielcTs Cu.rnfoc. Be Bidf.. Room 7. Talephoaa 701 Wtber. tery Clark kadwlf SeaiUr. THE THOROUGHLY UP-TO-DATE Grocery EVERY ARTICI.K NEW BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE, FRESH. INVITING. PRICES LOW, EVERYTHING GUARANTEED, EVERYBODY WHO TRADES SAT ISFIED. LOOK 'E HERE: A 2Vi-lb. can table syrup for A 3-lb. can baked beans for , Peaches lllr per can IUW Potted meats assorted can .... Imported sardines Salmon 1-lb. can Preserved blackberries can Corn starch 1-lb. package ...... Lemon Extract bottle , Vanilla Extract bottle , Preserves assorted 1-lb. Jsr Rice good per pound BIO VALUES IN COFFEES AND TEAS Fresh roasted Suntos tr I5c 38c 3c 10c 10c ..5c ...5c . 5c ,.8c ...9c ...5c Coffee, per pound Tea SI f tings cer THiund Teas, fine flavored and pure, select per pound Another Butter Special I.W10 LBS. BENNETT'S CAPITOL CREAMERY Hl'TTKR sweet fas a nut finest dairy pro- 2 If duct money can buy, lb... ' Butter Milk all you can drink FREE More Crockery Bargains One hundred piece -white LTaviland, Ransom 6hape, Limoges china Bet .... .....$21.25 Heavy hotel vege table dishes, doz .. . . 60c Large size plates, plain iron stone china, each.....4c Lead blown 6-oz. tumblers, fancy flaring shapes each 4c Quart Mason Jars complete A Cp per dozen.... BREAKFAST PLATES Royal Austrian China pure white, suitable for decorating, each .... 12c See the Superb Red and Gold Window. n Lidy Attendant. THREE MEALS A DAV ar nJoyd by most people but never by one Buffering with the toothache. importance OI gooa lecin c-t uj uuicitiuiBicu. BAILEY, The uontist, Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Pexton Bloc. !..'. J SI I. JHll I l N K (M Ftnmm i IMk hu-u. I 'hK w, Mfptiu SO S.rpl f. !.. UNITHO VTATBH OUPOltlTOHY. M !. wiMt. F T- il.MW IK mkut IMpaty BTau Tvtarlnsnsjk Food Inspector. n.L.RMJ&CCIOTTI. D.V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. CMBo CJid Inflraal7, KUh and Mssoa Bta.