TITE OMAHA JA1LY lEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, JlOn. SOCIETY ENJOYS COOL WEEK JUore Activitr Amon the Smart Folks Who ttuuis Ai DnmmencfT at name. BACHELORS TALK OF FORMING A CLUI fjmOkwrn Writes to Erelyn of Bone ThlBV Hears and Empresses I ! , Men." U 1' - Across the Bavrs. Cheat ttlht of eummer, mile on mile, Beneath the stars, (Where rural sights and sounds beguile, JVhai scores of tryatlng lovers smile Aorosa the bars. IAn4i here In town, where dripping brow And clans; of cars. And grime and heat scant Joy allow, flow many men are smiling now Across the bars. Brio Moore 'In Now York Times. fl fir Anaust has not been half bad, and tf the) past week may be accepted as a sain- nla tha atSvT-at-homes have nothing 10 dread tha rest of the month. Of course there baa been nothing especially big, but. f Mp nrt. the affaire of the week have .m.r nnuti and altogether enjoyable what mora can bo asked In August. n4.t is .till Uarains!nr the srymkhana. I tut all are looking forward to the tennis tooisamsnt at the Field club week after Kmxt. when It Is expected that place will K h. ntr of attraction for the time .r Not a fmr have been improving tha moonlight nights, sailing over at Man- tin of lute, and nearly every pleasant arrentng baa seen threa-ot four Omaha, par- leeover there. Bratyn Deart Oh, things are getting ao Interesting: tha air to simply fuU of en- jtagaamenU and rumor of weddings, until rm wondering if there will ha room for nyttlng else uiiai lau. ui course, mc,n ,iar association at Virginia Hot all very nice for those concerned, , and 1 for SprIng, th,8 month and follow It by visits aotna of tha rest of us, too, but I've been wondering how about some of those fellows who have done service to some of these very girls over since they came out, and to debutantes In general, for lo, these many eaaona. If their satisfaction Is really as Inoara aa their amllea would Indicate, as they sea soma other fellow carry oft the girls they have been beaulng about. If It la, Evelyn, such, unselfishness Is positively heroic, for just reflect upon their devo tion. 'Oh. what wlU tha baohelora do now. 1 poor things. One clever fellow baa sug. jeatod tha formation of a bachelors' club, and, though bo did not state Its object, any fcody with two eyea or friends In the older eta, who atopa a minute to reflect upon Who la eligible, must guess at once that lta Ltnoon and MaateP Walter MoDoogan of chief function would be mutual consolation. w , e -f Mrg. jr. wilkln iWouldn't they make an Interesting group, J(jn of ax Cnare, ln.Mt oearl xney wouia nave so mucn m com- Mr Harrlet B MacMurphy has re mon. Evelyn, these remnants of tha sets turnW, trom a to Eureka Bprlnge and of other years. Of course they are all R. T , t baohelora from choice-It lsn t aa It Is with avwoman who goes through life unmarried- and just think of the remlnlscencea they could exchange. Of course there are a few .that nobody who goes about any would ever xpaot to join, even If they are getting Srsr-Z smppoae they will go on entertain- Inar tha debutantes to tha very end. But .than, aa I said before, they are all bache ton from choice. One of the girls said tho other day (It la said she la going to haw a big church wedding this fall) that when aba got married aha waa going to v these follows as ushers, because they mw aoclaty ao well that they wlU be aure not to mesa things up and lay her and Hera liable to tne wrata ot certain people rho alwayaj coma Uta and still expect a front Beat. TbJtra one son 01 accompusnment knowing tha dangerous people In aoclety, Isn't Itt At any rata, Evelyn. It's a com- lort to reel mai mere are some people 1 phom on can aiwaya oepena upon, ao, tere'B to tha bachelor." Your devoted KATIIERYNa As a aequal to tha numerous Interesting aooounts that floated back home last win ter from on of tha fashionable Oulf coast resorts of tha conquests of a young Omaha I rldow who was among the attractive guests at one of tha large hotels during I most of the season, even though her hand- I aom gowna were of the deepest mourning and her vial ting card bora the full name of har husband, cornea tba rumor of an en- I nnmant. He la the manaaer of tha "hotel and since her return north has twice been I a guest at the home of her father and It la said that another large solitaire haa re- eontlr found plao among the others on tho lady's fair hand. She, by the way, la Visiting la the east just at present I Thoaa entertaining at dinner at the Country club laat evening were: Mr. Frank Vfurnhv. who had twenty-two guests: Miss Margaret Preston, seventeen guests; Mrs. Klrkendall, eight; Mrs. J. R. Bcoble, four; Mr. B. B. Keogh, fifteen; Mr. E. a West- brook, four; Mr. Joseph Barker, seven; Mr. W. jj. Burgess, six; Mr. O. L. Hammer, four: Mrs. E. L. Lomax. Ave; Mr. J L I Paxton, aeven; Mr. a O. Strickland and air. W. B. Martin. Perhapa the most novel affair of the week waa the Juvenile party given Friday afternoon by Mrs. J. E. Utt and Mrs. F. E. Sanborn In honor of Mrs. Horace I. Bettls, who leaves soon to make her home In Ix Angelea The party Included about twenty women, who were for the occasion trans formed Into a party of children ranging ln age from U months to 10 years, and chap eroned by an Ideal grandma. In . long- sleeved, sashed aprons, frilled batistes and floating ringlets they came, some with pretty parasols and wash hats to match their stockings, and one well known ma tron of ample proportions ln a dainty pink frock and trundling a wax doll In buggy, to which she held fast during the entire Hot Weather Diseases Diarrhoea, bowel trouble and summer com plaints are prevented and Quickly cured by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey No one should drink water In hot weather without putting a teapoonful of Duffy's Pure Malt WhUkey In each glass. U kills all disease germs and makes life worth living during these hot days. It ' Is absolutely pure and contains no fusel oil. lti only winsur revognisea oy the government as a medicine; uus is guaranteo. AU arocers.' dniesists or direct, tl 00 per aunhaator. N. Y - Medical Booklet Fre. ' Afternoon. And then there were two little boys In the "cunneneiit" kind of pique putts, who contributed to the oocaalm, much that wan natural la the war of teaa- '" nJ ll1 m, othor hln- too thl moBt mothers tell their little lrls Is m- lady-like, but that the little girls upon this occasion Imitated with surprising agility, considering. A donkey tailing content. rlng-around-a-rosey and like games con. trlbuted to the fun of the afternoon, whlli gum and candy were supplied In satisfying quantities. Refreshments were served later and a prise was awarded to the most consistently dressed and behaved guest. Among the largest affairs given at the Country Club this season was the dinner given last evening to twenty-two members of the younger set." by Mr. Frank Murphy. The party Included: Misses Hoagland, Mary Lee McShane, Hogan, of Chicago, who is Mrs. McShane's guest, Bessie Brady, Klrkendall, Lucy Oore, Marguerite Pr I ten et t, Janet Rogers, Mercer, Margaret Wood, Marie CofTman, Hamilton, May Hamilton, Messrs. Tom Davis, Oeorge Prltchett, Ben Cotton, Dudley Mason, Smith, Louis Nash, Hal Yates, Roy Wood, Wallace Lyman, Robert Burns and Frank Hamilton. The formal cards have been Issued by Mr. and Mra. Arthur Justin Wright an- nouncing the marriage of their daughter namenne imogene 10 Ajocior ice v. Lake of this city at Okobojl Thursaay, juiy !3. The event waa ohronlcled In these col umns at the time It occurred. Mrs. Edward Rosewater, who haa been visiting in Cleveland, is expeewsa name uua wecK. A cable message receive laat week told 01 me saie arrival 01 r. uu mm. nor- man .oumze on tne oiasr viae anor a pleasant ocean voyage. Jr. kwi" wnu. wim u- son, haa been visiting with her mother, Mra. W. J. Broatch, will return Tuesday to her home in Philadelphia. Dr. Smith and Mr, Chartes L. Saunders are off to make a camping party near Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. John L. Kennedy waa enjoying him . " . .., vr , Gf,nera, Bnd MrB Manderson expect to Ip&va t(J atten(, , meeting of the Amer- to some of the eastern resorts, Mr. Francis A. Brogan left Friday to Join Mrs. Brogan, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountae, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wllklns, Miss Cotton, Mr. Fred Nash and Mr. Bam Burns were guests of Miss Preston at dlfr ner at the Country Club Saturday evening. Mrs. B. F. Weaver has returned from a seven weeks- visit in -orxiana, urn.. wafl tne of h uaUKhtt)r Mra. Charles Boss. Mr. Harold Stelner of Lincoln Is the guest of his cousin. Miss Irene Bunker of 2825 Charles street Mra. C. A. Carpenter and little aon of Mr, w CoaUey of 204 South Thirty ,trMt tertainlng her niece, M(M Alma Xntnony of Pittsburg. Pa. Mlmm irrance- and Vi, Rmersnn left a8t evenlnB for Hot Bprlngs and Sylvan j Mn, HIby and ,on hav. on. to South Dakota, where they will Join Mr. Hlgby and accompany biro later to St Paul, Minn. Dr. Frederick Bacon la convalescing from , WMv. itin.u M. and Mr charlea Boas have eon. 0,uS(Mj to mak, tnelr home permanently w portiand. Ore. Mra Jalne, P Ryan anfl touKhtw, Mona. of Chicago are the guests of Mra M. R. Uhl. nr. McClanahan and famllv left tha clty last Wednesday for Lake Okobojl for a ten aaya- outing. They are stopping at the Manhattan. Mra. W. C. Cott and dauehtera. Mlsaea Helen and Margaret, left Monday evening for Chicago, where they will visit with relatives and friends for three weeks, Mr. Elmer Ames Cope, will leave Sunday evening for Duluth, where he will take the lake trip to Macklnao and Chicago before returning. He will be gone about two weeks on the trip, Mrs. John Wlthnell left. Saturday for New London, la., to spend several weeks with her sister, Mr. U. W. Pennock baa taturned from a trip to California. ansae Margaret and Eva Redman en tertalned about forty friends at a lawn party xuesciay evening at Highland Place, the noma of Mr. and Mra F. E. McDonald, ln honor of Miss Rena Redman of Salt Lake -llv- lt waa an ideal night and the open air amusements were enjoyed by all. IB ma"na -'iine or liinaen, Neb., was th "UCJ,t of honor at a kenslngton given "" aiternoon Dy miss Mary Bedwell. The "ue,,t9 present were: Mlsaea Jessie Nason, Elisabeth Jexter, Ltda Edmlston, eanne Klddell, Zola Dellecker. Georgia p8-ttersn. Bessie Moorahead, Fredrick Mclntyre, Mabel Bennett, Daisy French, fcua wlrtl Edith Butler. Mary Morgan, Nora Shields, Etta Beeman and Nell Guile. Mra. L. F. Crofoot gave an Informal muslcale Thursday morning for her guest, Miss Emily Myers of Dubuque. Mra Milton Barlow, Mra John Wilbur, Mra. Charlea Keller, Mra E. M. Fairfield, Miss Dewey, Miss Balcomb, Miss Kimball Miss Mercer and Miss Margaret Boyd were guests of Mrs. F. Warren Chase at an in formal gathering Wednesday morning, given In compliment to Mrs. Miriam Ford Among the affairs that are to be givan this week In Mrs. H. J. Bettls honor are an informal affair Wednesday morning, of rhich Mrs. Robert Hodgln of C4 North Fortieth street, will be hostess; ' a lawn party Thursday afternoon given by Mrs. E. J. Rohrbaugh and an afternoon Friday, given by Mrs. William Hancock. Monday afternoon between 2 and S o'clock Mra Bettls will entertain at her home, tp. North Fortieth street. Mrs. G. W. Wtckersham left Saturday evening for Colorado, where she will spend about a month. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown have returned from Lake Okobojl. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stutsman have gone to Central City for a few weeks and from there will go to Colorado for the rest of the summer. ' Mrs. T. C. VanBurn and daughter will leave Monday for a three weeks' trip to Colorado and Utah. Mra E. V. I.wls is In Denver, where she went to attend the wedding of a friend. Before returning she will visit several other places In Colorado. Miss Mabel TUlotson left Friday evening for Denver. Misses Emma and Daisy Goff of Fre mont who have been guests of Miss Flor ence Templeton for the past week, re turned to their home Friday. Mrs. Will Millard left Friday for Hot Springs, S. D., where she will meet Mr. Millard, and they will join a party of friends, with whom they will enjoy an out tn Dr. and Mrs. McClannahan and daughter have gone east for a brief trip. Mr. Wlllard Butler has gone for a six weeks' islt to the Atlantic coast Miss Elizabeth McCoonell has returned I . . j . 1 4 Mra Tti PacnraCa and cliil- dren hare gone for a three weeks' trip to Jloeton, New York and Atlantic City and will visit Detroit, Niagara Falls and Buf falo en route. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick have gone for a few weeks' visit to the Patrick ranch In Wyoming. Miss Flora Webster Is contemplating an eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Barker returned Sunday from Mackinac Miss Claire Funk of Lincoln will be the guest of Miss Marion Connell this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding are spend ing the month fishing In tho Leech lake country. Mrs. J. H. Evans and niece. Miss Pauline Schenck, are spending a fortnight at Man Itou. Miss Jeanne Wakefield will entertain at six-handed euchre Monday afternoon In compliment to Miss Margaret Lewis of Du buque. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lorkwood are oc cupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W, Carpenter during August, whllo Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter are at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Remington of North Twenty-second street are entertaining their niece, Miss Griffith, who has returned from Boston after a year's study at the New England Conservatory. Mrs. Otto Oldham, accompanied by Miss Gertrude and Master Kenneth Ander son, left Omaha Wednesday evening for a month's visit to friends near Portland, Ore. Miss Hermlone Roberts left last Monday for an extended visit to Chicago and east ern points. Mrs. Victor H.' Coffman, who haa been visiting In the east for several weeks, re turned last Sunday. Misses Golda and Blanche Murphy ex pect to leave Monday evening for Chicago. Mr..E. Dickinson and' Mrs. Harry P. Ly man reached New York yesterday after noon on their return from Europe. They are expected In Omaha soon. Mrs. E. Dickinson gave a children's party yesterday afternoon In celebration of the second birthday of the son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry P. Lyman. Mrs. E. G. McGilton and little daughter have returned from Malno, where they have been since early in May. Mr. and Mrs. McGilton have again taken their home at 102 North Twenty-eighth avenue. Mr. Thomas Fry and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Fry, returned Tuesday from an extended eastern trip. Mra. Eva Parrott Sweeney Is spending the Bummer In Colorado. Large shipments of new fall millinery arriving daily. Mrs. R. H. Davios. OMAHA SUBURBS. Florence. Oeorge A. Barrv of Omaha, wns a bust ness visitor here Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Vle!rl!n vveanfiuay aiternoon, a gin. Dr. Fulton of Hnrmnn. Ken., wns vl r.j a - -. .. ltor at the sanitarium Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Irene E. Rose went to Jefferson, la, Saturday for a couple of days' visit. John Armour SDent several davs of th nasi ween visiting rrienas at i'apllllon, W. H. Thomas and wife of Omnha were the guests of Mr. and Mra George Bird ounnav. Mra Dan Winters of Johnson oonntv No. braska, was the guest of Mrs. W. R. Wall uunoay. Rnin n XT - a. IT.- U.hm. CI. U Thursday, twin girls. Mother and babies ooing wen. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buchanan of Omaha were the guests of Mr. and Mra Hugh oume, ounaay. Miss Edna Price went to Lincoln Tues day afternoon to visit with a sister for a coupie or weeks, Mrs. C. G. Carlson wns a business visitor to Stanton, Neb., Thursday, returning nunie B&iuraay, M. R. Kindred and Tenuis Warller at tended the races at Tekamah a couple of uaya uus ween. Mrs. Hazel Beard of Omaha was the guest of Mrs. Frank Reynolds a couple of days this week. Mrs. Egbert and daughter of Omaha spent Saturday afternoon here, the guests 01 jars. vveDer, sr. Nearly all the orratn Is cut and ennsMer. able threshing has been done. The yield 10 up 10 me average. Jesse Thomas of Maquoketa. la., has been here the past week, the guest of his laier, mn. ueorge ira. L. N. Warller, foreman of the Hall Grading company's brldsre eansr. la at nome ror a lew days' visit. Miss Emma King, one of the cashiers in the BoBton store at Omaha, la at home lor a couple of weeks vacation The Talbot Ice company sent out about fifty cars of Ico from their houses here this week, all of It going to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ritchie of Falrvlew spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. A. J. Petersen, living near Calhoun. Miss Anna Potter, a teacher In the public schools here, returned Tuesday afternoon from a six weeks outing ln Colorado, Mrs. Llzcle Mlksell and children and Mrs John Scott of Omaha were the guests ol F. E. Scott a couple of days the past week Mrs. Henry DeLand of Perry, la., and Mesdames Stevenson and Pollard of Omaha were the guests 01 Mrs. Jacob Weber, sr. ounaay. The foundations for the new store build- ings of C. J. Kclrle are finished and the carpenters have commenced to erect th buildings. J. E. Rat ham and daughter of Grand Inland. No.. were the guests of his sister. Mrs Andrew Anderson, a couple of days 111; . wee. Mr. Thomas Chambers, Ms sister, Janet Louis LoriiiK and Laura Congdun ol Omaha were visiting Miss Harriet Hunt mursaay evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Drabek entertained number of their relatives and friends at their home, five miles north of town, Sat uraay ana tsunuay. 'The Water Works company has made driveway at the end of the reservoirs, so carriages can be turned around wlthou driving on the grass. Mrs. G. J. Hunt, accompanied by her daughter, Julia, went to their Bridgeport lien.) rancn Tuesday, where they will re main ror three or four weeks A. W. Pope and daughter left for their home at Oakland, la., Tuesday. Thoy hav been Here the last two weeks visiting wit the family of Judge J. K. ixiwry F. M. Smith of Chicago la the guest o the family of Sarah E. Tracy nnd will re main here lor some time, lie win prob abiy locate permanently in inn west Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds left Wednesday for Nantucket, H. I., for months outing. They will join thel daughter, Helen, who has been there f some time, Mrs. Elizabeth Stalon, one of the oldest settlers ln Florence, and who has bee at Omaha for several months, will stieu the summer here witn per cntiiiren, ueorge Stalon and Mrs. John mmpson. Miss Rosa Roenfeldt and Miss Olga Tucker gave a party to their rru-nds a Wall's hall Saturday night, linnclnir too the greater part of the evening. Itefreeu ments were servea 10 tne gutsis. The machinery for the large pump to be nlaced ln the uumulng station here Is a riving. Several cars have already been re celvea, ana as soon is a man irom .Mil waukoe arrives It will be put In Its plat J. S. Paul has the plate glass placed In his new brlek building and the light plant In place. Ever thing Is ntarlng completion and he expects to occupy It before, or by September 1. The school board met Tuesday nlicht and elected officers as follows: Moderator, J. Simpson; director. William Kindred; sec retary, F. M. King; treasurer. Charles V. Fouke. A committee was appointed to ar range for a brick walk on the north side of the school grounds. Benson. Ben Morton and family have moved Into their new home la the south part of town. J. A. Morgan has been confined to his home the Iks I week with an attack of sickness. Work haa begun on the extavation for the foundation of the addition on the nonh side of the school house. Mra Herman Wu'.ff retrrne.l home last wet k after a two week .4' pleasure trip at Denver and other wstern points. Mrs. Hannsn Hawkins and children left last Thur-wlay morning a month's visit with relatives and friends In Mlsa-iurl Val ley, la. Mra J. Crews went to IJncoln last Sat urday afternoon, where she will visit with friends and attend the Epwortli league aa-sembly.- - Bpeclal Quarterly services wera held at io Methodist church last Sunday evening, ev. Mr. Jennlncs of Omaha conducting ho services. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of Plattsmouth ante up Saturday morning a week ago nil visited over Sunday at tho home ot relatives In Benson. Miss Hellls arrived In Benson last week mm Oxford, Mo., and Is visiting at the i mo or ner sunt, Mrs. xi. J. urove, tu.a mle, O. D. llellls. Services will rm held at the Methodist Kplacnpai' Church today at ID:.) a, m. and p. m. ; Sunday school Ht noon; r.pwonn naguo at 7 o'c'ork In the evening. Kev. Mr. Crewa, pastor. The. Junior league, after taking a few c-cks' vacation, was started til) aaln last utiilav afternoon tw th desire of the members, and it will continue to be held t 3 p. m. each Sunday In the future. Tho Ijadles' .Aid society met at the home f Mra t?rm Klnl.ivson. lost Wednesday fternimn. Instead of the regular lunch o cream and enke were served from s to o'clock. Tho next meeting will bo held n two weeks at tho home of Mrs. J. A. Morgan. Tho annual Sunday school picnic of the Benson Sunday school was held last Frl- av at ralrmount nark. Council tiluns. Two cars had been chartered and at 10 ciock, aitnougn it iookcu rainy, a. rarne umber had gathered at the church and wero soon started for the park. A line tlmo wns reported by those who attenueci, nu tw niK snreads were set out to tne hlldren. Tliev remained at the park all iv and at 9::tn thev were back In Benson nd went home from what is ulways their ear n gala day. At tho reirulnr meeting of tho Benson fire enartment hist Monday evening a notice was Riven by tho school board that they wouM assist with 20fl, which will go to ward bavin? n. new nump and hose, 1 ne pump Is to bo fitted up with the chemical nglno nnd be capable or tnrowing a (ream over sixty feet In height, which Is utile ent to cover any building in nensun. With this W) feet of new hose will be pur- hased. This nurehase Is thought to d a big Improvement over the old Are appar atus. West Ambler. Miss Elsie Blake was a caller in the neighborhood on Tuesday. Mrs. riuv Mil (son returned from ner three weeks' visit in Iowa on Thursday. Mrs J t." Aurhf. left Thursday for a business trip to Ashland, to return Monday. Mrs. Marlon lnvertv and daughters re ar nnd from their visit at Long Fine on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Bert Wallace were guo.-ts of the former's aunt, Mrs. Charles ttyas, at dinner on Tuesday. Mrs Sarah Tlnvens of Dcs Moines ar rived Wednesday morning on a visit with Syas brothers, who are her cousins. The Misses Ivv nnd Myrtle Blake ana brother Harry returned Saturday morning from their extended visit with relatives at Chicago and Milwaukee. Mrs. George Cunningham nnd son Kruco havo been spending the past week at the former s sister. Mis. li. Mcnvaine, genius acquainted with the new niece. James Cunnlneham. now of Galesburg, 111., was visiting here Tuesday and Wednes day. Ho waa returning from Colorado, where he has spent his vacation. Mr. John Oantz and family are receiving visit from his brother and wife, who live In Ohio. They are on their way to the. ructnc coast, to. visit their son. Mrs. Clavton Petersen and little daugh ter Joins the husband and father at Fair Held, la., next Saturday, and Mr. Carl has moved in their home on South Forty-sixth avenue. Mrs. Pitman, mother of Mrs. Dayton Smith, a former resident of West Ambler, has purchased the horrfe now occupied by J. Cunningham and family, who will soon remove to Forty-eighth and Pacific. Mrs James Dovle. formerly Miss Mary Maestrick, of Fifty-fourth nnd Center, re turned Saturday from Denver, where she has spent the summer. She Is at present with her sister. Mrs. Smith of Cut Oft lake. Mrs. White leaves this week for a visit with friends in St. Louis, before returning to her home at Dover, N. J. She has spent tho summer so far very pleasantly with her Bister, Mrs. R. M. Henderson, and other relatives. Mrs. Dr. IJncoln Rllev nnd son Master Kirk, and Mrs. K W. Wtlson of WHner came down Monday to consult Dr. Olftord about their eyes, and were the guests, while In the city, of their old-time friend, Mrs. J. E. Aughe. Miss Mnrv Rchnelderwlnds left for Can- flrlu on Tuesday, where she will be married upon her arrival there to William 1. itrown, n. vounir soldier. She was given a novelty shower on Monday evening by the young ladles of the Epworth league of 8. W. church. She will be greatly missed by her associates and by her sunaay scnooi cioss. ' , Duadee. Miss Grace Schearer Is visiting ln Iowa Mrs. William S. Wedge has been visiting ln Atchison, Kan. The old Dundee school building waa re Bold last week to W. B. Howard. Mr. Charles Westerfleld has been enter taining a brother from San Diego, Cal. Mr. R. C. Peters and family left on Fri day for an outing of a month or two. Mr. At L. Covey of St. Paul, Neb., Is visiting nis sister, Mrs. u. jonnson. MIbh Mvra Roe of Chester. N. T.. was the guest of Mrs. W. L. Selby for a few days last week. Rhv. Thomas Hunter, recently of Vil- llsca, la., has accepted a call to the pulpit or tne J'unuee .r-reuuyienan cnurcn. Mr. States of the Avery Manufacturing company has moved with his family into one of the frame houses on Davenport, noar Forty-ninth street. Miss Carrie Baldwin of Keokuk. Ia., was the truest on Friday of her cousin, Mrs. Selby. After a visit to other points she will again return to Dundee. On Friday afternoon all tho mothers and bal les of Dundee w ere entertained with the officers of he Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyterian church at the home of Mrs. Joseph J. lotnpe. The house was taste fully decorated with golden rod, cosmos and marguerites, and dainty refreshments wero rcrved by the Misses tsarr ana Shields, ln white and yellow gowns. SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4349 Plain Shirt Waist, 32 to 44 butt. 4151 Seven Gored Flars Wa'tlnf Skirt, 22 te 30 iralst. A Stylish Shirt WalM Suit Shirt Wale 434-Seven-Gorfd Walking; Kklrt 4161. Shirt waist Bulla have come to be numbere among; tho nei-essltles of the modern ward rohe. This one Is Urwigned for tvlt. walk Ins and the like, and Is both simple and smart. The model la made of natural col ored linen and la tailor stitched, but th drsJgn auits the Unlit weight wools of cooler weathfr equally welL Th walNt is quite plain, with the fnsh loualilo broud bux plait nt the front and In cludes the new sleeves that are full above tho cuffs, but Snlhlied In slUrt wuiat style. The skirt Is cut ln seven gores and la shaped Ui flare freely about the feet. The iuuility of material required Is. tor waist 3 yards '1 or 77, or i yards 44 Inches wl le; for skirt. 'i yards V or 4hi yards 44 lm.lu-s wido. The wautt pattern 4349 ln rut In sizes for a 3J. 24. 20, 38. 40. 42 and 44-lncb bust meas ure.' The eklrt pattern 4151 Is cut In aliea for a ZZ, 14. M, 8 aud 30 Inch waist measure. WOMAN IN CLU3 AND CHARITY Work on tho new building of tho Old j Wednesday, by Invitation of tho women Feoplc's Home has born completed and the of that place, to assist in tho organlsa occupsnts of the present building at 2718 tion of a woman's club, and for Its federa Burt street will bo moved to their new quarters Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Tho new home Is located nt Twenty second and Wirt streets, tho building hav ing been remodeled to suit the requirements of the Institution, it Is tnrRe and tho rooms aro all pleasant nnd equipped with conveniences necessary to the care of old people. The home Is conducted by the Women's Christian association, of which Mrs. George TUden Is president, nnd thnt has among Its membership representatives of all denominations ln tho city. The as sociation Is among the oldest women's or ganizations of tho city and has during the course of its existence conducted several enterprises in the Interest of women and children, among them a woman's exchange, a rooming house for women, a homo for children and tho Old Ladies' Homo. A year ago, recognizing the necessity of broader work, tho association was reincor porated to admit of tho chre of men as well as women and the effort was begun to secure a building suitable for such work. The present building Is the result and the home Is the only one of Its kind In the stats. Mrs. Herman Mnthes, Mrs. C. E. Math ews and Mrs. Frank Kennody represent the Ahanio Auxiliary of I. T. TT. No. 1W at the annual meeting which will bo held this week In Washington, I. C, In conjunction with that of the International Typograph ical union. Mrs. Kennedy is president of the International Auxiliary, The annual meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance union, also the an nual election of officers, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, August 11, nt 3 o'clock, ln the Toung Women's Christian association rooms. A long-felt want has nt last been sup plied In New York city ln tho establish ment of a hotel for women, the Martha Washington. The need ln New York of some such first-class hotel where women without family ties might make their homo has been no moro urgent than that of a place where transient women might stop, and has been agitated for some time by various organizations of women, several of whom have seriously considered, at dif ferent times, undertaking the enterprise themselves. The equipment throughout Is first-class, BOO rooms being furnished for regular patrons, while 100 have been re served for transients. Every room in the house Is full, and It Is said that there are 800 women on the waiting list. The hotel was opened In March. It would seem that similar provision on a simpler scale for SCOFIELD Calls attention to a now line of Ladies' Rain Goats In tan and oxford gray at LAWN KIMONAS and Dressing Saeques Silk Petticoats, all shades $0.25 Lawn Waists, reduced to $1.00 Batcher's Linen Waists $1.50 $10 Challls Long Klmonas for ....$5.00 Flue Shirt Waist Suits $4.1)5 ALMOST DAILY ARRIVALS, FALL SUITS AND SKIRTS. Which will commend themselves to early buyers looking for correct fall styles. V 0. (. Scofield Cloak & Suit Go,, 1510 DOUGLAS STREET. Ik! We are showing all sizes and kinds for belts, necklaces, chatte laines, etc., with patterns and instructions for making. R. A. La BOOK HIGH ART LADIES' TAILOR 513-514 KA.KBACII BLK. ANNOUNCEHT: Mr. La Book opens the sfneon ln Omaha with a full corpe of expert aa ' alstanta, and Introduce all the very latest Ideas ln Tailored Costumea, Suit Bklrts, Jackets and Wraps for the fall of 1908. Don't place jour ordor without first calling- on R. La Book. PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE. in Of AMER 7 OIITirRIt Ftenmor North Ind leaves Chicago 4:00 p. m. Saturday for liufTalii. tourhltiR nt Intermediate porta. Connecting; at Mack lnao Inland wiih Steamer North West for Kuluth and Lake Superior porta. lJirect connection Is mado at fluffulo for trains to New York, Boston, I'hlladelphia and ull points Kaat. W. M. lXlWrUE. General Pansenger II. A. t herrier, Ci. A, I, li., m IN ALL THE wnm"n of smaller means might be made equally successful. Mrs. If. 1. Neely, vice president of the Nrbrnska Federation of Women's Clubs for the Second district, went to Papllllon on tion with tho state organixanon. in imi of the storm there was a fairly good gam ring of women, ten Joining, though the list of charter members will bo left open until the next meeting, when It Is expected that number will bo nt least doubled If the women lire ablo to get ln. Tho following list of olllcers was elected: President, Mrs. Secord; vice president, Mrs. Wedgwood; secretary. Mrs. Brown; treasurer, Mrs. Stearman. The first official act of the club will he to unite with the state federa tion and this will probably be dona at tho next meeting. The organization Is to be called the r.ipllllon Woman's club. Mrs. H. D. Neely has been Invited by the women of Springfield and those of Oretna to visit those towns for the purpose of organizing clubs, and she will doubtloss be gin the work this week. Largo shipments of new fall millinery arriving dally. Mrs. R. II. Daviea D1F.D. WlLf-Isabell. Friday, August 7, aged 25 years. Funeral at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Monday, Au gust 10, from her late residence, 8402 Burt street Interment at Forent Lawn ceme tery. Exclusiveness By excluBlvenesa wa mean both quality and price quality la conceded to be equal any $5.00 shoe in Amer ica. The price never raises like moat shoes consequently never drops. $2.50 Always Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South Fifteenth Street. FRANK WILCOX. MANAGER. $15.00 ..75c MRS. J. BENSON, The R. & G. is the only company that has made a summer or net corset in the Habit Hip and Straight Front, regular price, SI, we sell any size from 18 to 36, for 69c. Beads in afl the Fancy Colors. STF.A1ISHIP COMIMXY Apent. llnffalo, N. Y. ii-O So. i lura. H, Cblcaara. AtfDELD ,1 vv'V-vk; .j;-, jer? BCnabe Pianos. Known Leaders! There Are THER PANOS At OSPE'S (513-1515 Dougla Sts 1ISS ISM lljPUl1 L mi IKA IS Edison Phonographs and Victor Talking Machines and Phonograph Records Why not buy these where yon can hare the largest selection T Twenty thousand Hecords to select from. $10.00 to 175.00 for cash, or SE.0O down and H-60 per week. We want a dealer In every towiu.."". Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine at popular prloea. Second-hand Sewing- Machines frank H.M to 110.00. Wa rent machines at 7Bo per week. We repair and soil part for all may chinas. Bicycles Cheap to close cat oar stock. Typewriters Larg stock; lenr prJcta. Nebraska Cycle Co. C- l$h mad. Harany Stav 334! nUKfwayv Council EIufTav Phans B-fflH. OSTEOPATHY Dr. Grace Deegan Oraduate at A. T. Still School Rush vlllo, flo. 832 N. Y. L. Bid., Tel. 2680. "THE REGENT" Ladles' Toilet Parlors & Ladles' BATHS ALSO "THE REGENT" ANNEX FOR GENTLEMEN - Will be aliened this nc:k finest Itt the West. M. M. xiCHor. & rm. r. iuiodes. rmps. 203 rtAMCE BLDC. Opposite the Orphcuiu lheer. Hair lrens1nK. Shampooing, Manicurlnav Chiropody, Muhhoko and Krauiy t'ultur. , Hteam, Vapor, Hot Air, El';lric, Kliower and Needle Spray Haihfl. Duly establish-' ment went of Now York iidminihtci'tno; TllK INTERNA'., HATH" (KlushliiR Vuo cess). lNVBSTMATlS FOU HEALTH. KNOW YE THIS The nose my make or mar the hesoty of auy fa.ee. if homely or deformed It esnnot tie hidden or atoned for by any other frslursl attraction, but when well molded and symmetrical U lends beauty Dd dlitlnction to the whole countenance. I straiunten a hgrnned. tieut or erookHd noil) bstld up a oat or dished nose, tlior ten a long nose and narrow a bfoad n6e. I set back outstanding or lopped earn, eonreol baser, p u S y Teiid, radicals wrin kle, Uiiea, furrow in fact. all tmperfae. lions of Ui feature are plnleMy, safely and sntiHtsclorlly corrected aud made to conform artistically and luu monleosly with their nurruunillutoi. I permanently cure akin aud scalp dlseaMS, slop hair tallins;. fading, split, ting and promote a atroiig, haaJthy RcuwtU. I painlessly renum moies, warta. eyst, wens, scam, superfluous kair, tattoo, powdor o birthmarks and all bleinlshea on. in or under the skin. My experience of thirty years Ut of great to you. Consultation In person or by lettwr Is free and strictly eoandeutial. Call or writ personally to JOHN H. WOODBURY O.I., i 103 Stato St., Chicago. TWENTIETH CENTUrtY FARMER lies! Agricultural Weekly. L . rr 3-