20 THE OMAHA DAILY HUE: SITNDAY, AUGUST 9. 1903. SEW SHOE STORE IN TOWN Decatur Shoe Company Will Be L:cte3 in Om&hi. ONLY SHOES FOR UH TO BE HANDLED Tta Ktnre Will He Opeed at 1021 lam am turret ffatnrrias, Amt 22 Frauk Wllroa Will Miafir It. ' Tktridir, Allot 13th. DON'T Ml?9 TOR OTIOCER8' AND butch ana- ANNUAL, riCNIC at Valley Park, Iowa. Bee Prof. Jorge Munro'a daring bareback ride on three wild horses abreast, holding the reins In hi teeth, and Councilman f; vans' thrilling feat on the tight wire be tween the headquarters tent and the wa termelon stand. Amusement for every body. Tickets at all grocery stores and ment markets. ALL, stores closed ALL. day Thursday. Attention, W. O. Wt Members of Alpha ramp No. 1 are re quested to attend the funeral of Sov. Charles F. O'Meara. Monday, August 10, 9 a. m., from St. I'eter'i church, 27th and Leavenworth. Residence, "09 South 27th. As an outcome of a deal started In the iprlng of this year, upinna Is to have a strictly first-clasa, up-to-date shoe store, In the person of the 'Decatur," the propri etors of which, the Decutur Shoe Co., hav ing lease of the store located at 1521 Kar nam street. For several weeks carpenters and decorators have been busy as bees re modeling the room to suit the taste of the owners, and from all appearances the De catur promises to be one of the best ep- I-..-., -V. ... l (h. .min ThA yumi - - nHir A.,r.t a . 1 n m from ...MiMk(r.a rxf thla ttnnt or I ' " ' ' ' - - ' Attention. Members of Danish Brotherhood lodges Nos. 1 and 13 of Omaha, lodge No. 10 of Council Bluffs and lodge No. 74 of South Omaha and Danish Odd Fellows lodge No. 216 of Omaha are requested to attend tha funeral of our late bsother, Nells Frederlk- ' . , . . ,,., residence, Forty-first and Hamilton streets. to be In mahogany and green, giving an ef- . ' tot ivnoron feet very pleasing to the eye and a char acter to the store that Is very Impressive. Mr. H. E. Decatur of this Arm has been s manufacturer or men s snoes tor many years and as the new Decatur will handle only men's shoes, customeia will have the satisfaction of knowing to a certainty that they are to have all the advantages of be ing able to buy the men's shoes direct from the maker to the wearer. Mr. Frank Wilcox, In addition to his du ties as manager of the Sorosls Shoe Store, will also direct the affairs of the Decatur, and that he Is the right man In the right place Is pelf-evident. His long experience In the shoe business In this city will bring to the new store an almost Instant supply of customers. It Is understood that the new firm will carry two special lines of goods under the name of Decatur at the popular prices of 13.50 and $6.00, In all the leathers from which rood shoes are made. The Decatur Co. have tne reputation of sparing no expense in making a first-class shoe, and the fact that the new store has been so attractively prepared Is evidence that they do nothing by halves. tThe formal opening of the store will oc cur on Saturday, August J2d, and an invi tation will be extended through the dally papers shortly before that time to attend. A neat souvenir of convenience and value will bo presented to every gentleman call ing upon that date. Ladles are not ex cluded from this openlmr entertainment, but, on the contrary, are urged to be pres ent, not only upon this occasion but In the future as well, so that they can take part In looking over and criticising or admiring one of the best appointed and most mod ern and up-to-date men's shoe stores In this country. Omaha heartily welcomes the Decatur to the ranks of first-class retail shoe stores and a generous measure of the "patronage of men's shoe wearers Is confidently predicted. By order of I. P, LINDBERQ, President of Lodge No. 19, D. B. , HANS COOK. Noble Grand of Lodge No. 218, I. O. O. F. Chicago Laundry Best work. Tel. 203. M. lOi.tO A. M., fSltr, P. M., lO P. Is the time Erie through trains are sched uled to leave Dearborn station, Chicago, for Columbus, Akron, Youngstown, Chau tauqua Lake, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, El mlra, Blnghamton, Albany, Boston, New York and points east. For further In formation apply to H. L. Purdy, traveling passenger . agent, Erie railroad, Chicago, 1IL Have Root print It. Mining; In California. The development of new mines and the working of old ones ore placing Amndore county In the front rank as the gold-producing county of California. Amadore county Is "only 18 miles In width. The mother lode veins of California extend across the eastern part of the county, where some of the largest and best paying mines of the state are located. Thlft lode la from seven to ten miles wide and runs northwest and southeast. Gravel mining la receiving greater atten tion the past year than since the days of the early miner. The Nebraska-California Mining company of Omaha are now open ing up a very rich gravel property and will soon make their first cleanup. Ex perienced miners claim this property is try rich. They are also developing the Denend quarts mine. The South Eureka is keeping seventy men at work the year round. The Bunker TIM Is doing remarka bly well and la considered one of the best producers In the county. The Oneida mine, - which Is In the black alate Bone, would be. a surprise to the 4!)ers, equipped as It is with modern machinery. All of the above mines are taking out high grade, free milling ore. Mr. Julius Stone of this city has asso ciated himself with Mr. Frederick B. Pates, tho vocal teacher, and will act In the ca pacity of secretary and will look after the business part of the studio, as Mr, Pates" time is fully occupied with teaching-. Mr. Stone was a pupil of Mr. Pates five years before comlne to Omaha. Ha Is the possessor of a beautiful tenor voice of ex-' eeptlonal range and quality, singing the high "C" with ease. He has sung In New York. Chicago, etc., and the leading teachers of those place have pronounced his tone development and quality to be equal to any tenor in tha country. fvoy - Carriage M m Sx.Us Wosdrid aaat Oorcrso Hospitality. Hon. Timothy L Woodruff, cx-ltoutenant governor of New York state, has Invited half a hundred branch office managers of the Smith-Premier Typewriter company, of which he la president,' to spend a week at his-famous and beautiful "Kamp Kill Kara," In the Adlrondacks. Since assum ing the presidency of the company, on Feb. ruary 10. Mr. Woodruff has Increased the aales of the Smith-Premier typewriter 60 per cent in six months, and has built an enormous slx-qtory factory In Syracuse, N. Y., to take care of tha Increased or ders. The party gather at Syracuse August and 7 for a day's Inspection of the new plant, and then go to "Kamp Kill Kara" for a week's enjoyment and recuperation. We have the largest and finest 'display of well builr,, up-to-date VEHICLES in Omaha and . DON'T NEED THEM Because we're SELLING OUT, QUITTING BUSINESS It's Your Opportunity. CALL AND SEE US DRUpiOND, (8th and Harney. r Deposit Your none y In Our Bank. We Pay 4 Per Cent In terest on Deposits Jfa MONDAY BARGAIN IN THE BASEMENT CliiL ura Tbe Most Extraordinary Linen Bargains We Eier Offered. $2.50 per Doz. NAPKINS AT 6C EACH We will plnee on sale Monday tnornltiR several hundred drummers' Kami'les of Tine All I.lnon Nnpkins. Most of those nre 24 Inch In size nnd strictly nil linen, but ninny of thorn have boon used by the drummers ns sum pies, consequently nre soniewhnt y mussed. Most of these nre worth $2.r0 per dozen, nnd go nt EACH o 65C SCOTCH DAMASK AT 25C YARD One big table of 72-inch wide strictly All Linen Scotch Damask of a very heavy quality. This a'damask that you generally pay 65c yard for, as long as twenty J q pieces last Monday tee will sell them at yard.. kD ItSo Tnrlirr Red and InillRO nine Unmask Guaranteed fast 4 P color and very heavy qual- I JjCJ Brrletlr All I.laen Hnclc Towels The kind that you wou'.d y-v expert to pity 19c or I5c for I IJC will go at each Itj , we will sell at yard EXTRA HEAVY TABLE PADDING AT 29c YD. This Is (54 Inches wide nnd It Is n grade thnt generally sells from 50c to crc yard it Is that nwrul heavy qnallty which Is so much In demand. We have three cases of these next Monday we will sell them for, yard DRUMMERS', BEDSPREAD SAMPLES, 5c Each These are tho Marseilles Satin nnd Crochet. They are samples of bedspreads that eenerallv sell 75o to $2.60 each. TheHe namples nre about 30x30 In slie. and can be used for many different purposes. We rP offer them Monday at each " 29c Extraordinary Silk Specials $1.00 SiVTIN FOULARDS AT 25C YARD T1io nrottv rnlnilron. nin dot nnd ttnv patterns, in various lenfrths. many pieces to match. 1V4 to 3 yards each, navy black nnd white grounds. This Is a regular toe ana jti vaiue ai. $ Taffeta at 35c Yard-I!alr L,no Taffetas, In all colors, In elegant rlacea taffetas. The kind that make the lashlonahle shirt waist , dresses. enouRh for waists, skirts, etc., slso 86-lnrh taffetas, small check Ixmlslene. artistic Oriental drapery and screen rllk. worth J1.00 nnd 11.25. at ALL WOOL VOILE AND ETAniNE In black and all colors, smooth nnd fine weavos, ultra atyliah, at por yard., 'NOPPE ETAniNE Black and all colors, new and very fashionable. $1.25 value at 25c s, In elefrant 35c 50c 85c (j Cretim" Brillinntine, 59c grade, at 39c Silk Mousstllne. Silk Mulla and dainty , washable dress stuffs, 4 Qn worth 6uc and 60c a yard, at 7W Tho Bennett Company The Leading Piano House of the West. Tip3 Pianos From Bennett's Do you want a (renulne bargain? We' have several very desirable upright pianos which we must sell thin week. They nre returned from rental, but are good ns now. They have all been thoroughly re-strung, tuned and pol ished, and are guaranteed sound and reliable. You can buy 'em at Just about half their regular values. TERMS ARE EASY, INVESTIGATE A nice slightly used pretty cased walnut piano must have CfMU cost at least $376 4IOO A pretty, pure toned, slightly used oak must have cost unu Mix), for ..O'lO A ripely built slightly used mahoganv cost about 36 yours $158 SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS NEW PIANOS Dozens to Cho oae From. The best piano bargains available. Two high grade French mot- CO0 tied walnut, each worth $350 PIU Five fine sample pianos In all woods running In values to $-,'50 GLO'XCi your choice for r. ipiJJ Four high grade oaks, each COSH worth at least $11)0, yours for 4iiJJ Three high grade walnuts, each price f elsewhere not less than yours for J)iA3 Two lovelv high grade mahoganys both worth $450 each COtin yours for iP60U ALL SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS We want you to call and re? us. Don't pass by the music department It Is one of the biggest bargain sec tions of the whole store. Write us If y.ou are an out-of-town resident, we will gladly describe In full anv and every piano we own. Will send a plnno to you on approval. If you don't like It return It no har.n .one end It wont, cost you a cent. Lefa Get Together. Mail: Dipt. 'Phone 139. 16th and Harney St., Omaha. Full line of Clear Havana cigars Complete line of Pipes, all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE Main Office, 1404 Douglas Street. Est lis 4. Tel. 1560. w rrtiffi 8 ll- iVSim il nut nrhlir t ' "Strongest In tns World." the FnultabU Life Assurance society. Its nollclma srs sight drafts at inuturity. gee H. I). Neelv, manager. Morchunts National Bank Illdg., Omaha. Keb. Only Six Days More . And then the sale of the Levlre stock on our second floor will be a thing of the past. We need the room for our new boys' cloth ing department, which we expect to open up about September 1. In order to close out the remnants of tha Ievlre stock ad ditional reductions have been made. Un der no circumstances will we mix these goods wlthour up-to-date line on the main door. What is left after pext Saturday night will be closed out to country mer chants and peddlers, but we would much prefer to give our customers and friends tbe benefit, if you have any use at all for anything that's left from theLevIr stock, the price will be below your expec tation. On our tuuin floor we have many things that ought to Interest you. Al suits of clothes at $7.&A. Qood fancy half hose, 10 Mnt. n.llr (lr..s.lt in .hi... . - ... -..ii , -,, . 1ft and 3. cent 1? I urh f nlna r -, - fti on I Choice of all straw hats left from our own stock, 25 cents. Also a One line ot sateen, mohair and silk shirts. The Guarantee Clothing Co.. 1510-1521 Douglas street. YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE! Our success la due to the high grade, work done by the professors of the college. No students. Teeth Extracted Without Pain by Our New Patent Method, - , UNTIL AUGUST 15, FULL SET OF TEETH, 52.83. . .. I We save broken down teeth. mvo jrvur tcciu. Save your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old roots. We oan save 93 per cent of teeth others extract. j-e We perform all branches of dentistry. TTXTft Work Guaranteed 10 Years. tanauiPlWti In order to give all a chance to consul t the professors, we wll! continue to do work FREE. SMALL, CHARGES FOR MATERIAL. Call early and avoid the rush. Be sure you are In the right place. We do oa we advertise. We have stood the test. Nearly 1,0W patients in last 19 months. We beat the Jealous, idle, sorehead dentist and dental see's. Complete victory for th e Union. Teeth Extracted Free Aluminum rintea from fS.OO Fillings from ..2Bo tiold Crowns from a. S3 Bet of TeetU, pair fa.OO Silver Plum Crowns 1.50 Low Shoe Prices Gut Low Honday Monday we will tnk all of ou- Sh Hansn, Clap and ether grades ft patent raif and patent kid low rut shoes that have sold all summer f r 6.0O. $6.W) and $&.0u, and sail tiem all at oiw price $3.50 Two line of our $4 Oi patent colt, low cut shoes at v $3.00 These are men' shoes only. D&1EXEL SHOE P,0.. Omaha's Up-to-Dato Shoo Housi H 1419 Farnam Street. . U j UNiON DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Open dally till S. Sundays I to 4. 1522 Douglas Street. OUR WATCHES KEEP TIME. The only kind of watches wo sell are good time-keepers. Never sell a wnt-h that fails to keep time. Gat all Btyles ard sizes. Some as low as $7.00. and as high as you want to go. JOHN RUDD, JEWELER, (Opposite Boston St or.) 115 South 16th St. Watch Inspector C St. P.. M. & O. C. & N. W. Ry. N Perfield's Cut Prlo Piano Co. Boo Bid?., Room 7. " Telephone 70 1 VYcasr. Iter? Clark . Luaw acailar. 50HB PEOPLE flAY ADVISB YOU to Ao this and that with your teeth, but you will be better satisfied If you will abide by the adv4ce ot your dentist. Frequent examination will keep you out of trouble. Ui) Attendant. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, Telepboos IC85. 3rd Floor Pntoj Blo:k, Don't Sit 0.1 th 3 Daar Step o' a tardy druggist's store In the morning prrnrnpuon waning lor mm tij 1 come down, but te.eplione to us and a boy i will chII for It, a registered pliarmaomt I only will fill U and the boy will return it. i all In less time and at less cost than you 1 are now paying. Try this plan on any- ; thing you need In the drus Vne. NOTE I CAREFULLY THESE VftlCES. THEN I COMHAHB WITH OTHERS. Sjc genuine Castoria n $100 Pcruna no limit ' b7o ' $1.00 I'lerce's Kemedles Alleock'a Plarters-no limit J2c $1.00 Patne's Celery Compound 79- I $1.00 Celery Nervine guaranteed 6 2k Hire's Root Beer ii : wHs Wlxrd Oil iVl I 7..C Mueller's Cod Liver till 6lc $1.00 Warner's Safe. Cure ' 7 Vc Dnaii's Kldnev Pill o. U Chester's goniiinn I'ennvroval Plii!t'$ru0 OPEN ALL, NIGHT. SGIIAEFER'3 S1" Ttvn Phones 717 and JUT. 10th and riilesan aireel. (tninkn. Often your garments are made by a fashionable tailor and you say they do not fit per fectfy; evidently they are not pressed by a skilleJ wircman. Let us take your suit and press It in an up-to-date man- J ner. THE PAIlTOniU;, For case, comfort and style on a mi ' there Is nothing equal to Otllf.lOD The shoes which go from maker K to wenrer R as.- tr r a Always ?j.3u ana m enn'A Grand Clearing LQIimS August Shoe Sale . A general clean up of all summer gootls in men's, vomen, misses' and children's oxfords and sandals at lesa'tbun cost. We would rather take tho loss now than carry them over' until next season. ON SALti 3IONDAY NOTK Till' 1'iMCES. Men's vici kid and velour calf, men's patent' kid and patent colt'. oxfords and 'shoes, worth up to 4.00 ?1.9 Misses' Colonial Slinnors nurth 1 7l Women's ZM nnd $3.f0 oxftirds 11.1)!? Women's S2.fi0 mill 00 nvfnrila til ii iir Kin. I- OAe'.1.1 Women's 2.00 und 2.50 canvas shoes or oxfords OSc V AdEXTH roi: Tin: ultka and ;iiovku siioks vbu UMIjN AND Tllli STETSON AND CKOSSETT SHOES FOU MEN. Special for Monday t An Extraordinary Sale of Boys' and Chil dren's Clothing Monday we present the greatest clothing attrac tion of the entire season. Our fall and winter goods are arriving daily. We must' have room for them and to do this we have cut deep into the prices to make a quick sale of all the light and medium weight suits. BOYS' SUITS In verv desirable patterns. In gray and brown mixtures. In light and dark colors, made In Norfolk and double breasted styles, worth up to S2.2:-sprelal for Monday only, at BOYS' SUITS In very handsome patterns. In light and dark colors, pants made with extnnflon waistband, re-lnforced tnped seams, made In Norfolk, sailor blouse and two-pleoa styles regular $3.00 values, special for Monday only $1.60. BOYS' SUITS In sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk, Norfolk two nnd three piece styles, the nobbiest and swellest things of Imported and domestic fabrics light, medium and dark colors tr. fancy cheviots, cssslmeres, tweeds and homespuns suits worth up to $6.00 special for Monday e-.ily 2.50. Boys' all wool knee pants, ages three to sixteen years, choice of BOc to 75o values on sale Monday at 25c. I Children's washnblo knee pants regular 23c values, go on solo Monday at 10c HAYDEW BROS. - UrTwORDTO THE WISE (f liil i. ...a, An. trial nnlv nnd fltorz Blue Ribbon beer will be his Tl ' t?W to his system, manes mm vaiue oiurs llj others. II Bottled at brewery only. V Council Bluffs efflce, 932 West Broadway. 't!:ttC favorite beverage. He will easily be convinced that In 8tor Blue Rib bon he hS found the best and purest of all beers. The fact thr.t it acts so beneficial to his health that it adds strength and l:alltv Itibbon Beer above i 11 STORZ BREWING CO., FHONE 126 Council Bluffs efflce, B32 West Broadway. Full Set of Teeth To Introduce our meuiods we give extra low prices until August m. jjon l delay. You may .not get your work done at these prices.. GOLD CO CROWNS $t set of cn TEETH , From &JU BRIDGE CO WORK $1 WS Work guaranteed 15 years. Graduate dentists. Remember our easy pay. ment plan, it may Jntorest y6u. Now under new management. NevYbrk Dental Co. Established nearly ten years In present location, llo SOUTH 1TH KiiliM. Opposite Hayden's ana uoston Biore. w - - ti a nt' Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. ISlb St. EC y i W 407 So OMAHA. 10th bt. Tel. 0G3 Fr Menstraal Suporcssloti Z? CS-W PEN-TAN-GOT kui t kaus II. So 14 la Ouks W saoua i Extremely choice thirst quenching it builds you up same price as others but better beermade from pure spring water soothing and restful. Dellrered to any part of Omnha, CooikII Bluffs or Sotitb Omaha. Order a rrom.e JETTER BREWING CO. oTtllGOF. BILZ. IJl4Doutla Street, Omaha. Telephone 1542 or LEE MICHELL, Wholeiie Dealer, Council BlufU. Tel. Q OMAHA'S . 1 ' ry j , :n ! EBIMIBMBMBaBB"alal"" THE INDIAN WORKING GIRLS, ATTENTION! in, woman or irl employed In the roer- rantlle houses or tctor:n of Oman or Bi uth Omaha can. upon presentation of thlt "Id," have their dental woik dune at o .e Vslf the regular charge and upon eay payments. HEDGES. THR DF.TIT. Ijidy Assistant Open Eveninsrs & Sundays. COLLAR Re-No-May tnre yoar feet t slay eored. Sold Everywhere. MASl'FACTl BIO DV A. MAVER. t)ur Services Are Free I We examine your furnace, steam or hoi water sysiem and see lht ever) tiilna la In imatnei for lull ui.. if lepui. are ntoued we hive everything In slook. Also ht water .ttschme.its and furnace pipe eovennc. OHAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1207 Douglas St. Tel. W0. TWFNTIETM CENTURY FARMER Make Most !'" feseat. BEADS THE FAD OF THE DAY We carry the largest line of colors Id BEADS of nnjr houso. Rend ua your mnil orders of any color possible; we cmi fill your wan la. Ixoifis to weare bead work, pattern books, needles. eyerythlntr pertaining to the i BEAD work. Also the largest v-ind moat complete yarn depart- 5 . i II.flAf T7, ineni in ine west, no nui,ir 8ALK Oil RETAIL and can fill H your wants for any quantify. I Jos. F. Bilz M 822 Bo. ICtb St g OMAHA, NEBRASKA, toaBIIBlZBMaKHlilatKIIEBX4 16 rarnam bi. trormeriy Us 0. suit wws aita. pia