VlIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST f lOOP,. FOR 8ALKnEAL F.STATE. FOR IAI.E-nEL ESTATF- Blll.l:. CHAMF.S. Bargain 10x110. BIX-BOCM MOUfRS' COTTAGE. FURNACE, BATH. CAS. HARD WOOD. NORTH 41ST AVE REST $2.5 00 MASON STREET. Mt LOT WE8T or til ULIMIIU.N IIKmT BITE FOR AN APARTMENT HOUSE. $5,ooo 14x156. VACANT EA8T FRONT LOT SLIGHTLY ABOVE ORADE. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. $2,75o 10nl!. LARGE MODERN HOUSE. BARN, LAWN. SHADE TREES. 1313 PARK AVENUE. $7,ooo 76x140. ELEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EAST FRONT. PAVFD STREET, NO. 504 B. STH STREET. $7,5oo Howard Kennedy & Son, First National For safe and profitable inveatment Omaha real estate and Nebraska farm lands ara now Kilt edge. Not tha following- list of bargains: IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. (-room houae on 24th, north of Bpauldlr.g, Hot 60124, ?,. -room house, lot 4xllx, wall and cistern water, on 29th. near Farnam street. $1.50. I-room houaa, barn, well and cistern water. lot 40x177. on Briatol St., $1,100. 4-room houaa. barn, well water, lot '5x104, on STd. near Cass St.. $S00. New I-room modem house on Spauldlng, near 24th St., lot 46x90. 13.600. New 9-room modern house, lot 17xl, 27th and Indiana Ave., $?.300. I-room houae, city water, lot 23x127. on Charles, near 33d St., $750. -room houae, well water, lot 10x127. on Charlea St.. H block from car line, K0. VACANT LOTS. Vacant lot, 60x140, on Bpnuldlns-, near 24th St., permanent walk. 1750. lot on Hamilton St.. near 33d. $-t50 I lota on 77th and Saratoga 6ts.. 1460. STORE BUILDINGS. Store building on 24th and Bpaulding. lot 46 x76, 1 BCiO Brick tore, building, lot 30x13$, on Cumin St. near 27d. $2.600. UNIMPROVED LANDS. 480 in Parking Co., Neb., $6 per acre. L280 In Cuater Co., Neb., from W W $9 per acre: 130 acres of this tract can be traded for Omaha property. ISO In Lincoln Co.. Neb., port under 'culti vation, $8 per acre; will trade for Omaha 40Pacrea7n Dawson. Neb., under cultivation and Irrigation. 10 per acre. Improved Acres Near Omaha. I acres on 30th St., near Forest Lawn. 13,600. 10 acres nortnwesi oi u , ,,. fruit, has email houae. prlca $i,200; will trade for Omsha property. About acres In Florence. n,$00. Th above la only a partial list of the bargains we have to offer, both in im proved and unimproved city property and farm landa. Investigate. CHRIS BOYER, Tel. 2041. OA snd Cuming Bta. WANT A HOME? Eight rooms, bargain. $1,7!0 Seven rooms, full lot $2,3 SO. Six rooms, a gem. $2,500. Seven rooms, excellent. $3,200. Six rooms, bran new. $5,200. Eight rooms, desirable. $3,750. Eight rooms, choice. 4,750. Twelve rooms, beautiful West Farnam home. Only 7,000. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE-S3II 11,300. , I-room houae, city water, gas, nlea yard, near 1 car lines. THE BTKON REED COMPANY, Hi B. 14lh St. RE 177 $4,500 Best Bargain In Hanscom Park District. 10-room modem houae and barn and east front corner lot. 5ixl40. with both atreeta paved and paid for. only one block from the park. Terms, $T.5C0 cash and balance long time at 6 per cent. Annual rental, $480. If you are looking for a real bargain come In and let me ehew you thla. John W. Robbins, 1802 Farram St. Rk 284 9 Must Be Sold at Once. 1921 8. 17th 8t, S-room house, city water. Price, S'OO. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. Life Ridg. RE-l'id 9 Douglas County Improved FARM $40.00 AN ACRE. 1$0 acres south of Waterloo; 140 acrea under cultivation, balance pasture; 7-room house, double corn crlo, barn. HASTINGS A Hh-YDEN. 610 N. T. LIFE taLDO. BE-119 9 mmjl.u limiiu near All Salnta' church. Wth and Howard sts, only to ji eacn. RE 34i 9 Homes for the People. You'll never have a home ol your own un less you make a atart. We have a few lots at only J0 to $a each nd only IS down and $5 per month. Bemis. paxton block. RE Hi 9 . REAL ESTATE BARAINS. T-room modern hoijxe. full lot, on West Harney at., only $1,400. I-room modem houaa, on Bristol '.reel $3,100. T-room house and full' lot, 1320 Chicago st -11,600. 129 acres near PUl. with houae; $) acrea cultivated; only 10 an acre. THOMAS BHENNAN. $ 8. 13th St. RE-J21 9 BARGAINS Two houses and lot, rent for $71. fine shape; Twenty-fifth and Parker. $1.im. a.,,.. hA,a r t..t Tw.Rtvalflk and Spencer X ' Two eight-room modern housea, rent for V. barn; Clark atreet. near Twenty - fourth. $3.00ii Six-room molem cottages. Twenty-ninth and Lake. $1.6u0 Blx-room house, tall lot. Thirty-first and Mason. 11. So,) Blx-room modern boose, large lot. Eight eenth and Lake. $4 5 Corner lot, two houses. 6 rcoms each. Twenty-fourth anV Vsndcson. tC.OuO. Two large lots. Improved, Ninth end Dav enport. $4 oro WVMAN. SHRIVEIl CO.. New Ycrk Life Bol'dl-g. R n-313-9 BARGAINS IN MODERN. t-r. new, oak flr'eh a'l modern, porce'.aln llned and nickeled bathroom ftxturea. new furnaoe. cemented cellar. permanent walka. paved street, all In flrst-clnaa con dition, No su Jones at ; price for week only, I3.JO0. l-r.. modern except furnace, 1327 8. fTth Bt. H0u. l-r . all 8Doderm. large lot. Mil Plsroo bC, 8X.0UO. O. C OUBEN. 1T04 FARNAM ST. RE 298 I (fi ACRES. Improved; 1UL CapUUua. Nekv Sarpy Co. Lock bog Rft M .KI Alt Bulletin 49x139. VACANT LOT Of t,OWE AVE.. Jl ST A HO V E GRADE. OOOD HOI 8K AND (mhi! NLiGHBORS ON EITHER BIDE. $2,25o VxM. T I r T I T Dnr j . ...,civ t t ri " q QUAHTER-BAWED" OAK FINISH. ELEC TRIC L1U11T. UAR.N. 1 N. 3tD AYb. $0,ooo EAST FRONT, mioD t-OCATION, 12D ST.. SOUTH OF MAS'VN'. KEIOHBoRHiK.'D WMEHB EVERT THING RENTS. $2,8oo nxl?t LARGE MODERN HOUSE. EAST FRONT, PAVED STREET. 218 NORTH 22D STREET. $7,ooo 75x124. TEN-ROOM MtU'ERN HOUSE, HOT WATER HEAT. ItARS. NO. 19a WIRT STREET. $5,5oo Bank Building. RE-151 New List of HOUSE BARGAINS ON EASY PAYMENTS Cottage at i2H North 26th street, renU $1.60, price . ft). An 8-room house in good repair at 1110 South 34th street, two blocks west of Hanscom park; paving taxes all pnld. Price reduceil from li-Ou) to $l.'.O0. A bar gain. Investigate thla. Can na!:e terms. A modern house of 8 rooms, with lot 61 xSO, for $1,660. A good bargain. Look It over and if you like It will give you an order to see the Interior. The number Is M0 North 10th street. A good bargain In a 5-room cottage, located at loffl Beward street, two blocks from car line: rents for 110. Price. $Su0. $413 Jackson street, 7-room house, city water, gas, cistern, lot fixlC4. Prlre. $1,300. ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Desirable and strictly modern houae of 9 rooms. In first-class repair, good barn and three lots, near car line. The Improve ments alone cost $7,000. Price, $4,500 on easy payments. GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank B'.dg. 1601 Farnam St. RE 270 PROPERTIES ON EAST TERMS AT CASH PRICES. 30x140 feet Just north of Grace, on 19th street boulevard, i0.00. 6-room house, cltv water, gas, near 20th and Manderson Bta., $1.0f0.00. 6- roorn snd summer kitchen, basement under whole house, coal shed, lot 60x132; $1,350.00. 7- room house, city water and gaa, at Kih an,l F.mmet afreets: 11 .300.00. Wnom onttace. newly papered and painted. 26th and Burt atreeta, one block from car: Il.t300.00. , 1 cottages. I rooms each, barn, list and T streets. South Omaha; $1,6.00. I-room house, all modern except furnace, on paved street, near 28th and Poppleton avenue; $2,600.00. 1-room modern house, good barn, south front, at 22d and Emmet streets; $4,000.00. 10-room modern house, gas and electric light, hot water, heat. bath, two full lota. In tha best residence district of South Omaha, good barn, electric lighted, with a waahrek connected with a eewer for washing buggies; fruit and shade trees; price, $6,60000. Thla property recently sold for $8,600.00. The owner will take amall property as part payment. is re 4U. miles N. W. of Florence, frame house, barn, corn crib, chicken houae and other outbuildings; I acres timber. 10 acres fruit, 25 acrea In cultivation, all under fence; never falling spring In pas ture. $$0.f0 per acre. 80 acres 2V miles from Oermantown, Sew ard county. 7 miles from Beward. frame Kara rih.. srranariea and other n.,,Ko'i!,;inc' n large amount of fruit. 50 acres In cultivation, $2. 6fO.ro. There Is a loan on this place of $1,700, so that you only need $X.00 to make a deal. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR. BEE BLDO. Riv ZJ 9 6 ROOM COTTAGE .1 vrt , n.v Lrmi Paid well street, near 2th: atreet Daved and fully paid. There will not be another opportunity Boon of getting a home at such, a price anj on auch terma. John W. Robbins, 1802 Farnam St. RE-33 9 3,000 FOR 1329 SOUTH 27TH ST. Fine 6-room, 2-story, all modern home. Look at It If you want u bargain. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 611) N. Y. LIFE BLLO. RE-lSo 9 EASY TERMS. tsi! Decatur St.. full lot, south front, T-room modern house except furnace, $l,bo0. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Tel. 1781. Main F.oor N. Y. Life Bldg. Rj loo 9 $1,030. -room house, city waver, gaa, eaat front, t blocks ftom car. IHi, jitKuN REED COMPANY, tu 8. 14tn 6t. RE-171 9 Beautiful lots near Bemls Park only $3)0 to $ju0 each. Bemls. .paxton Block. Hit ACRES fine, level prairie, close to Buffalo lake. In Alberta, Canada, for $4.76 an acre; easy terms; (00 acres can be Moke. This would mate a line ranch. HASTINGS i ulJjU I HEYDEN, 619 N. Y. LIKE RE1S7 9 FARM BAROAIN8. 1SS A , Geauga Co., Ohio, Improved. $3,600. 80 A.. Dunn Co., Wis., Improved; crop,. stock and personal property, $2.0ti. 7t0 A., Traverse Co., Minn., 833.60 per acre. 3&J A., Pettis Co., Mo., improved. $i per A. ii I A.. Pottawattamie Co., la.. Improved, $S5.00 per acre. 4u A., Lucas Co., Ia., Improved, $60 per A. 183 A., Pols Co., la.. Improved, $1 per A. 10 A., Union Co., Ia., Improved, $-5 per A 0 A.. Union Co.. la., Icruroved. 10 per A I Write for lull particulars of above farms, i Send fcr free farm catalogue. IB1RKHEIUEK eO.Nd, M.Uorv Bldg., Create n. la. RE-leJ i rl.800.00. ) t-room house, city water, lawn, on block ' from car. In Florence. The Bvron Reed ' Company, 113 80. 14th. RE 181 9 I $1.6 FOR I-room modern cottage; rente '. lor $-; I blocks of Bennett a; $Oj0 cash, , balanca easy terms. . Address ho 1. 81st. 1 RE 161 9x I ' WANTED Young man II or N yeirs. with some mechsnlcal abl lty. Call at office of the Fmith-Premler Typewriter Company, cor. lTth and Farr.am sts. RE Mlil 11 I 10 ACRES southwest. 11.300. 1 1) acr"S north of Ruset s. $1.gXj. 1 14 acrea east of Benson. $1.6o0. I 5 acres on North 2itn t.. within t blocks I electric car line, $3k0. 90 acres fruit and garden, $4,600. j 4J acrea ZH miles west South Omaha stock I yards, $t.cu. II seres near lar above, 96.600. ' 1J0 acres 12 miles northwest. $9,000. ' Hanscom Plies. 7-room hcAise, $2.20. Cirnun strett, 13 per cent grojs. $18,000. . West Farnsm district. Ihut7 feet, choice and alghtiy, large house, price M.guo. Owner wl'l take acreage, farm land or cltv pro-wrtv for equity of $." JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 497 I A FARM BARGAIN. In a fine No-acr fsrm nea- Fremont; lsad la all level and the best black loam Boll. Owner wanta tha rocney and says to aell fur 842 M an acre. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Rfc-174 I EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE AT A BARGAIN. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. D. V.SHOLES CO. Telephone 49 722 N. Y. Life. WHAi' HAVE YOU TO FELL? WE HAVE THE BLYER8 FOH BOMB TRAt T1VF HOU8F3 BE- I Elht-room. all modern house except fur tn'vL'uTwr xnk' ' nace. paved stret-1 and permanent side- GOOD, ATT FIDES WE 8. Z.th St.: will be newly painted ana DX'mJ up In good shape. $1,000 for choice of three i;ran new, 4-room houses, never occupied; will have sewer, wster, enamel (Ink In kltcnen; 60x12 ft. Ms; 3"th and Arbor at'eets; SNAPS $2 j0 cash, balance time to suit you. $2,100 $13 &. 20th. R'xl40 I rooms, walking distance: want offer. $2,300 $629 Beward St., 1 w.tter. gas, 6)xl27; wants to sell uulck. rooms eastern ewer, uner $3,730 8. E. corner Georgia and Woolworth aves., I rooms, modern, god repair, 60 ft. lot. fine location; ACTUALLY A GOOD BARGAIN. $3,0X0 and $3.5i0 for two nearly new, mod ern houare In Bemls inrk. fine loca tions, very attractive places. $4,750 for the most attractive home In WEST FARNAM district for Its sise of any house tffTd. It is a gem; location Is unexcelled S"e this. $14,0u0 for line 11-room, WEST FARNAM corner home, large grounds; very fine; might take some clear, improved land In part. DOWNTOWN. Corner 19th and Burt. 10-room. large, mod ern, slate roof, hard-wood fln'sh j nouse; cost to ouill, .,'; cnoire jocatlon. facing east on Boulevard; lot tfxltt. We will close this out at decided bargain. VACANT. $450 for a fine lot on 20ih at. boulevard, just north of Manderson; $0x140. fac ing two streets. $210 for 50x12. N. E cor. IKth and Rur dette: got to sell nulete. How mu"h? One lot In Orchard Hill, one In Klrk wood. on 16th St.. and two lots In Saunders and Hlmebaugh's add. to Walnut Hill: anv kind of terms and most any old price. How much? Non-refldent says sell them. ! $3,000 for l i'.t'i feet on Vth ave. and Her- i ney, east front: very choice. I $2,600 for 'Xi 40. on 28th St., near Jackson; east front. RANCHES AND FARMS 960 acres. Holt Co., near Btuart; about $1.0i0 worth buildings; cut about 240 tons of hay; fair fsrm land, fine for stock; $S per acre CHEAP. ' 120 acres near Oretna. 8ARPY CO.; fine. smooth land, fair Improvements; very de- I slrable; $63 per acre. RE 316 9 SHIMER & CHASE. COTTAGE BARGAIN. $2,100 buys a 6-room cottage, good as new; parlor, tllrinftroom, two bedrooms, Kitchen, bathroom, with tnamel tub: clcst and marble lavatory, pantry and closets: all on ground floor; newly pa pered throughout; front and side porch; back yard fenced: chlckenhouse, garden and fruit; nice lawn going to aell quick t $2,10). HOME OR INVESTMENT. I1.2S0 A cosy. I-room cottage, almost new; B'wer, city water and gaa In the kitchen; full south-front lot. shade; near street car, school and market, north part of the city a neat little home or a 9 per cent net Investment. It la going to be sold thla week. LARGE GROUNDS. ' $3.300 l-room house, modern except fur nace, fine repair; 2 south-front lots, vari ety of fruit, vlnea, shrubbery and flowers; Immediate poasesslon. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOU. $J,600 We will build you a I-room, en tirely modern home In Kountxo .rMace, with porce.aln bath, nickel plumbing, gaa, cemented cellar, furnace, eto. Act quickly if you want thla. y SHIMtR & CHASE. 104 Bee bldg. Telephone 1441 Bunaera ana Agents of Modern Cuitagoa. RE aju BOMB REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ala., Mobile Co., 140 A.. Impts. and stock. Ana., Mohave Co., 250 A. and Impta. C'al., Sonoma Co.. 9 A. eqpt. farm. Cal.. near San Jcae, country res., 10 A. Cal., San Bernardino Co., i--0 A. vineyard. a. c, Victoria, log lots and plots. Denver, res. and bus. blag., 14th St. Colo., near Canon city, 6 A. fruit ranch. Conn., Greenwich, tine country estate, lo-r. res., 2 A. land, water frontage. Washington. Capitol Hill, bldg. lot, C St, Fla.. Volusia Co., IS A., Impta.; a A. or anges. Fla., Walton Co., eqpd. farm: 40 A. tin., Orlando, lo-r. res., large lot. Fia., Mtcunopy, res. and 1 A. land. Ga., near Taiiapooaa, 10 A. and impts. Ga., near Tahapooea, 10 A., 4 A. vineyard. in., t-entraiia, nou.iu ana lot. la., Gildden, 10-r. res. and lot ' Kans.. Leavenworth Co., 160 A. and Impts. Mil., near Annapolis, line term, 6 A. Md., Cecil Co., ji2 A. and impts., J1.0UU. Muss., Manhnelu, furnlbhed summer cot tage. Boston, modern 9-r. res.. Clarendon St. Mich., South Haven, furnished summer boarding nouse, $3,700. Mich., near Traverse City, K A land, $2.5u0. iuinn., awift Co., 2w A. and Impts., 7,uoo. Minn., Polk Co., 10 A land. $1,800. Minn., Blue tarth Co.. 80 A. grain land. Miun., Freeborn Co., 194 A. and impts. Mo.. McDonald Co., 90 A. and Impta , $1,067. bt. Louis. Ciiiton Heights, 4 lots, $3,uuo. Mo., Manctuatvr, 9-r. res. and 4 A., $4,000. Mj., Clayton, house and lot, $1,UM. Wo., Howell Co.. 6i A- and liupu.. 11,000. Mo., Howard Co., stocked farm. 200 A. Neb., Kimball Cj., 11 A. land, $1.28). Neb., Perklna Co., 1W A. land, ti,M. N. J., Egg Harbor iwp., four 6 A. plots. N. J , Cumberland Co., 36 A. stock tarm. N. Y., Cayuga Co., 196 A. and Impta, $10.uu0. Krooalyn, modern res. property, 44th St. N. Y., near Rocnwter, fine farm, 126 A. N. D.. Oliver Cj.. 161 A. land, $1,600. N. D., Ransom Co., 16J A. land. 13.300. N. D., Burleigh Co., 640 A. land, $8,640. N. D.. Vtalsh Co., iC A. grain Una, 81.10. O., Warren, modern 9-r. rta. and lot, $4,000. Cincinnati. Walnut HI, Is, res. A lot. !5 fxxx O.. dpr.ngfleld, 10-r. house and lot. $l,0u0. Pa., Montgomery Co , v3 A. and imp is. Pa., Chester Co., dairy farm. 131 A. Pa., Vottavllle, 9 ree., store in each, $8,001. Pa., Bucka Co.. stocked farm, 91 A.. $U.uot. Pa,, Westmoreland Co., 110 A. and Impta. Pa., FrankUn Co., 48 A. end Impts., $ 00. Pa.. Bradford Co., 16 A. and tmpn., 3 100. 8. D.. Hand Co., 160 A. and Impts.. $3,200. 8. D.. Walworth Co., 160 A impts.. $;0u0. Tenn.. Oibson Co., i'i A. 4t Irapts., tl.JM. Tex., near San Antonio, dairy larm, 35 A. Tex., Montague Co., 80 A. and Impts., $S0. vt.. Rut. and Co.. dairy farm. 18a A., $3.0o0. Va., Porahontai Co, 1701 A. 4b imp., 1,300 A. timber; flue cihI prospects. m.OJo Va., near Ncrfolk. I A. and Impta., 84 000. Va., Aug ista Co., physician's res.. 31 A. Wash.. Chhal's Co.. tqpi. farm. IT! A Wis., Portage Co.. 100 A. A Impts.. $1,600. Wis., I lover. Btor M-lg., 6 lots. $150. Wis.. Jacks, n Co., 240 A. A Impta., $2. WW. Wis.. Langlade Co., M) A. & Impts., $3 ivo. W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. BLD'l., Phlla. RE 171 9x It's Fine. K37 A new I-room cottage, wltk gaa and irw,ler' ln BeT.U park. fuU lot. Frice, $c. oca PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tb!. 173. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE W7 I FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. S3 to S12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Unlon Pacific R. R OMAHA. NEBRASKA. LOOK AT THIS. Only $3,000 tor 9-room house with good stable, near 24:h and Corby. Bemls, Pax ton Block. RE 143 9 $3 04). l-rooin, all-modern house, paved street. Certainly 19! 4 California, south front, cheap at $3 000. THE BYRON TiEED COMPANY. RE 1TJ I Only $1,100 for 6-room cottage near 24th and Amea ave. Beuiia, 1 'ax loo Block. RE $41 I FOR ALE REAL ESTATE. GOO DIN VESTMENT Iot 80x160, two-story. 11 rooms, all mod ern, good location, one block street car, south rrom, .uw. ree blocks to school and church; good loca tion; party wanting to sell on account of leaving city, w.ovu. Very nice 7-room houae, south front; lot 6oxll0. block and a half to street car and two blocks from school, easy walking dis tance of city. $1,400. Two-story, 7-room house, gas. city water; corner lot. good location, close to street car. school and church, $l.O0. Very nice six-room house a few blocks west I cr nign scncoi; nouse in nrei-cisss conai- tlon. $1,200. 50x140, t-room house: bath, closet and sewer i connection; paved street, permanent slue , walk; located In Hanscom place district. $2,300. Eight-room, all modern house In H.msoom i place nnrl one 9-room. nlo modern. $2 1, I with paved street, a t paid In full. Thla ! will bear Investigation. Al' mode n 6-roo-nonse, Twenty-t! Ird near j Capitol avenue. $2 S00. I Lot 6UXU-, In good location, paved atreet, i all paid for. Will offer this for a few t dava for $450. Three acres ground, and more can he had at the rate of la per acre. If wanted; food birn. chicken house, sixty bearing rult trees, good we 1. etc.; live Mocks from street car In west part of city. $1.20". I also have first-clef's acre property In anv part of the city at reasonable, low prices. J. A. LOVGREN. 438-7 Paxton niock. R E 335-9 BUSINESS LOT ONE BLOCK FROM POSTOFFICE South Omaha, on 24th St 60x160 feet, larga enough for three stores. which would rent for $") each a montii; lot cost owner about $.0CO. hut he la a nonresident ana needs money; -,rtJ win buy it. H-I"1GS BLDO. HEYDEN, 510 N. Y. LIFE RE 101 9x A Good Speculation. Lot nnxl.'t. on which there are fl housrs thst rent for $M a month. Price, IHTO. located on the southwest corner of loth and Pierce Bts. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPAN Y Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. Life Tldg. Rii l'ib 9 TRACKAGE CORNER. 66x132 with two-story brick sioro building. A SNAP, only $i,5tiu. Eemls. PHXten Block. RE 513 9 ro in acre for 240 acres near Irvlngton. Neb. Can all be cultivated. If you want vhla you will have to hurry. See. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 175 9 TWO SNAPS 160 acres seven miles southwest of Norfolk: almost level, tine black loam son, small aah grove, 120 acrfs under cultivation, 40 acrea of meadow that will cut 76 tona of hay, fenced, but no other improvements. Price. $30 per acre. SZ9 acres four and a half miles west of Pierce; good loam s-'ll. almost level slop ing slightly to the north, I) acrea under cultivation, 160 acres first class hay land cutting 200 tone of hay, 80 acres good pas ture land; no Improvements; price, $21 per acre. For further Information call on or writ Tracy A Durland, Norfolk, Neb. RE RICH farm and stock lands, 60c to $2 an acre. Farmers and homeseekers wanted to Join large colony to South America. Write for booklet on Argentine. South American Colonists Co., No. 1 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. RE- I 9-ROOM houae, built for home: barn, shade trees, two full lota, high and sightly. In west part of the city; house Is partly modern and In good condition; owner making a change. A snap for some one. $1,600. ; HARRISON & MORTON, 912-1$ N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE M2S1 10 I-ROOM hcuso and lot 60x80, 1st floor brick. 2d story framo, good barn, new roofs put on this spring and woodwork painted, new guttering. 2014 South Id St.; prlca, I'y'O; $110 cash and easy erms on balance, falter Breen, 303 80. 13th. RE 27$ 9 HOUSES FOR SALE. $6,500 for new house, 7 rooms. In desirable location. West Farnam St. district. $3,760 for new 7-room house, modern, open plumbing, a very attractive house rear H'gh school. I?, 250 for No. 211 N. 23d St.. 5-room house, bath. etc.. lot 40xS6. $1,E00 for 8-room bouse near 18th and Nicho las S'.s., house Is In first-class condi tion. . $1,250 for cottage, No. 3819 N. ISth St., near Manderson St.. lot 00x140 feet, fine shade and fruit trees. UEOP'SE COMPANY, jl Farnam Su RE 272 9 I-ROOM MODERN HOT'SK. a-.. Vi n irm fnr a K-r. COttaCB cloie in. to t houses on one lot. one new. to exrhanre j for a stock or grocenea; rental vniae, i JSTn?0!-. Ufe. B. R. Ball. Phone B 1229. RE 330 9 $2 800 A NEW 6-r modern house, n. e. cor. roth and Paul 8ts.; easy terms. Address K 46, Bee. RE-331 9 ' f 2 JO-00 I For fine high building lot, 25th and Mn 1 ton; $10 cash and $0 a month. See how 1 easy It Is to become a property owner ! HASTINGS HEYDEN, 610 N. T. L. Bldg. Only $1,900 for new 14-tory house near $4th and Fort Bts. Bemls, Psxton Block. $1000. tSH Capitol Ave., I-room house, city water, full lot. barn. A snap at the price asked. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 171 9 I acres of land sdjolnlng Red Oak. Ia.. with a good 6-mom cottage, barn and car riage house. 20x32: poultry house, hog house, coal house and a large amount of peaches, apples, plumbs and other fruit. $3 000.0 The Improvements are worth moro than the price asked for the place. There la $1.60006 Incumbrance due March 1. 19C. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR. BEE BLDO. RE 287 I W. H. GATES. 617 N. T. Life. "Phone 1294. 7-room modern, up-to-date house on JOth, south of Dodge; a very cheap home In a choice location, for only $3. 000.00. 7-room house, modern except furnace, barn, south front on Farnam. near Lowe ave nue, $2,800.00. . $-room cottage and ground liwxlls, on Dav- ..ESSTV near ssin street, oniy o.v-j -.-u. cottage, tarn, lot S-'xi). on imnei, ..... - 4-1.1 t" 1 ill 1.1 T rooms. ' modern except furnace. Locust street, near 16ia street; rents for M-OUl I Vooms, brick, paved atreet. barn. $1,800.00. A rice home close to car line. 4-room cottage, neat home. Grant. $900. Vacant lot. 4uxl40. east front, on 22d, near Buriette, only $".(. ., 62x124 on lih 8t near Locust paving and permanent walks paid for. FREE. We sell real estate everywhere. Dtscribe what you wish to buy or sell and learn how we do It by quick, new original methods. U. S. Realty Trus 187 Broadway, New York. RE WE HAVE a beautiful east front lot on 18th street, near Clark, about 1 feet above grade; Juat lignt. Call and get our rock bottom price. Cheapest and Lest. HASTINGS HEYDEN. HON. Y. Life Big. RE 1W 9 WE CAN sell your house and lot If price is right. Wo have customers wanting to HASTINGS HEYDEN. 610 N. Y. Life Big. I Rkr-1 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DON'T READ THIS 1 There are lively times ahead and just ahead, in Omaha Real Estate. Values are on the rise, examine carefully our list of properties below Then come and see us. IMPROVED PROPERTY. West Farnam district, 7-room house, brand new, on vast lront lot 60x124, sewer, water and gis. porce atn batn, marble wash basin, nl "kt'l-plated plumbing, gaa and electric light, with combination ilxtures; cellar under whole house, with good fur nace and coal bins. Price, $3 ou. Reason able rash payment down, balance monthly if deslrtd. iiSJ Kranklin St., a complete 5-oom cot tage, with hath, gas. water closet, paved street, permanent sidewalk, special taxes all pnld. nice shade, only $2.0u0. In Hcinis Park district, a cosy, complete cottage home of 5 rooms, with bath, wssh basl.i, toilet, gas. hot and cold water, nice collar, corner lot. only $l.fioO. Easy terms. 2fc Seward St.. 7 rooms, with city water, cistern, sewer In street. This property Is being foreclosed and can be sold at a big bargain If taken at once. Perfect title de livered. $1.3(. lS:t Franklin St., 6 rooms, with city water, brick sidewalk, asphalt pavement, all paid for. onlv $1 200. JVth and Blnney St.. we have a lot 13J-ft. front and 136 ft. deep, making one-half sere, with a good S-room house and out bull'Mnps, for t:2on. $319 Miami St.. lot Ujxl20. with 4-room house and 1 am. for $. In beautiful Clifton Hill, 8-room. all-modern hous?, Including furnace, with elegant shade, corner lot, south snd east front, two blocks from car. Owner bound to sell. Anv reasonable offer will be ac cepted. S?e us quick. 2ia N. rith St.. east front, lot 50x128. with a well built 4-room cottage, hard oil finish, with fruit, shade, good repair, cistern, fence, two b'ocks from car, for $800. 19 9 8. 2;th St., Urge 8-room house and Hrse barn, house all modern. Including furnnce, paved street and permanent side walk, all paid In full, only s;.6no. 13d and Nicholas St.. we have a lot 132x170, with small house, for lo.OOn. VACANT PROPERTY. An elegant east front. 50-ft lot on S5th St., Just north of Farnam St.. cheapest lot In west Farnam district, considering the lo cstlon. Price. i.&Q. A beautiful building lot In Bemls park, one block from car. with brick sidewalk, with sewer, water and gas In street, for $550 Buy this lot and build your house to suit. Choice luvft. east frontage, on 43d St.. lust north cf Dodge St.. two full lots, and owner has Just authorised us to let them go for onlv $it. A snap. On Franklin St.. J'ist west of S3d St.. good building lot for $.70. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 'Phone miG. 60l-j N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 32 9 THINK OF IT LOT ON BINNEY STREET. EAST OF 16TH. ONLY $500 Cost owner $2,100 In 1891. This is the best lot in Omaha for the money. Close to car and across from proposed park. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 510 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE 183 9 I WANT a six or seven-room houae near 71st and Blnney Sts. for $2,600 cash. Ad dress K $3, Bee. N-181 9 Only $1,400 for 7-room house near S3d and Cuming sts. Bemls. paxton biock. RE 14$ 9 FARMS AND RANCHES Vi.ST.MK.NT6. Vou tan And great bar gains ln the Union Pacific. Co.'s list of unsold sections. Only one-tenth cash re quired. Ask r'leld, 22J South Hi-, Omaha. A MILLION ACRES GRAZING LAND IN WYOMING for sale by t:ie Union Paclno at fifty cents per ucre only one-tentli cash. If you want a land Investment try this. Field. 222 South Uth St., Omsha. UNION PACIFIC LANDS IN COLORADO nre selling fust. Low prices, splendid climate and one-tenth cash for first pay ment are the attractions. Field, ZZ2 South 13th St., Omaha. KANSAS IS BLEEDING aln this time with prosperity greater than ever. First class wheat land for sals ln western Kansas st from $5 to $10 per acre one tenth rash. You will make no mfstake by looking this up if you want a new home or an Investment. Field, i-Z South 13th 8t., On-.ahu. INVEST OR SPECULATE IN UNION PACIFIC LANDS and yuu will be aatis f.ed. Ask for full iafoimatiou about (he tig land business now under way in Col orado, Kaunas and Nebraska. Don't be the last to Join the prooesslon. Field, 222 South 13th St.. Omaha, RE-M10 11 WANTED Good farm. 80 to 190 acrea; will pay good rent. McAahlan Bros., bos lo7, Neola, Iowa. RE M141 9x HOMESEEKERS Bend for catalogue and price list of California homes; opportuni ties unsurpassed; cheap lands, improved and unimproved. Shepherd-Teague Co., 1123 "J" St., Fresno. CaL RE 194 9x 158 ACRES near Council Bluffs fine or chard, barns, creek, seven-room houae. close to proposed electric line, high bot tom; snap at $.'7.50. Address 204 Supp block, Council Bluffs. RE 192 i $1,100. 2102 Ohio street, S-room cottage, city water, south front. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 178 Home of your own. Same as rent. We have several houses and lots that we will sell on monthly payments same as rent. Come In and get full particulars. We have one of 8 rooms. 2 of i rooms. I of 6 rooms, I of 1 rooms. Bemls. Paxton Block. RE $43 9 SALINE COUNTY farms are the beat. I have aome bargains. Write for particu lars at ooce. F. U. Johnson. Dorchester, Neb. . RE M5-Ii 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from postoftice. for sale cheap. luS N. 15th. Benewa Co. RE 747 HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 6. Bee Bldg. RE 746 RANCH and farm lands for sale by tha Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAlleater. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KE 748 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E, 14 f arnam street. RE 74$ 6-ROOM cottage, with barn and little work shop, full lot with shade trees, close to Farnam Bt. ear and only 10 blocks from tha city hall owner going west $1,100. HARRISON & MORTON 912-13 N. Y. LIFE TEL 314 RE 139 $9,609. The biggest snap ever offered In trackage perty. 44x133 feet on 1WH street. Baa. THE BVRON REiD COMPANY. JLE-1791 i.avd rtirjiTttva itnvu 'iwv fvmv PACIFIC IN NEBRASKA-Cl.oicc Yr llrii it ri ill only 1.50 to $5 per acre-one-teuth cash. 9.1 tf0 i r .ZiL i-ield. c-l Soutli Lth St.. Omaha. - m?a"n;ri.f;00t. NEBRASKA LANDS ARE CHOICE IN- LSV? ?- t0'? A S"r- "iA' " n- 20'00- FOR 9 ILK-RK tl. F.STATK. Going to Canada August 10, 1903, Don't forget the day or ssy you can't spare time to go. YOU CAN T AFFuRD NOT TO GO. 8ueh crops you never saw before JCvery one buys that sees our lands, which are still selling at from V to $10 an acre. Bound to Le higher when present option expires. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 510 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE 184 9 Only $1.9o0 for good $-room house near Ilth and Manderson sts. Bonis, Paxton Block. KE 343 9 LIST your property with the Byron Reed Company if you want to sell It. RE 180 9 r ESI R ABLE HOUSE WEST PART CITY. $11.0"0 for 13d N. .".Mh Ave., east front lot 0xl66 feet, known ss J. H. Mcintosh place; 11 rooms. s:rlctly modern through out, combination furnace and hot water lest, oak finish and hard wood floors on first floor. Also go'jd barn. Possession csn be given any time. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1801 Farnam 8L RE MD04 8 25-scre FRUIT FARM. 2 houses, barn for six horses, large chicken coop, granary, etc. 200 apple trees. IX peach, 130 cherry, Son grape vines, 13 pear trees, some pffims. 1,000 gfiosehery bushes. H acre raspberries. Only $5,000; H cash and balance on good terms. Present owner Is retiring There aro very few opportunities of this kind, so Investigate at once. Bemls. Paxton Block. RB 14.1 9 FOR REST-HOMES. HOI IF? ln " faru of ty. R- nUUOCJ c. Peters Co., Bee Bldg. HDl IF i P?r of the city. The I1UUOCO o. J Davis Co., fids n,0 Bid D 4 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO., choice houses 601-13 New lork Life Bldg. Phone JOIb. WE MOVE rii nos. Maggard Van & ;or 14si. (.'Kk. i;ii Wehsti-r t. I -: age Co. Tel. CENTRAL, 1st -class 7-room house. 2M N. 23, D-M477 HOUSES, Insurance. Itlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 607 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage ... . HI ,.111. L.' ........ .r . .... . " ' LO., UII1V.C wii m ruiiium, ui iCIS. l.ViS-NiJ. D8 l-UOOM house, modern improvements. j3ij Capitol Ave. a-Md64 Ix 7-ROOM house, modern Improvements. 1313 Capitol Ave. jj m&mI 8x FOR RENT. 7-room cottage, modern con veniences, nice yard. SlU Park Ave. Wm K. Potter, Receiver, 3u3 Brown Blk. D 150 MODERN 6-room eottagef $36.00; ;?05 Sher man Ave. u. c. aurmngton, U0B Bee. D 771 EIGHT rooms, modern improvements, N. F. cor. ffith and Jones sts. Simeon Bloom, 416 Karbach block. D-119 9 FOR RENT A neat 8-room house, all mod ern except furnace. $18. C. M. Barhmajin, -4.!6-37 Paxton block. D M136 107 8. 2fTH. F-room cottage, eltv water, $; IG19 Howard. 4-room modern" flat. $17.50; ethers. King alt Bros., Barker blk. D-M135 9 FOR $50. RENT Eleven-room 8124 Poppleton ave. modern house, D 210 9x FOR RENT Sept. or Oct. 1. 10-room house, modern except furnace. 4751 Capitol ava. D 209 9x 8-ROOM modern house. SCd and Cass Sts. Call at Room 436, Board of Trade. D 268 FOR RENT, modern house. 2318 Douglas Bt. Apply 609 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-M178 U I ROOMS and barn. 2014 South 2d; house newly roofed and painted this spring; rent, $6. Waltvr Breen, 309 South 13th. D-274 I FOR RENT. tVr. cottage, city 181! Lake 8t. water In- 29i8 Grant St.. 6-r. cottage, city water In- siae. cistern. Darn, good repair, 8H.PO. 1810 N. 36th Bt., t rooms, good well. $7.60. 523 Irt St.. 8-r. modern house, steam heat, fine large yard and barn. $25. 2510 So. 33d Ave., fine 7-r. modern house with barn. 810; vacant August 15. 4510 Seward St.. 9-r. house, good repair. city water instae, mi. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. D-271 9 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT, i 524 60. 20th. 8 rooms, modern. $36.00. mm poppicion, i-r., modern, j.'B.uu. 2110 So. 34th. 8 rooms. fJ U). 2610 N. 19th St., 8-r., modern. $17.50. 24J3 Cuming. 4-room flat, $10.00. lis. Corby, 6 rooms, city water, $13.00. GARVIN BROS. Com. Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam Bt. , D 2C9 9 NINE-ROOM all modern house ln chelce West Farnam district; furnished If de aired. The Byron Reed Company. D 160 I FOR RENT $24. 8-room modern house. No. 1719 Park Ave.; new plumbing; also No. l?o So. 13th st., 7 rooms, 2d floor, $14. W. H. Vhomaa, 603 1st Nat l bank. D 163 9x FOR RENT, to married couple without new furniture, china, plate, etc.. complete fcr housekeeping. Owner and daughter would like rooms and board with tenant. For further particulars nddresa K 40. Bee orace. l su 3033 8. 18th ave.. l-r., city water, close to Hn O m r 17 1410 N. 17th. 3-r.. city water, close In $7, 713 8. Slth, choice l-r. cottage, city water, fronting on new boulevard only s. 834 8. 17ih. nice 4-r. apartment, wlih bath room onlv 811.60. 1837 N. $4th. choice l-r. apartment, city water, closet. Bewer all ror ii. ? K"ln flwir1. nine 4Wr. cottage 817. 140 N. 40th, hannaome, new, -r., suiciiy modem home ia. 9-r. strictly modern house In Hanacom nark district, all nicely papered and nalnted throughout and In splendid re pair, 1342 8. 27lh; liberal terms to desirable tenant. We have three fine houses, strictly mod ern, of 9 to 12 rooms each, within walk ing distance, at $40 to $). Don't fail to Inquire about them If you want some thing good close In. PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., Sixth floor. 6)1-1-3 N. Y. Life bldg. D-S04 9 TEN-ROOM avenue. modern houae. 2601 Capitol D M2-.4 16s FOR RENT I-room cottage. Wi North 18th at,, $1L Inquire at 907 North lfHh street. D-M311 11 MODT7RN. 8. 2Sth. 7-room house, near park. 15.19 t-M3:t COST I-room cottage, vacant or furnished; pretty home; lawn, city water, filtered cletern cemented cellar; Iavvnworth car line one block. 914 S. 0th. D 317 Is FOR RENT Fine. new. 9-room house. Just completed; WEST FARNAM district; oak finish, fine plumbing, furnaoe heat; lase three to five years to good tenant; keys s office. $.101 rooms, cor. Georgia and Woolworth; all modern, good reoalr. D. V. SHOLES CO.. Telephone 49. 722 N. T. T.lfe. D-SU BrSIJKII CHAXCE. A GOOD business chance for man with small capital: Days $.H0 ner month clear: beat town in illack iilln bee office Address J 69, 1-Mo 11 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange any property or business quick, Bre J. H. Johnson.. 64$ N. Y. Life. T-744 WHERE Is there a Nebraska town that wanta a weekly newspaper? 1 want a location for one; 10 years experience In newtpnper work: have some capital. Ad dress iC 21, Bee. Y-M137 Is A OOOD paytng 11-room hotel for sale ln Wood River. Neb., at a bargain; owner lives In Chicago la the object ln Belling. Mitchell 4k Faught, Wood River, Nep. Y-iiwa IT IS TRUE Cotton is the t:E3T Investment. Iietter tlian Boii,ls-pas more profit safely. Letter than Stoiks n. Speculation. Better than Grain-greater results without gambling P.etter than Horse Lacing avheines no harsrdous risKs Petter than Mining or Oil Ventures na "hole In the ground" In which to sink cspltsl Yes. Cotton Is the Rest Investment for tangible profits and vl -ible assets. Capital always subject to daft. Partloulsrs. pamphlets free. Storey Cotton Co.. Bourse, Philadelphia. Y M1A6 9x RF.PTAURANT with I furnished rooms In connection. In town of 7u0; only one In town; best reasons for selling; price, $a0. Address Box 101, Gibbon. Neb. T-M16-' 8x BUSINESS BARGAINS. Western Hydraulic and Motor Engine Mfg. riant, patterns and mchy.; national trade, :.:d. Catering, confect. bua. and eqpt., Minne apolis. Oen'l mdse. stock: good Md. town. $4,000. Millinery bus., bldg. 2 lots, Clovls, Cal., $1.:'. Iloirl. 8 lota and 24-A. farm. Hancock, Wis.; Ilverv bua.. at Inventory. Complete bakery and bus.; store, dwel. and stables. Brantford, Ont.. $20,000. Electrical bus., stock and flxt.. Denver, $7.6oo. Spring water bus. and complete eqnl., cov ering 7 lots, Steubenvllle, O., $2 6O. Patent bath brush, new. novel. $10 noo. Restaurant bus. and o"t., I'ottsvllle. Pa. Ororerv bus., store, dwel.. Coblesklll. N. Y. Modern furnished hotel, Hinckley, III, $6,700. Formula for making glue, Sio.ono. Stationery dept. store, 8. Norwslk, Conn. Fur. hotel and 1 A.. Berwyn. Pa . $21,000 Weeklv newspaper and printing planl. res. and 1 lots. Wilson Creek. Wash., $3,800. Ky., selling rights for self-hosting Iron. Formula for antiseptic patent medicine, $600. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. BLPV. Phlla. Y-I25 x WANTED Man with $l.ono to take half In terest In amusement Co.; can book for entire winter south; will pay at least $3 0 per week; best of references- this will bear Investigation. Address K $7. Beo office. Y $39 x A RARE Investment offered by a Urge transportation company now placing lim ited Issue Mock for the purpose of In creasing Its present equipment: more made necessary In orclM- to hand's enormoiui volume new freight and passenger busi ness. The stock of this compsny pays the largest regvlar dividends of any trans portation shares In the United States. Subscriptions of $lrt and up received and special terms of payment allowed. For fall particulars of present exceptional subscription opportunity. Address "M Line." 16U2 Title and Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. Y-38 9X RESTAURANT with six furnished rooms In connection In town of 7"o; only one In town; good reasons for selling; price, $2.Vf. Address Box 101. Olbbon. Neb. V 237 9x OET RICH growing ginseng; Missouri man sold i),iu worth from Vi acre one yeur; enormous profits; mesger supply; immense demand; we eel' seeds and cultivated plants; plunt in fall; grow In city or coun try; send 4c postnjre for 55 page liook telling all about enormous, easily earned protlt and copy of our mngaxlnn "The Ginseng Garden." Chlnese-A merlcnn Gin. aeng Co., Connell Building, Scranton, Pa. Y-235 9x FOR SALE The onlv livery and feed stable In town; barn 60x75, la head or driving horsea, one stallion; snap If taken soon. Address G. Deuel, Meadow Grove, Neb. Y 234 9x WE HAVE proven our ability to earn '--0 per cent month'y cash dividends; $.V snd multiples thereof will positively yield Im mense refurnE semi-monthly ; an abs- lutely safe and sound business proposi tion; write for free booklet. John It. Pearson & Co., Oak Tark Station. Chi cago, III. Y 233 9x THIS BEAT8 NEW JBRSEY-Charters procured under South Dakota lows for a few dollars; write for corporation laws, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Ijiw renco, late assistant secretary of stale, Huron, Bead'.e Co., South Dakota. Y-231 Ix $30.00 EARNS $1,000.00 IN ONE MONTH. This represents average profits for past seven months; no oil wells, gold mine, stocks; a straightforward, honorable busl ntas proposition, coming from an estab lished corporation with $100.0n0.00 capital; national bank references; write for par ticulars.. Star A Creacent Co., 236-228 Iji 8a lie at.. Chicago. Y-Z31 9x THE C. E. Rand company, co-operative, owners of race horses and genersl turf enterprises, have never paid less than I per cent weekly In addition to their quar terly dividends, which have averaged from 6H per cent to 11H per cent to all investors of $20.00 snd upward; particulars free on request. The C. K. Rand Com pany, 33 Broadway, New York City. Y-230 9x HENS setting six days Instead of 11. and how lo make 1500 year'y with 12 hens. Metropolitan Supply and Novelty Co., 6th and Minnesota ave., Kansas City, Kan. Y 220 ix FOR SALE Well-eoulpped six-column folio I newspaper plant with good patronage and real estate office; splendid territory for both; Invoice over $600: will give a bar gain If taken at once. Lock Box I. Pleas anton, Iowa, Y 228 9x FOR BALE The Wlckwlll hotel in Hooper, Neb. ; 'town has 1.000 population and hotel Is doing good business; rate, $2 a day; only ftrst-claati hole! In town; headquar ters for traveling men; slcknem reason for selling. For particulars address Joe Vlasalc Y-M236 llx S PER CENT WEEKLY. You can handle your own money and rea lise an average Income at the above rate; send for our free booklet, which explains our method In full. GEORGE F. REYNOLD8 A CO., Hawthorne, 111. Y 236 x We Can Show You. How '$20.00 earned $1,000 in a 'safe, legiti mate enterprise. Absolutely reliable. No fake mining or stock scheme. Thla offer Is made by an old established Arm of 17 years' standing. Fitzgerald A Well. 1SJ 1M LaSalle St., Chicago. Y 227 9s FOR SALE One-half Interest ln stock of General merchandise situated in live town n, northeast Nebraska, with a fine sur rounding country; has good, well estab lished trade. Address W. L. Smith, Lyons, Neb. V A rare"chance For somebody If taken anon; fine 14-bed hotel for sale or rent, doing a big busi ness. Write to me for particulars. Harry J. Herring. Lusk. Wyo. Y CASH for your real estate or bualneas, no natter where located. If you desire a quirk sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 112, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Y FOR TRADE, merchandise, clean, staple stocks of goods; one particularly desirable deal. Ill.Oou.OO; another, $5.6o0.00; another, $15.000 00; good landa and reasonable, amount caah to pay bills will take these. Have large exchange Hat and can get you fair, square deals. List your wants with us. Stocks of all kinds In different locali ties. Prompt attention to all Inquiries. Capitol Mercantile Exchange, 204 Dally News Bldg.. St. Paul. Minn. Y-170 9x STOCK general merchandise that owner Is compelled to sacrifice at some price; In voice. $2,700; good town, I.60O; $ railroads; 60 miles from Lincoln: the greatest bar gain In the state: beat offer takea It In next ten days. Come and Investigate If vou want a snap. Don't delay. Addreas Box 193, Stronishurg. Neb. Y int 9s CONFECTIONERY and stationery store, with soda fountain. In Black Hills gold mining town of l.OuO population; doing $1,000 per month caah business: make big profits; will sell st Invoice, $1,000. C. W. Barker. Lead. 8. V. Y-kil 9s $f"0.000 CORPORATION with national sav. Inga and private banks Indorsement, so licits subfccririilous from conservative In vesters tuVbaolutely safe auocess-ast ured, enormously profitable and strlctlv legiti mate modern business proroltloeT "which, guarantees holders of l.OuO sharps of stock and upwards 12 per cent dividends or bet. ter Irulde of nine months on redemption of slock one year after laaue at tha pur chase price with 20 per cnt Interest on Investment; particulars at Interview or mall. Bouihlen aV Cleveland, I006 Unity Building. Chicago, Illinois. Y-2U 5 FOR SALE Real estate and Insurance busl cess ln the best town snd County tu north east Nebraska; leading Insurance agency In town of 1.600. Partiea engaging ln btw bualneas. K 44, car of Bee- Omaha X-M33-U