Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1903, PART 1, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
5s in ft'c t- rv ft
PAGES 1 TO 10.
Trraoh Writer Telli Hew Pontiff What that
Cotintr j Wants of Kim.
Eminder of Country May Add Enough to
Keep Him Bntj for Time.
Offers to Pawn One and Ttrow in Royal
Crown ai Eeourity.
Eitrtnn lit Following I'p Testimony
la Flcht for Millions
th Prearknaa to
Copyrlght. IK), by Fresa Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug-. 8. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Emile Olllver,
a member of the French Academy and an
eminent writer. In an article on France's
relatione with the papacy which may be
brought about by election of a new pope,
numerates these things that France hopes
from Plus X:
1. That he may have a conciliatory spirit
In hla examination of his nominations for
2. That he may forbid all meddling In
France s a mora, either ry orders or aavice.
I. That he may m dlarouragn the mainte
nance of a Catholic party that there may
exist only a single great liberal party. In
which the Catholicn will have a olace.
4. That he will allow the French to de
cide for themselves whether a republic or
monnrcny suits tnem nest.
6. Thug he may dissipate all mlundsr
standings by affirming in a solemn and def
Inlte faahlnn that lllnrty of conscience and
tolerance are irrevocable conquests, against
wnicn tne court or Home nourishes no con
cealed evil Intent.
Bernhardt at Her Beat.
Bernhardt Is said to have been
at her beet In Alcard's new
drama. "The Legend of the Heart
which she produced recently In the theater
of Orange, In the south of FTance. with
great success. The play Is built upon one
of the stories In Boccaccio's "De Cameron."
In the original story the Jealous husband
tears out the heart of hla wife's lover,
has It delicately sploed and cooked and
serves It to her. She eats It and finds It
to her taste. Then he tells her what she
has eaten, whereupon she throws herself
from the window, saying that after the
heart of her lover no other dl.h shall pass
her Hps.
Alcard ha elaborated this story, but
has avoided the horrible scene of the
woman eating her lover's heart He makes
the servant who. at his master's command,
sets mastiffs on the lover, become mad at
the sight, fancy himself a great black
dog of the plain, come raging on the
scene and recount to the Lady Alice the
death of her lover. Then she kills herself.
Bernhard plays the role of the lover.
Cabestalng. - ,
Ameses at Fair Case.
A Toulouse court Is taking the
testimony- of Charles- OaMte.-- an "'em
ploye of an Insurance company living
In Paris, relative to the Fair will case. Mr,
Oallte swears that on April 30, while he was
going In a train from Parts to Toulouse, he
heard an Unknown woman say that while
she was a passenger on a transatlantic
steamer with Masse and Mauranne she
heard one of them admit that they really
were nowhere near Passy when the auto
mobile accident occurred In which the Fairs
were killed. This would seem to be the
limit of such testimony. Even the Paris
papers, appreciating the absurdity of this
continual cropping up of new witnesses.
say that anyone not present at the Fair
accident can soon get a place In a museum,
A oomlc paper represents a judge asking a
"Since you were present at the Fair accl
dent, which died first T" and the witness re
plying. "Only, God and the Vanderbllts
Craay Over Balloons.
A well-dressed, under-slsed, bronsed
stranger appeared at the government pawn'
shop on Rue Servant one day thla week and
i fciased the clerks there by saying:
' ' "I am momentarily short of money and
would like a loan on one of my balloons.
"On your balloon?" echoed a clerk.
"Certainly. I am Santoa-Dumont and my
No. I Is at the door. Please go out and est!
mate the best loan possible."
A putsled employe was going to seek the
manager, when the stranger added con
"You will find a man In the basket of th
balloon. Be careful how you address him
He Is the king of England and wants a loan
on his crown."
This was too much, and a policeman was
called, who took the lunatic to the station.
Little has been done In ballooning here
this week. Santoa-Dumont has overworked
and Is ill at home. The Lebaudy's and M
Jaune'made several successful ascents a
Mantes with a small balloon about th
else of Santos' No. t. Jaune came to Paris,
ctrcle'd Eiffel tower and returned to Mantes
Without Incident.
In a characteristic editorial In the Intran
sigent Henry Rochefort pays a tribute to
Cantos' courage and generosity, but reOecta
n the nalvette he showed In trusting Gen
eral Andre by offering the use of his bal
loons to the war ministry.
"Doesn't the honest, frank, little Brasll.
Ian seer' asks Mr. Rochefort. "the old
traitor Andre's motive In appointing twe
of his agents to participate In Santos' ex
periments? Even If those agents are hon
est, doesn't he know that Andre Is Dreyfus'
friend, who la putting Jews at the head of
our army wherever posalble. and will
promptly communicate all of Santos' bal
looning secrets to the Dreyfuaarda. who. in
turn, will communicate them to Oermany?
Undoubtedly It Is lmpoaatble for thla brave.
Ingenuous aeronaut to appreciate the depths
of Infamy of the scoundrela who are hold
ing France by the throat while their ac
complices search their pockets."
Math of Her Sea to Receive the Honor
from the lulveralty of
Copyright, 1901. by Press .Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug. I (Now York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Florence Mary
Fitch of Stratford. Conn., has received a
doctor's degree from Berlin university with
honors. Only nine women have taken this
high degree, three of whom are Ameri
cans. Miss Fitch Is the daughter of a
Protestant clergyman. She waa educated
at Buffalo and then la Oberlln college, O..
taking a bachelor's drgree In 1K7. She waa
a teacher la the High school at Buffalo
and came to Oermany In 1. The subject
of her thesis for the degree was "t'Uilta-
Womu Makes Startllag Accusations
Against the Lowvro
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co )
PARIS, Aug. 8-(New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram) Mme. Farma-
glannl, alias Marsy, sent for the World
correspondent yesterday to make this state
"I have already told of my persecution
by the police, but I want to make clear
why those in high authority dealre to ruin
me commercially out of revenge.
'I am an exoellent art expert myself.
hut the so-called Parmaglannl Is a wonder.
We always carefully studied all of tha
cqulsltlons of the Louvre, and often
laughed at the high prices given out
s paid for the objects secured, end won
ered who rocketed the difference between
the announced price and the actual value.
Three years ago we saw and pronounced
the famous tiara of Saltophernes merely
clever imitation, and worth at most not
more than franc ($6,000). Naturally
some one got the difference between some
such sum and the KW.000 francs (110,000)
said to have been paid.
It Is a remurkable fact that In thla
Instance the money was paid Immediately,
whereas usually objects offered are kept
on approbation and the money Is paid
long afterwards. We said this openly
nd even communicated our suspicions to
the press.
When Adolph Rothschild left some S.O00,-
000 francs ($1,000,000) worth of art treas
ures to the Louvre, he provided more than
200,000 francs ($10,000) for fitting up a room
for thorn. We experts saw at a glance that
the actual fitting up cost less than one-
quarter of that sum and did not hesitate
to ask openly who got the rest of the
money. Naturally this made us oetestea
by the Louvre authorities, who have seized
Parmaglannl to encompass our ruin.
"The so-called Parmaglannl Is shamefully
treated In prison. The electric light Is so
arranged that its glare In his eyes pre
vents sleep, and the keepers go to his cell
every quarter of an hour. When the case
Is settled we will make a bitter fight
against our persecutors and will make the
authorities suffer. Already they wish they
were out of the case.
"Once everything Is settled, we will leave
a country where there Is no justice either
for Christians or civilians, where men have
no respect for women, and expect them to
work for their support. In fact, we think
we shall decide to take all of our belong
Inge and go to America."
Proposal to Abolish It Raises
torn in the Hoaee of
(Copyright 1903. by Press Publishing Co)
LONDON. Aug. a. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The fero
city aroused by motor "scorching" on the
oountry roads has manifested Itself In a
way that has startled the motoring
fraternity In the House of Commons this
The ministers, aotuated by Premier Bal
four, who has been fined four times for
exceeding the speed limit. Introduced a bill
abolishing tha. speed limit. And. a set-oS
Increasing the penalties for furious driving,
providing means of Identification of ears
and requiring licenses for drivers. The
proposed abolition of the speed limit
provoked a hurricane of Indignation from
all quarters of the house, swamping the
premier and his small band of motorists
It was urged abolishing the speed limit
would render the country roads Impracttc
able for the purpose and that It was class
legislation of the worst kind.
One sedate tory asserted that if the
speed limit were sacrifled the country
people would take the law Into their own
hands, would lay obstructions In the road
for motors, would play village hose upon
them and he would solemnly vow that
he would start an anti-motor campaign
himself In his own district
Then the government climbed down and
offered a speed Umlt of twenty-five miles
In the country and eight In a town. But
tha majority would not consent to any
thing more than fifteen so a speed limit
of twenty miles was agreed to, and the
bill was saved.
Loral Mayor of Cork Makes i
With King Edward on Re
cent Visit.
(Copyright. 1908. by Press Publishing Co,
DUBLIN. Aug. l-(New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Lord Mayor
Fitzgerald of Cork,' whom King Edward has
created a baronet in recognition of the royal
party's cordial reception In that city, Is
politician of the New York Bowery order
He Is a builder, his business being chiefly
In carrying out municipal contracts. Locally
he Is known as "up with the shaft." be
cause of the final Installment on public con
tracts being paid when the chimney stark Is
erected. Fitzgerald's constant adjuration
to his workmen Is "Up with the shaft."
When Prince Henry of Prussia visited th
Cork exhibition last year Mayor Fitzgerald
wrung his hand at parting and said:
'Look here, ' don't forget to send your
brother (Emperor William) over here and
the Cork boys will give him the time of
hla life."
While King Edward, the duke of Con-
naught and the duchess were visiting the
exhibition In state, the duchess and the
counteaa of Bandon hesitated about step
ping Into a 'cartage, the horses being rest
less. Fitzgerald unceremoniously bundled
them In from behind, saying:
"Hurry up, girls, the lunch will be cold."
On taking leave of King Edward the
other day Fitzgerald consolingly aald:
"I'll see you before long again, as I'm
going to London In October."
Both the king and the queen were de
lighted with Fitzgerald and the king tells
everybody about him.
Freack Architect luable to leenre
file Claim Agalaat the
Persian Raler.
(Copyright ltt. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS Aug. . -(New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Philippe Merlat
a French architect. Is endeavoring to have
the ahah of Persia summond before The
Haguo tribunal to secure the payment of
a debt of X.00O franca (80.000). If he suc
ceeds he will establish a precedent covering
payments of disputed claims between gov
ernments and individuals. The question la
whether The Hague tribunal Is competent
to try such a caae. Mr. Merlat built the
Persian pavilion at the exposition of 11X
and. nothing being paid, kaa vainly sought
redress In the French courts So he was
advised by Deputy Cloares from Fin 1st err,
his counsel, to make the case an in-
International Incident
reichmen Demand that Ha be Sent to
Prison or to tee Madhouse.
Proclaims Himielf Emperor of the Sahara
and Locate Hit Capital.
Angeri the Arab and They Proceed te
Capture His Garrison.
rafortunute Men Are thea Carried
lato Iaterior as Prisoners and
Their Fata Stirs t'p FreaeJk
(Copyright, 1908. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. . (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) "To prison or to
the madhouse with Jacques Lebaudy," the
Paris press cries almost with one voice.
The public Is enraged at the wild eccen
tricities of tha millionaire In proclaiming
himself the emperor of Sahara, after seiz
ing a portion of the desert as his empire,
landing, and then deserting Ave of the crew
of his pleasure yacht Frasqulta.
The newspapers say his brother. Max,
commonly called by his nickname of "Le
Petit Sucrler" (the little sugar bowl), who
was noted for his association with "Co
cottes, racing touts, gamblers and black
mailing reporters" and also for his Infatu
ation for Mile. Mursy of the Theater Fran
cala, was "merely a fool, whose excesses
killed him at the age of 22," whereas
Jacques, called "Le Grand Sucrler" (the big
sugar bowl), is neither a dangerous lunatic
or a criminal, who probably has sacrificed
tha lives of five French citizens to the In
sanity often accompanying the Intoxication
of wealth.
The brothers got their nicknames from
the fact that their father's millions were
made In sugar.
Jacques Lebaudy engaged twenty sailors
at Havre to report aboard his yacht at
Las Palmaa, on the Canary Islands. On ar
rival there, June 1. the men found a small
schooner of fifty tons, which needed for
crew only the eight men whom they found
already aboard. Ten more were shipped,
however, and ten others were left there to
await orders. The yacht sailed June 10
and anchored off the coast of Morocco In
27 degrees, SO minutes, nerth latitude, op
posite the Canary Islands, between Cape
Juby and Surva. Lebaudy spent the night
ashore with ten of his men and after a few
hours' tour Inland declared the empire of
Sahara founded.
He selected a location for hla capital.
which he named Troja, and returned to hla
yacht, leaving five men ashore.
Angers the Arabs.
Landing again thirty miles south he en
countered a caravan of Arabs, Who amic
ably bartered camel's milk to the thirsty
eotloTsi rthaudr seised ait -AmTby-s.Bil
threw "him Into a boat" preliminary to tak
ing hire, to the yacht meanwhile making
the sailors salaam, prostrate themselves,
address htm as emperor and kiss his feet
In order to impress the Arabs. Finally
be returned the boy, alarmed by the
menacing actions of the Arabs, and then
arranged with the Arab chief to buy a
pretty Arab girl. But sbe objected, and
her screams so excited the Arabs that
Lebaudy and his men returned hastily to
the yacht
Lebaudy wished to return directly to
Las Palmas for the other ten men, aband
oning the five ashore, but the sailors pro
tested. Insisting on returning for their
companions. Of the Ave only one was
found, the quartermaster, a man named
Picard. and he had been made captive by
a band of Arabs who demanded 1,000 francs
($200) ransom. ' As Lebaudy refused to pay
the money the sailors raised It among
themselves. But when they went to pay
the ransom Picard and the Arabs had dis
appeared. The other four captives had
already been taken Inland.
Lebaundy threatened to maroon the men
for disobeying orders, but on his arriving
at Las Palma the French consul there
forced htm to send home the fifteen who
had come from Havre and whose papers
were said to be Irregular. The minister
of the colonies at Paris says he oannot
Interfere, but the minister of marine has
opened an Inquiry on the complaint Of
the sailors.
Frasqulta flew a triangular blue flag with
three golden balls. Lebaudy's letters ad
dreaaed to the authorities at Las Palmas
and elsewhere reporting the loss of his
saiiors were dated "Troja. Empire of
Sahara." and were signed by the "Chief of
the Emperor's household."
Lebaudy had trouble last year over Il
legally landing at the Iale of Wight and
at ths office of tha minister of marine in
Paris he conducted himself so that he
was regarded as a lunatic until properly
The latest dispatch from Las Palmaa re
ports that the Spanish authorities have
seized Lebaudy's yacht. Dahlia, for flying
the Portuguese flag without authority. The
yacht la being repaired and a Spanish gun
boat Is lying alongside.
Loses Game to His Friend and
Kills Himself In.
(Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co)
MOSCOW, Aug? I (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) A rich man
Of Moscow named Ivnnoff sat down to play
a game of cards at his club with a friend
named Maxlmoff, lost heavily, and at last
having no more money, proposed his wife
as a wager. Maxlmoff had been paying
court to Mrs, Ivan off for a long time and
accepted eagerly, putting up 1160.000 as a
counter wager. He won. Ivanaff. beside
himself, went Into the next room and shot
Roads Being Transformed Into Wide
Avenues aad Other Changes
(Copyright. 1903. ry Press Publishing Co.)
BRUSSELS. Aug. 8. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The coun
try around the battlefield of Waterloo la
being Improved. Among other things the
road leading from the Lion of Waterloo to
the state roads of Mont St. Jean. Blnche
and Brussels Is to be transformed Into an
avenue sixty-five feet wide. Ths route
from Brussels to Namur U likewise to be
Brilliant Reason Atones for
and Goodwood Social
(Copyright. 1!W8, by Press Publishing Co.)
CO WES, Isle of Wight Aug. 8. (New
York World cablegram Special Telegram.)
Regatta week this year has been one of
the most brilliant on record, making up
for the flascoes of Ascot and Goodwood.
The American contingent played a con
spicuous part In entertaining, but nowhere
was hospitality more lavish than aboard
Anthony J. Drexel's floating palace, Mar
garita, which James Henry (Chicago)
Smith has chartered, with his sister, Mrs.
Daniel Cooper, doing the honors.
"Smart parties" were taken aboard for
luncheon or dinner nearly every night by
Mrs. George Keppel, who Is acting as Mr.
Smith's social godmother. The dowager
(Consuelo) duchess of Manchester, Miss
Yznaga, Countess Lowe, Princess Henry of
Plcss, Me ," 'ady Randolph Churchill)
George V Lord Churchill, who is the
lord char aln, and the Ogdens end Ar
mours h' een among Margarita's guests.
It wa "- ected that King Edward would
lunch i yesterday, but he did not,
thous . i doubt under Mrs. Keppel's
aegis- . distinction may not be Impossi
ble r. Smith. He had a special or
che rom London, a chef of the highest
elf nd everything was carried out on a
sr.. . f luxurious magnificence almost tm
p.. .ented. The coat could not have been
less than $500 a day.
Last night there was a grand ball at
the Egypt house, given by the dowager
duchess of Manchester, at which the king
waa present. Mr. 8mlth and Colonel and
Mrs. Cooper were among the guests.
Lady Charles Bcresford. the wife of the
vice admiral, will sail for New York next
Wednesday to pay a number of visits and
remain some time. She Is notable for her
Independence and Individuality, she and
Lord Charles being an unconventional
couple. She Is an ardent admirer of Wag'
ner"s music, a taste which her sailor hus
band dBes not share. Formerly she was a
famous horsewoman, but now 'she Indulges
In the wild delights of motor "scorching."
Lady Charles has two daughters, one of
whom Is still at school. She Is a consider
able heiress, being the daughter of Richard
Gardner of Leicester and has been married
twenty-five years.
Among other notables who are about to
visit the United States Is tha marquis of
Graham, the eldest son of the duke of
Montrose, who has gone to Montreal with
Lord Brassey on the Sunbeam. He is
serious young man. He went right through
the South African war and then esaayed
to get Into Cape politics, but was not sue
cessful. He Is handsome, unmarried and
though not very wealthy, will Inherit a
considerable fortune.
Pngmaeioas Ball Dog is Hew the Fa.
Wortto Among the Really
well Ones.
(Copyright W. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. . (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) It would.
of course, tie. absurd to say that a love of
dogs le in any way hew to English society.
The grand father', fit ?he jureseot Lord
Lytton when" -paying caul uses' to leave
with her own card a tiny card upon which
was Inscribed. "Miss Fairy Butler Lytton,
the name of her pet dog. It may be doubted
If even the moat ardent members of the
Ladles' Kennel association would now
think of doing such a thing. Still, at the
present moment, man and woman's best
friend has no reason to complain.
The list of ardent dog lovers Is headed
by Queen Alexandra, who as princess of
Wales, was painted with a pet skye In her
lap. Many of her most familiar photo
graphs show her with Allx, a noble Russian
wolf-hound, often exhibited at dog shows
snd whose death was a great grief to the
royal household. As in duty bound, most
of the women, who belong to the court
circle follow the queen's example.
Miss Minnie Cochrane is a devoted dog
lover. So Is Lady Knollya. The young
duchess of Westminster Is very learned In
dog lore, but probably the most "doggy"
feminine wearer of the strawberry leaves
Is the ducheas of Newcastle, who shares
with the duke the presidency of the Borhol
The countess of Aberdeen and her
daughter. Lady Marjorle Gordon, make a
specialty of the Scotch terriers known as
"Aberdeens." Another dog lover Is Mrs.
Sydney Waterlow, who belongs to a great
literary and legal family and Is noted for
her Intelligent affection for animals.
In sharp contrast to the pampered pups
of patricians now all the rage In aristocratic
circles Is the pugnacious bull dog which
has become extremely popular of lata with
the London public because of the strenuous
part he takes In "Glittering Gloria," a new
faroe now running at Wyndham's theater.
To judge from the comments of some of the
newspapers the dog Is regarded as "Ths
whole play."
Frenek Company Offers Proof of Abll.
Mr to Accom
plish It.
(Copyright. 1908, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 8. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The French
Wireless Telegraph company has replied to
Marconi's assertion that his meaaages can
not be Intercepted, by Informing him that
for the last six months every message sen
not only from his station at Poldhu, but
from all Marconi atatlons around the British
coasts, has been Intercepted by the French
Wireless Telegraph company's station a
Cape de la Hague and that copies of these
meaaages ars at bis service. Marconi has
not asked for the copies.
When the prince of Wales recently visited
Poldhu station he asked Marconi to send
a message, across ths Atlantic, but ths In
ventor Informed him that It would be six
months before the apparatus would be
ready to carry out that experiment
Demands of King Peter that
Ceaee Perseeatlon of Bis
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
BELGRADE. Aug. 8. -(New York World
Cablegram-Special Telegram.) Hla. a
notorious leader of brigands who has been
"operating" for some years In ths region
about Rannlk, has written to King Peter I
the following letter:
If thou givest rights and liberty to
Bervla the people will bless thy name and
our country will be the only one In the
world where there will be no crime. That
la why I, king of the forests, demand from
you. the crowned king, that the persecu
tions to which we are subjected by ths
gendarmes may ba put a stop to.
Beneath the bandit king's signature Is
his seal are. a refequiioa of a sword
and skull. .
Magio Measagea Announce Discovery of
Hostile fleet and End .Mimio War.
Defending Vessel Then Surrender After
Summoning St rone; Assistance.
Alabama and Illinois Aid Attack on Ad
miral Sands' Squadron.
Urgent Calls Pass Along Llae, Brlng-
Ing New Fleet Quickly to Scene
of Hostilities Off Bar
BAR HARBOR, Me., Aug. 8. The hostile
fleet in the mimio war has been oap'ared,
and la now In the harbor.
The enemy was sighted for the second
time during the night at 8 a. m. by Olym
pla, which signaled the flagship Kear
Barge. Kearsarge, with Illinois and Ala
bama, put after the enemy, who surren
dered after shots hud Veen fired by Kear
An Instant after receding the hews the
operator in the wireless telegraph room
was signalling for Kearsarge to announce
the discovery to Rear Admiral Barker.
The flagshlD. twenty-five miles away, of!
Mount Desert rock, caught the round
waves and answered. In a few moments
word came that Kearsarge was on Its way
to aid Olympla.
Olympla is Captured.
Meanwhile the latter vessel had found
Itself In a predicament. The fog, which
ts.d been of advantage to the enemy,
proved of disadvantage to Olympla, for
when It lifted, and Admiral Bands' teasels
were seen, they were too close to the de
fending vessel for It to escape. Under the
rule of the maneuvers It was overpowered
by the superior force, and could do noth
ing but run up the white flag and consider
Itself captured by the hostile squadron.
The conditions at this point, had It not
been for Olympla's wireless equipment. In
dicated that Rear Admiral Sands might
have reached an anchorage.
It was about 4:30 when Olympla's mes
sage waa received on Kearsarge. General
quarters were sounded, and in a remark
ably short time Kearsarge waa under way.
followed In turn by Alabama and Illinois.
A number of torpedo boat destroyers and
tugs fell in behind the battleships as they
rushed on to meet the hostile vessels.
In an hour Kearaarge and Its consorts
were In sight of the enemy.
As soon as It was within range, Kear
sarge opened fire with Its secondary bat
tery. The other two battleships followed
Admiral Sands Surrenders.
Admiral Sands' flagship, Texas, made no
response. .Instead, a white flag was run
llr. Pn T.r.s Then followed. an ... Inter
change of signals, and the Invading and
defending squadrons headed for Bar Har
bor. Admiral Sands sailed from Bar Harbor
on Monday. He ran 309 miles south ot
Nova Scotia and on Wednesday turned
back toward the coast For two days the
fleet steamed at half speed, so that It would
not reach Maine too soon. Admiral Sands
kept his squadron together all the time
and In about the same order. A quarter
of a mile In advance was one of the tor
pedo boat destroyers acting as an advanoe
guard. Early on Friday night a thick fog
rolled in from the sea and Admiral Bands
ordered the fleet to race at full speed for
Winter Harbor, the easterly entrance to
Frenchman's bay.
It was his Intention to enter Winter Har
bor, and. If discovered, to run Into Bar
Harbor, or possibly keep along the coast
and effect an entrance aomewhere else, but
Olympla prevented this.
Under this search problem the value of
the wireless telegraph In the navy has been
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
naval officers. Under ordinary conditions
it would have been several hours before
Olympla could have oommunlcated Its dis
covery to any other ships ot the squadron
even If It could have made a run for It,
which the rules prohibited. But by aid cf
wireless service not only was It able to
Inform the admiral of the approach of the
enemy, but Admiral Barker's flagship,
Kearsarge, tranamltted the message from
ship to ship along the whole length of the
coast from Mount Desert rock to Cape
Ann, so that In a short time all the de
fending squadron was informed ot the
enemy's presence and reinforcements to Ad
miral Barker ware coming from miles along
the coast.
All these ships are to gather here for
two days preparatory to sailing for Oyster
Bay, where the entire fleet Is to be re
viewed by the president on Saturday.
Experiment wltk tho Langley laven,
tloa ls( However, Partly
WIDEWATER, Vs., Aug. 8 partly
successful uxperlment with the fifteen foot
Langley air ship was made today from the
house boat In the Potomac river, off this
The aerodome started well In a straight
line south with a velocity of seventy feet
per second and flew for a distance vari
ously eatimated at from eao to soo yards.
Borne deflection In the wtngs soon after
the launching caused It to take a down
ward course, which it followed rapidly
and was Impelled into the water under the
full power of Its engine.
There was sufficient steam generated for
a rapid flight of a half or three quarters
of a mile. Under the full pressure of this
force the machine atruck the water and a
moment more had disappeared from view
The machine was recovered. It was eon
slderably damaged.
Prisoners In Columbus, Ohio,
Make Saw Oat of n Po
tato Knife.
COLUMBUS, O.. Aug. 8 -LewU Harmon,
tho convjeted murderer of George Geyer,
near Alton; Robert Shiflett, Franklin
county, charged with horse stealing; Otis
Kellar, another alleged horse thief, and
Lewis Eyllng. alleged forger, of Dayton, O.
escaped from the Union county jail in broad
daylight today, by cutting oft a bar lu the
bath room.
Ths work Is supposed to have been done
with a potato knife, Wed in ths hap oi a
Forecast for Nehrnskn Tartly Cloudy 8in
ly, Stumors in South cstern Portion;
Monday Fair and Warmer In West Por
tion. P:ige.
1 ;lrr Pope advice on Coarse.
Frenchmen Nell at l.rhanrty.
Atlnrklng Fleet la Captured.
Firemen Have a Hard Fight,
a Tw Killed In Kansna Mnrrn.
, Miles' Krlrnda Make Hint n Martyr.
3 ens from ehraltn Towns.
4 Deride on Direct Primary Vote.
Hoard Tries to Avoid Publicity.
It Affairs nt Sooth Omaha.
Rash for Tickets to Coronation.
Past Week In Omaha Society.
T Trlil of Humberts Iteglna.
Walter Kgnn .olf C hampion.
Crnshrd by Falling; llleurbers.
8 t'ounrll Bluffs and Iowa ews.
9luinn In Vnlon Pnrifle stocks.
t Results of the Ball tiamea.
10 Itoherly Keep Tenala Trophy,
t.ood Sport at Matinee llarea.
11 Xoled Western Character Gone,
fctorles of Genernl Miles.
13 Amusements and Muslo.
13 Sporting Review ot the Week.
14 Editorial.
5 Roosevelt as a Traveler.
Tlty aa a Boaluesa Corporation.
18 Century Old China Inearthed.
1U Financial and Commercial.
Temperature nt Omaha Yestardayt
, . ill
. . UJ
, . (-
, . (Ml
. IkS
, . nti
. . Tl
, . 73
i P.
S P.
3 p.
4 p.
B p.
e p.
T P.
. TS
. TT
. Tw
. to
A n. m. . . .
U a. m
T n. m....
8 n. tu . .
! n. m . . . .
in a. m. . . .
11 n. m . . . .
12 m
Cordial Words Spoken of Veteran
Chief by Member of Engineers
Recently, during the present session ot
the Union Paclilo adjustment board of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the
members had T. C. Livingston, a veteran
engineer and insurance becretary of the
Omaha lodge, write the following tribute
to the late Grand Chief Peter M. Arthur
and inscribed It on their record. It goes
to show the deep love and respect held
toward Mr. Arthur by those of the craft
which he honored:
Peter M. Arthur was born In Paisley,
Scotland, In 1S31, and came to thla country
when but 11 years old, und waa soon thrown
upon his own resources. He had the ad
vantage of a common school education, but
his needs required that he should become
a wage-earner and he hired out to a
farmer for i a week, when still a vouni
boy. Aftur a time he secured employment
as a wiper of eiiKlnes for the New York
Central railway, and having energy and
ambition, the officials recognised his
worthiness of something better. He was
promoted to the position of fireman and
nis superior anility and strict attention to
every duty soon brought further promotion
to tne position ot engineer, in which ca
pacity he served the New York Central
until he was choeen grand chief in Cleve
land, February 18T4.
In his last address In a public meeting
at Winnipeg, a few moments prior to his
sudden death, he used some characteristic
phrases. After speaking of the great moral
mrjovement of the membership, he said:
What' greater crime can - there be than
for a man to run a locomotive when his
mind Is under the Influence of liquor?" And
later, "Always concede to others the same
rights you have demanded tor yourself, it
Is not clothes nor wealth, but character,
that counts. Come, let us reason together."
He waa one of the finest types of a gen
tleman that the world has ever seen. No
man ever met with discourtesy from him,
He was gentle to the last degree, courteous
to all and his face ever wore the smile ol
a genial soul. Peace be to bis ashes.
Will Spend Week at Krug Park,
Whore Competitive Drill
Takes Place.
The Millard Rifles have perfected ar
rangements for their first annual military
tournament, which takes place at Krug
park this week. Considerable Interest has
been aroused throughout the rtate In con
nection with this tournament, and twenty
three companies of the Nebraska National
guard will send representatives to Omaha
to compete for the Jacobson medal, a gold
trophy to be awarded to the best drilled
Individual soldier. Through Senator Mil
lard, the commander of the Department of
the Missouri has also made a detail from
each company of regulars now stationed
at Fort Crook, who will be present at the
tournament and take part la the competl
tive drill. The regulars will further give
exhibition drills, as will also the South
Omaha cavalry troop, under command of
Captain McCulloch, and the Dodge Light
Guards of Council Bluffs, under command
of Captain Mather. The Omaha Guards
and Thurston Ritles will camp during the
tournament with the Millard Rifles, and a
special day will be designated upon which
these companies will give exhibition drills.
There will further be tent-pttchlng and
wall-cllmbing contests, as well as a drill
by an awkward squad.
Long Search of a Boy ts Likely
to Bo Rewarded with
CHICAGO, Aug. a "Isabel Gt-nralves
found; rich; hold boy; miney for triospor
tatlon and expenses !s being telegraphed
This message waa received from Oakland
Cal., today at detective headquarters.
few hours prior to Its arrival August Oon
salves, a Portuguexe boy who for the last
six months haa been vainly searching for
tidings of his mother, vhom he has not
seen for several jers, left the detective
headqoarters, here he has been cared for
since last Monday, with the intention of
"beating" his way to the coast
Young Gonzalves was born In Honolulu
and when 7 years old was Hdnaped by his
father and taken to the Canary i?Und.
Six months ago his fattier died and the boy
began the search for his mother. Every
effort is being made to find him again and
acquaint him with hla good fortune.
Depend Upon
HONOLULU, Aug. 8.-Judge PeBolt of
the territorial court today refused to grant
the restraining Injunction asked for by the
Hawaiian Commercial company of Spreck
elsvllle, the largeat sugar plantation on the
Island, against the Walluku Sugar company
of the Great Mau island.
Tha litigation Involves water rights to the
value cf several hundred thousand dollars,
the source of the water beta in the moun
tains. Upon the Issues In this caae depends
scores of old royal na'e, s-nxata leases.
Idscda aad bof ml arias.
a Final
Midland Glass and Faint Csmpany and
Marks Brothers Hoary Losers.
Six Firemen and On Other Hart, bat No
Fatalities Are Recorded.
Four Eoura of 8trnggl Against Heavy
Odda Eads in a Victory.
Flro Breaks Out In Lumber Room nt
Hospo'a Just aa Midland Bins
Threatens to Oet Beyond
Figures on Losses.
Total loss, estimated SlSS.OnO
Midland Glass Co. stock valuation... 1"0,KM
Loss, estimated liu.ucO
Amount ot Insurance, estimated ltXM)
Marks tirus., stock valuation lo.tuo
Loss lO.wi
Amount of Insurance, estimated.... 10.0OJ
N'HKh building, 16-1 Harney, valua
tion 85.00
Losii, estimated li.OtiO
Lilliputian Bazaar, stock valua
tion Q.OOO
Loss, estimated S.t0
A. llobpe, slock subject to damage.. 6, OA)
Sontniury of Casualties.
Ole Olson, captain of Hose Company No.
3; face and eyes badly burned and hands
cut by falling glass.
Roy Gray, No. 3 engine company; In
haled smoke In Jungs and face burned.
iveis Jonnson, engine company no. s;
overcome with smoke.
Ed Burmelster. Truck No. 1; hands cut
by falling glass.
cnrlstlan C lausen, engine tympany no.
; eyes burned from turpentine.
Clarence Cummlngs, Truck No. 1: over
come hy nmoke.
Frank Meriting, employe of Midland Glass
and l'late company, bruised from Jumping
out of third-story window to root ut ad-
Joining building.
Will ITot Stop Bualneaa.
'TV( have about an 80 per cent Insur
ance. I don t care to discuss the loss or
valuations. The Are will not atop our bus
iness. We shall be open Monday and will
proced with repairs at once," Frank W.
Judson, secretary and manager Midland
uinss ana faint company.
I have Just made a trip through tne
building and believe our lose to be not
greater than 50 or 60 per cent. We shall
go rignt on witn nustnesa. James k.
Ebersole, assistant manager of the Mid
land company.
While our loss is complete, we snail
continue to do business at the Baum Iron
works, where we have our stock. Our
loss Is fully covered by Insurance."
Daniel Marks.
E. w. Nash, owner of the burned build
ing. Is out of the city and nothing definite
la known aa to what will be done, but Jt
Is understood the structure will be put In
good condition.
Severe Test on Firemen.
The above facts and figures tell ths
story,- In rough outline, of two fires laat
night, one of which was the most stub
born and difficult to combat with which
the Omaha firemen have had to contend
for many a day. It was the fire which
gutted the Nash building at 1608-18 Hamey
street, occupied by the Midland Glass and
Paint company and Marks Brothers' Sad
dlery company, lasting from 6:40 until after
o'clock. The total loss at this fire Is
placed at approximately $116,000, fully cov
ered by Insurance. The other fire was on
Douglas street, between Fifteenth and Six
teenth, and did probably 812,000 worth of
damage, divided between the Lilliputian
Bazaar, owned by Benson Thome, and
the A. Hospe Art store, the heavier divi
sion falling on the former firm.
The origin of the big fire is traced to a
defective motor wire, which supplied
power for the elevator. The fWmes were
flrst seen Issuing from this wire on the
third floor of the fifth story building. The
cause of ths Douglas street Are is not
The fires burned simultaneously, for a
while at least Just as the flames wera
raging worst at the Harney street lire and
Chief Baiter and his large army of men
were being taxed to their utmost, menaced
every recond bs the Increasing potency of
their deadly enemy, a second alarm sounded (
and Assistant Chief Wlndhelm took truck
No. 8 and cart No. 11 off to the Douglas
street fire, which, though serious, was soon
extinguished. The entire department was
out having responded to a general alarm.
and never did men flght. under greater
odds nor acquit themselves better.
Men Have Desperate Struggle.
Time and time again It seemed ss if tho
gallant firemen would have to give up In
despair, but, facing the most extreme
danger, they held on with bulldog tenacity,
fighting as they went, until finally they
conquered. Thousands of spectators
thronged Harney street on the south. Sev
enteenth on the west. Far nam and the
alley between Harney and Far nam on tho
north and Sixteenth on the east and cheered
or groaned as the firemen prevailed or'
were for the time overpowered. The
crowd was so great that large numbers of
women and children sought places on the
high grounds surrounding the courthouse.
Cordons of police were necessary through
out to keep back the crowds. The hose
was strung from every adjacent fire plug
and formed a network along the surround
ing streets. This made It necessary for
the street cars to cancel regular service,
which waa not resumed until 1:45. Stub
lines were run on Furnam and Hamey
streets and the cross-town cars run around
on the Fifteenth and Howard tracks, how
ever, so that service was not entirely
Many daring and thrilling feats were per
formed b the firemen during the progress
of this fight. Onoe, about T o'clock, when
It seemed the Are had been conquered,
seven of Chief Salter's men wers noticed
on two different fire escape landings in tho
rear of the building, at the third and
fourth storlos. They were working with
some of the seven hoses that had been
pouring volumes of water Into the build
ing. Three of the' men were above, and
tour neiow. euaueniy winaows were
opened, and like a flash of tremendous
lightning great eheeta of flames swept nut
of the lower window, that on the third
story landing into the faces of ths four
men. Instead of leaving their hazardous
station, as ths crowd expected them to do,
these four, reinforced by the other three,
who cams down in ths mouth of the fire,
held the streams on the raging flames in
side until Anally the flames were subdued.
Mono Hurt on Dung las Street.
All the firemen Injured, were at the Har
ney street Are. No casualties resulted from
the Douglas street disaster. Captain Ol
son ts thought to ba the worst hurt man.
His Injurlt-a aro pronounced serious, his
eyes'.eht being somewhat despaired of.
Yet he Is not thought to be fatally Injured.
The Nash building fire was discovered,
bX eisniT YYtissAbsrc, a ""j lig of jjp