f TITE OMAHA DAILY IVEEt SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1003. 11 ( i SPECIAL NOTICES llffrllirmrili for Ihria column, will be fairs til 12 Ha. for the tirslnf edition and III H HO p. m. for naoralnaj nasi Knnilaf riltloa. Mates, l l-2 n word Brat Imirtloi, le m irori thereafter. Nothing likra for leas than 2 So for the, llrat lnirr tloa. Tkne advertisements mast be ran consecutively. Advertisers, by requesting a num. kerrd check, pan bare answers ad 4rrsi.ee to a numbered letter It, ear f The flee. Answers so addressed will e ace It only. WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 1. Boyles College NEW YORK IJFE BLlmI. BUSINESS. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRIT ING, ENGLISH. Apply fur Catalogue. B 146 WANTED For United States array, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of II and 3o, citizens of United Stales, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For lnfoi mat.'on auoly to recruiting officer, li.Ui and Dudae Sua., Omaha, and Hastings. Nab. B M47S WILL give a worthy young man or woman a paid-up scholarship In Omana's leading business college, to be paid for when course la finished and position eeoured. Address, B ib, lie. U i WANTED, one good book ruler, steady po- altlon, good aalry. Apply to combe fruit- lng Co., St. Joseph, Mo. B-118 7 WANTED, two carpenters; 26 cents an hour. Address Jos. ghlestger, contractor. yutan, Neb. ti-Mia WANTED, a -competent tinner for shop, roofing and furnace work; a permanent lob for a good man. liartman at Bullock, York, Neb. U M12J WANTED At once, a registered druggist married -man preferred. Behaefera cut pries drug store, 16th and Chicago tits. B M134 WANTED, a welghmnn for coal yard; should have some experience In handling coal. Address r. O. box lob, Lincoln, Neu, B 145 13 Are you satisfied with your present posi tion or salary? If not, write us for plan and booklet, we r.ave openings ror nun agers, secretaries, advertising men,-salesmen, etc. Technical, clerical and execu tive men of all kinds. High-grade ex clusively, openings for college men. Hapgoods (Incorporated), Suite 530 Mo nadnock Building, Chicago. B MEN wanted everywhere (by advertisers) to distribute circulars, samples, tack signs, etc.; good pay. Address National Adv. Co., Chicago. B M1D6 9x WANTED, road salesmnn for a portion of northern Missouri ana soutnern Iowa, having a thorough knowledge of saddlery and saddlery hardware; none but those with an established trade in that terrl tory need apply. Address Meyer, Banner- man & Co., st. jxiuis. a Miai WANTED SALESMEN. BOOK SALESMEN, ATTENTION. We have an entirely new proposition for men of ability: territory is being rapidly us signed: coupon and card leads. F. D, Mayer, Broadway and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo. M163 lOx WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16lh A Dodge, 69. WANTED, girl for light housework; family of two. Auureas du, tseo. c jumi WANTED, girl for general housework family of three. Mrs. mineral, 876 North 28th Ave. C 671 WANTED, girl 1911 Chicago. for general housework. C 800 S WANTED, competent girl for general housework; three in family. Mrs. Harry Woodward, 8007 PaciUo. C 9! WANTED A washerwoman, at 316 N. 41st st. Call at one C m Sx ANY glrt-ln need of a friend may call on or write to Ensign Margaret Duffy, S. A. Home for Girls, 3&!4 N. 24th at, Omaha, Neb. C 129 8x WANTED Experienced bath woman at Garretson bath parlors. Address D. B. Ciawson, Sioux City, Iowa.' C M13K 13 FOR RENT HOUSES. HnllF ln a" ParU of the city. R. MUUOCO C. Peters & Co.. Bee. Bldg . D-6W nUUiCO o. F. Davis Co., Ui Bee Bid ; D 694 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO.. choice bouses 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phoue 1016. D 69C WE MOYI3 pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 146. Oftlce, 1713 Webster St. 1 M CENTRAL, lst-class 7-room house. 220 N 23. D M4 7( tlOUSES, Insurance. Panwalt, BaTker Flk 1 Ui7 TO MOVE right get Ctntha Van S'orage Co., olllce liilVi iaruam. or Tels. !4C9-iio3. D M l-ROOM house, modern lmproveiaems. I3ifi Capitol Ave. - D MJ&4 $x T-ROOM house, modern improvements 103 Capitol Ave. D M668 Sx FOR RENT, 7-room cottage, modern con venieuoes, nice yard, 812 Park Ave Wm K. Potter, Receiver. 303 Brown Blk D 150 MODERN 6-room cottage( $28 00; 2208 Shsr man Ave. G. E. Turkington. 606 Ree D 776 EIGHT rooms, modem improvements N E-CT- Jonoei sts. Simeon Bloom, 416 Karbach bldck. D 119 9 FOR RENT A neat 8-room house, all mod- !Ln 1,J.e"t.'urncei.$1S- C- M- liachmajin. 4U6-J7 I'axton block. D M136 107 8. 2STH, 6-room cottage, city water S" 1619 Howard, 4 -room modern flat. $17 5o: others. Kingwult Bros., Barker blk D M135 9 FOR RENT FIRN1SHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13lh and Farnam. E 6U9 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th 4 Chicago ts .ou $100 to $2 00 per week. 422 So. ISth St., one uiock soutn or court House. hi 101 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preieriea. u.o N. l.th. E-705 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone CI'. E-703 AETNA HOUSE, Europeun, 13th & Iodge. t-704 HOTEL HUBBEL. 13 & Howard. Phone 29SS E M416 9 tl8 N. 17TH. cool front rooms for two. E-M444 IS NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha stexm laundry. 175u Leavenworth. Phone A-17S3. E illo ROOMS. $150 to $3 00 per week: board. $J.O0. Tuurston Hotel, lain and Jackson pits. t.-M617 - THREE well-furnished room. 601 No. lKth at. E-117 11 FOR RENT Bolendidly. furnished, centra' modern rooms, single or ensulie. Apply flat I Davtdge block. ISth and Farnam. E-147 9x FIRMSIIKD KJOMl AND BOARD. DFS1RAHLE rooms, the Farnam, 1'Jth and Fai nam. 'w 5n 8. J5TH AVE.; private family. F-70J WELL ventilsted modern rooma; tlrst class boaxil. Telephone. 21d Douglua hi. , V M7JI FIRXI9IIED ROOMS AID BOARD. THE best furnished rooms with board by the day or wetk, home cooking. !Zlfc--v) N. Wth St. F MTJi ROOMS Modern, r,80 Harney St. F 804 8x FOR REST tSFlRMSIIKD ROOMS. THREE rooms, 63 South 2uth St. O Ml"' lax FIHMTIHE PAtKISU. PETERSON st LUNDUEKG, 115 So. 17th. Tel. L-2368. 11 i lOH HEN 1 STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The bui'dlng formerly occu pied by Ti.e Bee at 16 tarnuni at. it nas tour stories and a basement witlch was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will Le rented very reasonably, if interested appiy at onim ol c C. rlose water, secretary, room WO, Bee buiiuing. FOR KENT Building suitable for .whole sale purposes at vis rarnam, iuxva, lojr stories and hrst-clasa cemented basement, elevator, lire and burglar prooi vault, oilice counter and fixtures, bur price and particulars Inquire C. C Rosewaler, sec retary the Bee Bjllding Co., room luv, Be. buiiuing. 1 aioti? DESK room lor rent 634 Paxton block. STOREROOM, 1615 Ho ard St., with light basement, unloading piatform In thi. rear, fcio.ov. George at Co., lbol Farnam st. 1-A1648 A AUEN1S WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to itita TWU..VT1ETI1 CENTCttY FARMER. Steauy euipluymeiit with assured gooa in come. A.eiiis in the country wlta horne and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily ftM to $lou per mouth. Ad ores Century Farmer tfollcltois Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J Z1J AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope Leo a ill, written witn tne encourage ment, approbation and bluesifig of ins Holiness, tne Pope, by Monsignor Ber nard O Relily. Wi Paxton Bldg. J-M364 WE have all six of the different Pope .Leo XI 11 books; best terms; irelgnt paid; outfit free. Call or write W. A. Hixen baugh oi Co., 600 Wars blk., Omaha. j-Msta AGENTS WANTED $75.00 weekly easily made selling our Double Indemnity Combination health and accident policies. Liberal commission; strong company; cxperlnce unnecessary. Write for terms National Health and Accident Associa tion, 60S Crocker Bldg, Des Moines, la, J & A26' IMPORTANT to agenta: Sell only au thorized and official Life of Pope Leo XIII. Endorsed by Cardinal Gibbons and the entire Catholic hierarchy. Gives complete history; contains all encyclical letters, poems, anecdotes, etc. Is pub lished not only in English and German, but In several other languages. Large colored portrait, worth (1.00, FREE to subscriber. Outfit free. .Write today. American ruunsning wo,, omana. Neb. J 991 THE ONLY authorized life of Pope Leo XIII.; written with the encouragement, approbation and blessing of his holiness, bv Mar. Bernard O'Reilly. D. D.. LL. D.. who for eight years lived in the Vatican as domestic prelate to tne pope. This dm tlnaulshed American author was sum mimed to Rome and appointed by the pope as his ofllelal biographer. Approved and recognized by Cardinal Gibbons and all church authorities as the only official biography of the pope; over 800 pages, magnificently Illustrated; unparalleled opportunity for agents; best commission; elegant outfit free; send 15c for postage. The John C. Winston Co., 328 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. J M100 lax WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, furnished house for winter, by family three adults; close In. Address K 26, Bee. K M125 Ux WANTED, by young woman, room and board ln private family; must be con venient to car line. K 28, Bee. K 131 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy, some good dental chairs. Union Dental College. N M574 FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. CHICAGO Burnlture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2o20. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O 709 FOB SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE, one large six-passenger closed family carriage, one lajge open family carriage, one iarg platform-apiing spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double sets of harness, one silver mounted, and one single set of harness. Call Frank E. Morses, City Hall. P M516 TOP BUGQT at half price, also nearly new, 3v wagon gear, cheap. See A. W. John ton, with John Deore Plow Co. P M700 A 29 TIRES set while you wait; first class re pair work. H. Frost, 14th and Leaven worth. P-710 HORSE, buggy and surrey. 2016 St. Mary's avenue (Cady's barn.) P 99J x MONROE sells pleasure vehicle at 811 N. I6th st. p 711 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Secondhand Locomobl.e, In nrst-class sliupe, ul oi.e-liall price. Call or udilress, 1U1 Farnam 6t. Q 713 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 26 cents eich; large, wen maae barrels; make nrst-class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman. Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M431 INDIAN goods and ."ellcs. 1119 Farnam. Q-714 FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole ewitcn; never oeen useu. ppiy to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." Q-M767 TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timbers; chicken lence; oaa piling. vi uouniaa. Q 7l IRON and wire fenoes, tree guards, trellises. Western Ancnor jrence Co., Ja n. 17th sc Q-716 tDIIAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1111 Farnam, Q-713 WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam'l Burns, Q-M934-U FOR SALE A good flrst-o'.ass musical Re glua with thirty pieces of murtc at half Its original cost. Waller Brandts, 1oi2 So. 10th. W-M138 9x FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; oan be used euner passenger or ire'gnt: com. plete, iron guide posU, cage and wire en closures. J. L. Braudels at ootn. Q 598 0,000 BRICK fcr sale. W. Far.am Smiih oV Co., 1320 Farnam St. Q 6J FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required, x.uvu.oo. J zi. Bee. iw CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Slier man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 718 riANO, good condition, cheap. Apply 524 N. 201 n St., or omana Mortgage i.o;in i o. W M I X NEW and Jdhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. Q 712 CLAlRVOYANTi. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY UUEEN of clairvoyants; every, thing told; past, present and future, fat lafactlon or no pny. M7 N. Isth. 8720 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. td floor, r t T 721 GRACE O BRYAN. Baths. 720 & 13th. T at 698 MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St.. front rooms. tub batn; nrst-ciass attenaant. T-M411 A9 PERSONAU VIAVI, a wholesale nerve and tlasue food and hjm. treatment for disorders women, tree booklet. V'lavt Co., 34i Ree Bldg. c i EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE AT A BARGAIN. PP. R SO SAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. H. 8 and 2, looo Farnam at. U 7iii MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At dr 'gists. 61. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted, ina uooa Samaritan Sanitarium, Tit 1st ave., Council Biufts, la. U lm PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies poaraea ana auupteu. Mrs. Uardels, 234 Lake. Tel. Ri-d-l4. U,-.i PRIVATE hospital before and during con' finement; best ineaicai care anu nursing Mrs. L. FHher, likll Vinton. Tel. 18. U 723 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, ur, anu oira. ueriacn, S626 California St. Terms reasonable. V 662 28 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 512 Bee bldg. U IK FOR shattered nerves, sleepressness and exhaustion, use txnausiion cure, ooia only by the Family Supply Co., 3oston, Mass. It reconstructs tho nervous sys tem and builds up the stomach. 35 cents. MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans ana warrants, w. Farnam Biiiun "" FIRM and city loans; low rates. W. H. FTh.m.a"? First Nat 1 Hank Bldg. TelHJfcJ PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 93TN. Y. Life. W 73i! 4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls. Faxton block. W-733 FIVE PER CENT lofcns. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1004 W-734 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1.520 WANTED Real estate rants. c. x-ci:i w 790 $1,500 PRIVATE money. N. T. Life Bldg. L. D. Holmes, 712 W-990 10 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY Ttest explaino our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse rece'pts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position w. KrYlN omaVamoVt'gTgloan CO., M9 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel 2295. tEsUbllshed,l!2.) 306 S. 16th St riBH IN ANY AMOUNT 0 to lo00 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., and to people hidina " k steady position, without secur ity o? publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments can be made to suit your con veniencstHcUyndentUl Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block. ; atjottht RUSINF.89 IN LOANS TO ait tniir.n PEOPLE, merchants, team- " houses, etc.. without se- PWS?:. .""".r..r f.rma. 40 offices In brln- .in yAltles. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-740 MONEY t aainrled emoloyes and wage earners: Get our system of loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc.. having reliuble employment can get, just on his note: Half Monthlv. Monthly. Weekly r00-Return to us... $26.66 or 113.85 or $6.66 60-Return to us... 13 33 or 6.0o or 3.36 $ s&-Return to us... 6.6 or 8.33 or l.u iKHetarn to us... 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 lowest rates, conndentlul mo inoulrles. Uulck service. Courteous THE STAR." LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLlC IUI MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If vou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 638 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sts X 31' MONEY loaned on plain note to salarli J D" ople; business connuenuai, mwni ruicn 614 Paxton block. The J. A. HuttonCo. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co., sue. 10 U, ureen, a. o, xiaior or. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. c. r . tveeu. a. i a. X 743 BISINESS CHANCES. . GOOD business chance for man with small capital; pays $2u0 rr month clear; best town ln Black Hills. Address J 59. Bee office, Y Mt6 11 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or ousmess quica, c. j. i, Johcson. S43 N. Y. Life. Y-744 WHERE Is there a' Nebraska town that wants a weekly newspaper i i warn a location for one; 10 years' experience In ne-sspaper work; have some capital. Ad drees K 29, Bee. - Y-M137 8x A GOOD paying 18-room hotel for sale m Wood Itlver, neo., ai a laiRaui, owner Uvea ln Chicago Is the object in selling. Mitchell & Faught, Wood River. Neb. Y M632 IT IS TRUE Cotton Is tho BEST Investment. Better than Bonds pays more proni saieiy. Better than Stocks no Speculation. Better than Grain greater results without gambling. Better . than Horse Racing schemes no hazardous risks. Better than Mining or Oil ventuies no "hole In the ground in wnicn to oma capital. . . Yes. Cotton Is the Best Investment for tangible pronts ana visioie assets, capuai always subject to draft. Particulars, pamphlets free. Storey cotton Co., Bourse, nuiaaeipnia. x niiuu ax RE8TAURANT with ( furnished rooms ln connection, in town oi iw, omy um in town; beat reasons for selling: price, $250. Address Box 101, Gibbon, Neb. Y-M152 8x FOR SALE REAL EATATE. DESIRABLE HOUSE WEST PART CITY. $11,000 for 136 N. 3Mh Ave., east front lot S'lxLoo reel, Known as j. ii. jnciuioan place; 11 rooms, strictly modern through out, combination furnace and hot water heat, oak finish and hard wood floors on first floor. Also good barn. Possession can be given any time. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 farnam St. 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. Lock box 10L Paptllion, Neb. RE M7W A31 SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. F. G. Johnson. Dorchester, Neb. RE-M592-22 I0-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from Soatottlce. 'er sale cheap, lu N. ISth. tenewa A Co. RE 747 9-ROOM house, built for home; barn, shade trees, two full lots, high and sightly, In west part of the city; house Is partly modern and In good condition; owner making a change. A snap for some one. $2,600. HARRISON 4 I12-1J N. Y. Life. MORTON, Tel. 814. RE-149 7 HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davla Co.. Room 606. Bee Bldg. RE 746 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paclflo Railroad company, B A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pacing ileadauarwrs. Omaha, Neb. KU 748 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARMS AND RANCHES LAND BARGAIN'S ALONG THE UNION PACIFIC IN NEBRASKA Choice land only 11.50 to to per hi i e one-team cash. Field, f'-t South l.lth St., Omaha. NEBRASKA LANDS ARE CHOICE IN VESTMENTS. You can find great bar gains in the Union 1'nclliu Co. s list of unsold sec Hons. Only one-tenth ensh re quired. Ask Field, South 13lh St., Omaha. A MILLION ACRES GRAZING LAND IN WYOMING for stile by the Union Pacltlo at filly cents per acre only one-tenth cash. If you want a land Investment try this. Field. 222 South Mth St., Omaha. UNION PACIFIC LANDS IN COLORADO are selling fast. Low prices, splendid climate and one-tenth cash for first pay ment are the ul tractions. Field, 222 South 13th Stj Omaha. KANSAS IS BREEDING upain-thls time with prosperity rrentor tlinn ever. Flrst clcs wheat land for sale In western Kansas at from io to flu per asre one tnth cash. You will make no mistake by looking this up if you wunt a new home or an investment. Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha INVEST OR PECULATE IN UNION PACIFIC LANDS iiml you will be satis fled. Ask for full Information about tho big land business now under way In Col orado, KanHHs and Nebraska. Don't be the Inst to Join the procession. Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha. RE Mltfl 11 WILLIAMSON rci!4RmL1.Le' 1203 RE 745 6-ROOM cottage, with barn and little work shop, full lot with shade. trees, close to Farnam st. car and only 10 blocks from the city hall oWner going west $1,600. HARRISON & MORTON 912-13 N. Y. LIFE TEL 314 RE 130 WANTED Good farm, 80 to 160 acres; will pay good rent. McAshlan Bros., box 157, Noola, Iowa. RE M141 9x ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. 749 DALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. i&O R. RUMREL & SON. only tie factory ln state. Try us. 14th & Nicholas Sts. Tel. F-3359. 148 8 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. 370 DANCNIO ACADEMY. MORAND'S. Crelghton hall; private lessona daily; waltz and two-step, $5. Tel. A-2124. 881 A31 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2S32. 761 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. RATHBUN, room 15. Com'l Nat Bank 762 SLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 763 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam Et. 754 FOUND. FOUND, pocketbook; owner can have at Windsor stables, 1416 Davenport St., by proving property and paying costs. Found M154 8x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. -iTILLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. 8. Nat. Bk. bid. 76a N EW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 761 FIRNITIRE PACKED. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2076. 1705 St. MaryTs Ave. " GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. t&ij GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage nnd dead animals at reduced prices. 21 K ir.th. Tel. 1779. '7 INVESTMENTS. YOUR MINING stock may be valuible. We furnish reliable reports on stocks am: mines. Mlnina: Information Bureau. 1624 16th St.. Denver, Colo. M 687 8x LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th A Howard -75S LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc. v is. mm, Tel. 2974. 759 LOST. LOST, gold watch, near 30th and Ames. Reward for return to Bee office. Loai-M124 9x LOBT. diamond engagement ring, near Douglas street brdg;; $26 teward If re turned to olllce George A. Hoagland Ninth and Douglas. Lost Ml '8 IHtSICAL. THOS. J. KI.1 1.Y. voice. Davldge Block 3,8 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite 61a. New York Lite Bldg. Tel. lut4 7u3 The Hunt Infirmary, vMcCague Bldg. T. 22C2. 764 itxen A Farwell, Paxton Blk.. 6o4-7. T. 136S. ioj DRS. FINCH MILLER, 124 S. 80th St 760 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, Tel. 2ta. 632 N. Y. Life. 767 PATENTS. H. J. COWOILI No fee unless successful. 31 8. lith St., Omaha. Tel. L'.'S. 7b2 PAWn BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, rella'ole. accommodat lng; all business confidential. Uul Douglas. OKI RI G MAN! FACTl RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2066, 1 ji SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VA.i 8ANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. 77D NEB. Business Shorthand College. Boyd s 'l neater. fa STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tels. 15o?-S "2 773 STAMMERING AND STl TTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmg. Hh:g TICKET BROKERS. CUT BATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln, 15U6 Farnam. 'Phone 7.-4. -774 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two cf the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) foreign malls for the week ending August 8, 19o3, will close Uiromplly n Bu rases) at the General Post Ofilco us follows: Parcels-Post Malls will close one, hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels lost mails for Germany cloie at 6 D. m Monday. Regular and supplementary mails close at rorelgn Station half hour Utcr than iHiniiis time snown oeiow (except that Sup plementary Mails ror Europe and Central Amenta, via o:on, ciose ora; hour later Transatlantic Molls. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for Belgium di rect, per s. s. Zeeland fmail must be di rected "per s. s. Zeeland"; at 9:30 a. m. lor bcotiand direct, per a. s. Furnessia vinuu must oe airecteu ' per s. s. Furnes sia a i u:ju a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for Europe, per s. s. Lucanla, viu Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, ad ditional Supplementary Mails are opened on tne piers or tne American, English. French and German steamers, nnd re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for South and Central America, West Indies, Eto. SATURDAY At 6:80 a. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Canning; at 8:30 (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) tor PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Aiuracaioo (mail tor cavaniua anu Cartagena must be oirected per s Maracaibo ); nt ::) a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) fo- FORTUNE ISLAND, J AJ MAICA, SA VANILLA and CARTAGENA. per s. s. Alene (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alone"): at 9'30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) 'or JNA GUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Adirondack; at 9:3o a. in. 'supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, rer b. 8. Parlma (mall lor Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Parlma"); at 10 a., m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. t cuntyoa, via riavana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ei tfpt Transpacific CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., snd thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Thursdays, at 15:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon days. Wednesdays and RaturriflvnV MEXICO CITY Overland, unless sneclallv addressed for despatch by steamer closes t mis onice aaiiy, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thence by sieamer, closes at this office dally at 6.30 p. m. (connecting I mans ciose nere every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday). JAMAICA Ry rail to Boston, and thn' by steamer, closes at this office at f:2o p. m. every luesday and Thursdny. MlQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes av. this oftlce dally ut 6:30 Pj r ' BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ AND GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this oftic daily, except Sunday, at Jl:30 p. m. ft ml 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 511:3" p. m. (connecting mail closes here Mon days at 511:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, mil thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Pumlny. at 51:30 p. m. nnd JU:30 p m., Sundays at 61 P- in. and 511:3" p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tucs on vs nt 511 :30 p. m.) IREGISTERKD MAIL closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Transpaclflo Malls, CHINA and JAPAN, via 8eattle. close her. dally at 4:30 p. m. up to August 2nd. tnclu sive, for despatch per s. s. Tosa Maru. HAWAII, CHINA, JAPAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 0:30 p. m. up to August i,;ru, inclusive, for despatcii per s. s. Si beria. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. rlose here daily at 6:30 p. m. up o August 7th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Ta coma. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via ban Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p m. up to August 10th Inclusive, for des Datch Der s. s. Marlnoaa. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close hert- dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August JlOlh, In elusive, for defcnatch ner a. a. Alameda CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver anc victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6::i p. m. up to August lllth, Inciuslve, foi despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan (Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency ai tsnangnai cannot bo torwaruea via Can ada.) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August I win. inclusive, tor aespatcn per s. s. Coptic. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 515th, in clusive, lor aespatcn per s. s. Aorangl. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August ilbth. Inclusive, for despatch Der a. a v Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall fur New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m . 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be maoe up ana rorwaraea until the ar rival or tne cunara steamer.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran- clsco, close nere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 'J7th, Inclusive, for despatch per c. a. xranapuri NOTE Unless etherwlse addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via EuroDe and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cisco the quickest routes. Philippines Hpet-miiy r.uui rnarn via ' nimuu or via Europe' must be fully prepaid at the for- eii,-n rates, nawan is lorwaraed via San Francisco exclus.vely. Transpacific malls , are forwarded to port of sailing- daily and the schedule of clou. lng is arranged on tne presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. SHoeis tered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Cornelius VAN COTT, Postmaster. y fostotnee, New york, N. y., July $1, 1903 tiOVERNalENT BOl'ltES. fitOfOHALS FOR HEATING ANn power plant. Department of the Interior, a , 1 ,J7i" C-'ni1?' " " ''n,glon- P- C;- August 1. 19c3 Sealed proposals endorsed. . wivanui-, aim nuuirwcu i u i ii e commis sioner of Indian Affairs. Washington 1. 1' will be received at the Indian office 'until o'clock p. m. of Thursday. SeDtemher s 19ti3, for furnishing the necessary materials 4iiiu tuiiDu uti anu coin- Genoa school, Nebraska, In strict accerd- ance with plans, specifications and lr.atruc- -. , -j" .aiviisi an. ll 14 HiDll Uf; Ions to bidders, which may be examined nulla "mucn, n nun may oe at rrt . Neb rink a fcteite Journal." Lincoln. N'h "The lie. Omaha, Neb.; ihe North western aaiiuia,"urrri ucittii'in, oi. raui. Minn the "Builders' and Traders Exclmnerea" t Omaha. Neb., Milwaukee, Win. and Hi Paul. Minn.: the U. S. Indian Warehouses at No. a Boiitn (.anal hi., Chicago, ill,. No. 618 Howard ht , Omaha. Neb . and 118-121 Wooster St.. Now Vork City, and at the school. Kor further information apply in vi . i n main.., duii., ueiioa,, neoraeka. w. A. jo.tn, . ommisaioner. A4-6-8-U-18- 16-18-iO-a. LEGAL NOTICE. RIDS TOR COAL. Pealed bids will be received and opened Aug. 20, lti3. for the delivery of ten cars of anthracite coal, at once. f. o b., Yank ton. So. Dak. All bids must be accom panied by a certified check made payable to J. A. Helfeld. Sioux CHv, Iowa, on some solvent hnnk. for UP On. to le forfeited In case party falling to the signing of con tract and giving of bond. J. A. HSIFKLl'. Sioux City, Iowa. ASd-12t-M ItlLWAY TIME CARD. VSION rTAI ION 10TII AND MARC Y, Vnlon Pnelflc. Len ve. .a 9:40 am Arrive, a :D0 pm a 3:26 pm Overland Limited . The Fast Mall California Express a 4 20 pm i-acinc i-.x press all:30 pm Eastern Express a 8:30 pm Trie Atlantic Express... a 7:30 sm The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago Special a 3:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Ptrnmsburir Express.. b 4 :00 nm blz:50 rm North Platte Local a 8 00 sm a 5:15 cm Grand Island Irfical b 6:30 pra b 9:35 am Chicago, Mltrrankee A St. rani. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am alLllibm Chicago fast l-.xprrss. .a 5.4i pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:45 am a 3:40 pm ('lilciiao Northwestern. 'The Northwestern Line. Fast Chicago a 3:40 nm a 7:00 am Mall ...n :no pm a 8 30 nm ...a 5:10 ;m a 8:30 pm ...a 7:35 am 10:25 pm ...a 8:00 am all .10 pm ...all:30am a 6:19 pm ... 5:10 pm ...a 8:15 pm a 9:15 nm ...a 4:00 pm a P:R0 sm ...a R:M pm a 3:45 pm ... 8:10 pm a 8:15 am a 2:40 nm Sioux City !:': ht Pt. Paul.., -it 7 mlit C litcago .. fal Chicago Local Cedar Kapids Limited Chicago ... Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast St. I'uul Fast Mall Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am Norfolk ft oncsteci....a c:.om nin:36 am Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:25 am blO:S5 am Chicago, Rock Island at Pacific. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't d a 3:55 nm a 8:50 pm Chicago Daylight Local. n 7:00 nm a fl:) pm Chicago Express hi 1:13 am 5:H5 pm Lies Moines Kxntess u 4..ni pin iui:'i am Chicago Fast Express .n 6:35 pm a 1:15 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd. ..a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West al;30pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texas. Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm aiz:4u pm Wabash. st. Louis "Cannon Ball Express a 5:55 pm a 8:20 am at. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9;l am a lo:80 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a.:ou pm a :uo am Minneapolis At St. Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:J5 pm Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago Express al0;38 am Mlsaonrl Pacific. St. Louis Express alO:00 am a 0:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Ex n10:50 pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT 15 I'll A WEDSTER Cblcaaro, St. Paul, Minneapolis . A Omaha, Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Sioux Cltv Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm Bl1:20am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b B:46 am Missouri Paciflc. Nebraska Iocal, Via . Weeping Water b 4:10 pm r.l0:35 am C'blcaao A Northwestern, Nebraska and 'Wyoming: Division. Black Hills, Dendwood, Lead, Hot Springs a 3:uu pm a i.w pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 8:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hnstlnps. York, David City, Supe lor, Geneva, ' ' Exeter und Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm DIRLINCTON STATION 10TH A MASON Rorllnarton A Mlasonrl River. Leave. Arrive. Wvmore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:05 pm Nebraska Express a 8:&0 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited....'. a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am Black Hills nnd Puget . . Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled Flvei a x in pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:C2 pm a 9:08 am Vnrt Crook and Piatt s- month b J:;i pm "ellevue ft Pacific Jet.. a 7:50 pm M0:35 am a 8:27 am "llevue & Pacific Jet.. a 3:60 am Kansas City, St. Joseph A Council Blnffa. Kansas Cltv Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am 3t Louis Fiver a 8:10 nm a 6:0T pm all:! am 'nnns City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 am Chios nnrllnirton A Qnlucy. 'Mo,n Siwinl a 7:00 am a 3:55 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:nfl pm a 7:4a am Chicago Loral a 9:18-am all:00 pm Cl lcdgo Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:45 sm Fast Mall ''V pm Dnllv. b Dally exepnt Sunday, d Dslly except Saturday e Dally except Monday. iTEAMSHlr. HOLUHD-arilERICA LINE New Twln-Scraw Btimmtrt et lt.SOft Tons NEW TOKK HOTTBH1MM. til BOUUlUNB. SalllDi Wcduaadar at 10 A. M. gtattnaam '" u Rotwrmm ........sept. I ftyndam ' PuUdura Spt I NoortUm .ISUtendam Sept. 11 IIOLLAND-.AlUfa.lt 1 1; A Linis, Oft Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. ritrrr Moor, 101 Frnn at.. 0. HutfcrfM. Iin Farnam at.. 4. B. Karooiaa. wn rarnaaa at. SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4488 Boxriatted Walking BUrk 22 to 30 waist. Woman's Box Plaited Walking Skirt 4489 Skirts that Just clear the ground are intn. favor week bv week ind promise I . , . . - , 10 be 6eral as the season advances. This stylish one is aaapiea 10 wooi, sua, noon , ro.ton materials, but is shown In blue -., mnhlilr ..itched with .ilk. The Sicilian mohair long lines of the plaits are exceedingly n r t ) a fiillnAaa i rn v i H . rl where " ' . ' ' ' . .... ,. . they fall free means the freedom and flare demanded by fasnion. The skirt is cut ln seven gores and 1 laid ln a box plait at the center of each gore and over each seam, the additional fullness at the back being laid In inverted plaits, The Quantity of material required for the medium size Is 10V yards 21 Inches wide, 8 yards 27 Inches wide, b yards 44 Inches wide, or 6 yards 52 inches wide. The skirt pattern 4489 is cut ln sixes for 1 a 22, 24, 26, 28 and SO-lnch waist measure. I For the accommodation of The Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail rCftClCi I I Vaaj )iai i-ts neaai.M -- --f wa from 25 to 60 cants, will be furnlshtd at I xpei.se. in orar o get a pauern ncioao 1 10 cents, give number and nam of Mtlttro. Torto Hlco C'arpentere to Organise. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Aug. 7 The Na tloiiol Protherhond of Carpenters and Join ers, with headquarters In this city, today received applications for charters for three unions of the brotherhood ln Porto Klco. Tho cltm&ttu conditions of the Inland, with a view of estimating the death rata, will be studied before the charters are granted. FEAR SHORTAGE OF SLEEPERS Railroads Anticipate Troable In ap ply la Heavy Demands for K.nor tnnoa Westward Movement. Incident to the Grand Army encampment t Pan Francisco the Union rsclflc, Rock Island and Burlington lines are preparing for a heavy movement of tourists and spe cial parties to the roast looking for the start Saturday. The $15 round-trip rate which has been granted by nil of tho roads has proven very popular and the tourist business Is bo heavy as to cause most of the through trains to run In two sections. Besides this additional traftlo there will be a large number of delegations which will, travel In special trains, thus adding greatly to the strain placed upon the different roads. As a result of this traffic there Is considerable fear of a scarcity In sleeping cars. During tho Christian Endeavor con vention at Denver there were a number of additional excursions that drained the re sources of the Pullman company quite heavily. This westward movement will take a large number of sleepers out of their regular circuit, and In connection with the, Increased demand because of summer tour ist traffic a scarcity In sleepers seems to be quite Imminent, although it will not last longer than ten days or two weeks. The various special parties and trains ar ranged for are: The Department of Massa chusetts, In two sections, arriving over the Northwestern. August 10, 9 a. m. and 11:30 a. m.; leaving over the Union Pacific at 9:30 a. m. und 1:30 p. m., tho second section taking dinner ln Omaha. Tho Department of Connecticut, same schedule as tho Mas sachusetts party. Department of Michigan, arriving over the Northwestern at S p. m. August 11; departing over the Union Pacific at 8:30 p. m. Lincoln post of Newark, N. J., arriving over the Northwestern August 15, 7 a. m.; leaving over the Union Pacific. Chicago and scattering points, one or two trains over the Northwestern, arriving at 8 p. m., and departing over the Union Pa cific. Department of Illinois, arriving Au gust 9 over the Milwaukee at 8:30 a .m., and departing over the Union Pacific at 8 p. m. Departments of Iowa and southern Minne sota, arriving over the Milwaukee August 11 at. 9 a. in., and departing over the Union Pacific at 2 p. m. Department of Ohio, ar riving over the Milwaukee August 12 rt 12:3) p. m., and departing over the Union Paolflo at 2:45 p. m. Department of the Potomac, arriving over the Milwaukee Au gust 11 at 11:15, and departing over the Union Pacific at 11:30 p. m. Memorial post of Cleveland, arriving over the Milwaukee August 14 at 7:60 a. m., and departing over the Union Pactflo at 8:30 a. m. 6outh Da kota, leaving Omaha over the Union Paclflo August 10 at 11:30 p. m. Rockford and Chi cago, arriving over the Illinois Central Au gust 12 at 10:35 p. m., and departing over the- Union Pacific. Department of New . Hampshire, arriving over the Northwestern August 9 at noon, and leaving over the ITnlon Pacific at 2 p. n. Iowa (official), leaving Omaha August 8 at 11:30 p. m.. com posed of cars off of the Northwestern, Illi nois Central, Milwaukee and Burlington. Nebraska (offlclnl), leaving over the Bur lington August 14 at 4:20 p. m. Iowa, arriv ing and, departing over the Rock Island Au gust 10 at 10 p. m. Vermont, arriving over the Milwaukee and f.eoartlna- Auciist 11 at 7 a. m. Minnesota, arriving over the Illi nois Central August 11 at noon and depart ing over the Rock Island at 5:40 p. m. . There will also be a number of special cars out on the Union Taclfic as follows: Massachusetts Grand Army of the Republic club, arrives over the Northwestern August' 10 at 8:40 p. m., and departs at 4:20 p. m.i Maryland, on the Overland Limited August 11; Rhode Island, arrives over the North western August 11 and goes oui at 7:10 a. m.; Missouri Valley, arrives over the North western August 8 at 8:45 p. m. and leaves nt 4:20 p. m.j Wisconsin, arrives over the Mil waukee August 9 at 3:40 p, m. and leaves at 4:20 p. m. The Burlington and Rock Island wore unable to announce the number and arrival of the specials which they will handle, as the details were all handled ln Chicago. DUE TO THE TAX ON BUTTERINE Live Stock Man Says Lovr Price of Steers Comes from Unfair Legislation. Men about the stock yards several reasons why cattle do give not advance more quickly than they have. They say the should be selling today at $S. good cattle, and would If the steer had an equal chance with the cow. Says one of them: "The unjust legis lation by our 'Just' government against the steer makes $3$5 per head against him to what there would be had he an equal chance with the cow. Cows have been pro tected by legislation, and the legislation was against the steer In the passage of the oleomargarine bill, which puts a tax on . every mnn and woman In America and al lows the Butter truBt to make an exorbitant price on butter. And there Is no getting away from It until the consumer of butter and the producer of steers come together to repeal that bill. It Is a mystery how such a bill could ever be passed by the two honorable bodies of the United States- house and senate that should be as pure as the butterlne they condemned, but there was something rotten in the deal, and when the consumer ahd the producer of steers come to the ballot box next time they should make it an Issue the repealing of that bill, to put both sexes of animals on the same basis. The butter-fat of the steer today goes into plain tallow because the butterlne was legislated out of existence, very little of it being made at present." PLANS NOT JTET APPROVED Specifications (or Saddle Creek Sewer Hot Passed On by Connoll Because of Board, West Omahans Interested in the Saddle Creek Sewer have been wondering why the municipal government Is not getting action on the proposition. Detailed plans for the sewer, which will cost about $35,000, have been prepared by the city engineer, but arrangements for contracting for the work have been held up by the failure of the council to approve the sewer specifications. These specifications - have been In the council's hands for three weeks. They have not been approved and made operative because of the strife within the Board of public Works, as soon as the sewer specifications are ratified, and there la no contest over them, advertisements may be published requesting bids for construction. To complete the sewer scheme planned branch or district sewers will have to be constructed and plans for these are being made. They will be paid for by special tax, while the Saddle Creek sewer, proper, will be built by money taken from the general sewer fund. The trunk line will be built first and the latterals srterwards. It la expected that the council will take action on the specification matter next week, but that will not mean, necessarily, that the incident Is closed. Jaryaeea Will Wot Bo Discharged. GEORGETOWN, Kr.. Aug. T.-Motlona of the defense In the trial of ex-Secretary of State Caleb Powers for complicity In the Goebel murder, to discharge the venire sum moned from Hourl on county, alleging they were selected by partisan agents, and ob jecting to the panel on the same grounds, were overruled. Arguments on the validity of the pardon Issued Powers by ex-lov-ernor Taylor were being made when recess was taken.