THE OMAHA PA1L.Y I1EE: SATUUPAV, AUGUST 8, 1003. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bern in Command of Foarl of Trade Gari erally Deprei.ei Pr ce GOOD HARVEST WEATHER HITS WHEAT Corn Inffm la fmpm.iv, 'While Oats, Tlioiih I airly A-tle, Do Kot Rise, nnJ I'rotisloaa Mostly Tumble. vIIICAOO, Aug. ..-A bearish sentlmsnt prevailed in the pit loJay and Sipwinixr corn was unchanged, uau were lower and provisions weie .ruin to toe lower. A aharp aetback destroyed yesterday a wheat advance, tno murk:t ruling weak the greater part ol the session, pe.,,.,, prices were weak on iicwi of the excellent harvest weather in the northweat and Bep tember was oft Vy vnc. There was 1111i1.11 business at "iVMi.s'nc. There waa quite general selling at the start, with some of the commission houses. September malted on the down grade and although there waa aome reactions, the ueneral wndency waa toward lower pries. The northweiit and Bt. loula markets were lower, wnlch added to the depression here. After selling down to W. September rallied somewhat, but tne close was wean ana tiwtsc lower m 79H. -Clearances of wheat anil floor were equnl 16 48O400 bu. Primary receipt were 664.5i0 bu., against 1,0.1 i.tuK) a year ago. Hrad- treet's report says exports of tsucil anil flour for the week were equal to 8.040.000 bu. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 129 cars, which, with local receipts of 13S cars, fifteen of contract graoe, made the total receipts for the three points of 2W cars, against 187 last week ond 293 a year go. Notwithstanding the weakness In wheat, corn prices held comparatively firm, but trading was of a saieuhie kind and the movement was freer, cables were strong end but for the drain In wheat the market would have made a good iidvance. After selling between 62a and 5214c September cloned unchanged at 02Hc. Local receipts were 131 cars, with nineteen of contract grade. Oats ruled fairly active and with the support of commission houses snd some of the looal bulla, the market held steady In spite of the weakness In wheat. Ubersl shipments of contract oats was a help to pricee. Local receipts were 219 cars. Provisions sold off sharply early In the day, due to offerings from outside holders and some selling by packers, but Inter a fair demsnd developed for lard snd the whole list responflei In the u-iturn. Septem ber pork closed 20c lower at $13.27. Septem ber lard was 2& higher nt $7.92V and ribs Were off W&IZM?. Rt 7.S57.7. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 120 cars; corn, 115 cars; oits, 215 cars; hogs, 13 "no head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artleles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes' y, Wheat a Sept. b Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Deo. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Lara. Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept. Oct. 80 1,2 80 , 81V4. 83 I 7PV4I79W4I 80 79il 79r-IK0V,.(B, WW s:' 3414 Witl 87 13 40 7 87H 7 em 7 m 7 BU ?4'41 B2 5W52 34',. 351, ' SVI 371 87ii 13 40 13 IS 7 92H 7 S2H 7 67H 7 00 7 95 7 F0 7 SO I 7 70 I 62 82H Stli,! 83 B2H 62 B2H 13 32V41 atA 13 47 7 92 7 90 7 67V4I 7 70 1 7 87 7 97H 7 TZVil 7 Sii-ri . 0. I. a Old. b Nw. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Quiet and eusler; wlhter patents, $3.7543. 9: straights, J3.5nn3.7o; spring pat ents, 14. OOQl. 40; straights, $3.603.); bakers, $2.60418.80. WHEAT No. i nprlng. R1f'82r; No. spring. TtifiSOc; No. 2 red. TS'UWVio. COUN No. 2. 61lc: No. 2 yellow. SSKc. OATS No. 2,.34Wi354c; No. 2 white, 3S rjwjv.c. RYE No. 2. SOsfcc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 47rKc SEED No. 1 flax. 93Mrc; No. 1 northwest' errv, 97c; prime timothy, $3.40; clover, con tract grade, $1 2.00ft 12.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $12.20 ' fT 13. 85. laxd, per 100 lbs., I7.7i.7.7f. Short ribs sldea (loose). IT.6o7.7V Drv alted shoulders (boxed), $7. 6037.82.. Short Clear siaes (ooxecu, xs.i2ty.Z6. The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain yesteiday: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 15.200 18.800 Wheat, bu 1S.1U0 $9 800 corn, DU 100 600 Z53.2U0 Oats, bu 203.000 tt.OOO Rye, bu 4.80O Xiarley, bu ( 9u0 $.200 On the Produce exchunge today the but ter market was steady;, creameries, 18c; dairies, 13S17c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 11513c. Cheese, easier; 10eil4o. SKW YORK GENERAL MARKET. red western, winter. s$d; No. 1 California, s 7d. Futures closed steady; September, Gs4Vl; October, 6 4'd. I'OKN-Hpot, American, 4s 6'id. Futures closed steady; September, 4sSd; October, 4a 7'td. O II A 111 WIIUL.EIALI3 MARKET. Condition of Trade anal Qootatlons staple and Fancy Prodnee. KGOR Kresh stock, loss off. 13c. LIVE POt LTRY-Hens, 9'tfrlOc; spring chickens, per lb., l.'ffl-'Hc; rojsters, accord ing to sge. Iutkck. lbullc; old ducks, ik'i voting ducks. il0c. lirTTEK Packing stock. 121jl2c; choice dnlrv. In tubs. Uftlw; sepsralor, 20c. FRESH KiaH-Fresh caught trout, 9 !V; plckeral. 7iSc: pike, 10c perch. 6c; buffalo. WilSrf bluensh. luc; whiteflsh, 9'0 tH"; salmon, 1.1c; hsddock, 10c; codfish. 12c; rrdsnapper. 10c; lobster, boiled, per lb., i'Oc; lobsters, green, per lb., Wo; bullheads. 11c; cattish. 14c; black bass, 5ixiji2c; halibut, 10c; crappies, 12c; herring. 0c; w<e bass, loc: blueflns, 8c. 1IRAN Her ton. SIR. 00. HA V Prices quoted by Omnha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $8.00; No. 2, $7.5u; medium. $7.00; coarse. W-oO. Rye straw, $',.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fulr and receipts light. CORN 47c. OATS RYE No. 2, 45c. VEOETABLF.S. NEW POTATOES-Southern and home CUCUMBER8 Home grown, per do., $0 a 4oc. whjains Home grown, wax, per maraei basket, ,0&)c; string, per market basket. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dox., JOc. CABBAGE New California, per lb., 1C. OKliEN CORN Per doz., 6(ic. TOMATOES Illinois. Der 4-liaaket crate. SO'0iOc; horns grown, per basket, 40c nni, BAHB-ffr 10., lc. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.60. CELERY Michigan, per dox.. 303Sc. ONIONS New home irown. drv. Der lb..' FRUITS. BLACKBERRIES Home grown, per 21- quari case, ii.M. PL.LMS Burbankf. $1.4l.6u; P. V., per box, $1.25ai.25; Washington, $1.251.36; Bradshaw. $1.31.86: Wixon. $1.60: Kelsey Japan, $1.60. PrtLNtJS Tragedy, per box, $J.w. PEACH r;S CaiUornlU. early freestones and early Crawforda, $1,064(1.10. ULnnAMo Per lB-qt. case, $2.00. OOOSEBBRRIEH Per l(i-qt. case, $2.00. PEAKS California. Bartlett's. Der box. $2.40. cantaloupe Texas standard, per qrate, $2.25; per crate, $2.00. ArrL,fj .Mew stoca, tt-uu., 100. WATERMELONS Texas, 2oI(40c each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS Turkish, 18-lb. box, per lb., 18c. ORANUES Mediterranean. all sizes, $3.50: St. Mlckes or paper rind, all sizes, U.b0'ti4.00: Valenclaa. $4.26. lemons California rancy, w to isw sizes, I.UtmoO; choice, $4.b0; 40 to 270 sizes, $4.00(4.26. LIMKS Florida, per -DasKet orate, o.uu. MISCELLANEOUS. rurtuitfl-nr 10., t-i biii-, w HIDES No. 1 green be: No. 2 groen. 6c; No. 1 salted, i'4c; No. 2 salted, bc: No. 1 veal cull'. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8Vtc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6V4c; dry sailed hides, Ht lie: Blieep pelts, iyaibc: corse niaes, ii.ouu 2.60. NITTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., :4c; No. 2 soft shell, per 10., isc; ino. 1 nara sneii, per 10., i;c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., )2c; small, per iu., uc; peanuts, per iu., uric, A . I,. "a CITIES. IKW VOKK 8 TOl Kg AM) BOMI9. I pwara Rise llnlls, bat Market Takes Setback Philosophically. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. -Today's stock market sturteu upwaiua la continuation oi yiMlvrday a late movement towaiu re covery, Dut 11 quicaiy Otcarue apparent that the lurther auv.nce In p. icea was en countering to taae p,o.its 011 yis teiday s late rise. Tne buying moveniiw aio aecmeu to have spent Ita force, and mere was no disposition snown to to.low Lie advance in p,icea. on tne other hanil, it waa apparent tnat suppoi't was tmtn comiiig lor the market vii uecunes, an a liieie d no renewal of tne tone of ue niuiallzaiioii, ucn as charge. erijea tne maiaet yesterduy morning befuie the rally set 111. En the leau.hptluii of l.qtilua liuii In spots, wmch was jlly perceptible, waa takni c.inly u tno mat kit, which oe veiopeu no api.eaiancu ot uUorder at any tliiic. There was nee jelling ot aome of the wetiUrn guln cairler. New Yora central and tne Bp-'Cial.les. Prajure waa renew ml on ii iiii-v arollnu Clnmlcai, and it was believed tnat collateral for loans was being thrown on the market attain. Later in the day ralulng tactics by the bears showei themselves distinctly, e.soeclallv In (Jnaillau 1'ucllH'. wnicu nam ,.,,.,. forceu down 4 points on the circu atlon Loqinvliie'".". 01 Uniflf ss rumors nuvaiiia . ... -OMAHA Ot tno Montreal excminge aim ieiievrc dlfticultle. Even this did not disturb the apparent equanimity of the market. The tone was heavy and slug gish all day, but the character of the mar ket was very different from the acute weakness shown In the later stages ot ths fdnv were $1,083,432.72; decrease from corre sponding day of previous year, tuu.fcUi.ia. BI SIXF.: AT THE t'LKAKISU IIOl E. Traasaelloas of the Associated Ranks Daring the Past Week. NEW YORK, Aug 7 The following ta ble, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended August 6. with the per centage of increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year: Clearings. Deo. OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKET Beef Stem Very Elow and Lomr, While Oowi Bald About Stead;. HOGS SOLD WEAK TO A NICKEL LOWER Light Receipt of Sheep, bat Demand on Part of Packers Waa Lim ited aad Market Rated Slow and No More Than Iteady. New York Chicago lioston Philadelphia ... 8t. Lou.s Pittsburg . 'San hranclsco.. Baltimore Cincinnati Kansaa City.... Cleveland Minneapolis .... New Orloans.... St. Loala Grala and Provisions. HT. LOUIS. Aug. 7. WHEAT Lower No. 1 red cHjth and elevator, twe: track, HOHc; September, 79c; December, b2VtU KM may, boh,c rvo. t naru, io'u'iitiu. . . . . . . . A V. A C .. . CUnIN UJWtr; nv. a twn, io7ij, uiun, 4WiiJi61c; September, 49Hc; December, 49j; Muv. iKc. OATH Quiet; No. 2 cash, 33c; track, 34 IW4c; September, &cc; uecemoer, sc May, Xc; No. 2 white, 38H4l3c. KVK Firm at f2c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3.99 4.90; extra fancy ana stratgnt. zi.ttuu-i.tK clear. l3.2tfS8.35. SEED Timothy, nominal; prima, for September delivery; $3.20. CORN M IE AL Steady at $2.70. BRAN Eatr: sacked. aat track. Tl73o HAY Timothy, scarce but firm at $800 18. W; prairie, cull out steaay at v-wwi.w. IKON UOTIUN 'i MS.B .UB BAQOINO ihiiiK. KEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, standard mess, $13.67. Lard, higher at $7, Bacon, easier; boxed extra thorts, Jtj.SYVi 1 -II,- Iv Oil, mhnr- .l.a, IQ HU METALS Lead, nrm at $4.10; spelter, firm at $5.60. POULTRY Steady: chickens, 6c; springs, 10c; tutkeys, 13c; uucks, svc; geese, 4'aso. BUTTER Dull; creamery, iSftc dairy, lawtttc. EOQ8 Firm at WAc. loss off. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 8,000 g.CO) Wheat, bu 118,000 23,0 Corn, bu 11, XX) 24,0X1 Oats, bu 2S.GO0 48,0J Kansas City Grain and ProTlslona. Qaotatlona of the Day 00 Various Commodities. NEW TORK, Aug. 7.-FLOUR-ReccIpts, 83,042 bbls.; exports, 10,232 bbls.: market quiet; winter patents, H.9tX(i4.30; winter straigntii. vj.kxu J.v.; Minnesota KANSAS CITT. Aug. 7, WIIEAT-Sep tember. 6STi&4c : DecemDer, 7o-V70'ac rash. No. 2 hard, 7ir(,71Hc; No. 1, 9V 704c: No. 4, 674(6Sc; rejected, Re; no. 2 red, 74M,ft7Rc: No. 3. 74o: receipts, 197 cars. , ' . . f J K O ,mV,-r . rtunsmKAM AO patents. ctr.c: cann. no. z mixed, lowu-ttec: no. $4.604.76; winter extras, 12. 104. 20; Mlnne- I white. 4G4c; No. 8, 45"444oH'. sota bakers, $3.60ti3.SO; winter low grades, $2.71X33.00. Rye flour, dull;' fair to good, $2.P.-3.30; choice, to rancy, $3.35(33.65. COllNMEAL Ste.itly ; yellow western, 11.12; city, $110; kiln dried. 13.2ttif3.2S. RYE Quiet; No. I western, 68'4c, f. o. b, afloat; state, toifibc, c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding. C2c. c. I. f., New York; malting AVuc. c. I. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 6,103 bu.; No. 2 red, S4o e'evator and .Vo f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, io t. o. b. alloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, Icjc, old, f. o. b. tifloat. The wheat market was Irregular and closed weak under liberal sales for long account, based on fine wee t her In France and the northwest. Lower Paris cables and poor export trade also tended to weakan the bull crowd. The closo was Irregular at Hito decline; May, 77('77M,o; closed at 7dc; September, M'Vij&Mtc; closed at 84-c; December, bic; closed at 83c. CORN Receipts, 200 bu. Spot, firm; No. t, 69o elevator, and 5al-t,c f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, 6ifc; No. 2 white. 69MiC Option market was quiet but well sustained all day on prominent western buying In antici pation of possible weHther scares, closing firm at ttc advance; September, 6IH4(h;jS ; closed at C84C OATS Receipts, 43,600 bu.; exports, 166 bu.: No. 2. 33o; standard white. 40V: No. , 87V4c; No. 2 white. 4ic; No. I white, 40c: track, white, &KU46c. HAY Quiet; spring. SOffS&c; good to choice, ii.oihui.13. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice. 1602, l(&22c: 1901, U&:l&r; olds, 57c; Pacific coast, wri, 14'iiltc; r.mi, llmlac; olds, 4'i7c. Miurja uteaay ; iiutveston, 20 to is Iks., 13c; California. 20 M Zb lbs.. 19c; Texas, dry. 24 to 80 lba., 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 23&25HC. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, i 6Wc; Jnpan. nomlnnl. PROVISIONS Beef, oteadler: family, $10 UHtl0.6o; mese, $s lHiS.W; tveef hama, j$3.(iO; packnt. $.t:ryj jj; c ity extra India mesa, Ii4.uuirid.uu. (in meats, irrecular; pickled bellies, $S.7Sai 12.f; pick 11 shoul fiera, $6.0uu 25; pickled hams, $12 5tKiil3m,. latrd, steady; western steamed. $7.!o; re fined, ateady; continent. $7; South America, $8 5o; compound, $7 2.17.o0. Pork, eaa ; family. $17.utiili 60; shoi 1 clear, $lii.U4il7.U; inea. $16 6oCilii.OO TALLOW Steady; city, 4M,e, nominal; country, 4Vt4c. BUTTER Receipts, 7,630 pkga. ; ateady to Arm; state dairy, Hi&l?V; craame.y, 15 tl 19c. CHEESE Receipts, 4.10 pkga.; easy: stste, full cream, fancy, small colored and white, luc; large colored and white, 10c. EOGS Receipts, 8.10J pkc.: strong; Western seconds to extras, 1062)0. POULTRY Alive, weak; we tern spring chickens, 13Hc; fuwls. lie; turkeys, lie; dressed. Irregular; western broilers, H'tf 16c; fowls, la'-j'&Hc; turkeys, 13 J lie. METALS Tin was rather Irregular In London, spot advancing ;E1 to VJ9 10a, while futures were 6s 'ower at 124. In New York tin was a lit:le higher and firm, cloning at $29.06'.' Copper advanced 6a on pot in London, closing at 77 7a, but fu ture ware unchanged at 6 10a. Locally copper was quiet and nomlnnlly unrhsngnii, with lake quiet at I13.ti and canting at $12.76. Lead advanced Is M In Iinilou to 11. but waa unchanTed here at $4.M. Spelter waa unchanged In London et 20 2a 64 and unchanged here at $'.7S4rVKVi!. Iron closed at l-'a In OlafTow and at 4 4V1 In Mlddlealvo-pugh. Iocs I iron wss quiet: No. 1 northern foundry I" nuoted at $17 Mifl8.i0; No. 2 northern foundrv, $) 0 417.00; No. 1 aouthern foundry and No. 1 soft southern foundry at $16.717.00. Peorln Market. PEORIA. Auf. ".WHEAT No. t red. new. 7tv9'77o. CORN Strong: No. S. roc: No. 4. 19c. OATS Firm; No. $ white, $0H"; No. White. 82c, . Llrerpeel Grata Market. LIVEJIPOOL. Aug. T. WHEAT Bpo, Heady; No. I norUiara. spring. 4iMi No. I OATS No. 2 white, 33c: No. 2 mixed, RYE No. 2. 64c. HAY Choice timothy. $9: choice prairie. 7.Z&. buttkh- creamery, jjbi7c; dairy tancy, 10c. EGOS Fresh, lltto. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 117.000 44,000 ''orn. bu 33.000 18.000 Oats, bu 6.000 8,000 Mlanespoll V beat. Flour and Bran MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 7. WHEAT Sep tember. 80,c: December. 79ic: on track No. 1 hard. 80c; No. 1 northern, 89HW W'tc; iso. 3 nortnen,, k',w!c; no, northern. 831ft7o. FLOUR First patents are quoted at $4.60 T4.G6; second patents. $4.40it4.(iO; nrst clears, $3.Nr3.ta; second clears, yiumiw. BRAN In bulk, $13.60914.00. Philadelphia Frodare Market, PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 7. BUTTER- Steady; fair demand; extra western cream erv. -uc: nearby prints. 23c. l.uus f irm; gooa aemana; iresn nearpy, 19Hc, loss off; western, 19'ic; aouthweat en1. 17t7llic; southern, 1&st1Sc. CHEESE Firm; good demand; New Tork full choice, new, 10i0'10Ho; fair to good. tioc Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 7. WHEAT Firm: close: No. I northern. 9t'ColHH4c: No. 2 northern, 87&S9c; new September, 790. RYE Firm; No. 1. 62HC. BARLEY Finn; No. i. 68460c; sample, 406-. . , . CORN September, $2c, nominal. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 7 WHEAT In stois and to arrive. No. 1 nara, ,c; iso. t northern, 861c; No. 2 northern, Wc; Sep tember, 8Ho. OATS On track and to arilve, S4c. cent decline. the cause of the Improvement was did not becoma known, though rumors to account ror tne coango ere abundant. It was believed that some rge settlements had been effected py tne taking over of Important holdings of various stocks bv private agreement, thus relieving some weak points in the situa- ;ion. Yesterday s demonstration or pjy n power was accepted as evidence that Important financial Interests were pre pared to anord support to tne maraei ii ecessary to prevent its running 11110 emorallaatlon. Yesterday's supposition hat a vlaorous upward movement of prices had been determined on by the nanclal powers that be, wits seen to oe without foundation. But this did not pre vent a feeling of comfort over the check to the headlong downward course of prices. and the consequent contraction 01 creuus which was threatening disaster. One of the developments of the day was a strn'iier tone In the foreign exchange mnrKt, which seemed rapldiy approaching the gold Import point In the last two days, it 1 in anomaly or tne situation mat me nrmer one of exchanse afforded some relief to sentiment. The heavy offerings of the last few days have not been against commer cial exports, but have been of bankers' loan bills, which. It was feared, repre sented an ureent pressure for creilts that could not be satisfied at horn". The lighter offerings of this class of bills today was viewed with satisfaction. Tomorrow s bank statement premises to show a small loss In cosh, the receipts on balances from the Interior being so much bnrille- than ast week as not to wipe out tne ios ny he banks to the subtreaatiry ot l,&,uio. It will be remembered that the banks gained upwards of $7.C0O.ono last week. The market seemed to tie unn.sturmn py tn,s contract. The outlook for the loan Item s obscure, and there Is nothing to indi cate that the week's liquidation In stocks will be any more reflected In the loan Item than was the disappointing case last week. ' Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, rar value, 2.135.000. Uclted States bonds were all unchanged on tho iast call. Following are tne quotations on tno new York Stock exchange: Atchison M do pfd Bml. St Ohio 0 do pfd . Canadian Pacific 11 Contral of N. 1 1; i:hea. A Ohio : Chlrago It Alton iv.i do Did 2 '4 Chlrago A O. W ',( do 1st via n Chtrato A N. W....114S lhlo Ter. & Tr... do pio i' c. c. c. at St. L Colorado 80 HV do lit pfd 47 do Id pfd II Del. A Hudson IMW Del. U A W 235 DanTar L. R. 0 12 do pfd...., "HI Erie .... da 1st Pfd W do td Ptd V Oroat Nor. pfd 15 Vocklni vallay do pfd w Illlnoli Cantral Iowa Central . do pfd K. C. Bduthern do pfd U N Minhattan L. ... Hot. St. nr.... M:nn. A St. L. Mo. Piclflo .... at.. X. A T.... do pfd 17 3t. Paul pfd.... io. Pacific io. Hallway .... do pfd Tvxaa A Pacific. . .Ill US Toledo, 8t. L. a W. ;l do nil I'nlon PaclOo lot, 00 pfd Vbaiv do pfd 31 Wheeling H L. B.... 14 Wla. Lentral 11 do pfd Jt, Adama Ex Z21 Amvrlcan Ex 176 Uultad Sutea Ex K Walli-Farxo Ex i' Amat. Coppar Amar. Car A F II do pfd Amar. Lin. Oil lit Milwaukee Providence , Buffalo St. Paul Indianapolis Ixis Angeles St. Joseph Denver, Richmond Columbus Seattle Wnshlngton Savannah Memphis Albany Salt Lake City Portland, Ore Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester All.tnta Dm Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane, Wash rnnd Rapids Sioux City Springfield, Mass.... Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester August!, Oa Portland, Me Scrnnton Topeka hyracuse Fvansvllle Wilmington, Del BlrmliiKlmm Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Mncon Wllkesbarre , Akron Sprlnaflcld, 111 Wheeling. W. VA..., Wichita Youngatown Helena Islington Chattanooga, Ixiwell New Bedford Kalnmaxoo Fargo, N. D Canton. O .racksonvllle, Fla... Oreensburg. Pa Rockford. Ill Springfield, O Blnghamton Chester, Pa Bloomlngton, 111.... Oulncy. Ill Ploux Falls. 8. D... Mansfield. O .Trksonvll'e. Ill Fremont, Neb IT'tlca Decatur, 111 tHouaton tGalveston Charleston, 8. C... Totals, TT. fl Outside New York. $1.161.S31,71'-' Ifto.VMtOS lZ3,446.ls70 111,W.!H 4i.l"S.liO zy.ti.i'.m 21.6W.S73 21,66.1.tO 2i2!6,724 16,342,!iL'4 13.44S.43 1U,0,670 10,767,469 10,774.104 6.739,341 7.243,3"3 6,211.4'H) 6.268,otir. 6.610,7 6.232.37 .OM,414 4.2:12. 23 4.757.479 .SOO.MS 4,407.700 4.S64.443 $,671,370, 2.237.02JI1 2,69.8:6! t.771.321 J.2f8.418 1.346.4X9' 16.0 8.52tl.3;i 2. 642. 227 , 2,5:l9.2'91 2,551,9iS 2,703.540 2.076,949 6.2. A-W- 10. 9.3 23.8 1.0 13.8 8.9 6.4 11.6 "i'.il 2.4 ..b:4 0.3 6.3 16.4 31.3 "ii Ii 20.2 6.6 28.4 $9.8! 16.7 $.1 2.3 Otllcial Tuesday.... Official Wednesday inuciai inursaay.. Oftlclal Friday..... 1,782.163' 2.240,971 2.4SS.116 2.263.147 1,978.230 946.660 1.436,017 1.463,113 1.602,887 i,6BH,KHl 1.665,487 736,043 1,004,772 1.628,218) 1.249,777 1,263.633 1,130,44 1,213.043 1.109.231 981.837 666.871 745.115 1,037.8881 657.000 1.010.398 620.100 "72.7.1 716.0421 671.0021 Ti6.224 4S2.030I 628.06' 812.255 434.011 1 450,2241 657.420! 417,1171 &S8.000I I-4 37.2 94.0 80.1 1.4 10.2 24.6 'i!6 21.1 26.3 9.6 8.9 475 '34:4 7.8 3.1 1.2 37.0 'w.i 9.2 $8.3 3.3 6.1 1.6 2.6 17.6 "4.3 27.2 3.4 6.6 26.2 19.3 6.6 3.6 "i'.i I. 8 2.3 II. 1 "i'.i 18.1 3.9 10.9 1S.S 18.6 S.O 40.61 445.0681 26.41 437.303 . J63.3T 30.1 35.6 28.1 S2.ll H6W, do pfd.. ... HI. Amar.- Locomotive... 17 do Pfd t: Aaieriran 8. A R.... 42 do pfd '4 Amer. Hug.r Raf 11214 niH Anao. MlnUif Co 7V 11 HrsoKlrn H. I. ... .. MS Colo. Fual A Iron. .. HVColumbut H. C. .. la Cona. Oaa ,.101lan. g!actrio . 18 Inter. Paper ..Ill do M .. (0 lr.tar. )U1D .. t0l do r'd iTxJMtlonal unrult .. Nat. R. R. ot M. pfd. 4 N. T. Cantral. Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Panniylvaula P., C. C. ft Bt. L.. Reading do lt pfd do ia pfd hork laland Co.... do pfd St. L. A s. r Io lat rfd do 2d pfd BL L. 8 W do pfd. ,. toy: . t.6 .1J1M . 19 . ID . i0 ,. 61 . M . CO ,. 4d-a . i!H :stv National Lead No. American Paclfla Mali , Paopla'a Oaa , Prrawd 8. Car do pfd Pullman P. Car ... Republic Steal do pfd Rubber Gooda do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron. U. 8. Leather do pfd V. 8. Rubber . do p'd U. 8. Steel do pfd... 41 41 171 15J 1(1 04 X4V , l . 1 , 1H , , ta . 7 :io . JO . eon . 13 . C4 . . T . T7 . 8 . 14 . 51 . . Boston Stock ((.notations. BOSTON, Aug. 7. Call loans, 48' per cent: time loans, 4H6 per cent. Official closing prices un stoegs ana Donas: Atchleon 4e IT iBln(hem Max. Central 4a TO It alum.t A ilecla. Atcblaon Dl Cantennlal do pfd fttV.Cnpper Range .... Boston A Albany 24ft IDomlnlon Coal ... N. T.. N. H. ft H...M0 Frenklin ritrhburg pfd Ile Rnyala I'nlon Pacific 70'Mohiwk . 14't Old Dominion .... 112VOciola .117 'Parrot .U0 Onlncy . I Stnta Fa Copper,. .l'" Tamarack . J0H Trtmnuntala . TK'.i Trlnlt . Mu l'nlted 8tatca .... . SIS t'teh . Victoria . 3 V Winona . 41iWolrerlne .31 I 409,6001 484.7001 464.6W 405.1Mi 361,431 2?7.622' 240,0?l 249 2MI 1M.191! 20. 0' 2,803,2311 8.0 ST7R4 '... 2.204.319! 22.01 0iio U.91 717,892 . 16.S I.l$l,962,439.290l. ,. 791.107,6761 E.S. t.8 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa Vancouver, B. C.,. Quebec Hamilton Pt. John, N. B lctorla. B. ILondon ... St. Paul 13H W cetera I'nlon Mex. Central American Sugar .- do pfd American T. ft T.. Dominion I. AS.. Clan. Electric Vita. ICIectrle .... do pfd Vnlted Fruit U. 8. Steal do pfd Adrentura Alloue ADialgamated 1V4 42D lilt , 41 , II a t4 , 3S its, , 17H , so 1H . so . So , I . JT . : . 8t London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. 7. Closing quotations: Conaola. money. Here York Moucy Merket. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. MONEY On call, steadv at lift! Der cent, closing at 24i2',i per cent; on time. Arm; sixty days. 4u4'. cent; ninety nays, e ir ueiiii 01 months, tP,v&4 per cent. I'rlme mercantile nuoer. &CH ner sent. 8 TKHLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual burlnesa ill bankers' bills at 14 8J50 J 4.805 for demand, and at $4 8310iU4.831$ for sixty-day bills: posted rates, $1 84 and 4 buh: commercial Dins, n.aj'u-i.iu. KlLVEK bar, b4vc; Mexican dollars, 42i.iv Jju." uo oovemmeni, aauy; raiiroavu. Irregular. Tiio closing quotations on bonds are) s follows: 1U da account Anaconda Atchleon do pfd Billlomer A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific... Chraapeake ft Ohio Chicago O. . W C, M. A 81. P DeBeara IenTer A It. O do pfd Erie Co Irt nffl do Id pfd 'Illnole Central I'iiN. T. Central S, vi a xvorrota ai weatem.. ax 3S do pfd It 'V Ontario ft Waatera... tl DO I Pennsylvania . MS'Rand Mines.... ,in Reading 3 do let pfd . 14 do Id PM Southern Por .. 19S do pfd .. 7 Southern Paclfto.... .. 1t I'nlon Pacific .. do pfd .. V. 8. Steel .. 4',l do pfd V. ..133U. Wabaah I.oulBTllle ft Nash...l06Sa do ptd St.. K. A T 1 BAR SILVER Steady at 25id ner ounce. MONEY 24i24 ner cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 2 7-i0i JV per cent anu ror three-months bills Is 2-l0S8, per cent. u 41 im 10 4 434 , T4 , 17V, , Zl , 14 ... II .. 1Z ll.tule Chief liOutarlo C6a n lark Vltilai Oaotetlona. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. The following are the quotations on mining stocks: Adama Con All'-a Br we xbrunewtck Coo.. Comatock Tunnel Con. tl. ft Va.. Horn Hllrer Iron Sliter Uiadvllle Con..., X Offered. 1J lOphlr .. 4 ItnoinU .. IViPotnai . .1M Savage ..too Ittlerra Nevada idraall tiiipea . .. I IxStandard .... . .15 .M0 C... 19.449,8411 12,9fil,8TO 4..W.$1W 1,958,96 2,161.812 1.472.84M l.r.1.1561 1.063. 977 1 1.127.1191 6(5.86 tl 9U.1S9I 1.5 , 2.2!. 20 41. 34.8 20.7 49.2 12.8 7.1 -!- Totals, Canada. ...$ 46.997.7661 6.21, or not. Some ewes sold for $3 10 and some lambs brought at, Oti. As compsrrd with the lrlces nalil a week nm the aeneral market on both sheep an dlambs looks lotf.&c lower. The demHiid for leeders. however, nas been In good shape all the week and prices have heid fully steaoy. Ench day's offer ings met with a ready outlet. Uuniatkns for crass stuck: Good to choice lambs, Jo; fair to good lambs, $4 7o4d 0O; good to choice yearlings, $3.bu43.75: fair to good yearlings, $3 .26ii3.6o; good to choice wethers, $3 ((J.O; fair to good wethers, $3.0u-u3 25; good to choice ewes, $2.90413 10; fair to soot I ewes. $2.(1j 2.76; feeder lambs, $3 5t14.a; feeder yearlings, $3.L5't?3 50; fee'irr wetne-s, ,i "; reeuer ewes, ei.soiu.iw. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. $41 Idaho ewes 103 $ 10 50 Idn 10 cull lambs 51 4ID 156 IdaJio lambs 61 6 00 SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 7. Recelnts Were- Lmiciai Monday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 3,.6 4,037 17, "0 .... 3,954 8,9.3 .... 4.6M b.x-tU .... 1.6ti0 6.i00 .... 1,000 6,000 8,4.3 2,709 1.600 S2,4ffl n854 Z6.9.t6 28.M7 36, ,48 41.972 49,731 44.676 14.001 32.9rU 3O.5K0 Fiere rinva tvl- mrmu 1 . fw. Same days last week. ...12,5 game week before 12,637 Same three weeks ago. ..14.308 Same four weeks ago 16.445 Same days last year 18.180 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Ihe followinir tnhle hnwe the recelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South oin.iha for the year to date, and comparisons with last " ' 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec. 578.917 43l.9fi0 146.967 "OK 1,611,3 l.a3i,:l 20,902 oneep 698,3i!B 66t,,99 141,331 Averaare iii-ek i.ui,i r.. h,,t m 1 R,nith Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Date." I 1903. 19O2.19O1.119O0.18!t.1891l.lS97, July 18... I iwvil 7 72 6 641 July 17... 6 1 I 721 6 661 Ju y 18...I6 223, 773 6 68j July 19.. July 20.. July 21.. July 22.. July 23... July 24... July 26... July 36... July ... July 28... July 29... July 30... July 31... Aug. 1... Aug. 2.... Aug. 3.... Aug. 4.... Aug. 6.... Aug. 6.... Aug. 7.... 7 66 6 21 7 63 i I 4l 6 vHl 7 Wi a ih'i 6 06 96, 4 984. 6 05T, 7 41 7 64 7 631 7 63 7 661 6 08 t 7 47, 0 c.-vj,i , 01 4 a.-Vkl 7 41 V I 7 36, 4 99 V4 6 0k'4 6 04H 6 OBV, 7 39 7 ii 7 3 6 03S 7 n, t 6Z 6 m a 6 68 6 71 6 69 6 74 6 68 6 68 e 6 47 6 56 5 61 6 02 4 4 4 7 4 99 4 K 6 07 6 06 6 02 6 06 a 4 01 4 16 4 28! 4 19 4 21 4 6 15 6 16 4 36 4 31 4 27 4 $2 6 08; 6 69, 6 661 6 16 6 761 6 13; 6 791 6 16 I 6 10 5 84 6 80 6 04 6 66 16 14 6 lu 4 33 4 iZl 1 m $ 10 1 $ 36 1 $2 $ 81 3 32 IK IK I 81 $ 38 i a Ii 4 321 4 19 4 2t 4 3)1 4 4S1 3 61 4 3 71 3 77 4 S8 $ 61 a I 3 89 $ 87 3 77 $ 67 3 n 8 74 1 79 3 74 8 6' $ 36 a 8 3' I 41 3 29 3 3i 3 44 3 6u a 3 46 3 47 3 67 3 53 1 43 I 3 46 'Indicates Sunday. The oftlclal number of cars of stock Drought In today by each road was: Roads Cattle. Iloas. SIi'd. ll'r's v., M. oe Bt, P. Ry.... 3 10 Wabash Ry 1 Missouri Pacinc Ry.... 7 Union Pacific system.. 3 C. & N. W.Ry 7. & M. V. Ry 6 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. 1 B. & M. Ry 16 C. B. & Q. Ry 2 K. C. & St. J. Ry 9 C, R. I. A P., east... 1 C. R. 1. & P.. west... 1 Illinois Central 2 12 11 23 7 11 Total receipts 48 93 The disposition of the day'a receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num Der 01 neaa lnaicatea Buyers. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 142 Armour & Co 161 Cudahy Packing Co 242 Omaha, from St. Joe 138 Armour, from Sioux City 63 Vansant & Co 11 Hamilton 9 Other buyers 14o Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ,. 130 1.1&4 1.388 648 1.682 1,4-7 644 278 8?6 I'. I. rat U. rag. ...104V, I, ft N. ual. 4a do coupon IvtSa Met. Central ta...., do la, reg v4,i do la lac do coupon Iu'., Mlna. ft St. L. 4a. do na 4a. rag U ,M., K. ft T, 4a.... do coupon 114V do !a do old 4a, reg 1. c. gas. iv,a. ...iu'r. j. gwa- ta.... . ..Ui No. Pi.-iqc 4a ...lull, do U . ... N. ft W. coa. 4a.. . .. Reading gea. 4a... ...10114 St. L. ft i II a. 4a. IU, ... Ii Ht. U 4 S P. 4a.... N ...looSiSt. L 8. W. la Iz ...lft ; do !a a Central of Oa. 4a. . . .UU't 8 A. ft A. P. 4a.... " do la lac ta.fto. Pt.-iOo 4a a44 Chra. ft OUlo 4Va...luli fo. natloiy ia. Ill1 ( auago ft A. Sa... T'T.iaa ft PaciRe U...1I4 C . II ft a. a. 4a... M,T . St. U ft w. 4a.. 104, it M ft b r. g. aeiua LBioa racise ta. do lueipoj du ia reg do coupon Atckleoa gea. 4a. do adl. 4a Bal. ft Ukla 4a., do la do conv. 4a Colorado So. 2a.. Foreign Flnaaclal toNnoK. Am. 7. The demand for money was moderate. Tho exchequer bond payments diHturbed the market. The uu uly of cash was restricted. D.scount rates were firm. The stock markets opened with a better tendency, and were mojerateiy active. The activity in Americans relieved the depreaalon. and consols and home rails hardened. Americana opened strong and well above pirlty, and further Improved on covering by the beats. Norfolk & West ern, Erie. Union Pacinc and Atchlfon were v.- f.umr, of the mat ket. More l.'cal . I ,,,,n..n fur Americans was manifest, and l;" lefter slightly dragging after the New York Ttalances cald In cash. 4Not included In ot'- because containing her Items than clearings. (Not included in totuls uecause of no com parlson for last year. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 7.-COTTON Easy; sales, 70 ba'.ea; ordinary. 9.90c; good ordinary, lUftc; iow riiaaung. ii',c; mio dung, 12c; good middling, u'c; minium fair. 1316-16c: recelDts, 67 bales; stock. 37, 146 bales. Futures, steady; August, 12.80gi 12.fljc; September, 10.60ri 10.61c, October, 9 5S9.59c; November, 9.50ii9.52c; Dwember, .49fa9.50c; January, 9.50I&9.62C; - February, 9.oU(i9.&3c; March, 9.264j9.29c Secretary Heaters statement ot tne world's vlHtble supply of cotton shows a total visible of 1,567,842 bales, against 1,635. 120 last year, ot which 742,843 balea is American. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. COTTON Tne market opened at a decline of 37 points under realizing and further aggreattlve sell ing by the former New England bull leader, which was encouraged by the generally fa vorable weather reports of the cotton belt, and just after the opening was an earner turn In tho pool, where prices at first were decidedly firmer. During the early session there were frequent rallies on ugnt snip ping orders from New Orleans, and there was an Interval of firmness of the Initial loeses, but this was of short duration and the market quickly resumed a downward tendency, which was continued until near the close. At this time prices were net 9 27 points lower, August having sold drwn rrom Ji.ovc to 11. aac, oeptemuer irom iv.vw to 10.37c October from .9c to 8.80c, De cember from 9.70c to 9.67o and January from .77c to 9 64e, and these apparently ap proved attractive to room snorts, wno amrted "011 v I tie from nroflts whl'e August. which hsd hitherto yielded readily to pres sure, .also suddenly Became nrm unaer rllnun suonort. The close was steady, with 11.60c bid for August and the balance of the list net 7413 points lower, oaiee were es timated at 175,000 balea. Throughout the entire session the trading was almost en tirely of a professional character. fT. LOUIS. Aug. 7. COTTON Quiet; rrlddllng. :2Hc; sale. 4 bales; receipts, 66 bales; shipments, 65 bales; stock, 1,963 k LIVERPOOL. Aug. 7. COTTON Spot, quiet, prices firmer: American mldd ing fair, 7.14d; good middling, 6.92d: middling, 6 ; low middling. 6 40d; good ordinary, 6 141; ordinary, 5.94d. The sales of the day wore 8.000 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export and included 7.200 American. Futures, g. o. c, Augut and September. 6 26d; September. fi.26d: Sep tember and October, 5.76d; October and November, 6 S9d: November and December. 5.29U5.30d; December and Jnnunrv, 6.2W 5?od; January and February, 5.24(!r5.26d : February and March, 5.24d; March and April, 5.3:gi.34d. OH ond Rosin. OIL CITY, Pa., Aug. 7. OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.64; certificates, no bid; shipments 75 9-'5 l.bls.; average, 87.137 bbls.; runs. 87.792 Ibis.: average, 64,423 bbl. Shipments. L'm t, 64.8-G bbls.; average, 60.311 bbls.; runs, Lima, 64.606 bbls. ; Average, 46,752 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Aug. 7. OIL Turpen tine, firm. 4ur. Rosin, Arm; A. 11, C and D, $1.65: H $1.60; F, $1.65; Q, $1.75; H, $2.20; I. $2.70; K. $2.85; M, $2.95; N. $3.05; W. O., ta l W W.. 13 40. PHARLKSTON. fl. C. Aug. 7 OIL Tu'pentlne, nominal. Rosin, steady. WILMINGTON. Del., Aug. OIT, Spirits of turpentine, steady, 484c. Rosin, nothing doing. Crude turpentine firm at $1.76. 2.C5 snd $3.15. Tar. firm. 51.66. ni-w YORK Ana- 7. OIL Cottonseed 1 . .. .. 1 1 n w , 1 Ln p-t.nllim al! it V KOffin, anu, straineu, vuminoii iu bomju, e.?v ill.tto. mrpentine. nrm. Total 1,036 6,296 CATTLE There was a light Supply of cattle In sight this morning even for a Friday. The marKet at mis point, now ever, was In rather bad shape snd as a re suit trading was extremely dull, and It was late before a clearance was made. Beef steer buyers hit the market a bad blow this morning, claiming that price here have been much higher than at other points. The short fed cattle suffered the most and in reveral Instances had to tell )0'&c lower, or S533&C lower than at the first of the week. Another reason for pounding there fi.crt fed cattle !s that grassers are coming freely at the southern markets and the aeneral opinion is that they will arrive here next week. The strictly choice eteers have not suffered as much and are probably not over 15c lower than on Monday ' and Tuesday. Trading was slow today from start to finish and, although there were only a few cattle In eight, ft leok some t:me to dispose of them. There were not enough grass beef here today to test the market on that class of stuff. ; The cow market did f.ot show much change. If anything, the medium class sold a little easier than at the best time yesterday, but about uteady with the average. Cows, in fact, have not fluctu ated much during the entire week, so they are not far from steadv. There la a good deal of unevenness in tne marKet, so that some sales look much better than others. Hills, veal calves and stags have not shown much change during the last sev eral days. There were not enougn stocgers and feeders on sale to tell anything about the market. It Is safe to say, however, that not manv were wanted owing to the end of the week being at hand. There were about twenty-two cars shipped to the country yesterday, which cleaned up the supply In the yards In fairly good shape. Representative sties: BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. ...1121 4 16 II 1177 4 M ...lilt 4 36 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... Mi IM CHICAGO LlVrrl STOCK MARKET. Cattle Slow. Hogs Incline Lower, While Sheep Are Steady. CHICAOO. Au 7 CATTLE Receipts. 4,0u0. Including 4n0 Texans, 4 41 western; slow; good to prime kteers, $5.0iKfi3.40, nom inal; poor to meolum, $3.66ii4 3u; Blockers and feeders, 2 50iil.2o; cows, $1.5ttir4.&o; heifers, $2.UUi4.7!i; cniincrs, $i.5tii2.70, bulls, $2.0W4.20; ciy,..,, $3.5(117.00; Texas steers, $.I.2iVii4 60; western steers, $3.25y'4.50. itous Receipts today, 22.000; tomorrow. lO.OfO; left over, 2.C0I; steady to 5u lower; mixed and butchers', $4.96fi5.60; good to choice heavy, $i..1"fa5 50; rough heavy, $4 70 66.25; light, $5.3Oqo.70; bulk of sales, $5.15 4J.-..35. SHEEP Recelnts. P.OO: sheeD and lamns steady; good to choice wethers, $2.4oit4.80; western sheep, $2.75(U3.80; native lambs, $3,2544.00; western lambs, $4.5040.05. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,860 natives, 2,150 Texans; calves, 650 Texans, 75 natives. Urevts dull and lower; quarantine lower: native and west ern cows, lower: stockers nnd feeders. dull: choice export and dressed beef steers. 4. 0011:1. ZD; teir to good, vu ;(in.w, stocKers and feeders. $2.4064.10; western fed steers, $3,0044 85; Texas and Indian steers, $:l.2.)ftf 4.(0; Tlxns cows, $2,0541.00: native cows, i. 6044.00; native heifers, $2 254. 0; din ners, 11.0042. Jj; bulls, $2,1643.00; calves, $2.754i 5.60. HOU8 Rece nts. .200: market steadv to 10c lower: ton. 8I.40: bulk of sales. 15.07U 4J6.25; hetavy, $4.3506.20; mixed packers, $5.10 roo.zivt; iipnt. ...; 4j 5.40; yorKers, 5.;4fo.40; pigs. ,i Jj'iu tu, SHEEP Receipts. 6.500: market steady: lambs, 10c higher; native lambs, $.1.0iKi? 6 75; western lambs, $2.904T5 40; fed ewes, $2.80(54.75; Texas clipped yearlings, $2 9O'0 4.70; Texas clipped sheep, $2,6544.00; stock ers ana ieeaers, Vi.M'QJ.iO. St. Loots Lite Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 7. CATTLF. Receipts, 900 head, Including 600 Texans; market slow: steady to lower for natives; Texans, steady; native rthlpplng and export steers. $4.26(fi6.20; drested beef and l.titchers" steers, 4.0Otfi1i.OO; steers under 1.000 lbs., 3.w4.6j; stocKers and feeders, s3.:sffii.3.H) cows and heifers, $2.254 4.35: canners, $'2 00 t(2.25: bulls. $2,5043.65: calves. $3.00415.00 Texas and Indian steers. $'2.504j4.30; cows ana neuern, vz.wntj.ib, HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market slow to 60 lower: pigs and lights, $5,3545.75; packers, $5.2rTi5.55; butchers' and best heavy. $3.r0t5.63. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market steady; native muttons, 13(0 8(3.50; lambs, $.1.754r5.00: culls nnd bucks, $2.254S3.60; stockers, $2.0Ot3.35. .tfeir York LlTe Stock Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.122 head; steers, slow and 10nl."c lower; bulls. J3.104i4.25; cows, $1,7544.00. Cables steady; exports, steady; 2,100 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 217 head; veaN, steady; buttermilks, firm; veals, $;; top. $8.50; culls, $3.0of(i.50; buttermilks. $1. HOGS Receipts. 1.124 head; firm; Penn sylvania hogs. $4.1046 83. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 6 545 head; sheep, steady but slow for all grades; prime lambs steady, others 104aGc off; sheep, $2,5043 60; lambs, Jo.0li6.1'J; top, $6.25. St. Joseph LlTe Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 7. CATTLE Receipts. 1,601 head; steady to 10c lower; nntlves, $3.u0fj6.25; cows and heifers, $1.75 4.75; stockers and feeders, $2.50(03.85. HOGS Receipts, 6,290 head; steady; light, ;5.20(fi 40; medium and heavy, 4.7&4fo.2o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 214 head; steady; top native lambs, $5.76; ewes, 43.50. Slonx City I tve Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. 7 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 200 head: steadv; beeves. $4.0O4i5.?5; cows, bulls and mixed. $2 ,VTi4.0n; stockers and feeders, $2.50 4)3.70; calves and yenrllngs, J2.ot.ita3.WJ. HOGS Recelnts. 1.800 head: strong, rell Ing at $5.C04?5.15; bulk, $5.0541 5.10. rtock la Sight. rollowlng re 'he -tcetnts of live stock at the six principal stern cities yesterday: cattie. iioirs nne Omaha 100 6.010 1,501 Chicago 4 000 12 000 5.00) Kansas City 1,8 7,z b,;uo St. Ixuls 900 6.000 50 St. Joseph 1,501 5.200 214 Sioux City 2u0 1.800 BUSINESS IS MAINTAINED Dan Doclarei Country's Trade- Iqnal to a Year Ago. DISTRIBUTION USES UP RAILROAD CARS Crops Have Yet to He Moved, Though Rolling; Stork Is Already lie ported Short la Many Sections. NEW TORK, Aug. 7.-R. O. Dun A Co.'a weekly review of trade will say tomorrow: Trnile ndvlcea from ti'enflv every Mention continue to show as favorable conditions as ft year ago, and in many lines the volume tif transactions has Increased. Jobbers re port fall business opening with excellent prospects, nnd manufacturing plants are well occupied with the exception of cotton rnllls. Distribution of merchandise is so leavy that railway equipment already proves Inadequate, although crops ore not so great a factor as they will bo in a few weeks. Earnings for July exceeded last years by 12.7 par cent and those of I'M by 20.2 per cent. on tne whole, news rrom tho farms Is less favorable, but no serious curtailment Is as sured, and many sections make bright re ports. A decline of 1.5 per cent In the cost of commodities during July la evidence that prices are less Inflated, rlnee the change was mainly in meats and other food. wnicn nave peen ruling aunormauy nig 11. Iron Bnyers Still Many, Consumption of Iron and steel Is on a large scale, and In many departments the past week has witnessed the signing of numerous contracts, but there Is a tendency to delay purchases beyond early needs. This conservatism Is not surprising In view of the uncertainly lcgnrdlng the security and tlnancial markets, together with con siderable Interruption to structural work through labor controversies. The rate of consumption and the moderate aize of or ders, however, indicate that stocks are run ning lower, which entourages furnacemen ami mill operators to hoid quotations fairly steady. A moderate tonnage of pig Iron has been ordered, and In purtly finished products 'the best feature Just now Is the bidding of agricultural implement makers. More pig Iron was Imported In July thnn anticipated, and German billets aro still ofTered at Pittsburg, but the domestic milk ers announce their intention of meeting foreign competition. There is less pressure tor tin plates, the pe culiar weather extr tiding the canning season and giving more time for delivery of cans. There Is dull occupation In all branches of this Industry and in merchnnt pipe also the mills have full orders booked for many months. Cot-ton Pit Postpone Business. No change Is noticed In the attitude of cotton goods buyers, who arpear deter rr.ineii to postpone business until the read- tistment of prices lor raw material. Ow ng to the Kiudiial reduction in mill stocks there Is a similar (HpiiohI: Ion to tlclnv un dertaking new cottr.i. ls and tho result Is further Mlditior.s to ;dlo maoh'nery. In view of the comnratlve rteatlincss of re tail prices una tne activity in dry gnotis ft many joints, It is evident that slocks in other than first hands were laraer than was believed when t-'ie 1 peojlntlve udvance utgan. Aitnotign j hbers report bright r respects for full trade, it Is remarkable hat they make so little iffort Io secure forward deliveries. Irregular distribution of otders is re ported in woolens, some lines being with drawn, while others mnke Utile progress. An Increase In the number of buyers Is encouraging and In the aggregate sales are tuny up 10 normal. Healthy conditions continue In footwear. some grades advancing In rice, while New Kngland shops are not able to accept or-' ders for delivery In several months. There were 178 commercial failures this week in the United States, against 190 lust week, 191 the preceding week and Kul tho corresponding wek of last year, and In Canada 19, against 19 iast week, 19 the pre ceding week and 14 last year. No. jo.. 2:.. II..., .1184 4 14 4 ... COWS. I ... ... 10... 1... 1... 1.... 1.... 740 I 00 714 I 06 430 I OS 1040 t 13 lose I f0 120 1 0 760 IK .... 901 8 18 .... Ml I as .... ast S 10 12.0 ....1400 I 40 ....1110 I 65 1 1 10 4 IS COWS AKu HEIFERS, 17 127 3 15 HEIFERS. 1 410 J 15 CALVES. 188 t 71 I Ill 4 71 1 180 4 15 I STAGS. it ... .1X97 9 10 B rut.rvn.rtn anu n.t.ui.K9. 1 tutt I 16 4 1)57 I 1 4 SO I 7li I.... 740 1 U l t-UXVA&IVA. 26 cows 902 2 85 25 cows 901 t 70 MOIN l AIM A. 13 feeders.. 1056 3 50 6 heifers C. A K. W. 00a. r.. R I. r. 4a. ...1 r r c t L 1. Chit-aae Ter. 4a... r'eloraJa Sa. 4a... r-nr R O 4 I'.rte pnar Ilea 4a. So geaerai do caav. 4a.. Wabaah la da ia , do aVe. B. iweet Sftora 4a... Waeel. ALL ta 1111 a M 44 Wie. r.otrml aa. 1 Oaa. Taaaeoe aa... nr. W. D. C. la. .leev, Cala. gael aaa. la. Hocllef Val. 4t...l4a raaa. east. Itea... g Offeree). I opening tl.ey closed firm, some of them be l1 low the best reported for the day. Kaffirs lit? were firm and higher. On the atreat Americans were nai, un vnomi from 11 half point to 2 points below ths of ficial closing quotation. PAR 1 4. Aug. 7 The bourse ooend du'.l and lather weak, except In the tase of gold mines and government securities. The mrk-t closed quiet and Inactive. Three per cent renUs, 97 franca 77H cen tlmea for the account. BERLIN. Aug. 7. The bourse was less ctiva today than veslerday. but ih ten dency was firm. Canadian railroads were higher on yesterday's Improvement en the situation in wsu sireri. iron snares rou, un.i showed a tendency to continue to Improve. .114', . 44 .0t . 7 . . 44 "I ara a,- OKA1UL AUaf. f.-Buk clC4rlHaf for to- felocka ivr brokeo Io cerUin line. Coffee Market. . . . . . . An . oAtre .i.t r.w I tj r rv , Aug. 1 . v 1 1. 1 . w 11 ,lJ 1 , No. 7 Rio. 5W Futures opened steady at a decline of 5'10 points under disappoint ine KumnHn cahles. lower primary mar kets and reallxlng, but was steadied by a renewal of the demand for November next year and later turned firmer under c n tinued purcnases; the close wns steady net I points higher to 5 points liwer; sa'e were 3H.500 lsg. Including: Ausuxt.; Remember. I 6',iS75e: November, iSMlt.9ac: December, 4 2ou4.25c; January. 4.20c; March, 4.4uu4.4oc; May, i-ttoc: July, 4 loc. Dry Woods Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 7.-DRY OOOD8 Prl?es are unchanged, althouah there are predictions In certain quarters that next week may see an advance In certain lines on which buyers are Insisting on e iriy a llverv. This la one of the features of buy trier today. What is needed will be bought at aaklng prices, but buyers Insl-tt on being promised early delivery, an inaicaiion wiai 650 2 40 400 2 25 370 2 60 Totals 9,451 47.C90 12,714 Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 7. WOOl,-The Commer cial Bulletin will soy tomorrow: There is a boom In Ohio AX fleece, tluinks to the scarcity of line Australian. Ohio XX has advanced to 3oc and costs 7jc clean. Ohio delaine sold at 82c. There has been no advance In X fleeces, which are fairly plentiful. Old Montana (1902 clip), full staple, was sold at 20c this week, and new staple at 21c. There Is a rush for U-blood wool, B super pulled wools and Imported Class 3 wools to be used In making not carpets, but homespun. The wools are coarser than American wools nnd cost 12c the scoured pound less than domestic V blood combing. Khorassan and Saharas ara especially desirable. The light wooiens compare with the heavyweights of last winter. J ne wan street panic nas neon without effect on wool cretins or trans' actions. The shipments of wool from IJos- ton to dnte from December SI, 1902, are 136,319 873 lbs., against lftt.332.337 at tho same date last vear. The receipts to date are 1C6.49S.058 lbs., against 193,749,134 fur the same ner lot! last year. BT. LOIIS. Atig. 7. WOOL Steady to firm; medium grade, combing nnd clothing. 18ifi22o; light line 1Tfl8c; heavy fine,. 12-0 16c; tub washed, aofi9Vic. s ! J TRADE A? i-AIRS PROMISING Bradstreet Discounts Sentimental Dravrbacka, Pointing, to Excel lent Crop Prospects. NEW TORK, Aug. 7. Bradstreet'g tomor row will say: 1 Summed up In a sentence, It may be said that the position in trade and industry is satisfactorily secured, while the future, de spite uome mainly sentimental druwbacks. Is highly promising. Divided geographically, It is to 00 notioea that tho east feels the effect of speculative liquidation and the dulling effects on manu facturing or nigh prices or raw material or of strikes, while the west and south con template the prospects of good yields of staple crops and remunerative prices for the same with) confidence and even opti mism. Staple prices aro drifting lower. Fond products certainly tend lower. Other developments In actual trade nnd manufacture are feeble. Tliere are mora buyers of dry goods and clothing, huts, shoes and hardware In westem markets, and In nearly all lines business is claimed to be equal to or In excess of lust year. The dry goods Kcason has opened well at New York In all lines except cotton. For the first time in weeks Home'hlmr approaching life is seen In the Iron trade. Sales of pig Iron have been the heaviest since the sptlng. some of this being for the htpt quarter of the year and some for next year's delivery. Shoe manufacturers are doing a lartte business, ns measured b) eastern .ship ments, and reports from the west, par ticularly Bt. lnuls, show that manufac turers have all thev can handle. Rallwnv earnings thus far reported for July Indicate a gain of 14 per cent over the same month a. year ago and therefore to this extent ore the l est ever rermrted fir that month. Hides eve easier, while ste-im sixes of anthracite coal weakened percep tibly. Refined sugar Is In active demand, the best week's business so far belns re- POIn'Bdl'tlon to sales of 100.010 tons of pig Iron at Chicago. It Is noted that the tone of the Pittsburg market :s net ter a tin nn- V-j i.hnH ieel nrodocts. nntahlv lar "nil strtic- w' tural. are rrore lit-demnnd. Trade In mer chant pipe steel sheets, wire r nd fin plates Is claimed to be better hnn list year. Lumber Is active in tne west, out new If ( 1 Evaporntetl Apples nntl Dried Frails. I enterprises Involving Its us" in the enst xie-w vnnv a,. 7 HV APOR ATFn are reported held up by financial uncet lain- 9 feeders.. 694 3 20 cows 841 t 41 2 bulls 69) 2 45 1 heifer. 2 calves... 130 4 00 1 heifer. 1 calf 260 3 25 1 bull 15") 2 10 3 feeders.. 451 aw 4 ccwj iwn sou 3 cows 9'JO 2 25 1 cow 90 2 ir) 11 cows 912 2 81 1 bull 1400 Z 35 64 feeders.. 1017 3 50 Hons There was a small supply of hoars on sale today, but In sympathy with a de cline In prices at otner points tne market eased oft a little here. The general market could be quoted shout iVtC. lower or weak to a irickel lower. The bulk of the salts went from $5.00 to $5 tx. Lnoiee ngntwcignta sou largely from 15 074 up to $5.20. The top rlce, nowever, was puia lor a very loncy oal and in fact such hogs are more often seen In the show ring thnn on the general market. They weighed 203 pounds. There was not much change In the market from start to finish, but trading was very slow, ss packers did not seem to be anxious for tho nogs at tne pricea nmramrn were err.. in A arnod clearance, however, was mnde In fairly good season. Representative sales: No, At. 8h. rr. No. av. an. rr. S7 tit 140 4 rn IS m 140 1 014 it lot ... 100 II r74 ... tons 1; SI. . S4.. 13.. so.. 40.. a.. ii.. 4a.. IS.. Ii.. 46.. 44.. 1... 8... 44... II . .. II... ... C4... II... Si... 74... 7... 11 .. W... 74... 4S 304 M IN 184 ... i 00 tee 44 t 00 17 144 S 40 110 ... i 00 tl 10 I M Ml 110 I 00 117 JuO S 00 lit ... too 171 40 I M SOI 140 I 00 14 M IM MS 40 I 00 IU IO 100 tt.1 14 I 11 H 270 120 I 024 S47 ... S 02'4) 2M M I 07 V, 244 ... I 02i 171 ... 102' ...27 140 4 ...2o0 140 I 0!, ...171 10 I IU' .241 ..t-i ..IIS .201 40 I 02 '4 ... I OT'4 aa s 0214 40 t (':'. SO I 0.", as... T7... 45... 0... M... 6S... 71... 10... U... 44... 74... 44... 7... 44.., 11... It.., IS.., 41... f.. SI. . 44. . 4'... rt.. 43... '.. 74.. 40.. 4.. 44.. M . St.. 10.. fa.. 44 . II.. 75.. K0 MO I 01V, 141 40 I 02 V 251 40 I 06 110 10 I 05 153 ... i Oi 134 ... I OS 153 140 t 03 ill M I Cft ITS ... i OS Ml 10 4 0 117 SO i OS 2"4 10 I OS til 10 I 08 214 40 I OS 214 40 I OS 241 100 I 0.1 240 SO I as 241 160 S OS 140 SO I 06 24 40 S OS 23 ISO S OS 211 ... t 04 2.-.J M I OS i;o s oa 264 1 I OS 224 140 S 07 ISO SO 01', M0 ... I 74 .241 120 07t, II 141 120 t 0! 14 21S ... I Oal, 71 1.4 140 I 44 tJl 120 s o:s 44 I I 40 I 02 'a II 1H4 ... ttii 41 m ... I St 24 140 I 02 at 2i4 IM I 0214 SHEEP Thera were only a few eara of sheep on tale this morning, but tne market was slow and weak. Packers seemed to be well til.ed up and aa a result they did not care whether tbey got any more this week ...lit ...244 ...IM ...1"T . . . ' M ..Ml t 10 I 10 i IS S IS I 17 I 20 8 NEW YORK, Aug. 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet ; futures show a sightly easier tendency; common are quoted at 4tf5tjo. prime at 5-"-i0io, choice at 0VuVi and fancy nt GVVJ,c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRT'ITB-Prunes rule steadv t firm nnd a fair Jobbing de mand Is reported on all sizes. Quotations range from so to vc ior an grauen. apri cots are moving ireeiy ana are nrm. nut unchanged, with choice quoted at fVi?8e and fancv at 10fiV.!e. Peaches are quiet, with choice neiu at ivivic unu ma-.) at angar an4l Molnsaes. x-T7w OTJT.F.AN9 Aug. 7. SUGAR Dull- open kettle. 2Q3 7-16; centrifugal whites, 4S-16c; yellows, 3Vu4c; seconds, 2 C2.c. Ml M .Ar.i "M eim iiuiii, NEW YORK. Aug. 7. 81'OAR-Raw. firm; fair refining, ss-ibc; rentrmieai, m teet $ll-lGc; molasses sugar, 2 1515-16c; re fined, firm; crushed, 5.60c; powdered, 6.10c; (rnnulated 5c. Whisky Market. CHICAOO. Aurr. 7. WHISKY Baslg of high wines, $1.29. ST. lAJVin, AUg. I. "iuor.1 oieuujr. $1 30 PEORIA. Aug. 7.-WHISKY-$1.30 for ""CINCINNATI. Aug. l-WIHSKY-Dls-tillers' finished goods, steady, on basis of $1.30. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 7. SEEDS Clover, October, $5 65; Decemner. ('. tTimi timothy, $l.w; August aisiae. eu.. WIRES AND POLES COME DOWN Alley Ho. 1 Will ne Opened Monday aad Others Will Follow Shortly. Alley No. 1 will be "opened" Monday. 80 announces the Omaha Eleetrlo Light and Power company. The opening means that the wires In the conduit In the alley between Dodge and Douglas, from Eighth to Eighteenth street, will be connected with the buildings. fh connections with the wires on ths poles In the alley will be cut and the work of taking down the wlrea and poles will begin In a few days. Alleys Nos. 2, $ and 4 will be "opened" in a short time, and the work of removing" overhead wires and poles from the underground district will soon be completed. ere reported Reports of csr shortnge troubles are In creasing, the Istest s-.ifTerer being the west ern lumber trsde. Wheat. Including flour, expo-ts for the week aggregate 3 010,010 bushels ngilnsl. $111 442 lust week, 4.244 3,!3 tills wee it last vear. 8,831.199 In 19il and 3.31 ,7'i' In 1900. For the five we"ks of the oe-cl year thev aggregate 15 1 147.207 bosliels against 2.793 ft In VM2. i,507,H5 In 1901 and 14 is.7!i7 In :9"0. Corn exports for th week aggregate. fi -428 bushel, pgulnst 9!.R39 last week 7.011 a vear ago. 900 Til In 1901 ond 2 0.79 In 1900. For five weeks of the present cere-il year thev aggrete 4.21' Offl bushels against 494,437 in l!m2, 7,224, 413 In snd 18.249.731 In 1900. Tumlnexa fnilures In t'le T'rlted Mates during the year 'Tied Auc at ii number 161. against 190 last week '.r,9 In the lUe week in 1902, 185 In i'Hll, 172 :n ami In 1809. In Canada for the week failures pumher 20. ns against 17 last week and 14 In this week a year ago. glory la at Fake. ST. CLAIRSVILLR. O . Aug. 7. The re. pert that a posso whs alter a younn n.-niw lawyer of this place named C. K. Hums to lynch him for assaulting a prominent woman. Mrs. M. E. Stowe, Is pronounced untrue by Sheriff Major. No persons of the above names are known at Bt. Clal.-s-vllls aj.d there Is no excltemont. T REAL ESTATES Tit AXSFKHS. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nlahed by ths Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bunded obstructor, 1014 Farnam street: F. W. Merrill to Lulu C. Gibson et at, lot 2, block 25. South Omaha $ fM Susan Fox and husband to Dorothea Meth, W00 feet of e75 feet of lot 11, block 32. ajid lots 2 and 3 In Max- weU's sub of lot 12, blqck 32, South v 1 Omaha M Jl -' f John M. Weeterfleld and wife to Doro- tr - i thea Metti, lot 1, block 131, South If Omaha 2,00C?t f Alison O. Chenowetn ana Wile to iucy B. nithell. lot k, Mock $8, ARrlght a Choice addition 400 Peter Petersen and wife to John II. Fedde, s'4i ae'i se4 sec. 1:4-15-11. also w$ 39 acres of srw; sw"i sec. 18-15-12.. 4.504 M D. Roberts to city of Omaha, und lots 7 and 8, block 15, Isaac A Bel den's eild. and lot 7, block 2. Mayna Place add toO Catherine Ronas to Lyda R. Gregory, lot . block 11. Rrlggs Place add t,Mfl M. Frank Harris to Francis L. Stew- art, s47 feet lots 1 and 2, block $. f Campbell's add J Edward Hannegan to El Ira White, lot $. Hlmebau4(ti l'lace add X.UM