Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. (1I-(H During July and August We Clot
Ladle; Drawers
At 11.00-Bedued
from 1.S0.
from $1.XL
from 12.25.
from $100.
fTom ti.75.
from W.2S.
from to. 00.
At 11.50 Reducvd
At -ll.TS-Reduced
At .00-Reduced
At J2.75-Reduod
At $3.00-Redu'ced
At $3.7&-Reduoed
IY. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St
i-i. ' ' ' ;
the 'rw popti li replying to an Inquiry,
wires: , ,
The election of Cardinal Sarto as pop
has-aroused indescribable enthusiasm here.
The1 people are preparing splmdld festlvi-'
tles.'whlch have ""been Unahlmously ap
proved by the city fathers. The village be
ing almoat entirely composed of peasants,
baa no Idea about the policy or tendencies
of Pope Plus X.;i1d-I m unable to give
you any Information on the point. He wa
of toe numblest birth. '
" H , ' y ANDREAZZA,. Mayor.
Count jiiuocloll of the Noble Guard, who
waa Cardinal Bar to attendant during the
oonclav.e,' hat been jone. of . the Associated
Press , correspondents at the Vatican for
several years. Ha 1 well known In Amer
ica, having married an 'American wife, and
frequently vlalted this country.
Cardinal Gibbons, ' accompanied by hie
oonclavlat, Father P.' C, Cavan, today vis
ited the Ciiiiroh,: of Santa Maria in Traa
taivere, iio cardinal' titular churoh, He
waa warmly received by the whole chapter,
headed by the canon and arch-priest.
Ooaaaaeree Ooanshtsslon Postpones Date
by. Which. Safety Appliances
'' Halt Be Installed.
CHfAtrO, Aug., (.-Trie Interstate Com
merce commission today again extended
the time within which a, number of rail
roads must complete their safety equip
ment ts October 15. , The commission will
meantime consider the further extension of
the law. arid the question of the location
of grabtrons on engines.'' Among the roads
granted the extension are the Pennsylvania,
Brie, Santa Fe, Denver & Rio Grande,
Colorado St. Southern and Boston & Maine.
The Colorado Southern wants time for
quipping power driving wheel brakes on
narrow gauge passenger locomotives and
the Santa Fe wants into requirement of
grablrons on fronts or sides of locomotives
dispensed with. Te 'appeal, of the other
roads related to 'the equipment of SO. per
cent of tha oars on" all trains with air
brakes. .V A?-'
C: , i
Unadsevle Surplus After Payment of
Dividends, Being; laereuae Over
Nf JjbHK, Aug. -The report of the
Union Factfle Railroad company forkha
yearVehdlng June 30 shows Gross earnings
$6l375,i& increase $3.54,8051 operating1. ex-,
pensejand 'taxes, $28,747,215, Increase. $3, i,
ltl.wj net earnings' $22,S27,97J increase
'To the pet. earnings were added dividends
on Northern Securities company stock of
$,888,$S, and other Incomes to make the
total Income $27,192,182, an Increase of $870,
627. The tqKCl fixed charges were $12,071,068,
an ,lncreuo of $80,936. ; :
After payment' of dividends there re
mained a surplus of $8,984,169, an Increase
.of $64j(,19S.
Westera, RnUoe ,Cltp Twenty-Five
Per Cent OS Tolls oa
i".1 , Grapes.
CHICAGO,. , Aug. (.Freight trafflo offl
elals of 'western roads today decided that
tha revenrie derived' from larger shipments
would morsHlika compensate for the loss
directly sustained from a reduction In
rates. r:,--'" '
In accordance ; wj ft 'this Idea the rate on
grapes shipped west and northwest through
Chicago Is to bo reduced from $100 per car
to $76 from Chicago to Pt Paul.
Freight trafflo men say the' application
of the rule Is not applicable to all classes
of freight, but it is properly applied to
grapes and other fruit which must be con
sumed quickly after being gathered
Company Formed tn Oklahoma to
' Ceuameo Winnipeg; with New
' Orleans. "
GUTHRIB, Old., Aug. C-The Kansas
Central .Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad com
pany, with a capital, stock of $20,000,000, waa
chartered. nerV'tttday. " The purpoae of the
eotnpajpyt ta to conntruct a' line conneotlng
Etold, jOM,, New 'Orleans, and Winnipeg,
Manitoba,.' a a. estimated length of ' 2,000
mllee.jf'- 1 V''H , -
The stockholders a-i-e A. Koonts of Hutch
inson, Cd.VA. H. McMaharf of Band Creek,
Okl., I.', Thomas and T. 8.' Bpaulding of
Kansa City and J.'H. ledgerwood of Pond
;asm) lll.crt the Money .
8PRldFIELD. -TiV, Aug. Judge
Crelghton, In, the Sangamon clroult court,
today dJaaotvd 'the temporary Injunction
Issued by Judge Thompson, on petition of
Representative BurKe of Chicago,' restrain
ing payment of any part of the appropria
tion made by the general assembly, for
4na,lntefcance of the Illinois and Michigan
' tanal, 3urke alleging that the conatltution
yrhlMtet appropriations by the legisla
ture In. the aid nf oanals or railroads.
Blanche Walsh Finally Divorced.
new! tork. Aug. (.Justice Pugro to
day signed the Anal diree of divorce In
favor of Blanche Walsh, tha actress, in
her suit against Alfred Hickman, to whom
he waa married In
Fine llvcr deserves a
' fine polish .
Siever Polish
The finest poluh in the world
Qeana, M, WcO .at poli&het
SSreESeipU aatsgpatkage
Saturday at 1 p. m. Bet, Auf . (, '01
Dainty, hnnd made underwear, sucb
as only the French can conjure, with trim
mings of hand embroidery and fine laces.
At $2 60 Reduoed rom J,50.
At I3.7S Reduced from $5. CO.
At $4.00-Jleduoed from $5.2i and lo.T.
At MOO Reduced from M.00.
At 14. SO Reduced from 17.60.
At 18.00 Reduced . from $10.00.
At 17.50 Reduced from $11, $12 and $12.60.
Building Bos:ei Reverse Conciliation Offer
When Men Balk at Details.
) . .
Judges Called on te Kerne Oat
Has Decide Between Rival
Claims of Operators and
PTTTSBTJRG, Aug. . Unexpected de
velopments in the peace movement of the
Builders' Exchange league caused a fresh
break in the plans for the general resump
tion of operations next week. After the
proposals to end the lockout had been sent
to the Building Trades council yesterday It
was discovered that with one exception not
a contractor In tho city was employing
union engineers as such, neither had they
recognized tha Hoisting Engineers' union.
No attention had been paid to the other
contractors by the workmen, who singled
out A. S. Wilson and tried to compel
btm to sign the union scale. The discrimin
ation against the Wilson company was not
relished by tha league members, accordingly
when a reply to the proposition for a set
tlement was received demanding, that the
proposed settlement be made at once and
not within ten days the league decided to
withdraw the whole plan and Stand on the
original ground which demanded that the
workmen return on tha Wilson contracts on
exactly the same conditions as existed
before the strike.
Minors Cs
POTT3VILLE, Pa,, Aug. . The concilia
tion board appointed to adjust tha differ
ences between the anthracite miners and
operators today failed to agreeon certain
grievances and appealed to the Judges of
the Third district of tho United States
oourt to appoint a seventn man, as umpire.
The questions under dispute will be re
ferred to this, umpire, whose decision will
be final and. binding on both parties. This
is In accordance with the strike .commis
sion's award. ..
eannstrvSSpad; ft. Lonlagrrllce.
ST. LOUIS,' Aug: ,-The strike of team
sters employed by St. Lpuls lumber dealers
ahd allied concerns, involving also'; the' box
sawyers arid nallars, has been declared' off
arid the then are' returning to work.
The teamsters, 800 tn number, quit work
on July 18, and tho box sawyers and nailers
followed on July 23. t About 136 companies
and eighteen boss tea,rasters were affected.
The teamsters. It Is said, made. no formal
demands before striking.' It Is understood
they wanted recognition of their union, ,
Belldera' Laborers Unit.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 1 A thousand
laborers employed in building trsdes in
Minneapolis struck today for an increase In
wagea. Masons and allekllled laborers who
are dependent on tho man who are out
have also been forced to quit work.. :
Will Elect Engineers' Chief.
CLEVELAND. Aug. .-F!rst Assistant
Grand Engineer C. A. Blake of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers arrived here
today from San Luis Potosl, Mexico, to
attend the meeting of grand officer, which
Is to name a Successor to the late grand
chief, P. M. Arthur.. It Is probable a meet
ing will be held today, thtrugtv no definite
announcement haa been made, ..
Testimony for State In Fend Cstae
Is Discredited by More
CTNTHIANA. Ky.. Aug. 1-H. F. Wll
son, a salesman, was on the stand today in
the Jett and White trial to prove the fact
of a large hole in the floor of the court
house at Jackson.
His testimony corroborated fully Dr.
Taulbee and Ave other witnesses as to
there being trees between the house of Mar
cum. and the' rock quarry. " On .cross-examination
he said his expenses trere paid
to Jackson and he waa to get $10 besides.
Green Strong and James Lee, other wit
nesses, were Introduced to prove the bad
character of Ewen.t.. ... ;
Jett and White were recalled and stood
some feet away from the Jury, the defense
seeking to show that at several hundred
yards they could not be told apart.
On His War Ham frena Philippines
svad Meets Death Hoar
r: rneblo,
'. II 'l - ' I "I"1 1
PUEBLO, Colo Aug. (.The coroner has
In charge the body of H. Roberts, a re
turned soldier fTom the Philippines, who
was killed by a Santa Fe paaeenger train
at Baxter station, . six mile east of here.
How Roberta came to be at that point
Is not learned. He was walking on ths
track and did not see the approaching
train. . He bad stayed, at- Pueblo the night
Roberts was a large fine looking man In
khaki uniform and was on the way from
Manila to his home, somewhere in
Michigan. ,
Abstinence Vntea la Growing.
rUTTSBURO. Aug. -When the national
convention of the Cathollo Total Abstinence
Union of America mot today the credentials
committee icported 1! delegates present. Re-
fio't of dlocessn unions shewed Increasing
ntereat and rapid growth all over the coun
try. The session concluded with papers on
the history of the temperance movement for
150 years By Thomas H. Keogh of Bnrlng
ftvld, Mass.. and "Strong Vlsri1' by William
O'ltrien. supreme commander of the
Knights of Father Matthew, of St. Louis.
Road Is fades Construction.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. .-E. H. Herri
man, head of the syndicate whloh controls
the California Northwestern railroad, is
planning to make that road part of a coaat
system that will eantually have its north
ern terminus at Astoria, where connections
will be made with the Oregon St Navigation
company a Una. The extension of the local
road to Washington Is net a projection con
tm plated for the far future, but Is actually
under construction.
Fifty Are Killed in Emshero Attack on
GoTerncr'i Pg'aoe.
Albanian Troops to Be Employed,
While Rnmor Also Says Kurds
Are Betas; Armed In
SALONICA, Aug. . A special messen
ger from Monastlr reports that Bulgarian
Insurgents have dynamited the Konak at
Krufhevo, twenty-throe miles north of
Monastlr. ' Fifty Turks were killed.
A' detachment of Ottoman troops have
burned Dlhovle, near Monastlr.
Eight Turkish battalions have been dis
patched to Monastlr and three battalions
to Salonlca. from Kossovo. Telegraphic
communication with Monastlr Is still Inter
Turks Prepare to Massacre,
CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. i -Consular
advices which were received here yesterday
from Monastlr indicated that the situation
In Macedonia was constantly growing
At a meeting of the ministers It has been
decided, therefore, to adopt measures of
extreme severity in order to suppress the
revolution. It Is reported that Albanian
troops will be employed, in which event
massacres are almost Inevitable.
The Bulgarian patriarch was summoned
to the Ylldlz kiosk Wednesday and urged
to make a final appeal to his flock to deliver
up their arms and thereby avoid bloodshed.
The menacing attitude of the Kurds In
Armenia Is causing Increased alarm at
Frzeroum, Bttlls and Kharput. It Is as
serted In some quarters that tho authorities
are secretly arming the Kurds, while en
deavoring to convict the Armenians of revo-
tlonary Intentions.
General Rising: Is Planned.
LONDON, Aug. 6. A news agency dis
patch from Vienna says the Macedonian
central revolutionary committee has fixed
August $1 as the date for a general rising.
Boris Sarafoff, one of tho leading Mace
donian agitators, has been appointed com
mander of the revolutionary forces, with
Alcxeff as his principal lieutenant.
A letter from .Yeddo. dated July 21, re
ports that the notorious Kurdish chief,
Moussa Bey, who was responsible for
many of the Armenian outrages, has es
caped from Medina with several other Kur
dish chiefs, and that all attempts to In
tercept thorn have failed.
Tha sultan was so Incensed that he or
dered the immediate dismissal of the gov
ernor of Medina, this being the third time
Moussa has escaped. It Is feared he will
reach Kurdistan and lead a new insurrec
tion against the Turks, with perhaps a
repetition of the atrocities in Armenia.
SOFIA, Aug. 6. Crops have been de
stroyed and bridges blown up In the dis
tricts of Monastlr and Salonlca, where tha
Macedonian committee proclaimed a revo
lution. In authoritative. Bulgarian circles
doubt Is expressed as to the Importance of
the. rising.
Man , Return to .Work After Con-
. promising with Their
Employers. ' '
LONDON, Aug. 7.-The Standard's Odessa
correspondent, under date August 2, says
all the trades Tiave now resumed work1
and .the. strika Js practically? ended, though
the city will remain under martial law
for at least ten days more.
The strikers did not win all their de
mands, but In most cases were met with
falr-splrtted compromises. The Odessa
papers aay the governor announces that ha
has summarily convicted seventy persons
and sentenced them to three months' im
prisonment for disturbing public order. The
names given Include many Jews and a few
The strike ended Just in time to avert
serious food riots, as the high price of
provisions led to ominous popular threats
to storm the bakeries and flour mills.
There have been a few fatalities, but no
Serious disorders. It is said that while the
strikers were trying to prevent a train
startups on Saturday night four of the
strike leaders were run over and killed.
Servian Murderers Plan More Blood
shed to Gntn Their
'VIENNA, Aug. I According to advices
received here a number of Servian officers
have been arreated at Belgrade oh account.
It la reported, of a suspicion that they were
conspiring against the war minister. Gen
eral Alanaskovlcs. who is said to have pre
vented the advancement of the participants
In the assassination of King Alexander and
Queen Draga.
BERLIN. Aug. a A Bt. Petersburg dis
patch to the Cologne Gazette says two
Servian officers who were to attend King
Peter's sons on their Journey to Belgrade
to Join their father, have not been per
mitted to cross the Russian frontier, the
Russian legation at Belgrade having re
fused to vise their passports, saying they
were Implicated in the assassination of
King Alexander and Queen Draga.
People of Philippines Object to the
Money Minted In San
MANILA. April (.-6 p. m. The efforts of
the United States government to Introduce
Its new currency Into the Philippine islands
has not met with the success that was an
Although a large quantity of the Coins'
minted at San Francisco have reached ths
Islands there Is eons'derable prejudice
gainst their use, especially In the prov
The banker bf Manila, having become
convinced of the necessity of action In the
matter, held a conference today with Gov
em or Taft and after a full discussion prom'
Ised to render the government all the aid
In their power to aecure the acceptance of
the American peso as the standard of value
and the general use of the new coins.
Opponents Denounce Alleged Protec
tionist Measure, bat Fall to
Stay Third Reading-.
LONDON. Aug. 1-In the House of Com
mons, after James Bryce, liberal. Sir
Charles Dllke, advanced radical, and oth
ers had vigorously denounced .the Sugar
Convention bill aa a protectionist measure,
the bill passed Its third reading by 111 to
Long Terms in Prison.
MANILA. Aug. 6.-Flfty ladronee, who
were Implicated In the recent raids near
Suiigao, In the province of Mindanao, have
been sentenced to long terms of Imprison
ment Holds Treaty Ratlueatjoa Invalid.
COLON, Colombia, Aug. I -The latest
advices from Bogota say the adversaries
of the canal treaty hare assumed a new
attitude, based on the opinion of an emi
nent lawyer at Bogota, who claims that
ratification of the Hay-Herran treaty
would be 'Ohfonstitutlonal,' because con
gress did not (anctlon the last canal
Irish Peers Lead Revolt Against Land
Bill Von la Com
mittee. LONDON, -Aug. . The committee stags
of the Irish land bill was reached In the
House of- Lords this afternoon.
The division Indicatea a hard fight, the
government being defeated on one occasion
by three votes. ,-The Irish peers are lead
ing the attack.
Bond la ot Yet Approred,
LONDON. Aug. Whltaker Wright,
the arrested promoter and director of the
London & Globe corporation, limited, the
hearing of whose case was yesterday ad
journed to August 24, Is today still In Brix
ton Jail, some of the. proposed sureties for
his ball of $260,000 not yet having been ap
proved. .
Training Ships Participate, Although
that Was Not Intention
nt First.
BAR HARBOR, Me., Aug. t A tug from
Admiral Barker's squadron which, In the
war maneuvers now going On, is defending
the main coast, which put In here today
for mall. , reported Admiral Barker, with
the flagship Knarsarge. the battleship
Alabama and Illinois and the tugs Peoria
and Nina off Desert rock, about 27S miles
from here.
The old school ship Hartford end the
Chesapeake are guarding the mouth of
Frenchman's bay near the Egg Rock light
house though It was not the first Intention
to have the training ships participate In
the maneuvers.
Only the scout boats have gone any
great distance from 'this section of the
const. Trie superior force apparently Is
held In readiness to repulse any attack.
Should the enemy enter anchorage It would
bo necessary for this suportor force to at
tack them within five hours. -
PORTLAND, Me..' Aug. .-Wlth thick
and stormy weather along the entire coast,
it would seem as It the attacking fleet had
the best possible conditions In whtoh to win
the war game, but at a late hour tonight
nothing had been heard from the "enemy."
while the reports from the defending squad
ron were somewhat meagre. Several swift
torpedo boat destroyers ran lno Penobscot
today and a naval ' tug came Into Bar
Harbor for the mall. :
The main portion of Admiral Barker's
fleet, however, kept well off shore and It
Is believed continued to patrol the coast
between Eastport and Cape Ann. Admiral
Sands has still shout three days to make
his dash for the coast and It Is believed he
will wait to the last moment to give the
defending squadron plenty, of practice In
patrolling and take advantage of any. re
laxation in Its vlglmfice. . -
A foreign liner brought In today the last
word of the attaeWhg squadron, the entire
fleet being sighted 'several hundred miles
Oft shore on the vtnlrtg of August 4. At
that time the fleet was steaming In an
easterly direction," -
Little Girl Blea While rather Is Ilaat-
e- 7 .-lw-T':ltAdlde JC hartefa .2r. i
ii "Tratnlror Journey. .5-t -'
LOS "ANGgLEBTCal.. Aug.' e.-Marin
Lowe, the 15-year-old daughter of Henry
Lowe, chief of the" engineering department
of the United Statea Steel corporation, who
Is speeding across1 the continent on a spe
cial train, died at w hotel here last night.
Mr. Lowe started from New York on the
Twentieth Century Limited, on the Lake
Shore road, Tuesday afternoon, and. In
hope of reaching ' Los Angelos while his
daughter was still alive, chartered a train
from Chicago on the Santa Fe road, at an
expense of nearly $4,000.
When death Came to the child Mr. Lowe
was passing through eastern Kansas. Mr.
Lowe's special was scheduled to break all
records of fast runs to the coast.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Aug. . The Santa Fe
special train Dearfhg Henry Lowe of New
York on record-breaking Journey to the
death bed of his little girl at Los Angeles
passed La Junta at :10 this morning, con
siderably ahead of schedule time.
The news of .the child's death had not
been received up to that time. When her
death was known a little later messages
were hurried ahead of the special, but tho
railroad company's wires were down west
of La Junta and it' was Impossible to get
word through up to U o'clock.
French Bark Takes Year In Which
to Sail from Antwerp to
PORTLAND,. Ore.. Aug. 6 After a
voysge lnsting more than a year, the
French bark Grand Duchesse Olga. with a
general cargo, arrived today from Antwerp.
The passage la one of the longest on
record and had It not been spoken every
now and then the vessel would probably
long age have been placed among the lost.
Olga encountered numerous storms after
leaving Antwerp, one off the Atlantic coast
of South America threatening it with total
Teller ef City National at Canton,
Ohio, Is Removed and Arrest
CANTON. O.. Aug. . A shortage In the
funds of the City National bank, which, It
Is said, may reach $22,000, has been dlscov
The officials of the bank declare that it
will not affect the concern, aa It has a sur
plus and undivided profits of $SO,000.
Albert W. Delbel, teller at the bank, has
been removed from his position and ar
rested on the charge of embezxling $1,000.
Says She Has Cheated Many Post
offices by Raising Money
PHILADELPHIA. . Aug. (.Annie E
Shapley today .confessed that since May
25 the had cheated the New York city,
Trenton, Yonkera, Brooklyn, New Rochelle
and other postofflces in New York, Penn
sylvanla and New Jersey by raised postal
orders. The postal Inspectors say Mrs.
Shapley Is ons of the cleverest women
forgers in the country.
Trolley Kills and Muima.
SHARON. Pa., Aug. (.-While returning
from a picnic this evening a trolley car
on the Youngaton and Sharon Electric line
ran into a car anead, Killing joaepn Dees,
agrd 66. of Kharon, and more or less seri
ously injured twenty otnrrs.
A Bnra Sever Durno.
After Porter's Antiseptic Heating Oil !s ap
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at
the same time. For man or beast Price, tio.
Postmasterj Urge Oongreit to Allow Re
demption at a Dbconnt.
Paid la Paper, Firms Sell to Public,
Thus treating Market for
Thieves and Crooks of
All SOrts.
BOSTON, Aug. 6.-The most important
feature of today's session of tho National
Postmaster's association was the passage
of a resolution urging a system by which
"stamp certificates" may bo issued for
carrying on tha now extensive mail order
business bf the country.
Many firms receive thousands of dollars
In stamps every day In exchange for goods.
These cannot be resold to the government,
so are sold to the public at a discount. A
market is thereby opened by which per
sons whi come into possession of stnmps
illegitimately may dispose of thorn almost
without occasioning comment.
Mr. Hubbard, assistant postmaster at
Chicago, estimated that at least $2,000,000
were sold In his city alone. Mall matter
to be handled In the office constantly In
creased, whllo the sale of stamps through
the window remained about the same.
Postmaster Hubbard's system provides
for the issuance by the third assistant
postmaster general of certificates for
stamps of denominations from S to 60 cents,
which would make up all combinations
under $1. Received by stamp order houses
from customers these certificates could be
sorted and exchanged at the postofflces for
stamps or caah at a 'discount of 1 per cent.
Among other topics dlscussod was the
reclassification of clerks In seoond-claas
postofllces and the question of raising the
present salaries of clerks.
Duruig the afternoon the following tele
gram wus received from Oyster Bay:
Your telegram has lxen received and the
president thanks the National Association
of Postmasters for their kind greeting,
which he greatly appreciates.
(Signed; li. F. BARNES,
Acting Secretary.
An extra session was held this evening,
when the delegates were addressed by Third
Postmaster General Edward C. Madden and
Auditor Henry A. Castle of the Postofflce
department. Several committee reports
were also received.
The following officers were elected: Presi
dent. F. B. Dlckerson of Detroit: vice
president. W. H. Hull of Peoria, III.; treas
urer, T. O. Lawler of Rookford. 111.; secre
tary, W. E. Springer of Detroit.
Subcommittee Meets at Aldrlch's
Country House to Discuss
PROVIDENCIC. R. 1.. Aur Th h.
committee of the United Statea sonata
committee on finance is assembling at Sen
ator 8 country resiaence at War
wick to discuss Informally the details of
the finance bill which Is to be presented at
the next session.
The subcommittee includes Senators Alli
son, Aldrlch, Spooner and Piatt of Connec
Call on President to Influence Legis
lation' Against Mob- Rule,
, .i
NEW YORKT. Aug. 'eV Resolutions -'de
nouncing lynching and the existence of
peonage in the south and calling on Presi
dent Roosevelt to Influence congress to
remedy these evils were adopted at a mass
meeting of colored citizens held under the
direction of the Colored Literary league of
Greater New York tonight.
The resolutions will be forwarded to the
Michigan Politicians Organise na
tional Gathering to Commem
orate Party's Birth.
DETROIT. Aug. e. Republicans from all
parts of the state tonight orgnnlied to
arrange a great Jubilee In 1904 at Jackson.
Mich., to commemorate the birth of the
republican party at Jackson nearly half
a century ago.
It Is the intention of the organisation to
make the Jubilee a national event.
Roosevelt Derides to Receive Baron
Ton Sternberg at Saga
more Hill.
WASHINGTON, Aug. (.-All arrange
ments have been perfected for the presen
tation at Sagamore Hill tomorrow of Ills
excellency Baron Speck voti Sternberg as
German ambassador. The ambassador will
arrive In New York today from his sum
mer home In New Hampshire and probably
go to Oyster Hay tomorrow. It Is ex
pected ho will be accompanied by Baron
von Dem Busse-Haddenhaitsen. counselor
of the legrttlon and first secretary of em
bassy, who will act as his aide.
At the hour appointed for the presents
tlon the president will send his carriage
to Oyster Bay with Colonel Thomas W.
Symons, superintendent of puhllo build
ings and grounds, for the ambassador.
Colonel Symons, in full uniform, will escort
the ambassador to Sagamore 11111 and will
act as master of ceremonies at tha pre
sentation. The ambassador's secretary will
follow In another carriage.
The presentation will be made by Mr.
Loomls. the acting secretary of state. The
ambassador will wear the full court dress
of his rank.
The departure from precedent on the part
or the president Is made as a special mark
of favor to the German ambassador, who
for more than ten years hss been his Inti
mate friend. This Is the first time an am
bassador has ever been presented to the
president outside of Washington. It Is
understood that the ambassador, after re
lieving himself of his court dress, will re
turn to Sagamore Hill for lunch and spend
the afternoon with the president.
John P. Carnell, (3 years old, a veteran
clerk of the office of the auditor for the
Post office department, formerly of Iowa,
was arrested today by postofflce Inspectors
on the charge of opening letters addressed
to the auditor and appropriating the con
tents. General Gillespie, chief of engineers, win
be designated president of the board of
ordnance and fortifications on the retire
ment of General Miles.
A dispatch has been received at the War
department from Governor Taft saying that
the census of the Philippines has been
about completed. The books and schedules
will be sent to Washington. Governor Taft
recommends that General Sanger be or
dered here In connection with the census
work? and it is probable he will come as
census director.
Wealthy Contractor Killed While
Changing Revolver from One
Pocket to Another.
SCRANTON, Pa., Aug. (. Conrad
Schroeder, one of the wealthiest contractori
and builders In Pennsylvania, shot himself
in the head today, dying almost Instantly.
The shooting occurred while Mr. Schroe
der was In his room, and his family say
that the revolver exploded while he was
changing It from one pocket to another.
Ho returned from New York last night and
was apparently In a happy mood.
. Mr.- Sohroeder was a delegate to the na
tional convention whloh nominated Benja
man Harrison for president He waa rated
as a millionaire.
Holding Compauy is Abandoned.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. (.-A holding
company, with a capital of $60,000,000 for the
Hellman & Huntington electric lines in
southern California, has been ' abandoned.
6onator W. A. Clark St Son of Montana,
and E. H. -Harrlman, were to have held a
minority of stock tn the proposed company,
Hellman & Huntington keeping the control.
The interested parties -have decided not to
disturb. the existing tour companies which
represent the Hellman & Huntington lines.
They Comprise the Pacific ' Electric and
Interufban eleptrio, with $10,000,000 of stock
and $10,Ci0,0Ofl of bonds, Lcs Angeles Street
railway, with $5,900.00 of stock and a like
issue of bonds, shd the Los Angeles Trac
tion, recently, bought by the Pacific Electric
for about, $5,000,000.
Primaries Nominate Senator.
MEMPHIS, Tenft., Aug. (.Returns re
ceived by the Commercial Appeal from Mis
sissippi Indicate the nomination by the state
primaries of H. D. Money for United States
senator and Hon. J. K. Vardaman for
FOR g 250,000."
Btorr of a Pamnut 8t1 Man's Lara for a
Comic Opera Star, an Haw It Coat Him a
A thrilling fMtura In this w.k' luue of
Kawttandi; 10 cants a rnpr; 14 a T'
Srn 11 tot rial anbtcrtpthMi t moatna.
nroinwT WwklT Co. Ill W. 47t si.. N. T.
anjpji su iiiv'Biywii.w. ffysj
"The Gem of
Northern Wisconsin.
. t . I
Best of fishing muskallonge, bass, i
pickerel, trout. (
Five lakes within . radius of four
Good hotel and excellent cuisine.
Easily reached from all points on
iluauiiGG 6 St- Poul
Tickets, 1524 Farnam
Reserve Agent Warned for tho First
National Bank of Scrlbner,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. (.-(Special Tele
gram.) The Western National bank of the
United States of New York has been ap
proved as a reserve agent for the First
National bank of Scrlbner, Neb.
Namaha. w.iiuhi pniintv. Nebraska, was
today allowed a second rural carrier service
covering twenty-four square miles.
T-K- -- m . Iln. A f Wirmt f J All t na n t Watt
C. Valentine of the Fourth infantry ha
k.. n Hi,,.Mnlit 1, v thm tit-iMnt tn take
effect August S, for tho good of the service.
Tresaarrr's Resignation Accepted.
NEW YORK, Aug. (.-President Krbler
of the Colorado Fuel A Iron company
makes ofliclHl announcement that J. L.
Jeromo. third vice president and treasurer,
has resigned, the resignation' to become
effective at once, and that A. A. Miller
has bren appointed ssslstant treasurer. Mr.
Miller will hnve full charge of all financial
It J
itStr By the
'XA leather of whloh
, . au u , j ' mw
leather by the label
(shown below) that identi
fies It as Wolirs Ideal
Leather. The leather that
keeps the feet cool In summer.
warm In winter. Makes heavy
shoes soft, light shoes strong.
Made In kid. calf, goat, colt or
eow hide. Write for booklot
"How to Buy Shoes."
by a trip through tha
Switzerland opAmerioa
on the line of the
Canadian Pacific Ry.
(Soo-ricific torts.) . ' '
L Route of
Mlgrrity Mountain
Wonderful Cascades
Immtnse Glaciers
Appalllngr Canons
unequalled In any country In .the world.
Tha only DU8TLE88 ROUTE and coolest
trip on the continent Round trip ticket
W1U be sold to , -i .
Vancouver. B.C., - . v. .
Victoria. B. O.,
Seattle. Wash.,
Tacoma. Wash,,
Portland, Ore..
$45.00 OMAHA
(Cerretpaedlaf kite Prea Otkar Peats)
from August 1st to 14th', good to return until
October 16th. ltOS. Stopovers will be grant
ed atNall points. " '
Tha Great Glacier of the Sel kirks
Lakes In the Clouds
Yoho Valley
and many other places of Interest are alto
ated on tnf line.
For descriptive Illustrated UUrature aaf
IsJsvnuUloa writ,
'flan. Agent Paaaearar Past.
Br Thurston Rifles und Omaha (ioorrta
Defense of Manila Water Works
August 4-E-6-7-S. at Vinton gt. Dull P.ti,;.
Music by Twenty-second Infantry llaii'L
Admission JEe.
- i