T11K OMAHA DAILY UKE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 0. 1903. 'SPECIAL NOTICES will be UV aatll It aa. for the reala ealtloa aatll I SO p. as. (or Morale); ana Saadar edltloa. Rate, 1 l-3c a nr rat Insertion, la a ward thereafter. Nathla takea r less tkaa SB for tho flrat Uirr tlaa. TkM advertisements aiaat a raa eoaareatlvely. AdTartteere, by riMtla' a terra1 tkrtk; mi kt aaawera aa dreaaed to a aaaabered Irllrr lb tin Vol Taa Bee. Aaawara aa addressed will ) delivered Oa araaratatlaa at (aa f aaook alr. WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED, position by young man with food, reliable business Arm. Reference urnlshed. Address W. I. Patterson, lot KnefTer street. Council Bluff. n A Mill WANTED MALE HKLP. . FALL TERM. Opens Beptember 1. Send for catalogue at , once. New classes In all department. Why not attend a few months and secure a good position? It ready lor you. , Omaha Commercial College, . , , ntu.n4ioU.H.8t..BM8s3-, WiNTFnfnr t ;ni ted' State hrmv. able . bod lad. unmarried .men, between ages of 21 and to. citizen of. United Stales, of good character and temperate, habits, who can speak, read and' write 'English, t or Information apply to recruiting officer. . lath and Dodge 8ts.. Oruuha. and Heating. Neb. B-M4, i, i , WILL, oive a worthy young man or woman a pala-up scholaishlp In Omaha s leading business college, to be paiu ior wneu course la finished and pusltion fecurea Address.. B , Bee. . . B (ill) TWO men for handling- lumber, two men for factory work. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. B 4706 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; our dininmaa aunt in ton waves: our method savea years; ail .expenses can nearly be earned before completing; our catalogue tells how. mailed free. Write Moler War ber College. 1303 Douglas St. B MS01 7x .WANTED Two experienced shos sales men. Apply! in person to manager shos h ... . i .... ., ,i ..i a. UQVU Villain, m . A,.,.,,-.... ' WANTED Conine tent cylinder press feed er; one who win, piuke ready on platens; union. Address K 19, Bee. i-9Sti , WANTED, a news agent. - Must have $15 se 7f- security and uniform, inquire at ... u. Shaver News Co., weoster hi. aepot check stand. No- train boys need apply. . ... , . .. .. . . a H a WANTED, two solicitors fof Council Bluffs - 13 ta 15 uer. day: mmiei every day. Stigle . man, 43 and to 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. . ' B M'JNU 6 : w . . ,. -WANTED at once, a first cluss soda man Apply loM.'. Reynold's grocery depart ment, basement, uennett s. i B MICfi 5x WANTED, one good book ruler, steady po sition, good sairy. Apply to com tie rnnt 1 Ing Co., St. Joseph, Mo. B 113 7 WANTED at once., experienced salesmen jot art department in Dig city store; must give experienoe, references and salary wanted. Address K 24, Bee onice. B 114 6 EXPERIENCED coachman ' wanted. In . quire at room He Bee building. B 122 WANTED, two carpenters; 25 cents an "''hour. Address Jos. Bhlesiger, contractor, Vutan, Mtb. . a Mia "VANTfcD, a competent tinner for shop, 1 roofing and' furnace work; a permanent Job for a good, man, Hartman A Bullock. York, Neb. B M123 9 WANTED FEMALE HELP. ' 100 Qlrls. i Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge. ... . . ., . w. "WANTED, girl for light housework; family . of two. Address J.tW. Bee. C MW7 ' WANTED, girl ' for general housework; family of three." Mrs, glmeral. 97 North 28th Are. . ! . C-671 WANTED, girl ' for general housework. 1911 Chicago. , C tWO 3 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresalng, I manicuring or facial massage; few weeks completes; our diplomas assist to top ;f wages; our free' catalogue explains how. ' Moler College,.- 130s Douglas St. .(. ... . C M81J7X GOOD girl wanted at the Creche. 19th and Harney.. . C t fix WANTED Two experienced shoe sales ladles; must have experience In selling ; shoes; no others need apply. Call In per son on manager of. shoe department. J. I Brandels at Sons. C 988 "WANTED," 'competent girl for general ' housework; three in family. Mrs. Harry ' Woodward. $007 Paclftc C 996 WANTED, two solicitors for Council Bluffs' $3 to $6 per dy; money every day. Kiiirl.. . A man, 43 and, 46 B. Main St., Council Bluffs, I lows. o M9S1 I WANTED Fifty girls for work In ba ,. partment: Apply office Bemls Omaha Bag Co., 14-18 South Eleventh street. .... iiui e WANTED, experienced, bright Salesladies for art department of big city store; state , wnere woraing, give experience and sal ary wanted. .Address 21, Bee offlee. C lit 5 .WANTED.- experienced kalesladv fcr wiry urjmi &iii-nft o uia autre; state age. aiary h,m rKiviBi)c ai once. Ad' dress K 22, Bee ofTloe, C-116 & WANTED A washerwoman. Call at once at 316 N. 41et St. c n sx FOR RENT IIOISES. HfjIISF ,n Prts of the city. R. nUUOCO C.Petera A. Co., Bee Bldg! D-i FOR RENT, 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, 704 N. suth St.. $ju, c m Bachman. 43H-S7 Paxton Bla. D--34 HflllF I" 1.1,P"ru.' city. The w t. r . Davis Co., i08 Bee bid - l tW4 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice houses - Wl New Vork Life Bldg. phone lufJ! - u WE MOVE pUooo, :-Maggard Van ft Stor age CO. Tel.. 14! Otlice, 1713 Webster St . ' . . . - - D-titXi ' CENTRAL. Itt-claas 7-room house. o n. sj. HOlSES, Insurance, Ring-wait, Barker Bik. 1 u-u. TWO r-room. - houses, all modern. lis on j- niwE- bi uraini ran Storage . . 1 98 S-ni'tJTii nouo, muuci u improvements. 1J15 'I"'"1 t ...... jj A1U1 IX WM house, modern .improvements rai VplNil Are, . X-M.isV ROOMING. houv 13 rooms, modwu. in , first-elae i!lllon, 1611 Howard t d . slrahle looalloni Ju5 00, ,6r- will rent j rooms. Ill Duo Pr uumtri. George A Co.. lui Faraam i f BTD49 7 l-ROOM hoase. h at. D M127 12x MODERN m roMagwf tJS.0S; IP Sher. nr.aa Avei Ot H. Turkingtorl, u6 Jte. D-rT7 MODERN T-Toom bouar. $30. M 8 th st. a-M94r ix F.IGHT rooms, modern Improvements, N T-. cor. ISth and Jones sts. Simeon Bloom 41 Karbeh, block. ) 1'9' FOR BKST-TlRKIgHKD ROOMS. DKWtl Jfurooean hotel, ljtj an Farnam. i-. E 6M ROYAL. HOTEL. KuropeVn, Kith & Chicago si .wj top to $2.00 per week. 421 So. tlth St., one Ukica souui or couit piium. is ivi FOR RENT Splendidly furnished centra modern cVKttiis, single er iimI1. Apply oat uartag eiocs, imn ana- p-arnsin. E M tx FOR REST-FtBJIIMIKD ROOMS. NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; g-mtlemen preferred. 14.5 N. litn. El 703 M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 011. E iOJ AETNA HOUSE. European. 13th & Dodae. Xi in lOTEl HL'BIIEL, IS Sc Howard, fhone S E M41 218 N. ilTH, cool front rooms for two JLl .11 1 A3 NICELT furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha tenm laundry, 1760 Leavenwortn. rnmii A-17S3. E 705 P.rMJ.MS. 11.50 lo $300 per week; board. $3.09. Thuraton Hotel, loth ana jacsFon o . E M617 4 ONE or two furnished room for rent; nne location, lawn and snnae, genurnirn ferred. 2L15 Fnrnim St. E n8x THREE well-furnished rooms. C01 No. lth VlKMSIIF.n ROOMS ASO BOARD. DESIRABLE roorsw, the Farnam, 19th and Farnam. iv W 8. 25TH AVE.; private family. F-707 WELL) ventilated modern rooms; first- Class Doaia. leiepnone. iv '-"'B'"'" ! Mi31 THE best furnished room with board by the dsy or week; home coomng. '-- 19th st. J-M.M ROOMS-Modern, CS0 Hnrney st. F-9&4 FOR REST IXFIR.MSHED ROOMS. rven hnlr. modern, no houseKoeping; good board In nelgnoornooa; eveijriiuua urst class; reterence. tlu N. 23rd st. 1 v a w FIRMTIRE PACKINd. FETEIISON & LUNDBERO, US So. 17th, Tel. ivo FOR ROT-STORES AND OFFICES. vnR HKNT The bul'dlnc formerly occu pled by Tne kive at Ulo farnam st. it nua lour atorlea and a basement which was formerly uiwu aa The He press room. '1 his will be rented very reasonably, if liureaid atiulv at olhce of C. C. Hose water, secretary, room 10U, Bee puliuing. for RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at lib Farnam, x9o, lour stories aud nrst-uiaas cemenmu uMciutui, . 'i,Ainr. lira and uuraiax iroof vault. . office countec ami fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Roaewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luw, Bee building. i ij DESK room for rent. 634 Fax ton block. 1-MMO BTOREROOM, 1615 Howard St., with light basement, unloading platform In tho rear, teU.UU. . Ueorge tc lo., iwi c arnam ni. . 1-M64K A STORE In good location on North Six teemh street, opposite postottlce; two yearn leave; nice extended window. Ad dress K-), Bee. ' , 1 M.103 I AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Convassing agents In every county to' solicit subscriptions to Ttlii, . TWENTIETH CbNTl'hf FAKMEK. bteauy employment with assured good in come. Agents in me cuuuiry witn uoth ' and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make eaaily euu to $luu per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope Leo XIII," written with the encourage ment, approbation and blessing of Mis noilness, the Pope, by Monsignor Ber nard O'Kelily. 631 Paxton BlUg. . J M364. WE have all six of the different Pope Leo Xlll books; best terms; trelght paid; outnt free. Call or write W. A. Hixen- i wnKh A Co.. j0 Ware oik.. Omaha. : -' J MS62 AGENTS WANTED $75.00 weekly easUy made selling our uouoie indemnity Combination health and accident policies. Liberal commission; strong company; experlnoa unnecessary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion. 6u8 Crocker Bldg, Des Moines, la. J-96S A38 IMPORTANT to agents: Sell only au thorised and official Life or pope Leo XIII. Endorsed by Cardinal Gibbons and the entire Catholic hierarchy. Gives complete history; contains all encyclical letters, poems, anecdotes, etc. Is pub lished not only in English and German, but in several other languages. Large colored portrait, worth $1.00. FREE to subscriber. Outfit free. Write today. American Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. J 991 9 THE ONLY authorised life of Pope Leo XIII.; written with tne encouragement, approbation and blessing of his holiness, by Mgr. Bernard O'Kelily, D. D., LU D., who for eight years lived in the Vatican as domestic prelate to the pope. This dis tinguished American author was sum moned to Rome and appointed by the" pope as his official biographer. Approved and recognised by Cardinal Gibbons and all church authorities as the only official biography of the pope; over WW pages magnificently Illustrated; unparalleled opportunity for agents; best commission; elegant outfit free; send 16o for postage. The John C. Winston Co., 428 Dearborn street, Chicago, III. J M100 13x WAXTEIe-TO REST. YOl'NG lady wants nice room In private family. Address iv zi. nee omee. K 130 tx WANTED, furnished house for winter, by family three adults; close in. Address K 26, Bee. K Mul 13x WASTED TO III' Y. WANTED to buy. some good dental chairs, union Dental College. N M574 GOOD work horse, for cash; state lowest price and where can be seen. Address K 16. Bee, - N M71 6x FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodce. Tel 2u20. New and second-hand bought, sold. exenangeo. o ,U FOR SALE HORSES, W1GO.M, ETC FOR SALE, on large alx-pasaeuger closed fumllv csrriage, one large open famiiv carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double sets of harness, one silver mounted, and one single set oi narness. call Frank E, Morses, City Hall. P Milii V(iH SALE, a good work horse verv chain at lumrlcius' piano house, 336 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia. ' P MHO 7 TOP BL'OGY at half price, also nearly new. ' WU1I y... .-.. vv. joiu. son, with John Deero Plow Co. P-M700 A25 TIRES set while you wait; first class re pair work. H. Frost, 14 til and Leaven- worm. P 7W FOR SALE One second-hand 1902 model UlaS nuuatJuu,, iii Kuini cunailloll, $4uo One second-hand 111 model Olds Kumil.,',f . used very uuw, imjw tires, good running One shop worn Spauldlng-. $375.- One new u.u icaiu wagon, run Krobauiy t kih, uuiii to oraer with all ..rvrovements. LMiO One second-hand Milwaukee steam wagon. kn li in ui un . nil mtk luiurovcmu.i t a used three months only and an excellent The largest line of new automobiles in the entire wemcru ..........j. JONAS ALTOMOBILE CO., Milwaukee, Wis. P-M78S Tx HORSE, buggy and surrey. Kit 8t. Mary's avenue tt-aay i 1 -hj H MONROE sella pleasure vehicles at 811 N isth st. r m FOR SALK M1SCELLASEOIS. FOR BALE Secondhand Lncomoblle, In ttrat-class shape, at one-half price. Call or address, lul f arnam bt. 4 713 FOR BALE Empty ink barrels. J5 cent't enrh; large, well made barrels; mnk lirH'laas garbage rea-eptaciee. Fred Youngs, foreman. Bee preas room, reir entrance uee til'ig. y MIH Indian good am relics. 1119 Farnam Q-714 YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. FOR SALH MISCELLANEOIS. FOR SALE A new 80) ampere double pole switch; never been uoed. Apply t'i or ad dress "Superintendent Bee BuiMIng, Omaha." y M7t. TELEPHONE POLEH; long fir tlmliers; cnicacn lence; on piling, vui uougins. VJ .16 IRON and wire fenc, tree guards, trelllsp. western Anchor Fence Co., N. lith L M-714 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnnm. WAREHOUSE Scales cheap. Pam I Burns, Q-M934 U FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either parxonger or rreignt; com plete. Iron guide posts, cage una wire en closures. J. L. Brandels at Sons. Q-MS 21,000 BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Smith Q atio & Co., 1MQ Farnam Bt. FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required. tz.wu.vu. j xi, ijee. 4 -e CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & jdcconnell urug Co , omana. 718 FOR SALE Orcat Dane pup. R. Erlksen, iewmun Urove. Neb. Alfcis ix FOR SALE CHEAP One secondhand steam heater that heats school house with five rooms; in f?r condition; the resson for selling, we a.-e going to build larger. In quire or write, Z. F. Llnville, Secretary of School Board, Carson, la. Q M5.7 PIANO, good condition, cheap. Apply 5-1 IN. zutn at., or Omaha Mortgage Loan to, U-904 7x NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. iia CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 17U9 California. a dtxi A4 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY wUiil'.N of clairvoyants; every thing tolu; past, preseut and future, fcut lsfaction or no pay. Hu7 N. lbth. B i-o ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r.2 T 721 GRACE O'BHYAN, Baths. 720 8. 13th. T-MtiC MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., front rooms, tub bath; tirst-cluss attendant. T Mill A9 . PERSONAL. V1AVI, a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women, free booklet, Viavi Co., 34s Bee Bldg. U-7ZJ DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. a and a, 1506 Farnam St. u TU MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. U-724 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The uood Samaritan Sanitarium, .725 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. u um PRIVATE hospital before and during con tinement; oaoies oosrueu anu adopted. Mrs. Uaroeta, zut iaxe. lei. ited-u4. U-7i PRIVATE hospital before and during con nneraent; best meuicai care ana nursing Mrs. It. Fliher, aol Vinton. Tel. lkstf. . U-728 PRIVATK Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, ur. ana jnrs; uenscn, 3&5 calliornia su leius i-easuuitute. U ti2 28 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST. 613 Bee bldg. TO OMAHA .. PEOPLE Those wanting room and Doara t ue unuuuji appiy to Des Moines Beach Clubhousej best aocommoaationa Rieu. u isn bjl FOR shattered tierve. sleeplessness and exhaustion, use cxnsusuon ture. ooia nniv bv the Family Supply Co., Boston, Mass. It reconstructs the nervous sys tem and builds up the itomacn. cents, MISS HOLADAT, please call at 205 Ramge. U O JU 9 A MONEY TO IAAJI REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city, loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. U20 Farnam street. W 7.-9 iparm and city lonna; low rates. w. M. Thomaa? First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 37 N-.YJ-.lfe. 4 TO 5 P. C money. Bemls. Poxtonblock. FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Dou- WANTED-Re-1 estate rants. W-796 U D. Holmes. 712 W 930 10 $1,500 PRIVATE money. r4. X. LA l mm, MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY wat explains our methods. ff"liS on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipt etc. Or If you have a permanent nosulon can make you a DAiJin s-i-. without security, except your own neree ment to Vepay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. Ail that we ask 1 that you give u a call vnu borrow elsewhere. nvulIA MORTUAOE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. iEstabll.hed 2.) Sob 8. 16th 8l piqu tfj ANY AMOUNT-$19 to $500 loaned iaoi , , ,. , , t f nnd tn neoole holding i "dy position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; .Jvmeiits can be made to suit your con- Rooms o; 3o Paxton Block. A.73S I ARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO KAI.AHIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms.. 40 offices In prin Si.5i cltieo. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-740 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system ot loans mm --i juu out of debt. Any lady or geutleman. niachlnlst. engineer, etc., having reliable employment Cuu get, just on his note: Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to u...$-V or 113 3o or $ 6o au Return to us... 13 33 or 6 66 or 136 s Jb Return to us... s ue or oo or i.w I 1 Return to us... 4.00 or 2 00 or 1 Oj Easiest terms, lowest rates," confidential. No inquiries. uic seriv;c. vuurtnuus THafbTAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. X 737 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALAR1KS, ETC , Low ret and easy term, liusmeas Confidential. Try u if ou want to ve money, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Pax ten Block, loth and Farnam Sts. X-739 MONEY loaned on plain not to atari, d peole; business connnenuai; lowest rate it J Ui I'sxton oiocB The Hutton Co. X HI CHATTEL salary and Jewelry ioana. Foley Loan Co.. sue. tu U- Grcu. K. I, Barker bk. X-742 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, lew elrv. horses, cow, etc. C. F. Reed, 19 ft IS. X-7tt HISIKS CIIA.XCES. FOR SALE, cltsn, new stock of general merchandise end building; Invoice about S ;.. . well extntillshed trade; good com munlty. Address J 34, Bee. i MtiuS 6 A OOOl) business chance for man with smsll capital; pays $.') per month cleur best town in Black Hills Address J 69, Bee office. Y-Mtioe 11 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchnnge any property or business quick, see J. 11. Johnson. 643 N Y. Life. Y 744 FOR SALE, real estate, rental and lnsnr rance business In best countv In Ne braska; a st-.np for u man with a little mony and some push. Established ten years. Address Lock Box 345, Wlnslde. Neb. Y M&M li FOR 8AI.K, at a bargain, bakery and con fectionery; good location; Ugant soda fountain, fixtures nnd furniture nearly new; will sell on one year's time, with approved security. Addreua Mr. F. E. Baker, West Point, Neb. Y M667 7 A OOOD paying lR-ronm hotel for sab- In Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner lives in Chicago Is the object In selling. Mitchell & Faught, Wood River, Neb. Y MS32 FOR SALE REAL EAT ATE. DESIRABLE HOl'SE WE8T PART CITY. $11,110 for 13 N. SSih Ave., east front lot liiixl56 feet, known as J. II Mcintosh place; 11 rooms, strictly modern through out, combination furnace and hot water heat, ouk finish and nurd wood floors on first floor. Also good liarn. Pussesslun can bo given any time. GEORGE & COMPANY, ltiol Farnnm St. RE-MW4 S ' Tukev & Son FINE HOME 8-room modern houHe, except furnace, with large barn and 7xlu3 feet or ground, at 2164 So. 34th St., n. w. cor. 34th and Mar tha; paved street and permanent side walk; house In tlrst-clnss condition and now vacant. Price. $3,500; small cash pay ment down. Must be sold at once. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444 and 445 Board of Trade Bldg. RE-904 5 FARMS AND RANCHES LAND BARGAINS ALONG THE UNION PACIFIC IN NEBKA SKA Choice land only $1.60 to $5 per acre one-tenth cosh. Field. 2 South filth St., Omaha. NEBRASKA LANDS ARE CHOICE IN VESTMENTS. You can find great bar gains in the Union Pacific Co.'s list of unsold sections. Only one-tenth cash re quired. Ask Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha. A MILLION ACRES GRAZING LAND IN WYOMING for sale by the Union Pacific at fifty cents per acre only one-tenth casn. li you want a land Investment try this. Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha. UNION PACIFIC L.ANDS JN COLORADO are selling fast. Low prices, splendid climate and one-tenth cash for first pay ment are the attractions.. Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha. . KANSAS IS BLEEDING again this time with prosperity greater than ever. First class wheat land for sale in western Kansas at from $6 to $10 per acre one tenth cash. ' You will make no mistake by looking this up if 'you want a new home or an investment. ' Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha.-' INVEST OK SPECULATE IN UNION PACIFIC LANDS end, f BUrWill be satis fied. Ask for full Information about the . big land business now urV way In Col orado, Kansas and , Nebraska. Don't be the last to Join . the 'procemdon. Field, 222 South 13th St., Omaha M109 U EASTERN party anxious to close out his real estate deals In Omaha will sell mod ern house on paved street' one block from car line; hot water heating; good barn; for $3,600; house cost $6,000 to build. Thomas Brennan, 309 So. 13th St. . , RE M7SS W. C. CHISSELL, 833 N. T. Life Bldg. - RE M368 7 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postofflce. for sale cheap. 108 N. 15th. Benewa & Co. RE 747 WILLIAMSON Fntm:- 1203 KE 743 40 ACRES, improved; Sarpy Co. Lock box 101. Papilllon, Neb. RE-M792 A31 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KE-748 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 608. Bee Bldg. KE 746 SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. F. G. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. RB M592 23 ACCORDION PLEATIXO. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. -749 DALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. 7'i0 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2nth and Lake streets. 370 I1ANCNIG ACADEMY. MORAND'S. Crelghton hall; private lessons "daily; waits and two-step, fc. Tel. A-2124. SSI A 31 DETECTIVES. CAPT CORMACK. 517 Karbach block. Tel. A-L'W?. 751 EXPERT ACCOCNTANT. G. K RATHBUN, room 15, Com ! Nat Bank 762 FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA. 1115 Farnam. 753 L.' HENDERSON, florist. 151 Farnam ft T5 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. 8. Nat. Bk. bid. 7tm NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO . 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. ' 7G1 FIRMTIRE PACKED. GATE C'TY Upholstering Co., woven -wire spring tightened. Tel. B-2075. 17u5 St. Mary's Ave. 75 COLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 75ii GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ee st-pools and vault, remove garbar and deud uuiinals at reduced prices, h.l N. lGih. Tel. 1779. 767 INVESTMENTS. YOUR MINING stock rr.ay be valuable. We furnish reliable reports on stocks and mines. Mining Information Bureau. llt li'ith Ht . Ix-nver. Colo. M N7 ix LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED, f. Melcbolr, 13tb A Howard liS LAW'NMUWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc i:'4 N. b'.th. Tel. 2974. -7i3 LOST. LOST, gold buckle from watch fob, also money order pavable to Postmaster, Omaha. Neb. Reward for return tn He Office. Lost 970 f.x LOST Hctwcen 2th nnd 24th on Sppncr, a gold chain. Return to 415 city hall. Lost M973 x LOST, a plain band ring with Ante en- gra avert. Bel urn to 632 S. 2lKt nnd receive reward. Lost 9JS STRAYED OR STOLEN One biry horse, short blai-k mane, forelock cut short. Please return tu 'i0 So. 19th St. nnrt re ceive reward. Lost- lis 8 LOST Diamond, ring, near Douglas street bridge. Return to George A. Hosgianu. Ninth and Douglas; liberal reward. Iost-MUS LOST, gold watch, near 30th and Amea. Reward fcr return to Bee office. Lost -M!L'4 9K MEDICAL. LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroysl Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c.. stamps, for particulars. "Kelief for Ladles," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co . Philadelphia, Pa. MVSICAL, THOS. J. KFLLY. voice. Davldge Block. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E 4 ALICE JOlINBON. osteopaths. Suite Bla, New York Life. Bldg. Tel. 11. 763 The Hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. T. 2.152. 764 Atsen & Fnrwell, Paxton Blk., 4M-7. T. 1365. 706 DR8. FINCH & MILLER, 124 8. 20th St 760 DP.. GRACE DEKGAN, Tel. 26X8. 832 N. Y. Life. 77 PATEXTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 318 8. 16th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 762 PAW NUROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. 7 RIG MAMFACTIRINO. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068. 76r SHORTHAND ASD TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAW BANT S school. 717 N. x. Life. 770 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd i Theater. 771 STAMMERING AND STtTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 773 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 15HH Farn. Tels. 1559-862. TICKET BROKERS. CTTT RiTIi' ai . P. H. Vhllbln Vrn.m VD"H . v " .r. " -f ""i' y - 'f - OOVEKKMK3T .tOTlCliS. 1 i FOR HBUTINO AND power plant. Departmentlof thInterhir:' Office of Indian Affairs, Washington D C "PrSSJi.1 W6,1 Proposals'hdorsed: NebraX'" I"'- noa! inn rtT.. . "'""TV. l" ln t-ommls- ; .iiii Ajimrs, asninjrton I (" J5? "c"d ft the 'Indian orn' until I ii,i i' i.nursday. September 3. i , ,u"m8 ln" necessary materials Srlabol 'quired to construct and com plete a heatlns- and r.,,, ?ca,l0i? are Manufarturers' association fit P ,i mi.. . the "Hiill.w.' .,h ,V r,ul' M Omaha. Neb.. Milwaukee Wis n5 a. Paul Mlnn . '.ui ,r a "'?:. anl St. at No. 265 8outh Canal St., Chicago - . ... . ii,- . n nnian wja i V. A. JONES. Commissioner. A4-6-8-H-13-15-18-y-22. OKF1CE CHI FW nillDTci...., lZT Omaha. Neb.. July 1 ifl.? 1 ruao 1. I. . 1 1 : . . ' . . "v'"- VtW H"Z".. "caie. suuject to the usual cunuiiiun, win De received at this nftwJ untl 12. noon, central .ta..i l.V." om9 1 fnt2190 ro',ln""'"' a steam heating plant In officers' quarters at Vnrt- bvj... son. Nebraska. Full information fnrni.Ki Hl"";nou 10 tin omee, or to the whereUTiaan r'anFd0rl,il,iln".?"' N"ra.ka! w.'?re J??B nnd specifications may he seen, rroposaie to be marked "P,n...i. toP w'daVISON Kn'; ?S, to f. w. IJAV1SON, Acting Chief Quarter. master. -,m-a) OFFICE CHIEF QUARTEiIMABTe-d Omaha. Neb.. July 27. inoa umu posals, In Ulplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this ofHc. until vi, r.oon, central standard time. Au- gust 26 19(3. for the construction of an ad dltion to hospltaj at tort Robinson, Ne- .7' . " rurnisned on ap- plication to this office, or to the Quarter- master. Fort Robinson, Neb., where nlnns . . . ...... i v - I 0 Plans and tpecmcations may be seen. im,u to be marked "Proposals for Addition to n,rl'iitii, aim auuiesaeu to . V DA V. fitflM A r. 1 1 . nhi., 1 . . Ul' "" 1 hiti viuhi termaster, A3-d4t&24-2S OFFICIO CONSTRUCTING QUARTF.R- masier. nneriuan. wyo.. Aug. 4, 1003. eaiea proposals in triplicate will he re vived here until 10 a. m., Spt. I 1908 for on-triictlon of a 12-bed brick hospital at ort Mackenzie. Wyo. Plans, specifications i-ri.ru cor Fort instructions to bidders, nrnnnaul m..i. other Information may be obtained at offices V. .Vyl quriermsBtera at Omaha. 8t ;""' ,,', v-' " ""u at tnis omee. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all nrunosnla or nv ht . v... - Envelope containing proposals should be endorsed. "Proposals for Hospital. " ad- aressea capt. Thos. Swobe, Q M. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. eels-Post Malls will close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels- iniiia iui uc.uia.njr close at 6 p. m. at this offloe. the offices of the "lm,?rid New Zealand nnd Philippines via San Fran- mont Bulletin," MinneaDolis Minn ,Sl Cisco the quickest routes. Philippines Nebraska State Journal!" LnSoIn Net P" "fllressed "via Cnnnda" or "via "The R." iimh. v.i. . i. "V1' ttnrone" must be fully prepaid at the for- , 111., Iio ,.T ,r- " iNeo., and Nos 119-121 Wooster St.. New York City and at the school For further In format fen iLty to W. H. WIllBlnw RnM JZr.r. ' (tsnouia oe resa daily by all Interested. Rocky Mountain L't'd. .a 7:30 am a? as changes may occur at any time.) Lincoln Colo. Springs. 1 h?Xgn ma"? ,or ,,h wetk e"ling August Denver, Pueblo . and J?UV."" C.K." Pr'""Ptly 1 all cases) w'e.t a 1:30pm aS at the General Post Oft ce ua r..nn.. i..T. V e"l' l : h Regular and supplementary malls close I St. Iui locai, coun at Foreign Station half hour later thfn eil Bluffs a:15a - '"7 tcept mat Hup Vlo i,! 'r:"!0' ana Central iV Forelkn StationV: "our ,ater Tranantlaalle Mails. Trnnivn - - Swltxerland. Italy, Spain. Portugal w key. Egypt. Greece, British India and via Havre (mail for other parts ofUTfr V.?: mu.8t. directed "per a. a. La Touraine ri rUVvl&ZfrVmA&nM BATURL'AY At 8 a. ni. for Be JV,.m 1 rect, per a. a Zeeland irnail must be di rected "per a. s. Zeeland "); at 9:30 a. m for bcotland direct, per a. a. FurneasiM. (mail must be directed "per s. a. Furnea- ttl 11 XJ D. 111. (SUPDlemiinli.rw I QUeenStOa PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. CommerclMl pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts 01 r.urope win not oe sent by this ship After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic M,ills named b,.ve ad. dltional Supplementary Mai! are opened on the piers of tho American. English French and German steamers, and re- roTOFFH K SOTICE. mnln oron- until Vlthln Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Son fa and Central America, West Indira, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a- m, for CUBA, per s. e. City of Washington (mall for Mexico, via Progrcso, Camieche and Vera Cru must be directed "per a, s. City of Wash- inirton'l. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. aantingo, via lamNco linnll must be directed "per s. s. Santiago '); at 1 p. m. tor PoRTo PLATA, per s. s. Fox hall. from Boston tmull tor other parts of tho Dominican Republic must be directed "Ter s. s. Foxhall"); at 8:30 p. m. tor BERMUDA. Per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 8:3o a. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC. VKl'Ul'Af and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Canning: nt 8:30 (supplementary .9.30 a. m. for 1'oR'fO RICO. CURACAO and VKNEUEIaA, per s. s. Maraculbo I mall for Savamlla and Cartagena must be, directed "er a. s. Maraculbo ): at :: a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) fo- KOP.Ti.NE ISLAND, JA MAICA, SAVaNILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Alene imsll for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene "); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 1j:3o a. in.) for 1NA GUA. HAITI and SANTA MAKTA. per s. s. Adirondack; nt 9:3( n. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m l for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. l.KEWAKD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, nnd BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH Oil AN A, per r. s. l'arima (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must he directed "per s. s. Parlma. "); nt 1 a. tn. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via .Havana; ut 12.30 p. m. for CUBA, per a s. . (.urityua, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Ftc, Kx- rep Transpacific. CaTnX Mr mil tn Port Tnmnn Via . nnd thence by steamer, closes at this office oany, except j. iiursdnys, at Ja'.iw p.. m (the connecting malls close here on Mon flfiVN WMlmiilrlavt nnd Kat urrt.i vn V MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes ftt this otnee dally, except nunaay. at 1:30 p. m. nnd 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 n. m. and 11 :30 P. m. NEWFOUNDLAND Hi' rail to North Sydney- and thence bv stamcr, closes nt this office dally-at 6:30 P. m. (connecting mulls close here every Monday, wednes dav nnd Saturdnvi. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, rloses at this office at 8:30 r. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, nnd thence ny steamer, closes at mis onice aauy at P. 30 p m. Hr.L.l.r.. ri-tKRi (-UK1M fl" t.i-Aic- thence by steamer, closes n this olllce dallv. excent Sunday. t 11:30 p. m. and JI n IJ-l I y l UK tu ' w rgtnttrr ,11:30 p. m. Hundnys at 1 p. m. nnd JU:30 n. m. (connectin mall closes here Hon- dnys at 811 :30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, nnd thence by steamer, closes at inis omen dallv, except Sunday, nt 1,1:30 p. m. and '11.30 p. m , Sundays at 81 p. m. and JU:80 p. m. (connecting rnall clones here Tues davs nt 411:30 D. m.) REGISTERED MAID closes at 6 p.. m. previous qay. Transpacific 'Malls. i CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here ally nt 8:30 p. m. up to August 2nd. Inclu sive, for despatch per s. s. Tosa Maru. HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN nnd PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here ' dally at :30 p. m. up to August (3rd, Inclusive, fur despatch per a. s. Si beria. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tneoma, close vhere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August I7th. inclusive, for aespatcn per s. s. ia- rnmn. . i TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at t:jo p. m. tip to August (10th Inclusive, for des patch tier s. s. Marlnosa.- HA WAlf, via San Francisco, close here 'dairy at :30 p. m. up to August jiutn. in--Ctuslve. for despatch, per s. . Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver nnd Victoria. B. C, close here daily at ,o p. m. up to August Jiitn, inclusive, ior aespatcn per s. s. Empress of Japan. (Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai, cannot bo forwarded via Can- B,la - HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Han t rsncisco, close . here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August . J13th, .inclusive, for aespatcn per .... font Ic. ii'STRAIJl fexceDt West). ' FIJI ISL ANDS and Jr;w jal.e.lj.ia, via Van couver and .victoria, . t.:.. clone nere daily a:30 p. m. up to August siutn, in- l elusive, for despatch per ., s. Aorangl 1 new Zealand, aubtkaija (ex cent West). NEW CACEDONIA. FIJI, SAMOA and HAWAII, via Ban .Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 15th Inclusive, for despatch per s. - s. Slerrs. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra mans closing ni o:jy a. m.. 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays nt i vi m a. m. and 6:30 o. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival OI tne i uimiu nirttiiicr.i PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran Cisco, close nere uany m o:au p. m. up to August i.tn, inclusive, ior uespatcn per U. D. iranspori .NOTi erwlse oddrensed. West s'lrn rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Vrsncisen exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port , iii. dnllv and tho' schedule rtf Ir,.. .. ......... - Ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted ovnriana transit. iitegis- teren mall close st b:w p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New lorn, . y., July 31, 1903. I AILWAY TIME CARD. ANION STATION IOTH AND MARCY t alon Paelfle. Ieave.' Arrive. n. n.n.j ....a 9:40 am a 9 50 pm The Val Mall ?iflfSrnl. fa.' " P.elnn Krnres. .... , 3:25 pm ....a :rg pm ...,all:30 pm I i,!!"" LL ". 'rATlantlclpres.:;:. I tv,. ri,. a.ii n 7-m a 6:30 pm a 7:30 am a 8:40 am 1 Chicago special a 3:40 a Llncoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .D 4:00 cm bl2:D0 nm North Platte LocalM....a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am rhlcaa-o: Milwaukee A St. Paul. - Chicago Daylight a T:45 am all :I5 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:45 pm a 3:40 pm I Chicago Limiua ..a,s:w pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express.... n 7:46 am a 3:40 pm I 1 rl.1-. mt ja Morthwestcrn. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a T:00 am Mall :00 pm a 8:30 nm Ical Sioux city a d:iu am n a::(0 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7 JO am alu:25 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all .lOpm Local Chicago .'.... all :3'J um a 6:10 pm Local Cedar ttapios o:n pm Limited Chicago ..a 8:16 pm a 9:15 am ..a 4:00 pm a 9:50 am ..a 6:50 pm a 3:45 pm ..a 8:10 pm a 8:15 am a 2:40 pm ,.b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am Ixical Carroll Fast Chicago Fast St. Paul.......'. Fast Mall T-mial HloUX City.... Norfolk & Boneafeel. a T. am nin:35 am Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:25 am b10:35 am Cbleagjo, Itoek Island st ParlOc, EAST. V Chicago Daylight L't'd. a 8:55 am a 3:50am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:"0am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll:l)m a 6:35 pm Ds Moines Express.... a 4:80 pm bll:50am Chicago Fat Express a 6:15 pm a 1:25 pm TV i-ijk. .25 am 00 pm Pln T,t9H Oklahoma iyr an.ivprn Wabash. St " Louis '"Cannon Ball" 7 rinrimii a 6:55 Dm 12:40 pm a 8:20 am al0:30 pm - I -llliaei t Chicago Express 7:35am 4 6:10 pm r-hienif,. Mlnnertpolls & St. Paul Limited....... a 7:50pm a 8:05am Minneapolis or di. -ui Kxnress u f t-. 1 . Chicago Ixical: Chicago Express Missouri PS c 1 8c. 81. Louis Express... K. C. A. 8t. U Ex... .... 10:3d am t al0:35am ...alOOOsm a 6:25pm ...al0:60prn a :15am WEBSTER DEPOT-Ioth WP.BITEH t hleaa. at. Panl, Mlaarapolls A Omaha rilnrt via ITnran, m r. .1 1 i'n n . 1 ri.n . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. a 6 am itl'inm Sioux City Pnsenger...a 2:' pm all to am Oakland Local ....b&;-lopm b8:tain Missouri Pacific. Nebraska "Icl, Via Weeping Water.......... .b 4:P pm 10:3S am ( blcaiio A North western, Nrbraska a ad Wramla nivlslou. Black Hills. Deadwood, ' lad. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6.00 pm Woi!img. Casper and Dougl.a .. . .dJ oOpm 1:00 pm llnMili,, York, David Clt, Buixrior, Genevu, F.xetor r.d Seward b 100 pm b 5:00rm 41I.WAY TIMH CARD, nilll,l(;T(l S TATIOS lOTII MASO Ilnrllnston Mlasanrl River. Leave. Arrive. vrrtore. Beatrice ana i .incnin a ( w nm Nebraska Fnre VR:.vnm bi::nR pm a i " 4.1 tm Denver Limited a 4.10 pm a B 45 am Black lllllis nnd Puget Sound KunrpM sti ll rm t 11(1 nm Colorado Vestlbuled Klver H 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:M rrn Bin tort rook nnd Plntls- moiith b S:?0 pm blO 35 sm Unllevtin Pacific J-t..a 7 '.v pm a 8:27 am Bcllevue & Pacific Jet. .a 3:30 am Kansas City, $1. Juseph A Conocll ninffs, Kansas Cltv Dnv Ex...n 915 am a pm St. Louis Klver a 5:10 pm all aei Kansas City Night Kx..a.l0:3i) pm a 15 am hlrnao, ttnrllnalnn A Qalnry. Chicago Special a 7 oa am a J 55 pm Chicago Vcstlbuled Kx..n 4:oa pm a r sm Chicago Local n ! nm nil so pm Chicago Limited a 8:0i pm a 7:"i nm Fust Mali a S.40 pm n Dsllv h Dally evnf Funday A Pally except Saturday, e Daily except Monday.. STRAMSHIrS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New TwIn-Screw Steamvr of 1S.&00 Tos KEW YOHK RJTTKHUAM. la BOUUIUM ailllBf Wcdiindar at 10 A. M. Statendam Aug. Ill Rotlrrdain ..SrpU I Brudam Au. i Potvlam ........ Siit. ( Noordaia Aru. .Htalrudm Scui. U 110LI,ANU-AM ERICA I.I MB. , . OU Dearborn Rt Chlcaae, HI. tlarry lloorva, i(ol ritnic St.. c. RutbartoM. 1US rarasia su, J. a. garsolda IMt rsraaai u . .- J... , .Lga GETS MEN, BUT NO DEVICES Sheriff Power Makes Raid on Donates Street Pool Room on Complaint v of I. J. Dnnn. Sheriff Power and Deputy Shorln Jlriach have raided the pool room at 1409 Douglas street upon a warrant Issued by the county court upon the complaint of. I. J. Dunn, who rharced that V. L. Chucovlch. Ass. Blnford, Fred Summers, Tat Dennlson, A. C. Miiy, Fred Dalrymple, Walter Downing and Jerry Smith were maintaining at that place a gambling house, and the sheriff was authorized to seize upon and bring Into court the divices used In said gambling.' tho devices consisting of a telegraph ticker and connections, numerous cards .and papers used In making out and selling pool tickets, together with the blackboards so used. The sheriff failed to get any of the devices, but did secure all of the men but Chucovlch. They were admitted to ball In the sum of $500 each and their hearing wai set for September 7. THREE JtRORS CI BED Of Cholera Morbus With One Small Dottle of Cbnmberlnio's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. O. W. Fowler of High tower." Ala.. relates an experience he had while serving on a petit Jury In a murder case at Ed wardsville, county seat of Clebourne county. Ala. He says: "While there I ate some fresh meat and Souse rpeat arid it gave me cholera morbus In a very severe form. I was never more sick in my life and sent to the drug store for a certain cholera mix ture, but tho druggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colto, Cholera and Diarrhoau Remedy Instead, saying that' he had what I sent for, but that this merflcfnfl was so much better he would rather send It to me In the fx I was Iti;- I took one dose of It and wag better' Iri 'five' minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow Jurors were Bfnie,ad'1.V the," same manner and one twenty-nve cent nottie ourea in three bf us and. there was still some left In the bottle'. ' It . ia .ertalrily ithe "flneat bowel remed. Ivhaye- avar seen in hry life and 1 never" want to be without lt.agaln," t SUDDEN DEATH OF JOHN BEEBE Former Omaha Man Dlra In Chicago, bat Detail of Fatality Are . ' Lacking. . . : News of the sudden death In Chlosgo ot John H. Beehe, formerly a,' Nebraska man, hns been received. No particulars of th death are nt hand. Mr. Beebe Was at one time traveling representative of The Bee and had numerous friends In this city and state. While a resident of Lincoln In tho employ of The Bee, Mr. Beebe was -very popular, nnd Mrs, Beebe woe active In so cial and muclcal circles. , At. the time- of his death Mr. Beebe was employed by a Wisconsin firm. . ; , World's Best Pile Cure. : Why endure torturo-from ptlos till' ynu contract a' fatal dlsense when' Btfrklen's Arnica Salve cures, or no, pay? 60c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. - '4497aliMe' Shirtwaist, SEASONABLE FASHIONS lZtoieyrs.. Misses' Shirt "Waist 4.;. To le made with or without applique ' yoke and shoulder traps. Shirt waists with yoke fronts are among the latest features of the season and are peculiarly well 'adapted to young girl. This one includes box plaits and straps over the shoulders as well ns the yoke, which la cut J11 battlements at th lower edge. The model is mad of wlUte linen, machine tttched end trimmed with pearl button, but nil walstlng materials, cotton, linen, silk and wool are appropriate. The traps over the shouldera are novel and ef fective, but both they and the yoke can be omitted If a plainer waist is desired. , . . The waists consists of the fronts, bacH ana yoke. Both fronts and bach are la. In full length box plalt stitched nt each edge but the backs are drawr down smoothly While the fronts pouch over the belt. The yoke is arranged over the upper edges of, the fronts and beneath th center plait, which Is cut In one with the front. The sleeves are among the latest with cuffs that match th yoke. The quantity of material required for the medium sixe Is 4'; yards 21 Inches wide yards 27 Inches wide, 3 yards 32 inches or Vt ysrds44 inches wide. " The pattern 4487 Is cut In sizes for Missea of 12, H. and 1G years of ag. k , 0 . For the accommodation of Th B? res.iers thee patterns, which Usually retail at from 26 to 50 cents, will be furnished at. a nominal rrloe. 10 cents, which, covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of patient.