10 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: TIITTHSPAW AUGUST ?, 1003. ff m n n ft Great Slaughter Dantah Cloth t 124c Yard. Danish Cloth at I2ic Yard 111 LOU the ni:i.iAuix stout:. OT1 SJsiiB&ffl dfb! fesME. 11 av n HOLD MULICI, FREE WISEMAN Lower Conrt Bindi Over On Alleged A taiJaat and Discharges Another. DETECTIVE CAVANAUGH UNDER FIRE Complaints Will B leaned tor llli Arrrat, rhr(lnc AHfmplM Bri bery of Wftlrr Oerd and Jastlce Kins. Emlle Wlsfman, arrested with his brother, Wesley Wlsemnn BJid Frank Mullck, upon a charge of tuurmptlna; to criminally assault Alice Uard near Benson on the night of July 26. vu yfmterday morning discharged by Justice Klr.fr. and Frank Mullck, charged with criminal assault, was bound over to the district- court under 12,000 bond, which was signed by J. E. and E. 13. Mullck. Alice Gard stated that Wiseman had Im portuned her to accede to his demands, but that with the exception of trying to throw her down, had done nothing forcible. Under the evidence County Attorney English be lieved that a conviction could not be se cured in the higher court and recommended bis release. No witnesses were heard yes terday morning and no argument was made In either case. During the entire hearing the defense did not offer any testimony. The statement of Alice Gard was all the evidence offered in the Mullck case. Complaints Aaralnst ravanaosjh. Growing out of the assault upon Alice Gard and Dora Oaborne two complaint have been prepared and will be filed this morning against Michael Cavanaugh, a private detective, charging him with at tempted bribery. The first as the result of the story told by Wesley Gard and the two girls, that Cavanaugh had offered to Rive Alice Gard J100 If she would swear on the witness stand that Frank Mullck was Hot with the men that assaulted her. This was published in The Bee Tuesday after noon. The second complaint will be filed at the instance of Justice of the Peace King, before whom the young men were tried. Justice King Informed the county attor ney that Tuesday night Cavanaugh offered Mm 1100 If he would discharge Mullck. According to King, Cavanaugh sent for him to meet him (Cavanaugh) at a saloon In the Karbach block, and In there the effer was made. King stated that Cav inaugh made no preliminary talk, simply tame out boldly with the offer. The justice refused the bribe and told Cavanaugh that he would decide the case according to the evidence. King said he thought little of the offer until he was going home, when he read in The Bee of Cavanaugh'a alleged offer to Alice Gard. Then he waxed Indignant and yesterday morning Informed the county attorney of the affair. The punishment for attempted bribery of witnesses Is a fine not to exceed $500 and a Jail sentence not to ex ceed thirty days. Hnltck Professes Ignorance, Frank Mullck in whose behalf the alleged bribe was said to have been ottered stated that he knew absolutely nothing of It and denied positively that he had ever authorized anyone to say a word to the Gard girl In his behalf. With the binding over of "Wesley Wise man and Frank Mullck and the discharge of Emtio Wiseman there still Is outstand ing a warrant against John Rooney and a man named Barrett. This last warrant was first issued for the arrest of John Barrett, but when he was arrested the girls failed to identify him and he was released. They and the officers are posi tive that a Barrett was In the crowd, but which Barrett they da not know. Rooney Js supposed to have left this part of the country, as the officers have secured no trace of him. Those Interested In the case are now considerably worked up over the appear ance of a woman during the trial, whose Idontlty la unknown to any one who was present. At the hearing of Frank Mullck she asked permission of Constable Mc Glnnls to hear the testimony. She told the officer that she was a physician. She remained . throughout the entire hearing and when the court room was cleared she remained after pleading with the officers to be allowed to do so. START ON NEW ENGINE HOUSE Contractors Will Bearl Work of Ex. eavatlon This Week and Will Proceed Rapidly. Excavating for the foundations of the new fire engine house at Eleventh and Jackson streets will begin this week, pro vided the council approves the contract for construction and the bonds at a special meeting this morning, according to R. B. Carter, who has received the award for the building. The Advisory board yesterday afternoon approved the contracts and bonds of R. B. Carter for construction, 126,956; J. J. Hannlgan, for plumbing and gaa fitting, 11,747. and John Rowe & Co., for 'heating, 11,335. Contractor Carter haa sublet the brick work to Charles Stromsberg. Com pletion of the building by late autumn Is anticipated. The board directed the secretary to ad vertise for bids for the new engine house at Twenty-eeventh and Leavenworth streets, to be opened August 19. PRISONER S0BS OVER FATE Vorelaaer Arrested for Peddllna ' Without Lloeaso Sheds Tears oav Police Captain's Desk. In polloe court A. Polka, who has) Just been In the country a few montha, was fined 17.60 for peddling without a license. Belka is heart-broken over the affair and stood at the desk of the sergeant and wept copiously over It. Ills trouble waa fear of mother arrest. Just before Bolka was taken In by the' polloe he had been loaned 10 with which to buy a load of gooda. This he put up for bond, and when, the fine was Imposed he told the clerk to take it out Of the bond money. After the clerk had gone he was afraid the man who staked Mm would again have htm arrested for using the money for other purposes than buying gooda 65c SILK GINGHAMS at ISc AN EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR THURSDAY Today we place on sale nil the silk ging hams and all the fine swivel silks that we have been selling for 65c yard, in all the new and most beautiful colorings to close them out quickly we will sell them for 15c yard. flP" 'lhis is the greatest bargain that we HnT) have ever offered worth 65c, at BwW 25c All Silk Ribbon at 6k Yard Today we offer one big table of strictly T all silk moray and plain taffeta ribbon up to nine inches wide, in every color, at, yard : Thursday Millinery Events Three-quarters of a century spans the O life of the Gorham Co. SiJvtrimitbi which for that space of time has hclj an unrivaled position as producing the very best silverware at a most moderate cost. The trade-mark guarantees the sterling quality. --Ail reepooalbls Jeweler kaaptt il $1.50 Sailor Hats at 49 cents Special Sale of Swell Summer Sailors The smart and highly fashionable sailor hats in the very latest effects with leather sweat bands and black ribbons sold throughout the country at $1.50 A today special, at - Black Roses, six in a Ladies' & Children's Trimmed bunch a regular 50c Hats handsomely draped value today JQC .nd withjow. Q C at Taluo. today at KJ Ladies' Light Weight Tailor-Made Suits at $10 Yoiles, etamines, cheviots, coverts, etc., in flhr swellest style, all the light summer w eights, I I 1 worth up to $25.00, at J Wash Costumes--White India and Wash Shirt Waist Suits-Made of Butcher's linen, lace applique trim- the finest summer wash mnter-tnia mlngs. also ;o silk suits wlth tab con Ste.. worth up to $16.00. ZDO worth up to 5, a timely I UN a bargain today, at -7- RncPfflPrlt Wash duck skirts with blue and white jan UUSKIUCIII polka dots, etc.. worth 75c, at ODC rtoaftfrietir "Wash skirts with black anil white polka fifln UUScmcni aots, etc., worth up to $1.26, at DyC Odds and ends of cloth skirts, dress Odds and ends of percale wash and walking- lengths, also pretty suits worth up to $2.00 wash skirts, worth up to p ) In basement E?er $3, In basement, at "OC at , .,..0"C 31. Prxnfrtt & pom Pratt! $ pone Sale in the Big Domestic Room nun mm .-..M.l.iitiKBaiigrwiw.iisiiii)iw irvo I.onsr Cloth nr. Tsrd wide Imported English Ixmg Cloth, soft finish, loc value, at 9o yard. 12 1-2 I'nmbrle ft l-2c. Tard wlfle Snow White Cambric, 12V4c value, at Vc yard. SMI lllrarheil Sheeting; IS rt-4e 2.r.c qtmlltv linen finish Sheeting, 81 Inches wide, at 18c yard. fit Fringed Tablecloths 7.1c. Oil boiled turkey red Tablecloths, en Inches wide, 9') ini'lies long, guaranteed fast colors, $iOu value, at 75c. I 1.1 1-SCe Pllloir Cnaea ! 13Vfec Pillow Cnses, alt 45x36, at 10c. 2Be Snn llnnneta Oc. Will close out balance of Sun Bonnets, 25o quality at lc. 2fle White (ioods IOC. One big squnro White Oood. consisting of 4"-lnch Lawns. India l.lnon, liot Swisses, Hntlste, Mercerized Walstlng, etc., full pieces and remnants, worth 25c, at luc yard. fl.no Napkins ft. 4 slie full blenched all linen Napkins, fast edges, worth $1.60 dozen, at $1 doxen. In Our Skirt Department Women's Wash Skirls Worth S2.00 for 69c. 800 women's etnmlne, voile and brilllantlne skirts, made In the neweat effects, trim med in taffeta and satin . Q (Tit worth up to S8.U0 clearing sale price Viull 200 women' silk skirts, made with taffeta ruffles and separate drop skirt worth llO.Oo for 127 dozen women's percale wruppers, in light Rflr and dark colors worth $1.25 for iWt 150 dozen whlto wash waist worth ud to $3.50 for Tour choice of any white wnsh waist on our , A QR counters worth up to $15.00 for ?' Women's wash petticoats worth $1.25 for 76 silk skirt wnlst suits. In black, blue, brown and gray all with small figure worth $10.00 for .4.90 50c 95c 45c 4.90 TUB BESXETT COMPANlf Lemons and Oraige.. 40,000 fancy California lemons and oranges Thursday In basement ONE! CENT EACH. All you want. No dealers supplied. All fruits of all kinds aold or delivered in baskets. I OMAHA, Neb., Aug. 3, 1903. The Reserve Investment Company, Omaha, Neb. Gen tlemen: It gives me pleasure to acknowl edge satisfactory adjustment by you of the claim of the estate of John B. Bohn, de ceased, on contracts held by him at the time of his death. Tours truly, EMU, GALL, Administrator of the Estate of John B. Bohn, Deceased. The bargain counter In drapery depart ment contains values that you will appre ciate. Don't miss it. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. MISSED JOB BY TEN MINUTES Jasper Coamty, Iowa, Man Pleads la Vain for Refundment of Money Paid to Assent. Frank Johnson, fresh from Jasper county, Iowa, wants the police to get for htm the $( he paid a North Sixteenth employment agency for securing him a position as a fireman at a South Omaha packing house. Frank wants this done because he failed to get the position. He told the police that he was to report for work at 7 o'clock, but as it was further to South Omaha than he thought he did not arrive there until 7:10, and that when he asked for the place the man In charge would not even allow him to look at the engine room. As he failed to carry out the instructlone of the agent Johnson could get no relief through the police. A CKOW.X OF (iLOKf As Well as a Mark of Beauty Is Las. nrlona Hair, It has been truly said Jhat the crowning glory of our age Is & luxuriant head of hair. It used to be thought that his was one of the blessings which the gods bestow capriciously, and It Is only recently that scientists have discovered that Its beauty Is dependent upon the absence of a minute germ which flourishes In the hair follicles, where It destroys the life of the hair. To restore this life and kill the germs which cause the mischief is the mission of fewhro's Ilerplclde. Herplclde surely kills the germs and la the best hair dressing on the market. It contains no grease or oil, neither will It stain or dye. Bold by leading drugglsta. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. CAUGHT, CLOTHES IN HAND Losg Lookel'For Fugitive Rounded I'm by Omaha Police and Conaaed. Charles Cay, for whom the police have been looking for some time, haa been ar rested and locked up by Officer Baldwin. Besides the original charge he is likely now to be prosecuted for trying to escape with out any clothes on. The officer went to a room In the Trilby flats In the lower re gions, and as he went In the front door he heard the back door slam. Baldwin then made a two-minute gait stunt In that di rection ust In time to see Cay making his escape toward a cellar, earn ing his clothes In his hand. He was mud to dreea before he was ushered Into the presence of the desk sergeant. An attempt was made to secure Cay's releaite on bond, but as this Is the afternoon of the po'lee shoot the captain refused, believing that a stray bul let mlaht hit him. BIG PICNIC IS POSTPONED Grocers and Eatohen of Omaha and Bouth Omaha Call it Off. WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 13 Cloudburst Right Ore Grounds Floods Them to Depth of Four Feet Stores and shops Open Today. Notwithstanding the widespread opinion, greatly strengthened during the last few years, of advancing meat and other food stuff prices, that announcements made by the grocery man and the butcher man were as the laws of the Medes and the Persians, it must be recorded that the business- social program booked for today has been withdrawn. The picnic the big plcnlo of the year, the picnic of the grocers and the butchers of Omaha and Bouth Omaha, the plcnlo In volving to a greater or less extent, accord ing to their appetites, the health, hunger and happiness of every man, woman and child within the corporate limits of the two cities has been postponed until Thursday, August 13. In extenuation members of the committee on arrangements declare that while their rule in Omaha and Bouth Omaha is still undisturbed and undisputed, they evidently are not so respected over in Iowa, and es pecially in that portion of the Hawkeye state lying in and about Missouri Valley, One of them figured It out that the combi nation of Nebraska people, Iowa location and Missouri name caused the disturbance. But in any event a big, dark cloud settled right over the plcnlo grounds Tuesday night and not being content with Inflicting such an Indignity upon them, proceeded to burst and cover them with with four feet of water. Other clouds, almost equally as bad. proceeded to cover all the surrounding country with moisture and even to Inter fere with railroad communication by wash ing out culverts. 80 the grocery stores and the butcher shops will be open aa usual today. But the stocks of every thing except canned goods and staples will be very light for the gardeners had been notified not to bring' In any 'ruck as there would be no market, and except a few who received the post pon men t notice will atay at home to day. But the prudent housewives, so the grocers and butchers declare, prepared themselves Wednesday by buying extra stocks, so no deaths from starvation are anticipated. Extent of Storm. A rather threatening looking thunder storm bore down on this locality Wednesday morning at 9 from the north. The storm seemed to gather in the northeast and veered around to the north with tornado symptoms. Considerable thunder and lightning accompanied the rain which lasted about half an hour. Railroad men report that the storm ex tended from Bioux City to Hamburg, la., and through a considerable p'ortlcn of weKtern Iowa and eastern Nebraska. A cloudburst, which heavily flooded the picnic grounds at Missouri Valley la also reported. Weather Forecaster Welsh stated: "Our reports Indicate that there was no storm In the west, nor particularly In the east and but little of a storm in the valley. What storms there were were entirely local. The precipitation here at Omaha was to date barely .29 of an inch. The weather la clear from here to the mountains." Groceries We Are Still Letting Down the Prices Large sacks highest patent Minnesota Flour, per sack Ma Largo sacks Corn Meal 12V.Q Laundry Soap any brand per bar 2Vio Fancy XXXX Ginger Snaps per pound V4c Fancy Crisp 8oda Crackers per pound 6 Tall cans Fancy Alaska Salmon . ..; 80 3-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans, (with sauce) 8V&a OH or Mustard Sardines per can a a One-fourth pound cans Potted Meats So Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, etc, per pound 8"iJ Fancy I-nrge Juicy Lemons per dozen loo Fancy Sweet St. Michael Oranges each 10 HAYDEW TO ENJOY EATING It Is absolutely essential that your teeth be in good condition. Consult reputable dentist and take his advice about them. Consultation free. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, Lady Attendant. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Paxtoi BIocX. SOME SHOES That you aee are evidently made for riding purposes only but moat people prefer a shoe to walk In then qual ity counts We make a specialty of sensible walking shoes with soles heavy enough but not too heavy for comfort toe Just wide enough Such a shoe is our woman's 13 special. We have them in all styles of toes just right for street or dress wear We make it our business to please you If we can't we give you back your coney. DREXEL SHOE CO., fasnSEsnnV Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Houso 14(9 Farnam Street EUIIBIIIKUHEnilUUIIl i THE INDIAN I mamx -a BEADS died. EPDY Mrs. Alda J . widow of Colonel John M. Eddy. Tuesday, August 4. I'i3, at Mercy hospital, t'ouncll Bluffs, of con gestion of the brain. Funeral Thursday, August I. at 2 p. m., from Harney street. Friends Invited. LINAH AN Thomas, of 21 Mason street, Hlied 73 years. Funeral Thursday at t a. m. from real, dime to St. Peter's church, laternieut, tit. lluy'l cemetery. THE FAD OF THE DAY We carry the largest line of colors In BEADS of any bouse. Bend ua your mall orders of any color possible; we can till your wants. Looms to weave bead work, pattern books, needles, eve'rythlnsT pertaining to the BEAD work. Also the largest and moat complete yarn depart ment in the went. We WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL and can fill your wants for any quantity. Jos. F. Bilz 822 So. 16th St OMAHA, NEBRASKA. JS . TAWOR.1tryi, f U N,l R I fa 'fl BROS BREWING CO. . v.-' klBEKMlBraillllMSEOIBIBKIi Our Services Are Free W examine your furnace, steam or hot water system and bee that everything is In readlnebM for fall use. If rep.ilra are needed, we have everything In stock. Also hot water attachments aud furnace pipe covering. OriAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS U07 Douglas St. Tel. m. 27 AV Beer, The Beatrice Contempt Case. Judge M. B. pnvls, city attorney of Be atrice, is in the city arranging for the hrar ing of the contempt case called before Judge Uimger in Die United Stales circuit court Thursday, wherein tha ciiy council of that city la died , to appe.ir and show cause why It should not be com mitted for contempt f"r the conversion of certain funds from the Judgment to the Krneral fund of the city, in the Maaslirh Judgment case. Judge Davis has Hied a motion to diaiutsa the proceedings Is cou-UtnpL ESPIC'S CIGARETTES. ORP0WDER . L- 1 V V t I C" Ladies' Hose bought as cam ples, worth ip to SI. 00, On Sale 29c Men's Bells Reduced to5c They are worth up to 50c. Ladies' Gar ters Reduced to 15c Worth up to 45c Men's Canvas Shoes on Sale 5 Today, Worth $1.50, for . . .. .w .We will place on sale 12 ensos of Men's High Grade Canvas Shoes, that are worth every penny cf $l.r0, for $1.00 they are here in all sizes and are great' values. When we say they are worth $1.50, we don't inflate (ttw the value a particle. 2ui I Worth $1.50, on sale, Sale of Trunks at$5worth$8 Today we place on sale 50 Trunks they are sam ple only one alike they axe worth up to fS.00 on sale at $5 You Are Invited To come to our Half Trice Sale of high grade,, i medium aud inexpensive furniture, consisting of such patterns that will not be carried next season and such sample pieces that we desire to close out. 5,430.00 worth in all. Not one piece but will be sold for less than cost and many priced at half cost. , Almost everything in the furniture line bed room, dining room, library and parlor furniture of every description hundreds of odd pieces. A great many of our patrons profited by these sales in the past", and we want to impress you with the fact that there are values and bargains to be found during this sale that cannot be duplicated. All goods will be. shown on main floor for in spection only Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. , 6th, 7th and 8th, but not' one piece will be sold or reserved until Monday, Aug. 10th, at 8 a. m. ' It costs you nothing to look come and inspect the bargains if they suit, come Monday, Aug. 10th, 8 a. m., and buy. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Gompany. b. I Five Trains a via the Chicago & North-Western Railwav.over the only tlnutye-track railway between Omaha and Chicago, offer to the traveling public the best of everything in the way of the modern conveniences of travel. The Eastern Express fast train, leaving Omaha daily 5.50 p. m., arriving Chicago 7.15 next morning, with an admirably arranged equipment of Pullman drawing-room and tourist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and buffet smokine and library cars, and dining , cars (a la carte), is one of the most popular traius in the West. - The Overland Limited electric lifchted, with buffet smoking car, standard and compartment sleeping cars, Observation ana Horary car, leaves umana aany ai 0.1 . ., 'v-'""6 Chicago 0.00 the next morning. Other through trair and points east at 3.40 and 11.30 a. ni. Inlormntion as iiil' enr rescrv H. O. OHEYNEY, Of Mai Aotxi, I40I-OS FANNAM ST., ins leave Omaha for Chicago 8.00 a. m. 1 to irhf dulri, raff . sir p- tvitiiona, on application OMAHA. Perfield's Curn,rCo. Be Bdf., Room 7. Telephone 701 Mikcr, laratUsrk Lndwlg caUar. I 1 COLLAR ?Snal Bank of Omaha ftti mm capital ftxxuM ttarylH fal 1 1 ,. UN1TBO 0) TA TB S LtBHOHITOHY. Kfa llafvai, I H H tlfflM hr Itrmk ftT T Hum".. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Bast Asrlcnltnrnl Weekly, Checks from Our Register srs valuable mid should be saved by ovary ipurchiiftr. There ia no BU'-NCUMiJK Oil tl'KSrWOHK about their value Ximif A UK WOKTII VI V K I'EK CENT ON ANV. TlllNU WE HAVK IN TUB BTOKK that nmaiks So on each liollar'a worth bouxlit (or cah ere? and we a.ivo you money or) everything In our line hexldes. 2-quitrt Kuarantoed Fountain Byrtnus.. it-quart guaranteed Fountain Byrlnxa.. baa 4-quart Kuarauteed' Fountain Syringe., fcio 2-quait guaranteed Water Motile 4Ho t-quart guaranteed Water bottle &ia 4-quart guaranteed Water buttle haO 2, i or -quart Combination Water Bot tle and Fountain fcly tinge (or, respec tively, Jon, i ut or It 10 II. (i I'l-runa lowHt price .' g-0 $1 UD Plerce'a Remedies , ta Ixian a Klrfm-y 1'illa 1&0 2'k: Imitative Hromo-(julnlne Xr tienulne C'toria one "Pularrn Rem" aruaranteed m ti Chester' s-enulne pennyroyal Pills.. $1 00 Of EN AUL NiQHT. CUT PRICB DRUG STOKE Tate) Pkoa 747 aaa 7t7. 10th mm lltleasje tracts. Onus. ha. SCIIAEFER'S i 1