Til 12 OMAHA DAILY TlEKt WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1003. SPECIE NOTICES " - ' " liTrrtlMmrili far thes rolimm will a taVra igtll II as., for . tKe tTgf rtllfo sdatll :3 .- a. tor nuriltn aafJ.Saftdaf a-aHtlon. Rat, 1 l-3 a word Inl Insertion. le word thereafter", "othlac Ukra r lae than. Me fa ike Ara lrr. tloa. Thefe TftUBtu mast b eonsecatlTely. ATtriiH, r. tFotlnc ihm fcered rkrtk, can hart Mintri ad dressed t ft numbered letter Ik vara af Tba RHiknrn addressed will delivered presentation at tba WASTED- SITl'ATIOSS. COMPETENTV young lady stenographer , wants position In southeastern Nebraska. . Addres Stenographer. 2ug E. Hh St., Topeka, kn. " A" A-675 4x WANTED, position, by, young man with food, reliable, busln.es firm. References furnished. Address W. D.' Patterson, lis) KhetTef Streets frmncll Bluffs. A WASTElKeMAI.il HELP. ; ; . FALL TERM. Open Beptembet" geXrl for catalogue at once. - New classes' In. all departments. Why not. attend a few-months and secure a good position? Jt J ready for you. Omaha Commercial College, 17th and 'Duoglas Sta. ... - B-ilM 6 WANTED-i-For United States army. able- Bodied. uhmarTled tlteri, between ages of Zl and Do, citizens ot ennea mates, oi good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English, f or Information apply to recruiting officer, Kith and Dodge Sta., Omaha, and Hastings. Nb. :. , u ft". a .WILL alve a worthy Voung man or woman a paJo-up scholarship In Omalia s leading business college, to Da paiu ior wnen course la finished and position fecuieJ. , Address, B 25, Bfe B-610 ' 'W AN TJCD Small Job of cellar cement! done.. Apply at &il i. Y. JUfo Bldg. ng B M646 DRIIOV clerk, with 1 or 1 years' experience, . willing to work. Address, JR. F. Brown, - Bloux Falls, 8. D. ., B-661 4 TWO men for bundling lumber, two men (or -factory. .Work.. Umaha Box Co., East , Omabja. i i. . B 670 6 'WANTED Men to learn barber trade; our dlnlnntaa assist te Iud waaes: our metnuu . saves years; all saxpense can nearly be earned before completing; our catalogue tells how, mailed free. Write Moler Bar- ' ber College, Douglas at. B MS01 7x ...i ! WANTED A flrstclass meat and pastry '. cook "at the Lewis restaurant. Bturxis, ' V.l Wage toil a month for a good. Sober man.' . , ; US.VJW ft -WANTED Two ewnerlenoed shoe, sale " men.'' Apply .In Dei-yon to manager shoe - department. J. JU. vranaei st buns. . B-S7 S WANTED-Oompetent cylinder press feed : er; orta wjao cajt make ready on platens; union: t Addrcsa Jt 1. Bee. .. a w WANTED, a sews agent. Must have S16 secuf'V nd uniform. Inoulre at C. H Bhaven News Vol,. Webster St. depot check-etani. no train boys neea apply , WANTEp, two solicitors for Council Bluffs; 'W to 10 per day f money every day. Btlgle ' man,-41 and 46 B. !Maln St., Council HlulTs, ; lows,-. , a juihhi .WANTED ' once, a," first clans soda man Apply.. to Mr.- Reynold's grocery .depart 1 menv, basetnant. ' Bennett s, . . . B-MI06 6x -tJ 1. ' good boeflon la'alwaya open for a com ." netent man. His difficulty la to And It. ' We Have openings for high-grade men In all cauaaltlee-ecutlve technical and , alerlcai. Openings for college men. "Right . places, for right, men and right men for r: right iilacea.'-Write for pltln ana booklet. : rtangoods uncorporated), 'Buita ,K!i, mo ' nsdnoeh Building. Chicago:, B TBl IALEMEN 1eALESfEN,:WA?intD to call on "6ottraI only, -non benalr-ot the leading, firm -in' ".the business; established vrde; .position permuneni: siaie experience. Aouresa r, ; X. box 858, 'Thllad'elphla.: ' M101 tx BOOK -flAUBSMEN attention. We luvve .s an entirely .pew .proposition for men pt ' anility, '' iprriiory is oring rapiuiy . as ale ned. CouDon and card leads.cF:"D. Mayer,; .Broadway, and JLocust atreets, St. WA1KTKD If KMALE UtkLF. ' 00 Qlrla. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge, WANTED; girl for light housework; family . oi two. uaresa a ou, nee. . v-ilbdt WANTED.- girl for general housework v family ot 'three. 'Mrs. Simeral, North 0 - 28th Ave.,'. .. ... . . tJn-6H. WANTED, girt : ; H.alcago . for general' lio.usework. . C-eU0 I WANTES.-' ladloa ;ta learn halrdreaslna:. manicuring or facial massage; few weeks completes; our diplomas aaalat to top wages: our iree catalogue explains now Moler 7Coneg,' UUZ' 'Uougiaa Ht. WATfTEDMIddle aged woman to cook for . f amity -of. reur; -no wasning; waves 4 waek-. Address K. IK Bee. C-M9X ( OOrtD'glH wanted at the Creche. 19th an Harney.: i -. . t; w tx WANTED Two experienced shoe sales -ladle; taunt 'nave experience ' tn selling aiioee; no vtners neea ppiy. --aii in per' . Son .on manuger -ui iuiw uepuriment. , It. Braiddela. tt Bona. C-88S i ' . . . WANTED, competent girl for general ..housework;, three 4n family. Mrs. Harry yvooawara, nwi jracinc. t; n WANTKUi two. solid tors for Council Bluffa fti tg to per duy; money every day. .BUgle man. u ana 4 n. eaaiu at., council niufT Iowa. t VANTEj Flf'y glrU.for work In partmenf. Apply office Bemls Oma baa de Omaha Rkv C-M104 FOR REST HOISKS, Uni CCC In tll parts of the dry. usrs at LO., lieu Bldg, VOR RENT,- 7roonl house, all modern ex cepi lurnace, in i. will &t.f XJU. C Bacbman, Un-Zl 1'axton Blk. D 3 UUUOCO O. F . JUavts Co., toe Bee Bid PTXFvVPSVH-K, CO.. choice hou, swi-w iew iuift uiv xiug. J'hone lul WE MOVE pianos.. Maggard Van A Btr. , M Cuu, Tel. 14i6. times, 17U Webster st i 1 1 i " - .1 P- ' CENTRAL, lat-clasg 7-room house, an a , ..... ; .. . D-M477. HOUSES, Insurance. ' ftlngwalt. Barker Blk. r i .1 1 D dH7 TWO -r1om-holiees.'- all modern 818 00. C. M. Bachmann, 416-37 Paxton block. . v. ."v L M769 TO MOVE1 right get Omaha Van Storags Co. , office UalVi Farnam, or Tels. i:x-!a. - , . .. 1 tt SJ1 R Douglas Bt 11 rooms. . e-' r. . Apply 6e N. Y, D t Ufa. - l-ROOM house, modern Improvements. 1315 Capitol -lAv.-- D M66I x t-ROOM house, modora lmsrovemrnts inj Capitol Ay LwGo3 ts ROOM I NO House, 13 rooms. AMt..I.M nirill Inn Mil 1 ) . . ' . 1 U " ii - ..... fiuw.rii M A,. Blrable liMtiorti 8&fi, r will ,.'. on, rm on Moin. 8uax par' motith. vieorge k Co., D-Mv I . 1601 Farnam Bt MODERN g-rooni coMs ga ; ;o6 Sher man Ave: Ck'E. Turkinglon, &. b ' ' '- ';',,.., . .. r' D-778 MODERN 7-room house, MJ-H .th st D-MW7 Sx FIVBJROOM eotraa: ptrcelalo bath, rhiaet. marble w jib how I, rum conven ient te school and two . cur llnus, 81in) Km - Sweet. tl3 tff Tork Life; lele- unom mi. - '.'.' I' M (.' i FOR RICSTAFl laklED ttUOMS, VVY turope hotel, ink and Farnam. run, RE.yr-ri RAIJHSD ROOMS,, JVjYAL H OT El European. 18tb -el Chicago ' . -1 - '- ' . . , Hi (4 to : oo per week, t'2 Ro. 18th St., one bHck south of court house. . E-r"ul . NICK rol room, madem,-' very reasonable; g-nHiemenprerer.ed. 14Jt N.-17UI. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone Gil. E-701 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th & Dodge. r-7t4 HOTEL HUBBEL, U A Howard Phone 2SS E M4 .6 218 N. 1TTH, cool front rooms for two. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha stem laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. Fhort A-1783. , E 706 ROOMS, 81. S" to 83. per week; board. 83.00. Tnurston Hotel, loth and JacKson isis. E M17 24 ONE or two furnished rooms for rent; fine location, lnwn and shado, gentlemen pre ferred. 2215 Fttrnam St.. . E 778 x TWO pleasant rooms, private, car line. walking distance. Auaress k. is. i-iee oince. E M332 5x FOR RENT Splendidly furnished", centra!, modern rooms, single or ensuite. Apply flat 8 Davidge block, 18th and Earnam. Fr-HK X r'IRMSHED ROOMS ASH BOARD. DESIRABLE rooms, the F amain. ISth and barnam. 1 509 8. 23TH AVE. ; private family. F-707 WELL ventilated modern rooms; first- class bd&rd. Telephone. 2109 uotigins si. F M731 THE best furnished rooms with board by tno any or weea; noma cuukiuk- mh St. ' ' - ' F-M728 . ROOMS-Modern, 2580 Harney st. F 964 8x FOR BEST-VSrinSlSHED ROOMS. TWO choice, modern, no housekeeping; good board In nelgnnornooa ; everyining first class; reference. 610 N. 23rd St. O fc9 FIRMTIBH PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERG, 115 So. 17th. Tel. L-2358. ' ' it iwi . , ,. ... , -n FOR RESIT STORES AKD-OFFICES. FOR RENT The bulging formerly occu plea py The Bue at bio rarnam si. it naa lour stones and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. Ihia will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at ollice of C C. Hose' Vatcr, secreiury, room 100, Bee bullulng. I Ml FOR RENT Building suitable for whole, sale purposes at klb Farnam, ft!x90, four aioriea ana tlrst-clasB cemented basemen, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, office Counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luu, Bee building. i Aiotx DESK room for rent. 634 Pax ton block. JX1VIV TOREROOM, 1615 Howard St., with light pascmeni, unioauing piaiiurm in int; rear, KAi.w. vieorge at mi- iu jjurnam si. .- 1 M4b A3 STORE In good location on North Six teenth street. oppOMlte postomce;' two years', lease; nice extended window.' Ad,-- dress K-W), Bee. - l Miwn AGENTS WANTEP. WANTED Canvassing agents . In every county to solicit subscriptions to ititi TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; Hteanv emnlovment with assured eood In como. Agents In tne country wltn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make ' easily ft) to 8100 permonth. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Be Duiiaing, unuiu. j m AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Fop t,eo 3111, wniien wun tne -encourage-tnent.' flnurAbatlon and ' folesslnir nf H Is 'P k4nilnts. the -'Piine. bv Alonsiannr Iter nard Olteiny, iwi I'axion uiag. ij. , ,;'"1 M36 WE .have all six of the different Pop Leo X1U boons; Dear terms; ircight paid outttt free. Call or write W. A. Hixen baugh & Co., 6uo .Ware blk., Omaha. ' ' J MS62 AGENTS WANTED 875.00 weekly easily made selling our 1 (Jouble Indemnity LomDinaiion neaitn ana acciaent policies liberal commission; strong company experlnce unnecessary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion, 606 Crocker Bldg, Des Moines, la. . J KtiS A 20 IMPORTANT to agents: Bell only ati thprixed and official .Life of Pope XIII. Efldofsed by Cardinal qilroons and the entire Catholic- hierarchy.' Gives .complete history; oontelns all encyclical tellers., joeiiis, micuuiea. eiu.. is pup. llshed hot ofily In EngllBh and German. but In several 'Other languages. Large colored portrait, worth 8100, FREE to subscriber. Outnt free. , rite today American ruDiianmg co.. umana, rseb. ' . J 991 9 THE ONLY authorized life -of Pope Leo XIII.; written with the encouragement, approbation and blessing of his holiness, by Mgr. Bernard O'Reilly. D. D.. LL. D.. who for eight years Uvea, in the Vatican n-3 uninrmiu iimnie lu iiie Liupc. 1 Ills U1S1 tlngulshed American author was sum moned to Rome and appointed by the pope is . his official biographer. Approved and recognised by Cardinal Gibbons and all church authorities as the only official biography of the pope; over 809 pages, magnificently ' Illustrated; unparalleled opportunity ror agents; Dest commission; elegant outfit free; send 15c for Dostaae. The John e. AVInston Co., KS Dearborn street, Chicago, ill, J Mluo 13x WASTED TO HEST, WANTED Board and room with private lunnty, py young man, siaie price. Ad' arras k. it, nee urace. K MOT tx WANTED By gentleman and wife (no children), to rent a small furnished house in gooa locality; will take it for 6 month or longer. Address W. F. R., 3o6 N. Y, Lire tldg. K 9x6 4x WAM'ED TO BUY. WANTED to buy, some good dental cnairs. union ueiuai college. N M4 GOOD work horse. for cash; state lowes rice and where can be seen. Address 1, Bee. rs M:71 bx FOR SALE Fl R.MTl RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel 2uJ0. New and second-hand bought, sold, r xenan geq. ) 7 go FOR SALE HORSES, WAHOS8, KTC FOR SALE, one large alx-passenger closed faintly carriage, una large open family ' carriage, on large platform-spring spider ynaeion, an ruuuri-uieu, iwu aouule set; pf harness, piuj silver inounteo, and on single sei oi Harness. iiill rank Morses. City Hull. P-M51S FOR BALE one secona-hand 19u2 model uius nuiiauuui, in uuu cuiiuition, X4uu. One second-haiid 1901 model olds Runabout, used very urn, new urea, gooa runnln, order, One shop worn Bpauldlng. 8375. One new aiiiwauae sieam wagon, run probably 60 mllew, built to order with all Improvements, j One second-hand Milwaukee steam wagon, built to order, with all Improvements, used three nionins oniy ana an excellei ...um.r. ISO. The largest line of new autumoblles In the eutire "irH .....i.i.ij. . JONAS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Milwaukee Wis. P-M7SS 7x HAVE your ruooer urea aei While you wait. II. Frost, ma ana Leavenworth ,. . I'-TIO MONROE sella Weasur vehicle at 811 lih at. P 711 TP BUGGY at half price, also nearly new wo Son gear, cneap. nee A. W. John son. with Ai'hn le-r I'low t o P-M70aA3 HORSE, 'biirpty' and surrey, avenue ti'ady's barn.) 01 Br. Mary I' u zx FOR SALE MIsCELLAKEOl . FOR SALE Secondhand Locomobile. I flrst-ciaae shape, at one-half prk-e. CaU or address, 1W4 Farnam bt J TU WANT A GOOD ROOM ? ' v THE BEST'DIREGTORYOF ROOMS FORRENT IS ON THIS PAGE FOR SALE 1 1 St F.I.I. AM IHS. FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 8 centt each; large, well made barrels; mik first-class garbage receptacles. Fred Voungi. foreman. Bee press room, re.ir entrance Lee Bldg. y M4J1 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q 714 FOR 8ALE A new goi ampere double pole swiiLn; never neen ueea. ppiy lw or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building. Omaha." u M7im TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timbers; chicken fence; oak piling. Vul Douglas. W 71 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 2ui N. 17th Bt. W Tig XDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnnm. . . Q-714 WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam'I Burns. U MS34U FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can be uaed either passenger or freight; coin, plete, iron guide posts, cage ana wire en closures. J. L. Brandeis at Sons. . . . . Q-6M .000 BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Smith Q i6d & Co- 1320 Farnam Bt FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required, xj.twu.uu. . J Zl, Bee. ' VJ 8 CATALOGUE clit drug prices free. Sher man & iiici.onnell Drug to., uruaiia. FOR BALE (Ireat Dane pup. R. Erlksen, xewman unit e,' iscd. y mois (X FOR BALE CHEAP one secondhand steam heater that hoats school house with five rooms; In fur condition; tho reason tor selling, we ti -e going to build larger. In quire or write. Z. K. Llnvllle. Secretary of School Botird, Carson, la. Q MSi'7 6 FOR . SALE, theap, carriage, team; color. black; age, 6 and 7 yeara old. W. J. Bur gess, Boyd s Theater. IANO, good condition, cheap. Apply 524 N-.3uth st,, or Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. ". . Q 984 fx . NEW and 2d hand type writers. Ill Farnam. CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1709 California. o SOU At MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT ULttN of clairvoyants; every thing tOlU; past, present ana future. Hat lslaction or no pay. bu7 N. lMh. 8720 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT.. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r.2 f X Til. GRACE O'BRYAN, Baths. zx a. nth. - T-M6D6 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard st, front rooms. iud uam; ursi-ciasa aiienaant, T-M411 A FE890SAL VIAVI, a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment ior disorders of women. Fre booklet Vlavl Co., Ms Bee Biug. tf li DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity, , R. il and i, ioub .. x1 ar nam .si. . u-iZ MAGNET PILE KILLER. : CURE$. At druggists. t PRIVATE, home .. during confinement: . babies aaotea, :iao uooa ttamaritaa bttnltariuirt, ii lt, a.ve., t-ouncu Blurrs, PRfVATE, hoapitM before and during' con- 4lnemen,t;; Mamies uoanjea.anp adopted. Airs, uaiaew, iaaex in,onta-uM, t.; .1 -4. ;.. r 4 jm,;ii' 1 U-."; I l'l - .. . I'l II.-1 , ,.. "PRIVATE hospltat before and during -con tlnement; best me lea f-care and nursing Airs. Ij. riineri laui iiinuu.. lei. aa. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladtea before and during confinement ur. ana Mrs. uerlsch, atiZ& lalMomia ei- - isrioa reaeonavie. SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee bldg. U-79 TO OMAHA PEOPLE Tboes wanting room na Doara.ai ume uioooji appiy to Dea Moines Beach Clubhouse; beat accommodations given. . U 794 64 1 ', ; i ' - , ' 1 - FOR, sttatyered nerves, MeelBssnasa and exnaumion, ubv r.iLuBiiun -uuic. num only by the Family Suppijr '-Co., Boston, Mass. It reconstructs the .pervoua as tern and builds up the stginach. 35 cent. U M922 9X MISS JIOLADAT, please call at 205 Ramge. - U 9V9 ia YOU will have to hurry . If you have your hand read, fast , ana luiure. Batistac tlon guaranteed. Wan-Drea Sisters, 1616 Farnam street U M108 6x MONEY TO LOAM REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loan ana warrants, w. Farnam oraua v,-. V-72 TM and city loans; low rate. W. H. FARM u.,Lr Ria Tel Iran 1 uoinas, r u- - wm PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life, W 732 4 TO 6 P. C money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-738 FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Broa.. 1604 W-784 Farnam. . PRIVATE money. F. D- Wead. 1520 P0."?"- WANTED-peal tt. loan, a, war rants, xt. l v 78S $1,500 PRIVATE money. L. D. Holmes. 712 W-990 10 IS. X. UK iu. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY Rest explaino our methods. ' We loan on furniture, piano, warehouse receipts, etc. Ur 11 you imT m poaltion wo --XlaK-VLoIn without security, except your own agree- ment to repay. Our service I , quick and confidential and we always try1 to please. Ail that we ask Is that you give us a call CfAM von borrow elsewhere- before you oorr inim 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 213i. (EitaWi'hed lt ) 8- lth St. MONEY To salaried employe and wage earners: Get our svatem of loans that get you out f debt. Any lady or gentleman, machlnlat, engineer, etc.. having reliable employment can get Jut"onal, " noM!: Monthlv. Monthly. Weekly, $ino-Return to us. ..!: or $13 35 . or 8 6 50-Return to us... 13 33 or t oo or 3 35 $ id-Return to us... I or 33 or Uj rLit.i.,r.itoui... 4 00 or i-ou or 10 c.., i.rma. lowest rates, confidential. K.V. iBouiries.. uuiik service. Courteous THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXT9N BLK CASH IN ANY AMOUNT $10 to $500 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; pyinenia can be made to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ' Rooms J7-B Paxton Block.. X738 LARGEST BUSINESS IN- LOANS TO A LAR1B1) FEopl.E. merchants, team sters, boarding house, etc.. without se-cui-Hy; easW-st terroa 40 offlcea In prin cipal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade bldg. - . , , X-740. MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; business c lu Paxtoa block. conndeptlai; Ibwest rates The 3. Hutton Co. X 41 MOSEY TO LOA-CIIATTF.L. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If vou Want to snve money: PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, ltith and Farnam Sta. . .. X-739 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry leans. Foley Loan Co., sue. to O.-Ureen, R. 8, BarKer bit. X-742 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cow. etc. c. F. Reed, sis s is. X 74.1 BlSIAEsS CHASCKS. FOR SALE, clian, new stock of general merchandise and building; Invoice about 87.000; well established trade; good com munity. Address J 3i, Bee. Y MtXI6 6 A GOOD business chance for. man mlth small capital; pays i per month clear; best town In Black Hills. Address J 19, Bee office. i Y M666 11 . NEWSPAPER for sale. Gnod, paying re publican weekly: county seat; occupies special field. Address J 65. Bee. ... . . Y-M690 5x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange env property or ouirviss quicK, see J. tt. Johnson. 643 N. T. Life. . Y 744. FOR BALE, real estate, rental and lnsur- rance business In best countv In Ne braska;, a snap fpr man .with a tittle money and aome rush. Established ten yeara. Address Lock Box 84s, Wloslde, Neb. T M606 8 EOR 8ALE, at a bargain, bakery and con- leciionery; good iocalion; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and . furniture nearly new; will sell on , one year's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. E. Baker, West Point, Neb. Y M657 7 A GOOD paying Is-roem hotel for sale In 00a River, Ato, at a bargain; owner lives In Chicago ts the object In Belling. Mitchell & FaughA, Wood River, Neb. Y M632 CAJSH far .your real -estate or business, no matter where located. If . you desire a quick sale send- us ueseriptlon and price, Northwestern - Business Agency, D 314 Bnnk 'of Commerce Bldg., MlnTwapolls, Minn. . . Y-M999 5x WE DESIRE the services- of hustlera In every section or the country as represen tatlves; persons of standing and ability can earn handsome Income representing tis a part, or all of their time; our plan Is new; no money or experience required; this proposition ' will pav you hand omely; do not fall to Investigate It; full particulars free upon request. Address Merchants' Brokerage and Commission Co., Gay bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo. . Y THE CITY Restenrant for sal. On ae count of poor health. J. F. Scudder, David City, Neb. ,. . . T M107 6x FOR SALE a good work horse very cheap, at Bourlclua' plana, house, 833 B'way. Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DESIRABLE HOUSE WEST PART CITY. $11,000 for 136 N. 8."th Ave., east front lot 80x165 feet, - known as J. H. Mcintosh , place; 11 rooms, strictly modern through out. Combination furnace and hot water heat, oak fknlnh and hard wood floors on first floor. Also godd barn. Possession can be given any "time. GEORGE & COMPANY," 1601 Farnam Bt. ... , , , RE-M904 8 Tukev''& Son " FINEiHOME : l-room modern ',houe: except furnace, with lam Vmrn a.nri 7xl32 . f eel of ground.' at ' 2154 So. S4th St., n. w. cor. 84th and Mar tha: Daved atrnetacd .permanent side wain; house. Ui Jlrat-claaa,. condition and X'rlerJSj&OO; small cash paf Mn'sJS Vejsold at once. now vacant. . ment down. r. P. TWK8X 8r SON, - 444 and 445.oara.. ot Trade Bldg. , ' ;' .-"i ,10 s 964 6 For. a; safe v-and-,; profitable Investment Omaha real etfte; and Nebraska farm laada are now grittedge. v .... j Note the following list ot bargains: 1 IMPROVED CITY, ' PROPERTY. 5-room house on '24tn,''north of Spauldlnfc lot 60x124, $2,200. ... S-room house, lot. 40x11!, well and cistern water,' on 29th. near-Farnam street, $1,650. 5-room house-, barn, well and cistern water. lot 40x127. on Bristol St.. $1,600. 4rKomi .house, bars.; welh water, lot 76x104, len- -'(, near-Cass SSU. 900.- - ' New 8-room modern house on BpauWlng, ncr 24thl 8.,-ljnt 13.800. . Newt 9-room modern bolise, lot 37xl. 27th and Indiana Ave.. $2,300. : S-room house,' city water,- lot HxK7, on Charles, near S3d Bt., 4-room house, well anwaer. lot 30x177, on Charles St., H blocV from car line, $660. VACANT LOTS. Vacant lot, 60x140, on- Bpauldlng, near 24th Bt., permanent walk, $760. Lot on Hamilton Bt., near 33d, $560 Z lots on 27th and Saratoga St., $460. STORE. BUlLDlNUb. Store building on 24th and Bpauiuing, 101 Bric'tore itulldlng. iot 20x132. on Cuming St., near z-a. -.. UNIMPROVED LANDS. 480 In Perkln Co., Neb., $6 per acre. 1,280 In Custer Co.. Neb., from $6 to 39 per acre; 820 acre of thl tract can be traded for Omaha property. - ISO In Dncoln Co., Neb., part under cultl vatlon7 $8 per acre; wllltrad for Omaha 40Pal-realn' Dawson, Neb!, under cultivation and irrigation, 800 per acre: Improved Acres Near-Omaha, t acrea on SOth'St, near Forest Lawn, $3,500, 10 acres northwest of Omaha, mostly in fruit, ha small house, prlc $i200; will trade for Omaha property. About 7V acrea in Florence, W.S09. The above la only a partial list of the bargains we have" to offer, both In Im proved and unimproved city property and farm lands. Investigate. CHRIS BOYER, Tel. 2019. 22d and Cuming fits. RICH farm and ttocx land 60c to $2 an acre. Farmers and homexeekers wanted to Join large Colony to South America. Write for booklet en Argentine. South American Colunlnts Co., No. 1, Chamber of Commerce. Minneapolis, Minn. r. ' RE M997 6X FARMS . AND .. " RANCHES "LAND BARGAINS AIXJNG THE UNION PACIFIC IN NEBRASKA Choice land only $1.50 to $6 J er a.c.1 -in-teiith . cabh Field. 2'.'2 South 13th St., Omaha. NEBRASKA LANDS ARB CHOICE IN VESTMENTS. You can find great bar gains in the Union Pacific Co.'s list of unsold sections Only- one-tenth cash re quired. Ask field, South Uth Bt. Omaha. A MILLION ACRES GRAZING LAND IN WYOMING for sale by the Union Pacific at nnv cent per acre only one-tenth cash. If you want a land investment try this. Field. South 11th St. - Omaha. UNION PACIFIC LANDS IN COLORAIK) are selling fast. Low prices, splendid climate and one-tenth cash for first pay ment are the attractions. Field. 2J2 South 13th St.. Omaha. KANSAS IS BLEEDING again this time with prosperity greater than ever. Flrst- ciass wheat land f.r sale in western Kansas at trom to to xio per acre one tenth cash. You wtll aiake no mistake by looking this up if yuu want a new home or an investment Field, 222 South 13th St, Omaha. - . INVEST OH SPECULATE' IN UNION PACIFIC LANDS and you will he aatla. fied. Afk for full Information about the big land busint now under way In Col orado, Kansas and Nebraska. Don't be tne last to join tne procession. Field, 22J South Uth St.. .Omaha. RE MloU 11 AuAa 11.KN party anxious to close ut his real estate deals In Omaha will sell mod ern house on paved street one block from car line: hut waUr. heating: good barn; ior v.v; nous coel sn.uuu to build. MM! i,reuuan, JU bo. Uth St. RE-M7S6 FOR SALEREAL K. STATU. W. C. CHISSELL, 874 N. T. Life Bldg. 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from potiiofllce, for sal cheap. 106 Benewa A Co. N lMh. RE 747 WILLIAMSON Farsfree1?." RE 743 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. Lock box 101. I'apilllon, ?ieb. RE-MiK ASl RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Faciflc Railroad company. U. A. McAllester. land commissioner, Union Paclllo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-748 HOUSES and Ints In all part of city; also acre property and farm lands. 1 no o. v. Davis Co.. Room 6. Bee Bldg. RE-746 SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains, vrne ior particti. lars at once. F. G. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. RE M392 22 ACCORDIO PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. 749 RALE TIES, OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North lth. 7M CARPESTER9 AMI JOIXERS. ALL kinds of carpenter-work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2oili and Itke Ktreets. 370 DAXCNIO ACADEMY, MORAND'8, Crelghton hall; private lessons daily; waits ana two-step, iei. a-i. S1 A31 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. 'A ?3?, , 751 EXPERT ACCOVXTANT. O. R. RATHBL'N, room 15. CouVt Nat Bank - ' irv FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 763 L. HENDERSON, 'florist 1619 Farnam Et IDI LAW ASD COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. a Nat. Bk. bid 76o NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys ana ooueoiora every where. . 'Si Fl'RSilTlRE PACKED. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire .nrlnn tightened. Tel. ' B-2075. 1.C6 Bt. Mary's Ave. 756 GOLD AMD SILVER PLATIXG. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. leJ2MS. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage ind dead animals at reduced prices.' 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -757 INVESTMENTS. 'irnT-D Mivivn ainck miv be valoablfl We furniKB rename repona on emum.. . mines. Mining Information Bureau, 16h4 16th St., Depver, -Colo. M4SHt , lXwmmowers, SHARPENED.' P. Melcholr, 13th Ac Howard r 1 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, aaws filed. umbrellas repaired, aeya, etc. sua ,r. loin. Tel. 2974. ' - ' ' . 159 . LOST. LOST Fox Terrier pup 2 month'a old; whit with black fac ana niacg rouna epoi on back. Return to 3v48 California and get reward. 1jOi wot LOST, gold buckle from watch fob, also money oraer payaDie to Postmaster. Omaha, Neb, Office, Reward , for return 0. Vee IveW-.o AX IX3BT Between 20th and 24th op Spencer, , gold chain, rteiurn to u cny iun. 1 Lost M9.8 6X LOST, a plain band ring with date en Return to 632 8. list and receive graved, reward. Lost art LOSTi-Dlamond ring, near Doiigla treet bridge. Return to George A. Hoagland, Ninth and Douglas; liberal reward. Lost M106 Ex MEDICAL. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning, All blooa. money awn oiaauer aiHeaes cured; a guarantee given In. every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.; graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical college, Jew torn city. MUSICAL. THOB. J. KELLY, vole. Davidge Block OSTEOPATHY, GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suit 616, New York Lit Bldg. Tel. 1661. 1 763 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2352. 744 Alien A Farwell, Paxton Blk-, M-7. T. 136S, itia DRS. FINCH AY MILLER, 124 8. 25th Bt 766 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. T. Life, Tel. 2St. 767 PATESTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 11s B. ititn Bt, oraana. Tel. lt-s. 768 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aceommodat lug; all bu.sliiea confidential. 13ul Douglas. PLIMBIXG. DALY & SON ' PRACTICAL PLUMBERS steam and gas fitter; Jobbing neatly done an oraers promptly attended. Tel. UU. &H& Leavenworth. RIO MAMPACTIRIG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. TeL 2068. f-.7u9 IHOHTHAID AKD TYPEWRITING. . A C. VA.n 8ANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. J70 NEB. Business t Shorthand College. Bovd'a Theater. .. .jn ' TAMMERI.NG ASD STITI'ERIAG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge BHg. STORAGE. OM. Van Stor, Co.. 1611s Earn.' Tela. 15ovi J7I 7IIKPT BROKER. CUT- It ATE ; railroad tioksts everywhrr.-. IV H. flilluln, loui Karuaui. Ahone 74. -774 t . i. 1 i WAXTED TO BORROW. WANTED, a loan of $7,5v0 on a partly de veloped mining property In Colorado, for the purchase of machinery snd further d jvefupmi nt. The property Is worth at least 875.0ID. Will poy ( per cent Int., and give an Interest In an adjoining prop erty uf great protective Value. Full In formation given showing this to be a strictly legitimate proposition. Address L W. Tulicys. Council UiufTs, la. M - fi POSTOFFICE OTICE (Sliould be read DAILY by nil interested. schaiigee may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Aucust I!i3, will close (promptly In nil cases) the General Post Office lis follows: Par- els-l'ust Mulls will close one hour earlier than cloying time shown l-low. Parcels- ost malls for Germany cloxe at 6 p. m. onday. Regular and supplementary mails close t Foreign Station half hour later than losing time shown below (except t lint Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for Europe, per a. s. New York, via Southjimplon (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. New York"; at 7;.10 a. m. for Nether lands direct, per s, s. Potsdam (mall must l directed "-er s. . , Pulsdam"); at 8:3"i a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for Euroie. per s. s. Teutonic, via (Jueenatown; at Jl a. m. for Denmark direct, per s. s. United States (mail must be directed "per S. s. United States"!. THURSDAY At 7 s. m. for France. Hwltxerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Tur key, Egypt, Greece, British India and Lorenzo Marnuex. per s. s. Tji T via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "ner s I T,,.,!,,.1, iwdhi-ai p. 111. ior Azores islands. Per S. s.-Carobromnn. frritn llrtufnn 8ATURDAY At 8 a. m. for Belgium di rect, tier a. s. Zerland (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Zecbind"): at 0:30 a. in. ior Scotland direct, Jht s. s. Furncssia (mnll must be directed "per s. s. Furnea la"); at 11:30 a. 111. (supplementary 1 p. m.) jor Europe, per s. . Lucanla, via Queenstown. PHfNTEl) MATTER. ETC.-Thls Fteamer takes Printed ' Matter. ' Cnminerc-liil I'a. pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent bv this ship Unless sneclnllv Hirele.1 hv tn&f After the closing of the Suimiementnrv Transatlantic Mulls named above ad ditional. Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing -of steamer. Malls for Soath and Central America, West ladles, Efp. WEDNESDAY At :30 a. m. for NEW- FOUNDLAND, per s. a. Rosalind; at 7 a. m. for HAITI, per a. a. Oranje Nas aau (mall for Cape Haiti; Port de Palx, St. Marc and Curncao, Venoxuela, Trin idad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Oranja Nassau"); at 9 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Tennyson, Via Pernambuco, Bahla, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern ' Brfltll, Ar gentine Republic, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. Tennysoni'l. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per s. S. City of Washington (mall for Mexico, via, Progreso, Campech and Vera Cruz must be directed "per s. 8. City of Wash ington"). FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a. Santiago, via Tampico (mall must be directed "per a. s. Santiago"); at 1 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Foxhall, from Boston (mall for other parts of the Jjkinilnican Republic must be directed "per s. s. Foxhall"); at 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. a. Canning; at :3U (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Maracaibo (mail for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per a. s. Maraealbo"); at 9:3i a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) ior FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA, BAVAN1LLA and CARTAGENA, -per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s, s. Alene"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for 1NA- vGUAwllAlTI end SANTA MARTA. per a." a. Adirondack; at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, 'LEE WARD 'and .WIND WARD TST.ANDS. and BRITISH. DUTCH 11 and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Parlma (mall for Urenaaa ana Triniuaa must be d reefed "ber a. a. Parlma' ): at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. 8. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curilyba, via Havana. Malls, Forwarded OTerlaad, Etc, Ex cep Trans pari He CUBA By Tall to Port Tampa,' "Fla . thence by steamer, closes at this a., and s office da 11 v. except' Thursdays, at 15:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon- cla-vs. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes ar this office daily, except Sunday, at .1:30 f.- m. and -11 in) p. m. Sundays at 1 . ita m and. 11:80 rv. an. . KKAVIcfJiiNilLANDBv rail to North Lflviinov, a mi thpni-A stenmeF closes nt this omee aauy ai o.avi p. m. oonneeting mail. close -her every Monday, Wednea dav and Saturday). JAMAICA Bv rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at mi- omee at e:su p. m. every J uesaay ana i nursaay. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, pioees at mis onrce aauy at 6:30 rt m. rtirt.Tfe PITERTO CORTEZ AND OUATE m A i.A-Hv ran to rsew urieans. sna thence by steamer, closes at this office dnllv excent Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 111:30 p. m. Sundays at Jl p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Won Savs nt 111:20 n. m ) rViBTA RICA Rv rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer, closes hi mis uiiico itnilv. except Sunday, at 11:30 D. m. and .111.30 p. m., Sundays at -II p. ro. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mull closes her 'lues dav at 11:30 p. m.) ,- ' JREGISTERED MAIL closes at S p. m previous day. Transpacific Mall. CHINA and JAPAN, via Beattl. cloe her dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Augusr j.na. inciu- lve. tor aespsicn per s. s. loea mru. HAWAII CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIP pine islands, via Ban rrancisco. ciose here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 13rd. inclusive, for Cespatch per . a. si . ttavHsa t CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, clnae here dally at 6:20 p. m. up to August 7th. Inclusive, for deapatch per la enmn: TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here n.-uiy ei p m. up to August 510th inclusive, for des nalch npr MdrinOSa. HAWAII. ' via Ssn Francisco, close here dallv at 6:30 p. m. lip o August iloth. In 'Ai..ui.,A ,l...,.trh r.r a Alameda. mum 'and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C close here dally at 6:30 n. m. uo to August 111th. Inclusive, for S,..irh nee s s. Empress of Japan (Merchandise for IT. S. Pistal Agencv at Shanghai cannot be forwarded vlu Can uVwilT " JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally, at :w P- m. up 10 August 13th.. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a f - .... H o AI'RTRAtrA (excent West). FIJI I8L- Avna .nd NEW CALEDONIA, via Van ,nnv.p and Victoria. B. C. close here dallv at 6:30 p. m. up to August llith. In- rinslve. for despatch rer s. s. Aorangi NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA ' 'except We.M NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Fianclsco. close here dallv at 6:30 p. m. tip to August fir.th Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard ateamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with thla espstch. rxtra malls closing at 6:30 a. ra . 9:30 a. m. and 6:80 p. m.: Sundays st 4 30 a. m , 9 a', m and M p m will he made up snd forwarded until the ar rival of the CtmHrd steamer.) , PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. - via San Fran cisco, close nere uany ai n:j p. in. up 10 August 127th. Inclusive, for despatch per V. B. Transport NOTE I'nless nthcrwls addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe and New Zealand and Philippine via Snn Fran cIbco the nulckest routes. Philippines speclallv addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the for eign rate. Hawaii Is forwarded via Sun Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded tn port of sailing dsllv and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes st s:0O r m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN C'rTT. postmaster. Poatofflce. New York. N. Y., July 31. 1903 OOYERAAICMT OA'ltEk. OFFICE CHIEP QUARTERMASTER, Omaha, Neb.. July 'it. 1!sj3. Sealed pro. posals. In triplicate, subject to the ueuul conditions, will he -received at this orh until 1J, n.Kin. Central Ktandaid time. Au gust 26. IM, for it.auiiii.g a steam heating UO EHMMEST NOTICES.. . plnnt In officers' nuartcra nt Fort Robin son, Nebrnskii. Fun liiloiin.iiioii furnished on application to this nftlce, or to the O'Mirt.-rin inter. Fort Robinson. Nebraska, where plans and spei llu atl-Mis may be seen. 1'rop s:ils to be marked "Pr"po;ila for StMiro l(e,m Flnnt." snd addressed to p. . DAVISON. Acting Chief uunrter- master. A3-d4t&-24-26 OFFICE CHIEF yUARTF.K.MASTER. Omaha, Neb.. July 27. liij. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 1., 1:0011. ceiiimi siaouam nine, .u-p-i'st 26, 1!'3. for the iimatrurtlon of an ad dition to hospital at l-'ort Robinson. Ne braska. Full information fiirnlsied on ap plication to this office, or to the Quarter master, Fort Robln"ii. Neb., where plans and specifications miiy 1 seen. Proposals to Ive miitked. "Proiiosnls for Addition tn Hospital." and addressed to P. W, DAVI SON, Acting Chief yuarterrpuster . A3-d4t24-:3 FORT MEADE, P. D, JULY 22, W-3-Scalcd prop.;als In triplicate will be 1 Ccived until 2 p. In., August pi, l!li, for constructing addition to hospital here. In formntlon furnished upon' application. U. S. reserves right to aci-ept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals to be marked proposals for Hospital Addition," ad dressed C. B. V" edges. Captain. Jy22 d4t A4-CM OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTKR . master. Sheridan. Wye. Aug. 4. 1903 Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived !iTe until 1ft A. m., Rent. 2. 113, for construction of 12-bcd brick hospital at Fort Mackenzie. Wyo. Plans. speclHcatinns, Instrui'tlons to bidders, proposal blanks and other Information may be obtained at offices of depot quartermasters t Omaha, St. Paul, Denver and Chicago and at this office. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject sny or all proposils or any part thereof. Envelopes ronfilning proposals should be, endorsed, "Proposals for Hospital," ad dressed, ("apt Thos. Swobe, Q. M. IAILWAY TIME CARD. I'MO STATION 10TII ASD SJARCY, lalon PariSe, Lav. 1 .a 9:40 ant Arrf. a 7 :M pm a 3.25 pm Overland Limited The Feat Mall California Express.... Pnclrle Express Eastern Exm-esa .a 4:20 pm .all:$0 pm ft (:99 pra a 7:So am a 140 am a 3:40 an J Tho Atlantic Express. .a T JO am tnicago Bpeciai. Llr:coin. Beatrice and Stromsburg Exprea..b 4:00 tim blt:M nm North Platte Ixx-al a :On am a 5:15 nns Grand Island Local.. j.. b 6 :S0 orn b 9:36 am Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paal. ' ' Chicago Daylight ..a T:46 am all:lS pm cnicago raai express.. a t:.pm a $M0 pm a 7:60 am a 3:40 pm Chlcng-i Limited a 6:05 p Des Moines Express.... a 7:46 am Chicago A Northwestern The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:40 am 7 0C am a .S0 am a 3:30 pm al0:26 pm all: 10 pm a 8.10 pm a 1:16 am 9. to am a 3:45 pm a 1:16 am a 2:40 pm b 9:60 am al0:3a am bl0.35 am Mall ...a 6:00 pm ...a 6:10 am ...a 7:36 am ...a k-00 m ...all :Si am ... 6:10 pra ...a 8:16 pm ...a 4:' pm ...a 6:60 pm ...a k:i pm Local Sioux City Daylight bt Paul.... Daylight Chicago ... Local Chicago Local Cedar ilapiu. Limited Chicago .... Local Carroll ........ Fast Chicago ...i.... Fast St Paul Fast Mall Local Sioux City... b 4.00 p.Ti k A. Bonesteel....a 7:2ft am Lincoln At Long Plno....b 7:26 am Chicago, lluok Island ab Pacta. EAST. Chicago Daylight L I'd-- 55 am a $ 50 am Chicago t"ay:igai wwji i.uv m a oa pm Chicago Express ,...bll:16 am a 6:35 pal De Moines juxpreaa.... .eu tii uujhj am Chicago Fast express.. a 63a put a lu pin WEST. Rocky Mountain 1-'t'd..a 7:30 am a 76 am Lincoln, Colo. Spring. Denver, a-uoi . West a 1:S0 tm a 6:00 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. anc Oklahoma riyer a e;wi v1" iu:i pm Wabash. at tools "Cannon Ball" ' Express a :oo pm ft $:20 am al0:30 pm St. Louis Local, coun cil Bluns......'. ...,a:uam Illinois Central. Chlcagx Express ......i.a 7:36 am a I HO pm China u... MloneapolU Jk - . r Bt Paul juimiieur a i .ou pm Mlnneapqlla & St., PaUl . . Express .t. b T:J6 am Chicago Local ........... 10.36 am ft(:Mftra bl0:W pm al0:35 am a 6:26 pm ft :! am 5 Chicago Expres ..... '."A ' ..alO:00 an ..alOisO pm MUsoarl P0o. Bt Loul Express K. C at eu T WEBSTER. DBPOTe-I6TH WEBSTER. Chleafto, St-'- PaL MlanapolU Omaha. 1 Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pasenger...ft 6:80 am a 9. 10 pra Sioux City Pasaengen..a. l:oo pm aU:20 am Oakland Local i...b :6 pm b :tf am Missoori Palo. Nebraska - - Looa. - Vlft - -- Weeping vvaiar., s mw.o am Chicago A Korlhwtstera, Nebraska . -.-. Wjroftiln Division. ( k nil.t. 17111a riAiulwoad. Lead. Hot npring a 3:00 pm . Wyoming, Cusper nO , Dougla ..!...-...-.:...( lPn ft 6:00 pm 1:00 pm Hastings. Yora. uavia ., . City, oupei 141, vwu, . Kxlr and fcward....b S;uO pm b 1:00 pm Bl'RLIKCTOJI STATIO0 14VTH at MASO V BnrllBKton at Missouri Rlvr. nr.re Baatric sua Beatrlc Lincoln .'........ ;: am v.k,..r. Kxorea ft :60 am bl2:0S pin 1 46 pm :46 a Denver Llmlto...... .. M PM Black Hill n Bound Exprbes.. ....... aU :10 pm ft $:10 pm Coloraau yuowie. VivM ft 1:10 pm ft 9;oi am Llnioln Fat MalL......b t:B pa c I'rnak and Platta- ' month ...... ..v.......'..b: pm n.iinuna A Paclflo Jet., a 7:80 cm bU:SS am al.aam Beilevue At Paclflo Jet. .a t'M am Kjinsaa City, St. Jopk as Conncll Ulnns. '- . Kara City Day Ex.. .ft 8:16 am a t:0S pra Bt Loul Flyer.... ...... 6-mi pra all:06m bUnaaa City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:1 am Chicago, Darlington at Ualacy. Chicago Special........'.. 7:0 am a 3:68 pm Chicago Vistibuled Ex.. ft 4:00 pm ft 7:46 am Chicago Local.....' ft 9:18 am .all:00 pm Chicago Limited..., a 8.06 pm a 7:46 urn Fast Mali ' ft 2:0 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday.' 41 Dally except Saturday. Dally exceo' Monday. TKAMMlIrS. KOLLAKD.AMERICA LIHE Naw Tln-acra Dtuairs at U.loo Teas MBW TOKkt HUTTbUUAM. via boUUMiMa. Ballliif W4uar at It A. at BtatrnAra ' 111 ftotterdaat Bpt I Hradam ...Au. , 1-uXwi -,'..bt, Nuurdam Aug. 8l.liuliiui .ltiiU If HOLLASU-AHKHICA LlJilS, ll Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Harry Moorat, ltol rsrasm si.. O. atsukarfara, ltIS rimhtn at , J. B. UaviMilds. UOS Varnaai at. FOR IMPROVEMENT OF RACE Object of Antl-Ulseaa and Den. eracy Society Exposed by C. J. Bayer. '., C. J. Bayer, U. representing tb No biaska Society for tho Suppreaston of Dis ease and Degeneracy, is In the city, wharf he will remain fur a month Interesting phy sicians and sociologist tn the object ol the boclety, which alms to decrease thfl birth rata of the physically and mentally deficient by Instructing parents In th du ties of th parental Mate.' Tba doctor has been operating along thf same Hue In the stale of Iowa for several yc-ara and ha organized a large aoclcij which will, at the next session of th leg Islatur present ft bill, the same to b pre sented to the Nebraska legislature on year later for enactment Into law.' Th bil I a follow: Be It enacted, whenever application art made to the clerk of a district court for a license to marry, said applicant must pro vide said clerk with a certificate from reputable medical rac.tltluner who reatdet In the county where the application fl made, vouching that said applicants havf been under instruction reg iruing the du ties pertaining to the married relation.' It la farther provided, wheiiwver appli cants for marring license refuae to be In structed, the llcens clerk may Issue a mar riage lletiute a at present made and pro vided, by accepting a protest signed by said applicants. Said llcens clerk shall forward th protests to th office of th marrlag refjrm burvau, aft hereinafter provided 1