10 TIT I! OMAHA PAIXiT IlEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 5. 100:?. SAYS HE OFFERED NO BRIBE Michael CftTamanh Denies Charge of AttBmpt'sd Bribery. HEAD OF PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Explains fast Irmvilhr for MnlleU laaacad Rim to Proffer Alio Oard Hundred DolUri to Tes tiff trrtala WMi Mlrtiael Cavanaugh, the head of a private drtentlve concern, la to bo Investigated by thn oounty attorney for an alleged offer of a bribe In the Benson assault case. Alice Gnrd said yesterday that Cavanaugh had been to her home and made a proposi tion to her bmtrmr that he would give Alice $103 If upon the witness stand she would swe;ir that Frank Mullck waa not among the nomber who assaulted her and that ahe had been mistaken In her former testimony. To the narnben of the Gard family Cav anauf a gave the name of Kelly and said he lived et South Omaha. While he waa talk ing with Wesley Oard a member of the fami:y called the police and Officer Ed Mor rison went to the house. The glrla told the Officer that Cavanaugh had tried to bribe them. Morrison left the house with Cav anaugh and then released him with the un derstanding that he would go to the police station alone. Cavanaugh did this and ftpr telling the police his story he was iln relumed nendlna the filing of a com plaint, as the police said they could not 1 hold him. Cavanaugh admitted that he had made a propneltlon to Wesley Oard, but It was not In the nature of a bribe. He said: "I was acquainted with one of the Mullck boys and we had talked over the case. He told me that Frank had not admitted his guilt to any member of the family and that they did not believe he was guilty. We both thouyht that the girl might have been mis takes in her Identification. Later I got to thinking about the case and concluded to Investigate on my own hook. I went to the Gard home and asked the girls tf there was any possible chance of them being mistaken In tite Identification. At first both of them said there was not, but later they prac tice ly admitted that there might be. UxyltUns the Offar. "I Chen left tha girls and saw the brother. I tuld hi in that the girls might mistaken and that I hated to see an innocent man scut to the penitentiary. He agreed wlla mo tnat there might have been a mlBtake but It would bo hard on the girls to admit Unit they had mada a mistake. Finally I told him that If the girls hod found that they had bean mistakes ana were willing ' to isll the truth tXmi I would gaidly give them 100, "J la agreed to sae the girls and then I told hlta my name was Kiilly and that I Uvea In South Omaha, lie agreed to moot roe thara at o'clock last night. He failed to xtaow op and again I wm to the house. AVe ware tulklng over the matter and I had aaeurad him that all I wanted was for the girls to be sure they were telling the truth and that If they found they were wrong In their Indanaaoaaion of Frank Mullck, that I would deposit the 100 In any good place they said. Just then the police arrived and I was told to go to the station. I was at polios court this morning, but there bad been no complaint filed." When asked who was to put up the $100 Cavanaugfa said) "I was going to pay lt out of my own pocket In order to prevent an Innocent man from going to the penitentiary," and at the same time he said he bad never seen Fran; Muling and did. not know him. Esgllih WIU Iawatlarat-e, The story waa told to Oounty Attorney EmrUwh yesterday and he has not yet had time to thoroughly investigate It, but according' to Deputy Magney they win do this at once. The case of Frank Mullck was called In Justice King's court at 10 o'clock and after th evidence of Alice Gard had been heard It went over untU Wednesday morning1. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the hearing of Emll Wiseman began. . (he roof. If the roof can be put on, figure the members of the committee, the Audi torium can be used for a number of func tions even before the heating plant Is in mailed and the permanent furniture is in position. They also figure that with the building once used to some degree the funds for the heating, furniture and any odds and ends can be secured without any great difficulty. During July more cash was collected on subscriptions than In any previous month, a fact commented on favorably at the meeting. The remaining unpaid subscrip tions, some of them conditional, were can vassed, and various names and methods for the raising of the amount still required were discussed. ' SELLS THE OLD LINCOLN CAR I'nlon Pacific neleases Thirty-Seven Year Tenir of Late President's Private Conveyance, The Union Pacific has sold the "Lincoln car," which has been the property of the road for the last thlrty-severi years, and lt will be placed on exhibition on the "Pike" In St. Louis next year as one of the main concessions. For years the car has stood on the tracks near the Union Pacitlo shops and Jt has attracted scarcely passing no tice of Omaha people, except when lt was on exhibition at the Transmlsslsslppl ex position. It was also exhibited at Chicago in 1S93. The car waa built at the Military Car shops, Alexandria, Vs., In 1864. It was Ironclad, armor plate being set between the Inner and outer walls to make lt armor- proof. After the car was built the presi dent used lt practically altogether, and his remains were taken to Springfield for burial n lt. In 1888 lt became the property of the Union Pacific, and has only changed hands within the last week. T WILL BE CALLED THE KRUG Title of Omaha's New Playhouse lias Been Asreed on as Condition of the Lease. Omaha's new theater, which is to h opened now within two weeks, is to be called The Krug. There has bean some speculation as to the exact title and various suggestions oi a name have bean made. rrom the commonplace Fourteenth Street theater to more hlsrh-eoundlna- deniza tions, but though the management has not yet given It out officially, lt is stated on good authority that the play bills will be headed The Krug, after the owners of the property, who made this a condition of the lease. A Wfinil.rfnl CI,.... Weak, sickly invalids are soon changed y FJeotrio Bitters Into healthv women. They cure or no nav. rVl re sale by Kuhn & Co. by THE! WROXO DIAQHOS19 Prompts the TTse of Worthless Reme dies. Even an experienced physician will some times make a mistake In diagnosis, In wfaloh even his entire treatment Is wasted and may even be Injurious to the patient. The advocates of all other hair restora tives save Herptclde have wrongly dlaa tiosed the cause of dandruff and falling hair. They figure on a functional disease whereas It Is now known and generally ac cepted that hair loss la due to a parasite germ which Newbro's Herptclde destroys. There is no substitute for Herploide, ac cept none. Bold by lending druggists. Bend lOo In tamps for sample to The Harplciae Co., Detroit, Mich. Bhnrman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. RAISING AUDITORIUM FUNDS Last Pull to Secure Money to Put on Roof This Year. i We must have $30,000 of new' money and the sooner we can get lt the sooner the !Audltorlum will be completed. If we can get lt within the next two weeks, as we now hope to do, the Auditorium will be tinder roof this year." Such was the sentiment of the members of the executive committee at the meeting yesterday. The representatives of the ttreweries were to meet with the committee, but failed to do so, and they will now prob ably be seen Individually. Work is now progressing rapidly on the .Auditorium and lt will soon bs ready for III aT 3 Flakes are all you need eat for a com plete summer breakfast. Be sides being nutritious they , ore very Tooihsomo Ask your grocar for Malt-Too flakes MAYOR'S CONDITION BETTER City's Chief Executive Makes Great Improvement and Transacts Some Official Business. The condition of Mavor Monrea vmmta- day waa looked upon as decidedly im proved over that of yesterday. He was aoie to eat a hearty breakfast and his Ill ness seems to be confined to the bronchial tubes, coughing and soreness giving trou ble. The mayor Is still In bed, but it is thought he will be out in a few days, pro vided he does not take more cold. He transacted some business yesterday morn ing with the aid of his secretary. Omaha's Greatest Annaal Event Auarust O. The-Omaha and 8outh Omaha Grocers' and Butchers' picnic, at Valley Park.' Is.. via the Northwestern Line. The public cordially Invited. ALL stores will be CLOSED. Games, Races, Amusements. Spend a day under the trees. Take the folks. Tickets. $1.00; Children, 60a. ' i Bam'l Burns. Real Louwelsa Jnrdlnt. $1.60. Leave Chicago I0i30 a. in. Today. Ar. rive Atlantic City IOiBO a. m. (Chioag-o Time) Tomorrow. The Seashore Limited. daily at 10:30 a. m., takes passengers wiruugn in mat time. For particulars com municate witn ti. r. Derlng, No. 2 Bher man street, Chicago. Bank Deposits. Deposits madej now draw Interna tv,. ..Mr. n.Mn.U . . . . w ""' iiituuuii openea tor $1 or more and 4 per cent Interest paid. All deposits payable on demand. J. 1m BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers. MONEY IS WAITING FOR HIM Large Fortune In Washington to Be Claimed by Jensen When Found. A Dane named Jensen Is wanted In nii rue. King county, Wash., and in order to get him there Jamas W. Paranna nf ik. place has written Chief of Police Donahue to assist in locating him. By the death of a relative Jensen Is heir to a consldcrabli portion of a large estate. Jensen u mn posed to be In Omaha and one time was employee in tne railroad shops. Til UK B JIRORS CIHED Of Cholera Morbus With One Small Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Mr. O. W. Fowler of Hlehtower. Ala., relates an experience he had while serving on a petit Jury in a 'murder case at Ed- wardsville, county seat of Clebourne county, Ala. He says: "While there I ate some fresh meat and souse meat and lt gave me cholera morbus In a very severe form. I waa never more sick In my life and sent to the drug store for a certain cholera mix ture, but the druggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoei Remedy Instead, saying that he had what I sent for, but that this medicine was so much better he would rather send lt to me in the fix I was in. I took one dose of It and was better in five minute. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow Jurors were afflicted 1n the same manner and one twenty-five cent bottle cured the three of us and there was still some left In the bottle. It Is certainly the finest bowel remedy I have ever seen in my life and I never want to be without lt again.' as? JiolfQ fale of Men's Clothing L llrWga?g aJSS I District Court Notes. The county attorney has entered a nolle prosequi in me case or tne mate aualniit Margie McDonald, churgod with stabbing with intent to wuund. I. J. Dunn hns served notice of appeal from the derision of Judge Kstelle In the mailer oi ine liquor licenses tunned to Ar thur Meta, George Tlerney and II. Krug. Fred V. Turner 1ms b'n alven a vr.ti,-t for m'2 i0 agninst the Floyd J. Campbell company by Judgo Vlnsonhaler in a ease which was tried in the county court some uays ago. Charles Howard Wilton and Norman Fulr. the former married In Massachusetts In 195 snd the latter in Council muffs In lad. uxk divorces from their wives, Augusta ' iiii aim jMiima Jv. r air, eaca ai leging aesertion. Drives All Before It. Aches and pains fly before Buckler Arnica Salve. So do sores, pimples, boils. corn and piles, or no pay. by Kuhn at Co. Sc. For sale In the Carpet Department Tomorrow Special fug Bargains One lot axminster, moquette, velvet, Brussels miter rugs. Tliose are 1 j; yard square and generally sell A f for $ 1.50 each, we offer them, today i B. as long as tliey last, each Specials in Lace Curtain Department y'c offer one big lot manufacture seconds in Nottingham lace curtains, these are worth up to $2.50 a pair, we have divided them into two lots and will sell all the Notting ham lace curtains that are of slight im perfection these are worth $ 1.50 we sell them today at' AH the Nottingham Lace Curtains That generally sell for $2.50, white and ecru, some QOp of them have slight imperfections, these go, pair A SPECIAL WASH GOODS OFFER .We will close out one big table of black and white remnants of violet A lawns. These are the lawns that you gener ally pay 32jc for, today we offer our entire On -WW 39c stock on hand of them for on I ESf c BARGAIN jfpnrh square I fJf eacn 500 odd Slippers, worth up to $1.60 a pair at Be each. Men's Shoes 800 pair, worth up to three jooin.59 on I 25c BARGAIN SQUARE "d59C 200 pairs ladles' shoes and ox fords worth up to $2.00, go at 25c and 59c a pair. 600 pairs on sale Ladies' Oxfords at"89c IN THE PICTURE DEPT. Plstlno Prints at 10c Mounted on gray mats, size 8x10, In passepartout shapes, with rings ready (or hanging-, at 10c IN THE PICTURE DEPT. 7Sc Pictures st 2Sc Dainty little touch of color by Bryson, called "The Lady In Scarlet," pretUly framed -a and mounted, at aSOC A WEDNESDAY MILLINERV SPECIAL. Wednesday we offer the choice of our Trimmed Chiffon Hats that have been selling up to $4.00 trimmed with soft silk ribbons, g" a velvet ribbons, flowers and ornaments we have cut the Lf price for Wednesday only , ' W 25c Handkerchiefs at 12ic IidlM and mn's all pure IJnen Handkerchiefs In widths of hem- worth ZbO pach ot each Irish all Embroidered Handkerchiefs Ladled' mlnnr' and children's prettily embroidered Suisse Hand- aercniers wortn Mo each- special for Wedm oa Say at. Ptvebti & pun Pratt. & p tint MOTHER FINALLY GETS CHILD Mrs. Begerholm Given Ouetofy of Daughter After Fourth Hearing of Uase. VINSONHALER'S DECISION INDUCES DRAMA Jnda-e Scott, Attorney tor Mrs. Potts, Leaves Court Room and Threat ana to Appeal to Ularhe'. Bench. vnr thm f mirth time Judge Vlnsonhaler has heard and determined a contest for the possession of Mabel Begerholm yesteroay, awarding the child to Its mother, Hannah Begerholm of Portland. Ore. The decision was reached alter a ramtr .,.r..nHrnai arftna In the court room In which Judge Bcott, attorney for Mrs. Potts, dramatically walked from tne room ana announced that he would appeal from the decision of the court long; before that de cision had been rendered. When the time arrived for a further hearing of tne case from the adjournment yesterday Judge Bcott was on hand with another affidavit the ground that his client was sick. The attorney for Mrs. Begerholm made a showing this morning for the first time, and that showing was a statement from Dr. Worley. In this state ment the doctor said that he had Been in structed to go to the residence of Mrs. Meltosa Potts at Twenty-fourth snd Ohio trnt and examine her to ascertain her physical condition, and that he was re fused permission by her son to see ner. tnld the court, crevlous to the filing of the report. that the Bon told n,ra tnat Parks, who signed the certlncate or sick ness, had not seen his mother since she came to the son's house. Scott Ovrrtd, Leaves Room. Thn 1udca overruled the application of Judge Scott for a continuance and Judge Bcott aroao from his seat and stalked in si'.cnt dignity from the room, saying be fnra h Htnrted to the door that he desired to have a complete record made so that he could take an appeal. Previous to the rul ing of the jjdge on his motion he said that ihotild the trial be proceeded with and Judgment be rendered against his clients no attention would be nald to any order of court, and that it would be one thing to get Judgment and another thing to get tne child. After the attorney for the respondent left Right Now The moths' are, getting busy on your winter clothing . unless lt has passed through our chemical cleaning pro cess. For a small ;. outlay now, you might save buying, a lot of new clothes this fall. Take a look through your wardrobe today better be safe than sorry, you know. THE PANTORIUU OMAHA. 407 So. 15tb St Tel. 003 Our Services Are Free We examine your furnace, steam or hot water system and see that everything is in readiness for fall use. If repairs are needed, we have everything In stock. Also hot water attachments and furnace pipe covering. OriAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1207 Douglas St. Tel. 960. t 1 il'U ft I -l,'-st' . .. -- 4 Summer Timt T&bls. The Road to Health. Hires Rootbeer is "Just the tlckot" to keen tou solus- during hot weather. Iteools the blood. auenciieatbethlrat. and keeps you well aud active. Mires Itootbecr should be on every table during utuiuur time. Sold every where, or lv wall for cenu. Parkairo tuakns Ave sitllou. beware of Imitations, Charles B. Hirss Cs., Msivsrs. Pa. sgy HRCHAITSJATI0IAL5ANI. Paid oatta! SSM.MM. SurplM runl tloo.Ma UNITED STATUS DBHtiSITOHY. riuk Man;, llllll B a Wol. tkr imMrM. Itfr Draft tMhtr. P. T. llnmlMnn. w nibbf Re-No-iVLay Cores your feet to stay cored. Sold Everywhere. MAJflFACTTIlEn BY A. MAYER, 4 WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD PIANO YOU CAN PREVENT ALL WORRY AND TROUBLE IF YOU BUY A STEMIYAY & SOUS STEGER & SONS EMERSON VOSE & SONS MASON T HAMLIN OR ANY OF THE 30 MAXES SOLD BY OUR HOUSE The opportunity of oompnrlng nearly all the standard made pianos. In cluding the Stfnway, Steger, etc., all on one floor, can be had at our stores only, and we are selling every day tome of the best makes, at a positive iinderprlcing of one-third to one-half and on our famous terms of $5.00 cash and only $5.00 MONTHLY Out-of-town purchasers should write at the earliest opportunity No ad vance in price when easy terms are desired. Batlsfaction, . or your money bark. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER LARGEST PIANO DEALERS 1313 FARNAM STREET. PHONE 1623 OMAHA, NEB. the hearing was opened. But one witness was examined, Mrs. Hannah Anderson, who testified that upon one occasion Mrs. Potts had brought the child to her and told her that she could no longer care for It, as Mr. Potts had deserted her, and that on an other occasion Mr. Potts had brought the child to her and told her that his wife was not a fit person to caro for it, that the mother had contributed from time to time to its support and hud never to her knowl edge deserted It. Jadge ttets Superstitions. In summing up the case Judge Vinson haler said that he was beginning to feel superstitious about the case; that since It had been started so many of the witnesses and others had becoms sick that he feared that unless speedily disposed of the prevail ing lllnes would "affect the court; that in all fairness Mrs. Potts should have per mltted Dr. Worley to aee her, so that the court might have known from his testl- money as to her condition, and that her failure to do so raised a presumption against her claims; that since the begin ning of the case the action of Potts in ab sconding with the child showed without other evidence that he is not a proper per son to have control of. lt; that he had offered to adjourn the hearing to the homo of Mrs. Potts, in order to permit her to testify, but that this did not satisfy her attorney, and for that reason he was com pelled to proceed to the trial, as ths mother had a right to a speedy hearing of the ap plication. He then announced that he would award the custody of the child to her mother, as she had shown a right to It which had not been controverted. Mortality Statistics. The following Mrths and deaths have been reported to the lioard of Health: Births Fiank Relden. SH10 Ohio, girl; Julius F. Wlc-hert, 1814 Castellsr, boy; i-naries i'. iiraoiey. js i uming, boy; Walter P. Vandervoort. Hi South Twenty fifth avenue, boy; J. F. Novak. 1014 South Eleventh, boy; Charles tlanrss, 2S1S Em met, boy; Oust Peterson, lous California boy; Emll Johnson, 315 Cedar, boy; Martin Chrlstensen, 3'J0J Reward, boy; John HUe man. Third and Woolworth. girl. Ieaths J. Warren Arnold, 141S North Eighteenth. M; Bruce Phelps. Thirtieth and uisma. i inonins; junn w. ttarti. zuu nun croft, to. Tou can buy frah eggs for 20c a dosea at Walnut Hill Poultry farm, t73 Hamilton st BennettComoanv OUR GROCERY DEPT. IS GIVING THE BEST VALUES in new, freali, dependable table prod- ncts that you'll Bind anywhere. J 1ST A MOMENT. I IMP 01S Hosiery and Undcrwoar Salo THE RELIiBLK STUItK. The II. It. Peniiy Wholesale Hosiery Co. stock will be on pole Wednesday, August Cth, and will be an event of rare Importance for economical buyers of high grade goods. The only trouble with Tenny, was he bought goods too fine for his trade but our prices will more them, ltemcmber, the Bale is Wednesday, Au gust 6th. " - . ' ', A TUY nV RPTTUTS TV OTTTl C!T,f) A K nKPATTTMENT THE LAST DAY OF THE 23 FEIl CENT DISCOUNT SALE ON OUIi NEW SAMPLE SUITS, ADVANCE STYLES 300 SUITS IEFT YOUR CHANCE TODAY OF A SUIT at OFF. 200 women's suits, made of cheviots, bnsket weaves, granite cloth, etamtne and other materials they come In all colors nicely tailored and trimmed Ifl nil worth up to 120.00 for. each lUtUU IN OUR SKIRT DEPARTMENT WOMEN'S WASn SKIRTS WORTH $2.00 FOR f9c. S0() women's otamlne, voile and brllllantlne skirts, made In the newest effects, trim med In taffeta and satin t , Q Cfl worth up to SS. CO clearing sn.e price. 200 women's silk skirts, made with tnfreta ruffles and separate drop eklrt worth 1:0.00 for , 137 dosen women's percale wrappers, in light ana aarK colors worth l.2 for ..... luO doien white wash wnlst worth up to 13.50 for , Tour choice of any white wash waist on our counters worth up to u.uo tor ..... Women's wash petticoats worth $1.26 for 75 silk skirt waist sclts. In Mark, blue, brown and gray all with small figure worth 110.00 for ..... ... Groceries ,4.90 ...50c 95c .4.98 ...45c ..4.90 READ THESE TRICES AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THE WEST Large sacks highest patent Minnesota Flour, per sack ............ ... Mr Targe sacks Corn Meal 12Vo 2o Ho So e a e .60 ..'..7V45 SVaC a 43 :..7V4o 8140 . ' ..80 i 3o Laundry Soap any brand per bar Fancy XXXX Oinger Snaps per pound. Fancy Crisp Soda Crackers per pound Tall cans Fancy Alaska Salmon Neutrlta per package '. , 3-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans, (with sauce) OH or Mustard Sardines per can One-half pound cans Fancy Steak Salmon..., One pound Jars Fancy Preserves One-fourth pound cans Potted Meats Fancy large Italian Frunes per pound Fancy Mulr Peaches per pound .7Vo Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, etc, per pound , 84c Fancy Large Juicy Lemons per dozen lta Fancy Sweet St. Michael Oranges each t lo HAYDER3 BROS. YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE! Our success is due to the high grade work done by the professors of the college. No students. Teeth Extracted Without Pain by Our New Patent Method. UNTIL AUGUST 15. FULL BET OF TEETH, S2.8S. We save broken down teeth. , Save your teeth. Save your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old roots. We can save 95 per cent of teeth others extract. We restore discolored teeth. We perform all branches of dentistry. Work Guaranteed 10 Years. Special Prune Offer Ac California Prunes Una in eat y, blue-aklnaed fruit per ponnd Imported Sardines per can luc Potted Meats per can 3c Baked Beans per can io Matches sura light dozen boxes Be. Pepper Sauce per bottle 7c Chill Sauce per bottle 8c In order to give all a chance to consul t the professors, we will continue to do work FKKE. SMALL CHARGES FOR MATERIAL. Call early nnd avoid the rush. Be sure you are in the right place. We do as we advertise. We have stood the test. Nearly 10,000 patients In last 19 months. W e beat the jealous, idle, sorehead dentist and dental see's. Complete victory for th e Union. , Teeth Extracted Free Alnmlnnin Plates from ...... f.fl.OO Fllllnaa from 2ro Gold Crowns from .H5 et of Teeth, pair f.2.00 Silver Plum Crowns... l.BO UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Open dally till 8. Sundays 9 to i 1522 Douglas Street. fl1 rr m no l KSJJ vxt7 vkv te m ri Big Values in Teas, Coffees and Spices 12c 15c Fresh Roasted Coffee per pound.... Tea Siftlngs per pound.... Fruit Huttors assorted Jar .... Bennett's Bargain Soap 10 bars : Assorted Preserves per Jar SiWllSSSCTBCTSfllUIBllLllujsJII ygXHl AMUTHUIt LAUGH PLItCUAsU. 2,500 packages finest LEMON DROPS regular Sc pita. Wednesday TWO FOR FIVE CENTS mOOBBBsj Cigars 5 Cents. For Sale by All Leading- Dealers. '' Our Una of Clear Havana Cigars Is complete. Our Meerschaum and Fine Briar Plpag are all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE. MAIN OFFICE 1404 DOUGLAS Established IS84. Telephone 1560. 1 , 205 South 13th St. WHY IS0NIM0D The best most popular least expen sive miiko of A HAN'S SHOE Because It is more carefully made mure comfortable more stylls wears longer than any other shoe ever put Oil A MAN Sold by maker to wearer at wholesale A J5.U0 welt shoe for S3-60 and S2.60 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. Ml UNION PACIFIC l' M5M I TO Cesdif oriYia. AND RETURN August I to 14, Ine. Three Trains Daily 16 HOURS QUICKER. Then Any Line Electric Lighted Trains CITV TICKET OFFICE, 1334 FARM AM STREET. 'Phone 816. About Catalogues Some "emporiums" are claiming they are the only people who ISSUE A CAT A IaXjL'K and the only people who have AN If GOODS WORTH MENTIONING to cata logue. Now, all e have to say Is that if ANYONE will compare the prices in AN V CATALOGUE ON LRIJOB with the prices we are making every day on the same ankles THE V WILL AliKEB with us that lt would nave btien better to have paid the printer NOT TO I'HINT IT. If you live out of town send us a list of your drug wants for prices, but don't order from I'ATAIiUl'ES. for voij will pay mora for the goods thun-srou need to pay. tl.00 feruna all you want at (7c Sic Genuine Caatoila Ho 11.00 ll.rce'a Kmedlea 6c fioc Hamlin's Wizard Oil Ssc fv. Loan's Kidney PlUs Sc fcie C'utlcura Snlv W'O SI 00 Valne's Celery Compound To Bar-Ben tOc 3 Chester's genuine Pennyroyal Plll&.tl "0 tl.00 Orrine want it? 80c OPEN ALL NIOHT. CUT PRICB DBUfl STOKE Two Pnaaea T4T anal 71. istst aas Caleasa treats, Oasaaa, SCtlAEFER'S Flsvor sura-oualltT pnre-Dhrsiclsns preserve lt-v perfect -fi. and hoa beverase rich ualatable beallbruL tlitcra4 te anr art omasa. isbu v. , u, 'order a ess, from JETTER BREWING CO. Or HUGO r. OILt. lit PT sircci, uniin. iswpsousj ar LEE MICBtLL. Wholesale Dealer, Cesatll Bluffs. Tel. II