THE OMAITA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, AUGUST 2. 1903 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MISOR MKSTIO. Par's sell drugs. Stockert 'lis carpets. Crayon enlarging. JOS Broadway. Expert watch repairing. LelTert, 418 II jr. Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Lcfferfs. 4f Broadway. 14K and 1K wedding rings at LetTerfs, 409 Broadway. One-fourth to one-third off on rymaraphy outfit. C. K. Alexander & Co., 333 B'way. For Rent New house, seven roomr, mod ern except funuiee. Inquire 615 E. B'way. Frederick Klepfcr was called last evening to Orand Rapids. Mich., by the aerloua III neaa of hia father. "Joseph, a lenn In Providence." At the evening aervlce the subject of hla discourse will be "A Goapel for Men." At the Second Presbyterian church the pastor, Rev. Harvey Hostetier, will this morning take aa the subject of hla sermon, Twin Brothers encampment. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet Monday evening for work In the royal purple de gree. The condition of Mrs. Sarah Crandal of South Seventh street, who has been very sick for some time, Is reported as much Improved. For rent, office room, ground floor. One Of the most central location in the business portion of the city. Apply to The Bee office, city. We contract to keep public or private houses free from roaofces by the yoar. In sect Kxtermlnator Manfacturing company. Council Blurts. Ia. Telephone F634. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Christ Hansen, aged 42, and Jennie Carothers, aged 35. both of Omaha. Jus tice Carson perfotmed the marriage cere mony. , Ida Caldwell, a negresa charged with as saulting Mrs. Mary Wheeler, a white woman, about a, month ago, had her hear ing In Justice Ouren'a court yesterday and was fined 31 and costs. There will be no evening service today at the First Congregational church. In the morning at 19:30 o'clock the pastor. Rev. James Thomson, will preach on "Miscon ceptions of the Sovereignty of God." Ren Ewlng.and Kste Llnsel, charged by Mrs. Ewlng with maintaining unlawful re lations, were bound over to await the ac tion of the gmnd Jury yesterday by Jus tice Carson. They both furnished ball In the sum of 1300. - Superintendent Rothert of the Iowa Bchool for the Deaf received news last evening of the death of Mlsr, Heleno Phelps, cHiughter of Colonel W. H. Phelps of Carthage, Mo., and sister of Mrs. Waldo H. ltothert of Omaha. The Second Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services In Modern Woodmen of America hall In the Merilam block at 10:45 a. m. Subject, "Spirit." Sunday school Immediately after service. Wednesday even ing testimonial meeting at 7:45. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services this morning at 11 o'clock In the Sapp building, when the subject of the lesson will be "Spirit." Sunday school will be held at the close of the services and the regular mid-weekly testimonial meeting will be Wednesday evening at ( o'clock. Mansel Wilson, the lad who lived alone with hla father on Harrison street and was turned over by order of Judge Scott a few days ago to the care and custody of Rev. Henry DeLong. will be sent Monday to his grandmother In Ottawa, Kan. The grand mother, on learning of the plight of the lad, notified Rev. DeLong that she would be glad to give the boy a home and for warded sufficient money for his transporta tion. Fire from an unknown cause did damage to an estimated extent of $1,600 last evening at 7 o'clock in the carriage top factory of A. Schulter, 600 South Mnln street. When the' fire department reached the building flames were bursting out from all parts of the workroom at the rear. The damage Is to stock ana parity nnisnea urrwm wy. The stock Is said to have been Insured, but n what amount could not be learned last Ulght. Having recently removed his office to the second floor of the Commercial National bank building, BOS Broadway, Council i Bluffs, la., Jacob Sims announces his con tinuance at that location of the former law business' of Sims ft Bainbridge, and Is suc cessor to that firm, and also his relation with the firm of Shaw, Sims & Kuehnle of Denlson. la., will be continued as it has been lor tne pasi inree yemu. mm equipped offlcea and ample assistance at both places, and with over twenty years active experience In the general practice In both the federal and state courts of Iowa, he is better prepared than ever to give attention to all legal business en trusted to him. RECEIVERS HAVE NO CLAIM Jade Thornell Mokes Baling; on Title to the W. H. M. Posey Homestead. According to the ruling of Judge A. B. Thornell of the district court the W. H. M. Pusey homestead, selected as the site for the Carnegie HDrary duiiuiuc, tm cuuri from all debt of Frank Pusey contracted antecedent to the death of hla father. This ruling was made by Judge Thornell in an application of Receivers Bereshelm and Murphy of the defunct Officer & Pusey bank for Instructions In the matter of the sale of the property. The receivers In their application, after setting forth the facts relative to the pro posed sale of the W. II. M. Pusey home stead to the city of Council Bluffs for the site for the Carnegie library, stated It was desired to have the question of title de termined, and that they had been Informed by their attorneys that as receivers for the bank they had no right or claim against It, as It was exempt, and further that It , would be a needless waste of money to re- ; stst ths claim of exemption. ' initn Thnrnall heM that th homestead . .i v.. nw ,,.. . ...... uvi- 1 " "W , antecedent to his father's death; that Frank Pusey's Indebtedness to the receiv ers was antecedent to his father's death; that they (the .receivers) would not be war ranted In acting contrary to their attorneys' advice, and thus Incurring needless expense : by reaistlng the claim of exemption. The court, however, authorized and directed the receivers to appear In the bankruptcy pro ceedings and admit such facts as they , . ,,. ,, , . . 1 new to be true. The matter to be sub- xnutea oy tnem Deiore ine court in wnicn the bankruptcy proceedings of Frank Pusey were held In New York. This order of the court, after It has been compiled with and the bankruptcy proceedings In New York have been reopened to permit of the re ceivers appearing, will. It Is expected practically settle any question of alleged defect In the title due to the failure of Frank Pusey to list his Interest In the homestead among his assets at the time he went through bankruptcy. Plumbing and hsatlng. Blxby A Son. Bids oa Poor Pnrm Buildings. r Bids on the buildings on the county's new poor farm near McClelland on the line or tne ureal western ral road were ceived yesterday by Auditor Innea from the following: John J. Myrtue, Jensen Bros.. George Hughes, Anderson Bros., Wlckham Bros., all of this city, and Jacob Bros, of Mlnden, Ia. The bids will be opened at the meeting of the Board of County Super Visors Monday afternoon. The buildings, hloh will be of brick, are expected to cost In tho neighborhood of $14,000. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel 30. Night FS67. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. SS Pearl Sit-. CeuacU HUffs. 'Pheas SI. I BLUFFS. OPEN BIDS ON THE DITCHES Fire Offers to Cowtruc', the Big One in ths Two Counties. ONLY THREE OFFERS ON PIGEON CREEK Tabulation Will Be Seeessary Before It Caa Be Determined Which is the Lowest oat the BIrT Ditch. Bids for the construction of the Harrison Pottawattamie county drainage ditches were opened by Auditor B. F. Huff of Har rison county, and Auditor R. V. Innes of Pottawattamie county, in the office of the latter In this city yesterday afternoon. In Addition to representatives of some of the firms bidding County Supervisor Baker and Thomas Tosrovln, engineer In charge rf the work, were present. Bids were made separately for the work In the two counties, and for the Pigeon Creek ditch, which is in Pottawattamie county, alone. The contract, according to the published call for bids, will be awarded Monday morning. , 1 The bids will have to be tabulated before any conclusion. ' as to the lowest bidder can be arrived at. A rough estimate, based on the bids for the dredging alone show that the cost of the Harrison-Pottawattamie county ditches will be from 175,000 to 1106.000. The estimated total number of cubic yards of dredging is 34,831. The bids which were on the cubic lard, were as follows: J. J. Shea, representing the Canal Con struction company of Chicago Willow Creek ditch In both counties, S cents; AU?n Creek ditch In both counties, 10 cents; Boyer cutoff In Pottawattamie, 12H cents. The bid also called for a number of extras for extra excavation, sloping levees and borrowing dirt. W. A. Smith & Co., of California Junc tionStraight bid of 11 cents on all sec tions except sections one to forty on Wil low creek, which was' 1314 cents. B. P. Wlckham made a straight bid of UM cents on all sections of the three ditches. R. A. Brown & Company of Washington, Ind., a straight bid of 8V4 cents on all sec tions for dredging only, no levee work. Frank C. Touman of Kansas City failed to enclose certified check as required, and his bid was not considered. The bids on the Pigeon Creek ditch were: J. J. Shea, 12 cents; W. A. Smith, 14-14 cents; Wlckham, 144 cents. It was stated that Wlckham 's bids alone were strictly In conformity with the speci fications and that as his bid called for no extras It was probably the lowest In the long run. Winners in Voting; Contest. DeLong' girl voting contest, with two gold watches as prizes, resulted as follows: Pansy Otto, first prise 8,503 Carrie Pfelfer, second prize 7,555 The next nearest were: Florence Wilcox, 6,367; Bessie Crane, 6,309 ; Margaret Lellc (,660. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Kemp-Wllklns Wedding tho Most Kotable Featere of Soeial World. Mrs. J. R. Schmidt is visiting friends In St. Louis. Miss Dora Stewart of Des Moines Is la the city, the guest of Miss Dodge. Mrs.. EX J. Prouty left yesterday on a visit to relatives In Warrensburg. Mo. Miss Cora Gretzer and Miss Ella Mcintosh are home from an extended eastern trip. Miss Margaret Wallace has returnel from a visit with friends in Indian Terri tory. Miss Ethel Watson entertained at luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Covers were laid for ten, Mrs. B. S. Klrkpatrick and family of Harrison street are home from a sojourn at Noble's lake. N. P. Dodge has gone to the Dodge sum mer cottage at Clear Lake to spend a couple of days. C. C. Gillespie of Washington avenue arrived home Thursday from a month's trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P. Mlkesell of Avenue B entertained a number of friends Monday evening at a lawn social. George Treynor, formerly of this city, now a resident of Des Moines, Is the guest of Council Bluffs friends. The members of the Flower mission en Joyed their annual picnic at Manawa Tues day afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell entertained a few friends informally Friday evening at their home on West Broadway. Miss May Jepson has re-.urned from Cedar Falls, where she has been attending the State normal during the last six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Avenue B enter tained the members of the Epworth Meth odist church at their home Saturday even ing. Colonel W. J. Davenport la expected home j this morning from New York City, where h went on a combined pleasure and busi- M y ,h-, u Charles Olson, have gone for a month's ' visit with relatives 111 Nebraska and north- rn Iowa. w W W Bh.n... .. W Wallace Shepard and children have gone to Colorado Kpringj to spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Woodford. 314 High School avenue, entertained at a muslcale Friday night, complimentary to WH Kosalie t lemlng of Chicago. . ' ,;. ) . iV iV.k t !fii. w i Mrs. o. li. P. Mlkexell will leave today on vlklt to lrlends In Canton, Neb. Mrs. W. L. Douglass entertained the members of the Woman's Euchre club at ner nome Wednesday morning. Prize at earns were won by Mrs. Uuy shepard. Mr. John Nugent and Miss Lottie New ton were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's par ents on Wen ion street. They will nuke their home In this city. Miss Minnie Hardegen, daughter of Mr. George J. Hardegen of this city, and Mr, Albert Hummel of Casper, Wyo., were recently married at Luxk, Wyo. They will make their home In Casper. in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ileiser and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pinney, Miss Gertrude Davenport entertained Wednesday evening at 1 o'clock dinner. Covers were laid for twenty. Miss Josephine Jennings entertained the members of the Kensington club at her home Tuesday afternoon In honor of her guests, Miss Marie Carter of Jefferson and MIms Nannette Huston of Jefferson. Invitations have been received In the city to the marriage of Mr. Henry Hoist, son of re-iMr. nnd Mrs. Richard Hoist of this city t n Miss Gertrude Ryan of Tilden, Neb. 111s cvrvmuiiy win uccur i niacii, piu,, August 5. The marriage of Miss Jessie Gilbert of this city and Mr. J. T. Biker of Omsha will occur W'eanesday evening. August 13, at the home of the brMe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert. They will make their home in Omaha. Miss Ethel Cook and Miss Ruth Btrtow entertained nt a break fust Mod lay morn ing In honor of Mrs. Robert Thelnli? r Jt and Miss Inez Shepard of St. Joseph. The deeorutlons' were In red. About fifty guests were in attendance. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Crewdson were ten dered a re'.4."itlon by the members of the First Chrl'l-in church Thursday evening at the church parlors. Rev. Crewdson left Friday for Atlantic, to assume the duties of pastor of the Christian chure! there. A pretty home wedding occured at ths bom of Ur. and Mrs. tJwln WUkint, 3t4 Avenue C, Tuesday evening when their daughter. Bertha was united In marriage to Mr. W. F. Kemp of th s city. Rev. James O May of Broadway Methodist Kpls copal church officiating. About forty guests were present. The rooms were handsomely decorated with sweet tes, asparagus fern and palm. In tho front parlor the large buy window was artisti cally arranged with asparssm fern and palms, and there the wedding ceremony was performed. t'nnttended, the brldil couple entered the parlor to the stnlns of Mendelsshon's wedding march, played by Miss Nellie Shows Iter. The bride was gowned In Swiss mull, elaborately trimmed with duchesse lace, which was her own handiwork. The bridal bouquet wan a cluster of bride a roses and fern. At the close of the ceremony refreshments were served by Misses Belle Cooper, Nlnah Weir and Ethel Shubert. The brldxl couple were the recipients of many handsome gifts. The bride Is well known In hls city, hiv ing always taken an active part in Metho dist Episcopal church work. The groom, formerly a resident of this citv. la in busi ness In Iemars, la., where Mr. and Mrs. Kemp will reside for the present. CRIPPLE LOSES HIS MONEY Mas from Plalavlew Has aa I'n pleasaat Experience In Bloax City SIOUX CITY, la.. Aug. l.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Shngred and robbed of all his money was the experience of John Brad ford, a crippled tailor who came up from Plalnvlew. Neb., to see the State Fire men's tournament. He had received 31,000 from the old coun try with which he had planned to secure the amputation of his Injured leg. TRIES TO CREMATE HIMSELF Prisoner Is Besened After Having Set Fire to Ills Bedding;, and Will Recover. WATERLOO, la., Aug. 1. Special Tele gram.) A. Gelsler attempted to cremate himself In the city Jail today and was angry when Mayor Martin rescued him from the burning bedding, which was de stroyed. He will recover. NOT SELLING THEIR HERDS Tlldea Farmers Who Lost Crops by Hailstorm are Not Forced to Raise Cash. NORFOLK, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) I. O. Westerwelt and Alvln Lowe have Just returned from a trip through the hall stricken territory about Tilden, where they went for the purpose of buying live stock from the farmers. They came home with out an animal, however, as the husband men of that section are in no need of ready cash and are not forced, even by the utter loss of this year's crop, to sell a thing. They prefer to buy feed from adjoining country and fatten their own herds. Republicans Name Delegates. WEST POINT, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) The republican county central committee met at Bancroft and decided not to call a county convention for the purpose of nom inating delegates to the state and Judicial conventions, but to name them In com mittee. This was done and the following named persons were selected as delegates: To the state convention R. F. Kloke, Christian Rupp, John Schorn, Martin Mur ray, C. J. Weborg, D. W. Burke, J. W. Lafferty, J. K. Baker, C. Beckenhauer, C. W. Bass. W. F. Sinclair. C. A. Anderson. T the Judicial convention Gust. An derson. A. A. Peterson. William Dill, 8. S. Hall. George Nellor, William Graunke, O. R. Thompson, A. R. Oieson, H. L. Keefe, B. Brooks, F. J. Buck, F. W. Kloke, May Forfeit His Bond. FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 1. (Sp?cla!.) There Is still more trouble over the Schal-Icnberg-Monlch case. Involving the posses sion of eighty acres of land near Scrlbner. The old man Schallenberg and his son. Jake, are under bonds to appear before the district court to answer to the charge of destroying Monleh'a hay, and' Jake Is also under bonds to keep the peace, but It Is claimed by Monlch that some of the Schallenberg family still persist In cutting hay on the disputed territory. Steps have been taken to forfeit the bond of Jake to keep the peace, and more trouble Is ap prehended. . .". Two Divorce Salts Filed. BEATRICE," Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) Two divorce suits were filed In district court yesterday, the principals being among Beatrice's best known citizens. One of the cases Is entitled, Mrs. Cynthia Eltemlller against J. 8. Eltemlller, and tho other Is Mrs. Kate Fritsen against George Fritzen. Mrs. Eltemlller Is the wife of a well known traveling man and old resident of this city. She charges cruelty and deser tion. The plaintiff in the second case has lived for years with her husband near this city and both are well-to-do Germans. She alleges In her petition drunkenness and cruelty. Hastlaars Grocers Organise. HASTINGS, Neb., Aug-. 1. (Special.) The retail grocers of this city met last night and organised the "Hastings Retail Grocers' association." The object Is to promote general uniformity and to prevent Incursions upon the local trade by peddlers. Hereafter It la proposed thst licenses to street vendors shall be advanced so as to effectually keep them out. The officers chosen for the association were: President, T. A. McDonald; secretary, Myrdh Ab bott; treasurer, Warren Eves; executive board, O. M. Bishop, J. II. Splcer and My ron Abbott. Will Break I p Gaagr of Thieves. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) An organized effort Is being made among the officials of this locality to break up the gang of thieves which has been oper ating In this section of the s'ate and north ern Kansas for the last few years. It is said that there are more than fifty men and women who belong to It and their organization la so perfect that when some members of the gang make a haul In Ne braska they slip over across the Kansas line, and vice versa. The fellows are hardened criminals and stop at nothing to accomplish their purpose. Hand Crashed la Floor Mill. HASTINGS. Neb., Aug. 1. (Speclal.)-Earl Bruce met with an accident at the flour mill here this morning In which his right hand was crushed except the thumb. He was feeding water-soaked crackers between the rollers of the mill for the purpose of mak ing chicken food. In order to facilitate the passage of the crackers through the machinery it was necessary to prod them with a stick. The young man's hand slipped along the stick until It wss caught and drawn In by the rollers. Bruce is about 30 years old. Telephone Improvements at Norfolk. NORFOLK, Neb., Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-The Nebraska Telephone company Is preparing to completely rebuild Its exchange in this city. A new switchboard for ten operators, with the central energy system. Is now In course of construction. Norfolk Is an ex change center for northeast Nebraska and twelve toll tinea run out of here at present. The Improvements wHl cost about $15,000. COMPLETE THE ASSESSMENT Increase in Va'nation in Eeal Estate, Far serial and Railroads, MANY CHANGES ARE MADE BY THE BOARD Coroner's Investigation Has Not Shed Any Light la the Manner la Which Cnanlngham Was Killed. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram.) With an Increase In the taxable valuation of the entire property of the state of Iowa of $65,000,000, which Is one-fourth the Increase in actual values, the state exec utive council this evening fixed the state tax levy for Iowa at 3 mills on the dollar. This is a reduction of half a 'mill from last year and the amount of money to be raised Is substantially the same, about 32,000,000.1 The aggregate actual value of all the real property of the state as reported by the assessors, less exemptions. Is 11,864,364.561. The council made no attempt to equalise I or change the reported value of town lots, but did equalize, as between counties, farm lands. It accepted substantially the report of the assessors ss being the best evidence of the actual value of the rest property In the state. The equalized value Is fixed by the council at 31.S6C339.264. The actual value of the personal prop erty of the state aa reported by the assess ors Is $418,865,674. This amount was not changed. After all deductions are made by way of exemptions, the assessed value of both real and personal property not assessed by the executive council Is $578,641,624. The actual value of the railway property of the state as fixed by the council Is $226. 149.1S8. The assessed value as fixed by the council Is $56,537,297. The aggregnte actual value of the tele graph, telephone, express, sleeping car equipment and tnfirrurban railway property ns fixed by the council Is $11,226,122. The Assessed value, $2.806. 530. The total nssessed value of the taxable property In the state Is $637.9R5.3. Increase Railway Valnatlon. AS compared with last year the actual value of the railroad property Is increased $20,917,388. The assessed value is Increased $5,229,347. This Includes the increased mile age. The present assessment of farm lands and town lots Is 15 per cent anove the assess ment of 1901. The present assessment of form lands alone Is 17.2 per cent above the assessment of 1901. The present assess ment of railroad property Is 20 per cent above the assessment of 101, and 10.1 per cent above the assessment of 1902. In making the above comparison the Im provements added to real property and the extension of railroads are Included. No comparison between the assessment of real property In 1902 and 190S Is made, because real property was not assessed In 1902, ex cept to add new buildings. Railroad Assessments. The following Is the mileage of the sys tems of railroad assessed and the aggre gate assessment on each system this year: muia eniervnie... 24 44 I Amt? C2,lle"8 1-9 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ij 7g Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy . 1,858.76 Chicago, Great Western.. 744.66 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 73.320 4.&70 247.000 8.171.392 $.327,330 10,476.890 17,697.759 U, 234,601 791.920 30,000 44.000 202,520 192.590 2?5,Onfl 4.091,794 1,900.092 5. 000 22.890 832,526 71.675 84.000 24.102 9,300 raul 1863 83 Chlcaro, Rock Island & ' Pacific 1168 78 Chicago & Northwestern.. 1,674.34 Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis A Omaha 74 64 Colfax Northern 6 00 Crooked Creek Railway and Coal Co 17 Davenport. Rock Island A Northwestern 3 o Des Moines, Iowa Falls & Northern 7003 Des Moines t'nlon 400 Dubuque & 8ioux City.... 712 31 Iowa Central 449 66 .Jasper County Coal j m Manchester A Oneida .... 7s Minneapolis St. Louis.. 21167 Mnscatlne North and South jo Newton A Northwestern!! 21 00 Oi ia ha Brlde and Ter- mlnal am Ploux City Bridge Co!.!!!! rs6 Slonx City Stock Yards I Ine j (5 Tabor t- Northern ....!!!!!' 8 79 T'nlon Pacific . I 1'nlon Terminal " H'nbash 2ns7 Wlllmar A Sioux Falls.... 7670 6. 750 90.765 177.SM ino.ono 877.210 383.600 To,als 9.690.79 $456,637,297 The Burlington main line was assessed last year at $12,250 and this year $13,600. The Great Western main line last year was $7,000, and this year $7,750. The Milwaukee changed from $5,600 to $10,000 on the Coun cil Bluffs division. The Northwestern main line changed from $13,600 to $14,500. The Rock Island changed from $11,280 to $11,750 on the main line. The Dubuque A Sioux City, or Illinois Central, changed from $7,600 to $8,000. The change on the Union Pacific was $16,800 In the aggregate. There was no change on the Omaha Bridge A Terminal. Real Estate Assessment. The state executive council made no change In the returned assessment on town lots nor on personal property, but gave a general shaking up to the real estate as sessments. Every county but seven was changed as to real estate assessments, end an aggregate of about $2,000,000 was added to the real estate valuations of the state by this process. The following table shows the changes that were made, giving the In crease or decrease In real estste valuations In percentages and the value per acre on the property as equalized by the board: Beal Estate Equalisation. Pet. Inc. . .10 . .05 . .04 . .07 Change. Dec. Counties. Adair Adams Allamakee ... Appanoose .... Audubon Benton , Black Hawk. Boone , Bremer Buchanan ... But-na Vista. Butler Calhoun Carroll Cass Cedar Cerro Gordo. Cherokee ..... Chickasaw .. Value per acre. $37.02 42 51 23 42 ... 82 04 M 45 77 04 63.76 49.95 4M.U6 43.21 42.65 01 46.76 03 46. 1 07 46.78 07 M M 46 M 03 61.60 42 36 44 84 89.87 82 91 01 38 17 01 82.82 49.36 43.02 OS 60.07 06 32 64 06 32 30 ... 4161 OS 43. hO 06 34.97 40.37 36 93 8X.27 01 43 61 46.10 42.48 01 47 30 .03 60.34 3K.8-J .07 47.03 34 84 .02 48 ( .02 37 31 .O'i 42 36 .08 39 89 40i6 46 M ... 40.64 S3 04 .03 .03 .04 .06 .10 !09 .04 .07 .03 I Clarke jClay Clayton Clinton Crawford .... Dallas I Davis Decatur Delaware .... 1 Dea Moines . I Dickinson ... Dubuque 1 Emmet .03 .08 .13 !6s .04 .09 !o4 .05 .'oi !(o f ayette Floyd Franklin Fremont Greene Orundy Guthrie Hamilton .... Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Howard Humboldt ... Ida Iowa Jackson .01 .04 .08 JUL Quick . Money . Raising Is the result of the great snle, started a week or so ago. That' just what we must have the money even if we only get half the value of the gooils and the sale will be continued this week. 100,000 Rolls of Wall Paper to Go During this Sale at Off Regular , Price Twin City Paints are included in this sale at ?1.00 per gallon. Other Paints in Same Proportion. Art Goods and Picture Frames at-1-3 Off Former Price. Everything in these department's included in this sale. Pic ture Frames, 1,000 styles. Pictures by, the thousands, nil at the ONE-TIIIItD OFF PUICE. . All framing orders left before August 8 will be filled at a discount of 33 1-3 per cent. Visitors welcome. irv Iran fr w m - j trmm r epn uuiibii mmi renin, mi m Broadway Jasper JpflTemon .07 !f2 .02 .06 4 21 3-.I.86 49.93 46. 62 42 36 34.95 3ii.3S 61. m 40M $3.64 39.40 3K.K5 43.89 39. 50.15 45.54 89.77 29.70 83.23 4.9f 60.28 42.28 37.32 47.85 84.62 40.15 44.03 67.94 47 90 46 40 84.81 47.36 69.00 41.22 43.82 49.12 48.60 40.63 87.44 33.28 33 18 41.80 44.38 34.20 44.29 34.22 87.46 3o.SH 3D.07 89.61 Johnson Jones Keokuk Kossuth 09 I.M Linn .02 !6i .06 !62 .06 '.02 !io .02 !o .06 Louisa t.ucna - Lyons Madison 06 Mahaska Marlon Marshall ... Mills Mitchell 09 Monona Monroe Montgomery Muscatine O Brlen 09 Osceola Page Plymouth 04 j'ocanontas Polk .01 .07 .10 !io Pottawatfamlo Poweshiek Ringgold Ran , vt Scott Shelby Sioux Story Tama Ta vlor .04 .OS .04 .02 .02 .05 .10 t'nlon Van Huren 06 Wapello 05 Wa rren .05 .05 .10 .02 .11 !6i Washington Wayne Webster Winnebago Wlnnexhlek 04 Woodbury worm .vs Wright 08 lavestlgatlna; Csnnlsghssi Case. The . coroner Is making an Investigation Into the Cunningham case and as to the cause of his mysterious death and the connection of Noye'r and Newburn. A Jury has been empaneled and testimony will be taken tomorrow! Nothing has been ad duced thus far to shed light on the acci dent or the crime. The cases against tne twn men were continued until next week, pending the investigation by the coroner. Knm trouble arose over the disposition of the body. It woa claimed by Mrs. Cun ningham, but because of the fact that the couple had been separated some time the coroner refused to turn It over to her, hut ve It Into possession of Cunning ham's brother, who will take It to Orand nivor for burial. Mrs. Cunningham sought i a writ of recovery, but did not get it. i Dates for th Encampments. J Mineral Bvers has revised the dates for the encampments of the Iowa National Guard. The dates as fixed now are as , follows; Plftv-third. August 13; Fifty- ixth. Rentember 3: Fifty-fourth. Septem- ber 11. The places have not as yet been ( selected, but General liyers win go to . Eloux City next week and probably cloae a contract for the Fifty-sixth to camp there, as the Bloux city people are anxious for thl. The Fifty-third will probably camp at Cedar Falls, though that has not been fixed definitely. The Fifty-fifth regt- '. ment, which is located in southwestern . Iowa, will not have a camp in this state. I as It la the regiment selected to go to Fort Riley for the fall maneuvers. Express Case Concluded. Juries J. W. Willett. of Tama county. was In the city this week and completed th naners for the appeal to the United States court of the American Express com pany, case from Tama county, involving the right to atop shipments of liquor C. O. D. Into the state. Lewis Smith Appeals. iwIm Smith, colored, has appealed to the Iowa supreme court from the fifteen year sentence imposed on him by Judge Thornell at Avoca on account of the mur der of Charles Edwards, colored, during the. Avoca fair in September last. Bmun and Edwards were much together and be came embroiled In a quarrel with a man known as "Black Jasper" over the Utter s wife and other women. Kawaras was snoi i th. henri and killed. Smith claimed it was done by 'Black Jasper." but the evi dence was strong against him and he re ceived the sentence named. Eajolued Oae' Assessmeat. a,. i. officials were today served with no- i. r an tnlunction Issued by Judge San born at St. Paul to prevent the state ex ecutive council from ceriuying me n.nt of the new branch of the Milwaukee railroad In southeastern Iowa from Mus catine to Ottumwa. The council nas Deen in a quandary as to whether or not to ...... thu road. It Is not yet In operation and during all of last year was being con structed. They and the owners oi mo ,n.rf.iiMlra that the courts shall decide just when a right of way ceases to be such and becomes legany a ranrunu uU subject to assessment and taxation as rail road property. Ia Oae ! larle Bass's Libraries. HARVARD. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Speclal.) Ida Bengston. a resident of this city and a gradual, from the state university last June, departed for Washington. D. C, on Wednesday, where she has a position In the llbrsry of the United Btates geological survey. Miss Bengston has had consider able experience in caring for the different libraries connected with the university and state Institutions, and Is In every way qualified for this new position. Marlarages la Gas Coaaty. BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. 1. (8pecial.) Followlng Is th mortgage report for Gage county for the month of July: Number of farm mortgage filed, 18; amount, 2,731 and Fourth St., Council Bluffs. Number of farm mortgages released, 26; nmount, 347,633. Number of city mortgage filed, 21; amount, 316,046; number of city mortgages released, 20; amount, 39,268. REPUBLICANSIN CONVENTION Csmpslgs Opens la Several Counties with Harmony and Every Promise of Victory, WATNE. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram.) The republicans of Wayne county met. In . convention here this afternoon, with J. D. King as chairman and William Krcldler and Fred Phllleo as secretaries. The following candidates for county offices wero nominated: For clerk, Charles S. Beebe; for treasurer, Joe Jones of Carroll; for sheriff, Grant S. Mears of Wayne; for judge, E. Hunter of Wayne; for superin tendent of public instruction, C. H. Bright of Wayne; for clerk of the district court. Otto P. Kupl of Hoskins; for coroner. Dr. J. J. Williams of Wayne; for surveyor. Root J. Jones of Carroll; for county as sessor, August Wittier of Wayne. The ad ministration of President Roosevelt and of Governor Mickey were endorsed, as was the candidacy of It. 1L Bines for supreme judge. T. M. Gregg, representative of this city In the last legislature, was also en dorsed. Harmony prevailed and th full ticket is expected to be elected. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special Telegram.) The republicans held one of th hottest primaries ever known in this city today. The fight was between J. B. Hoagland and Judge H. M. Grimes for the delegates to the county convention for the nomination for district judge. J. 8. Hoag land made a clean victory In two out of three wards where the delegations were Instructed for him. In the other ward the delegation is divided. Hoagland will re ceive seventeen out of the twenty-Hv votes from this city. Judge Grimes Is a candidate for nomination for a third term. There will be a hot fight next Saturday In the county convention for the delegation from this county to the judicial convention. PALISADE, Neb., Aug. -(Special Tele gram.) The Hayes county republican con vention was held today. Judge Orr wa permitted to name the delegates to the judicial convention at McCook on Septem ber 17. The following were selected: I. O. Smith. J. W. Gull. J. W. Detty. J. H. Chrlstner. The following are the state delegates: S. C. Franklin, R. Mentllng, O. W. Smith and R. P. Chaae. The follow ing county ticket was nominated: For county clerk, M. J. Passon; for treasurer, James Alexander; for sheriff, George Long; for assessor, I. P. Smith; for superintend ent, A. E. Eubank; for Judge, Ed Loomla; for surveyor, H. B. Snyder; for coroner, Mr. Bostock. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the administration of President Roosevelt. A more harmonious convention has never been held in this county and the election of the entire ticket is assured. Leaves Wlthoat Paylas. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal Telegram.) E. Worden, a man who cam to this city several weeks ago and pur chased a large amount of goods from local merchants on credit left In the middle of the night without settling his accounts. Democrats Call a Coavealloa. WEST POINT. Neb., Aug. t (Special.) The democrats of this county havs called a convention for the purpose of electing dele gstes to their state and judicial conventions on August 20. Hid la Deserted Mines. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 1. A special to the Bee from Folsom says that most of the escaped convicts ore believed to be still In the Webber creek bottoms among the deserted mining shaft and tunnels which abound there. 2 fe tnrs h i si w w vfysii j ZSSXm In the Book of Fate there Is nothing that plnys a more lm;. rt ar.t part than good and reliable drugs tw.d medicines. If your life line is long there Ere times when n break comes that pure, fresh drugs tins been tho agent that again united It. We handle everything In tho pharmacopla, and all of our drugs are pure, fresh and efficient. Hi lug your physician's prescriptions to us when you would have them filled to the letter. THE BRONSON DRUG GO, v Prescription Druggists, TELEPHONE 275. 10 Broadway - COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Luxury of a Hot Bath The Bleep inciter, the roster of tlrsd nerves, is yours at small cost if you con'',t' Bult and employ us to install a prnctlc- ally instantaneous hot water heater In your home. Want to know motto about It? We are yours to command. If we do it, it's done right J. C. Bixby & Son 303 Main ft 103 Pearl Sts.. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 181. VARICOCELE A Safe, Painless, Permanent Cure OOilAHTIIB. 80 years' experlenoe. No money accepted until patient is well. OONbULTAYION and val uable B60K Fa, by mall or at offloe. OR. C M. COE, 915 Walnut St, Koiuvu City. Mo. DOOR SHUT FOR SIX K EARS Bnuia Deolarei Foreigner! Must Keep Oat of Manohuria for the Present EXTENSIVE FORTIFICATIONS PLANNED Thlrty-Flv Mile of Modera Ram part Are to Connect Dalay and ' Port Arthar a ad Protect Muscovites. BERLIN, Aug. L A dispatch from St Petersburg to the Cologne Gazette saysA the Russian authorities are reported to have notified the government at Peking that Russia will prohibit foreigners from staving in Manchuria at present, but that six uars hence, when Russia has restored quiet and order in Manchuria, the country will be opened to foreigners for free com merce. PEKING, Aug. 1. Advices from Port Ar thur say the Russian government, as Ye , ault of recommendations made by the re cent military conference, ha appropriated' 36.600,000 for additional fortifications, par ticularly for th protection of Dalny. A continuous line of fortifications from Port Arthur to Dalny, thlrty-ftv ml es along th coast is proposed. MILLINERY FOR THE HORSES Part Ha at Last Caaght th Fad Of PtettaT Horses front Heat. (Copyright. 190J, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Aug. 1 (New Tork World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Paris horses, through the Instrumentality of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to- Anlmajs, have adopted the fashion of wearing straw hat to shade them from the sun. Various device have been tried, even llttls para sols attached to th harness, to keep th gtar from th horses' eyes, hut the latest agony Is the ornamental hat Some are trimmed a If Intended for a coquettish miss. In red, blue or yellow bows or other gay decorations, for when It comes to mil linery th French capital demands that even four-footed wearer must be chlo. RULERS TO ATTEND WEDDING Caloa of Prlaee Aadrew of Oreaeo aad Prli. A lie of Batteaberg Hotahle AsTalv. DARMSTADT, Hesse, Aug-. 1. A great gathering of sovereigns Is expected on th occasion of th wedding of Prince Andrew of Greece to Princess Alice of BatUnberg. The csar. Emperor William. King Ed ward, King Christian of Denmark and Kin George of Greece hv already prompted e attend. Kill Sharpshooter aad Get Camel. ALGIERS. Algeria, Aug. I A body of about 600 Moors, of th Beraber tribe, re cently attacked a French fore of fifty native sharpshooters who were guarding l&o camels at Sldlel Jady. A brisk fight fol lowed. Th Beraber lost heavily, but they g 160 foW they J twoJ tvj killed ten or in sharpshooter and French corporal and carried off all camels. 3 pi I