TIIE OMAHA DAILY BE'Ei SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1903. IV. WISEMAN HELD FOR TRIAL Cour'Eoom Jammed at Preliminary Hear a nr in Oard.Onhnr.nl Afian'it Can. . ' . ...... I. WISEMAN AND MULICK UP TUESDAY Girls Give Graphic Description of Al leged Aiitall, bat Their Testl mony I Vagnf on Time and Directions. Wiseman waa much eiclted and that th Oard girl foaltlvely Identified him. Charles B. Dodson testified that he was I - .1 V. .. .....ma .n. Krnt flllt tthH a man he could not see told him he had Great Military Epectaole to rut on IJ "better keep his face out of here. He Local Gnardimen. went hack and finished dressing, got ma C . r. r A van) aH Wttkftll T 11 IT! P P. TheT heard acreami apparently choked off. They ANOTHER CHAPTER OF FILIPINO UPRISING entered the club grounds and a flushed DEFENSE OF WATER WORKS feud murderer on stand man who proved to be Wiseman ran from the east bunker. The girl waa ahout fifty roda from where they found Wiseman. They called her and aha Identified the man, Baying: "You know what you done to me. Ile a lame, too." Fart Played by Tharstoa Rlnea la the Important Capture of th Funplnc Station to Be Illustrated. Wea'y Wiseman, charged with criminally um8.nl.-it g Alice Gard near Benson Bunaay ighU had hla preliminary hearing before rufvtico 'King yesterday and waa bound r to tho district court. D. F. Thomas . represented Wlsem.in nd fimyth & Bmlth were present to look ifter the Interests of Frank Mullck, who a charged with assaulting the Oard girl. I'he atate was represented by County At- orney English and Deputy M.igney. The ourt room waa ao crowded and ao dis orderly waa the crowd that Justice King iad to threaten on several occasions to I 1 lear It. Witness Against Jett aad White Admit Killing Hla Man. i CTNTHIANA, Ky., Aug. l.-Tha second trial of Curtla Jett and Thomaa White for tha murder of J. B. Marcum haa continued one week and the proaecutlon la atlll .call ing wttnesaea. Commonwealths Attorney Bvrd haa aurprlaed all In aecurlng the at- j tendance here of peraona from Breathitt ' county that It waa thought would never testify against either of tha defendants, imnni the wltnemea who fled to the State Bests Case. I I ... . the trial at Jarkaon waa , a i xhe Thurston Wiles ana me umans. i "" ....... - Theodore Gallagher waa the lart witness, y yM pr8. Henry Freeman, who waa held In conflne- but told nothing new or Important Thel ' ; --i-if nreaentatlon of ment here several daya until he agreed to atate rested Its caae and tha defense did I " - ' th. .. ... of the testify. He waa on tho stand today for not place any witnesses on the tandt Manila Water Works " which they propoae the third time and described hla saloon Deputy County Attorney Magney aummod ,...,. .... t.-n .,- the even- near Jackaon; admitted killing a man hlm- Inga of Auguat 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Tho two self and serving three years In the penl companlea have been drilling diligently for tentiary for it and said Jett and W hlte the event, and the Indication are that the came to his place for whisky on the nlsht presentation will be of thrilling and realis tic interest. The fact that th Thuraton Rifles, then Company I., Firat Nebraska Volunteers, participated In the real thing on that mo mentous evening of February 6, 1899, adda additional Interest to the affair. The Thur aton Rlfiea will hold the fort aa they did In Luton four and a half years ago. and tha uo the evidence for the prosecution. B. F, Thomaa for the defense pointed out dis crepancies In the teatlmony against Wise man. He said that Mlaa Osborne had tes tified that when they were encountered they were one-half block from Krug'a park, that defendant was there and waa one of three men to lead her north rnd that the Oard girl was with her. Miss Oard, on the other hand, said Mr. Thomaa, said that the defendant waa with those he crowd that assaulted them. The Oard rtrl swore positively that both of these men iad criminally assaulted her. Girl' Stories Agree. They both testified that they had gone to Crug park alone last Sunday afternoon bout o'clock and had met Guy Bucklea nd O. V alien there after aupper time. Th four then left the park late, but Juat whon rhe girls did not know. They had walked . block or two in the direction Of Benaon nd were standing talking when five men uddenly came upon them. Bucklea, the Iris testified, asked the men for a match. ,t that on, of the men asked what they rere doing out ao late. The men then held consultation and proceeded to tell Buckles nd Vallen to come with them. Three other nen then Joined the crowd and the girla vera told that they would be taken home 11 right. Three men' then took each of the glrla. he Gard girl testified that the men who ook her were Emll and Wesley Wiseman nd Frank Mullck. They dragged and ulled her, she said, fighting and acream- lg. Into tha' grounda of tha Country club nd there, aha aald, Mullck firat assaulted it while the others stood apart, and then no wt. turned over to Wesley Wiseman. Ie, ujj said, told her he waa a detective after Marcum was shot and talked freely about "that dog that had been killed." Freeman swore that Whll they were drinking Jett aald: "I had to get ahead of Mm some way and I did it the best I could." Freeman waa disconnected In Ms evl dence, but the examination brought out many points. Edward Marcum, a brother of the deceased, corroborated th statement assailants six blocks north of the park rjinos In the attack thereon. The fact that of hla slater, Mra. Johnson, about armed near the orphanage and not one-half block many 0f the membera of the Thurston Rl- I men being placed In a rock quarry near from the park. The golf grounds was ntB were particlpanta In the defenae of tha Marcum's house and also concerning a re- three-quarters of a mile from where the Dumt house at Manila has stimulated them tptlon of the threats by his brother, and with a lively desire to show just how the thing waa done and how the Filipinos were afterward sent whirling acrosa the Marl qulna valley after their unsuccessful assault. The reglmenta participating In the defense and White said ha waa "looking for of the water works were the First Ne-1 man to come out braska, the First Colorado and the Firat I- - - entniu aaio.ii tiio uiricuuaiiv tv rao nti.ii iiiicu 1 Both glrla testified in aubstance to what wno took her and th w'laeman atood by If!.," - P"D !"1' wl rhl18 Mu,lck "ulted her- T" Omaha Guard, will undertake tha aaaault "i.rr.r.H.: we.::: M: a. tna . ,ne.y tn.e th. PumP ho..., relenting the . Wiseman and Fraak Mullck aa membera of aid aha refused to do and ho then aa- aulted her "by force. girls met their assailants according to the escorts and It seemed highly Improbable that defendant could drag the girls all thla distance and keep them from raising an alarm. County Attorney English closed the caae for the atate, saying that the discrepancies noted by Mr. Thomas only showed that the testimony waa true. Justice King said Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, the Utah that there seemed no doubt that a crime battery and a battalion of United States had been committed and that he thought regulars. The events leading up to the de the evidence sufficient to hold the prisoner fense of the water works began with the to the district court. Bonds wer fixed at Filipino outbreak the night of February ' 4, when an attack was made on the First Tha hearing on the aame chargea against Nebraska. This assault was heroically re- Emil Wiseman and Frank Mullck waa set pulsed, but not until several of tho Ne- ror Tuesday morning. I braska boys had been sorely wounded. Work for the Nebraska. Boy.. Tha Importance of seizing and holding the water worka, from which the entlr water supply of Manila was obtained, waa manifest at once, and Colonel Stotsenburg and tha First Nebraska were entrusted with that very Important duty. The reser voir waa drat seized and protected after a hot fight, and then the regiment was hur ried on to the pumping station. It waa between the reservoir and th pumping sta tion that the tragla death of Surgeon Toung of tha Utah battery occurred. Ha was ambuacaded and shot to death by Fili pinos and hla body mutilated. Ha had that hla brother remained In his home for at least a year before hla death on account of these threats Calloway Strong testified that he asked Y. hlte to drink with him after the shooting NEW TRADE JOURNAL APPEARS The American Cartoonist, a Magaslne by and for Artists and Writer Issue. The American Cartoonist, "the official horn of newspaper artists newsnsner writers," la on of th creations that has Come With the ft-lnr-lAus mnnlh nt th nd was going to take her home If she Caesars. Anno Domini lflns it i. . ,. vould accede to his demands. This she tentioua nubllcatlnn vtfn n.t . r,.... ana thus It tells Its atory: "Now, to the Both wltnesaes located both Jett and White at the court house before the shoot lng and In a crowd of people after th shooting. , Goodloe Combs, one of the witnesses for the prosecution, died today of append! cltls. He waa one of the most expert rifle and pistol shots In the mountains of eastern Kentucky. He waa aentenced for life for killing Mr. Rose at Clay City, but was pardoned after serving some years. MILITIA FIGHTS CONVICTS Three Persoers Shot by Fugitive Felons Who Take Refuge In Mine. i PLACERVILLE, Cal., Aug. l.-Reporta of an encounter between the law ofilcera and the thirteen convlcta who escaped from Folsom prison are being received tonight. The sheriff', posse, assisted by a force of the Placervllle militia, came on some of OTuiiu n mil U ! vim iwiMinnmrn n v in. i . . . - . . mi ,a i. .k.t v,. 1 . . i Deen riaing aneaa or me mam command evtuoiivs is nwv viva, " - w ww i American crartnnnlst Tt f a M,M.tn. I ... . I . - ... tui . .t. irrnm tho tt- I , : , " B l revonnoiiering ana it was the Nebraska me iugiuvw nr viu i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i v ii M7 run anra nnAniu aKamntAi.. i .... i . . . . . . . t. . , . .muij, remmtni. aa usual in tha vsn. thst first I aDoui quik ana snots weio m. unn c use of Emll Wiseman. i .... . i i Ue three men thaf took away Dora Oa- J' neJ"Pftper frtl8t' and "spaper discovered hla dead body, which waa still changed. Dallaa Bosqult, the son of Sheriff - lorM MdTheV 7, I- 'VM ' PUcy' f consldera" warm when found. Arriving near the pump Bosqult. la said to be among the slain, and i ) ' Z'M at P!nt:em. express- houae the Thuraton Rifle. (Company L) a mesaage by telephone .ays his body wa, Es lXXXWXU l gladly recommend them." MRS. 8L BIB Quickly and effectively in all cases of Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Lumbago, Sea-Sickness, Car-Sickness, Irritability, Periodic, Bearing-Down and Ovarian Pains. al have been troubled a great deal with sick headache and vomiting. The spells cam on me at regular Intervals. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills waa recommended by a friend, nd I begot taking them whenever occasion required. They always cured the headache and relieved th distress In my stomach. I very seldom hav these spell, now,, but when t do. It Is when I am very tired and nervous, but one pill always cures me. They have aved me much suffering, and OOIER9, North Platte. Neb. MR. H. B. HAVENS, one of "our boys," recently returned from service In the Philippines, formerly of Atkinson, Neb., but now living at 1127 Olive St.. St Loula, writes: "I have been a sufferer from sick headache all my life until about two years ago. when I began using Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills, the first dose affording me almost Instant relief. 1 have never found anything that does the work as thev do, being entirely different from other headache remedies. In that they are not In the least depressing. Whenever I feel that dreadful sickness coming on 1 take a Pain Pill, which always wards off the attack." "For many years I have been a constant sufferer from neuralgia and headache, and hav. never been able to recelv any relief from various headache powders and capsules, until I tried Dr. Miles' Antl-Pttln Pills. They always give me relief, curing my headarhe rn five minutes time. Thev are the finest remedy for pain that I have ever used, and I will never be without them." FRED H. SWINGLEY, Cashier First National Bank, Atkinson, Neb. i have used Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pllla for pain In my side and shoulders, and received Jreat benefit from them. My husband had neuralgia In hla head, and suffered terribly. Th octor injected morphine, but It gave him no relief. I then gave him Antl-Paln Pills, and In a very short time he was relieved of his suffering. We think they hav no equal, and are glad ta teatlfy to their merits." MRS. MONROE JONES. David City. Neb. "I had suffered a great deal with headache, and hav found that Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pill, always give ma relief. I know of nothing better." MRS. H. It NBUGH, Virginia City, Nevada. t issarei vnvsu - ,ing themselves with utter freedom In the wa. .ent .heart to fu. ..t found alona the roadside. Militiaman Dill 5in m. ivoiit inf. Timo tnai uuv uuck ei ana i ..... i - . 1 - . Uaiwf discovered Alice Gard hiding under "u TwL .V' f!. WM "0-'"'T.' "ht at the WM. - " "l " th.. tha fnunirv rluh . "u " w "ol ' in me aiternoon pcciru iv . lhe fence near tna country ciud. nort themaelvaa at wilt This la "h.i- w .. .. ..a..,. . i.... .n. w in.. ta,.t(flH th.t thev rtlrt not haar biuw on in pump nOUS W8 wi..cijr ..c.o ?L Sfe?"' " U yUr t0 8"' UPn- made by the F11P,no"' Th comPy was eerning th. aafety of the aoldlers. It la r sea eltner or tneir escorts maae a ngni t la theirs tn hv .ml h hnin .nn t .... I . . ... 1 1 . , .v.. ..... w b get away from the men who took them ' ,1." " ,11 i,.. it . 1 T . " ,n 01 tn I " a. . aw... and thev w, " t- Imnln command, the brleada eommnndel bv I after the convlcta and the only trace of way irom tna gins, coin gins earn inny R,,,,., th. ntr.mm I o ' ..." V ".'. .-. ... .v.. tmii v... v Tra.aaa . v in , n , l.uir, aiiu upun V. U III )U I y . lj II aiiciii T ca. n itJ nvunucu 1 1 . . .-' , nuu " lie. between Its broad cadet-grey covers, the brunt of the attack The boys were unable to give any clue concerning his com- tha vehicle for gamboling has the fresh- oqual to the emergency and gallantly re- panions. nese of an enterprise not heretofore under- pulsed the Filipinos, who soon disappeared ""The convicts are believed to have taken taken. Limited only by the boundaries of In the jungle across the Mariqulna valley, refuge In the Grand Victory mine and there tna united states as a neid, the new mag ad known- Bucklea and Vallen about tree years. Dora Osborne aald ahe did ot know that Bucklea had been rnarrled. ! Said He Waa a Detective. Alice Gard graphically described the al- ged assault on her by Wiseman and tes- azlne Is distinctively western and the wrlt- l.fled that ho slapped her face and- beat era and artists that built No. I, Vol 1. er. She aald that juat.beiore Mucaies ana are those of Omaha, Denver, St. Paul, grabbed her by the t'ooi as she' ran under oils mtlea from either sea. e fence ana tnat ne aaia - to ner: i ii eat you over, tho head with your shoo nless you come back." In answer to a question aa to whether e waa mad at Wlaeman for taking her The rest of the command cam up shortly 'a talk of setting fire to It and driving afterward and with , the aid of the Utah them out. Additional forces are being hur battery the Filipino, were driven .till fur- rld to the mine tonight and If a second ther away, and the Important water worka I battle la not fought tonight tha purauera station was permanently secured t Manila. I will be in atrong position tomorrow to give The assault and repulse ' will be repro- the convicts a fight. brewing. Walter Juan Davla of the Den ver Post la the editor, with a long Hat of assoclat editors, among whom nre John A. Ball, formerly of The Omaha Bee, and om Buckles and Vallen, Alice Gard aald I O. R, Spencer of the Omaha World-Herald. Other Featarea of the Aflalr. e did not care anything about that, but at ahe waa 'mad becauae the men tried assault her.. Both girls denied drinking ythlng In Krug park. Both' admitted it at the time of the assault that It was dark that It was Impossible for thom distinguish people who passed thom lie they waited for a. car. Clears Courtroom. .Vhen court convened in the afternoon stlce King had the room cleared and ly those directly Interested were per- itted to remain. Guy Bucklea and O. tllen, the -escorts of . the girls on the .,'ht of the assault, corroborated the atory d by the girls of their capture by tha n. Bucklps could not Identify Wiseman a member of the crowd that first ac HeA them, but Vallen did. f-$t? told of their' search for the girls 'the Country club grounds and of the ding of Alice Gard. He aald Wesley lseman was found by Guy Buckles and Buckles brought before Alice Oard and e Identined him.. When Wiseman was ard in the golf grounda,. Vallen testified, ickles asked Constable Gallagher to go d see who it was; Gallagher refused, ' The American Cartoonist has long been I duced at Vinton Street Park with every I Another account of the battle reached possiDie naenty to the famoua event that Bralnard F. Bmlth. chief clerk of the Fol ia now a part of the history of American Bom prison. He waa notified that three of warfare. I the attacking party were killed end that It waa presumed two of the convicts were kalu .annilail Tha th.. trill... ... I In addition to thia particular spectacular imei t t,. viin nnm.it nni .n4 n. e preaontatlon the week will be filled with the .heriff a posae. whose name has not an Interesting series of programs. These x.. i. tv,. ... .... fortv.fm.r res on hesvv nnner .nol..rf W,U '"elude Special drills by th tWO COm- ... 1 . . , --.- r-m ... Innnlo. ,t,ih .v. , . ... . .. I- - - umc. by a cover of striking design by W. Clyde r ' "" "r ' oeen careruuy outside of Placervllle. Spencer of Denver. Typographically It Is T . ' 10 lna Bnam ,)attle- An" conservative to aay that th Cartoonist 0 r nterta,n,n Mature will be regular comparea well with any similar periodical Tha magazine In size la more that of a weekly than . a monthly, or quarterly, which It is, and the Initial number has Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, La Grippe, Pain in Stomach, Ague Pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. "Ever since I was a little girl, I suffered with nervous headaches, and as I grew older they became more severe, and would confine me to my bed for two and three days at a time, Th pnln became so severe that my-head waa drawn back, and my suffering waa dreadful. I found nothing that would help me until I commenced to use Dr. Mtlea' Anti-Pain Pill., which have greatly benefited me. For the last two years, when I feel one of my headaches coming I take one pill, which gives Immediate relief. I hav never been compelled to glv up and go to bad since using them." MRS. GF.O. SCHMEI.ZEL., Falls City. Neb. "Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills have saved me a great deal of suffering during the past two years. For years previous to this I had terrible spells of nervous and alck headache, which nothing I could get would relieve. A friend wanted me to try Antl-Paln Pills, which I did, land to my surprtce I got quick relief. When I take a slight cold, . or feel headach coming on, 1 take a Pill one to three times a day, and thsy invariably help me." J. KNOTT8, Beatrice. Neb. "I use Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills, and don't know how to get along without them, aa nothing els that I can find will stop sick headache for me. Until recently I had spells of headache everv few days, so severe as to seriously interfere with my business. I found Anti-Pain Pilla relieved th pain at once, and I now use them as a preventive with great success."' Li. J. BLOWERS. David City. Neb. "During the pant five years I have used Dr. Mile' Antl-Paln Pills for all kinds of unpleasant sensations, headache, backache, and stomachache, and I wish to say It is th best remedy I have found. I consider them truly wonderful." HENRY C. URBANER. Sutton, Neb. . "I have been subject to headaches nearly all my life, and I never found anything effectual as Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills. They Invariably help me and my family. They relieve almost instantly and prevent attack. If taken In tlm." S. A. BEAR, Palmer, Neb. Dr. MiW Anti-Pain Pills are sold by all druggists, 25 cents a box, under a positive guarantee that the first box will benefit or money refunded. The Genuine Dr. Miles Remedies are Never Sold at Cut Prices,' concerta by the Twenty-second United PAYNE PUSHES POSTAL PROBE oiaies inrantry band from Fort Crook. Th concerta will be given from 7: to about 1 8:15 each evening, and tha sh.m k.i. will begin about 8:30. The two companiea have been at a rrtt expense In preparing for this entertainment of a week and that thev win k. . Declares Developments May Occur at Any Time, as Inspectors Are Busy. WASHINGTON. Aug. l.-Postmaater in the country. Fine color work and art reproductlona abound. Of particular interest to Omahana are two' pages given up to Count John A. Creighton. Mr. Spencer, of whom on an other page a "biography" and portrait are published, haa drawn a full-pago cartoon of the count, showing him in a familiar pose, engaged In contemplating a acales, In which the' cross has outweighed the dol lar. The context, by Mr. Ball, is quite out of the ordinary, being suppositious ex tracts irom in aiaries or AiarK Hannt, nil 1 Din nnin nmre.... I - -- Brlftham Young. Samuel Morse. Grover lALL nAILHUAD CHIEF CROOKED tlm- Mr. Payne declared that every- Cleveland and other famous personagea. one "-,nt whom any evidence haa been but withal, giving an exceedingly vivid olwp"ne ask Receiver, Declaring found will be treated according to the evl- outllne of the noted Omahan'a career. I President Holds 9400XHX) Be. I anc- The alleged excerpt from "Omaha Haw'. I lonartnar to Compear A "n of John T- Cupper the mVor ot diary, 1903," la perhaps the most succinct: 1 Lock Haven. Pa., telephoned today that "John A. Creighton haa been living with mvTf.n a. - .'. Cupper would come to thla city and sur- me. off and on. ever since he came from I ..,a ... . .. " torn- 1 render in court on Monaay. counsel ror In SCHOOLS. substantial encouragement by . th Omaha I "eneral Payne resumed hla official dutica at 11 iriius is assurea. line oepartmeni toaay. i-ie saya tne post- The proceeds of the entertainment win I office Investigation Is by no means ended. to replenish the exchequers of the two com- He Pointed out that lnspectora are work- tmuirs. 1 tnc on the caae In various carta of the country, and developments may occur at 120 r ying that he waa afraid he would get . v... .,.... .... . . P'amt was filed in th Oakland countv clr- ,.-,..t utr M.ot,. t. tiiw . I t,a. D. .,., . I" 1,1 I milt rnnet tH. ..l.l ' .. " . 1 - ""W.V .1,;..; v.,. - advance and haa done a lot of fixing up ,h. Vw, T . t, "cever ror to the former Indictments against his client ha the little hill and pulled Wiseman ttround my place for noth!nK. Every nl(fnt ne Pntl. Oxford 4 Northern railroad. U alleged that every count In the Indict u single-handed. . Th. story told by T lhe UxA t0 .end mor, ,llte but wlch la 100 m lea in length, running from ments Is fatally defective In that It falls tc ELOCUTION nn SCHOOL of OPERA U J Chicago Llusical College EiUbUihed 1S67. DK. F. ZIBOFELD, President. College BulldiDg, 203 Michigan Bool., Chicago, III. Th largest and most complete College of Mnalo and Dramatic Art In America. Ha th strongest faculty ever assembled in School ot Musical Learning. The New College Building facing the Lake Front Park I. the finest structure in existence devoted acluslvaly to a musical institution. . All Branches of SCHOOL OF g.-.; tp mm ACTING icklos In substance was the same, :aul Baumcr testified that when they r searching for the offenders, Wesley lseman came running from the direction the screams and would not stop until I e third challenge. Witness aald that 3right'sDiseaseand 1 Diabetes; News ao far the Lord hasn't" taken any notice and I am growing discouraged." A 'notable featuro Is yi heretofore unpub lished lullaby, by Eugene Field. There are cartoons and more serious drawings galore and tha context throw many Inter esting sidelights on the waya of the Indi viduals who make the dally press of the middle west. The spirit la that of lightness and gaiety, but not lacking In strength.. Pontlac north to Saginaw. Bay. The court Is also aaked to make an order that the road be sold and th proceeds divided among tne stockholders. The bill declares that President U.h Porter of New York has manipulated th finances of the road until he holds $400,000 I mat ougnt to do turned Into the treasury. to show that Machen was an officer of the government at the time the offenses al leged were committed. Machen withdrew a plea of not gutlty. The demurrer to th Indictment for bri bery against DUIer B. and Samuel A. Groff, In connection with Machen waa also filed. Like Machen the Groff brothers withdrew their plea of not guilty and say every count Dr. F. Ztscfelfl EmlteSaotat Modern Language. BOARD OF MUSICAL DIRECTORS! Dr. Louis Valk Ban. Tea ScblOer Wltluun CwQ. Bodolpk Gan. Herman Devrie. BeTBkara MsUm.ia Toaoaot. Dpisnag reus iwrawsH Bart Conway. Director, Scsool sf Acting ESULB BAURBT The world renowned violinist, will become a regular tnstnbsr ol tbe College Faculty September 1. 1903. Lesson, now being arranged. 38th SEASON BEGINS SEPTEMBER 14. New Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free. VOTK.-AptUcBtlon. for tha tt (re and IS partial Sebolanlkl IU b rsosltsd ouui As. I. MEAT CERTIFICATES NEEDED thrictm.Vt defective NEW ORLEANS GETS MARKET Cottea Qaotnttoa from New York kre Poated In (pit of Contest. German Inspection Does Not Free Shippers From Americas Supervision. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL ESCAPE THE HEAT San Francisco, July V, 1908. BERLIN. Aug. 1. Count Von Buelow has decided that the American certlficatea NEW ORLEANS. La., Aug. l.-Contrary ahowing that imported pork haa been to expectations, th New Orleana Cotton microscopically examined are still neces- exchange received quotations aa uaual from aary. the New York exchange. Some German Inspection officer. Inter There was an unusually large attendance Preted the new law as abolishing these cer- on the floor at the opening of buslneaa and I tlfiratea becauae In any case the meat must be inspected In Germany. ',- Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., umana, jstD. ar Sirs: ... 'here are dailv nceurrencM In thi. u v tat ought to be known sJl over th. wnriit I fr'at Interest In the fight which wa. ex guileless old gentleman, an octogenarian.' peciea to d on toaay aa a result of th ao- dlstant riilatlv ot Robert Fulton of tlrsc tlon of the local. exchange absolutely re- Vamshtp fame, haa saved th lives of fusing to accede to the anti-bucket ahop ,indreds (probably thousands) after they agreement of the New York body. re Denevea to be beyond human aid. I Simerlntendent Hester .h.nini.K- .ti ta discovery la undoubtedly the lonit- I ..ni.in th. tr..nn.. in ,ki.,k ...i- ught cure for Drlght's Disease and DU- jte a "This is not easy of belief and it Is the BRONCHO BUSTER KEEPS BELT Bonder. Defeat McXeerlen at DeSiver, Thns Retaining Caam-ploashlp. DENVER, Aug. 1. Martin Thad Sowdera. were aecurcd, contenting himself with the atatement that they were being obtained legitimately. Tha officers and directors '.rpose of a number of business and tro- I worked nearly tr.e whole night on some I champion broncho buster of th world. ..sslonal men ot this city (of whom I am I form of agreement either submitted to or by I today successfully defended hi. title by .e 10 ten in peopi. xou are hereby I me new xorx exenange. I defeating f rank JdcNeerlen. The conteat Alhliril-d tA t.ll .11 t hnaa I aAal. .1 I 1, .. . I n I ...,.. ....a I . . . . I ... l - .U. J . V. . . .. ..u..aa , hVv. . h; R7;h,". "mi:: : "".,n"r ,M nu inu "n'p unda until AUgU.t 1. 1921 ' w wa wiaw - AU111.I(BT7B WUUIU UlUlf 1 ( UIQ ILaf Orlfflnial I -liU ten that nearly nine-tenth of thenj can DtwiUon. - I -..-..IV r Amnnff tViaa Kit.l,,... h.. a. I f . . . , - . a.w aa..a..a7a. llirit . II 11 Offlelal -Annonncements From Army and Postofflce Departments Carrier Appointed. (From a Staff Correapondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram. First Lieutenant John B. Bherman, Tenth Infantry, la relieved from further treatment at the Army and Navy hoapital. Hot Bprtngs, Ark., and ordered to pro ceed to Fort D. A. Roblnaon. Wyo. Poatmastera appointed: W. T. Wlllautt, vice O. J. Turner, resigned. Turner, Jasper county, la.; William J. Robinson, vice R. II. Fulton, deceased, Avon, Bon Homme coupty, S. D. Rural letter carrlera appointed: Iowa Albucfiett. regular, Jesse G. Lyon; substi tute, Arthur H. Klrkwood. George, regu lar, Adolph Cassens; , substitute, R, Cas- sens. The corporate exlatence of the Firat Na tional bank of Perry, la., haa been ex- ) giving moral and financial support, and no wouia give neither If the above waa trlotly true, ar Hon. D. M. Burns. tVent Candelaria Mining Company:) dwara aiiue. rTesiaent Bullock ft Jones impany; Captain Roberts, President ca and Loyalton R. R. Co.; Thoa Klrk ttrlck. Capitalist; D. K. Bender. Capital i; W. C. Price, Capitalist; Wm. Sharp. ipltallst; C. W. Clark, Capitalist, and DEAD BODY FOUND ON TRACK Maasaeknaette Man Killed by Kansas Trala Vader Mysterious C'lreamstaaees. EMPORIA. Kan., Aug. 1. Th. dead body ot a man found on th Santa F track, ea.t of Neo.ha Rapid waa Identified today Mor Money for the Fair. LONDON. Aug. I. A supplementary e.tl- mat l.sued tbl morning grants an ad ditional 250,000 tor the aid of the royal commission to th St. Louis exposition for the period ending March 11, 1904. An ex planation not saya all further contribu tions will be provided in the budgets ot subsequent years. ENDOWS WARD IN Mrs. Vaaderbllt Erects Balldlng Newport la Honor of Her Hasbaad. iany others. The pamphlets herewith ( that ot Philip Magulre, fCa Parker atreet ;, to oe given o an inquirera without Boxbury. Maa rs i- me vUulfri,aiaai uisiory our long and exhaustive Investigation. ", Youra truly, l A. EX SHATTtTCK, leXdwat FacifVo SUtea Tp Foundry. NEWPORT, R. I.. Aug. 1. The trustee of the Newport hospital received from Mra. Vanderbtlt today a forraal transfer of the 130,000 ward for the poor, which sh has erected aa a memorial to her husband, th by a trip through tha Switzerland or amerioa on th lln of th Canadian Pacific Ry. (SM-Piclfk RostaJ A Rout of Mighty Mountain Wonderful Caacadaa Immcnae Glaciers Appalling- Canons unequalled In any country In the world. Tha only DUSTLE6S ROUTB and coolest trip on the continent. Kouna trip ucksui will b sold to Vancouver. B. C, Victoria. B. O., Seattle. Wash.. Tacoma. Wash.. Portland, Ore, $45.00 - OMAHA (Cr-Mdls( (sis rraa Otsw Feisti) from August 1st to 14th. good to return until a-a.t.K.. IRtK 11aCt RtnTanVATS Will h aaTSJlt. HOSPITAL 4 at aU points. The Great Glacier of tha Selkirk Lakes In tha Cloud Voho Valley Banff ana many other places of Interest are alt ated oa this lln. For OeacrtpUv illustrated Utaraturs aas taiermaUoa writ. As C. SHAW, Ota. Ageat Paseeager Dsgfc CUsCAjOO. racine. College Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT MAKES UAKLY BOYS" pupil. Study Under an Instructor. Its UraduaUa enter any CoUeg or University. Social and Ath ltl A.dvantag, Military Drill. For Beys et a to IV Years Old. Xllsatntsa OsUlsav seat m saUsstla t . Henry Seaglas Roblasoa Waaraaa. Anyhodycun catch'ba;ss ....IK THB.... MINNESOTA LAKES BEST REACHED BY ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. 012.60 VrStSIis Dally during July, August and September. Talk with us at 1402 Farnarn Strowt. OMAHA W. H. DRILL Dlst. Pas. Afmt. ta. Wta. for at Heavy Kala at Aberdeea, ABERDEEN. 8. D.. Aug . 1. (Special Ha had transportation from Chicago to I Telegram.) Heavy rains visited this aeo- I lat Cornellu Vanderbtlt ........I. I.. 1,1. ivna.v.'. TVa Him .1 th. .t.t. last nlirht .ml tiwt.v I imimDinrliK the transfer waa notice of ctrcumstancea of his death sr a mystery Nearly two Inche of water fell her. Early I a generoua endowment of th building, th I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and it la not known what train slued him. I harvest juai Begun wm p aeiaysa. 1 amount ot wnico is not to d man puouc. i umy un ususi a KIMBALL BALL teUJWssasa A vs., Cklrsr. a ll Americans Conservatory snni Ks.ll Urm bHlMMntmiiw lu. ins. LXM.ir.s BUiisal ti-M. jearfj.lli'rTsTAKo r.rrssMsst. DVORAK DRAMATIC SCHOOL Kimball Hall, 4 Wabaan Ave., Ohlcsgo, III. KDWARD DVOMAK, DiaaCTOs. ACTING - ELOCUTIOK Fall Term Befftns hcitsanbr lta. Writs for New Illustrated Catalog!' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address- Osaaba. Neb. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Make. Moat V.efal rreseaf. Fepelar aa Tinsel y Artlelee. I ( l araaa Quaker! maid rVe Twll saak a ssaa forget his wo: Twil big h ten all hla Joy. Burn. Am. MarUf Cr. AT I.IAO1M0 SAKS, OAPtS ANO OWJO (TOdla. a. hirsoh oompany, Kmsm. City- a. JJ (3 OO&Z&ZOGGOQOGOOGOGOOGGZO