Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, PART 1, Page 4, Image 4

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Join Bartel round Dead Under Bridge by
Sunday Echool Pupil.
Dead Man Waa a Cudahy Packing
House Foreman and Leave Sick
Wife aad Family of Small
Suspended by the neck from a rope tied
to a small bridge In Rivervlew park, the
body of John Bartel, a foreman for the
Cudahy racking company, was found yes
terday afternoon by two little boys, Ed
ward Talm and King Gaston, member of
a picnic party composed of the pupils of
the Sunday school of 8t. John's church.
The boys notified Park Policeman Rupp,
who In turn notified Coroner Bralley. An
Inquest wa held last night, the Jury de
ciding that Bartel had taken his own life,
for unknown reasons.
The bridge Is In the southeast section
of the park and Is about thirty feet long
and almost hidden from the notice of
passersby by a heary growth of trees and
wild vines. From the point where the
body was hanging It Is about ten feet to
the ground. To end his life Bartel had
used a new clothesline. This he had. after
doubling It, carefully tied around a girder
extending from the bridge. lie then
slipped a loop of the doubled rope around
Ms neck. Evidently he then sat down on
the girder and Jumped off. His head was
about two feet from the floor of the bridge
and his feet about a foot and a half from
the ground. His coat ho had hung on a
piece of timber under the bridge and be
neath this he had left his black derby hat.
In all probability the man's neck was
broken by the fall, as there was no Indi
cation of a struggle. Except a slight pro
trudence of the tongue, the man's face
looked natural. The hands were hanging
by the sides and the fingers were not even
Children Play Above Corpse.
The teachers and pupils of the Sunday
school had selected this spot for their
picnic, believing It to be one of the pret
tiest places In the park. They had played
and ran and romped over the bridge and
around It for several hours before the body
waa discovered. It Is believed the man
hanged himself between 10 and 11 o'clock.
He waa found shortly after 2 o'clock.
Bartel purchased the rope about 10
o'clock yesterday morning from Joseph
Kuncl, who runs a meat market at the end
of the Thirteenth street car line. He
placed the rope In his pocket and then
walked Into the park. Shortly after he met
Officer Rupp and asked him several ques
tions about the site of the park and re
marked that he had never been there be
fore. That was the last seen of Wm alive.
On a small piece of cardboard, evidently
torn from a pasteboard box, was the name
"J. Bartel" and the address " Twenty-first
and Bancroft streets." From this his
Identity was established, the card being
found beneath the bridge.
Leaves Wife and Family.
The dead man lived at 2707 South Twenty
first street with his wife and three chil
dren. The eldest of the latter la i years
old. Mrs. Bartel Is sick in bed and the
news of her husband's death has made
her worse. None of the family could offer
any reason for the suicide.
Bartel left home Friday morning, telling
Mrs. Bartel that he was going to draw his
check from the packing company and that
be would be back within an hour. Last
night, when he failed to come home, the
police of South Omaha were asked to find
him. His father-in-law met' hlra Friday
morning about 11 o'clock end Bartel said
he had drawn 2J and was then going home.
When the body was found only, 25 cents In
money was In the pockets. Bartel was SO
years of age and waa ' a member of the
drill team of Ancient Order of United
Workmen lodge No. 263.
we draw a considerable part of our supply,
have been flooded this season, but that
does not matter, ss the hay matures Inter
In this section than on the Elkhorn. The
grass Is of larger stalk and coarser also.
A large psrt, however, of the L'nlon Pacific
hay Is fed on the ground, as a very large
number of cattle and hogs are owned by
the farmers. The Burlington does not
bring much hay to Omaha and we do not
as a rule draw from further west than
"Omaha does not ship out hay often, as
the amount coming In Is only sufficient
to supply the local market. Last year as
sn exception a car went from here to Con
cord, Mass. There are frequently ship
ments direct from the Elkhorn to the east
ern market."
Decide to Nominate Judicial Ticket,
While Democrats Still Oc
cupy Fence.
The populists have broken Into the Judicial
fight and will hold a convention Saturday,
August 22, at Washington hall for the pur
pose of nominating candidates for 'Judges
of the district court. The condition of the
party In this Judicial district Is shown by
the fact that there Is no provision for dele
gates from any of the counties composing
the district, but the nominations are to be
made by a mass meeting at which the cre
dentials are to be solely the presence of
the voter In the meeting. As an Induce
ment for being on earth at all the chair
man and secretary of the committee have
Issued an argument and invitation in which
they sny: '
"The bar of the district nominated six
republicans and one democrat. We fear
that this ticket will not enlist the enthusi
astic support of populists and democrats.
A nonpartisan ticket or a less partisan
t'eket can be elected. The republican con
vention nominated some good men and
some who must be defeated If the honor
and Integrity of the bench 1 to be main
tained. We think the Dennlnon machine
ccntrolled Its action. The democratic con
vention Is to be selected by committee with
a view to nominating the bar ticket. We
desire to give the people of the district,
regardless of party, a voice In the Judicial
"Therefore we Invite antl-machlne re
publicans and democrats, union labor, pop.
ullsts, prohibitionists, socialists, tha Mu
nicipal league, the Real Estate exchange
and all the Independent voters of the dis
trict to meet together and nominate men
who are honest and who are not afraid.
"We expect those who take part to favor
these principles:
"A nonpartisan Judiciary chosen from all
"An antl-machlne ticket hostile to the
political methods of either the republican
or democratic machines.
"A ticket made up of men who will
neither accept favors from nor grant fa
vors to public service corporations.
Ed P. Smith has returned to the city, but
o far has made no statement as to what
he will do In regard to calling the Judicial
committee of the democratic party for the
purpose of calling a convention to make
nominations for Judges of the district court
There is a new factor in the field, and that
Is Sarpy county. This Is the only normal
democratic county In the district, and It Is
beginning to feel that It should receive
some recognition at the hands of the party.
The lawyers who framed the slate went to
a republican county and took a republican
for a democratic nominee and some of the
people In Sarpy county are wonriarirxr h
none of the lawyers of that democratio
sirongnota are nor. aa good Judicial material
as ma lawyers rrom other parts of the district.
Reports Received by Omaha Whole
salers' Association Indicate
Lars Yield.
Prosldent A. O. Knapp of the Omaha
Wholesale Hay Dealers' association looks
for a good hay crop this year. "From re
ports which we have received there Is every
prospect for a good hay ylold In Nebraska,"
ha said. 'The early rains have made the
grass unusually heavy and fn the western
part of the state, ao I am told, the grass
and alfalfa are very much better than
usual. This week Is the first for a heavy
run of the new crop. There have been
cars In for nearly a month, but very few
until the last week. The hay Is coming In
good condition, usually, although some
from tha bottom lands which have been
flooded was a little dark. The last year
hay seems to be all out of the way, al
though there may be some of It stacked
In places. The new hay is now coming
In sufficient quantltlea to supply the local
demand and the prices are about the same
as for the same period last year.
"The hay we are getting now cornea from
the Elkhorn valley. Some dealers say that
there Is too much water on the land around
O'Neill, Basaett, Inman and Newport, but I
do not think the hay has been hurt. The
lowlands on the Union FaclAo, from which
Racln. W.,on and C-rrla.o Company
and Sattley Manufacturing Com
pany Consolidate.
By the merging- of the Ranin Wnvnn .
Carriage company and the Sattley Manu
facturing comuanv tha two nna hthu
of these concerns will be Joined and brought
unaer one management. The Sattley build
ing on South Tenth street will be Jointly
occupied, but the chants will not h imme
diate, as the Racine company will stay out
us lease in me Avery building, which has
been reoccupled since the fire. Th
and carriage company has its factories at
ucine, wis., ana the Battley company at
Springfield. 111. The new comDanv. which
Is to be called the Raclne-Sattley, has been
incorporated under the laws of Illinois with
a capital of $3,000,000. The branch houses
in various cities will be Incorporated sep
arately. The merger comes through the de
sire io manufacture a full line of lmnln.
ments and vehicles and this can be done,
aa the output of the two concerns Is not
identical in any way.
Former Omaha Woman Dead.
Eastern papers chronicle the death of
jvugcuin j. weisn, wno was formerly
a resident of Omaha, maklna- thi. v,.
home for fourteen years. She was the wife
' nenry tt. welsh, at one time i
prominent newspaper man of the north
Wet. WhllM In Omafca 1LT.. Tzr.l-k .
. .......... ..I, . rie 1 1 was a
member of the First Presbyterian church
-- . - j v.. in., rw quali
ties of Intellect and goodness of heart. She
was cousin or james renlmore Cooper
the author, end waa descended from a no
ble line of English and French ancestors
A,mongthesurvlvlng relatives Is Mrs. Adel.
aide Welsh Wilson of Omaha.
Alexandcr'Feruson of Gillraan, Ind., is in his U5th year and is
If 4 1 T w-k e A
vigorous, naieana ncarty. tit uses Duiiy's Pure Malt Whis
key and says that it keeps him strong, makes him
active, gives him undisturbed rest at night a
good appetite and perfect digestion.
is a food already digested. It sustains the heat of the body, it
builds up the tissues and thereby checks waste and decay.
I am now going on my 114th year and I
feel as strong as my youngest son, who Is
now past 35. 1 have worked hard all my
life and have not given up work yet. Some
l?"-."0 1 b"?ttn taking DUFFY'S PUKE
MALT WHiaKKY. and: know this great
medicine has prolonged my life. lWore
1 did not sieep well. Now I have perfect
rest at night. Every morning and every
evening J take It and I always have good
appetite and perfect digestion. It Is the
Bivalent medicine ever made for old folks
and we always have a bottle of It In the
man, Ind.
lift Years via.
Invaluable for overworked men, delicate
women and sickly children. H atrengthena
and sustains the system. Is a promoter of
good health and longevity, makes the old
young and keeps the young strong. It
contains no fusel oil and la the only whis
key recognised by the government aa a
medicine. This Is a guarantee.
If YOU Wish to keeo vounr atrnnr iM
vigorous and hsve on your cheek the glow of perfect health, take DUFFY'S PUKE
MALT WHISKEY r.'CuUrly, a leaspoontul In a glass of water or milk, three times a
day, and take no oher medicine. ...
DUFFY o PUKE MALT WHISKEY haa stood severe tests for BO years and has
always been found absolutely pure and to contain great mi.ilrlnal properties.
The genuin. Is sold at all druggists and grocers, or direct, tl to a bottle.
A valuable medical booklet containing symptoms and treatment of each disease
and many teatiiaoiilals will be sent free to aay reader ct th'i f air who will write
Uuffy "r-' Wtuakey Co., Rochester. N. Y. x
Amutemect Committee for Ak-8ar-Ben
Flam for Congress of Wonders,
Pony Moor Again Has Charge of
the Freaks and Sensations--Dates
are Set for tha
Parades and Ball.
The Ak-Bar-Ben amusement committee
which has charge of the fall carnival Is
hard at work making arrangements for the
same. They began on June 1, but until a
few days ago the time was taken up with
correspondence with the various attrac
tions which it la hoped to secure. The
preparations have now reached such a
stage that it la possible to speak of the
general points of the exhibition.
"The carnival will be better in every way
this year than ever before," said Pony
Moore, who haa had charge of the negotia
tions with the various attractions. "The
general features will be the same and there
will be no departure from the policy pur
sued last year, but we Intend to secure, a
higher grade of Midway and other exhibi
tions. This year the free acts will be a
big feature of the carnival, much more
than they were last year. We have secured
five big acts for free exhibition. The best
act last year was the diving elks. We are
waiting to book a number of attractions
until after the close of the traveling season.
Just now we are concerned chit fly In get
ting a line on the good possibilities. We
have already secured a trained wild animal
show and twelve other leading features.
Negotiations are pending with a firm own
ing a captive balloon, making regular
ascents. Defore the bookings are complete
I will make trips to Chicago, Bt. Louis and
Kansas City to personally inspect new
things sprung this summer for the first
time, and which, If they are worthy will
be brought to Omaha,"
Old Location to He Used.
The carnival grounds will be the same In
location and of nearly the extent as last
year. The addition which is being made
to the telephone building' will take away
two lots which were used to advantage last
season. The fence will not be carried up
Douglas street to Twentieth as was done
last year, and another loss in space will I
be caused by the fence of St. Mary Magda- j
len's church. These, however, are small
compared to the total area enclosed in the
fences. The gates probably will be located
as formerly. The management Is busy
booking stalls for exhibiting merchants and
manufacturers. There will be 200 booths
and already about fifty of these have been
taken, among the list being all the big de
partment stores.
The dates for the carnival are to be
October 1 to 10, inclusive, these making
practically certain better weather than
was experienced last year. There will be
daily Midway parades from the carnival
grounds. The daylight parade of the Ak-Bar-Ben
will take place probably on the
afternoon of October 7, the great electric
parade on the following evening and the
Ak-Sar-Ben ball Is set for the evening of
October . The amusement committee this
year consists of Fred Metz, chairman, and
R. C. Howe, C. N. Robinson, Luther
Kountze and Thomas Frye.
Forecaster Welsh Tells of Develop
ment aad Present Work of
Weather Bureau.
Weather Forecaster Welsh yesterday con
cluded thirty years' continuous service in
the weather bureau, more than a third of
which time has been in Omaha. Mr. Welsh
does not look like a man who had spent
thirty years on the roofs of government
buildings in the wind, sun or rain, looking
for Indications and feeling the pulse of
the anemometer. lie began very young,
and the habit of giving everybody every
thing, which he says Is the motto of the
department, has become constitutional with
"Yes, sir," raid he, keeping an eye out
the window at an acre-small cloud while
he spoke, "I have been in the service for
a long time and I have always worked
hard to make It popular with the people,
and I flatter myself that I have succeeded
to a considerable extent. I think the people
of Omaha understand I have been trying
to make thorn at least that the bureau Is
at their command for any Information
which we can possibly give. I believe that
no one has ever been refused Information
which we could give. When I was first
here the service was undeveloped and peo
ple were Inclined to ridicule it, and it was
comparatively seldom we were called on,
but this condition has gradually changed
until you would be surprised at the amount
of business we do. And that la what
pleases me."
Mr. Welsh joined the service on August 1,
1873, going to the school of Instruction then
maintained In Washington. From there
he went to Milwaukee as assistant. He
first came to Omaha in 1888 and remained
until 1881, when he was ordered to Leaven
worth, Kan., to close out a station there.
He returned In 1893 and has been here ever
There have been great developments In
the service during this time. The weather
bureau was until 1S91 a part of tha signal
corps of the army, but during that year It
was placed In the Agricultural department
When Mr. Welsh first began wind survey-
Ing there were only eighteen telegraphic
stations from-which bulletins were Issued,
while now there are over 200, and In addi
tion the forelgu service maintained by the
United States department. Thirty years
ago there was only one self-registering
instrument, the anemometer, while now
there are a number. The first service
which tha department performs Is the
system of warning signals to vessels at sea
and on the lakes. It is said that during
one season on the lakes the amount saved
to shipping would pay the running expenses
of the bureau for twenty years. The pro
gress now, says Mr. Welsh, is toward the
same perfection, of service to the farmeru.
When he began few indeed of the farming
population were reached by the bulletins,
but now a great advance has been made
through the rural delivery and a still
greater one Is coming with the introduction
of telephones and rural electric lines.
u mm
Begin on Monday Morning", August 2nd, a
fy mo "- tf
of Summer Goods
It is our practice each season to care for our customers' Interests by
keeping complete assortments of new merchandise throughout the
season leaving to the last month the disposal of the surplus. The advantage of this method to the present buyer are:
1st Larger stock for selection. 2nd The fresher styles from recent purchases. 3rd More radical prices to force
the quantity in a short time. Be on hand Monday for bargains. Sale continues while the stock lasts.
Wash Goods
First Floor
and Basement
Lawns and dimities that were 5 cents, now 2Jc
Novelty fabrics that have been 12&c and 15c, now 8Jc
Our entire stock of thin printed fabrics, fine
Batiste, Irish Dimity. Embroidered Tissues,
Honiton Tissues, Printed Novelties lOIrt
which sold for 25c. 35c. 40c. nt 12
Suitings In Linen, Cotton and Mercerized which sold for
25 cents find 33 cents, now
High clnss fabrics for walRts, suits and men's shirts, In madras, cheviot,
llk tissues and white wolstlugs which sold OE
tip to 50 cents mOC
The finest materials we carry, grenadines, embroidered -j
Swisses, mercerized novelties, worth 65c, 75c and SI, per yard.. JjC
Extraordinary Bargains in Ladies' Hose
Our entire stock of 50-cent and 75-cent lace lisle
hose In black, will be sold at 35c, "3 3 C
three pair for $1.03, each
Clean up of Ladles' Summer Underwear vest, pants, union -f
suits 25 cents and 33 cents goods 1 OC
Vest, pants, union euits, 50c, 75c and $1 goods. . . 35c
Men's Department
Underwear balbriggan shirts and drawers, each ..18c
Fine Goods Egyptian yarn in Balbriggan jIiMoies35c
In Shirts $1. 00 shirts, at 69c $1.50 shirts, at.. 95c
In Socks A lot of lisles in plain, fancy and lace,
worth 25 cents. .., 12ic
Neckwear Large assortment, 25c goods 12c
50c goods. . .'. 29c
very marked bargain In embroideries broken lots from our stock g-
goods which have sold up to 15c, even ISc, et, yard C
Cleaning up Ladles' Washable Stocks at radical prices:
19c for the 50c ones 33c for the $1.00 ones
Y7'""lilf'i '-' M'''WJLi ,- .. f. "H.'i-a.'ilUiaailJliA--.1. i. m m m.m mump
White Goods w..a..i.
A lot of short lengths In madras, Leno strlpa, nainsook, which
would sell at 16c and 18c, for
Another lot of similar goods, much finer quality usually
cents and 25 cents, for
Fine Mercerized Waistings in two lots .... 19c and 25c
Second Floor
Muslin Underwear Clearance
Corset Covers All odds and small lots of goods which sold up to
0 cents your choice, each ,
Gowns Three lots-you will find all styles, round shape, low neck and high
neck, tucked or plain, embroidery or lace trimmed, made from muslin,
cambric and nainsook
75c kind 59c II aad $1.25 79c $1.50 kind 98c
A few fine Downs, elegantly trimmed with lace or embroidery
that have been 1.76 and J2.00, at
And Just three styles of the finest ones that sold for $2.50, at 1.49
jjrawers special value, tucked and trimmed with lace a garment 4 -v
usually offered for 29c, at lC
White Skirts ftt fiOr . Wlth &eeV tucked yoke and hemstitched or
MUlLU OMriB Uli UVt embroldoiy flounce, usually Ji.a.
f Qflnl trimmed with four rows of tucking, torchon Insertion deeD
edging and dust ruffle, usually 1.W. v
4. -4 Of Made from fine cambric with deep flounce of Swiss embroidery
J l,Oy S clusters of tucks, usually $2.25.
All underwear that Is mussed or soiled from handling put Into one lot and
marked at one-third and one-half regular prices. This Includes our finest
goods which were sold up to $7.50 each.
Children's White Dresses at bargain prices. Ladles' White Waists. A very
general reduction. This sale Include many style received during tha past
thirty daya.
$1.00 lines for 50c $1.50 for 95c
$2.50 and $3 for 1.95 $3.50, $4 and $5 for 2.95
Brtlllantine Skirts A lot of manufacturers' samples, together with all of Our
own stock, In black, blue and white. '
$3.95 for those that were $6 and $6.50
$5.95 for those that were $8. SO
$6.95 for those that were tlO OO
Children's Wash Dresses All ages, from 4 to IS, In chambray, pique and
Gingham, will be closed out at about half price.
95c for all that sold up to $1.75
$1.95 for nil that sold up to $3.95
Big. Card of Attraction and Sports
for GTcat at Pries' Uk.
There will be no lack of attractions and
sports for all attending the County Democ
racy picnic at Pries' lake today.
The ' Eagles' Quartet," Dan J. Hurley
and Frank Dunlop will furnish entertain
ment, and the grand climax will be a bal
loon race where more than twenty balloon
tsts will contest for a gold prise.
The following is the program of sports:
1. Boat race, world's championship, be
tween lion. JJ J. O iirien and Hon. James
P. Connolly. First prise, silver cup; sec
ond prlsx, silk umbrella.
J. Married ladies' boat race. First prise,
pair slippers; second prise, pair kid gloves.
L Fal men's raca. First prise, cut
beer; sacond prize, box cigars.
4.Ten-yard dash. I'rtse. silk umbrella.
i. Boys' race, under 15 years. First
prise, sweater; second prise, cap.
.Ladles' foot race. First prise, brlc-a-.-.-
nA itr i -1 r.nrv .tatlonery.
I. i-auuea' lwal race, t Usl prue, two-
pound box candy; second prize, Magnolia
cologne. ' . .
8. Balloon race, twenty-five contestants,
for a purse.
8. Boat race between Hon. S. P. Fenno
and Hon. Dan T. Custer; colors: Fenno,
blue; Custer, red. Prize, half ton coal.
10. Oldest man attending picnic Prise, ,
gold-headed cane. . I
11. Largest family attending picnic. "An.
elegant prize. I
12. Tweniy-nve-vara ioai race, niciuticio
D. C. D. First prize, half ton coal; second
prize, box cigars; third prize, box cigars.
.lcaeis, including iruijiui louuu uu .rn-
mlsslon to grounds, 60 cents.
Past (rasd Exalted Ruler Cronlt
Tells of Great Reception
in Baltimore.
Past Grand Exalted Ruler George P.
PrnnU returned to the city yesterday
and was busy at his desk catching up with
the mail accumulation of a week.
"The grand lodge this year waa the larg
e.t anri must enthusiastic meeting In the
history of the order," said Mr. Cronk.
"Never have we been entertainea wun
such cordiality as we were In Baltimore.
Tou know, of course, that Cincinnati was
chosen as the next meeting plaoe. - The
order held Its grand lodge thera In 1897
and the city la most popular with Elks
from all parts of the country, and the
lodge next year will without doubt hava a
most successful meeting. We were all
much congratulated at the rapid growth
of the Elks during the year, which was
27,000. The order now has 155,000 members.
"It was with a great sense of relief that
I turned over the office to my successor.
t. i. . rrt resDonsiblllty and requires aU
the Ume and attention that a man can give
to It. There are letters galore io oo con
sidered, and dispensations, charters, war-
rants and checks. There are numerous
complicated legal problems arising mhlch
must be solved. My report, which was of
234 printed pages, went rather more Into
detail than Is usual and I received many
compliments on It. After the conclusion
of the grand lodge we spent two days
visiting In Philadelphia and then came
west. Mrs. Cronk stopped at Lake Okobojl
for a few days with the cnuaren.
ConTention of th Car Accountants at
Quebec Buds with an Enjoy,
able Excursion.
W C. Bnrtlett, auditor of equipment
service of the Union Pacific, was ona of
v.. rar accountants to take the
trip over the Intercolonial railroad of
Canada after the meeting or in. mit
tlon of Car Accountants and
Car Service Officers at Quebee. It was
through the kindness of the intercoioniat
railroad that the trip was taken by tha
aormintants and It embraced a great
deal of the historic portions of the mari
time provinces of Canada, of the coast ana
of the great forests. In speaking of It J.
W. Mldgley of the bureau of car perform
ances and statistics of Chicago said:
Often the remark was made thai our
cousins evidently did not know what a
noble heritage they possess; but that was
erroneous. Those who are familiar wltn
the surroundings must be truly conscious
nt thrlr irait Imperial Dossesslons. The
trip throughout was a continuous revela
tion to every Intelligent observer of the
nartv of the resources, extent and beauty
of the country previously to us unknown."
Avery Implement Company Baildlna;
Will loon Bo Good
us dew.
The Avery Implement company building
will be completely renovated and repaired
In about two weeks and will show little, If
any. traces of the recent fire. The man
agement is taking tha precaution of the
nt l&uUtiti, f A., $
Via Rock Island System
BBuar av B
1323 Far nam St., Omaha.
F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A.
Pittsburg, Pa.,
and Return
Tickets on sale Aug. 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Long limit returning.
Tickets and full information at City Ticket
Office, No. 1402 Farnam St, Omaha
V. II. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Agr.,
111. Cnt. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
Hot Springs
and the
Black Hills
Hot Springs, the delightful summer
resort and natural sanitarium of
the West, Is easily reached by tl.
complete train service of the
Chicago & North-Western Ry.
Special low rates In effect from
Omaha and all points west, dally
during the summer season. Fast
dally trains with through service of
Pullman sleeping cars from Mis
souri Valley and freo reclining
chair cars from Omaha. Leave
Omaha dally at 3.00 p. m., reach
ing Hot Springs the next morning.
Summer tourist rites sre alto In effect dally
ill the Chicico & Norlh-Weitem Kiilwi?
to the lummer reiorti at lows, Minnesota
lad Northern Wisconsin.
Send for Mutinied booklet, ind mips, with
deiiiled Information regarding routes, rates
and Khadulei.whicb will bt promptly mailed
upon application to ,
H. C. CHEYNEY. Central Altnt
1401-1403 Faraim St.
burnt child and Is Installing a sprinkling
platform for protection In case of fu
ture fire. The supporting; platform for
the large tank has been erected
near the center of the roof and the
sprinkling pipes will be placed aa soon as
possible. The roof has been replaced and
the Interior woodwork and windows made
new. The large elevator has not, how
ever, been repaired, and a large amount of
rubbish cannot be removed until this Is
The Racine Carriage and Wagon com
pany, which lost nearly Its entire stock,
has had three cars of vehicles in since the
fire and these have been stored In the lower
Moors of the building, until the elevator
could be repaired. The company will con
tinue to occupy the Avery building until Its
lease expires. Tha offices of both com
panies were removed sfter the Are to
the Battley building, but are now back
In the old quarters.
New l'coplea Church Ilouajht.
Rev C. W. Bavldge snnounces that he has
mial all the purchase money and Paid
l:' 'M for the Swedish Methodlat church, 616
North Eighteenth street. The building will
Iki remodeled during the neat month and
formally opened for regular services the
llrat Sunday In 8ptembrr ss the People's
church. Sunday school will be first held in
It August I at 2:30 o'clock. This morn
ing Rev. C. W. Savldge will occupy the
pulpit of tha lUuecora Park Methodist
flw !'
If my Rheu
matism Cure
falls to cure
1 will refund
your money.
Mercury aiGO Degrees!
Where blauketa are In demand every night.
Uutel St. L,oala, Ukv Ulau.iaaka,
Rates $10 00 to flft.W a week. AT modern
Improvement; stesm beat. Xl lc, and
uanclng every veulng.
Tuesdays. August 4th and Uth; Sep
tember 1st and Uth.
August 1st to 14th.
September 17th to 19th.
To points In states of Indiana and
Ohio on and weal of a line drawn
through Sandunky, Columbus, 'Wawh
Ington C. H., Wilmington, Cincinnati,
Ohio, and to Ixulavllle, Ky . and In
termediate stations, September 1st,
Sth, lMh and October 6th.
June 1st to September th.
S. E. Cor. 14th au4 Douglas Bts.
Coputy Btale terlncua
Food Inspector.
OBe and Infirmary, SsU and Maaoa ana.
TalephOM Ka