Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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foniotbirg the CcieotitU Et Nat Yet
Been Able to Bolte. ,
Dlarnav My lie t orumunlca t ed by
Animal Apparently Ilealilij, Con
dltlona firing loctrtal and
Almoil lnknovrable.
DIETZ, Wyo., July 27.-TO the Editor cf
Tha Bee: Apropoa of the rablc and anti
rablc dlacuslon recently appearing In your
paper, I bullnve It may lntereit your reod
tro to glvo them an article on the subject
of rabloa which cornea to my dt-ak today In
the pages of L'Art Medical of Faria, and
which 1 have translated for you:
Dr. Pace, prlvat-docent, pathological In
terne rind preparer In the Antl-ralilc Insti
tute cf Naplea, publishes In tho Annates do
l'asteur of April ii, 1903, the case of a child
who 'lied of raoles, and In whoao wound he,
verified tho existence of rablc virus.
It win a case of a 6-year-old child having
been deeply liltt. n In the naked left leg by
a mad dote. The wound had co.-npletoly
healed after fifteen days and the cicatrix
had the- appear ance of a shining band
without inv arali. Thirty-one days liter
the chIM w'ns seized with mules and suc
cumbed In a few days
At the autopsy It was noticed that the
cicatrix was red, livid. Infiltrated and ad
herent to the tlsfcuea.
The cicatrix removed, finely minced and
emulsified, was used to Inoculate rabbits,
which succumbed to rabies from eleven to
twenty days after.
Dr. Pace, apropoa of this case, verified
the virulence of tho medulla, the sciatic
glnnd and the salivary glands, which trans
mitted rabies to the rabbits by Inoculation.
Fragments of the skin, on the contrary, re-I
malneil sterile.
This case Is very Interesting and explains
a svmptom pointed out through all an
tiquity In the history of rabies, und that Is, j
most frequently, the beginning of -the dis
ease Is announced by an Inflammatory
process which takes place In the healed and
sometimes forgotten cicatrix. Coellus Aure
llanus has already said: Praepatltur a
pars quae morau fuerlt vexata.
What Instruction may we draw from this
fact of the persistence of the virus In the
cicatrix and from the beginning of the dis
ease bv the Inflammatory and painful phe
nomena In the alte of tho Inoculation?
Mnoh Yet to Da Learned.
The problem of Inoculation tn the Infec
tloue diseases still holds a large number of
unknown features: The verification of the
firesence of the rablc virus In the cicatrix,
is latent state during several weeks ami
sometimes for months, and Its awakening
preceding ana announcing the beginning of
rabies Is a proof that the pathogenic agent
f rnhlra remains localized In the cicatrix
until the moment when the disease breaks
out, and would one bo authorized to believe
that the complete destruction of that cica
trix would be a curtain means of preventing
i believe not. My opinion rests upon the
analogies of rabies, tetanus ana sypnius,
nnri n in the last two diseases the amputa
tion of the wounded limb or primitive sore
haa never prevented the development 6f the
ulterior symptoms; In the same way the
complete suppression of the rablc virus in
tho cicatrix wouia ma prevem mo u"i'
mmf rit th rabies.
A certain number of experiments made
upon animals have demonstrated that the
saliva of the Inoculated rabbits already en
Joys the property of communicating rabies
several days before any symptom of rabies
are manifested. (Soclete de Blologle. Seance
du 17 Janvier. 1903.)
T.nt us then conclude on this first point
that If one part of the vlrua of rabies re
mains In tne cicatrix anumer pari n umu
The problem of tho Incubation of the virus
and of the pathogenlo microbes contains, we
have said, a large number of unknown fea
tures. We do not pretend to eliminate all
of them; but. resuming the Incontestable
facta relative to that question, we would
like to at least fix the bounds of the solu-
'?niihntlnn la tha time which elODSCB be'
tween the moment In which the contagion
is Introduced into the organism and when
the first symtoms of tne disease appear.
Factors la laoenlatlon.
The first point to retain Is that there
exist two factors In this process: On the
one side the pathogenlo microbe or the
virus tne seea; on tne otner, ine orinra
more or less predisposed to tne aeveiop
merit of the malady and oftentimes com'
pletely rebellious to it endowed with im
munity; that Is, the soil.
The positive or negative action of the
Innoculatlon. the duration of the Incubation,
- tha intensity of the communicated disease.
ore under the Influence of the two above,
enumerated factors, the seed and the soli.
If glanders cannot be communicated to
cattle, nor tetanus to tne iowi, u is oe
c&usa these suecles of animals aro endowoj
with a natural Immunity against these
diseases; the soil Is In default here.
It Is also In default In those vaccinated
and endowed with acquired immunity.
The duration of the incubation is in rela
tlon with the nature of the contagion, with
the quantity of toxlne or virus lnoculatad
and, finally, with the degree of predispo
sition of the patient.
The duration of Incubation In cholera Is
from a few hours to several days; that of
tho eruptive fevers Is In general two weeks:
that of syphilis four weeks and that of
rabies may exceed several months. Cases
have even been noted where the duration
of thnt Incubation has been a vear.
The influence of the quantity of virus
inoculated Is demonstrated at least for
rablea. The more numerous and deep are
the bites, the shorter .is the incubation.
Without any doubt, the disposition of the
organism sisn plays a role in tne duration
or tne incubation, nut we nave not tne eie
ments for measuring this factor, as we
havo for valuing the quantity of virus
The Algerian sheep which resist a weak
lno'iiloilon of the rharbon disease, suc
cumb on the contrary to that disease If
the dose of the Inoculated cultures Is In
As to the benignity or malignancy of the
contracted -malady. It rsnecl'illy seems it
ought to be In relation with the Individual
disposition: and yet. for rabies In par
tlcular, we at the same time know that
the disease Is more precocious in Its de
velopment, It Is more grave In Its mani
festations, more difficult esnecltlly to pre
vent by the Inoculation of rablc eplaal
marrow, when the cause Is recognised to
eome from the bites of mad wol"w. be
cause these animals nke numerous and
deep wounds and Inoculate a greater
quantity of the virus.
Duration of Inoculation.
The location of the Inoculation, the tl
sues which receive the virus or tho on tho
runic microbe, also have an iulluence upon
the duration ot Incubation and upon the
Intensity of the disease.
The bites of mad don In the upper limbs
and in the lace are followed oy an incuua
tlon whose duration Is much shorter than
when the bites are In the lower limbs. 1 hi
fact is in relation with the well known
laboratory experiments which have demon
strutod that the Inoculation of certain
pathoKenlc cultures into the tall of an anl
mal. In place of killing It. procures It
Immunity. It la the same for the bic llus
o.f symptomatic rharbon which reproduces
the disease by Bub-culaneoua inoculation
and which produces Immunity when Inocu
luted into the ve.ns. As to the innuenc
of the tissue which receives the tnocula
tlon, the experiments have demonstrated
that rabies, like t-lnnua, propagates r.sei
rMiorUllv In tlie nerve Untie.
Is the orcunUm of Incubitton already In
a dlseaftcd state? We reply very cer
tilnlv. yes. (hough that stu(9 dies not
inaillievi jivrti uy u my iiii'liiiii. h ajr
that the period of incubitlon m ikes part of
the disease because, at least for rabies, we
nave the experimental proof that during
the period of incubntlon. before any symp
tom manifests Itself. tb saliva cf the ani
mal already poaesyes the property of co-n-nmnli-stlng les. thit to nmrniinlcito
raHes It must be affected with tht
The second re"n Is ihit st les.t for
tettniis nd rabies serurctherrv sets al-r-wt
surely du'-lnt t- r"'od of incubitlon.
therefore, -orF''qu'-ntl It acts upon an
organism already dlspaaed.
What becomea of the virus or of the
pathogenic microbe during the period !
incubation? That question slll without
solution. DR. WAGNER.
Cause Still a Mystery.
The above report contains food for a
great deal of thought. The ctuse of dis
ease Is still a mysiery. Repelled experi
ments demonstrate that the diseases which
are today considered of undoubted germ
origin are certainly not produced by the
germs per as. All of the most authentic
pathogenlo germs are known to remain In
the system In a latent state for an Indefi
nite period, and tha host to remain abso
lutely healthy. This Is true of the bacillus
ot tuberculosis, of diphtheria, typhoid
fever, cholera, etc A rabbit Inoculated
with hydrophobic virus possesses a saliva
that will give hydrophobia to another rab-
Mt before the first one shows any symptom
of the malady. The bite of a pet dog may
give r?.bles to a person, though the dog
may be In absolute health at the time.
The bite of a rattlesnake may be fatal,
though the same Individual might swallow
the virus with Impunity. A horse can be
Inoculated with attenuated doses of ser
pent poison until the serum of Its blood
Inoculated Into another horse will render
the recond animal absolutely Immune
against bites of the some serpent. An
absolutely healthy man may carry In his
Intestinal canal the germs of typlydd fever
which, when passed Into water used for
drinking purposes, may give typhoid fever
to a second person. It Is the same with
diphtheria and all the diseases today rec
ognized as being of mlcfoblc origin.
Why thee conflicting statements? Why
Is It that If Eberth'a bacillus produces
yphold fever a man In perfect health Is
found carrying the germ? Even In those
who have had typhoid fever It, Is found
months after they have recovered. No
one knows why. There are lacunae In the
germ theory arguments that tho wisest
scientists cannot fill. The germ working
lone cannot produce the disease. But with
certain diseased conditions attacking the
organism the microbe may then develop
the dlseaaa of llJ own typo. These mi
crobes then possess a quality which enables
them to produce their own disease when In
oculated Into a susceptible animal. It
makes a vast deal of difference whether
microbe Is found In the Intestinal tract or
whether It la Inoculated Into the circula
tion. It Is the same with a serpent virus.
Numerous experiments have demonstrated
that one cannot produce tuberculosis by
feeding an animal upon meat and milk that
Is swarming with the bacillus of tuber
culosis, though the same animal contracts
consumption immediately If the same germ
Is Inoculated into the circulation. And yet
many men have received tuberculosis Infec
tion through flesh wounds, have carried the
characteristic germs for an Indefinite time,
as In cold obsesses, and yet have not fallen
victims to tuberculosis.
One Thlnsr that Is Known.
One thing has been settled In the the
ory of the production of disease: Whether
the germ produces the disease or not de
pends on whether organism says yes or no.
But why it consents at one time and re
fuses at another is thus far beyond the
ken of man.
The many mysteries concerning hydro
phobia are In relation to the above seem-,
Inly contradictory statements. Wolves and
skunks are known to frequently cause hy
drophobia by their bites, and yet It is not
known that these animals often die of hy
drophobia. Hydrophobia means a dread of
water and rabies means mad, and yet
hydrophobia patients often have no dread
of water and the disease may be communl
cated by a dog possessing a kind dlsposl
tlon. If a dog with rablc virus In the latent
state In' Its saliva should lick a slight
wound in the skin of a child it would al
most surely produce hydrophobia. The
dog might remain healthy Indefinitely.
The "rational spectacles" of Dr. Rlbard,
a Parisian oculist, are coming Into usa In
Europe. They are made like the ordinary
glasses, with the upper and lower thirds
removed, leaving a strip of glass one-half
by one and a half inches. A number of
objecUons to the usual form of spectacles
are set forth In Cosmos. Qlasses are most
worn by those over 60 years of age for far
sightedness. They need a lens for reading
or writing, but are embarrassed by them
when looking at objects a yard or two
away, which necessitates their frequent
removel. If such a person walks with his
spectacles on the spherical aberration
changes the position of things at his feet
and their outline as well. In the Rlbarl
glass the view on a level with the eye and
that of the ground Immediately In front of
the wearer Is unobstructed.
Toklo's metropolitan police authorities
have Issued a notice to the, effect that news.
boys hawking "extras" In the streets must
In future mention the name of the paper
which has Issued the "extra" and must
moreover "refrain from exaggerating a
sensation among the people." The order
became operative on the day of Issue and
any violation of It will tie punished by de
tention or by a fine.
A decree of very great rigor has uit
been Issued by the general commanding the
Italian corps ot carbineers In Rome. This
Is nothing less than an order prohibiting
officers from smoking In any place on duty
or while wearing uniform. They may only
use tobacco In their own homes or quarters.
This Is leveling the officers down to the
rank and flic ot the corps, to whom smok
ing In public has been forbidden since 1522.
More than JX) meteorites from outer space
are seen in the National museum at Wash
ington, their range In weight being from a
few ounces to 6,000 pounds. The monster
one Is roughened from Its surface being
melted by friction with the earth's at
mosphere. One weighing 1,40) pounds li
almost pure Iron. Precious metals are not
found In these aerial excursionists, but
microscopic diamonds are sometimes forrrel
by combustion with the earth's atmosphere.
They are made up from Iron, nickel, sul
phur, carbon, phosphorous, oxygen, silicon
magnesium, aluminum and calcium.
Much Interest has late'.y been aroused In
Iondon by two surgical operaUons which
have resulted in a marked change of char
acter In the patlt-nts. One was that of a
boy of good family who had developed
strangely brutal InsUncts. A clever sur
geon examined him wtth care, located what
he considered tha seat of the trouble, re
moved a piece of the skull and thus re
lieved the deforming pressure. The lad was
restored to his parents a normal and lov
able child. The other case was that of (
aoldior who, after an injury in a skirmish
developed a propensity for theft. An oper
atlon on the brain cured him.
The earth contains an abundance of
water, even In p'acts like some of our great
western plateaus where the surface Is com
paratively arid. The greatest depth at
which underground water can exist Is es
timated to be about six miles. Below that,
It is believed, the cavities and pores of the
rock are completely closed. The amount of
water In tho earth's crest Is reckoned as
nearly one-third of that contained In the
oceans, so that it would cover the whole
surface of the globe to a depth of from
n.OcXl to 1.500 feet. The maters underground
flow horizontally after sinking below the
unsaturated zone of the rocks, but In the
sands of the Dakota formation, which sup.
P'y remarkable arteclan wells, the motion
does not exceed one or two miles a year.
The underflow toward the sea beneath the
great p'.alns mey sometimes take the form
of broad streams or moving sheets of
water. But the movement Is excessively
A Record Urea Iter.
It Is ssld thit the greatest and qu'cket
permanent advertising success on record Is
that of Cascarets, Candy Calhirtic. which
nave been persistently advertised In every
way, but chiefly In newspapers, for ab-ut
six years, la that time the sale of Can-
carats haa grown from nothing to over
l.ouo.000 boxea a month. This wonderful
record Is the result of great merit sue.
cossfully made known, Thoso who tr'el
Cascarets as a direct result of advertising
were pleased and recommended the article
to their friends, until Its fame was spread
to become universal
Agriculture as a Business Require High
Ensioni Abi'itj.
Modern Conditions of Production and
Distribution Make Modern Method
of Parmlag Prerequisite
to rroats. I
The economical and successful manage
ment of a 160-acre tract of farming land
requires less business ability than manual
labor; but to conduct upon a paying basis
farms containing several thousand sores
tho order Is changed from muscular power
to brain work. In the middle west are nu
merous large farm ranches whose owners
are modern captains of Industry. These
men are solving problems and carrying on
enterprises upon their farms worthy of tho
brains of great trust builders. And In
many Instances their Income Is quite a
large. Those who have spent a lifetime in
one community trying to get a fortune out
of soil-tilling would be attonlthed at the
magnitude of farming upon the plains of
the sonthwest.
The average size of each of the 6,010, 0 0
farms In the United States Is 116 acres.
This small average Is due to the quarter
and eighth section farms In New England
and the south. In the wes'.ern division
there are larger farms than In any other
portion of the United States, the average
size being 1,000 acres In Oklahoma anl
western Kansas and Texas. In Indian Ter
ritory the average size of each Indian's
holdings is 500 acres. The wes'.ern division
also shows a larger increase In prices of
land than In any other section.
Great Changes In Recent Years.
Farming and ranching have changed
greatly within recent years. The modern
farm In Kansas, Oklahoma or any pralrlo
community west of the Missouri river Is
no more like its predecessor, the ranch of
a score of years ago, than Is It slmllir to
an old New England homestead. But the
principal difference is In the management.
The west Is rapidly filling In with home-
seekers, who are In turn taking all the
government lands open for homestead en
try. Indian reservations, formerly nothing
but vast cattle ranches, aro being thrown
opon to white settlement. Tho redskins
are given farms of their own and told to I
go to work. Fifteen thousand redskins, were I
placed on their Individual allotments In
1901, and 1,300 farms were given away to
white settlers. This rapid settlement of the
west means a concentration of farming and
ranching Interests. The 1,0 0-acre farms are
not being reduced In acreage, but they are
being turned over to more expert man-
It Is not the purpose of this article to
show In detail the management of these
Immense ranches, but to deal with certain
farmers and ranch owners whose original
Ideas for "running" their places have made
them known all over the west, and caused
their farm ranches to be copied In crop
production and rotation of planting. These
men are the real industrial Isaders, Just as
much so as the manager of a great steol
mill or a railway system. They have
handled the soil carefully, like a florist his
bulbs or an engineer his engine. The earth
has given to them Its bountiful resources.
It seems to the onlooker that farming In
Its various branches has been reduced to
Rockefeller's Kaaaaa Farm.
If you possess not one cent of money It Is
almost Immaterial which way to turn If
only you get employment, but If you.
owned a million or so dollars woulJ yoi
buy a ranch with It in hopes of making It
pay better than .any other Investment?
Men of millions, men of even smaller for
tunes, are doing this every day, and they
are reaping rich returns. One of them Is
Frank Rockefeller, known as the former
vice president of the Standard Oil com
pany. Mr. Rockefeller owns a U.OCO-acre
tract of land in Western Kansas which
i .1 J. V t mwt. f m unnrl an K a w wAA hli
yields him profits beyond what were hU
fondest hopes when he Invested, a number
of years ago. His specialty Is raising pure
nereioru "... -m-
especially for this purpose, with a :eed
mill, venUlated barns and ie3erv:rs, to
give the slock every opportunity for easy
fattening. He came to Western Xansis
twenty years ago and bought land In the
"short-grass" region for a mere trifle. This
land lay along Soldier and Medicine
creeks, but It needed Irrigation to produce
crops every year. Ditches and lakes were
spread over the ranch until today Mr.
Rockefeller is cutting three or four crops
of alfalfa from his fields while others are
cutting but two. His system of stock feed
ing lias proven more than successful, and
while other shippers are lamenting their
inability to purchase feed, he is ' sending
fattened steers to the market at every
Enjoys I.I fe on the Ranch,
Frank Rockefeller, although he Is a mil-
lionalre member of several of the eiste n
corporations, takes real dallght in btl g
known as a ranchman of Western Kansas,
"The happiest days of my life are spent on
thla ranch, far out here in Kansas." Mr.
Rockefeller told me. He is at hme on the
ranch, and It is his own Ideas that have
would never rent his farms for cash, pis
placed him In the present high position he
holds as a cattleman, farmer and presi
dent of the Western Cattle Breeders' asso
The Rockefeller ranch has no telephone
connecUons with Belvidere, the nearest
station, located on the Santa Fe railway.
This Is Mr Rockefeller's supreme ldei
of solitude and absence from the business
world. Whenever a messenger from Bel
videre visits the ranch with a bunch of
telegrams he always waits unUl the multi
millionaire has finished his farm work
then in hand. As an expert In the care of
Hereford cattle Mr. Rockefeller ranks
high. He never calls for a' veterinary sur
geon when there are sick cattle In hi
barns. Mr. Rockefeller abhors notoriety.
Indeed, he dislikes to be known as a mil
lionaire, but rather as a man who looks
for the vrlue of every dolUr spent. Hs
wishes to be on a level with his associates.
A Short Grass Rnacamaa. .
In Wostern Kansas he Is known as
short-grass ranchman." Once, when his
family came to the ranch from their home
In Cleveland, O., they were accompanied
by several stylish friends. At Wichita the
Pullman is removed from the train. Mrs.
Rockefeller chartered tha Pullman to go
to Belvidere. As it was the first elaborate
car that had ever Journeyed through thla
short-grass region the natives flocked ti
the tracks to see It go by. To this at
tention Mr. Rockefeller objected, saying it
would give him a bad nirae among Ms
neighbors. No more Pullmans go to the
Rockefeller ranch. Mr. Rockefeller's busi
ness methods are strict. When ha buys
blooded steers he carefully reckons the
profit to be made on each lot. When he
holds an auction of fine cattle he person
ally conducts the sale.
There are men in the southwest whi
have had remarkable careers One of these
la John W. Stewart, one of the few Kin.
as millionaire. He Uvea at Wellington.
Strictly speaking, Mr. Stewart, could not
be called a farmer any more than the man
who furnlahes capital to railway bulllers
could be called a railroad man. He Is now
4 years old and his whole line of Invest
ments la la farina la Kansas, Oklahoma
. . " "
SflTniTiTlTfift cm
and the southwest. Ho began work In a
butcher shop at 12 years of age, moved west
t 18 and took a Job driving a earring)
for a real estate firm in Wichita, Kan. It
was his duty to show land Intrusted to his
firm for sale to eastern investors. When
ever ho oamo across a real bargain he used
his own money In buying an option on It,
and soon his own sales wore as large as
the firm for which he was working. For
five years Mr. Stewart was a land specu
lator In Wichita, dealing In city and county
transfers of real estate. One day he was
taking a supposed investor over Sedgwick
The man drove through a number of
farms, asking who held the option on this
land, that and the other. To every ques
tlon, Mr. Stewart replied that he was tli9
present owner. The man began to look the
youth over.
"You seem to hold more land than your
firm, sonny. How does that come?" he
"No; I am Just showing you my places
Profits Make a Bis; Jump.
The man proved to be a member of a big
Investment concern In New .York and he
usked young Stewart, then barely 23, to go
to Wellington and accept the agency for
them. He went. His profits from $5) were
$8,000 In five years. From then on Mr.
fllttwort hccamA "hnlllah" nn KAnflaa furm
lnveatment9. He went lnt0 farming for
himself. Wheat raising became his hobby.
Hs fields now aggregate 50.000 acres. He
has steadily bought farms with the profits
ot his fields, until now he owns 130 farms
In Kansas, forty In Okalahoma and others
In Nebraska and Iowa. Some of them
contnln 120O acreg( nono ,e98 than lc). He
takes one-third of the crop for his rental.
If there is a good crop he wins; If not, he
genorally out even. He has scat
tered his farms over differently climated
territory, so that a drouth In one section
will not affect his other farms. '. In 1S97 his
profits from the Letter boom In wheat were
sufficient to buy him twenty quarter sec
tions in the best wheat-raising section of
Kansas. Whenever others are trying to
sell out and leave the country because of
a drouthy season he Is always buying.
Mr. Stewart tersely remarked during the
corn-burning teason of the year ItC-l;
Drouths make me more money than
fair weather " And the Increase of farm
, B ha8 en the truth
of his assertion. He credits his success to
a close study ot farming, strict attention
t0 h,g tenanUi and never mowing the
,mallest profits to pass by unnoticed. Ho
furring to interest himself In crop raising
Ins cad of collecting,
Mr. Stewart's personal energy dominates
his hired men. It is notlceabst that while
he is on his farms the men work harder
and accomplish more, not because he In
slsts that they shall, but the feeling that
every one must hurry In order to keep up
with the "bors" prevails. He visits hli
ranches once or twice a year. None of
tho men are ked to quit work when lie
visits them; on the other hand, he goes
into the field and works with them to get
at their system. Mr. Stewart Is small,
heavy of build and walks with a qulok
gait. He never takes a vacitlon, but com
bines pleasure with his business trips. Mr,
Stewart does his own office work, and at
tends to many trivial dulles that eirployes
could do Just as well. He says that while
sweeping out his office, hoeing "his own
garden or doing farm work, he can study
out the problems of deals to much better
advantageWilliam R. Draper In Baturday
tvenlng V ost.
Iced Cherries. .
3rolled White Fish. Creamed Potatoes.
Twin Biscuit. police.
Tomato Bouillon. .
Roast Spring Chicken. Boiled Rica.
btufled ureen peppers. ureen r.
Lettuce Salad.
Blackberry Cobbler. Fruit Sauce.
Creamed Mushrooms on Toast.
Thinly Sliced White Bread Buttered.
Fruit Salad. Cake.
Eng:Uh Breakfast Tea.
Raspberry Vinegar Place fine ripe, red
raspberries In a bowl and pour over them
pure cider vinegar, allowing one quart to
the same measure of fruit. Allow this to
stand twenty-four hours, then strain thla
quantity over another quart of berrlea'and
let stand for another day. Repeat this for
a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which i 'Ireaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy ; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated" by the use of Mother's
f-rlend. "It is worth
says many who have
bottle at drug stores. Book
valuable information of interest to
be sent to any address free upon
four days, then strain, make very sweet I U
with pure cane sugar, bottle and seal for
Blackberry Cordial Put the berries In a
largo stone jar and set this Inside a larger
vessel of water and let cook until the ber
ries aro soft; then strain through a cheese
cloth bag; to every quart of the juice allow
two tablespoonfuls each of ground cloven,
mace and allspice and four of ground cin
namon; tie the spices In a cheese-cloth bag
so that they may be removed when tho
cordial Is done; add one pound of granu
lated cane sugar and boll all together for
fifteen minutes, skimming well; then add
one pint of best brandy and set aside to
cool. When cold strain out the spices,
bottle and seal.
Mulberry Shrub Press out the Juice from
fine, ripe, black raspberries and allow It to
stand for ten days until it ceases to fer
ment, then carefuMy remove all scum and
pour off into a fresh vessel and allow to
stand for twenty-four hours; again pour
off; to thirteen ounces of the Juice allow
one pound of best cane sugar; heat to boil
ing point and then strain through a Jelly
bag, bottle and seal. Serve In a glass half
filled with cracked ice.
Lemon Syrup Express the Juice from
twelve lemons, grate the rind ot six and
add to the Juice, and allow all to stand
over night; then take six pounds of loaf
sugar and make a thick syrup; when this
Is cool strain in the Juice, pressing the oil
from the grated rind. Pivt Into bottles and
cork tlght'.y. Add one tablcspoonful to each
Class of Ice water.
Royal Spruce Beer Three-quarters of a
pound of sugar, one-quarter of an ounce
of ginger, grated rind of two lemons and a
teaspoonful of essence of spruce. Dissolve
half a cake of compressed yeast In half a
cup of lukewarm water and add to the
mixture; allow It to stand until It ferments,
then strain and bottle, corking tightly.
Black Currant Cup To each pint of black
currant Juice add two quarts of weak green
tea. Sweeten to taste and cool. Serve in
tall Classes with cubes of ice.
Turkish Delight-Grate a fine, large, ripe
pineapple into a bowl and cover with boil
ing water; allow It to stand five hours, then
strain off the clear liquid and sweeten to
taste and freeze to a soft snow, serve in
glasses with a spoonful of red raspberries
In the bottom of each glass.
Raspberry Shrub Pick over carefully six
quarts of black raspberries, cover with pure
cider vinegar, cover the Jar wl'h a piece of
fine cheesecloth to keep out the dust and
let stand for twenty-four hours, then put
In a bag and press out all tha Juice. Pre
pare six quarts more of the berries and put
them in the Juice and allow to stand for
twenty-four hours, then squeeze out the
Juice and strain through cheesec'oth; meas
ure the Juice and to each pint allow a
pound of sugar; put the Juice over the fire
In a porcelain-lined kettle; boll rapidly for
ten minutes, removing all scum as it rises,
then bottle and seal. One cup of the shrub
to n quart of water makes a very delicious
Unfermented Grape Juice Put one cup
of water and ten pounds of grapes Into an
agate saucepan. Heat until stones and pulp
separate; then strain through a jelly bag,
add sugar, heat to boiling point, and bottle.'
To serve All glass half full of tlje grape
Juice and fill with Ico water.
Wine Whey Put one pint of sweet milk
In a porcelain saucepan, set on the fire and
when It bolls add white wine until it turns
to curds. Boll all up, and let the curds
settle. Strain off the liquid, add a little
boiling water and sweeten to taste before
Queen's Nectar Pare the thin yellow rind
from three lemons. Add two quarts of
boiling water and two pints of granulated
sugar. Stir until all the sugar is dissolved,
then cool; add the Juice of the lemons, one
pound of seeded and chopped raisins, a
few chopped figs and six quarts of water;
allow to stand for five days, stlrrina: twice
t Mih a ' hjn alrnln Intn K r. , 1 . . 1 ,
v , "-" . vuiuvo aim cunt
Lemon Beer To one gallon of boiling
water add a sliced lemon and a table
spoonful of ginger, scald well; cool and add
half a pint or half a cake of good yeast,
sweeten to taste; let stand to ferment and
then strain Into bottles, cork tightly and
keep in a cool place.
Contract Laborers Must -Return.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1 Eighteen
British subjects, two Italian and one Ger
man were denied a landing by United
States Immigration Commissioner North
on the ground that they had come to this
country as contract laborers. 1'hv stited
to the Immigrant Inspector that their far
had been paid to this city rrom Nan urn
and Ladyxmlth, B. C, and that thev were
on the way to Cos bty to work as miners.
Upon this showing they were refused s
misHlon to this country and will be de
ported to British Columbia.
Every mother feels a
great dread, of the puin
.and danger attendant upon
the most critical period
of her life. Becoming
all women, will
application to
Atlanta Gam
for Gonorrhori, Gleet. Leucorrho?s. Spermttorrhoya,
Piles, and All Unheallhi Snusl Discharges,
a A Unre Preventive of IHsmtMi. IS.
Sent to any address for 11.00.
Malydor Mff. Ca., Lncutr, O.
Notable Articles on Alunicipal Issues
by Notable Men.
The Essential Element In City Government. By Charles 0.
Bonaparte, of Baltimore, Chairman Executive Committee Na
tional Municipal League nnd Indian Commissioner.
Nomination Reform. By George W. Guthrie, of rittsburg.
Lately candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania.
The University Settlement- Its Value in Civic Reform. By James
B. Reynolds, Secretary to Mayor Low of New York.
The Public Library as a Feature in Municipal Organization. Bv
Dr. J. S. Billings, Director of the New York Public Library.
The Tcacber and the City. By President Charles F. Tawing,
f-L. D., of Western Reserve University.
The Question of City Franchises. By Prof. Edward W. Bemls,'
Superintendent of Water Works, Cleveland, Ohio.
The City as a Basiniss Corporation. By Lawrence Minot, Chair
man Boston Statistical Commission.
rtiblic Pleasure Grounds. By M. O. Stone, Secretary of a
Rochester Board of Commissioners.
Vhe Merit System in Municipalities. By Clintou Rogers Wood
ruff, Secretary of the National Municipal League.
Civic Duty. By Dr. Washington Gladden, of Columbus, Ohio.
New York Under Mayor Low. By Dr. Albert Shaw, Editor
".American Review of Reviews."
A Non-Partisan Administration. By Hon. Eugene A. Philbiu,
firmer District Attorney of New York.
Causes of Municipal Misgovcrnment. By .Tames C. Carter, Prea
Ment of National Municipal League.
Charter Legislation. By Joseph II. Beale, Professor of Law
iii Harvard University.
Municipal Taxation. By Dr. Victor Rosewater, Managing
Ilditor Omaha Bee.
Municipal Art. By Dr. John Quincy Adams.
Defective Election Laws. By Charles Richardson, Vice Prcsi
dent National and Philadelphia Municipal Leagues.
Instruction in Municipal Government. By Prof. .John II. Finley
I 'resident of the City College of New York, and formerly Editor
of McClure's Magazine.
The Education of Younf Cit zins. By Hon. Charles R. Skin
rer, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, New York.
Methods of Civic Improvement. By Prof. Charles Zueblin,
flecretary American League for Civic Improvement.
The Police and Crime. By Frank Moss formerly rre3ident of
the New York Police Board.
The City Beautiful. By Charles Mulford Robinson, Secre
tary American Park and Outdoor Art Association.
The City and Dependent Classes. By Frederick Almy, Sec
retary Buffalo Society for Organizing Charity.
Municipal Associations. By Harry A. Garfield, President
Cleveland Municipal Association.
This series of articles prepared by Invitation of the National
Municipal League Is appearing- from week to week In
Subscribe at once to make aure of m Using; nono of them
Every Woman
U Inlmtitti ftrrd ihrnilrl know
ftbvut th wondwfnl
MARVTL Whirling 6pry
Tb new '. Vt-
at WSUMt aasjttalajh
attk rw trmtt !i for It.
If h "not iuiH-ly th
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full pArtlt'iiiftrt nml iirt-ilf ns In
Room 22C Time Bldg., N. t.
Ftr Menstrual Suporessiort Z?mwmi
Be koi; t loin U. Sold In Omatia by Sherman A)
sOhumII Drii ca. U'l erdon allot, mar mivsu