TTIE OMAITA DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1003. n FOR IALE-REAL ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES CO. 721 N. T. Lit: What Have You to Sell? We Good, Modern Houses. With Us. We 450 for 4-room house, 70x113 feet 88th it., near Sprague. 1,000 for 1TIB N. loth at., neat placa, worth the money. $1,000 for brn new 4-room house, water, wwr, full 60x12. foot lot, Trudy for oc cupancy in about $0 days, $260 cash, bal line, time. I J. fv1 for f28 Seward, T roomi, sewer, water, gas, tux 127 fwt. good repair, eastern owner wants to close this out. 12,100 for tit B. 10th, 80x140, I rooms, city water, want to cloaa thla out quick. Malt otter. $1,760 S. B. cor. Oeorxla and Woolworth ave., rooms, all modern, (rood repair, choice corner lot, SO fqot front, actually a bargain. $4,750 for very choice West Farnam street house, 6 (arte rooms, rery artistic ar rangement, fine repair, perfect gem of a home., location unexcelled, 1 block from car." $7,5no for fine 8-room, modern, handsome E. front home, West Farnam district, hot water heated residence. $8,700 for 8-room modern West Farnam res idence, nearly new, fine repair, nice lo cation, E. of 86th st close to Farnam. $6,300. 10-ronm. modern hardwood finished house, polished floors, on Georgia ave., E. front, near park, best bargain In the addition. $34,000 for fine 11-room modem West Farnam home corner lot. loo feet front, choice location, very well built. $28,000 for one of the handsomest residences In Omaha, Inside and out, all In perfect condition, extremely large rooms, fine BARGAIN. Five-room cottage, almost new, por celain bath, closet, marble lavatory, hot and cold water, gas, fine neigh borhood, north, near school and two car lines. Owner left city perma nently this week, and instructs us to close out for 51,600. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. T. L. TEL, 1472. RE SS4-3 Are you looking for a home in Omaha? . If so, call, phone or write for our list of "100 BARGAINS IN OMAHA REAL ESTATE." We have the choicest list in the city. They are going fast, but some of them are still left. BENSON & MTER8, 818 N. T. Life Bldg. RE M908-3 soo. 16th AND BINNEY. For full lot on grade. Ves. That's ths right figure. We know It's cheap, but ths owner says "let It go." It only cost hi m $2,100. Hastings a heyden, iho n, y. life BU)Q. RE mi TRACKAGE CORNER. ONLY $6,600 for northeast corner 18th and Cass Bts.; 66x1,13 feet with two-story brick building: first class warehouse property; on small payment down and balance to suit . Bemls, Pax ton Block. RH (16 I WHILE welting to buy, why accept ( per cent on your money when you can get $ and T per cent with a real estate mort gage and control the security yourself? Bee me at once for a few I have on band. $160 and up. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, U. S. National Bank Bldg. ' RE-908 2 DESIRABLE HOUSE WEST PART CITY. $11,000 for 136 N. 88th Ave., east front lot 0x166 feet, known as J. H. Mcintosh place; 11 rooms, strictly modem through out, combination furnace nnd hot water heat, oak finish and herd wood floors on first floor. Also good barn. Possession can be given any time. GEO ROE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnum St RE M 904 8 SPECIAL OFFERS. Arls., Flagstaff, house and 2 lots. Ogl., Tehama Co., 41 a. fruit land. Can.. Yarrow, Alberta, .30 a. and Impts. III., Gibson City, res. and $ lots. III., Marlon Co., 60 a. and Impts. III., Lee Co.. 238 a. and Impts. Mass.. Ilaldwlnvllle. 11-r. res. and H a. Mo., Bedalla, 11-r. res. and lot. Mo,, Madison Co., ltto a land. N. Y. City. L. I. City, store, bldg., 4 lots. N. Y., PeekeklU, 11-r. res. and lot. O., Malnevllle, res., 8 lots and 10 a. Waah.. Olympla. 4 lots, Park Add. Wis., Brldgecreek, 60 a. eqpd. dairy farm. Wis., Adams Co., 100 a. and impts. Llltht catering, Ice cream and confectionery bu., Wohurn, Mass.. (2.(00. Modern Hotel. Springfield, III., $20,000. Brewery, Ice bouse, malt house and dwell., covet-In 8 lota. Dixon. III.. (6.000. Complete foundry and mch. shop, dwell.. $ a. and outbuildings, Harpersfield, N. T., $4,(00. Furnished Hotel. Madison, Wis., $40 000, W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. BLDO, PHILA. RE 876 2x 23RD AND'OAK. 1250, For full east front tightly lot, two block from South Omaha car line. AA8TINQ8 & HEYDEN, 6W N. Y. LIFE UJU. KE (94 8 HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. DO YOU WANT A HOME OF YOUR OWN? Then come In and pick out ons of our large lot on new car line; only $100 to $200 each and only (i.oo down and ony sa.uu per monin. nis, rsxion Bile HE 944 8 FOR SALE, 820 acres lying In South Platte river Dottom; gooa land; all under irrigat ing ditch, also reservoirs: 4-room house In good repair: cellar and good well of water at house: barn 20x60, good corruls and sheds; outbuilding 10x3u for coal and fraln; V mile of river front and all under nee; large pasture, will support 130 head of cattle and horses, with running water all adjoining the open range; 1 miles from U. P. R. R. station, six miles from B. M. R. R. In the heart of the range stock country. Alao 1,(0 J head of i-year-old ewes, In prime condition; 86 head of Shropshire bucks, all youn-j 250 head of aprlng lambs, 11 head of yu.Tng horses, wagons, harness, Implements, chickens, etc. This is a t.arKalii. Address John A, Murray, Orchard, Colo, RE 878 3 0IX-ROQM. two-story brick and frame house, small bsrn. all newlv painted and rcoffd this spring, H"14 South 2d street! site of ground, hixm. Price, $000; (100 cash, balance easy terms. WALTER BKKEN. 308 SOUTH 1STH ST. re an i CHOICE south front lot on paved street at 26th and Chicago street. Would like to exchange for property In Denver, Colo, Address K (. Bee office. RE 4)18 8 RICH farm and stock lands. (On to ($ an acre. Farmers and homeseekers wanted to loin large colony to South America. Write for booklet on Argentine. South American Colonists Co., No. I Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. RE HOUSES FOR SALE. $3.600 00 for (-room modern house. In dealt, able location, west part city, lot 66x11$. 3,266.00 for three cottages, north part city, tenting for (COO per month. Ooo.t location. $3,000,00 for (-room cottage, 26th and Butt Sts., modern house, fine yard. $5.$5O.0O for 211 N. 23d St., 40x6 feet, l-roonj house, city wster, sewer, bath, paved street and permanent aidewalk aJI paid for. $1,700.00 for 3316 Spalding St., 6-room cot tage, all modern except furnace, large yard. GEORGE 6 COMPANY, 1(01 Farnajm St. RE $ t-ROOM new house, full lot, ntr 41st and Farnam Bts.; (l.SjO. Only t3t down snd balance same as rent If yau wsnt a neat hume you should investigate this. Benus, yaatua ttiwea. Wfi-aj. t FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. Telephone Have Buyers for Desirable, List Your Property Advertise It grounds, stons wall around the place. Choice. VACANT. $660 for 62x124 feet on lflth, near Lothrop, all paving and permanent walk paid; eastern owner wanta to cloae out quick. $4S0 for (0X140 on North Boulevard, near Manderson. 1628 for fins lot In Bemls park, fins shade. $2,100 for $0x138 on flat ave., lies fine, be tween bodge and Davenport. M.ono for the finest corner lot In West Omaha, near 40th and Dewev. $4,400 for 67x168 cor. USth ave. and Harney, or 33,800 for 60x165 joining the above. These ate cream. DOWN TOWN. Cor. 19th and Burt, elegant 10-room, modern hardwood finish house, cost $12,000 to build, ot worth at least 33.500 to (4.000, which we can sell at 60 per cent of Its actual value today. Large lot facing E. on North Boulevard, vacant and can be seen any day. RANCH. MO Acres Holt countv. N. E. of Stuart about $1,000 worth of buildings, cut about 240 ton hav. fair rarm isna, nne ior stock, only $5 per acre, (4,8o0. This is a bargain worth seeing. 120 acres near Oretna. very fine, snooth land, but just medium tenant buildings, a good proposition, t per acre. HE (31 I Payne Investment . Company's Bargains 1758 A small cotts.,, on Arbor near 20th, $500 on easy terms. 6364 On S. lath, 6-room house, east front, good repnlr. Price $960. 6478 On N. 24th St.. north of Ames ave., a new 6-room cottage, nice shade trees fine neighborhood, full lot. Price $2.0iO 6069 A new 6-room cottaxe on Farnam, near 42nd, modern except furnace. Price $3,000. 158 On 8. 12th, near Dorcas, two new modern 6-room houses, which rent for (22.60 each. Price $6,000. This Is a good Investment. 161 Lot 60x132 on the southwest corner of mth and Pierce sts., on which there are six buildings which rent for (56.60 a month. The owner has authorized us to sell them for $H.300, which Is very cheap. If you want vacant lots we have a large list' In fact, we have moat anything you want in tne real estate line. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 829 8 More People GOING TO CANADA August 4, 190 J. Don't forget the day or say you ean't spar the time to go. You Can't Afford NOT TO GO. Such crops you never saw before. Every one buys -that sees our lands, which are still selling at from $7 to $10 an acre. - Bound to be higher when present option expiree. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. . , RE 89 i 8 FRUIT, garden and poultry acres for sale In suburbs of Omaha, from J or 3 up to 40 acres each. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 843 8 Lots on "T.T." Some people call "T. T." "Tukey's Terms," but we call It "Easy Monthly Payment Plan." No matter what It Is we can selsJ you a lot or tots on "T. T." that you can pnyfor as you desire, and when paid In full Vou can make a loan to build your house and pay the loan off by the month, just as If you were paying rent. We have lots in Bemls park and on 25th and Grande Ave. that can be sold on this plan. Those In Bemls park need a little filling before they are ready ' to build on, but those on Grande Ave. are all level, good trees and fine grass. There are two houses being built there now. We would like to talk with you about these lota and explain to you our plan. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. v RE-897 I 17,000.00 Buys one of the finest homes In the West Farnam district; house has 14 rooms, oak finish downstairs, fine lawn, barn, paved Street; Improvements all paid. THE BYRON REED CO., .. $ 8. 14th St. RE-441 1 Look at This Lot 80x150, south front, a corner, right for grade, one block from street car, place nigh and sightly, property cost $11,000 when built, will sell now for $4,000, one week only. This Is a bargain. All modern 8-room house in lianscom Place, good size lot. $2,6o0. J. A. LOVGREN, 436-T Paxton Block. RE 911 I TWO SNAPS 160 acres seven miles southwest of Norfolk: almost level, tine black loam soil, small ash grove, 120 acres under cultivation, 40 acres of meadow that will cut 76 tons of hay, fenced, but no other Improvements. Irice, (Jo per acre. S3) acres four and a half miles west of Pierce; good loam soil, almost level slop ing slightly to tne north, 8) acres unuer cultivation, 160 acrea First class hay land cutting 200 tons of hay, SO acres good ias ture lino; no Improvements; price, .'6 Ler acre For further Information cail on or wrt.e Tracy & DurUnd, Norfolk, Neb. RE- SAME AS RENT HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE Come In and look over our Hit of 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8-room houses that we can sell you for only a very sm:ill pay ment down and balance on monthly pay ments same as rent Bemls, paxton ink RE itU V OWNER OF 160 ACRES LEVEL PRAIRIE FARMING LAND IN CANADA ' will trade for cottage in Omaha or South Omaha. E. R. BENSON, $10 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE-.C 3 12,800.00 T-room modern house, barn, beautiful lawn large rooms, one of the most comfortable bomea In the city for the money, THE BYRON REED Co'. 813 S. 14th St. . RE-Sfl A MODERN 8-room house, $1,800. StisII payment down, balance same as rent. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE-9U J EASTERN party anxious to close out his real estate deals m Omaha will sell mod eru house vn paved street one block from csr line; hot water heating; good barn; for $3,600: bouse cost (ti.ooO to build Tbosua atreanaA. $u So. Uth Bt &E-M78 EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE AT A BARGAIN. FOR iAI.E REAL ESTATE. For a safe and profitable Investment Omaha real estate snd Nebraska farm lands are now silt edce. Note the following list of bargains: IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. (-room house on 24th north of Spauldlng, lot 60X124, $3,200. 8-room house, lot 40x111 well and cistern water, on 2Mb. near Farnsm street, (i,tJ, 8-room house, barn, well and cistern water, lot 40x137, on Bristol St., (l.gon. 4-room house, barn, well water, lot 76x104, on 32d, near Cass St., (WO. New 8-room modern house on Spauldlng, near 24th St., lot 4sxso. (.f.eou. -New 8-room modern house, lot 87Hxl, 87th and Indiana Ave., $2,300. 6-room house, city water, lot 23ttxl2T, on Charlee. near 83d St.. 8760. 4-room house. Well wates, lot 80x137. on Charles St., H block from car line, soou. VACANT LOTS. Vacant lot. 60x140, on Spauldlng. near 24th St.. permanent walk. I.oo. Lot on Hamilton' St., near 83d, $SR0. lots on 27th and Saratoga Bts., $460. STORE BUILDINGS. Store building on 24th and Spauldlng, lot 46x76, $2,600. Brick store bulldlna-, lot 20x132, on Cuming St., near 22d. $2,600 UNIMPROVED LANDS. . 480 In Perkins Co., Neb.. $6 per acre. 1,280 In Custer Co., Neb., from $6 to $9 per acre: 320 acres of this tract can be traded for Omaha property. . , 160 In Lincoln Co., Neb., part Under culti vation, $8 per acre; win trade for Omaha property. 40 acres In Dawson, Neb., under cultivation and Irrigation, $60 per acre. Improved Acres Near Omaha. S acres on 80th St., near Forest Lawn. $3,600. 10 acres northwest of Omsha, mostly In fruit, has smsll house, price $2,200; will trade for Omaha property. The abovo is only a partial list of the bargains we have to offer, both In Im proved and unimproved city property and farm lands. Investigate. CHRIS BOYER, Tel. 2049. 22d and Cuming Sts. ARE YOU FIGURING ON BUYING A HOME. We have an 8-room east front modern house on paved street two blocks wet of Hanscom Place with four lots for S.5T0, or will sell three lots with house for $3,00). HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 610 N. Y. LiFd BLDO. RE 890 8 51,050.00 For a neat 6-room modern cottage In north part of town, good r pair. THE Bl RON HEED CO., 212 S. 14th St. RE 840 8 BUSINESS LOT ONE BLOCK FROM PO$TOFFICE South Omaha, on 25th St. 60x150 feet, large enough for three stores, which would rent for (to each a month; lot cost owner about $9,000, but he Is a nonresident and needs money; $2,350 will buy It. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, $10 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE 8918 $-ROOM cottage on Burdette near 24th St., only (1,000. Speak quick. Bemh. Paxton Block. RE 940 I FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska. Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming. 50c 'to $2 per acre for ranches. $) to $12 for good farm lands., One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Union Pacific R. R OMAHA. NEBRASKA. HERE YOU ARE: t,iv bnm on th Installment nlan. The following can be bought for $lou to $300 casn: 3119 Burt St., 5 rooms, city water, $1,100. $10o cash, balance $16 per month. 2102 Ohio St., 6 rooms, city water, good re pair. $1,060, $250 cash, balance $15 per month. 943 N. 18th Ave., 4 rooms, city water, $900. 946 N. 18th Ave., 4 rooms, city water, $!)oO. We have several-others that can be sold on easy terms. THE BYRON REED CO., 218 S. 14th St. RE-8J8 $ a ACRES very choice' land in th nor.h west part of the city; houses, stable, two wells, good outbuildings, granary, etc; 800 apple trees, 300 grapes, 16) cher ries, 60 peach, $ acres raspberries. Owner must sell and will make price $200 per acre. Bemls, Paxton Black, KE 836 i SNAPS FOR SOMEBODY. Improved farm In Harrison county, Iowa, at $66 per acre. If you want a good farm see this before buying ana It may save you money. Also some improved and unimproved Nebraska farms at bargain figures. J. B. Pler, itOi Rmge bl.oU, Omaha. Bill HI i WILLIAMSON ffiSSraJl? U33 Ko-74S HOUSES and lots In all paru of city; also acre property and farm lands, 'ihe O. V. Davis Co., Room tos, ties lilug. RE 746 SALINE COUNTY farms are the best I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. F. U. Johnson, Doronester, Neb. RE W. C. CHI8SELL, $3$ N. Y. Life Bldg. HE MJoa 1 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postefnee, for eaie cheap. lo( N. 1'itti. Ilonewa & Co. RE 747 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. 11. A. McAllester, land commlajioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 748 OREGON & WASHINGTON LANDS. If you want good cheap land In a country that never talis to produce a crop then join one of our excursions to Oregon and Washington and see their Wheat Fields, Fruit Orchards, Hop Yards, Diury Forma, Vineyard and Timber Lands. Call on or address us for excursion date and rates. HASTING8 HEYDEN, (10 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M78S $ 40 ACRES. Improved; Carpy Co. Lock boa 101. Papllllon. Neb. RE 37 W A31 HAN8COM PARK HOME. A modern (-room house on rorner lot'T8x 136; large barn, bouse wlret for elec'rlo linht, open plumbing, everything first class. A big bargain for someone. Betils, Paxton Block. RE W? t H2.500.00 Buy a very neat 5-rooro cottage, modern but furnace, cement cellar, cement walks, barn etc.. fronting on lath Bt. boulevard. THE BTRON REED CO.. C$ 8 14th St. RE-838 I OOOD (-room house, large lot and barn. ( t looks from Hanscom park. Price (1.800. Mortgaged for $1.0oO. Wi'l exchange equity for vscant property. A. W. Johnson, with John Deere P!w Co. RE9S3 fx VACANT lot. 43x124. at 3ith and Jones Sta., only (SJO if taken at once. Come In at one U you want It Bcmlg, Paxton Blk. Ha- FOR (ALK HEAL ESTATE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU IN LO CATION AND PRICE. WE HAVE BARGAINS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. i-room house, $1,600; 7-room house. $2,oo0; both of which are located on North 18th street near Charles street, which makes a splendid location for people working In the shops or at ths Webster Street depot. We can arrange easy terms. S-room cottsge at 8T19 Burt street; has just been papered and pointed; only nne block from car line; splendid neighborhood; $1,600, easy terms. -room thoroughly modern house on Georgia avenue, barn, shade trees, nice lawn, lot 60x140. A snap $2.M. 7-room modern house, now furnace, small bsrn. 66-foot south frontage, nice shade and lawn, $2,000; one-half block from street csr and one block from school, (8,000. 4$ acres, 4H miles N. W. of Florence, frame house, barn, corn cribs, chicken house and other outbuildings; 6 acres timber, 10 acres fruit, 26 acres cultivation; all under fence; never-failing spring In pasture; $S0 per acre. 840-acre stock farm In Buffalo countv, 12 miles from Kearney, $ miles from railroad station; 870 acres In cultivation. Improve ments cost 83.000 and consists of 5-room house, good bnrn 8x48, corn crib 00x48, one granary 20x 30 and one 20x 24 and one 16 X20, market house 10x12. chicken house and ( acres hog pasture. 10 acres timber, fair wagon scales, nil buildings newly painted; lsnd Is fenced nnd cross-fenced. Price. 317 per acre. Terms, $3,500 cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. 480 acres choice Innd. 2H miles from Cal- noun. Neb. This land is Improved bv dwelling house, bnrn. sheds, cribs, feed lots, windmills, fences, etc., all of which are In fair repair. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. RE-814 2 FOR CHICKENS, ETC.--r. house nnd barn, only $10; $50 cash, bal, monthly. LeRse of lot only $1 per month. Lots of ground and buildings for chickens and pigs. Inquire 1-03 Farnam 81. RE 910 2 8-ROOM modern house near S7th and Dav enport Sts., $3,000. M ike us oft.r B-nls, Paxton Block. RE a39 3 F. D. Wead, SPECIAL BARGAINS. 6-room house, good repair, Just the home for street car man, Join and Fort $725 6-room cottage, city water. 2Uth and Charles 1,050 6-room cottage, new, $.150 cash, bal ance on time, 1006 Spencer 1,600 6-room cottage, good shape, 8217 Corby 960 4-room cottage, 2733 Chicago 760 6-room house, newly painted and re- ' paired, 3827 Decatur 1,000 6- room house, newly painted and re paired. 2813 Miami 1,100 7- room house, good repair, nice home, $618 N. 27th 1.250 t wo -room,. moaern nouses near Crelghton college, the owner who lives east, has just let the contract to put- them In good repair; both 6,250 Two houses, one of 9 rooms and nno of 6 rooms pn Davenport, near ISth st; the ground Is worth more money than we ask for all 6,600 9-room house, all modern on Cuming street, in Walnut Hill, owner wants to move from city; cost (6,600; will sell this week 3,000 F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. RE 927 8 SOME REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ala., Mobile Co., 4o A. and imput. A. a., Coosa Co., it A, and impts. Ark., Hempstead Co., i A. and Impts. Ark., bt. Francis Co., 13j4 a. and impia. Cal., bacramento Co., io A. olive oicard. Cat, near Cucamoiigu, 1 A. trult tunth Cat, ban Diego w., iu A uilvu urcnaru. Cal., buu Bevuaruino Co., tu A. truit ranch. Cos., btanisiaus Co., 'u a. impu. iruu ranch. Cat., oniailo, K-r. res. and lot Can., Man., v0 A. an impia. Can., ASao., 1&0 A. nne grain land. Colo., Cheyenne Co., km) a. eqpa. ranch. Colo., Greeley, 1 blug. lot. Colorado bpnngj, muein res., E. High St. Colo., growers to., u A. ana Impts. Denver, Bryn Mawr, 3 good bldg. lots. Fla., Alachua Co., io a. hammock land. Flu., Lake Co., 3o A. lmpd. orange grove. F.a., De boto Co., 4j A. itnpd. orange grove. Fla,, bea Breexe, 10-r. rej., partly turnianed Fla., Baker Co., 3t,t0j A. mostly pine una cypress timber; line town site, 111., O-iUsourg, cottage and lot. Chicago, t.. tt'asninsion xiUgnts, 1 bldg. lot. Chicago, Hayes sub-div. of Kelvyn Grove, 12 A. In blug. lots. 8. Chicago, 4 blug. lots, Whorton Ave. Ind.. Huntington Co., 160 A. ana Impu. Kans., Falun. 16-r. holel and 3 lots. Me., Hancock'Co., 3j A. granite land. Mo., Androscoggin Co., fine larm, j60 A. Me., tiichmonu, lo-r. red. und 1 A. Md., Trappe, tine country res. and 69 A.; also 10 A. Is., Bolingbrook Creek. Mass., Newton Centre, mod. rta. and lot Mans., Franklin Co., 60 and land. Mass., ttelchenown, 6-r. res and 1 A. Mass.. Everett, double tenement and grounds. Mix., Vera Crux, 123 A. coffee, rubber, eto. Mich., Bay City, 2 res. and lots. Mich., Benton Harbor, chicken farm con sisting of 6 lots and Impts. Mich., Wewaygo Co., 96i A. and Impts. Mich., Allegan Co., lou A. and Impts. Mich., Leslie, brick store bldg. and lot Detroit, fine bldg. lot, Halgh Ave. Minn,, Isanti Co., ltW A. and impts. Minn., Riue Earth Co., 160 A. and impts. Minn., Becker Co., 4 A. and Impts. Miss., near Guliport, ltLl A. and impts. Mo., Ozark Co., 16 J A. and impts. Mo., St. Louis, 16 lots, tit ii ana 7th Sts. Mo., Oregon Co., 121 A. timber land. Mont., Dawson Co., 640 A. land Nebr., Frontier Co., 160 A. and impts. Nebr., Holt Co., 164 A. and Impts. Nebr., Blaine Co., 160 A. land. N. 11., Grafton Co., 110 A. and impts. N, H., Bradford, 10 lots, lake frontage. N. J., Cape May Co.. 63 A. and impts. N. J., Lake Hopatcong, cottage and ( A. N. J., Hunterdon Co., 18 A. ani irapis. N. J., Wocdbrldge. 8 bldg. lots. N. J., Montclair, well-located bldg. lot. N. J., Woodbrldge, ur. N. T., res. and 10 A. N. Max., Albuquerque, 166 A. suburban land N. Mex., Alamogordo, furnished cottage. N. Mex., San Juan Co., 12o A. and Impts. Brooklyn, Rugby, $ good bldg. lots. N. Y., Columbia Co.. 97 A. and Impts. N. Y.. Westerlclgh. Prohibition Park, 1 lot N. Y.. Oxford. 14-r. res. and lot. N. Y., Columbia Co., 86 A. and Impts. N. N. N. N. B: Y., Albany Co., 86 A. and Impts. Y., Troy, res., cottage, lot, 6th Ave. Y Whitehall. 13-r. res. and lot. Y Oneida Co., 130 A. land. C Iredell Co., 210 A. gold lund. D., Pembina Co., 160 A. and impts. Coshockton Co., 140 A. and impts. O.. Okla., Evld, good store bldg. and lot. Okla., near Lawton, 16) A. and Impts. Okla., Dewey Co., 160 A. and impts. Pa., Juniata Co.. lt6 A. and impts. Pa.. Chester. 1 bldg. lot, 3d Bt. Pa., Media. 8-r. res. and lot. Pa., near Telford, fine lmpd. farm, 107 A. Pa.. Huntingdon Co.. 126 A. and Impts. Sharon Hill, near Phila., mansion. 8 bouses, store, icehouse and 10 A. S. D., Walworth Co., 169 A. land. Tenn., Robertson Co., 60 A. Timber land. Tenn., Unicoi Co., A. timber and min eral land; summer resort on properly, Tenn., Lincoln Co.. 22 A. and Impts. Tenn., Hamilton Springs, res. and lot. Tenn., Overton Co.. CjO A. coal and timber land: fine prospects; good R. R. facilities. Tex., Coryell Co., 2 farms, embracing ) A. Vs., Culpeper Co.. A.. Impts. and Implts. Vs., King and Queen Co.. 616 A. and Impts. Va., Buchanan Co.. 11 A. timber land. Vs.. near Richmond. 1217 A. and Impts. Wash.. Pierce Co., 80 A. fruit farm. Wis., Richlsnd Co., 430 A. and impta. Wyo.. Carbon Co.. t mining claims. W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. BLDO., PHILA. RE-D76 2s FOR RET-HOlSES. UnllQPC 'n all parts of the city. R. nUUoCO c. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D Wtl FOR RENT, 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, 704 N. 8oth fit. $41. C. M. Uachman. 436-37 Paxton Blk. D 348 HOI IQP n all parts of the city. The nUUDCa O. F. Davla Co.. 608 Bee Bid D-694 PAT NE-BOST WICK St CO., choice houses 01-603 Nw York Life Bldg. Phone 1016. D 606 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 1414. Offlco, 17X1 Webster St. rOR REXT HOISES. CENTRAL, 1st -class 7-room house. 2C0 N. 23. D-M477 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Plk. D 697 TWO 9-room houses, all modern, $18.00. C. M. Bnchmann, 436-37 Paxton block. D M769 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office lullVi Farnam, or Tels. 1669-dM. D 618 2318 Douglas St., U rooms. Life. Apply 608 N. Y. D-628 FOR RENT, a cottage. 1109 Marcy St.; $7 per month. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, SoS Brown block. D M037 8-VtOOM house, modern Improvements, 1315 Capitol Ave. D M661 8x 7-ROOM house, modern Improvements. 1313 Capitol Ave. D M6i3 8x ROOMING house, U rooms, modern, In first-class .condition, 1611 Howard St, de sirable location: SSR.00, or will rent 24 rooms. $110.00 per month. George Co., 1601 Farnam St. D MS49 7 GOOD 6-r. flat on 24th car line, $15. Payne, Bostwick Co., 601-8 N. Y. L. D-672 i THREE-ROOMED house for rent. 2012 N. 23rd. D-MT81 3 107 8. 28TH. (-room cottage, (8; 8320 Mamler son. 6 rooms, $10; 1619 Howard, 4 rooms, modern flat, $17.50. Rlngwalt Bros., Bar ker Blk. D M666 MODERN C-room cottaxe( $a.00; 2206 Slier man Ave. G. E. Turklngton. 605 P'e FOR RENT 1566 Sherman Ave . 3 room flat, second floor, bath, closet, gs. $12. 2928 Grant St., good 6 room cottage, yard, barn, city water Inside sewer, one block from car, good repair, $12. 829 South 2lth St.. 6-room cottage, city water, sewer, good repair, $14. 2522 Wirt St., good 8-room house, ram, lara-e yard, trees, etc., houe has be h, closet, wash bowl, steam heat: rent, C!5. 4510 Seward bt., 9-roo-n house, In excellent rernlr, city water. (16 50. V PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. MMn Floor New York Life Bldg. D-813-2 FURNISHED house for ren near Hanscom nark: house all modern. Call nt 1M0 8. isth St. D-813 2X HOUSES In all parts of the city, big and little; all prices. Inquire of CHAR. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam Bt, D-909 2 A BARGAIN 134? S 27th. an 8-r. house, all newly papered throughout, latest style plumbing, splen did furnace. House In fine shape ready to move r'eht In, only $2f i per-month. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., (Ol-lO. L. COZY 6-room cottage, vacant or furnished: .... inwn nitv water, riltereo cistern, cemented cellar, Lea venworth "car line one block. 914 boum win, 1M ix 624 S. 20th, 8 rooms, modern 2564 Harney, 8 rooms, modern... 2610 Poppleton, 8 rooms, modern. 2.W St. Mary's, ( rooms, modern. 1914 Locust 9 rooms, modern 2110 S. 34th, 9 rooms 2916 Shirley, 8 rooms modern RT7 S. Knfl. 7 rooms, bam 2610 N. 18th, 8 rooms, modern 1912 Meson, 6 rcoms 3412 Jackson, 7 rooms o a 1 -1 V, ft rooms $35.00 35.00 S5.00 80.00 27.60 18.00 20.00 18.00 17.60 11.00 11.00 10.00 228 Cuming, 4-room flat 10 -JO 2f9 8. 80th. rooms J-JJJ 2214 N. 21st. rooms 8 -p0 GARVIN BROS.. Com l Nat. Bank Bldg.. 1604 F,- o-rnom modern house. 2901 Farnam $5 P-room modern house. 1774 lnrd 30 9-room modem hou'e. 950 N. isth... g 6-room house, city water. 1823 Douglsj.... 28 6-rootn. city water, nice cottage, 641 B. . 25th ove 11 F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. D 928 8 MODERN T-room house, $30. 642 S. soth st , D M917 "X HOUSE to rent. 1613 B. 28th St.: 7 rom. (l'i.00 per month. P 956 3x DVB WORKS. Yes Sir, We will call for your suit, press and clam It and have It rendy for you before break fast. Open all night Nebraska Steam Dye Works, 1607 Farnam St. phone 2243. S82 ( EXPERT ACCOISTAXT. O. R. RATHBUN, room 16, Com'l Nat Bank -752 FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 7(3 U HENDERSON, florist, 1619 Farnam Bt 764 FIR3ITIRE PACKED. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2076. 1706 St Mary's Ave. 768 GOLD A.ND SILVER PLATING, OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 8535. 756 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. :1 N. 10th. Tel. 1779. -767 ISVESTMEJITg. YOUR MINING stock may be valuable, We Oirnlsh reliable reports on stocks snd mines. Mining , Infirmutlon Bureau, 1521 lSIll St., Denver, Colo. M 637 Sx LA W5I MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th Howard -758 LAWN MOWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc. 309 N. 16th. Tel. 2074. 769 LAW AD COLLECTION". STILLMAN & PRICE, 83 U. 8. Nat. Bk. lid. -76J NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 761 LOSt. LOST Ps1r nose glasses at Courtbnd Beach, Friday afternoon. Return to V& Seward St. and receive reward. Lost-7J 8 MACHINERY. GAS and casollne enalnes at SDeclal prices to introduce direct to customer. No agents wanted. Highest award tbls country and Kurorts. I-atler Oas Engine Co., 618 Elll cott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. SS0 2x PLl'MBIXG. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS Steam and gas fitters; jobbing neatly done; all orders promptly attended. Tel. 2841. ZJui Leaven woilA. PROPERTIES MAJARED. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS. and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064, MEDICAL. LADIE8! -Chichester's English Pennyroyel Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief fDr Ladies," In letter by return mall. Ask your druRRlst. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. ' Piles Cured rlthout pain no rutting, tying or burning-. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell. M. D., 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.; graduate of Relievo Hospital Medical College, New York City, DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist ot women and children: 30 years' practice. Office, 2206 Cumins. Residence telephone, F-2790; oftlce. B-$&. DR. PRIE8, German graduate, renowned for his skill nnd experience In confine ments; cur..- sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladles who have suffored for years, hopeless and dejected, csn be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible state your rase fully. Inclose stamp and answer snd advice will promptly be given. Address R. F. Pries. M. D., 1513 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. LADIES, our harmless remedy relieves without fall delayed or suppressed men struation. For free trial nddress Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Ml'SICAL, THOS. J. KELLY, volca. Davidge Block. 3 9 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 515, New York Life Bldg. Tei. 1664. 7o3 The Hunt Infirmary, McCagne Bldg. T. 2352. 764 Atzen & Farwell, Paxton Blk., 6M-7. T. 1365. 76 i DRS. FINCH & MILLER, 124 S. 25th Bt. 764 Dr. Grace Deegnn, 503 McCague. Tel. 2353. 767 TATEXTS, H. J. COWGILL No fee unles successful. 318 S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 170S. 7te PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an Dusiness connuentiui. im uougia. 7K8 mo MAXl'FACTiniSG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 206S. 7ti SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 8ANT S school. .17 N. Y. Life. 770 NEB. Business tt Shorthand College. Bovd's j neater. T71 STAMMERING AM) STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 433 Ramge ri'g. t.z STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511H Farn. Tels. 1559-8 .2, 778 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RA'l E railroad tickets everywhere. P. 11. Phllbin, 1506 Farnam. Phone 7r4. -774 Tn AXCK MEDIl'M, TWO choice - modern; no housekeeping; good board in neighborhood; everything first claps; references. 610 N. 23d St. E 600 2x WANTED-TO BORROW. WANTED, a loan of $7,600 on a partly de veloped mining property In Colorado, for the purchase of machinery snd further development. The proper is worth at least $75,000. Will pay 6 per cent Int., and give an Interest in an adjoining prop erty of great prospective value. Full in formation given showing this to be a strictly legitimate proposition. Address L W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, la. M-8G 6 LEGAL KOTICB. BIDS will be received until ( p. m., August 8, for a Carnegie Public Library at Hast Ings, Neb. Further information can be had at the office of John Latenser, archi tect, 422-24 Bee Bldg.. or of V. B. Trimble, Pres. of Library Board, Hastings, Neb. (AILWAY TIME CARD. VMOS STATIO3-10TH AXO MARC V, IbIob Paclfle. Leave, .a 9:40 am Arrive. a 7:60 pra $:26 pm Overland Limited. The Fast Mall California Express a 4:10 pm Pacific Express all:80 pm Esstern Exprese Tho Atlantio Express... The Colorado Special... 7:10 am Chicago Special Lit coin. Beatrice 'and a 8:80 pre a 7:S0 am a 8:40 am a $:40 am Strnmsburg Express.. b 4:00 pm North Platte Local a (:00 am Grand Island Local b 1:80 Dm blf Bo pm a 6:15 pm b 1:85 am Chicago. Mllmiliri A St. Panl J cago Daylight T:45 am nll:15 pm v-mjau f hbi ii.spress..a o.w ppi Chicago Limited a " 05 pm 8:40 pm a 7:60 am a $ 40 pm Dea Moines Express. ...a 7:46 am Chicago A Nartbnestera. The Northwestern Line." Past Chicago 3.40 am a 7:00 am Man Local Sioux City..,., Daylight St. Paul... Daylight Chicago .., Local Chicago Local Cedar Raplda. Limited Chicago .... Local Carroll Fust Chicago Fast St. Paul, ...a 8:00 pm ...a 6:10 am ...a : am ...a no m ...all:3t am .. (:10 pm ...a 6:16 pra ...a 4:00 prn ...a 6:50 pm ...a pm a ( 30 urn a 3:30 pin al0:26 pm all:10 pm 6:10 pm a $:lt am 8:60 am a 8:46 pm a 6:1( am a 8:40 pm u 9:60 am ul0:36 am blO;3S am rill mmt Local Sioux City b 4:00 p.- Norfolk Ik Bonesteel....a 1:25 am Lincoln Long Plne....b 7:26 am Chicago, Hack Islaail i'aelfla. EAST. Chicago Daylight L Td.. l 65 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:o0 am Chlcaito Express bll:l( am Des Moines Express... .a 4:80 pm Chicago Fast .xpresa..a 6;sa pm WEijT. a I 6o am a ( (6 pm a 8:35 pm BU:60 am a 1:2 pm Rocky Mountain L t d.. 7:30 am a 7:26 am Lincoln. Colo. Springe. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:80 pm Colo.. Texaa. Cal. an Oklahoma Flyer ..a : pm Wabash. t Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a $:KS pm St. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a $16 am MUsoarl Pacta. a 1:00 pa al2.40 pa a 1:80 am ai0:M pa St Louis Express.,.. K, a St U Ex.... IlllaoU CatraL Cliicagu Express Chicaac. Minneapolis .alO 00 am .a!0:60 pm a : pm a (:1 am a 7:36 am a 1:18 pm St Fail Limited a 7:60 pm a 1:0$ am Ml ones palls 4k St Paul aUpiesa o L8 am bit.m pm pAII.WAY TIME CARD Cnatlaaeit. Chicago Local !(:3i am Chicago Expreas al0: am WEBSTER DEPOT IBTH A WBIISTKR. Chleaao. St. Paal, Mlaaeapolla Omaha. Leave. Arrive Twin City Passenger. ..a so am a ( to pm loux City Passenger.. . a 1:00 pm el to am Oakland Local b 8:46 pm b 8 46 am Mlssoarl Paelfte. Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:S5 am thleaa-o A Kortaneetera. Nearaskn ad Wtsmlsg Dlvlaloa, Black Hills, Deadwood, Lead. Hut Springs a 8:00 pra a 8:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 8:00 pm 6:00 cm HssUngs, York, David city, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 3 M0 pm b 1:08 pm BVRLINGTO STATIO.t 10TH A MASOt Barllactoa Missouri River. . , . ueave. Arrlra. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:60 am blJ.06 pm Nebrasi.a Expreas a (.60 am a l pm Denver Limltec a 4:10 pm a 6:46 m Black Hills and Pugst Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 cm Colorado Veatlbule Fly o a 8:16 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pra a $.08 am Fort Crook and Piatt- mouth ......b S-J0 pm blO SS am Bellevue Pacific Jet. .a 7:al pm a 8:87 am Bellevue A Pacific Jot. .a 8.60 am Ksaiat Clt, St. Josevu a Csssell 111 nits. Kansas Cltv Day Ex. ..a 8:18 am a 8:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a i-.m pm all :06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:1k am Clitcnao, Unrllaaton A QataeF. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3:68 pm Chicago Vestlbaled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:4 am Chicago Local a 8:18 am xll:00 pm Chicago Limited a 8.06 pm a 7:46 am East Mali a 2:40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally exc-Tt Saturday, e Dally excen' Monday. STEAMSHlf . HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Nw Twin tort Htumtr at 11.40 Tea BW TOHK KUTTKHDAM. tlt UOUUMNB, StlllOf u..d ! 10 A. M. FnttiUm Aug B.N(ordin Auc m fcuteiidam Aii. 1J notlrctim 3'pt. ! ilrndm Aug. ,: FulMlam Spt. HOLLAND-AM Eltlt: A IAMB, 01 Dearborn St., Chlcaico, III. Hrrr Uooret, 101 Ftrnam St., C. RuUarlord. 1US Farnam L, 1. 11. Hamuld. U03 Faraaa at. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. rt,X?ln,tl0U now compulsory In France du ng the first year of life ajid revaccl year's" ' the eIevn,h and twenty-first Cotton is the most valuable crop we grow except corn. The 11,000.000 rbales in this &00 000 0o,,uct,on wl" brln" Planters about Nearly all thi safely matches which are safe against friction on snndnnper, stone, wood or brick ignite readily from a quick rub on glass. The area added to the British empire by the acquisition of the Boer republics and 100.0C0 square miles on the Niger exceeds that of France. Tho two canals at the "Boo" curried 6.039.S66 tons of freight In April and May a record business. The Canadian canal handled 11 per cent of It. Tho emigration from our northwestern states to British Columbia leaves us silil about 1.000,010 ahead of Canada In the ex change of citizens. The deepest depression In the earth, as certained by sounding, is five and a fourth miles; the greatest height, the peak of Mount Everest, five and three-fourths miles. Americans consume twelve pounds of cof fee per capita per year. Danes and Nor wegians use more. England, being a tea drinking country, uses less than three quarters of a pound. Excavations In Romo prove the city to have existed long before the time of Romu lusso the story of his founding of the Eternal City Is as mythical aa that of his being suckled by a wolf. Of the 100.000 men In Newfoundland more than half are fishermen, who catch 160,000, 0(0 pounds of cod a year, consume one fourth of it and sell the rest to Catholla countries for $4,460,000. The number of person carried dally by the olevated trains in New York now average about 800.00O. They travel on the averuge about four miles, so that the aver age fare is about a cent a mile. Municipal corporations in England have Incurred debts aggregating $1,250,000,000 on socialistic llnoe.i They own gas works, water works, street railways, docks, baths, markets, dwellings, race courses, dairies and hotels. In Germany, whose cducatlonol advan tages are belter than those of any other European country, the number of university students to each 10.000 inhabitants is 7.87, while in the United States It is 12.75. In Great Britain it Is but 6. Ethnologists of the Smithsonian Institu tion have Investigated the Filipinos, with, results that are of rare interest to sclonce, savs Scientific American. They have called attention to the fact that In the veins of the tribes of the archipelago flows the btood of all the ruces and varieties of mankind. Lewis Lcwark of Currituck county Is known as the "strong boy of North Caro lina." He is six feet two Inches tall and weighs more than 6C0 pounds and Is strong: In proportion. He Is Just 17 years old end weighed eighteen pounds when born. His father weighs only 130 pounds and hC mother less than 120. At a recent exhibi tion of his strength at Elizabeth City, N. C, ho was able to haul up a surfboat from the water without much effort a task that usually requires the combined force of seven strong men. LABOR AND IKDl'STRY. An electrical typesetting machine Is tha latest. 7 Typewriters with Arable letters are) now being used In Egypt. rwrnit livhtlnar commission laborers had their pay Increased from $1.60 to $1.75 per day. Ths Brotherhood of Railroad Freight and Baggagemen of America has been char tered. Ths narment Workers will hold their na tional convention in Indianapolis, beginning August 10. The German Catholic societies of the stats Of New York have declared in favor ot the Union label. At the beginning of the year there were 16,000 women members ot labor unions In New York state. The Boxmakers and Sawyers' National union han decided to have a national head quarters and offices in Chlcugo. The Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' International alliance has decided to estab lish a national defense fund of at least $100.COO. The Indians legislature has made It a mis demeanor for a railroad to permit men In the operating aepartmenis to work more than sixteen hours continuously. At a meeting of the Pittsburg Master Builders' sssocTutlon a committee was ap pointed to secure subscriptions for stock of a company organised to build an exchange to cost about iliiO.000. Miss Mabel McDonald, a waitress and the candidate of organised labor In Dtiluth for queen of the carnival, was elected by a ma jority of 500 votes. Mavor Hugo presented her with the froedoin of the city and a $500 piano, A colored man was elected as interna tional vice prealdent at the convention of ' the longshoremen nt Day City Inst week. The longshoremen's national, with more then 140.000 membttrs, Is the third largest trade union in this country. Nottingham (England) municipal develop ment of water, gas, electricity, street rail ways, markets, baths and cemeteries has showed an avers ge annual net profit ot $158,000 for the last four years. The money Is applied to the reduction of taxes. In Franco workingmen have the full right tJ form associations having In view the bet terment of their condition. This right In cludes that of forming temporary coalitions for the purpose of enforcing their demands in other words, ef engaging In strikes. While a workman cannot be punished In that country for the mere act of engaging In a strike, there are heavy punishments for abuses of the privilege. Chief Arthur was at the time of his death the only labor leader of a score who were prominent twenty-live years ago who had held the position for a quarter of a century. The organization of which Chief Arthur had been the head sinew 1M71 has contracts with 96 per cent of the rat'rosd companies, which Include nearly all the great trunk lines. The organisation has paid out in the aggregate the sum of $ll,ooo,ouO to Injured mtmbera and heirs of deceased members, bealdus disbursing, out of hard earnings, $36,0n to (40.000 among the widows, orphans and iifcedy of the order at every convention. It is probable that steps will be taken to erect a suitable memorial to the dead leader In Cleveland, which may be lu the foria ad a roonuim ufc