10 THE OMATTA DAILY JlEEf SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, I!03. SPECIAL NOTICES ASvertlseraeafa for these eolassne will be latest atll 13 -as. far ilia veals adllloa ill aalll H BO a. m. far mural a- ao4 Imlar Hloa. Rates, 1 l-2c a word Ural laaartiaa. fa a ward thereafter. Nalklaa; takea far less taaa Sfie for the flrat laser lloa. These ad vertlsesseats saast tte raa eoaserat Ively. Advertisers, by requesting; as twi ttered rhrtk, raa have mtiftn tresses' ta a namferrrd Irttrr tu rara f Ta tier. Amwim so addressed will ha delivered aa g-resentalloa ef tka keek aalr. WASTED SITl AXIOMS. COMPKTENT young lady stenographer wants p'rsltlnn in southeastern Nebrafka. Address, Stenographer, 3KI E. - tith 6t, Topeka, Kan. A 076 tx WANTED, many emeu, and large job ef mini any kin 1 of sivork; everywhere wlihln city limits. Address K 8. Bee. A SS 2X WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM. Open Beptember 1. Send for catalogue at once. New classes in all departments. Why not attend a tew months and secure a good position? it is ready lor you. Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts. B-M&M 6 WANTED tor United States army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages ol 21 and ito, citizens ot United bta.es, ol good character and temperate habits, who call speak, read and write Englisli. For Information apply to recruiting officer, ltth und Dodge fits., Umaha, and Hastings, Neb. B M4,6 WILL give a worthy young man or woman a pulu-up Bclioi&isiilp In Oua.iae leading buMness, colleau, to ba paid tor wi.eu course is llnlaned and posit. on leci.rei. Andrews, B icu, bee. U i0 WANTED Small Job of cellar cementing done. Apply at twi N. Y. Ule B.og. DRUG clerk, with 2 or 3 years experience, willing to woik. Address, K. F. Brown, Sioux Falls, U. D. B-tAi-4 TWO men for handling lumber, two men for factory work. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. B 670 WANTED Young man aa assistant book keeper in wholesale house; must be rapid, accurate and lamlllur with ottlce work. Address In own handwriting, giving ago, experience, references and salary ex pected, J bl, Bee ottlce. B M6iS 2x WANTED First class moulders; steady work; wages 13.60 per day of nine hours. The F. M. Davis Iron Works Co., Denver, Colo. B Mb6 J A good position Is always open for a com petent man. His difficulty la to And it. We have openings lor high-grade men In all capacities executive, technical and clerical. Openings for college men. "Right places for right men and right men lor right places." Write for plan and booklet. Hapgoods (Incorporated), Bulla 630, Mo nadnock Building, Chicago. B WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M783 2x WANTED, a boy who has completed his schooling, or a lady, for general office work and bookkeeping. Address K 6, Bee office. , B-00 Ix WANTED, one first-class job compositor; steady employment to satisfactory man, Morton Printing Co., Nebraska City, Neb. B 798 2 WANTED, male stenographer with at least two years experience ana rapid; give former employments, age and sal ary wanted. Address K 4, Bee. B 797 1 WE will pay any man $s5 per month and all traveling expenses, such aa horse hire, ' H. R. fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for tha greatest portrait house In the world; your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly If preferred. Address it. u. curry, iept. sua, cnicago, i:i. B-804 tx DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal ary, experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis B W 2x SALESMAN traveling on tha road seeing the dry goods trade, to handle a strong and popular line of laces, embroideries and novelties on good commission basis: state references and territory covered. J. M. Meyers 4 Co., 401 .Broadway, New York, B-M802 2x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; our diplomas assist to ton wares: our method saves years; all expenses can nearly be earned before completing; our catalogue lens now, mailed Tree, write Moier Bar ber College, 1302 Douglas st B MsOl 7x TOUNG MAN. $15 weekly: permanent ar tistic employment at home; no experience needed; material furnished; enclose stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co., usi west aa est., ixew xora. a tm ix NEW MAIL, order plan: Boo circulars mailed, made X'M, money still coming; great nit; result many months' experi ment. Write with stamp. Hill Bros., St. Louis, MO. B MHOS Zx EARN fU week'y proofreading; employers supplied. Home Correspondence School, nuiaueipnia. X5 CIVIL service government positions; ex amlnatlons soon: hundreds whom ws ore pare are annually appointed; catalogue of information rr. coiumDian correspond nee College, Washington, D. C. B AT ONCB. Persons everywhere to dis tribute samples; 12 50 dally; steady; no canvassing. "Empire," 3623 Grand Blvd., cnicago, ll oil ix CIRCULAR distributors, $5.00 per 1.000; no canvassing or penciling; experience un necessary, continental Distributing Ser vice, Chicago. B $18 Ix WANTED, performers, male and female. for Oberlln, Kan., street fair, September t to 11 i acrobats, singers, dancers, eto. write at once to Oberlln Street Fair Co., uoerim, ah. a anvil tx WANTED, a first class custom cuttter for tine tailoring;; steady work, aood dsv. Give experience and references. Address K. 7, Bee. . B m 2 YOt'NO man stenngrspher and bookkeeper in Insurance office. Answer In own hand writing, stating age, expedience, refer ences ana salary expected. Andrews F H. Drake. Lu Verne. Minn. U 9J1 2x MANAGER wanted In everv large county. "Oame o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money; takes place ot forbidden slot machines; strictly 'awful everywhere; rented or sola on easy pay ments: sixty thousand now In use. Cun rdngham Furniture Co., Department US, ciucago, in. u eao ix REPUTABLE physician can make Conner tlon with corporation for office consults tlons leading to '.arge remunerative, per manent practue. corporation, room e1! lit) isassau si., in. i. u zx WANTED Brlirht men to conduct offlee business In towns of l.OnO and over: 110 starts you In mall business paving gl ,0 0 year; nothing to sell; InveeUKate; send Bddressea envelope. rv . v. paicn to. Utlca. N. Y. B-8M Ix Bt'NDLE wrapper wanted A good bright boy about 17 years old, to wrap i. 1 Anv.lv ff T. Twm-Am.lm A. CI B M9H 6 WANTFD A slnale mnn to drive and work about barn snd house: good wages. Ap ply at offlee of Leonard Everett. Pearl ireet. council muni. i oia.j ix 1TANTE1-A first-class meat and psstr rnk nt the Iwla reotnorant. Sturkls 8 1) I wages 130 a month for a good sober man. n aisw WANTKD Licensed rmnalmsr; stesdy Jol vur round at rnod wages: single OTinni preferred; referenda renulred. Ad'I'ew t, Ij. Miller. Ksvenna. iro. n-roi r WANTED SALESMEN. IF TOU APE A SALESMAN and mk ng less than M 00 a wek. write us today. We ej-e selling groceries to farmers end other large buyers at wholesale pi Ice. Oood hustlers can make up rarload lots at every town In the agricultural etstes. Profits are larger than in anv other line trade permanent, work pleus'int and healthful For full particular address George Mldrua at Co., N. Orwn St.. r.i.-.. iA. iljuft IX WANTED MALE HP.I.P. WHY WASTE TIME? You will never get ahead you will your present one, untill you make a A month saved now means a month's salary in your pocket after your course is completed. What is the mere cost of $55.60 months course compared to the sure, sound business training you will re ceive here ? Is not the college that has the respect and support of the best business houses and banks of Omaha a college employment for every competent pupil, a college that has equipped, is equipping and will continue to equip pupils for the most lucrative situations to be filled in this vicinity the kind of The fall term begins September 1 ready now a number have already tomorrow. Join them. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, New York Life Building, Omaha, WANTED SALE9MEM. WANTED Salesmen by manufacturer of grocery specialties; good salary to tnei gctlc high giade men; state your experi ence. Box ul7, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN Automatic copying book, now, needed by every business man: bonanza for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., Soutn Bend, Ind. SALESMAN, specialty, of more than ordi nary ability. Kesults, not records, want sd. Season opens August 15th. Year's contract. Address, K S, Bee. $72 2x WANTED At once, experienced traveling salesman lor isenrasKa. we want a sa.es man; no haslieens need apply. Address, Drawer S, Chicago. 870 2x WANTED Capable traveling salesman for Mebruska. staple line to countiy mer chants. Bond required. Box 60S, 8t, Louis, Mo. Zx WANTED Experienced calendar salesmen to carry on commission sweuest lino cal endars and novelties; plenty good terri tory. Don't write without experience; references Spotswood Specialty Co., Harrodsburg, Ky. 868 2x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po- Eltlon to right man., Jess H. Smith Co., letrolt, Mich. - ittd 2x SALESMEN wanted. Two experienced trav eling specialty salesmen worth good sal aries. Responsible house; attractive fast selling line. Competent men, write, glv. ing age, experience and references. Ad dress, J 65, Bee. 867 2x TRAVELING salesmen to sell all classes retail trade. Business fully established. High priced men, investigate. Box 17, Dewolt, Mich. -71 2x WANTED, cigar salesmsn In your locality for city ana country irsne; experience un necessary; $60 per month and expenses; samples free; enclose stamp for particu lars. Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept. 24, Toledo, Ohio. -874 2x SALESMAN WANTED, -to call on doctors only on behair of the lending firm in tne business; established trade; position per manent; state experience. Address P. O. Box 868. Philadelphia. -73 2x WANTED, salesmen; $fl0 monthly and ex penses; permanent. First National Nut series, Rochester, N. Y. BOOK SALESMEN, ATTENTION We have an entirely new proposition for men of ability. Territory fs being rapidly as signed. Coupon and card leadB. F. P. Mayer, Broadway and Locust Sts., Sf, Louis. Mo. M901 3x WANTED FEMALB HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge. ilVi COPY letters .at home; $12.60 paid weekly; send stamped envelope, sample letter. Eureka Co., 23 Duane at. New York. c Mtwa ix WANTED, girl for light housework: family ot two. Address J iu, Bee. C MS67 WANTED, girl for general housework; family of tnree. Mrs. eimerai, sis xxorin 28th Ave. C-71 WANTED, a good second girl. Mrs. Marsh, Bth ana nne bis. o mum x WANTED, s neat, pluln cook, willing to - -A Waal,, in , Vtn MMintiv mrA then return to the city. Apply 1724 Dav enport , C-777 2x WANTED Competent second girl. Mrs. Klrkendaii, nin ana jaexson sts. C M779 2 WANTED, girl tor general housework. 1H Chicago. c ew s WANTED, good cook at 20 Farnam St WANTED, ladlea to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; few weeks completes; our diplomas assist to top wages; our free catalogue explains how, Moler College, 1302 Douglss St. C M81 7Z $30 A HUNDRED writing letters at home; anaressea envelope lor jmrii-winr. r-iw-trlo Remedy Co.. Dept. 10, 233 So. Michi gan, South Bend, Ind. C 811 2x LADIES to do piecework at their homes; We lUmiin ail m.irii.ii hik, i' T iiwiii to $U weekly. Bend stamped envelope to Royal Co., 9i Monroe St., Chicago. C-810 2x EASY money, ladles, obtaining members for novel oiganlxatlon among friends; your compensation confidential. Personal Im provement Club. 1562 Broadway, New York City. C-809 2X WANTED, a good lady stenographer; steady position; state salary and refer ence. Address K 5, Bee office. C-808 2x LADY WANTED $15 Weekly; permanent artistic employment af home; no experi ence needed; material furnished; enclose stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co., 131 West 23d Bt.. New York. C-807 tx EARN $18 weekly proofreading; employers supplied. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. . . C WANTED, a good business woman with some means, and has knowledge of sew ing, who would like to run a dress cutting school with first-class rooming house In connection. Big money to th right per son. Call or write for information, over f' West Walnut street, Des Moines. Ia. Room J. C-920 2x WANTED, competent girl; general house work: references required. 104 S. 35th 8t C 8?9 2x YOl'NG girl to ssslst at general nous, work. Inquire 127 S. 26th St. C MSs7 4 WANTED German nurse girl about 15 years old; small family. No. 19. Fort Crook. Net. c ow ix , WANTED Middle aged woman to cook for family of four; no washing; wages $4 a week. Aaaress n. u. nee c hmi o WANTED Olrl for em-e work: bring recommendations, six Mccague mnar. C M930 4x WANTETi Olrl for office work; must bs good penman. Aaaress iv u. iiee. " C-M9SJ 4 W iNTFD-Amireptlres In manicure, mss- sige. hair dresslne departments of The Kerent -ladlea toilet parlors ana i"uifi baths 2 Ramse Bldg. C-9S2 1 HELP WANTED. WANTED, paper rulers. Croissant A Bow SUA Kt Illlls. Mo. X WATKD MALB DGLP. never geCa better position than start for tuition and books for a six that uses Its influence in securing a college you want to attend ? but don't wait until then if you are expressed their intention of entering B- FOR BEST-Fl RSISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13lh and Farnam. E 699 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chlcngo E 700 $1.00 to $2.00 per week, 422 So. 18th St.. one diock soutn or court nouse. tsi wi NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preferred. 1425 N. 17th. E 702 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone CI 1 . E 703 FRONT and other desirable rooms, bath, cool and central, tor gentleman. 1617 Cass St E-M807 4 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th & Dodge. E 704 HOTEL HUBBEL, IS & Howard. Phone 2988 E M416 I 218 N. 17TH, cool front rooms for two. E M444 13 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha stesm laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. Phone A-1T83. E 70S ROOMS. $1.60 to $3.00 per week; board, $3.00. Thurston Hotel, 15th and Jackson Sts. E M617 24 ONE or two furnished rooms for rent; fine location, Inwn and shade, gentlemen pre ferred. 2215 Farnam St. B 778 Sx SEVERAL large, light and cool, newly furnished rooma, good neighborhood, near far. Young men preferred. Inquire 124 N. 24th St. E 907 2 NICELY furnished rooms, north and south exposure. Telephone In the house. 201$ Douglas. E 902 2x TWO pleasant rooms, private, car line, walking distance. Address K 12. Bee office. EM932 6x WELL furnished room In private family, for single gentleman only. 118 8. 19th st. - E 948 8x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. DESIRABLE rooms, toe Farnam, 19th and Farnam. 708 609 S. 26TH AVE.; private family. F 707 WELL ventilated modern rooms; first- ciass Doara. leiepnone. zura uougias at, F M7S1 NICELY furnished room for two gentle men with first-class board; close to car Una and within walking distance; also one very cozy single room. K1 Daven port st F M747 A3x THE best furnished rooms with board by the day or week; home cooking. 218-220 N. 19th st F-M728 ROOMS-Modern. 2ES0 Harney st. F-964 8x FOR nE.MT-L'NFl'RMSHED ROOMS. x vt. ncn All iiiunci ii uoaciiicili iivui. Including heat In winter; $13. Inquire 116 VE DCUT All ....,... KaMAn M ...... B. 25th St. U MlitO 8 FURIMTIHE PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERG, U5 So. 17th. Tel. L-2368. H 71 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The bulldlns: formerly occu plea uy i ne isee at mo r arnam st. it nas luur aiunea anu a uaacniuiib which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at omce oi c. c. Kose water, aecroiary, room loo. Bee building. A U FOR RENT Building- suitable for whole saie purposes at viu f arnam, .'xyo, lour stories and llrst-ulasg cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, otttce counter ajid fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C, C. Koaewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luu, Bee building. I Moti7 DESK room for rent 634 Pax ton block. 1 MMI STOREROOM, 1615 Howard St.. with light Basement., unloading piatiorm in tn. rear, eou.vv. ueurge at CO., loui i arnam st. 1-M648 At AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit bubsenpttons to 'lliii int.NllMU ILMlttll JAKAlhU. etcauy employ men t with assured aood in cimio, Agents lu the country wltn horse and bugay especially dealred. Canvassers malt easily tt) to iioo per month. Ad- dress Century Fanner Solicitors' Bureau, j?ve uuuuiiia, OIUKUS. J .14 AGENTS wanted to sell ths "Life of Pope Leo XIII," written wlUi the encourage ment, approbation and bleaslng ot His Holiness, the Pope, by Monaignor Ber nard u neiuy. sji raxton Bldg. J-M364 WE have all six of the different Pope Leo Alii hooks; ues i terms; ireignt paid outht free. Call or write W. A. Hixen baugh C. 600 Ware blk., Omsha. J-Mi3 AGENTS WANTED-,7600 weekly easily made Belling our Double Indemnity comoinauon neaun ana acciuent policies Liberal commission; strong company : experlnce unnecessary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion, fx Crocher Bldg. Des Moines, la. J Owl AX AGENTS, mall order firms, street new one just out; retails loc; toj pe print. Sample, 8c. Congress N street men er cent Congress Novelty Works, Chicago. j US- MEN willing to work positively make $2,00 to ss.uov per year selling our just patented machine. Eagle Tool Co., B. lurt. Cin cinnati, U. J U5 2x BEWARE of supiious books advertised bv publishers under assumed Catholic names. Look up our financial standing. Our firm has tho endorsement of Cardinal Olbbons ana or tne catnutic Hierarchy We are the only Catholic publishers isau Ing "Life of Pope 1-eo XII 1." preface by Bishop Muldoon: authors. Hev. Thomas E. cl x snd Charles o alaiiey. colored por trait i"x26. free to subscribers. Agents wanted. Hignest terms. UUtnt ire. Hyland m Co., x uearoorn, cnirago. j-sa4-$x AGENTS. Mall Order Men: "New Thought Pure Water Still. Beta on any ordinary tea kettle. Sella lor KM sample, ex press prepaid. $1 60. Stanton-Adams Mfg. Uaw auilua kaav J an WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OF YOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. AGEST WANTED. AGENTS, Btreetmen, Fakirs: Th Mys terious Star, most wonderful 10c novelty Tver Invented. Amuses young and old. Jghtnlng seller. Sample, 10c. Order quick, lempest Co., Ashland Block, Chi cago. J Ml ?x AGENTS Our man are making J to 110 a osr ntting glasses, our rree eya ooog tails all about It. Writs today. Jack sonlan Optica! Collegs, Dept. CL I, Jackson, Mich. J tig Ix AGENTS ran make $2,000 to 14,000 next tnro months handling newly patented article; absolute necessity; demand enor mous; experience unnecessary; exclusive territory given. Household Novelty Co, manufacturers, 1611 Broadway, New York. AGENTS making big money selling new automatic uurgiar alarm tor aoors ana windows; retails. 60c; exclusive territory. Rmona Novelty Mfg. Co., 207 F,lghth Ave., New York. J 18 fx AGENTS Ws start experienced medicine nents in Dusiness. Kererences required. Address, Camp Curative Company. Mil waukee, Wis. . J Ml Ix LOCAL manager; Immense profits; attrac tive; everybody interested. Experience and capital unnecessary. References re quired. World's Fair Guarantee Asa n, Rlalto Bldg., St Louis. J-MO-Jx WANTED Manager In every city, oounty to nandie best paying business known; legitimate, new: exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 16 W. 28th St, New York- J-417-Jx AGENTS, make 25 to 176 weekly selling Alien s Fountain uruan ana warn outnt. Write for terms. Allen Mfg. Co., Toledo, Ohio. J-tlt ix AGENTS WANTED Great World i Talr Novelty, entirely new, sells at sight, price 10c; liberal terms to agents. Air-Ship Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J-B14 2x WE INSURE UP TO It. Good side line for lnsuranoe aa-anta. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24, Elkhart Ind. AOENTS Smith's Scrap Book of the Bible at i a copy can ne sola to every intelli gent man. One agent sold 87 In five days; another 96 In six days. W. P. Smith Co., Box 1538, Providence, R. I. J BEGIN business for yourself; stop work. mg ror otners. we start you in pront able mall-order business at your home. Pleasant work; Immense prollts; unlim ited possibilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J IMPORTANT to agents. Sell only official lire or rope lmo aui. Officially endorsed, Gives complete history. Contains all en cyclical letters, poems, anecdotes, etc. Not only published In English, but can be had In several languages. Beautifully Illustrated. Three styles. Premium free with book. Profit 6 per cent. Write to day. American Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. J FOR beet book, best terms on life of Pope ieo Aiu can or aaaress u. u. dimmer, 623 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. J-tit 8 AGENTS $15 a day or evening selling new automatic tunnels to saloons: can I over flow bottles; wonderful Invention; sells at sight. Faultless Patent Co., box 48, Bld detord. Me. J 854 tx WE start you selling diamonds; don't ac cept employment until getting our lioerai offer; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J 851 tx WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG MAN desires room and board In private iamuy; must do close to car line; state price. Address J 67, Bee. K-M662 2x WANTED, room -and board during the scnooi year in private iamuy, near suta and Leavenworth sts. or oonvenient to Hanscora Park car. L. L. Banker, 2131 Cedar St.. Berkeley, Cal. K M791 I BOARD for family four adults In refined remi.y, or would lease furnished house; Hanscorn park or West Farnam districts. Jos. L. Logan, care Cudahy Packing Co. 'Phone 861. K 846 Sx WANTED TO BUT. WANTED to buy, some good dental cnnirs. cnion Denial College. N M674 FOR SALE FIRNITVRR. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel, suoj. new ana secona-nana oougni, sola, exchanged. O 709 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE, one large six-passenger closed iamuy carnage, one large open family carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double sets of harness, one stiver mounted, and one single set of harness. Call Frank E. Morses, City Hall. P-M61I FOR SALE One second-hand 1902 model Olds Runabout, In good condition, $400. One second-hand 1901 model Olds Runabout, used very nine, new tires, good running order. $300. One shop worn Spauldlng, $375. One new Milwaukee steam wagon, run probably to rnues. nuut to order witn all mnrovaments. $300. One second-hand Milwaukee steam wagon, built to oraer, witn an improvements, used three months only ana an excellent reamer. $260. The largest line of new automobiles In the entire western coumry. JONA8 AUTOMOBILE CO., Milwaukee, Wis. P-M798 7x HAVE your rubber tires set while you wait xi. jrrost, inn ana isavnworin. P 710 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16th st. TOP BUGGY at half price, also nearly new, 2'. gear,i cheep, bee A. w. jonnson, witn John Deere Plow Co. P-M700 A26 GREAT opportunity for liveryman or party desiring ciosea carnage at Bargain price. Address, K 1. Bee. P-27 2x STYLISH young saddle pony and saddle. Chas. Reynolds, text camaen Ave. P 8S8 2x FOR SALE Half Interest in trotting bred mare; also trotting area staiuon mr saie. Address K 10. Bee. FM-2 t SNAP Rubber tire r-tnabout newly painted for $60. William Preiser, Zitn ana ioaven worth. P-M 2x FOR BALE Coal black team, standard bred carriage hones; perfectly matched, 4 snd 6 years old; ict csiriage team In Omaha; owner recent.' v dieo and thle team must be sold oulr'a to close up es tate. Enquire 6015 California street. P 84 Zx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE 1,600 feet of seconhand wire rope. In good condition. Appiy to or au dreaa "Superintendent ot Bee Building, Omaha." Q Mine NEW and tdhand typewriters. Hit Farnam. W 7 It FOR SALE Secondhand Locomobile. In first-class shape, at one-halt price. Call or address, 1621 Farnam Bt Q 711 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. X cents each; large, well made barrels; muke first-class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman, Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M431 INDIAN goods and relics, lilt Farnam. y 714 FOR BALE A new 800 ampere double pole awltch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Boj Building, Omaha." Q-M74I TELEPHONE POISES: long fir timbers; chicken fence; oak piling. tOl DuirUs. FOR BALE Crene hydraulic elovator; can le used either passenger or freight; com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire en closures. J. L. Braodels Sous. QMi IRON and wire fenoes. tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co . N. 17th St rOR SALE) MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOORAPH CAR for sale. Apply Rose s Art Store. Q .17 ID1IAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. 4 tU WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Bam I Burns. W-M834- U 21.000 BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1340 Farnam St Q 660 FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required, 4 ii, uoe. w sol CATALOGUE rut drug prices free. Sher man V MoC'onnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-718 FOR SALE Great Dane pup. R, Ertksen. Newman Grove, Neb. Q M61S 7x FOR SALE A few I to U-horse power boiler and engines, of both horlsontal and vertical types; also two Lambert gasoline engines, 4 to t-horse power; all In perfect running order, W. A, Carpenter. York, Neb. y ; ix FOR SALE CHEAP One secondhand steam heater that heats school house with five rooms; In fair condition; the reason for selling. We are going to build larger. In quire or write, Z. K. Linvllle, Secretary ot School Board, Carson, la. Q-M6.7 RADIANT HOME hard coal stove No. 6. 1938 8. 14th St Q-TW 2x SMITH-PREMIER typewriter. 203 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Q-906 !x FINE cow for sale. 4Jd wd Center sts. Tel. blaxk-llil. Q-848 tx BARGAIN, Leonard refrigerator In fair condition. 23u3 Douglas St. Q 846 2 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1709 California MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8720 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 114 N. 15, Id floor, r $ 1 TU. GRACE O'BRYAN, Baths. 720 8. 13th. 1 MK MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard st, front rooms, tub bath; ursi-ciasa aitenuam. T-M411 A PERSONAL. VIA VI. a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet. Viavl Co., 34 Bee Bldg. V-',22 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. and t, loue Farnam at U iU MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $1. U-724 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 72$ 1st ave., Council Blurts, j a. U 198 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-18M. U 72 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; best medical care and nursing, Mrs. U Fisher, 1601 Vinton. Tel. 1889. U 728 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerlsch, tHii California St. Terms reasonable. U it 28 LOUISE HAMNER, please write J. M., Taooma. Wash. U-Mb80 2x SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee bldg. TO OMAHA PEOPLE Those wanting room and board at Lake Okobojl apply to Des Moines Beach Clubhouse: best accommodations given. U 794 6x Oriental Palmistry Palace, WAN-DREA SISTER8, PALMISTS, Store 1616 Farnam. opposite N. Y. Life Bldg. LIFE IS WORTH LIVING! PROCRASTINATION 13 THE BASIS of a sauntering, ruined and unsuccessful LIFE. Often It Is the case you do not know wnat vocation you are best adapted ior until It Is TOO LATE In LIFE. Many an UN HAPPY HOME would have been pre vented It you had consulted a sclen'ific pallmst and followed their advice. They would have WARNED you against many UNFORESEEN DANGERS that you could have PREVENTED. We will ad vise you In regard to everything of VITAL IMPORTANCE pertaining to bust ness, love, attachment, marriage, divorce, losses, gains, enemies, accidents, what you are best adapted to, eto. WE TELL YOU THE TRUTH, the PAST snd FUTURE. THE HAND 13 THE CHIEB; OFFICER OF THE SOUL. The BIBLE In - SCRIPTURAL MENTION of the HAND is 1,433 times. "PALMISTRY IS THE WORK OF GOD and can ba read 1 Mnn It unn Artt In tmilhl (If dOUbt vw limn. " come at once; we will give you HEALING ADVICE and satisfaction. "A stitch n time saves nine." Readings 20 cents. Will remain In the city a short time only. Hours $ a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Sundays, 1 to ' P' m' U-82S-2X CORRESPOND or Marry Sample Illus trated paper. cents; paper and prlvats list, 10 cents; describe yourself. National Alliance. Grand Rapids, Mich. U WOULD you marry It suited? If so, send for best Matrimonial Paper published Mailed FREE. K. C. Gunnels, Toledo, O. EYE DISEASES CURED AT YOUR HOME. No knife or pain; small expense- thousands cured; book and advice FREE. Write today. P. C. Madison, M. D., 82 Dearborn St., Chlcezo. U-832 2x WE seek husband for lady, age . worth $10,000 and beautiful farm; lady. 24, $20000; widow. $9, $.0o0; pretty school teacher, 18, $2,000 and beautiful cottage. Address Leland Directory, 407 Temple Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. U-831 2x LADIES and gentlemen wanted to cor respond with our patrons; many wealthy, handsome and refined. Objects: culture, Improvement, matrimony, etc. Strictly confidential. Address 20th Century. 26a8 Bernard. Bt Louis, Mo. U-8J0 2x FREE annual membership In organization flvlng expert treatment for comulextion, air, scalp and figure to those who write at once for full panieulars. Personal Im provement Club, 1552 Broadway New York City. U-82t tx SEND $So and stamp, with date of birth, and get trance resoins or your iihbi.vi ev ent snd future. I tell full names dates. ... ilnia of marrlace. speculation, dl vorce. changee. etc.. and tell whether the one you love Is true or false; guaranteed eatlsfactlon. Address Mme. De Vers, Lock Box 815. Kansas City, Mo. $9 tx MODEL complexion parlor; free facial mas- . . . c T ..alia D nt.ln.nn asge wen. aujuh w. 1834 Dodge, room 14. U 848 1 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electrlcltv; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allendsr, 44 N. L. FOR shsttered nerves, sleeplessness snd exhaustion, use Exhaustion Cure. Bold only by the Family Supply Co., Boston. Mass. It reconstructs the nervo'is sys tem and builds up the stomach " U M9SZ tX MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city losne and wsrrants. W Farnarn Smith A Co.. 1J20 Farnamstrejt riRU and city loans: low rates. W. H. 'Thomas? First Nat l Bank Bid,. Telln4$ PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N.LIfe 4 TO t P. C money. Bern Is. PnxtorMloek FIVE PER CENT leans. Oarvln Bros. ISM r mi n $ - PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed. 1520 Crl MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED Real estate loans and war rants. R. C. Peters A Co., Bee bldg. W-7W MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY I8gpK Pest explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or If you nave a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask la that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2M5. (Established mi) 900 8. 16th St. X-717 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system of loans that gets you . out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, eto., having reliable employment can gat, just on his note; Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 1100 Return to us... $36 5 or $18.86 or $i 46 60 Return to us... 1$ S3 or 8 65 or i ts 25 Return to us... 6.66 or S3 or l ee 15 Return to us... 4.00 or $ .00 or 1.00 easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X-737 CASH IN ANY AMOUNT-19 to $600 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments can be made to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms $07-808 Paxton Block. X738 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and essy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 63S Paxton Block, loth and Farnam Sts. X-739 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms. 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade BldsT- X-740 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; Icwest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-741 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. sue to D. Green, R. 8, Barker bk. X-742 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. 18. X 748 BUSINESS CHANCES. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Sia-314 816 Brown Block 'Phone A-8S87. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BU8INE88 n CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. Grocery and bakery combined. Sales $30 to $30 per day Rent $10 In summer, $16 In winter. Including four llvng rooms In rear and steam neat This is a bargain at $600. One of the best cigar stores in Omaha. Bales from $30 to $40 per day. Low rent, fflce. $2,600. Thle Is 'a fine business and will bear closest Investigation. The most elegant family hotel In Omaha: 80 rooms; furniture cost $7,600 and Is new. Will sell to rlghtparty for $J.0Q; part on time If desired. This will net , large In come to experienced person. . ., Two creameries In western Iowa; hand separator system. Over 400 patrons. These uvn.iauis y3yc una can uc purcnosea at a very low figure. Snap In a rooming house at $90). We have a numoer oi aesirauie rooming and board ing houses all prices. Well located bakery with soda fountain, tuv. iu uvea, uuoas nannieq on rer centage. Sales average over $20 per day. Half interest in one of Omaha's bottling wuias uiujf two in city, money to bJ used to Increase business. Now clearing over $300 per month. One of Omaha's best restaurants, with lumnure in o rooms nnove lor transients. Feeding 600 per day. Price $2,300. Saloon In Omaha, $6,000. Well known place. ubiBO uuninesa. Best pool hall In Omaha, $1,200. Fine cigar , ..w.w ya.ww IIM f,A, Till, bear closest Investigation. We have a very choice, well located lt-room rooming nouse in Council BJulfi for $600. It will pay you to Investigate thlq. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR 1MA1J1S., XNU MATTJCK WHAT IT IS, WHERE LOCATED OR WHAT IT 1.4 WORTH, LIST WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. FOR SALE, by administrator, good clean siock oi general merchandise In good brick building in good location, ready to begin business at any time: invoice about $6,UM; must be sold soon. Call on or ad ureas 8. W. Chambers, administrator, Blair, Neb. Y MI71 FOR SALE, clean, new stock of general merchandise and building; Invoice about $i,ouu; well established trade; good com munity. Address J 34. Bee. t M906 8 A GOOD business chance for man with small capital; pays $2o0 per month clear; ieni town in disc Jims. Address j 69. Bee oflloe. Y-M66 11 FOR BALE, real estate, rental and Insur ranoe business In best county In Ne- - bruska; a snap tor a man with a little money and some push. Established ten years. Address Lock Bog 846, W Inside, Neb. Y MbOii 6 NEWSPAPER for sale. Oood. paying re publican weekly; county seat; occupies special field. Address J ii. Bee. Y-M690 tx FOR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and con fectionery; good location; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will sell on one year's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. E. Baker, West Point, Neb. Y-M657 7 A OOOD paying 18-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner Uvea In Chicago is the object In selling. Mitchell Faught, Wood River. Neb. I-KOJ FIRST-CLASS opportunity for an up-to-date furniture man with capital ot about $10,000 to open a furniture store in a thriving, healthy county srat town of 11,000 population, best town ot its slss In stats; only one furniture store. For par ticulars address, Thomas B. Tuttle, Carthage. Ma. Y Ml t CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire s quick sals send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 111. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Y A TRIED AND PROVEN GREAT MONEY MAKING ENTERPRISE For thirty years C. E. Rand has promptly fulfilled all contracts to his co-operators snd investors. The C. E. Rand company, co-operative owners of rare horses and general turf enterprises, reoeive Invest ments of twenty dollars and upward, for which they have never paid less than t per cent per week on every dollar In vested. Dividends ars remitted to all In vestors on Wednesday of each week. All Investments subject to wlihdrawaj with Interest to date upon demand. Those hav. Ing a little Idle money would do well to become thoroughly acquainted wltl all details of the business. Financial and professional references covering a period of thirty years. Write for particulars. THE C. E. RAND COMPANY. St BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITT. "EXTRA IHVIDEND NOTICE." On July 1, 19o3. we paid to all our Investors an extra quarterly dividend of end this was In escese of the 8 regular Mk'y dividend. Nest Quarter dividend du m,i u 1901 T-W7 U DtSINESS CHANCES. BUT SEPTEMBER CORN-Our free corn booklet Is the most complete and compre hensive booklet of the kind ever Issued. It explains our meth.xla. tells all about the wonderful opportunities offered by the fireeent situation of the corn market, and n fact, tells you everything you will want to know before Investing. The present condition of the corn market oners a magnificent opportunity for investment Because of the recent money scare In Wall street, which had a depressing effect on all grain markets, September corn sold for less thsn It Is actually worth. 1 hoee who take advantage of the remarkable .opportunity thus presonted will, we pre dict, realise handsome profits In a short time. Reliable Information received front different parts of the corn bolt show that the growing crop Is not progressing as satisfactorily as expected and that s short crop Is certnln. S.it h conditions undoubt edly mean higher prices. You can 111 af ford to miss this golden opportunity. If you are seeking an Investment not requir ing large capital that offers magnificent opportunities for large profits, and that aoes not require constant attention uii our nart to attAtiri to It. send for our Ooklet. We are corn specialists, devoting our entire attention to the handling of corn investments. For that reason wo are tetter fitted to handle torn Investments than any other commission house In the country. No matter where you live, nor how Inexperienced you may be. you can deal as easily through us as thvigh you were an experienced operator and here In person to attend to your Invesiments. On our plan every 2-cent advance In the price of corn doubles your money. You will never have a better opportunity to quickly realise handsome profits on a crn Invest ment. Don't miss It Address Merchants. Brokerage and Commission Co., Suite 419. A, Gay Building, St. Louis, Mo. Y 886 tx JOR RENT OR SALE New store building 24x76; good opening for hardware or gen eral mdse. : town booming; located at Val ley, Douglas Co.. Neb. Address A. K. Hubbard. V alley, Neb Y 835 2x $7,000 WILL net $50 per day profit; capital entirely tinder our control; business strictly legitimate and pleasant; before you Invest a dollar we will submit con clusive proofs; don't write unless you have the money to Invest; our time Is valuable. E. R. Thomas Motor Cu., 1271 Niagara street. Buffalo, N. Y. Y-K31 2x FIFTEEN PER CENT WEEKLY. You can handle your own monev nnd re alise en average income at the .ibove rate. Send for our free booklet, which explains our method in full. GEORGE F. REYNOLDS A CO., Hawthorne, 111. Y-804-2X $20 Earns $1,000 in One Month. This represents average profits for past seven months. Future pr .spects 'ook evet better. A straightforward, honorable business proposition. Coming irom an established corporation with SlvO.flOO.uo capital. National bank references. Write for particulars. Star A Crescent Co., Ktt-228 LaSalle St., Chicago. Y-861 x WE CAN SHOWy6D how $20 earned $1.00) In a safe, legitimate enterprise. Absolutely reliable. N faku mining or stock scheme. This otter Is made by an old-established II rm of 17 years' standing. Fitzgerald & Weil, isl 184 LnSalle St., Chicago. Y 860 2x FREE, 100 lots to advertise Edgewater Park, suburbs New York. Send stump tor deed 25 feet. Bank references. Sea side Homes Co.. 187 B way, N. Y. Y CONFECTIONERY and stationery store, with soda fountain In Black Hills gold mining town of 8,000 population; doing $1,000 per month cash; muke Mg profits. Will sell at Invoice $2,700. C. W. Barker, Iad. B. D. V- AN established cereal food company de ' sires the services of reliable man to fill responsible position; compensation $3,000 per annum; highest references required and given. Address Auditors' department, Box 4842, Battle Creek, Mich. Y A RARE CHANCE For somebody If taken soon; fine 24-bed notel for sale or rent, doing a big busi ness. Write to me for particulars, Harry 3. Herring. Lusk. Wyo. Y WANTED, party with $250 to take half In terest in good paying business wen estab lished. Address J 56, Bee. Y M833 Sx FOR BALE All or part of stock groceries, notions, hardware, confectionery. Low rent; good location. Cash only. Address, J 63, Bee. Y 866 tx WANTED To purchase newspaper, periol- ical ana magazine cuppings, len tnou sand dollars will be paid for one hundred suitable articles. Address, P. O. Drawer 2183, Montreal, Canada. Y 859 2x FOR 8ALE Half Interest In a modern fra ternal ordei ; admitted and ready to do business In Colorado. Address, K 2, Bee. Y-863 2x 'THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY" Charters procured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars. Write for corporation laws,, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle county. South Dnkota. Y-S62-2X 100 LOTS FREE First 100 applicants send ing stamp will receive a deed zsxitio feet, suburb N. Y. ; title perfect. Agents want ed. Salary, $100 a month. 20ih Century Realty Co., Wall Street New York. Y-85S 2x WELL ESTABLISHED $1.00 day hotel; good business; Ill-health. 135 South Main, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Y Sutf 2x $60 EARNED $1,600 lost week; our phenome nally successful oeratlons continue; straightforward Investment methods hon orably conducted on legitimate business frinclplea by America's most successful urf brokers; extraordinary exclusive In formation facilities; thousands indorse our dally three-horse guaranteed willing spe cial) telegraphed anywhere $lo weekly; absolutely safe, handle money yourself: booklet, telegraph code, free. Prudential Bureau, Assessors' Building, Chlcagri. Y 8o3 2x miaTVtll-Da Tl A Tlfi A 1VD Sawmill, 640 A. Umber. Franklin Co., Tenn. Complete iron louunry tnu iiiaiiiina nut,,, Winona, Minn., $26,000. Brick plant and 14 A. clay land, 25-year leaae and royalty, Sprlngwella, near De troit, Mich. ' Patent game, suitable for progressive parties. Stock gen. mdse., bldg., fix., Marathon, la. c . .....(! M..I ii.q rli.l trll U iiKhnrr I lu Ejllpu. . rinn iica ...... ... -, ....... - r Orlst mill, 184-A, farm. Amelia Co., Va. Boiler nour mm. uinuniuiiB, o,w Patent corset clasp. $360. Dental practice and eqpt. Fulton, rn., $7 600. Steam laundry and bus., Clarksburg, W. Va. Dairy bus- end stock. Jonesboro. Ark. Patent game board new and popular. $500. Wheel and wagon mfg. plant, Gullfort, Btocknien's furnishings and hats, Peoria, Complete factory, bldg.. Hamilton, O.; $45,- 000 Hotel, furniture, lease and good will. Summer hotel, t A.. Chicago City, Minn. Est. hotel bus., rurninire aim ieuo, um- homa City, Okla., f'AOOO. Store and dwelling. Isllp. N. Y., t22.0O9 stock of groceries, wines clunrs. etc.. at Inv. W M. OSTRANDER. N. A. BUlg Phlla. X ZX WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. JohrJon, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-744 ACCORDION PLEATING, GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. -74$ BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Hale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum csstlng. nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ' ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, '.1'tli and Lake streets. 870 PANCNIG ACADEMY. MORAND'S. Crelrhton hall; private lesson dally; waits and two-step, $6. Tel -A-2i4. 881 AS1 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block Tel. A-2833. -fa h ,x f 'if)