Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 13, Image 13

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Eui'ne I Yuw of Present Situation in the
Wtitern Towni.
light Allrndoort Ernhr aad
Hcrelpta Far Lee Tkaa tha
tout at Malalalalac
the Clobs.
At a matter of business.
A . . . . . . V 11
- jusi consiarr in wmibiii w
situation a minute from the dollars and
cent point of view. All the home knockers,
and every town has a bunch of them, are
hollaring about the magnates being tight
and demanding that they loosen up. Let's
aee what encouragement they are getting
to loosen up. Here are the figures returned
by the Associated Press for the attendance
at the Western league and American
association games since the teams changed
base last Monday, up to and Including the
games of Friday:
At Feorla (three games)
At Milwaukee (four games)
At Kansas City (four games)
At St. Joseph (two games)
Total for thirteen gn
fore they are compelled to sign with the little
fellows for another season. This practice
doesn't help base) ball very much, and the
national agreement will very likely remedy
the matter to some extent.
Omaha's weekly statistics show a little
more consolation for the fans, for the
players have generally Improved In their
work, even If they haven't gotten out of the
last place. Here are the figures:
AH. n. . Ar. V k.
Carter 1 M 87 .275 .274
Miller W 15 24
Thomas 1W 23 47
Hlckey 216 21 DO
Bchsfstall 74 4 17
Oenlns I9 46
Welch m 23
fihugort 24A 34
20 1
IW 14
Ban dors
Companion ..
. i;
Miller 43
Bander 3
Thomas 2S2
Oondlng ' 2&
Oenlns 212
Companion 11
Carter 147
S'hafstall 8
Bhugart 233
Henderson 10
Welch 141
Hlckey 93
A. E. T.C. Av.
3 1 47
21 1 26
70 13 446
76 11 843
W 12
46 4
16 10
Jc7 2R
27 t
10 ID
W k
78 1.000
.swn l .ono
At Columbus (four games)
A t ..(..Mia t hr vntnesl
At Indianapolis (three games) S.f-31
At Toledo (four games)
Tntol fnf fourteen sanies 20,871
Accenting these figures as accurate, and
reducing them to dollars and cents on the
known basis Sit price of admission at the
towns where the games were played, as'
Burning that half the crowds took seats
in ik. innil stand at the added cost of
26 cents, we find that the total money
collected by the Western league at thirteen
rames was I2.448.7S. At fourteen games
the American association took In $7,826.50.
If the statements made by managers are
to be relied upon, the average salary Hat
of the Western League clubs la about
13,000 per month, while that of the American
association Is about 33.600. At a weeaiy
exnense for wages of $750, the additional
cost of managing a team In the Western
league Is about $1,000. It will thus ba seen
that the gate receipts for the thirteen
games will nbout discharge the fixed
charges for two and one-half teams In tha
Western, leaving absolutely nothing for
the other Ave and one-half teams in the
circuit. The average weekly expense of
( in American association team Is about
$1,200, so the fourteen games In that league
paid for aix of the teams, leaving two to
ba provided for otherwise. Do not these
figures tell their own story? What manager
would feel like "loosening up" In the face
of such support.
One additional and equally eloquent fact
ramalna to be told In this connection. At
tha last play In Omaha the paid attendance
waa a little more man i.ouu. uaseo. on me
oame calculation, this one day in Omaha
furnished $2,812.60. more money than was
taken In by the entire league during
week's play at four other towns In the
circuit, and more money for one game than
was taken In at any one of the American
association. That's all.
During the week tha minor league presi
dents met In New York and formulated
preliminary statement of what they will
expect from tha major leagues In the
national agreement when It cornea to ba
adopted. Recent experience has given the
minors a batter Insight than ever Into the
exigencies that may be safeguarded In
national agreement, and it Is expected that
the document, when It Is forthcoming, will
go far In the direction of the base ball
m illennium. One . thing la certain, the
ruinous high salaries of the last two or
three seasons will be shaded, so that there
will be money In the game for soma besides
the players. It la tha announced determina
tion of tha big. leaguea to -make a general
reduction, In salaries for tha coming year,
all new contracts to be thua affected. If
the big leagues do this, tha minors will
have a much better chance. Another thing
that la to ba guarded against is tha prac
tice that has grown up during tha war
times of gobbling players from the little
fellows without saying by your leave. The
minora have had an understanding on this
point for two years, and when the majors
recognise It, the little club will have tha
protection It la entitled to.
Loral Men Feel Interest In Programs
Arranged at feveral West
ein Points.
snd tha Canadian players, who were en
tered In the western championship at Chi
cago last week.
The local committees have had little work
to do the last week ns It Is too early to do
very much In preparation for the enter
tainment of the guests. Thle week, how
ever, the committee on entertainment will
begin planning several new and novel
stunts for the week of the tournament.
A committee of the Field club women will
also be appointed to work with the men In
the entertainment.
The last week has glvea the tennis com
mittee ample opportunity to try out the
surface heater which the Barber Asphalt
people loaned to the club, and It has proven
of Immense success In drying out wet
courts quickly. The courts, themselves,
are In superb shape and are as fast as they
have ever been.
A large number of the local players ere
talking seriously of going to Ploux City
on August 11 to take part In the trl-state
tournament there. Among those Intending
to go are Hopkins, Austin, Scribner.Towle
and Caldwell. While there they will try
to get a number of the local men to return
with them for the Interstate.
Omaha Is a center for expert shooters os
Is evidenced by the good, clean scores that
the shooters are making at the Omaha
Oun Club park near the river over across
the river. On Wednesday and Saturdays
they have a shoot regularly. Yesterday
there were about thirty shooters who
contested In the target and live bird events.
Naturally there Is much Interest locally
In the Indian shoot to be held at Lake
OkoboJI on August 25 to 28. A number of
local men are Indians and with their friends
and shooters from out li the state will
make quite a likely delegation to go to
OkoboJI. This Is one of the best shoots
In the west, the Indians being composed
of many of the best professional and
amateur shooters west of Chicago. This
year they have prises aggregating about
Another shoot that Is likely to draw a
number of local and state shooters Is the
Hot Springs Gun club shoot on August 17
and 18. About $600 Is represented In the
monies and fully fifteen have signified their
Intention of going from Omaha and about
the state.
The Omaha Gun club annual tournament
Is set for Otober 14. 15. and 16 and every
effort Is being put forth by the members
to make this year'a even more successful
than that of any prevloua year. With
the number of Omaha shooters that have
entered In tournaments throughout the west
this summer. It seems to the local men
that there should be a large delegation
from the nearby states for their tour
Unable to Finish City Championship
on Account of the Itnlny
One of tha evils of tase ball just now Is
the practice the big . league clubs have
of annually raiding the smaller leagues for
new material. Every player, no matter
where or who, who has shown anything
like ability during the season Is now being
Invited by one or the other and some times
by two or three of the big league teams to
come In for a tryout. This doesn't mean
an engagement, not by a good deal, but It
does operate td keep the youngster from
signing again with hla team as .long as
there la a prospect of his signing with a
big team. If he shows any promise, he Is
given a contract, whether wanted or not,
and thus tha big league geta a claim on
him, and If he returns to the minor, he
la still held by the major. This destroys
the control of the minor league managers
over their players. while it does
not materially assist the youngster In
getting Into faster company. It also
makes It difficult for the managers of minor
league teama to recruit their ranks, for
iney must wait each time until the big
leaguers have had their pick. How far
this practice extends is shown by the fact
that during the week Ren Mulford printed
in tne Cincinnati Enquirer a list of names
bdoui a root long or aspirants, who are
promised a tryout by Cincinnati, and said
a box car woman t nold them all. Patsy
Donavan of St. Louis Is making the same
kind of a raid, and other managers are In
the move too, so tha chances are that n
the players will get a chance to determine
If they be good enough for the big ones be.
Insnres Lot anal Happy Homo for All.
How any man may quickly cure himself
after years of suffering from sexual weak
ness, lout vitality, night losses, varlcoce
etc.. and enlarge small, weak organs to full
alie and vigor. Simply aeud your name and
address to Dr. Knapi Medical Co.. 2ud6 Hull
Building. Detroit. VllA., and they will
gladly send free receipt with full directions,
so that any man may easily cure h mself at
home. This Is certainly a most generous
offer and the following extracts taken fro n
the r daily m .11 .how what men think of
their geueroa ty:
.v."1!1"". 81"-pease accept my sincere
thanks for yours of reoent date. I have
given your treatment a thorough tei and
the benefit has ben extraordinary. Ii has
completely braced me up. 1 am Just as
vigorous as when a boy and you cannot
realise how happy I am."
. '.'psar Sirs Your method worked beautl
fully. Results were exsctly what I needet
Birengm ana vigor have completely re.
.... ..... -.I. iiniuiuiii is eniiieiy sail
factory. "
"Dear Sirs Your waa received an4 r i-
no trouble in making u of tne receipt at
directed and can trathluiiy say It Is a boon
to weak men. I am creatlv lnnn i
alse. strength and vigor."
.All correspondence la strictly confidential
mailed In plain, sealed envelope. The re
ceipt is free for the asking and they want
Bowling Alleys
3113-15 Hartley Street.
doublea, the first pair receive two silver
fobs and the aecond pair two silver-
mounted shaving brushes.
The work Of some of the younger men In
the tournament has really been the feature
of the week's play and the older men are
greatly encouraged. In speaking of the
tournament one of the men in the semi
finals said: "It will only be a few years
until the old etandbya like myself are rele
gated to the background and the game will
depend then upon these young players.
There are a good many of them that are
putting up a game that will make them aa
good players as any of the best In the olty
now. That la what the town needs to keep
alive and I um glad to aee It.
"This tournament haa shown up a dozen
young players that are doing elegant work.
Look at Chase. Scrlbner, Hughes, H. Kohn
and J. G. Brown, for instance. They are
Just a handful of the youngsters that can
play tennis. Hughes' defeat of Hill was as
pretty tennis aa anyone could aak for. He
played through the match like a veteran
and used his head remarkably well, consid
ering how little play he has really had.
Scrlbner's work Is sufficiently well known
not to say anything about It. He la just
as cool and collocted as can be and uses his
head mora and more aa he geta real prac
tice against tha older men."
Meanwhile preparatatlons are going on
apace for the Interstate tournament for the
championship of the middle west. The
greatest efforts are being put forth to
Induce a large number of players to enter
from outside of the city and the state.
Already some plsyers have signified their
Intention of entering, although the greater
number of entries does not corns In ur.141
tha week before the beginning of such tour
naments and that 1s Just three weeks off.
It Is unfortunate that Ssnderson may not
be here. He has not stated definitely yet
whether he can come or not. but he, in
company wnn nia partner, ttoiiana, are
uncertain - whether they will return from
their vacation in the mountalna in time to
compete. Sanderson holds tha cup In sin
glea and was expected to defend his title
to the cup. However, Galesburg will be
reoresented In the tournament by R. B.
Fletcher, who Is said to be an even stronger
player than Sanderson. Fletcher will prob
ably bring hla partner with hire to enter
in both the singles and doublea.
Dr. Frank Sheldon, who waa in the semi
finals last year and afterward won the
championship . of the Mlssottrl valley at
Kansaa City, haa signified his Intention of
entering. He brings with him H. D. Cope
land of Topeka, who was here also last
vear. Then from Atchison cornea word that
W. W. Guthrie. Charles Sharard and John
Price will tm here along with three or four
others. Another Kansaa player who hopes
to enter is Fred K. Eberhardt of Sallna,
who was the atata champion in 1901.
Beoldea this. Caldwell la In correspond
snoe with Anew and Ajhcraft of Chicago
Trnnsmlsslsalppl Golf Association
Announcement of Its Annnnl
Chninplonshlp Events.
The announcements of the third annual
championship tournament of the Trans
mlsMseippl Golf association have been sent
out. Last year the tournament waa held
on the links of the Country club and this
ar It Is to be held on the links of the
University and Waveland Qo:f club at Des
Moines, la., on September 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12.
Eoth the women's and men's championship
is to be decided during the tournament, the
finals In the women's championship being
played oft Friday and of the men's Satur
day. Both the Field club and Countty club
are preparing to send a large entry list
ana with good hopes of being In the run
tilng when it is all over. Here Is the pro
gram: i
Tuesday. Sept. 8, 1903 (Ladles' Day)-9:30 a.
m. : uuanrylng round at mprlnl nluv for
WOmeU'a tl aithiniMhlRflinili pH.mnln.l,in 1U
holes. Sixteen to quality. If moie than six
teen players compete; otherwise, only eight
players to qualify. 2 p. m.: Preliminary
r7'"d of women's transmtaslsslppi cham-
K r . . " "oie, maicn play, i hla round
will be omitted If only eight duality. A
special prize will be given tor tne lowest
medal i;ore In the qualifying round, in ad
dition to the prise for the championship,
llie.-e will also bo a driving competition and
sn approaching and putting competition for
women who huve entered the tournament.
wun a special prize for each event. Time
pt same will be annminrl nn l.ilunn
Vedne?dnv. Rent a inni q-m . ti,
half qualifying lound at modal nlav tnr
tranamlsslssippl amateur championship, 18
holes. 12:30 p. m.: First round women's
transmlsslsslppl championship, 18 holes,
match play. 2 p. m.: Second half qualify
ing round at medal nliv tv,
slppl amateur championship. 18 holes 36
holej In all. Thirty-two to ouallfv. Prize
ror tne lowest medal score.
jnursuay, eept. 10, 11)039 a. m.; First
li.,. ,i'aJ' , """'"sippi amateur champion
iAT;. I- . ' mntcn P'y- The alxtecn
losers In this lound to compete for the con
solation prize. 10:30 a. m SBml.fl.l a
women s transmlsslsslppl ohampionahlp, 18
Tr!'mma.tch p.lay' 2 - m-: Second round
transmlsslsslppl amateur championship. 18
hoes. match play. 2:30 p. m.: First round
n.;."'. vr' ' noies, match play
ro m P1",er, Seated In the first
fhenconf.0or.a,,hlonChparePl0nSh'P " COmpete f0r
Friday, Sept. 11 1903-9 a. m.: Third
.VT I , """"""PPi amateur champion
ship, 18 holes, match play. 9:20 a. m :
Second round for consolation prize, 18 holes,
i.miun piay. :i a. m.: Final round
w-jmens transmiaslssippl championship, 18
holes, match play. 10 a. m.: First round
at match play against bogey for the club
championship of the Tranamlsslssippl Golf
association, 18 holes. Teams of five and
"in uno team xrom eacn ciut to compete.
LUP to tne ClUD or thn v nn n n
whoso names and scores shall be inscribed
thereon. 2 p. m.: Semi-final round trans
mlsslsslppl amateur champlnnshtn. 18 holes.
match play. 2:15 p. m.: Semi-final round
for consolation prize. IS holes, match play.
Soores In the second, third and semi-final
rounas nDove to count, if desired, in (earn
play against bogey. 2:30 p. m.: Final
round at match clay agslnst bogey for the
club championship, 18 holes.
Saturday. Sept. 12. 19039 a. m First
half final round tranamlsslssippl amateur
championship. 18 holes, match play. 9:15
a. m.: final round for consolation prize,
18 holes, match play. f:30 a. m.: Flrsb
round tranamlsslssippl handicap, 18 holes,
match play sralnst bogey. 1:30 p. m.:
8-jcond half final round transmlsaisslppl
amateur championship. 18 holes, match
play. 1-4B p. m.: Final round transmiaRls
slppl handicap, 18 holes, match play nealnxt
bogey. Prize 1o the winner. Scores In the
final rounds above to count. If desired. In
handicap play agslnst bogey. A prise will
be given to the runner-up as well ns to the
winner In both the women's and men's
championships. '
Any amateu.' player Is eligible from a
club of which he or she Is a member In
history of the association. In addltl n to
the regular prises offered by the arSxi.-
tlon there will be special prizes offered by
the Oshkos.i Ysrht club and one by Com
modore Edward Norton of the West End
Yacht club, which Is the only other cluu
on Lake Winnebago, to be known as t .e
Norton cup. This cup Is for the CUss A
boat winning the inland lake rhim(lnnshlp
at the annual regatta. Theru Is also the
Kelker cup, which must alway.4 be sa W
for on Lake Winnebago, regardless of who
It Is won by. This Is perhaps the most
eagerly contested for of all the troph'es.
There are twenty-two clubs that are
members of the Inland Lake Yachting ,
association, telng as follows: Cedar Lake
Yacht club, Chicago Yacht club, Columbia I
Yacht club. Council Bluffs Rowing aesocl- j
atlon, Delavan Yacht club. Fox Lake Yacht
club, Green Lake Yacht club, Lake Geneva
Yacht club, Macatawa Bay Yacht club,
Milwaukee Yacht club, Necnah Yacht club,
Nodaway Yacht club, Nogawlcka Yacht
club, Oconomowoc Yacht club, Oshkosh
Yacht club, Pewaukee Yacht club. Pine
Lake Yacht club, Flatakee Yacht club,
Spring Ijtke Yacht club, Wawaaee Racing
club and White Bear Yacht club. The first
annual regatta was held at White Bear
lake In 189S, the second took place at Lake
Oshkosh the following year, then at Lake
Oeneva, Green lake and Pewaukee lake
Hereafter they will be held at Oshosh be
ginning with this August.
The Inland nssoclatlon rules provide for
two classes, A and B. Class A consists of
all boats under thirty-eight feet In length
and carrying not more than 500 feet of sail.
Class B Is limited to thirty-two feet In
length and 37 square feet of canvas. Each I
club has the privilege of entering one boat !
in each class, but It must be entered by i
bona fide members of the club entering !
the boat.
The Council Bluffs Rowing association
will be represented In the regatta by Argo,
which was built In Omaha by Stevens and
McAllister. It Is a class B boat and has
clearly proven Its superiority over all of
the other local boats this year. The crew
of tho boat will consist of Stevens and Mc
Allister with Lou Clark as captain. No
boat will be entered by the Council Bluffs
association In class A ns the class B In
the Inland Lake association la the local
class A and there are no boats on Mannwa
In class A of the Inland rating.
O That's the trouble you think' it's only a little backache but JJ
O it gets worse every day.
It doesn t do to neglect it; it isn t sale. Uack
ache is really kidney ache To cure it you must
cure the kidneys Help them to do the work na- 0
ture intended them to do. If you don't, other kid- $
ney ills will follow Urinary troubles, Diabetes, O
Dngnt s uiseasc
Doan's Kidney Pills
Help the kidneys to do their work make them
strong and active The back is cured becau. the
cause is removed.
Hundreds of Omaha people will tell you so
They have used Doan's Pills and they know.
Here is one instance;
t- ., iri Oniiin iMn .triMit save: I nrst reit snaro twinges across
the smell of mv back I paid little attention to tnem. tninamg tney wouiu pm
In a short time,' but instead I grew worse and finally got so bad 1 could not do my
work. My husnsnil nougnt many sinus m mruniuB u. -i.
until he procured Doan's Kidney Tills at Kuhn 4 Co s drug store, corner 15th and
Douglas streets. They beneftt-d me right along, and In a short time I was all right.
no return of tho trouhle. ana 1 am gian to lei omers auow wni
Thar. hB h'TI
Doan's Kidney Pills did for me."
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale at all drug stores 50c n box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The players In the city tennis "champion
ship were unfortunate last week In having
to cope with two rainy days, which so de
layed the tournament that It was lmpos
slble to finish , the singles Saturday. In
many waya, however. It was the most suc
cessful city tournament ever held In
Omaha. There were forty-one entries In the
singles and sixteen In the doubles, which
Is more than there were In the Interstate
tournament last year and more than have
ever participated In a city tournament In
Omaha. Right from the beginning the play
waa bright and quick and several of the
younger men did the unexpected and stayed
right In it even after they had met some
of the playere that were expected to beat
them. The prizes, tco, were the finest ever
offered for a city championship tournament.
For the first in singles there Is a pair of
gold cuff links; for second place, a silver
mounted buckhorn corkscrew: In the
doubles, for the first pair, two stiver and
leather flasks; for the second pair, two gun
metal match boxes. The consolation prises
are really the surprise, though, as they are
unusually fine for a city championship and
almost as fine as the first and seconds In
the regular tournament. For the first In
tn.U. .I.--. . A .11.... .... , ,, .
-'"- - - """"iiB. . good standlnK provided said club Is dul
for the second, a silver shoe horn; In elected a member of the assoclitlon Drior l
Teachers of the TernslchoreaO
Striving; to Jar Loose the
Walts Grip.
Boads to HarYfst Field i Take Measures to
Freyant Ex leriencsi of Former Tears.
the closing of the .entries for this tourna
ment. All entries must be made through the
secretary of the players' club and accompa
nied by the entranco fee.
The entrance fee Is 'l for each contestant
In the women's and men's tranamlsslssippl
amateur championships and trHnamlssla
slppl handicap and (5 for each team In the
Inter-club championship.
All entries must be mnde ns above to the
secretory, Heyward O. Leavltt, at I.eavltt,
Neb., and must be forwarded so as to reach
him not later than Saturday. September 5,
on which day the entries will close.
The pairing and time of starting each pair
In the ounlltying rounds will be announced
In the D-s Moines morning papers on the
opening days of the tournament. All con
testants must be at the tlrvt tee ready to
strt promptly st the schedule time.
Rules of the I'nlted States Golf associa
tion to govern all play.
Notice to Secret-tries Notice Is hereby
given to the secretaries of nil clubs, mem
bers of this association, that, In accordance
with Its bylaw, on the firt of each month
a full list of the players of each club, with
t ehhendlvap of each player revised to date
must be forwarded to the secretary of the
rssoclition. There lists must posltlvelv le
forwarded on the first of August and of
H.'Ptember next, and no nlaver will he ell.
glble to compete In the transmisslsalnil
handicap whose name Is not on such lists
provided that. If his club be a newly elected
member of the nssoclatlon. Its nvr.t.rv
shall forward such handicap list with tha
entries to tne tournimet.
the handicap of each player revised to date.
Oshkosh Clab Makes Great Prrpara.
tloas for the Inland Lako
Reports from Oshkosh. Wis., whloh Is to
be the scene of the races of the boats of
the Inland Iake Yachting association In
tha last week of August, Indicate thit
great preparations ore belnj made for It
by the Oshkcsh Yacht club. Ths Oshkoah
Yacht club is one of the oldest In the
northwest, having been organised In 18.1.
This year It has been reorganised and the
officers have been chosen with the thourht
of the regatta In mind. They are all old
In the sport of sailing and take a Ceop
Interest In the work of the regatta.
The club haa a membership of M and is
steadily growing. The club house is en
tirely new and haa been cons'.iuclej at a
cost of S10.0U0. With this club house as a
central feature around which to entertain
the visiting yachtsmen, the club members
and the cltlsens are working out plans for
the success of the tournament.
Through the co-operation of the city
officials a flr.e harbor has ten dredged
for the yachts and slips and chutes have
been established for ths hauling out of
the boats and otherwise taking ctra of
them. A more practical and ideal spot for
a rendesvous of yachts coull not be con
ceived of. The course Is set just off tha
club house and the home buoy is directly
in front of the verandas of the houie.
C D. Cleveland, Jr., secretary of the In-
Dancing masters throughout the country
have risen In their might, decisively and
unanimously against the way the modern
young man holds a girl when he Is dancing
a waits or two-step. The recent convention
of the international Association of Masters
of Dancing, held In Pittsburg, had little
other Important business to discuss. Hours
that the professors of Terpsichore annually
spend In recommending In conclave fresh
twirls, steps, movements, all went this
past month In heated debate as to how
"ladies" should be held. There was not
one dissenting Voice, reports the Brooklyn
Eagle, as to the bad manners and bad form
of the youth today. Each master of dan
clng was agreed that the evil must be
stopped. The only question was how best
to' stop it.
The wny of the day Is carelessness on the
part of the young men, all the "professors'
concede. These youths simply do not think,
ana tneir arms ana hands, once conven
tionally placed, slip around to easier and
more natural postures. In consequence, all
over .the country. In every town from Call
fornla to Maine, "nice" girls are being held
In positions that would do dlscrodtt to the
toughest dance. The dancing masters say
that unless something Is done quickly dan
cing among gooa people will get a very
black eye. They have had to take the
initiative for the reason that the young
folks, men and girls alike, do not seem to
realise this.
So out In Pittsburg the dancing men es
tsbllshed a new position for the two-step
and the waltz. Just what they agreed upon,
Just what evil thtfy had to break down the
accompanying series of pictures shows. The
lowest picture of the set gives the new
standard that Is to be strictly adhered to
and Is to be taught all over the country
from now on. Woe to the man and clrl,
the dancing teachers say, that will not
adopt this. They will from henceforth be
tabooed as "tough" and nothing but that.
The official posture of a year ago was
an excellent one. Just so long as It waa not
abused. But cbuse and exaggeration of It
came quickly. The two guiding arms, that
of the man and that of the girl, Instead of
remaining down, stretched out, fingers
simply lightly touching fingers, gradually
drew up, crooked. In a manner never In
tended by any one, until at last they were
bent double, up almost (sometimes quite)
on a level with the faces, and crowded In
between girl and man. In proper" dancing
fingers slrould only lightly touch. With
these new developments, however, the
girl's hand became awkwardly and roughly
gripped and twisted backward, so that It
could be tightly clutched when raised on
high between the two young persons.
Of course, thero are many public dancing
places and balls, not enly here, but In i.U
the other cities of the country as well, sum-
order Is the common thing. In such assem
biles it is expected, end only when seen by
mer and winter, where dancing of this
strangers who are unaccustomed to It Is
there comment and criticism. What has
horrified the "professors" and Incited them
to hurried action this summer Is that all
this winter, in city after city throughout
the country, their pupils have broken away
from orders and directions and are danc
ing with a decided tendency toward the
very worst In position.
Orders have gone out that all this sum
mer tho masters of ceremonies ct ihe big
summer resorts, who are nearly all dancing
masters, shall exert their influence toward
this reform. In every dancing school from
Maine to the Pacific coast proper position
Is to be vigorously preached all next win
ter. Tha dancing masters are a unit in
saying that the situation Is extremely crit
ical. The evil Is so widespread, thtiv iv
that correcting It Is going to be most dim
cut and decidedly uphill work.
What they are most astonished at Is the
number of seemingly very ilce young men
and girls that have fallen Into these ways.
The movement for this reform Is so def
inite, though, and so strongly backed that
the coming year Is certain to see Improve
ment If Improvement does not come and
speedily It is altogether likely to be as the
Dancing Masters' association fears, thut
many mothers end fathers will set their
faces plainly against their daughters and
sons dancing at all. The new "position" Is
to be fought for very definitely and thor
oughly. It will be strange If the dancing
teacners ao not carry their point conclu
sively before many months have gone by
Old and email Freight Cars Are
Rapidly Golngr to Pieces Under
Strain of Present Henry
With the coming of the wheat harvest
In the Dakotas there la always a lartte ;
movement of laborers from the south to j
the wheat fields. Many cf these 'are of the
class that will beat their rides on the
trains if possible, and. in previous yeats,
Ihe roads have hai freight tralno prac
tically run subject to the will of these
hoboes, who were In such great numbers
that the train crews wore unable to copo
with them. The roads have now made low
tales for the movement of thes men and
are going to take drastic steis to the end
that everyone pays his fare, whether riding
on a freight train or a passenger train.
V. B. Beardsley. division superintendent
of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul,
with headquarters at Sioux City, has hired
a large number of special policemen and
will have them on all of the northbound
freight trains, besides stationing them
nlong the line at small stations, where
these itlnorcnt workers are prone to board
the trains. The force is larger than the
road has ever had before, and will prob
ably be quite able to cope with the situa
tion. Other roads that run Into the wheat
fields are following a similar policy, and
there Is little doubt but that the baivosters
will pay railroad fare to the Dakotas this
year unless they walk.
Snys Work is Scarce.
James 11. Birchard of Sioux Falls, 8. D..
says: I see oy tne papers mat large num
bers of men are being shipped to the South j
Dakota grain fields. This Is entirely wrong, j
for they cannot get work. According to the i
best reports we have there is almost a j
complete'loss of crcps in a belt of country
23x150 miles, beginning at Watertown and i
running In a southeasterly direction. Nearly j
all the barley Is cut and most of the wheat j
and oats, so there only remains the thrcBh- j
lng. I have talked with the farmers coming i
Into Sioux Falls and with men who have I
scoured the country looking for work, and
they all say that there Is very little to bo
had and the average wage Is only $1.50. I !
have seen many men who have not got one
day's work In many miles of traveling and
ore out of money. I think It Is a shame f3r j
the railroads and labor agencies to send i
men into a section where there is no work.
Old Freight Cars GolasT.
While the Increase in freight cars among
the western haa been greater than
had been generally expected the railroads :
are still seriously considering the purchase ,
of additional equipment. There la enough i
equipment now so that a sudden slump in .
freight shipments would cause a large num-
ber of freight cars to be Idle, but there Is i
no reason to expect ony great falling off In
traffic In less than a year, and by that I
time the railroads declare they will not j
have near'.y so many freight cars as they
have now. j
Modern methods In handling freight
trains are hard on the older and smaller
cars and the strain on them In trains of
fifty and sixty is so. much greater than
they were built to withstand that they are
rapidly shaken and torn to pieces. The
newer steel-bodied cars can withstand this
strain and will last, but the large number
of small, lightly built cars will have to be
replaced rapidly If freight traffic continues
The B. M. weather report shows that
Friday night's rain was genera", through
out the southern part of the state and tha
central portion. On the northern division
the rain was unusually heavy, reaching S.ll
Inches at Kearney and 3 lnchea at Ravenna.
On the Alliance and Sheridan divisions
there was Just a trace of rain at most
points, while the southern division had a
good fall of rain, ranging from 1 to I Inches.
The Kansas division had but little moisture.
j i
f,Vf'.ln.iIM"fU"' ' " .T '
Tickets will be on sale Au
gust 1, 2 and 3 to Pittsburgh
und return at f 23.25; limited to
return August 31st.
I can sell rou tickets via Chi
cago, Peoria or St. Louis
whichever way you want to go.
Flyers via Chicago and
Peoria leave Burlington sta
tion, Omaha, at 7 a. in., 4 p. m.
r.nd 8:05 p. m.; via St. Louis
5:10 p. m.
City Passenger Agent,
1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA.
Called l at Midnight.
"Something like a month ago a neighbor
of mine came to my houso at midnight and
called me up and wanted to know it I had a
medicine In the store recommended for
cramps In the stomach and diarrhoea. 1
sold him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea rtemedy which be
carried back home and at tha same time
sent for a doctor. Immediately on hla re
turn home he gsve a dose of this remedy.
and be afterwards told ms that ths patient
waS entirely relieved before the doctor got
there," aaa cnocn cur son, uu, Ala.
' '"I1 IllsWIIWgj
Only $45.0
California Return
$45.00 is the rate for a first class round trip ,
ticket Omaha to Los Angeles or San Francisco,
August 1st to 14th inclusive. Keturn limit,
October loth. For ?11.00 more $36.00 in all
-you can return via Portland, Ore.
Kemember the dates, the rate and the fact Li .1
the Rock Island has two lines to California
via El Paso and Colorado.
Through standard and tourist sleepers dally.
For further information call at or address,
City Ticket Office
1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
F. P. Ralhirford, D. P. A.
p. g. $45.00 round trip to Portland, Tacoma,
Vancouver and Seattle, ime dates and limit".
Cynical Jockey.
The cynicism and wcrldllness of jockeys
Is out cf all proportion to their years." said
Joe I'llman, between bets at Gravesend.
"The late Harris Cohen one day received
convincing testimony on that point. He
had acquired a horse which waa famous for
breeding and for the number of stables that
had sold him In disgust. Prior to the race
he undertook to give the customary Instruc
tions to his jockey, who had ridden the
horse for former owners.
" 'You lay second, ssid Mr. Cohen, 'until
the heed of the stretch and then you come
' 'Yes. sir," rep'.ied the Jockey, demurely,
'In which direction T"
"And though Mr. Cohen laughed In spite
of himself, the Jockey never cracked a
smile." New York Tlmea.
and Fishermen
Low rates all Summer via the
To St Paul.Miimeapolis.Duluth and the Fishing and Hunt-
ins resorts ol Minnesota ana Wisconsin, i wo uany
It between Omaha and St. Paul-Minneapoln give direCl
& ... . . r id! j . n : i
access to Worthinirton. aiayton, w maom, uingnaui
.1 "X . . m . w ' f a I . A
Lake, bt. lamea, Lake w asnington, w aseca, wmnc-
X tonka, White Dear and other resorts oi tne norm.
V Tf) "Btst cf EVtrfthlng.
For rates, tickets sod lull Information, address
H. C. CHEYNEY. A(eat,
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-