TTIE OMAHA DAltTV r,KI': FTTTPAY, .7 FLY 31. 1003. 1 V SPECIAL NOTICES lirr(UriiM(i fr eolamae taVrn til IX "a. far the Vvrnla- edit Is and aatll p. m. f (or mwrnlaa; gaaday eaitlea. ftatea. 1 l-2o a word first laeertlen. tr a ward tseeafter. Katblaaj takea far less taaa X5e far the first later. tloa. These ae'vertleemea te most be raa eaaeecatlvely. Advertisers, by reeaeatlac a here tbrtk, raa have anawara ad drraacd ta a a am be red letter la eara at Tha flee. Aaawara aa addressed will he delivered ea arcaratattna at ba . abaak aalr. WAITED ITIATIONS'. TOI'N"! MAN wants a position stenog rapher atvi assistant bookkeeper, ao dress J (. Be. A M.-89 Alx BT a Rood window trimmer. Address J., box 6a Bee office. A-M6i 21 COMPETENT young lady stenographer v wants position hi southeastern Nebraska. J Address, Sleaiap-apher,' St E. Mh St : Tnpeka, Kan. A 675 4x WANTED Many Jobs of ail kinds of work. such aa mvlji weeds, excavating', re . pairing fences. tr, everywhere within city limit; enacaes reasonable; will call i on parties who desire work done. Address Fostal card to la Traub, 1514 Cass t., maha A Vvl 31 WAHTEIWMALA HELT. TUB 0UMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE fa now open, yet It la not tuo Uta to an tar. jivery uay is vncviuucm Business, shorthand, typewriting, Eng- llau. Get a catalogue. XL B. iiol'LES, president, TaL 1SS4. . Is. Y Life, BK1... Omaha. . - U lie .WANTED, for United Slates army, able bodied, unmarried man, between age of 21 and it; citizens ol United States, ol good character and temperate habits, mh.. can .link, read anil write Kukiisiu For information apply to recruiting of Ccer, into and Doage Bta., umaha, and Grand laiana, neo. .WILL give a worthy young man or woman a paid-up acholarahlp In Omaha a leading buaineaa college, to be paid for when course Is nnisned and position oecuieu Address B 26. Bee. B-tiO "WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Bee ' advantages we offer. Steady pmcuce, ln aiructiona, leclnres, diplomas, tools an J Saturday wages. Can earn nearly all ejt penea before tlnlahing. Few weeks coin f ..... it.-..- ijv...- r,n,.iM, I3ir ougiaa Bt. B-Mswa Six WANTED Small Job of cellar cementing ... - l. n " v 1 If a Ulilir oona. ; Appiy i wti ""., PRDO clwk, with J or I years" experience willing to wore, auutwi t. Bioux Falls. B. D. B-M. 4 "WANTED, alx cornmoa carpenters; wages U.U per day. Enquire (ol XS". i4th St., opposite poaiomge, ouuui unuuih f ii Mtiw 2 WANTED At once, an' experienced drug clerk: married man preferred. Bchaefer a Cut Price Drug Btore, UUi and Cblcago. . -.. B ' XW'O men for handling lumber, two men . . . .'..rL I I...U Vm It. . V r ' 1 1 v . . H t Omaha. , . , oiu a buainesa in towns of l.OuO and over; $10 marls you In mail business paying H.uOO year. Nothing to sell. Investigate. Bend addreaeed euvelcjpe. "VN". 1). iialch Co., Utica, N. 1. - ' o-tii WANTED Young man about IS to deliver goods ana take care oi norae ana cow. Apply lia axnauw u jiloo i n'lKTKlVYouni man aa assistant book accurate and familiar with office work. Addreaa In own handwriting, giving age, exDertence. referencea and salary ex- peeled. J 61. Be office. U AL OJB 78 2x DRAMATIC' PEOPLB 'WANTED Quick, for"dranaitKt company; aung season; Bin ary sure; wrlte-or wire; must Join Imme diately: specialty people write. Handler BtockCo.. Hot Springs, B. 688 Ilx WANTED First- class mouldera; steady work; wages 13.50 per day of nine hours. The F. M. Davia Iron Works Co., Denver, Colo. B MHM1 t WANTED SALESMEN. IF YOU ARE A-SALESMAN and making less than 1&.0U a week, write ua today. Wa are selling groceries to farmers ana other large buyers at wholesale prices. Good huHUera can make up carload lots at every town In the agricultural states, profits are larger than Tn any other line, trada permanent, work pleasant and healthful. For full particulars address George Meldrum at Co., t N. Green St., Chicago. 111. M 65UA2X WA.NTED FEMALE HELP. IjO Girls. Call Canadian offloe. Uth St Dodge. - 11 OPT letters at borne; $12.50 paid weekly; send stamped envelope, sample letter. Eureka Co.. U Duane at.. New York. WANTED. ladies to learn halrdressing, manicuring or taciaj massage, our cata logue fcxplaina how we teach It quickly; mailed lie. Expenses earned before com pleting. Moler College, IMi Douglaa St. ..-'. C MuS Jlx WANTED, a lady under 30. of beat charac ter, aa companion for lady recovering from nervous prostration; will lie required to be agreeable a ad attend to any wanta of em movtri lady who while uulet la of a Jolly dlapoaltlon preferred; out of town girl given preferenoe.. Adaress f u. tox 4Sa, vnuu t - . . mwu . WANTED. Ctrl far light housework; family or two. Aaarebs eu, liee. v iiyn WANTED ClirU. for general housework family of Jurae. Mrs. 6iueral, b',6 North letth rx " , tj o.i WANTED A good second girl. Mrs. Marsh, Sth and line St. t'-MW 2x i'UH lUi tiOLbKb. 14 Ol ICCQ In H parts of the city. K. nUUdud . C. Ptlerd e Co., Bee Bldg. . ' - D 1: FOR RENT. 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, 7u4 N. Join au, aiw. C. M. UOI KPQ In all parts of the city. The O. uwwubw jr'. uavut to.. Ma Boa Bldg. D-1U PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO.-Cholce housea tul-u New Yoik LUe Bidg. ' Phone luia. U am WE MOVE pianos. Uaggard Van A Stor age Co. TaL 14s. '. Oikc. liU U abater Bu FOR KENT, ten-room modern house near High school. No. 41 North 22d atreeL In quire next dour or ui n. s. iue ouua. lug. 1 CENTRAL lat-olaas 7-room house, 30 N. U a D M47 HOUBEB. lnsuraQoa, BlnrwaU, Barker blk. TWO S-room houses, all modern. $U.00. C. M. Bacamauu. 4J-i faxloa tilock. D M71i .a TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Stoiage CO.. ethos, uit jparnaw. or laia. ism LJ Cb. TEN-ROOM bilck. furnacw gaa, ratb; cveiyltung coaupieie. u c. om bl D ill 30 x FOR RENT 2318 Douglaa 8t.. U rooma Apply uo N. Y. Life. jL For rent a -Ptuj Q Per monih. Win. K V brown block. RX)M HOUSE, m ' Va& C'apiiol ave. 'A -cottage. llu Man y st: $ s oi.iar, receiver, ajj D Mail modern Improvements iKsui zx t-XiMU HOl'BE. modatrn Improvemenia. Caiti a vs. - -. DMkJ A- RtMJUING HOUSE, )J rooms, modern. In flrat-cUsa'condlllon, 1611 Uoward at., de aiiable lH-atloii; 855.U0. or aill rent 24 ruoina. llio.ts) per nuotith... Ueurge ek Co., f A Farnam Bt. D MirS) 7 ( M 8. STH. 4-room cottage, 8s: 13 Msnder t aa, 6 ruoms. $U'; Kl Howard 4 rooms, f.-jdiru fiat, ll? M. lai.iWult Br -B . -r-kcr blk.- D MS6 GOOD -r. fiat an 24itt car line. $16. Psvne, Bustaick A C. ul-4 N. Y. L. D :2 1- roR RBUT HOI .F.S. l-RKiM cottage, good rcpsl cago. O. E. Turklngton, fiu5 FUR REM-S IRnHUEb ilKUlll, DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnain E lt8 ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th Chicago. e. iii 11.00 to Hon per week 422 8. MtU Bt.. tna block south of court house. r-n i NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; I uenuexntn preicirvu. iuu i-. iilu. E 207 0. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone filL A ime FRONT and other d-elrable rooms, bath, cool and central, lor gentleman. iw Cars at. E MS07 a4 AETNA HOL'BE, European. Uth c Dodga. Cj IiU Hotel Hubbel. 13th Howard; "phone a . una A I NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1111 8. 11th. i aiuo 21$ N. 17TH Cool front rooms for two. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundry, lib) ieavenworia. i none ROOM 3 $150 to $3 per week: 'board $3L Thurston hotel, lain ana jscsaon ma. E-MJ17 A24 BOUTH front, alcove'room. Harnev. FIR.MSHKU ROOMS AID BOARD. 1 11 Ei in, 0)m iiiuiir), line i-wwi mnd board: ratea reaaonaDie aiso meai tickets. F MSJ6-A1 DESIRABLE rooms, the Farnam, 19th and Farnam. 503 S. TH AVE.; prlvota family. F 175 WEIJj ventilated modern rooms; first class board. Telephone. uoukiss si. r ji.ji NICELY furnished room for two gentle man n-lth ttrt-cWina lio.ird : CIOSS lO Car line and within walking distance: aim one very coxy single room. 2sl Daven port St. r Jn ill nui ROOM and board, small cottage, good home for lady. Vi ew per weea. tn C,-na at. mow THE best furnished rooms with board by the day or weeK; nome cooajng. iir-tn. liith St. r iiri 1- 3 FIRNITIRB PACKISG. ' , ,. A ... o .... I DR. ROY, chiropodist; corua and superflu PETERSON & LUNDBERQ. 115 ous hair ; removed by electricity. K. and FOB RENT STORES AMD OFFICES. FOR REM', the building :onnerly ovu- . pied by lha btse at Klii tarnau: BU It has tour atonea ttd a basement Wilch waa lorineriy una im v"" ,''r; Uhis will be reuted very reiuuiiaoly. If luLaieaiMl apply at office of C. C. Rosa- I waier, ke.retiy, loom luO, Bee bunding. i !ai FOR RENT, building suitable tor whole sale purpose at Vii Farnam, 22x90, lour stories aud Ursl-clasa cemented baaemeui. .uintsr. lira and Duraiar urooi vaun. ofiica counter and fixtures. lor prica and r.ninm.ri tnauire C C. Roaewster, sec retary the Be Building Co., room iw, . Bee building. 1-M567 DESK room for rent. &J4 Paxton 8TORE ROOM, 1C15 Howard St., with light basement, unloading platform in the rear, Xau.uu. George at. Co., 11 t ar nam i t. f AG KMT 3 WASTED. WANTED canvasalng - agents In every I county to solicit subscriptions to 'i'Hai I county to aoucii iuukmhiuu. TWENTIETH CENTUK FAilMEK. Btaady employment with assured good In- . .. ,k. -.nunirv wltn horse and buggy especially desired.. Canvassers I HSia 2ally S) to 1W perimomh. Ad- P'tiT clmrYBer Soiteitors' Bureau, I,.. h.riM.n Omaiia- J ii AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope Leo Xlll, written who iu uuuir roent, approbation and blessing of His Holiness, tna ruii wi.'ov. nard O Uaiuy. wi raiwa jM3M T TT .,, T WE have all 6 of the different Pope Leo Xlll books. Best terms. Freight paid; outnt.iree. tail or -wme Laugh & CC;1 wu are uis,., vlum AGENTS WANTED 175.00 weekly easily ir.j.lB BelllnS OUr uuuuie iuuhuuili (..mhlnaUon health and accident policies. l.lfwal commission; strong company; experience unnecasary. Write for terms. .inui jiuuith anil Accident Associa tion, 5U8 Crocker B.dg, . Des Moines- la. j euo AH! AGENTS do It now. ou can take more ..r.i..r. Miiinfl- our rj cir r-Kjriu i.ku Xlll than any other, because it Is pub- liMhed In more than one language, bells -,..r.i,iv Rvnutlful 12 color memorial I picture FREE to each customer. Illus- irotert with lieautlful colored plates, nesi terms. Freight paid. Outfit free. Ad dress American Publishing Co., 6J3 N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha. j am AGENTS wanted to sell DryFlre Extin guisher; sens easy, T."H., Eractlcally free. Address Fire Killer. 44 Murray St., N T. j-mhu aix WASTED TO REST. -. ....... , . k.t .i... wnnm mnA bnsrd In private family; must be close to car linen ,.?V,v ,..t l. close to car line J state price. uu.- - ... Mffi, T WASTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy,- some good oentai chairs. Union Dental college, w man FOR SALE FVRS1TIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL as. New and .econd-hand bou.uL; .old. exchanged. FOR SALE, one large rtx-passenger closed tainlly carnage, one irn uin laiin. carriage, one large platform-spring spider pl.aetun; aU rubber-tired; two double seta of naruess, one nvr muui.. v' inale set of harnusa. Call Frank E. Moores. City Hull. O M51I FOR SALE ROUSES, WAiiOSS, Ell'. HAVE your rubber tires set while you nwortn. P-lsl at 611 N. wait. ll. rrufi, ..u. .u. ....m... .m. unvRnc sella nleasure vehicles lath st. v. . p ni'CHJT at half price, also nearly new, 2v sear, cheap. Bee A. W. Johnson, with jol.Ti Deere 1 low Co. P Aii FOR SALE Mlkt'ELLASEOlS. FOH BALE l.buO feet ol second-hand wtra rope. In good condition. Apply to Oi addreas ouiwnui.uu.ui u. ouua- log. (Jiuaha. y siiaa jtW and Id-hand typewriters. lli Farnam. FOH BALE Second-hand Locomobile, In hrst-.laa shape, at one-halt price. Call or address lt-i carnam au w M FOR BALE Empty Ink barrels. 25 cents each. Urge, wail made barrels, make nrat class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Biag. w Mtu INDIAN goods and re Ilea 111! Farnam. W l&S l-ou RALE A new 800 ampere double nnla switch; never been used. Apply to or ad- drss ' Buperiuieuucut t ujiaimg. Omana. StMiX TELEPHONE poles, long fir nmbers; Q-18 FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; eaa be used either passenger or freight; com plete, iron guide puata, cage and wire en- ,i 1 1 . . ...... i . . Q-66S ituiv and wire fences, tree auardB. trel- liM-a Western Anchor Fence Co.. 106 N. lltk it 0-1&4 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for Hnaa'l Art store tie. CATALOGUE cut drug piioes free. Sher man m Mvcvuucu Drug Co., Omaha. BEE WANT BECAUSE THEY POK AI.K MH(EI,l,SEOlJ. ajUAND aaie cheap. Derlght. Xll Farnara. u la y Is WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Pam l Bjrns. M MJ4 All Xl.aiO BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Smith as Co., 1320 Farnam tit. Q-m FOR SALE Coal business. Capital ra W So quired, t2.M0.U0. J 21. Bee. FOR SALE Great Dane pup. R. Erlksen, jsewman urove, reo. u iwiis a , x FOR SALE, two express wagins. cheap. S14 S. ITth Ut. M 035 tlx FOR BALE, a few 6 to 15-hnrse power boiler and engine, of both iiorixontal and vertical types; also two Lambert gasoline enirlnes, 4 to 8-horse power, all In perfect running order. W. A. Carpenter, York, Neb. Q 67S x FOR SALE CHEAP-One second-hand steam heater that heats school house with Ave rooms; In fair condition: the reason for selling we are going to build lnrger. Inquire or write "d. F. Llnville, Becretary of School Board, Carson. Ia. CLAinvovrvTs. MME. LUCRETIA. medium, 170 California, B WS A4 1PJ. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT QUEEN of clalrvoyanU; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. ft7 N. Uth. 8 llrj ELUCTRICAL TREATMENT, MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths, alcobol rubbing, sw'-i M. 15th, flat E. T M-:8o ai MME. SMITH, baths, lis N. IS. 2d floor, r. I i u UKAtB u tKX, utnt 7TB. 13 tn. T-MCM MRS. DAVIS, 1G21 Howard Bt., front rooms; tuo oatn; nrst-ciass attenoant. T M411 At I'URSUsAL. VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and ttssua food and home treatment fur disorders of women. Free booklet. Vlavl Co., 348 Baa 2, liiua Farnam at. U-ll MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CUHE& U-1S6 At druggists, (1. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, -lM jt Ave., Council Bluffs, la. VlMi CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial, hygiene and special maoaage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, ul2 Bee Bldg. . Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powder. U IKS PRIVATE hospital before and during con- jinujciii, uuuies ooaruea ana aaopted. Mrs. Garden, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-ISM. U M34 TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messengers. Ur-iii0 $30 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR $30-Nd oetenuon rrom business; l&.uuo cured patients; send for booklet, etc. Empire Ruoture Co.. New York Life bids.. Omaha, Neb. U US . PRIVATE hospital before and during con- iinement; neat meaical care ana nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher, 1501 Vinton. TeL 18KS. U &a PRIVATE Snnltarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch, -a lamuruiti ou teriiia rettBunauie. V-& A28 W'IDOW ER wsnts good permanent heme In Omaha for his little boy, 34 years old. Will pay moderately -for hi hjeelnir. .Ad- dress J an, tsee. , l-jwsj x LOUISE HAMXER, please write J. M. Tacoma, Wasli. U-MSSO 2x MOSEY TO LOABJ HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loana and ' warrants. FarMm 6mlltL Co.. ISaJ Farnam st W. street. W 2U1 nr A rmm ! mijt fan. In...' .1m Km4. aed warrants, ti. c. cetera st .o.. nu Farnam Bt., Bee Bldg. w aa FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Blag. Tel. ia W-2U3 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, S37 N. Y. LI fa w at 41 TO IP, C money. Bemls. Paxton block , w jua I FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 208 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglaa w ai: HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY Best explains 6ur methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc Or if you have a permanent position we On make you a I 14ALAKX LXJA.SH without security. except your own agree- merit to repay. Our service la quirk and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. .ii . it . iinuTn . m.' I " 1 XI c-r 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 285. t Established VfJfl.) 3U6 So. ltith St. X-20 MONEY tryor. tbaV gft.yoa Get our .Uia loan, t? machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. ju -.o- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly, ll0oReturn to us. ..$-. or $13 35 or $6 65 rZg'rn to us... 13.33 or 6.U5 or 8.36 i viHnum to us... oo or lil or i.oa $ 16-Return to us... 4.00 or zuu or i. Easiest terms. " '.. "' " No inquiries. vuit THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTONB.LK. CASH IN ANY AMOUNT-J10 to $o00 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, without aecur- Jiy or publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments tan be made to suit your con- VWVtKfcLlABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 3c7-308 Paxton BlocJ;U570, MONEY LOANED ON . FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates und easy terms.. Business ConfidentlaL Trr us if you want to save money. ' ' PHOENIX CREDIT CO . a Paxton Block. Kth and rarnam Bta. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAlUtl' ","'v""" -" sters boarding houses, etc.. without s ,..ri.i,. u.l,.l terms 40 oflices In prln- cIphI cltua Tolman. 440 Board of . ' . . T . .. , . . u , . . r a TraaA Bldg. X Sll MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people: Business OTlinurmuu, 1 .7 l El4 Paxton block. The J. A. H"''"0- CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans roley Loan Co.. sue. to D. Green. R. 8. Barker bk. X-Z15 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horse, cows, etc. C F. Reed, rl 'JJ BltlNEfeS CUASCES. FOR 8ALE. by administrator, good clean Block or general niercuanuise ia gooa brftk bulleing In good location, ready to begin business al any time; laroios about 8a,O0U; must be sold soon. Call on or address 8 W. Chambers, administrator, Biatr. No. Y-M 471 yOR SALE Clean, new stock of general merchandise ana bunaing; invoice aouut $7uuii; well ralabllahed trade: giod com munity. Address J 84. Bee. V Moo6 Ai A CKMjD business chance lor luau w.lii small capital; pays per-monh lear; tat ton tn BUclt lUlls. Address J V4, bee office. I Moot 11 ADS PAY BEST REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. biif. (lmi ns, FOR SALE Real estate., rental and In surance business. In best county In Ne braska; a snap for a man with a little money and sme push. Established ten years. Address lock box 345. Inside, Neb. Y-M"6 Ati WHEN you want ta buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, are J. 11. Johnson. Ml N. Y. Lire. Y S17 FOR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and con fectionery; good location; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and fjrnlture. nearly new; will sell on one years time, wl:h approved securltv. Address Mrs. V. E. Baker. West Point. Neb. Y M27 7 A GOOD paying Is-room hotel for sale In Wood River. Neb., at a bariMln; owner lives In Chicago is the object In selling. Mitchell & Faught, Wood River. Y'-M632 FIRST-CLASS opportunity for an up-to-date furnlturn man with capital of about $10.'X to open a furniture store In a thriving, heslthy county seat town of ll.imtt population, ben town of Its sir.e In state; only one furniture store. For particulars address, Thomas H. Tnttle, Carthage, Mo. , Y M1M 2 NEWSPAPER for sale. Ood. paying re publican wekly; crMintv seat; occupies special field. Address J 65, J'.e. Y-M6W 5x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILLIAMSON Fnlel- RE 21J HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davia Co., Room tov Bee Bidg. RE 221 SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. IV U. Johnscn. Dorchester, Neb. RE Miil A22 W. C. CHISSELL. S38 X. Y. Life Bldg. RE M JUS A7 10-ROOM modern house. 11 tlocks front postofflcc for Sale cheep, lug N. 35th. Benewa & Co. RE 220 6-ROOM cottage, bath, barn, near south end of Hanecom park, $1.5"0, on easy pay ments; can Riv possession soon W. H. Gates, 617 N, T. Life. Phone 11. RE 613 30 RANCH and farm lands for sale v tha Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land corcmlssloncr Union Pa cino Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-211 EASTERN party i.nxious to close out his real estate deals in Omaha will sell mod ern house on paved street one block from car line; hot water, heatlns: good barn; for $3.5uO; house cost J'i.'KKi to build. Thomas Brennan, .M S. loth st. RE-M7S5 6 ACCORDIO PLEATING. GOLDMAN, ZOO Douglas block. M 772 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North inth. 222 R. Rl'MBEL & SON, only tie factory In the state. Try us. 14th and Nicholas sts. Tel. F:59. t31 A25 CARPET CLEANING. A. K. JETT calls for carbets. Tel. A-S301. ' ' -M2K6 Al CARPENTERS A.fO JOIKERS. ALL, kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended ta .J. T. Ochiltree. 20ih and Lake streets, ... ' 470 DETECTiTjlt. CAPT. CORMACli, 617 Kurbaqh block. TaL A. 2832. X2t EXPERT ACCO CHTAS'T. O. R. Rathbun, room U, Com'l Nat. Bank. 227 FLORISTS', "p" " " vv-". - . ... 228 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1415 Farnam St. a rRSITTRE PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. u-.m.b. iiuo nr. Mary's Ave. 253 GOLD ASP SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 253a. mi GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleaal 'cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1718. 20 LAW.NMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melchoir. Uth Howard 232 LAWNMOWER8 sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired; keys, etc., 3tit H. 16th. Tel 2974. 23 LAW ASD COLLECTIONS. 6T1LLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. B. N'l B k. bid. i34 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life Bldg., attorneys ud collectors every where. 235 MACFARLAND A MAY, New York Life HMfc-.. room 204. 'Phone 1552! LOST. LOST Pair nose ' glasses at Courtland Ht-aeh. Friday afternoon. Return to 228 Seward at. and receive reward. Lost 673 2 PATENTS. H J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 818 8. 15th Bt.. Omaha. Tel. 1788 2tfw MEDICAL. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured: a guarantee given in every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., u24 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge Block. 309 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, College Building. 6:3 N. 2cth (Dodge car); summer teim. Apply F. H. W'ight, L. L. C. M., Director. 571 80 OSTEOPATHY. Gin. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite bla. New ork Late Bldg. Tel. 14. 23J The Hunt Infirmary, Mc'Cagus Bldg. T. 2351. t 4U Atxen A FarwelL, Paxton Blk., eu4-7. T M241 DRS. FINCH A MILLER, 124 B. 25 in St. 4al Dr. Grace Decgan, 50i "McCague. TeL 2351 2M P1.1M6UNG. DALY & SON : PRACTICAL PLUMBERS team anl gaa fitters; Jobbing neatly done; - all orders promptly a I landed. TeL b4L la Leavenworth. TAW BROKERS. EAGLE Ixisn Office, rellnble. accommodat ing, all businesa confidential. Uol Douglaa 1M ETMET.. YOUR MfNINH stock may lie valuable. We furnish teliable rej.orts on stocks and mines. Mining Information Bureau, l"il lun-er. Coin. ni O MAM FACTt RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 161 Leaven. Tel. 2WS. 243 . SHORTHAXD AKD TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 24i NUB. nusineus & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. i9 STAMMERING AXD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. '.'47 STORAGE. CM. Van Stor. Co., laUVi Farn. Tela 1555-801 r.,0 TICKET BROKERS. CUT KATE railroad tickets everywhere P. IL PI iluln. 1U Farnam. 'Phono 7S4. -653 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEFOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 7S0. 1 W ANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, a loan of $7.ii0 on a partly de veloped mining property In Colorado, for .he purchase or machinery nna runner development. The property Is worth at least $7&.mn). Will pay G per cent int., and give an interest in an adjoining prop erty of great prospective value. Full In formation Riven showing this to bo a strictly legitimate proposition. Address L W. Tulleys, Council Blufls, la. M-6S9 E POSTOFFICE KOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as chanties may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending August L llltw, will close (PROMPTLY In all enscs) at the general pustuf&ce aa follows: Parcels-post mails close one hour earlier than closing lime anown dpiow Regular and supplementary malls closo at Foreign Station half an Hour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one Lour later at r nielgn station). Transatlantic Malls, BATURDAi At 7:3t a. m. '.supplementary 8 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s- s. Umbrla, via Oueenstown: at 8 a. m. lor BELU1UM direct, per s. s. Kroonlanu (mail must be directed "'per a. s. Kroonland "); at 9M a. in. lor BtuiiiAMJ direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mail must be directed 'per s. a. Anchoria'); at 12 m. for DENMARK. airect, per s. s. llekla (mall must be di rected "per s. s, Hekla"). , PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter Commerclnl v. . pera, and Samples for Germany only. The "'"' v,a " imiiier lor aiTner parts of Lurope win not be sent ry mis ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the PlerS Of the Amerlnar, L'.,U..I. French and German steamers, a'nd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ui sailing or steamer. Mails for sooth and Central Aaserlea, eat Indies, Etc. A'itiLAi At 10 a. m. for ORFVim TRINIDAD Tl ji.t 1.-.Y fif'.'lADA, s. s. City Of Washington Tl , .XL (mail must be directed "per s s. ClTvr Washington"); at 1 p. m. for porto PLATA, per s. a. Alice, from Boston (mill for other parts of the Dominican Renubui riust be directed "ner s. a. A ii"'eput,Uc CATI'Dlli V as a " ' -a- a a a e v o tt lAHHUAl-At 8 a, m. for BERMUDA per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (suDoie' PSJii-!?..?."- 1 ' CURACAuPand . fiii..i r.LA, per B. s. Zu la (ninil BavMUla and Cartagena must be dfrectd "per a. a ZuUa '); at 8 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo; at 9:30 a m (suV elementary 10:3(1 a. m.) for FORTrvl" SSLAND. JAMAICA. BAVANTLLA PAH TAGENA and GREYTOWN DP'r . , Alleghany (mail for Costa Rico muat K directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 I m for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana! Mails Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex. rept Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla. nd thence by steamer, closes at this 'office dally, except Thursday, at 4,5:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Monday a Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer. Closes at this otTice .1ail, except Sunday, at 1 30 p. m. and II : p. m. Sundays at 1 n m and 11:30 p. m. " " NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. iconneuting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturdaj. " JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence bye steamer, closes at this office at 6-au t. m. every Tuesday and Thursday SSlQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office' daily at 6 80 p. tn. l BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes t this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m and JU:ao p. m , Sundays at Ii p. m and'lll Ml p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mon days at 111:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and thence by Bteamer, closes at tins omc dally, except Sunday, at l:3o p. rn and . ll:8U p. m., Sundays at (1 r. . and'lll:30 p. m. (connecting mail clones here Tu. flays at 11:S0 p. ra.) F " lue" Rtgistered mall closes at p. m. ore. vlous day. . TraaspartQe Malls. r HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and specially addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to July 2tith. In clusive, for despatch per a a. Nippon Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vi.- San Fran cleco. close here dally at 6:ju o. ra. up to July i27ih. inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. TransporL CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close here daily at 6 30 p. m. up to July luth. Inclusive, for despatch per a a Olvnipla. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via San FrunciBco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to Au gust $lt. inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer car rying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with tills despatch extra malls closing at 5:30 a. m. t:3u a. in. and 8:30 p. m. : Sundays at 4:30 a. m., I a. in. and 6:3m p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close h-ie dally at ti.Su p. m. uuto Autust Ld. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Toaa Maru. HAWAII. CHINA. JAPAN snd PHILIP. PINE 1K1.A.MIH. via Ban Krniiilsco. close here dally at e:3U p. m. up to August (3d, inclusive, fur despatch per s. a Bibena. TAH1TI and MAKyLESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 8:30 p. m. up to August 110th. inclusive, for di-spatrh per s. s. Maripuaa. HAWAII, vl.i Ban Francisco, close hers daily at 6:3u p. m. up to August loth, in- rumivc, in i urpi.iu u jkt . a. Aiailleaa. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August Illth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Km press of Japan. (M-.-rchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada t AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver ana Victoria. H. I'., x-lose here nany at a:u p. m. up to August '5th, in elusive, fur despatch per a. s. Aoraugl. NOTE Unless otherwise BCuressed, West Australia la forwarded via Eurojie, ami New ZatJand and Phlllppinea via San Fran cisco the cukkeai routes. Philippines specially sddiessed "via Canada" or "via Europe'' must lie fully ir.y ud a' iia for eign ratea. Hawaii is rowardeu, via ban F: am iaco rxiiiisiv eiy. Tranapaddc mails are forwarded to port of Bailing dajl) and tne schedule of closing la arrai.ged on the presumption of their POSTOFFICE NOTICE. uninterrupted cverland transit. IH-wlsured mail closes st 6 p m previous day. CORNELll'S VAN CoTT. l'osi master. I'ostoflice, New York, N. T July 24, 1A. R AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTIl AND MARC V t'aloa ParlSr. Leave. Arrive. ..a :k) am a 7.50 pni a 1.25 psc ,..a 4:8) pm ..all.) pin a I V pm a 7:30 am . a 7 JO am a $ 40 am Overland limited The Fast Mall California Express.,., r-scino i.xpress , Eastern Exnresa 1 he Atlnntlc Express The Colorado Special. cnieapo Special.. a 1:40 am Lltcotn. Beatrice and Stromsbure Exnreas. h 4 no nm hU:50 nrn North Plntte Local a 0-on am a 5:15 pm Grand Island Local b t tO nm b (:3 am Chlpaaro. ntlwaaket A . rani. Chicago Dnyllght a 7.45 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 8:4b pm a 3 40 pm C hicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:4a am a t:4i) pm Chicago A Sorthneslrra. 'The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago ..a 3:40 am a ":K am ..a 8: CO pm a 8:30 am ..a 6:10 am a 8:30 pm ..a i: . am al0:25 pm ..a ( 00 "m all:16 pm . .all:ovani a 6.1U pm .. 5:10 pm ..a 5:15 pin a 1:15 am ..a 4.'.M pm 8:50 am ..a 6.50 pm a 3:4u pin ..a pm a 8:15 am siaii ..- Local Sioux City Daylight Bt. Paul.... Daylight Chicago ... Laical Chicago Local Cedar Rapids.. Limited Chicago .... Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast Bt. Paul Fust Mall . a 2:40 pni Local Sioux City b 4:00 p.-n b t.'aO am Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7 - ara alU:3a am Lincoln A Long 11ne....b 7:26 am blO.36 am Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific. EAST. Chicago Daylight L I d . a 3 55 am a I 50 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 8:35 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:3s pm Dea Moines Express. ...a 4:l pm bll.50 ara Chicago Fast n.xiress..a i:sa pm a l.J pa WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, l'ueblu and West a 1:80 pm a 5:00 pm Colo.. Texas. CaL anf Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm A12.40 pa Wabaati. 5t. Louis "Cannon Ban" Express a 6:55 pm a 8:20 am Bt. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am a!0:30 pre Missouri Paclfle. Bt. Louis Express.... K. C A SU L. Ex..... ,..nlO:00 am a 6:25 pm ...aiU:50 pm a 6:16 am ...a 7:25 am a 5:111 nm Illinois CeatraL Chicago Express Ciiicugu, Minneapolis ft St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:06 arc Minneapolis A BL Puui Express b 7:35 am bl0.35 pro Chicago Local Ui:3e am Chicago Express ........ al0:36 am WEBSTFlt DEPOT i5 TH A WEBSTER. Chicago, St. rani, Minneapolis A Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Tm ntv Passenger. ..a 6:80 am a t:io nm Sioux Cliy Passenger.. .a 2:u0 pm all:a am Oakland Local b 6.45 pm b 6:45 am Missouri Pacific. K.liruki Local Via Weeping Water b 4 JO pm alOJS am .Cbieugo A Narlkweatern, Rekraska and WyoralBg Dlviaieat. Black Hills. DeaUwood. . Lead. Hot springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, jasper and Douglas ,..d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pra bastings, iuia, i.i itv. Superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward.. ..hl:u0 pm b 6:00 pm BURLINGTON bTATIOS 1TH A MASON y ftransas Otr, St. Joaepa A Coaaell Blafls. i , Kansas City Day Ex... a 8:15 am a 6:05 in Bt. Louis Flyer a e:w pm silaV6 am Kansas City xoignt pm a am Burlington A Missoarl River. l-eave, Arrlra. wvmorn. Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:50 am bll.i nm NebrasLa Express. ...... a 8:50 am a 7 46 pm Denver Llmitei. a 4:10 nm a 6:45 am J Black Hills and Puget - Bound t-xpress. ......... aiaiiu pm a 8:10 pa Colorado VesUbulei J Fiyct ' a t:10pm uncQin i- ast aiaii o z:u pm a S:08 am Fort Crook and Platts- month b 3: JO pm hl0:35 am Bellevue &. Pacific Jet. .a 7: pm a 87 am teuevue ct x-aciuo act.. a s:au am Chicago. Burlington at Qolnpy. Uhloago Special: ...a 7:00 am a 8.-S5 pm Chlcaco Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 Dm a 7: an. Chicago Local a t:18 am all.-OO pm Chicago Limited a 8.03 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mail... -. a Z:a pm a Daily, b Dally excent Sunrta-r. A tt.ii. w vuij auciii anonaay, STEAMSHICS. KOLLAND-AUERICA LIRE timm Tvik-gcmr Bteamers pf Tone NEW YORK KOT1k.RU AM. Tl BOULCMJNt. . aalllag Wadaawlay it II A. k Potadam Aug SINoordam Aug. -;a Stat.Tidam Aug. ,1 Kott.rd.ot St-pt. 2 Hyadam ...A.g. i.irouaain Sept. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, - Ott Dearbora St.. Chicaao. 111. 'rfarrr llooraL 1(01 riraiB at.. C. RutkarfonL uu firua au. 4. a. asxaeia isvj rarusis at. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Cheyenne. Wyo.. July 2S. 1HU3. eeaiea proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived at tnia office until 2 o clock p. nv. mountain time, August 23, 19u3, and then opened in the presence of bidders, for the construction of Roads and Walks at Fort D. A. KUBsell, Wyo, Bidders must state In their proposals the time in which thev will complete the work from date of commence ment triereor. Kach proposal mutt be ac companied by a guaranty siuncd by two re- sponsiDie persons, each justitying in a sum eyual to ten per cent of total amount of bid. Full Information, blank forms, plans and specifications furnished .on application to- this office. United States reserves the right to accept Or reject any or all bias or any part ihereor. Knvelopes containing bids to be endorsed "Proposal for Roads, or Walks, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.,'' and addressed to Captain W. S. Scott, quarter master, U-. S. - A.. In charge of Construc tion, Cheyenne, t yo. FIRE AND WATER MAKE DOUGH Woman Barns Feet aad Firemen Have Sticky Experience at Bakery. The two-story frame building, 1416 South Twenty-ninth gtreet, occupied by Joseph Flack as a swelling and bakery, was dam aged, together with Its contents, to the ex lent of probably $600 at Midnight by fire, originating from an overheated ovtiu Mrs. Mary Chacfauren of Chicago, who was visiting at the houise, attempted to get out of the burning tmihllng by going down the btalrwsy, which was on fire, and se verely burned her feet. ' The fire caught In the basement near the bake oven and burned through Into the room above, where Flack had his flour stored. A number of sucks of this fell through the burning floor and broke open, compelling the firemen to wade around In dough before they could extinguish the flames. The fire waa confined to the base ment and the first floor, none of the house hold goods in the second story being dam aged. CONFER ON RAILROAD TAX CASE Special Counsel aad City Attorney Planning; Have Trial This Fall. Attorneys Breen and Baldrlge, special counsel In the municipal tar litigation, con ferred with -CHy Attorney Wright Wednes day regarding the cases now In the federal court and the Rulo bridge case, which is be fore the state supreme court. The situation waa gone over at length and a nuniter of details Informally outlined. It is planned to secure all the evidence during the sum mer ii fore the Omaha tax cases to an 1"'ie at hfi fall term of court As to what lengths the evidence will go it has not been fully decided. CHASE AFTER INSANE MAN Sheriff Fower and Deputy Bonch Hkt Ezcit cg Eaa at South Omaha. WHEN PURSUED JUMPS FROM THIRD STORY Frank Kalaark Kaeaprs from Aaylam aad 4 aahes Certificate at Deposit ttaratloa as ta Ills San ity Raised. Sheriff Power and Deputy James Roach had an exciting chase after an Insane pa tient yesterday at South Omaha, x In which the pursued gave an exhibition of nerve which wan surprising. Last April Frank Kalasek of South Omaha waa de clared Insane upen the application of a man named Lcgrow, who runs a hotel at Twenty-sixth and M streets. South Omaha. He was taken to the asylum by tlie sheriff and on the way to that institution told the sheriff that he had a certificate of deposit for $U4 In the First National bank of Omaha and that he had assigned It to the landlord of the hotel. Upon his return to Omaha the sheriff In quired at the bank and found the state ment to Le true. He toKl the officers of the bank that the depositor had been de clared Insane and that payment of the certitlcate should not be msxle until such time as the bank should be notified as to the proper person to receive the money. Lust week the sheriff was notified by the bank that the certitlcate had been re deemed and upon investigation found that It had been paid by a new teller who hud received no Instructions as to suspension of payment. He Immediately telephoned to Lincoln to ascertain If possible who pre sented the cettllicate, as the person gave the name of the iwane patient. Dr. Green, superintendent of the uoium, replied that Kalasek had escaped from the Institution two days previously and he was asked to upprelicnd and return him to Lincoln. Snrrlff Power yesterday received word that Kalasek had arrived at South Omaha und Was at the hotel. With James Roach he went to the hotel and aaw Kalasek, who started to run as the officers approached. The Insane man ran to tho third story of the building, closely pursued by the officers, and as they thought they had him In a cor ner he dodged into an open door whloh fastened with a spring lock behind him. Through a keyhole the sheriff saw Kalasek raise a window and jump to tho ground. The man reached the earth safely and Im mediately ran Into the weeds In the rear of the building, where he attempted to conceal himself. Falling In this lie ran to the rail road tracks, pursued by the officers, and tried to thTow them off the trail by running around, over and through cars. A Magla City policeman joined the chase after the officers were nearly exhausted and captured Kalasek, who said that his only reason for running was, to avoid the asylum. He had collected the'money on the certificate of de posit and had $85 of the money on his per son when taken in charge. After his arrest he asked the officer to release him and told them that he would go to Bohemia, his native land, where rela tives would care for him If he were not re turned to the asylum. The officers will take the matter up with Judge Berka and a number of persons who are Siembers of societies of which KalaaeJc Is a member and It Is possible that his wish stay be panted. The man la said to be not violently Insane and can on ordinary occasions care for him self and whether or r.ot :.e Is a fit subject for an tsylum will be lnvesUgated. FILES ... $3,00O0QQ .MORTGAGE Omaha. EJaotrla . LtM - aa Power , Company Completes Purchase ' ' of Proswrtrv ' The Omaha ElectrloV Light and Power ; company, which succeeds the New Omaha v Thomson-Houston Electric ' Light company' In the ownership of the electric l!ght plant In this city, has filed a mortgage In the office of the county clerk, covering; aU of the property owned by the company, In cluding the controlling Interest in the shares of the Citizens' Gas and Electric company of Council Bluffs, with the excep tion of a piece of land in Pouth Omaha, tor the principal sum of $3,000,000. The mortgage provides that at the pres ent time the company by reason of Us re cent purchase must borrow (1,350,000 to make payment. This amount of the 83,000,006 authorised will be issued Immedi ately In temporary bonds of varying de nominations to' be replaced with engraved bonds In denominations of $1,000 each, with interest coupons attached, as eooa as tho latter bonds can be prepared, the b-inds to draw Interest at the rate of ( per tnt per annum. The remainder ' of the $3,000,009 lasue la to be held in the treasury of the company until such time as they re is sued by resolution of the directors." ' It Is provided that of the bonds in the treasury a sufficient amount may ts Issued to holders of first mortgage bonds In the Council Bluffs company to retire two aeries issued by that company. ' As provision for the rayment of the tends at the time they are due the company Is to pay to tho trustee 5 pef cent of tie gross Income each year from -SO to 1F13. to be placed in a sinking fund, the n-ney thus paid to be Invested preferably In the bonds of this company at a rale not higher' thin lii5, these bonds to be cancelled for atl pur poses except the collection oj Interest and to have no part In any dividends r returns the result of action by holder . of lither -bonds, but the interest accruing upon the bonds invested in the sinking fund to be used for the purchase of other bonds, which In like manner shall be retired. Tha trustte in the mortgage'. Is the Old Colony Trust company of Boston, Mias., and the mortgage is signed by Jirnest Ll Carr andy Henry F. Knight, respectively president and secretary fit the Qraaha, Elec tric Light und Power company. The ac knowledgment wue made' before a coirimis kioner for Nebraska jid notary public In, Boston. . j PENNEY HOSIERY CO. RETIRES Sells F.atlre Jobbles Stork at Law Figure ta Raydea ' Brothers. The Arm of H. R. ranner iloslery com pany. which ha been doing an importing snd jobbing business In hosiery and ohcr furnishings, has gone cut of buMness and the stock has been purchased by HgydVi. Bros. Mr. Penney could" i,ot be seen yea. torday, but It la understood that he will not re-engage In this line of business ' The stock waa being moved, from Ike place of business. 1204 Douglas street, yes terday to Hayden's, where it be placed on sale Saturday . morning. The stock consist of hosiery, underwear, gloves, suspenders and other furnishings and Waa gold at a low figure. The Penney company tiegan business last winter -when the new Rogers building was completed and Is said to have enjoyed only a limited prosperity. Mortality Slat let Ira. The following births and deaths have been reported to the health office: Births Charles droves. 1222 Martha, boy; E. J. Ellison, bit South Twenty-ninth, bov; is If. Smith. ti?l Manderson. boy; C W Thomas. iii-S Chicago, bov; Henrv Bhrlner! 1J4 South Fourth, boy: Walter Forau. 140 South Thlrtv-seveiith. bov; William Loftue 1-: J North Twentv-nrst boy. Deaths Plunk Henderson. Dourlaa Countv hosj.ital. 22; Baby McGee. K13 Ixard. 1 week-: Q'-orge Mandevllle, Douglas County hospital, 2.