10 TITE OMATTA DAILT Tiim: FIUPAY. .TULY 31, 1903. i aa Clearing 5le of MIIN'S SUITS IN THE BASEMENT Hen' Outing Suits at Special Prices Special Remnant Sale Summer wash fabrics almost given away the most extraor dinary offerings we have made thus far this season. Fine Embroidery Swle, regular price twcnlyfive j cent, o at 3 2 Printed Batiste, our entire stock, regular price up to7l-. M 2W 61c nineteen cents, goat Fine nitifhams, lone mill length, worth up to twenty five cents a yard, go at Fine Corded White Dimities, In remnants, worth up to "fifteen cents a yard, go at 15c 5c 41c Fine 4Q-tnch Indian Llnenand Victoria Lawn. In rem- f" , nants-worth up to 19c a yard, go at A J a MERCKTUZED WHITE AND BT.ACK ONH BIO TABLE ALL THE and white walstlngs worth up to 3io yard, rocs at, yard AFRORTED CAMBRIC AND Muslin, worth up to J2V go at, yard llnSTIR PKTAO BHR ETA RHRDL ONE TABLE UNBLEACH- 1 ed Muslin, worth 6o yard, r. l -goes at ONE BIO TABLE LIGHT and dark percales worth 15o yard, d -C - roes at " COTTON TAPESTRY SAMPLES these are In squares suit- a Jf - able (or pillow and chair I 71 t -seats, go at, each llfrht finished prints, at DOUBLE FOLD MER- Tl , cerlied aateen, worth 40c, d -C -hop at ONE TABLE DAMAGED APRON Gingham, these have been el wet. regular price 6V4c. 1 CZ. goes at ONE TABLE ALL WOOL INGRAIN Carpet Samples, IVi Ofc C? yards long go at, Big bargain at the remnant counter long remnants crash towelH. These are In lengths of to 10 yards, at very much lens than regular prices, comprising all qualities and grades. ON THE MAIN FLOOR. Embroideries Sample strips em- A f broideries, galloons, Inserting., all JJC. lUCa I qCi OC widths, at " ' ' t!.T..!? ".Kc, 10c, 5c, 2c Clearance Dress Goods Remnants Black Silk Mull at IOc yard Silk mous seline, organdie and mull, in black only, lengths of H yards, plain and dotted, regular 50c 1 0n goods, at, a yard Imported Dress Goods Etamlne at 17c Piece -d Bilk eollnea, voiles, etc. pom I f1 enough alike for walsta I or akirts, at, a piece.... M.JL W Mohairs. Sicilians, etc., in sample lengths at, a piece 50c, 75c and $1 Waistinff The highest class O Cap vesting for fall and present wear, at, yard -J Cream flohalr- -rejr- f 52-Inch black and ular 59o goods, at, f navy alclllan, 7&o AQc a yard " ' graue, at, yarn - Shirt Waist Silks Handsome foulards, lining taffetas, etc, in beautiful patterns, worth )C $1 and 75o a yard, at, a yard . . . . ...... . f. 'gC. PrxnrUr & pant IJ. pnm&ei ft ?tt SGIinOLLEP, MUELLER'S JULY PIANO CLEARING SALE HAS astonished the entire piano t troile for the large number of in- I struwents sold Now comes the J end the balance will be closed i out regardless of cost ONLY TWO MORE ! DAYS 5SE8S FAIL TO CATCH THE THIEVES Constant and FenUtent Bobberi of Ben nett Store Still Undeteotei MYSTERY COVERS PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS Cleats Department Has Buffered Most Beceatly, Maar .Via Osrmnti DUappaarlaawPlnl&ertoa aa Otiter Defectives Baffled. One of the most tnyateriona ana persis tent cases of thieving ever known in Omaha haa been in progress in the Ben nett department store for six months. Thousands of dollars' worth of fine goods have been taken. The robbera are unde tected and unknown and the stealing la still in progress.. The case baa baffled the beat detective skill procurable and despite constant vigilance on the part of the pro prietors and managers, the despoliation haa remained unchecked. ' In order to expedite and assist In fasten ing the guilt of the pilfering the matter has been kept quiet. Men from Pinker ton's private detective agency and other equally famous sleuthing bureaus have been employed In trying to ferret out the mystery and have put In whole days and nights In the Bennett store, only to find that the drain on the stock proceeded as uninterruptedly aa though no efforts bad been made to atop It Cloak Department gaffers. Tho stealing has been confined recently to a single department that handling cloaks, which fact apparently would make detection all the more simple. Neverthe less all kinds of traps have failed and yet It la stated upon good authority that $300 worth of the best cloaks were discovered missing last month. N A man heavily Interested In the store said: "All we know Is that the work is done between t o'clock at night and the next morning. At the present time every thread of suspicion haa been followed t. the end and we are more puczled than be fore the Investigation began. The articles that are taken are selected with particular care and only the best and those of certain kinds are taken." Bo determined have been the efforts of the Bennett people to stop the steady con fiscation that they have had auspected persons shadowed and under close survell lance. Only recently an individual leaving the city was followed to a passenger sta tion in order that he might be arrested If his baggage looked suspicious. However, developments completely exonerated the person and the case was left open for the gtnlus of a Sherlock Holmes. Called I'p at Midnight. "Something like a month ago a neighbor of mine came to my house at midnight and called me up and wanted to know if I had a medicine In the store recommended for cramps in the stomach and diarrhoea. I sold him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy which he carried back home and at the sams time sent for a doctor. Immediately on his re turn home he gave a doss of this remedy, and he afterwards told me that the patient was entirely relieved before the doctor got there," says Enoch Burson, O'Lea, Ala. Omaha's Greatest Annual Brent August O. The Omaha and South Omaha Grocers' and Butchers' picnic, at Valley Park, la., Via the Northwestern Line. The public cordially invited. ALL stores will be CLOSED. Games, Races, Amusements. Spend a day under the trees. Take the folks. Tickets, $1.00; Children, 60c, t u LEATHER - ' i 1 This label in a shoe is proof that you are getting what you ask for- IDEAL LEATHER, Tho Leather That IVcars , well looks well. Feels well because it will not burn , the fret ia summer nor chill them in winter. , WW Prooest leitber Co. , fkluSetfMe. Attention, Odd Fellows! Special train for Arlington nnrlr via Vi Northwestern line, leaves Webster atr. depot 8 a. m. Saturday, August 1. Fare 75o rounn inp. special program arranged. Odd Fellows and Daughters of Rebekah from the entire state will be present. Special re view of cantons by General M. A. Iin Grand Master Wolfe and other state officers will be present. The publto Is Invited, itv order committee. Cheeks Cashed. We cash checks on all banks, railway pay 'checks and all other pay checks, as well as city, county and state warrants. Accounts opened for $1 or more and 4 per cent Interest paid. J. L. BRANDEI3 & SONS. Bankers. For Sate Due bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good discount Ad dress E 64, care Omaha Bee. Tou con buy fresh ecss for SV a An..n .t Walnut Hill Poultry farm. 4735 Hamilton st. MAY SUE IN STATITCOURTS Jadg Manger Issues Order tn Fort Kesfsey Reservation Tax Case. United States District Judge Munger has Issued the following order in the cise of George A. Whlttaker against K'lgore. et al: "Cause coming up for hearing upon the application of the defendants for leive to bring an action at law In the state court to recover their damages sustained on account of the restraining drder heretofore Issued In this case: It appearing to the court that no hardship upon any of the parties may be prosecuted with less expense to them, it Is ordered that the, defendants may and are hereWy permitted to bring said action at law In the state courts of Nebraska " This Is the Buffalo county ca.p, wherein the plaintiff secured an Injunction against the collection of taxes on an Island In the Platts river adjacent the old Fort Kearney reservation, because the same had not been Included In the original survey of that reservation and upon which tract th plaintiff had recently filed a homestead entry and claimed that It was exempt from taxation for that cause. Judge H imer of Kearney is attorney for the plaintiff und Attorney Sinclair of Kearney attorney for the defendants. What TStr nesaanC. Headaches, liver complaints, bowel dis orders demand Dr. King's New Lite Pills. They are gentle, but eur or bo psy. ;. for sale by Kuha Co. nncl they will be gone someone gets them why not you the se lection Is not so large but to insure the absolute snle of every one. We have made another cut and marked them down to ZERO PRICES 6 PLAIN CASED UPRIGHTS Beautiful tone and action REGULAR NOW $250.00 FOR $142.00 LARGE UPRIGHTS, VARIOUS MAKES REGULAR NOW $30 0.00 FOR $169.00 U FANCT CASED UPRIGHTS Choice Standard Makes REGULAR NOW $400.00 FQR $223.00 U ART CASE UPRIGHTS The Finest In Town REGULAR NOW $500.00 FOR $276.00 PAYMENTS OF NOTHING DOWN AND $5.00 MONTHLY TILL PAID ONLY TWO MORE DAYS SGHMOLLER & MUELLER 1313 FARNAM STREET. PHONE I62S OMAHA, NEB. The Best is the Cheapest Acknowledged to be the easiest and beat painless extraction in the west. J Gold Crowns .'..VS.SS Bet of Teetb 2.HB Fillings, from 2ffe Ilrldge Work front' 2X3 Teeth Extracted FREE Incorporated under state laws. Work guaranteed ten years. Remember, you have no students to puctice on you all old. expert den tists to do your work here. Our re cord has stood the test eight thou sand patients in the last eighteen months. We beat the sore-head den tists and dental See's. Complete vic tory for the Union. Established for years. Union Dental College. 1B22 DO. SLAB STREET. Open dolly till 8. Sundays to i , Special. Our Friday and Saturday special consists of men's suits, manufactured by Kohn Bros "the house that has been advertising Its goods of late so extensively In the street cars. The suits are strictly all wool, tai lored as fine as any one could make them. Trimmed with the very best serge lining, none of them .were manufactured to be retailed for less than 112.50, some of them for more than that. Our sale price Fri day and Saturday, 17.60 per suit. You can see samples of them in our west show window. On our second floor, the Levlre stock Is still on sale. As a large portion of this stock has been closed out, we rear ranged the remainder and reduced prices on a good many articles. Here you can buy strong, substantial men's suits for 13.98. All knee pants In this stock reduced to 15c. Men's drill drawsrs, 8c Men's straw bats, 10c. Men's shirts with two laundered collars, one pair separate cuffs, neat, fancy stripes, 25c each. Men's under, weal'. 15c. Men's suspenders, 6c. Lots of other great big snaps. Don't fall to look over this stock and see if there is any thing you can use, for it will be a long time before you will get goods again for such ridiculously low prices. The Guar antee Clothing Co., 1519-1621 Douglas St "X Tti 0 ' ITai.al.aaa Xm JlkMS Bomnant ley Last on 11 for summer remnant rtt Wanh Ortoda Whtt Onnita. Walatlnrs. atn. Abont two rnrlond of these goods will be sold st a trifle of their cost. wr; liKKJ ANY OTHI.K HOI SK I.N THE WKST TO MAKE TUB FOLLOWING PRICE8 ON THIS FINE CLASS OF MERCHANDISE. 'Ml I Mai UkLI 4e S.OOO Remnants of Colored Wash Uooda 12 l-2o. Short lengths of Imported Mndrss, Mercer ises iixronl wlsttng, French HatlMe, Lacs Striped Swiss Muslins, Linen Ha tlste and Mercerised Striped Organdies In pieces of from 2 to 10 yards IOlr worth 4'ic per yard I t3t SOe 4,000 Remnants of Colored Wash ' Goods lOr. Short lengths of Irish dimities, Scotch ba tiste, Frlnted Fernanda. Frlnted Piques. Corded India Lawns and Batiste In black only Mercerised Hpun Olass Linings, In pieces of from 2 to 10 yards worth I ftp Soc per yard 111 SKSc B,(RK Colored Wash Goods Rem nants H Short lengths of Marnnma Lno Ptrlped Organdies, Lacs Striped Swiss Muslin, Satin Striped French Uutlste, Plain lilack India Llnons, yard wide Zephyr Ging hams and t'hambrny Gingham in pieces of from 2 to 10 yards worth l!5c QLn per yard 03c aoc 7,000 Colored Wash Goods Rem nants Be. Short lengths of Scotch Woven Madrasses, Bcotcn Hair I,lne Hntlate, Irish Dimities, yard wide Percales, Seersucker Ginghams, Chambray Uinghnms and remnants of nil the Wash Goods In the room worth Cn 20c per yard 51 6c Summer Prints a l-Ste. 10.000 ysrds of short lengths of assorted colored Summer Prints worth Co QJLfi per yard The last week of the great July Clearing Bale of TABLE LINEN. WHITE GOODS. rOVVELINU AND DOMESTICS at a frac tion of their value. ISa Lonsdale Cnmhrle B 7-Hr. 6,000 yards fine Lonsdale Cambric long mill ends 15c value at Kin ytrd 08 l-'2e Mnalln Re. 6,000 yards of the well known brands of Indian Head and Buck Head Muslin worth 8Hc yard long mill ends at Ct yard 3 lit l-2e tiong; Cloth O 8-4 e. English Long Cloth soft finish 12V40 vslue long mill ends at Gin yard 0 2Re White Goods loe. 40-Inch India Llnon, Organdies), Batiste, Lawns, Dot Swisses, Mercerised and Ino Stripes In long mill ends not a yard worth less than 25c at i(r yard IUC 85e White Wnlstlnajs IS 8-4e. One big table White Walstlng, In mercer- . Ixed stripes, Oxford and basket weaves worth 3bc yard full pieces and 10 n remnants at yard Iw lSe White Cannon rtk IOc. For dollies, tray covers, aprons, for either drawn work or embroidery, night gowns and children's underwear worth 16o f ft yard full pieces at yard iU" Remnants of Table Linen, Toweling and Sheeting at half regular value. Remnants of 36-lnch Stlkollne regular 12'4c per yard Remnants of extra heavy Shirting regular 10c per yard Remnants of 12Vtc Drapery Cretonne per yard Remnants of 3(!-lnch wide extra heavy Cnn ton Flannel worth 10c per C yard 0C 64c 64c 64c Forced Sale of Hammocks and Groquot Sots All Hammocks will bo closed out without regard to cost all Croquet Sots go regardlesa of cost upwards from 78o and 39 c Women's Wrappers 98c ..23c We have more Wrappers than we can make rom for. 1,300 dosen Wrappers made of lawns, dimities, batiste, prints and fine Sea Island percale worth 11.00, !L50 t2.W and 12.50 at less than one-half price. LOT NO. 4 COO dozen extra, fine quality Wrapper guaranteed to be perfect fit ting tnJ nicely made they come In per cales, lawns, organdies and several other fine wash materials some worth up to W.0O clearing sale price only In conlunctlon with our big Wrapper sale we have marked down all Waists white and colored at one-third price nothing te-served. Waist Special No. 1 200 dozen Wash Waists made of all wash materials worth 11.00 for... Waist Special No. a.; 250 dozen Colored Waists made of ging hams, percales, calicos and OC- prints worth up to 11.25 for OU 300 dozen Wash Walats made of linens," lawns, ginghams, batlrte, madras and a dozen other wash 'materials worth fin. up to 12.00 for Uf Waist Special No. 3. 350 dozen White Waists made of lawns, opera batiste, dimities and linens trim med In pretty laces and embroideries- worth up to za.oo 95c Tour choice of any Colored Wash Waist In our house made of fine grass linens, fancv madras and every material- I QQ known worth up to 16.00 for i3Q n toen Wash fndersVlrts made of linens. Flques, ginghams and madras worttgTAs. 1.60-for only wUu 10 dozen Klmonas made of fine quality of lawns nicely trimmea in sona JllC colors worth 11.00 for MJV 60 new Sample Suits made In new corset effects and Louis XIV styles IC Ofl worth 120.00 for IJ.UU 200 Rainy-Day Skirts-worth $2.00- , "ICq 4nr LOT NO. 1200 dozen Wrappers made of calicoes, prints and lawns trimmed with braid, ruffles over shoulders and with 16 Inch flounoe Wrappers that other houses ask 11.00 for our clearing sale QQc price UW LOT NO. 2 32S dozen Wrappers made of good quality percale, lawns, fine prints and other washable fabrics made with separate waist lining extra wide at the Mps trimmed with ruffles and brn Id Wrappers worth 11.60 clearing KQc sale price only.. LOT NO. 8300 dozen Wrapers msde of the best quality -f percales, lawns, batiste end Egyptian tissue-iextra full width in llsrht and dark' colors some with extra wide yoke worth up to 12.00 7Qf clearing sale price only I 3 Groceries Read these prices and you will be convinced that we sell cheaper than any store in the west. Large sacks Highest Patent Mlnne- QJlc sota Flour per sack Large sacks Corn- 19 Ac meul v 24c other Laundry Soap any brand per bar i Fancy 4 X Ginger Snaps per pound Fancy Crisp Sods, Crackers per pound Tall cans Fancy Alaska Salmon Neutrita, Malta Vita, etc. per package S-pound cans Boston Baked Beans with sauce Oil or Mustard Sardines p-jr can ..44c ....5c ..9c ..74c .84c ...4c H-pound can Fancy Steak Salmon 1 pound Jars Fancy Preserves Vi-pound cans Potted Meats Fancy Muir Peaches per pound Fancy large Italian Prunes) per pound Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, otc per pound Fancy Large Juicy Lemons per dozen Fancy Sweet St. Michael Oranges-each ...7ic ..81c ...3c 7ic ,.31c ..31c ..15c c JV 1BS(S)i p Cigars 5 For Sale by All Leading1 Dealers. Our line of Clear Havana Cigars Is complete. Our Meerschaum and Fine Briar Pipes are all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE. MAIN OFFICE 1404 DOUGLAS Established 1884. Telephone 1560. Piling Up Daily are the orders from out of town for our mull order department the best evidence In the world that our prices are found by tho people to be right. All we ask Is a comparison with anybody's. BEND 18 A LIST OF ARTICLES FOR QUOTATIONS and wa will get your order. 11 f) Peruna all you want at ovc ll.txi Orine all you want at .....80c Orine Is an advertised remedy for drunk ards comes in 11 and 12 mailed on re- ...24c ...6c ...c ,.4"C ..JVC coii.t ,,f frlce. 35c genuine Castorin any quantity U.OO Pierce's Remedies at ftoe Ir. Charles' Flesh Food 5c Bur Hen fcjw. iMuin'i Kidnev Pill. t! Chester's genuine Pennyroyal Pills ..11 50c Cutlcuia Snlve Kc '.'.'ic Hires Kool wetr t-xiraci jil- 11.00 Osomultdon Foe WiiHr.l Oil S9C Sue Nervita 40e OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PR1CB DRUG STORE Tna 'Paoata-T4T TT. lutb sad Chicago Streets. Omaha. SCiltEFER'S i if, 0 A BOTTLE a fnmflv beer made froia eelected hope the best of A barley mildly etimuiati'ig saves ooctor oius tor ja;!! wife momer sister uauguu.-r. Oallvarae ta. soy part at Oai.ha, Countl! Blue, ar Soots Om.ka. rrfer a case from the JETTER BREWING CO. or LIE MICHLLL Wholesale Dealer. Council Blufft. Tel. 80, or Hugo F. BIL2. U24 Oourlas StreeL Telep one 1542- Perfietd's Cut Prloe Piano Co. Bee Bidr., Room 7. Telephone 701 Weber, 8 tarjr dark Luewtf Sckllsr. Cm MMtfeiial Ciififref tlnn es i"1 PEN-TAN-GO? ia a hi, I fcaua It. fcl ti Oaiika fcy taarataa h Slftnt-'f br HaU saaara SiasV TaMa ai4 Our Services Are Free We examine your furnace, steam or hot water syatem and see that everything is In readiness for fall use. If repilrs ars needed, we have everything In stock. Also hot water attachments and furnacs pipe covering. OriAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1207 Douglas 8t. Tel. 860. kitional Bank ofOmalT 1 Js Aau. mmA liA UXiiTBD mTJkTBM XBtHJtTOHY. vrt l"rasj nuier The Lililo Things that won't stand washing receive just as careful attention here as the big ones, dollies, centerpieces, ties, ribbons point lai-a, pillow covers white .Up pers, gloves, plumes, tips, etc. all cleaned to perfection. Nothing too small or delicate for us to handle. All work guaranteed In every respect. Try us. THE PANTO RIUL1 Oaf AHA. 407 So 15U BL Tel. 0C3 THE END taxascssv Friday and choice will be Saturday your free and unre stricted to any man's or youths' straw hat in the entire store. No matter if it's Marked $2, SL50 or $1,00 choice Any child's straw hat in the house 15c POSITIVELY no straw hats carried over they must and will be sold In two days. ENNETT' Irocery By Ions; odds this Is the most Tlgoron. money-savins; uroecry In the city. KverythlnsT annran teed. If you have m 'plioi In or near yoor home yon are no far ther from oar counters than yon are from IT. Vae it. Itlnif up 137. Prompt nagon deliveries. All wasrona fitted with refrlurera. tors batter, fruits and pertahn bles delivered In appetlslnsr nice-nes's. NOW LISTEN1 Grand Special for Friday In PRUNES Several hundred ' pounds fine if meaty C&fi Prunes lb Potted Meats On assorted Jf per can Salmon in. one pound - llu BiTSoap 25c 111 liur 7c 4c 9c '2c 10 hars Chili Sauce very appetis ing bottle .., Corn Starch per one pound pkg..., OiaVKS fine meaty fruit bottle.. Blueing a real bar gainbox .... LISTEN AGAIN! BUTTER Three thousand pounds for Fri day's sale. Bennett's Cnpltol Creamery sweet as a nut fresh rrom the lb.. Assorted Preserves In Jars French Mustard In glass jar with spoon Parlor Matches doz. boxes. Assorted Jellies In glass liuked Beans sauce-S-pound can .... . . ran 2lc 9c rd- IOc 13c '5c a In ICC A CANDY OFFETl Salted Peannts Several hundred pounds of fine fresh SALTED PEANUTS very delicious have all you want per pound CDCC Cup and Saucer with every mCL. pound of Tea. Ice Cold But termilk to all customers In grocery. IOc More Crockery at rolvd n Prices Hafiland decorated Cups and Saucers Common Tumblers, each . . . . , 23c Ic m " Best Iron Stone China Handle Cups and Saucers, large size, OCa set of six uwli No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys, each 3c To introduce our new line of Lamps, we offer a special 25 per cent dis count on lamp prices, al ready bargain struck. Come and see our show ing of lamps. All prices, in plainest figures. MOYSAVLq InSTATIONERY I.OOO Sheets White Tissue Toilet Paper, for 6c. Extra fine grade Note Paper and en- per Napkins colored designs for velopes to match a regular- "V bordors Interestingly pretty f" 15c quality Friday only. 1 I IC yours -Jfriduy only a box vjw per m 1W Crepe Pape r Full 10-foot rolls all shades all colore very attractive possibilities are open to you in crepe paper make roses, hats , lamp shades, doll dresses. Hags, decorate the little corners of your room with peeping beauty marks naay oniy per roil i 2(3 J OUR WATCHES KEEP TIME. The only kind of watches we sell are good time-keepers. Never sell a watch that falla to keep time. Got all styles and sizes. Some as low as ,7.00, and as high us you want to go. JOHN RUDD, JEWELER, 115 South 16th St. Watch Inspector C, St. P., M. & O.C. & N. VV. Ry. -A Tourists i and Fishermen Low rates all Summer via the CHICAGO & HORTH-WESTERII RY, To St Paul.Minneapolis.Duluth and the Fishing and Hunt- ing resorts ot Minnesota anu Wisconsin, i wu uui uaiiy between umana ana at. raui-iiiii"cajii give uncti access to wortiimirton, oiayion, niuuiu, DiiiKiiaiu V Lane, at. lames, ukc w inmyuii, uc., vnunc 'V ,nk. vvhito Hear anrl other rrsorti of the north. . ' ' " A Y. TA. HM,t nf r.tlaruthinr. m j - u - ' For ratei, ticket, and lull information, add r en H. C. CHEYNEY, Ccn.r.1 A(cat, OMAHA, NIB. HWi ALBERT EOHOLM, JEWELER 107 N. I6TH ST., OPP. P. O. 1