Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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T mi Polio. Boxrti "Or3f Le'u of
sWM at a tp-otter far the Beard,
at MitrMH a a t (ru1
taesta gross lb agio
About a weak ago nan who rvfoeS to
It- till name and who was booked an John
1 wa eor.vrrtd la polio court oa tb
eharg of vagrancy ana wa sentenced to
sane thirty day in Testerday thl
John ioe wa liberated fry order of the
Fir and Police board.
Police Judge King said that b had sen
tenced the man to thirty days in Jail. On
reason wa that he a a fraud, pretend
ing te tie deaf and dumb, but It u found
that he rauH beer tnd talk as wen
anyone. Judge King stated most posi
tivfl) that he did nut order the mil re
lease, neiliier did he know anything about
H wntR Chief Fnrg informed him that
the prisoner ha 8 been turned loos by cr
oers of the Fire and Polio board Con
tinue. Judge King said: The polio In
formed me that they had reason to ma
pert that Uili nan. who rrToeed to a"""
Li name and wa booked as John Doe,
w a susj-roted of lc.iTig a criminal. As he
bad he money, nor any -visible means of
support, 1 sentenced him to serve thirty
oys in )aii. No on has ever spoken to
in about Vita release and I do ot believe
that the mayor has aimed any pardon, a
b invariably rotifer with me before doing
hcythlng of lb Knd." Mayor Koutsky
ever that he did not pardon the prisoner,
hi attention ne err even ha"Irg been called
to the arrest.
Aa foe Chief Brfcrg. h merely says that
he turned the man loose. It l underwood
that Tommy Nolan, a neither of the polio
rofwmJseion, fitrertefl that this maa b lib
erated, Last nllrt t It m reported that the man
r)w u turned fooee and who refused to
arr bis name ws a apotter u' Ploy
f the police board.
Ka4 Cae hjeaeay.
Caty Attorney Unroot la to can
up tbrC Bevtn Oldtleia Can before Judge
Estelle on Hon day and hie disposed
of. This to tbe as whw Oldfieia claimed
ta hire purrhased bondo of tha city
.nur,tiTi to turi.ww. The bonfla, how
ever. ere Tie-rrr alrned by tha mayor on
aeeourt of allured lrrernlarttJea. After tb
lapM ofaw-tral memtha Ol afield ecured a
- -rlt from the diatrtet eoort compelllrir
Mayor Koutnfcy to Birn tb bond and de
liver tb nam to him. The rtry anrwered
thla mandamua vtlb a Jenrthy brtef. In
which cullunlon tietween Oldfield, Mayor
Kelly and lb former council "m alleged.
The caae ha draered alone erer alnc
rprmr Crtdfield haa left tt eoutitry and
la not expected to apiar at the catling up
of the caae on Monday.
talliraa Daakla Cauw Ty.
Befora Juda-e Emelle today the habeas
eorpos rrooeedings In tb uH!van-Dunkln
oaa will be beard. This la the caae wnjen
will practically determine whether tb po
lio yudsw f South Omaha has tb right
to release prisoners on his order or not.
Sullivan and Dunkln wer fined lor s-ssault
and battery. Judg King aoorptied tb
notes of the prisoners and released them
in order that they might not Jos their
positions. When Nolan of the rtr and Po
lio board learned of the transaction b
ordered Chief Brtgrs te rearrest tb men.
This was dona. A release was secured on
haWoas -prp4J An Vtsjr wH Jost
llkfcl " fleoiQa4.l L ' "J ; ( '
t Mmstavsrrr rrtissart TsUaa.
Manairer frubart of the Omaha Pack
ing company said last evening ts a Be
reporter that tb fir at tb Omaha Pack
ing company's plant ia Chicago would
soaks little if any dlffereDoe with tb out
put at this plao. Mr. T'rouhart stated
that tb plant her was now running at
nearly its fun capacity, but possibly there
miirht be necessity for an increase is tb
output. Should packing house products
b needed." said Mr. rrquhart. tby will ,
most likely b draws from the packers In
Advices ber ot not show that the loss
will b nearly as large as at first reported.
tkera BotrberV rtoale.
On Sunday afternoon and evening Sheep
Butchers' union No. K win bold a pienle
at Franek'e garden. Twentieth and 8
streets. This picnic was arranged for some
time Ago and has bees extensively adver
tised. On account of the ruling of tb
Fir aal Polios board regarding entertain
ments oa Sunday te buildings where sa
loons are operated the sheep butchers have
ceriflrd ta send a committee ts tb Fir
and Police toard and ask a suspension of
the rule, owing t the fart .14 lb picnic
was arranged some weeks bef th reso
lution of the board was adopted. Naturally
th sheep butchers are awaiting with con
siderable interest th dedsiuB of tb board
In this matter.
Soldiers t rrtai tooth Oaaoha Tran.
Sundby afternoon tb South Omaha baa
ball team will play the team of Company H.
Tventj--eooad I'nited States Infantry, at
Oamer left field M-rT-mft
Johitfwn Center field vs (.if
Mart C ity (Mla,
Th wrr-k of riMr tb Q tret via-d-t
is prw'salrr ri-a;r.
Joe.n T. sw-tu'ta ie prTnrir to an
oibrr bous M Taenty-oecond and O
At the preewt t'.roe I.7KS mti in S"ulk
mba ar suembers of th various iebor
Tber is a case of scarlet fever e. the
bom of ye. H- Houglna. Eighteenth and
J streets
A permit was ectred ? eeiwcay for the
oi'nsu-Bcuoa i t poultry sbeoa at tb Cud
atr p.aut.
Mrs. Charles E Scarr .aa yon to Burk
Bn. Mo , to ?rnd a coui'ie of week With
ber lather.
Zck Cuddlnrron came over trora Haw.
tb'in. la . festrrky and will stay htr
untii Monday.
Senator Isaac A. Ncye of tat-rH.e was
in th city yesterday vismiig his tiaughier,
Mrs. A.. 1 Sutton.
Puplit of the Sunday school of the Plrst
Method. st Epiecopsl chort b heid a picnic
at hiimifn jiars yesteraay afumoon.
C.t Froswrttar Tnli Jiit Ct rta:a rrcj
ixUoni f-ca Oonty AttertfT.
Mr. 1 Kelt that His flaa
weald Make It Caster for Ctty
Aothorltles to Hestrart
th Serial EvtL
Another step toward tre sot Juration of
the social evil promiscuously throughout
the cfty was announced yesterday, when
City Prosecutor lee stMed that be will try
to hav as ordinance enacted making the
kcejilrig of bouses of ili-Iame and rf-Sident
Chance A. I'ui.ham, assistant cashier of therein puT.lehabi under the munic!;l
tl I'm ' National bank, im gone to pod. For several year all proeecuti'in
th nonfce slerT: pan of the state tu ai
tend ts sum buKinee man era
There was a ejweia: meeting of the Pa k
Ing Xra6s co-:iuj. bcid at rwis In th
a ' Pioneer inoc k lan n'pht. A portion t i id
jirweea;rir riu be given to the puD.ic in
a oay or two.
Clah lathe Oer what It Waat aal
CosBBalttees Report rraailiei
made have been under the state law. and
all fines derived have consequently gone
tr the commor, ealth. An ordliULnce mak
trg such offenses amer.ahie to the city au
thorities was ome on the books, bat was
repealed severs! years ago.
This tntve will r In the nature of a ren
traliaatlrin cf the panrtiv powers of tb
city aSmir.lwtrstton. and tb""r will no
lonfr be entire fie;endenc up'm th county
attorney' office. This inability to iroe-eed
with prosecution lnd'-pendently of the
county sttomev has caused a m-kwardneas
In the past, which 1 expected to be ob
viated It the new arranyemer.t.
The penalties produced will be the same
for both keener" and inmate and will run
from IT. to Dl fines, or a maxirrum of
thirty days' hr j'risoTiment. Instead of
going to the state the money resulting from
prosecutions will go into the city treasury
the campaign aFblnsl women and licer
tioumes outside of the burnt district that
is planned it ia pr:.lMe the tries will
nmonnt to a Itrge sum during the ntxt
few month
As to what treatment the new ordinance
will receive in the city council little has
been said Those cnunc.lmen who have ex
pred an opinion, b'.wever. are in favor
of It, a they tf-lieve Is will Five the pow
ers thst rule a tiphter grip on immorality,
and win assist them in keeping It at the
lewewt possible ebb and hedged about with
Prosecutor !s oorvlnoefl that such a
law will le a pood one and will add icuch
to the efficacy of the police court
Tber wa an unusually large attendance
at the Cmaha View Improvement cluh
meeting last evening In the atmenoe of
Chairman Callahan, vice president Forle
presided The Interest of the meeting wa
much enhanced by the presence of Council
man Evans of the Sixth ward and Gs In
spector 1-ynch.
The park committee reported that M had and thence into the school fund.
already one conference with the t-rospecr
Hill Improvement club officers and that
they were heartily In favor of the project
and would aid the Cmaha View chib 1n
every way in their power. The joint com
mittees will meet again Saturday after
noon for further conference..
Tb street railway committee reported
progress and that it would meet again
with the street railway officials Saturday.
The committee had received encouraging
sourances from the street railway people
that something would be done in the near
Councllman Evans wa unanimously
elected an honorary member of tb club
and gave the cluh assurance that he would
do whatever f possible for the furtherance
of its Interests and t procure the de-.
sired lights, walks, grades, etc.. for Omaha
Numerous suggestions were made regard
ing lights and sidewalk improvementa. and
both Councilman Evans ana Oas Inspector
Lynch promised to look after tb matters
In ouestion and do what could be done at
as early a date as practicable.
The matter of oiienlng up Maple street
from Twenty-fourth to the Military road
was again brought up. One member sug
gested that Miami street 1 already open be- j
tween Twenty-fourth street and lb Mili
tary road and be advocated that Miami
street 1 graded, and it b nsed as tb
proposed thoroughfare through Omaha
View Instead of Maple street. E con
tended that considerable expense would be
Involved by opening Ms pi street In se
curing the condemnation and purchase of
property, end that tber would be at least
two cuts required on Maple street, where
but on small rut would be necessary en
y"i street.
A motion was adopted that the Basra
of Public 'Works and th mayor be In
vited to attend th next meeting of the
club and that tb Board of Public Work
be asked te look over Lake. Ohio, Maple,
Corby and Miami .streets with a Ty o
their sra provernetrt. ' r v
The question of water extsmsion was his
freely discoosed. as was that of tb ex
tension of th gras mains. One member
thought that aom of the fire hydrants
now located in cornfields and gus lamps
located along vacant property might profit
ably be removed to points -in the dis
trict where they would be an advantage
to tb taxpayers. He maintained that if
the matter wer properly looked into that
Entcn lit Cot tract wil Ebtndu Coil
CTtrhty Jot 'Witter'i lirvly.
Cberehe Xet aad Lwsap to Be Mlsew
to ts ! the Pri
Bang fross M to S4.VX)
Per Tas,
Hied with pcK ttixft tor ail
clasw cl rfhier, t.ut Beer
with trrtMiic tLat tbonld not t
r-nd j all. TLi j auolber of tJie
utri'ts" iKtiiU of Tb i:inTTiite3
! It pou'Piits are alwajp a
Tinj''T. !wut w ;j wTitun uud i- ! Coal corr.pary th immediate delii-ery
Tb school board, st a special session
yesierday. settled the question of fuel
for the srh'-olf fcr th coming year by
entering irto a contract with th Sheridan
ways on topic in which tb pfD- J
eral rfiidiiiii ut:ic has an iuttn ert.
and. alK've a.i tliiiis flue, it is
alwc.vs fia& in rvnilnj and fiftat- c
iuc in tone. The l'.-e 1ms nctr
rt ox IPv4 ui cater to tbe nmrliid or J
ILe uicrt-ir puw.tJtniil. but
tiiins 5n its miitumie sni'pleiu-ut
tbf saifl Lij;a lx:-'f ef limit
it Los s li'i.p kt-j i vj in tl diiiir
ifisue. AVlif n j cu tuv Tlie 1W- ida
Iuhp-w you Lave a jiiijht that ar:v t
UifitilKT of the fnnii:y inay ruud.
and wbeti you Kr Tli- llluftnifd J
Bte yon Lat ile aKuriiDce tbut
you liua soiiK'lh.liC ftei' ujcuiI'ci
!! Uie liu-.y viU wa.Lt lv rvid.
I - LILLNCE Hi Ti.e liinFtrhied Bt-e,
Representative Theaspeon Believe
r herssal hehool Sheald
Be Loeated There.
P.epresentatlv Vt". T. Thompson of Cen
tral City 1 in Omaha and jer.k enthusi
astically of his city aa the projer location
for th new normal school. lath Is to le
established onder the provisions of house
roll No. 1. passed at the liist session of the
legislature. Propositions for the location of
the .school are to be opened by the State
Normal botrd at Lincoln at I o'clock ntxt I
Tuesday afternoon, and Central City will i
be ia the oomjietition with a Hieral bid. j
"TV will offer a free site and a rnh
bonus." said Mr. Thompson, "in accordance
with th provisions of the law, and w ex
pect to land the prise, for there ar many
good reasons why th school should be lo
cated ct Central City. We will offer the
stata board the choice of two or three sites,
any one of which will make an admirable
place for the buE dings to be erected. Tb
law provides that the sjcbool shall be lo
cated west of a line five miles east and
parallel with the ninety-eighth meridian,
and the territory defined contains- only
bout one-third ft Cbc total psp'uBatioB trf
TJbe state. "With relation to the total popu
lation. Central City 1s nearer the center
than any other town which win make a bid
lor the new school.
-As ta railroad facilities. Central City has
th advantage over other town In the com
petition, for the reason that it is on the
main "In of the Vnion P&ctfie and on the
Lincoln and Elack Hills and F.epublicsja
Valley lines of th B. V M. system. We
tb city could be saved M.onc annually by I therefore tap the north and at th same
aiid in the coding nuiiilx'r I're-
douiiiiiite to a o-jrrtf that will le
MitifliKtory to tlniw biw iuU'reKi
:ti OitiaLa of tbe jmirioUc dt-i.Te.
A tiuf p,i-5urf oi Meredith. Nicbol-
sou, v bo iti a t-' uxe cti t'iiiabuii,
adorns tbe Iron: jo e; tbe awaken-
iup of ricireii't is tb- tut'.iext of a
t-;ei-iul arTi''tf wjti efelietit i!!n! ,
tratioa from J licitcciTphf ly a
Mttff artist: -Saivaiidn Army
CbuTitie" tif a It- with U)- wort of (
e well known .'.iit-titutiou and
tlfto illustrated frviii plotos t'y a J
arT artist: tb Mniiawa saliorR.
tbe I'.obeiuian silicic pifL and
titber Oiurba nihttrrs huf Ikii
reviewed 1-y tbe camera of tbe
t;tar artit-t. and tbe result will le
found in Tbe li-ustrated Hv on t
the tiLie under stich Fia&E ,
G. Carjieiitex write of tbe Gret k
tiiurt'u and its orprmization Id J
Buwiia; it is illustrated from photo-
pTaUs made in Mosccewr; "Wby
Miiiiicijmi Art" ia tbe suVJext of 4
JoLn Vuincy Adaiua" jiaier in tbe
aiunicipai reform series; President
Heutley's ;ajT on Buildinp and
LiiL.n Associations is printed In full:
tbere is tbe illustrated woman s
ft coal at all cf th school house at a rate
considerably lower wa oCered at th
time bid we-f submitted.
According to th contract, wlilch was
ordered to 1 drawn, th eoa! will be
Cherokee nut and lump, in tb proportion
rf one part of tbe Inner to two of th
firmer, the total estimated amount to b
I m tnna. Tli hoard 1 is pay 14 per toa
f r all rut coal delivered to th schools
within that pert of tbe city where th
driver of wtgon ar paid tbe lowest rat
for deL'vertng coal and M.SE a ton f
similar coal oellvered outside of that limit
For lump coal delivered within th limit
I the price w'll be U S and kii outside of
the limit The contract provide for pay
ment in spot cash at the time the coal is
delivered and the contractor la instructed
to make orHvery as rapidly as he desires
until tli bins at all of th house are filled.
A clause in th contract holds the con
tractor free from loss on account of any
rtrike which may delay th delivery of
tbe fuel.
While the contract 1 with th' Sheridan
Coal cocijiary. it is for coal handle! in
Cmhha by the C. B. Havena CotU con par.y
only inJMr. Kasb of tbe latter company wa
prewej.t and approved -the form of contract
prepared. It wa said by on of th coal
men present that tbe price rnaae were th
ru)t of an Informal understanding le
tween the different companies of the city
and were the lowest that oouid b made
cm this grade of fuel.
The lowest price offered for the delivery'
of Cherokee not coal at the opening of the
bids wa W 71.. which would Indicate that
by r.iect:ng all bida tbe board ha saved
to tli city about t.biKt on It fuel supply
lor the coming winter.
K it
aejiartuient ; ati"tber innttllinent of
had secured the dog and was
Having of P-b a laorliiup JJtt: j t0 tht. dA rovrrrt KPTi, ,
Lliree t'HT.Iflll Mlirj L 'rum n-i - w
ticies, telected miscellany, tbe
nsual crisp comment, chatty per- ,
nonal possl;i and brt stories, and
a nuititier t'f int crestinp individual
picTure not liere mentioned. TTie
numlier will lie found fomplete in
fvery resjiect. If yoo are not now
a aalwcrilier, you fliould leare yonr
tjrder with your nt-w sdeaka- today.
. ! '
Clttsem Who tatertered wrtth the Oah
rlal tTIIl Be Haled
let Cewrt.
Iog Catcher Olibert bad his own troubles
Thursday. Tbey wer of a violent nature.
Gilbert had espied a noble St. Bernard on
South Tenth street, minut one neoesstry
thing, a tug. and had marked him for
capture alive. By grace of certain clever
maneuvers the dog catcher seemed to be
on the point of achieving fcts purpose. He
escorting i:
hen be wa
seised from behind and two muse line hand
grlpjKd his throat. Tber was some mor
doing of a character amenable to th law
of Moses, and in tb skirmish the St.
Bernard stalked proudly sway. Jfpw
pomes Poundmaster Laughland and files
a complaint agtdnst John Do, alleging
assault and liattery and disrespect toward
the office of dog catcher.
7T Caiistfer.,t ,anlrn I
Child s Kei-r 4T:. (To be worn with or
without tb shield i Short coats, in reefer
style., suit your g children to s t.l:-etj and
are both leconilnf rd satlf lactory to the
little weerers. They allow perfert freeanm
mr active young leys yet provide protec
tion for the body. Thi rtyliRh one is
shewn in black taffeta with trimming c!
braid, and 1 stitched with silk, but
th oeslrn is appropnate for cloth serpe.
pique and all th- material used for gar
ment of tbe sort. Tli -shield g'ves a
nautical air and ia apt to 1 liked by tlie
little wearers, but can be omnied w hen
an open neck is desired.
The reefer is made with frort and burk
and is fined by mean of shoulder and
under-arm seams. At the neck is a b:g
nailtir collar that rtn t'e made square or
round, a preferred, and lrnesth this vwllar
tbe sliield 1 attached. The sieeves are full
and gathered it to stndght cuffs.
The quantity of materiij required for the
meCIum stse 1 I yards IT inches wide, I
side, I yard r? inches wide. IV yard 44
Inches wiae or 1 yard !C inches witi
The pattern 44T is cut in sises for chllo
ren tf 1. 1. t. t atid h years.
For tb accommodati"?! cf Tbe Be
roa6ers tbes patterns, which usually retail
at from S to B(' cents, wi'l be fumiBhed at
a nominal price If' cents, which cover all
expense. In order to get a partem enclose
18 cents, give number and name of niit .orn.
Isle Rotate
in Lake Superior is a new and most de
sirable summer resort- No hey fev- there
nice rail and boat ride, via Northern Pa
cific "Iuluth Short Line" from St. Paul.
For special rates and liifnnaticin adfiree
Chas. B. Fee. Q. P. k T. A., St. Paul, Minn.
Save the Bnds
i.lfMi Tlli-U lil ..' U-
Cbemian MoOobmII Drue C Oro&lLft.
pulling up these cornfield hydrants and
useless gas lamps.
Mr. Johnson of the tVie Palmer addi
tion stated that not a dollar's worth of
Improvements had been raade by the city
in that addition, although the t""Oiierty
owners tbere were required to pay taxes
for improvement.
Councilman Evans gar assurance that
a watering tsnk would be placed at Thirty
second and Maple streets in the near fu-
Th question of an entertainment by tb
club was left with th entertain most com
tntttee, of which due notice would be given
- al Eleetloa for Reesl
tenant of the Cosanaar
time w ar aocese'bl for all of tbe South
Platte country.
'"We feel that Central City is entitled to
this school for the reason that of the fif
teen public Institution of the state eleven
ar located south of the Plttt and only
four north of the river, while the North
Platte country has over Sl.onn people mor
than tb South Platte and the assessed
valuation is much greater."
City Attorney Is of Opiate that
Can Be Eijoiae by Any
Special orders bare Just been received
by Captain 3 tV Sues, reouirtr.g tbe Mfl
lerd Rifles te hold an election to f.Il the
vacancy caused by tbe resignation rf Sec
ond Lieutenant Cooper. Lieutenant Inev. lies in the fact that bids mrr rt
CoOOer. WbS tS emTtloved hr m nf . twrna f r S. r-ritr-fl , tn lk.w m ..jB . , . Ji
- rwm.- turn uuv vBia m lam Innal MmimniiM
The city sttomey 1 preparing a eon tract
for tbe construction cf the proposed fir
department bouse at Elei-enth and JwkKr.n
streeta. but while he 1 doing this he does ' oetai! of ofScers
not 'seem to think the construction of tbe !
bu!ia:r.r at this tiro 1 at all certain He I CMAHAf THE
state that any dtiaen can enjoin the c.m
strurUcn on the ground that th proceed
ings taken are not regular.
Tbe irregularity, according to the artrir-
try, Fort Crook. Additional range officer
and tbe necessary nlisted men for scorers
and marker and others i.erveasaxy for the
purpose will 1 detailed by the command
ing officer st Fort Leavenworth, and ar
ordered to report to Mtjor Charles G.
Starr, Twenty-fifth ir.ftntr . in charge cf
tbe corr.petltiuh. Captain W. KL. Jones of
the Sixth infantry ia detailed as quarter
master and ordnance officer and Captain
Louis C. Scberer of the Fourth cavtUry
u commissary. Enlisted nien chosen to
eomiKte will be rent by the commanding
officers of their resjiective posts, to arrive
at Fort Leavenworth not later than August
7. Those selected as oomjetent for the
army rifle team will be retained at Fort
Leavenworth after the competition and the
tther returned 10 their posts.
Th same general order apply to the
cavalry rifle and revolver competition at
Fort Biley on the same date, with separate
Sooth Osaahat Wosaasj Deauaai Tea
Tksaui Dollars ffrosa trk.
swasi of that Plaeo.
Jennie Carstens baa brougtit suit t gainst
Die E. Ackerly for IKi., alleged to bar
been the result of too much confidence on
the part of the plaintiff in th promises of
th defendant.
The plaintiff is a South Omaha waitress
and alleges that she wa tbe affianced wife
of Ackerly, who i a dealer In hogs on the
South Omaha market, and according to
the jietttion took advantage cf the con
fiding natur of the plaintiff and then re
fused to keep bis promise.
(.la p. in. Here Is ta Uaeup:
South Omaha, Pneltioua. Fort Crook.
P. 1 evai' .t'tciicr.... Bioe
fitcner Korn
....First bas... Saucers
. Second base Valentin
...Third ban Kju hm
Shortstop Auatxirn
C Camper
It. ! ey.
A Cpt-r . .
Js eieon
was lately pro- i tb provision of the charter there was no
noted and foond b.i new duties of ucb a competition, lor the reason that the adver
natnre that be could not give the com- ;tisement was not inserted in an official city
pany tb attention required. Tli lieu- ' paper, tb attorney contending, in spit of
imam i.a i eienea an nonorary mem- i th opinion of Jucg Jjitkmson In tbe
Chicago aad S-onhn rsiera laser la.
trresilaaT aaa Beaailfal Pa
pblet ea Cat City.
Cominendiiblf enterprise is r.hcsn by the
Chiuago & Northwestern railway in the
issuance of a neat little pamphlet, de
voted entirely to the interests cf the city
of Omaha. Tte book ie entitled "Omaha:
Colorado pot
the finest fisb-
ing ground on
sesses some of
iuf a.nd bnDt
eirtl. the
dense forests vkVrr hieing the nat
ural covert for elk, de-tr, aai
other game. Its myriads of streams teem
with mountain trout; its lakes, while
also full of attractions for the angler,
are also the haunt of millions
cf geese, ducks, and -"
ether. w-ild fowls. ' " ' 4"
AccemmciaJirns prcviird fcr all elassn
tf passerfrrt.
Full information aoay be obtained by addressing
t l i I I It Kill' UriK h,
'Phone BC
Slxleea-Teor-Ole' L.els rreeaaa start
Owt ta See the Big
L-ulji Freeman, lt-years-old. silltn ana I
dark and with abort brown hair, bus run
away from tb borne of ber father, fa
South Twer,tith street. South Omaha, and ;
tnyone whe brings ber beck will get a j
regard of S3.. Miss Freeman started out
to see the world Thursday with twe '
change of raiment packed In a small
brown teleeeojie. The polioe hare been
asked to try to find her.
So Case Agataet Inwa.
Al Fit-own. s hackman. accused of sp- I
propria ting fll in the pocketbook which !
pearl luert dropjwd in f-ont of Grace J
tVhlton s Sunday evening vtt tried in po- '
lice court yesierday on the charge of j
gTLTid Itrwiiy and wa found not guilty, i
The Lovett girl wa not certain whether j
the purse bad dropped from ber lap in front i
of the 'Wrilton piace or at some otlier point ;
east of Thirteenth A number of the girls 1
of the jilnce sere on tbe stand, but there !
was nothing le show that Brown i
took the money or captured tbe purse.
dais bis of Pythias Tria. !
A nartr of sbout 1W Knlrhts of Prthia
ber and chairman of that body, and ar- Cowduroy case, that from the approval of 1 A Typical City of the 'vrcFt," and eoDtaln j t 'm tbe si lodges of Omaha, with th--lr
coroing te tb iveuraska raflitBry code, be ! tb new amendment te tbe charter until several beautiful half-tone engravtar. !r..- j Nw r t . U
Ki tit fetid GrtttLtiivs. J Prmmc to wear iai uniform upon .! tb council W-t a cjty j.jrr there kr bLowinc tht t.rmgf lctu the Itlmnouri lit ; f or the rt uud trip fterurrd. Tht-
KeUrf for This Malaay IMoevrre4
hg MsaMsal telrari atreathe
Among the Important additions mad to
nodical ecirnoc in recent yeara, none la
nor notable than tbe positive announce
ment of a cur for hay fever.
While this disease Is not regarded as
fatal, it is certainly a moat distressing
snalady, and If any thing can b devised to
our it, a great boon will be oouf erred
upun tbe human race.
ahausu experiments with Hyomei
rove that this treatment wlD prereut all
attacks of bay fever if used two or three
weeks before Uie annual apiaraBo of
Ui oisctf.e inu v i. , t v nimj uv iviiea UJKiB j
if used talthfully after tb direase ha
tiegun, te rehe- at one aud affurd a
speefiy cure.
Sherman A McConneU have sold bun
lrrt of Hyomei outfits fur tbe treatment
of disei-ae of the respiratory organs under
tbe agreement to refund TA, money If Uyo
mei ld not afford relief.
In selling Hyomei for the car of Lay
fever, tbey will continue this equita.hi
pln. and want all wku ar subject I this
omtreSKiiif msitey t Ugia its us st
once, with tb imderstaaOing that If tt
owt But give ratiafactioa, tb purouaa
pno Is to I refunded.
Stomach duKltig oauiot cur bay fever.
A chauf of c limit Is tb only traataMoit
that baa bTttf or aborted aa attack,
and Hyormi hah a breathed through a
neat jiochel inhaler coming with rry
outfit, acta upua this Briaoipaa. gtriag tn
your w-b bora a climate Ha that of tb
w law M iMhialiis or oLber health rsaisTa
stat oocbsions It was with much rerret
that tbe officers and members accepted
th resignation. Tli two candidates in
ltn of promotion are First Sergeant Bert
Mrkiahill and Second Sergeant Arthur S.
Hardy, it being the settled policy of th
Millard Rifle to
ce means of securing a legal publication Omaha., the buflalti l unt in the eariv dav. party s-111 1-ave the Purltrrttm depot on '
of a city nonce j a birds,- view of tbe city, several of the 1 plVoutV V aTrl'.n i
Tbe contrari for tb construction o4 tb principal public buildirg and some soene ,t 11 o'clcK-k. reaching Omaha at n 4(i. in
building was let to It E. Carter, the lorwt in tht public parks I ample time for all street can,. XI! Knights
bidder, for the hotting to I. J. Hanighen I Tb introductory Ptge is devoted to th i .""2l" Tl;. L.. -.1- ir"
and for th plumbing to John Rowe Co. j verse by Bryant
prcot efficiert mem- j Tb. building U to b constructed according 1 orchards and gu-aeii fimlied through all
ber rn ltn of seniority. Tb election
b held nert Monday evening
Th company received thai week fifteen
wall and A tents, tookir.g outfit and rang
and th long-erjierted khaki blouses and
trousers, t'pon receipt of tl new repeat
ing rifles, which sr erpected soon, th
Xat tonal Guard of Nebraska will 1
equtpTNid for field service as oomplete'y
as any regiment Hi th regular service.
Th Ketiraeka militiamen were diaap
potnted t note that but on regiment
would be called to the reg-ultr artry ma
neuvers at rort Riley this fall from Ne-
( braaka. Tti other regiment will go Into a
camp of instruct! on under command of
regular army officers. As Colonel John W.
Mrlnmntill of tbs Second regiment is the
ranking colonel, aoeordlng te military
precedence, th Second regiment will most
likely be given the assignment to Fort
Riley, which will take th Millard Rifle
and Omaha Guard to tit maneuvers.
tn plans and specinoetlons prepared by
FlKher It Lswrie, and this is cause for
complaint on tbe part of vr. H Herdman.
assistant city attorney, who was securing
th resolutions, plans and sjieelficatiOTia.
preparatory to roaku.g th contract.
It seems strange te me." be sail, "why
tb city should pay for arrnltoetural sj-
ateOa, Sores aael Floaa
Find prompt sure cur ta Buckles , Arnloa
Salve, alse ocsema. salt rheum, buna,
bruises and I tlev or as pay. 2i.c For sal
fcy Kuhs A Oa.
mmm af rafclte
Tb i
lorha Mertlai.
Kasloa of th Board of Pubbe orkj
wa liruil yesieraay a..n mm tn.s.
twenty-one laboevra. lour tmwt ana iw
water camera wer dismissed trmp,a-arili
from tr stenet force snd th cot.Lrai-t of
tb Nebraska bitulittur Havi- company
t. tt repairs ea tn paving at the utm
market house was sent te tli c ty pound!
for approval There was oa meeting of lb
aovteury hoard because of. to a r-i tutt at
u, e land.
1 And happy home were everywhere.
' Ano citie ro. a if a magi:- wand
Had touched tbe earth, and, lol a town
I was there.
' Th principal article which the work
i contains sre a description of the railway
in the mteresi oi w men mr pampnm is i wmiHIn j Woltman. Omaha
! iublihhed, an article on the phenomenal ! Zoe V. McColm, Omaha
John JC. Iiennia and Charles W.
Marriage Lteeaea. J
Marriage licenses have been issued to the i
Name and Residence Age
Wiinam L Moite. Onialia X
Mary Anderson. Omaha ie
You can pet tickets all sum
mer via tbe IJurlinjrton to Den
ver. Colorado Sjiriiips or Pueblo
at f lT.oO for tbe round trip.
The above is one reaein w iij
you should sjend your vacation
in Colorado another is. you
can live very cheaply, the scen
ery is magnificent, the climate
tool and comfortable.
Send for our Colorado Hand
Book, which tells you how In-
exjienaively and satisfactory
you can sjiend the surumer va
cation in Colorado.
City Passenger Agent,
I502Farnam Street, OMAHA.
pet-vision on such buildings as thli
Is a building inspector paid by the year. ! 'The Omaha of Tofiay,"
whose duty it should be' to lnrpect this i Has." Several pagef are oevmed to S"uth
work, thus;g money to the city and ' Omaha, it industries and growth Atten
placing the responhibitlty for th work i tion if called to the fact that th city on
upon an officer cf th corporation. It 1 i th south sYicwed a larger jieroentag of
really othlng to me. and 1 will draw the ! increase In population according to th cen
r on tract, but here is certainly an Item of j u of liKW than any other city In trie I'm led
needless ea-petise." j Btates. the percentage lmg .i Council
- 1 t, ti-n come in fur very favorable
INFANTRY RIFLE COMPETITION mention. Taken all tn all ti. book ahould is million estate
be very lriierenr.g to tr.e peop. iiviiig in
Detail af facer Caadart Caatests '
at rrt UTartk Seat
There ' growth of Omaba. "A History of th City." Viohaei Giin-v. Omaha C
of Tofiay," -"yrhat Omaha t m ua "
! 1U J jjt&arrun. irmana z
. K'.isalle Ierry, Cnnaiia Ill
J Dasgklrn W la - 111 foal est.
TALPABA1SO. Ind.. July 34 The jury la
' the Cieorge '. Swghrn will rKiruen case
I today reached a veraict favoriible to tne
I pitmtifif ario breaking tbe 111 vf.rt
' sac a wealthy dtiaen of South Benl whi
left a will giving the bula of a ouarter of
to ta suns, i n aaur titer
Ticket Ageata la Visit I tah. -
SALT LAKE 'I'M . Ctah, July 14 -Tlie
t.m--t i:T mi.kl association of P. k. 1
! r,r.kt airi.ts wni iioia lta uirLii cfn.. '
veruon in Salt Lke City from Se(iemiier
to 14 Nearly il delegate are riwi4
to atiet.d the cor. vei.tiori. lncludirg refire
ser.ta lives of nearly every railroad in iue
Feser Kills the soldiers.
XTW TC'TIK. July M A letter from tt.e
Acre territory says ancnrding li th
Herald a Kin 6 Jaue ro CKirrespondeut, t?it
tie army i jifnat.ins nr,Qer f . er
atuackh nuno'-eo omoers ana men
t HOtiLs.
iStk rear. Xew fireproof buLi:nc h'ooor eauipmeirt Iwlnhtinl lorstwm. s-cmber inched.
atroi larch. Tfcorougn suiiiiary anc ataarnoc acparunsstt. L"ca rclt-rat ik.
COk, A. at. iacaOS, A. ss Sept.
lb termor adjacent to th greatest dry
In thi part of the domain of Cncl 6amuel.
It ahould also b circulated with pride by
the ciuaens of Ctnaha
racine College j American
Grammar School i Conservatory
Mortality Siartetlea.
Tli foliowing birtli and deaths bav
been rejoried tc the aard of Health:
Birth Howard .l':a..r sat Seaard.
gir,: rrlta i-tansen. aaiami. ooy. c. G
Orders have been Issued from TiepartiBent
of th Missouri headquarter relative ts the
infantry rtft compet'tioc which Itegin tt
Fort Leavenworth August Id Pursuant
therewith tb following officers will pro
ceed to Fort lverwonh, arrived fier i Car.btsrg W. alaniiei aoi bo;, J-Yed 6ar
B.t Uter than august 7, lor duty a. range !Jj 0 frlXVi
officers: rrrst L. A. Cunia 1 .(llith Tl.lrtirih. boy. Grar.i Jonra. J
Twenty-seeono tnlaatry. r rrt Crook; Firnt : e"uU b-ona oej
r l.i,t.rjr.l Htm A VTin-rmt. T lHlh-hia oti d Jhnaon, VAt
. . . ' ' da. Catherlri Hminiit hmo noaard.
tfth br.fantry. Ftwt Kiobrara: Bftumt ijeu-j j(, tia5-a; E,ia Jorinsaa, bi3f liatur. T
tenant Julius L iKidge. Twexty-nftk tn-'iear! lLotti brn,m lhJi, Nana Twenty
taatiy. rort Kjobraiw; SeeoBd Laeutanant j ' Jur;J- . .f'fj1. vt'' -i,,'' i'n;' ii'
B-nua a v m ' w - - - ... t t"- - "
a n.air eniia
i ui umit
Pupils Study Cnder aa Instructor,
lla jraduies eaier any College
or Liiiveiwit). CHX'.iaJ ana lu
ietie aovaniarea. htiiitary in.l.
Far bi af a aa II krara Old.
Ilissiisia teialiwu aaa t
Hearg laeaala sVehlasoav, hsrsrs
aacUt, Wis.
. 1 drd and 4i' are ill. S"me detachnacts it'
i trool are wTtiioui neaicinc
tnr I a4 mtt t l-m A-
oiirtaomt, tStMrCihl rW
AhhiaaAWtJM. 4.rri kLJi.rrtM.
iuH Libiba.
7 Ttif f uui- T rmi'r tralrwa larui'
iM-iuikit AtlMVi'-sii Ainkm-vmujr) . iiwuimc . jt
'!-. u'bl rr. l-,r - t-.rrM I 1. birl, IkrilM" .
a ha-n llw mwtm,. IUH.. j ur
V.KfT -. . 11 1 1 t . 1-M.t ui
a. " 'll..l :, .,,...,,.
aebraaka MIS at lsrs la. j
ANVAPOUa. Ml . July t-J. T. Crus '
of Xepraaka was sworn am toaay aa irud- j
hipmaB, J
Oitei svih. li.Twt mtitaar, t,ol Im VC- iuah-s
ft . . ' . .i iiaUlbsst IM atWi mrj tWaeSOL,. aVsrra.al4st 41 U
I'wliriill llllil .W arX VhfttuBj tMtA
II I -mill ! ilapi , .tMahJIgmaash I
UHfi.1 CAltatV
W. h if.
ta ianA mm ! L.