Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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o Jit? .
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i mm rfw.n.
Price Cut
OrJintnoa Blinding Caaine Liberty May
Be Introduced in Couno.l.
Chief at Police ! Health CommlH
loner Assert Ihut There Is Mreat
Danger from Docs II n
nlnK nl Large.
An ordinance compelling dogs to be mux
sled or confined on the premises of tha
owner during the heated term may result
from the recent appearance of rablea In
Omaha. The matter Is being talked up
both by city officials and the public gen
erally and leemi to b meeting wun ap
nrovaL No draft of the proponed munici
pal regulation has been prepared, but it Is
.nt uniikrlv that an ordinance to this
effect will be introduced at the next coun
cil meeting.
fhicf of Police Donahue Is one of the
authorities who favors such an ordinance.
"The welfare of all the dogs In the world
la not worth one human life," la the way
h uma ud his reason for a restriction of
canine liberty. "In other cities," he says
thp am atrinirent laws compelling the
muzzling of dogs from June 1 to October 1,
and the police are uBuany iiici.iiij
ious to carry out the provisions of the law.
They know the danger In dogs during hot
weather. All over town at thu present
time there are many vicious animals snap-
ulna: at oeople. horses and other dogs
whenever they get the chance.
Power of the Police.
"In this state dogs are property and the
police have no right to kill an animal for
which a license has been secured, unless
the dog Is violent and Intent on Injuring
people. Under the muzzle ordinance all
dogs not so equipped could be taken to the
dog pound, held and If not redeemed and
the public protected from their Jaws could
be destroyed.
"Since Mrs. Stover's death this office has
been called up by many persons who are
afraid of dogs In their neighborhood which
thev think mad or on the verge of It. This
single case of hydrophobia has produced
general feeling of alarm, and my observa
tion is that It is not in-founded."
Health Commissioner Ralph said yester
day that he would be heartily in favor
of the muzzle ordinance. He views it as
almost a necessary precaution to safeguard
the public
Detective Flsk, who investigated yester
day as to what dogs the rabies-infected
spaniel had bitten, reported that so far as I
he could learn no other dogs had been near
the puppy and therefore apprehension from
this source is probably groundless. One
qualification, however, was that there are
two cocker spaniels at the Gellenbeck home
with which the smaller dog associated.
Orders will be given to have these animals
confined and watched until all danger of
hydrophobia has passed. The danger is said
to exist as long as six months after the
wound has been Inflicted.
V Men'.; $5 & $6 Pants at ft JH n
I J V' ,J tcmmm Thousands of pairs of . g I
It sjr cummer outlnp flan- -fill
wCZr V "A nels. crashes, etc. gsalsf sr
fe JJ all in one lot at
Here Is price cutting In men-- high
grade Bummer Suits such as this city
lias never seen.
We have carefully gone over every
fine Summer Suit In our entire stork
and we have cut the price" at Wst
20 per cent lower than we hnve ever
done In the paxt. All the odd" and
ends of our splendid lines r.f 12. $18
and $16.50 Summer Suits must g.i now.
For tomorrow we offer them all at
one price
Eight Seventy-five
Men's $20 Silk nixed Casslmeres
Hen's $18 Worsted Suits
lien's $18 Blue flartln Serges
Men's $16.50 Homespun Suits
Men's $15 Cheviot Suits
Dr. George L. Miller Reiterates Hie
Firm. Disbelief In Local
Danger of Hablea.
OMAHA, July 24.-To the Editor of The
Bee: I am frequently asked what I think
now, after the Bad case of Mrs. Stover,
about the existence of hydrophobia. I ask
space In The Bee to make public reply by
1. I have always doubted, but have never
denied, the existence of rabies in dogs and
men. What I have said was, and what
I now say is, that, admitting the existence
of the disease which I am free to do with
entire candor, it is so absolutely rare that
there has been more danger to Human life
In an hour's ride in a carriage In Omaha
than there has been from mad dogs in the
forty-nine years as a medical observer
that I have lived in it. I appeal to the
facts. If there is anything In truth; If
there Is anything In intelligence and rea
soning and Inexorable logic to be put
against imagination and fright, then I am
wholly right about it.
Z. The competent physicians who tried
In vain to save the life of Mrs. Stover, I
understand, never saw a case, of hydro
phobia until they saw her case. Brooklyn
has had outbreaks of what I consider to
be the same disease, which great men in
medicine denounced as not being hydro
phobia at all. Sir Thomas Watson, who
was the great physician and medical
teacher of London sixty years ago, never
aw a case among Its millions of men and
dogs. It is conceded that there never has
been a case In Omnha before since the
white occupation, even if Mrs. Stover had
the disease. A veteran dog fancier a few
years ago who had been scarred all over
from the bites of the dogs which It was
Ms profession to train, openly said In an
interview in the Boston Herald that be
never saw a case of rabies, and did not
believe that any such disease existed.
I have lived a long life with dogs for my
constant companions from early child
hood. I never saw a case of hydrophobia
. i .a t
iiur um r o injr person who ever
aw any other person who ever saw one
Out of 8.000 dogs reported mad to the Hu
mane society of Philadelphia not one was
conceded by the ablest examiners among
meaicai men o nave mat disease.
i asK tne press of the city to stop this
excitement by speaking the truth to the
President of the Humane Society.
Great Reductions in Boys Clothing
$1 and 75c Wool Knes Pants at 39c A bargtin th it shoiill interest every
mother in Omaha. 91.00 ami, 75c strictly all woof Knee S f
Pants u-ith reinjorccd teams, double seat and knees Sfur ' C
day third Jl:jor at
Tour choice of any Wash Sailor Suit that has sold at one dolar and
seventy-live cents Saturday at .
Boys' $3.50 and $4.00 Knee Pants
Suits aaliors, bailor tic
Norfolks, etc., at leOO
Choice of any $6, $7
Boys' Suit in the
house at,
and $7-50
Boys' Waists and Shirts
Boys' Waist Blouses and Straight
Waists odds ana ends f -worth
up to 73c "ivVJ
$1 Boys' Madras Shirts
$1.50 Boys' Mothers'.
Friend waists at
Boys' $3.50 Serge
Blouse Suits at . . .
Boys' $1.50 3plece
Vestee Suits at..
lien's Fine $2 Pants
Bargains Basement
Boys' Bine Brownie Over
alls aRes 4 to 8
Work in Varlons Departments Is
Being; Pushed by Nebraska.
Assistant Secretary H. G. Shedd of the
Nebraska commission to the Louisiana
Purchase exposition returned from Chicago
Friday morning. He said:
'The state fair management has con
sented to assist the commission in prepar
ing the various exhibits for the St. Louis
exposition. James Walsh, superintendent of
agricultural exhibits, will assist at the
state fair in preparing the exhibits, and
will see to it that only the best of the state
fair exhibits will be taken to St. Louis.
Prof. Barbour of the State university,
who is superintendent of the educational
exhibits, is at work and is sending out a
circular letter relative thereto to the vari
ous county school superintendents and city
school officers.
'About September 1 the commission will
begin packing exhibits for shipment to St.
Louis. Shipments will be made also from
the State museum of the finest exhibits
showing the progress of the state In agri
culture, horticulture and forestry. If pos
sible samples of the peculiar formations
found in the Bad Lands in the northwest
ern part of the state, known as the Morrell
collection, will also be exhibited at St.
Louis. Tha State Experimental station and
the State Historical society will also con
tribute many valuable exhibits.
'The live stock men of the state are tak
ing an active Interest. It is a peculiar fact
that this will be the first Independent live
stock exhibit giver at any International ex
position. Hitherto they have always been
connected with the Agricultural department.
The commlFHion will have Its headquar
ters In the office of Secretary Furnas at
the state fair grounds during the entire
week of the fair."
Take His
That It rys to
Wife's Advice.
Mr. A. U. urouDy, editor of the Abbe
ville, Ala., News, has the following kind
words for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy: "Several days ago I
was taken with something like bilious dys
entery In a malignant form. I took medi
cines for two or three days, but got worse
all the time. We had a bottle of Chamber-
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhooa Remedy
In the house and my wife prevailed upon
me to take a dose. The one dose rolleved
ine within an hour una I have not been
troubled with It since. I consider this the
most wonderful bowel remedy I have ever
Card of Thanks.
We, the parents, brothers, sisters and
relatives of our beloved Irvine, hereby wish
to extend our heartfelt thanks to the
Knights of Pythlus and all of our friends
who sympathized with and reme:nhred us
with many beautiful f.owtrs and impressive
muslo during our sorrow and amotion. We
also desire to express our appreciation to
the school children, who met their departed
friend and schoolmate on his last arrival
home; also to those who had charge of
the act of thoughtful kindness.
Maernbevs Take Notice.
Tou are urgently requested to bs present
at the next review of Omaha tent. No. 75,
which occurs Thursday evening. July Ik.
Matters f great Interest to all members
In the city of Omaha will be brought up
for discussion and final settlement.
C. L. SMITH, Commander.
GEORGE A. OSTROM, Record Keeper.
Promptness Appreciated.
The Woodmen of the World Is becoming
famous for the promptness with which its
claims are honored. The following needs
no comment:
OMAHA, Neb., June 26, 1908. To the
Members of Druid Camp No. 24, Woodmen
of the World, Omaha, Neb.: I desire to
express my heartfelt appreciation through
you to the Order of the Woodmen of the
World for the kind manner In which you
have treated myself and family since the
death of my beloved husband, R. Vander
ford. AIbo for the very prompt manner in
which you have made settlement of his
certificate to me. 1U died on Monday, the
M Inst., was buried on the 24th and on the
morning of the 28th you p'.aced In my hand
a draft for (1,000, covering the amount of
certificate he held In your order.
May the blessings of heaven rest upon
you and your noble order for these kind
acts and assistance.
My kindest wishes be with you. Respect
July , 190S. To Druid Camp No. 24,
W. O. W.: My husband died Monday even
ing, 20th of July, 1W3. On the morning of
the following day O. H. Hennlng, city or
ganiser, presented me with a check for
$100 to meet present urgent necessities, and
on the afternoon of the same day he handed
me a warrant lor tne balance of the 12.000
represented by the certificate held In the
order by my husband as a member of
Druid camp No. 24 of Omaha. r
I desire to express my grateful apprecla
tion of the promptness of payment and the
fraternal attention, courtesies and sym
pathy of the members of camp, officers pf
Sovereign camp and the membership gen
I will teach my children to venerate the
order and keep In remembrance its benefit
Will Now Try to Have Convention Tele-
' gates Eleotei at Primaries,
One Jacktuniau Boasts that the
County Democracy Cannot Elect
Any of Their Men
at Primaries.
Now It Is announced that the Jacksonians
will break away entirely from the action
of the democratic county committee and
bring about an entirely new deal by which
the county convention to elect delegates
to the state convention shall be composed
of persons elected at primaries instead of
appointed by committee. This comes from
a person who seldom makes a mistake
when prophesying as to the course of the
Herdmans, who are at present all-powerful
In tho Jacksonlan organization and who
are dressing down their friends who per
mltted the motion of a representative from
the County Democracy to prevail wlthou
"The County Democracy may pretend it
sprung a trap to catch us," said this Jack'
soman, ' but the fact Is the motion was
made to get a few members of that faction
into the conventions. We can beat them
every time there la fight and they know
It so well that they are willing to dlsfran
chlse the people In patty matters in order
to get a few of their number Into a con
ventlon, where they can never land If the
people are permitted to make the selection,
We have opposed the arrogance of the
committees before and have carried the
matter lrto the state convention, where we
defeated them on Just such a scheme. Few
of our men were present at the meeting of
the county committee and one of them of
fered opposition to the appointment plan.
"There is going to be another meeting of
the county committee, and at tils meeting
the action taken last Saturday will be set
aside and a date fixed for primaries for the
selection of delegates to the convention.
There Is plenty of time for this, and we
will never submit to the undemocratic
i method of selection of delegates by the
committeemen. A. to the selection of dele.
gates to the Judicial convention the action
of the committee was foolish, for no Ju
dicial convention has been called and It Is
not within the power of the committee to
call for the selection of delegates to a con
vention lor which no apportionment has
been made."
Still going on: Sold on tho Easy Payment
Plan if Desired.
So easy. No money at all, if you dou't care to pay any.
Never in the history of our great piano business have we
pleased so many piano purchasers as we have in the last few days
Our larije force of salesmen in our music annex, has been busy
as bees showing the magnificent instruments that we are offer
ing at such astonishingly low prices. Many very conservative
buyers called this week and placed their order for a piano, know
ing that thev made a great saving on their purchase. While we
have given out a number of bargains since this sale commenced,
we have many more to offer. We merely mention a few of them
here to impress upon your mind that now is the time to get a
crood standn rd niano at less than cost to manufacture it. Every
instrument sold in this sale is guaranteed just as though you paid
the regular price for it.
Upright Golden Oak case
t'pright Light Oak case
Upright Burl Walnut case ...4
Upright Cabinet Grand case
Upright San Domingo Mahogany case
8511 T'pright Burl Walnut cae
106 1 Upright Dark Mahogany case ..
125 1 Upright Mottled Mahogany case
, 145 1 Upright French Walnut case ....
165 1 Upright Concert Piano
. 115
. 136
. 156
. 175
All sold on the easy payment plan if desired.
Price & Teeple, Haines,
Franklin, Cable,
Jacob Doll, Kingsbury,
Warner, Kreil.
Catalogues and prices furnished to out-of-town customers
on application.
New pianos
for rent. Pianos moved, tuned and repaired.
Telephone 1683.
2,4tZ and Far nam sts.
1 liams,' JQ
pound... IW
"iTheBennett Company
The Money-Saving Grocery,
The Most Satisfactory
Young bens,
per pound .
per pound ,
Spring Chickens,
per pound . .
. WD.
The Most Reliable Grocery.
3-lb. can
THE Danish Brotherhoods of Council Bluff's, South Omaha and
. Omaha,
Grand Excursionand
at Ascot Park, Iowa,
Sunday, July 26
, via
Illinois Central Railroad
Kound trip tickets, inoludlu admission to
park and dancing floor, W) cents.
A great program for the day.
Shooting. Ashing and dancing.
tv-in ivbs Union depot. Omaha at 8:30
and 10 a. in-
Baked Beans and Sauce, can 5c
Oedney's 80c bottle Vickies 22c
Gedney's 2oc bottle Pickles 18c
Mustard, Jar 6c
Bennett's Bargain Soap 19 bars 25c
Matches 1 doien boxes
Baking Soda, package 4c
Salmon, 1-lb. can...v 10c
Potted Meats, assorted, can 3a
Jelly, assorted, gluss 5c
Chill Sauce, Jar loo
Qelatlnc, package 10c
OH Sardines, can 5c
Preserved Blackberries, can 5c
Macaroni, 1-lb. package 10c
Full Cream Cheese, lb 12c
Hand Cheese, each 2Vc
FieBh Country Butter, lb ISc
to nil ruMotuers lu'onr grocery dept.
Why Not
open a bank account and have your money
earn 4 per cent Interest? We take deposits
from $1 00 upwards and the bank Is open
until o'clock Saturday evenings.
4. L. Brandeia ft Bona Sankara.
In a
No other pills
King's New Life
cd kidneys. No
sals by Kuhn A
Class Aloue.
on earth can equal Dr.
Pills for stomach. liv
no pay. 5e, ror
Card of Thaaks.
We, tha undersigned wish to express our
sincere manas 10 tna many friends and
especially to the members of ruld Camp
t ooumen oi me v oria, to Mr. C. F. Weller
ana .enow employes or the Richardson
lrug Co.. Freight Auditors Department
Union Paclflo for their kindness, sympathy
and beautiful floral offerlnga at the death
and funeral of our beloved huaband and
uiumcr. milB. ilARRT WOOD
Bld wanted for the erection of tha booths.
yiunuriuB, no., lo Da used durln-
.... ... .. ... . wi ma jvnignts of Ak
oar-Den umana commencing Oct,
Apply Purchasing Agent, Armour
South Omaha.
1. 190t
A Co.,
j - or Donas let us
quote you. uurns-H-skeli Co., 3Z0 N. Y.
.ire, i-nonw s-jo.
For Sale Due bill on one of tha best New
Tork City hotels at a good discount. Ad'
draaa K K care Omaha Be.
HtDlln Will Care ror Lad Who
W Assaulted on tho Show
An episode on the Ringling Bros.' circus
grounds Thursday night may be the means
of saving a 12-year-old boy from facing the
world and Its disagreeable features alone.
Just before tha show began tha youngster,
Robert Harris, complained that two ele
phant caretakers had abused him and had
deceived him by refusing to get him Into
the tent after they had so promised. The
two men were arrested and yesterday
were sentenced tn three months each In
the county Jail on the charge of assault
and battery. A representative of the circus
stayed behind to see that they were prosecuted.
It developed, however, that the boy Is
more or less of a tramp. According to his
story his parents are dead, though he has
sttp-parents, said to be at Hastings. He
drifted Into Omiha about two weeks ago
and has been living the best he could. A
good voice fini a talent fur recitation made
life easier for him, as occaslona'ly he got
a few days' employment as a performer In
a tent show.
Now that the Ringling people have found
the lad to be without a home they have
telegruphed back to their representative to
bring him along and they will find such
place for him.
Vaa Works on Taxpayer.
The city treasurer's van brought a de
linquent personal taxpayer to time yester
day after considerable argument and
the lapse of seven years from the time the
taxes were due. The taxpayer is not one
of those whose dally wants take all of
bis Income. In fart lie owns considerable
property, aid among it a saloon In tha
astern part of town. Notice after notice
failed to bring him to the office of the
treasurer, so this morning Fred Anderson
and the van went out to seise upon the
liquors in tha refreshment parlor. The
proprietor was at home and not In an
amiable mood. He demanded sight of the
treasurer and after trying to settle the
matter himself Mr. Andernon sent for Mr.
Hennings. By the time Mr. Hennings ar
rived the taxpayer had experienced a
change of heart and a check tor ,70 was
Immediately forthcoming.
are Aid to. Usg Lit.
Electric Blttera give an active liver, per
fect digestion, healthy kidneys, regular
bowels, fine appetite, or no pay. 60c. For
ale by Kubn Co.
the boys will wear out more shoes
than In any other three months of
the year.
The strongest shoe Is the one tha
boy should have.
We know the value of our boys' $1.5)
for your boy It's a good time to t M
them and compare me result wi n
others you have bought.
We're Inclined to solicit a comparison
of this kind, and, to begin with, guar
antee you are going to be satisfied.
Omaha's Up-to-Dato Shoa House
1419 Farnam Street.
-wtiea-wuiL aua.mULUJllilUMM
Unparalleled Sacrifice of Every Pair
Men's Odd Pants in Our House.
Take Advantage of Our Scmi-Atitiual Pout Sale
We place before the men of Omaha
an almost limitless stock of the season's '
choicest and most desirable assortment
x,of pants, at prices which, in all the val-
ue-pivinR and the under-pricing which'
' 1 1 A ,1 I
cave crowtieu stores imu umuut
crowds of buyers, have never been
equaled. The one, and only considera
tion, is to dispose of every pair of odd
pants in the house. Nothing like the
price sacrificing has ever taken place in
Omaha before.
1,000 Pair Men's Pants Worth up to $4.50.
On Sale Saturday
Men's Straw Hats
Saturday will be a good time to buv a fine straw hat.
All of our straw hats have undergone tremendous reductions.
Men's Canvas Shoes
Saturday we will place on special sale, 53 cases AA
of men's canvas shoes, worth ?1.50, Saturday. . UU
Women's Hose Worth $1.00, for 29c
An importer's line of samples will go on sale Saturday.
The finest hose on the market, worth up to 7 Or
S1.0C will go on sale at
a b
S--7-3K3 S3SSSC
Caterer Hanscom
Park Pavilion
Sunday, July 26th
Music Afternoon atid Evening
By the 22d Infantry Band
Balduff's Ice Cream
and Confections . . .
Buy a hammock at half price before 10
o'clock Saturday, Drapery Department,
Orcuard ft WUhelm.
Coffee Special
Special Rio, worth lo Ho
Leader Blend baa no equal, for 15c
Boston Blend 3o
Cucuta Blend, worth 25c 25c
Boston Java 30c
boston Java and Mocha, Hbs. for....LW
Tea Sifting for Saturday tttta
B. E- Japan. Oolong, English Breakfast S&o
1-lb.. Price's or Koyal 12c
K. C. 26-os.. 20c 15-os., 12c. 10-oa So
t-os. full weight Uo
4-oa, full weight 80c
FREE A cold drink of phosphate to all
customers for Saturday.
TWENTY TEARS fixing teeth is our record. Don't take chances with
omer names. et teem to n.50 on rubber,
irresponsible firms under
Aluminum plates, 115.00.
BH-SY, Tho Dentist,
Lady Attendant. Telephone 1085, 3rd Floor Paxton Block. I i
- i . .-'1
Be Governed by Results
The scientific manner to prove the truth
of an assertion la to apply It to a practical
The practical way to ascertain the rea
sons why you should ao your marxeung
here, will be answered best by entrusting
your orders to us for one month THAT'S
Hire's Root Beer Extract.
Hire's Ginger Ale, per dozen f Ofl
bottles I.UU
Hire's Root Beer, per dozen
bottles "
Quart Bottle Imported Lime 3SC
Quart Bottle Gleason's Grape 4Rc
Juice -wuw
Royal Luncheon Cheese, IOC
Choicest Quality Lobster, 20c
per can "uw
Best Packed Salmon, 10c
per can avw
Excellent Shrimps, lOc
per can a w
Finest Minced Sea Clams, IQc
per can
Extra Fancy Lemons (largest size). 2Sr
dozen -w
Choice Ripe Tomatoes, 20c
per basket "
Sommer Bros
ESuiT Exponents of GooJ Livln Uit"ul
28th and Farnam Street.
26 Sticks for Sc
JELLY BEAN'S, fruit flavors, lb. . &YjC
CHEWING" GUM All ldnda, 8
package for 10c
Best Ice Cream Soda
In Ci!y-5c.
I ' M. M. Ut wU ItiA ttomu
mat nofti, pi a a nL n-w
f rrk r r t n"ur mwm ' i-
The Bennett Company
A Chance for the Boys!
A Chance for the Girls!
SO Prizes for Correct Answers.
A Splendid Base Ball Bat
for the Boys.
A Pretty Ifaviland Cup and
Saucer for the (iirls.
t words 6 syllables la all.
DIsentanKle these letters make the
correct words out of them. I'erhaps
they represent something connected
with Uminett's. Sumo epeclal feature
or perhaps Home Hiieoiul article either
of which help to make Bennett's
The Popular Store for the Peop e
Come to. the store tomorrow bring
your mamma or Boine una to help you
and huve a good look all around.
Cut this ad out, write your unawor
Your name and address here
Bring your answer (in envelope) to
Mr. W. R. Bennett's desk, main lloor,
but don't bring it beforo Monday. We
want to give everyone a good and
fulr show! The tlrst fifty correct
answers will be the prize-getters.
Kach answer will be numbereil when
received. Get an early number.
Prizes on display in window.
of every known variety nerved at our
fountain. The great ENUMBH TEMPER
the latest creation SANDWICH BUNDAfcid
surved plain, with fruit or nuts.
2Lo white iuh j,uiiia water
boo liar-Ben
bOc Nervila,
11.00 I'eruna all you want at
All tickets from our register are
redeemed at & per cent In trade.
25c Hire's Root Beer Extract
6oo t'osxonl Face I'owder
a&c Caslorla genuine
$1.00 Dr. Fierce s Kemedle
When other druggists tell you
they sell goods as cheap as we
compare their price with ours and
Ke Pierce's Fills
i Chester s Uenulne Pennyroyal Pill
:ice Y
Tut 'Po T4T T7.
a Clea iswsr O-uaaa.