TITE OMAITA DAILY BEEt SATTJIIDAY, JULY 2ft, 1903. 1X COMMERCIAL AM FINANCIAL Good Weath?r Ee'orta Weakei Grains, but (Jtose N ) Slump. PROVISIONS FALL IN SYMPATHY WITH HOGS I Vthril, Corn and Outs All itrow from One-Kluhtb to One Hoarier of CeBl on (lie Hoard of Tr--e. CHICAGO, July 21. Wheat held about sternly ai a small decline in prices, bep teininr tiling uovwi ai me close vc. com was strong early, declined, oul In mod up tiu .iTi kc. miii..ir I'liiHinu c lower. Oa la t 'sl:litlv easier, closing Vie lower. Pro visions wi'ie down li2.;vbC. 'ill,. i,iiiiiiii in mieL showed nil easier .,,,.. ,.M thu luiiliiM. but a iiootl demand. bused only on reports from the nortli fnnud an early advance, September ..ili.iir 1111 fpiini the ulielllUU. i6V14iV4C, to 'itiv'iu'?o. Ultelllias uecume tree udi;.iici'. however, and resulted In to i5vH.Hi i'5c. The mat ket was soon over sold and a belter tone lollowed when tue tin. In started lo liuv back and the c oso ....... si -7..I... u ii.iiM nf 11' from yesterday. The late limitless In corn also helped the tone. Clearances of wheat and Hour were eoual to iiiiO,"'JU bu. Primary receipts were r.;i i, m l.u .. u-aliist l.UO.ouU DU. a year ao. AHiineaiiolls and Duluui reported receipts -it.: ........ ,,i,.h with limul receiuls 60 curs, 26 of contract grade, made a total for the three points of 17t cars, against HI cars lost week and 4ii a year ao. i u .1... .,,... rinmrln und more orable weather caused corn to lose much . I u u a Bliniiirm lillt Oil i... i n,. ...uiiiei .iiHiilaved Utile weakness, there being enough support to hold price near the opening ngure. xnere waa .lately large Hade with plenty of acUj 1,., ,.n ifih sides. Sentember closed Vc lower at Oufcc, alter ranging hetweeu 50-i,c with fc uf conlruet grada. t m I.. ,rLut a iiH a met. w.im at He loss for September at 33.C the range ot price neing -u iu k,tv- re J:1' .i""" " u wiln- in svmp.ithy w thT lower h".F market E,rly prices were a fraction under yesterday a anif with .ii.,i, .inianil eased off. closing weak ' ..1. d!.....i. i...ik ion lower at $14.12, w. 5?u, down at 17.86 and ribs off 15o at v5' -1 . . . . nnnrrnw Wheat. rjntimaiea reeeipm 101 the breuk 60 Tars; corn. 175 cars, oats. 190 cars; hogs, 13,0"O head. , . . The leading iuiurew nm Articles. Open. ( Hlgh. Low. Cloe.Yes'y. Wheat tJuly JJuIy tSept. (Sept. Sept. Dec. Uals July Sfpt. 1 uc. May Turk 8ept. L;iril Bept. Oco. KIIih Sept. Oct. 7ITV 761 f s 76Vru. 51 V! II 76H 75H 76lfci Ti M 3U 8 o: 7 77V. 8 87V4 8 i)U 42 33: 36 14 30 8 02V4 7 80 8 40 8 20 4974 4U;V 40 4 3iV4j 14 00 7 85 7 60 8 25 8 tliVil 7r.'4 T"i 75 I 70S 7JV I 7V 10V I BOiJ H .oOH'u oOT4"'l I UiVi &4 I 41 8974 334 33V4 14 12V4I 1 KV4 8 07V4 7 80 8 44 8 2.V4 7 85 7 60 8 S74 8V4! 2 white, 41V4 No. 2. tOld. INew. i war, as fnllnWS! KLOUU Hteadv; winter patents, 3.76f -.... i.ri.u 't iiifiR 7ft! snrinii: oaten I, $4.('f4.; straights, 3.43 90; bakers'. W 6J "w'l'lEAT-Ktt. 2 spring, 80c; No. 3, 7579c; CORN-No. 2,' 5K3G1V.C; No. 2 yellow. 62V4 fif3p. OAT3-NO. 2, JEfftrtc; No. 43c: No. 3 white, 3X'u40V4c. BAKL.EY Good feeding, SSlc; fair to choice malting, wijhv. SEliDS No. 1 flax, 92V4c; No. 1 northwest Hrlm. ilmnlhv t3.30ia3.35. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., SM3.85 mqti T.orrt tier 100 lbs., t7.60ij7.66. Short ribs' sides (loose). Uor,i8.25. Dry eaited shoulders (boxed), $7.5t(ivi.b2H; short clear -ih. il,o,U :R M(!i8 The following were the receipts and ship- menta of flour ana gram yesieruay ; rtecelnts. ShlDinent-. 19.700 10,l"i0 , 39,700 2,500 114,800 441,5ii0 ISO, 100 129,600 , 6,700 14,300 on the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; creameries, 14(iil914c; dairies. 13r 17c. Kkrs. easy; at mark, cases Included, ll'al3c. Cheese, easy, 10V44tllV4e. KEW YOHK GKM HAIi MAHKKT. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bU... Corn, bu Oats, bu Itye, bu...t.. Barley, bu.... Quotations Various of the Pay on ComniodltlM. NEW YORK. July 2i. FLOVR Receipts, ?K s:t2 bbls.: exuortH. 22.1)98 bbls.: market fair ly active and steady; winter patents, $3.90 4.30; winter straights, 3.b0fu.i.(S5: Mlnne sota patents. 4.4(u4.65; winter extras, ''.iKri'3.ao: Minnesota bakers, 3.6iifu3.7o; winter low grades, $2.7uri3.0fl. Kye llour easier: fair to Kood. I2.9mil3.25; choice to fancy. ta.8o!.5u. IIORNMKA1. Pull; yellow western, 11.11; city. 11.10; kiln dried. $3.2oftf3.25. It Y E Stead v; No. if western, 4SV4o. f. o. b.. afloat: state. 584i6lc. c. 1. I.. New Yora. . ItA HI.KY Oulet: feedlnit. 62c. c. i. f. New York: malting. 61V57c, o. t. f., New Yink. v W1IKAT TtecelDts. 98.200 bu. Spot steady. No. 2 red, 8oVn elevator; No. 2 red, SlVic f.o.b.. alloat; No. 1 northern, IJuluth, 92c f.o.b.. alloat. Options were quiet all day but Kenerally firmer on export ruraori, con tinued small receipts and complaints about noor threshlim returns. Near the close there was some realizing and disappoint mnnt over the export business, final prices were net unchanged to Vc higher. Sales Included No. 2 red. July. SlSiJd'.c. closed 81V.c; September, ko H-l'iySlHc. closed, 81Vc; December. Hlu.slSc. closed. 81c. t'OUN Receipts. 60,550 bu.; exports. 101,- 0T.2 bu. Spot steady; No. 2. 6io, elevator, aiul Kso r. o. D., anoiii; rso. z yeuow, uoc No. 2 white, toe. Option market had a sham ndvunce early on damage news and covering'. After a mid-day reaction It ral lied airain on outside siiDDort and bad re ports from Nebraska, but was finally weak itied by realizing and closed unchanged. Julv at 57'i.i7 13-liic. closed., 6i4c; Sep teniber, 50',''w57c, closed, 6r"e; December, 1,1.'iim'ic. closed. 5i,Vc. OATS Receipts. 34,(i bu.; exports, 7.805 bu. Knot dull; No. 2, 4Vje; standard write, 4ll 'li ll:,c; No. 4c; No. 2 white, 42(h42'c; No". 3. white. 41'i41Vc; track, white west ern. 40U'47c; track, white, state, 40o41c, Options quiet, but steady. VKElVKlUV. 11UAN- Iniwer: snrlng. f1. 8517.00: mid dllng, 19.oO'aao.iO; ' winter, J18 wXtfJO-OO; city. w iii.iK). HAY Quiet; shipping, SO&85c; good to choice, tl.10tai.la. HOPS yulct; state, common to choice. 1!H2 crop, li)'u;iHc; iwi crop, iwiiibc; olds. 6il7c. Paclilo coast. li)02 crop, luj21c; 19U1 crop, 134jH)c; olds, 6U5o. " H1DKK unlet : t.ulveston. V) to 25 lbs ISc; California, 21 to lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lts.. ic. LKATHUR-Steady; acid. 234f25'4c. RICE Firm; domestic, tair to extra, 4V49 62i'; Japsn, niuninai. PKOVlSlONS-r.eef. easy; family, JHO.Oft ftlO.rO; mesa, .s.(i'i x.jo; beer hams, 20.5i4 2uu; packet, a. o0; city extra India mess, $15 (W ltf.li . Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. ty.-Vull '-f.; pU klcd shoulders, ta..riU; Idckled hams, I2 .i'Hi 13.15. Lard, easy; west ern steamed, I7.sn; July closed at $7.W, nom inal; rellm-d easy; iniitlnent. tH.uO; South America. Js 0; compound, $V.5tXui.75. 1'ork. easy; family, $17. i . li.,5; short clear, I16.U0 HI 17.75; mess, llb.joul7.25. TAl.I.OU Sccady; city, SViiSVic; country, 4'....(lo. Iil'TTF.It He'-elpts, 12, pkgs ; easier; etite daliy, 14'nlli-; cremnerv, 15Vi2ik-. C1IKKSE Keieipl, 5. 8.1 1.4.; iriegul.ir; stale, full cream, f .ncy, sm t'.l, colored i.nil white, lu',c; laiae colored, 10c; huge while, V. UUGS Receipts, 5.76! pkgs.; unsettled; Western seconds to ix ,a HulS'iC. Pul'UTHY All' e. Stead.; wenern Piing chickens. le: fowl. DVc; turkeys. Ho. l)ressecl: In ;r.iar; we.-tei broilers, IvtrISc; fowls. Yi-; lurkeys, 13riil5o. M l-'TAI.S I'l'nt tin w us unchanged In I.iiii,l,)n at 125 1 hut futures declined 7s lid to 1122 Vs. I orally tin t.ss firm, being quoted at $'-."1 '. .1.). Copper was lower In London, spot th re Inking 2a 6d and clos ing at iioO Uis. while futures were 7s 6d lower, at 55 I.i l. copper Is quiet i.nd displayed a s ikk ' ' "'!ii ncv. lale ami eleetrol) tic n'e mh'.1 : 1 J!3 00-iT:S audi civiiig at fl".'""r1;'' ;' .'. T.eed d 'I'lined la ,fd in London lo j.11 t. d. but renmlned un chunged here st "In 4 .i. Sneiter also I declined '. tl lo ' o- i'. n ' 20 2s tid and 'remained nibl he e ui r, S7Vj Iron clo"d l,t 52s 3d In i:!km"v m. at In Mid-1 dlesuoruiigh. I : I. on is quMt; No. 1 spot. No. 1 red. western winter, dull, ( 2d; No. 1 California, dull, mi oUd, futures. dull; July, nominal; Seplemuer, M 2Sd, December, M CORN Spot, Americas mixed, easy, 4s 4d; futures, uulel; July, nominal; Septem ber, is 4-k,d. The Corn exchange will be closed August 1 and 8 and the Provision exchange on August i. OMAHA WHOLtltLE MARKET. Condition of Trade and aotatloits on ftaple and Fnney l'roiluco. EGGS Fresh stock, loss off, 13c. uvu poc 1 1 K x liens, rusim; ipo"i chickens, per lb., li'ulttc: roosters accord ing to una, 4'auc; turkeys lollc; old ducks, tit:; young ducks. 9uluc. . . BUTTER Packn g stock. 12.4il3c; cnolc dairy. In tubs, 16al7c; separator, 20:. rltKSU KlSH-tresh cuugm iroui, vvc. picket el, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, tic; buffalo, Vie; blueflsh. 11c; Whitehall, IK-; saimon. no. haddock, loo; codllsh, Uc; redsnapper, 10c; ini.ii.r. K,,iia.i n,. 11. v,.f luiisierfl. ffreen. per lb., 23c; bullheads, 11c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 2oc; halibut, loc; crappie, l-o; hecring, tic; perch. 6c; white bass, luc; blueflns. 80. littAN Per ton. 116. HAY-Prices aunted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 8.60; No. 2. W; medium, 17.50; coarse, 7. Rye straw, JJ. These prices are for hay of gooa color ana quality, usmanu i aim receipts liaht. OATS38C. RYE No. X 45. VEGETABLES. NEW POTATOES Southern and home grown, per bu., tioJa. clcchIUERS Home grown, per ao., i 4jvic. 1JEANS Home groirn, wax, per marsei basket, 50c; string, per market basket, 6O0. PiiiAS Home aiuwn. per market basket. 15c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dox., 60c. CABBAGE New California, per lb., 1V4 TOMATOES Texas, per 4-uasket crate, IU(14lC. KliruARB-l'er lb., 10. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12.60. CELERY Michigan, per dox., 2630c ONIONS New California dry, per lb., 2c. FRUITS. BLACKBERRIES Home grown, per 24- quart case, X2.0i4j2.5O. PLUMS Hurbauks. x1.to411.40: r. u., per box, H.26(ul.3xi; VVashlUaton, 1.2ol.-6; Bradshaw, i.2u(tfl.3u. 1'RLNKt Tragedy, per box, II.S&. I'EACHES California. St. John's early freestones and early Crawfords, tl.16. CURRANTS Per 16-qt. case, 2. GOOSEBERRIES Per lt-qt. case, $X PEAKS California, Bartlett's, per box, $2.6ufa2.io. ' CAN i ALAJVfUi xexas sianuaru, per crate, U 50; per crale, xi.75. APPUt-s ttew StOCK, -u., IBO. WATERMELONS Texas, 25lii30o each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS Turkish, 18-lb. box, per lb., 18c. (IKANGES Mediterranean, all sizes. S3.23: St. Mlckes or paper rind, all sizes, 3.5oif 4.00; Valencias, 4.2tt. LEMONS California fancy, suu to suo sizes, I5.7ti46.00; 240 to 270 sizes, H-50lijv.ua. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10a l'OPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c HIDES No. 1 green. tiVtic: No. 1 green. 5Vfcc; No. 1 sailed, ic; No. 2 salted, tio; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8V4c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6 Vic; dry salted hides, J 12c; sheep pelts, 2iWiic; horse hides, xi.ttOai 2.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft sheil. er lb., 13c; rno. z nara sneu, per iu., uc; razlls, per lb., 12c; lllberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12Uc; small, per lb., lie; oocoanut, per dox., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6Vc; roastea peanuis, per id., ic; macs wainuta, per bu., J7; hickory nuts, per bu., JLfaO. St. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. IXU1S. July 24 WHEAT Weak: No. 2 red cash, elevator. 77Vic: track. TSVifa) 80c; July, 78V4c; September, 77if(j7i'V4c; De- cemDer, is'jjc; jno. z liaru. iwaibc. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 48Mc: track. 49c; September, 49o; December, 48V4c OATS Weak ; No. 2 cash, S4V4c: track, 36c; September, S2c; December, 33 Vic; No, 2, 40c. R i E steady at 50c. FLOUR Steady : red winter patents. J3.90ftj 4.00; extra fancy and straight, (3.60 (3.80; clear, fs:mt3.36. HMu rii i wominai, 12.ZU. CORN MEAL Steady. 12.78. BRAN Lower": sacked, east track. G43 66c. HAY Dull: timothy. 13.00015.00: nrairie. lltON COTTON TIES XJ.UD. BAGGING 5-VsC. H EMP Twine. 5c. PROVISIONS Pork: Lower: lobbing. standard mess, S14.62V4. Lard. S7.00. Bacon. steady; boxed, extra shorts, S3.87V4; clear ribs. I9.12V4: short, clear. S9.62V4. metals Lead: strong at M.15. Sneiter: strong at o.W((&.&5. POULTRY Uu.et: chickens. 9V4c: springs 1 1 li. r InrkavB I'd, Hnnlia On n.ua '1 .1 . , BUTTER Blow: creamery. 1j4i21c: dairy. H'tHIC. EGGS Steady at 13c. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4.000 6,000 Wheat, bu 139.000 24.000 Corn, bu 28,010 81,000 Oats, bu 47,000 38,000 be amicably arranged. Consols were wesR and home rails refused to respond to the Inlluenee of goed dividends. Americans were Irregular and flat on New Voik ud vices, which were not satisfactory. There whs no disposition to give American se curities supiiort and they closed weak. Grand Trunk was steadier, due to the traflic Increase exceeding expectations, but the stock afterwards reacted with the rest. Kaffirs sagged. The Stork .exchange will be closed on August 1 and 3. PARIS, July 24. Prices on the bourse to dny were lower nil along the line and closed wenk. Rentes, which nt first were well supported, soon became depressed. Rio Tintos lost 8 points. The private rate of discount was 2 11-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 97f 2Sc, for the ac count. Exchange on London, 25 f 13V4c, for checks. BERLIN, July 24. Prices on the bourse today opened we:ik. The general tendency later was downward. Fxrhanjre on lmdon. 2m S81ipf(rs. 'nr checks' Discount rates: Short bills, 2V4 per cent; three months' bills, 1 per cent. Futures opened oulet and unchanged, ruled lifeless for the greater part of the session. but steadied near the close on Hgnt oe mand from shorts: the clos was quiet and 6 points higher; sales, 2.2nO bags. Including: August xtioo; November, i4oy-t.ooc; aaarcn, 4.4oc; May, 4.660. BUSINESS AT CLKARIJt HOIIEI, Transactions ot the Associated Banks Darin- the mat Week. NRW TORK, July 24. The following table, compiled by Rrsdctreet, shows the bank clearings at 'the principal cities for the week ended July 23 with the percentage of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. .NEW YORK. IIOIKI AD ROADS. Fallnres Load to Baying; Hash and addeTf Ipvrard Round of Prices. NEW YORK, July 24 -The announcement late today on the Siock exchange of the fullure of Talbot J. Taylor Ac Co. and W. L. blow Jft Co. followed a day of suppressed uneaafhess and apprehension. The bears rushed to cover their short contracts on the selling Induced by the news of the fail ures, and a violent rebound followed, so that a large part of the day s losses were retrived and the market closed wilh ex cited buying on a rising scale of prices. Some of the leading active stocks closed he day wilh net gains of a point or more. This, cotnuared with declines below last night's level at the period of greatest weak' ness or. iu to aft tor tne active maraet leaa ers. Among the specialties there were se. vere losses, due In some cases, as the event proved, to the special commitments of the embarrassed nrms in tnose siocks. An example was the Mexican Central se curities, In which the firm of W. Lv Stow & Co. were interested. The failure resulted a ilron of 7V In Mexican Central, from 18'i to 11. There were quite a large number of low priced railroad stocks In wnicn sim liar downward tiluiiKes. althouch not so extensive, served to arouse fears of coming failures. 1 ue situation wouia De a large committment In some stocks, with the stock already acquired figuring largely us collateral for loans ana witn tne iunus em- loyed In the market support and manlpu- ation of the nrlee. Bankers and money lenders have been keenly on the scent of sucn conditions uack oi tne money tuey have out on loan, and have grown more and more exacting In regard to collateral on such loans and more solicitous to have them closed out with the shrinkage in se curity vulues and the undermining of con fidence. The failure of Talbot J. Taylor & Co. Is inevitably associated with the name of James R. Keene, although his name does not appear In the partnership oi me nrm. IJut a family connection and the well known fact that the firm often acts - for him will connect the failure In the public apprehension with the large stock market operations he has conducted. Tlio market management of the United States Steel stocks during the period of their flotation and the conduct of a pool In Southern Pa clilo stock will be looked upon as having an outcome In the failure. The Southern Pacific pool waa credited with holding, at one time, some 800.000 shares of Southern Pacific stock, and its challenge or inn con trol of the Union Paclilo party in the prop erty and Its attemDt to force the payment of dividends on the stock are matters of re cent notoriety and Witn tne sequel sun pending In the court. Aside from the ex pectation of the failures, the realization of the fears and the revulsion of feeling re flected in the rush of the shorts to cover with the bad news out, mere were no in fluence perceptible In the market. News of cooler weather in the corn belt counter acted the effect of yesterday's reports or hot winds, and the liquidation in progress In the day's cotton market was viewed with satisfaction. The week's movement of currency Indicates a cash gain by the local banks of upwards of 6.00,0iK, and news was received of tno onipmem oi anonim i,r.- 000 In gold from Australia to Dan rian- The description of the market resolved Itself Into a list of price changes. Rumors were numerous all day of financial embar rassments, and the field of these rumors was by no means confined to the Stock ex change or to New York City, but ranged the country over, mo n;j D Amalgamated Copper was accompanied by very ppectte rumors of money troubles, which were not substantiated. Bonds were weak in sympawirj stocks. Total sales, par vaiue, j.o.id.uw. United States bonds unchanged on call. Following are me nuuuuuiis 1 - C . 1. Av,VanlTA. 1 UlR D11A.A . St. rui pin.. JNew York (Chicago Boston (Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg 8San Francisco illultlmore Cincinnati Kansas City Cleveland '.. Minneapolis New Orleans letroit 5 Louisville OMAHA (Milwaukee Providence , Buffalo .'.., jdt. Paul Indianapolis , Los Angeles , (St. Joseph , Denver Richmond , Columbus , Seattle Washington , Savannah , Memphis Albany Salt Lake City , Portland, Ore Toledo , Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Des Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane, Wash...., Grand Rapids Sioux City Springfield, Mass.. Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester Augusta Ga Portland, Me Scranton Toneka Syracuse ICvansvlllo Wilmington, Del... Birmingham Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Macon Wllkesbarre Akron Springfield, 111 Wheeling. W. Va.. Wichita Youngstown Helena Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamazoo Fargo, N. D Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla.. Greershurg, Pa Rockford. Ill Springfield. O lilnghamton Chester, Pa Hloomlngton, 111... Qulncy. HI Sioux Falls. 8. D.. Mansfield. O Jacksonville. 111.... Fremont, Neb Utlca Decatur, 111 tHouston tGalveston Charleston, S. Atctattoo de pfd Da). & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific. Central of N. J.. Chei. A Ohio.... CbU.ago & Alton. do ufd Chicago G. W U do 1st pfd 3 W Chicago t N. W.. Chicago Tar. & Tr Kansas City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY. July 24. WHEAT Seo- tember, 6tVi'&66,.ic; December, 67V4o; cash. ino. i nar.i, ovfcc; imo. a, tiitcfWMic; wo. 4, :ffi5c: rejected. 60(f(62c: No. 2 red. 72c: No, 3, bl'U IUC. CORN September, 47447V4c: December. 46c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 47c; No. i white. 50c; No. 3. 49c. OATS No. z white, 40c; No. 1 mixed, 83c u i r. ino. z, ouc. HAY Timothy, choice. 110.60: choice prairie. 110. utter creamery. lMllse: dalrv. lancy. inc. EGGS Fresh. llHo. Recelpts. Bhinments. Wheat, bu 152.8"0 80,800 Corn, bu 37.600 16.20) Oats, bu 7,0,0 LoOO Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 34. BUTTER Steady and in fair demand; extra western creamery, 23V4c; extra western creamery prints, 23c. EGGS Firm and good demand; fresh nearby, 18V4c, loas off; fresh western, 18V4o; fresh southwestern, 164170; fresh southern, 15iirl6c, los off. CHEESE Steady and In good demand; New York creams, choice. lOi-iftlOVic; New York creams, fair to good, K&lOVic. Milwaukee liratn Market. MILWAUKEE, July 24. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 87(Sj874; No. 2 northern, 8386c; new September, i6Vc, bid. RYE Mie higher; No. 1, 52Vc. BAHI.EY-Dull; No. 2, tsynioc. CORN September, 50,0. do eld. C. C. C. It tit. Colorado Bo... do lit ptd do M pfd Dal. A Hudson.. Del. I ai W.... Denver R. Q. do pfd fcrta do lit pfd do 3d pld Groat Nor. pld.. Hocking Valley do pld. .... Illinois Central Iowa Cantral ... do pfd K C. Southern. do pfd U N Manhattan L.... Mat. St. Rr Minn. bl. L.. Mo. Paclno at., K. A T do pfd Nat. B. R. of & do pfd N. Y. Central... Norfolk W... do pfd Ontario A W... Pennsylvania .. P.. C. (J. 8L Reading do 1st pfd do Id pfd Rock Island Co.. do pfd Bt. L. & R. P... do 1st pfd do id pfd 8t. U S. W do pfd Bt. Paul x Offered. Bo. Paclno Bo. Hallway , do pfd , Texas & Pacific. T., Bt. L. & W.., do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd , ltjuv, Wheeling Ik L. E lOVxiWis. neutral .. as .. eav. ..122Vi ..la .. MM .. to lltta do pfd L.... t4 Adama x... lul American ex.... 4 United Btatea Ex 2UU,Wells-Fargo Ex. ..164VAmal. Copper .170 . 41 . to . . 25 . vt . 27 . 75 . 84 xu'a . . 13H 17 37 121 .171 Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., July 24 WHEAT In store, No. 1 hard, 86c; No. 1 northern, 844c; No. 2 northern, 83c; to arrive, No. 1 hard, K3c; No. 1 northern, 8lCfec; No. 2 northern, 80c; September, 7CVi476c. OATS On track. 34c Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 24. WHEAT Cash, 8.ic; July, 86Sc; Septenler, 74r; December, 74c; on track. No. 1 hard, 8t5V; No. 1 northern. 8Tic; No. 2 northern, H3i6 S4c; No. 3 northern. 8oi81c. Peoria Market, PEORIA. Ill . July 24. CORN Firm; No. 3, 49c; No. 4, 4Sc. OATS Dull; No. 3 white. 32Vc; No. 4 white, 3ttC. Toledo Meed M-irket. TOLEDO, July 21 SEED-Clover. but llrm; October. i.4u asked. dull Boston Steeti ((notations. .ttt .... 22 .... 774 .... SV .... ! .... 45 ....17U .... as ....ua'i .... is .... 1M .... lVt .... f ....10314 ....114 .... 10 .... nn iv as ex.. la .... a ,...117l ..... 1"4 37 22 Oil.. Amer. Car do pfd... Amer. Lla. do pfd Amer. Locomotlva. do pfd American 8. & R.. do pfd Amer. Sugar Ret... Anac. Mining Co... Hruoklyn R. T t'olo. Fuel eV Iron. Columbus A U. C. r. Cona Gas (lan. Electrlo .... Inter. Paper .... xdo pfd xlnter. Pump ... do pfd National Biscuit National Lead ... No. Americas ... Paclno Mall People's Gas .... Pressed B. Car. . . do pfd Pullman p. Car.. laiHiRepubllc Steal... 7 I do pfd 47HlRubber Goods ... , W 1 do pfd sdH'Tenn. Coal & I.. 1,U. u. Leather ... do pfd U. 8. Rubber.... do pfd U. 8. fUeel do pfd Weatern Unloa ., .Ilia . . to . . 26 . 1 . ti . 41S . .114 . 61 . 41 . 4ilV4 . 411 . U . ti . 46 . li . ust .140V. .183 'A ...167 ... ioh ... tt ... 40 ... 70 ... U .... 14H ... 20 .... Ja ... u .... 1 ....200 10 .... t6 .... 18 .... 70 .... tiva .... 1 .... TH .... lo .... 46 .... 23 H .... 49 .... et New York Money Market NEW YORK, July 24. MONEY On call firmer, 2j4 per cent, last loan at I per cent; time money, strong; 60 days, 4L per cent: 90 days, 6 per cent; 6 months, 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 5Vx0 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. 14.S605 &4.M110 for demand and'4..S3.soij,t.8390 for 60 days; posted rates, 4.83Vs'ii4.oo and H.87V4; commercial bills, 4.!3Vi''(l4.83!. SILVER Bar, 64Tc; Mexican dollars, 13VtsC. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: WV4 N. A W. ccn. 4a.... 7 W U. ti. ref. 2s, rcg....liniS C Totals, Outside N, V. S Y Clearings. Inc. Dec. '1,819.878.144! I 13.9 lU6,3tio,700 6.9 133,177,01 1 1.2 124.203.818 11.6 4S.280.iat 17.1 64,808,078 22.7 27,310.361 17.1 24,178.476 12.6 21.814,760 10.1 19.272,743 - 2.9 16,3.'0.414 6.3 13.420.892 6.6 16.744,69(1 17.9 8.141.152 7.6 8,6X8,244' 2.2 7.350,362 15.2 7.970, 060 11.9 6.801.200 9.3 6.696.962 34.0 6.754,507 3.7 6.799.7SO 14.4 6.658.332 21.3 4,483,6ii0 16.9 4,915. 4S5 20.1 4.672.339 J9.3 4,749.100 19.9 '4.662.622 29.3 8.662.432 11.6 2.469,227 13.8 2,878,680 37.5 3.779,141 23.9 2,829,492 16.2 2.895.978 28.7 3.098,904 13.8 8.372,735 9.6 2.434,551 28.7 2,871. 3'. 6.6 2.369,8117 1 4.6 2,155,726 31.2 1,831,645 8 8 2,195,558 27.6 2.382,289 62.8 2.101.266 49.1 1.849.920 21.1 1,178.932 18.6 1,496.223 6.7 1,439,200 2.3 1.630.5C6 8.8 1.954.921 66.9 1.701.267 2.5 661. 0o5 27.6 1,664.612 20.6 1,765,097 1.135,746 11.8 1.347,135 34.5 1,041.119 8.9 1,283,480 14.4 1,022,402 18.9 763.180 24.0 643.289 24.1 834,067 86.8 1.772,914 116.6 614,0001 34.0 832.496 34.1 704,700 18.1 666.120 7.8 826.625 664,700 1.2 775,836 32.4 601,617 5.6 672,651 12.8 f74,3K8 28.6 639,618 482,029 2.2 T36.402 425,685 7.0 617.0iiO 64.6 836,738 3.8 470,213 645.152 39.0 389.460 10.6 448.800 23.4 640,642 23.8 293.803 1 3.1 336,650 8.3 288,662 23.0 227,487 208,690 31.6 123,731 1,597,289 33.0 249.058 8.8 12.087.506 15.6 6,118.000 13.9 . -- 889.689 . Hl 65,139.877 ' 6.9 . 836,261,733 10.0 ' ' ' CANADA. Montreal Toronto .. Winnipeg Halifax .. Ottawa .., Vancouver, Quebec Hamilton .. St. John, IS. Victoria, B. London ... B. C. Totals. Canada.. S 21.638,948' "14.2"4.rja 4,6.489 i 1,677,669 1,969.276 ' 1,666,38 1.711.3621 1.027.667 1,200,0231 502,1941 S9S.580I 60,001,2081 10.61 2.1 89.4 2.01 1.1 63.4 18.6 15.6 40.5 11.0 15.6 IBalnnce paid In cash. tNot included In totals because containing otner items man clearings. 'Not Included In totals because of no comparison ior i. London Stock Market. LONDON. July 24. Closing quotations: Consols tor money. .tl T-lt New York Central... 131 do OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARHEI Beef Steer, and Ohoioe Oowi 8old at Folly Steady Prices. HOG MARKET FlVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Moderate linn of Skeep and Lambs and All Desirable Grades ot Fat Staff old Readily at Steady to Strong; Prlooa Feeders Also Strong;. BOUTH OMAHA. July 24. Receipts were: Cattle. Hosts. SlieeD. Otttclal Monday a.xto 6.tiJI 11.I46 Ofllcial Tuesday S.Z16 7,976 12.108 Oniclal Wednesday.. .1... 2.570 6.(09 9.972 Official Thursday 3,716 8,081 6.130 Otilclal Friday 1.477 7.824 2.u97 Five davs thlm wwk ll.llll 26748 414.-21 Same days last week. ...14.3') 49,731 25.2i4 Same week before 16,445 44.6i8 14.0U1 Same three weeks ago.. 16.742 40.432 8,941 Same four weeks ago. ..19.890 64.364 13.288 Same days laat year.... 10,178 33.540 27,870 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. 11") following: table shows the recelota of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last Xer: I9u3. It2. Ino. Dec. C'attle 653.1ml 404,199 149,352 Hogs 1.443.1162 1.46X46 24.582 bllcep b42.UK; 4U4.04J 148.044 Average Iirlee i,l,l f,,r hnaa at Sou III Omaha for the last several days with com parisons ; Date. 1903. 102. 1901. 1900. 189. 1898. 11897. I.., 4.. 6.. 6.. 7.. I.. July 1. Juiy 2. July July July July July July July 9. Julv lo.. July 11.. . July 12... July 13... July 14... Julv 16... July 16... July 17... July 18... July 19... July 2o... July 21... July 22... July 23... July 24... I i 60 7 64 6 89 soft I Ml So 6 601,1 T 62 6 74 1 7 64 5 73 6 65 I 6 79 6 4-i 7 76i 6 39 I 7 82 6 82 6 44& 7 HOi 6 Kli 6 S2), 7 88, . 86 I (9 7 77 6 3V t Kii I 6 01 t 78! 6 6 16 6 111 6 13 6 13; 6 28V, 6 16 I 6 16H1 7 72 7 76 7 Ti 6 92 6 04 6 951 6 02 6 95 6 13 16 08 1 4 05 6 77 6 64 5 02 6 19', l 7 72, 6 651 4 94 66 6 22: 6 22 I 7 53 6 -6Vai 7 41 6 lu 7 33 6 lbVii 7 41 6 62 6 69, a 6 6S 6 71 6 69 a 78 3 83 1 M I s6 I 90 3 961 4 04 4 09 a 99 4 01 4 16, 4 99 1 4 28 4 96 6 07 6 15 6 16 4 1-1 4 21 1 4 84 1 4 36 a ei i a it a 6i a i a si 4 e a 66 a 66 a 28 8 76 a 28 81 3 82 a 78 a 85 a 28 a 70 3 73 a 18 a 82 a 14 3 77 8 15 8 77 3 17 3 821 3 20 i a 26 a 82 a m 3 32 3 86, 3 Si 3 81) 3 38 3 79 3 27 3 62, 3 25 3 36 M.... 14.... II.... 61.... 46.... J... tt.... tt.... .... II.... 1.... 61.... 61.... 64.... 64.... It ... It.... 16.... 17.... II.... 61.... 74.... .... 2 ... 23.... 74.... 66.... 16.... H... ti.... it.... to.... 62.... .... 71.... 2.... to.... 46.... J... t2.... 70. Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number ot cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Bh p. H'tes. C. M. & St. P. Ry... 1 6 Wabash Ry 1 2s... Missouri Pacific Ry.. 13 2 .. .. L n lun Pacific sysiem 6 21 4 C. & N. W. Ry 3 9 F., E & M. V. R. R. 27 29 6 2 C, St. P., M. & 0 7 13 B. & M. Ry 17 .. 1 C, B. oi W. Ry 2 4 K. C. at St. J. Ry.... 3 1 C, R. 1. &, P. east..: 6 16 4 Illinois Central Ry 2 Totals 78 122 ( 8 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head Indicated: Cattle. Uogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 230 Swilt and Company 291 Armour it Co 410 Cuuahy Packing Co 402 Omaha P. Co., Kan. City 67 Cudaiiy, Kansas City 227 Armour, Sioux City 23 Huston &. Co 16 Omaha P. Co., St. Joe.... 40 H. F. Hamilton 43 Werthelmer 17 Other buyers 106 1.346 1,926 2,81 1,494 4 1,093 12 12o Totals CATTLE There cattle here today 414 ...1,873 7,589 L64S a moderate run of even a Friday, and it i , tt account Anaconda Atchtaon do pfd Baltlmoro Canadian Paclno rheeapaake a unio rhieseo N. W C. M. A St. P.. DeBeera Denrer A R. 0. do pfd , Erie , do let pra ... do Id pfd.... Illinois Central. LoulBTltla ft Nash. ..lot UIoiiri K T 04 BAR SILVER Dull at 25 6-16d per ounce. MONEY 1M.&1H per cent. Thi rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2Vu2, per cent and for three-months' UUa la 2S2 7-16 per cent 14 4 ..1244 IT .. 161 ..144 .. US .. si .. 1044 .. t9 .. 4t ..111 Norfolk ft Weatern do pfd Ontario A Western. PenneyWanla ...... Rand Mines Reading do 1st pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway.. ao pea Southern Paclttc... Union Pacific T7 do pfd , tt United States Steel.. 7 2a H do pfd li Wabash 11 do pfd M 3H to 23 14 t2Si 41 Vi M 4!4 7 was tor as the demand was In pretty good shape a very satisfactory market resulted. Tne cattle began moving toward the close in good sea-on, so an early clearance was made. Beef steers sold at steady to strong prices as compared with yesterday. The prices paid, though, showed- considerable variation, owing largely to the rapid fluc tuations that have been going on. As com pared with the. close of last week, It is sale to quote cattle generally l6o higher and In a good many instances the improvement has been even more than that. The me dium class of cattle have shown fully as much improvement as any. It la very evi dent that there Is a good strong demand for beef and the market us a whole has been In very satisfactory condition all the week. The bulk of the fair to good cattle sold today from 34.60 to 35.00, with choice going from that up to 35.26, which Is the highest price paid fn some time. The com mon cattle sold from 34.50 down. The cow market held about steady on de sirable grades. There was a good demand tor anything decent In the way of corn fed cows or heifers and good grass stock sold without difficulty, but when It came to the canners and cutters the market was very dull, with the tendency of prices down ward. The market on desirable grade has held about steady all the week, but com mon stuff is undoubtedly lower. As hla-h as 34.50 was paid today ior some corn led spayed heifers. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show enough change from yesterday worthy of mention. About the usual Friday conditions nre- valled In the stocksr and feeder division. The demand was very limited and the few cattle that arrived were hard to dispose of at weak prices. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. Pr. I oo I tt t N 4 60 4 60 4 to 4 tt Atchtaon gen. 4a. du a,ii. 4a Bat. A ulilo la lm ao aSas do conv. 4s 100 i Canada Bo. 2a 10 Ceutral of Oa. 6s l- ado la Ino 70Va Chea. A Ohio 4Ss...lt'2 I I'hlisgo A A. lVa... 71V C. , rl. 4. n- ss.... i M oi St P g 4a.. ins do coupon do la, reg. do coupon do new 4a, do coupon do old 4a, l do coupon do 6a, reg.. do coujon Heading gen. .1. CAN. W c. 7s....uo4 st. . i. m. e. I'.. k. I. A P- 4s.... S St. L. A S. 4s C C C ft Bt L g. 4a.. ta Bt. L. S. W. la... K'htragu Tar. 4s 1 1 do 2s Color., lo Bo 4 ' IxB. A. ft A. P. 4a . ..Hhi'i, ...10.1, ... Ill ...m .. .1161, ...111 ...111 ...101 . . . 103 ... n'4, 6s. 1101, ... , ... !',, 14 77 BOSTON. Ju'y 24. Call loans, 24 per cent; time 1 miis. .Vy6 per cent, official closing prices uii stocks a.id bonds: At-hikon 4s Iklex Ceutral 4a. Ali-biaon do pfd BoMon A Albany klioston A ate.... Huston luevated 1 1 N. V . N. H A H.. .1V1 .. 7: .. tt .. 67 . Uh ..let urg pfd reclt. Kltrhburg I nloo xMeilcai rentral Amer. B igar do pfd American T. A T... Dominion I. ft S... lien. K.-"trlo Mass. Kiectrle da pfd linked Prult V. 8. Htiel do pld Wistlnah. Common. Adventure s Bid. Alloues ' Amalgamated tllL'tl4IU Calumet A Heels.. Centennial Co'i.er kange fiomlnloii Coal .... Krsi.klli 131 lalsle Kufale . US Mnhawk . l: Hid Dominion .111 W Oereola .US' Parrot .lS'i jQulncy . 6i Bsnta Pe Copper... .166 Tamarack . lOVTrtinouulala . t'l-li Trinitr . II t nlled States ..... . 2.'Vltah . t victoria . 66 Wlsunt . W olr.rlne . ' 4 . It . II .400 . 1 . . w . 1 tit . S2V, . 10 . 41 . It . 16 . 1 . T6 . 61 . 4k " . 22S, . 1 . I Denver ft R ( 4a.. ITS So. Pacific 4a at Erie prior Hen 4a.... it's xso. Hailwar 6s ij do general 4a tlVtlTeaaa ft Pacific Is .1HT4 r. w . as u. i.. as . . . i" n , . oi. m. is. 7i Hocking Val. 4V,e...HHl Union Pacific 4a., Rock island 4a Penn. con. IVta 1, ft N. unl. 4s Ilex. Central 4a do la luc I Minn, ft Bt. L. 4a. at.. K A T. 4a do 2a N Y. C. gen. IWa.. xN. J C. gen. ta 1 No. PsclHc 4S do U x Offered. 7v do conv. Watiash la 1V do Zm T2 I do deb. B 111! Wert Shore 4e. i. Wheel. A L. K. W ,la. rentral 4s... 77 'Cod. Tubacco 4s.. t iColo. Fuel con. la Man. con. mie. 4B 4a U. 71 ' 8. Steal 2d . ,. V2 .114 .lit ,. 67 .iU7 . 19 H . 67 . 67 . 60 .100 . 71 Foreign Financial. INDON. July 24 The supplies of money founurv. noitlierii. at '17 50 ilK.oO; No. 1 i w'r mouwaieiy aounuant in tne market e 1,-t, K. Mill. ,rn Hiiii V.. 1 nnr,k..n I'KIH in.tiii'S.Oil; No 1 firit:i y ponthern and No. 1 foundry, southern soft, at 317.5j1o.uu. Warrants are numuiul. Liverpool Grain and Pra talons. UVERPOOJU July i-WHAT-Bteadyi y Him ruies were easy. huh nem nn the Stock exchange generally was depressed In sympathy with gilt-edged securities, which were overweighted by the number of new Isaues ot stock. The Japanese Russian relations alto constituted a dis turbing element, though the general feel tax - that the (jueaUona la dispute, will Jen r York Vlnlsa Onotntlana, NEW TORK, July 24. The following am the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: LlttIe Chief (Ontario nimir Con.. Adama Alice Breeca xrlrunewlck Con xiomstoik Tunnel. Con. Cel. ft Va.... Horn Silver Iroa Silver a eadvtlle Con x Offered. . 1 . 17 . 11 . 4 . I .110 .1M .164 . t iPhuenlx Potnel Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . xBuuidard .... .... ...ti.o ....lit .... I lw .... 11 .... 60 Bank rioarlntts. OMAHA. July 24. Bank clearings for to day were $1.170. 841. t; increaae over corre sponding day of previous year, 3ii, 282.51. CotTee Market. NEW TORK, July 24. COFFEE Spot, Bio, quiet; N T Invoice, 6V4o; mUd, qulou Cotton Market, NEW ORLEAN. July 24.-COTTON- Quiet; sales 600 bales; ordinary, t 1646c ; good ordinary, llc; low middling, 12Vac; middling. 13Vic: good middling. 13Sc; mid dling fair, 14 5-liic, nominal. Receipts, 689 bales; stock, 47,191 bales. Futures steady; July 13.50!il3.6oe; August, 13.4Sc bid; Septem ber, 10.8 7 (it 10. 88c; OctoDer, v. (2(.T3c; iso vember. 9.64'ri9.56c: December, 9.62ia9.63c January, 9.52n9.55e. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible Supply of cotton shows a total visible of 1.780.679. bales, against 1.909,286 bales last year, of which 900.079 bales Is American. NEW YORK. July 24 COTTON Opened steady, at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 oolnts on all positions, except July which Btarted 6 points lower. At first the list showed some firmness as a result of covering that svemed to be brought about chletly by a disappointing weather map. In a few minutes of trading business was not particularly active, but prices were forced up to a level net 5(i9 points higher on months later than August, while the two crop positions remained at about the open Ing level. There was a little realizing which gained force as the lack of bull support developed and at mid-day a de, cllne of from 2 to 18 points was apparent This whs followed in the early afternoon by a sharp advance under supporting ordprs believed to originate with the New Orleans pool and which were responsible for another panic of shorts. July was rushed up to 13 U"c, the general list at this time showing net gains of 6 to 36 points Then came reports of failures in Wall street that started a heavy liquidation. The last half hour was excitedly active and at the close, the market, while steady. was praiKically at the lowest point of the day. The last sale of July was at 13.26c and that position closed at 13.15c. The bal ance of the Hat was net 3ot'16 points lower. Sales were estimated at 2O0.0U0 bales ST. LOI'18. July 24. COTTON Oulet ; middling, 12Vc; s:iles. none; receipts, 10 bale; shipment, 76 bales; slock, 2,717 bales. Wool Market. BO8TON. July 24.-WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will nay In tomorrow's Issue: There Is no change In the wool situation. The market continues active. Good author ities estimate the aggregate aales of fleeces alone at fully 4,0uu,uiJ lbs: and of Oregon at 2,000,0m lbs. Dealers are sold ahead on certain lines and have been obliged to In augurate night work. 1 he tendency of val uea was upward. There was no specula tion. Some stock Is being orougnt for spec ulatlon and higher prices ase due to the short supply and strong demand. The sHnmenta from Boston since December 31 1902, are 125,3o9.528 it., against 15!. 260.249 Ilia, at the same date last year. The re ceipts to date are 141.778.146 Iba., againat 16H. 9:14, 446 lbs for the same period last year, ST. LOUIS. July 24 wtJOl firm; me dium arades and combing and clothing, 1mu22c; light line, 16ilKc; naavy One, tnii luc; tuD-wasned, Jtxq'c. NEW YORK. July 24. WOOL Firm. LONDON. July 24. WOOL A sale of Cape of Good Hone and Natal aheep aktns was held here today. The offerings, which. numliered 12U.1D4 skins, were moiat, long wooled declined Vd and short-wnoled Vad Coarse rrades caused keen co npetllloa and evavancea ito. , . - No. 1 tt 1 22 I.... 1.... 21.... 46.... 24.... 20.... 1.... At. 700 6t 144 1110 167 161 1000 1100 .....1148 1011 1171 .1111 4 tS 4 71 4 10 4 16 4 10 No. It 41 27 20 20 47 22 It 11 67 U , At. ...1172 ...1144 ,..1276 ...1261 ...12H ...1104 ...1944 ...1417 ...U2S ...1421 ...1410 Pr. 4 M 4 tt ( 00 t 00 i OS I ot I ot 8 10 I 10 6 16 I 2 STEERS AND HEIFERS. t m 4 00 COWH. 1 in ih 1 rro 2 1 171 1 to m 111 I tvO 1 00 1 1(186 I Tt 1 110 1 00 1 low I 16 4 1027 1 00 II 161 2 10 1 lit I 00 t 640 I 00 I tst I 00 1 looo I 00 1 ,...1060 I 00 1 140 I Ot t74 I II 1 12M I to 1 1020 2 II 1 1110 1 ot 4 "7 I II I til t It 1 MO 1 it It t6 I l 1 1000 I It It IMt I 16 1 120 1 tt II nt 2 It 1 1020 2 2t 1 1 ( to 1 110 2 21 4 t7l I 20 I 1106 2 16 1 741 I 25 1 1110 I 21 1 170 I 26 2 , 26 2 26 1 1011 I 26 1 160 1 26 t lint I JS t Ill l 14 lofct 2 10 II Ml I 10 1 S71 I 40 7 67 I 16 I (28 I 46 1 2 41 t 4I I 60 2 140 2 41 I HlfrO I 60 1 110 2 46 10 1071 1 60 1 110 I to 1 1100 I 40 1 1090 I 60 21 til I 40 2 100 2 60 7 ,30 I is 10 147 2 60 1 8t 2 tt t 891 2 60 T 130 I tt t IU I 66 1 lino I at t 146 I 66 1 1220 I 10 ,' UJ0 4 00 HEIFERS. t 680 I 40 I SO! 4 25 1 660 I 10 48 I6S 4 60 I lO I II 1 1040 4 tt 2 660 I It BULLS. 1 IM I 66 1 1680 I TI 1 11180 I 40 1 1240 I tt 1 180 2 tO ' 1 1410 I 00 1 120 2 10 1 700 I 71 1 1140 t 16 CALVES. 1 MO 4 00 1 200 6 04 STAGS. 1 1280 I T6 1... I... t... 1... BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 610 I la 22 tot I tt 640 I 00 4 toj 1 go It.. 770 I Tt .. ft ...170 ....no . . . . m ...261 ...251 ...271 ...26 ,...264 ...274 ,...20 ...211 ....;! ,...172 ,...Mt ,...24 ...267 ,...241 , ... tit ...270 , . . . 2SI ....it . ... 26J ... .281 ,...111 20 ....270 ....216 270 . ... 260 ,...2l ....2l ....241 ....111 ....271 . ...2.M ....210 ,...2., , ...2fto ....lot ....3o0 ....287 .174 67 270 tt 265 4 2U I 12H I 16 I 16 t 16 t 16 t II t It t It I 15 t It I It I 11 I It I it I It I 16 I II t It i It I II t It I II t 16 t 15 I II I It t 16 t 15 16 t 16 6 16 I 16 I 16 I 16 t 16 t It f It I II I It I 16 t It I 16 I 16 t It I 16 t 17 I 17V, I 17 ' 17V, I 17Vk t 171, I 17Vt 17 W t 1,H It 1 70 74 M 43 17 14 10 tl 11 to 71 to 41 16 71 4.1 to 46 66 tl 42 tl 2 41 16 47 It 16 71 tt 226.... tl II II 66 tl 40 .. ,..f ...211 ...247 ,..J ...140 ...2M ..lit ...147 ,..2M ,..!.! ..2J7 ,..141 ...211 .141 ...221 ..J.'l ...247 ...261 ,..237 ,..266 ..221 ,..21 ,..254 ,..2t.7 ...21,1 ...217 , ..280 ..1WI ,..226 ,..21 ...264 ...till ...277 ...276 ...27 ,..2"0 ...V ...287 ...mi ...IM 107 IS4 114. 72.. tt.. 10.. to.. 17.. ...5 ...22 ...181 ...14 .211 IN iio 120 , 40 'ao 120 41) 10 IN 10 220 KSO 140 to 80 40 10 N 110 10 40 I 17 I lis t 171. t 17 I 17 I 11 I 17 I 17 I 20 I N I XO I M I W I 20 I 20 t 20 I It t 20 I 20 t 20 t 10 I 20 t 20 t 20 I 20 I 20 I 24 t 20 I 20 t 20 I 2d' 'I 20 I 20 t to I 22 I 22 I 22 t 22 I 22 I 22 22 I 22 I 21 I 26 6 25 ( 26 I 25 25 t 2S I 21 5 27 t 20 t 20 46 2.14 14 1.11 160 I 17 12 221 10 68 2T.0 40 '6 17 61 2"4 80 M 22 110 I 17 tt 221 10 6t 26 10 117 t6 S44 ... M.. 2,5 ... 17 II 2S5 120 71 231 ltO S 17 17 181 40 13 220 200 17 tO 1M 40 SHEEP There waa a moderate run of sheep and lambs here today for the first tune mm week. A good share of the oner Ings was made up of feeders, and as pack' ers all wanted a few rood sheep the mar' ket ruled active and strong on desirable grades of fat stuff. Some Idaho yearlings sold as high as S3. 65 and lambs bcought 35.50. Ewes of only fair quality brought $2.75. As compared with a week ago the prices paid today looked just about steady, especially on good stuff. If there is any change at all It Is a little easier feeling on the part fat kinds, such as are a little too fat to make good feeders and not fat enough for good killers. The change fn the prices paid, though, is scarcely enough to be worthy of mention. There has been a good strong demand for feeders all the week, so that although receipts have been liberal the market has ruled strong and active for all desirable grades. Quotations for grass stock: Oood tf choice lambs, 35.50tir5.75; fair to good lambs, lo.oiKjj5.60; good to choice yearlings, $3,754 4.00; fair to good yesrllngs, 33.50iii3.76; good to choice wethers, tS.50U3.76; fair to good wethers, e3.ooa3.50; good to choice ewes, 3.743.60; fair to good ewes, ,2.502,75; feeder lambs, $3.60(j4.00; feeder yearlings, $3.0X14,3.60: feeder wethers, Vi.7bma.ib; feeder ewes, Sl.504i2.50. No. Av. 1 buck 150 12 bucks 137 113 Wyoming ewes 81 28 Idaho ewes 93 86 Idaho ewes 102 80 Idaho ewes 102 108 Wyoming wethers 64 311 Idaho yearlings 79 156 Idaho yearlings 77 147 Idaho yearlings 90 10 Idaho cull lambs 60 45 Idaho lambs 67 8 Nebraska ewes 66 1 Nebraska wether 80 8 Nebraska ewes 67 4 Nebraska ewes 76 66 Nebraska ewes 69 98 Nebraska ewes 73 29 Nebraska wethers 68 13 Nebraska wethers 66 201 Nebraska wethers 77 2 western ewes 70 43 TRADE IS UNUSUALLY BRISK Dun Declares Customary Summer Dullnesi Leaa Notable Than Expected. V Pr. 31 60 2 00 2 50 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 15 3 60 8 60 3 65 4 00 6 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 35 2 35 2 35 3 00 3 16 8 16 3 60 4 00 e oo 44 spring lambs 75 spring lambs 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady, While Hoars Drop Lower. CHICAGO. July 24. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head, Including 600 Texans; steady; good to prime steers, S5.25iij6.60; poor to medium, e4.aro.2t; stockers ami teeaers, S2.504j4.40; cows, $1. 40-85.00; heifers, 32.25(0 4.75; canners, 31.50(62.75; bulls, S2.604j4.2o; calves, J3.00i(6.30; Texas steers, S3.604i;4.95. HOUS Keceipts. ja.ooo neaa; estimated, to morrow, 10,000; left over, 2,ooo; bfa'lac lower; mixed and butchers, So-40ia6.8o; good to l.nlnA hcrv Hitti.A , 1 1 1 1 H lien vv OS 416.65; light, i5.404j5.o5; bulk of sales, fb.mi 6.70. . . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, JU.uou head; sheep and iambs steady; good lo choice wethers, S3.25ro4.00; fair to choice mixed, $3,004(3.60; western sheep, S3.254i4.O0; native lambs, 3. 254(6. 25; western lambs, $5.404j.00. Kansas City Live- Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, July 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,800 natives, l.OoO Texans, 60 native calves, 260 Texas calves; fat cattle steady; quarantine steers steady; quarantine cows steady to loc lower; Blockers and feeders sltong; calves higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $4.704j5.26; fair to good. 14 .liutul. iu; siocaers anu iceucn, e.ovilas. , westein-led alters, tj.uvut.ou; lexaa auu Indian steers. S3. 25414.60; Texas cows, $2.00 Gill 2il: native cowa. 12. 0AX&4. 40: native heir ers, J2.4O4j6.40; canners, Jl.264j2.5o; bulls. 12.n0o73.75: calves. Si. 75(06.00. rtOlio Keceipts, o,oou neaa; maraei Jr 10c lowerv too. $5.40: bulk of sales. So. SOU 6.40; heavy, $5.2546. 40; mixed packers, $5.25 445.40; light, S5.32Vfc4&-4&; yolkera, tu.404jo.4i.; pigs, $5.404j6.Xo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market firm; native lambs, $3.15(tp3.85; weat ern lamiw. 6J.oixrDo.oo; lea ewes, u.vuiut.io: IV ah dinned venrllngs. 13.0u4.9u: Tell as clipped sheep, $2.754(4.uu; steers aiul feeders, 1.W3.65. Bt. Lonls Llvo Stock Market. r. m n,n a T..1 A, ll, 'FX! T T1 T.. Di, 1AIU19, dill 1.' i iou ii.i.i-i,u, 900 head, including 700 Texans; market steady to strong and higher; native ship- a . .. . I or . J. . .1..,. ...1 ij,ll IS auu eiyoi k sicvia, ,t . ",ou , " . beef and butcher steers, J4.om35.15; steers urder 1,000 lbs., $3.754j6.00; stockers and feeders, $3. 004)3.60; cows and heifers, $2.86 45.10; canners, $2.004j2.50; bulls. $2.604j3.50; calves. S3.00(a5.75: Texas and Indian steers. $3.0O4j4.96; cows and heifers, $2,4042.80. HUUS lieceipia, o,uuw lieau, uitxr oi ateailv to easv: olgs and lights. $5.004j5.86: mixed and packers. $5.50415.66; butchers and best heavy, o.4ou.&u. SHEEP AMD LAHU6- Keoeipis, l.oou head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00 44.00; lambs, J4.oo4jo.5o: culls and bucks, J-.504j4.25; stockers, $2.56(33. 15. at l it no I tt Rush Creek Cattle Co. Neb. 1 cow 900 2 30 2 cows 790 f so 6 cows 961 2 30 cows 8x8 $ 00 It cows 926 3 00 22 cows 914 3 00 Ware-Caatln Cattle Co. Neb. 1 cow 930 1 46 19 cowa 979 1 46 1 cow 960 3 16 4 cows 987 3 16 73 cows 1013 3 16 HOGS There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning and the market waa In lust about the aame condition It waa yesterday, that is rather unsatlsfac inrv to the selling Interests. Buyers started out and bought a few of the best iwhtwelahts about a nickel lower than yesterday. They sold largely from $720 to $s 30. After they had picked out a few of that class the situation grew rapidly worse until at the cloae hogs had to sell a big dime lower. Heavy hogs sold largely around $516 snd $6 17Vs and on the close even light hogs bad to sell around $5 15. Tr.itln, waa alow from stsrt to finish, but still practically everything was disposed of at a reaaonaoie vehrsjr huht. avepreveuua- tlve aales: Ka . SO. Pr. Ka il 141 ... t It tt... 4S let ... S It 44... 14 HI M I It tl... 44 tot ... lit tl.. H. ...... 411 Ut IU to... At. So. Pr ..221 40 17 ,..261 ... 117 ..274 10 I 17 ..III ... I IT ,..IM IM t Hi STOCK SLUMP HURTS STEEL MARKE Labor Settlements Aid Most Indus tries, bnt Woolen Prices Fall suad Cotton Prodnrtlon la Cnr tailed 1st East. NEW TORK, July 24. R, O. Dun 4 Co.'a Weekly Review of Trad tomorrow wjll say: v The tenor of dispatches from nearly fV'X'L section of the country Indicates that thercr" Is less than customary mid-summer dull ness in business sid collodions are more f romptly met than usual. A large propor lon of the unions have signed a working agreement with "the employers and fully one-half the men have returned to work. Railway earnings reported for July exceed last year's by 12.9 per cent, and tiniu of 1901 by 24 2 per cent. Farm work still re tards rail distribution of merchandise In Western sections. Foreign trade at this port for the week shows a gain of $2,569,203 In value ot Imports as compared with the same week last year, while exports de creased $oU2,02i. Stork Eicbange Slnnap Hurts Steel. Good news as to the progress being; made toward settlement of labor disputes waa neutralised by the decline In securities in so far as the iron and steel Industry is con cerned. There were many indications that the Interruptions from stocks would bo less frequent In tha immediate future and there was a general disposition to fully sustain prices. Rut the heavy liquidation and new low record prices for steel Issues has much Influence ou conditions in the actual busi ness. Nearly half a million tons nf stool roll have been ordered for next vear'a delivery and other heavy stool shapes are attracting ciose attention. The trade will benefit by the greater stability of Drlces secured through the revival of the billet pool, lios- semer nas steauicu, Dnnging out new or ders, but there are still evidences of weak ness In other classes of nig Iron. General resumption of structural work In New York is tne most Important element In tho steel Industry at present. Footwear factories have much work In sight, buyers having placed orders froolv, and there are still many representatives in tho Roston region from whloh shipments continue to eclipse all earlier records. (Quotations are fully sustained and new business Is well distributed. Thus far there is no' reflection of this activity In tho leather market. Heavy receipts of llvo stock following the action of poor quality hides early in the year explain the unsat isfactory situation in the Chicago market and foreign dry hides have also lust (an other fraction. Wool Prices Art Reduced. i The unexpected happened In the market' for woolens. It was confidently believed that new lines of staple piece goods would be opened at fully maintained quotations, but the American Wool company reduced prices to about the same level an existed a year ago, despite the material Increase In raw wool and severaj other items in tho cost of production. The cut was evidently made to secure business rather than bo cause of any weakness In the market. Buyers ure still atile to delay placing a la rye amount of lousiness with the cotton mills and there are dally additions to the number oi Idle spinners as the supply of raw material gives out. Domestlo mllis are curtailing productions of cotton goiK1 and Inflated prices are only made possible by speculative selling. Failures this week numbered 191 In the United States, against 208 a year ago, and nineteen In Canada, compare) with seven teen last year. BUSINESS BOOMS, STOCKS FALL. New Tork Llvo Stock Market. NEW YORK. July 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.787 head; steers steady to lOo higher t 4.io4!t.oo; nuns, tt w; export. $4.80; cows, $1.7oo4.20. Cables quoted live cattle firmer at IIMJ'-S'mc per lb; tops, 12V40, dressed weight; sheep selling at liVjU'12-,c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at Vtfi 90 per lb; shipment-, 2,400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 6j2 head; veals, tb.00 4j8.0O; buttermilks, $4; city dressed veals, 84j)12c per lb; country dressed, 64JJ.0Vc. HOGS Receipts, 1,329 bead; market Arm; state and Pennsylvania hogs, $6.20446.40. SHEEP AMU Lu AALlit KecelUUI. b.SSJ head; sheep strong at $3.0o4.7o; lambs, Jo.oo4j7.25; culls, $4.a0; yearlings, $5. Dradatreet Says Weakness Has Not Overcome Improvement. NEW TORK, July S4.-Bradstreets to morrow will say: Stock liquidation at the expense of In dustrials affects sentiment, but does not conceal the Improvement in the corn and cotton crops, a change for tho better in Industrial conditions In New York unit other disturbed centers and a continued cheerful tone In western and southwestern trade circles. The market for cereals also reflects selling, but here the moving fea ture Is the good crop advices at home and abroad and the pressure of the excellent quality of the new wheat arrivals. iron ana steel markets and those for other metals feel the reflex action of de pression In securities and buying Is closely restricted even with drooping values, while tne ouiis in cotton nave given nearby months and spot cotton another twist. In which record prices have been recorded, thus rendering the position of manufac turer still more unsatisfactory. Strike troubles are given as the causa of dullness in eastern lumber markets. The shoe trade east and west seems to be In an exceptionally good position, western houses having all they can do, while east ern shoe shipments are In advance of all previous records. Railway earnings are exceptionally good, showing a gain of 16 per cent for tho first half. The partial end of the building strike lrt New York leads to hopes of a better busi ness, while the strike at Philadelphia In weakening. Savings bank balances in New iorx are reported to nave been decreased by necessities of striking mechanics. There are ymptoms of an Improvemjent In the textile demand In New York.- J4 ml Is Arm, as most manufacturers are enter ing the market for spring delivery, which Is Improving. Western shoe shipments are 24 per cent larger than this week a year ago ana 15 per cent aneaa or the season. Anthracite ooal is active and ahinmenta are large. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week aggregate 2.781.988 buihels, against 8,352,784 last week and 3.90,969 bushels last year. For three weeks or the cereal year ttlev n frrMcu ( e B Rift 182 bushels. Hirnlnat 14 - 16". 806 bushels In 1902.' Corn exports for the week nggrerate 1,503,838 bushels, ngalnst 1.402.4(4 last week and 79.611 busneis a year ago. for three weeks of the present cereal year thev ag gregate 4,428,826 bushels, against 395,421 InV 1902. r Business failures In the United States for the week number 193, against 173 last week and 178 In the like week of 1902. In Canada for the wenk they were twenty, against thirteen last week and sixteen a year ago. (near and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, July 24.-8UOAR-Dull; open kettle, 2HQ3 7-lo- open kettle, centrifugal, S'-ifallfcc; centrifugal whites, 4Vc; yellows, 3S4f4c; seconds, 2(g3sc. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal, 1328o; centrifugal, lijilbo; syrup, nominal, 10S24c. St. Joseph Llvo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, July 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 946 head; active; natives. Ji.oo4io.io; cows and heifers, $1.754H85; stockers and feeders, $2.75444.35. HoUS Receipts. ,X67 neaa; b42ioc lower: light, $5.3o4j6.45; medium and heavy, $o.254j) 6.35. SHEEP AMI LAMBS KecelpU. 1.480 head; sleady lo 10c lower; top native lambs, $ Sioux City Llvo Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., July 24. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Keceipts, luu; steady; beeves, $4.0o4i6.ou; cows, bulls and mixed, $2,6044.50; Blockers and feeders, $2.75a4.6o; culves and yearlings, $2.76'jp.oO. HOGS Receipts, z.ooo; market 6fTl0o lower; telling. S5.lXi5.30; bulk. o.2ti6.25. Stock In Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal weatern cities yester day: Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph ... bloux City .. Totals...., Cattle. .... 1,477 .... 2. oho .... 1.800 .... 900 .... 946 .... 100 Hogs. Sheer 7,824 19joO 6.500 6.90(1 , 6.67 2.500 2.097 10,188) 4o0 1.5o0 1,480 7,223 48,591 14,977 Oil and Kosln. OIL CITY. July 24. OIL Credit bal ances, $156; certificates, no bid; shipments, 70.946 bbls.; average, 73 924 bbls.; runs. 9u. 884 bbls ; averages, 75,972 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 61.446 bhls; average, 62.ka6 bbla. ; runs, Lima. 61. ted bMs.: average, 66.060 bids. SAVANNAH, July 24. OIL Turpentine, flrROSIN Firm; A. B, C. D,6; K. $1.70; F. $176; (. $1.85; H. 1 8o; I. $2 75; K. $2 90; id. $3 00; W O, $3 26; W W, $3.46. KEW YORK. July 24. OIL Cottonseed. steady. Petroleum steady. Turpentine firm, E2'V(1 53c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to food, 2.0yj2.o:V. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 800 100 Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland una ran ice ana Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, Omaha: Wesley J. Spauldlng to Mary B. Morse, lots i and i. block 3, Uren nan Place add $1,100 Ella R. Gould et al to August Lar-, son. s 60 feet lots 2 ana a, uiock o. irmslrnnv's second add Charles O. Vance and wife to Nora C. Williams, lot 6, Dioca on, tsouin Omaha Luella Hughes and husband to An ton Thomaen, lot 7, block 7, Isaao A Selden's add 1,600 Sheriff to John Mclntlre, tt lot block 12, Jetter's add 4,200 Loula Harrla and wife to Mathew F. Martin, lots 9 and 10, block 6, Ken dall's add Byron R. Hastings to the Byron Reed company, lots 8. 9, 1 and 17, and the w V4 lot 18, blocs a, nee u unit George e'." V'arkVr" to A.' 'lV 'Clarke, lot 11 T.lni lf 18. I leer Park add a ,...t. f i . a i, . Uuiinnni bunk to George E. Parker, same 1,750 1.750 fl1a M la 1 at t ova 1 K M teareaM4 U fe S ae a ewteteie. l-4rHibaiC8i-!C: Ct. - BltWIUU.n.1 r J olel ay nragojuta, .V V 111. , r seal la aisle wrar, 3v I be eatreee. area-Id. tat "Jfei 00. i.r I bottles salt. u"t Ottilia aeus va (wtaast, MEN AND WDM EH. I'ae Bif s for onoatara. dle harea,uaaniBiaUoa. Irntalloue or ulceration! of ens toss aiembraTrf. Palnleea. eod aot aatrija- f eal or aol.oaoua. A , PRIVATE WIRES OEOe A. ADAMS CHAIN CO. - GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. V 224 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. 'Phones lun and 1017. Meuibera all prlna Jpal excha-gett, .Write fwr cur daily uiaa ket letter. -