THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi Til tilt ST) AY, JULY 23. 1003. 1 SPECIAL NOTICES rill be takes til it aa. for Ik k eealasr eelttea mm til ":1M sv. an. j tor K.riln aad Sandar ealtlea. Itatee, 1 l-3e a ward Srat laaertlea. la a. ward thereafter. Nothing taken far lese iku 3IW far the rsl loser llaa. Tkrat a4rtr(liBti saoat be eeaaer atl v'ely. Advertleera, by reejooatlosi o beret eheek, eon have aaawara reeeeel to a tiabtnl letter la ear f Tba Boo. Aaawara aa illrt.t4 will cheek owls. BlTTAITONs WAITED, THOROUGHLY educated and experienced I' man wlabaa situation; any legitimate business. Address J 24, Baa. A il574 22x TOUNG LAST denim position aa stenog rapher or assistant bookkeeper. Address J 28, Rm. A MRR4 24 X WUTE0-MALB HELP. tile summer term ' 1 B0YLS COLLEGE li now open, yet It la not too lata to enter. Every day la enrollment day. Business, shorthand, typewriting, Eng lish, Oat a catalogue. IL B. BOYLE8, President, TeL 1364. . N. T. Ufa Bids.. Oman. li 111 Ur A wrirn TTnltad Htatea army, able bodied, unmarried man, between ages of 81 and 36; cltixena ot United States, of good character and temperate habits, kn . n .nnk read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting of ficer. 16th and Dodge Bta., Omaha, and isiana. ptao. WANTED-Cabtnet makera; Bteady work, H F.l.rllr.h at Bona' factory. Bt. Jowpn, Ma. B M&at i!4x WANTED Man to run sticker of moulding machine. H. Khrlioh ft Boo,' taotory, Ft. Joseph. Mo. B-Mrf 23x wiNTr.n man tA learn barber trade. We guarantee positions and give an outfit of tools. Our diplomas assist graduates to inn mm Good season to begin. Call or write, MoJer Barber College. 1403 Doug UaBt B-M703 24x BOOKKEEPER wanted, competent young kx.n eitv leduer. Must be good penman, hare practical experience and come well recommended. Call at onice of J. 1 uranoeia at du, i laa st. v .. . B 640 26 FIRST-CLASS, all arotmd salesman for general store! rouat be good stock keeper, ZnnA hahita and sneak German. Write full particulars In first letter. Address j zo, care oi ee. TWO men for handling lumber; steady work. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. B 669 21 WANTED, lanltor for church. References required. Address J 19, Bee. B 24 wiMTf'.n-ArMiti to take orders for - l ire nt Pone Leo XIII." Writ ' ten with approbation and blessing of his holiness. Over sou pages, juiauuraieiy il lustrated. Bells At sight. Best terms. Books on credit; freight paid. Bample, with full Instructions, postpaid free on application. Address GlOe Bible Publish- tng U04 72 Chestnut at., Philadelphia, Pa. iT ' B MftdS 2&X WANTED SALESMF.X. IK YOTT ARE A SALESMAN and making less than IJi.OO a Week, write us today. We are selling groceries to farmers and other large buyers at wholesale prices. " Good bustlers can make up carload lots at every town in the agricultural state. Profits are larger than in any other line, trade . permanent, work pleasant and healthful. For full particulars address George Meldrura St Co., 69 N. Green Bt., Chicago. 111. . . M-6is8 26x WANTED FEMALE HELP', wiNTin. at once, arlrl for general house- 1r work; wages 6 to 36 wages st o a tor competent cutis. 218 South istn are. O M852 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16th at Dodge, ... 1 - liil WANTED Girl In small family: good wages. Miss JKODl. iu ooyu, ui untnt si. C-M530 24X - WANTED, ladles to learn halrdreasing, manlouiing or facial massage; our diplo mas assist to top wages; . hundreds of graduates to recommend our system, peclal Inducements to distant applicants. Catalogue mailed free.. Molar College, 1302 Douglas Bt. C M707 24x WANTED, a good girl; 816 month, with board ana weening. 10. recne. ltth and Harney. C 642 22x wanted A good girl; must be a ood cook; apply o-a Jackson. C M553 23 WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper; permanent position for right party. Lln Inger 4k Metoalt Co., 6th and Pacific ats. " . ... . C-M561 23 GIRL for .general housework; three In family; wages e a waea. jaw ci. ma bt. v tu a TWO YOUNG WOMEN, common school adueatlon. to . taita training in nuralnsr. maaeage aad hydrotherapy In Omaha Florence Sanitarium. For terms write Saultarlum, Florence. Neb. C M564 23x WANTED, competent girt tor general house work. 2U02 California street. C 6H1 x FOR 'SENT HOL'SKS. Lltl!CCC In all parts of the city. R. nWUJW C Peters at Co., Bee Bldg . - ' ' . D 1 FOR RENT, 7-room bouse, all modern ex cept lurnace, iu rt. outu au. w. v.. as. . Backman, 436-37 Paxton blk. D 348 UnilCCC In all paru of the city. The O, nUUOP F. Davis Co-, 608 Bee Bldg. .' D 1x3 PATNE-BOSTWICK CO.-?holce bouses. 801-6O3 New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone loin. 1 600 WE MOVE pianos.' Maggard Van St Stor age CO, Tel. 149C Offloa, 1713 Webster bU FOR RENT, ' ten-room modern house near High school, No. 413 North 22d street. In quire next door of al 418 N. Y. Life build ing. ! i.H CENTRAL, lat-claas 7-room bouse, 210 N. 2) . . 1-M4T7 HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt. Barker blk. . . .. : . i mi TWO S-room hooaea. all modern,' ' 318.00. C M, liaenmann, M-4i raxton block. ' D M7 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btoiage ' Co- omce uii7i rarnani, or lets. i9- y . U 198 FOR RENT Blx-rootn modern house, al most new, hi nrst-class condition; rent. 3.16 00. iei N. Z4ta hi. u 007 a FOR REST KIBMSHED ROOMS. DEWEY Buropaan hotel, Ulh and Farnam. ... ar AOS ROTAL'UOTEL, European, lath St Chicago. 11.00 to 12 00 per week, 422 8, 18tb St., one blocK. soutn 01 court no use. NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable uentiemcn prcierreu. iu n. inn. . E 307 NICE cool rooma. Ill Bo. SOth. SB 3D. E-2 IS, O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 81L ' ' E kS FRONT and ether desirable rooma bath cool aad centre'- lor gentleman.' 1617 Case at. E-M37 o4 AETNA HOUSE. European. Ulh Dodga Hotel Hubbet, 13th Howard; 'phone 23. . . E Utli At I NICE ROOM3, light keuaekeeplng. 1111 S. lltn. - . E M11S r n. 17TH Cool front rooms for two. E M444 AU VN'ICEI.Y furnished rooma. Inquire Omaha 'earn laundry, 171) Leavenworth. Phone V A17KS. E 237 NICE rooms; modern. Ibso Harney. Ft RNISHED ROOMS AID BOARD. DESIRABLE rooms, the Farnam, 19th and Farnam. F 174 ft 8. 2STH AVE.; private family. F-475 THE KENWOOD 2616 Farnam Street. Phone 8u43. F-M583 DESIRABLE rooms it the Pratt, 212 B. F M146 27 26th Ave. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, nice cool rooms. good board; rates reasonable; also meal tickets. F M&K-Al ROOM and board, smalt cottage, good home for lady. 33.50 per week. 614 N. Jlh St F MM VERY nicely furnished. pleasant, cool F M593 2x rooms. FOR MJIT-lNFinSlSHKD ROOMS. TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms In modern house; references exchanged. 2714 Jackson bu u Mat7 i THREE beautiful modern, cool housekeep ing rooms. 214 South 21M. O M.iW FURNITURE PACKING. PETERSON ft LUNDBERG. lie Bo. 17th. ii. j-iios. li tola FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied vy i ne uee at Kit, t urnam bi. it naa four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee preas room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole- sale purposes at sis j-amam, mxao, lour stories and lirst-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. I MM7 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agenta In every county to solicit subscriptions to THli TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country wlm horse und buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 0 to fluu per month. Ad dress Century Fanner Solicitors' Bureuu, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope Leo XIII," written with the encourage ment, approbation and blessing of Ills Holiness, the pope, by Monslgnor Ber nard O'Reilly. &U Paxton Bldg. J-M364 WE have all of the different Pope Leo XIII books. Best terms. Freight paid; outnt free. Call or write W, A. Hixen baugh Sc. Co., 600 Ware blk., Omaha. J-M863 MEN and women sell "Official Life of Pope Leo XIII." Only biography by Catholic publishers, endorsed by clergy. Bend 25c, mailing cost, for prospectus and 20x25 portrait of Pope Leo. llyland St Co., 323 Dearborn, Chicago. J-M576 23x OFFICIAL life of Pope Leo XIII. Big book with large photograph as premium. Liberal terms. Outlit free, lliff & Co., 3 Wabush, Chicago. J 672 22x WE WANT 10 men ani women solicitors Immediately for Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs; salary or commission. Inquire room 623. N. Y. Life Bldg. . J M569 24 WANTED Agents for the authorised life of Leo XIII, by Fsther James J. McGov ern, D. D. Approved by and Issued un der the official sanction of Archbishop CJulgley and endorsed by Cardinal Gib bons. Every American cltlsen, regardless of his creed, will be Interested In reading a complete history of Pope Leo, contain ing large portions told In his own words. Including the encyclical letters on religion, marriage, divorce, education, freemasonry labor, ate. Illustrated with beautiful colored and half-tone pictures. Best terms. Freight paid. Outnt free, on recelnt of 28 cents to pay express. Ad dress American Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. , ... J M668 WANTED General agenta .to travel and erroin agents to salt lire or pope Leo XIII In Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Ne braska. Salary and expenses. Write to day for particulars. American' Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. JM-693 29 LIFE of Pope Leo XII L Agenta get busy at once, our dook is autnentio ana en dorsed by the church. Liberal terms. Outfit free. D. B. Zlmmer & Co.,'N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J-578 24x IMPORTANT LIFE OF POPE LEO XIII. Only official and authentic work published. Contains large portions told In his own words. Beautiful 12-color memorial litho graph free to each customer. Published In English, French, Italian, Spanish, Ger man and Dutch. Best terms. Beautiful outfit free. Call or write M. Zlmmer, 623 N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha. J MEM 28 POPE LEO XIII memorial picture now ready. Beautiful, new; nothing like It; agents make 35 a- day; every Catholic wants one. Sample postpaid 25 cents; 9 for 31; 100 for UM. J. Lee, Omaha Bldg, Chicago. J-M590 23x AGENTS wanted. Life of Pope Leo XIII. over suu pages. Nearly ) illustrations. Full account of funeral ceremonies. Books on credit; freight paid; special terms. Published In five languages. En dorsed by eminent Catholics. Colored portrait and outnt. containing 100 illustra tlons, mailed free. Address Catholic Bonk Company, 1017 Chestnut street. Phllndel phla, Pa. J Mr,W 25x WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, room and board In private fam ily. Address J , Bee omce. K Mi97 24x WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, some good dental chairs, union Denial college. N M574 2 75 II. P. BOILERS; 1 66 H. P. double drum haulage engine; 1 small electric light plant; 1 10-ioot exnaust lan. Adaresa J zi. ties omce. 1 in Mti lux FOR SALE FI'RNITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel 2o20. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O 180 FOR SALE, one large six-passenger closed lamlly carnage, one large open family carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double sets or narness, one suver muuniw, ana one single set of harness. Call Frank I Moores, City Hall. O M513 FOR SALE HORSES, WAUU.1I, ETC. HAVE your rubber tires set while you wait. 11, roat, x.txft ajm M.v.uwurio. P-181 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16th su , 1-s-msji FOR BALE, pair standard bred mares; can be seen at lionman a, toia street names, William A. G. Cobb. P-6W 34 FOil SALE MISCEULASKOI. FOR BALE 1.600 feel ot second-hand wire rope. In good condition. Apply to or address supeimienaeni 01 bee fcfuua- Ing. Omana. w !. NEW and td-hand typawrltora lilt Farnam. . si 1& 2D1IAND sate cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. W i4 FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile, In flrst-claas shape, at one-half price. Call or address laa farnam at. y FOR BALE Empty lng parrels. 25 cents each, large, wen maae Darreis, make tlrst class garbuge receptacles. Fred Younxa foreman Be preaa room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. VI-M431 INDIAN goods and relics, lilt Farnam. VI 183 FOR BALE A new 800 ampere double pole ewltch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, Omana.- si TELEPHONE poles, long flr umbers ' chicken fence; oaa piling, sol Douglas. Q-18S r : r 1 FOR BALE Crane hydraulic elevasor; can be uad either paaaenger or freight; coiav plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire en closures. 4, l si.ujcu at eons. Q &M IRON and wire fences, tree auards. trcl Hues. Western Anchor Fence Co., 306 N Uta Um . ., iei EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE AT A BARGAIN. FOR SALE MISCF.LLANEOl . FOR 8ALR. No. 3 Hubbard portable bake oven; only used three months; good as new. Write lock box 367, Ulenwnod, la. Q MS7S !Sx FOR SALE, good, larfte, rangy, bay horse. Pee 1'STne, Bnstwtck Co., &U-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'I'hone 1014. Q 679 24 PHOTOGRAPH CAR Rose's Art store. for sale. Apply Q lid CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man Mcconneu urug lo., umana. W-181 WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Fam'l B.irrls. Q-M934 All 21.000 BRtfK for sale. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1S20 Farnam St. QSM FOR BALE oal business, quired, t2.u00.0u. J 21. Bee. Capital re. ALMOST NEW Remington Typewriter No. 6; cheap. Telephone B 2iia0. Q Mi86 26 FOR BALE TO head fresh milk cows and snrlngTB. E. Purdy, 2413 Cuming Btreet. Tel. 3175. U Mi. MX 23 X CLAIRVO YNTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1799 California, tt SUB At MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. ISth. B 10 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. QRACE1 O'ERYAN, Baths. 720 & 13th. i naoiie MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. a T 60S MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing. 3174 N. loth, flat E. T-M265 al MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., front rooms; tub bath; first-class attendant. T-Mttl A PERSONAL. DR. ROT, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. U. 1 and a, 1505 Farnam at. U 191 VIA VI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders ot women. Free booklet. Viavl Co., 348 Bee Bldg. uixt MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists. $1. IT CURES. U 196 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. U 196 CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial, hygiene and special massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powder. U 198 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; Dabies. Doaroea ana aaopiea. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1M4. U M284 TELEPHONES 780 for O. M. E. messengers. ECZEM A SALVE that cured W. A. faxton. B. J. Bcanneil, agent, otw naro W M3s7 n 330-WE CURE BUPTUKB run - detention irom uubiuct., w - patlenta; send xor btohwi. 510. t"ij" ftuDture Co.. New York Life bide.. Omaha, Neb, U 1st PRIVATE Santltarium for ladles before) and aurinr cuiiuiioiuauv. ... Gerlsch. 3626 California Bt. V''' able. u-gnyg pltlVATB hospital before and during con flnement; u eat mraici MrsTU Fisher. 1601 Vinton. Tel. 1889 YOUR DESTINATION is written In your hand, pasi ana imurw. u ,;; SmVsult the Wandrea Bisters-. -They will tell the truth and advise you correctly. 1615 Farnam; nours 9:30 to :30. . MONEY TO LO AS REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. FaVnam Bmltn a Co.. 1320 Farnam street. WANTED, city and trrn 1 oens ; el so bofi ds anH i.rr.nis. rt. v. a v .vj. , . - " Farnam Bt., Bes Bldg. W 202 vtxfM and city loans; low rates. W. H. FTbZaV Flrat Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. Life. 4 TO t P. C. money? Bemls. Paxton block FIVE PER CENT loans. GarTln Bros., iwt Farnam. " PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 rougbi"- I HAVE private money on hsnd to loan. D. tio.mea, .t. t,. "WM5M 24 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY togpa? Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc Or If you have a permanent position. we in make you a y H ALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service la quick and confidential and we alwaya try to please. All that we ask la that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA auniuiiuu wn 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (.Established 1892.) 306 So. 16th Bt. X 209 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; Dusineas coniiueimiu, twwwi mn. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system 01 loans mat gets you out ot debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just on his note: Half- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to us... $26 66 or $13 or $6. $ 60-Return to us... 13.3$ or 466 or 3.36 26-Return to us... 4 66 or 8 S3 or 1.64 $ 15-Return to us... 4.00 or 3 00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rai, wiiuumiak No inquiries, wuiu awivttw. w"o THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTONBLK. ' MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, L" SALARIES. ETC. Low rats and easy terms. Business Confidential. Trr us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. B3 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Bta. I.iRr.FST BU8INE89 IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchanta, team ..... hA.rHInf houses. lC . without SS .u au.i terms. 40 offices In prin cipal cltka Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., auc. to u. umm '"" jv 11 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry. horse, cows, eta C. F. Reed, lit fl 13. i in CA8H IN ANY AMOUNT-310 to $500 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., and. to people holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments can ne maae to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 307-3U6 Paxton Block. X-M87t BISIXESS CHANCES. WANTED Photographer, to rent gallery In town of 700 on new branch of N. W. R. R., In Northeastern Nebraska. Only gallery in town. v nta j .-. nee. Y-M3SS 24x JOB office for aale, county seat town 3.000; gooa country, mree railroads. lactone. mills, etc.; good patronage. Terms, cmli or part cash and one year s time on bal a4w Aililreaa. j aa4 bt MMt C HAMES. FOR SALE Real estate and loan business; small capital required. Address. 4 23. l ea. Y-5j4 22x WANTED, by parly with capital and who now controls a small line ot rentals, to purchusc working iiileirei 1 it rriiiai nrtn In Omuh or Council Bluffs. Addrc.-s J 26, Bee. Y 22 FOR BALK, by administrator, good clean stock of general merchandise In good brick building In good location, ready to begin business at any time; Invoice about W.00O; must be sold soon. Call on or address B W. Chambers, administrator, Blair. Neo. Y M S71 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J H. Johnson, 813 N. T. Life. Y-217 FOR SALE House and furniture; only $2 lay house In town of 1,20; best location In northeast Nebraska. For further par ticulars, write to H 69, Omaha. Neb. Y-M443 29. FOR SALE, st a bargain, bakery and con fectionery; good location; ilcpant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will sell on one year's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. E. Baker. West Point, Neb. Y M4 25 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE. Want to exchange an A No. 1 quarter sec tion of land within 160 miles of Omaha for first class residence near high school In Omaha. Bemls, Paxton block. RE MS77 23 WILLIAMSON .natreel' 1UC 21 W. C. CHISSELL, 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M3ttf A7 FINE RANCH, bargain; 2.400 acres, 227 cattle, 12 horses, good Improvements and machinery; 10 miles fencing, large lake; lOo tons hay; price, $li,o0o. Box 219, Bur well. Neb. RE M4S2 2&X. 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from Bostofnce for sale cheap. 108 N. 15th. enewa St Co. RE 220 NO. 135 S. J2D AVE. Splendid house, fine location, good barn, etc.; will sell at a reasonable price for short time. Graham & Ure, Bee Bldg. RE 656-35 HOUSES and lots In all parts of rlty; also acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 608. Bee Bldg. RE 221 DO YOU want to trade your city propertv for land 7 Hums Inveatment Co., tlt New York Life Bldg. RE M524 24 x DO YOU WANT 2 acres near Ruser's Park for 3100? This used to be worth f6u0 an acre. Owner going to Canada and must sell. Just the filace for fruit and chickens, and work n town. Hastings St Heyden. &10 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M4S9. RANCH and farm lands for sale b the union i-acine ttanroaa company, a. A. . MeAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cino Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 219 8-ROOM house, modern except furnace, and barn; 8 blocks northwest postoniue; only $3,600. Address J 2S, Bee. RE 663 22 X 8-IWOM cottage, bath, city water, sewer, electric light, fine location, 8 blocks from new postoffice, 32,500. Address J 67. Bee. RE 662 22x SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. F. G. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. , ' RE2M592 A22 THE JOHNSON FARM In Merrick county, near Central City; $20 acrea of splendid alfafa land, 10 acrea already sown and 70 in good state of cultivation; two pastures, with windmill In each; good improve ments.. This farm must be sold by August 1. consequently we are offering it at $25 per acre. Look thin tip at once. Payne Investment Co.. Agents, Omaha, Neb. r RE M587 23x ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN.. tOO Douglas block. M 771 BALK TIES. OMAHA Bay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 223 R RUMBEL A SON. only tie factory In the state. Try us. 14th and Nicholas. Tel. F3359. M 768 23 CARPET CLEANING. A. K. JETT calls for carpets. Tel. A-3301 -M296A1 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly anenueu 10. j. a. ucniuree, mtn and Lake streets. 370 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. TaL Z2S EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. i. R. Rathbun. room 15. Cora'l Nat Bank. 237 FLORISTS. HE83 St 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -428 U HENDEPBON. florist, 1416 Farnam Bt. ia FCRNITX'RB PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire spring lighttaiiea. Tel. u-ani. 170D U Mary's Ave. 263 FOUND. FOUND 8hlrt waist set. Address J 18, Bee. iound Alois GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleaaj cesspools and vaults, removes garbaje ana aeaa animals at reaucea prices, tzj N. 18th. Tel. int. 230 COLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA. PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. KXt. LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. 13th at Howard ' 233 LAWN MOWERS sharpened, saws filed. umbrellas repaired, keya, etc., tn N. 16th. Tel. 2974. 233 LAI S DH Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Duppiy. iiw Aeavenwunn. lei. A-tiu. 237 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN St PRICE. 28 V. & N'l B k. bid. 214 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys nd collectors every where. 236 MACFARLAND at MAY. New York Life Bldg.. room 304. 'Phone 1652. 34 a i i L)ST. STRAYED, dark brown horse; scar on left aide. Schlatter, 2331 Military Ave. L MUSICAL, THOa J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. -409 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 816 Ramge Blk ; summer terra. Apply . 11. Wright, L. L. C M., DUMtor. fhons UUL -617 80 JiKDICAl.. DR. NEIBERGE1VS SKIN LOTION cures Prickly Heat, Barbers' Itch. Chlggrs. Poison Ivy. Poison Oak, Ulcers. P1mpl'a, Scrofula Sores and all Skin Eruption. Price. II 00 j Mr bottle. J. C. Nnrtheraft. Prop, and Distr., Orpheum Pharmacy, o"l W. Ninth 61., aiuaa C'liy. Mo. M4.S0 29x. LADIES! Chichester's English' Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars). "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail. Ask yous druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. OSTEOPATHY. GID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615, New lork Life Bldg. Tel. 14. -239 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2XZ. 4U Atzen St Farwell, Paxton Blk.. 604-7. T. 15. M241 DR3. FINCH MILLER, 124 S. 25th St. 481 Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 McCague. Tel. 2S51 2M PATENTS. H J. COWOTLL No fee unless successful. 818 8. 15th Bt.. Omaha. Tel. 1798 -24S PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE) Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Dougiaa Ml RIO MANIFACTIRING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. rel. ?oss. ?42 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 247 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 248 NEB. Business St Shorthand College. Theater. Boyd's 249 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611tt Farn. Tela 1659-iwa 261 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, lao5 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. -653 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 7S0. -1 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending July 25, 1903, will clu-e (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the cetieiai postoniue aa -toiiows: par cels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-port mails tor uermany close at a p. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an nour later than closins: time shown below (exoent thjtt mid. pinmemary mans lor feurope ana central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign etatioo). Traneatlantle Malta. THURSDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, POR- lUOAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR SlUEZ, per a. a. La Gascogne,' via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "oer a. a. I .a dasi'iniiH "1. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. ror SCOTLAND direct, per a. a. Columbia (mall must ba directed "per s. a. Columbia ); ut 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direci. per s. s. Vaderland (mail must be directed "per s. s. Vader land"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) zor tuuopii, per a. s. Campania, in ueeiwtuwu. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer taltoa urimo.i x.,.. ti. "Jl.mple. for 6erWny only. The Z. i?."" ",.'" vt jurupe , win not ds sent ry tula lillD unless soeclallv directed hv her " After the cloning of the Supplementary 1 1 nu!aiiaiuio Aiaiin namea aoove. Ann'. tional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American. Enrlish. French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malta for Soath and Central A erica. West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. tn. for CUBA, ner a a. iHuiimrey vniaii tor iuexico. Via pro greao, Cumoeche and Vera Crus must ha uirectea per s. s. Monterey ); at 10 a. m. ior fjncssAUA., illlMUAU and CIU uau iivjiji v Art. rrr s. s. Ataranaa rnitAi-Ai u m. "or ain-A-iCO, per s. S. ,m tttiiiiucu tiuaii must De t, rv.V"?i l P: "? mi tuniu x i. per m, a. xoxnail, ,.u,u uudiwu tiiini, mi uincr parts ot tne Dominican Republic must be directed "per s. s. Foxhall"); at 6:3u p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from H.iw SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for BRAZir.' j.c. m. m. lai-una, , la. I'eriiamDUCO and r m" for ARGENTINE: URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. CaslIdiV a m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. V Bilvia; at 8:30 a. m. (su4)plementa?y 9 30 a. m.) for PORTO RICo CURACA6 and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (m2ll for Savanllla and Carthagena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas"); at 8:30 a. m. . (supplementary iu:ao a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CAR'! AGENA, per s. s. Altai (mail ior viisia nn must De directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 10 a. m. fer CUBA, per s. S. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 1P30 fr,iaup"-ajy 12 30 p. ,n.) for t A RT A per a. s. Athos (mall for Savanllla must be directed "per s. s. Athus"; at 12:30 6 in. tor per s avana. Ollnda, via Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Trrmapaclfle. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa Fla.. and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at J5:30 a. m (Vhe couneoiiiiK mans ciose nere on .Mondays, MEXICO CITY Overland, unless aneeln. -addressed for despatch by steamer, closea "l Lh..l''':LSu'L(1- 3 f. ess. "va a.v y. SAl. U11U4J4I ttnrl 11 30 n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North 8yd office dally at 6:30 D. m. ironntpilnsr mnii. ity. kiiu (iiriiua u iirnnirT. ciofssssi si ikis closa hera every Monday. Wedneaday and JAMAICA By rati to Boston, snd thence by steamer, closea at this office at 6:39 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. uami uai . MIQL ELON Hy rail to Boston, and thence 'L"1""'"' l ma omce dally at belike. Puerto CORTEZ and AUATE- - j-. . . . MALA Hy rail to New Orieana mA thence by steamer, closea st thla office dally, except Uunday, at 11:80 p. m. ana 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and IU.-44 5aya at 111:30 p. m i, u cos i a tsy ran to New Ort.n. . n thence by steamer, closes at thla office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m and 111:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. . and ll:io' t.l ... .i - f- t ' here Tues- I Registered mall closea at 4 p. m. pre- vioua day. TraaapaclBo Mails. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close nere aauy at s p. m. up u July 18tn. . ,. . inclusive, tor aespaicn per a a. bhinauo "tX1!; .".'A rfam rurr,CC,..bri elusive, ior oe.paicn per a. a. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, li. .. close here dally at 4:30 p. m. up to juiy i-iat, inclusive, ior dos- patch per s. s. empress ot India. (Mr chandise lor u. b. poatai Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and especially addres-d mall for the PHILIPPINE Id LANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at t.3U p. m. up to July zoth, In clusive, lor aeapatcn per s. a Nil Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, v'.r Ban Fan- ciaco, dose bar daily at 4.i p. to. up to. rOSTOFFICE NOTICE. July 27th. Inclusive, for despatch per U. B. Transport. CHINA end JAPAN;, via Tacoma. close here dally at 6 ;lo p. m. up to July IJMh. I Incluatve. for despatch per s a. Olvmnin. 'NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA ("except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. RA 1 MOA ami HAWAII, via Han Francisco, t lose here dally al 6:. p. m. tin to Au gust list. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a, enuira. 4 1 1 the t unard s'eamer car rying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch extra, malls closing at 5:;W a. m. 9.3o a. in. and :: p. m.; sSund iys ut 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m mi l 6:3'i p. m. will be made tip and forward' d until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) HAWAII. CHINA. JAI'AN and PHILIP- PINE ISLAM'.. Via nll rurclaco. cms. here dally at 6 ) p. m. up to August 3d. Inclusive, for d-si'atch tx-r s. s. Siberia. TAHITI and MAliyl ESAS ISLAM'S, via Ban i rancisco, iiis here dally st 6:;) 1. m. ui to August 110th. Inclusive, for ilcsi.ntcli Per s. s Mariposa. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and victoria. H t'.. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 15th, in clusive, lor acspatcn per s. s. Aorangl. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cisco the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed via Canada or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. Hawaii Is rorwarded via Ban r rancisco exclusively. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption or their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closea at I p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. rostofflce. New York, N. T.. July 19, 19U LEGAL NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR BITE AND DONA TIONS FOR A NEW BTATE NORMAL SCHOOL. In accordance with House Roll No. 1, a bill for an act to locate and establish one (1) additional state normal school, and to provide for the erection of buildings, pay ment, maintenance and receiving donations for the same, the Board of Education of the state normal school hereby aolicit pro posals for donations to the state of a suit able site for an additional state normal school, but said proposed site must Include suitable tract ot land not less than twenty 3) acrea In extent, said land to be worth at lenst seventy-five ($75) dollars per acre, and said location of site for said school must be west of a point not ex ceeding five miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian. Bald donations or proposed do nations for a site may Include a building or buildings, and such proposals may also Include donations or money or amy regis tered municipal bonds to the state for the use and benefit of such normal school. Alt such proposals shall be In writing and transmitted to the secretary or said board In sealed envelopes, which shall be opened In the presence of said board on Tuesday, Julv 2R. 19f'S, at 2 o'clock p. m , in the office of the superintendent of public In struction In the capltnt building nt Lincoln, rJehrnekA. "and the prcnert es ment oned In said proposals shall be examined and investigated ny said noara ana tne ad vantages and disadvantages of said pro- Cosed site shall Vie considered, and said oard In accepting or rejecting any pro posal shall tplte Into consideration the lo cation of such proposed site, the character and value of the snme, the character and value of the building or buildings thereon, if any, whether such buildings thereon are proposed to be donated or sold to the state, or to be partly donated and partly sold, the amount of money. If any. proposed to be donated ot the value of any bonds nc companving stirh proposal, and may cccect such proposed donation and Ucate such normal school upon such site which. In the Judgment of such board under all the facts and clreumstanceg. may appear to be for the best Interests or The state in tne prem ses.' Bv order ot tne Hoard ot directors of ths state normal schools. WILLIAM K. FOWLER. Secrttary Board of Education, Superin tendent of Funnc instruction. GEORGE ROGERS, President Board of Education. Lincoln, Neb., July 10, 1903. . jy lid i4tm Ranted hlda will be received at the of fice of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of July e. isa, ror lumber for use at S. St B. home at Grand Island as per architect's estimate on file in the office of secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. UtUKtlK W. In A Karl, Secretary of Board. r. J19 d V tro GOVERNMENT MOT1CES. PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEGETA blee. Oftice Purchasing Commissary, U. S. Army. Army Building, Omana. Neb.. juiy zu, istM. ataieu proposals, in aj.iicatu, win do reooivea until iu o ciock a, m. Julv 30. 1903. at which time and nlnce thev will be publicly opened for furnishing and delivering such quantities of fresh nota- I toes, onions. caDoaze ana Deets as mav be lT1 hTlT.n'' W " I 10,, 1 tnfnrmntlnn fiirnlaheri cnnli,,l.. I : . . . , 7 ' Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed. Proposals for fresh vegetables. I l" - , vv. . r,Ptj to ,h unaersignea. w. ii. uean. Major, Commissary. Purchasing Commissary. I Iy2vE6ttn FORT MEADE. S. D JULY 22, 1908- Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re ceived until 2 p. m., Auguat 10, 1903, for constructing addition to hospital here. In formation furnished upon application. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals tor Hospital Addition " nd. dressed C. B. V edges. Captain. jya an A4-6M nAILWAY TIME CARD. l W UNION STATION lOTH AND MARCY t'aloa PaclSa, Leave Arrive I T Jn,lajt .h 9:40 am a 7 .60 pm a 3:26 pm gal,,fsrn,v Epr" f: P Paclflo Express aUO pm JEf?"1 ..prt" It' tl,'nt1 EDprV? , Ti? Colorado Special... 7: 9lcS c,f - i a 140 pm a 7:30 am a 3:40 am a 1:40 am 10 am I t-.ii.-ui, Diniric. ana o. ' v v'rfmpi.'J n ExDreas..b 4:00 nm hU M nm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:18 pm Grand Island Local b 1:80 nm b 8:36 am Cblcago. Mllwaakee at St. Paal Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am aU:18 pra Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:46 Dm a 8:40 nm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am Les Moines Express. ...a 7: am a 8:49 pm Caleaajo St Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:04 am a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Mail Local Bloux City ..a 6:10 am a 3:80 pm ..a 7:& am al0:25 pm ..a S-40 am aU:10 pm ..all:3wara a 6:10 pm .. 8:14 pm ..a 8:16 pm a 9:15 am ..a 4:00 pirt 9:60 am ..a 6.60 pm a 3:46 pm ..a 8:i pm a 8:18 am ... a 2:40 pm ..b4:00p.- b 8:60 am ..a 7: am al0:3a am Daylight Bt. Paul.... Daylight Chicago ... Local Chicago Local Cedar Rapids. I I imitad Clucaxo CarroU f.. I Past Chicago L"i l.r'" toii Kiniti citv r!o.ioCne?t.;i ..b 7:26 am b!0:36 am - 1 Cfclc. Bock .laud A Pacta. i ahAJii. I runuirn Davliaht L. L fL.t. S Bo am a 1 60 msn Chlcaa Daylight Uca,l.a 7:00 am a $M pm I'hiPtuA t- triirisTSti . . . . . sjaa .Ait ss. lu as. n ..u nm I Des Moines Express. ...a 4:80 pm bll:6uam I Chicago Fast vxpresa..a t:ae pm I 1:$ sig WEdT. Rnckv Mountain L t d. .a 7;S0 am a 7d6 am I Lincoln, Colo. Bprlnga, Wait 1:30 pm a 1:00 pm ii v ni . uiuiv Colo., Texas, CaL an Oklahoma riyer. a 4:40 pm al2.40 pes Wabash. St lula "Cannon Ball Exoreaa a t:56 pm a 8: am Bt. Louis Local, coun cu Bluffs ..a t:15 sm al0:30 pm Miaaoarl PaelSe. St. Lools Express.,.. K- C. St SL L Ex...; .alO OO am a 6:24 pm .alO.M pm a 4.16 am Illlaola Cestrsl. Chicago Expreaa .a T.36 am a i:l0 pm It'hlcaao. Minneapolis St BL Paul Limitea a i eu pm a i:os am Minneapolis SL Paul I a,tii " Express ' am oiu:ss pro rhiciao Local 10.36 am cticago Express al0.36 am WEBSTER DHPOl-lSTM a, WEBSTER, Chicago, SI. Paal, Mlaaeapelle A Osnaha. Leava Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6.80 am a 110 pm Sioux City Paaaenger.. . a t.M pm all:20 am Oakland, Looal b 4.45 pm b 8:4a am Mlasaarl PaelSe. Nebraska Locai Via Weeplngr Water b 410 pm al0:34 am Chleage 4k North weetesa. Nebraska aaa Wyoaalag Dlvlalea. Black Hlll.v Dead wood. Lead, Hot cpruigs 1 .80 pm ft 1:00 pm Itll.WAl' TIME CARD. Wyoming, Casper and lougla d 8:04 ptn $.00 prn Haatiiigs. York, David City, bu pet lor, Uenava, Exeter and 8ewaru....D 3:w pm b 4:00 pin BIRLINGTON STATION I9TH MASO.1 Kaasaa City, St. Joseph Jk teaaell lllafla. Kanaas City Day Ex. ..a 1:18 am a 1:08 pea Bt. Louis Flyer a am pm all 06 am Kanaas City Neht Kx .ei0.39 pra a 4. la am UurllaaTtosi 41 Mlssaarl River. Leave. Arrlva Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:60 am bll:05 pm Nebras'.a Express a am a 7 5 pm Denver Llmltes a 4:10 pm a 1:46 am Black Hills and Pugsl Bound Express all: 10 pm a 1:14 pm C o I o r a d u Vestibule . Kiyci a 1:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:63 pm a 9.04 am Fort Crook and Platte- mouth b 3:20 pm bI0:8S am rtelievtie Pnclne Jet.. a 7. SO pm a 8:27 am ueiievue racino jci. .a :m em C'hlraau. flarliaatun A ilelacy. Chicago Special a 7.00 am a 8:88 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago I-ocal... ,, a 9 18 am all 00 pm Chicago Limited a 8.06 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mali . a $'40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sundav d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR UNB V. 8. MAIL, 4TC4K SHIP. KKW TORK, LONDONDERRY AND CU 800W, KBW YORK GIBRALTAR AND NAFLCS. Superior serommndatlea.. rviaina. Th. t'omfort of Car.fulljr Slngla sr Rnun4 Trip Tirk.t. l.iued mwh New Tnrk and Smtrh, Cnstlsh, Irt.h aa4 all principal continental points at attrncllva rates. Fend fur book of Toara. For tickets or raneral lurnrmatiofi apply to any local actnt of th. Anchor Lin. ar ts HENDFRBON PROS., (i.n'l A.uU. Chicago. 111. HOLLAND-mMERICA line K.w Twin Scrw St..m.rt at 11.400 Tona NEW TOHK--ROTTKRUAM. Tla BO V LOON 8. gaums Wwrnndar at It A. at. Rott.rdaia ....... .July z Rrsdam Aag. II Potadam Aug. I Noord.a Aug. M Aua 11 1 Rolt.rd.m 3 IIOLLANU-A WLItICA .j NE, n Dearbora St., Chleaao, III. R.rry Moom, 101 r.m.m St., C. Ruth.rf.rd. Ill Faraam at., J. B. ftonolda 0I l-arnaai at. ARREST OF VAUDEVILLE ACTOR Confesses that He . Stole Watch at Memphis and Expressed It to Omaha. Arthur Randolph, a 16-year-old vaudeville performer, known as Arthur St Clair, con fessed to Police Captain Hase yesterday ihat be had stolen a solid gold watch and chain from a woman's room at the Central hotel In Memphis, Tenn., and ex pressed It to himself at Omaha. He was arrested Tuesday while trying to dispose of 'the watch, and told conflicting stories aa to how It came Into his possession. Young Randolph and a smaller brother are doing a turn at Wlrth'a Palm Garden this week and had Just arrived with their father from Memphis. The latter la an old gen tleman, who made a scene at police head quarters. He shed tears and begged the officers to. make th. prosecution against his son as light as possible. The police at Memphis have been communicated with and the boy Is being held awaiting a reply. Randolph said that after taking the watch the theft was reported to the police. He was afraid he might be arrested and searched at the police station, and, knowing that he was coming direct to Omaha,' he expressed the property, using the nam Martin. AN EDITOR Found That It Pays to Take (Tla Wlfe'e Advice. Mr. A. U. Grouby, editor of the Abbe- vllle, Ala., News, has the following kind words for Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera Snd Diarrhoea Remedy! "Several days ago I was taken with something like bilious dys entery in a malignant form. I took medi cines for two or three days, but got worse all the time. Ws had a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy n the house and my wife prevailed upon me to take a dose. Ths one dose relieved me within an hour and I have not been troubled with it since. I consider (his the most wonderful bowel remedy I have ever seen." World's Fair Commission. Owing to the absence of Judge Miller. who Is still In Mexico, and the absence of Commissioner Morrell from the state, there will be no meeting of the Nebraska com mission to the Louisiana Purchase expo sltion this week. Assistant Secretary Shedd left ' last evening for Chicaao on business connected with the commission. to be absent several days. No additions have recently been made to the general fund of the commission by popular sub sctiption, but the commission has assur ances that several very comfortable sub scriptions will be forthcoming In the near future. A Thoag-htfal Husband. Cured bis wlft of fainting snd dlxxy spells, weakness, headache ana backache with Electrio Bitters. Try them. 60c. For sale by Kuhu ft Co. SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4471 Ssrsa Gel lain, St to 10 waist, Woman's Seven Gored Skirt With OatV ered Flouce Applied In Pointed Outline, 4475. Deep Van Dyke points are to be noted on many of the newest gowns and always are effective. This stylish skirt shows them falling over a gathered flounce and la graceful and becoming as well as novel. The original Is made of figured foulard silk, in shades of gray, and is trimmed with applique of heavy cream colored laoe, but the design suits wool, linen and cotton fabrics ss well as those of silk. The skirt is cut in seven gorea that are shaped to fit snugly about the hips and to flare freely about the feet. Over It Is ap plied ths gathered flouce that la out In Aeap points at Its upper edge, but. If desired, thf skirt can be left plain finished In any maner that may be preferred. The quantity of material required for the medium size is 14 yards U Inches, 11 yards 27 Inches wide. 10H yards 32 Inches wide or VA yards 44 Inches wide when material has figure or nap; 10 yards 37 Inches wide, t ysrds 82 Inches wide, or 4 yards 44 inches wide when material has neither figure nor nap, with 4 ysrds of applique to trim as Illustrated. Ths pattern 4476 Is cut In sixes for s 33, 24. 20. 28 and 80 Inch waist measure. For tba accommodation of The Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal prloe, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give n amber and bams ef patters.