Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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lata, or outside the pales or their religion
and their rac. Of these, perhaps Ilia inost
Interesting ar those treating (ha c it era
of "Colin, Albert," by Ialdora lmr, Fh.
D., managing editor; "Cohn. ToblaV by F. I Chief Brief". Ctlcliel Tucker, Wanted fot
T. Haneman. M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.. which I w.j,. C. -
la accompanied by a quaint lliu,trtlon Murder of Bappo,
KarretiTt of Pionaer Lif it Kebmlta bj
John Tuier.
treating "The Houae of tha Body." "Crem-
I 'Uanlel ben laoaeo Al Kumlai, a jwareits, I
by Bamuel Posnanskl, Ph. D., Warsaw,
Kuaala; "Darmsteter," by P. J. Hartog
Wlthinaton, Manchester, England; 'TU'
raall." by Victor Emanuel, New York City
Tha work la being- publlahed by Funk
Wegnalla Company, New York.
Comprehensive Record of the Hia.
lory, Religion, Literature and
Caatoana of tha Jews.
Tip Gives by a Late Arrlral Proves
Correct ail Murderer la Jdw la
Haada of the Offlcere la
'Pioneers of tha West," by John Turner, j
la a tru narrative of tha pioneer Ufa of
Jnhn Turner end his family, covsrlng a
Tha remarkable aerie, of artlclea pub
lished In Broadway Weekly under the head
ing of "How New York Amuaea Itaelf," la
attracting much attention in the newapaper j
period from tha time of leaving England -..v. i...iim. i. .ntiti.rf
in in down to tha time Hewssaa ceeseu w Th- Cabb. Wnom , Drlve,
b "frontier, in. tnaia ana Whert h. Drive; What He Hear.." Other
of a twelve days' voyage; the dreadful see- atTmg fMtur(fg ,r, y,ce Tru,t ef New
lckneaa; the experiences at Caatla Garden; V(jrk .. ARaJr, of WeU Known Actora"
tha landing at ew lorn naruor, anu m
Impreaalona there made upon atrangera in
a atranre land make Intereatlng reading.
After many - "up and downa" "mostly
"downs") In New York city, and encour
aged by tha alluring promiaeo of a land
agent at Columbus, Neb., tha family de
cided to coma weat. and took the train for
the long, tiresome Journey. They "ferried"
from Council BlufCa to Omaha, and finally
reached their destination without any ape
and "A New Yorker In Paria." Broadway
Weekly la aold by newadealera everywhere
at 10 centa a copy. Publlahed by Broadway
Weekly Co., 121 Weat Forty-aecond street.
New York.
Last night Chief of Police Brlgga wired
Captain John Troutan of the pollco force
from Ottumwa, la., that he had arrested
Tucker, who la charged with tha murder
of Hiram Bappo. On the night of July 11
these two colored men had a fight at a
low resort In South Omaha and Bappo re
ceived wounds which proved fatal. Tucker
left the city at once. Blnce tha coroner s
Jury returned a verdict charging him with
murder the police have been hunting
Tucker. County Attorney English filed a
complaint In police court charging Tucker
with murder In the first degree. Through
the efforts of Chief Briggs the county
commissioners offered a reward of $100 for
Tucker. A negro who arrived In the city
from Ottumwa Monday night tipped off
Tucker's whereabouts to Briggs and the
result was his arrest. Chief Briggs did not
state in his telegram to Troutan when he
would return with the prisoner. Further
advices are looked for today.
Chief Briggs doea not expect any trouble
In securing requisition papers. Iate ad
vices received last night enow that Briggs
did not arrive In Ottumwa any too soon
as Tucker was preparing to leave there aa
soon as he could draw his pay last night.
No details aa to the rapture were Bent be-
The concluding Installment of a new story
In two parts by Morgan Robertson, author
of "Sinful Peck," appears In tha current
number of Harper's Weekly. It Is entitled
clal hardships other than those Incident to lntw.,,Mnf. ,tuy 0'f tn effect f fc hj.p.
travel, noon r. notle delusion on a man and hi. wife. Mr.
moored his family to Albion. Neb. Other RobertMn ieaeribtm w)th .phic effect the
chapter, relate experience. wlthhered drilmatlc ,ncMetlU whlcn fol)ow the dl,.
men; the aod houae.; the terrible electrical by tn- hu.b4fld of M unn,nny ,n.
torme. blisxarda. accident, tha prairie nuence wjrk ,n n nom anJ the wy
flrea, perilous Journey, and narrow P i hlch a tragla consequence U narrowly
inat tor me moil pan mM uy i .verted.
frontier. Tha account of tha graaanopper
jrfaguo la very good, and might be read I Tha watchword of the Methodist church
with muck Interest by farmer, of ths pros- I has always been; "The bast of all Is. God
nt day. There la much of historical Inter, I la with ua." Thl. sentence, repeat! thrici rond that Tucker was found working In a
at also. T'.ie schools, churchat and politics I with uplifted arm. was John Wesley's last Packing nouse.
of tha country coming In for extended no- I distinctly audible words. Methodist organ!-I Employ Omaha Attorney.
tlce. mere is an ini vresiey. pirnui traits, nisi n appears that the South Omaha Fire and
aoeount OT tna Dame royai uniwon mum u religious issuer, nia aays or
. . . . . . .... H iti. I t.j....l.k , . .
Dion ana uoone over mi irauwn .ki u peacerui aeam ar tn Bffalr, t0 iocal attorneys and so secured
Boon county seat. Also a facsimile pro- chief topic, of tha concluding- chapters of Ln Omaha attorney, one . James H. Van
rm 01 a unjy scow. . . "itr uie 01 jonn vesiey Dusen to represent it ln the district court
given at AJDion Marcn ii. io.d. ti -mm WI. aih veniury. cook puDUcauon I yesterday.
in wriung. ana w prooamy . .-...- u. nuenaau oioarapny or tna The case was one brought to secure the
the author waa the ".crtba." It ha., flvs great religious leader I. announced for the release of Robert Bulllvan and Petef Dun
pages, and U very elaborately gotten up, fall. kn from th(J c,ty ja on a wHt of habeat
and aa a sample of work witn pen ana in . corpu.. Theae men were originally liber
nowa wnai can do acoompu.neu ... - oi.r.on "u urn at Bnnjrrau- ,l(d by PoHce judge King who accepted
esse, tn requisiie amount 01 l-"""" nor country piace at x-ompion, among mi thelr note, for nne8 lmpoBed for a,ut.
perseverenoe. i ne sequel i m luvui. iw nuia ox noruiem new dersey is unique, a
tits to the fidelity of and Inspiration given I walk in this garden I. not like a stroll
through all those year, of hardship by a 1 among other flower beds, for tha vines and
good woman ths wife and mother who shrub, and plants that constitute Its beauty
now "lives In the tatid of the blessed. In have been gathered In all part, of tha
the home of the soul. In the preaenoe of the world, and each ha. a atory of historic or
King, to dia no more Uvea a link to bind sentimental Interest. The garden ha. been
our aoula to heaven, a tie connecting two I a gradual development, and represent, tha
labor, or at least ths attention, of soma
thlrty-flva yeara. In Tha Delineator for
July, Christine Terhuna Herrlck ha. writ
ten charmingly of Marlon Harland a souve
nir garden and the fin Illustration, add to
the Interest of th paper.
worlds." Jennings aV Pya ar th publish
ers and tha price 1. II. 00,
-Tha Jewish Encyclopedia." a descriptive
record of tha history, religion, literature
and customs of th Jewish people, from
tha earliest times to th present day, I.
work prepared by mor than 400 scholars!
and specialists, under th direction of an
editorial board, composed of th most em- I
tnent scholars and literary men of th day.
There -wfll be twelve volumes In tha en-
Bergqulst of the police board discovered
that these two men had been turned loose
ln order to earn money to pay their fines.
He also learned that the first payment
had been made according to agreement.
but this was not right, according to his
views, so he Induced the board to order
Chief Briggs to rearrest Sullivan and Dun-
kin. This was done and the men have been
detained in Jail for several days.
The Fire and Police commission did not
notify City Attorney Murdock. nor Assist
ant City Attorney Cohn of the case that
had been brought against the city. Instead
the services of Van Dusen were secured to
represent Bouth Omaha. City Attorney
Murdock said last night that h had no
John Fox, whose serial "Th Little
Shepherd of Ktiurdotn Come win conclude
ln th Fiction Number of Scrlbner's, re- knowledge of the case, ana had not been
cently received a letter from an unknown requested by the Fire and Police board to
admirer saying that ha was "writing a look after the matter.
tlra work, enntamrng H.000 pagea, and up- aramaucany strong ana vigorous story, as Lter in th evening a member of the
ward of 1.000 Illustration. Th estimated I bra v a tale as Crittenden. and more finance committee of th city council aald:
coat Is 1800.000. and th purpose la to have picturesque. His humor is aa fresh and "I do not know what authority this board
it completed December SV 1905. It 1. to be ken a. th wind from off hi. native moun- has to employ outside counsel, but as the
old entirely by aubscrlptlon, and at tha tains." city council doe. not recognise the board I
very reasonable cost of K per volume. At ' - ' presume the members of the board have
first thought It might seetn designed aspe- Tha August number of Th Smart Bet Is tha right to spend their own money ln any
dally for th Jewish raca,' but an axamlna th best yet published of that most sue- manner It pleare. them. There 1. one
tlon will dispel thl. Idea. For the non- oesaful macasln. Tha total of Its contents thing sure and that is that the city council
jewisn meoioaian ana cicrarynmn it win i " pwiu, nwr, immin mamirm-1 w utl' wiuiia win never autnorlze A
prava .an, jndispanaabla source -of Insptra I ble both for lu literary 'worth and for Us I warrant drawn for the payment of attor-
tlon. Th many Hebrew commentaries on I intareet, while tha variety offers sufficient I nay a ferw Incurred by thl. so-called Board
tha bible which hav been written by l ror tno oest taste or every reader. Mra. I 01 Fire and Police commissioners
scholarly rabbi, of the Mlddl Agea, down I Burton Harrison contributes the novelette,! Another member of the city council aM-
to our own ttma, hav hitherto been as I "Sylvia's Husband, which Is perhaps tljs I "We have a city attorney and an assistant,
sealed book, to th non-Jewish scholar. Th j moat fascinating pleo of Action thl. aa-lwho are paid to appear In all actions
Jewish Encyclopedia give, for th nrst umeimor naa wniien. -me story is delightful, against the city or its officials. No such
In the English language a resume of theiaoeoromg ana a one witn peculiar Charm. I bin ror Van Dusen will ever be allowed.
content, of this rich literary mine. The I j The appropriation has been made and this
Christian theologian, furthermore, will And Walter Wellman Is one of the few of the I stand, for the year and cannot be chimmi
In thl. encyclopedia a detailed survey of nny correspondents at Washing-ton who I now. The fact that the city officials have
the Dolltical. religious and social Ufa of the I nM acquaintance tnat takes him Into refused to recognise the niitm
Jewish oeoole. at the time and during tha I tn TT Inalde of governmental matters. Are and police board will.
two centuries prior to and succeeding Jesus. I H Jt prepared a long article for I of our attorneys, leave the city clear of all
Thus It throw, a new and powerful side-1 oucoeas. enuuea uperatmg the United debt. Incurred by the so-called board."
light upon th gospels, and the origin and as oenaie, wnion win show how ths High school Roads gold.
v. .Mlnnmnla nt rhHlllatiKv Th. I XT at body I. handled by Itself. BO ta anoak I
,".;... ,. ., ,k. ... how the various bills are nrenart h-f I An adJourne1 mating of the Board of
HU . giuv iy w au art, at- a " m
tempt- toward a actentlfio theology elab- j thT are preaented on th Aoor. and how
' orated toy men Ilk Prof. Solomon Schech- th niembers are chosen to apeak for va-
tar, president of the Jewish Theological rlou niaasurea.
siaminarv of America, and Dr. Kaufmann
Kohler. srealdent-elect of the Hebrew I 11 Naablt appear, again In Alnslee's with
TTnlon coliece. Cincinnati, two of the far. to,Tr ,n ,ha August number even more
v. moat exponents of Jewish learning on the ntn than "The Lie Absolute.- It
American continent, ln collaboration with I" me rorce or Habit," and
taucauon was held last night and the
$100,000 Issue of high school bonds wera
sold to Trobrldge & Nlver of Chlcaso.
This bond-buying company will pay the
district a premium of 1417. In addition It
will pay I per cent interest on (25,000 for
ninety days and IVx per cent interest on
I $50,000 for nine months' time. Loechner
A few outstanding Donor Hornsea are to be
granted ret. and at the outside the In
come of the board for the Cecal year will
be $00,000. All outstanding warrants have
been paid and the board Is not In debt at
this time. When school opens the salary
roll will amount to about $.$00 a month,
and then there will be supplies, coal, etc.,
to be paid for. At the very latest date
the district will run out of money on Feb
ruary 1. Then there will be the same old
overlap, which will be paid out of the
money derived from liquor licenses.
Even In the face of three Condition, the
board has let a contract for repair, and
the building of a four-room addition to
Highland school. The latter will cost
nearly $9,000 and repairs on building, will
amount to fully half this much. Unless
expenditures are curtailed the district will
be forced to commence Issuing warrants
In January. These overlap warrants draw
( per cent Interest from date of issue until
called In by the city treasurer.
Weatera Sheep Coming In.
For two days the ' receipts of western
heep have been large. Yesterday over
12,000 westerns were received at the yards
and the day before the receipts were about
the same. So far this year 623.K91 heed of
sheep have been received. This I. an In
crease of 141.K7 head over the same time
laat year. Dealers In sheep say that this
year will break all records at thl. market,
aa South Omaha Is now considered one of
the best sheep markets ln tha country.
Ample facilities have been provided at the
stock yarda for handling all aheep that may
be sent The market shows that packers
are anxious to get sheep and lambs at this
time of the year, and consequently the
prices paid are satisfactory to sellers. A
big proportion of the aheep now coming
to this market are from Idaho. The range
In Idaho has been Ane so far. this season
nd sheep are doing exceptionally well.
Aa for lambs on the range. It Is ststed that
they are better developed than at this time
last year.
Max Spellman Mlealag.
Frank Plvonka railed at police head
quarters yesterday to report the fact that
Max Spellman. a ahoemaker having a shop
at Twenty-sixth and N streets, had not
been heard from since July 10. Mr.
Plvonka said that Spellman left the city
to make a trip to St. Louis. Aa far aa
known he left no debts and has money ln
the bank. His friends here and a sister
are greatly worried and the police have
been requested to .end out descriptions
with a view to locating him.
' Baildlng Progressing Rapidly.
The new cooper shop at Thlrty-flfth and
streets Is rapidly nearlng completion.
Mr. Welch said yesterday that he ex
pected that the new building, to take the
place of the one destroyed by Are, would
be completed by September 1. This new
structure Is absolutely fireproof. It is
being built of steel, cement and concrete.
Even the Aoora and walls ln tha office are
concrete. Not a particle of wood Is to
enter Into the construction. At the present
time casks, barrels and tierces sre being
made by hand In a portion of the plant
not destroyed by Are.
.. Special Council Meeting.
A special meeting of the city council was
held Tuesday forenoon and tne oona or
dinance read for the Viird time and paaaed.
This ordinsnce Increases the rate of In
terest on the overlap bonds to 6 per cent.
As soon as passed Mayor Koutaky attached
hi. signature and the ordinance was sent
to the printer. Bids for these bonds will
be opened by the city council at a special
meeting to be held on Thursday. July $0.
Magie City Oeaalp.
There will be a big; sale of horses at the
stock yarda today. .,. ..
rieonre w. Maason mas returned irons a
trln to Idaho Springs. Colo.
frank J. Persons la bunding a
house at Twenty-fourth and B streets.
Ierter Shamblen has gone to Denver ana
Colorado Sprlnga for a two weeks' vlalt.
Fred.Neal of Stone. Idaho, was on this
market yesterday wlin a Dig ouncn oi
There will be a social at Bt. oriagei s
church. Twenty-slxth; and F streets tnis
a iiinrhitr has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. Hanford Brumbarger, Thlrty-Arst and
K streets.
Henry Truehart has returned irom Kti-
aaa. where ne spent, m wuuiut
atter his farms.
-.n,.t.r union No. 4JD will meet l nurs
dav evening at Jorgensen nail, iTventy-
nrttt ana is streets.
Stockmen coming from tne west say mat
there la a acarclty of labor, although good
wares are Dald by ranchers.
a t n.rrnuiit has taken out a permit
fdr'the erection of a $2,000 frame residence
at Twenty-second and K. streets.
A lite McReynolds. son of J. F. McRey
nolds. left yesterday for Peru. Neb., where
he will attend, scnooi ior-a tunc.
Is entitled.
can cgnunnm in caua ooratiow witn l . .. . - vk n.j .i. . .
I whtu i i , , . . . i ana iwunat voted asralnst the iMniat,M
many other scholars throughout the world. """-"- .i-".ii stuay. . ,.,.,.-
Thua aaany sections of Christian theology, " atlo; the picture " " ' -""- " -rreg-
.. , 7 I is drawn delicately, and with tha tmn.t ullr V
wuoa nave "" eapiauauon I , , -" V w. " 1 .rtr T-.rtv ,.. a, .... .
uii iu man
are elucidated In the hundred, of scholarly . Pml.tlo good- !tB'"w,T IZZV m l,
,, th- j,wl.h wn.TciOMd ' nature that pervade "The Red Houee" and " known tnt "rchltects will be Invited
eeseya which the 'awian icncyclopedla con- .,,,.. v. " . " send In plans for tha Dronod hi.K .k.
tains. The material from which theae es
say, hav been drawn consist, chiefly of
tha Talmud the Mldraahlm. and th hun
dreda "of philosophical and theological
work, written by the great Jewish master.
of Spain. Italy, Germany and the - Orient,
from Bead la (ninth century) down to the
most recent book, of the Russian scholars
tunr residing in the various great Jewish
settlements throughout the United Ftates.
Volume IV, which we have before us, closes
with a notable article on the Dreyfus case,
written by a prominent French litterateur.
Whose connections are such that they
brought him Into Intimate relations with
various' personages concerned In this world-
'The Lie Absolute." by the same author. "ena ,n pUn' for the Proposed high school
In thl. cas we sympathise with the vie. ouiiaing, tne plans accepted to win
tiro, but ww eWt help loving his tormentor pn" 01 uu na tno second best plans
all the more. "
Moat of ths evening session waa taken
When the Arst news of the pope's serious I up wltn d'acuaalona about the various bid
Illness waa received In this eountrv. the I nd the members put in some little time
August forma of Everybody's Magasln ,n trying to figure out Just where they
were already on the pres.. The publishers, wer t. The next meeting of the board
realising that all live Americans would be w111 h"d on Monday night, when the
Interested In knowing the name nf th. 1 bonds of Contractor Peterson are to h.
pope a successor, stopped the presses that
were running on the August number,
worara pnoto-engraver., compositors and
electrotype rs overtime, got to press ln rec
ord time with th distinguished article.
in rope'. Bucoeaaor,
tlrrlnv drama. Tha article Mvari tw.ntv. I " " r- Marion
nine r-x. and brlrurs the miblect ,0 th. CrWT?rd: f pr" r.
laat act of this famou. drama, which a re
presented for approval.
Police Board Meets,
All members of the Fire and Police board
were present laat night t a special meet
lng called by the chairman. Patrolman
Oeorge Johnaon was discharged from the
force for alleged neglect of duty on the
night of June 25. It waa asserted by mem
Jim Dumps, at Buffalo, went through
Largo mills, and more delighted grew
At every step. - How clean I " said ho.
He saw them mingle skilfully
Malt, wheat and sunshine strength for him.
"And that makes 'Force," nods "Sunny Jim,"
R?s roop CO A
E P t ZJiSsfivi
The Bsady Is Bern OsraU
crisp de&nllness
and parity.
CIatllfe the Chevreveteristle.
iwi-!lVk!S ?2,m?,l iT'pt??.? ""f v,u"n mannfartarlet tha
pradnct nlM Force? 1 aad that th. sol. Intredlents wheat and .Ttrart of malt
Z?J2Lkf 7d of .(,l,,u partly, and ,7err .tea In
' V
drrtng, or roastiBg. thoronrUy starillsei the pradaeCaod from the time Ui. grain
iS". " of ttiapetkarea, th. fondta ThrllleS
aattraly by machinery. HaastRT M Sim
" AoalyUeal Cbealst tJiUrwelty of Bnlf ale, and Chaauat of llw City of llnffalo."
Preliminary Steps to Its Org&niiition
Taken Last Night
Effort to Include Indlvldaals la Meaa
hershlp Falls After a Fall
Dlscasslon of the
At the meeting at the court house last
night for the purpose of organising a Cen
tral Improvement club, there was a few
minutes of lively discussslon between the
champions of those who desired to have
the proposed organization limited to dele
gates from Improvement clubs, and those
who desired to have the membership In
elude both clubs and Individuals.
Judge Blabaugh was chosen temporary
chairman and Miss E. F. McCartney, sec
retary. Judge Slabaugh opened the dia
cuaslon by proposing a constitution provid
lng for both club membership and Indl
vidua! membership. The plan proposed was
very complete, the management being
practically Identical with the government
of the Omaha Municipal league. He said
that the plan had been successful ln many
cities, and should be succeaaful tn Omaha.
The discussion was lively and at the
first vote resulted ln a victory for those
who desired to make the dub an organl
aatlon of clubs, for the chairman was in
structed to appoint a committee on con
stitution and bylaw, to be chosen from
delegate, from the clubs. This committee
consists of .George Sancha, S. P. Host wick,
M. J. Feenan, D. C. Callahan and A. J.
After much discussslon the presiding offi
cer said that the solution of the question
would be to make the present organisation
a central organisation and form another
club to be composed of individuals, mem
bership in the latter to be reatrlcted to
no particular part of the city.
What They Eapect to Do.
John F. Dally told of the work of the
Prospect Hill Improvement club, the oldest
organization of the kind in the city, while
oiiieix Hpoke of the work of other clubs.
The discussion after this followed the lines
uf suggestions to the committee on oonstl
tlon. aa to the probable provisions of that
Instrument. Judge Slabaugh said that
there are three words which should be ob
served, "System, Harmony und Force," snd
with these the movement will be a suo-
she represented .he Is the only woman.
Bhe suggested that the women will co
operate In any way desired and suggested
that laws be passed to require nonresident
property owner, to make Improvement..
On motion of 8. P. Bostwlck It was de
clared to be the sense of the meeting that
all wards ahould organise Improvement
clubs and Bend representatives to ths next
meeting of the central club.
The meeting adjourned to meet at the
same place next Tuesday evening.
The committee on constitution will meet
Saturday night at the office of Payne ft
Bostwtck ln the New Tork Life building.
Delegates who reported present were:
Southwest Improvement club, M. J. Fee
nan; Grand View Improvement club, Clyde
Sundblad, H. P. Cook, F. Ellison, C. Fol
esch, P. Christ enscn, A. Herngreen; Omaha
View Improvement club, E. F. Morearty.
George Bancha, John Davis, F. H. Mon
roe, Charles Johnson. T. E. Olson, R. Rob
inson. Frank Foles, D. C. Callahan; Pros
pect Hill Improvement club, John Butler,
J. F. Dally, J. M. Talbot, A. J. nereon;
West Omaha Improvement club, W. W.
Blabaugh. S. P. BoetwIcK; South Side Beo
ond Ward Improvement club, J. C. lynoh;
Woman'a Improvement club, Mrs. C. S.
Loblngier. Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh; Orchard
Hill Improvement club, Mis. E. F. Mc
to live. Mr. Snyder was formerly a resi
dent of South Omaha.
Polsora She Feare
Her Mother Is Fatally
worked the bindery force until 11 o'clock
cording to the latest European press re- aurlbtlng sTrnti t.T .V. . .! ber' ot th board th1 Johnson had failed
ijr. ir, w:'": 7h jsr t,rttrmTh:llgh.eon io r "unv
the Uth of the month Instead of the SOth
the usual day of Issue. Tha Illustrations
are superb, the article is authoritative,
tory of the Jaws ln the different countries
of the world which has contributed so
largely to the advancement and develop
ment of mankind along all lines of Intel
lectual and Industrial activity, is widely
presented In thl. volume, being treated
either under the name, of the rountrlts or
of tha different eltlee where tha Jewa dwelt.
.ihi.i ....... 1 ... I - " " "
TT ..wer lv. marble awlmmlng pool which
u -"7 mow ling nna iOB, . .
Country Life In America for August Is a
most refreshing number. The oove,r design
and doubls page represent, a moat attract-
awlmmiag. "The Race
..7.. 'V J:" "' . Zrr" for th manca-. Cup" U an excellent hi.
" " . v , torlcal and article with
raphy of the JewUh Eneycloplla has been th1ir illustrations. "The Fox Terrier' b
made exceptionally full. Throughout the of ceptlon, InUrt to a f.nclerT
hifkPP-' W. hardening with Thomas" 1. . ct aml
for the tlmg ta any work, contain the lnf ,torr of a .Mener from th. "owld
- - - " - "buh .nuntn- and rmitlr I vttk.i ma-
- " V"'"1"'"- ooete aa a Source of Profit" gives the sue.
on North Twenty-fourth street and that
burglary occurred while the light was out.
Chief Briggs, Captain Troutan and mem
bers of the force were thanked for having
assisted In the capture of Tucker, who is
wanted here for the murder of Hiram
Bergqulst offered a resolution, which was
adopted, prohibiting the holding of dances
tn buildings occupied by saloons or In
buildings connected with saloons.
Nolan said that he had heard that some
money slot machines were In operation, al
though turned to tha wall, instructions
were Issued to Captain Troutan to aee
that these machines were removed. Chair
man Vansant said that this order did not
refer to machine, where pennies were
Hortiford'g Add Phosphate cares
babitu&l stomach weaitneaa, im
proTea apjjctite, diffratioa and CD
tritios). It ia a aplmdid tonic lor
all weak euoditiuca. Lneiet ca
cessful experiences of nine practical people dpoPP la to near the band play.
rrom every Quarter of the union. The nho- I -ner ongga was aireciea to prohibit
tographs are unique and unusually beautl- I wom'n from soliciting on the streets and
f ul, even for Country Life. I lao to prohibit women from frequenting
saloons. Further, the chief waa told to
The August World'. Work I. the annual to u tbftt " door, to wine room.
educational number containing a remark- wcre removed.
able eerie, of article, treating concretely In tn tter of the complalnta against
the moat Important educational problems of p,ter L'vlck, Twenty-seventh and T streets,
ths day. Mr. Booker T. Washington In his n(1 Frank Pepper, Thirty-second and B
lavishly I'lustrated article on "The Sue- treets. Nolan was called upon to explain
cessful Training of the Negro" telle for the to Captain Troutaa that no action had
first time the results of hia work at Tusks- tMn tken- Mr. Nolan said that no formal
gee Institute. President Eliot of Harvard I complaint, had been filed and therefore no
explain. "The New Definition 'of the Cultl-1 action toward revoking the two license.
vated Mart." President Hyde of Bowdotn r. I would be taken. Ha cautioned the collce
counts "The Educational Procreea r th. I to keen a strict watch on these two saloons
Tear," and President Taylor of Vassarland report to the board the flmt violation
shows what la being done In hi. field of I of any of the orders Issued by the board
The Junior society of the Baptlat chur
gave a lawn social at the home of M
Lanea. Twenty-third and H streets It
Bee Pabllahlag Compaay Challenges
Xante. Preseaied by World
Pabllehlag Company.
A second special meeting of the general
committee of the city council was held yes
terday afternoon to consider the claim of
the World Publishing company that the
Evening World-Herald has a circulation of
over S.0UO copies in the city of Omaha, and
that it la therefore eligible to aelection.
If It makes the loweat bid for city printing,
as the official paper of the city.
The list of city subscriber, submitted by
the World Publishing company contained
6.W7 namea, of which 458 were challenged
by the Bee Publishing company aa not be
ing the names of regular bona fide sub
scribers. Atlornsy Connell stated that these
455 names were all the Bee Publishing com
pany cared to challenge, a. the throwing
out of them would bring tha circulation of
the Evening World-Herald below the S.OoO
mark required by the charter, but that tha
correctness of the liat, aaide from theae
i'S namea, waa not thereby admitted.
The Hat waa turned over to the World
Herald and another meeting will be held
tomorrow morning on the matter. Attorney
Connell stated the readlneaa of the Bee
Publishing company to produce proof and
proceed with the bearing at once or at the
earliest possible date. Attorney Gurlry,
representing the worm Publishing com
pany, was not ready to proceed and would
not agree to any time for a final hearing.
DHtii All Before. It.
Ache, and pain, uy before Bucklen'.
Arnica Salve. Bo as .area, plmplea, boll.
corn and piles, or no pay. ISo. For sals
by Kubn ft Co.
Overcome by the Heat.
Fred Woodruff, who Uvea at IIS South
Eighth atreet, waa overcome by the heat
near Fortieth and Hamilton streets about
1:30 yeaterday afternoon. He waa carried
Into the drug store of Dr. Wirth snd was
soon revived sufficiently to be removed to
his home. Woodruff Is In the employ of
Allen Bros., snd was delivering a load of
groceries at the time he was prostrated.
Ir. Wlrth said thst he did not consider
there would be any serious consequences,
as he did not think It waa a ease of regular
heat prostration, but waa atckneaa brought
on by the heat. Late In the evening Wood
ruff waa getting along nicely.
McCartney said that in the club
Because her mother was suffering with
rheumatism Viola Potter, who lived with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilcox,
1409 South Seventeenth street, took a large
dose of strychnine last Saturday afternoon.
Bhe died a few hours later.
The continued Illness of her mothar
caused the girl, who was IB yeara of age.
to grow despondent, and thl. I. supposed
to be' the reason which prompted her to
take her life. The poison was secured
from the grip of a relative who was stop
nine' at the house at the time. After she
had taken the doae she went Into the psr
lor nnd laid down. She did not tell her
mother what ahe had done until some time
later. Dr. Walker was called, but he
could render no assistance.
' The funeral waa held Monday. While
at the grave Willie Potter, aged 14 yeara,
a brother of the girl, waa prostrated by
the heat. He was taken to the office of
Dr. Ellis. After working over him sortie
time Dr. Ellis succeeded In reviving him
and he Is now thought to be nut of danger.
A telegram was received yesterday morn
ing from Mrs. John Bnydsr of Sioux City,
mother of Mr. Wilcox, which stated that
her husband, Mr. Snyder, Is not expected
T. M. Co.srrove ef Dtibnejee. Iowa, la
at. Joseph's Hospital Through
a Fall.
T. M. Cosgrove of Dubuque, la., sus
tained a fracture of the left . ahoulder
blade In an accident which occurred at the
corner nf Twelfth and Douglas streets yes
terday. Cosgrove was sitting on the rail
ing around an areaway about twelve feet
deep. He suddenly lost his hold and fell,
striking on hia head snd shoulders. Chief
Donahue was standing on the opposite side
of the atreet talking with a friend and
saw Cosgrove fall. He hurried across the
street and helped carry the Injured man
Cosgrove was laken to the station, where
his Injuries were dressed by Police Sur
geon McDIarmld. He was then removed
to St. Joseph's hospital. Internal Injur!'
msy develop from the fall, but It Is 1
early to tell Just how seriously the ir
may be hurt.
Trie to Sell a Watch.
Arthur Bt. Clair, alias Martin, alias Ru
dolph, a performer at a local resort, waa
taken Into cuatody by the police yester
day. He waa trying to sell a valuable
watch and that was what' first attracted
the attention of the police to him. When
questioned at the rtatlon St. Clair said
that the watch hid been expressed to him
by a friend In Memphis, Tenn.. hut later
he confessed that he had shlpnod the watch
from Memphis himself through an express
company. The name used In shipping the
watch waa Martin. He will he held until
word can be gotten from Memphis.
Mrs. O. M. Playtnn la 111 ' with typhoid
fever. Her sister, Mrs. Durfee of Kansas
City, haa been called here on account of her
B. E. Jenifer, who lives at 3411 North
Twenty-eighth street, was arrested last
night on complaint of his former wife, who
charges him with assault and battery.
The coroner'. Jury returned a verdict In
in. crime 01 nsrry ooa. who rell from a
fourth-story window of the Richardson
Drug company building,- of accidental
A raid was mode at 1005 Howard street
last night which resulted In the capture
of five alleged gamblers, and Perry Ver
eheval. who It is claimed Is the proprietor
of the place. This la the second time the
police have swoim.d down upon the same
place during the fast month.
A man ilressed In white and riding a
white bicycle proved a terror for north side
women about 11 o'clork Inst night. Several
telephone calls were received at the police
station for an ofllcer. Offloer Morrison was
dispatched to get him, but the man had
flown before lie arrived. The officer re
ported that the man had bwn hiding In
the weeds and when a woman would pass
the snot he would Jump out and chase her
on a bicycle.
3500,000 M PRIZES ISoV
School Children's Competitive Advertising Contest No. 1042.
TREonUE some disk oFEIgg-COEe?
p ,
This sketch was made by Clarence Berg
man, age 12, Park School, Omaha, Nab.
We give a cash pnse of 16.00 for any
drawing of thu character which we accept
and use. All achooi children can compete.
Full Instructions will be found on inside of
each Dackasre of EitK-O-Bee. trlllng what
te do to get the pnse and how to makeal
the drawings. l
work ln "The Education of Women. '
The above books are for sale by the Me-
geath Stationery Ca, 1M Farnam atreet.
PINE BLfFF. Ark.. July tl.-For aa as
sault upna a U-vear-oid whit. slrl. daugh
ter mt a ewwsBlU snan named Blake. Crane
Oreen. a negro, waa taken from officers last
I (Usui aaa trneoea.
regulating saloons. Whea this business
had been transacted the board adjourned.
I subject to the call of the chairman.
r Seheel District Flaaaees.
The school district of Bouth Omaha now
laa on deposit ln this city ths sum of
fit.- It Is expected that the state ap
portionment Will amount to about flT.Gna
and the county tax bring la about t-UOOO.
Everybody la reading thl. summer.
We have everything In books, period
icals and newspapers, at summer
The acme of pure food prepara
tion lias been reached in the manu
facture of Egg O-fee'. The water
used to moisten the grain is boiled
filtered and aereated. All machin
ery, and even tlie clothing the em
ployes wear ln making the food,
are subject to every sanitary precaution.
Note The Price of Cgg-0-See Is 10 cents for fall size package.
such aa is usually sold for 15 cents. The largest food mill in
the world, with the most approved labor saving machinery, ena
bles us to make the best flaked wheat food at this lower price.
1' yr 4m aet keep It, seed as his sssm asl 1 eeats and we wall Bead yens a etka peegatd.
Address aJl etnmunl cations to Battle Creek Breakfast Food Ca., Qolney, 10.
Beeae Creek. Mteh. kg she
same cage ,
Quinsy, 0