IS THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PATHRDAV, JULY lfl, 1003. Orest Sale of 5htrt Wais a Challenge Clearing Salo of PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS Baturday will be the great est parasol and umbrella bargain day ever known to Omaha. Hundreds of the daintiest and , moat e!abor. ate sunshades will be old at prices that are less than cost to manufacture. 1 In this beautiful assemblage are the finest silk parasols, plain and ruffled parasols, coaching sunshades, medallion effects, lace trimmings, eto. Also many elegant in. n q umbrellas. The price at wholesale ranged tTr' from to 5 a great Qfl I RQ VJ V clearing sale value, at ... lVO ' Ladies' $1.00 Wrappers at 39c Ladies' summer weight wrappers, made of the flne,per cales and lawns, many with deep flounces, all sizes, Qr and dozens of patterns, clearing sale price JZst Fine Summer Hosiery at 8 I-2c Ladies', children's and men's summer hosiery, in O 1 -plain and lace effects a big special for Saturday. . . Ladies' and misses' imported lisle and silk mercerized summer hosiery, plain and fancy, C2-- 1 Cp worth up to 75c pair, at aVJflUl Summer Knit Underwear. Special clearing sale values in Ladles' Knit Underwear, different g7. ...I5candl0c Muslin Underwear. Gowns, Corset Covers and Draw ers. In fine muslin and cambric, p'rlce;n'..".!!!.....75c.49c.39c Clearing Sale of Handkerchiefs Ladies' and Men's Pure Linen 35c Handkerchiefs at..l5c 25c embroidered and hemstitched handkerchiefs at 10c 20c ladies' and children's Irish linen handkerchiefs at. . . 5c Ladies' and men's wJ,nand fancy border handkerchiefs at'2Jc Sale of Ladies' Sample Belts at 10c LADIES' FINE SILK BELTS Made of taffeta, etc.. with the -g swell postilion backs, oxydtsed and gilt buckles also the smart III " lace applique belts with back buckle worth as high as 11.23 H Jf each special at , Clearance of Ladies' Oxfords All our Fine Ladles' Oxforda Have - CQ been selling- up to 12.60, at All Our Fine Ladles' Oxfords That have been selling' k QO unto S3, al l I"0 r ' . . . . , . Jl. 7Z. ptnnttti & pon2l.. Ptnnbtl & p$m fir 111 mm mi GREATEST PANTS LlMuSALE ON RECORD TUB RKLIAIILK STOIt S.Sno Trousers secured from Sternberg Rroa. of New York, one of the larcest and very best known makers of strictly hlith grade Troupers, at much less than manu facturers cost. The people know that Hayden's do as they advertise, and this sale we guarantee to be from 40 to 60 per cent cheaper than We or any other house In Omaha could have sold these Identical Qualities for before this purchase. record every day for tremendous-bargains. All our summer suits muot be cleared away quickly at greatly reduced prices. Any style you want Sailor Blouoe, Sailor Norfolk, two and three-piece suits, plain, light, medium and dark colors, regular $2.60 to values our great clearing sale, $3.60, $2.50, $1.75 25 Children's Washable'' Bailor Blouse Suits, regular $1.26 to 12.60 values our clearing sale prices, 76c, 60c )C and s53 Washable Knee Pants, regular J5o . lfl I w - We have also gone through our entire stork of suit pants and selected all the odds and ends left from suits, and In order to dispose of them quickly we have marked them way below their regular value. They have been divided Into two lots and your cnoice is aosoiuieiy unrestricted. All the odd suit pants from $7.60 to $12.60 suits on sale at All the odd suit pants from $15 to 4 Cn $1$ suits go on sale at fciOU Great I'rlce Conrraaloua In Boys' and Children's Clothing;. Our great semi-annual clearing sale Is a 1.50 values, on special sale at. Ladies' and Lien's Furnishings One lot of ladles' Batiste Girdle Corsets white only sizes 18 to 1:3 25 Ladles' Straight Front Corsets with hose supporters attached 4Qc Dr. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, new long . hip models, with and without hose sup porters, at $1.00 and up. One number, especially adapted to stout fig- I fin $0 to S at I.UU Ladles' plain black lace and fancy col ored lisle thread hose 35c and 60c 4C( quality at A large assortment of ladles' 'plain black and colored hone worth 26c v- 4Ci at 25c Children's plain and fancy lace hose IOq at I Chilren's fine ribbed and fancy . ORf lace hose at . s.Ob A large assortment .of ladles' lisle IOf thread Vests at 28c, 16c and...k IU Ladles fine cambric Gowr.s, low AQp neck and short sleeve styles, at fJ Ladles' fine cambric Corset Covers, fancy trimmed, at 60c, 39c - 25 Ladles' fine cambric Drawers, with tucked hemstitched ruffle, 25 Any ladles' or child's fancy Parasol In the house at half price Saturday. Men's $1.60 Shirts, In all colors and white this Is a sample Una of one of the largest houses In New York all on sale - Qc Men s $1.00 underwear, in plain and fancy colors, at One lot of men's underwear, worth up to 75c, on sale at.. 50c 35c Special Foulard Silk Sale Saturday SI. 50 Foulard Silks 39c- Twill Poulards, Satin Foulards, Broche Foulards the best quality Foulard Silks In the market. The designs are beautiful and the shades the newest spring, 1503. Many pieces contain but one dress pattern, and we advise an early vslt to the big Bilk Department Saturday. These Foulard Bilks nave been on dismay in the 16th street window for the past three days and sell regularly ft $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 on sale Saturday for 39c Specials for Saturday THE BENNETT COMPAKY. We Lead la the Grocery Business Best (taalltles Low Prices. PROMPT DELI VERT. '' ' A CUP AND SAUCER FREE WITH EVERT POUND OF TEA. lOo package Presto for 6c. Potted meats, assorted, can Sc. Laundry soap, 10 bars 5c, -Jelly, assorted, glass Sc. French mustard, glass Jar and spoon, 10c. Olives, bottle 9c. Worcester sauce, bott'.e 10c. Baked beans with sauce, S-lb. can lOo. . ICE COLD BUTTERMILK FREE , TO ALL, IN OUR BUTTER DEPT.. . Sam'I Burns sells real Mercer china din ner set. ' 4 Have Ton Ever Seen MagaraT If not. your education has been neglected. In going to New Tork, Boston, or anywhere east, make It a point to take the Michigan Central, 'The Niagara Falls Route," and, et stopover at the Falls. Send for Illus trated Bummer Tours, to Niagara Falls, The Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence, Ad trondacks, Hudson river, Berkshire, White mountains. New England coast, Mackinac Island and tha Boo, etc. Send a red stamp to O. W. Ruggles, O. P. & T. A., Chicago. Fresh lobsters and shell fish received dally from Baltimore. Blue Ribbon cafe, 1415 Farnara street Coal Will Be High this fall. -Would It net be a good plan to lay aside a little money now and be pre pared X We open bank accounts for $1 or more and pay 4 per cent Interest, com pounded every three months. XL. BRANDEI3 & SONS. Bankers. alat limnicr Hesort Along; tha Lake Shore Y Michigan Southern Ry. Is tha title of a pamphlet that may aid you In deciding the perplexing . question of "where to go" for your vacation. Copy may be hsd by addressing M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C F. Daly, chief A. O. T. A., Chicago. The data tor the opening of proposals for the construction of the Battle Mountain Sanitarium, at Hot Springs, 8. D., as here' tofore advertised, Is hereby changed from July 28, 1903, to August i, 1903, at same time and placa. Mosea Harris, General Treasurer, N. H. D. V. S. Prepared to Handle a Largo Crowd Plenty extra salesmen having been en gaged, we will be in, good shape to, take car of a large crowd all day Saturday. Thess are, the prices; that will fetch the crowd: Choice of all of Levire's 25c neck ties, c; men's suits that, Levlre sold as high at $9.00, your pick, $3.98; men's strong working pants, 48c; choice of men's shoes that Levlre sold as high as $2.00. your pick. 98c; men s leather belts, black and tan in color, 9c; all of Levire's spring overcoats are bunched up at $6.98 and $9 9J; boa' shirts, 13c; all of Levire's 26c suspenders. your choice, 12c; all suspenders that Levlre sold as high as $1.00, your pick, 25c; black and fancy colored . undershirts. loc; un bleached muslin underdrawers, to a pair (slses - 32 to 40); boys' long jeans pants (ages 12 to 17;, saie price, Zoc; mens extra strong panU, 98o a pair; choice of straw bats worth up to 46c at 10c a pick; choice of all straw hats from the Levlre stock worth up to $1.25, choice 2ic; odd colored collars, lo; odd colored cuffs, 2c a pair; choice ot Levire's fine3t suits which he sold as high at $18.00, your choice. $&&: all wool men's outing pants, $1.23; choice of all of Levire's shlris, worth up to $1.00, sale price, tie; men's funcy half hose, worth up to 26c, your choice, 10c; Levire's flne French balbriggan and other fancy under wear, worth up to $1.00, your choice, 45c; men s blue, maroon and green sweaters. 25c; youths' wool suits, $2.93; little boys' fancy vests, 9c, and hundreds of other articles which we can't Just think of at equally low prices. All the goods above advertised are on sale on our second floor. If you come early enough we have plenty of etch and every article Just, a. adver tised. Also bear in mind that on our arounl floor - we have our - splendid, up to dais siock, where we carry a full assortment of Alfied Benjamin's flne clothing. In our furnishing goods department we carry a full line of mohair and silk shirts, also the very latest patterns of fancy shirts at ioc each. We are agents In Omaha for the celebrated Young's hats. In our basement we carry the largest stock of working clothes In Omaha, Including the famous Carhartt make. The fact of tha matter Is that If you have any use for any goods in our line at all and pass us by without looking us over you certainly do yourself a great injustice. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1521 Douglas Street S 18. BO Ht. Louis and return via The Wabash Railroad. Sold July 18. 19 and 20. Wabash city office, 1001 Far nam St. The beat place In town to eat Is at the Blue Ribbon cafe, 1415 Farnara street K el tea. Bids wanted for the erection of the booths, fences; platforms, etc., to be used during the Oriental Carnival of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben at . Omaha, commencing Oct 1, la. Apply Purchasing agent. ' Armour a; Co., South Omaha. i Dlvldrue ta Depaeltora. Holders of claims against Nebraska Sav ings and Exchange Bank should Imme diately present their certificates for pay tnent of final dividend of .7H per cent of balance. William 1C PotterPi Receiver, No, 801 Brown Block. , Rock Island rhaaaea tha Time. The Rocky Mountain Limited leaves Omaha at 7:30 a. m. for Colorado, instead of 4:60 a.m. And east bound at 3:68 a. m. Instead of 5:00 a. in., commencing July ttb. Star Open Satarday, The People's' Store, which a as closed .Thursday and Friday on account of death la tha family, will open 'for business Sat Utday moinlagv Ladies' new Belts regular price )CP 50c at Ladles' new 60c VwikwMr 20c Taffeta Ribbons all silk at Qr, vard 10c Linen Handker chiefs . 25c 9c 5c Twenty cent Novels 70c Lace Collars 76c All-Over Laces ...Be 39c 39c Hoit Rfinf ve Are Still Letting Down LSGai Uepu the Prices on Meats Pork Loins Pork Butts Boiling Beef . 8ic 7c 2c Mutton Legs Hind quarters Lamb Fore quarters ' Lamb ...80 .65 Great Clearing Sale of Straw Hats Wa have gathered together all the men' s, boys' and children's Straw Hats that remain in stock ana piacea prices upon in em to ciobb uui every uiie in inn Children's 15c Hats , at 5c Men's, boys' and children's Straw Hats that sola up xo ouc, au m uu wi IKC Baturday at . Iw AU the men's and boys' Hats that Cfln sold up to $1.00 on sale at 3U Allthe $1.50 quality -. QQ The $2.50 and $3.00 quality to be closed out at $1.75 and A 1.50 Tho $1.60 fancy braid Dress snapes Millinery Clearance' 3 Heyly Added Batallion of Power ful Bargains.- 25c $1.50 children's Trimmed 7 lift Hats 3U $1.00 Imported Feather 95c Pomrjons ........'-' 50c Black Roses three In bunch 10 $2.00 Black Chiffon Hats $1.00 White Duck Hats a.. ..a......... $7, $6 and $5 Trimmed Hats for ladies and mleaea, $2.50 and..., $2.60 black silk Dress Shapes .........v. 1.00 49c 1.95 139 r at t the LATEST EASTERN IDEAS IN SAILOR HATS AND A 6PLEN DIDVARIjS'y OF 'TbSmMEDWHITB FELT HATS FOR OUTING WEAR. J NOTE Mr. S. S. Newman, tha well known millinery man, Is now In charge of our Millinery Department. Letting Down the Prices on Groceries Chantnaqaa Lake, If. Y auad Re- tarn, S 14.00, From Chicago via Erie Railroad. July 34th. Return limit thirty days. Trains leave Chicago 10:30 a. m., 6:16 p. m. and 10:00 p. m., for Akron, Youngstown, Chau tauqua Lake, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Al bany, Boston and New York. Write H. L. Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111., or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger tAgent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, for Information and Illustrated Chautauqua Folders. Special Low Hat Chaataaqaa Eieat slon Jnly 24, VU Ike Shore 4 Michigan Southern rail way; $14.00 for the round trip from Chicago. Return limit 30 daya A handsome Chautau qua book, with any Information desired, may be had by addressing li. 8. Qllea, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. O. P, A., Chicago. Bt. I.onls and Rrtirn glS.BO. Missouri Pacific R. R. On sale July is 19. 30. City offices 8. E. Cor. 14th and Douzlas. . - Fancy High Patent Minnesota I I A Flour per sack lilW High grade Minnesota Flour QQJ nnr sack -Jl 3-pound can Golden Pumpkin " Sc per can 8-pound can Select Bauer Kraut Potted Meats all kinds per can 1-pound cans Alaska Bal almon 3-pound cans Boston Baked ' Beans 3-pound can Aprloots, reacnes. Plums or Pears Neutrlta or Malta Vita per package 5c 3o ...9c .Tic !2c Tie Fancy Italian Prunes per pound Good Rio Coffee per pound Fancy Santos Coffee per pound Uncolored Japan or Sun Dried Tea tor 'ice tea per pound ..3c 9C 124c 28c Fruit Specials Large Messina Lemons per dozen Fancy Sweet Oranges Every customer on Saturday will be en titled to a free drink of ice cold Root Beer or Phosphate in our Grocery jeparimenu I7c c mnmnmmnmmmmmmmmi 25 Sticks Candy for 5c .larshmallovs, box, 5c Salted Peanuts, lb, IDs Fine larshmallovs, pound, lie Chewing Gum, all kinds, 3 phages for 10c Best Ice Cream Soda In the City, 5c. For Bala Due bill on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress K H, care Omaha Bee. ' The only popular-priced cafe in Omaha supplying flan, steaks and the best in town at reasonable priors. Blue Ribbon cafe, Ula Faraam street. Card of Acknowledgment. The undersigned Joint committee of the Bohemian Ladles' Societies hereby extend a vote of thanks to Prof. Slgmund Lands burg for his gratuitous services rendered as accompanist oo the piano to Mme. Rusena Mitura at the concert given July li lu3. at the New Turners' hall. ' MRS. E. BANDHAUER, President MRU. U. KRIZ, Secretary. SIXBO Bt- Louis and return via Tha Wabash Railroad. . Sold July IS. It and 3a W aba-b. city office, UUI Farnam ML RETJELGfi UUGRaCERlESc mmxu IBM I90O MEATS 2-12 and Far nam at For Saturday vS..:.12c Spring 0,0(2 Chickens "jr Porterhouse , 1 Cir Steak ..... .... ltJ tt-;.,...i2c f " M- X ftw fmrnmrn -4 ink Imi faM faett.1 lee.Ma SarytM tm4 VNiTHO HTATBB OBHUHITUHV. riMt Marphj, pil.iau, B S W4. .tar pmnm Imtfr Imu a -v !(. r..i.f . Dapatr State Teterlnarlaa, Fodd Inspector. n.L.R&tHCCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITT VETIERIMAJUAJf. Oflloa and Ibflraaary, Sua and Maaoa Sts Men's Fine Madras Nefllf ee Shirts, worth 75c on sale ' 45c MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Send your name for our new fall catalog. "Mother's rriend" Boys'Blouse Walsti, the 75c quality, on sale . . 45c From the time we open our doors Saturday morning until we close them Saturday night. Every nook and corner of this great store will hold interesting bargains that will make this a very busy place. Our Fall and Winter stock is arriving daily by carloads. Now is the time to get" ready for the new purchases, which will soon be choking our stock rooms. Among the men's and boys' summer clothing we are giving big values. Did you ever hear of men's single pants as good as we offer for $1.90? Ever hoar of men's ?2 straw hats for 95c? ' Ever hear of girls' summer caps made of fine corduroy and fancy cloths, cut from $1.50 to 50c? Ever hear pf men's suits at $7.50 that you have to pay $12 for in other stores. If you are interested in tliis kind of money saving opportunities listen to these that follow: t VV IT?'; 6isaicof Men's Pants 1,000 pairs of men's pants, worth up to $4.50, on sale Saturday, at $1.90. Saturday morning our semi-annual pant sale commences. We expect to sell the greater part of them in one day. By the time they are all gone every man who had a pant desire will have sup plied it during this great sale. The values that they represent are simply marvelous. They are without question the greatest money's worth that this or any other concern has ever offered There was a reason for this great pant sale. Broken sizes and edd lots will happen in the best of regulated stores. They rep resent odd lots which have accumulated in our regular pant stock also pants from flne suits which the coat and vest was sold . and left' the odd pants. They axe made of fancy worsteds, chev iots, cassimeres, flannels and blue serges, in all colors in all sizes, positively pants that sold up to $4.50, . i QO go in this sale at . . . Straw Hats Cut Clean to the Core Every Straw Ilat in our entire stock has undergone a terrible slashing. We are determined to dispose of every straw hat this season. The coldest' June in years materially retarded buying of straw hats. Our stock is large the selection is unlimited your size is here. If you are interested in saving money on your straw hat, look this list over f ,j , STRAW HATS FOR MEN STRAW IIATS THAT SOLD UP TO 75c, ON SALE 19c STRAW HATS THAT SOLD UP TO. $1.00, ON SALE 35c ' STRAW HATS THAT SOLD UP TO $1.25, ON SALE....59C STRAW HATS THAT SOLD UP TO $2.00, ON SALE....95C STRAW HATS FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN VALUES UP TO 45c, ON SALE. ;. 19c VALUES UP TO 75c, ON SALE ;45c VALUES UP TO $1.25, ON SALE..... '.. ;65c A s . from pecial Hue of Girls Fine Corduroy Caps reduced . CA. om $i.5u to.:. ...... LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. EXTRAORDINARY SALE ON ALL MID-SUMMER MILLINERY. Investlgate-lt Pays. See Us Before You Buy. 1508 DOUGLAS STREET. m 1 '' Two extra nalea ladles wanted nt 8 o'clock Saturday only, to sell these wrappers. Wrappers 95c seed's Manufacturer's Samples consisting of lawn, dimity and percale ; wrappers. Some of them worth double tha prloa. You qet choice of them Baturday for 96 cents. Shirt Waist Suits $5.00 AU the balance of our $7.50. 8.00 and $10.00 ghlrt Waist Butts, choice for $6.00. Skirts that were $12.00 and $12.60 to bs closed out at $6.76 and $7.60. 0. K. Scofield Cloak mi Suit Co., d'"., f- iiMwiiiBWi'i'i J" '. 'li,.!. ii iiuj i in swsswassyillHllMliajjajiuuiM.waMwias THE BEST DENTISTRY Is what ws siTS our patients. 10 years sucoesaful exrwrlence enables us to do Aila Tak nn flliinMl An vour Laeth. Lid) Attendant. BAILEY. Tho Dentist. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Piiton Block. sis low's Your Hair? Are you loalng It? Havs you tried any thing to stop It, and If o, did It fall? If o you are Ju.t tha party we are looking r We aell and poHitively guarantee PARISIAN HAIR tSInIC AND DAK1) RUS'" CURB. It will stop falling hair and cure dandruff. If It fails, return the empty bottla and get your money right ihl'oo ' Partoian Hair Tonlo-guarantead. . .TSo 104 peruna loweat pries a LOO Mllea' Nervine bOa Bar Ben all you want 3 TCm Waat's Brain and Nervs Treatment too 11 OS Uncle Bams Tobacco Cure ........600 WE GUARANTEE UNCUS SAaTS t. 00 Cheatei s Genuine Pennyroyal Fills $1 Ji on Tr Pierce's Kemedlea So l Doan's Kidney Pills Jo ioo Cutlcura halve fc e Genuine Catorla c ii (Mi German Klmmell Bitter. ..76o L h1R& RooT BEER EXTRACT. .140 OPEN ALL NIGHT, SCilfiEFEfl'S DRIKJ STORE Tw. 'Pliaaae T4T aa TT. . tstl. a UI..I. gtreeta, Osaaka. Drug Dept. Tomorrow ws will sail tha Famous Alba Royal Cream regular prtos 5o our price, for tomorrow, IOC This cream Is for tan, sunburn, pimples, rough skin, eta, ete. 16o Mennem's Powder ..12c lOo William's Shaving Soap So lOo Colgate's Shaving Boap to $100 Rubber Bathing Caps 60c 60a Jackson's Bed Bug Powder oc $1.00 Jackson's Bed Bug Powder. 76o Uc'H. A H. Soap ...So Quart bottla Rye Whlakey ...... 60c Quart bottle Port Wine $c During Vacation Tlis boys will wear out mors shoes than In any other three months of the year. ' The strongest shoe Is the ons the boy .) ould have. Ws know tha value of our boys' $LE0 .hoe, tnd if you've never bought them for your boVf It's a good time to ta.t them and jumpare the result with others you havs bought. We're Inclined to solicit a compariaon of this Wind, and to betfln with guar antee you are going to be eatisfled. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Data Shos Houss 1419 Farnam Street. B EAR IN MIND we never sac rifice quality for price. ,5c 10c Malta Ceree regular price 12 , Slleed Beef la glaa ruftular jirioe 15c. l-lfc. raa Baked Beaas r ' la tomato sauce teg. price 10c. .. .OC Hire's Boot Beer Ea tract t Q1 t regular price 25c lfeC Lara; Caa Lye regular price 10c Bottle Pea regular price Bottle Chow Chow - f regular nrlce 15c AUC Altoa Ploar regular price $1.85 etocar. rice juc -w rice 15c 1UC 1 w Chow 1 f, ' til' Ual .1.15; MOT , 2B'!iind Farnam 51s. s t