THE OMAHA DAILY TKYa SATURDAY, JULY 18, 100,1. , 11 f SPECIAL NOTICES Alrf rtlprnrati 1 fr Ihf eolasnn Will be Ukri antll IX for th venlng- edition and nntll H Ho p. ta. for murilnt Bandar edition, Mat, 1 1 -2c a ward Ural laaertten, far Icaa than 8ft for the flrat lairr floa. Tkrii advrtlaeBat nl ha raa roaaect Ively. Advertiser, by reajostlnj a nn, bered threk, raa have answer id drees, ta a numbered letter la vara af Tba Re, answer to addressed will be delivered oa presentation af tba beak ealr. SITUATIONS WASTED. WAKTED.FEMALR HELP. 100 Girls Call Canadian office, Uth Dodge. lbl WANTED, a good girl for general house- work; am a 11 family. Apply liu Csss St, C-M937 ISx WANTED, a child nurse. Mra A. L. ; Reed, 3d house south of Country club. C 44S WANTED-Second girl. Farnam. Albert Cahn. 2225 C 4t WANTED Girl In email family; good Mlaa Robt. R, Boyd, 4319 Grant at. C M530 24x WANT A GOOD ROOM? THE BEST DIRECTORYOF ROOMS FORRENT IS ON THIS PAGE fOSTOFFICE ftOTICB. Oft SALb- lt0.4afc.. nOUA, hia'C. BOOKKEEPER, wall recommended, wants poaltlon. Address HM, Jiee. A M4G0 itfx IVlfPOFTIP anil xanaKli, man itralrea ner- manent poallion; age 24; college gradu al; has experience and ability ac a salesman; willing to start low If oppor tunlty la given to advance; highest ref erenuea given. Addreaa H 18, be. , . A-MI78. LADY AGENT8 WANTED to aell Maxwell syringes and ladle' auppllea. Maxwell Cot Maxwell, la. C M 52619x run BENT HOLIES. TEN-ROOM brick. 114 N. 2!th St.; gas, bath, furnace, laundry. Not basement plan. - D 439 17x UOtlQPC In all parts of tbe city. R. nUUJtO C. Peter & Co., Bee Bldg. . D lji HAVE your rubber tlrea et while you wait. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. 1' 11 MONROE Kells ole-iiur rehlclea at 811 N. lth at. P M9U FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE 1,600 feet ol second-hand H wire rope. In good condition. Apply to or address "Superintendent of Bee Build. Ing. Omaha." Q M7t NEW and 2d-hand typewriters. 111 Farnam. Q 186 POSITION with established house, afford ing opportunity for advancement: fx- rerlsnced; well known In city. Andreas, I 2 Re-. A V 498 IX. FOR RENT, 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, i in. aotn au, t-. Bachman. 436-37 Paxton blk, D 84.1 WANTED MALE HELP. THE SUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE la now open, yet It U not too lata to enter. Every uay is enrollment day. business, shortnanu, typewriting, Eng lish, Get a catalogue. .. . H, W. BoYLES, President, TaL Villi N. . Ule Lldg.. Omha. PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO. Choice houses. 6ol-6u3 New York Life Uldg. inone ruio, D 50 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Sc Stor age Co. Tel. 1498. uince, liij vo?tor bw D-fi61 ONE of the fine, all modern, 7-room brick houses, 29th anil Izard sts., $J0. U. K. Turklngton, 6u5 Bee. D M224 It SCHOOL teachers for summer work at good salaries. Bee Manager, Ku Mt Blk. B-16S WANTED, a capable man who can do flrat -claea work and manage steam laun dry; doing good business; good salary with privilege of buying. Roy Brewer, Broken Bow. Neb. B-M393 18 WANTED Good aU round blacksmiths. Addreaa II M. Bee B 34 AN old-established firm desires to engage the sorvtcea of a wideawake solicitor or salesman to represent them In each ooun ty. Prefer those who have been success ful In working out In the country and on the rural routes; permanent poaltlon and good Income. Address, giving past ex perience and references, ri ."j.j . i vrirn a vaaiI anleaman or solicitor. prefer one who has had experience In sell ing goods In the country and on the rural win civa a rnmDetent and experi enced person a permanent pojltlon at $AJ PLUMBER wanted in a good. .live town: i . , txr nr. 1 1M.L 111 I.... - York, Neb. ' B M448 1 WANTED A collector who can furnlah his own rig; one living In southern part of city preierrea. " "gj-n 17 WANTED, for United States army, able bodied, unmarried men. between ages of iV 1a 9K- itlcens of United States, of good character and temperate h"lt who can speak, reid and write English. a., r ,ir.n aimlv to rccrultinx of ficer, 16th and Dodge 8ta., Omaha, and Grand Island. Neb. B M4.&. CARRIAGE PAINTER, FIRST CLASS MAN. Highest wages. D. W. Camp it ion. Lin eolD' CARRIAGE B LA CK SMITH, ' CARRIAGE WOODWORKER. ,tii . u . and ateady Dositloo to first class man: light work. 1. W. Camp It Son, Lincoln. Neb. B M488 13. , . vr-irri nn- first clas crayon ar- tlst. Fidelity Art Association ..Lincoln, Nob. B M476 lSx. WANTED Ptour railroad machinists. Ad j.".: wini. simith. Hunerlntendent Mo tlve Power and Cars, D. M. & N. Ry. Co., Proctorknptt, sunn. o 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. W--im Uni ICCC In all parts of the dty. The O. nUUJLJ F. Davis Co.. (OS Ree Bids. D ltd FOR KENT, ten-room modern house near High school. No. 412 North d street, in quire next door or at 41 N. Y. Life build ing. D 25 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. Cor. ;oth and St. Mary's Ave., rooms. modern, shade, lawn, u&.uv. , St. Mary's Ave., S-r., modern. R7.50. 1914 Locust St., rooms, modern, large lawn and ahade. 127.50. 2110 So. 84th, 8 rooms, $1 00. SJ7 So. 22d. 7 rooms, 118.00. 2S;0 Seward. 7-r., bath, $15.00. 3S1 Dewey Ave., i rooms, $10.00. 1214 So. 17th. 6 rooms, $10.00. G A K V l is a lv j a.. Com! Nat. Bank Bldg., lo4 Farnam Bt 1 inojo CENTRAL, lst-clasa 7-room houseZWNn TWO -room houses, all moaenj, i00. C m. Bacnmann, o-si miun D MiSs HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker blk. f AO I TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage CO.. omce liui larnam, r it fr,Ta t-ROOM cotUga. 1606 Franklin St. D289 FOR RENT first class, modern 8-room house, located No. 423 a. ztiin ou inquire F. r. Klrkendall & Co., 1101 Harney St,, Omana, xseD. HAN'SPOM PARK DISTRICT.' aMM mAfirn l-rdnm houae. In fine con' (Jlllon. Moeciaj inaucemeuia w PAYNE! BOSTWICK CO., 601-i N. Y. L. im a ftfiTU AT rnomii. nit V watT. tS: &JB KJ. art a i aji 124 N. 24th St.. rooms, modern, $40; t..ra pinraalt Tlrna.. Barker blK """" " : D MSZt 1$ FOR REST KIR XISHED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel, Uth and Farnam. Ml '4W ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th Chicago. $1.00 to $2.00 per week, 422 8. 18th St., 'one block soutn oi oouri nouae. NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable Gentlemen preierrea. iJ . I'ln-Ej07 it 00 ONE HUNDRED TXLLARS-$100 - REWARD. One hundred dollars reward will be paid for Information leading to the arreat ef George Trexler. who absconded, with his wife, from West Point, Neb., Saturday last with a small bay livery team and new buKft-y belonging to me. Address Earl Reppert. West Point. Neb. B M5U WANTED, a carpenter; steady work. Ad dress Joseph SlUeslger, contractorYutan, ADVERTISING solicitors; position In Mln nenpolis for two up-to-date advertising solicitors; state experience, compensation expected; give refrences. Address Busl nes. Manager. 404 Dayton UM BOOKMEN Why not come to the coo northwest for summer Work new en i..inn.ii. belnc advertised heavily now In dally newspapers; transportation fur nished. Write for particulars to W. F. Hallam, i est iioioi. annu.igii- f WANTED, young man for office work: i ... Ka nnlrk at tiaurea: state age and salary expected. Address H 67. Bee of- CENTER hotel, European plan; south cool rooms. $3 to $4 per week, av n. ian ni NICE cool rvoras, .118 Bo. 20th, $ up . O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. mnvr mil other desirable rooms, bath cool and central, for gentleman. 1617 Cass st. E-M807 a AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth & Dodge, i.w Hotel Hubbel, Uth & Howard; 'phone 29SS. FOR BALE Second-hand Locomobile, In first-class snape, at one-nail price. UU or address 1621 Farnam si Q ti FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 2S tents each, large, wen maae narreis. make first class garbage receptacles. Fred Younca foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. M431 INDIAN goods and relics. 111 Farnam. y 1)3 FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole switcn; never Deen uaea. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent lite Building, umana. j Mm PHOTOGRAPH CAR Rose s Art store. for sale. Apply W 18Z FOR SALE Crane hydraullo elevator; can be unea eitner passenger or ireignt; com plete. Iron guide posts, cape and wire en closures. J. L. Rrandels A Sons. Q S9t IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel lises, w estern Anchor Fence Co., mo N 17th St. Q 184 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers: crucaen lence; oak piling, svu uougias. Cj 181 CATALOOUE cut drug prices free. Sher man ot jucconneu urug t;o., umana. g-isa FOR 8ALE Gasoline launch In first-class condition on Lake Manawa; a bargain If takeh at once. For particulars address b. Bee omce. Council Bluffs. WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Bam'l Burns. VI M934 All run bale-Bugglea and harnesses. In quire at 20U2 urace st. Q M501 ISor. MOSEY TO LOA! CHATTELS. MONEY To salaried employe snd wage earners: Get our system or loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Just on his note: Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to us...JCM or $13 35 or $65 0 Keturn to us... or t j or at & Return to us... w or in or l.m Return to us... 4.ou or z oo or i.oa Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries, sjuick service, courteous treatment. w- THE STAK LOAX CO 644 PAXTON BLK. v MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, ' SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Busjness Confidential. ' Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 83S Paxton Block. lth and Farnam Sta. A. Zll LARGEST BUPINFS8 IN LOANS TO SALARIED rKUK merensnts, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without curlty: easiest terms. 40 offices In prin cipal citka Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. . x-au CHATTEL, salary .and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan CO., sue. ureen, it. s, isarxer dk. X-215 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horse, cows, etc C. F. Reed. 8l 8 11 x as Bt'SfXESS CHASCE9. FOR SALE, by administrator, good clean stock of general merchandise In good trick building In good location, ready to begin business at any time: Invoice about Ifl.iXX); must be sold soon. Call on or address o w. cnamoers, administrator, Blair, iseo. - V M il WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange any property or ousiness quick, see j. n. jonnson, kts r. . Line. tui FOR 8ALE A small stock of drugs In Franklin county. This Is an al opening lor a physician. Address u to, Bee. Y-M4J6 ltx CLAIFVOY.NTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing toid; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8lu MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1708 California, 8 soli A4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. GRACE O'ERYAN. Baths. 720 a Uth. T MB98 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. la, 2d floor, r. I 1 Vu EMOLINE BHEPARD, massaga and va por baths; assistant. Second floor, U06 N 16tli su 1 Mill, A6 MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing. 3i7Vi N. Uth. flat E. T MZIm al MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., front rooms; T M411 A EMELINE SHEPHERD, 606, N. lGth. 2d PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K. t and 8, Uoa Farnam St. U 141 CONCESSIONS granted for Old Settlers picnic, to be helrt August 12: merry-go round and other attractions wanted. Apply to Concessions committee, Ben nington. Neb. Y 474 lx LAtSprtY. OMAHA Bteam Laundry and City Towel tsupply. 1.40 Leavenwortn. lei. a-im LOST. LOST. Mack spaniel, female, white nose and feet. Reward. 1622 William St Lost 496 ISx LAW AID COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN . PRICE. 23 U. 8. N'l B k. bid. ii NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys nnd collectors every where. -23S MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Life Rlitg.. room S04. Thone 1S63. -.a MEDICAL. DR. NEIBERGER'8 SKIN LOTION cures Prickly Heat. Barbera' Itch, C niggers, Poison Ivy. Poison Oak, Ulcers. Ptmnl.e, Scrofula Sores and all Skin Eruptions. Price. $1.00 per bottle. J. C. Northcraft, Prop, and Distr., Orpheum Pharmacy, 801 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. M4t0 x. U181CAU THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldoe Block. 8S9 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC. S16 Ramge Blk.; summer term. Apply . li. wrignt, L. L. C. M., Director. Phone 1101. 617 30 ItlLWAT TIMB CARD CnaHnaed. OSTEOPATHY. here daily at 6.30 p. m. op to July I IStli, Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Doric. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, closs here dally at 6:Jo p. m. up to July ll.iih. Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Lyra. HAWAII, Vl.l Han l'rancisco. close her dally at p. m. up to July l.vth. In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAl'AN. via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here daily at 6.30 p. m. bp to July l-let. Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Empress of India. (Mer chandise for V. S. Poatnl Agency at Shanghai cannot be lot warded via Can ada.) ' HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and especially addressed man tor tne iiilii ri.Nfc; ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:3o p. m. up to July (JOth, In 'elusive, for despatch per s. s. Nippon Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vie Ban Fran cisco, close here daily at t -v p. m. up to July t..' in, inclusive. lor uespatcn per u. S. Transport. CHINA and JATAN, Via Tacoma. closs I here daily st l:0 p. m. up to July iih. Inclusive, for despatch per s s Olymplu. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Au gust list. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer car rying the British mall for New Zealand does not srrlve In time to connect with this despatch extra, malls closing at 6:30 a. m. 8:3o a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 8 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August lioth, Inclusive, for dospatch per s. s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cisco the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the 3chedu)e of closing is arranged on tne presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes st 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN t'OTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y.. July 10. 1901 North Platte Local a 8 i am a 815 pm Grand Island Local b 1.80 bm b r li am Chleaao. Milwaukee) A St. Taat. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all :H pin Chlcigo Fast Express. .a 8:44 pm a I 40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:t pm a I W am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:46 am a 8:40 pir. (.hleaco Jt Northwesters. "The Northwestern Line.' Past Chicago a 3 40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 8:00 pm a $ 30 am Local Sioux City a l.n am a i M pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:X6 am a 10 .'4 pm ..u 'si m in aii.iu ni GID. E. 4: ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616. New lork Life Bldg. Tel. 14. 239 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2&2. 240 AUen Farwell, Paxton Blk.. 604-7. T. IV6. -M241 DRS. FINCH MILLER. 124 8. 26th St. 481 .Dr. Grace Deegan, 809 McCagu. Tel. 264 PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 318 8. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 179t 24s FOR SALE or rent, butcher shop with full equipment of tools, Ice box. blocks, etc All new. Fred Feyerhern, Stanton, Neb. r-M 870 18x FOR SALE Houae and furniture; only $2 xay nouae in town or i,r; oet location In northeast Nebraska. For further par ticulars, write to H 69, Omaha, Neb. Y M4S3 29. FOR SALE or trade, laundry plant and business. Address. H 60. Omnha Bee. Y M491 IS. MILK DEPOT, good milk route and team of horses, everything complete; will sell hoth or separate; reason leavlrg town. 2(02 Grace st. Y M500 19x FOR EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE Brick store building, for small house and lot. Address, H 61 Bee Z M482 Is. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Daylight Chicago LOcal I hlcagc Local Cedar Rapids. Limited Chicago .... Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast St. Paul Fast Mail Local Sioux city. ...all Ji am $.10 pm ... 6 10 pm ....a $.16 pm a 9:1$ am ....a 4. W pro. 1. 60 am ....a t:6u pm a 3:46 pm ....a :i pm a 8.16 am .... a 1:40 Dill ,b 4 00 pm b 1:60 am LEGAL NOTICE. PAWNBROKERS- EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. 641 RtO MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 16:1 Leaven. :el. 20B8. 212 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. '47 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y". Life. -M8. NEB. Buslneoa & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. STORAGE. 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from -iM- VD 8tor- Co- Fm- Tela. 1S59-8C2. postofflce for Benewa Sc Co. sal? cheap. 108 N. 15th. RE 220 W. C. CHISSELL. 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. . RE M3oS AT VIAVL a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment fur .disorders of women. Free booklet. Vlavl Co.,- 348 Bee Bldg. U 13 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room Mw. Bee Bldg. HE 221 ! tAIA;fN CHARLES E., 1208 r ii.l,i i 1 1 w a j. a rnam street. RE 21$ MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. U-186 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sa-iltarium, ' '.IS 1st Ave.. Council Bluff o. ia,' U 196 RANCH and farmlands for salt fcy the . Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester. land cotthilfsloner Union Pa ! clfio Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 219 3 NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. E M41& NICE rooms, modern. 2&8D Harney. E Mali .8x NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Oraaha steam laundry, 175) Leavenworth. Phone A1783. E-237 CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial, hygiene and special masaage taught and jluctleed. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Con futation :ree. Use Ke-No-Miy Powder. U-l WE RENT sewing machines. 75c per week; we repair and sell pans for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. 16th and Harney sis. 'Phone 1G63. U M603 Jyl9 WANTED To sell cattle rsnch In South Dakota, or will sell one-half Interest to . right partv. -. For particulars, address room 403. Toy building. Sioux City, Iowa, , i : RE M 486 18. . 260 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad Uckets 'everywhere, P. H. Philbln. 1606 Farnam. 'phone 784. 663 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 780. 41 PROPOSALS FOR SITE AND DONA TIONS FOR A NEW STATE NORMAL ECHOOL. In accordance with House Roll No. L a bill for an act to locate and establish one (1) additional stute normal school, and to provide for the erection of buildings, pay ment, maintenance and receiving donations for the same, the Hoard of Education of the state normal school hereby solicit pro posals for donations to the state of a suit able site for an additional stste normal school, but said proposed sits must Include a suitable tract of land not less than twenty (20) acres In extent, said land to be worth at least seventy-five ($75) dollars per acre, and said location of site for said school must be west of a point not ex ceeding five miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian. Said donations or proposed do nations for a site may Include a building or bu'idlnRS, and such proposals may also include donations or money or duly regis tered municipal bonds to the state for the Use and benefit of such normal school. All ruch proposals shall be in writing snd ansmltted to the secretary of said board In sealed envelopes, which shall be opened In the presence of said board on Tuesday, Jnly 28. 193. at 2 o'clock p. m., In the office of the superintendent of public In struction In the capltol building at Lincoln. Nebraska, "and the properties mentioned In said proposals shall be examined and Investigated by said board - and the ad ventures and disadvantages of said pro posed site shall be considered, and said board In accepting or rejoctlng any pro posal shall take Into consideration the lo cation of such proposed site, the character snd value of the same, the ehnracter and value of the building or buildings thereon. If any, whether such bulldlnes thereon are proposed to be donated or sold to the state. or to ne partly oonaieo ana partly sold the smonnt of money. If any, proposed to be donated ot the value of any bonds ac companying surh proposal, nnd may accent such proposed donation and locate such normal school upon such slfe which, In the judgment of ruch board under all the facts and circumstances, may appear to be for the best Interests of the state In the premise's." By order of the Board of Directors of the state normal schools. WILLIAM K. FOWLER, Secretary Baid of Education, . Supertn tendent of Public Instruction. , OEOROE ROGERS, , President Board of Education. Lincoln. Neb., July 10, 1903. ' ; - Jy lid 14tra Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7. am aio .to am Lincoln & Long I1ne....b 7:2$ am bio 35 am Chicago. Rock Islaad at Pacta. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d. a $ 68 am a 3 60 a n Chicago Daylight Local.a 7 .00 am a 9 36 pm Chicago Expreaa bll:15 am a 6 Ao pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4 30 pm bll oOam Chicago Fast express.. a $: pm a 1:5 pin W EST. Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7:30 am a 7:26 am Lincoln. Colo. Sprlnga. Denver, Pueblo and West pm a 1:00 pm Colo.. Texss, Cal. anf Oklahoma Flyer a 8:40 pm alJ.40 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 1:65 pm a 6:S0 am Bt. Louis Local. Coun- ell Bluffs 1:15 m al0:80 pm Mlssoarl PaclBo. EL Louis Express alO:M am a : pm K. C. at St. L. Ex al0:60 pm a 6.16 am Illiuola Central. Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 8:10 pra Chicago, Minneapolis . St, Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8.06 am Minneapolis & SU Paul Expreaa t 7:36 am tl0:36 pm rinr.n 1,ocaI 10:36 am Chicago Express al0:3$ am WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH WEBSTER. Chicago, St. Ptsl, Mlaaeapells A Omaha. Leave. Arrive. . Twin City Passenger... a 6 30 am a :0 pm Sioux City fassenger...a w I- ' Oakland Local.. b ;46 pm i 8;4 am Miaaonrt I'acine. Nebraska Loca. Via Weeping water o -iu v" v. . Cfclearo Jc Kortbweatera, Nebraska a, a, a Wfomlir Dlvlslo. Black Hills, Deadwood: lnad. Hoi bpnngs a :uu via m a.w inn Wyoming, Casper ana Douglaa d 3:00 pm 8:00 pm York. David rity, superior, ueneva, Exeter and fJeward....o S:U pm b 8:08 pm a. - BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH MASOK. POSTOFFICK NOTICE. tL8 N. 17TH Cool front rooms for two. E M444 A 13 WANTED, 500 ladles to visit our Garment ' Cutting College to see its workings and test lis .merits oy taKing one lesson ires. I-.oom 627 Paxton block, corner Ihth and Farnam Sta U M647 20 Aa opportunity must be) sought and grasped at once. Are you making the most of yours or are you drifting? We need more competent. hUh-grade men to All open ings of all kinds executive, clerical and technical. If you are not getting all you are worth, or If you desire to change, write today for plan and booklet. Hap- Joods (incorporated). Suit 630. Monadnock lullding. Chicago. B THE FARNAM. Uth ft Farnam. 608 8. 26TH AVE.; private family.- F 178 WANTED Several persons of good charac ter In each state for house of good stand ing. Salary $20 cash weekly, with expense money advanced. Colonial, Caxton bldg., Chicago, B M522 18x WANTED 16 first-class union plasterers to work on the mint, wage 85 per day and long Job: also 10 men on science building, Denver. Colo. B-M5-"9 20x WANTED Cabinet makers; sleady work. H. Ehrllch at Sons factory, St. Jpsepn. II . B M52S 24X WANTED Man to run sticker of moulding machine. H. Ehrllch 6 Sons' factory Pt. Josenh. Mo. B-M527 23x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay. o distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack tgna. etc: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau.. Chicago. B M526 lvx WANTED Person to call on trade and agents for manufacturing house: local tai-rliorv: aalarv 819 70. Dald weekly: ex pense money advanced: previous experi ence unnecessary: nusinees successrui: tm-Idm aelf-addressed envelope, fitsndird House, Chicago. B M2'J2-49x WANTED Flrst-elsss ledger clerk able t handle large number of accounts; goot ignition for tha rltht man. Address .1 9. Be office. B M519 18 WANTED, stone cutters and granite cut ters; wages flrat-claas men, 60c per hour. Abercromble stone to., ei. josepn. mo. B-M532 WiKTSTi a vnune- man about 18 to A- liver goods and take care of hoes and cow. Applv 1318 Farnam. R MSTl in SALESMEN WANTED. IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN and making loss than $-5 Oi) a week, write us today. We are selling groceries to farmers and other large buyers at wholesale price. Good hJatlers can make up carload lo:s at every town In (he agricultural states. ar. larrer than In any oiher due. .Ha rarmmciiL work pleasant and healthful. For lull particulars address George VI el drum ai Co., C9 is. ure-n SU Chicago, in. "x. ( spvi-ttl.TY salesmen, we have a proDoal , tlon for three men capable of earning $3 WOO to $5.00 per year; butter Investigate. O' A. Laudis, the liampahlre Arm. Min neapolis. MJU JJ WANTED TEMALBB HELP. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardels. 2231 Ike. Tel. Red-ISM. U M284 F-174 TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. THE KENWOOD ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B J. Scannell. agent, ware diock. U-M3S7 29 2616 Farnam Street, phone 3043. F-M523 DESIRABLE room at the ' Pratt, 213 8. 25th Ave. juiw -i $30 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR $30-No detention ironi ousiii, j.vw mum l atlents; send for booklet, etc Smptre kunture Co.. New York Life bidg.. .Omaha, Neb. - U-VM FIRNITUKB PACKING. PETERSON I'i. L-2-i. LUNDBERG. US So. 17th. II wi WANTED TO RENT. ( OR 6-room cottage In good neighborhood- Address 1. u. crosuy, uv a. ave. K Mfc 19x FOR RENT STORES AND OFF1CLS. FUR RENT, the liuiiuiiig tormerly occu pled by The ee at 9i6 Barnaul HU It has four stories and a basement wiiicb was lorinerly used aa Tbe cm press room. , This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply ut oinc oi u. t;. uose- Water, secreiaiy, room iw, uee uuiidina. btir RENT, building suitable for whole' aai purposea ai mm r aruaiu, uw, lour sluiles and nrsi-ciaas.ceuiBiiieu uaacinani. elevator, nre ana uuigiar prooi vault, office counter and flxiuiea. For price auO tuiitii'Lihri iuouira C C RiiMwaler. bim:. re tar y the Cee Building Co.. loom luu. Bee Duuumg. au AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvaaaing agents In every county lo solicit suosci iptiuus to THtl IWh-NTlKTH CLNTC'ltY FARMLR. Bieadv employment with assured loud in. -otiio. Agents In the country wlin horse and bugii especially desired. Canvaaeers make easily W to $lou per month. Ad- urtaa (.etitury runner BHMicuors Bureau, t;ee Duuuing. ouiaw. J Hi THE ONLY authorised memorial life of rope Lmo jvui. , oeauuiuiiy illustrated with colored art plates of rarest v.i.i. Approved and recognised by archbishops and blsboi. Unparalleled opportunity for agenta. Largest commission. Elegant outnt tree. mho cenis lor duiuio, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. Omaha, Men. J aiu u AGENTS wanted to aell the "Life of Pope Leo XIII." written with the encourage ment, approbation and blessing of His Holiness, the Pope, by alonslgnor Ber nard O Rellly. 631 Paxton Bldg J-MS84 FOR SALE FUR I IT I RE. WANTED, competent glrj to do plain housework; 86 per week. 4829 Davenport. Take Farnam car. Cti3 WANTED, at once, girl for general house work; wages $v to $e or competent co.ia. i$ 8outh lath ave. C 11 tot iX EXPERIENCED detnonatralor wanted who can place a dmoniraiion for a aklrt uptKrtrr and walat former In oi.a 1 of tba ladUkf department stores; good salary: state article previously demon strated. AOdree iHencr A Boedcleid. JbidaVa Saa iinuoaou. hi. CHICAGO Furniture Co. 1410 Dodge. Tel Sco. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O ISO FOR SALT, the furniture In a four-room cottage, lag. Purchaser caa rent cottage Call between 9 and U a, ra. 410 North 13th street- 0--497 I7x FOR BALE, one large six-passenger closed family carriage, one Urge operr family carriage, one large platfirm-spiing spider phaeton: all rubber-tired; two double sals of harness, ens silver soounted. and one siagie set or names. Call frank bL Moorea, C,ty Hall. O -Mill FINE RANCH, bargain; 2.4T) acres, 227 cattle. 12 horses, good Improvements and machinery; 10 mile -Tenolng. large lake; ;.(00 tons hay; price, $11,600. Box 219. Bur well. Neb. ; RE M1S2 25 x. . DO YOU WANT t acres near Ruser'a Park for $100? This used to be worth tiVlO an acre. Owner going to Canada and must sell. Just the place fer fruit and -chickens, and work in town. Hastings Sc Heyden, 610 N. Y. Life Bldg. . .' RE M489. messengers. , U-800 $3,500 WILL BUT an elegant modern house and full lot on rsuiney ci in nounize Place; south front; street paved; special taxes paid. Thomas Brennan, 309 S. 13th Bt, RE M490 23. WILL BELL our strictly modern home one of the finest In city: location the best. Address owner, H 65. Bee. RE 195 17x PRIVATE Santitarlum for ladles before and darinB' ronnnemcni. ir. suu mi. Oerisch. 361'5 Callfi-rla St. Terms resson able. U-831 Jy25 PRIVATE horpital before nnd during con- flnement: osi mro-,i -i,r im Mra L. Fisher, 1501 Vinton. Tel. Jj ABSTRACT OV TITLE. IDA 8HELBERG. Cell Tel. StS. V 4'J9 19 MONEY TO AiAN-ttEAL ESTATE. W. nr . uTrn rltv loans and warrants 'o ,.k m. IPi. mum street. jf arnain omim .. W -2ol WANTED, dty and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R C. Peters & Co.. l.o2 Farnam 6t.. Bee Bldg. nat FARM and city loans: mw raxes w . rx. Thomas, trst. ni i WJ3 PRIVATE morey. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life TO I P- C. money. Bemls, Paxton block FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Brna.. 104 Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. I HAVE private money on hand to loan, i n unimui 71! N. Y. L. Bid-. " W-M5WI4 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY Raal asf.lAina our methoda We loan on furniture, PUnoa, warehouse receipts, etc Or If you have a permanent poallion we tm maxe you a KALARY LOAN vtihnnt aaruritv. except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and ..nflnential and we slwsys try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you oorrow tinwnen. OMAHA MOKTGAGB LOAN CO., U Board of Trade Bldg. TsL ti. lEstabllshed Utii) 8os go. 16tb St. Xr 08 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; uusineee onnuuemiaj . wa rv U4 Paxton block. Th 1. A, Huttoa Co. X 311 MONEY TO LOAN rtn furniture, piano, horses. waaTona. etc. at very lowest rates. Any length of time to suit your convenience without publicity o removal or property. WE AI.SO LOAN MONEY To nennle working on a salary, holding steady position with reaponsiLle concern. No rnirtgage or endorser required; no in- aulrlea mad of your, friends or employer. RKL1ABI.E CREDIT CO., Rouui tv7-8ut Paxton Block. x-Mta u DO YOU want to trade your city property for land? Hume Investment t o.. m New York Life Bldg. RE M524 24X ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. ZOO Douglas block. M 772 BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLESS. worth 25c; closing it out at lac. 11. 8. Mann. K,p. Com. Nat IBank. I (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending July 18, 1903, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tne cenerai postonice aa loiiows: Par cel-post malls close one hour earlier than losing lime shown below. Parcels-punt malls for Germany close at S p. nt. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls closo at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign 8 la tlon). t - Transatlantic Malta. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. (suplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. a Eiruria, via Queenstown; at 8 a. m. for BEiAilUM direct, per a. s. Finland (mail must be directed per s. s. Finland"); at 6.30 a. m. for iTALx direct, per s. s, Hoben sollem (mail roust be directed "per a. a. ' Hohenzollern"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Ethlopa (mail must be directed "psr s. a. Ethlopa"); at 11 a. m. tor DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per a. s. Island"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC-Thls steamer taxes printed Matter, Commercial Pa per, and Samples .tor Germany only. The tame class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not he sent ty tills ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Maiia named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, F'rench snd Germwn steamers, nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of tbe hour of sailing of steamer. Mall for Sooth and Central America, West ladles, Ete. NOTICE FOR RIDS FOR STATE PRINTING. Bids will be received by the State Prt Ing Board at the office of the secretary Kansas Cltr Ulufls at. Joseph Council Kansas City Day Es..-a 9:15 am a 8:05 pm Bt u'l P'yer s:u. pm U:o6 am kansta Clty Night Ex..al0:30 pm a t.;l am Darlington V Missouri Ulver. uoav. Arrv. 2ESS .B"?."da 8:50 sm M2 05 pm NeVraJ." Express a 8:50 am a J 4o pm Denver Llmtte. a 4:10 pm a :46 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 prr Colorado Vestibule Fryci . a 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Ma!': b 252 pm a 8:08 am Fort Crook and Platta- month b 8:20 pm bl0:l am Rellevue & Paolflo Jet. .a 7:fm pm a 8:27 am Belle vu Sc Pacifl- Jet.. a 80 am Clilcaso. n.Iinaon X ttnlncy. Chicago FpeJal a 7'00 am a 3:55 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4.W) pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local... a 9:1S am all.OOpra Chicago Limited a 8.U6 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mali a 2:40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. STEAMSUll'S. ANCHOR UNB U. 9. MAIL STSAMBHIPS. NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND OLABOOW, HEW YORK. OIDR ALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior arfommodatloin. Eicellent rulrtas. Ths Comfort of Pumifri rsrefully Considered. Slngla t. . --. i..iim1 ttf.twan New York and nt 1 Scotch. Enillnh. Irlih snd all principal continental Xt polnu at attrartlT. rates. Bend tor Book ol Touri. Kor tickets or senaral Information apsly to any 2:30 o'clock p. m., July 27, 1903, for printing 1,000 copies state geological report, part J, voiame t; v) copin inn annual report, department of banking; 2 OoO copies "con solidation of school districts;" 7n0 copies supreme court calendar, September term; 1,000 copies state banking law; 1.000 copies senate file No. 222; L5u copies compilation of Insurance laws; also blank books, print ing and stationery supplies for the follow ing -named state Institutions and depart ments; Supreme court. Game and Fish commission, Milford Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Beatrice Feeble Minded Institute, Lincoln Insane hospital, Hastings Insane hospital. Grand Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, State Historical society, state archi tect, labor bureau, banking department. Irrigation department, insurance depart ment, state treasurer, auditor of public accounts, adjutant general, secretary of State ana governor. Specifications for same can be found on file In the office of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves the right to reject any and an bids. STATE PRINTING BOARD. By LOU W. FRAZIER, Secretary to tha Board. Lincoln, jseorasKa, juiy is, liffl. July J7d5t BALE TIES. OMAHA Bay Bale Tis Co., 8U North 16th. R. Rl'MBEL ac BON. only tie factory In the stat. Try us. 14tn and Nicholas. TeL F339. M-76S 23 CARPET. CLEANING. A, K.-JKTT calls for carpets. Tel. A -3303. . MJ96 Al CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. 1 . Uchlltree. 2"tb and Lake streets. 170 DETECTIVES. UAPT CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. TeL A-ZK3Z. 36 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. Rathbun. room 16, Com'l Nat. Bank. 227 FLORISTS. IIEBS St BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 228 L HENDEIISON. florist, 1415 Farnam St. 22 FURNITURE FACKIXO. GATE CITY Upholaterlng.Co.. woven wire springs tigntenea. a ei. B-2U76. 1706 Bt. Miry Ave 263 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY O ARBAQE CO. cleanl eessfsMils and vaults, removes garbage ana ana a am ma is at reoucea prices. 62) N 10th. Tel. 179 a COLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Be Big. Tel. 2538, t.;i LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melchotr. Uth Howard ,. 23: LAWNMOWERS sharpened, aaws fled, umbrella repaired, keys, etc, Jus M. )th. -Ira. zy. t. 23 SATURDAY At T a. m. for NEWFOUND- lA7L. per s. s. lloaa.ln.J; at 8 a. m. for EERMUDA, per s. s. 'lrlrildad; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a, m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a a Maracalbo (mall for S-tvanllla and Car tagena must be directed "per s. s. Ma racalbo"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. s. Ponce; at 9 3' a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for 8T. THOMAS. BT. CROIX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS. BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Carlb bee (mail for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Carlbbee"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8AV ANILLA. CARTAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per . s. Va lencia"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for AR GENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Trojan Prince. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Tranapaelfle. CUBA By rail to Pert Tampa, Fla., and inence uy learner, closes at .mis office dally, except Thursday, at 15:30 a. m. (th connecting: maws close nere on Alonuays Wednesdays snd Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless BneWallv addressed for despatch bw steamer, close's at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. ana ii:ou p. ra. nunaays at 1 p. m. a no 1 1 .oi u. iu. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Rv ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p m. (connecting mails close ner every ai&naay, Wednesday and Saturdsi. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this omce at 6.3ti p. m every Tuesday and Thursday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 6 .30 p. in. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thenc by steamer, closes at this ollice daily, except ' Sunday, at 11:30 d. m sr., I 111.30 p. m , Sundays st 1 p. m. and ln.30 S. m. icnnrwung man closes per Mon avs at ill 30 P m l COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11.30 d. m. anrf 11:80 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. a. andll:J0 p. iu. icvnnri.-iiiiB uiati ciuaes ncre Tuas-r days pre NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Lands and Buildings at the office of secretary of state for the erection of a tirlck Public Comfort and Water Closet Building at the State Fair grounds. Plans and apecmcauons oi anuie bib on me ai the nmce or secretary or siaie. jjiqs must be In the hands of the secretary of state by 12 o'clock noon, Monday, July 20th. The board reserves tbe right to reject any and 11 bids. . , , , All bids must be accompanied by certified check for K-00, payable to the secretsry of state, to be forfeited to the state In case successful bidder falls within Ave days after the award of such contract to. enter Into contract ano oonds ror tne faithful performance oi suen enmran. Secretary of Hoord. July S-10-11-12-18-14-15-16-17-18 at 111:30 n. m ) IKeg'.stereu man cioaee at p. m. vloua day. TraaaparlB Malta. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI Id LANDS and NEW CALEDuNlA. iu Vancouver ana iciurta. 11 i .. t-lue here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to July flnth. In clusive, ivr urciaivii yvt a. . aaiowera. HAWAII CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIP PINE IB LAN I'd, via San Francisco, close GOVERNMENT NOTICES. t -, .,! nt ,, Anrhnr Llna or to HENlJtKBON BKUS., uan I Tvirnia, v u.iau, HOLLAND-AMERICA LI HE Nam- Twln-8er Htaamara of 11.100 Tons KEW YORKROTTERDAM, via BOULOQNg. Balling Wadnaaday ! II A. It Rotterdam J'T Kjrnoa as- i Fotadam Aufr t Vwriam Aus, M IIOLLASP-tHKMItA bine, t Dearborn St., Chicago, 1IL Harry Moorsa, 101 farnaca St., C. RutbartolM. tm Karnam St., J. . karBoiaa. ram.m - SUPREME COURT SYLLABI will be officially V H O P O 8 A L 8 FOR SUBSISTENCE Stores. unice rurcnasing commissary, u. 8. Army, Omaha. Neb., July 14. 19-J3. Sealed nr.,i.mui . subieci to tne usual iona tiona. will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., July 24. 1903. at which time and place ihev will be publicly opened for furnUhina- subslstence stores as follows: Bacon, sugar, canned goods, etc. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production. Hiank proposals and specincatlons can t obtained at this office. W. H. BEAN. Purchasing Commissary. SEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO Moses Harris, general treasurer Na tional Home for D. V. 8., in care of Thomas R. Kimball, architect, 601 McCague build ing, Omaha, Nebraska, will be received at the above address until 12 o'clock M., Tues dayAugust 4, 1 'X'l. and then opened, for furnishing materials, labor, etc., for the construction of the main group of buildings at the Battle -Mountain Sanitarium, ut Hut Springs. SouTii Uukoia. t'lans may be seen and copies of instructions and speci fication!, totetlicr witn nun proposals had. uuon application to the architect. Thomas R. Kimball, 503 McCague building. Omaha, Nehrasica: to the Builders' nnd Traders' Exchange, 13 Washington street, Chicago, Illinois; lo John F. Daggett, sec retary. lenver isunning v ontraeiors coun cil, 3"3 Times building. Denver. Colorado. to the Builders trcnarge, hi. faul, Minne sota: to E. S. Kelley, Banker, Hot Springs. South Dakota, and to the office of the National Home for l. v. .. 34 t;roadway. New York. N. Y. Address all Inquiries re garding drawtrgs and sneclrtcatlons to ()e architect as above. J27 Jyt-U-18-25 Al-m IA1LWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTH AND MARC 8 Union PaclSc. Overland Limited... The Fast Mall California Expreaa. Pacific Express Eastern Lxprea 'iba Atlantic Kinrm The Colorado Special.. .a T:J0 am a $ 40 am Chicago Special a $:4fi am L'' eoln Ileatrlee and Btroinsburg Express.. b 100 pm bll:50 pm The following oplnJoni reported : Mr"vi Pvin aealnst Doneley. Appeal from Saunders. Former Judgment vacated. Judg ment aisinci noun euiuiTO. ...... -w. Division No. $. 1 A stipulation in an action inuin in the district court that the property which is the subject of the controversy ehall be sold 'id the proceeds deposited with th clerk until it shall be determined which party to the action Is entitled to them, and that If the sale ehall be made before the matter .shall be fully litigated, the funds shall b paid out when the court shall have made an order mat one or me n-i party Is entitled to them. 1 not effectual as a re lease f errors and waiver of the right of review in this court. An Intent by the par ties to bar themselves from the right of ac. cess to the ro.irts must be manifested by express words or by the strongest impltca- llt.nTh pendency of an action for th for- closure of an alleged chattel mortgage In which a temporary Injunction ha been granted restraining the defendant from selling, consuming or disposing of th prop erty in controversy during the pendency of . the action, withdraws the property from pursuit by general creditori of th alleged mortgagor In another court by means of the ordinary procedure of a suit at law. Judgment and execution. In such cass the jironeity Is In the constructive custody of $ A covenant In an unrecorded leas for th term of flv year at an annual rental fiayable annually, to the effect that the esse shall on the 15th day of June In each , execute to the lessor a chattel mort gage on the growing crops, to secure th payment of the rent for that year, will be speclncslly enforced against the lessee and those claiming line to tne i-fujia .41411 -,, after the commencement of the suit to es tablish the lien of the landlord and to sell the rroperty as upon foreclosure. 112M. Modern Woodmen of America against Coleman. Error from Cass. Mo tion denied. Holcomb, J. Where opinions are prepared by commla sloners they must be permitted necessarily to state their reaaons in tneir own way. without binding the court to all that Is said arguendo, even though It concurs In the conclusions of law and express findings of fact. Williams el ai v. Miies i ai., no. U0I.1. fll.-d July 8. 1903. 11630. Williams against Miles. Appeal from Richardson. Motion to modify opin ion denied. Pound C. Dlvialon No. I. 1. Declaration of tne lestutor are com petent e-'idenc on an issue whether a will was maae, but will 1101 sumc 01 uiemseives to prove Its contents. Z. Wnere opinions are prepared vj com missioner they must be permitted, neces sarily, to state their reasons In their own way, without binding trie court 10 an tnat is said arguendo, even tnougn 11 concurs in the conclusions of law and express endings of fact. . Opinions expressed by the commission ers on matters not essential to the decision, while properly set forth to advise counsel that their arguments In briefs or at the hearing have been duly considered, do not become necessarily the law of the case, snd will not preclude further Investigation of such points, should they come before the t ourt once more. 1-100. Cleland against Anderson. Error from Dawson. Former Judgment adhered to. Pound. C. Division No. 3. 1. v here the atate statutes m ike. a dls- Leave. Arrive. ...a 9.40 am a 7.50 pm a l.ia pa. ...a 4:3) pm ...all:W pm a 6 30 nm 7:30 am tlnction between a plaintiff a Interest In a pending action and bis muse of action be fore ault Is brought, making the one as signable In rasea where the oth'r la no:, the Interest of a bankrupt In a pending ac tion, which he might Bell and assign, and of which lila creditor mluht obtain tha benefit on administration of his estate, 1 to lie beld "property." with n th purview of subdivision v. section 70. National Bank ruptcy Art. rsther than a "right of acU" under subdivision vl.