THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi FRIDAY, JULY 17; 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat is Herroui oa Biard of Trade, 01o tag at Further Dtolinib PROVISIONS ALSO WEAK AND MUCH LOWER Cera aad Oats Both Hole Steady, Al tfcoach Frlees Fall Slightly la Coin ( Day's Baalaeaa. CHICAOO, July II Wheat was ner you and erratic with aome recovery from yesterday's break, September cloning steady at a decline of a. Corn ruled steady, closing easier wltn September down Wc. Oata ware ateady at a decline of SV'nc Provisions were weak throughout the list, cloning KWieiVic off. The early aenilment In the wheat pit was bearish, due to the unaatlafactory condi tion of the money market, the weak end ing In stocks, the labor troublea and pricea responded to aelllng pressure from com mission houeea after a ataady opening with September c lower 'to higher. Early aaiea were at a decline to itc. hut buying by Ht. Louis acalpera and aome commission houaea caused a reaction and sent the price up to 77 He. Sentiment was divided, how ever, and on the prospect of Increased movements and good grading of new wheat with good weather and absence of foreign demand the tone became easier against tne eloae on September showed a loss of He at 7'4c, but In the face of uncertainty as to the crop In the northwest, there waa little weakneaa apparent. Trade waa active and excited and of good value. Cl-arances of wheat and flour were eoual to 438.600 bu. Primary receipts were 427,000 bu., against 7K9.WP0 bu. lnat year. Minneapolis and lti luth reported receipts of 169 care, which with local receipts of 27 cara, 8 of contract grade, made a total for the three points of 1W cars, agalnat. 162 last week and 377 a year ago. . Corn displayed aome weaknesa at the tart on commlaalon house selling due to the flna weather and Improving condition of the crop. September being off a shade to W(pic but with the better tone In which there waa aome buying by local bulla and the decline waa checked. Movement waa not large, and there waa some Improve ment In the cash demand. Under these In fluences and ateady cables the general tone of the market was steady although the close showed September VP He lower, at 6014c, after ranging between 60Mie and BOfciiJ 6074c. There was a fair volume of trade. T.oeaI receipt were IM cara with 8 of con tract grade. Oata were generally steady, but were ln m i MnnaitBhU tnt hv the vary ing feeling In other grains, trade was light with commission houses selling on a nmewhat Improved crop situation. I,ocnl bulls, however, afforded sufficient support to prevent any severe break nnd the clone showed September fairly steady at 33S4ffJ num nt trffUc. after selling between tao and 3374c; Local receipts were 180. There waa little demand for provisions and the market waa weak, lard showing a sharp reaction from yesterday a spurt. The fact that the hog market was very strong apparently had no effect and the close was at a loss for September pork of 50c at $14 40. with lard down 6714c at $8.02, and ribs KSic lower at . . Estimates for tomorrow: Wheat. 60 cars, corn. 215 cars; oats, 200 cara; hogs, 16,000 head. , The leading futurea ranged aa follows: tl In It closed at M7stl. but futurea there de dined 7s M. to S6 z ed. New York cod per was quiet and unchanged; lake and electrolytic quoted at $l3.i 13.70. Casting at $13.2(d l$ 37. Iend remained unchanged here, at $4 60, and In London at 11 ft d. Spelter declined 6s, to 20 10s In lOndon, and waa nuiet and easier, at V.00. Iron closed at ft.'s 4d In Qlasgow, and at 46s H1 V In Mlrtrtlesborough. Locally iron niies quiet; No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at $1 S"jl.60; No. 3 foundry, northern, at $17.6o'ul8 60; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern soft, at I17.7MJ 18.26. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ITesfy. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. H'ni n July Sept. pec Oata July Sept. Deo. Purk July Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. Bibs July Sept. Oct. 7574-6 76H 754 7H 78 76 g 7674 76 78 76 77 WV4 77 7674 77V 774 7674-7V4 T7V4 76'A 7674 " 49 604 49 49 974 mm SOW WV. SH 60H 60V4 4W H 49T4 '37 88Vi $974 84?4 34V4a4 83 3374 4H 14 10 14 25 14 15 14 15 14 70 14 75 14 DO 14 87H 14 40 14 90 7 95 1 97H 7 85 7 5 8 62V4 8 46 $46 8 00 8 03H8 70 795 8 00 7 70 7 7 l 8 65 8 56 8 42H'8 424 8 65' 8 60 8 76 8 4-. V4 8 47 8 70 8 26 3 26 8 07V 8 K 8 80 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltlan of Trade and ttaotatloas oa Staple anal Fancy Prod see. EOOS Fresh stock, loss off, 12Hc. L1VB POl'LTKY Hens, Mjluc; spring chickens, per lb., IwfilHc; roosters, accord ing to age, 4!jTDc; turkeys, ID'S 13c; duck. 60 7c; geese, 557c. BUTTKR-Packing stock, 13c; choice dairy. In tubs, I4fp1ic: separator, 20c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, Hc; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, He; blucnah, lie; whlieflsh, 9c; salmon, 14c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnnpper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., ibc: lobsters, green, per lb.. 23c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, Xic; halibut, 10c; crappie, 12c; herring, 6c; perch, 6c; white basa, 10c; blueflns, 8c. WHAN Per ton. $15. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $8.60; No. 2. $8; medium, $7.60; coarse, $7. Kye straw, $7. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. COKN the. OATS 38c. JIVli-No. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. NEW POTATOES Southern, per bu., 80a PARSLEY Per doi. bunches, 30c. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dos., 40 &45e. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market basket, ioc; string, per market basket, 26c. PEAS Home grown, per market basket, 36c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dot., 60c. CABBAGE New California, per lb., 8a, TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 80c. RHUBARB Per lb., le. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.60. CELERY Michigan, per doi., 25c ONIONS New California dry, per lb., to; Texaa, per lb., 2c. FRUITS BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt case, $3. RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-plnt case, $2.60. BLUEBERRIES Per 16-qt case, $1 PLUMS Burbanks, $1.25; Rontons, per box,; P. D., per box, $1.26; Uooae, per 24-qt. box, $1.60. CHERH1EU California, white and black, ptr lo-lb. box, $2. PRUNES Tragedy, per box. $1.85. PEACHES California, Hales' Early, per box, $1; St. John's Early freestone, $1.86. CURRANTS Per 16-qt. case, $2. OOOSEBEHR1ES Per lti-qt. case, $3. PEA Hi California, Bartlett s, per box, $8. CANTALOUPE California, per crate, $6; Texaa, per crate, 43. APPLES New stock. H-bu., 75e. WATERMELONS Texas, 2630o each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 76c; Turkish, per 1Mb. box, 18c. ORANGES Mediterranean, all sixes, 83.00 63.26; Jaffa, $3.25((i8.60; fancy blood, per-rV box, iz; bt. Mickes, or paper rine, an sixes, $3.0104 00; Valentias, $4.004.36. LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 860 sizes, J5.7(xG.00; 240 to 270 sixes, $4-6O6.0O; Mesalhas, Ui.OXijS.&O. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb.. lOo. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6Vc; No. 2 green, 5V4c; No. 1 salted, c; No. 2 aalted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., SVc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Vc; dry salted hides, 8012c; sheep pelts, 26Hji6c; horsehides, $1.60g2.60. NU'IS Walnuta, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft ehoil, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Uraills, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., luc; bard shell, per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12V4c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuta, per dos., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6V4o; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $7; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. tln snd rule steady at quotations rang- g from He to 7c for all grades. Apricots are moving moderately and are urn-hana-ed at 7tr8Hc for choice and 10ol2Sc for fancy, leaches are quiet and the tone of the market rather easy an better grades; choice quoted at 77Vkc and fancy at 8Vc NEW "ORK STOCK AID BOISDS. Feverish Day Drlnara Raltlea and lamps. Final Hoar Willing; Prices. NEW YORK. July 1.-The day In the stock market waa a feverixh and exclttd one and the many fluctuations in Its course kept sentiment constantly unsettled and nervous. Yesterday's late rally was fol lowed up at the opening this morning, but wwa promptly taken advantage of to renew the selling. Later In the day speculative sentiment brightened considerably and again a disposition developed to buy stocks. During the last hour again a violent liqui dation sprang up In Amalgamated Copper and American Smelting. This seemed to prompt a renewal of selling throughout the list and prices ran off rapidly, wiping out practically all the gains. The market steadied later In the day, 1ut ran off agnin and the closing was active and easy, with the average level of prices not materially changed from that of last night. A few stocks which developed notable strength during the day saved an appreciable por tion of gains at the last. A furious demand sprang up at one time for Canadian Pacliic, which seemed to come principally from an uncovered short Interest, as the stock was loaning at a premium at the time. New York Central and Illinois Central were noticeably scarce and were lifted 2ig3 at the period of the active demand. Amalga mated Copper rose l4 over last night, after It was announced that the usual quarterly dividend of one-half of 1 per cent had been declared. The slump In the stock carried It down to 41, compared with the previous low record of yesterday at 48U, and the last price was only hi better. The break In smelting extended to 24- It this movement was a bear raid, aa was suspected, It was eminently successful In depressing the whole market, which had ranged at one time quite generally from 1 to 2 points over laat night. Many inactive stool s also had made wide recoveries. Attention through out the stock market world w.ts still con centrated today on the developments in the money market and the bright sentiment which was felt during the mid-day session was due to the .replenishment of money supplies throughout the medium of the for eign exchange market. This was reflected In a violent break of nearly for the pound for demand bills' on London. That this was largely due to selling of loan bills waa made manlfeat by the large offerings by foreign banking houses In the money market. The placing abroad of a large por tlon of the $10.0uo.0u0 of Union Pacific notes would also make a supply of exchange. Added to iese factors was a very active demand for stocks here for foreign account. Foreign brokerage Arms have limited the number of shares bought for foreign ac count today at 60.000 to 60.000. The effect was perceptible In the money market even for six months' loans, which have been rigidly held at 6 per cent In view of the payment of that rate by the large railroud corporations. Commissions have been exacted In many cases In addition to the 6 per cent rate, bin exactions by lenders were appreciably relaxed today. In addition to this Influence many of yeaterday'a disquiet ing rumors were found to be unfounded and again an understanding existed that the clearing nouse authorities nau maae an hauatlve Investigation over night and con sidered It sound. From the technical stand point yesterday violent declines and the en larged volume of transactions were normal nd aroused the hones or nroressionai iraa- ers of a turn in the market. The selling on the opening advances shook this conviction and the slump In Amalgamated and Smelt ing at the last again unsettled the specula tive mind. The presence In the Wall street district of the secretary of the treaaury gave Tlae to rumors of contempiaiea meaa ures cf relief for the money market. The government Jiad Its part In the lifting of prices of stocks. Opinion over the future of the market at the end of the day was completely In doubt again. come rallies in uie nuna m&rjvei in wiy ui pathy with stocks made that market some what Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,- 920,000. United States bonds were all un changed on the last call. Following are the quotations on the New York utoca exenange England reserve liability this week Is 51.87 per cent as compared with 61.43 per cent last f eek. PAHIS. July 16 There was a depressing tendency at the opening of the bourse to day. All government funds were lower. Rentes were weak. letter the market be camo enlm but business was almost at a standstill. The close wss firm. Rio tlntos were In some demand and gained 4 points. Three per cent rentes 9"f 74e for the ac count. Exchange on Ixindon, Vt. 12c for checks. The weekly ststement of the Bank of France shows the following chsnpes: Notes In circulation Increased 13.276.000 francs, treasury accounts current Increased l.WiO.OiiO francs, gold In hand Increased 1.6n0, 000 francs, bills discounted Increased 47. francs, silver In hand decreased 1,715 000 francs. BERLIN, July 16. Prices on the bourse today opened strong but were depressed Inter by the reports received concerning the condition of the American Iron mar ket. Exchange on Ixinflon 10m 8 pfgs for checks. Discount rates short bills 3V4 Pr cent; month's bills, 274 per cent. Boston Stock ((notations. BOSTON, July 18. Call loans. 84 per cent; time loans, 44 per cent. Official cloning prices on stocks and bonds: Atehlann 4i..' H'Allouei 4H ('antral 4( 71 AmlKmUd 47 Atrhllon 44 , Hlnhm SI do pfd 7V Calumet A Hela....42S Boetnn A Albany. ...14S jcentannlal UH Boston A U 1 Copper Kant 47 Bout on ElarateA ....140 Damlnloa Cl M14 N. Y . N. H. at H...195 irranklln I .131 llula Horaia at . 7H Mohawk V . 80 JOIrt Domlnloe 10 .114 n-ola 60 .11H Ptrrot 174 .12t iQulncr M'4 ,14'UHanla Pa Coppar 1"4 ...Art iTamarack .... ll'Trlmnuntala M 3 Trlnltr 4, Tnlted gtataa 14 .... K t'tah KV a Victoria i 1 ritchburg pf4.. vnioa Pacino Mrx. Central Aniarlran Sugar ... do pfd Amerlran T. A T.. Dominion I. eV 8... Oen. Etrctrle Maaa. Electric do cfd ... Vnltad Fruit ... V. 8. Steel do pfd Westlnch. Common.. M Winona Adventure WoUerina X Bid. London Stock Market. LONDON. July 16. Closing quotations: Conaola (or monar.... V21 New York Central. ..1H4 I24 Norfolk at weaters... a 4 do pfd H Ontario A Waatara friVPfnirlTinla M Hand Mines do account... Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Baltlmora A Ohio... Canadian Parlflc Cbi-napeaka A Ohio. Chicago U. W C, M. A St. P PeBatra btnrer A R. O do pfd Erla do Int pfd do td pfd Illlnola Central Loulavllle A Naah... Mlaaourl. K. A T... .123', Reading .111 to lat pfd .17 do Id pfd .144 Southern Railway. . ll do pfd . 2ti Southern Pacific... . Vnlon Pacific . HVj: do pfd .. . 461, .United steUa steal . 64 do pfd .1.10 IWa'jaih .W do pfd . 31 I BAR SILVER Stead v at 24 td Per ounce. MONEY lti2 per cent. Therate of dis count In the open market for both short and three-months' bills Is 2 per cent. !3 41-4 ltt4, tt 42 H 3'4 (4 47 71 at T4 7 M 40 a Old. b New. No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.75o) $.90; straights. $3.403.70; springs. $4.50'"o6.00; stralphts. $3.V84.60; bakers' $3 OOtfW 30. WHBAT-No. 8 spring, 768Cc; No. 8 red, 7574'ai7674C. CORN No. I, 44c; No. 8 yellow, 60c. OATS No. 2, 8H4j37c; No. 8 white, 42e; No 8 white, 870400. RYE No. 1, Wo. 11ARLHY Good feeding, 86(&41c; fair to choice malting, 4660c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 96c; No. 1 northwest am. 99c. Prime timothy, $3.40. Clover, contract grade, $12.0012.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14.15 fi 14.25. Lard, rer 100 Ins., $7.867.93. Short ribs sides (loose), $S.2S40. -Dry salted shoulders (boxedl, $7.7fiW7.87V4. Short clear sides (boxed). 8. 504x8. 62. The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls.; 24.700 . 9,200 Wheat, bu 50,400 227,8K Corn, bu 20S.100 $!6,100 Oata, bu. 239.000 1S9.200 Rye, bu 9,500 . 1,300 Barley, bu 16,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. lrVgaoe; dairies, 13H'814o. Eggs, at mark, cases In cluded, 13Vh44H4o. Cheese, steady, 13V414c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. annotations af the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, July 16.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 29,166 bbla.; exports, 11.330 bbls.; Irregular and quiet all day; winter patents, $3.9txu4.S0; winter straights, $3.66'o3.8u, Minnesota pat- ents, $4.4OU4.70; winter extras, $2.90(3.20; Minnesota bakers, $3.66&3.76; winter low rrddes. U.Tixua.Ui; winter straights, ti.Mp tt. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $J.u0u $.96; choice to fancy, $3.40(3.60. CORNMEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.12. city, $1.10. Brandywlne. $3.12i.'. RYE Easy; feeding, 62c, c I. f., rVw York; malting, 61M67c, c. 1. f.. New York. WHEAT Recelpta, 41.920 bu.; cxporta, 117.704 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2 red, 85c, eleva tor; No. i red, 86c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 2a t. o. b., afloat; No. I hard, Manitoba, 917c. f. o .b , afloat. Op tions were Irregular during the forenoon. Liberal offerings Inspired by favorable weather were readily absorbed and prices later advanced on small western receipts, higher closing at Liverpool and Paris cables and covering. In the afternoon the mar ket was Irregular, closing steady ci net lower. Bales Included, No. 2 red, July, closed at 844ac: Sentoinber. 81'4Uo2V.c. closed at U l-16c; Decemltor, sli&iU'.tC, closed at tlc. CORN Receplta. 22.060 bu. ; exports. 106. 214 bu. 6pot, easy; No. 2, 67V,e, elevator, I and f7Uc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. $ white, S7c. Option mnrkets opened steady; eased off with wheat and on good orop weather, but rallied at noon on covering. Later It declined again, los ing H'ttV1 net lower. July. 67njo7c. closed at 57c; September, 56a& 6rte, closed at 6tc; December cloaed at fxic, OATS Recelpta. 101,000 bu.; exports, 15. $86 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, 41c; standard white, 424424c; No. 8. 40c; No. 2 white. 4?Vl43c; No. 3 white, 41V4U4'c; track white, western, 4itf4S1,4e: track white, state, tXJ 49c. Options quiet. FEED Dull : spring bran. $18.00(818.30; Winter. $18.0o&26.00; city, $190019.50. HAY Quiet; shipping, o0ii6; good to Choice, $1 linul.15. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1902. 17c; 1901, lJtilac; olds. 6lc; Paclllo coset 19. 171220; 191. 13diltic; olds. 6ic. HIDES Steady; Oalveaton, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; Ca.lfornla, 21 to li lbs., 19c; Texaa dry. 24 to lbs., 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 3ifJ26o. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4(3 (Uc; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, eaay; family. $10.00 4710 60; mesa $ .60: beef hams. $20.6't2.00; packet, t9.uutut.50; city extra mesa. $16 0OW1 00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, $9.76iu 10.60; pickled shoulders. f,.M(f 7.60; pickled hams, $12 Ovw 13.00. Lard, dull; western steamed, 830: July closed 3X.30; nominal refined, quiet; continent, ts 10; South American, $9.0e; compound. $7.25 T.75. Pork quiet; family, $17. Star's .t; short clear, $lfl 17.76; mess. $l4.aui 17.26. TALLOW Easy; city, 4V; country, 4o; fjMVc. BITTER Receipts. 10.774 pkgs.; steady to Arm; state dairy, i410c; creamery. 16Vt9 20Vc. CHEESE Receipts, 8.13 pkgs.; steady; state, full cream, fancy, large and small, colored and while, 10c. EOXiS Receipts. (.774 pkgs.; unsettled; aeconds to extras. 14rrlKlto. POULTRY Alive, firm; western spring chickens; 16c; fowla. 134c; turkeys, no; .dressed, irregular; wemern broilers, l&c; Vnwla 12U.c: ttirkevs. 13li'16c METALS Spot tin at London declined 10a, to 45122 lus, while futures there were 1 lower, at aUltfte. Locally tin was easy and lower, spot oloalnc at $16 00. Copper St. Lonls Grain sat Provisions. ST. LOUI3, July 18. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, e.evator, 77c; track, 8i9 82c; July, 77c; September, 7JV4c; Decem ber, YHc: No. 2 hard, 763800. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 49c; track, 49c; July, 49c; September, 49 Vic. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 36e; track, 86V4c; September, S24c; No. 2 white, 41 Uc. RYE Lower at 60c FLOUR Moderately active, steady; rd winter patents, $3.9O(B'4.06; extra fancy and straight, t3.bMtS.te; clear, $3.2(Xu3.3&. SEKD Timothy, nominal. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.80. BRAN Stronger; sacked east track, 74 T7c. HAY-Better; timothy, $8.004115.00; prairie, W.oosfii.oo. IRON COTTON TIES-I1.06. BAOU1NO 5ib'6Hc. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, standard mess, $14.66. Lard, lower at $7.60. Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, $; clear ribs. J9.62V4; short clear, 19.S7H. METALS Lead, higher at $4.10(24. 12 Vi; spelter, Arm at $.50. POULTRY Unchanged; chickens, 9c; springs. 13c; turkeys, 13c, for old; ducks, 7c; geese, 3(jf4c. BI TTER Slow; creamery. 1521c; dairy. 15(fjl7c. EGOS Higher at 13c, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4.000 8.000 Wheat, bu 100,000 . 42,0tM Porn, hu 44.000 40,000 Oats, bu 26.000 72.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 16. WHEAT Sep tember, 6674c; December, 6'c; cash. No. 3 hard 7272Vc: No. 8. 69a71c; No. 4. 6.V 67c ; rejected. 63(&63V4c; No. i red, 73e; No. 8. 71n7mc ..liU C, . V..... iLtL tTt.lKU n u n I... V V'ii tJMIIll.Tl, wn'mwtv, ms;,,..,., . 43V.c: cah, No. 2 "llxed, 4(&43V4c; No. 1 white, 50c; No. 3, 484349c. OATS No 2 white, 29c; No. 8 mixed, 35c. RYE No. 2, 62e. HAY Choice timothy, $13.00; choice pral- rln s 1 1 OtXrill 60. BUTTEH Creamery, 16H18c; dairy. fancy, 16c. t'fins Fresh 12c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat 70.400' 32.000 Corn 10.400 46.400 Oats 4.000 8,000 Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. ' July 16 BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery. 24c; nearby prints, zse. EQ08 Firm, good demsnd; fresh nearby, ITHc. less off; western. 17iS174; southwest ern 1ftf southern 16iai6yic. CHEESE St end v but quiet; New York full creams, choice, new, 10c; fair to good new, 9H810C. Liverpool Grain and Provision a. I.TVF.RPOOL. Julv 16 WHEAT No. northern, spot, erring, dull, s 6d; No. 2 red. western, winter, nuiet. 6s 2Vtd: NO. 1 Call fornia. dull. a 6V4"l; futures, nrm; juiy, os 7'id: Pentember. 6a 3Hd: Uecember, as a Ha. CORN 8 Dot. easy; American mixed. 4: $Hd; futures, steady; July, 4a Hd; Sep tember, 4a 6V4d. , Mlnnenpolls Wheat, Flonr nnd Bran MINNEAPOLIS. July 16. WHEAT Cash. 86,c; July, ffic.; September. 75V4c. On track: No. l narci. iw iso. i nortnern. wi.e; no. , northern. 84c; No. 3 northern. SOtffr.e. KIOUR First patents In wood. 3 bS 3 S second patenta $4.4(x&4 60: first Clears, $3.60(3 3.60; second clears. 3.40 bo. BRAN In bulk. $12.2b(lZ.D0. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 16 WHEAT Dull: close: No. 1 northern, 89V4c; No. $ northern. RYE Ullll; No. 1. DnMViC. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 6SS60c: samole. wtoac. CORN-8eptembcr. I0ie bid. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. July 16-8EED Clover, dull and weak; October, $i.; prime timothy, ti.av. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 16. CORN-eirm ; Ko. x. RAI V'.. , n ' oath Pull : No. 3 white. 34Ue. ' WUISKY-$130 for Anlahed goods. Dalnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Julv 16.-WHEAT-TO arrive. no. l nortnern. oJ"ic NO. I northern. 4iic July. me: September, 77c. Condition of the Treaanry. WASHINGTON. Julv It. Todiv'a state. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8150,000.00 gold reaerve in me aivllon or re1e-npt on anuws: Avaunoie cash balance, (226,2ui.82j suiu, aiui.jto.aui. aarated Annies and Dried frail .E.EW-c,YORK- July l-BVAPORATBD . rF,l'fc'8t,,6',Jr "1 n under a fair jtmoing aemand. with common quoted al 4j6c; prime, 6Sftc; choice, tVrftJo; fancy 6U"S4C CALIFORNIA. DRIED FRUITS Spot jntauv vwnuBiao w atuaot jubMoa attea- Atchison do pfd Dal. A Ohio do PId Canadian Pacific Central ot N. J.. Chaa. A Ohio Chicago at Alton. do ofd Chlcaxo A O. W. do lat Did mm Chicago A N. W 144 4444,8t. Paul pfd .. IIVBo. Pacific .. .. 12 So. Hallway .. 1V do pfd ..12aw Teiaa A Pacific I Toledo. St. .. 144al do pfd .. !4viUntoa PaclBo .. 44V4 do pfd .. 14,wabaen Chicago Tar. A Tr, do pf C. C. -A at. L. Colorado Ho do in pfd , do 14 pfd. ...... Del. A Mudaoa.., Del. U A W Denrar A R. O.. do pfd Erie do ,lat pfd do Id pfd , Oreat Nor. pfd.. Hocking Valley. do pfd Illlnola Central ., Iowa Central do pfd K. C, Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. 8t. Rr Minn. A St. L Mo. Pacific M., K. aV T do pfd Nat. R. R. ot Mei.. do pfd N. Y. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennajrlranla P., C. C. ft HI. Li.. Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Ro-k Inland Co do Pfd Bt L. A 8 P lat pfd. do id pia Bt. U 8. W do pfd ., Bt. Paul II II 7k do pfd Wheeling A L. K. Wla. Central do pfd Adams Bx American Ex. .171 . 4674 . . W4 . 2 LAW. ti, 7i1 Wva . . 1 . IB . MS, .121 .11 .101 ... its. United Statea Ka... ... U IWeila-Pargo bx 164 ...144 Amal. Copper i ...144 Amer. Car A T 14 ... 26 do pfd atiV4 ... 7M Amer. Lin. Oil 10 ... 104a Amer. Locomotive ... li ... V do ptd 4' ... 43vt American 8. A R.... 41 ...170 do pld 61 ... T7 Amer. Sugar Rf Uthi ... 44 ,Anac. Mining Co 40 ...12744 nrooklTD K. T 40 Sa ... 14 i Colo. Fuel A Iron... 64 40 IColumhua A H. C... 15 .1S9 .14) . 14 . 47 . 10 . 5 . I7 . 14VI .44 . 21 ,. 6S4 . 44 . .1 .. 11 ,. 1(1 ,. ! ,. 74 ,. 47 ,. .. 79'4 ,. 44 .. 71 ZltUlCone. Gaa . 41H Gen- Electric .104Salnter. Paper .131441 do ' pfd .UlViilnter. Pump .77 do pfd . 47, National Blacult ... . 10S National Lead .... . tl4tKo American, . ) Pacific Mall . ti iPeopie's Oas .S16V4 Preaaed 8. Car . f!sl 4o P'4 . 841! Pullman P. Car.... . Umllepubllo Steel .lies' 00 PM , 70 Hubher Goods . 4SVi do pfd , (l Tana.- Coal A Iron. . v V. 8. Leather ,. 24 Vj do pfd . 47 V. 8. Huober .. 41 4o pfd , MS V. 8. Steel . 14 do pfd . ISVaWeatera Union .... ,.140 Bis; Break In Money. NEW YORK. July 16. Demand sterling broke about 60 points today, being offered freely at 84.86. This la said to be one of the moat sensational aecunea in tne local nis tory of the forebjn exchange market. Pri marily the break Is due to the high rate of money now prevailing at this center, which makes it more prontaoie to employ money here than ship It abroad. The closing quotations on oonas are as follows: I. ret. la. reg....l04S L. A N. unl. 4a 4 Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 16. COTTON Steady; sales, 1,800 bales; ordinary, 911-lGc; good ordinary, 11c; low middling, llc; middling, I2c; good middling, 13c; mid dling fair, 12 15-loc; nominal receipts, 6 bales; stock, 60.067 bales. Futures, steady: July, 13.18c bid; August, 12.98c bid; Septem ber, 10.67(8 io.onc; October, a.6S(S.bc: .No vember, 9.44i9.45c; December, 9.429.43c; January, I9.40ia9.42c. NEW YORK, July 16. COTTON-Opened Arm at an advance of 4 to 20 points under much higher cables than expected, great firmness in the English spot markets and a freah show of bull support In the nearby positions. Soon after the opening there was a break of 3C()9 points on the new crop posi tions, cnisny on account or selling Da sea on the continued favorable weather. New Orleans showed remarkable strength and the local market turned firmer. It did not rule particularly active, taking the day as a wnoie, nut mere were suoaen spurts as shorts began to cover and with New Or leans buying moderately prices were forced steadily upward until August was selling at 12.40c, showing an advance of 70 points over yesterday s close. BeptemDen at tne same time showed a gain of 31 points and July sold no higher than 12.36c, an advance of 49 points. At the best level of the session the new crop positions were from 8 to 16 points net higher. Just before the close, however, the market turned easier under liquidation and a renewal of Wall street selling, which brought about a decline from the best of from 10 to 16 points and tne market was finally barely steady net 16 to 66 points higher on the new months, while the later fiositlons were net unchanged to 3 points ower. A factor of the advance was the heavy exports, which amounted to over 16,- 000 bales, while the port receipts dropped down to almost nothing, only 16 bales being reported. Sales estimated at 200,000 bales. sr. louis, -Juiy i. c'OTrojN juiet; middling, 12Hc; sales, 116 bales; receipts, 270 bales; shipments, 437 bales; stock, 2,908 bales. ' LIVERPOOL. July 16. COTTON Snot. good business done; prices 10 points higher; American middling fair, 6.70d; good mid dling. 6.64d; middling, 6 34d; low middling, 6.08d: srood ordinary. 6.78U: ordinary. 6.58d, The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 6.000 were tor speculation ana export and Included 9.600 American. Receipts none. Futures opened quiet and closed with near months strong ana aistant months steady. American middling g. o. c. : July, 6.23ii6.24d; July and August. 5.216.22d; AuguBt and September, 6.17'utUSd; Septem ber and October, 6.69ff5.70d; October and November, 6.30'B6.31d; November and Der cember, 5.21(5.22d; December and January, 6.1i((i6.1t'd; January and February, 6.14d; February and March, 6.13d; March and April, 6.12g6.13d. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. July 16. WOOL Strong and higher for top grades. Medium grades, and clothing, 18fc22c; light fine. 1618c; heavv fine. Iodise; heavy fine, llglBc; tub washed, 20((29He. NEW YORK, July 16 WOOL Firm. BOSTON, July 16. WOOL Current quo tations: Kentucky, Ii.dl.-ina, etc. -blood, 23Va(fjl24c: Vi-blood, 23yit24c; braid, 21422c. Texas 12 months, 194i5)c; 6 to 8 months, 17 fnlSc; fall, loftflfic. Cnilfornla North, choice, 21fo22c; average, 18il9c; middle counties, 18 il7c; southern, nnwc. Territory iaa no, tine. 144il5c: fine medium, lty&4rl7Hc; me dium, lSlglSMic; Wyoming, fine, Mril5c; fine medium, lii&l'c; medium, 18&19c; Utah and Nevada, fine. 154il6c; fine medium, Hig'loc; medium, 19(tf20c; Dakota, fine, loiiilbc; fine medium. 16H'"17Hc: medium, 19fc2oc; Mon tana, fine choice, 1819c; fine average, 16H 17'4c; fine medium choice, lg'oiuc; average OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cttl. Hot Very Aoti? and Fricei Baled Steady to a Shade Lower. SHARP ADVANCE IN THE PRICE OF HOGS Better Grades of Sheep aad Lanaba old Readily at Steady Prices, set Other Klads Were Slow ale aad Rather Weak. Itecelnta war Official Monday .... Official Tuesday. ... Official Wednesday. Official Thursday... SOUTH OMAHA, July 14 Cattle. Hogs. 8heep ,u a.o.4 Bia .. 3.277 13.004 (.891 .. 3.229 10.168 ,9M9 .. 11,100 e,4!M Four days thU week.. 12,983 39.996 27.66S Same days last week....l3,5&0 3o,H64 11,ib Same week before 16.742 40.4S2 ,IH1 Same three weeks ago.. 18,299. 47,624 12.816 Same four weeks ago....24,&3 48,342 4,769 Same days last year.... 13,221 2o,187 19,490 RECEIPTS FOR THE YxCAR TO DA'i'ii,. fo"owln table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date and comparisons with last e"f; 1903. 19U2. Inc. Deo. ,ttl1 638.487 394,603 143.S84 f1.0 1,390,163 1,424,895 84.743 BneeP 603,117 400,732 137.3So rwvra" Prtc Paid for hogs at 3outh umaha for the last several days with com parisons: ttl- I 1903. 11908. 11901. 1900. 1S99. 1698. 1897. Jury 1.., Juiy a.. July July 4.. Juiy 6.. Juiy '.. Juiy 7.. July I.. July .. Julv 10. July U. Juiy u. July 13. July 14., July 16. July 16., I t 60 I DO -a Wfcii : i ( 66T.1 6 39 6 28 6 16 B 1C(W I 3oH 7 444) 7 l 1 62 - 7eH 7 76 7 82 7 80 7 7 I ti, e 7 721 7 76 7 72 I 8 I 73 S 61 t 74 t 0l! I 7S 5 73 6 7i a 6 82; 6 8.1 6 86 ( 921 6 96 S 77 6 64 S 08 6 1 11 a 5 13 6 11 6 04 6 02 0 13 6 08 a S 02 t 7S 3 83 I 811 I 80) A.i 8 0 Vt 4 04! 4 09 4 0O 3 99, t 11 3 18 3 a 3 66 W 3 28 3 74 81 1781 t 7o 3 73 3 8! HI I 3 821 3 2k 3 33 3 86 t 38 a t 13 3 14 3 16 3 17 t 2o Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of - cars of brought in today by each road was: . . . Cattle. Hogs. SheeD. wabSsh"...?:::: ; 18 -: C. N W J,sUm 44 K. & M."V..'.'.';.".'.' 3 BU f., M. ft O.... ( a. a ih b. q ;;; IV. u ftrst. J......... I!.. IL I A V ... C.. R. I. i P.' weat! Illinois Central stock Hrs. 23 6 t ( .. 1 .135 18 6 I 15 i t 20 .. 1 :: 140 U "4 day s receipts was Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. oo ;ta 1.660 1,871 1,497 683 1,666 111 1.7M 626 618 604 967 47 2 S 80 64 Totals rhe aispoeltioi u luuuws, eacn buyer ber of head Indicated; Omaha Packing- Co... van itu vompany Armour & Co (Turin hv 1a Armour, from Bloux City Lobman ft Oo U F. Huss Wiirlhiilm. . 7 ev otner buyers 64 .... & Totals aTsol TJ23 433 11PATiTi'B R4)lpU of cattle were fairly liberal for a Thursday at this point, but Chicago had rather a light run. The mar- . "S,ot acllvl bu' " opened aoout as goSd "' now,ver- wa not u" oT'rt.t'r!of.Vrod umr "ere In fairly KSr. demand tn' morning and sold at t JJiii ci" to ,leaay prices. Aside from li?." no,;er, the market was not very active and In a good many cases sales rhY?' V'at looked a shade lower than i.. "JmS .kni1 brouht yesterday. . The ih- retl " n"hlng, was weaker than 1' "nln. nrket. ao the late arrival did not sell to as good advantage. A ihftf,OIJ.b,yJ 'arly e'e-rance was made. hH u ' ftni lna senrfi market could beat,h.allin,.t leady to a i! .!Xhlle th iu"ty 01 the offerings ?"m- ? ,'S-Wk 8 .nol"f' tra, there were been here In a good many months. ii.T1 icow raarket V'M teady to a IVii at 1Kkd 10 x yesterday's pr.oos, while some others old not sell -as Will. ine cow market has been very uneven fjr merlon.9 na PrartSoilJ mentioned, and tolay was no exception. dVme!llali!hin,t' ,h0Ufn' th medium S"d..?m,mon ;lnds were lower, while the belter grades in most oases aid not show much cuange. A few range cows showed up in the receipts today. 'r"ey came mostly fLi2. we,sler" Nebraska. One bunco of hS?hy'?6 head "ola for w and nother bunch of twenty-five head brougnt U-io. l nat n.itiu ,-. ,i nw i. : , . . . ..u vl .uiluci a and xeeders still continues very limited and as a result tne tendency ot prices Is downward, although oloe mark..SouW le41; "" xvepresentauve BEEF STEERS. res. U do coupon do la. re( do coupon do saw 4a, do .'oupou do old 4a, ref. do coupon .... do 4a. ret do couo,i r. .. Atchison gen. 4a... do atll. 4a , Bal. Ohio 4a.... do IVia do eonv. 4a Canada So. la Central of Oa. 6a., da la tne Chee. at Ohio 4H Chicago at A. J C , B a 4. a. aa C, M 4 it r I 4s. .10 C. a N. W. e. to.. ..1101, ..100 .. 44 .. U .. 47 .. 44 .. 44 .. 1 ,.104 ..lueVxalex. Central 4s.... ...10.4ai do la Ine ...10-14 Minn, a St. t. 4a.. ...13414 1., K. A T. aa ...lUVil do la 'N. y. r. gen. t.. ...Ill IN. J. C. gen. 4a. ...lOlVNo. Pacino 4a.... ...loj do la ... 4N. aV W. eon. 4a ... 44 Heading gen. 4a ...100 'St. L. at I. M. e. 4a ... 4lV'. U at 8. K. 4a.... ...100 St. U . W. la ...104 do le , ...102'4lS. A. A A. P. 4s... ... 71 Bo. Pacific 4a ...10.1 iho. kallarar ta T4 iTeiaa at ParlOo la., 40'T.. Bt, L. W c. R. 1. a r. 4a iCVC at Bt 1 g. 4a. Chicago Ter. 4a.... Colorado So. 4a Pstt at R. O. 4a. Crto prior Hen 4a... do general ta r. w an e. u.. Hacking Val. 4a. X Offered. L'nloo TaclOc 4a.. do ronr. 4a Wabaah la do 2a do deb. B Wtat Shore 4a Wheeling at L. K. 4s. 40 Wla. central 4a 44 Cone. Tobacco 4a 47 Si Cola. Fuel 41 T4 14 4Vi 6Vt 4 ..114 ..1U014 .. 71V4 .. 4. M'4 IM 4Vk . XI . 74 . 7SV4 . .'.! . 1 i i .114 . 74 .100 . 1 .114 .lot . 41 107 1744 17Mc LC Hew Vork Mlalas; kaotatloas. NEW YORK. July 16. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock ex change: Adanu Coa Alice breeeo lUrunawlce Coa.. Caaoatock Tannel Coa. Cal. A Vs.. Horn 811m Iron Silver Loadvllle Cos.... X Offered. it 16 4 Little Chief .. xOntarlo Ophlr iPhoenls . TS, Potoot .110 Satraga ........ .1,10 Sierra Nevada ,.1U ISmall Hopes .. . t iStaadard . 4 .460 .144 . 4 . 11 . 16 . 61 . 14 ,8M Korelaa Piaaaclal. LONDON. July 16 Money' waa fairly plentiful In the market today. Its con tinued ease prevents the stiffening of tne discount rate. Trading on the stock ex change waa legarthic. It waa somewhat leas depressed in a general way, although the continued liquidation In New York hud a dampening effect on departments which are easily disorganised and without power of reslatance. Conaola were barely steady and home rails occasionally had a slightly better tone. Americana opened dull but grew firmer later on on New York covering orders, were locally neglected. droDDed after the receipt of New York's opening prices snd closed dull. Later Americana generally recovered on New York buying orders. The kafflr undertone was cheerful. LONlJON". July 16. The weekly statement of the bank of England shows the follow ing change; Total reserve iiicreaseo a.Z4i,iio, irotila.tlan decreased 360.010. bullion de creased 118.123, other securities decreased C2J6.0UO, other aepoens increaaeo .., doDoalta decreased 764.000. notes reserve In- r,ul 267. oul. Kovernment securities In creased 7,0wO. Proportion of the bank of ONDON. July 16. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today were 12,- 168 bales. Fine cross-breds were In belter demand and they advanced 6 per cent. Merinos were steadier. All faulty wools declined Ihk Per cent below the average price of tho May sales. Cape of Good Hope and Natal grades were steady. Half-breds were In active demand for France and Germany. Following are the sales In de tail: New South Wales, 1.900 bales, scoured, Hadjis 10d; greasy, 7,d(81s 2d. Queens land, 800 bales; scoured, lldfils 10'i,d; greasy, Od'pi-Hil. South Australia, 2C0 bales; greasy. evidii'Sd. Tasmania, 800 bales; greasy, 7dfrls2d. New Zealand. 7,400 bales; acoured, 7V4d(ls 94d; greasy, 6dftlsld. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 900 bales; scoured. 7d'ols9d; greasy, tVfcdMaa. OH and Rosin. OIL CITY, July 16 OIL Credit balances, 31.50; certidcatea, no bid. Shipments, 98, 716, average, 73,214; runs, 103.482, average, 74,033. Shipments: Lima, 79.262. average, 63,626; i una. Lima, 74,117, average, 64,646. SAVANNAH, July 16. OIL Turpentine, firm. 4Sc. Rosin, firm; A B C, 31.66; D, 11.66; B, 31.66; F, 31.70; G, 310; H. 12.26; I. $; K. 2 80; M. $2.90; N, 33.00; W G, $3 16; W W, $3.40. NEW YORK. July 16 OIL Cotton seed, steady. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, firm. ROSIN-tjulet ua-ar aad Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. July 16. SUGAR Dull; open kettle. 4i3 7-16c; open kettle centrifu- fral, Sfi-aVjC, centrifugal white, 4 6-16c; yel ows D(ntc; seconds, 2(S3c- MOLASSES Open kettle nominal, ISf 26c; centrifugal. k6Hc; syrup, nominal, l!Ktf 24c NEW YORK, July 16 SnOAR-Raw. strong: fair refining, S'i'&SS-iec; centrlfu- fiil, 96 test, 3 11 -16c; molasses sugar, Z'i) 15-16c; refined, firm. MOLASSES Firm. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 16.-OOFFEE Spot Rln, ulet; No. 7 Invoice, 6t-kc. Mild, quiet. Futurea opened steady at unchanged pricea and ruled very quiet, but In spite of the continued heavy movement was somewhat firmer later on better European cables and further bidding by bull Intercuts. The cloae waa Inactive at unchanged prices to sn ad vance of 6 points. Sales were reported of 4(jiiO bags. Including: September, 3.80(3 tic; October. 39oc; November, 4c; December, 4.26c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July 16. DRY GOOD8 Buvers are paying high prices for goods which they need for Immedlnte require ments, but on everything they buy they are using the utmost caution snd show extreme consvatlnm. Orders for net spring are unusually' light on lines which have been opent-d. The curtailment policy is likely to still further strengthen conditions. Bask t learlaga. OMAHA. July 16 Bank clearings for today are $1.2t4.t22 62: Increase over corro spouding oa of previous year, $12,$S.J4. Mo. Av. Pr. 1 720 I 00 4 717 3 40 1 1144 I 46 I 430 I 46 .. 1101 I 46 t 1140 4 00 1 440 4 00 I 1160 4 00 II 1010 4 10 4 1141 4 16 II 1104 4 II It 1064 4 16 II 1004 4 36 44 1004 4 4 10110 4 16 16 1044 4 45 17 1143 4 45 14 1076 4 60 10 a.. 1166 4 60 4 1164 4 60 1 640 4 40 40 1160 4 40 14 1114 4 44 12 1043 4 GO 14 1231 4 40 17 1414 4 40 77 1118 4 40 14 441 4 46 M 1127 4 44 14 1114 4 46 63 1417 4 70 7 HI'S 4 70 STEERS , 40 774 1 40 14 411 4 00 II 404 4 40 14 1044 4 40 10 431 4 40 I No. 4... 41... 17... Ar. Pr. ..U00 4 70 ..1214 4 74 .1161 4 74 .1381 4 70 14 14 16 14 44 13 44 11 10 40 11 16 35 31 47 13 11 14 21 40 :a 14 17 70 14 64 14 57 34 eife: 10H4 4 45 U4 4 45 1044 4 46 1400 6 00 U41 i Ot .1240 4 40 1261 4 76 107 4 76 1174 4 74 1241 4 76 1141 4 76 1304 4 76 1400 4 76 1300 4 75 1076 4 76 1244 4 40 1445 4 40 1145 4 40 1284 4 40 1334 4 40 1204 4 40 1211 4 40 1417 4 46 1286 4 45 1227 4 44 1261 4 44 1101 4 40 1110 4 40 ....,1604 4 40 1422 4 46 1407 4 44 1T 4 44 1414 U It'.'.'.'.'. n a'.'.'.'.'. 14.".'.'. ,.414 I 44 ,.746 16 ,.101)0 t 64 ,. 610 I 60 ,. 444 I 40 . . 440 I 64 ..1040 I 46 ,. 440 i 74 .. 474 I 76 .. 610 I 76 . ..1044 I 66 ..1140 00 ..840 I 00 ..1200 I 04 .. 410 I 00 ..1076 lot ..1006 1 10 .. 440 t 14 ..1140 t 16 ..410 t 10 ., 400 1 16 .. 627 I 16 ..1040 16 .. 646 I 16 870 1 16 32 1 10 14 41 cowa. "' it"!!!"'. io!'.'."."!! ii 16 17.'!".".'.' !!!;;;;; i. . . . rtn a an i . COWS AND HEIFERS. HEIFERS, It 1 1 ,.llt I 44 ..100 40 ..1020 I 60 .. 711 I 64 1 ..1110 I 60 ..114 I 40 .. 404 60 ..1260 I 60 ..1244 I 40 ..1106 70 670 I 76 640 I 76 .. 614 I 16 nil t 44 .. 444 4 40 ..1100 4t ..1007 IN ..1100 4 04 ..1140 4 04 ..1117 4 48 ..1041 ot ..1104 4 10 ..1140 4 14 1310 4 10 Hl 4 76 .. 444 I 00 .. 424 I 40 ,.. 410 I 60 .. 464 t 40 .. 44 t 40 .. 1 4 10 17.. 64.. 644 4 II 140 40 640 71 474 41 7T 4 46 .... 64 I 64 ... 614 I 44 ...1144 I 44 ....ll'O I 86 ... 7 -An t no ...1400 I to BULLS. .-144 I M ..140 44 140 I 44 ..1840 I 44 .1710 6 64 1414 4 04 tot 4 M Ar. Pr. ..lOOt $3 30 ..1007 f 30 ..1030 f 76 824 3 76 61.. 66.. 41.. 44.. 76.. 64.. 44.. 60.. 66.. 40 41.. 71.. 44.. 42.. 64.. 61.. 44.. 61.. 64.. 64.. 44.. 64.. 42.. 44.. 44.. 73.. 42.. 64. . SI.. 41.. 41.. 63.. 61.. 66.. 40.. 43. ....11 ....146 ....140 ....Ml ....111 ...147 ...i:t 14 ....2M ...215 ....177 ....! 120 ....J.10 inn io ... ...I4 ... ....121 ....141 ....IH ....l.'. ....241 ....3n ... 14 I 10 180 1 14 I 14 I tt I 15 I 17H 4 10 ii ri 44 60 40 120 I 10 ... I 10 '40 I 10 120 I 10 I 30 I 10 6 8 I 10 I 10 6 16 4 30 I M 6 10 I 10 I lt4 I 824 6 32a 6 124 I il 71. 61. 44. 71.... 71.... 70.... 43.... 44. . .141 .141 1 .111 .141 .1.14 .1K4 .121 .144 6 84 I 18 I 36 91 I 86 120 40 44 40 1.14 too .182 180 I 314j ..101 ..121 ..171 ..26 ..286 ..286 ..234 ..206 ..IC5 . .264 ..174 ..244 .137 .806 80 120 6 i I 82 ' t"0 1 lit 40 1 324, ... 4 it 6 82 I 3114 40 820 60 71 10 71 278 46 144 180 I I2'i 4 31 4 I 32V ... 8 Sivtj 140 I 12!a ... 1 82X4J 80 6 111, 110 I 15 ... I 35 I 36 85.. 64..., 74... 64..., 64..., 41... 60..., 48..., 47.... 42..., 44.... 61..., 70..., 40..., 24..., 41..., 44..., 71..., 66.... 76..., 61... 75..., 77... 64... 77..., 40..., 65... 68... 41... 44... 64... 71. .114 .ItS .144 ..2S7 ..286 .170 ..171 ,.2l ..mi ..220 ..147 ..2M ..III ..IS! ..s ..165 ..!. ..Kl ..IM ..234 ..!! ,.144 ..147 ..175 ..110 lllO I 16 ... I 16 6 16 I II I 36 I II I 15 6 I 31 I 35 4 35 4 35 I 86 I 36 I 36 I 16 I 35 6 36 40 I 16 6 35 I 35 6 86 4 35 I 36 6 35 I 36 6 I74 I 37V, 6 17 I 371, I I7 6 1716 80 60 80 110 60 44 40 Hit 40 120 40 40 123 100 I 40 134 110 I 40 40 ..111 ..161 ..126 .141 1"0 I 40 I 40 I 40 80 I 40 40 6 40 SHEEP There was a falrlv liberal run of western sheep In sight this morning, but packers took hold of the better grades In good shape and the market could be quoted steady and active on that clasev The com moner kinds, though, were rather neglected and in moit cases had to sell a little lower. Some Idaho lambs sold for $5.60. with a 15c cut. Idaho sheep and yearlings mixed brought $3.75, Idaho ewes $3.40 snd the Wyoming wethers that sold yesterday for $3.30 brought $3.25, but the cut was not so heavy, today. Fractlcally all the desirable grades were disposed of In good season. There were a few feeders on sale again today, but they sold for fully steady pricea Quotations for grasc stock: Good to choice lambs, $5.606.00; fair to good lambs, $5.00i5.50; good to choice yearlings, $3.86'. 4.26; fair to good yearlings, t3.5oerfa.S5; good to choice wethers, $3.60iff3.76; fair to good wethers.i $3.00(83.60: good to choice ewes, $2.756r3.40; fair to good ewes. $2.502.76; feeder lambs, $3.503.75; feeder vearlings, $3,0043.50; feeder wethers, $2.7583.te; feeder ewes, 8x.uooz.90. Representative sales No. 399 Wyoming wethers 38 Idaho ewes 583 Idaho wethers N Idaho sheep and yearlings. 313 Idaho sheep and yearlings. 81 Idaho cull lambs 442 Idaho lambs 10 cull ewes 11 cull ewes 1 cull ewe t feeder ewes 10 cull wethers 13 western vearllna-s 74 western yearlings... 236 feeder wetherk Av. Pr. 103 $3 26 114 91 94 100 . 58 . 63 .' 83 . S . 70 . 80 . 95 . 67 . 69 . 101 3 40 3 40 $ 75 S 75 4 00 5 60 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 50 X 80 3 00 3 ro S06 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKJET. Cattle, tfheep and Hoga All Rise Aboat Ten Ceats. CHICAOO, July 16. CATTLE Receipts, 7,000 head, Including 600 head Texans; strong to 10c higher; good to prime steers, $5.10 5.60; poor to medium, $4.00 6 00; stockers and feeders, $2.5O4.50; cows, 1. 50fl 4. 40; heifers, $2.254.75r canners, $1. 60 2. 80; bulls. $2.25(9 4.35; calves. $2.606.00; Texaa fed steers, $3.26 434.85. HOGS Receipts, 17,000 head; estimated to morrow, 20,000 head; left over, 6,500 head; 10 (3.16c higher. Closed easy; mixed and butchers, $5.166.65: good to choice heavy, $6. 0116.60; rough heavy, 35.006.35; light, $5.30(7i5.80; bulk of sales, $6.35(75.60. SHEEP AND LA M B S Recei pts, 8.00 head; steady to 10c higher; lambs, 169250 higher; good to choice wethers, $3.76&'4.10; fair to choice mixed, -$3.00533. 75; weatern sheep, 12.604 4. 26; native lambs, t3.0ogti.50. Kansas City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 16. CATTLE! Re ceipts. 2,700 head native, 500 head Texans and 400 head native and 150 head Texas calves; choice corn-fed cattle, steady to 10c higher, others weak to steady; quarantine, slow sale; corn-fed cows and heifers, steady to strong; stockers and feeders, slow and weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, M-fiO4.t5.k0; fair to good, t3.W'u4.80; stockers and feeders, $2.5004.30; western-fed steers, $3.00a4.85; Texas and Indian steers, $1.7&3 4.00; Texas cows, $1.2&ci2.76; native cowa, $1.754.50; native heifers, $2.304.26; can ners. $1.0O2.40; bulls, $2.00(33.36; calves, $2.00 135.26. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market lCKff 20c higher, closing 6c lower; top, $5.45; bulk of sales. $5.36&6.40; heavy, $6.3((6 37H ; mixed packers, I6.3CS5.40; light, 5.3oo6.46; y or hers, $5.406.46; pigs, $5. 40 y 6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 500 head; market steady; native lambs. $3.206.00: western lambs, $3.0iVa6.76: fed ewes, $3.00 4.S6; Texas clipped yearlings. $3.20(116.00; Texas clipped sheep, $3.003H.SO; stockers and feeders, l2.9CKtt3.86. A W Vtfo' . je.4 v rca. I .V-. 0 I 7 I.... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS I W in NTCnRASK-A No. Av. Pr. No. 29 cowa .... 844 $2 90 2 cows. . SOUTH DAKOTA. 1 cow 1110 t 26 T cows.. J steers.... 690 1 66 1 cow... - c. i m ,i , O mrrr in, w iff vows..... U4 8 7 HOGS There was not an excessive run of hogs In sight this morning and after the rapid decline In prices thst has been going on for aome time past there was a sharp reaction today. The market opened fairly active and 15l2Ac hither than v, -H -., . reaction inaar. mi maraei opened fairly active and 15420c higher than yesterday's average. The heavy hogs sold largely at 16.30. mixed at $5 S2V4 and lightweights sold from $5 36 to $5.40. By the time two-thirds of the hogs had changed hands, however, the market suddenly rame to a standstill and packers would no longer pay the morn ing prices. Salesmen of course held on, and as a resu'.t nothing waa done for some time. The close would have to be quoted ex tremely slow and weak, with prospects f a vorable VP to a late hour for a number of loads being carried over until Friday. Rep ranta.tlve aales; N. a, aa. it We. . se. r U. P4 .. IS 1 tea 44 I at St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, July 16. CATTLE Receipts, 3,500 head. Including 2,500 Texans; market steady and somewhat more active; native shipping and export steers, $4 25b1j.3o; dresned beef and butcher steers, $4.Xxtio.00; dressed steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.65bt.8: stockers and feeders, $2. 6534. 00; oows snd heifers, $2.264.25; canners. $2.02.60; bulla, $2.6oij4.00; calves, $3.00iji6.60; Texas and In dian steers, $2,754.50, oows and heifers, $2.00(33.00. HOGS Receipts. (.600 head; market stronger and higher; pigs and lights, $6,109 6.60; packers, $6.26ob.o; butchers and best heavy, $5.256.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady: native muttons, $3.50 (3.80; lambs. Kioto. 76; culls and bucks, $2.264.60; stockers, $a.0oe3.1S; Texans, $3.60 &4.20. New York Lira Stack Market. NEW YORK, July It. CATTLE Re ceipts, 282 head; dresned beef steady; city dressed native, $6.34i.60. CALVES Receipts, about nominal; buf falo veals sold at $4.0043)6.00 per 100 lbs.; city dressed veals generally 6t97o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6, 60S head: good sheen firm; other grades quiet and steady; lambs, HQto Higher; sheep sold at 3.ooin4.oo per iuo ids.; a tew nead for export at $4.60; lambs, $6.75(31.00; dressed mutton, t6.0u4i8.60 per 100 lbs.; dressed lambs. Stt&Httc. HOGS iiecelpts, lis neaa. St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July It. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,680 head; steady: natives, CS.s&O 8 80: cows ana neuers, 4i tw4.a; stockers ana reeaers, j.uo(4M.uo. lltAlo rr n l, e, iui notu, ivvm uiiuar, light, $5.356.50; medium and heavy, $&.166J 6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 140 head; steady to strong; native lambs, $6.86; weth ers, 34; ewes, $3.t6. I Stoax City Lira Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., July 11 (Special Tele ram. 1 CATTLE Receipts. u0; market steady; beeves. t4.0Ou6.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.6034.50; stockers and feeders, $2.76 63.86: calves and yearlings, $l!.50v3.76. H.IJUS Iteceipts, a,ow; inuraei wigrjuo higher, $6.10a6.36; bulk, $5.2036.26. Stack la Sight. V, - II I - . W. . HAAn,a r. IIm nW- at the six principal western cities yester day; Cattle. Hors. Sheen. Omaha 2,700 ,27 6 391 Chicago v.uoo l.ouo s.uoj Kansas city z.'w w u. 1 lhll tfttlO 1500 St' Joseph .'. 1.880 6.707 140 Sioux city ow ww .... Totals 18,080 50.9M 16.533 Depaty Basy. 1 Deputy United States Marshal James Al lan returned Wednesday evening from Sioux Falls. 8. D., having safely landed Ed ward Morris, the colored soldier murderer, who was sentenced for eight years, and Frank Lemson. the bootlegger, sentenced for one yeW, In the penitentiary. Mr. Allan brought back with him Seymour Payer and Silas Lleb. from the Winnebago agency, and locked them up In the Douglas county jail await trial for having sold snd dls posedof liquor to Indiana during the Win nebago pow-wow held there from July 4 to 11. Mr. Allan returned to Bancroft yester day to arrest the two suspects who sre re sponsible for the death of James Black and Thomas White. Indians, who were over come by heat and bad whisky July 4. The two men have been located and Identified and will be brought here for safe keeping. . nana far new tareeakeasa. Plana have been received at the office of the board of directors of Forest Lawn cemetery for the large green house which It la proposed to erect In the fall at an esti mated ooat of about $3,500. The contract for the building probably will be awarded at the next meeting of the board and the work begun In September. The house la to be of the latest deslrn. with all the ac ceaaorles up to date. The center house will be x0 feet and the two wings 60x20 feet, and the structure will be of Iron and visas, j Y. Craig of the park board made drafts for the design, which were worked out In Chicago. The house Is to stand about 100 feet northeast of the house occupied by the cemetery warden, Dearlh main entratvea, GOSSIP OF COMMISSION ROW Laat Year's Swiss Cheese Prod art Is Reported to Do nearly "All In." Nearly gone srs tha crusty but true hearted old Swiss cheeses of last year and the rather Insipid younger generation hAs taken Its place on the market. The new ones are getting to put up a fair resem blance to the ancestral flavor, but are still a trifle too mild. The old numbers are closing out at 18 cents and the new are coming on at 14 or 15 cents. The full cream American cheeses are a little higher this year than they usually are, but are coming down as the season advances. The picnic sandwich can get loaded up at 12H cents, plus what the retailer makes on American Twins, or about 1 cent more for Young Americas. Butter and eggs are disgusting. Of court? the carefully reared creamery product Is as good as ever, but the country eluff which has to struggle with the hot air and the microbe Is Just about able to make the renovator man and nothing more. The June butter Is the pride of tho year, but the July article Is not a half-sister to It. The price Is still 13 cents. As a matter of fact, the ordinary agricultural egg can't stand to be poached. Buyers on Hhe roid taking everything offered are giving only t cents for the unstable chemical com pound, and the commission men, who are paying 12 cents, regard It with such deep suspicion that never a cent goes out until the eggs have passed the physical ex amination and have looked the candle In the face. Tho chicken market Is like the rl-eui man on the slack wire. While it doesn't fall, nobody would be surprised If it did In other cities the fowls are down mu 'h lower, but the farmer Is still too busy to personally conduct the hens nnd chicks to the market. Prices are the same as they have been for a week. heal Estate transfers. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 l'arnam street: Deeds. Charles C. Watts and wife to Mattle A. Watts, t lot 4, block 2, Drake's add $ 500 Tukey I,and company to Fred August Todtenhaupt, n41 feet lots 11 and 12. and n41tt feet e27 feet lot 10, all In block 2, Lessentlne'a Saratoga add.... 175 John D. Gemmlll to John D., Anna and Kate E. Gemmlll, each an undivided H of lot 8, block 127, South Omaha... 1 Herman Kountze and wife to Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate company, lot 34, A. Kountze s add, lot 4, Kountie's 2d add. wtt lot 2, block 7; lot 4, nV4 lot 10, sH lot 11, all In block 14; lot 10, block 16; lot 6. 6, 7, I and 15, block 17, and lots 8 and lL block 18, Kountze's 3d add, lot 6. block 10, Kountze's 4th add: lot 22, block 11, and lots 1 and 15, block 17, Kountze it Ruth's add, and lots 4, i and 13. block 2, Kountze's South Sixteenth add '...,; 6,000 Thomas C. Brunner and wife to Henry C. Powers, part out lots 274 and ,276, city of Florence 400 Mary Lydlck and husband to Joseph McCleneghan, lots 1 and 2, block 6, C. E. Mayne's 1st add to Valley 250 John N. Dennis and wife to James . Cathroe lot 1, block 42, Credit Fon der add 1 Elma L Canan and husband to Ran dolph Beal, lot 10, block 2, Saunders tt Hlmcbaugh'a add to Walnut Hill.. 150 Mary Marshlk and husband to Marie Kramollsch, lot 19, block 13, Brown Park, add 400 Wi'liam A. Smith and wife to Woods Cones, part lot I, Griffin & Smith s add . I Woods Cones and wife to John T. Johnston, part lot t. Griffin & Smith's add i 1,750 Sheriff to Samuel D. Mercer, lot 4, block 22, Walnut Hill add 600 Mortsraatea, John T. Dougherty and wife to Anna corrigan, lot 3, block 6, corrlgan Place add 150 Elk City Hall association to Samuel Bell, Vi acre in ne sw4 section 11-16-10 LOOO I. J. J. Bruechert snd wife to Mary Muetagh, n wH block 15. S. E. Rog ers' add and strip adjoining 400 HotSprings and the Black Hills Hot Springs, the delightful summer resort and natural sanitarium -of the West, Is easily reached by the complete train service of the Chicago & North-Western Ry. Special low rates In effect from Omaha and all points west, dally during the summer season. Fast dally trains with through service of Pullman sleeping cars from Mis souri Valley and free reclining chair cars from Omaha. Leave Omaha daily at 3.00 p. m., reach ing Hot Springs the next morning. Summer tourist rates are alio In effect dally via the Chicago & North-Weetern Railway to the summer retorts ot Iowa, Minnesota snd ftortbcia Wisconsin, Send for Illustrated booklets and maw. with dttailed information reirarding foutea, rales and 4chedulea, which will be promptly mailed upon application m H. C. CHETNET. Geoerel Aal 1401-1403 Farnam St. . Omaha Dr.Searles'&Searles SPECIALISTS Cure All Special DISEASES OF UEI BLOOD POISON . WEAK, NERVOUS UEN KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES S5.00 PER MOUTH Examinations and advice free at office or by mall. Written contracts given In all eurable diseases .r refund money paid for treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 year ia OmabA. Cmm. Seta sal Daalas, 4MAHA, KB. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND . STOCKS tU Board of Trade Bid?.. Omaha 'Phones it aad 1017. Members all prln Phaiis'ea. Write for our dally atar- itt I