Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Afll?FVQ XftT IV TUP TiFM 1WM authorised r legl-latlv. enactment
rtilLrllL., J ilUl M 1LAL Isst winter. Is Involved In a tangl. which
may put off the opening of the Institution
for mora than two years. The aprroprla-
tjl He W.ll Hot Attend Populist Meeting tlnn voted by the legislature to build the
at Denver. I school was fixed as a preliminary at j",uu'
the exportation being yist ruture icgisia
tures would vote still further sums. The
EX-G0VERN03 POYNTER TO BE THERE normal bill also provided that the location
of the school should rest with the State
Kew Normal School Likely to Bo Held
tn for Two Tears for Lack, of
Fnnda for Risslnf
particular cnse In which the Judgment Is
rendered. With this .explanation of the
value of the conmli-sloneis' opinions, pub
lished tn this supplemental way, the court
Is pleased to-present these opinions to the
bar of this state for their convenience and
use. ,
Thte Bute Printing board not disposed
to authorise the printing of these reports,
claiming that It Is not clear that the ap
propriation provided by the legislature con
templated their publication. In fact, mem
bers of the board have said that It does
not. The printing of supreme court re
ports Is covered by an appropriation of
$27,500 for "laws, journal, etc.," and the
State Printing board Is Inclined to hold
that this does not cover the supplemental
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 16. (Special.) If
Board of Ed icatlon, the various cities en
tering the competition being expected to
offer a bonus to the state.' With that end
In view at leaat a half dozen cities are
preparing to file with the board offers for
bonuses varying, according to authentic
estimate, from $30,000 to $40,000. The state I reports, which are not to be considered as
board has been Dlannlne- to use the bonus supreme court reports.
offered by the successful city In paying I On the other hand, the last session made
chief conspirators in the 'movement to or- the running expenses of the school for the a speclno appropriation for the compilation and iniart ht th.v term a new I year fol!owln its intended opening In Sep- I or inese unomciai opinions, i-aui i ir.
reform party Into the politics of. the na- Member, 1904, Inasmuch as any appropria- formerly deputy attorney general, and Miss
tlon, for which purpose a conference has tlon voted even by the next legislature for Howell, who was formerly employed In the
been called to meet In Denver on July 37, running expenses at the normal would not "ry, were put xo wora on in u, .....
be available until a year later than that ciera oi m coun, me iormer ai a
(jaj I oi ai.wv ana me laiier ai tuuu per annum.
Mow onm.a fltata Treasurer Mortensen specially appropriated V the legislature
with an objection to that plan, one that he toT h work, from which the attaches of
thinks Is vital. The contention of the supreme coun inr-jr mat me leftisiaiur.
treasurer Is that the state board Is not meant th Printing appropriation to cover
Ing from Denver, the gentlemen mentioned authorised by law to accept the bonus; p""c"'n: BiV",h.t iIlHsiativo
. 7 ..... ..., I i a .ri. r.i .,. th. nnlv Clerk Herdman s office that the legislative
VVIIIB CrVUIlCU W1W1 Sail HIWIIUWII vs. V" s xa s .....
... -a ti K I mAthul will Ksa a na rtsa mnnav Intrt hi
.m.g u,, m ... v. . 1 ..v " i..,. -i,.. opinions should be published and
formation oi tne new cany. uaima u iuict mo ..oi.. ........ ,. . .
Chancellor Andrews was sounded on the
.. . . . .... I . l. , , . I I . ..-IJ ...
subject during tne aay ana n. unn.ii- "" The parties thus employed now have copy
ngiy ue.cia.reu i..i ... . . ... . " " prepared for two volumes, and It Is this
vlted to th. conference, and even If he had almost every Authority who has 1 been. con-
ha would not attend. suited by any of the normal school boom- ,,.. . . . .. ... ,. , .
"You may say for me." said the chan- ers. and the situation almost Irrevocably ,et thf eontnct9 for , Dur) . f
cellor. "that I have had no Invitation to point, to a delay in tno inaugraiion oi in of tn. ent
ew n,.. - Bbly D, two or thr.a voIume. prepared, and
year. distant By that lme the next leg- within the life of the supreme court com-
B.uvur. w... ...v. ..,,... - - - mission the number of volumes will prob
.u..u, ii amy reach seven or eight. The members
to keep the .chool In operation. of tne mnUng board estimate It a little
Governor Predicts Bis; Crops.
anticipate f ny assistance or advice from
K. Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of Ne
braska university, they have bargained un
wisely. The chancellor, name was In
cluded In a list of national celebrities pub
lished In the press dispatches this morn-
attend any meeting of the sort and that I
am not In sympathy with any endeavor to
tart a new political party. My name was
put on the list without my sanction and I
had heard nothing of the matter until I
read the account In a paper today. I have
had no communication with any of the
promoter, of the movemenff and my name
must have been put on through some mis
take. I would not attend under any cir
cumstances, "The only way I can explain the action
of the parties who have thus used my
name. Is that It was on account of the fact
thr.t I signed a paper some two year, ago
auctioning a meeting that wa to be held
hands full. Corn Is backward, but is now I T 7 I D TA t)V PIUFV KnTlfR
making a terrific growth, with weeds a I tLalV 1U UU llllLlT lWllLL
close second. , All small grain Is a good
crop, but rainy weather Is holding back
cutting to some extent. Farmers feel well JjWJg, Petition How in the Hands of th
over the general outlook. Potatoes are a
One crop.
Creamery Does Bis; Bu.lneas.
YORK, Neb., July U. (Special.) The
Tork creamery pays out each week hun
dreds of dollars to farmers for cream.
Nearly every farmer has from five to thir
ty cows, and on nearly every farm there
1. found a modern separator. The cream
ery here ships every W ednesday a car
load of bufter from York to Boston, New
Haven, New York, and other eastern
points. The butter Is made from separ
ated cream and brings the very highest
market price. The money Is sent from the
east and is distributed each week among
the farmer, of York county who furnish
the cream.
He Will Kotlfy Itasslaa Ooverasneot
and Ascertain Whether or Not
It Is Willing to Reeelvo
the Doeaneat.
WASHINGTON, July .-The Jewish
peUtlon laid before the president yesterday
by the B'nai B'rlth committee has been
received here and Becretary Hay has com
municated by cable with Mr. Riddle, the
American charge d'affaires at St. Petprs
burg, respecting the means to be employed
In bringing It to the attention of the csar.
It is believed that Mr. Riddle's instruc
tions are to notify the Russian government
. Was a Casa of Salclde.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July lB.-(Spe
i a w jt ,u a of the petition and ascertain whether it U
Investijrate the cue of the death ot An- I
tone Sebesta. who died at the homo of C V ..,
Joseph Svehla, in this cNy, yesterday,
from the t'tah county district court of a
suit for a separste maintenance brought
by Mary Caroline Riddle, a plural wife of
Issac Riddle.
The .npreme court Is of the opinion thst
"notwithstanding that celestlsl or plural
marriage Is one of the essential tenets of
the Mormon church, the legal status ot
marriage exists between parties who In
Utah before the enactment of any statute
upon the subject, though members of that
church, having made a contract ot mar
riage In which they mutually agree to as
sume and observe the legal obligations of
that relation, and In pursuance of that
agreement to openly cohabit as man and
wife and hold themselves out to the public
as such. But In the absence of such an
agreement the legal statu, of marriage can
not arise."
after a short illness. On his person was
found a gold watch and $42.32 In money.
The evidence showed that he had no rela
tives living In this country and that he had
become tired of living and had eaten the
phosphorous from a quantity of matches.
The body wa. burled this afternoon. De-
The Jewish committee, It Is stated. Is en
tirely satisfied with the plans formed by
the president and Secretary Hay for It.
transmission to the Russian government.
No further action will be taken until Mr.
Riddle Is heard from.
ST. PETERSBURG, July lB.-The Novoe
Vremya regards, or affect to regard, the
American contention that under the treaty
ceased wa. a single man about a year, of lf m2 n nIscrlmlnatlon can r,ghtfully be
ago iiu .mu 1 caiurM n t... vuuuu j ftuuui
five year.
Political Changes in Sonth Dakota.
BIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July IB. (Special.)
Thomas W. McNnmee. who for some time
has been a deputy Tnlted States marshal,
with headquarters at the office of United
States Marshal Kennedy In this city, has
been appointed by United States Senator
Klttredge to the position of messenger, and
today entered upon his new duties. He will
accompany Senator Klttredge to Washing
ton next winter, to remain during the ses
sion of congress, and will devote his spare
moments to the study of law. He succeeds
Frank Whltcomb of Aberdeen. Orrln V,
Lamb of Sioux Falls has been appointed
to succeed Mr. McNamee and today as
sunned ths duties of his new position In the
oflce of United State. Marshal Kennedy.
Hon. C. F. Reavls, who was given the
privilege of selecting his own delegates to
the Judicial convention bv the recent county
higher, finding that there will probably be convention In his contest with Frank Mar-
made against American cltlxens, on ac
count of religion, as an attempt to .end all
the Russian Jews living In America back to
Ttimala. whtoh alrea.1v haa K 2fS 000 Jews.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., July lB.-(Speclal.)- whereas equitable distribution" would
Reavls Names Delegates.
give Russia only 1,400,000.
Levi Asks More Signatures.
NEW YORK, July IB. In accordance with
Governor Mickey, who haa Just returned a)bout 'even volumes altogether and that tin, haa announced the following delega- the understanding at Oyster Bay on Tues
from a trip to North Platte, where he de- - .
tlon: G. J. Crook. A. R. Scott, D. D.
Uvered an address before the junior nor- morrow or a. .k . I T "eavl- - BantI- ur' Garver' "lram
. . .... .w. ..... -111 morrow or as soon thereafter as he mav be Belden. Hmrv Rnieer. R v. nrlnatnad.
mai, is oi ins opinion ioh mo a..i. w... . th .. . - -
have very large crop.. He .aid tht. mom- to Wr ' before th. Pr nt ng Cas. Jone., Ernest Werner. Jame. Stephen-
ing In .peaking of hi. trip that he had J' .majr. ange the conclusion son. J. R. Overman, C. O. Avery. Charle.
" . ... . . .. . ... wnicn that board ha. already nractically Smith. T. n. rtmninvham p-ir
never seen oetter wneat man on aim way . T- . . - - - - . 1 " " i " "c aocmea mai n woum no. u
k. .nhr.i in.n Th- n.ts he be- rT"cneav " tne board declines to have the Earl Lemon, Sam Beutler, James Nausler. well at present to make public any details
. ' huZarlron and he pre- TL' ' UClal . W tha H. P. Marble, E. F. Sharta. Charles Martin. & cof.rce. A omc.a. statement will
' - I v 1.-1 k will DroDRniv Itlamnt . n v.v4n. V. . . l " " 11 v 1 ' "I m.c.w
. . . r . . m.n . a.l wnahlnalnn
day, Leo N. Levi gave out the following
statement regarding the Jewish committee
In the Klablneff position:
"The conference was entirely satisfactory
to us. Our views and those of the presi
dent are In Dertect accord.
it has been doclded that It would not be
at Buffalo. It wa. represented to me that dicta that, taking the entire state as a basis w , own h(Jok Whe ,ftw ,
. , t v. I . I f nr .alrnlatlrtn tna eorn rmn will DO a rec- I IK. .
' . . ........ ... in v.. . I .. . . " " " uicaiiiia
the Buffalo meeting, were to hava nothing ior ,a.WIuu . " tne state Printing board provides that It TABLE ROCK. Neb.. July IB (SDeclal.) I Pcted tnat the Petition, now being clrcu-
. , . . . to t m I ,alRa Ior signaiures snouia do signea ana
Sell Bankrapt Stock. -in the meantime, It Is desired and ex-
After having mad. 8hal, 8ecura a V - - rt. Neo. .y 16-Pec,aj-'" fated 1
nart . . c i.u., i ing siock oi gooa. oeionging to w. u. xay-i mailed
pari 1 t a claimed, reneal tha law ik. ,. ... . . !!a"r
' - . . - I nt ha lata ha hallavea that the rains dur- I nt ... " . .. 7 -----'"" . tv.iu mieiy assi.nea 10 a irusiee ami
over tn. .aoor -------- '.'- croD. . , ZLJl':" ?- .Provla left the country, ha. been sold by th. true-
n avar iiBniiea gtur u a. iiiwaa icv i r wm - - - a uuiiuuiibj ui ina riiTWT anaii xa i . -...
in..7 ana In fact when I put my nam. , ,n aeml-arid JJ the clerk shall prur. hX-Is,S Vpe S
that paper I never meant to go, ami win v , ...... i.m,UIra. tMCtt of th Is contro- have leased tha atnra hulMln It I. nndar
. " ... -v. t. i. nn..iv.i. I tha waat'wlil make un for any shortage vers i . . nay lea sea tne .tor. building. It 1. under
tno parues so i m v.... - - " ; r"',t7 ' rt of the are quesuon ot patron- stood, for a term of year.. It 1. under.tood
th. Denver people aaw my nam. on that that may re.ult to th. eaatern part of the age. '
While absent from th. cliy Governor A sevara
Mickey went to his Polk county home. He 1 contlnulnr for half . v clt' . . ay Jor "ca Precipitate n
foiimt .hat th. recent hal'storm that caased Jf.fT. " hoUr w,th ttrTln and hl rtu tn. quite Improbable
through Polk county the a
CP' " " ZTtl"J h" te'nat 1 0hnDorga and thai of Thomaa
. .V "l.rri" . took a small corner off the Rich.
arfla r.lrwv
t. .. i cuiunKiun uiun crasnina lnio ner waron i in zubhiii aiiaira. r many, ii is nui
.imrmauon rrom Pleasantdala waa I. ,. I o . . tlnn hv J.wa. hut on their behalf. It la a
en-ect that a boy named Conrad Stueok. Om.h. k 1..1 ,7a peUtlon by American, regardless of rellg
living half a mile west of that t.i.. 7. Z Z7 i .riT :' :. loua Jn"ions.
. . . w i rvon. oiiv uauuncu m. oroKen ler ana lev i
! t.or htnlng that partially eral .evera 5aln bruise, about the head. ASSETS ARE OVERESTIMATED
" 111B uunHra htm mm. ....... .1.- ... I " " " - - .......
. " "UHuunea ir. winter, was reported dead yesterday.
with nnlltlra. but wer. to be the I oro Dresner ror sue.
meeting place for a number of economl.t. .everal recent trip. Into the western
to talk
list and for that reason th.y put me on
the program."
Kx-Oovernor Poynter Will Attend.
Th. pres. dispatches announoe. also that
ex-Governor Poynter of this city I. to be
among those In attendance, and that gen
tle today confirmed the truth of the report.
"Ye.. I am going to Denver to attend
that meeting," he .aid when .hown the
to mow the wheat which had been beaten
down. In order to save It ' The corn wa.
also badly cut up. Hailstone, were found
twenty-four hour, after th. atorm had
Mr.. Winters May Recover.
PAPILLION, Neb., July IB. (Special.)
Mrs. John Winter., Injured yesterday by a
returns thus far received Indicate that unl
formly throughout the country the petition
Is being signed by the most prominent
ana reputable men.
Some erroneous Impressions have been
formed, which it Is Important to correct
Immediately. This is not easy within the
limitations Imposed by state considerations.
I venture, however, to say that the peti
tion has not been modified In any particu
lar; that no reason exists for discontinuing
signing it, that It Is desired that they
should be signed tor a week longer and
then sent to me, and that the most perfect
accord exist, between u. and the president.
"it should be distinctly understood that
the petition is neither a protest nor a re
monstrance. It does not seek to interfere
dispatch. "Th. calling Ot this meeting is
promoted by th. fear that the reorganise rs i
or likaiv to nontrol tha next democratic I
.i . ........ K.n at nniiraa tha nonu- I Hello, el Fnslon Regime
" w..T.. I ...... I SaHmi. Int,... . . . .
, i . . -.4 binpui r.rnrm.n ara in no way i nnrin ih.'MMiii rnrav or ma score i .".., injm wnicn na waa t,.
In sympathy with that element of the dem-1 keeper clerk Into tho basement In making J")"0!01" for over an hour, while hi. father
Axrarv. and should it obtain the ascendancy ... for the cement rang. Adjutant Gen- ourtn.
in the control of th. democratlo party there I eral Culver unearthed several wagonloads
in k no nthar aliarnatlva for the reform I n miiit.r. ranorta nnhllahad durlna the I nonnanonse,
element than In tha organisation of a new I fusion regime. They eoat tho .tate a large
Start Work on R
NORFOLK, Neb.. July ik.hi.i x
' f-..i . . '
party. ,,.. . I sum of money and gave aom. .upporter or l " sixteen-stall round-
"There Is a common ground or beiier ior I the administration a good fat contract, but -- urwiwesiem yard, began
but the chance, are good now for her re-I Receiver for tho Universal Tobacco
very. r ... ,
Miss Wile. a Bill, la TTIn.t I "7 COrt.
NORFOLK. Neb.. ' July 1 frtnWlal A
Ml.. Besele Wiley of York will be on. of TRENTON, N. J.. July lB.-Chancellor
the attendants to the queen of the tourney, Ma,e toJav "ranted a rule to .how cause
Mis. Ella Flynn. when she ride. In the why a receiver should not b. appointed
popullsta. modern and the Bryan are of no value now, save as fuel for th. mrdn,"' Ca"l of rock are on the firemen's float on thd last night of the for tn nlveraal Tobacco company. The
QfliTlOOnill. J. UU iiivaji i ta.vaa w.v s lumBCB, J I1UCT IUO FrMPBll. ivmv w- I -.waa -n lit fAll Ufj I rnaAtins! in thfl TYl Af rtl Artant na o-oont rf risk I rulw WM gjrailll OH VIIO appilUAlllua Ui IKU
...-r . . ----------- 7 I" don. under the mwiung in tne ma
nunis oi ..ra. f " .i- ixnauuin ior suco pu... w ... u. Tne tMjA ,T T' T I, 7 rv,",on- Royal Tiger club. Mies Wiley was an a, v w ... uwwn 9 i... ux.......uus. a... ... ... ....... w.u a ... iu
In opposition to the gold democracy and equipment stored In the basement of th. W1 B'ch that cuU the territory of the
the republican partr., C-f -course, lf the capltol are being shifted so that the cement flel; witching yards .. was. -flnlatied last
reorganliefs ' fall down In their plan, to gKnt mly Jet to work In laying the new "'ht, and now another Una of Iron rib
obtain control of tiie democratlo party, this cement floor. This It la hoped will ensure hona will be strung out to Thirteenth
vmawama. will navaa attain mur.h Torn, nr I . . . 1 Mv.Au . Mlllt.v. I i. new iracir roe fh. n ... t.
. . " . . a.w.v. w.hw... a. MIT uimb III W "iw ...... j . ...a 111.' . n , . . - - I
headway, but the promoter, of this pro- I ,Unolles. During the oast year. th. .tat. tanco c a mile haa already been completed. .. .Vam'Burllar" "'Ifht entered machinery, which - 1. valued at 1227,000,
posed organisation ;aro determined that has been called upon to foot a considerable tn aTadlng having been done for the whole e """cner ahop 0f C- O. Flacher, broke would not bring over $60,000.
there' must be no backward step on the loM due to mildew and dampness. This y-trm. In all there will be more than a arawer "a "cured the con- it is. also charged that th. company 1.
part ot th. democracy If It would retain wa, one of th. polnU raised by th. regular nlne m"M f new .witching tracks, Includ- amount,n; to several dollars. En- mismanaged by W. H. Butler, It. president,
th. aupport of the reform element.. Not army inspector when ha examined th. con- ,n yr Cir track., car repair track.. tranco " fUned by a window In the rear In the interest of himself and his brother,
only must there be no equivocation In tho alUo 0f affair, at th. .tat. houae. He In- cng lines, etc. Tho platform for the , "hop' The polc'' 8X6 of th Plnlon George P. Butler, both .tockholder.. It 1.
nounced. by wire yesterday. Th. other of
th. two attendants jnrberIls. Kate Blass.
Thieve. Raid Meat Market.
NEBRASKA CITY. July IS. (Special
ward McAlpIn and 1. returnable at Jersey
City August I.
The assets of .the company are given as
$1,135,010 and th. liabilities $862,745. It I.
charged, however, that assets of $532,000 rep
resent raw material, which would not bring
over $275,000 at forced sale, and that the
.,., ,k. ..... .,ht tn nmvMa a hat. nw seventy-foot turntable will ha r,..,i,. that local talent la responsible, but a. yet particularly charged that Butler 1. using
ter storage place, and the Board of Publlo ln from tha factory siding within a 110 arrMt hav8 been mad"- i his opportunities for the benefit of the Com-
Tn. . n.,iMlnrs' took the matter un. few 47 " Its foundation is now im. ' ... . I-TT monwealth Tobacco company, ln which
tok. .k. wh.wi ..nifnn. .r ..nt hv P!te. Llk. a great three-rln ni.. .v.. " r,m'm OI trs. company he Is Interested,
.w. to., a. . will ha a nrw nw yaras are all ac.tlvitv with h.i. .1 """""oiia nil, juiy 10. (special I nr." lunn.. juiy io.lj. n. vreuen
u.... . - ..,- V n,h ,.. . ,i ...... .... I ...... ..... KV ml f XI..
placo In which to .tor. them. Shelve, will I c" worg, as many horses, four ; .Z ' . J :L " . ' 1" . . .! a .C . Vu t-V nZ...
democratlo platform, no desertion of the
principles enunciated at Kansas City, but
the candidate of th. party must b. a
man known to be ardent and sincere ln the
advocacy of those principle. It he I. to get
any aunnort from the political element's
that are Involved In thl. Danver move- e con,tructed on which to keep article. or flv buy Pedrlver and the oommunity at tn plant of the 0reat wetern Cereal vlBited the room of the Interstate Trust
, roent. He must have a platform In general that ar. .ubleot to deterioraUon when left of n the background, where the ml"' wer6 PartlaJ1y flIIed today and the company. In New Jersey, today and-posted
am.nn.KM with tha Kansas c.itf nlatfnrm . ... . men eat and slaanT a.w. - . plant resumed operations. The girls ln the the following notice on the door:
and he must be beyond suspicion a. an ,B , . . the meaning of the expenditure of between Nebra8ka 8team laundry have also gone nf?lrZ b'nrfA",."Uo"f'?.
able and ardent exponent ot Its principles. C,v' $100,000 and $200,000 In Norfolk an oS Ut " 'trlke' The raana"t not nrort'an bu.rne.S'Borr"lSle?.tahU
"Thia Denver meeting will disclose to I AdJuUnt General culver la again on in. said: "It Is merely an Improvement that nfcx to nave trouble ln filling their Trust company at Jersey City.
. .. , .w. v.. I i... .... w. . inn. tlma ha waited I v... . .... . "vmeni mat comnany maintain, another of
v.u. u. u. v... u.iik,,, I -- 7 """" "" soma time to handle ' flee, which Is at No. 26 Pine street. New
ft MWV .Wl. .V VDWU.W IV,UI. V. .IW.M I . .w I W.l.X . t .. lUOFBl V Df fflll. 1 I
-tupport to that party If It puu up a plat-1 ment that the Nebraska National Guard nlng of ImprovemenU of the same nature
M form that mean, something and a eandl-1 could, by participating thl. summer In the all along the system wherever th .-.
data that mean, nothing, or Tic. versa. army maneuver, for thl. department at needed. A Una beyond Casper would not
' Thar, will bo probably quit, a number of I government expense, secure recognition I be at all an unnatural line, from th. prea-
popullsta from 4 his state in attendance at I under in. uica du. urn wouia iudk h 10 ent rout, of the Northwestern."
the meeting. C. Q. De Francs la going, I hav. an encampment next year, tn. ex-
Kdmlsten 1. going, and I think Frank I Dense of which the government wlU pay. T
Eager will go also. Th. call for thl. meet- I Now that h. haa secured a favorabls answer
Canning. Plant Start. I'p.
NEBRASKA CITY. July 15. (Special
Telegram.) The Otoe Preserving company
tarted Its plant today for the first tlm.
thl. year, commencing the pack on beans.
After the first of the month It will employ
about 800 hand, during the corn pack.
York City.
State Bank Examiner.
SUPERIOR. Neb.. Jnlv iii.i.i,
. . . ... . . i,v. t A . I .M . V. . . Ml.i ha la aaaln In anmathlna1 nt a I . ' ' I
miiuiam w.w. ua.i .un, awurw-. uu . - . -1 uu u. weyand, iormer citv elertr nt rvin
tary of th. populist national committee." .t.w becau.. th. army authoritlea are pl. Creek. Colo., whom the press dlsDatrha.
I II. Wl. ..II nt tha anarria am. I . . . . " UlBpatCne.
Otkers Also Planning Go.
"Yea, I am going to th. Denver meet
ing," .aid J. H. Craddock, "and expect to
talk on th. money question.
going, and a good many
of. L D. Chamberlain, formerly of thl. .. National Guard do not live ln bar.
tate but now In Washington publishing a rack, and that lt t0 u,, ren.
paper, will go through her. on hi. way to abl- warning to enable them to break away
the meeting." tha,r occupation, and fall In fully
Mr. Bryan ha. been Invited, but It 1. arme,, and equipped for camp duty and
siaiea n wnv.r mai ne oaa not yei ao- scientific maneuvering.
cepted th. Invitation. He I. now away Tn. rimaha Auditorium asaorlatlnn h..
Widow of Nod Man Passes Away ai
Old Homestead tn Angnsta,
II. hi. tn nail nut tha ruards without anffl. I ..... . - .. . :
- " 77 " ; siaie is accuaea ot Doing a defaulter to the
dent warning to enable It. officer, to pro- kmount of $28,000. wa. for a number of
..I... ...I..K1. n.rlrnill an4 onmn.!.. I .1 . ""r OI
: . - year, a resident of Superior, and the news
urr suDonea i is now oomoaraina ins i ......... . .
tlon. Mr. Berg. 1. trtmtnt wltn ,toU. but .ignlncant " ' "nl " ' T V ?7'
other, that I know I remlnder. that th. member, of th. vJll'S""
i wj inv great
fire. He was a prominent figure at the
tlm. ot the Bull Hill riot, and was then
appointed Cuy cierg 10 nil a vacancy. He
was elected at each .lection thereafter
until thl. year.
Hold Revival In Teat.
NORFOLK, Neb., July IS. (Special.) A
'tent meeting Is on ln 'Norfolk. It Is a
religious effort under the management of I
German Seventh Day Adventlsts. The
weather ha. been against them thu. far.
Old settlers' Picnic.
UNION. Neb., July 16. (Special.) The
old settler, will hold a reunion here Aug
ust T and 8. This la the fifteenth annual
gathering. '
from home, to be absent for several weeks.
just filed the amendment, to It. article.
Th. Denver announcemenU declar. that a.opted at the meeting last March, relating
si n i.n lrnl 1R7 1 1 1 1 a na M Aa . . I
to th. Increase In Its capital stock, the off!
clal list, the time of meetings and the
making of amendment to Its article, of In
Sioux City. Honjer A Southern Electric
George Fred William, of Massachusetts
has wired th. local committee that he Is In
entire sympathy with th. movement. At
torney Darrow of Chicago, the m lifers rep
resentative before th. Pennsylvania coal
strike commission, promises to send a
written address to be read at the (conven
tion, Edward Atkinson, president of th.
Anti-Imperialist league, 1. also among the
expected visitors.
Among those who are moving In this a ue.tlon that I. now exciting considerable
project there Is no effort made to conceal attention around the state house. It Is
the belief that the reorganised element nf whether or not th. unofficial decision, shall
Celebrate Golden Woddlaar.
DODGE. Neb.. July 15.-(Speelal.)-Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Erb celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding here last
night. Th. congratulating friend., bear-
In ar f rrf-istB ft. n A Am A mA k.. il. i .
The articles of the proposed IZaIa t th-i. ,..7T V 1 pro
. . ... I ceeded to their residence and a v.r.
Marketing; of Hogs Show. Inereas.
Over Prevloaa Week and
Last Year.
CINCINNATI. July IS. (Special Tele-,
gram.) Price Current aays: The market
ing of hoes ha. been of liberal volume.
AUGUSTA, Me.. July IS. Mrs. James G
Blaine died at the Blaine homestead, here
Mrs. Blaine was 7( years, of age. .From
Washington, a short time ago, she cam. te
the old family residence on State street
She wa. In an enfeebled condition and had
been under almost constant attention since.
During th. past week sh. failed rapidly,
her condition being due to a general break'
down of the system
Mrs. Blaine's maiden nam. wa. Harriet
Stanwood, the daughter of a leading cttlxen
ot th. .tate of Maine. Sh. met her hus
band while both of them were teachers tn
school ln Kentucky. They wer. married
at Pittsburg and later came to Augusta,
where Mr. Blaine became editor of the
Kennebeo Journal.
She leaves one son, Jame. G. Blaine, two
daughter., Mr.. Harriet Beale and Mr.
Shower. In Iowa and Soatneaat Ne
braska, Fair Elsewhere In
These States.
WASHINGTON, July IS. Forecast:
For Nebraska Fair Thursday, except
shower. In southeast portion. Friday fair,
For Iowa Shower. Thursday and prob
ably Friday.
For Illinois Fair Thursday, except show
er. In south portion Friday, showers and
warmer In northeast portions; light to
fresh northeast winds along lake.
For Missouri Showers Thursday and
probably Friday.
For South Dakota Fair Thursday and
For Colorado, Montana and Wyoming-
Fair Thursday and Friday.
For Kansas Showers Thursday, lower
temperature; Friday fair, except shower.
tn east portion.
Loral Reeord.
OMAHA. July 15. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the past threo
1VUB. lWl. 1BW.
Maximum temperature .. 8 92 97
Minimum temperature ... 68 T2 T7
Mean temperature 78 82 R7
Precipitation 0$ .00 T 1.29
Record of temperature and precipitation
at umana ior in is aay since juaron i, i
Normal temperature
Excess for the day
Total excess since March 1
Normal precipitation IS Inch
Deficiency for the day 1J Inch
Total ralnfnll since March 1 It. 48 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.69 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.... 0.91 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.... S. 79 Inches
Report, from Stations at T P. M.
J ; B a
3 : ? g
a B ;
. :R : :
... s ; "i
' ' t : ? :
Omrhfli, cloudy 74 RS .02
Valentine, clear 80 4 .00
North Platte, clear 8f 8 .00
Choyenne, cloudy 78 88 . 00
Salt Lake City, cloudy 86 92 00
Rapid City, clear 72 81 .10
Huron, raining 70 80 T
Wllllaton, clear 74 7S .00
Chicago, partly cloudy 82 641 .00
St. I.oulS, cloudy 84 M .00
St. Paul, cloudy 68 741 .00
Davenport, cloudy 76 80l .00
Kansas City, cloudy 80 82 T
Havre, clear 78 78 .00
Helena, partly cloudy 78 78 .00
Bismarck, clear 82 841 .00
Galveston, clear 82 86 .00
T Indicates truce of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
For Hot, Tired, Aching,
Swollen1 Feet.
Allen's Font-Ease, a powder. It cures
painful, smaiting, nervous feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
sting out of corns and bunions. It's tha
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Makes tight or new shoes easy. A cer
tain cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. 30.000 testimonials,
Try it to-day. Sold by all Druggists and
8ho stores, a;c. Don't accept a substi
tute. Trial package FREE. Address,
Mien S. Olmsted. La Rov, N.Y.
BIOUX J. nui.r Duuuiern rjiectriC I . . - - ins ui nuga nu ucrn ui liDerai Volume, ..... . . . .
railway, which have been In hand for .om. 51? of,.n . Erb how,n considerable Increase and a large lUt J0 . i"', Th Wer'
day were today placed on file. - "f?h. . " b.'y,he,y " the aln ,n comparison with a year ago. To- her bedsld? dur,n her, " '"
' I TAUnrMt Of tna Mrtv an ... , ... TV. l.rv in will nritm V.I.MU
uiut 1. lawnn I ..." ' an sp- i tat western packing is isa.wio, compared I """ "i
: 1 pearance. 01a tair to live to celehrata ih.i. .iih ionnn th. nreo.edlnr .1 an I and the burial will be at Washington.
wwjn . vi "iu tnitxesiea in I ouuuona juuuee. 1 at year. Since March 1 tha total
la 7.715.000. asalnst 7.440.000 a II AKlfi ROP Tfl TUP MIKFIIM
I - . . . au 1 alvl vwa.w iw ... IIIWVUVHI
.vTwa oaay. 1 r rommeni places gumiwri as louows:
VAT) V Vph. Inlv ltl! 'tt.
tha democracy is going to prevail In demo- published as supplemental report, or jwing ln the Arborville township have been SOUTH OMAHA
cratlo arraira, mat iiryan will leave the not- 'i"",u"" u"w" r me court 1 bothered recently with chicken thieves who Kansas City
party and that tho proposed new party will r classined as offlclal.or unofficial or. as are doing wholesale work In stealing chick- I1- V0"'".."
afford him th. only political asylum to termed by the court, "reported" or ens. II. K. Newman Is one of the many IndianapSlU '.
-...i"iia ai. 1 wno na. lost cnicaens. in one night's raid I Mil wauKee
uch a. ar. prepared by member, of the I thev secured 126 younc snrina .1,1.1,.. Cincinnati
. . . 1 - --sa viiivaciia
1903. 1902.
.2,i!y6.000 2,470,000
KAI.UUO 16,0i0
which he may retreat
Now Normal Involved In Taaglo.
Th. situation concerning tho new .tate
normal .chool, tho coostrustlon of which
aunreme court commission and ara lnrir..j I .... ... .... . I Ottumwa
. " " . ...nun were worth 1 Cedar
Originality and Dis
tinction are always evident la
. Gorham
They jcrre to differentiate
it from the unnamed
mediocrities which cost as
much and lack the Gor
ham guarantee of sterling
value and honest workmanship.
keep It
by tne .uprem. coun juage. as correct as M cents each.
to conclusions without any Indorsement ot ship ar. purchasing guns and dog:
in uiviiuu. i.v.t m vwiiuiiaaiuner B opin
ion Is labeled by the court as "unreported" I Storm Does Dt
It may be taken a. Indicating that th. con-
The farmer, of that town- I Sioux City .
St. Paul
801,1. U0
1X9.UO0 '
621, tOO
Metropolitan Mnsensa of Art In Be.
tnrn Ganrantee. Payment
of Annuities.
age at Baperloi
gammer Tonrs.
BTTTJirnmn N.h Jnlv is o v .
... , . . .... I " "
- v """" heavy windstorm last night did some dam-
, a . A . ,w n the country north of here. Several
r"w language or houmt, nd barns were moved from their
buuciu- foundations, ons of them being carried up
hill thirty feet. Windmills were blown
slon In reached.
TRENTON, N. J., July 15. Chancellor
McOee today filed an opinion which will
143,0cio I permit the Immediate transfer to the Metro-
Siom P Museum of Art of New York of
23U.UU0 about 1500,000 worth or real eatate ln New
York City and faterson, N. J., that was
left In trust by Jacob Rogers, the Peterson
If you have not decided where to go. or I millionaire,
how to go, don't fail to get a copy. It Is I The trust wa. created for the payment
certainly worth sending for, and reading I of annuities of KM each to Roger.' two
carefully after you get It. It tells all about I grandsons. Th. land 1. unimproved and tha
the pleasant places on ths Michigan Cen- Income is not sufficient to pay the taxes.
tral as well as the New York and New I Under the decision the land will go to th.
Th. clerk of th. .uprem. court now ha. ' ' .' d.atrnvi-i t1 i k England resorts. Address. O. W. Ruggles. museum, which will guarantee the payment
enough copy prepared to mak. two JoTum" TuTtiMZ P' P' T' A" Ch,c'- of th nu,rt"-
. .v,.. 1. ..1 .- . of rln ana ,n" Kepubllcan river la I I -fca t.rma of tha will the land waa not
ot these .upplomental report, and haa pre- mghla out of lt, bank.
i ifw wnicn oeat
explain, tne purpose of. the proposed pub- I Explosion of a Soda Foantala,
I icatlon of these volumes. It resds as follows:
Aaron Bnrr Legion Meets.
SUPERIOR, Neb., July 15. (Special.) A I been held at Newark, N. J. Its object waa
... ..v.. eA,.n.i 1 . . I to commemorate the 140th annlveraarv nt
The opinions published In this volume end rl 1 V h . r .1 1. V ' k., . " V tii th of Colonel Burr, snd to advance
the ones to follow, constituting a supple. wnl- being charged at LFeber . pop fac- the work the legion was created to per-
mentai set to tne regular set of Nebraska I tory tnis morning, nui tne fount struck I furrn. Its purpose is to refute prejudlcli
rep'jria, ara puousnea in reponse to
By th. term, of th. will th. land was not
to hav. been the property of th. museum
NEW YORK. July 16. The first annual I until after the death of the two grandsons.
meeting of the Aaron Burr Legion has I This valuable property I. an addition to a
bequest of about 15,000,000 Mr. Roger, willed
to th. museum direct.
sre Dubllshed In raauonaa
seeming demand on the part of the bar c( I 7L .7 . ,iZ
the state to hsve these opinions placed In shattered a 2x4 scantltng nesr the celling
J vaster ihvi ... hs a VFVS U V gliutl liiy va fwi jnwu ass w s v s u VS3 ay I VJ UUltlVI
Howard LeFeber a alanclnr blow anrf ihaa I nssef lions that have been made about the
" lf. . J .a, a - nS mt J' l.,n,.l U S a
1 1 1 anu inai avici va vutuiivi uill 1 tBIld IO
an accessible form convenient for refer
ence. The original Intention of the court
waa to put these opinions sside, designate
them aa "unofltrlal" and not be bound to
use them as precedents In aupport of any
propositions which they might, apparently,
saem to sustain. The court never has felt,
and does not now feel, bound to uphold all
of the propositions of law decided, aa indi
cated In the syllabus, but only approve the
conclusions reached and adopts the recom-
A square blow from tb. missile would hav.
killed LFeber.
1 .
Crop. Ara Booming.
I'tah Co art Says Man Is Not Legally
Bonnd to Snpport Floral
SALT LAKE. Utah. July 11 According
A tiktn if t(itty it a jt forever.
Ismtm Tu, PlnpUs,
FrMklta, Math hlckw
auk s4 Skis D
ryiMM, SB. trnrj
.luilh aa katatr,
VVa.4 S.SM SMMtlou.
It a.a atoae ta. tMi
f - ran.
aa4 I. m karnlau
w lull HUH
aar It Is sraparly
aiid.. AoMsi fee .1 alatl
lar aasw. Dr. L.
A. Sarr sal U 1
l.4f at ik. Wal
la. U Satlaut)!
"As rmt Ia4la
will aa. th.ia. I
k.rmful at all tk. akta japuiUMi." For a. I. bf
U Srassina s.4 laaar soos Safari ta th
SUUs aa Rur.aa.
FEltD. T. HOPKINS, Frop.
ft Oraat Inn SC. M. T.
1 liSSk
Aabara TtnU, es sottMabl snMrss fttit
leuabU Sanaa, are procaeed eulj by
bpsrial Hair Regenerator
th laaaest an4 toast lutlDS Ook
tortus. II la easily spyllM. sbaDlntely
roiiau ann ina .rrurniiufl
LSTS MONTHS, SaapL ot aatr aai.
ai fire. Saba U raasals.
Imperial Chemical Co.. !3S W. St., N. Y.
Sold by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Save the Bands
Thousands of wretched
people are miserable'-drlven
almost mad by the terrible
Itching and burning sensation
of Eczema and other skin dis
eases; many Imagine they are
suffering from bad blood,
when as a matter of fact the
blood has nothing to do with
It. These awful tortures are
caused by little eerms that
attack the skin externally,
which can be rooted out In a
hurry, leaving the skin clear,
soft and healthy. Such misery
now cleared away as surely
as the sun shines above. Not
merely attempted, not a mat
ter Of Improvement merely,
not a temporary relief but a
clearing of it all away abso
lutely and permanently.
D. D D. '
a specific formula, put up
In sealed bottles with authen
tic label, has proven to be the
only certain cure for these
diseases. Its record of cures
is astonishing, amazing, al
most miraculous. It Isa liquid,
used externally, hon-grea3y.
Cor. lth and Dodge Sts., Omaha.
if fm TV "n Naava raann eiaiTenT
Bfx3 l.lllna ui.niiood. dralne, lo.i..
at Vat snSsf A 18 Married men and mrn Intenillns
lu m.rrylTiniiiil i.ka ho: satonlanlng rouulini
mull weak nana .ml K-rt reiuircd. l.iiit
Bharman McConnell Drug Co.. Omtba.
Racine College
qrammar School
Pupils Study Under aa Instructor.
Its Graduates enter any College,
or university. Boolai and Ath
letic advantages. Military lrll.
1 For Boys of e) to IT Year. Old.
U a. Ira tad eslalogus seat on applteen.ii ta
Rada , Wisconsin. f
Lores. Ofnce Purchasing Commissary, u.
S. Army, Omaha. Neb., July 14, 1Du3. Scaled
nrinnaala. lubltct to the usual conditions.
will be received st this office until 10 o'clock
a. m., July ti. 19f4. at which time and place
they will be pubilcly openrd ror furnishing
subsistence stores as follows: Bacon, sugar.
establish him In what the legion maintains
Is Ills nroper place In American hiatorr.
Chsrles F. Pldvin. correspondent in chief
at Boston, presided si tne business session
at which steps were taken to issue the
Aaron Burr memorial book. Afterward
GIBBON. Neb., July 15.-(Bpeclal.)-Rye the members of the lglon visited the aite to a aecuion of the state .upreme court
ta mostly In hock. farmer, are busy cut- I Burr bornT and also the Klrat Praat.v man U under moral but not legal obllga
Ing wheat, but oats will not be ready to IVrlun church, of which his fsther was 1 tlons to support his plural wive, and edu-
eut until last of this month. Corn needs I Pf. ,r l lI.,1l"nv or .ioa I cate his children by such union..
neadauun. made Maria Maoaioito. I tadly. aad farmers hava I L V. in Land w here hturw diad. I Tb. dccUlon waa rendered on aa appeal
canned goods, etc.
M.r.rMt.a will v aiuM
ta articles of domeetlc production. Blank
proposals and .pcllV-.tlun. can be obtained
at this oftica W. H. BEAN. Purchasing
A superior scuuol nl JUualo, Krauia.
I.anruages. Under direct supervision of
nuuua it. niwrwoou, ine grrat American
Pianist. Leading Musiclaus and Artists in
all department..
WlWam H. Sliaraml V. .ltcr S,T
Arthur Bre.f tA Mn. Cie.lev ClatS.Wll.os
Mn Sfurcy WIIHima Daniel ft-Mmt
Ailolph RoMnhkar Win. Apnudoc
Komimi li. Col. Mm. IU. ber.n. iklioai of Dnia.
For neatly Illustrated booklet write
101)15 tVAti. i(w, m Wkhirn Art . Cnlcaro
t'OK VAUlhM.
natratr. Ths Collrse-a VnlTerelty traliwd family.
Oariuan-Amwiias t'oiverratory, ni.nneU by apri.liu.
R frolMMl-llurM, kkl, l-arl.lB.s
ta4. lUkm. lhaau, H.raa4af, Clara. Jrur
sauOarua, addraM
JOHH r MILLION, rimamt,
Vo. it ('uum.l'lae., M.ii.,Ma,
ruplla hraw U suits. M uwcbri. Iluiw....
tits IibIIwI l. lOu. Vot, aalaot. a..rirUilB( w Ua
lakaat . erS.r. Kmoshb.. s.d kr kMSlug aw til V.
a IMS lor ktautilvl e.
R.t. S. r. CABgLU Prasl.
Win!worth Military Acadimy
Oldest and UntNt mUltary tcbool In MU
d WtM. UuvornuM-nt sHiist-rvitUoa and
qulpiisnt Army ofltr 1rMailt,
. a. sVlrasn te4 W.M.a, Wri4..UJMs-u.
tVk yesr. fireproof ballillnra. Modern eanlpmeat. lellgbtful locstloa. Number limited,
fctrong laesltir. Iiuxongk sslliiary and academic departmeats. Local tetareacss.
OU A. M, ACklOS. A. M.. lubi.