iL THE OMAItA DAILY IlEF: MONDAY, JULY 13. 11)03. SPECIAL NOTICES Will k liliia amlll 1 tt tmm Ikl I - R A.. ...a ..hi t in . f I tor. 2nth.and St. Ma aaitton ana III 8 so p. m. I modern, shade, lawn. II a? '"J. r mon. I2.V4 pt. Mary a Ave., fi I f Rntea, 1 l-a a nrst Insertion, 1914 Locut St., 9 Tt I T 1 a ward thereafter. Nothing; takes I lawn ami shade, $27. i - n - .. . A . I n 1 n (jn sin, a Ilea. Tars avertlseseats ntnst ran conaeeatlvely. Anvortlsers, by reajaoatlnat a nam bar ehek, cat have win ait' aresaea ta a aambrrra letter la para t The Be. Answers a aadreesen will ba ttellveran aa presentation at tba haek ablr. SITUATIONS WANTED. J WANTED I ager In a WANTED A position aa clerk or man- ager In a hotel or restaurant; have had dealred. Aifilnu It 90 H I A-M401 10X A TOUNO lady with good recommendation desires a position aa teacher of tha Ger man language In home or school. Ad dres box 446, Blair, Neb. A M9S6 Ux WANTED MAX, B BELT. 1 THE BUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, yet it Is not too lata to antar. Every day Is enrollment day. I Business, shorthand, typewriting, Eng- 11 h. Oet a cataiogua. ... H. B. BOYLES. President TeL 1S4. N. Y. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. B 16 te SCHOOL teachers for summer work at good salaries. Bee Manager, 600 Wars Bik. B 169 TRAVELING MEN. visiting the grocery and drug trade, wanted to aell "Nave lade" as a side line; good commission psld. W H. Clements, 819 B. 11th St., Umalia, Nab. WANTED, a capable man who can do first-class work and manage steam laun dry; doing good business; good salary with privilege of buying. Roy Pr"r. Broken Bow. Neb. B-M392 19 WANTED Good all round blacksmiths. Addrese H 8, Bee. B-8&8 WANTED Oood all round boiler makers who are also acquainted with locomotive work atate aXDerlenoe and wages pected, Addresa H 96, Bee. TEAfyWaromcrof Li SSVrS Evarett M Pearl street. Council Bltins. B M421 Ux WANTED A sober, industrious printer to work In country office; 110 a week; Pr- I manent situation; young man preierreo. Addresa Monitor, Bioomueiu, ., . , B M404 14jc . WANTED 2S men for Ice work. Apply I at ice barn. 14th and Nicholas. B M420 16 found combined w&MTlcn A rood, all tinner and plumber; must ba an Al man and strictly sober; steady work year T?A: iJ?2J2lS VowIrt ' Oott rled man Preferred. Fowler ftGottl Ponca City. Okl. r . B M432 17 WANTED Men everywhere;-good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack , -ela-na, etn. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B-M427 lx AN old-astabUshed firm desires to engage tha services of a wideawake solicitor or salesman to represent tnem in eacn ooun ty. Prefer those who va been ueos- ful In working out in the country and 05 good Inootne. Address, giving past . ex. parienoa anc) references, II 44, IRee. WANTED A . good ttrifar Ana w no has Jnjr goods In the country and on the rural routea. Wjll glva a competent ana expen anced person a permanent position at 130 a. week and expenses. Address, H. 23, Bea. B M.9U lax WANTED Men to learn barber trade; growing demand for graduates; can earn nearly all 'expenses before completing: tew weeks required by our method of rraotloe. Writ today. Molar Barber CoU lege. iaoa Douglas Bt B-M849 17x WANTED A single man to work about bouse ana nam. ppiy at wui-b i i'i ard Everett U Pearl St., Counail Bluffa C JML.IX U3L WANTED A stoat bey to take care of or1Icc TndlTir goods. Apply at 1818 Farnam St. B M9R4 13 at 1818 Farnam WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Glr la. Call Canadian offloo, 16th Dodge. AU4 LADIES can make tram $76.00 to 8100.00 per month aelling our aults, walking skirts, corsets, etc; no experience required; can devota part or all of your time. Write for particular and outfit National Cor- ,et iri -o, -"-"cM401 jj WANTED, an experienced second girl; I good wages. ZHi. iiowara.- j min AN EXPERIENCED demonstrator wanted who can place a demonstration for a 4irt annsorter and waist former in one ot the leading department stores: good salary; atate articles previously demon strated. Address Spencer at Boedefeld, Adam. Bid,.. Ban jTancuKa WANTED, girl ta do general housework In small famll Mr. Blmaral. 976 North 28th Ava. C 842 WANTED, competent girl to do plain houseworki $6 per week. 4929 Davenport Take Farnam car. v u WANTED, at once, girl for general house work; wages C 10 a lur vuuipciem cook. m South 88th ava. . C-M362 WANTED Housekeeper In family of four adults; reference required. Address It Si Bea. . C M378. LADIES learn halrdreaelng, manicuring or facial massage. Yeers saved by our method. Our diploma help graduate to DEPARTMENT store wishes thoroughly competent, experienced cloak and suit snlMSladles; good salaries to right par ties. Address box H 60, Bee. C-M941 14x WANTED, a good air! for general house work; small family. Apply 3128 Cass St O MIM7 lx FOR RENT UOUSES. t ir rr 11 till rtsi rta rsf tfib r4t v R iiUUOCO C. Petera & Co.. Bee Bldii! D lis FOR RENT. 7-roora house, all modern ex cept furnace, ! N. 80th st, IM. C. M. Uachnmii, 430-37 Paxton bik. D 348 LI rl 1 C C C In all parts of tbe city. The O. HUU3tO f, Davis Co., 608 Bea Bldg. D ltd PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO. Choice houaea aul-603 New York Life ildg. Phone Mill. D-e(M WE MOVE pianos. Ma guard Van A Stor age CO. Tel. 1496. Ortice. 1713 Webster Bt U OOA ONE of tha fine, all modern, 7-mom brick houses. 29th and Iiard U., 8JU. O. E. Turklngton, 606 Bee. D M224 CENTRAL, 1st -class T-roora house, 230 N. 83 D M4H FOR HKNT. ten-room modern house near High school. No. 413 North tli street, in quire next door or at 419 N. Y. Life build Ing. J D 8J6 FOR RENT. I-rom modern house and barn. 18 Bin- ny street i.w I Aw , ' fc. n, , . A mnA hum 1 mooenr nouse ana urn. za Bouth 'th street 20. tt THOMAS BRENNAN. 309 S. 13th St. B 400 15 1.00 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Stoi age Co., oflioe 1611S Farnam, or Tela 1S6 8.4. D 168 TWO 8-room houses, all modern. US 00. C. M. Bschmann, 436-87 Paxton block. D M7 HOUSES. Uauranee. King wait. Barker bik. u it I ROOM cottaga 3ut Franklin Bt D-S69 BT. MART 8 AVE rooms, stric ly modarn, 4-0; 114 N. Uth. $ roams, modern, tu; a 1 1 pi. siary s Ave., u rooma, mou. ern, lui. Othera Ring wait Bn., Barker btouk. i MSMi U FOR RENT IIOISES. TKN-ROOM brick. 111 N. !th St I gas, bath, furnace, laundry. Not bnsenient plan. D 18 17s noon houses for rent. ry 1 Ave., I rooms. 1.T6 on. -r.. modern, I27.BO. rooms, modern, large 60. HAM frit.. ..Tiii. o ivfi.iiin, ci". w, M7 Bo. 22d, 7 rooms, $ W Sewnrd, 7-r.. bath, $18.00. 8.119 Dewey Ave., 6 rooms, 110.00. 1214 80. 17th. 6 rooms, $10 "0. O A R V I N BROS.. Coml Nat. Hank Bldg., 1604 Farnam St I FOR RENT FIRSISHED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel, 18th and Farnam. I HI 10 1 ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th ft Chicago. B-4.1 L. At. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E 172 iff ,? J? 7ek u422 8' 18,h BuV' ,.n E 178 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; uenuemen preferred. 149 M. Jftn. E 207 CENTER hotel, European plan; south cool ruuine, to st per week. 210 IM. liin HI. Tel. B-2647. E 782 20 NICE cool rooms, 118 Bo. jOth. $6 up. Di B-n ZD THREE large, cool, elegantly furnished rooms, all rVwU.rn inchiiin telephone: suitable for light housekeeping. lit So. 26th St. 'Phone, B-2650. E M TI I O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E--MS I FRONT and other desirable rooms, bath. cool and central, for gentleman. 1017 vass au E M807 at AETNA HOUSE. European. 13th Dodge. Kinv Hotel Hubbel, 13th St Howard; 'phone 2m. I t NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 o. una. cj ,i I FOR RENT, large, cool room. Are. 1K0 Capitol & tits uz NICE rooms, modern. 2680 Harney. K M98 1K FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. THE FARNAM, Uth Farnam. F 174 36TH AVE.; private family, F-178 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without I board: day board Or meal . tickets: rea sonable. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago Bin. f 177 THE KENWOOD 2818 Farnam Street Phone 9043. . F-MS23 ?5iS?.?i.lia!?IvJlfSl,-.C0Ji'-J'00mt I kvuu uvea 1 v iwwg iwwiuuauiv. aain'j iiirjoia 1 tickets. , r WS40 17 FOR RENT Single and double room with flrst cIaJU board. modern conveniences; ,ose t car Une w)thln walkln(t ai8. tance; rates reasonable. 2616 Davenport t ifVMMi Ui I DESIRABLE rooms at the Pratt, 212 a 25th Ave. F M145 27 . I FURNITURE PACKING. PETERSON A LUNDBERG. 116 Bo. 17th. T,i H-63S FOR RENTSTORES AND OFFICES. IFOR RENT, the building formerly occu- I Wed by The Bee at 916 Farnam St It ha. four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee cress room. This will be rented very reasonably. If I Interested aDDlv at omce 01 O. U. K08. I water, secretary, room 100, Bea building, ui 1 FOR RENT, building suitable lor whole- I sale purpoaea at via samara, uw, lour 1 stories and ftrst-class cemented basement ,(0 1.1.1) ' - V.. . ' I omce counter ana ns-iures. f w price tsu particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sea- retary tha Baa Building Co.. room 100, Bea 1 building. I MS67 f AGENTS WANTED. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LI POPE LEO XIII; written with couragement, approbaUon and LIFE OF tha en blessing of his holiness, by Mgr. Bernard O'Reilly, D. D.. LI p.. Who lor eight years lived Ill l J IV IILPU " WIUOL.U IICI.k, ill the pope. This distinguished American author wag summoned to Home and ap pointed by tn a pope as nis oinciai Diog- raDber: approved and recognised by Car dinal Gibbons and all church authorities aa the only official biography of the pope; over 800 pages, magnitlcently illustrated; unparalled opportunity for agents; best commission; elegant outnt free. Send 16 oenta for postage. Tha John C. Winston Co., szs xTearborn bu. Chicago, ill, J-MUO Kx wahilu, canvassing agents in ever county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTUSY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In- come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily tu to two per month. Ad dreaa Century Farmer Solicitor' Bureau, nam DUiiaing, unau. 4 213 AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pop ieo AJ.ii. wrmen wnn me encourage ment, approbation and blessing of HI Holiness. the Pope, by Monalgnor Ber nard O Remy. raxton Bldg. J-M364 AGENTS Our pneumatic coat and hat hook (no nails or screws) still leads: get circular. U. 8. Novelty Supply Co.. P. O. Box 173, New York. . j-ayj x THx? ONLY authorised memorial life of Pop. Leo XIII. Beautifully Illustrated with colored art plates of rarest value. Approve.1 and recognised by arohblshops and bishops. Unparalleled opportunity for agenta Largest commission. Elegant AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.i Omh; outnt free. Bend z centa ror postage. WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG man wants small room with pleas ant family; walking distance of Bee Bldg. Adfiress M m, nee omce. ijx FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. SOIU New and second-hand bought, sold. exi-nangea. uimi I FOR SALE HORSES, WAGQNS. ' ETC, HAVE your rubber tires set while you wait H. Frost 14 ta ana Leavenworth. P lsl MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N, 16ih st P M801 OOCin. aound 1300-lb. 7-vear-old horae. 1417 VI tit on. P MS18 13x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and 2d-hand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. Q 186 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, U19 Farnam. 4 ibt FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile, In first-class snaps, at one-nau price, call or address iui r arnam su w M4 FOR SALE Kmpty ink barrels. 28 cents each, large, wen maoe Darreia, mans nrat class a-artmge recepiacies. ir rea luunti. foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M431 INDIAN xood and relic. 1119 Farnam. Q 188 FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress -'Bupenmenani oc Building, Omaha. " y Ag.tff PHOTOGRAPH CAR lor I Rose Art store. . ' sale. Apply Q 1S3 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel ll. Western Alienor f ence Co., ua N. 17th st Q 1S4 CATALOGUE cut drug price free. 8her man at Mctonnell Drug Co.. Omaha. U 188 FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can I be uiiH eitner passenger or Ircignt; com plete, iron guide pusta, cage and wire en- c'.osurea t. u. uruaou at noua Q-6B8 1$ DIAMONDS. $ karat each, at a bargain. U J, G4U Be. Q v4 Ug BEE WANT BECAUSE THEY FOR MISCKl.LAHKOt. FOR SALE 1,600 feet ol second hand H wire rope, in gooa condition. Arpiv to or address "Superintendent of Bee Build. Ins, Omaha." Q M76t TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; chicken fence; oak piling. 901 Douglas. . w 18 NO. REMINGTON Typewriter, nearly new. i.ui novtra. U-MJ1I lax eono - LB BTORB p!! f ondlt loti 1; also la atform scale In (rood area four-wheel store truck. 1207 Howard. U M918 13x WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Baml Burns. W M34 All MISCELLANEOUS. HAMBLETONIAN stallion, Bannockburn. the largest and fastest horse In Omaha, sired by a grandson, dam a granddaugh ter of Hambletonlan 10: win atand 7.-.. stock at 4021 N. 16th st Adam Thomson. K AUtaT CLAIR YOYNTS. X7aZ r.BDio " ' , ' . , ' MR: CARRIE 8MITH, SOVEREIGN h.,iir..HLlLl!-N of clairvoyants; every ' ----' W'lUi W.U. Pt4k lafactlon or no pay. M N. 18th. 8 1W miuthj r nrori-n ! ., : , . MMB. LiUCRETIA, medium, 1709 California. B-m A4 ELECTRICAL THSATMBNT. ORACH O'ERTAN, Baths. 720 a Uth. T M699 MMB, SMITH, baths, 11J N. 14, 2d floor, r t EMOZJNB SHEPARD. massage and va. . tuwisianu eecona noor. wa 1 M348 A MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and ...l - conoi ruDDing. J. 16th, flat E. T M26S ai MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St.. front rooms; I tub bath; first-class attendant. ' T M411 AI PERSONAL. DR. ROT. chirODodist: corns and siin.rn.. uui iiair nmuvia aj eieomoiLy. l. 2 and e, louo caxiuun ar. . u 191 ELITE PARLORS, OS 8. 16th at, Id floor. U-J93 VIAVL a wholesome nerve and tlssua food -ii uvut9 uHimeni xor ouiorders ' Of women. Free booklet Viavi Co., 848 Bea u. U 193 a??miT2i' IT CURES. tU-196 o as - r PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 Ut Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U-196 ' . C. EDEREB, Bristol Bt florist Tel. 1796. U 17 CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial, nygieno ana special massage taugnt and practiced, a. aiayer, du uee mag. con- U lag WE RENT sewing machines. 76o per week; we repair and sell parta for all msk of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., oor. utn ana uamey sia. 'f none issn. u MbW Jyll wANTKn BOO ladles ta visit our Garment WCutting boUege t? it." work InSs. test lt. merita by taking one lesson free. Room 627 Paxton block, corner IStb and Farnam Bts. u canti Vi private hospital before and during con nnement: bame Doaraea ana aaontea. lLfra CarAaim KM l.W Tl Reit-llUil , M284 1 , ... TELEPHONE 780 for O. M, B. messengers. t . U 0JJ ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Scannell, agent, 609 Ware biocic. tT M387 2 830 WE ' CURB RUPTURE FOR' 830 No detention iroro uuwuwii u.vuw uwrai patients; send for booklet eto. Emplra Rupture Co.. New York Ufa bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-198V I prtvitp! Santltarium fer fadlss before Dr. and Mrs. B'na aarIn(r confinement. Gerisch. 8628 California 6t .Terms reason able. U-6S1 Jy. PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnement; Deet meaicai cars nu nutmui, Mra L. Fisher, 1601 Vinton. Tel. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loan and warrant. W, i arnam uumu - W 201 wlUTirn cltr and farm loans; also bonds WA?Tit?'rtiS. B. cf Peters & Co.. 1702 1 .?nam Bt Be Bldg. W-202 Farnam St.. Be Bldg. riati and city loans: low rsies. w . r.. FARM anq "ij . ,(M Thomas, r uri " -i PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. T. Llfa 1 "rn ip C. money. Berni. Paxton block FIVE PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros.. 1604 Farnam. " - triv ATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglaa r W-207 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. r? A CV TO GET CMJ I TO PAY . . .... . v. w loan on rurnlture. Pianoa, warehouse without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service I quick end confidential and we always try fo please All that w ask I that you glv u a call before you borrow elsewhere. . OMAHA Munivinwu ' -11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 306 Bo. lsth Bt DO YOU NEED MONEYT MONEY TO LOAN ON mpvrrT'Bli! AND SALARIES. sift isno loaned on FURNITURE. PIANOS, etc.. and to SALARIED PkJOPLE at very low rate and for any lengm oi 11m. without publicity or moving the prop erty. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our term ftKIJANCE CREDIT CO.. Room 308. PaxtenBlOck. - Room 808, X 210 BAT. ART IIAN8 UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., i-axron pioca, sa noor. JL ifllf CHATTEU uUry and 3ewery loana Foley Loan Co.. sue. to D. Oreen, It 8, Barker bk. A. Zitt MONEY loaned on plain note to aalarled people; business confidential; lowest ratea 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co, , X 118 MONEY I To salaried emDloves and waae earners: Get our system of loans that gels you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman. machinist, engineer, etc, having reliable employment can get. Just on nis note: Hal f- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly 100 Return to us... $-. 66 or-$19.36 or $4 66 60 Return to us... 13 33 or 4 66 or $ 36 I 16 Return to us... 6 66 or 8 83 or 166 : 1K n.iurn to us... 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 I trMioat i.rmt lowest rat&a confidential. I No inquiries. Quick servlcs. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 844 PAXTON BLR. MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, J elry. horse, cow, etc. j. r . neea, us a ia X-214 MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, DA lA rvi r.a, LIU, Low ratea and easy ta Business Confidential. Try us If you want to, save money. num.-vi v rnrnrT rn I 83$ Paxton Block. Uth and Farnam St 3L-UX ADS PAY BEST REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. MONFT TO LOAN CHATTELS. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etcx without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade1 BIdg. Bl'SISF.SS CHANCES. FOR BALE, by administrator, good clean stork of general merchandise In good brick building In good location, ready to beffln busmen" at any time; Invoice ' about 8A,ono; must be sold soon. (Jail on or ntldress 8. W. Chambers, administrator, Blair, Neb. T M 971 FOR SALE or rent, butcher shop with full equipment of tools, Ice box, blocks, etc. All new. Fred Feyerhern, Stanton, Neb. Y-M 970 18x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, are J. H. Johnson, 80. N. Y. Life. . Y 217 V'E CAN sell your real estate or business wnerever located; we inroimorate and float stock romps nles; write us. Horatio Gilbert A Co., Elllcott aq., Buffalo. Y M408 1 FOR SALE A small stock of drugs In ranxiin county. -1 nis is an. al opening for a physician. 'Address H 40, Bee. Y M406 19x WANTED to buy restaurant or small hotel. Aaaresa py mall only it. 19. Bt. James hotel. Y M412 12x FOR BALE Drug stock and fixtures; In central part of state: county seat town; fopulatlon about 1,200; best location In own; reasonable rent; good prescription trade; good crops; one other drug store; a first-class location; a Jeweler in connec tion: good reason for aelling. Write for particulars. Shinier & Chase. Bee Bldg. ' Y M 9091 4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 4-ROOM house, half -acre lot, for sale. 9616 Btnney BL kis M94S Ux 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from Sostoflloe for sale cheap. 108 N. J 5th. enewa A Co. RE 220 40 ACRES ituprovod, Sarpy Co. Addresa Or IL Bea. RE M372 Mx W. C. CHISSELL, 832 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' ' RE M368 A7 HOUSE8 and lots In all parts of rlty; also acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 608. Bea Bldg. RE 221 t-ROOM modern house and barn and full lot In Kountxe Place. Street paved, spe cial taxes paid. Hot water heating plant. Only 83.600. , -' ; , THOMAS BRENNAN. , I ' ' '" "" 809 So. 13th St RE M360 14 WILLIAMSON Faraslreel' - - RE 218 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the union racine Kaiiroaa company. B. A. jvicAiiester,. tana commissioner union la clflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 219 " 1 ' 1 ACCORDEON PLE'ATINO. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglaa block. M 772 , BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLE88, worth 25c; closing It out at 18c H. a Mann, R. 17, Com. Nafl Bank. 736 21 BALE TIES. ' OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. R. RUMBEL A SON. only tie factory In the state. Trv us. llth . and Nicholas. Te.-F38! . M 788 28 CARPENTERS ANp JOINERS. ALI kind of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake streets. 870 CARPET. CLEANING. A. K. JETT call for carpets. Tel. A-8302. ' ' ' ' M296 Al CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. pIERSON. 20th and Burt Tel. L-tm 618 .11 DENTISTS. C. H. PAUL, removed to residence. 202a Burt Tel. F-2768. -225 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. - v 237 .DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. n-ifoa. r:a EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. Rathbun, room 15, Com'l Nat Bank. 827 FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -228 L. HENDERSON, florist 1416 Farnam St 329 FURNITURE PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tigntenea. Tel. B-2076. 1706 St Mary's Avs. '253 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. oleaai cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 280 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. TeL 1636. J31 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN A PRICE. 28 U. a N'l B'k. bid. . . 234 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor V Y Life Bldg., attorneys od collectors every. wnera. 2J5 MACFARLAND A MAT, New York Life mag., room got. pnone uu. J3s LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, Uth A Howard 233 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, ate, 3u9 N. ltith. Tel. W74. 7X1 MUSICAL, THOa J. KELLY, voice. Davidge Block. 869 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 816 Ramga bik.; summer term. Apply r. li. Wright Y T ("I T.l ...... T lA. ,,M aa. u. ja.., iiib,i,. . iiuiia nvi. M2S2 16 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON. osteoDstha Suite 616, New York Ufa Bldg.. Tel. IwA 239 Tha Hunt Infirmary, McCagua Bldg. T. 2302. 240 Atxen A Farwell. Paxton Bik-. 604-7. T. UtA. M241 DR9. FINCH A MILLER. 124 B. 26th Bt. -481 Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 McCagua Tel. 2363. . 2b4 PATENT. H J. COWGILL No fee unless successful U . UU BU, omana. ?L 179$ 341 PAWNBROKERS. EAOLE Iioan Omce, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confldentlsl. 1301 Douglaa til H(Q MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. Tel. 20SS. I 143 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgs Bid. 247 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. PhUbln. 1606 rarnam. tiiom 4. M SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S sohooL 717 N. Y. Ufa. 241 NEB. Business a- Shorthand College. Bovd'a Theater. z STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co.. 1611H Farn. Tela. 1S69-KI. TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. B. Tel. 70 jni When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that you saw trie aa in 'i ne , POSTOFFICE NOTICE. fflhmiM ba read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). PViroiorn malls for the week ending July 18, 1903, will close (PROMPTLY tn all cases) at tne general poeionioe m iuhuw.. i cel-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time shown below (except that sup nlnmentarv malls for Europe and Celitral America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Btauonj. Traasatlantlo Malls. TIIERDAT At 3i30 a. m. for ITALY direct per s. a. Citta dl Napoll (mail must be directed "per a a Cltta dl Napoll"). WEDNESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for EUROPE, . per s. s. Philadelphia, via Southampton; at :ov a. in. iur iix,inc.nuAiiio n rn, Per b. b. Noordam (mall must be directed per s. s. Noordam1'); at 8:30 a. m. (sup plementary 10 a. m.) i for EUROPE, per B. s. tier manic, via wueensiowu; at s.ju a, m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Llgurta (mall must be directed "per s. s. Llg- uria"). THURSDAY At 8.30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. b. F. Bismarck, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France, BWitseriana, itaiy, spain, i-ort-ugal, Turkey. Egypt. Greece, British In dia and Lorenso Marques must be di rected "per s. s. F. Bismarck"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ, per s. s. La Iiorralne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Lorraine"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. suplementary a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Ejtruna, vla Queenstown; at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct- per s. a Finland (mall must be directed per s. s. Finland"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct per a. s. Hohen sollem (malt must be directed "per s. s. Hohensoller.V ); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOT- AiANU dire'. , per a s. utmopa tmaii j must ba directed "per e. a. Ethlopa"); at' 11 a. m. td" DENMARK direct, per . s. Island (mii must be directed "per a B. laiand"). ,T PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This, steamer J takes Printed Matter, commercial r . per?, and Camples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other part of Europe will not be sent by thfti ship unless sneclallv directed by her. - After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on ' the piers of the American, English, French ana uermntl steamers, ana remain open until within Ten Minute of the hour of sailing of steamer. i Malls for Soatk mm Central America, West Indies, Ete. SUNDAY At $ a. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a s. Benedict via para and Wanaoa. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMUKlUA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per a. s. Beguranca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must ba di rected "dot a. s. Seguaranca ". WEDNESDAY At 9:) a. m. (supplemen tary io:.w a. m.)-iur i.xauua, riAi 1 1 and SANTA MARTA, per s. . Alleghany (mall (or Hsvanllla must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. . New York. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a S. Vlgilancla (mall for Mexico, via progreso, Campeche and Vera Crux must be di rected "per s, s. Vlgilancla"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. TJomo, via Pro- 11:30 p. m. for nkwfounulanij, per a. a Cttv of Bombay, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Matanzas, via Tamplco (mail must be di rected "per a. s. Matanzas"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for INAGUA and HAYTI. per s. s. Flandrla; at 1 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per a. s. Captain Bennett, from Boston (mall for other parts- of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per s. s. Captain Ben nett"); at 6:30 p. va. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Vancouver, from Boston. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. S. Rosalind; at 8 a. m. tor BERMUDA, per s. a Trinidad; at 8:80 a. ra. (supplementary 9: a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per S. s. Maracaibo (mall for Savanllla and Car tagena must be directed "per s. s. Ma racaibo"); at t a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. s. Ponce; at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Carl fa bee (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Carlbbee"); at 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8AV ANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. a. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Va lencia"); at 10 a m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for AR GENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a b. Trojan Princa Mall Forwarded Overland, Eto., Ex cept Trsaspaclfle. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes al this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (th connecting mans close nere on monaaya, Wedneadava and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch bv steamer, closes at this office dail. except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. .Sundays at 1 p. m, and 11 :30 D. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this oflic daily at 4:30 p. m. tconnecling mail close hers every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 6:80 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at RELI&E? PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATB MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 11:90 p. m. and ll i0 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 111 JM p. m. (connecting iuiu tium uere jnon cSmvs at 111:30 D. m COBTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, cloaea at this office daily, except Sunday, at 11.30 p. m. and 11:0 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. sz and 111:30 S. m. (conaecting man ciosea ner Tua aya at 111:90 p. in.) IReglatered mall cloaea at p. ra. pre vious osy. Traasparlae Malta. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI IHLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver aud Victoria, tt. i niuea bar greso (mail must be airecieu -per s. s. TJomo"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:80 p. m.) for BAHAMAS. UUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, ner s. 8. Seneca: at roSTOFFICB NOTICR. dally at (:90 p. m. up to July llftih. In clusive, for despatch per a. a. M lower. HAWAII, CHINA, JAPAN snd IHIL1P P1NE 1RLAMS, via Snn Frantlsro. rlos here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to Juiy llsth, Itiduslve, for ilospatch per s. a. Ivwlc. CHINA snd JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dully st 6:1) p. m. up to July llfclh, Inclusive, for deevetch per a. s. Lyra. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dully at t..V p. m. up to July l-ith, in elusive, for deanntrh fer a. a. Alameda. CHINA, and JAl'AN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close hers daily at t.M p. m. up to July 2lst. Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Empress of India. (Mer chandise tor II. 8. Postal Agenry at Shanghai cannot ba forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and especially aauressea man ior me fHiLippiNM ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 P. m. up to July Mth. In clusive, for despatch per a a. Nippon Maru. PHlLIPtHNE ISLANDS, vis Ban Fran cisco, close here dally at f :80 p. m. up to July 27th, tnciuslva, for despatch per U. 8. 'rransport CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close hers dally at 6:80 p. m. up to July 28th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Olympla. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJL SA MOA, and HAWAII, via Ban Fkanolsoo, close hero daily at 6:30 p. m. up to Au gust fist. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Ventura. (If tha Cunard steamer car rying tha British-mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to conneot with this despatch extra, malls closing at li&O a. m. 9:M a. m. and : p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a.- m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until tha ar rival of the Cunard steamer ! TAHITI snd MARQUESAS ISLANDS, Via md crancisco, cioea nera aaiiy at s:su S. m. up to August -iOth. Inclusive, for espatch per a. a. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addreased. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe, slid New Zealand and Philippines via Ban Fran cisco tha qutokast routea. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe'1 must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. . Hawaii la forwarded via Ban Francisco exclusively. Transpaclflo mails are forwarded to port Of Bailing dally and the schedule of closing Is srranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes st 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN OOTT, Postmaster. Postoftloa, New Yara, N. T., July 10, 1908. LEGAL NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SITE AND DONA TIONS FOR A NEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, , In accordance with House Roll No. 1, a bill for an act to locate and establish one u; aaaitionai state normal school, and to provide ror tn erection of buildings, pay ment maintenance- and r.lvln. donatlnna for th same, th, Board of Education of tne state normal school hereby solicit pro posals for donations to the state of a sult- e-Die site for an additional state normal school, but said proposed site must Include a suitable trsct of fcnd not -less than twenty (20) acre In extent, said land to be worth at least seventy-five ($76) dollar per acre, and said location of site for said school must ba - west of a nnlnt not ex ceeding Ave miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian. Bald donations or proposed do nations for a Site' may Include a building or buildings, and uch proposals may also Include donationa of money or duly regis tered municipal bonds to the state for the Use and benefit rt anrh normal arhnnl. - All such proposals shall be in writing and transmitted to the secretary of said board In sealed envelopes, which shall be opened In the presence of said board on Tuesday, July 28, 1W3, t 2 o'clock p. m.. In the office of the superintendent of public In struction In the capttol building at Lincoln. Nebraska, "and tne properties mentioned In. said proposals shall be examined and Investigated by said board and the sdr vantages and dlssdvantages of said pro posed site shall be ' considered, snd said board , In accepting- or rejecting any pro posal shall take Into consideration tha lo cation of such proposed site, the character and value of the same, the character and value of the building or buildings thereon. If any. whether such buildings thereon sre proposed to be donated or sold to the state, or to be partly donated and partly sold, the amount of money. If any, proposed to be donated or the value of any bonds ac companying such proposal, and may accept such proposed donation and locate such normal school upon such Bite which. In the judgment of such board under . all the facts and circumstances, may appear to be for the best Interests of the stats In th premises." By order of the Board Of Directors of the tate normal schools, . WILLIAM K. FOWLER, , Secretary Board of 'Education, Superln . tendeht of Public Instruction, 1 GEORGE ROGERS , "President Board of Education. Lincoln, Neb., July 19, 1903. - - Jy lid 14tm NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Lands-and Buildings at the office of secretary,. of state for the erection of a brick Public Comfort and Water Closet Building at the State Fair grounds. Plana and speclneatlons ef same ara on file at the office of secretary of state. Bids nrust be In th hands of the secretary of state by 12 o'clock noon. Monday. July 20th. Th board reserves the right to reject any' and all bids. All bid must be accompanied by certified check for $600, payable to the secretary of state, to be forfeited to the state In case successful bidder - tails within five days after the award of such contract to enter into contract and bonds for the faithful performance of such contract. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of Board. Julr e-10-11-13-18-14-15-16-17-18 " i i 1 . i i ii 'i GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTINQ QUARTER master, Observatory Office building. Das Moines, Iowa, June H. 1903. Sealed pro posals In triplicate, will be received here until 2 n. m.. July IS. 1903. for construction. plumbing,. heatlns gas-piping and electric wiring, at Fort .De Mulnes, Iowa, of 1 commanding omcer a gunners, i neia o Hi rer's quarters, 1 bachelor ofneers quarters, 1 double sets captain's- quarters, 1 double set noncommissioned omcers quarters, i double sets cavalry barracks, 1 band bar racks, 4 cavalry stables,' 8 cavalry black smith Shops. 4 double cavalry stable guard houses and 1 quartermaster' shop. In. formation furnished on application here, or at depot quartermaster a omces in cnicago, 111., and Omaha, Neb. U S. reserves right to accent Or reject any or all proposals or parts thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed "Proposals for , aaumacu ,maj"r x,. i unior, Q. M. J15-i-17-l$Jyl8-14 IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTH AND MARCY. Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:60 pm The Fast Mall a 8:26 pm California Expreaa a 4:20 pm Pacific J- x press au:su pm Eastern Express......... a 8:80 nm Th Atlantic Express... a 7:30 am The Colorado special... a 7:10 ara a 8:40 am Chicago Special. a 8:40 am Llr.coln, Beatrice ; and Stromsburg Express.. b 4:00 pm bl2:50 pm North Plstta Local a 8-OA am a 6-15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 om b 9:35 am Chicago. Mllwanken A St. Pnnl. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:18 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a $ 05 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express.... 7:46 mm $:40 pm Chicago A Nertkwestern. ' "The Northwestern Line." Past Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mull a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City a 8:10 am a 1:30 Dm Daylight St. Paul. a t:ao am aiu:zo pm uayugnt cnioago Local Chicago ......... Local Cedar Rapid... Limited Chicago ...... Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast Bt. Paul ,.a 8:00 am all:10 pm ,.all:30 am a 6:10 pm . 6:10 pm ..a 8:16 pm a 9:16 am ..a 4:00 lira - 9:60 am ,.a 6:60 pm a $.46 pm ..a pm a $:16 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pra b 9:60 am Norfolk A Bonesteal....a 7:24 ara al0 S5 am Lincoln A Long Pine....b T.J am bl0:26 am Chicago, Rock. Island A Paelne. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't -l a 6:00 ara a 8:46 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7A0 am a 1:36 pm Chicago Express bll26am a 6:35 pm Dea Molnea Express.. ..a 4 0 pin bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 66 pm a 1:26 pa WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 4:60 pm a 166 am Lincoln, Colo, springs, Denver. Pueblw and Wast a IM pm m 1:00 pm Colo.. Texas. CaL an Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm aU.40 pa Wabash. ' St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ' Expreaa a 9:56 pm a 8:80 am Bt. Louis Liocat ajoua- cU Biuff ,.. 106 am al040 pm Mlssonr PnelBa. - Bt Louis Express slO 09 m a 6:26 pre K. C. A Bt U t. aUOO put $o am AILWAY TIME CARD Tea Heard. Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis bl Paul Limited a i:m pm a 8:06 era Minneapolis A St Paul Express b 7:86 am blO:J6 pm Chicago Local 10.3a am Chicago Express al0:36 am WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH A WEBSTER. Chiracs, Bt. Pat Minneapolis A Omnhn. Leave, Arrive. Twin City passenger.. .n am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm all:S0 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 6:46 am Missouri raclSe. Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:85 ara Cklengo A Nartnweatern, Nekraaka ana Wyoming; Division. Black HlUa Dead wood. Lead, Hot Springs a $.09 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglaa d $;00 pm 640 pm Hastings, York. David C Ity, oupenor, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b BURLINGTON STATION 14VTH A MAfO t Barllagtan A Mlaaanrl River. Leava Arriva Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a $:60 am bll:0 pro Nebraska Expreaa a 6 AO ara a I '46 pra Denver LirakeC a 4:10 pm n 8:46 am Black Hill and Puget Sound Expreaa all JO pm a 1:10 pra Colorado Vestibule Flyet e $19 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:62 pm 1:08 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth b 3 99 pm M0:9S am Bellevu A PaolAo Jet. .a 7:90 pm a 6:17 am Bellevue A PaclOo Jot.. $:60 aaa Kansas City, St. Josapk Caanell Blaffs. Kansas City Day Ex... a 9:18 am n $46 pm Bt Louis Flyer a 6 U1 pm allKMam Kanaaa City Night Ex..sJ0:S0 pm a :1 am Chloaga, Barllnavtan A 4$nlncs. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:66 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 aa Chicago I-ocal a 9:18 am allKX) pm Chicago Limited a $.06 pra a 7:46 am Fast Mali a 2:40 pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, d Daily except Saturday. Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. aMCBOA LINN atan aTaAMlUUt KBW TORN. LONDONDXXkT AND OLASOOW. NBW TONE. OIBKAXTaJl AND MAPLna, . aceommooattos. Bioallant CsMlse. Tas Ceai fort ef FiaMngara Carafull CetiiMrl. Single ar Rou Trip TIckMa taaaa betwiaa N Tetrk 14 gcetok, Bagllia. Irlah aa4 all siinolpl aeatlMaul koioU at atu-aatlve ratea, Baag far Bosk et Taaim. rer UokaU or (.n.rsl lutormiUoa apaly ta sag loci a(at of th Aaobar Use ar ta UBNUKHSON BRoa. Oa'l Aasia Cblsaae. fU. HOLLAHD-AMERICA LINE Niw Twtn-goraw stmairs et U.o Tons MEW YORK ROTTERDAM, via UOULOUNB. Sailing Wadnaadar at 10 A Bt Kardim Julr IS statsnilaja -Aus. 11 Rottartam July 19 1 RjDlMm Aug. is Potsdam Aug. Il Noordam Asg. N - HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, Utt Dearborn St., Chlcaca, 111. Harry Moore. 1401 Furaam ' at., C. Kulhertort. INI Farnam at.. J. B. Reynolds. 1601 Farnam at. PARIS THE BEAUTIFUL IN O DAYS Cm b nrMd try tnv.rln$T tr om of tfc fftnotta ow xwia sscrvw ei La Lorraine . La S&voie La Tourafne L Aquitaino Saillnr every Thari4ajr from New York It aval offloari IneommaM, awsot-wardlMtrltse. Er.ry Mtb oinwry aafaty derloa. Clllttralad eoKlaa. KnglUli peaking sUaaaaaw. ' Compapie Gfndrale Transatlantique FAST FRENCH LINE TorlUiia. booklet asd apaglal tnorwiaUna aaply Hairy E. Mooraa, 101 raraasi St. J. 9J. 8NV- Mlda, , 1(01, fuaw V9t-.' .Urat National Jaorgi E. Abbott t farnam St. AgeBta,, BIG DAIRY1' PRIZES OFFERED Nntlonnl Creamery Batter' Makara Association W1U Dtstrlbata f BOOO at Ottebsr Cesvesllss. 8IOTJX FALLS, 8. D., July 12.-(SpeolaI.) The premium list for the annual conven tion, of the National Creamery Butter makers' association, to b held In Sioux Fall from October 1$ to a. hag been com pleted. The sum ot $5,000 will be distributed among exhibitors, a follow: Two thou sand dollar to be divided pro rata among all those scoring over 90, no matter whether they are present are not and $3,000 to be divided pro rata among those only who core oyer 90 and are present at the con vention. , The large prise are offered by the friend of the association to Induce buttermaker to attend in person. The sum of $50 will be presented to th state delegation which make the best appearance In the parade, which will be the feature of one of the days. and $13 to the delegation making th next ' best appearance. A championship cup valued at $100 will ba awarded to the buttermaker whose average core Is highest In the six month' educa tional testa For th best package of cream ery butter In the convention a solid gold medal, and for the second best package of creamery butter a solid silver medal I offered. ' To the atate delegation having the highest score a beautiful silk banner, coating not lea than $100, will be awarded, provided there ar ten or more entries from that state. To the buttermaker scoring highest from each state having ten or more entries, a silver cup valued at $60 will be given, pro viding he Is not the winner of the flrst or second prise, and In the event that hi butter scores 95 or better. - . , Only one package will be received from each creamery. Under tha rule of th as-, oclatlon no side or sperfal premium r accepted by th association. A Barn Never Barns. After Porter!) Antlseptlo Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieve pain Instantly and heal aC the same time. Fi-r man or beast Price. 35a Breedinjj Wheat and Corn. A series of article on bow to improve these grains, - by . Thomas I Lyon, Jrofeaeor of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska, will begin with the issue of January 7, 1903, in TMST SaOmminrti cemnr II aAIM 19 AAJ aai This work of (raid breading, result lag as it does la th Incrsss of th yield per sera, is one of the most Interesting subjects to the srotroaalv farmer. 34 ta 48 sage weekly. $1.00 par year. W rite lor Pre 5esple Copy and Beaalet TWENTIETH CENTUKY FA KM IE. ITS Faraaas St. Omaha. Nab. AgenU Wasted at Bvery feet Omen, , n