THE OMAHA DAILY JlKEt SUNDAY, JULY 12, 100.1. 17 r f FOR MIB-BRAL MTATH. D. V. Sholes TO N. T. Life. YES, IT'S HOT, BUT IT'S GOOD FOR CORN. CORN MAKES MONEY. MONEY MAKES GOOD TIMES. GOOD TIMES MAKES HIGH VALUES. THEREFORE BUY NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOW. GOOD ADVICE AND DOESN'T COST ANYTHING. OUR OFFICE IS COOL, COME IN AND WE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IT. f 450 will bur a 4-room houie. Mat front, on lot 70x132 leet, near end of Amti Ave. car line $1,000 Buys neat n-roo-n house, rooi r-palr, near FRANKLIN 8T. BO OOL, on 86th Avi, with lot QOxM, or rl.1.0) with lot 60120, corner. U.JOO 2529 Seward St., lot 60x127 feet. Rood 7-room cottage, sewer, water, gns and hath rtady for fixtures. In excellent repair. Eastern owner wants to close thla out. HANSCOM PLACE. 13,000 For a splendid 8-ro'im house, strictly modern, on Qeorgla Ave. near M. E church and school. $3,750 For corner Georgia and Woolworth Ave., SOxloO-foot lot; modern 84room house, In Rood repair. This Is a good bargain. 13,000 For 4-room strictly modern nenr'y new house, east front, on Hth Br. north of Leavenworth; fine repair; rents for 17.60 per month. WEST FARNAM. $4,7501 sold this week, a very fine strictly modern houre, heiutlful arrangem nt In fact a perfect gjm In arrange ment nenrly new and In n swell lo cation. You ought to fee this. $8,000 For a fine NEW, s-room house on th Ave. north of Dodge, east front, fine large lot, very best fur n a s, plumbing, oak finish and perfect In $4,750 'For a Lovely Home In West Farnam district; built last year; house has eight rooms; lower floor fin- Ished In oak, with lavatory; cement cellar; lot 60x10a This Is a snap for some one. The owner will take one-fifth cash down, balance payments. You have to see this to appreciate It. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 FARNAM STREET. RE 828-12 OWN YOUR OWN HOMES. Look at our lots on new Jorence motor line, near Fort Omaha and Miller Park. Only 90 upwards and only $o down and only $5 per month. VbMIS. PAXTON BLOOCy A GOOD .DAIRY FARM i hov a n.i fond (Arm. and an Ideal home; 2 acres In Daw.-o.i county, miles from Lexington; 60 acies i.i alfalfa, 16 acres In line stHte of cultivation, some Improvements. Write for full particulars and Investigate this carefully, n is mighty good thing. Price, $a per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Acents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. B.13 aii U vmtir m vmin OPPORTUNITY TO SE CURE A GREAT BARGAIN IN OMAHA HEAL WUTft PONT KAIL , TU LOMhl AD BEE US . ANi 1ALK ABOUT THE FOL,Lwiinu; 54u On 17th til., near Dorcas St, neat 5 i870-On 23d near Grace. 5-room cottage, lot luxl40; nice shade trees $1,00. H o-room cottage, new, nicely arranged, , on lth near Sprague $l,2u0. Ule On 42d and Miami, a 7-room house. iood barn; two lull lots with beautiful shade trees, shrubbery and fruit trees 1H0 On'' Jackson St. near $Uh, a 7-room . house; has gas, bath, furnace, cellar ' under the entire house and In good repair; price $2,300. 1360 On Sth near woolworth Ave., east front, !ot 60x1 .0, 6-room, modern house; price, 2.60j. $319 On Farnam na.' 42d, a new 6-room cottage, modern except furnace; price, $2,650. 5384 On 26th Ave: near St. Mary s, a 8 room house with gas and city water; lot 84x132; atreet paved and all spe cials paid for; price, $3,600. In the West Farnam dUlrlct. a new 8 room, entirely modern house, east front, full lot, and the owner Is anxious to sell. In the West Farnam district we have a 8-ronm house. It Is a south front; lot Is i..... ntimlv modern, which we can If for 16.500. If you are looking for something In that neighborhood come and see us. yACANT Lom In w. Pirnim. Hanscom para, i--eini nark. Kounlse place or in ract anywuzr r . ,4 - t.n ... la.irA 11 U and you want will time. be glad to show them to you any ciTiIre IMVIdTMENT CO.. Main floor N. Y. Life bldg. R t-ROOM house, half-acre lot, for sale WIS Blnney 81. RL-MJ43 "x WANTED To buy for cash modern house; state price. S3, Bee office. an 8-room, Address H RE-9,1 12s A BARGAIN OF BARGAINS. Buy a 10-room modern house, costing over DO to build. years ago. for $3,S. $4,000 I. aransnnf t h f 4111 K flf 1U L. Ul ll'IIW" wood finish down stairs. good 'n rooms up stairs. Cemented basement under whole house containing furnace and Uundry; good barn and carriage house; full lot east front, nice shade and lawn at $16 N. 41st St, R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Building, RE-844 U HOUSE BARGAINS im tfOt'NTZE PLACE Modern house of 8 VmJ wUh two 'outh front lot. for RKA 1914 Locust St., good modern house of 10 rooms, with two lots, for JS.TOO. O10 Bo. 84th St., -rom house on paved street, west of Hanscom Park, for tJ.OuO. M7 So tld St.. close In, 7-roon house for fl.WOi rnn give Immediate possession Ml N lth St.. I rooms, modern. 61..00. 160t Corby St.. eottsge and corner lot. want offer to close an estate. ta N. st St., 6 rooms, $o00. GARVIN BROS. Com'l Nat. Bank Bids.. 1604 FanBt. $24.00 TO CANADA We refund half the railroad fare to pur- chasers. This year's crop will be the biggest on BuVund now at from $6 to $10 that will sell $3 1 to t6 an acre higher alter harvest. NEXT EXCURSIONS JULY 21 AND AUGUST 4. HASTINGS & HEYDiN. 510 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. how" ron the rEOPLa On new Harney st. moto nark 1W upwards snd P faEMl3. PAXTOt ind on terms 10 sun. LTON BLOCK. V. r. rj it -ROOM modern house. 11 trm istornoe for sale cheap, lut N. )5th. eoewa Co. RE 0 FOR 4I.E RRAL ESTATE. Company. Telephone 49. arrangement, stone walk and step, paving paid. Vacant and can bs seen any day. VACANT. $ 175 For 75x130 feet neir end of 13th St. car line, Park Forest; lei fins, hlgn and sightly, overlooking- tie rver; nicely built up around ll. BI(J SNAP 3T5 cash, balance monthly without interest. 1 or Io4xl"i0 feet, eaat front corner, ll'annrnm Place. THE VKRT BE5T VACANT CORNER F)H THE PRICK EVER OFr'ERED. Perma nent walk and pavei street. COUNTRY HOME On 44th Bt. south of Q street about 8 Mocks. 1 acre that lies superb, literally cov ered with all kinds of fruit that in a good ye;ir will pay handime piolt; 6-room house, nam, chlrken ni:u o. well, etc. A VERY FINE H ME JI'ST OVER THE CITY MM TS ONLY I or I blocks to fine brick school. Twenty Per Cent. 4 houses, I rooms each, fine double corner lot 100x139 feet, east front. neir AR MOUR'S South OmahA plant; will rent for V) per month, an-t alwiys rent. rice, ti.iw. no n Tukey & Son HOUSES ON EASY TERMS, Tn Clifton Hill. 2Bth Ave. and Jones, and other parts of the city. VACANT LOTS ON "TUKEY'S TERMS." ftmrA will tin ! nr I houses built on th036 vacant lots of ours, on 26th and Grand Ave. On the terms we are making It la very easy to get a home in tnis locality. ACRE PROPERTY. We make a specialty of acre property, both northwest and soutnwesi oi me city. A. P. TUKEY & BON. 444-6 Board of Trade. RE 908 12 HOMK8 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Same as rent. Have bouses, large and small and In various localities. Come ana see us. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 963 12 THE JOHNSON FARM in Merrick county, near Central City; 320 acres of splendid alfalfa land, 10 acres already sown, and 70 In good state of cultivation: two nastures with windmill In each; good improvements. This farm must he sold bv Auaust 1. conseauenlly we are offering It at L per acre. Look this up at once. Payne Investment Company, Agents, Omaha. BB-31 u 40 ACRES Ituproved, Sarpy Co. Address O. 41, Bee. RE M372 14x $3,600. -room, modern house, 602 8. 35th St.; lot toxui it.; Darn, etc. 6.000. 8-room, modern house, east front on Park Ave., half block north of Leavenworth Vt runs from Park Ave. to 8i)tn St., hav :ng 76 faet frontage on each s.reet; line trees, asphalt pavement, stone sidewalk ana ail special improvements in; improve ments alone cost I8.0O0. Terms, t2,0UO cash, balance Htt par montn. i $2,850. 7-room cottage, Ut N. 24th St $2,000. (-room cottage, 2214 Boulevard Ave. S700. 50x162 feet south front on Burt St., between 24th and 25th Sts. Persons winning to buy or sell Omaha or Houtn omana property are invited to call on or address George & Co., 16U1 Far nam St., Omaha, or 417 N. 26tn St.. Sjuth Omaha. RE M418 12 W. C. CH1SSELL, 833 X. Y. Life Bldg. RE M368 A7 SPECIAL OFFERS. Cat., Shasta co., L0 a and lmpts. Cal., 8an Diego co., 15 a. and lmpts. Col., Pueblo co., two a. and lmpts. Col., Mesa Co., 120 a. and lmpts. Fla., De Soto co., 114 a. fruit farm. 1'la., I-ee co., 172 a. and lmpts. Fla., orange co., 20 a., lmpts., orange grove. 111., Clinton co., 160 a. and lmpts. Ind., Miami Co., 110 a. and lmpts. Mo., Sullivan co., 120 a., coal and farm land. Mo., May-shall, t-room residence and lot. N. Y Brooklyn. $-story res.. Carlton ave. N. Y., HalnA Falls, 1 furnished cottages. N. Y., West Nyack, 35 a. improved farm, 1 hour from N. Y. city. N. Y., Columbia co., 120 a. and lmpts. N. D., Barnes Co., 2 farms embracing 208 a. Ohio, Cleveland, modern res., 4th ave. Va., James City Co., S05 a. and lmpts. Va , Smyth co., Si a. snd lmpts. Wis., Vernon co., ) a. and lmpts. Wis.. I -a Crosse co., 400 a. fine farm land. Laundry business and machinery, Dayton, Ohio. Millinery business, Ann Arbor, Mich. Est. drug business, Kansas City, Mo. Brick plant, dwell., 7V4 a.. Erie, Pa. Sanitarium and lot In good Tenn. cltv. General mdse. stock and 80 a. farm, barn, Mercer co., W. Va. MUllnsry business, Montoursvllle, Wil lis msrert. Pa. Wanted Active partn' with $15,000 In sMrt mfr comranv. Auburn. Me. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. BLDG., PHILA. RB-f6 12x C-ROOM house, near 33d snd Web'ter st owner must leave city snd will sell at big aennre 'I is sen at once. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-SS2 11 BARGAIN. I e-r. nouses, siik-m t.orDy; owner says will sell ho'h. 750. These properties rent at tn per monin. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE 67 If WK CAN offer a desirable site for apart' mcnt house nesi park ave. and Uav.n. worth. St.; 120 feet st. frontage at $25 per BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 969 1 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $) to 12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. . A Snap in Diwson County. 120 acres four miles from Overton, 1H miles from sidetrack on main line V. P. Ry.. 10 acres In alfalfa, 80 ucres ready to sow In tha spring; i seres fenced with t-wlre fence, lloube, barn and other improve ments. Only one such y in a lfetl:ne. Price. $30 fr acre. Ask us to tell you auout tnis. Payne Investment Company, Omaha. RE 830 U HOUSES sad lota In all farts of rlty; also sere properly end farm lands The O. F. Davt Co-, ttoow ton. ue Bldg. KJC-ta Western Farms Have Steadily Wise Investors Are Putting Their Money KOIl SALE HKAL ESTATE. Bargain 50x12" EIGHT ROOM MODERN DWELLING, SOUTH FRONT, PAVED STREET, NO. $012 CHICAGO ST. $4,2oo 50x150 NINE ROOM MODERN DWELLING, CORNER LOT, PAVED STREET, NO. 1501 SO. 29TH STREET. $4,2oo 01x176 AND B-STORT RR1CK WAREHOU8E. RAILROAD TRACK IN REAR. NO. 15:-31-33 NORTH 18TH ST. $25,ooo VACANT TRACKAGE LOT, NICHOLAS. BETWEEN 2:D & 23D, IMMEDIATELY WEST STREET CAR BUILDING. $2, 000 Howard Kennedy & Son,, 209 First National Bank Building. PAYNE, BOSTWICK &CO-, 601-2-3 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. DWELLING HOUSES. In the West Farnam district, now 7-ronn house, Just completed, nicely finished, with best nickel-plated plumbing, cellar under whole house with cemented bottom, good furnace, east front, with 60-ft, lot, only $3,t;W. reasonable terms. 16th and Poppleton, 8 rooms, all modern, with good barn. 50-ft. lot, pavea street, permanent sidewalk, both paid for, $2,000. 42d snd Farnam Sts., new C-room cottage, with bath, closet, wash bowl, gas, hot and cold water, everything up-to-date, nice ' shade, only $2,600. Owner anxious to sell. VACANT PROPERTY. Fine building lot, east front, .corner 10th and Castellar. Two fine building lots on Manderson, west of 24th, for $1,000. Snap. Two lots Juat north of Bemls park, on Franklin St., for $:I50 each. South front lot on Furnum St., west of 42d, only $i50. . Two nice building lots In Dundee for $1,300. Good lot, 41st and Howard Sts., for $200. FARMS. 160 acres In Frontier county, 80 aoreg in cultivation, 70 acres In hay, to trade for Omaha property. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-2-3 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. RE-914 12 F. D. Wead 5-r. cottage, modern, and barn; 119 S. 2th; ten minutes' walk to P. O. $2,000. S-r. cottage, city water, good repair, new roof; 1515 N. 36th St. $850. -r. cottage In Walnut Hill, south front. 5- rcottage on 24th, near Ames ave.; paved street, and paid. $1,350. 6- r. cottage, city and cistern; 3S28 N. 21st. $1,350. VACANT PROPERTY. Nice lot on Farnam, near 35th at., at a snap; owner lives out of city; wants offer. Nice lot atith and Farnam, northwest cor- nf?.-v im northwest corner 26th and Spencer; owner says get rid of them. $1,360. F. D. Wead 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE 966 13 f-ROOM house, city water, sever, gas, on Spaulding St., near si. "" tl.100 casn. balance ut 10 pr rnontn. BEM18. PAXTON bLOTK FIRST-CLASS farm, close to town. Price 14 UVj. Cn ISHB 1,VW KM wuuu. - dress. Boa 12w, North Loup. Net). Itti UOw 1LX 2 houses and good lot South side of city Kenied for i.ixj a month Will sell for $1,750. TllOaA.i BRENNAN, 3U9 South 13th St. RE 846 13 v-ARMft FOR SALE. 40 acres of very choice land, 8 miles from .(. ii.ta t,' r mom. 130 acres 11 miles west of Omaha at a big bargain. R, C. PETERS & CO. Ground floor. Bee bids. E 837 12 FOR SALE. 150-acre iruil larm, uicn wood, la., finest in state; 18.0W neaitny annle trees: pays $1S,000 yearly Income; $126 per acre; easy terms; 10 years time at 5 per cent. RICHARD C. PATTERSON. Sole Agent. 1124 Farnam St., Omaha. RE 842 13 GOINO WEST; want land? Write us first. Small farms, large rancnoa, iracis ior investment or colony. Oregon or Wash ington. McArthur & Mahoney. Portland, Ore. RE 873 12a CHEAPER TO OWN. IT'8 cheaper to own a small home than to rent. I offer a brand new 7-room cottage, modern on long time, for 32.5f). If you buy it will cost you 810 per month. If you rent the price is i5. You suv one-third. Little payment down. C. 8. hepard. 832 N. Y. Ut bldg. RE-4 12x 7-ROOM new house, near 41st snd Farnam sts.; owner must sell. tl.75. This Is a big sacrifice. Investigate at once. BEMIS. PAXTON ULO FOR SALE, small farms of 10, 20 and 40 acres, mar Ht. Louis; suitable (or fruit and poultry raising. Free list. S. H. Morton, Lincoln Trust bldg., St. Louis. NEW COTTAGE Two-story, porcelain bath, marble wash bowl, closet, enamel sink, hot and cold water, gas, large cemented cellar, lot 42x 12. In nice location, near 2 car lines. This property is new, never occupied, materia! and workmanship first-class; should bring $2.EcO. Price only I2.(iu. WE ARE OOINO TO SELL IT AT ONCE. ERNEST SWttT, til N. Y. I TEL. 1472. RE W4 12 26-year lease on the following lands; must bit sold at oner: 0 acres In Douglas county. iO acres tn Washington -county. K)7 acres In Dakota county. 61 acrs In Knox county. Price tauo. R, C. PETERS & CO, Ground floor, Bee bldg. &S-B5 11 FOR 9AI.K HKAL ESTATK. Bulletin. EOxirtl! EIGHT ROOM MODERN HOURE. SOUTH FRONT, LAR JE BARN, NO. 2010 HARNEY ST. $4,2oo 30x110 EIGHT ROOM MODERN HOUSE, KLECTRIC LIGHT, GOOD BARN. NO. 162H NORTH 17TH ST. $3,5oo TOnl'O. 3-STORY BRICK. STORES AND FLATS, STEAM HEAT, ALL RENTED, NO. 1101-3-6 NORTH 18TU ST. $25,ooo 92x336. VACANT TRACKAGE PROPERTY, 10TH AND CLAItK STREETS. A BN'AP AT $l,Joo RE-437 12 Ideal Summer Home Just outside the city limits, away-from tha hot streets, out into the country; 3 acres grapes, 210 cherry trees, 213 plum trees, 19 apple trees, 19 pear treea, 12 peach trees; house has 15 rooms, elegant reception hall, double parlors, good and complete outbuildings; two brick cisterns, capacity 160 barrels each; ice house, etc. We would be pleased to drive you to this place and show you many features we cannot describe hero. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 FARNAM STREET. RES 927-13 vorty-FOOT LOT on Leavenworth street, near Park avenue; owner must sacrifice to use money In business. Price, $'I0, cash. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-e58 12 We have a couple of bargains In vacant property. We have two vacant lots which must be sold the first part of the week to clear up an estate. One la an east front. 45xlba fronting on 20th street, about two blocks south of Vin ton street. The other Is 50x150 north front on Burt street, near 20th. No reasonable offer will be refused. HOW ARE THE FOLLOWING FOR IN VESTMENTS? You certainly cannot lose with a good prospect of being able to turn them and mnlio some money: 4-room house, city water, full lot. south front In Omaha View, li blocks from car line; $800, easy terms. 7- room house, south and east front, barn for four head of horses, full lot on car line, st SCOJ Lake street. If taken not Inter than Mondav noon, can be had for $1,250. 6-room cottage, well and cistern. 4 poultry houses, cosl shed, 7!i fruit trees, besides other small fruit. Two full lots, KK)xtS feet, $1,300. This is well located In Benson. 8- room modern house, having awnings, storm doors and windows, barn and car riage house, hen house; two full lots with south front, at $3,250. We have s. splendid proposition In a large ranch In Knox county. Neb., which tho owner must close out on account of not be ing able to give It the necessary attention and will accept good Omnha property. This la a flrst-claas ranch and ho would en!:' consider the same In exchange. Do not fall to ask us regarding this tanch. R. C. PETERS & CO, Ground floor, Due bldg. it -834 U l-ROOM modern house and barn and full lot In Kountze Place, fcltreet paved, spe cial taxes paid. Hot water healing plant, only M.600. ' THOMAS BRENNAN, 308 Ho. liith St. HE .ii-WO li IT'S A BEAUTY. New 6-room cottage half block from two good car lines; bus combination gas und electric light fixtures; batn. toiie,. and washstanu and tjrnuce; on a paved street, in a good nclghborhoou; price, 13.0(0. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Phone 17a. Sole AenU. WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1203 Pui'iiam, street. RE-211 RANCH and furm lunds for sale by tha I'liion Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAlleater, land coir.mlfslorer I'nlon Pa cific Ileaduuarteri, Omuhn, Neb. RE-2U FOR REST IlOtSES. lirI1CCQ In ull parts of the city. K. nUUOCO c. Peters & Co., Bee UldK. D-iv: FOR RENT. 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, iu4 N. 30th t., J. c. M. Bachman, 43C-37 Paxlon blk. D 348 UOflQPC; tn all parts of the city. Tho O. nUUOtO F. Davis Co., 5UK Bee Bldg. D- -luJ PATNE-ROSTWICK CO. Choice houses. flul-6uj Nw York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1"'.0. D 600 LARGE.-pleasant, furnished house for rent. Address O 00, Bee. D 11 12x WE MOVE pianos, age Co. Tel. 1W Maggard Van & Stor Ollici:, 1713 Webster St. D Ml ONE of the fine, all modern, 7-room brick houses, -Dili and Izard sts., (20. G. E. Turklngton. j6 Bee. D MJ24 CENTRAL, 1st -class 7-room house, S20 V. 23 D M17i FOR RENT, ten-room modern house near High school, No. 412 North 22d street. In quire next door or at 419 N. Y. Life build ing. D 82S FOR V.ENT. 8-rom modern house and barn, 2218 Bln- ny street $25.00 8-room modem house and barn, 214 South 20th street 20.00 THOMAS BRENNAN, 308 S. lath Ht. ' B(0 J5 TO MOVE right get Omaha Vsn Storage Co., office U11H Farnam, or Tels. 156H H.J. L 168 TWO t-room houses, sll mortem. rtS.00. C. M. Bechmuun, 430-37 Paxlon block D M7J9 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-167 t-ROOM cottage. 2U4 Franklin St. rOR RENT, modern 7-room house, hot water heat. Corner Park avenue and Poppleton, Apjdy SSii Poppilvton. D-M435 12 Increased. Into Land. t o. i u kmt Loi si:. TEN-ROOM brick, 114 N. Wth St.; gs, bath, furnace, laundry.' Not basement plan. D 439 17x FOR RENT. 29M Dewey Ave., a -room house. Rent re duced to $3J 50 per month. A genuine bar train. X2i'4 N. 24th St., second floor brick flat. Bath gas. hot and cold water and In good repair. $16. 2S:a Dewey Ave., $-room brick flat. Bath and closet. $10. If you have a house to rent, list It with us. We ran get you a tenant In double quick time. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMTANY. D S-9 11 6-ROOM house and small barn, Francis snd 2d Pis. ; very cheap rent. Walter Brecn, S.iuth Uth St. D KX II 2552 ST. MARY'S AVE. 9 rooms, strictly modern, tin; 124 N. 21th, t rooms, modern. $40; 2"1!1 St. Mary's Ave., 12 rooms, mod ern. tM. Others. Riugwalt Bros.. Barker Block D M90I H Zf'S Woolworth Ave. 7 rooms, modern; t'25.00 a month. Hastings & Heyden, 510 N. Y. Life BHlg. D-47 12 PARLOR floor, unfurnished, three large rooms. 2003 Dodge St. D 810 12x GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. Cor. 20th snd St. Mary's Ave., 8 rooms, niodern. shae, lawn. t35.00. 2516 St. Mary s Ave., 9-r., modern, $27.50. 1014 Locust St., 9 rooms, modern, large lawn and shade, $27.6. 2110 So. 34th. 8 rooms, $18.00. M7 So. 2'd, 7 rooms, $18.00. 210 Seward, 7-r., bath. $15.00. Dcwcv Ave., 6 rooms. $10.00. 1214 So. 17th. B rooms, tlO.OO. G A R V I N B R O S., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam St. D M838 EIGHT-ROOM house, 32rl and Cass streets. John R. Webster, Board of Trade HI ig. V S6-12 FOR RENT, fine 6-room flat, modern, $18. 2228 S. 16th. 'Phone A-30G9. D 930 12x 11-ROOM house and barn, suitable for two families, 2m N. 21st St.. $25 00. r-rnora house, modern, 2W Farnam, $25.00. 7-room flat, modern, 141 -3 Jackon. $22.50. d-ronm cottage. M41 P. 2Mh nve.. tL'O.OO. 6-room house, 1322 Douglas, $25.00. 6-room house, modern. 2534 Hamilton. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douclas. D 356 12 FOR RENT $50 Nine-room, elegant, modern house, 19th and Hurt. $30 Unfurnished, brick house on Wirt St.. $1515(13 Georgia good rennlr. or $35 furnished, 8-room and hnrn: fine grounds, Kountze Place. Ave., 8 rooms, modern; L. V. SHOLES CO., 721-722 N. T. Life. Tel. 49. D 944 12 FOR EXCHANGE. STOCK of useful and quick selling nrtlc'os that enn eavlly be sold at retail for $225. H 61 Bee. 2949 12 RELINQUISHMENT to valuable home stead In South Dakota; first offer ac cepted. II 49, Bee Z 951 12 FOR EXCHANGE. What have you to ex change for good business and dwelling property in Cincinnati 7 value, itk.oihi: mortgnged for $.13,000. Will consider farm or hotel property for equity. Nichols & Orr, 807 Johnston Bldg., Cincinnati, O. A S73 1JX ACCOHOEO.I PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M-T72 BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLE8S, worth JSc; closing It out at 18c. II. S. Mann, K. 17, Com. Naf 1 Bank. 735 a BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale TU Co., 811 North 16th. . 222 R. RUMBEL SON, only tie factory In the state. Try us. 14th and Nicholas. Tel. F33,-.a. M 7RS 23 BMA9S FOUNDRY, BRASS and aluminum casting, nlcksl plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co.. 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. CARPENTERS AND JOINEKS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2oth and Lake streets. 370 CARPET CLEANING. A K. JETT calls for carpets. Tel. A-3302. MiOtl At CONTRACTORS AND BlILUEHS. A, J. P1ERSON. 2nth and Burt, Tel. L-2X-3. 618 DENTISTS. C. H. PALL, removed Burt Tel. F-27o3. to residence. 2022 -226 LAt'NDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1T60 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17M. ' ?S7 1 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 517 Karbach block. Tel. EXPERT ACCOOITANT. Q. R. Rathbun, room 15, Com'l Nat. Bank. 227 FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBGDA, 1415 Farnam. 228 L. HENDEU80N, florist. 1415 Farnam Ht. 229 FIR MTl'RE PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire H-rtngB tightened. Tel. B-2076. 1706 St. Vary's Ave ?53 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleaai cesspools nnd vaults, removes garbage snd dead animals ut reduced prices. K2! N. 161 h. Tel. 1778. a-) COLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2635. ii i LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN St PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l B'k. hid. -31 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys aud collectors every where. 235 MACFARLAND MAY. New Bldg.. room 304. 'Phone 1662. York Life -esc LA WX MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 131 h St Howard 233 LAWNMOWER8 sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc., SWt N. lth. Tel. Wl. Ml'SICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davtdge Block. -309 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 310 Ramge blk.: summer term. Apply F. H. Wright, L. L. C. M., Director. 'Phone lim. -MlSf 15 TRANCE MEDIIM. BEND 26c end stamp, with date of birth, and get trance reading of your pint, pres ent and future. I tell full ntmes. dates, sge snd date of marriage, speculation, (11 force, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love is true or false; guirnteed satisfaction. Address Mine. De Veru, Lock Box 815, Kansas City, Mo. 871 Us PROPERTIES MAGED. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER. EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS. and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 1320 Farnam .St. Tel. 1064. MEDICAL DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women nnd children: 30 years' practice. Ofllce, 2206 Cumliii. Residence telephone, K-i70; otllce, B-2W8. DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned for his skill nnd experience In conilre ments; cur.s sterility, long standing lis eases of uterus snd ovaries, cure, painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from aiiy cause, recent or of long standing. Ladles who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, ran be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible state your cute fully, Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Addiess R. F. Prlts, M. D., 1M3 Dodge St.. Omulia, Neb. LADIES, our hsrmless remedy relieves without fall delayed or suppressed men struation. For free trial address Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. B.Ue, rell;mo. laKe no ether. Send 4c.. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pn. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney ana bladder aiseases cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 521 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Now York City. BISTERS IN DESPAIR: If In need write me for remedy which relieved me of ob stinate suppression In five hours. Mrs. A. 5rcen, 130 Denrborn St., Chicago. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. Suite 615, ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. New York Life Bldg. Tel. l'l. 233 The Hunt Inflrmnry, McCague Bldg. T. 2352. 210 Atzen & Farwell, Pnxton Blk., 004-7. T. 13 3. M241 DRS. FINCH & MILLER, 124 S. 25th St. 481 Dr. Grace Deegan, 503 McCague. Tel. ia-.2. 204 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 S. 16th St., Omaha. Tel. 179S 243 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. IH! PLIMBING. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS team and gas fitters; jobbing neatly done; all orders promptly attended. Itil. ZJU. 23U6 Leavenworth. Rt'G BIANl'F ACTl'RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2(W8. 243 STAMMERING AND 8TITTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Kamge Bldff- 247 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. 11. PhllDln, lacs rarnam. i' im. i3 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN HANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life, 218 -r NEB. Buslneus & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. -249 TYPEWRITING; business correspondence unmiueid. Only English. Herman and French machine In Omaha. Moderate charges. Telephone illack 19H. -932 12x STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Earn. Tela. :on-v: 260 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 78(1. 2il When You Write to Advertisers r remember II only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. QUITTING BUSINESS And disposing of every line vehicle and harness in our repository at big re duction of price, Tf f - 1 ii you iieea a gooa ar g- ticle you can't help pur chasing with the in ducement offered. RUMMON I1 11 ' fcnntt Tuna xnajm 18th and Harney- j mtm I S'W1!" VJLiRi J,J l p"J fffx f ni l ii "i "C'-a-s.v.a.:.'.. pfe 1 . Believe us w ien ' we say we are I IFGtl. MITItr.. PROPOSALS FOR SITE AND DON A - HONS FOR A NEW STATE NORMAL Pi IH'OI.. In accordance with House Roll No. 1. a I bill for nn act to locate and establish one (It additions! state normiil school, and to provide for the erection of buildings, pay. j ment. maintenance end rerclvlna donations I fo- the siime. the Hoard of Education of ! the slnte normal school herebv solicit pro i posals for donations tt. the state of a suit ' nlli site for an additional stale normal . school, but ssld proposed site must Include n suitable tract of land not less than twenty . scrrs In extent, sild land to be worth at lenst seventv-Mve $7!0 dollars per acre, and said location of site for said school must be west cf a point not ex ceeding live mllrs cast of the ninety-eighth meridian. Said donations or proposed do natlots for a site mnv Include a building or bul'dlnns and Such proposals may also include donations of money or duly regis tered nuintdpnl bonds to the state for the use and benefit of such normal school. All such proposals shall be In writing and transmitted to the secretary of said board In sn led envelopes, which shall be opened In the presence of said board on Tuesday, July Us. jik-3, at 2 o'clock p. m , in the office of the superintendent of public In struction In the cnvltot building Bt Llneoln. Nebraska, "snd the iimoerties mentioned In sold proposals shall be examined nnd Invest lira ted by said board and the sd vantwges and disadvantages of snld pro posed site shall be considered, and snld board In accepting or rejecting any pro posal shall take Into consideration the lo cation of such proposed site, the character and value of the same, the character and value of the building or Inillillues thereon. If anv. whether such hulldlmrs thereon ere proposed to be donated n1- lold to the state, or to he partly donated and tartly sold, the amount of money. If pny. proposed to be donated ft the value of any bonds sc companylng such proposal, nnd may accept such proposed ruination and locate such normal school upon such site hlch. In the iudrment of such board under all the facts nnd circumstances, mav nnnenr to be or the Vest interests of tho state In he premises." hv order or tne Hoard of Directors o state normal rchoois. WILLIAM K. FOWLER. Secretary Pioard of Education. Superin tendent of Public Instruction OEOnOE ROt'tERR, President floard of Education. Lincoln. Neb., July 10. lSXfl Jy lid Htm NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Lands and Ptilldlnps at tho office or secretarv of state for tho ejection of a h'-ck Public Comfort nnd Wnter Closet uildlng at the Htnte Fair grounds. Plans and specifications of same nre m file at t;ho office of secretary of state. Bids must tie in tne nanus or tne secretary or state by 12 o clock noon, ?londny, .'uly 20lh. The board reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. All bids must be accompanied by certified check for $C0O. payable to the secretary of state, to be forfeited to the state In case successful bidder falls within five days nftcr the awurd of such contract to enter Into contrnct and bonds for the faithful perforinanco of such' contract. utA'nnr. w. niAnisrt, Secretarv of Roird. July 9-10-11-12-13-H-15-1R-1T-1R AILWAY TIME CARD. INION STATION 10TII AND MAHCY. I'nton Pnclfle, Leave. Arrive. a 7:M) pm a $:2u pre Overland Limited a 8:40 am The Fast Mall California Express a 4:20 pm Pnclflo Express a 11. '30 pm Eastern Express a R:S0 pm a 7:30 am a S:40 am a 1:40 am Tho Atlantic Express... The Colorado- Ppeclnrl...a 7:10 am Chlcaco Sneclnl Llrcoln, Bentrlce nnd Strnmshiira Express.. b 4:00 nm bl?:5n pm a 5:15 pm b 8:35 am North Platte laical a am Grand Island Local b S:30 Dm Chlcnmo. Milwaukee A St. Pnnl. Chicago Daylight a 7:43 am nil. '15 pm i nicngo ast ixpress..a n: pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 3:40 pm a 7 f0 am a t.40 pm ues Moines Express.... a 7:4b am Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line. Fast Chicago u 3:40 am a 7:00 nm Mail a K:C0 pm a 8:30 am a 8:30 pin al0:2i pm ulliio pm a 5:10 pm Local hioux 1'ity a d:iu um Daylight St. Paul a 7:35 am Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Local Chicago all. 30 am Local Cedar Rapids 1:10 pm Limited Chicago a 8:16 pro Local Carroll ....a 4:0 pm a 8:15 am 8:60 am a 3:46 pm a 8:lt am a 2:40 pm b 8:60 am al0:35 nm blO am Fast Chicago a 5:50 pm Fast St. Paul u :i pm Fast Mall Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:28 am Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:25 am Chicago, Rock Island. Pacific. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 6:00 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am Chicago Express bll.15 am Des Moines Express., .a 4.80 pm Chicago Fast Express, a (.33 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd. a a:50 pm Lincoln. Colo. Springs. Denver, puebl ard West a 1:30 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. anf Oklahoma Flyer. a 5:40 pm Wulinsli. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 1:56 pm St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:13 am Mluunrl Paclnc. St. Louis Express ai:oo am K. C. & St. L. Ex '.al0:60 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:38 am Chicago, Minneapolis & Ul. raul Limited a 7:50 pro Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:35 am Chicago Local Iti.'Jb am Chicago Express a 6:46 am a 8:35 pm a t .'ii pm bll:60 am a 1:25 pm a 4 55 am a 6:00 pm all. 40 pm a 8:20 am al0:80 pm a 6:S pm a 6:15 am a 8:10 pm a 8:05 am bl0:35 pm al0:35 am WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH ft WEBSTER, thirna-o, St. Paul, Mlwueayolls A Oiualia. Lave. Arrive. Twin Cltv Passenger. ..a 8:30 am a 9:10 pm 20 am Rloux CMty Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm Oakland Local.. ........b 5.46 pm b 8:45 am Mlasourl I'uelfle. Nebraska Locs. . Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:3 am Chlougo Ac Norlhneetcrw. Nebraska auU Wyouilns; Division, Black Hills. Deadwood. Lead, Hot bprliigs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm u vointiiir. CaHuer una liouglus d 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Masiiiigs, Vuik, uaviu i ;ity, Superior, Geneva, Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:'Jtl pm b 6:00 pra UtULINGTON STATION lUTII A MASOI Llurllnatou ft Missouri River. Lieave. Wvmore. Beatrice and Arrive. Lincoln a 8.00 am Nebrusau Express a 8:60 am bl2:ofi pm i pin Denver Lltnlicu a 4:10 pin a :4o am Black Hills, and Pugel Sound Express ali;10 pm a 1:10 pin coioriou v estiDUiea Fivei a 9:10 Dm Lincoln Fast Mali b 2:62 pm Fort Crook and PlatU- mouth b 8:20 pm llellevue & Pnclfle Jet. .a T:tm nm a 8:o am b!0:S5 am a 8:27 am Bellevue & Pacltlo Jet. .a 3:50 am Kail sua City. St. Joseph afc Couavli Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex.. .a 9:15 am a 8:05 pm Bt. Louis Flyer a b io pm all:uam bansis City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 8:1 am t'hlcauo. UutliuKiou A ttulucy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:56 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4.00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 8:18 am alLOO pm Chicago Limited. i a 8.05 pm a 7.48 am Fast Mali a 8:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally . except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. gMCHOh LIM V. MAIL STgAMSHlrt isw vohh, LoNDONiigRar and olaboow, - NEW YORK. 01BALTM AND MATUta. uptrlor accommodation, BieclUnt Calslss, Tks Lcmlort ef raA-i.ft.r Crtully C'eoil4ra. 8uifis r Uuua Tr'i TKkou Iwit4 blw.u Nw York 4 tcMck, gofllia, IrUh su4 all w!uclpl oMtiuti Koiuu iiuutl.i rsue. sWu lur husk ! 'fovra. guv Uvkt or 9nmtl InturoMtloa SfDll 4e s iaul ui at tne Aacber Llus or to HEKL.KHW.IN UkOS . C.u 1 AsU. Cklcsae. ill. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Ni Twlo-Srrrw flemrr of If 104 Tons 1IW yi'HK KOTItKUAM. U UOI UOUNg. anlllrif W.(jD.dr t 10 A. At Noor.Um July IS ; Pniend .Asa. U BotUTdiia July S HiriidAis A. It huitdaiA Aut- ilNoorilaia Auf. 14 HOLLA.D.iMEHlC.l LIKE, ttM Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Hirrr Moom. Itul rrn at., C. etharfer, Uil rsrsASi St., J. U. iUiaelils, U0I rsruAis M. i