r3!AWaW!V3V PAGES 1 TO 10. I g PART I. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1903-THIHTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Omaha Sunday Bee. KING AIDS T1IE IRISH I Take. Decisiva Step at Critic! Stage of Land Bill Discussion. ARTIST SKETCHES TSU HSI Caught at the Hallrond Station While Returning from Vi.lt to Tombs. ! COUSIN MAKES CROWN I 8art it li Ho Small Matter to Create Em blematio Headpieoe for a King. (Copyright. 1903. by PreBS Publishing Co.) LONDON. Jnlv II (New York World SENDS MESSAGE TO LANDLORD PEERS cablegram-Special Teiegrem.)-The first REQUIRES DEEP STUDY OF HERALDRY authentic portrait of Tsu Hat. the wily. , . maiirriui aowager emprtw 01 v,iim, ., i m t t informs Them He Considers Pauage of sketched by Frederick Mccormick at the Two Men Who Are Likely to Claim it at Measure a Fatriotio Duty. railroad station In Peking, last April, when (the Chinese court returned from the western tomba where the worship of the Imperial ONLY DANGER NOW IS IN HOUSE OF LORDS ancestors waa resumed. After the empress had stepped from the train and waa about to enter the chair she Anxioui to Hare it Finally Famed Before personally thanked the manager of the Other is Alleged Offspring of Former King Viiit to Irelani T?"' a .7'".:. t?. party over the railroad. Prince Chlng, lOUBET'S VISIT ENHANCES POPULARITY kneeling, acted as the Imperial Inter- meaiary, assisted oy an interpreter, x no highest officers of the empire were present. Bom Future Date. ONEISTHESONOFSERVIA'S NEW RULER Milan by Turkish Wife. NEW AVENUE FOR SMUGGLERS French Folic Considering How Bat looalsts Mar Bo Headed Off. RIVAL (Copyright, 190S. by Pre publishing Co.) PARIS. July ll.-New Tork World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Santos-Dumont's panama saved his life thla week. During one of his frequent excursions In the air the motor of his airship emitted spark and a tiny flame crept up along the ap paratus, threatening to Ignite the detlcate fiber of the balloon. The spectators watched horror-stricken. Perceiving the danger Santos cooly leaned out of the basket, smothered the flame with hi panama and continued his trip as if nothing had happened. The possibilities foreshadowed by San toe' dally balloon outings and the plans of the Dnuroe uiv atrv n 4IM1NT I Lebaudy aeronauts to make similar trips about Paris, fill with concern Police Pre fect lupine and the so-called octroi or Considered to Fressnge Era of Better Including General Chiang, the commander I Saltan Supposed to Favor the One municipal custom authorities, whose duty Feeling Between the Two Traditional National Enemies. (Copyright, 19T3, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 11. (New York World cablegram, special telegram.) "I regard the passage of this bill In a shape accepta ble to the Irish tenants' representatives as an act of patriotic duty," was the message Mw.ra seni to me caucus ui lrl"" seventieth year, she Is as keen Intellectually wnainra peers mrougn me auao oi Aoer- com at a critical time. In-chief In Chi LI, Lien Fang, vice-presi dent of the foreign bureau, and Yuan Shlh Kal, the viceroy or governor of Chi LI i province. Tsu HsI, thought not of Imperial blood- some even maintain that her mother waa slave has ruled th vast empire of China with Its 400,000,000 people with a rod of Iron, for forty-two years, aometlmea In guise of co-regent, sometimes regent and of late years simply as the strenuous aunt of the weak emperor. Today. In her The king had been Informed that after a prolonged session the caucus had de cided to resist the proposals which the Irish nationalists had Insisted upon as essential and he dispatched the duke post haate with his virtual command. The ss she ever has been and wtth a great fund of experience, coupled with extraordinary motive capacity. Is often more than a match for the, shrewdest western diplomats. The superiority she assumes over the la Whose Veins Coarses the Blood of the Turk. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, July 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) A crown Is about to be made In Paris which may yet cause a war between the supporters of two claimants who are now mere boys. It la a crown for Servla, and the designer and fashioner la Prince Bodlgad Karageorgo- vltch, a cousin of King Peter, an artist who has been In virtual exile here and who has a studio at No. t Bols de Boulogne square. It Is to collect a tax on produce and other articles brought Into the city. Prefect Lepine already has life-saving. dog, bicycle and automobile corps of po lice, but so far has no aeroneaut corps to regulate the speed of balloons or keep them on the right side of the atmospp The octroi authorities, for their par no way to prevent balloonlsts era alcohol, tobacco or even more cos dutiable goods. M. Lepine has already summ v- taln aeronauts before him, and tT of requiring permlta for balloo' is now under consideration. The problem of novelties . Ing seems to have been ' Duchesa D'Uxes, when on' TO UNITE CHRISTIANS EndeaToreri Ak Epworth League and Bap tist Unions to Form Merger. GIANT CONVENTION FORMULATES PLAN Petition is to Be Sent to Other Young People's Sco eties. FULLY o,000 DELEGATES IN DENVER Keligious Gathering Draws 20,000 Visitors to Colorado City. BIBLE STUDENTS AR ALSO MEETING Believers In Strange Doctrine Im merse Fifty ( onvrrta Heady for Mlllealam In Tea Years from Rate. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska-Fair Sunday Monday. and rage. 1 King Helps Irish Land Bill Oat. t'on.ln of Kin 1V frown. F.nileavnrera to I nlte C hristiana. Pope's Condition Less Unngerons. A Russians Scoff at Idea of War. 8 ews from ehraska Towns. York County eed Harvest Hands. Prrpurlnit for the State Fair. 4 Republicans ame Judicial Ticket. Woman Is Blinded In a Fight. Plea for a Nebraska Forest. 5 Affairs at Sooth Omaha. Rain Breaks the Heat Wave. Jnpanese and Mexicans Flaht. A Past Week In Omnha Society. Hnsslp of London Society. ! Conncll Bluffs and Iowa News. Resnlls of the Rase Ball flames. Americans Win Rifle Trophy. 10 Scrllmrr Wins at Tennis. Postal Probe Mears the End. Reproducing; Jerusalem at Fair. It Summer Vacations Are Expensive, Work on Buildings Proarcs.es. Water Board Asks for Help. 12 Amnsements and Mnslc. 1H Weekly nerlew of Sports. I t Editorial. 1R t.eoloay of Old Nebraska. About the Earth and Heavens. 1H Patrons of the Sleeping; Tar. 10 Financial and t'ommerelal. .on rtaln oy the ,.ls week guests to The two lads, who are pretty aura to clash monarchs of the rest of the world Is re- when King Peter'a relgn ends, as it looka after breakfast she treats fleeted In the name she gave the bureau or now, are each IB years old, oddly enough, a series of balloon ascension he guests ministry Of fnrelen SfTafra the allleft 1 anA Viv a .trontr. Ni(ni.M.nM hnth ar I I .1,1. ...atlu all ini Am ojred " " " 1 ' ' ' I powers forced upon China after the boxer I named George. man, who declined to go up, and the bill was saved. I wnr Tht hnrtv Kn.. K,, ... I. I. r I. n.i... r, tr It-V, . , It la safe now unless the House of Lords. a with foreign governments, as officially who. aa the king's eldest son. Is the crown PETITION MAY BE RECEIVED Influenced by the Irish landlord peers. Btyled china Is "the Foreign Office for prince, or heir apparent, should whittle down the concessions ob- AjmnBterlng the Affairs of Subject The other is called Prli talned by the Irish party from Chief 8oc retary Wyndham in the Commons. The opinion of the Irish leaders given to the 'World la that the act's utility will depend mainly upon Its administration It Is elaa tlo in Its provisions and If liberally ad ministered will be a Anal settlement. The Irish party Is anxious to get It through the House of Lords before the king visits Ireland, aa his Influence has been exercised from the first in making the landlord party agree to concessions to the tenants. King's Popularity Enhanced President Loubet'a visit to London haa greatly enhanced the prestige of King Edward, to whose Initiative it waa due, M. Loubet was completely carried away with the cordial but not over done en thusiasm of hla reception. French Foreign Minister Delcasso aaid to British Foreign Minister Lansdowne "I regtrrd this visit aa the moat important International event that has happened in Europe since the car went to Paris." President Loubet, who. la a little man, displayed an energy equal to the Kaiser's Prince George Obreno- Countrtes. i vltch. and Is said to ba the natural son cf the late Kino- Milan. Hla mother Is s Turk- FRENCHMAN S VIEW OF AMERICA lBh woman, whose maiden name when, she says, King Milan courted her, waa Arte Hardest Working and Least Frugal People to Be Found In the World. Strife la Russian Cabinet Over Papers from Valted States. the (Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. July 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) "There Is no country In the world where people are less who has been seeing Yankee land through French eyes. 'In France," he writes, "one sees all over the streets, the sign, 'Repairing done here.' In the United States they do no repairs. When clothes, shoes or furniture have DENVER, July 11. A movement of signal Importance in the religious world has been launched by the Christian Endeavor con ention, now In session here. It ia a tenta tive proposal to work for the amalgamation of the Christian Endeavor society, the .p worth league and the Baptlxt union and It will be presented In the torm of a petition from the Endeavorera to the other national bodies. In taking the initiative in the ad vocacy of such union tne Chlrstlan En deavor society points to lt priority of es tablishment as Justification. "To Evangelise the World," this IB the keynote of the pleaa of the noted minis terial orators of thia country and of Eng land, who, by their seal and eloquence, are stirring the large audiences which are attending the sessions of the Inter national Christian Endeavor convention and Hawaiian Government Grants Monthly Temperature at Omaha Yrsterdayi Hour. Dev. 5 a. m TO 9 a. m. . , T a. m . . , A a. ni . . , A a. m. . , 10 n. m. . , 11 a. m. , 12 m Tt T2 t:: TB Tit 7H llonr. Deal. 1 p. m Kt 2 p. m 4 H p. m 94 4 p. m fttl R p. m NR O p. ni M.'t T 9. m HI MAGIC MESSAGES STATE AIDED mlsia Johannid, but who now Is Mrs. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) Crlstlch, the wife of a man who waa bt. PETERSBURG, July 11. (New' York Bervla's minister In St. Petersburg for some World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The years. American Klshlneff petition Is causing grave Her father waa the sultan's chief archl- discussion between the czar's two all- tect. The mother left Constantinople lm- powerful ministers, De Wltte and Flehwes, mediately after King Alexander was killed and the rivalry between them may result and started for the Servian frontier with In the petition being received. her son, expecting the sultan to back her De Wltte Is extremely friendly to the economical and work harder than In the up In claiming the throne for the boy. But I United States and regards any weakening United States." Thia Is the proposition laid the sultan did not find It prudent to meddle t of the good relations as a grave error In down by Julea Huret, the Paris journalist. Just then, when the caar and the emperor international policy. The cur knows notn of Austria were watching, but there Is no lng of such matters, unless they are doubt that he would Jump at a a-ood chance brdught under his notice by his ministers, to once more get Servla Into his clutches by and Plehwes, with the oo-operatlon or making a half Turk the ruler, under the Lamsdorff, is using every mean to up sultan's suaeralnty. Very carefully haa the press the petition, young "Obrenovltch" been guarded because De Wltte regards the growing power of served their time they are thrown awav. of the fear he may be asaaasinated. Before Plehwes with misgivings and they already Machines ten years old are aold for old the coup d'etat in Servla his mother was have had several encounters over adminls- Iron and houses are torn down to make warned that an attack upon the life of her trative questions. The World correspond- room for mora modern ones." aon was planned because tt was the purpose nt now hears from a source very close to He notes the wide use of silk In America of Kin Alexander's enemies to kill everv- De Wltte that he la using all his endeavors i. .. Aithnnirh I imoni all classes, and remark h nrivi. 1 one In whose veins ran blood of the Dhrenn. I to have the petition handed to the oiar. h. navar mat to bed before 1 o'clock In the lrg granted by the United States to the etches. bellevelng that it will compel Plehwes' res- morning ha waa up working with his see- "Ilk manufacturers, their exemption from Cousin M akea the Crown. Ignatlon, IZ Tmr unUl rmTdnTghTner Tad Fran'oV. wouM do'w.U to emu- " rr t.rv,.w,d TRY NEW PLAN WITH THE POOR a minute's rest Yet he was always bright, late this example and not permit itself to f""" "' " never showed the slightest trace of fatigue I be distanced, even In Its silks, by this and hla good humor waa perennial, k He I marveloua young country. ... . i. I. . h.K.m. crr.it chums snrl the I - ft- ni.-MIIIM. M IK I lllKB I h K 1 " " i -v.--.., the numerous auxiliary meetings. That definite plan for carrying on the work will be adopted before the convention adjourns Is probable. Twenty Thousand Visitors. The complete registered returns of ac credited delegates haa not yet been com- Bnbsldy to Wireless Telegraph Company. HONOLULU, July ll.-The system 6f wireless telegraphy which has been In ser vice for some time between several Islands of the Hawaiian group haa not given eat- the new crown. "It la quite true," he said, In response to the correspondent's Inquiries, "that I have klng'a bon homle quite captured the presi dent's suite, What might have been an awkward In eldent was obviated by the king's ready tact. The original plan waa that the presl dent should leave London from Waterloo station for the Aldershot review. Only two hours before train time It occured to the king that the prealdent of France might feel sensitive about Waterloo, so the arrangements were suddenly changed nd M. Loubet went from Victoria station, French Society to Find Work Them Instead of Giving Charity. (or membered la the Latest List Given Oat. Justin McCarthy One of Those Re- " a lmPte matter, but really it is a most (Copyright. 190S, by Press Publishing Co.) aimcuii one. xne previous oervian King, PARIS July 11. (New York World Cable Alexander, wore a crown which was a gram Special Telegram.)-A charity has duplicate of one which waa worn in the ju,t been started in this city which alms fifteenth century. Profound study of ot onlv ot the rescue of the very poor but (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) heraldic designs will be necessary to con- the rehabilitation of their self-respect. LONDON, July 11. (New York World f"0' a new crown, lor every mark and Th. oblect is to help the worthy Indigents Cablegram Special Telegram.) Among the aevice means someining, as n ooes in a not professional beggars, but persons re- pensions recently granted on the civil Hat crest. aa hv circumstances or sickness, to for distinguished servlcee In literature Is "Theophlle, Ouatire'B daughter, a greit absolute destitution. Ths French newspaper men who came ' .280 to Justin McCarthy, the fa- atudent of such matters, is assisting me x refuge will be erected and efforts will .. i iwir,. mous historian, novelist and Dolltlclan. He nd 1 have sent to Moscow ana to Bt. k. made to secure for them work. An in uw ii n on. ajuuutjvi iibv v """. s - i i it . .a ..Hivataiv sini-essed has been almost blind for the laat five years Petersburg for material. tellle-ence office is attached, ih- nnvtctlon that this visit will go a long " now "ving with his devoted daugh- "The coronation may not take place for president Loubet, Jules Lemalrte, Clovla ..w - I n k TS . I U . . . I .Kn,,t o vmr PrtMlrilV It Will ho. ul Tn I.. . a . I. - nnl. man V.v. AAtl. v toward removing the insensate race c",-'n" esigaie-on- -- ' Hugnea ana umc. . - .... ' I Sab rtiialltf .nff...! In 111....,, Rabbi Stricken Down with Illness Makes Impassioned Attack piled, but at the lowest estimate there are igfactory results. now fully 8,000 In the city and the total The system has lately been placed In the number of visitors is not less than 20,000. I hands of a trust company with a view to Two pleasing impromptu features of the the financial and operating Improvement, convention have been the presentation by xo give further encouragement the govern- Chaplaln Robert F. Steels of the United ment will grant the new owners a subsidy States navy, to President Francis E. Clark of j100o a month, beginning on August .1. of a small American flag, said to be tne nrst raised by American troops over Cavlte, and FXJ$ DENOUNCING RUSSIA tne expression given Dy ev. x. j. uuupwu of London, to the sentiment of unity grow. lng between Great Britain and the United States. The sunrise quiet hour services tn five city churches at 6 o'clock thia morning were attended by thousands of delegates, although they had been occupied until late last night with convention business. From 8:10 to 9:30 sessions of the Christian En deavor School of Methods were held In eight churches. . O Ulcer s Hold Conference. Jit 10 o'clock a conference of state, dis trict and local union officers began at Cen tral Presbyterian church, Preaident Clark presiding. Well considered addressee, con- "rr prejudice on both aides. TURKS SURROUND BULGARIANS Bandit Leader Dies la Battle On Day, Porte Gaining Second Victory a Nest. Sea, busily engaged In literary work. the hundredth anniversary of Servian in- trlbuted. The present quarters are tern- Mr. McCarthy, haa made a considerable dependence, which was aohleved under my but the patrona expect to build. amount of money In his .day, but he has grandfather. Karageorge. a mori as money enough ts raised. The not the faculty of keeping It, being exceed- "My brother, Alexis, the real heir In the institution Is known as "The' House of lr.gly open-handed. Premier Balfour, an direct line to the Servian crown, la In .he Poor." and the director Is George old political opponent, granted the pension Austria, we win return to Belgrade after Harriots, Immediately It waa suggested to him and the king has naa ume to straighten things wrote a charming private letter to Mr. Mc-I out. ' (REJECT canny iniormmg nim or tne ract, i rTince smn, n. moi nromir, nas i - Another recipient of a pension from the Kon to Russia to take the king s children I Russian Law Does Not Permit Them civil list la Rhoda Broughton, whose aeries to Belgrade. I Oversee Work of JEWISH ENGINEERS NAT.ONICA. July 11. Twelve hundred T.rrui.h . trnrms have surrounded 200 Bui nrians nur Amatovo. The two leaders of novels beginning with "Cometh Up As a "There Is no truth In the regency story, of the Bulgarians were killed while at- Flower," were exceedingly popular thirty Peter la a strong man and can give Servla Christiana. tempting to escape. years ago ror tneir prigntness, originality In an encounter between Turkish troop ana aeiigntrut love-making. and revolutionists near Petrtch. about fifty . miles from Salonlca. yesterday, the noto- LAST LETTER OF QUEEN DRAGA rloua brio-ana. Alexis, ana several mciu- the strong guiding hand the country needs. Even If his son were tl years old, his youth (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) Appears to Have Had a Preae of Her Impending Doom. would still unfit him for such a task. "As for Alexander, the autopsy, which revealed hla phenomenal thickness of skull. showed htm to be little better than an idiot. He would not have been accepted for ST. PETERSBURG, July 11. (New York World Cablegram special telegram.) A German society opening up a mine at Balnaony, in the province of Tomsk, in western Siberia, appointed as manager of mimnrv service In France. Uv nniv rm I .k. m,nrirm minlnr enaineer. who Is a Jew. In his case is that, Instead of being killed. His passport and diploma have been, ac he was not exiled, so that he and his wife cording to the law. presented by the society bars of his band were Kllleti. I Appears to Have Had" a Presentiment SOFIA. Bulgaria. July 11. in a aemi- ofllclal statement Issued today the govern ment says It haa gladly taken cognisance of the declaration by some powero that Turkey has no aggressive plans and that I (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co) could have come to Parts to reside or gone for examination. The department of mines they are ready to Intervene with a view I VIENNA, July 11. (New York World I to om other great capital, where their sent back all the decuments, with the state of removing the reinforcements from the Cablegram Special Telegram.) Queen ,lves would soon have aroused the derision ment that the fundamental lawa of Russia frontier and la especially gratified by the praga'e last letter, written to a woman nd contempt or the civilized world, do not permit a Jew to be a manager oi Turkish promise of better treatment of the friend, waa published here. It rune: I whereas now there la natural pity for A works, since the Jews In Russia can have Bulgarians In Macedonia. The government I "I love Saaha (King Alexander) infinitely I woman, however bad, who haa been made I no grade, nor direct any work whatever, JAMESTOWN, Ky., July 11. While lec turing at Chautauqua thia afternoon Rabbi J. B. Glres of Cleveland fell to the plat form In an unconscious condition. He was In the midst of an Impassioned appeal on behalf of the Jews and was denouncing Russia for the persecution when the at tack came. The rabbi was. removed tq a pbyslclon'a office, where he soon rallied and It Is be lleved his Illness will be only temporary. talnlng many valuable suggestions to Chris tlan Endeavor workers, were delivered by UMWA MINE ST LL BURNING rtenry tx. juarcruasun oi lyuiwiu, n. j. Lathrop of Boston, John A. Rockwood of Portland, Ore., Fred W. Chamberlain of Detroit, Rev. C. M. Hubbell of Columbus, O., Rev. Joseph S. Rodey of Harrlsburg, Pa,, 'John R. Clement of Btnghamton, N. Y., and others. I Simultaneously the convention was in session at the large tent Endeavor. Rev, James Hill of Salem, Mass., presided. "Our Resources and How to Develop Them" waa All Hope of Recovering Vlotls Bodies ts Abandoned for the Present. RAWLINS, Wyo July 11.-A11 hope of reaching the bodies of the dead miners In the Hanna mine has been given up at leaat for the time, as today when the res cuers tapped the brattice built to smother the topic of tne day and addresses were the fire the gas and flames drove them made by nev. utepnen a. iNortnrup, u. i., back. Kansas City; Prof. A. R. Wells, Boston Hon. Marshall Black, Palto Alto. Cal.; Harry 8. Myers, Hinsdale, Mich.; J. 1. Mc Clelland, St. Louis; George W. Wright, Chicago; Mlsa Anna G. Fraser, Santa Monica, Cal.; Rev. George W. Pollock, Buckhannon. W. Va.; George B. Graff, Boston, and Rev. A. K. De Blots, Chicago. A session devoted to the Juniors was held In Tent Endeavor this afternoon, "Father" Clark presiding. The features were an il lustrated address, "Cut Loose," by Rev. C. H. Tyndall. D. D.. of Mount Vernon, N. T and "The Story of Old Granny," by Rev. W. F. Wilson. D. D., of Hamilton, Ont. Bible Students' Convention. A bible students' convention, conducted by the Watch Tower and Bible Tract so ciety of Allegheny, Pa., Is in seaalon at the Gettysburg building In this city, and In connection with it is a convention of Be lievers In the Atonement Sacrifice of Christ. President A. E. Williamson of Alleahenv Is in charge and C. T. Russell, author of DOCTORS the book on the mlllenlum, the "Plan ot the Ages." Is one of the chief speakers. Today fifty converts were baptized by Im mersion. The followers of this sect believe that Christ returned to earth tn spirit form In UT78 and that the mlllenlum will come In ten years more. Beginning at 4:80 this afternoon an out door patriotic meeting was held at City None but the most experienced are per mltted to go into any! part of the mine, as the danger of another explosion has be come too great. IOWA TOWN IS FLOOD SWEPT Green Island Houses Washed Away When Maquoketa Dam Bursts. DUBUQUE, la., July 11. Green Island, a town thirty miles down the river, waa nearly wiped out laat night by the break ing of Maquoketa dam. The roar of the approaching flood was heard and the residents ran for the hills. No lives were lost, but several houses were washed away and all were flooded. The crops were all washed away as was much live stock. Immediately countermapded orders concern- For his sake I would not hesitate to make 1 the victim of a midnight murder." lng the reserves, jt is tnougnt nere that 1 the crowning sacrifice and separate myself the danger of a conflict has passed. I from htm. "I know that I am hated and h v,. AMERICAN ENTERPRISE ABROAD "nce of a chlld-an heir-Increases the dangers whlcn menace us. If the king RESTORING AN ANCIENT TOWER New Locomotive Company Seeks to Get Ore should reconcile himself with the extreme and sell Finished Product radicals it would be posalhle that the sec- ond queen of 8ervla would follow the flrst la Rusala. mt elU( (Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) "I am haunted by sombre nreaentlrn.r,. ST. PETERSBURG, July u.-(New York and often during the hlght I recall the Structure at St. Clond to Work ot Art la Force, lain. Bo a should there be even one Christian work- man under them. MENUS OF STATE BANQUETS Game of Diplomacy Played la the Naming of the Dishes Served. World Cablegram Special Telegram.) (Copyright. 1903, by Presa Publishing Co.) PARIS, July 1L (New York World Ca- hlecram Snecial Telearam.) There rn. "lrlu, in.no.-i aying. extend- above St. Cload before the war of 1870 . . . . . , r -.. iu- a txve oi. ioua ueioro ino war ot 1870 a The vice president of an American locomo- ,n, hl. bloody hands toward hla aasaaalna. Mrt of square tower of brick and porcelain, tlve company. Robert Groas. arrived here supplicating them: 'Stop, my brothers, it called the "Tower of Diogenes." The state g few days ago to study the practicability u enough.' , a.,.. . "1! ! of exporting the mineral ore of southern Russia to America. The correspondent for the World la informed that the Russian authorities are doing everything In their power to help realise Mr. Groas' plans. Mr. Groas Is not only seeking to stimulate the Russian demand for American locomo tives, but Is carefully looking Into Indus trial and economic condition as repre sentative of a syndicate of American rap. Itallata with money to Invest In develop ing Russia's natural resources and manu Jacturing possibilities. i "Sasha ta In good spirits. PRINCESS MATHILDA IS ILL Daughter of Jerome Bonaparte Falls oa Wax Floor and Breake Her Thigh. (Copyright. 1901. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. July 11 (New York World Cable. aram Special Telegram.) Prtncesa Ma r tlilMs, the only daughter of Prince Jerome 1 Uonaperte. Is In a critical condition In r .nsequence of Injuries caused by her tlltplng on the waxed floor of her biudolr. One of her thigh bones was broken, and. aa aae t mora thai M ) ears old, a taUl result te taexed. Obrenovltches.' CRANE IS TO HAVE A NEW PLAY rim hallAuasi I . . . - ja .a i - - - "reirofca i v n l inwpr-iiPHi rnvpii in nna fir Trim nun wnu ... u..-.,u-.oU. ...M . me star or the paigns-by a porcelain one. The design of this original tower has Just been handed In for the Inspection of the di rector of fine arts. It will be composed of white, blue, turquoise, rose, coral and emerald, greet) china. 30,000 pieces In all be ing required for its composition. The deco rations will be both from the floral and animal klngaom. ana win portray the legends of the forest of St. Cloud. From Its great height It will overlook Paris. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. July 11 (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Mr. Rambout. an attache to the Ely see palace, the official residence of the president of France, haa lasnufactorv of Servres is about tr. ..ni... been collecting menus of state and other . . The Spenders" Is the Title of Latest Candidate for Pah. He Favor. His dinners for twenty years and now has 8,000. . The names of the dishes of state banquets Indicate the relations or alliances sought for with other nations. For Instance. "A L Russe" figured prominently at the time a Ruaslan alliance waa desired. The most recent menus show dishes "A L'Anglalse." IndtccUng the desire of the republic for more friendly relatione with England. (Copyright. 19ng. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. July li (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) W. H Crane will open his American season under the menegament of Charles Frohman. with a aramausaiion oy r.. e. nose of "The Spenders in tne savoy theater. In New York next eeptemner. following Mrs. Lang- try. ne win appear in a new comedy I . b. kalna ,.h ... w. ...... - m vy ineries Hawtrey. Mr. Crane left yesterday for Carsbad intenaing to return to New York tn two weeks. C. E. Hamilton, a manager for Mr. Froh. FORMER PREMJIER WRITES BOOK Waldeek-Roasaeaa Wrltea of Domes- tie and Foreign Politico. END TO THE BLOODLESS DUEL Hew System of Praetlclagr Which May ( haage the Present Re. salts. (Copyright. 1908. bir Press Publishing .Co.) PARIS. July ll. (New ror World Cable gram Special Telegram. A new Invention l J V . 11 a I a t.-m r at s-v I a. J m (Copyright IK by Pres. Publishing Co ) To c" front and fire at each other instead of at ordinary targets. It Is thought that this will Insure greater precision, and the French press hopefully comment that If the idea ts followed up it may niable duellists PARIS, July 11 (New York World Ca. blegram Special Telegram.) A new book by Waldeck-Rotisseeu. entitled "French man. has Just returned from a brief honey. I and Foreign Polltlca." haa Juat appeared, moop. I-at Saturday n married Miss I Critics deem It a remarkable study. All the Chrlatlne McOIII. daughter of the late political questions that came up during hv soma uosalblllty to hit each other and royal acanemicisn. v . jnuraoca ofliHifil. I waiaeca-xwuseeau pu.tiitj career of three I thua nut an end to the bloodless duels Mr. and Mr. Hamilton will make tfcelr I years are treated tn the book, la a clear end I whLrh now hold Frenchman ud to the I hems B i-onaon. J instvaraanau n anion. lxsdlaul of th world. Tell DUB KNAPP SANE Court They Ksaailaed Mnrder aspect and Found Him Responsible. HAMILTON. O.. July ll.-Drs. P. M. Barden and C. M. Huston were called at the Knapp trial today. They said they park, presided over by Bishop Samuel Fal- had visited Knapp and examined him and lows of Chicago. Addresses were delivered by Bishop B. W. Arnett of Wllberforce. O.. and others. State rallies and receptions were held tonight at the different state headquarters. Baptist Young People. ATLANTA, Oa., July 11. The forenoon session of the International Convention of the Baptist Young People's union w largely taken up by the Interesting exercise of the salutation of the flags, conducted by Rev. Walter Calluly of Chicago made some tests for Insanity. They found nothing to Indicate that the prisoner was Irresponsible SURROUND BANDITS IN HILLS Ofllcera Hem la Oklahoma Outlaws Who Slew Mly Marshal. GUTHRIE. Okl, July 11. The outlaws mjtin i.n.ntlv killed Cltv Marshal (Vm. nt This ceremony consisted of a long pro- Geary naVe been surrounded In Devil s canyon, In the Wichita mountains, by a posse of federal and territorial officer. A flght Is expected before they are captured. cession of banners, borne by young women delegates, representing all sections of the country. Following this. there waa a call of the .'oil, with responses by delegates from the various states, territories and provinces, detailing the progress of the work In their districts. Movemente of Ocean Vessels July 11. At New York Arrived Liguria, from Clenna: Ktrurla. from I.lveriKxil: Ijl Tou- The afternoon session was devoted to the I mine, from Havre. Balled Pennnylvanlan, tunlnr branch of the society, the exercises from Hamburg, via Plymouth and (.'her . . .ki, ,.w txjurg; Minm-haha. for London; zeiand, for being upon the general subject. The Antw.p; Kaiser Wilheim d.r Orosse, for Light of the World." I Bremen, via Plymouth and Cherbourg; As- The convention adopted a resolution en- i torla, for t.lasgow; l.uranla, for Liverpool. . , .. . ,,i , I At Liverpool Arrived Armenian, from doming all efforU for the promotion of mis- New york: Halled-Campanla, for New alonary Intelligence and condemning In em- I York: Cevlc. for New York. nh.tln terma the liquor traffic. One of At Cherbourg Halled-Ht. Paul, from the features of the day waa a speech of Samuel D. McKenny of Alton. III., respond ing for his state. "We have had enough of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.' he declared, "and the people of the south should not give It to their chil dren to read, engendering feeling and bit terness. We should unite In praising the names of Lincoln and Lee, of Grant and Jackson." Baptists Kleet OAeera. AKRON, O., July 11. The national con vention of the Baptist Young People's Christian union today elected the following officers: President, Iuls Annin Ames of New York, re-elected; secretary. Harry Adams Horsey of Boston; treasurer, George P. Bears of. Chicago. Southampton, for New York At Copenhagen 8a lied -Hekla. for New York. . At Bremen Balled Frledrlch der Grosse, for New York, via Cherbourg. At (Jenoa Arrived Lomberdla, from New York, via Naples. At Queenstown Arrived t mnna, rrom New York, for IJverpool. and proceeded. Sailed Celtic, from Liverpool, for New York. At Antwerp Balled Vaaderland, for New York. At Plymouth Arrived Barbsrossa, from New York, for Cherbourg and Bremen, and proceeded. At Havre Balled La Gascogne. for Ion don. At Movllle Sailed Columbia, from Glas gow, for New York. At San Kranc-lsco Arrived -- Roderick Dhu. from HI Ix; Ixch Csrron. from New castle; Johnston, from Honolulu; Albert K. from Honolulu. Balled .Neptune, fur Jeiult; Japan, for Panama. LEO AGAIN IMPROVES Doctors See Hope that Pops May Lire Fifteen Days Longer. HEART FAILURE IS MOST FEARED NOW Best.'nl Sleep, Better Breathing and Low Temperature Aid Patient PONTIFF RECEIVES THREE CARDINALS Remains in Bed on Madicel Adrioe, bnt Sees Several Visitors. MARKS OF WEAKNESS SAID TO BE PLAIN After Audience One Eccleslastle De scribes Emaciated Look, Saying Holy Father Speake and Raises Arms with Difficulty. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, July 12.-(New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Pope Leo'a won derful vitality haa again asserted ltaelf and. although hla doctors decline to Issue op timistic prophecies, they now say hla life may be prolonged for fifteen days. Friday's operation relieved his holiness considerably and all . day yesterday his condition Improved. Early this morning he was no worse. If no better, but aa he haa been oieeplng since 11 last night no careful examination Is possible. The chief anxiety now Is that his heart may give out, al though the derangement ot his kidneys Is also discouraging. During yesterday he received three car dinals representing the cardinal bishops, the cardinal priests and the cardinal deacons. ' Bulletin la Reassuring. Only one bulletin waa Issued yesterday,. the following being given to the publlo at m. It Is understood, however, that this correctly describes his condition up to midnight: During the night his holiness rested at Intervals. His pulse Is 90 and haa shown no diversity since last night In strength and resistance. His respiration Is 80 and , his temperature 36 centigrade. Functions of the kidneys are still deficient. Hl general condition, however, la fairly easy. MAZZONI. Contrary to his usual custom the pope did not get up In the morning, aa his doc tors considered absolute rest best for him. About 1 he lunched lightly on sweetbreads, chicken, Jelly and a glass of wine and soon after slept peacefully for nearly four hours. Plo Centra, the pope's valet, got a few hours sleep last night, the first In a long , time. Subsequently he told the World cor respondent that the pope's life waa gently, but surely ebbing away, although his Intel-' lect remained untouched. It waa pitiful, he said, to watch his master In his efforts' to attend to his daily occupations, while struggling against the mortal weakness. The pope talks little of religion since he received the last communion. He appears serenely - secure, often repeating Marcus ' ' Aurellus' farewell to the soul. j Views of Attendant. Camariere Btelvtnl, one of the private at tendants In the pope's bedroom, who has been employed at the Vatican all his life, and la in minor orders gave an Impressive account this morning of the scenes In the papal sick room. "It Is not a death bed," he said; "It Is a gradual ascension Into heaven of a man of supreme spiritual Idea. The soul and the intellect remain, but the body has ceased its functions. It haa perished, but the mind burns still like a bright light "For the first few days It waa a sight awful in Its solemnity, not pathetlo or sor rowful, but almost supernatural to see the frail, ethereal figure of Christ's vicar, aa the will occasionally asserted Itself over the feeble body, moving around the room clothed In white, walking, as it were, hand in hand with death." The reas. uring medical bulletins are gen erally understood to be mere medical Jug glery, for while the secretaries report hts holiness as Improving none of his dootors even pretend to anticipate any hope of final recovery. Still, though science may be un able to save Pope Leo, -It hi at leaat afforded him practically a painless decay. The tremendous superiority of the pon tiff's mind over his frail frame oan be Judged from his actions yesterday regard ing Monsignor Volpini. Tired of the ex. cuses made by those trying to conceal the fact of Monsignor Volplnl's death, Pope Io exclaimed: "Then we must appoint a coadjutor," and thereupon solemnly de-' clared that Monsignor Marlnl should act as assistant to the man who was buried on Friday. The grim oddity of the situation waa . heightened by the coincidence that Mon signor Marlnl was coadjutor to the secre. tary of the ronslstorial congregation when Pope Plus IX died. He la now a substi tute at the congregation of briefs. This in dication of the pope's wish I likely to se cure for Monsignor Marlnl the place made vacant by the sudden death of Monsignor Volplnl. Sick for a Week. Yesterday brought to a close a full week since Pope Leo waa stricken with Illness and It found him still battling against death. Friday night he enjoyed considerable periods of repose. Dr. Laponnl remained near the sick room throughout the night, but there waa little occasslon for his service. When Dr. Mazzonl Joined him In th j sick chamber at 8:S0 yesterday morn ing iney rouna tneir patient had not Buffeted any serious Indisposition during the night, although the same terrible weak ness was still manifest. The usual bulletin wss Issued at o'clock and It showed that the conditions In the sick room were practically unchanged, pulse, respiration and temperature being almost Identical with those maintained Friday. The most cheering feature of the bulletin waa the lilt nee concerning any Immediate aggravation of pleuritic conditions. Anslous Crowds Gather. Within the colonade fronting St. Peter's there continued the same gathering of anxioui crowda, with ateady lines of cardinals and distinguished members of the diplomatic corps proceeding to the Inner court cf the Vatican to learn the result of the "doctors" conference. Even before daylight groups gathered at the entrace seeking the latest Information The weather conditions here are Ideal and contribute greatly to th comfort of the patient. Usually, Rome reeks In midsummer with the fierce heat of the sun and ex halation from the surrounding marshes, but now the elements are lending every encouragement to the recovery of the lilustrous patient. The sun shires frem a cloudless sky end the heat ia tempered by 1 almy west breeiea. The temperature seldom rlaea over tt degreees FarcnAatt dur r