TITE OMAHA DAILY TIEEt SATURDAY, JULT 11, 1003. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Market A;in Etiong tod Higher on Ecard of T-ada. SELLING PRESSJ-L vlNDS CORN DOWN Oats niic BlUUiI), Wlille ProtUlom Clove Lower ..lie.- Hall, FeiUre leas linn wllh Pi Ices Tending Do award. CHICAGO, July 10-The wheat market exhibited conHlderable strength again to day, the riepumher option clusinn V higher. Si-piember corn clonrd a shade lower, oata were up VflSic, and provisions were unchanged to 7V10o lower. Cables failed to respond to .the advance In the price of wheat here yesterday and thla fact, together with the favorable weather condulona caused an eaaler tone at the atart, September being unchanged to lHc lower at 7(f.Hc. Prospects of a bullish government crop report was tne principal factor throughout the session and tha buying waa of good character the en tire day. There waa a fair outaide demand and Bt. Louis and the northwest wsre both firm, which helped prlcea here. After Belling up to 79 "40 for September there waa a re action on realizing sales, but crop damage reports continued to come and prlcea held strong. The close was c higher at .9c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 182.100 bu. Primary receipts were 319.WW bu., against WO.WiO bu. a year ago. Min neapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 134 cars, which with local receipts of 17 cars one of contract grade made total re ceipts for tha three points of lol cars agalnat 317 cars a year ago. Corn was helped some early by the strength In wheat, but the market was again under considerable "elllng pressure and the undertone was easier ,T he volume of trading was light, traders being disposed to await the Issuance of the government crop report. Easier cables hart a 5,Pr"' ing influence. The close was about steady i rint wrK 362 cars, with it oi . . Oats ruled nulet and the n? governed largely by the action of wheat. An Improvement In the cash demand was .r.,..ihnnint influence. The close was Arm with September Mi4C W: h" 'J a5S3r,o, after sel Ing between M'io and f,iiiji35c. Local receipts were 113 cars. LlWl receipts of hogs and lower ' Prices So support the market f M ed to r " ra and without feature. September pork closed Be lower at $14.95. September lard wa7fil0c lower at t7.Wfr7.r7V4. while ribs were unchanged at S.BiV4. wt,t Estimated receipts for to"0".: IS cers; corn, 286 cars; oats, ISO cars, hogs, "C leading futures ranged as follows; OMAHA WBOLItlUB MARKBT. Artlcles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.Yesf y. Wheat 1 a juiy b July . fiept Juiy Sept. Dec. Oats July Bept. Dec. pork July Sept. Lard July Bept. Oct. Klbs-" July Oct. 7941 7S nvi! 80 794 791 C1M. 61 Vi I 7W 7H 7S 7bV4l 794' 79 7 40141 40 847'3oW 30Vil aofcl 14 75 14 75 14 85 15 IW 7 75 7 75 7 90 7 95 7 75 7 75 I 6214 8 55 8 16 8 25 61141 51 1 M 40 40 35V4 14 6214 14 85 7 66 7 86 7 70 8 47 8 15 14 70 14 96 7 70 7 8714' 7 721,1 8 55 8 2214 794 7914 7814 51 61' 61 40 34 35 14 75 16 00 7 80 7 95 7 77V4 8 60 8 67 No. 8. a Old. b New. , Cash quotations were as follows: WHKATNoad"sprlng, 78STOc; No. J. 750 CORN No. 2. 61c; No. 2 yellow, 61149 MOATS-No. S, 40c; No. 2 white, 44c; No, Sa Lit. JAW L.rt ' BARLETOUod feeding. 40B43c: fair to Choice malting, 48fcolc. SEEDS No. 1 llax. 9e; No. 1 northwest am $1.02; prime timothy, 83.40; clover, con- I ... .1 m tit WVT! 1 1 Tfi PROVISIONS Mesa pork, perbbl., $14.70 014.76. Lard, per iw ios., i.wiui.iu. mj Si.. .1.4... i nnwt is 37U(ff8.60. Dry salted shoulders, (boxed). $7.K7(Uo.00; short clear .ide. (boxed). I-W.W. Flour, bbls 1.0 " 400 Wheat, bu. 24 200 W 300.400 82S.7O0 Oats' bu. . ISO. Ryr bS:::::::: 6.200 Barley, bu 23,100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries, 167120c; dairies, HMc, Eggs, steady to firm at mark: cases Included, 13614o. Cheese, easy at Kxaiiyic. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. oa Varloas Qwotatloas of the Day Oommodltlea, NEW YORK. July 10 FLOUR Receipts, 1,643 bbls.; exports, 21,270 bbls.; unchanged, but firm and fair to actlvs; winter patents. tS9O.ii4.S0: winter straights, l3.8Mf3.86: Min nesota patents. 84.504.70; winter extras. 82.90 4(3.00; winter low gradea, 84.66. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 83.00i8-3.S6; choice to fancy, s fira.WJ. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western, 81.13; city, $1.11; lirandywlne, $3.12120, kiln dried. RYEr-8teady; No. 2 western, 60o f . o. b. afloat: statu. 6R4i09'A;. f. o. to., afloat. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 0, a t f., New York; malting, 61V45iO. WHEAT Receipts, lii.575 bu.; exports, 4.070 bu. Bpot, firm; Mo. I reo, t(c, eleva . . . . I out. A t. M . . XT- 1 lor; nu. s cwn--, . v. v., k,.fh, au. a northern Duluth, tUTfcc, f. o. b.; No. 1 hard Manitoba, Wo, f. u. b., afloat. Options opened easy, under poor cables and rain In the northweet. but rallied and were gen erally firm all day on the crop report and a renewal of bullish crop newa, closing HO lo net higher. July, &G87Hc. cloaed at fcTUc; September, tuvfiiWVto. closed at W4c CORN Receipts. 81,650 bu.; exports, 108.790 bu. Bpot, dull: Mo. 4. Dec, elevator, and &IA.C. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 69c; No I white, 69c. Options opened steady, but soon yielded to unloading and favorabl wather newa. ruling dull all day. with th close ',t0 net lower; July. 67TiU58Vic, closed at 67c; September, 6"i68M(C, closed at B?Tio: December. b7''ii.S8c, closed at 67Tc. OATS Receipts, 11,600 bu.; exports, 28.600 bu. Bpot. quiet; No. 2. 43c; standard while, 46c: No. 8. 42Wc: No. 2 white. 45W-; No. white, 44He46; track white, 43HJM9C. Op Hons dull ail day ana barely steady. HAY Quiet; shipping, SO&lioc; good to choice. 8LUHUU.20. HOPS Kasy; state, common to choice, llilc; 1901. 14-(17c; olds, 641IO0; Paclho coast, l&Xi, iBWi-ac; 1901, i4lic; olds, U-e. HIDES Steady ; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs )8ot California, 21 to 2i lbs., 19c; Texas, dry 24 to SO lbs.. 14c. LEATHKR Bteady; hemlock sole, Buenos Ayres, light to heavy weights, acid, ij SLU.O. lilCE Firm: domestic, fair to extra. 4U 3c; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family, 210.0iVff 10 60; mesa, S.6!!9 J1; beef hams. ai5ii( 21. ou; packet. Uwj'J.W; city extra India mess. fUYuuivM 00. Cut meats. Irregular; pickled belllea, $9.6ni0.50: pickled shoulders. I. 60; pickled hams, 812.6ulii3.uO. Lard, easy; western steamed, W.lo; rt lined, weak; con tinent, 88.26: South America, 89.10; com- rmnd, 87.60i.i.00. Pork, easy; family, $17.75 18.00; short clear, 116.264)18.00; mess. $17,009 17 60. TALLOW Easy; city, 4 6c; country, 69 llTTTEK Receipts, 16.500 pkga.; market IrreKular; stats d.ilry, Miitvuc; creamery, liH '' 2"1c. CHEtSK Reoclpta. 4.900. Market etsv; state, full cream, fancy, large and small, colored and white, 10c. EOUS lleoeiptH, t.650 pkga. Market tin jrttled; western, seconds to extras, IVif !'-C. 'OAR Raw. ste:idy; fair retlnlng. Jo; cenfrlfugal, tost. 8'uS 9-16c; moTnv sugar, JV.ru2''o: r'lnnl. steiily: crushed, S.fcoo; rwilercrt. .'Oc; Rrnvil vdtel, 4 90c. COFFKK Market quiet: No. 7 Rio, 5Ue. MOLASSES Mm ket mlet. POl' L'fHV-Alive, aleei y; western spring chickens, 180, f.)wls, 12c: turkeys, l'.V; dreaaed. firm; w- '"rn broilers. Ilk1; fowls. HHc: turkeys. lafflBo. M ETAL8 tipot l.u was 1 hlirher at 1?3 10e In London and fv.itfi s we-e a ti Inner nt rjl(i lvallv I'.r a alao hlirher. el Ing at $5r.loii7.M. V yr il-llned bont r, In London. aw c'oalng at 6 12s fed and futures at CVlIstH. I o-allv coixr nominally 1 ' 1 ane nna elec trnlvtle rra qu ' ' . ind casting at SlS.6(i 13.76. Le."" d 1 Hi & Is -'A In lxndon to fcUSsfcl In!" rwirT'd ''CM here nt $4.im. Six-lter s hi-' ' irniHt In Ionrton i JllTMid but -.vi'S sliKhtlv her. hiiK iiio'ed at f"i5x7,4;. Iron cbwed at 8ia4d In Glaagow and at 4u 4HI In Mldil-. burough. Locally lion waa quiet and more or lea nominal. No. 1 foundry northern, ri7 5vijlS5u. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern suit, $18. 1.. War rants are no, Ceaaltlow f Trade ! 8aetailoas oa gtaple Mad Faaey Pre da. J. KOG9 Fresh stork, loss off. 12HO. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8810c; Spring chickens, per lb., lirlHe; roosters, accord ing to ago, 4-yfrc; turkeys, lOitflSo; ducks, 6 tli'". geese, b'alc BUTTER Packing stock, lSe; choice dairy, In tubs, wa6c; separator, 20a FRERH FISH Freeh caught trout, Ho; pickerel, 8c; pike. 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7H-:; blueflsh. He; whltellsh, 9c; salmon, 14c; had dock, UK-; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 26c; lobsters, green, per lb.. 23c; bullheads. Ilo: catfish. 14c; blsck bajia. 20c: halibut. 10c; crapple, 13c; her ring, 6c; perch, 8c; white baus. 10c; bluenna. BRAN-Per ton. 815. , , HAY Prtces quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $nnn; No 2. $8.50; medium, 88 .00; coarse, 87.60. Rye straw. $7.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CO it N Vc. RATS 40c. YE No. 2, 46c. VEOETABLER. NEW POTATOES Bouthirrs, per bu., 76a PR9I.EV-Pir itn. hunrhea. 300. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dot., 40 46C. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market basket, 25o; string, per market basket, 2o. PEAS Home grown, per market basket. 35c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, psv dox.. 60c CABBAOE New California, per lb.. 2c. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 80c. RHUBARB Per lb., le. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.60. CELERY Michigan, per doe., JSC. ONIONS New California dry, per lb., 2c: Texas, per lb., 2o FRUTT8 BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt case. $3. RED RASPBERRIES Per H-plnt case, 17 F.II BLUEBERRIES Per 16-qt. case, $2.60 2.75. PLUMS California, Clyman, per box, 11 ?, (Jrn, nliimi tier 24-ot. box. 82. CHERRIES California, white and black. per 10-lb. box. 82. PRATHF-fl California- ner box. $1.10. CANTALOUPE California, per crate, $6; Texas, per crate, S3. APPLES New -"tock. bu., 75e. WATERMELONS Georgia, 35c; each Florida, per lb.. lc. TROPICAL FRUITS. - FlOS-Callfornla, per 10-lb. cartons, 75o; T,,rl.l.l. ... II, IK W.nv lUn OKANOES Mediterranean, all sixes. $3.00 C8.26; Jaffa, $3.3.50; fancy blood, per half box, $2; St. Mlckes, or paper rine, ail sizes, X3.fi(ll4.00. LcjMUNr California fancy, mi ro ra lu. r : rtr.rt nfi- 'lift In 97ll eltni Xi blViijn.llll! MeBBlnas, 6.oitfb.b. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE BUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., lOo. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled. 4o. HIDES No. 1 green. 6Ho; No. 2 green. I veal call, B to u la.. sc; iso. x veat can, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides,. Slic; neep pens, z;.oc; norseniaes, n.ovuw. NtlTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell. ter lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell. tier lb.. 13c: no. I nara sneii. cer id., uc Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dox., 61c; r.neatnuia. rier id., iuc: neanuta. uor iu 6Hc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., 81; hickory nuts, per uu., 81.50. Bt, I.ools Grain and Provlsloaa. ST. LOUIS, July lO.-WHEAT-Cash, No, elevator. 784c: track. 8i)V,i;81Vkc: July, 78Hc; September, 77'c; December, iSVi c; no. a nara, 74jjr4c. mil V T.Am,A. oa.W Ma 9 IIUa m l 4i50c: July. 49c: September. 60i350c. OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 87c; track, 38(fi38Hc: September, 34V4c; No. 2 white, 43c, rye firmer. 60c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 83.85ft oo: extra fancy and straight. 13.663.80 clear, X3.zutia.3b. BK1S1-Timothy, steady, iz.ouB'3.&o. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.80. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 78 80c. HAY Easy; timothy. $8.0016.00; prairie. so.ooyiz.oo. IKON COTTON IT E Jl.UO. BAGGING 5a6Hc. HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing. standard meea 81310. Lard, lower, 87.27H Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts. $9.374; clear ribs. $9.50; short clear, $9.75. METALS Lead, firm, S4.02H- spelter, Arm, $6. POULTRY Easy; chickens, 8c; springs, 12Hc; turkeys, 13c, old; ducks, 7c; geese, 8 4c. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 15a21c; dairy. 15fS17c. EGGS Lower, izc mas ort. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 6,000 11,000 Wheat, bu K3,uw bm.uou Corn, bu 83.000 67,000 Oats, UU im.uuo os,vuu Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 10. WHEAT July, 70t4c: Bentember. 68c: cash. No. z hard. 71V4ig72c; No. 8. 69WS70e; No. 4, 62c; re jected. 2(3624c; No. 2 red. 73qi74o. COKN JUly, tsvynifB'TSC; caan, no. muea, 49i494c; No. 2 white, 6I1S6IH0; No. 8, 60 H: . . ... k UA ra INO. S wime, oouwu; .1 u. a mueu, 2W26HC. hl ft-HO. x, eio. HAY Choice timothy, $11.50; choice prai rie. $8.5iW11.00. BUTTER creamery. nvi; 1 an cry oairr. 16c, . EQOS FTesn, lie Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 71,200 18.600 Corn, bu 44.800 24,800 Oats, DU o.ouu (,uuv new Issue of stock: business was Inac tive nd they cloaed weak. The withdraw als of gold from tha Bank of England to day Wei" 5.ou0 for shipment to B.uavia and :MJ0O for shipment to South A f riot. PARIS. July 10 Business on the bourse today, owing to promises of the settlement and the holidays, was heavy, Uiougu to ward the end or me day tnere was soma buying of rentes, which resulted In a bet ter tone at the close of the market. Klo Tintos were 6 points lower. Three per cent rentes, 7f 86c for the account. BERLIN. July L Business on the Bourse today was extremely stagnant and quota tions were lower. Canadians were weaker. The weekly statement of the Bank of Ger many shows the following changes: Cash in hand. Increase, 1.400,000 marks; treasury notes, decrease, 440,iK) marks; other securi ties, decrease, lo2.0ou,0uo marks; note in circulation, decrease, 96,228,000 marks. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BOSDS. Selling- Preasare Sends Prices Down ward, Mltla-ated by Final Rally. NEW YORK. July 10. The Stock ex change did as much business in the first two hours of the session aa was done dur ing the entire session of the previous day, which was in turn more than twice as much aa the recent dally averages. This revival of activity has been on the selling side of the market, and yesterday's wide Inroads on nricea were added to today. Owing to the late rally on the movement to cover short sales the day s extreme ae clines were considerably mitigated, the more prominent active stocks closing at recoveries or KfliVi rrom tne low pouii vi the day. The movement In New York Cen tral continued to dominate the whole mar ket, and that stock's decline of 3Mi points was the most considerable in me acuve list. The price touched 116 during the early afternoon and closed at 1194. Quite a num ber of leading speculative stocks were at one time from 8 to 3 points below lat night, St. Paul and United States Steel, the latter at only a fractional decline, touched lower prlcea than before this year, and the same waa true In a number of in active stocks. Pennsylvania sold down to Its previous low record at 1J3, but enormous buying orders at mat level were niiiuc rilatblv disclosed. There was no important new development to txcount ror tne con tinued weakness. There were admissions aa to the probability ma tne great termi nal construction contemplated by tne com pany wojld be done through the medium of a terminal company organized for the purpoae, but It waa realized that New York Central credit muBt bo re'.led upon for raising the money. The continued stream of New York Central stock coming vrp on the market waa sufficient in Itself to take away the effect of disclaimers of a con templated stock Issue or bond Issue. Stocks of the sudBldlary Vanderbllt companies which are seldom dealt In also suffered, Lake Erie A Western and prererrea losing a I'lovitlarwl Cini'lnnati. Chicago St Bt. Louis and Peoria & Eastern and Canada Southern 2. Chicago & Northwestern also suffered a ZH-polnt decline anu mo pre ferred 3, the latter with a recovery. There were old notable declines umong Invest ment storks New Jersey Central, which lost 6, Delaware & Hudson 5, Lackawanna and American express 0 anu ruinimn The occasional rallies irom ine umuu" i' riin.i,i ih km i.art nlaved by pro res sionail short selling In the weakness. But the large amounts of long stock were dis lodged by the bear tactics of the profes sional iraaerH, anu eacn bukcwiio until tYim lunt nn waa availed of for new selling. The first effective rally came after the publication of estimates of the weekly cash change, which showed an excess of -...!.- -hinmenta on the Interior movement. This is larger than the $2,768,000 nn anhtreiuiiirv oDeratlons. thus indi cating a small net cash gain by the banks. Tomorrow's gold shipments of SAWO.ouu, however, do not figure In this estimate. The large receipts on balance from the In terior were a decided surprise, in view of the movement of Interior exchange mar kets. The grain markets reflected the large closing up of accounts In expectation of the appearance of the monthly crop statement after the closing today and orders in stocks were notable. The market closed about Bteady on the late rally. Bonds were weak in sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $2,180,000 United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: . 6VkSt. Paul pia 11 . 0 So. Facldo 47Vt . H31 bo. Railway ti . SW do pfd " Texas Pacific 7H .161 Toledo, Bt. U i W. W . J8 HI do r'd 42,' . 16UoIod PaclSo . 67 I do ptd 7 17 Wabaah M under room selling, while importers and shorts were reported purchases. The mar ket waa finally steady at unchanged to a decline of a points, b.ilea were Ib.M bags, Incluiilng: beptember, 3u'a4.uOc; Decem ber, 4.36c; March, 4.55c; May, lofrc Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 10.-COTTON-Steady; sales Kuu bales; ordinary, 8 li-lc; good ordinary, lie; low middling, illsc; middling, 12c; good middling. 13s,o; mid dling fair, 13 li-ioc. Keen ins, Ijk bales; stocK, 73, fti bales. Futures steady; August, 12.WMil3.UUC: November O T.u. ' Jmmiiirv u AtWiti .47c. becretury Hester's .t.l.ment of tha worlds vlaible supply of cotton shows a tolal visible supply of 2i.Ol,00O bales against 2,ow,u20 hist year, of which 1,402,599 bales are American. isw 1 URK, July 10. CpTTON-Opened at an advance of 2 to 6 polnta, and Im modlately following the call displayed great himnesn, coupled with excitement and ac tivity under nirther bull support, covering by room and Wall utr.t almrta. and belter cables than were extiented so far aa the new crop positions were concerned. August opened at 12.25c and sold up to 12.440 In the first few minutes, while July was said at 12.60, and September, after opening at 10.60c, soon reached lO.Sio. with tne latter oosl- tloni 1 showing net gains of 6'b"7 points. As the day advanced the hulls withdrew suo- port, and soon a realizing movement was in iJiuKretiB, wn-.cn later on wltn me assistance or renewed selling bv the bear contingent, brought about a decline from the beat of from 8 to 89 points, August showing the aieaiesi wcaanvss. Then covering in neamy positions once more rallied tha market. which was weakened in mid afternoon by a m.nll ....... , . 1 .. which broke that month to 10.67c, a loss of about 4u points from the beat of the morn ing. Just before the close the bulls came to tne support of values and succeeded In recovering about 6 nointa of the loat ground. Sales were 260,000 bales, estimated. After the opening spurt and aside from the In terval of weakness In the afternoon the market was at no time particularly active but sentiment continued very nervous and unsettled. Climatic conditions for the day were generally favorable. ST. LOUIS, July 10. COTTON Quiet ; middling. 12V4c: sales, none; shipments, 169 bales; stock. 6,327 bales. LIVERPOOL, July 10.-COTTON Mod erate business done; prices 18 points higher; American middling, fair, 6.86d; good mid dling, 6.70d; middling, 650d; low middling, 6.24d; good ordinary, 6.94d; ordinary, 6.74a. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales, of which l.OoO were for speculation and ex port, and Included 6,900 American. Receipts 8.000 baits, including 800 American. Futures opened firm and closed easy: middling, g. o. c, July, 6.2ftd; July and August. 6.27!fffi.2Rd; August and September, 9.iqft.26A; September and October, 5.83a 5.84c; October and November, 6.84d; Novem ber and December, 5.31d; December and January, 6!4d; January and February, 6 23WR.24d; February and March, 6.226.23d; March and April, 6.22g5.23d. OMAQA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Cattle in Good Request at EUady to Strong Prioef. HOGS SOLD TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER sheen Receipts Fairly Liberal, ant the Market Ralea Active and Steady Fat staff with a Stren n Demean for Feeders. SOUTH OMAHA, July 10. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday Ortlclal Wednesday Official Thursday... Official Friday Cain. Hogs, riheep. 3,803 3, 841 Lou 8.478 10.636 8.919 2.696 10.147 2. 19 8.672 10,240 S.U07 2,896 10.820 2.733 Five days this week.. 18,446 44,684 13,i91 Same days last week 16.731 49.9t9 10,218 Same week before 19.D90 64.304 13.2S8 Same three weeks ago. ..28,810 67.900 5,494 bame four weeks ago. .. .18,146 62,669 10.2 Same days last year 11.799 82.776 10,207 Average price paid for bogs at bouth Omaha for the last several days with comparisons; Date. I 1803. 11902, 11901. 1800. 189. 1898. 11897. June It... June 16... June 17... June 18... June 19.. June 20... June 21... June 22... June 23... June 84... June 26... June 18... June Zl... June 28... June 29. June 80. July 1.. July 2.. July I.. July 4.. July 6.. July .. July 7.. July 8.. July 9.. American J"1 ! 5 9HI I 6 01H 7 25 5 S4Ss B 97 6 94 tSMe 6 1 VVtj 1674 t 67 t 704 8 tefci 8 66H 0 tttt 6 60 6 56 60, 6 6& 6 4X1),, 6 39 6 44 5 32Ta 7 24 7 SI V 7 60 7 69 7 67 7 61 7 62 7.55 762 I64 7 64 7 621 7 R41 7 76 7 81 7 80 7 h3 6 Sti 4 89 S 64 77 8 SI . 4 96 S 62 8 80 $ 22 S 83 8 631 S 84 S 18 6 89 8 OS I & K.i 6 O.i 8 64 6 891 4 94 S 711 91. 4 4 6 89 ( set 6 99 6 88 6 91 5 87 6 90 6 89 6 M t 741 6 73 5 79 6 82 6 83 5 85; 6 Oo 6 13 S 17 10 6 11 4 N 6 01 4 K. 6 01 6 OS 6 16 6 11 a 6 13 6 13 8 66 3 Ixl S 62 seal 3 64 3 65 8 68 S 68 S 731 S 78 $ 78 S 83 3 81 S 86 S 90 i 80 s so 3 Hi S 72! 3 - S 68 S 69 8 62! 8 63 8 60 S 65 S 61 3 61 S 66 3 66 3 76! S 81 S S 22 S 18 8 21 S 1. S 15 S 21 3 -1 S 26 S 23 S 16 3 61 3 24 S 24 S 1 8 18 S 21 S 28 3 28 3 82 3 36 S 28 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 10 BUTTER Steady, fair demand; prints, 2c higher; ex tra western creamery, 21c; extra nearby prints. 23c. EGGS Firm: good demand; fresh nearby and western, 17c, loss off; southern, 16160, loaa off. CHEEBB steady; lair aemann; new Tork full creams, choice new, 10HoT04c; choice, fair to good. 96'10'4o. Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr 'aad Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, July 10. WHEAT Cash, 89c; July, 87Hc; September, 77o; No. 1 hard. 90c; no. 1 nonnern. ""c; ino. i norm em, 88c; No. S northern, 82?f86e. FI.OUR First patents are no quoted ai $4 56(f4.6B; second patents. $4.40w4.60: first clears. $3.8017 3.40; second clears, $3.60r3.60. FLAX Closing, casn, 9snc; to arrive, 99Hc; July. 89Vie; September, SLOlVi. BRAN In bulk. $12.26. Mllwaakee Grals. Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 10 WhZAT Stronger; No. 1 northern, 898940; No. 1 northern, 8788c; September, new, 79o asked. RYE Firm: No. 1. 660. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 60c; sample, 46 SKWe. CORN September. 61(&61Tac Ttulath Grata Market. DULUTH, July 10. WHEAT To arrive: Kn 1 hard. 88c: No. 1 northern, 87c; No. S northern. S'.'c; July, 87c; September, 79c OATS 36HU3JC LAST ADD STOCKS 4 BONDS Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 10. CORN Firm; 49'Vic. OATB Dull; no. s wnue. siic; white, 86c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. July 10 SEED Clover, easy; Atchlion do ptd Bl. 4 Ohio do ptd Caoadlao Pacldo ., Central of N. J.... t'hea. Ohio Chicago fc Alton.. do ptd Chlcaio A O. W..., do Ut pfd Chicago a N. W.. Chicago Tar. Tr do pfd C. C. C. A 8t. ... Colorado So do 1st ptd do id pfd pel. & Hudnon.... Del. L. a W Denrcr A K. O... do ptd Erie do 1st ptd do id pfd Great Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley ... do ptd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern.... do pfd L. N Manhattan L Met. Bt. Rr Minn. A Bt. U.... Mo. Pacific M . K. A T do ptd Nat. R R. of Max 4a ptd N. T. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W , PenneylTanla , P., C. C. Bt L. Heading , do 1st pri do 14 Pfd Bock Islaad Co.... do Did Bt. L. 8. P 4o 1st pfd .., do 3d cfd.i Bt. L. B. W 4o pfd St. Paul ...... I4V do Dfd. .1TV Wheeling L. K.... IS . i214 Wis. Central l)Vs . do pfd 4U . Ill Adams Ex i2t . 10 American Ex . MVsllj'nlted BUtea Ex 103 . 36Vi!Wells-Fsrgo Ex 185 .let .161) . 25V . US Ainal. Copper Amer. Car & F. do pfd Amer. Lin, Oil.. do pfd H Amer. Locomotive R. .. 664! do Dfd ,.17u American 8. & .. 91 do pfd ,. 88VAmer. Bugsr Ref... ,.lllHAnac. Mining Co... .. I6sillrooklrn K. T .. 4 Colo. Fuel A Iron... Hew Tork Money Market. NEW TORK. July 10. MONET On call. steady at 24UH per cent; closing, 2&3; time money, steady; sixty days, Shi; ninety days, 4; six months, 6; prime mercantile paper, m per cent ..... . . . . 7.-. nnrr,irl,in a. . J . L D 1 jrt L.1IN Ijr rjAUHAnua nioauj , wiui actual business In bankers' bills at 84 8720 4 8726 for demand and at $4.8475(!T4.8480 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4 .K,m .86 and $4.88V4; commercial bills, $4.84S4.84i. SILVEH-war, o3c; Mexican aoiiais. io. RONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. s The closing quotations on oonua are as follows: a. ref. Is. rag. ...loss a N. onL 4a rt No. 4, No. 4 October, $5.67Vi. 2Hc lower. dull Hoetoa Stock daotatloaa. ItOSTON, July 10 Call loans. SMigHH per cent; time loans. 4H'0t per cent. Official closing prices on siocas ana Donas: Atchison 4s Mex. I'eutrsl to..., Ati'lilsoa do ptd Ho.lon A Albanf. Ilostoa A Me , lluatoa EKraled . N. Y . K H A H Fltihtiurl pfd I'nlon Fado Mel. Ceutrml America i gor .. do pfd American T. A T... Iiomlnlon I. A 8.... Can. Kl.-ctrl liiea. Cleetrta do ptd t nlted Krvllt V. . Steal do pfd Westlnah. Commoa Advi-atura Alloues ., lAmslgamated ., 7 Ulngham .. e&-aluinet A Hecla. .. rovceuieunlal . .Ut I' 'upper Hange ..1S Dominion Coal .. ..140 iKraakllu ..lit Ule Korala ..Ill IMohawk .. It Old Dominion .... .. lrtiOeceola ..lUVPerrot " ..lit qulncy "" ..IJ04 8nla Fa Copper'.'.', . . IKjTamarark ..171 iTrlmouutala .. :5 iTrlntljr .. fc!l'ulud Btalea ..lot I'uh .. Victoria .. 7 Winona to iWoKertaa 4 Daly Waat .. 14(4 ..iiO .. 1JH ..ltww .. T .. 414, .. 111 .. SI .. as .. IV. .. tl .. (4 .. t .. ih .. .. 4 .. 8 ., 44 .. UV4 Forelan Flnaaclal. LONDON. July 10 Money, was much wanted Hi the market today for stock ex rnanxe reouiremenia. inscounta were harder. Trading; on the Stock exchanae waa mostly dull and Irregular, owlna Darair to a shurp decline In A merle tie and al o to tighter money and lea prosiects of the continuance of easy rates, in view of t m decrease In the reserve and other deposit in tne nana or England. Conaola ere easier and home rails had a setback on Dront-taking. Americana ODCDed weak. as. peoiaUy lSew litk Ceutrai, uu rumors of 41 im l ,.i .. 7 ,.iom . DM .. 47 .. 11 .. M ,.l)t ,. to .. 14i ..183, .. 70 .. 4Vl .. "HI .. 1 .. .. 71 .. 04 .. 13 .. 14 ..14W 1 nv. 10 S3 51" 44H u US', ttlVi U 1 17 18H 171 14 Columbus A B. C. Con. Osa Oen. Electrle Inter. Pser , do pro , Inter. Pump , do pfd National Biscuit National Lead , No. American Pacific Mall People's Osa Pressed B. Car do pfd iPullman P. Car Republic Btael do pfd Rubber Oooda do pfd Tena. Coal A I V. B. Leather do ptd U. B. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steal do pfd Western Union .... l 40 Tfl (i KM 85 M fJVi MH 109 11 , 74 , , Ts , 4 :8?H , it . 44' . Wt . 8 Wool Market. BOSTON, July 10. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's Issue: The wool market continues very firm and prices are steadily hardening. Medium grades are higher and sales have been made at last week's outside asking prices. A good amount of territory has been sold at full prices and there has been a call for fine staple, the first for some time. London is firm and medium and coarse cross-breds are 7 to -10 per cent higher. In Montana there are a great many east ern buyers waiting to pitch in and every thing points to good, active competition for the clip of that state. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from De cember tS, 1902, ate 11B,9M,443 pounds u&alr.st 139,218,763 pounds at the same date Inst year. The receipts to date are 124.987,918 pounds against 147,842,075 pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS. July 10 WOOL Strong: me- dlum grades, clothing and combing, 18 ii-c; ngnt nne. italic; ceavy nne, ii(tjitc; tun wnsned, lwjfzsc. NEW YORK. July 10 WOOL Firm. LONDON. July 10. WOOL The offerings at the auction sales today numbered 13.941 bales, mainly cross-breds. Fine merinos were steady, but heavy grades showed a decline of 6 per cent. Scoureds sold freely to the home trade and Germany, faulty at a decline of 6 per cent. Fine Cape of Dood Hope and Natal was in fair demand. Faulty snow whites were d higher. Punta Arenas grades in active demand and sold well to France and Germany at HSd advance. Following pre the sales In de tail: New South Wales, 1,500 bales; scoured. lOWdfffls lid: greasy. HdWls 2d. Queensland. 300 bales; scoured, is SdtfTIs lid ; arrensv. !W9V4d. Victoria, 300 bales; greasy, 7UdifMs 2d. Tasmania. 400 bales: scoured. fii.il'Sls. New Zealand. 7.2T0 bales: scoured. 8V1d'ais96d; greasy, 6,dWls Id. Cape of Oood Hods and Natal. 800 bales: scoured. 0dns6Hd; greasy; 6tftJi4d. Punta Arenas, 3,600 bales; greasy. 6Vx10d. Snarar and Molasses. Indicates Sunday. Holiday. RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The followlr.sr table ahtivi tha recelbts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec. Cattle 624,204 3X1.388 142,816 Hogs 1,3:11.8-5 l,S'.i9,481 67,556 Bhep 646,249 44o,M 126,731 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hoars. Sh'n. C, M. tc St. P. Ry 2 28 Wabash 4 2 Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific system 13 29 9 C. & N. W. Ry 19 V.. R. & M. V. R. R 40 32 1 C, St. P., M. at O. Ry 2 7.. B. & M. Ry 20 1 C, B. & Q. Ry 2 1.. it- C. & Bt, J 4 ,, .. C. R. I. A P. Ry., east i 11 C, R. I. & P. Ry., west K 4 Illinois Central I .. Totals Ill Iti U The disposition of the day's receipts was follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6W i,OV .... 2.6.(6 826 2.848 810 8,192 1,652 537 920 227 Omaha Packing Co.., swift and company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Armour, Sioux City Carey & Benton 6 L. F. Husz 33 Wolf & Murnan 86 Wertheimer 6 Other buyers 116 The Commercial Trousmissiou of Marconigrams ia being rapidly developed and plans already perfected comprehend the establishment of wireless stations on the Atlantic coast, in Cuba, Porto Mco, Alaska and at various strategic points on the great lakes. The recent sale of part' of its treasury ttock has provided additional working capital to a sufficient extent to develop the dividend earning capacity of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America The vast possibilities presented for the operation of wireless telegraph in the Held occupied by the American Company should destine its stock to be one of the greatest dividend producing sources in this country. The present opportunity is the only one offered the public to share in the development of the company. For full particulars address MUNROB & MUNROE, Broad Exchange Building:, New York; Congress Street, Boston; Golf Bldg., Chicago; Canada Life BIdg, Montreal, orGreenshields & Everest, Local Representatives. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. 44... a... ..1M si 14 4i.. 41.. 64.. 61. . 66.. 71.. 61.. 60.. 67.. 60.. ..nt ...J7 ...111 ...U6 ...148 ...rt ...jrr ...X)J 1M 120 (0 167 64 Total 2.138 11.708 J.932 CATTLE There was a good run of oattle here today for a Friday, but still the de mand was active and the market was brink and fully steady. The cattle began mov ing toward the scales at an early hour, so the bulk was out of first hands In good season. Anything desirable In the way of beef steera sold readily at steady to strong Drlces. Tha suddIv was not excessive and as packers have not been getting any too many cattle lor tne last lew days tney took hold freely and the prices paid were very satisfactory. The bulk of the fair to Eooa cattle sen rrom 4.tu to i4.sa. wun the choicer grides selling largely from HS6 ..260 ..241 ..221 ..221 ..274 NEW ORLEANS. July 10.-SUGARDull; ,A' .T.6."!1""'! J.Tif'wiiE ha, rwn kettle 2 7-lfie- onen knttln r.ntrifnml I cllne of the first two days of the week has P" settle, t i -iM". open Kerne, ceninrugni, I ,..v.h th morirnt mav open VYiVic: centrifugal whites, I7-I6c; eec ond!. SGrac. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal. W1 3c; centrifugal, 68c; syrup, nominal, 19 NEW YORK. July 10. SUGAR Raw, firm: refining. 3a3'4c: centrifugal. S8 teat 3 9-16c; molasses supar, 2Utfl2a. Refined, steady: No. 6. 4.Me: No. 7. 4.4&c: No. s. 4.40c No. 9. 4.35c: No. 10. 4.30c: No. 11, 4.25c; No. 12, 4.20c; No. 14. 4.10c; confectioners' A, 4.75c; mould A, 6.1c; cut loaf, 6.50c; crushed. 6.50c; powdered, 6.00c; granulated, 4. sue; cubes, 6.15c. MOLASSES Firm. Co coupon loesxHax. ('antral 4a., do la. rag 107V do la too do coupon luiVt Minn. A Bt. L. i do n.w 4a. rs 1U af .. K. A T. 4a... do coupoa l do la. do old 4a. raf HI do coupon ill do- 6a, rag lot do coupon lot Atunlaoo gn. 4a 100 dn .dl. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a 1004 at. u. St I. do mi oi. i m a. do conv. 4a 1U0V4SI. U B. V Canada Bo. l'4 I xdo la... Cantral of Oa. 6a....l0H A. A A. do la lnc Chfi. A Ohio H Chicago A A. r . H. a. C, U A St f g. 4a C. N. w e. ia... C.. R. I. A r. 4a... C C C A Bt L g. 4a Chlcaro Tar. 4a Colurado Bo. 4a Denver A R. O. 4a Erie prior ilea 4a.. do aanaral 4a r w. a u. c. u . 14 . il . aava . 5 . Ill . V4 .12 .lout . II . M . K41 M. a. 64.110V, V. 4a.... H la 12 77 P. 4a.... 76 Tim So. Piclnc 4a 17 .104 fo. K.llwtj 6a in 4Vk'Tcxaa A Pacific la. ..114 74 100 as IS :o4 107 as . ao 40 N. T. C. gaa. Ia. N. J. C. gan. ta... No. PaclBo 4a do la N. W. con. 4a... , Head Ing gea. 4a.... 114'T., 8U L. W. ..106S .101 . t714 . 78 . r . 7 Union PaclSe do coot. 4a Wahaah la do 2a do deb. B W.at Bhora 4a Wheal. L. B 4i Wia. Central tl'Coa. Tobacco 4a... 104 f'olo. Fuel con. la as Hocking Val. 4Ha lo4; Penn. con. tm as Rotk Uland 4a 7V, U. g. Steel Id 11 44 Man. coo. Kg. 4a....l00W x Offered. ajOT Tork Miaina Qaotatlont, KTCW TORK. July 10. The following era the quotations on the New Tork Stock ax-change: . Ontario . 30 lophir . It Phoenix . t !Pntoel . T Baraga .140 8lerra Nevada .loo ifinall Hopea .. .1X4 j Standard , Adama Cob Alice Breece aurunawlck Con. t'oniatock Tunnel Con. ( al. A Va. Iron Stiver Lcadvllle ron.... Little Chief x Offered. . .460 .160 . a . 20 . S . 13 ..260 Mora Gold Gaei to Barapt. VIEW TORK. July 10. Baring, Maroun A Co. today engaged $:)60.000 gold for ahlpment to Europe tomorrow anu Heiuelliar-h Irkelhelmer Co. increased tnelr eneaae- ment to 11.260 (W-0. making a total of tJ.CuO.OcO engaged for snipment tomorrow. Baak Clearlaajs. OMAHA. July 10. Bank clearings for to day ore Sl.3l8.tWl.4K; increase over corre sponding day of previous yeur. Itt7.639.iti. CoaTea Market. NEW TORK. July 10 COFFEE Spot, nulet: No. T Invoice. 6V&ie-16c: mild, aulat. Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of I points under continued heavr reoelDts and dlaappointlng European oeUilaa. Bpaoulatioa ni moderately aoUvs Kvaporated Apples aad Dried Fralta. NEW TORK. July 10 EVAPORATED APPLES Kemaln quiet on epot, but hold ers show oonfldenoa and rutures are at tracting more attention. Common are quoted at Vvbhic, prime at 6&4o, choice at 6c, and fancy at 6ty3'7Hc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS 8 not prunes are firmly held and are meeting with a fair jobbing demand; quotations range from 8c to 7o lor an grades. Apri cots are steady, with choice in fair re quest at quotations which rang from lc to 8o for choice and from 10c to 12V4c for. fancv. Peaches are In fair demand and rule steady at 77Hd for choice and oVlOVtc for fancy. . Oil aad Rosin. OIL CYTT. Pa.. July 10. On Credit bal ances, C50; certificates, no bid; shipments. 61.327 bbls.; average, 73,999 bbls.; runs, 91,091 hhla.: a vera ire. 72.484 bbls.: shlDments. Lima, 69,081 bbls.: average, 964,640 bbls.; runs, Lima, 67,108 bbls.: average. 63,54a bbls. 8AVAJ4NAU, juiy iu. mrpennne, firm at 47o. Rosin, firm: A. B, C, 1166; D. 1160: E, Il.rfi; F, 11.70; O, $1.75; H, $2.26; I. $2 .85; K. $2.80; M, $2.90; N. 3; W O, $1.10; W W, $3.30. NKW i UKit, juiy iv. oity cottonaeea. firm; yellow, 43lS44o. Petroleum, steady. Kosln, steady. Turpentine neia nigner. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. July 10. DRT OOOD 8 Are practically unchanged with purchases re stricted to actual requirements. Buyers rave been affected by the neat ana also by he unsettled conditions of the raw cotton market. Stocks in flist hands or on job bers' shelves are light, but no speculation is Indulged In. New Tork Lrre atoek Market. NEW TORK. July 10. CATTLE Beeves. receipts, 8.300 head: steers opened firm to a shada higher, rinsed steady at Wednes day's prices; bulls and cows unchanged: nil sold; steers. $4.266.8214; few extra and fancv exports. $5.4Oi5.70: nulls, w.uwm.ou; rows, 81. 85413.40; cables quoiea live cattle firm at UHfalic per lb.; tops, me. dressed wale-tit: refrluerator beef, at 94J94e per lb.; exports tomorrow, 1,000 cattle and 2.910 quarters or beer. Ai.vr.n nece n. nio sivau. luwr-r. von I a X4.nmie.Mi: tons, tl.vu: general saiea. $4 60fi.26: buttermilks. fL'i. lo; city dreaaed veals. 7ffl0c. nnc.8-Itecelnta. 1.857 neaa: steaay me dium hogs, $6.20; no- light hogs or pigs here; would sell at $.40 or higher. SHEEP AND LAMBS Iteceipts, i.iza head; sheep, slow and lower; lambs. io 40e lower; nve cars unsoiu, an p, 3.75: few- export. $4 00; culls, 2.36; lambs. $4.75160.86; two cars choice. $6.45. Kaaaaa City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. July 10. CATTLE R- .it 1 700 head natives. 600 head calvi firm to higher: choice export and dreaaed !; steers, $4.70fJ5.(6: fair to good, $4.1(t 4.20: stockers and feeders. X3.bW4.o5; Texas a nA Indian steera. IZ Ibfiro i exas cows. 1.7Mf3.O0: native cows, $1.50fff4.h0: native heifers, x2.wku4.70; cannera. i.ul'U4.), ouiis. i- o.fS caIvpi U (XyfS.2S. H X18 Receipts, 6.000 heart: market r.tvnrl RftlOr lower, closed Hr 15c off: top. tr, hulk of aiiles. $5 4ti 00; heavy. $5 S5S 6.45; mixed packers. $5 Si"J 46; light. $5 37V4 5.6ti; vorKers. w.kwid m'; piaa. .- un'm w. RHKKl' ANU liAMOa neceiuie. iw neaa market active and steady; native lambs. IsroiOSO; weatcrn lambs. I3.nug.15: fed wea. $3.0043490; Texas clipped yearlings. $3 2515.06; Texas clipped sheep, 3.1WJJ.U0; stockers and feeders. U.OO.OO. been fully recovered and the market may be quoted as closing stronger for tha week. The cow market did not show much change from yeaterday. Desirable grades of corn fed stock was in good demand and the prices paid were fully steady. There were not very many cows and heifers on sale, so even the grass stuff, which has been selling slowly for the last few days, was easier to dispose of than usual, though the prices aid not snow any quotable change. Bulls sold at Just about steady prices, but veal calves were dull and lower. The sup- Dlv has been large for the last few days and as a result prices have beeq going down hill at a rapid rate. It now takes a good veal to bring $6.00. There were a few bunches of stock cattle In the yards Uils morning, but as is gener ally the case at tne last or tne week the demand was very limited, with the tend ency of prices downward. In fact sales men in a good many cases found It hard to get even a buyer, but still most every thing desirable was disposed of without any great difficulty, representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 210 .100 .261 64 264 72 234 66 29 61. ...t. ..171 44 2(6 40..., 61..., 40..., 72..., 77..., 41.... 74..., 40..., 41..., 64..., 61.... 40..., 41..., 42... 65... 41... 61... 74... 43... 1... 64... 44... 64... 61... 47... 41... 4... 77... 41... el... 41... 6... 1... 64... No. 1... 1... I... 1... I... $... ... M.., 1... 1.., 46... 11.., 26... 11.., II... 1.., 61... 41... tog., L. Av. rt. No. AT. FT. .... 440 I 60 17 1271 4 ISO I 00 It 11)1 4 44 64 4 00 II 1144 4 74 ....1041 4 4 II lot? 4 70 .... M0 4 40 II 1174 4 T4 .... 04 4 46 44) 1J47 4 71 ....104 4 44 41 1264 4 Tl ....1044 4 41 IT 1044 4 TS ....1021 4 64 11 1124 4 TS ....1M4 4 44) Tl ll'll 4 SS ,....1120 4 40 IT 1227 4 44 ....1011 4 64 II 118 4 40 ....1041 4 64 U 1147 4 44 ....1017 4 64 14 1146 4 44 ....1117 4 84 xo.. 1141 ....1110 4 44 II 12(4 .... 470 4 44 II 1441 ,...10l 4 44 44 1214 ....1100 4 44 II 1410 ....1071 4 44 41 1441 ....1130 4 44 STEERS AND HEIFERS. I oo 44 f 40 I OS f w $ 14 I M sheep here today, but was "none local .ri0 tno requirements of the JiIik 5dS' Tte market could best be , miurig ,t active and steady. oum, more or the Idaho wethers and yearlings that sold yesterday for $3.55 and J.So sold for the same moi.ev tn.i.iv. Thum was a good demand for anything at all de sirable so the early arrivals were soon disposed of. There were nulta a few fs.r, inxin In the offering's, and a strong demt.nd Is developing. The prices paid today were tuny steady with those of ventrrrlav. and the trade is looking forward to an active demand for feeders from this time on. wuotatons ror grass stock: Oood to choice lambs, $6.7666.25; fair to good lambs. $6.266.76; good to choice yearlings. $4,769 6.00; fair to good yearlings, $4 60(f4.76; good to choice wethers, $3.75j4.25; fair to good wethers. $3.60(33.76; good to choice ewes, $3.60 63.76; fair to good ewes. $3 !M3 50; frdr lambs, $2.604i'.i.'.': feeder venrllngs. $2.50 $ 50; feeder wethei.r $2.6093.60: feeder ewes, j.uuioi. (o. representative sales Pr. 3 50 8 60 8 56 8 85 No. Av. 2;9 Wyoming ewes and wethers.. 91 z4 inano yearlings 7n 631 Idaho wethers 96 (36 Idaho yearlings 86 8...... 40 I II 44 17...-. 1 1 1 1 ... 470 I H ...IAS 4 at ...1110 4 44 ...1111 4 44 ...1124 4 TO ... 444 I 44 11.. 14.. 14.. .. II.. . TS4 . 444 . 7I . 414 .10X4 4 at 4 44 4 64 4 44 4 H I 1.... 1.... .... 1.... 1.... I.... $.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1... 1..., 11... I..., 4... ... 11. .. 440 1 44 .. 440 t 00 ..104 I 04 .. 440 I 00 .. T40 .. 714 .. 424 ..1004 ..10"0 .. tM ..1140 ..1011 T24 , SHI COWS. 1. 11... 10... 1... ... 14... 4... I. .. t... 44... a... I... 1... I... I... II. .. I... I... T... 1... I... I... I. .. 40 1 ..461 I 10 .. 421 I SO ..1160 I 14 ..1111 40 ..1040 t 44 .. 40 I 44 ..1260 44 .. 00 I 60 411 I SO 1216 420 1120 lint Ml 1171 464 ...114l t 64 I 44 I 46 I 44 I TS TS I f 4 40 ..litt 4 oo .1110 4 00 .1320 4 14 .1231 4 X4 .107 4 u .. 141 ..124 4 14 4 44 Stock to "lahf. I M I 24 I 14 I 60 t 60 44 I 40 I 64 I I 44 ..1140 I 16 ..1M0 t 16 ...1220 t M ... 411 I 40 ...110 00 ...11O0 I 00 ... 44 04 ... 447 I 14 tun I 10 HEIFERS, ... T64 I 10 7.... ... TJ4 4 40 ..... BULLS. .,.1111 140 I ...1130 I Tl 1 .110 I T4 1...., 1210 1TB 1... 1170 ITS 1144 ITS 1.... CALVES. 161 4 It 'I.... BTAOS. Md M 1 "STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. IM IN 1 740 I Tl 40 I It I hi IM lit I 46 1 460 I 44 714 I 74 4 (41 U STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. IM 17 I tilt 64 440 I It 1 4I0 1 44 44 I 40 1 444 I 44 urtoH RecelDts of hogs were quite liberal against this morning at all points and aa a .r.,,i the tendency of prlcea continued downward. The market started out lOnjlic lower than yesterday morning, or a big dime lower than yesterday's average. There wapg, some vwk j.u ihuui epuii in . ... market, but still there was no great change from start to finish and everything jyml aiapOB'U vi vj hit. iiiiuui vi mo) lure- noon. 1 raoing iuino nw uujrera Him aAllers nnany s'i lugwmci. in uphyj nuga old largely at $6 SO and $5.32; mixed hnga at $6.Xi.4j ana .jd miu viiwi-a iigmweign'. ..110 1 04 .. 620 t 00 ..1.H0 14 ..1(70 I 40 ..1400 44 ..1444 4 04 .. 10 I M .1020 4 0 Following were the receipts of live stock sold from m o v. inmnuu . at the sis principal western cities yeeter- No. At. No. At. Ik. Pr. .lav. u .......IT wis ax... rt ... a d Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. R SI -.5 m m 2 i "5 Omaha t.W 10,H 2.733 J7 l J Chicago 16 B.O..0 4.1M. " J ,2 S n. : ..its 110 Ills Kansas City 1.7K) 6.0K, 7 2 Ill .tit so Mt IK I I3w 10 k.fXO M i ..4l 40 I 40 44 144 474 . 166 4 4l 144 I 47 44 100 4.000 .... 44 ... $4 J74 - I axa ... tta tt ITf 44 44 4 St. Ixiula St- Joseph Blous City Tetala K& 63.554 4,289 1 4 "T 40 4 liS, 44 I I2V4 ,r4 tun I if .14 44 I Ha 40 I 40 i.. I 40 : I to I 30 i 10 i 10 4 SO 4 10 40 4 10 100 t 10 120 t 10 ..10 40 I 10 40 I 10 ... 110 40 I 32 H Ill1 ... 6 12 ... 6 12 40 t 33 S, 160 t 12 .172 100 t 32 .261 40 6 81 40 6 12 40 6 12 ... 6 12 40 I 22 .. 112 .. t 22,t 217 160 t 12 IV 140 $ II ..Ml 40 t It ..241 40 t 12 ..171 40 f 12 ..Ml 110 I II ..162 ... f tl ..247 144 t 12 ..261 40 f 12 ..164 DO I 12 ..260 140 6 12 176 40 6 32 ... t 12 10 t 12 ... 6 12 ... Ill 10 6 12 ... I 32 ... I 22 U. .340 120 "I ... 112 .'ov lu J2 .241 ... I 12 237 160 I 12 276 40 6 32 ... 112 ,...13 ....160 ....136 ....284 ....344 ....261 44 Ill 110 I 16 fO 210 40 4 14 241 40 6 IS 0 231 140 I 34 46 2i4 40 6 II 16 221 ... I 15 It 131 40 6 16 tx 227 ... IM 70 231 40 I 14 41 226 140 I 46 10 221 40 I 36 41 .32; ... I 34 17 254 ... 4 36 47 260 ... I 35 74 261 164 S 36 46 2i'3 SO I SS 41 144 SO 6 36 47 174 40 I 36 41 261 ... I li 74 217 40 6 36 4 232 ... I 16 43 246 ... I 31 64 234 ... I 31 tl 127 ... I 36 10 Ii6 tO I 34 61 IM 40 6 36 74 321 ... I 36 Tl 131 40 I IS CI 231 140 I IS tl 161 40 I 16 44 124 120 I IS 14 234 ' 40 I IS II 224 40 I 16 64 144 120 I 16 14 101 40 I 17 16 221 120 I 17 46 222 120 I 17 47 221 ... I 17 16 201 ... 6 17 It 234 40 I 17 M 211 40 I 87 112 224 IV0 I 87 15 227 ... 1 17 6 234 40 I 17 72 247 ... I 17 16 22 ... 117 71 221 10 I 17 41 222 l'.'O I 37 46 314 200 I 37 4 210 100 6 27 TT 223 40 I 37 77 124 ... I 17 H 17$ 4 44 76 241 ... I 40 70 Ill ... 140 40 231 ... I 40 71 224 40 6 40 PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 224 Board of Trade BIdg., Omaha 'Phones low aud 1U17. Members all prin cipal exchanges. Write for our dally mar ket letter. REAL ESTATE Tit A.VSFEHS. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by tho Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street: Deeds. Wilson T. Graham and wife to D. V. Bholes company, undlvto of lots 10, 11, 12 and 13. block 7; lot 11. block 3; lots 10. 11 and 12. block 4, Dupont Place; undlvV of lot 8. n4 of lot 14, block 14, Park Forest; undlvMi of part of lot 44, S. E. Rogers, Oka homa; undlvH of lots 8, , 10, 11, 12 and 13, block 2, Leisenrlng's add; un divH of lot 1, block 3. Poppletori purk; undlvVx of nVx of lot 72, Uises' add $1,600 William H. Hiiilth to Laura A. Smith, lots 7 and 8, block 6, Hanscom Place add 1,000 Robert L. Bailey and wife to David F. Neft, lot 12. block M. Lowe's add 2,176 Moae Marks and wife to Ella Blanch Nicholson, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Luke & Templeton's add 100 L. M. Bowers and wife to Maud Eas ier, lot 7, block 3, Bowers' add 13 Cornelius J. AullwHn et al to Charles J. Corkhill, nVi of the w 100 feet of lot 37, Burr Oak add COO MortgrnKea. Frank B. Krejcl to Richard S. Hall, nV4 of nH of lot 6, block 8, Improve ment association 1,200 Ella Blanch Nicholson and husband to Mallin M. Marks. lots 1, 2, 3 and A, Luke & Templeton's add 2,600 Alice Wilt and hualiand to the Man gold & Olandt bank, ae of se4 of section 7-lii 12 600 James M. O I fiord and wife to National Life Insurance company, w 'M foet sublet 3. taxlot hi. section 21-15-13.... 1,500 Same to same, e 19 feet of w 68 feet of sublot 3, taxlot 1(, section 21-15-13 1,500 Same to same, e 19 foet of w 39 feet of sublot 3, taxlot 11, section 21-15-13 ... 1,500 Same to same, e 23 feet of sublot $, taxlot lii. Section 21-15-13 1,500 Same to same, e 19 feet of the w 77 feet of sublot 3, taxlot IS, section 21-15-13 1,500 Julienne Knaack and husband to laaie France, lot 13, Lindsay's add 100 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle aad Sheep Stay Steady, While Ilogs Drop m Dime. CHICAGO. July 10. CATTLE RecelDts. 15,500 head; steady; good to prime steers, $5.00436.40; poor to medium. $3.tve.0O; stock ers and feeders. $2.50.(14.50; cows, $!.50'?4.0; heifers. $2.26'.'2f .40: canners. $1.IW2.80: bulls. $2.26&4.00; calves, $2.50.00; Texas fed steers, $3.20(54.25. huuh Keceipta, zi.wu neaa; estimated to morrow, 10,000 head; lert over. 10, mo head; market 10c lower. Closed dull; mixed and butchers. $8.35U6.66: good to choice heavy. $5 603.t)0; rough heavy, $5.15015.40; light, $5.50 tl 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; sheep, steady: lambs, lower; good to choice wethers. $3.7534.00; fair to choice mixed. $3.00&3.dO; western sheep, lz.oO4j3.75; native lambs, $3.00i&6.00. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 8, SRI 6.011 Hogs ZZ.6O0 J.I54 Sheep I&jO 1.674 St. Loala Live Hoik Market. ST. LOUIS, July 10. CATTLE Receipts, 3 60O head, Including 3.0U0 head Texana; market s'.eady to stronger; native shipping and export steers, $4.2iij5.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, x uowow; steers unaer 1 OoO lbs., M-50a-4.60; stockers and feeders, $2 704j4.25; cows and heifers, $2.26W4.65; can ners, $2.002.25: bulls, $2.5yo3o; calvea $3 00a.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.lKX 4.&0; cows and heifers. 2.6tK(j3.40. MOUB iteceipia, o.uw liruu, iiihimimbj, a . 1 ft . - tea? 1 BT .,C Cit 9 taAnXAHA 71 hA nltra e-rru ugnis. o wku ou, a, eo.vy l.SO: butchers and beat heavy. $5.6t35.oO. gHEtl AINU IjAAIPO rusuciyta, iw iidhu, market steady; native muttons, $3,2044 50; tl FwhU.'. 75: culls and axicka. $2.50(3 4.00; stockers, $2.lWi3.25; Texana. $a.50&4.6u. t. Joseph Live Sloe It Market. of mnEPH. July 10. CATTLE Re celDts. 474 head; steady to loc higher; na tives $4.0W6.00; cows and helfi-ra, $1,503 Commercial Travelers Accident association, and A. L. Eastmure. Ontario Accident com- fany; treasurer, A. V. Forest, North Anier can Accident company; secretary. G. Leon ard McNeill, MaxsuchUHetts Mutu.il Acci dent asoclatlon; executive committee, Franklin J. Moore, H. J. Alexander, V. K. Haley, William V. Barrs, AVilllam I. Smith. R. A. CavamiiiRh and the olllcera of tho association. The next convention will meut at Bar Harbor. Behavior of Ghosts. When you have read one of these stories you have read them all. Although tho be havior of ghosts may appear eccentric when Judged by the standard of conduct prevailing among the living, their habits are, in fact, most regular, they seem to ossrss little character or originality and probably their Ideas are very limited. Some of them walk olong tho pnssuge or up tho stairs; others knock on the walls or lurnl ture, rln bells, slam doors or break crock ery; now and then you eomo acroas one who shrieks; and there seem to be a few stray specimens who appear (and disap pear). But the faculties do not go beyond this. A very remarkable proof of their limita tions, or their slavish adherence to tradi tion. Is that, though I have before me at the present moment a dosen authenticated ghosts who have been heard walking up stairs, there seems to be no case on ret ort in which a ghost has been heard walking down. Why anybody should think It worth while to chronicle the movements of such uninteresting creatures I cannot understand. An account of 'the day's do ings of a flock of sheep would be much more interesting. London Truth. Piratical Kasae Rejected. There Is a family named Fennen living In the north of England whose original name was Purvis. Two hundred- years ago Frank Purvis turned pirate and waa killed fight ing on his ship. The family then decided . . . . . .. . . . Tl . . . -fc. no- atnekers ana reeoers, xawq iu. -to relinquisn tne name 01 r ui via ana laKe 1 "' " .- .j .: 1. .... .4 rJ..,iArt 1.,. v i - . , . . a .,-uiat..ltita. a 33b head: 5Ul0c low lights, $5.36iti6.0; medium and heavy, $o.3otf 4 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 156 head; steady. loax City Live Stock Market. BIOL'X CITT, la., July 10.-(Hleclal Tele-gram.lr-CATTLE-Recelpts. lJ. steady; Treves $4.0004 110; cows, bulls and mixed, Mai 40. stocktrs and feeders, $2.754.00; calves and yearlings, $2.50ia.aO. M(XJS-Rec-lpta. 4.: market 10 lower; wiling. $6.2Vp5.40; bulk. $5.30. Oflleee-s. Inter national Association of Accident Underwrit ers has Closea US annual exsamuu wun mv election of the following officers: President, Kdson B. Lott. United Statee Casualty 00m pany; vice prealdeuU, George S. Dana, laaaraace Mra Elect FRONTENAC. N. T., July 10 Tt that of Fennen and ever since the eldtat 1 son or tne iamuy vu i imng nia majority ' signs a pledge that he will not resume the name of Purvis. The pledge has been handed down from father to son and bears some fifty signatures. Gfctttaa- Tea Oomejeoa, Mr. Tflghmore Doctor, Is It true that a Missouri oow died of appendicitis the otrn day? Physician Tea; that seems to be authenticated fact Mr. Hlghmore You may charge me an appendicitis price if you want to, doctor, but call it something else in your bill. Chicago Tribune. e oth-w a wtu f