6 THE OMAITA DAILY TlEEt FUTDAT, .TT7I.Y 10. 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain Ihrktta An Actm nd Higher on Board of Trad ib NEBRASKA NEWSSTRtNGTHENS CORN PIT Wheat nnd Onta Ala Basra, While Provision Drop After Doll ! x watarelese Dny with Little Support. CHICAGO, July . The wheat market wa again active and mrong, Bpiemuer closing 1SC higher. September cum was Vc higher and oata were aieo up tc, but provision were weak, the bepiember product cloning from 12140 to 46c lower. UpfMing sale en wheat were made at allKhtiy lower price, due to lower cables and favorable weather, September being unchanged to 14o lower at $i.iO'a.77, but In aplte 01 theae bearish condltluna there waa a bullish sentiment prevailing among tne traders and buying waa of good volume. The market advanced quickly on tne atrengtn at St. lunula and New lork and on continued reporta ot a poor ylelti, aim ahorta covered freely. There waa also good buying by the aouthweat ana nortnwest. After September had sold up to i8ju there waa a reaction on liquidation, out the market at no time ahowed weakness. One of the bullish factors was the report from Hussla to the effect that the crop waa badly damaged by heat. The close waa trong, with September l'AC higher at 7Mhc Clearances of wheat nnd Hour were equal to l.AI. liHJ bushels; primary receipts were 27.1iJ bushels, against tATaim bushels a year ago; Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 140 cars, which with local re ceipts of 22 cars, 3 of contract grade, mado total rerelpta for the three points 01 li2 cars, against 252 cars lattwek and 267 carl a year ago. Unfavorable newa from Illinois and Ne braska, together with the strength In wheat, caused a strong tone In the corn market There was also considerable buy ing by local traders on expectations th it the government report would bo bullish. After selling between 61V: and 620 Sep tember closed "no higher at 61V. Loeal receipts were 270 cars, with 27 of contract grade. Oats went extremely quiet, but prices were Arm In sympathy with the strength in other grains. Receipts were small and the cash demand slow. The close was firm, September 'Ac higher at 34'ic, after pel.lng between 84o and 36c Local receipt were 131 cars. Provisions ruled dull and featureless and with selling for foreign account with lit tle support the market showed weakness, September pork closing 45c lower at 115.00, September lard off irijjl7tyc at 37.95 and ribs 12ic lower at $8.87. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, IS cars; corn, 415 cars; oats. 120 cars; hogs, 16.0U) head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High.l Low. Close.Yest'y. Wheat I I I a July T&T9' TPS T9 7RN bjuly 7879 7!H 784 79 7SS a Sept 77H 78' 77 78 77V4'J,S bHept 77if77 78 & 77 781 llVt Corn I July 51 M 61 61 W Sept 61 62' . 61 61 61 Dec. 50-Sl 61 ftu 61 60- Oats I July WSK 41 I 40 40 41 Sept 34if 86 84 34 34 Leo. 34 86 3t & 35 Pork 1 P July 15 17 15 17 14 75 14 75 15 15 Sept 16 40 15 50 15 00 16 00 I 15 45 Lard J , July T 85 7 85 7 80 7 80 7 92 Sept 8 15 8 15 7 9 7 95 8 li Oct. 7 97 7 97 7 77 7 77 7 92 Ribs- I July 8 62 8 R2 8 50 8 60 860. Sept 8 70 8 76 8 66 8 57 8 70 Oct 8 25 8 25 8 ii 825 830 No. a. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follow! FLOUR Steady. WHEAT No. 1 spring, 7W79c; No. 3. 759 78c ; No. 2 red. 78(trie. CORN No. 2, 61V4t62o; No. t yellow, 61 6i2c. OATS-No. I, 40c; No. 1 Whit. 4344c; No. 8 white, 38(g't2c , RYE No. 2. blHc. BARLEY Good feeding. 40343c: fair to cnoice malting, tuttiuc 8RKDS No. 1 fla. 9ci No. 1 northwest rn 1.02; prime timothy, $3.40; clover, con tract grade fll.50U.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork,' pr bbl., 814.75 ei4.87. Lard, per 100 lbs., f.Wttf.ib. Short ribs sides, (loose). I8.60ri8.62. Dry salted shoulders, (boxed), $7.8748.w; short clear ides (boxed), ft.7tQ8.g7. receipts, Shipments Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu .. 25,400 27.400 79.10) 25,6tX) 177.100 194 W 71,00) 240,301 Rye, bu. lO.DtlO .....a............. . iv,wiv barley, bu 37.400 4,000 On the Produce exchange today the but- xer mantei was easier ; creameries, l&uzoc; dairies, Hfylc Eggs, steady; at mark, CHHes Included, 13140. Cheese, easy at 1VUJU7SU. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, July .BUTTER Steady; fair demand; extra western cream ery, aie; nearby prints, zic. EGOS Steady: fresh nearby. 17c. loss off: western, 16&l7c; southwestern, 16c; south ern, i;mi(e. CHEKttK Unchanged; New York full creams, chnlcn new. 104; fair to a"od, HEW VOBK GENERAL MARKET. (.notation ttf the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Julv . FT.OTTFt Reeelnta 23,403 bbls.; exports, 7.4A2 bbls.; more active and higher; winter patents, 33.9ocS4.30; win ter atraignts, W t(tH.8&; Minnesota patents, $4.60(i4.70; winter extras, $i.9oi,lo0; winter low grades, S4.t; rye oflur, dull; fair to good. 3.0iK((3.36; choice to fancy, 33.40tc3.il0. CORN MEAL Quiet; yelicw western, 11.13; city, 81.11; Brandywine, 33.1263.20, kiln dried. ' BYE Bteady; No. S western, 60o I. o. b. afloat; state. 68059c, f. o. b., afloat. BARLEY- Steady; feeding,, 26c, o. 1. f.. New York; malting, 51ii67c. WHEAT Receipts, none; exports, 40,000 bu.; spot firm; No. 2 red, H6c. elevator and 8iic, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 93c, f. o. b., atloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 01o, f. o. b., afloat. Options had an easier opening on account of the rains In the northwest, but Immediately rallied. The midday market waa strong and fairly active on complaints of poor condition in spring wheat states, covering and unsatlsfuctory winter wheat yield in lower central districts. The close was (jf o net higher. July Sj'yc, closed 83o; September 81I(82 15-ltle. closed 82-c; De cember RliHe. closed 82c. CORN Receipts. 105.3O0 bu.; exports, 170. 179 bu. Spot steady; No. 2. 58o elevator, and 6xc. f. o. b., afloat; yellow, 69c; un graded mixed, 69c. Option market opened easy with wheat but afterwatda turned firmer on commission house buying and fears of a bullish government report. The Cloae was steady at a parlal o net ad vance. July cloaed 6c; September, 6113:180 Closed 5&c ; December 675Sc, closed 67ve. OA 1 Receipts. 5u,&00 bu.; exports, l.iM ou. npot quiei; no. 1, uc: stanoara white 4ac; No. 3. 41!c; No. 2 white. 4:',o; No. t white, 44i(jttc; track white, 4u4jc. Op tions quiet but steady. HAY Dull; shipping, 80utjcJ good to Choice. $l.WfM.90. Hul'S Steady; svate, common to choice l"tri)c; 1901, 14ii7c; olds, 6;10c; Paclrlo const, 1902. 18V, uc; 19ul, 14al7c; olds, i tjUc. HIDES Steady; Oalveston, 20 to 6 lbs 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texaa. dry' 24 to 30 lbs . 14c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole, Ruenos Ayres, light to heavy weights, acid, 24a 20o. HICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4 tiS'"; Japnn. nominal. PROVISIONS Heef. weak; family, $1000 Jl 10 60; mesa, )8 6M9 0i); beef hams, 119.."-n 1.00; racket lii.0i.ni9.60; city extra lndli mesa, tl6.oC(a'16.00. Cut meats, steady to firm; pickled bellies, $9.2 ,a 10.53; rlok'.ed shoulders, $7.75; pickled hums. $11004; U.M. Lard, easier; weateru ateamed, .Vs 15; re fined easy; continent, ts 'M: South Amer ica, 89.15; compound, $7.50 8 00. P rk, easy; family. $18 Oo; short clear, $ll.&01.00; mesa, $17. wnij 17.50. TALLOW-Dull; city. 4c; country, 60 HlIITTTER Receipts, $.118 pkgs.; steady to firm; state dairy. lb'-i'iiMc; creamery, com mon to choice, 16aoc. CHEESE Receipt, 8.949 pkgs ; weak; atate full cream, fancy small colored nnd white, 10c; large colored and white, lOo. KG(1 4 Receipts, C821 pkgs.; irregulai; wemern eecomU to extras. 14J18c. Itil'LTR Y Alive: Steady; western apr'ng chicken. 15c; fowl. 12c: turkey, lie. Drexaed: Firm; western broilers, lfrltc; fowls. l)c; turkeys, JSulV. METAlJJ-8Hit tin lost 17s6d in London closing at lt loe. while futures closed at 119 15. a loe of 1 Is The New York tin mnrket was also weak and lower, clos ing at aO'iIT U. Copper declined 7a 7d In London, spot there closing at 5 17s (id and futures at H 7s 6d. Locally, copper waa dull and, nominally unchanged. Lake and electrolytic being quoted at iU.uO, and cast ing at $1351375. Lead was unchanged 4u Loudon at U$d and In New York at I4.12H. Spelter, closing In London at A)17sM, was unchanged there, as It was also here, where It closed at 3S.K7vy4. Iron closed at SCs 4d In Glasgow and at 4s 4Vrd In Midrllesbnrough. Locally, Iron wss dull and lower. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at 8186Otf150: No. 1 foundry north ern nt 3l7.6vftl8.a0; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, at 1S b"W 18.76. Warrants are nominal. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coaditlon of Trade and Qaotalloaa oa fttapte and Foaey Proi1a j. F.OO8 Fresh stock, loss off, 12c. LIVE POI1.TRV Hons. si :..:: spring chickens, per lb., lfi'olc; roosters, accord ing to age, 435c; turkeys, 10S13c; ducks, 6 4l7c; geepe. 6'ii7c. RI'TTER-Packlng stock. 13c; choice dairy, in tubs. 14(fil6c; sepnrstor, 20c. FRESH KISH hrcsn caugnt iroui. irc; pickerel, 8c; pike, !c; perch, tie: Dunaio, ,c; bluePsh. 11c; whlteflih, c; salmon, 15c; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnspper, 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., Bc; bullheads, lie: catfish. 14c: black bass, 17i5jJO-: halibut. 10c; shad roe. 40c per pair, roe shad, $1 each; crapple. 12c; her ring, Ou; perch. 6c; white bass. 10c; blueflns, 8c. IiIHN -Per ton. 8.B. HAY lYIccs ovioted bv Omaha Wholesale Dealers' asEoclntlon: Choice No. 1 upland, $9 00; No. 2, $S.50: medium. $8.00; conrse. $7.60. Rye straw, $7.00. These prices are for hay or goon color ana quality. uemana fair and receipts light 1 'iikm vc. OATH-40C. RYE No. 2, 45o. VEGETABLE. NEW POTATOES Southern, per bu., 76c PARSI.EY-Per dos. bunches, 30o. ('CUMBERS-Home irrown. Per dot,. 40 Pc. U EANS Homo gtown. wax, per market basket, 25c; string, per market basket, Jc. l'EAS Home grown, per market basket 36c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do.. 60c. CARBAOE New California, per lb., 2c. TOMATOES Texas. Der 4-basket crate, 80c. RHUBARB-Per lb. lc. NAVY TtEANS Per bu.. $2 60. ' CELERY MIchlRP.n. per dor , 26c. ONIONS New California dry. per lb.. 2c: Texas, per lb., 2c FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, $3.00, BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt case. RED RASPBERRIES Per M-pini case, $2.50. BLUEBERRIES Per 16-Qt. case, tz.wiw 2.75. PLUMS California. Clyman. per dox, ll.iaV vooso plums, per 24-qt, box, $2. CHERRIES California, white and black, per 10-lb box $2. PEACHES California, per box, $1.1531.25. CANTALOUPE-California, per crate, $6; Texas, per ciate, $3- API'LES New stock, H bu., 75e. WATERMEI ON3 SeorgJa, 40o each; Florida, per lb., lo. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIOS California, per 10-lb. cartowr, 75c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18o. ORANGES Mediterranean, all sixes, $8.00 453.25: Jaffa. tS.Utrn'i 50: fancy blood, per half box, $2; St. Mickes, or paper rlne, ail sixes, Wl-W- LEMONS California rancy, aw 10 aou sizes, 5.7&Titt.0O; 240 to i70 sizes, $4.505.00; Messinnn, $5.0i5.60. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per crse of 30-lb. pkgs., $3.25. FL-7EAPPLE9-Florida, $2.75; Cuban. $2.50. MISCELLANEOUS MAPLE 8UOAR Ohio, per lb.. 10x . POPCORN Per id., zc; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 sa'.ted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to li lbs., 6c; dry suited hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 2o(jj75c; horrehldes, $1.5O2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., lac; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., lie; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small per lb., lie; cocoanuts, per dox., 6c; chestnuts, per lb, 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; coasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnut, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $150. St. Loots Grala and Provisions. BT. LOUIS, July . WHEAT Higher: Jo. 2 red, cash, elevator, 78c; track, 80 82c; July, 78c; September, 77c; December, 7878-ic; No. 2 hard, 767c. CORN Higher: No. 2 cah. 494e; track, 49-rpsoc; Ju.y, 49o; eeptemoer, Wc OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 38c; track, 89c; September, 34c; No. 2 white. Mo. RYE Lower, 50c. FLOUR Fairly active and steady; red winter patents, $3.864.00; extra fancy and straight, $3.fc&4j3.io; clear, $3.2(u3.$5, SEED Timotny, steady, $2.002.60. CORN MEAL Steady, $2.80. Brau 'Julet but steady; uacked, - east track, 78-g80c. HAY Steady; timothy, easy and lower at 27.u04il6.00; prairie, steady at $6.00612.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.05. LAOOINQ 56c HEMP Twine, 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. .ower; standard mess, $15.15. Lard, lower at $7.40. Bacon, lower; boxed, extra shorts, $9.37; clear ribs, $9.50, short clear, $9.76. MET A US Lead, firm, 84.02, Spelter, firm, $5.60. POULTRY In better demand; chickens, 9c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 12o for old; ducks, 7c; geese, tQis. PUTTER 81ow ; creamery, 164?Zle; dairy. 154fl7c. EGGS Firm, 13o. loss oft. . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 4.000 8.000 Wheat, bu 40,000 68,000 Corn, bu 60,000 92.000 Oata, bu 80,000 ' 89,000 Kansas City Orala aad Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY, July . WHEAT July, 69i10u; September. 6.o; fash. No. 2 hard, 70nV7Vc; No. 3. 70c: No. 4, 65c; rejected, 60c; No. 2 red. 72c; No. 3, 6870c; receipts, 48 cars. CORN July, 4Sc; September. 47c; caeh. No. 2 mixed, 49c; No. 3, 49c; No. i white, Wo blc. oATS No. 3 white. 88c; No. 2 mixed, 5c. RYE No, 2. 50c. HAY Choice timothy, $11.50; choice prai rie, $9.(W10.00. BUTTER Creamery, 17 19c; dairy, fancy, 15tll6c. EGGS Fresh, 12a Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu. Corn, du. .. Oats, bu. ... 38,4,0 13,MiO 28. Soil 6,000 .. 48.C40 .. 7,000 Llrerpol Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. July . WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 ted western, winter, 6s 2d: No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 5d; No. 1 California, 68 61,1. Futures, f,ulet. July, Gs6d; Sep tember, f'3V4tl; December, 6s 3d. CDRN-Spni, qutci; American mixed. 4 9d. Futures, steady: July, 4s tid; Sep tember, 4 Cd. Mlaneapolls Wheat, Floor and Ilran. MINNEAPOIJS. July 3.-WHE AT-Carh. 87Sic; July, fcoc; September, 77c, No. 1 hard. 88'4c; No. 1 northern, 87V4c; No. 2 northern, S8Vic; No. 3 northern. SHig83c FLOi:R First patents, 84 6644. Go: second putents, 34.40(4.50; first clears, W.3'H3 tU; ccond clears, 83. fax? .1.60. ERAN-Jn bulk. 312.25. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 9 WHEAT Higher! No. 1 northern, 884,'KVc: No. 2 northern, 8toiK7c; September, new, 78ViC RYE Firm; No. 1. 65c. BARLEY Quiet; No. 2.- 5&ti0c; sample, 4d4if.3e. CORN-Septcmber, Smgsi'io. Peoria Market. PEORIA, July 3.-CORN-Flrm; No. 3, 50Hc; No. 4. 49We. OATS-Dull; No. 3 white, 37Vic; No. 4 White, 36c. WHISK Y For finished goods, 3130. Dnlalh Grain Mnrket. Dl'LUTH. July 9 WHEAT To rrive. No. 1 hard. SSc; No. 1 northern. St.Hc; No. 2 northern, KRc; July. 86'c; September. 7o OATS-SSVOtfc. ' Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, July 9. SEEDS Clover, dull snd unchanged; October, 3.V70. Alalke, 36. 9U asked, prime timothy, ll.UU. OH aal Iluala. OIL CITY, Pa.. July I OIL Credit bal ances. 31 50; certificates, no bid; shipments. 75.2U bhla.; average, 76.46 blls.; runt, 1U5, m: bliN.; average, MA bhla.; shpiments. Lima, 81.180 bbls.; average. 65 334 bbls.; run. Lima, 71 819 bbls.; average. 61.608 bbls. SAVANNAH. July 9.-01L-Turpentlne. Arm. 4,c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C, 21.C0: D, I1.K-.; E. tl.70; F. 11.75: Q. Jl.); H. 12.25; 1. 265; K. 2.S0; M. 2.90; N. 13.00; W. Q. Win: W. W.. $3 .60. ' NEW YORK. July .-OIICotton nil. steady; yellow. 43o43Ve. Petroleum, steady Turpentine, firm. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, J2.0o4j2.02. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK. July . EVAPORATED APPLES Market continue quiet and about steady; common ar quoted at 4!&jitc; rrlme at 6S-c; choice at 6c and fancy at 41 1 Vc CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCITS - Spot prune ar In fair demand, and while price how no chance the irncral inn. i Hrm with th larger sixes displaying a hardening tendency; quotations range from 8c to 7c for all gTaulea, Apricot ar steady, with spot quoted at 10Q12o. Peaches attract a moderate Jobbing demand and rule steady at 7j70 tor prime and MaU'c for fancy. ' HEW YORK ITOt Hi A BID DOSDS. Market la Slightly More Animated, Total Dales Dowbliaai Average. NEW YORK, July 9. T".e stock market deveiopea ratner more animation today and Ule voiumo of sales rose to more than aouhlo tho recent average. The liquidation In New iork Central und the conunuoa pressure to sell United states Steei were the aisturling factors. There was no rieil nite news to account for the marked weak ness of New York Central, but the tape whs regarded an giving ground for ominous conjectures. These took form In various surmises as to tho measures to be adopted by the corporation to secure the capital w hich will be required to carry 011 the v.ist terminal and other Improvements which nuo oeen undertaken. The tact of this capital required for this week was only conjecture. There were rumors of a pro jected Issue of new stock of a bond Ixsue and of a temporary loan on the security of tho New lurk Central. The recent ex perience of the Pennsylvania In floating Its now stock does not offer encouragement for a similar undertaking by other rnll ro.d corpora tions. It is borne In mind that tho Now York Central stiK kholders have authorlied nearly $18,000,00) of stock, which It lies with the directors to Issue. It Is alro a fact that of the general refunding moi tgago for $100 WO.voO, authorized in U97, $:i5,owi,000 was for refunding underlying bonds, while $5,0 0,(00 was reserved for now construction after 19,13. The market pnee oi '.iiese bonds never fell below 101 until last week, when they -sold at par and today they sold tor 9 without any Inige blocks being marketed in the Interval. To Infer an attempt to float a new Issue 01 thone bonCs at present therefore aeoms unwise. These conditions gave color to the day's rumor of the negotiation of a loan of something like $18.o0o,Ooo, the rumor Th roning the carrying of an Interest total to be at 6 per cent. The usual parallels were also drawn between Pennsylvania nnd New York Ceatral, which have beenelllng noar a parity, while the former Is paying 6 per cent, with the flotation of its new stock achieved and tho latter Is paying t per cent dividends,1 with tne m. 1 ..... requirements yet to bo met. The downward vlungo of nearly 4 points In New York Central wan the event upon which the whole market hlneod Selling of the Steel stocks, aggravated by the Iron Age's show ing cf Increased blast furnace capacity on July 1 the Increasing rate of accumula tion of pig Iron and the slow recession In the steel market. Pig iron was marked down during the day nnd the rumors were current of a cut In steel billets at Pitts burg. United States 8teel sold within a fraction of Its low record. The announce ment Just before the close of the market or tne engagement or X2,(8X),WK) gold for ex port on Saturday helped the late weakness. With tho movement of currency from the Interior arrested and with a loss Indicated to the suhtreasury of $2,488,000 Including payments for gold egported and a surplus reserve last Saturday of less than $s.O00.- 000 In the banks the Influence of the further cold outgo reported may be understood. The continued drain upon New York banks Is In strong contrast to the prompt and enormous reeuneratlon shown by the Bank of England and the Bank of France In their weekly statements today, following the semi-annual statements. Developments In the cotton and grain markets, the news of the crops and the statements of railroad earnings were entirely Ignored In the day's stock market. Declines of 1 to 2 points were oult general and St. Paul, Reading, Norfolk Western, Colorado Fuel and Tennessee Coal suffered even more se verely. The bond market was heavy and sharp declines were scored in some In active mortgages. Southern Railway, St. IjouIs Division 4s dropped ? peP cent. Total sales, par value. $2,555,000. United States 2s advanced per cent and the 3s, old 4s per cent. Following are the quotation on the New York Stock exchange Atrhlann do pfd Bal. Ohio do pfd Canadian Paciflo . Central of N 1 .. Chee. tt Ohio .... Chicago A Alton.. do pfd Chicago & O. W. do let Pfd 7'i!t pii pta irr MVSn. Pacldc 4 H 180. Kllwr IS J do ptd S7Vk l.'i't Tent at Ptcinc IB .K' Tol.do, 11 U i W, Kit 74 do pfd. 43 :', Union Paciflo . 17 do pfd ,. UHiWanaih . 1 do nfd S7V tt 42 Chicago A N. W.. lMWheellnf AUK. to Chicago Ter. A Tr.. 1 ,wia. Central o j 4JH . do pfd.. 11 do Dfd C. C. C. A St. Colorado So , (a lat pfd Co Id pfd Del. A Hudaoa... Del. L. A W Den rer A R. O... do pfd , trie do let pfd do td pfd Great Nor. pfd... Hocklnt Valley... do pfd Illinois Central .. luwa Central .... do pfd K. C. Southern... do rfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. St. Ht Winn. A Rt. L.... Mo. Paciflo ........ M.. K. A T do Dfd . Mtt Adams Kx . 17 American Ex.... .121 ..18 . (7 Ifnlted States Ex. ...107 . 2Vi,Wella-rarto Ex IM .liiAmal. Copper tM Amer. Car A F..., It I do pfd , lAmer. Un. Oil..., . 3tH do pfd 7H s 10 as 11 I84 44s 1 t"4i .Amer. LoeorootlTe .. M do r,(d .170 merlcan g A R .. 1H do pfd .. M I Amer. Sufar Ref....ll ..lSIH Anae. Mining Co.... U .. M Brooklyn R. T SMt .. 4tHColo. Fuel A Iron., to .. MH Columbua A H. C... 174 .. 4ZkiCone. Gea .-IfttWOen.Elactrla .... 116 Inter. Paper .... ..111K do pfd .. -e.fi linter. Pump .... ..101K do pfd .. 11 'National Blarult. .. 48H Metlonal Lead .. .WVi .114 . 14 . f . 4(iv . K . I . WH ,.-5 . 16 . 8 . 67 1 . M .in . 1S4 . 74 Nat. r. R. ot Max .tl .No American ... . 40 Pacific Mall .:I14 People'! Oaa .... . tt Preaaed 9. Car... . to f do pfd . ItH Pullman P. Car.. do pfd N. V. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennayleanla .HIVRcpubllc Steel .. P.. C. C. A St. L.... Tl do pfd. Readln 14 Rubber Good do let pfd do td pfd Rock Ialand Co., do pfd Rt. L. A F... do lat pfd 40 M pfd Bt. L. 8. W do Pfd tt. Paul ........ II ' do pfd.... 77 , It IS Tenn. Coal A Iron.. 't U. 8. Leather 8t do pfd U. 8. Rubber., do pfd 84 It 4 i Wiv, 71 , 71 WHIT. 8. Steel.... It j do pfd 37H W?etern Union . 1484k1 Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 9.-MONEY-On rail, steady at 243 per cent, closing at l31; on time, steady; tlxty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months. 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6g5 per cent. a STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bnnkers' bills at 34.8720 for dmand and at 34.85 for sixty day; posted rates, 34.S5M.iS4.Rrt and $4.88; commercial bills, 4.R4f54.84. SILVER Bar, 63c; Mexican dollar. 47e. BONDS Government, strong; railroad, heavy. The closing quotations on bond ar a follows: U. 8. ref. ta. re. do coupon do la, rcf do coupon do new 4a, reg. . t'o coupon ..lMH'L. A N. unl. 4a II ..10S lMn. Central 4a 16 ..Hi7 do la Inc '2 ..lOSSi xMtnn. A St. L. 4a..Ki iii m. a., a t. 4a ae ...ur.Wl do 2a 11 ...111 NT. V. C. sen. s .. It do old 4a, rei. do coupon .... ilo 6s, ref..... .lll N. J. C. (en. as 13t ...101 No. Puclflo 4a l(i IS . . . 103 I do ta 72 ....1C0 INorfolk A W. e. 4a.. h ... aa iKcadln gen. 4a ...IfMtiSl. L. A I. M. e Fa. Ill ... 81 Rt. I. A S F. 4a.... ,...1MSt. L. 8. W. la t:st ...lit I xdo ta 77 do coupon Atchleon gen. 4s. . do adj. 4a Dal. ft Ohio 4a... do 8'4a do coqt. 4a. Canada 80. la .... Central of Ga. 6a. 104V. A. A A. P. 4a.... 77H 10414 80. Pacific 4a 87u do la Inc rnea. s onio f Ha. ..hm fo. itauwajr a uuife Chlcaso A A. 8Vta... V4',Tcx A Paciflo la. ..lit C, O. A 4. n. 4a . . 81 T., Bt. I. tt W. 4a... 74 C, M A St P 1. 4a. .lWM'nlon Paclfl- 4a l'W C A N. w. e. la... oo cone, ta C. R. I. A P. 4a...l01S Wibjih la .lit ! C C C A St L t . 4a.. 87V, do tm I Chicago Ter. 4a 78 I do deb B... olnrado Bo. ea h ai bnnre a .1UK Peneer A R. O. 4a.. 17 Wheel. A L. B. 4a.. tot, Krte nrior lien ea.... a ib. 1 ei:irai ea an do general 4a I3S Con. Tobacco 4a 1 F. W. A D. C. U...1M if'olo. Fuel con. 6a... tor, t TON 31 Hocktn Val. 4V,a....l0l hoc K leland 4a Peon. con. l IS'i", 8. Siaol td ta.... Uan. cou. 4a 1IKV x Offered. Boston Stock Qaotatlnns. BOSTON, July I Call loans, 3,ijVt, per cent; time loans, 4H5'4 per cent. Official cloalng prices on oiocku anu uouai; Atchleon 4a Mex. I.'eutral 4a.. Atchleon do pfd Boot on A Albauy teWlDalr Weat .... 41 71 1 Hicham U 1 ICalu:net A Ho-:la 14S . Ille'i'viueiiola' ..A... Co U'opper Rtnge .... 17 Beaton & Me 1CH Uomliooa Coal ... .luJV. . 8 Si . 1 1 '!' . 64 .. tu . U .100 ,. at .. i4 .. Ii .. IS .. 4 .. IH .. ii Ii...on r.leeaied 1411 Krallkllli N. Y. N. H. A H....l tle Hoy ale I n Ion Paciflo Mei. Central American Butax .. do pfd ...... American T. A T. Dummies I. A 8. ktiVMikavk 3I, ol,i Dominion .... HbVOkceule llkyl'arrol llwi.lQulncjr 16 Santa Fe Copper.. Ill .Tii'ura, k (len. Blectrle Electric 2:, Trimountaln do ptd -i-i Triune t'nlte4 Prult 101 l'nlle4 l-ates .... V. 8. iteel It t'tafc . do ptd 'Victoria Weatlnah. Common., ee 1WI111.ua A.'louea tWolermo Amalgamate 82i Foreign Financial. LONDON, July 8 M'ney was In good request In the marke: today. .Discount were firm. Trading on the Miuck cxch.11.gs In some section was fairly active and values mostly tended upward. Consul wore cheerful, but closed easier. Home rails hardened on fair Investment buying. Amer ican opened dull and rr.cstly ubove parity, but weakened fractionally on account of tho al'eenco of business and closed dull. Canadian Pacific was firm. The rate of discount of the Bank of England rornuined unchanged at 8 per cent. The weekly statement of the ll.ink of H -inland ehows the following changes: Total reserve de crease, 471.to0; circulation, decrease. 224.. 000; bullev.V decienae, tfM.aoO; othnr so curltie. decrea, a'll.0.(eio; o'her dol, deoreaa. .iv:i,000. pibilu lcii, !- crease, 3.4.000; antes reserve, decrewae, .lM.0o0; government securities. Increase, Oitnoo. Tie proportion of the Bank of England' reserve to liability this week Is 61.41 per cent, last week It was t.M per cent. PARIS, July 9 Prices o nth Bourne to day opened Arm, hut business Mater wsi restricted and stocks became heavier and closed weak. Rio Tlntos lost 7 points. Three per cent rentes. 97f B5c for the account. The weekly statement of th Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decrease. 29.960.0O0f; treasury accounts current, decrease, 'J2.725.0n0f ; gold In hand. Increase, S.ftoO.Oonf ; bills discounted, decrease. 21fi.475,000f ; sliver In hand, do crease, 75.0OOf. BERLIN. July 9-Quotations on tho Bourse toduy were lower, owing to yester day's New York nnd Ixmdon advices. Dis count rates, short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, Z per cent. London Stork Market. LONDON, July . Closing quotation CeiiHols for money... MS Npw York rentrml 1M HI M H inv, 41 It dn Account.. ... K. Norfolk A Weatern. do pfd Ontario A Weatarn. Pennaylvanla Rand Mines Anarftnd Atrhlnon do pfd... Raltlmnre A Ohio... H C anadian Pacific 1?IV Heading .. Chesapeake A Ohio do let Pfd Chicago O. W P.. M. A St. P lf.6 Derteere to Denver R. O S do pfd dsn Erie do lt pfd cvt do IA pfd KRVft llllr.ela Central 137V, IxtulBTllle A Nah...114 Mlarnurl. K. T.... 22 '4 do 2d pfd Southern Railway, do pfd 1 Pouthero Pacific ftl Union Pacific Ut( do pfd m t'nlted Statea Steel.. .1114 do pfd f- wabaih do pfd It 4b B AR SILVER Firm at 24 7-16d per ounce. MONEY lii2 per cent. The rote of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 2V2 5-16 per cent and for three-months' bills Is 2&2 per cent lew Tork Vtnlnar Qnotittlnn. NEW YORK, July . The following sre the quotations on the New York Stock ex change: Adama Coa Alice 1 1 recce Hmnawlck Con ID 1 Little Chief M Iximtarlo 16 Ophir t Urhoenlx .... 7U Pot oat .. ..too ..1M .. I .. 14 .. 17 .. to .. SI ..160 Comitnck Tunnel Con. Cal. 4 Horn Bileer Va 14S ISavase loe 'Sierra Nerada Iron BIlTer .. Leadville Con x Offered. 12S Small Hoses t standard Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 9. COTTON Steady; sales, 125 hales; ordinary, 9 ll-llc; good ordinary, 11c; low middling, llc; mlrl(illnr, 12lc; good middling, 1.1'ic; mid dling fair 13 15-160. Receipts, 13 bales; stock, 4,lM bales. Futures steady; July, 13.ino bid: AiiKust. 12.9!ifrl3 00c; September. 10.87$) 10 880; October, 9.8Kff9.8nc; November, 9.64tjl 9tWc; December, .ti:(fj,9.63c, January, 9.6Ji 9.61c. NEW YORK, July . -COTTON Opened firm at an advance of 13 points to a clecmiB of 1 point the loss beli.g confined to the January option. The gains were due to fur ther bull support nnd firmer ciiblea tiiMi . pected, particularly In regard to the spot cot on. which was 10 points higher In the Bngllish markea with sales reported at hi. 000 bales. The benrs were in no way dis heartened, apparently, by this showing, however, with favorable weather all over the belt they all attacked the list vlgor ous'.y, selling prices down from about B to l: points. Tnen the offering diminished and the bulls began to appear more prom inently In the dealings from that time to the finish. At first the rally was slow and lacked the violence and activity which has recently marked tho movement of prices, but finding the reslstence of the bears be coming less aggressive the bulls bought more and more freely until at last nearby shorts had still confidence hv the apparent powerlessness of the Wall street syndicate nnd report of damage by boll weavll In Texas were In full retreat. In the last hour the market became very active, and excited nnd the near positions were nd as has vet been witnessed durlnr the ... II i 4 . v. - j . 1 y- . 1 ii,ii vn'Miminii, luKiim nnu lent-iictu uirit: tne iz.zoc nici. no sales flnallv rv seller wa found at l!.30c. Then 1 . iti reached, this being an advance of 97 point over the close of the preceding day. or nearly 35 a bale. July, while less active, was no less firm, reachlnsr 12.55c. a net gain of 11 points over yesterday1 final Quotations, while Reptember reached 10.80c, tctoner. s.sxc; iiecemuer, .74c, and Janu ary, 9.20c. In the last few mlnut realis ing eased off from 8 fiv 15 points on the active months, July closing at 12.40c; Au gust at 12.25e.and September at 10 77c. The market was finally steady net 84J96 points higher. Bales were ' estimated at 300,000 bales. 'i '- ST. LOTTTB. July f. -rCOTTON Fsy ; S-lc lower: middling, 124c; sales, -ug bales; receipts. 70 bale; shipments, 70 bales; stock 8,426 holes. LIVERPOOL, July . -COTTON Snot., good business done, prices 10W12 points higher. American middling fair. 6. CM; good rofddllnr. C.62d: middling. 6 5'd: low mid dling, 606d; good ordinary. 6.76d: ordlnsrr. 6 6d. The . sales of the day were 10.000 bales, of which 8 000 were for speculation and export snd Included 9.500 American. Receipts, 1.000 bales. Including 500 American. Future opened and closed quiet and stesdy: American middling, g. o. c, July. C.13d: Julv. Alienist. ClVrfllSd- Aiiist-"". tember. C.lOtWC 11d; Benterpher-October. 8.701 S.Tld: October-November. 6..ViSV83d: Nvem-ber-Decmber. D.20fr5.!1d: December-Janu-srv R.ISdr Janusrv-F-ehruary. 8.13f55.14r1 ; V,Kr,trv-March, 6.12(ff6.13d; March-April, 6.12(OT.13d. Woo2 Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, July 9.-WOOL In good de mand, strong; medium grades and comb ing, lrfl'-U-sc; light fine, ltjisc; heavy. Uti 15c; tub washed, lWJc NEW YORK, July 9 WOOL Firm. DOSTON, July 9. WOOL-Has a better feeling this wqrk, with less activity mani fested. Ihe poorer grade stiffened, but there I- not much advance actually Listed. Territory wool head the list. New tin wool are quoted at 62(n3c, with fine me dium at 4Wfl30c and medium at 4S'(j46c. Old territory wool I quoted aa follows: Finest staple. 65fi57c; fine medium, tsryouc; medium, 44S40c. Territory: Idaho, tine, 1414c; fine medium, lil7c; medium, lufilSc; Wy oming, fine, 14'(15c; fine medium, l&gi7c; medium, 18t19c; Dakota, fine, 1415c; flue medium, 16c; medium, 18iJ19c; Montana, fine, choice, WilSHc: staple, 18jf)i9c; me dium, choice, lS((jl9c. Fleece wools aro much firmer. The old WooIh are entirely cleaned up, but the offerings of new wool ar light. Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 824j34c; X. 28iff29c; No. 1, 3132c; No. 2, 3031c; fine oVlaine, 35fr'36c; Michlgun X and above, zovtsc; no. 1 ana iwo. t, nu&c; delaine, 2MiA; Kentucky. Indiana, etc., blood. 23tf24c; Vi blood. 2324c; brala 19 fi20c. There Ib a demand for Australian wool, though tho high prices provent trade to a large extent. Prices are very, firmly held here, a follow: Combing, choice, scoured basis, 83!jSoc; good, 70c; aver age, 7527Sc. LONDON. July 8. WOOL The oforlngs at the suction sales today numbered 12.310 bules Trading wa brisk throughout. Me rinos 'tere In active request for the home trade and the continent. A large supply of cross-bred was offored and France was a free buyer, with ti o home trade and tho continent taking fair quantities. Soourcds were in active demand at the highest prices of the scries. Cape of Good Hope and Natal greasy was no: wanted and most of the offerings were bought in. America took several lots of merinos and good, medium croea-hredr.. Fo.lowl-g aie the sales in detail: New South Wales. l.Mfl bales; scoured. 6Kd(f!s10d, greasy, 7dT1s Id. Queensland, 7n hiles, scoured. 1 5d'Q2s: greasy. U'd. Victoria. 1.SO0 bales; scoured, la 2d72s; g.-ea3y, 7d'f'.ls2il. South Australia, fico ba.es: g.eaav. TdfiU'.d. Tasmania, o00 bales; greasy, S'id'filsSd. New Zealand. 8.400 bales: scoured. 61 2V4d : greasy. 6vtdf71s. Cnpe of Good Hope. 400 balea; scoured. !0d5J15d; greasy. 7id'u0V..d Coffee Mnrket. ' NEW TCRK, Jjly 9-COFFEE-Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7, Invoice, 5c; mild, quiet. Futuri a opened steady at uiicliajigeil price to a decline of 5 point, but notwithstand ing the heavy receipts ?ind disappointing German cables turned very much firmer under higher French cables and support by the old-time ""jll clique, clorlng steady at a net advance of IOCii'JO points; sales were 27.500 bags, including July at S.SOc; Septem ber. 4c; October, 4.0u4i4.05c; November. 4.0u ffl.Ooc; December, 4.40c; January, 4.4c; March, 4.4534.5ic; May, 4.tVij4.70c. Dry Coods Market. NEW TORK. July 9 DRY GOODS M.trket was quiet and waiting. Buyers arc not operating with n';n of Interest In the situation, except In the caw of spot goods, which may be wanted for Immediate re quirement The rurtal'.ment policy which la Increasing and the scarcity of cottni. at the mills Is causing a mnlntei,ance of the Independent spirit that ha characterised manufacturers' detUingt for some time. Sonar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, July 8DOAR Dull: open kettle. 2":ifi5 7-lfic; open kettle centrif ugal. SVn'i'.jc; centrifugal, whites. IVac; yellow, 8V'i1 16-IAc; econdr, 2'Uo1c. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal at 13 t32So: centrifugal, evgitc. Syrup. I9,j21c. NEW YORK. July J.-SIXJAK-Raw, tenily; reflned, fcteady. MO LA SSK3 rlrin. Rank Clearings. OMAHA. July v -Bank clearing for today were 31.4,166.53; Increase ov-r corr pundlog dy of previous year, 344,013 63. (PHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csttlo Receipts Moderat cd Trading Aot.iT at Stronger Frioeii HOGS OPENED HIGHER, CLOSED WEAK Liberal Receipts ( Oraal daces) aa Oaallly Cent anew go tkat Traslaaj Waa Rather Blow with. Price at little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. July I. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs, oheep. Official Monday ... Ofttolal Tuesday.... Official Wednesday Official Thursday . 1.802 2,841 14 S 47 10.634 I.V19 2.6W 10,147 2.138 3,012 9,090 1,097 1 Four day this week. .12.890 32,714 ll.OM Same day last week. ...16.741 40.432 9.841 Same week before 18.29 47.524 12,815 Same three week ago.. .24.13 48,342 4.169 Same four weeks ogo....U.4:iG 39.683 6,677 Same day last year 9.661 21.775 ls.207 KKCElKia FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. lh lollowlng table shows th receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparison with last ear: I9us. 1&02. Inc. Dec. Cattle 520,649 3S0.614 139,961 Hogs 1,319,806 1,387,342 4T7.487 fchoep 6,2,62 441,719 130,709 Average prioo paid for hogs at South Omaha lor the last sevoral day with com parison: Date I 190J. 1902.1801.1900.ilS99.lo98.ilSS7. June 16... June 16.., June 17... June IN... June 19.. June 20... June 21.., Juno 22.., Juno 23.., June 24.. 6 nr.. 4 891 3 641 8 77 3 tl I 22 3 II 3 21 01 7 4 9o 3 62) 3 90 4 6 97 I ( 94 7 24 7 X 6 33 t 89 3 631 8 84 8 03 8 80, 7 34 6 92 5 061 3 61: 3 i: 5 88; J U &9, 7 441 6 91 4 94 3 71 3 80 3 81 16 6 t3! 4 fci 3 64 6 to 6 Ou 3 &; 3 72 3 21 3 21 8 24 3 23 I 15 e 3 1 8 24 8 24 3 18 3 18 8 21 77i 6 67 6 70 6 teh, 6 66 7 60 7 69 6 13i 8 63 8 62 3 1 i n 6 99 6 93 3 68 3 69 Juno 25. 7 6 6 17 .tun. 96 7 61 7 6i i 10i t 631 j J unci 27.., June 28.. 1 June 29.. 6 91 6 Ui 6 11 3 64 3 62 7 65 e 7 62 6 87 6 90, e 6 89 6 83 ( 74 6 73 3 65 3 68 3 68 V3 3 78 ee 3 78' 3 83 3 63 3 601 3 65 3 61 4 99 June 30.;. July 1..., July 2... July I.... July 4... July 5... July ... July 7... July 8..., July 9... 0 eo 5 60 I 01 7 64 7 61 5 65 6 60 4 9T!i 3 61 7 62 6 01 ee 7 4 6 08 8 66 3 66 6 65 S79 6 16 8 28 3 28 3 32 3 36 P 4XH 6 39 6 44 7 75 7 82 7 80 e 6 8: 6 11 3 81 3 761 3 86 8 81 5 83 6 13l 3 78 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The offtcinl number of car of stock brought In today by oach road waa: Cattle. Hog. Bh'p. H es. C. M. Sc Bt. P 6 21 Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific 3 8 .. .. I'nlon Pacific system. 20 22 7 C. & N. W... 1 19 .. .. 49 28 .. e. F., K. A M. V B. & M C, St. P., M. & O.... C, B. A Q K. C. & St. J C, R. I. & P., east.. C. K. I. & P., west.. Illinois Central 28 3 7 28 8 3 2 13 3 4 153 Total receipts 140 13 Tho disposition ot the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing company 265 1,216 15 Swift and Company 2.012 1.800 1,790 2,496 z,iui Armour, Sioux City., Cudahy Packing Co, -"our ct Co 2,710 j0bman S l.ufliUil oc o L F. Husz.... Wolf & Murnan. Lne Rothschild . Werthelmer Otner buyers Total... .2,652 9.S14 CATTLE There wa a moderata run of cattle here today, whih make the upply for the four day this week much smaller than for the same days of last week. The demand on the part of pnvkers was quit liberal, and a a result the market wa active and (tronger from (tart to finish. Beef steer buyer were all out In good eaaon and In a short time practically all the early arrivals were disposed of. The market could tafely be quoted strong and active and sales were made all the way from a (hade to 10c hlgner than yesterday's general market. The prices paid today were Juat about the same those In force at :he close of last week, the decline of Monday and Tuesday having been regained In the last two days. There were not very msny cow and heifer In the yard today and good dry lot stock In particular was scarce. Anything at all desirable In the 'way of corn feds were ready seller at stronger price. The medium and common kinds and grassers, however, did not rell to any better advan tage than they did yesterday. The light receipt, however, soon brought the mar ket to a 'lose. Bulls, veal calve snd etags felt to some extent th Improvement on teer and the better grades of cows and good stuff sold without much difficulty at a shade better prices. There was nothing particularly new !n the stocker end feeder eltustlon today. the upply wa again very !lght and there wa to particular Improvement In the de mand A a result the prices paid looked jut about ateadv with thos Ir Jor-e yes terday. The tendency of prices however. Is downward, rather than upward. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 1 tt M 7 1 1 26 I 40 10 10 II I 4 18 11 16 48 18 14 6. ' 10 14 11 48 1 17 At. Pr. ....1010 I to .... 634 I 80 ....1O70 8 80 ....13VI 4 10 .... 80 4 10 8.10 4 28 808 4 25 .... 127 4 Ii .....1124 4 40 .... 2 4 40 .... 8t7 4 40 881 4 40 ....loan 4 60 ..... 888 4 60 ,....1081 4 80 101 4 6t ....1C87 4 66 USf 4 fit 11,16 4 86 1071 4 80 .....WA 4 M ....1158 4 fi ltlO 4 15 liat 4 8 1SH4 4 8 .....1356 4 70 11 tl 4 70 1227 4 7 0 No. At Pr. It 1116 4 76 tl 1248 4 76 18 1228 4 80 It 1234 I 80 88 1284 4 80 18 1184 4 80 1 144t 4 86 1 1230 85 10 1821 4 65 40 18S.1 4 85 41 lial 4 85 47 1288 4 86 14 1M1 4 80 fl 1281 4 !: 60 1318 4 95 , 14 133) 4 86 t 1440 6 00 14 1410 I IM 21 1 .IK) I 00 TO 1404 4 86 13 "4(1 I 06 11 122 6 115 1 14.10 6 111 1.. 1370 6 10 1 1340 ( 10 15 1411 6 10 42 1614 I 16 fD HEIFERS. tt 708 4 to 1!8 4 V0 41 113 I 10 4., 4. 61.. . 8f 4 10 .lniio 4 to COWS. . .1040 8 00 .. tr.) 1 16 .800 ; i - ..ton 1 v .. 87S ! 26 .. 820 1 10 ..1040 I 11 ..13-0 I 40 .. 480 I 0 .. 811 1 44 .. 8T.1 1 K0 .. ! 50 . 1010 I to ...i'0 1 r,o ....1140 I Ifl 20 I 10 ... . 875 t 10 8 "0 I 10 '0 8 1 880 7 U 1028 I 10 10.10 15 102S It 1130 f If. 1142 3 11 .... 48 J JO 105.V 8 15 870 I 80 131 1 it) .'. J 5 12T0 I 80 1110 1 80 11 I 80 0 5 to n '-'a 8 66 1033 I 70 ll'O I 70 HID 8 76 IS' I 60 111 I 80 , ! 8 50 1240 3 80 1107 8 M 1235 M lli I e 12.V) 4 '4 , Its- 4 It ISM 4 It .. ..lueu 4 16 1... 4 . 1. . I . .. 4 .... 4 i 1 14 .... 15... 1 .... 1 1. .. i 1 .... 1 1 11 f 1 1 I 1 ...... 4..... 4.... 1 1.... I.... 1. 16.'.'.'.'.', Ii"'.'.'. 18 87. 1 ti ,. 1000 I M ... e; t to ... 480 8 60 ... 840 I 80 ... t'l 1 J .1013 170 :43 I -0 sr.:. 70 tkl 1 75 1V0 1 75 783 S 75 IM M 810 1 80 1028 1 8) 1021 I M 17 I 81 1110 I 80 10.K) I M tSO I 00 all i 00 K.... 1.... 3.... 1... 26... 6... 6... 1... a-. 171 I 00 HEIFERS. 480 I 16 580 I 40 814 e n 700 4 H 175 I 85 BULLS. ...ISM I tf 3 1270 00 ,...12f0 I 60 1 450 t l ....1440 I 5 1 ...1423 I ft 11M) I M 1 17j 8 4 ....1020 I et 1 1J1 I 76 ItiO 8 IS 1 14X1 8 75 8X0 I 1,1 1 17H 3 84 T24 3 0 . IMS 3 80 CALVES. ISO 1 to 1 too 4 '6 IjO Id 1 14(1 4 "5 280 I 16 I I 4 71 ., 240 4 00 I .. 110 I 00 111! 4 60 1 140 6 t 144 4 60 1 i M BTA&b. 1230 t 78 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 844 I at 1 ill X 0 77t I ti. I flO t :t 4pV I 5 ( (41 IU flO I 00 STOCK CALVES. 14.. 120 I 00 10 I M . lf a 00 HI I u 'STOCKERS AND FLEDEK8. t4ll I 78 f IM M .... 84l I 00 II lecl I tt UT IX "! 8 11 tit I 4 I J I II to U M i NEBRASKA. No. loj feeder. I! feeder.-.. 28teeder., 6 feeders., Ar. Vr. No Ar-Jli Hi 13 76 1 8 heifer .. 7f 83 75 ai c no 11 lia.ifara. .. 770 8 tO 60 4 26 3 26 4 00 t COWS 8X4 I 7b cow 6.' 3 0 I cow 840 I 8J 681) 46 feeders.. 816 36 feeders.. 10i 4 00 Beach k Bchroeder Colo. 43 feeder., m 3 65 1 teer 9V I W 1 feeder... 7:) 3 00 3 steers. ... I w 61 feeder.. 6f 3 CO 8 cow 7'Xl 3 35 6 feeder.. 676 3 00 1 cow 800 3 25 t cow 755 2 60 D. R. Tlnsdale Wyo. t bull 1415 3 00 17 bull 1495 t B8 HOGS There naa not an excessive supply In slcnt th's morning and the market nere opened a big nickel higher, with the bulk of tho sales going from 35 42' to 85.4;rt, with a top at 8a. 50. Trading was qulto active for a time on the lightweight hogs but the heavy hogs were neglected and sold at the lowest prices. It will be noticed that the lightweights are now topping tne market. Toward the close the demand was not as brisk and the market grew rapidly worse until practically all of the advance wa lost. Salesmen of coulee All wanted the morning prices, so that trad ing was very dull after the market weak ened. Representative sales No. At, 6h. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 24 27...., tl...., tl M... (7.... to.... 47...., to.... 44.... tt.... tl.... 71.... (1.... 4S... U ... 10.... 4.... 4.. tl.... .... 3t.... .... ei... n... tt.... 14.... 4S.... 62.... 15.... ..170 ..141 ..Wt ..IM ,.tl ..Jit ..IH ..tot ..Mi . IM ..11,4 ..til ..241 . .140 ..171 ..Ml ..lit ..tit ..IM ..in ..Hi ..(44 ..1SI ..I4i . ,2S3 ,.S6t ..tus . .IF.5 ..J't t 40 t 40 40 t 4 6 40 t 40 40 t 40 t 40 t 40 I 48 421, t 42 I 4? t t 4S I 421 I 42 I 42 I 4! I 42 5 4! t 42 I 42 i 42 4! f 4: I tt t 45 6 4t I 45 f 48 I 41 6 4J I 4t 46 I 46 I 45 8 48 I 48 I 48 6 48 6 44 t 48 f 48 6 48 i 46 i 4f I 48 M.... 87.... ft.... ft.... 74.... ,.M8 8 41 I 41 t 44 I 46 I 46 I 41 t 41 I t t 4t I 45 I 46 I 41 41 8 48 t 48 ( 43 t 43 i . I 44 I 41 I 48 C 44 t 46 I 41 I JI t 46 4 46 I 46 I t i 48 I 45 I 4 f 4 I 4 . f 45 I 4,i I 47 t 47 t 47 6 47 I 47 6 47 t 47 I 47 47 6 47 t 47 I 80 ..248 ..tat ..ail ..iu .141 10 tt. 14 4f ft... ..848 80 ft 10 44 17 7 a ti 7 II 74 tl ; M 1 to .... 44 1 .... II ft ..l.tt ..117 ..28 ..SS ..IIS ..224 ..220 ..2r, ..2C1 ..24 . 228 ..;m ..111 ..nt ..wt ..808 ..!0I ..tv .. ..VI 40 lie 'io 140 HO 10 10 42... 71 US 68. HI 71.. 48.. ft., tl.. ...ISO ...2"6 ...IM ...IM ...1'7 ...t"7 ...225 ...2(8 ...227 ...JIT ...127 tl. 46. 2(1 ..lit ..325 . ,i:,7 ..lie ..14 It. ti 55.. tl.., It... 67... 68... 67.. ft., ti.. 87... ft.., 87... fa.. 124. II... 88... 84... tt.... i.... 171 ...178 ..234 ...2.IC ...J7 ...2r,7 ...271 ...134 ...2.1S ...240 ...271 ...111 .238 ft 147 ft lot 74 114 ft 228 II ao 78 106 16 lit 81 tot I 80 I U 6 40 .246 i 46 SHEEP Receipt of western grass sheen were quite liberal this morning, but th quality was common. Buyers were rather slow about taking hold, a they claimed that salesmen asked as much for common stuff as choice grades were selling for at other points. They have been complaining for some time that this Is the highest market in the country and that they want to get price down In line with other points. They did not succeed, though, In taking off more than a dlmo today, so that prices are still well in line. Some Idaho wether of fair quality brought 83.55 and th yearlings from the snme shipment sold for 33.85. Trading wa rather slow from start to finish and It sat late before the bulk of the offering wa disposed of, There wtire quite a few feeders 011 sal and they met with a better demand than ha been experienced of late. Some wether Bold for 33.25, which was pronounceu a good, strong price as compared with recent sales. Qiiotat'ons for grass stock: Ooo! to choice lambs, $5.75C.25; fair to good lambs, S.2o6.76; good to choice yeai'lmgs. 34. Tt 6.00; fair to good yearlings, 34.50itl.75; good to choice wethers, eS.754j4.26; ta!r to good wethers, 33.603.76; good to choice ewe. 33.60 4i3 75; fair to good ewe. 33.iffrfS 50; feeder lambs. 32S0a3 ?0: feeder yearlings, 12.50'? 8 50; feeder wethet. 32.5098.50: feeder ewe. 32.0CKg2.76. Representative sale: ' t cull ewe 269 feeder ewe 2 Wyoming wethers 440 Wyoming ewe ... 22S Wyoming wether 2.10 Wyctnlnr wether 85 3 00 88 2 40 M I 60 V 2 76 9 8 25 83 3 25 62 8 25 9') 3 55 64 3 85 67 4 10 6? 6 60 78 (60 249 Idaho feeder y eat ling bibi loano wetners ... 8.12 Idaho warlings .. 274 w -stern yearlings XI native iambs .... 2 t atlve lamb CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Hog On Higher, While Sheep Star Steady. CHICAGO, July 8 -CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head, including 500 Texan; atrong to luc higher; good to prime steers, 3o.004gP6.63: poor to medium. 33.90dj4.9-.: stocker and feeder, 32.504.60; cow, 11.604 i5; heifers, 32.234.40; earners, 11.504(2.75; bulls, 32.26'rt 4.00; calve, 32.606j4.00; Texaa fed steers, 83.504.o. HOGS Receipt today, 20,000; estimated tomorrow, 16,000 head; left over, 4,000 head; WlOc higher: close weak: mixed and butch ers, 35.4orgv5.76; good to choice heavy, 35. fruit 6.70; rough heavy, e5.2.'xttx,.50; light, 80.4 & 6.90; bulk of sales, 8o.6o4j4.6o. SHEEP AND LAMliS Receipts, I.OOO head; steady; good to choice wethers, 33. ij.4o; fair to choice mixed, 33.ou6j3.oo; west- : crn sheep. J2.5wa4.26: native lambs. 33.0043 ! 6.50. Knau City Live Stnck Market. KANSAS CITY. July 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,800 natives snd 700 Texana; calves, 100 natives snd 300 Texana; beeves, active to loe higher: good quarantine, 6'uuOc higher; cow and neifer strong; thin cows and canner weak, good stackers, teuy, otner weak; choice export and dressed beef steers. 34.6jtau.2u; (air to good, 34.0KU1 4.6b; stocker and feeder. 3004l4.2o; west ern fed steers. U.GO&'I.d.i; Texas and Indian leers, 82.2u(a4.0u; lextts cows, $i.7oo.t0; native cows, e3.w4.CV; native holfers, 12.0J tll.jo; canners, 1. 12.40, bulls, 32.0Oijfi.uC; calves, 32.tioyf.25. HOGS RecolpU, 7.6.0 head, market ac tive and l'ty12c ,lglier, top. to.70; bulk of ales, 30.4ato.5O; heavy, fi.i'XUn.iA't; mixed p..ckeiH, eo.J-i,i:i.biVi; light, eo.4VsSlu.70; yorkers, 3a.6u4jB.iO; pigs, 3'.i!o.70 1 HHiikP A.1SD LAMjJS Receipt, 2 Oft) head; market weaker; naMvo lambs, 3.iiit t.iu; western himbs, 33 Htfi6. 16 ; fed ewe. U.0uj4.9ij; Texaa clipped yerlinea, .3J 2.'j 6.ia; Texas clipped soep, eo.uute uo; stock era and feeders, Ji.0cy4.wi. St. Lonl Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS July 0. CATTLE Receipt t.'jtu head. Iiiclujliig 1,341 Tex ins; in.ukal steady; rt:ve . 1.11 iIi.k and export aten, 64.uouu.25; dressed boot anJ butc.ier Urs, U-'isxiti.t-i steer pi.oer l,ia lbs., e2.joo4.50: blockers and (eedcr.i, 33. 00.24. ku,; cms and hut fern, 3.'o4 60; c. inner. eJ.0tKsjC.2j; bull, 32.il'Ki, 7o: clven. ,3; lexas and Indian sioeii, jy.utui.J-i; cow and heifer, ..ion 3 -.'. hOC.i Receipt. 8.") head; m.trket S'toni;: pigs iui Ugh'., 85.30IB'j.9u; puckers, 5.4'xy .i.SO; i-iilci ei :ki bul nov, e.Tito 6. 1. SilLEP AND A.MBS Rocclpta, - 700 hc..a, niarke: eiojdv; nailve muttons, : . fc'i ou; btmbH, el-M'ti culU and b S-.iu4.0u; elocttia, K.WuZju, Tsxat. U to lu-i.M. Kew York Live Block lelie-tiet. NEW YORK, July 9 CATTLE Keccipts, 32 head, consigned direct; 'O tales imported; tlreset'd heel. itra: ; city liici-e. d natlv ides, oli'yaVvC per lu. ; caoieb quoted Amur lean teers nt ll.'ullc, Urccd weight; r frigi.rator bief m kjiVic P r lb.; no ex ports reported today. CALVES Kt-ivipi. IM head, market nearly nominal; a lew coarse veals sold at 8J.5j; city drcxacd Venl tola at M'ilottj. JKiGii- Receipt. 2.520 head; no sclea re-i ported. DObi.r 1- i,Aiu rsy xotc,pisr l.lt head; sherp bl.i'v 4.J1U v.cak; tmbi aver aged slightly loner at 62.14 10 per cel.: lambs. o.tMi4Vuj; two carj at li.'J; dressed mutton, general sales, 63210 per lb.; di vat I'd iLuiini, 6Vs'ijL1:C, El. Joseph 1.1 Stock Market. fT. JOSIU'II. Jul 9 CATTLE Receipts. 2. t" head; nualy to etrung; natives, ii.hit 4.S0; uowi ana heifer, 3 -j"4i 7"; fctockei and fcedei. t..vi3.bZ. liOG-Rccelpt. ;,wi head: lr-ady: llcht. 3o.4'itii.. ; ineiiiuir) itul heavy, li.T.Vi'uv 'M; bulk, io.4MiiU.iiil. SHEliP litcclpta head; steady. Slonx City Live Stock MnrUel. SIOUX CITY, Is., Ja'y I (Cpcclal Tele gram. CATTLE Receipt, joo; ate-udy; beever. 34.l4Xfi5 uu; cot, bull and mlxnd, 2.50fi4.60; tockei snd fe-4et, 3J.764.1; calves und yearlings, $ I tOG 3 Receipts, 3.5t)J; niukel , stesdy; selling, '6.26w6.60; bulk, 36.37Vui40. ' Stock la right. Fotiontng were the tl;l of live tock day: CH'le. Mot. Sheen, a 3.011 9'j- 3.17 Ori Chicago 6,w .0"0 kanau City l. 7 1uu 2 Si. Ioul i.f) .l'"t 7tn Ot. Joj ph iO.J J) l,2i Jioux Cll. Tot'.... .lb.OU 33 b 10.014 GOSSIP CF COMMISSION ROW Mr. lien net ronngrator Are Is Great IretnnnA Jnet Proeon. Tf a Mrs. TTen and a few Of th young ster were to venture down In the market district today, they would In all probability be Injured by the rusn or eager oosirrs nTloiis to rather them In. Since the Fourth of July fowl have been as scarce as the teeth of an extremely old hen. While before , that glad day the dealer Were playing safe and only buying at their own price, and not much then, now they arc tekln all thev can set at 9 or 10 cents for hen and from 17 to 20 cent for springe. The laborious farmer la busy with hi f irm 1 and hi wlfo will have to wit ror ner snool of silk until he has time to bring the peevish chick to town again. But there U one thing for him to remember, l' win only take about twenty coop of b'rd? In a day to weigh down th price as much ns 3 cent. Err have smashed. They cannot stanl the hot weather any better than the but ter or tho fit man and are selling for 13'j cent and the Impressnrloa who bring the country-breds to th wicked city look for a fall of 10 cent. Ejg can hrdly tand to look th poneher In the face now. Rutter Is weaker. In Cnlctgo Wednesday butter which wa offered for rale at 1H'4 cent wa very much eat upon, for the best bid wa only IS cent fist. Her it it ettirt being bought at 1S cent, but will nrnrtshlv sret down to 12 and a buelnece lunch before the summer 1 through with It Payer Company I Bankrupt. PORTSMOUTH, N. H.. July . A petition for bankruptcy proceedings end the n pnlntmont of ft receiver for th WhIM Mountain Paper company ha been filed 111 the I'nlted States district court ?iaro ind Judge Aldtleh has appointed a lienrlng for July 30. The petition was presented ly counsel representing Morse AV Co., Pungor; George McQuesten and Shepard. Farmer Co., Ronton. The motion wss nposed by counsel for the North American Trust com pany, the White Mountain Paper compmy and George W. Megeath and others, holder of 3.146.0(10 worth of bonds. The North Amer ican Trust company has petitioned for rn anclllarv receiver, a ha been done In New Jersey, but the request here has been refused. Knnpp Trial 1 Resumed). HAMILTON, O.. July Tr Knapp murder trial wa resumed today, Lewvrr Darby having partially recovered. M"S. Edward King Whlto became faint on t'ie stand and coaijt adjourned until 1:30 p m. REAL ESTATIC TRANSFERS. Deed filed for record yesterday fur nished by the Midland Ou.rnn'.e and Tiust company, bonded abstracter, le'U Farnam street. Deed. Bridget A. Fulllvan to M. Frank ' BulTivan. wlOO ft and V4 lot 37 Rnrr Oak add; also lot 6. block XL Hnn enm Place add, ana lot IS, block 1, Oreifhton Heights I 1 Cornellu J. Sullivan et al to Marv Ti. Donohoo. U wlOO ft lot 37, Burr Oak add. 600' Creightop university .trustee, t.i Voc lav F. Kuncl, lot 3, block 1" rvountze s xa ana a.:v Belle Wyland and husband to Chris tlna L. Hayes, 2Vi acre In seVO S2-J8-12 37,i Woodruff Jones and wife to Ellin beth Keck and Charles Keck, lot 8, block 2, Kountxe's 4th aid 2,100 John D. Ware, special master com missioner to (Sherman Wilcox, lots 9, 10, 11 and 12. Nock 4, Wilcox add. 1,650 Anna Corrlgan to Kate Hughes, lot 2, block 8. Ingan Place r.dd 400 Omaha Realty company to Catherine Byorth. middle Si ft lot 4 and e block 11 Redlck' sub of J. I. Red- Ick add... Morttraa-e. Dell F. Sage and husband et al to E. H. Howland, nS3 ft lot 1. block 149, South Omaha P.ohus J. Zalrskl nd wife to Conserve atlve Savings and Lorn association, lot 4, block 8, South Omaha 200 100 PAUL'S CHOICE INKS AND MUCILAGE Write for prices en Paul's Ootd 5el. Record lnk used by Bank and Danktr. UT and Fir Intursn Companies and Mercantlla Houses In Evary City and Town In America New tyl quart, pint and half pint battle. Paul's Ink Co. ar manufactur ing a full line of Ink, muollag and past, and Ink In bulk. Price quoted en application. PAUL'S INK CO.. II Ninth Street, Jersey C4ty, PC J. National Convention . Y. P. U. of America Atlanta, July 9-12, 1903 For the above coii-'ention tho LoaUrllle Jc Kanhvalto H.U. will soil round tiip licaeta at CNli FA Rid FOR TH&i OUND TRIP. Ilckot will be on sale July 7, 6, 9 end 10, and kre good leturnlng until July 16, txcept that ev it positing tivket In At'ai.ea an extenHlon til return 1'mlt can oe necured Until A'Jguxt 15th. Three train dully vlu th lnUvlllo A Kaahvill R. R. between St. Loui3 and Atlanta, with double drily Sleeping Car -service Ihrough to Atlanta. The loute vln Nashville, the capital of VeniiesHce, and through c "jntry made famous by th" Civil War. and giving paantn- frs a view of Chattanooga, rokout Mountain nd many, f.imous hnttleflelds. For rate nd further information ed ress s C H. FITZGERALD. ' Trav. 7 as. Agt.. L. A N. It. Jk Kanaa City, Mo. or J r.. DAVENPORT Zir. Pssi. y.gt., L. A N. ai. B. alt, ixiul. ato. Dr.Searles&Searles sptcisiisrs Cure All Bpe.iI DISEASES OF m BLOOD PDiSOH WEAK, NERVOUS MEM kidney and bladder diseases Treats ant nnd Utlblat ' S5.00 PER t.iOUT',1 Ksamlnat;on and advlc fr at ofllct or Vy malt. Written contract glvn in ll curable dliae r rafund monty paid fur tiestment. Treatment by mall. It year In Omaha. Cast 3h aad Pet la, OstAJtAe aata. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CHAIN CO, GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND ' . , STOCKS. 324 Drd of Trad fclds., Omil i 'Phunctf lwa, ,ud luii. kluuiber all prU Jpu1)"'II4. Wrtm fur our dul. but t