10 THE OMAHA DAILY HTCI't FTUDAY, JL'LT 10, 1903. "1VIW IM'W Sal of Boys' Clothing id Floor mm Friday We Show A Great Sale of Thousands of Remnants of New Goods Below Cost to Manufacture. 50c Wash Goods at 6c a Yard 5,000 yards of the finest high grade Bilk and mer cerized Wash Goods, Mousseline de Soies, Mulls, Batistes, etc., sold as high as 50c yd. . . . 75c Nomad Wash Silk Dress Goods at 25c Yd. A rich silk fabric, 27 Inches wide, in fast col- ( B" ors, for w aists and shirt waist dresses, all the P'Sh!! , richest tones and styles cut from 75c yd. to. . La VL J Imported Wash Goods at 12k piece Straight from a fJenna.i manufac turer, the finest Hlrillans. silk mo hairs, etc., in nil colors and styles iwi o Ilia eti j UTO 12c enough alike for skirts and Jackets, at, per piece. . . Danish Cloth IN DRRSS OOODS DEPARTMENT ,122c Black and Colored Remnant of White China Silks at yar ird Printed Foulards In dress and waist lengths 37C Shirt Waist Silks pin checks, embroidered dots, etc., -worth 11.25 at a yard Remnants of Black Grenadines at one-third and one-half value. Remnants of fine Black Taffetas at 48C"59C y ... ....................... Remnants of $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 Embroidered Pongees at a. tfOr . yard " FINE WASH LACES-ln remnants ELEOAINT EMBROIDERIES Ineertlngs, Galloons, etc. very handsome. Sale of Remnants Fine quality 96-lnch Bleached Muslin at a yard , Unbleached Muslin very good quality special at a yard Standard Prints on big bargain counter at Fine Mercerised Walstlngs plain white and fancy worth up to 75c yd-t-ln short remnants at yard.... Plain Black Lawns worth up to 20c yard In short remnants at a yard 3ic 2io 21c 5c 3Jc JJ. . $rnri ft pans DIES FROM GUNSH0T WOUND Hamilton MelWl hffimbi to Infnrle. Inflicted number of Days Aao. Hamilton Melkle, aged 12 years, son of W. B. Melkle, died at Clarkson hospital yesterday afternoon at 4:S0 as a,, result of the accidental discharge of a rifle with which ha was playing Wednesday, June 24. The boy, with some playmates, was shooting blank cartridges in a 22-callber rifle at the home of George C. Smith, 1248 Park Wild avenue. Mrs. Smith had warned them not to use loaded sheila, but it seems that In some way they had secured some which were loaded with shot. The gun was In the hands of the boy who was shot at the time the accident happened. The charge entered his abdomen and cut two holes In the stomach. After the accident ha was carried Into the home of Mr. Smith, i but later was taken to Clarkson hospital, ' where he has been since. It was at first thought he would recover, but when a relapse occurred a few days ago the at tending physician gave up hope. ' The funeral aervlces will be held at 10:30 Saturday at Bt. Barnabaa church, corner of Nineteenth and California streets. Father Williams will conduct the services. The Interment wilt ba at Forest Lawn. Miss Rowena and Julia Hlgglnson, both sisters of the deceased boy, arrived In the city Wednesday. ' Organ Hecltal at Trinity. LaM evening a fair sited audience as sembled at Trinity cathedral to attend the organ recital of the students of Prof. Wright, L. L. C. M. The program began with a duo of organ solos and Intermezzo from Callearts and a largo from Handel, by Mrs. Fremont Benjamin. Miss Mattle Revmilda followed with a cavatlna from Haff, and prelude and fugue in D minor from Bach, on the organ. A feature of the program was the vooal solo "Singing In God's Acre," from Hrackett, by Master vtnhort MrHnrmm'k. and UUer on "Angels Kver Bright and Fair." Organ solos were rendered, "The Angels' Serenade." from Braga, and a prelude ana fugue in u nai from liach, by Miss Margaret Ctirrens, and a nocturne from v lucent, ana juenaei. aohn's Sonata No. 2. by Mr. I.ampman The program concluded with Schubert's "Serenade, anu H preiuue uia mgue in C minor by Prof. F. H. Wright. L. U C. M. Jnly lO. Deposits made July 10 draw Interest for the entire month. J. L. BRANDEIB A SONS. Bankers. 4 per cent Interest paid. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ex-State Oil Inspector J. E. Hayes of Lincoln Is an Omaha visitor. William A. Ashbrouk f the Johnstown (O.) Independent in a de egate to the Na tional Kdltortal association. Ills father founded the Independent nearly sixty years ago, and though nearly 85 years of age, still takes an active Interest In the man agement of the paper. Mr. Ashbrook met while here a cousin, aaaoclated with one of the Omaha dallies, whom he had not seen for over thirty years. Anion the delegates tothe National Edit orial asaixlutlon at present here are Hon II II 1 1 , v. i . ' i ii. ... . x " i "'I .IIU proprietor or the Xenla (O.) Uaiette and Torchlight. Mr. Chew la one of the pio neers of Buckeya Journalism. It was on the old Xenla Torchlight forty-rive years ago that Hon. W'hllelaw Held began hta career as a Journalist. It was from the Torchlight that he was later transferred to the New York Tribune as an assistant to Horace Greeley. The friendship of Mr. Chew and Mr. Retd has continued without intormtsHlon since. . May be Used in the Boudoir GORHAM Silver Polish Does not hurt or toil the hand Clean u well as polithei All responsible . M,w. JvwelsfTkMp S ts a package Baae Ball and Bat mf with every it) Boy' 5uit Record-Breaking Bargains lor Sample Lengths at 19c each Silk eollennes, etnmines, fancies and other highly fashionable dress, goods, hundreds to match, at, per piece 19c Pongees, silk muslins, etc, on bargain square k C at, yd ;ldC Silk Remnants ... 19c 69c vard. .. 5c.-3ic-Hc 19c-71c-5C in the Basement Bargain square of Lawns black, white and fancy C worth 20c yard at yard.... 3W Fine Ginghams In plain and' a I corded weaves worth 15c a yard at n-jjw Fine Mercerized Walstlnga bargain counter worth up to 11 ""E? ayard In long remnants C White Lawns India Llnons, f Nainsooks, Waistlngs, ate, 1 I If"! I worth 25c yd at a yr....... vw ' All our accumulation of Table Dam task from lhi to S-yard lengths at Just a fraction of their real worth. JF. Prunbtlm & pn AN OLD FIRM QUITS. a a art a ,," -rrie orapnny Goes Oat of BnslneaaC The Drummond Carriage company, which was established in Omaha eighteen years ago, located at Eighteenth and Harney streets, Is taking steps to close out their stock and quit business. At a recent meet ing or the ofneers this was decided upon. iwo or ino parties Interested In the com pany have larger Interests In other lines and desire to dispose of their holdings, so tne entire stock will be closed out as soon as possible. The company has a large manufacturing and repairing business, in which they have Deen employing about twenty-five men, Including painters and blacksmiths, trim mers and carriage makers, and this repair department will be kept in full force until a purchaser is found to continue a well es tablished business. The company expects to close out the entire stock of carriages and harness in the next, sixty or ninety days, a stock which is universally recognised as one or the finest and best selected, as well as best made, in the west and from a long experience with the finest trade In Omaha. The goods which will be sacrificed will Include not only carriages and fine harness, but open and top delivery wagons of the firm's own manufacture, as well as team and farm harness of every variety, harness and stable necessaries, horse show goods, fine halters, English bridles and saddles brushes, stable brooms, dressings, band ages, blankets, summer sheets, lap robes In fact many of the finest Imported stable requirements. Sncoessful Omaha Firm Opens Store In Capital City. Bchmoller & Mueller Omaha's leading piano house will open a store in Lincoln, at 13$ So. 11th St., on July 13th. The store Is located in the Brownell block, which Is one of tho best buildings In the city and will be equipped with the largest stock of high-grade pianos (Including the 1 cele brated Btelnway) that has ever been carried In Lincoln. The firm la an enterprising one and no doubt their store will prove a profit able aqulsltlon to the capital city. Mr. Wm. Bchmoller stated to a Bee represent ative that It was the firm's Intention to locate in Sioux City as soon a desirable location can be procured. They are also Increasing the carr.clty of their factory in Omaha and expect to make such Im provements as their increasing trade demands. They have a store In Council Bluffs and have agencies established In the smaller towns thoughnut the states of Nebraska and Iowa. Their establishment at 1313 Far nam street Is a store that Omaha people are proud of, and all their friends are hopeful that their new stores will be-as successful as their business In Omaha has been. Fot Bale Due !!! on one of tho beat New York City hotels at a good discount Ad dress E IM. care Omaha Bee. Arrested for Jnmslnsjr on Trains. Special Olflcer Leonard arrested Andy Campbell. Seventeenth and Clark streets I.uke McUermott, Ills Sherman avenue: Patrick Hoaford. 1516 North Seventeenth street; Harry Decker, Twentieth and C ark streets; v line Zook. l&U Norm Twenty second street; Roy Palmer, laid North Sev enteenth street; Graver Shlvely. Twenty seventh and Martha streets, all boys. They were lumping on and ort the trains at the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha depot. LOCAL BREVITIES. Olaf Hansen, who resided at 1104 South mxtn street, aiea yesterday afternoon He had been su fieri ns with what was con aldered a alight attack of heart trouble The attending Ehyslclan says his death was due entirely to the heat. Hansen waa an employe at tne wuuw springs aistu irry. Ituvid Donaldson, who liven at 3027 Prat street. Was picked up on Farnara stret by the police last night. He was locked uu at tho police statnm charred with In sanity. From papers which he had in his possession il la evident that ha la a trav eluig Hlwmto lor J. B. LIduIuooU at Co. Pjpii'l. ( t ot rouadoii'&Ja. m C in THfc! RELIABLE STORK. This Is our greatest remnant sale linens, 'flannel stocks, etc. Having Just of white and colored wash roods, linens closed out at once. 35c COLORED WASH GOODS REM NANTS, 12 1 2c. 4,000 rnrds remnants of mercerised striped organelles, Swiss muslins, dotted Swiss muslins. French batiste, corded batiste and printed penangs, small fig ures, stripes and floral designs, lu pieces of from 3 to 10 yards and several pieces of the same design, Friday 12c. 25c COLORED WASH GOODS REM NANTS, 8ic 3,000 yards rem nun ts of corded and printed hnlrllne batiste and mndrnsses, printed French lawns and black India llnons Friday 8Vic 15c COLORED WASH GOODS REM NANTS 5c. 3,000 yards remnants printed Scotch lawns, Irish dimities, seersucker ging hams and light and dark colored I cr eatesFriday, 5c. GREAT HAMMOCK AND CROQUET SET SPECIAL SALE. The greatest assortment of the west. Selling at from 311c, 50c, 79c, 89c and upwards. 25c WHITE GOODS, 9c. 1 big table of white goods, in dot Swisses, mercerized mulls, ' dimities, Hayden's Grocery Dept Surpassing Bargains this Week A Big Sale In Teas and Coffees Stolden Rio, worth 25c lb. only.... 11c locha and Java coffee worth 35c lb only 25c Japan Tea worth 00c, only lb 35c English Breakfast and C. P. Tea, worth 65c, only 30c First drop tea si f tings, only .' 10c Japan Tea worth 35c, for ice tea.. 20c Oatmeal, lb ...... ..:...2c Hayden's Tomato Sale Friday In Grocery Department Large baskets fresh ripe tomatoes. .15c JULY 15th Is the day we close our 20 FH UHi uiaiiuunr MB sale on our grips afid suit cases. Come In and see us If you want the beat for less than poor ones would cost you elsewhere. I Repairing Done. Telephone U50. Wfcf Wf'iSiesSSf Repairing Done. Telephone 1058. r . ... - - - - . Smoke Omaha's Finest ' "fvi f' fc TELEPH0?ES: . ... . - ... - X I4 I maha 1625. Council Bluffs MS SoCiffar-ths T f ftS I fl I0W A BRANCH: El If . I III SO Broadway, Council Bluffi. H ( Ca i --J. VrtXG ' sSK rhn-i nu-.n "SZ1 n 1 M WIUIB bllUclJ I 1 IE I Enuello Loses Lord Temple 10 site. 'I'H 1 Tel. 10tO for box. , We aellver D lngMaaMini KS W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company 1 1 : tXCUfSIOnS ! ir. . - - b via n TUB BEJJKETT COMPANY. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. 10 bars laundry soap. So. BEST AND LARGEST VARIETY. 15c can table syrup, can lOo. ONLY THE BEST VALUES HERE. Tea slftings, lb 16c, EVERYTHING GUARANTEED. Fresh roasted santos coffee, lb 12o. -m. AND PLEASANT PLACE TRADE. '.!. Potted meats aas't can Sc. A REFRESHING DRINK. Hires carbonated root teer bottle 10c. RICH AND DELICIOUS. Full cream cheese, lb. 13c. PRUNES SPECIAL. Extra good value, lb 6c. Woman Overcome by Heat. . . . Wmvla. living at BW6 Corby streets was overcome by the heat at the corner of Sixteenth street and Cen ter avenue aDout o;ov yei.u7 Miss Woods, who Is quite a large woman. tepped on a mieniMui wav home. She startea to wa a w urb, wnen in. " rlmovd tHvlse "Memorial hospital In tK paTorwagon After considerable att.n- light her case' was hopeless. Dr. Bishop xnreaeed the opinion late last nmui wiai snS would cov5r. Mia. Wood. ha. a .Is- tnr living at lii iiiiam -7 notified ad who called at the hospital early In the evening. . Coantr Democracy Picnic m.. (vnniu Democracy held a meeting at Its rooms last evening and after trans acting other mlacellaneous business, de j. hM Ita annual Dlcnic at Pries ciueu . .. ... . ..... Th. lake, near .orwno. u j ... committees aim 'a? ments for tne eveni win u the near future. Lost Credential Book. J C. Mann lost a railroad credential book No. 3.4tvi. last nlgnt somewnere between the Merchants hotel and Krug ark The oook cumauie.1 nwui .u ut money and credentials of value only to the owner. The finder will be rewarded by re turning the same to the Merchants hotel. Keep your couch cloan during the sum mer. To neip you we win ku m ..wu couch covers, special, Friday only, for l.a oach. Drapery department. ORCHARD aY WELHELM CARPET CO., 1414-16-1S-3) Douglas St. Falls Into Arenwny. Thomas Fahy, who lives at 1901 South Tenth street, fell Into an areaway at n. 1 TWu. a ... I. ...u u Bfl... noon. He sustained a severe cut on his head and had his back sprained. The police surgeon dreaaed his Injuries and he was sent to his home In a cab. Epworta Lena no Eieartlaa - ' To Detroit via Michigan Central July 15 and 16 from Chicago. Excursion side trlpa to all resorts north and east. Address O. W. Ruggles, G. P. T. A., Chicago. . . The Four Track News for July, best yet. Sold by newsdealers. Five cents a copy. Bam'l Burns Is selling a liavllaod berry set, seven pleoea, ft-M, I ilnv tho Great Domestic Room. tho rli-nnlng up of nil the wash goods, finish Invoicing we lmve over a carload and tliiunel reiuniints which must be nainsooks, India llnons, lawns, etc.. In long mill ends, not a yard worth less than 25c for one day, at, 9c yard. 2!c INDIA MNONS. 10c. 1 big table of 40-Inch India llnon. HV inch lawns and 40-lnch organdies, long mill ends, not a ynnl worth less tluiu 2!)c, for one dny. at 10c yard. 75c WHITE WAI8TINGS. 19c Have placed ou one table nil our mer cerized Imported white oxfords, madras and basket weaves waistlngs, worth up to 75c yard, for full pieces for one day, ut 19c a yard. 12'c LONSDALS CAMBRIC, 5c. 1 big table lonsdale yard wide cam bric, 12'4c quality, in long mill ends, for one day at 5c a yard. Sy2c MUSLIN, 4-c. Indian and Buck Head muslin, extra fine and heavy quality, long mill ends, worth 81c a yard, for one day, 4c yd. 121jC LONG CLOTH, OVjC 12c English long cloth, yurd wide, soft for the needle, long mill ends, for one day at 6',ic a yard. 600 remnants of table linen from lVi to 3 yard lengths, at, half regular price. Rye Flour, per sack ..... SSL- Rye Graham, per sack 25c Come to our demonstrating depart ment and get a cool drink of phosphate and root beer, FREE. Condensed Milk, per can 7c Alaska Salmon,' per can ...9c Oil or mustard Sardines, can 3"ic Fancy sweet Oranges, each lc Fillings Iron 2So Teeth Extracted FREE Aluminum Pistes from $9. Brldga work from 2.85 UNION DENTIL COLLEGE OP PAINLESS DENTISTRY. . IH Doaflas. Oeca daar tal . Saadayi to 4. Swits-Gonde Underwear 20c On sale Friday and Saturday, Swlts Conde underwear for men cool and loosely wovn, comes In three different shade., salmon color, blue or plain balbrtggan. It's a garment which sells everywhere from 46c to 50c. Our sale price Friday ani Batui'day, 20c a garment. Not more than two suits to a customer. Just re ceived, a new line of polka dot and tan fancy shirts, our price 96c. Fine cream color mohair shirts, 12 00. Pure silk shirts, S3. All wool up-to-date outing suits, now only 16.00. Extra good pants, sale price, 31.90. Straw hats from 19c up. Black alpacca coats, 75c, 96c, SI. 25 and 11.50. Alfred Ben jamin's alpacca eoats from Si. 75 up. In fact, there la no store in town that can take as good care of you on hot weather wearable as The Guarantee Clothing Co., U19-1521 Douglas St. Quality always the best. Prices the lowest. On Hot Days Eat Ftefes (the ready-to-serve pure wheat food). A Cooling . Satisfying Repast Ask year grocer fa hUnvToo F lakes 1 , Fun set 01 Teeiti g3.0Q k I Gold Crowns from $2.85 Ali'ICA " j FREE S5 sa."5sa mm:fii I lllsiU m.terlal JulylO. f4 fj - 1 In order to Increase our clinic, we want' VS- IjILi'M3 'ir I every man, woman and child to have their j XSi: I teeth examined by the Pro- ' ' -zLrj-i. ssjBaa. feasors. Work guaranteed 10 j t- 'iSj S V- W. years. Incorporated under x. l ri F PS S FROM WWW UBSW.VaisJJbeS '"H"B B"- H ill SGIIHOLLER MUELLER. 1313 FARNAM STREET. Are Conducting at the Present Time the Most STUPENDOUS PIANO SALE Ever Inaugurated in the Entire West Our Annual July Clearing Sale of Pianos Is the marvel of tho wholo rinno Trude and this year we are bound to eclipse all previ ous records. Work Is plenty, money easy and no doubt of continued prosperity, therefore we predict this year's clearing sale our great est success. High Quality and Low Prices Battle as never before some of the offerings are Truly Sensational Expensive pianos, in art cases, old standard makes, in Grands and in rare natural wood finished pianos too costly for the average dealer to carry are selling right now at nearly One Half Price $1,000.00 pianos for ?G00.00 900.00 pianos for 500.00 800.00 pianos for 700.00 pianos for GOO.00. pianos for 500.00 pianos for 400.00 pianos for 300.00 pianos for 200.00 pianos for 480.00. 420.00. 300.00. 300.00. 240.00. 180.00. 120.00. On Terms of Nothing ' Down and Five Dollars Monthly Until Paid in Full. CHICAGO, ILL S14.a On sale June 80th and July 1st. Atlanta, Ga S33.10 On sale July t, ( and 7. Boston, Mass S33.7S On sale June SO, July 1-3-3-4. Detroit, Mich 121.00 On sale July 14 and 15. Baltimore, Md ..S32.S5 On sale July 17 and U. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 182.20 On sale July 3 and 4. as I Buffalo, N. Y. ... Pittsburg, Pa Waterloo, la St. Paul, Minn Minneapolis, Minn 841.50 .ttt.45 .SU.k6 ..312.60 r 12.60 1660 ..310.50 ..310.60 ..110.60 ..310.50 ..310.70 ...335 luluth, Minn Watervllle. Minn Waseca, Minn ... Falrbault, Minn Northflald. Minn as Clear I-ake, la Spirit Lake, (Okobojl) Tickets on sale dally during June, July, August and September, good for return until Oct. 31, ltot. Above rates are for round trip tickets, Horaeoeeker's round trip tickets on sale to points in the North, Northwest. South and Southeast, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays In each month. Also one way colonial rates to points In the South and boutheast on same dates. Summer tours via. Duluth or Chicago and Steamer via the Onsat Lakea. Write me about your trip and let me give you an Itinerary, show ing time, connections, coat, etc Bleeping Car and Steamer reserva tions made In advance. Correspondence solicited and In formation cheerfully given at 14U3 Farnara St., Omaha, or write. W. II. BRILL. Dlst. Pass. Agt. III. Central R. R. OMAHA, NEB. ggsjBB DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treat, all form, of DISEASES OF KEN II years eaparUeie. It rara is UuU. s),tM mm ear. anMa, au Mtul. Caraa f ural4 Charee lev. TraatiMat tr Mil. Call er writ. a tel. oataa srer HI a l st,.oMasta Sfha MerchantWationalDonk Or OMAHA M M Vmrmf Vmnm aW J1U tonm hU aa apul aaMMua Sana tmmt mjaai' VNITBO TATBB DBFOmiTUHY. rnri Harplif. P aL a a Wm Mr UIW Drmk rV- . V V. HtH. 13 ""v-", 11. us s n Three Great Specials Go on Sale Friday In Our Ladles' Furnishing Dept. MUSLIN SKIRTS, LADIES' BELTS, LADIES' VESTS. Muslin Skirts 39c instead of 65c Friday you can take your free and unrestricted choice of 60 doien ladles' fine quality muslin skirts, made with double full flounce; also with dust ruffle. These are sklrU that were picked up by us way underprlced and are positive Ko values for 39c Ladies' Belts worth up to $1, Friday, 19c We were particularly fortunate In securing thfs line of sample belts that goes on sale Friday. Samples you know, are made with the utmost care, and are often even better than the lines they represent. The manufac turer was through with them his men had used them In making sales. He sold the entire lot to us at a very low figure. This Is absolutely the best bargain we have offered In a long time. They are high grade silk and satins, plain and fancy trimmed. They're strictly this season's styles. You'll find among them the newest styles. They go on sale Friday, your choice 19c. Ladies' Vests worth 25c, on sale Eriday, 10c Friday we place on sale 120 dozen fine quality Jersey ribbed lisle fin ished vests, V or square shaped neck, full silk taped positively a 25o qual ity for 10c. REFRIGERATOR SALE Big Cut in Prices 13.85 for our White Enamel Peerless, capaoity 85 pounds of ice. Paoked with Mineral Wool. Reg ular value $17. 85. Other sizes at like prioes. Milton Rogers & Sons Go. Lawn Mowers. 14th and Higher than the Famous Jungfrau Don't compare Switzerland and Colorado.' It isn't fair to Switzerland. Switzerland has nine peaks more than 14,000 feet high. Colo rado has forty-two all higher than the famou Jungfrau. In addition, it has 900 lakes and more than sixty rivers. Go there this summer. Rates are low, only 1 7..S0 for the round trip from Omaha, Nrh. A nil if you take the Itock Island System you will be ermfortnble: going- and returning. Literature and full lnformntlon on reqjest. Rock Island tra'.ns for Colorado Spring: and Denver laro 7:30 a. m., at 1:30 p. m. and 5:40 p. ni. . ' . y 1323 - j1 ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER 107 N. 16TH ST., OPP. POSTOFFICE. ' HIGH GRADE RAILROAD WATCHES 17, 21, 23 and 24 Jeweled watches of the best American works, adapted to the exacting time service. Reasonable In price. Union I'aclflo watch Inspector. II i A zz ' 1 1 M Finest table beer appetizing tonic aids digestion fj BiaUV 1IUUJ . l BL nJl lug nain Biimjiuinj urnu uu pure same price as others but better beer. Delivers, ts say part ot Omaha. Osaasll Blaffa er Ssetk Omasa. it? 4rdr a ease from the JETTER BREWINQ CO. or HUGO F. BILZ, U24 Douflai or LEE MICHELL, Wkoletaie Didn't Get Your Clothes when they were promised, ehT That Is tho way It goes some' places, but not at The Pantorlum we make It a rule to get things out promptly and when promised. We give you first class work at popular pricea and guarantee It in every respect. Try us. THE PAMTORIlin OMAHA. 407 Bo 1Mb St Tel. 003 fcBDRUMICARDS BfHITS DOVfi CUKE er .'alia unoiruj r loa tm atruni drlak, lha appatlla for wulrli caunui eilM atr uaius tbia reaiaar. Olvcs la any lluul nits or arltkuuTaui'eiaa.a of eailaaii taatiei si a jbaruiaa m ataConneil Drug Co., Omaha, DSBBSsasV Farnam Sts. Gas Ranges. City Ticket Office ; ., Farnam Street, Omaha C. A. Rutherford, D. P. A.' Street, Omihs. Telephone 1542 Dealer, Couacil Bluffs. Tel. 80 WE WONDER how much FRKHi OOODS, OASII OR uTIIKK CHATTKLH. the Miles' people are giving Charley for the OIIIOINAI adver tlalnK he Is Klvlng them bv rl:iltnln mk.. goKls than thoau sold by hi. vast em porium, are ipiirioua? Good system and the rt.-Hulis sre, ho far, quite satlHfactorv ll.u) Mlle' Nervine .....7 ',lx tl.nfl Allies' Heart Cure . " Wt have all- sooda advertised. 1 11 UO 1'eruim fTn 11.00 Ur. Flen e's lfmedles s. " 6oc Loan's Kidney l'llls " gr)' &uc Possonl Face Fowder one only "to a customer ; v,a 26c Urave's Tooth Powder, one only"to a cuxtomer , 2jc Hire's Root Beer all vou want " 14o 11 .00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey... '. 7fia 3ic Genuine Cuxtorla j40 fyic "('Mtarrh Hem ", guaranteed tuo 11.00 UnrlB Sams Tobateo Cure a-uar. un.A.I open ALL maiir'" xr...flii-fn'? cutpricr wws.rsans ..aa w DRUO Sl'ORlV T 'PhunoaT.r nnd TttT. 16ta nasi Chicago Streets, Oiaika, J i ft llr, I