Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Dr. Macrae Der.i.u tba' Wes'era Inde
pendent tr fe s a dad One.
activity of Promoters I f Tbla Con
cern Has diaried Others to
Talk Altnat Knterlng
the Field.
Friday afternoon. The committee has Be
cked permission from the management of
Lake Manawa for Covalt'a band, which will
play In the park during the luncheon ani
reception to the member of the National
Editorial association. In place of tlckete
for the luncheon the committee hae pre
pared a number of handsome yellow Bilk
hnlg-a on which are printed In black let
ters, "Council Bluff, Iowa. Welcome, N.
E. A."
City Council Proeeedlaat.
The city council met yesterday morning
and cleaned up a number of matters left
over from the session Monday night. Among
the matter disposed of waa tiie grading
Reverm Exo edi La-.t Year! and Also tha
Estimate for Unrrcnt Period.
lar:e SURPLUS LtFT in the treasury
Louis Basse, Through Attorneys, Tells
Supreme Coart Why lie Thinks
He Should Not Be Hanged
for Murder of Wife.
He charged desertion, alleglr.g that his wife
eloped with one Du Bola, going to Kansas
City, where he caused the arrest of both.
He leaves two children.
nooaevelt to Cinmlni,
Governor Cummin received a pleasant
letter from Secretary Loeb, stating the
pleasure of the president over hi trip
through Iowa. "The president wlshe me
to thank you cordially," he wrote, "for
the courtesies which you were good enough
to extend to him during hi recent visit
to your state. He greatly enjoyed his trip
through Iowa and wa delighted with the
cordial greeting which he received every
where. It wa a pleasure to have you with
I of Franklin avenuo, which on recommenda-
The fnllure of the Western Iowa Inde- j tlon of the committee of the whole waa
pendent Telephone, Telegraph and Terminal I decided upon. The ordinance providing for
Company to go before the people of Council i the Improvement was passed.
Bluffs with Its proposition for a franchise! The contract for the repair to the bridges
to maintain and operate an independent I over Indian creek at Third, Eighth ani
telephone system In this city has led to j Tenth avenue and Oak street was awarded for the corresponding previous period by
(From a Staff Correspondent.
EES MOINES, July (.-(Special.) The
financial transactions of the state of Iowa
for the past biennial period, ended July 1,
are cause for congratulations on the part
of the people of the state, for they Indi
cate the rapid growth of the state and the
creat Increase In revenue from ordinary
source. The actual receipts of the state
for the benefit of the general revenue fund
for the biennial period exceed the receipts
the Impression that the company has quit
the field. This was denied yesterday by
Dr. V. Macrae, Jr., president of the com
pany, although he admitted that his fel
low incorporators were not moving fast
enough to please him and th-t despite his
efforts he wa unable to get them to bring
the matter to an hsue.
The Inactivity of the men comprising the
Western Iowa company, It was stated yes-
to J. M. Flagler on recommendation of
Chairman Casper of the committee on
bridges and public property.
T:ie city marshal was Instructed to notify
the water works company to remove the
hydrant on North Eighth street, between
Mynster and Indian creek, to the curb
Consideration of the list of the streets
and alleys which the Nebraska Telephone
terday. had Induced the Council Bluffs In- , Pompany proposes to occupy with Its under-
dependent Telephone company to again
enter the field, and that It was preparing
a new ordinance for an Independent tele
phone franchise, which it would shortly
present to the city council with a view of
having It submitted to the people of Council
The Incorporator of the Council Bluffs
Independent company are: II. H. Van
IJruni E. H. Walters. J. E. Wilcox, Emmet
Tlnley, B. O. Brulngton and Dr. T. B.
Laeey. Mr. Van Brunt Is at rresent In
Europe with his family, but It Is under
stood that the work of preparing the new
ordinance is In the hands of Attorney
Emmet Tlnley. When eeen yesterday Mr.
Tlnley declined to deny or affirm the re
port that his compnny would again seek a
franchise, now that the Western Iowa com
pany had failed to bring Its proposition to
an Issue. He stated, however, that the
business men associated with htm were
just as determined as ever to secure an
Independent telephone system for Council
Bluffs, and that If the company organised
by Messrs. Macrae,- Metcalf and others did
not go ahead with the scheme, they would.
It was also stated yesterday that In the
event of the Western Iowa company with
drawing from the field. In all probability
the Council Bluffs Independent company
and the Pottawattamie Mutual Telephone
company would Join forces and endeavor
to secure a franchise. . It Is said that the
officer of the two companies have held
several conference recently and this fact
lend oolor to the report The Pottawat
tamie Mutual company wa organized by
Fred H. Davis, Cal Hafer and C. A. Beno,
all well known business men of this city.
ground conduits was deferred after the
matter hnd been referred back to the city
council by the committee of the whole.
The adlermen after Inspecting the re
cently completed grading of Third street
and Fifth avenue adopted the assessment
schedule as prepared by the city engineer.
over 11,000,000 and exceed the legislative es
timate of available revenue previous to
change In the laws by 11,500,000. The ac
tual receipts for the general revenue fund
for the biennial period Just closed were
$6,177,6.w.50. In the previous period ended
Jiily 1, 1901, the receipts were J5.12O.060.54,
and the legl'ative estimate of revenues on
the ban l.i of laws existing at the time of
the' last general assembly was (5,777,788.17,
Including the cash balance on hand of over
$l,000,0u0. The increase In the balance for
the period was 426,69:).71. The chief Item
In Increase of receipts was that relating
to the war refunds, though the state ex
ecutive council took this into consideration
In making the tax levy for this year. The
state received from the general government
since the close of the legislative session
$456,417,89 on account of 'civil war claims,
and J34.SS6.68 on account of equipment for
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night FW7.
Tw Staffs People Sea Pope.
Rev. Father Herman of St. Peter' church
of. this rjlty and-Charles Jaoquemln ot tha
Jaoquemln Jewelry company of this city
enjoy Ue-distinction of having had audi
ence with Pope Leo. :
Rev. Father Herman on hi last trip to
Rom several years ago waa granted two
audlenora with the pope.' . One wa private
In regard to the work of the Benedictine
order, with which Father Herman 1 asso
ciated, and the other at a public reception.
Mr. Jacquemln was granted an audience
with Pone Leo In August, 1900, through the
Influence ot Mr. Jacquemln' cousin, Mgr.
George Jacquemln, 'prelate ot the Vatican.
Speaking of the approaching demise of
Pope Leo Mr. Jacquemln said:
"In the death ot Pope Leo I consider that
America will lose one of Its greatest friends
and the Cathollo world on of the most
learned, broad-minded and cultured sover
eigns that ever ruled over the, affair ot
th church." '
Mr. Jacquemln' home 1 In Helena, Mont.,
but at present he Is In Council Bluffs look
ing after his business Interests here.
Mgr. Jaoquemln Is well known In this
city, having visited his cousin, Mrs. George
Gerner, of this city In 1901.
rermlt for Terminal Buildings.
Contractor WIckham took out butldlns-
permits yesterday for the Great Western 1 the war w,th" sPaln- The chief Item of In
freight depot, paasenger station, round- I cnuso of revenues was that of corporation
house and machine shops now In course of and othe fees. The Rock Island company
construction. The cost of the building alone paid a 1125,000 fee In one case, which
according to the permits Is: Freight depot,; passenger station, $17,500; round
house and machine shops, $56,000. The
track laying machine reached the Mosquito
creek crossing Just east of the city yesterday.
Real Estate Transfer.
These trsnsfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of Squire
& Annls, 101 Pearl street:
County treasurer to J. A. L. Wad
dell, swi nwH. t-74-4J, t. d $ 84
Heirs of John 11 Childs to F. J. Day.
?" 3i p- Hess, acres In wtt nwU
-&-, w. a
Lou gee & Lou gee to Joseph R Wal
lace, lot 12, Evans sub 8 part block
16, Mill add, w. d 1
E. E. Teweksbury and wife to James '
McLequey, lot 1, block 18, Ferry
add, w. a
City of Council Bluffs to Mrs Fran
ces Bellinger, lot 26, block , Cen
tral sub, s. w. d .
George A. Qemner and wife to Jacob
Neumayer, lot 20, Purple sub, w. d.
was the fruit of a law removing the fee
limit passed by the last legislature. The
state treasurer today gave out the follow
ing statement as to transactions of the
biennial period:
Balance general fund July 1, 1901. $1,148,888 17
xi . I , T . 1 1 lan . n Till,, i
1902 2,603,623 (ft
Receipts July 1, 1902, to July 1,
190S S.574,232 47
$7,321,742 67
Warrants nald. first year, state
Institutions $1,633,302 08
Warrants paid, first year, general
- appropriations 1,162,328 71
Warrants redeemed year end
ing July 1, 1902 $2,795,630 79
Warrants paid, second year, state
Institutions $1,778,927 77
Warrants Dald. second year, gen
eral appropriations 1,176,706 23
Warrants redeemed
lng July 1, 1903
year end-
$2,955,634 00
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Boa.
Wyaaaa Estate Stay Intaet.
Under the terms of the will of th late
Albert W. Wyman. filed for probate yes
terday In the district court, the property,
both personal and real, is to remain In
tact until the death of hi son. Burton A.
Wyman, and when the latter' youngest
child shall have reached hi or her ma
jority. Then the property ia to be divided
among th son's children, share and share
alike. In the meantime the son. Burton
Wyman, Is appointed trustee and la re
quired to lease the real estate and place
whatever money Mr. Wyman was possessed
ot at his death out on Interest. From the
proceeds $700 annually Is to be paid Mrs.
Wyman as long as she remains a widow.
Mr. Wyman I also permitted to occupy or
lease th family homestead. LaFayette
wyman. brother or th testator, receives Ida Caldwell, colored, wa arrested yes-
m a fear uunng vim uieume. in son, j "ujr unmuun on an assault ana battery
Burton Wvman. receives, the balance of the i ?.nar"? Preferred against her by Nellie
r . eV h ,. , I " n"L'5r- W9'L?' .M;-.t-'se'1 Y bond
Six transfer, total....... $3,134
Marriage License.
License to wed were yesterday granted
to th following:
Name and Residence. a
W" .A' ' Poawattamle county.... "a
Bertie M. Hansen, Loveland, la. .20
Nathaniel McCready, Omaha 1...
Kittle Boyce, Omaha...,..,,. ."IjJ
Harls sells drug.
Stockert sell carpet.
Crayon enlarging. 308 Broadway.
For rent, storeroom. 231 Main street
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 408 B'y.
Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer.
Schmidt's photos. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert', 401
ifi4S "d lgK wedding rmg at Leffert'.
409 Broadway.
Anything you want, go to Howe's, 810
Broadway, and save money.
The newest thing etched bra toaat tab
lets. Alexander' Art Store. .
Nathaniel McCready and Kittle Boyce,
both of Omaha, were married In this city
yesterday afternoon, Justice Ouren officiat
ing. For rent, office room, ground floor. On
or the most central locations in the business
p2,rUon ,ot ta6 V- Apply to Th Be
office, city.
A pile of fence post belonging to th
Rock Island railroad stacked in the yards
at (seventeenth avenue wa destroyed by
Are Tuesday afternoon.
W contract to keep public er private
houses' free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing company.
Council Bluff. Ia. Telephone F634.
For sale, the (t. O. Rice fruit farm of
forty acres, two miles from courthouse In
Council Bluffs, ror nrloe and t-ma ad
dress D. W. OUa, 131 Pearl street, council
Bluffs. Ia.
The member of th Deirre of Honor will
meet this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the
residence of Slack Peterson, 1724 South
Eighth street, to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Peterson.
The committee which 1 soliciting funds
to defray the expenses of entertaining the
Pythian grand lodge and encampment of
the uniform rank in this city in August
is meeting with good success.
The funeral of Mr. Slack Peterson will
be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from
the Danish BaptlBt church. Rev. Henry
A. Relchenbuch conducting the services.
Interment will beUn Falrview cemetery.
The commissioners for the Insane de
cided yesterday that Chester Egbert wa
a in. suDjeci ror me state .avium nl
Balance on hand July L 1901 $1,146,886 17
Balance on hand July 1. 1902..'.,.. 9S1.880 41
Balance on hand July 1. 19 1,670,478 88
. Bass Would Escape Gallows,
The argument of the attorneys for Louis
Buase of Bremer county were filed with
th supreme court today. Bussa Is under
death sentence tor . the murder of his wife.
which' was a cruel crime ' and came near
leading to a lynohlpg. Th line of defense
for Busse was disclosed in the arguments
filed today. It will be claimed and strongly
urged upon the court that the evidence
disclosed that Busse, who was a German
farmer, returned home drunk, and that his
wife struck him over the head with a chair
and that out of this grew th quarrel
which ended In her death. The absence of
all premeditation will be urged. There Is
also complaint a to the statement of the
attorney for the state In their closing
argument to the Jury and that the court
did not submit to th Jury th evidence re
latlng to drunkenness nor that relating to
an alleged confession by Busse. The con
fession had been written out and sworn to.
but was not produced In court and the
state contented Itself with witnesses who
stated what Busse had said. The case will
be hard fought for a rehearing. The date
for the hanging passed some time ago.
Fish Dam Waa Blewn Up.
New waa received by the state officials
today that the dam at the exit of Lake
Okobejl has been blown out with dynamite
and the water of the lake la receding. The
tate ha no money available for Immedi
ately reconstructing the dam
The incorporation wa effected today of
the Elkhorn Lutheran High School and
College association, for the purpose of es
tablishing a new college In Clay county.
T. N. Jerstd Is president and E. C. Pcder-
son Is secretary.
The Modern Telephone company of Bur
lington Incorporated today with $1C0,C0)
capital. The Glidden Telephone company
was incorporated with $2,500 capital.
Railroad Branch Completed,
The rails have all been laid on tho new
cut-off of the Milwaukee railroad from Ot-
tumwa to Muscatine and freight. Is now
being handled over the line on Irregular
trains. The regular schedule will not com
Clarlnda and ordered him committed there. , mence for more than a month, as It will
ft BlllWn Coln? CUrtnda "" mornln take some time to level up the track and
proceeds from th rental and Investment
after paying these two annu?Js.
Saar Divorce Case On.
Th hearing of the divorce suit of Otto
Saar against Sophia Saar was begun yes
terday morning In the district court be
fore JuJg N. W. Mary, as Judge Wheeler
for her appearance In Justice Ouren
mis morning,
There will he a meeting this evening of
the committee In charge of arrangements
for entertaining the Pythian grand lodge
In Hughes' hall. As there axe several mat
ters of importance to come before the
committee it Is requested that all mem
bers be present.
The hearing of Conductor Mortcnsen.
before the case properly should have come Motorman Wllllama and Train Dispatcher
had nrior to his elevation to th Un.h I , "l cnargea wnn assaulting Wallace
naa v"or ! "evalIO, to the tenth Benjamin, was concluded In Justice Ouren s
been Mrs. Saar s attorney. Mr. and Mrs. court yesterday morning. Justice Ouren an-
are residents of Keg Creek township i npunced he would nana down his decision
1 tritai mirtiina'
D. J. Fogarty, who waa arrested Tues
day, It being wllesrd that he was wanted
In TTipton, la., went before Justice Ouren
yesterday and demanded that Detective
Murphy, who made tha arrest, file an af
fidavit that Fogarty was wanted in Tip
ton. The ofiiorr tailed to tile the affi
davit and Justice Ouren exonerated Fogar
ty's bond.
and both belong to well known families.
Th plaintiff la a wealthy farmer. A large
number of witnesses from the neighbor
hood where they live are In attendance
at th trial. The plaintiff allege cruel
and Inhuman treatment on the part of hi
wife and she In a cross petition makes
similar charges. Both ssk the custody of
their three minor children. The plaintiff
I said to be worth nearly $100,000.
Bladlasj Twtae ttolea.
. Twenty-nine bundles cf binding twin
valued at about $30 were stolen Tueaday
alght from a freight car In the rear of th
Union Transfer company' warehouse on
South Main street. The thieves must havb
carried away the twine In a wagon. Up
to last night the police had been unable
to locate the stolen twine or secure any
clew to the thieves.
Feeling; I Running High at Clinton
Over Saloon Prosecu
tions. CLINTON. Ia.; July $.-Bpeclal Tele
gram.) E. H. Crocker, an attorney from
Cedar Rapids, waa dragged from the Re
vere hotel thl afternoon by William Mag-
den and Ernest Rohwer and severely
beaten by the two men. Crocker came
here to prosecute some liquor dealers.
among whom were the two men named
above. Temporary Injunction were Issued
closing six saloons, among them being
those of the assailants. There has been a
saloon war on here for eome months past,
some of the cases being brought In good
faith, while others were doubtless attempts
to blackmail. Clinton attorneys refused to
take up the prosecution, consequently the
Cedar Rapids attorney Was employed. A
Chicago attorney was assaulted here on
the street last winter for engaging In a
similar prosecution. William Desmond, ex-
county sheriff, and other who attempted to
prevent the assault were dragged Into the
affair. Magden and Rohwer were arrested
Charged with assault. The Incident ha
aroused considerable indignation and those
who participated In the assault are roundly
I Finally Married nt Sioux City with
the Consent of Her
SIOUX CITT, July 8. (Speclal.)-Bessle
McNeil, the romantic 19-year-old daughter
of W.H. McNeil of Wayne, Neb., postmaster
and editor of the Wayne Herald, who
eloped In boy' clothing with her lover,
only to be arrested at South Sioux City
and taken back to Wayne, returned to
Sioux City today with her lover and wa
married. The young woman, who said
she would have her way, has succeeded
and was married here with the consent of
her parents. It was an entirely different
person who got oft the train here today
from the one whom Marshal Kloster ar
rested at South Sioux City. Instead ot the
derby hat, the white vest and the tight
fitting trousers, Bessie was attired In a
Jaunty suit which set off her dainty figure
to perfection. Above her wealth of hair,
which refused to remain under the derby,
was a sailor hat and she walked with a
gait quite different from the one she
adopted In her disguise. "Oh, we will be
married, all right," she said saucily. "I
think it' Just horrid the way the paper
have talked about us."
Jim Dumps had In his neighborhood
A man who ne'er would try new food.
" Buy Just one box of Force,' twill cost
So little that there's not much lost.
You'll keep on, tho your purse be slim,
Twill force you to," said "Sunny Jim."
Tb BMdyto-terv Canal
Is its own ,
best recommendation
Alwavya Wvrta Mora.
"Force stmrk tha rlrht iot. Th tnor I eat, th
want. My family is as well pleased with It a I am,
V. V(lW auva w m
T. B. Bmirr."
Authorities Bring Kegro Back to Evansville
While Troops Control Town.
Score Riot Victims Are Bnrled and
Some Disturbers Arrested on War
rants, One Being; Prominent
Local Politician.
, Council Bluffs Hen Arrested.
8T. JOSEPH, Mo., July (.(Special Tele
gram.) J., B. Johnson, J. B. Lee and Paul
Ootleg were arrested' In front of the St.
Charles hotel by Detectives Wilson and
Hensley today. When searched at police
headquarters several taming devices were
found In their possession, along- with sev
eral pairs of loaded dice. All three claim
to hall from Council Bluff. They are
being held for Investigation.
Iowa Governor Deliver an Address
. on th Subject of Cor
porations. MITCHELL. S. D., July 8. (Special Tele
gram.) The South Dakota Bankers' asso
ciation, which has been in session ' here
today, closed this evening with two fine
addresses, one by Judge Tripp of Yankton
and the other by Governor Albert B. Cum
mins of Iowa. The. governor made his
address around the corporations and it wna
well In line with his known position. A
number of excellent papers on various sub
jects were presented by banker in tha
tate. W. B. Neery of St. Paul and L. A.
Ooddard of Chicago were among th out
side speaker.
Th following officer were elected at the
meeting this afternoon: President, E. L.
Abel of Brldgewater; vice president, W. A.
Mackay of Madison: treasurer, H. 8. Drew
of Hlghmore; aecretary, George C. Fultln-
weder of Huron; executive council, H. S.
Row, E. G. Issenhuth, O. L. Branson, H.
J. Meldell, D. M. Inman, M. P. Beebe, O.
E. McKlnney, George F. Schneider, F. L.
Cllsby; delegate to American Bankers'
association, E. L. Abel, H. R. Dennis, L.
K. Lord, O. L. Branson.
After the addresses this evening the visit
ing banker were tendered a smoker at th
Mitchell club rooms. On th arrival of
Governor Cummin thl afternoon he wa
tendered a reception at th banker' meeting.
EVANSVILLE. July 8. -Acting under or
der of Judge Rasch, Sheriff Krati left
Evansville this evening for the Indiana
Reformatory at Jeffersonvllle to bring back
Lee Brown, the wounded negro who killed
Patrolman Massey last Friday. How Sheriff
Krats will bring him here and the hour of
hi arrival will bo kept secret If possible.
The sheriff took with him one deputy and
Dr. Gilbert, who will try to treat the man
while enroute. The troop will be, held
her pending the trial.
A venire of fifty name wa secretly
drawn this afternoon from which to secure
a Jury. The court will appoint an attorney
to defend Brown.
The court house and Jail are still guarded
night and day by the Martinsville and
Evansville companies of mllltla, the latter
being stationed inside the building.
' Five Rioter Arrested.
There were five arrest today on grand
Jury Indictments for the- rioting on Sunday
night. Those under arrest are: Richard
Grosbeck, who was socialist candidate for
city clerk; A. P. Cardwell, a furniture mer
chant; J, T, Zelgler, William Trimble and
James Steele. All were released under
bond. , . ' . . . -The
coroner today began hi investigation
of th fatalities resulting from the rioting.
No verdict wa returned.
There were no more death today. Th
three men believed to be fatally shot are
In about th same condition a yesterday.
There were two funerals of mob victim
this afternoon. August Jordan and Hasel
Allman were burled. . Th funeral of th
little Allman girl wa held a day sooner
than announced to prevent excitement. Th
police authorities say that while many ot
those shot by th mllltla were reputable
persons, and no doubt drawn Into the crowd
from curiosity,' two or three of those killed
were disturber and caused th police
trouble before. A revolver found on one
of the dead bodies had three empty cham
bers,, the cartridge having been recently
Brigadier General McKee is practically
In control of the city. The troops will be
held here. It Is believed, until tomorrow
night or until Friday morning. No Urn
for their return ha been fixed.
Business i partially suspended, all
saloon are closed and several factories
have shut down.
Heveral gang of negroes are working on
th business street thl morning. They
are attending strictly to their work and are
not being molested.
At sundown, however, all negroes dlsap
pear and are not seen until th next morn
ing.. Negro ministers are making house
to house visit urging thl ceurse.
Fight Over that Sunt la a
Gam Result la
Serve Luaebeoa la Park.
. Th park commissioner have granted the
request of the executive committee of the ! t"tneou. Burrell has been arrested and
Commercial club for the use of the north : In nt Lamonl.
DAVIS CITT, Ia., July (.-Because he
owed him SO cent a th result of a gam
of poker which they had Just finished
Enx-h Burrell killed Frank Thompson In
this place last night.
As the game broke up Burrell demanded
hta money and when It wa refused he
struck Thompson on the temple with Ma
bar fist twice. Death waa aald to be In-
action of Bayltsa park for th luncheon
to be given th visiting newspaper men
rear! SC Council BU Da 'Phone tJ.
Hay Has Kew ttraatdaaghter.
NEW TORK. July (.-For the second
time Secretary of State and Mrs. John Hay
are grandprrnta. a girl having Just been
horn here to their daughter, Mrs. James
Wadaworth. Jr.
Knowing one order Cook Imperial
Champagne not solely on account of th
name, but th product
get it in shape for business.
Telephone Matter Settled
The city council of Des Moines today dis
posed of the long standing trouble over th
tatu ot th Mutual Telephone company
by passing an ordinance amending , the
former charter, and which relieve the
company of the special taxes and all other
burdens save that of complying with reg
ulation of rates aa fixed by the council.
The ordinance grants everything for whl.-h
the Mutual company and the ouslnesa men
were striving and will enable the company
to live.
Promotions Among Railroad Men,
W. J. Lawrence, former superintendent
of the main line of the Iowa division of
the Rock Island, recently transferred to
Eathervllle, In charge of the Dakota divi
sion of the Burlington, Cedar Rapid &
Northern division of the Rock Island, tuts
been assigned In charge of the northern
division with headquarters at Cedar Rapids.
Mr. Lawrence will assume charge ot the
northern division July 10. The change was
effected several days ago, when General
Superintendent SUfer was In the city. Mr.
Lawrence Is succeeded at Esthervllle by
Mr. Merrill, formerly trainmaster for the
Cedar Rapids division. Mr. Lawrence suc
ceeds Superintendent McCarty, who re
cently resigned to accept the assistant su
perlntendency of the Fond Du Lac division
of the Northwestern. Mr. McCarty In
turn succeeded Mr. Frank Walters, trans
ferred to Bloux City to succeed W. D.
Hodge, superintendent for the Northwest
ern, resigned.
Brakeaaaa I Killed.
Brakemaa L. H. Green, who formerly re
aided at South Fifth and Maine streets,
was crushed to death at Van Wert yester
day afternoon, three Keokuk A Western
freight cor passing over hla body. The
remains were picked up In fragment, so
horribly was the body mangled. He fell
between the cars while trying to make a
coupling. Green was plaintiff in a divorce
suit pending In th Folk, county aourt.
Want Young Man Fardoaed.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July (. (Special.)
Petitions asking for th pardon ot Frank
Reldinger, a young man who 1 serving a
term In the county Jail In thl city, under
entence from the United State court for
selling liquor at Wagner, are being cir
culated at Avon, Wagner, Tyndall and
other places In that portion of the stt
where he 1 well known ana where hi par
ent are highly respected. His crime 1
aid to hav been a technical one. Th
treaty under which a portion of th Tank
ton Indian reservation waa opened to set
tlement contained a clause prohibiting for
all time the sale of liquor, either on the
reservation or on the land ceded by the
Indian. The town of Wagner la situated
on the ceded land. Toung Reldinger, It
appear, wa advised by attorney that the
prohibitive clause of the treaty was of no
effect, and he accordingly engaged In the
aale of liquor until stopped by the United
States authorities.
Slight Falllag OS la Marketing of
Hog a Compared with
Previous Week.
CINCINNATI, July (.(Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says: There Is some
reduction In the movement ot nogs, nut a
comparison with corresponding time list
year shows a large Increase. Total western
packing was 400,000, compared With 4&5.000
the preceding week and 100.000 lost year
Since March I the total Is 7,230.000, against
T.llS.OOO a year ago. Prominent places com
pare aa follows:
Kansas City
Bt. IjouIj
St. Joseph
Milwaukee .',
Cedar Rapids ....
Bluux City
u aui
, Tuu.OpO
. 418.0"
. U.on0
. mw
. 1H7.0U0
. 147-
. 14i0
. 17S.(M)
135.0 0
July 1 to 10, inclu- I
sive, $15.00 to Denver,
Colorado Springs and
Pueblo and return via
the Burlington Route;
return limit August 31.
The Burlington is
the short line to Denver.
Th Flyer leave tha Burlington atatlon,
Omaha, at 4:10 p. m. and car He evry
thing that goe to make traveling cim
fot table.
City Pass. Agt.,
' 01JAHA.
"' ' ( " "
Mrs. John Drake.
ALBION, Neb., July (. Special.)
Among the excursionist who left here lost
week to visit the east were Mr. and Mrs
John Drake, an aged and highly respected
couple, who have lived In this county for
a number of year. Their destination wo
their old home In Maine, which they had
not seen for years. Yesterday their son,
C. E. Drake, a business man of this town,
received a telegram from his father, an
nouncing the sad new that Mr. Drake
had died before reaching the end ot th
Journey, although but twelve mile of It.
Th old gentleman will return immediately
with th remain of hi aged wife.
Frederick A. Stewart.
ST. PAUL. Neb.. July (.-(Specials-Frederick
A. Stewart, another one of How
ard county'a early and honored settlers,
died at his horn four mile from town
thl morning. He wo born In Frankfort.
N. T., seventy-six years ago and wa
married forty-six years ago. He leave
a widow and four children) three sons
and one daughter. Mr. Stewart with hi
family came to Howard county In 181 and
was on of th most prosperous and suc
cessful farmers. He Joined th Masonla
fraternity In 1S65 and his funeral will be
conducted by Bt. Paul lodge, No. U.
Jloah Meyer.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., July t (Bpecial.)
Noah Meyer, a well known farmer of this
section, died yesterday morning at hi
horn nine mile northwest of thl city,
after a lingering Illness, from which he
ha been endeavoring to obtain relief for
several year. Th funeral was held thl
afternoon at the Presbyterian church In
this city, conducted by the paator, Rev. Mr.
Captala Edward T. Herndea.
ST. LOU 13. Mo.. July (.-Captain Edward
T. H.rndon. a retired river pilot and cap
tain, la dead, aged 74 years. He came her
from Sulphur Spring. W. Va.. where he
wa born In u:. Flsg on th river
steamer here were half moated out ot
respect to hla memory.
C-ottoa K.lng f Caanda.
MONTREAL, July (.-A. D. Degault.
prealdcnt of the Dominion Milling company,
and the so-called cotton king of Canada,
la dead.
July I to 10, Ino.
Yhone til
1 1
The Bee Buildi7ig
ii no oldiratfar as war and Uar gem-
than the day it wat built.
Th$ UttU things ars kept con-
ttantly in repair.
Wouldn't you prefer an office in
a building that never grows shabby
-where a broken window cord it
1 replaced the day it breaks?
At (10.00 per month you can rent a
Plendld little orace-llght and well ven.
tllatea Including heat, light, water and
Janitor a Hue.
The Bee Building:
R. C Ptar 6 Co., Ront&l Agvnt.
OrwwJkA Floor. Cor. 17th a ad Paraara ft treat
! a V' I