Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1903, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Iree Delivery Ken of the Country Serrioe
Unit foT Action.
HMliil at Lincoln Attended hy Akil
Ob Ilaadred Dflftttrt, 'Who Eler
Oflrer and Ttante Xere
Mrr Committee.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 4. (Special Telegram.)
The carrier of the ruraJ free da.! very
mall service organised a state association
here today at a meeting In the postofTlce,
which waa attended by upward of 1"- car
riers from throughout the tate. Post
master E. R. Slier of Lincoln rave the
address of welcome and Edward Rone
water of Omaha spoke on the grow th and
development of the mall aervlee. Congress
man E. J. Burkett alao spoke to the car
rier at the morning session.
In the preamble of the conftltutlon the
purpose of the organization 1 outlined aa
The name of thl association ahall be the
Rural Lulter Carrier association ot Ne
braska. The pure of thl society ahall
be lraternal. and tor the study and adap
tion of the beet method!! ot erformlr.g tue
duties ot rural fr-e a lively service, and
to strive to Increase the revenue oi the
government, also to kk an improvement
in the condition of all it memixrs and to
co-operate with the department fur the
advancement of the rural service.
What Tbey P. pert to Da.
The rural delivery service ha been In
stalled In all of the states In the union
and there are at present more than 16.0
carrier In the service and thl number will
be Increased to etl.ttuu when the route out
lined at present are installed. State or
ganisation of the rami carriers ha al
ready born effected In New York, Indiana,
Michigan. Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa Mis
souri, Oklahoma and Arkansas and the
growth of the organization in these states
has been very rapid.
A portion of the time of the meeting
was taken up in the discussion of ways
and means of Increasing the subscriptions
of dally papers and some attention was
given to the distribution of sample copies
among the patrons of the various routes.
The organization Is essentially a frater
nal organization, but the matter of salaries
la one that will be taken up by the car
rier In the near future and probHbly aa
soon a a national organization Is effected.
The average wage of the rural carriers
at preaent la $600 a year, and tha carrier
la required to furnish and rare for his
horse. The length of the average route
and the condition of the roads requires
two horses and then an extra horse or two
to change off with from day to day. The
expense of caring for the horses Is con
siderable and reduces their salaries pro
portionately. In the cities the carriers
are given an additional 1275 a year for the
cars of the horse, which they use, and one
hone generally suffice. An attempt will
f be made by the association to have an
allowance made to them for the cars ot
their horse similar to that given the city
carrier. When bound together by states
and nationally they feel that they can deal
with the government mors understanding
and with better results than singly.
Coantry Organisations.
With the exception of sight counties th
carriers are organised by counties and the
following carrier were nominated to com
plete a county organisation In their re
spective counties: T. J. Blackburn, Paw
nee City, ' Pawnee county; 'John Barton,
Wilber, Saline county; A. W. Freeman,
Foil.rton, Nance county; Frank E. French,
Sales, Richardson county; E. II. Bush,
Tecumseh. Johnson county; Frank W.
Wheeler. Hastings. Adams county; F. II.
McLellan, Nebraska City, Otoe county;
W. . DUler. Dlller.
The officers of the association elected at
th afternoon session are F. H. Cunning
ham of South Omaha, president; J. T.
Lyle of Waco, vice president; O. C. Tally
of Lancaster county, secretary; C. B. Bar
ber of Stromsburg, treasurer.
The following committees wers ap
pointed: Nominations Mr. Lyle, Lincoln;
Mr. Brown, ' Florence; Mr. Talbot. Ways
and means Mr. Eskew, Lincoln; Mr. Black,
Pawnee City; Edgar Ilarkin Falls City.
Resolutions Mr. Teager, Valley; T. S.
Belden, Beatrice; Mr. French, Salem.
Constitution Mr.. Barber, Stromsburg; Mr.
Leach, Gage county; Mr. Archer, Nebraska
It was decided to send delegates to the
meeting of the national association at Chi
cago on October 12 and Frank Brown of
Florence was elected delegate-at-large, and
John T. Lyle of Waco, member from
Nebraska on the committee of national or
ganization. Anbara Yoaaa; Gtrl Mleslnaj. 1
AUBURN, Neb., July 4. -(Special.) Mabel
Mestre. the 16-year-old daughter of As
sessor Oeonre M est re, la missing, and has
Bot been seen by any one here at her home
since Tuesday. On that day she hired a
team at Nato Cook's livery barn, and at the
time Informed Cook that she wss going
to Johnson, in this county, and would re
turn the team Wednesday evening. She
Shad with her a little) sister, only I years
old. Tha two sisters left home with the
ostensible purpose of visiting some friends
for a few days. Their fnllur to return on
Wednesday evening gave her parents very
little concern. When the team was not re
turned by Thursday evening Mr. Cook
'phoned Mr. Mestre. and when the father
learned that the girls had hired a team
he became alarmed, and started an Immed
iate Investigation. lie and the sheriff have
wired all over thl part of the stats, but
no trace of either the girls or the team
has been found. It Is known that they
started west from this town, but no further
information has yet been obtained. It Is
suspected that Mabel's purpose was to go
to Kansas to meet her lover, Lester Snyder.
Her parents objected to her keeping com
pany with this young man, who I a brake
man on the Santa Fe railroad, and It has
been learned since shs Intended to run
away to him. But why she should take
her Utile slater ta a mystery.
Good Hata at Baeltoa.
BH ELTON. Neb., July 4.-8peclal This
section has again been visited by a heavy
downpour of rain. Over two Inches of water
Hair Vigor
Your gray hair shows you
should'use it unless
you like to look old! Have
young hair and keep
young. Ayer's Hair Vigor
always restores color to
ray hair and stops falling
'iair. Sold for 60 years.
fell and aJl tha Alton and low places are
le-el full. Pig preparation had been mud
for a rousing celebration which will row
have to be abandoned on account of the
wet grove and wet race track, but the
warm weather of the past two week has
done rnurh to Improve the condition of a
backward corn crop, and thl splendid rain
will boom all small grsln and the corn
crop, too. The fn 11 wheat and rye will be
ready to cut In about ten df.ys and Is very
John Klaa. Who Plea last April. Left
Eighty Acres of ftod la4, bat
'Will Caa Re Peaad.
rLATTSMOt'TH, Neb., July 4. (Spe
cial.) Since the desth of John King, a
bchelor, on April 10 of the present year
parties Interested in the estate hsve been
vainly searching for a will which he I
supposed to have executed. A month
after hi desth County Judpe Douglas
ordered Thomas Akeson, the administrator,
to visit the premises of the deceived and
make a thorough search tor the document
and other valuables. Portions of the floor
were torn up and every nook and corner
were closely examined, but the search was
unsuccessful. A few days ago Akeson was
turning over the leaves of a bible and
found a $10 bill spread out between two
leave. Thl hs somewhat encouraged
the Interested prties and they still hope
to And a will. Mrs. Tom Vrwln of Louis
ville wss a step-daughter. David M. King
of Bushnell, 111., and George B. King of
Olen Rock, Neb., were half-brother. The
most important Question as to their se
curing the property I the legitimacy of
of the birth of tha deceased.
The estate Include eighty acres of the
best land In Cos county, located west of
Plattsmouth. The property will revert to
the state of Nebraska unless a will Is dis
Ball ftaaee. Con Shoot, Fireworks and
Other Errata Wakefield for
the Keat Plcale.
WAYNE. Neb.. July 4 -(Special Tele
gram.) Four thousand people attended the
annual picnic of the Modern Woodmen of
America Log-rolling Association of North
ern Nehraka, held here today. Owing to
the hr&vy rain of yesterday it ws Impos
sible to carry out the program, but it did
not deter the Immense crowd from having
a big time. The Knights of Pythias band
of Wlsner furnished excellent music. Many
of the neighboring towns were represented.
Twenty-three contestants entered the gun
club competition, and this event was a big
one in sporting circles.
The ball game between the Nebraska
Normal college and the Bancroft team this
afternoon resulted In a score of t to 2 In
favor of the college.
At th business meeting this afternoon
H. P. Shumway of Wakefield was elected
president of the association, and Captain
J. H. Brown, secretary. Wakefield was
chosen as the place for the next annual
Th decorations of ths business house
were fine snd tonight thousands of people
are witnessing the electrlo display and fire
Sensation. May Fellow Death of Three.
Weeka'-Old Child Near
BEATRICE, Neb., July 4. (Special.)
Sensational developments are likely to fol
low If the county attorney Is successful In
his efforts to discover the father of a baby
which died suddenly yesterday. Th baby
was ths child of a daughter of Joseph
MeConnell, a drayman, residing In Qlen.
over, who Is totally blind. The Infant was
born about three weeks ago. Coroner
Walden, upon Investigation, found thst th
child died of natural causes and dismissed
the theory that It had been poisoned.
The coroner, however, questioned the
young mother, who Is not 30 years old. If
he knew who was the father of her child,
and she gavs the name of a married man In
this city. Her knowledge of his Identity,
she says. Is only baaed upon th name
which the man gave her.
The mother of the child la a sister of
the young woman who caused the arrest of
a prominent resident of Beatrice some time
agar" on a charge of criminal assault The
man shs accused was acquitted of the
charge at his preliminary hearing.
Two Brothers, Colombo Saloon Keep.
". Badly Wonnded hy a Coaple
of Drnaken Rowdies.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. July 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Lorens Acher and George Ruben
thai filled up on liquor today and at about
6 o'clock they made a murderous attack
upon Otto and August Men, two brothers,
keeping a saloon on Eleventh street They
were armed with clubs and knives and as
a result one of the brothers ta very danger
ously wounded from a long, deep stab In
th shoulder. The other has several gashes
provocation. Acher Is a farmer , snd
thai were arrested and placed In the county
Jail. Much Indignation Is expressed over
the affair, as It wss altogether without
provocation. Acher Is a farmer and
Rubenthal has been In this country only
about a year and la said to be a German
medical student
Lena Clause, aged II years, was hot In
th face this morning by a girl companion
with a blank cartridge. She may lose one
Norfolk People Rejoice Over Prospect
of Early Commearemeat of Work
oa lasaae Aaylaa.
NORFOLK. Neb.. July 4 -(Special.)
Judge J. B. Barnes, candidate for the re
publican nomination for Justice of the su
preme court, returned from Lincoln last
night with th word that work I to be
gin at once on the reconstruction of ihe
state hospltsl for Insane at thl, place.
State Treasurer Mortenseo assured th
Judge that It la Norfolk's turn now, slnre
repairs on all other buildings have been
completed. Mr. Mortensen Is a member
of the Board of Publc Lands snd RulMlng.
Th spproprlatlon of JlOO.OnO, to be !
pended in reconstructing the Norfolk build
ing, was passed with ths emergency clause
by th last legislature. It was expected
that work would begin Immediately and
Norfolk people hsvs been anxious for a
tart to be made.
Qalet Foarth at Plat t.raenth.
I'LATTSMOUTH. Neb.. July 4 -(Special )
The Fourth was a very quiet day In
Plattsmouth. many of th citizens going
to Omaha. Cedar Creek. Olenwood. la., and
other points. The banks, Burlington shops,
city and county offices snd most of th
st ires were closed during th day. On the
courthouse lawn th band played "March
ing Through Oeorgla." "Ths Red. White
and Blue" snd other patriotic selection
Glaat Firecracker Tears llaad.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. July 4 -(Special Tel
egram ) John Helkea hsd his left hand so
badly Injured that amputation voa a sees
eary. He was holdlig a giant firecracker
when It exploded, tearing all the flnpers
from bis hsnd. Jeff Mcnall. a merchant,
wrs arrested and fired IIS an for shooting
a firecracker larger than the law permits.
Pays Oat Reel Money to Aaeat
Promise Her ea F.aay Kemmer
J eh with a Stre Salary.
HASHVOR. Neb., Julv 4 (Special.) A
young woman teacher of the East ward
school, this city, was recently bunkoed of
$20 hy a sharper who represented himself to
be an Agent commissioned by a certain
firm to establish agencies. He told the
young womsn he could give her a position,
with nothing much to do. but which would
yield a weekly attpend of IIS, and would
be a very desirable summer occupation.
She. however, was to pay the sum of $30
to him to guarantee good faith and to en
able him to obtain the signed contract
from the firm. She paid the money asked
and there the story ended.
Harvest I Sow la Progress awn 4
Farmers Are Cattle. Moro
Thaw Last Tear.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July (Special.) Th
wheat harvest la now in progress in Oage
county and farmers report that the yield
will be as good or even better than last
A few farmers in the western part of the
county have finished harvesting their crop
ot rye and expect to commence cutting oats
next week if the weather remains favora
ble. A heavy rain visited this section last
night It will be beneficial to the corn crop,
but will Interfere with the wheat and rye
Depaty Wardea Kalaey at Norfolk
seise fclght Net and Oviaers
Pay Big Sums late Coart.
NORFOLK, Neb.. July 4 (Speclal.)
About a thoussnd dollars has recently been
paid into court here by violator of the
state lish la-e. Eight net have been
taken from the North Fork river by Deputy
ardc-u J. A. Kainey, and In every net
were from a dozen to fifty fish, which cost
the catchers just $5 apiece. The nets were
all destroyed. Fish Commissioner Simp
son of Lincoln and Game Warden Carter
of North Platte have been in the city sev
eral time to prosecute the lawbreaker.
On on trip they deposited 600, wu catfish
and pike in the North Fork.
Mtaden Ilaa Bis Celebration.
MINDEN, Neb.. July 4 (Special Tele
gramsThe celebration at Mtndcn today
w-as the biggest and best one ever held In
Kearney county. The weather for the day
was perfect. The program as announced
was carried out. The oration delivered by
Hon. A. C. Shallenberger was a feature
that attracted attention. A mall wagon
was presented to the carrier on rout No. I
out of Mlnden. The presentation speech
was by Shallenberger, with response by
th carrier. Shallenberger made an ad
dress that held the attention of the au
dience through delivery for an hour In
spite of other various attraction lie
spoke at length upon the material advsn
tages and opportunities enjoyed by the
people of Nebraska in these years of agrl
cultural production. A feature was two
games of base ball between the Mlnden and
Holdreg team. Mlnden won the first
game, a to 0, and the second game, 10 to 4.
Have Bis; Time at Sidney.
SIDNEY, Neb., .July 4. (8peclal Tele
gram.) A big celebration was . held here
today. Thirty-five hundred people were
present to enjoy the day's festivities, which
consisted of a parade led by the Sidney
bras band, floats representing the business
Interest Grand Army of the Republic, Sons
of Veterans, mayor of city and council and
all the fraternal organization. Addresses
were delivered at the courthouse by prom
inent speakers. The ball game and ath
letic sports In the afternoon were Interest
ing features. Tontght a good display of
fireworks took place from th hill north
of the city and a free dance at the opera
house and skating rink closed the exercises
of the day. The weather was cool snd pro
pitious, a regular Ideal day for such an oc
casion. Weald Like a Short Dronth Row.
NORFOLK, Nb.. July 4.-Spectal )
Nearly three Inches of rsln fell in thi.
city yesterday snd th whole country
around Norfolk I drenched. The water
fell In sheet after the fashion of a cloud
burst, and a strong breeze whipped It shout
indiscriminately like snow In a blizzard.
Farmer have been driven from their
field. "It will not hurt the crop," said
Burrell Reed, "if it will onlv ainn
It Is up to ths weather man to dish up
warm air now, though, because w have
lots of rye and barley to cut."
Blair Ilaa a BIsT Time.
BLAIR. Neb.. July 4. (Special Tslerrsm 1
The moat successful celebration ever wit
nessed in Blair m held here today. The
program was carried through, without a
hitch. Fully 8,000 people were In th city
this afternoon and the general expression
was that they wers well entertained. The
crowd was orderly, only one arrest being
made. A man started out early In the day
trying to kiss every woman he met on Ihe
sidewalk. He was promptly arrested and
landed In the cooler.
Proves a Daitrrssi Toy.
LINCOLN. July 4.-(Bnecll T.u
Harvey Hitchcock, business manager of a
local publishing company, Is threatened
wnn a damage suit because of too much
exuberance In the use of a toy pistol.
While h was engaged In a playful alter
cation with a U-year-old boy. Albert Bpelr.
the weapon waa discharged. Mr. Hitchcock
claims Bccldentally. badly bruising the
lad's neck. The parents of young Speler
talk of suing Hitchcock for damages
laspeetlas; the Maahattaa flranrh.
BEATRICE. Net... July 4-fipeclal.)-A
party of Union Faclflo official comprising
J. B. Berry, chief engineer; J. O. Hrlnker
hnff, superintendent, snd A. C. Palmer, as
sistant superintendent, passed through' the
city yesterday In a peclal car on a tour
of Inspection of th oulhern division of
the road between thl city snd Manhattan,
Knn., which ha recently undergone con
siderable repairs since the floods.
Ilastlns niarlc Diamond Hastier.
HASTINGS. Neb., July I (Special ) A
colored brisn ball nine lia been organized
In thl city under the nam of th Mla-k
Diamond Hustlers. They Intend to put up
some good games during the scaton. Tho
In the team are: D. Mrllley, H, Stewart.
II. Bherwood, Ed Enrly. Sam Junes, Ixine
Cotton, A. Gates. O. Gates, B. Innls, D.
Capper, W. Taylor, N. Hrllley.
Call for Central Committee.
HASTINGS, Neb.. July 4 -(Special )-A
Call ha been Issued by the president and
secretary of the Adam county central
committee for a meeting tn a. held In th
offlc of L. J. Capita e afternoon of
July 11 for the purpose of fixing the
date of ths county convention.
Caaaoa Cracker Wr.rk. Street.
SCHUYLER, Neb . July 4 -(Special Tele
gram.) aoro po set a t.n-lncb sanooa
Pointers for
Mr?. "VAa. - Henry Brown,; Cashier:
Omha, Nebraska.
Dear Mr, Brown?
I an Just in receipt of the check of the Equitable Life
Assurance Societyin the sum of $2 000."-" payab le to my order,in payment
of ny claim" under policy No..848,849, which 1 held as a creditor.
This is a sight draft at maturity. "Proof s" were handed you
June 26th, and "this morning, Just five days later, I am in receipt of
2lraf tt
This is an illustration of what I have maintained for years and
years,' that it would be one of the wisest and best things banks and busi
ness men generally could do, to have those who are indebted take out
policies running to them. " A double blessing is thus bestowed,- the cre
ditor gets his money quickly and the debtor's estate is left in good
shape. I carry a number of similar policies in different companies;
in fact whenever possible r make it a point to have those indebted insure
their lives in my favor.
firecracker In the middle of the street last
night and It tore a great hole In the street
and broke several windows In building on
either Bide of the street. The party who
et the firecracker haa not been found.
gmokea lrlth Lea Crashed.
CHETENNE. Wyo., July 4 (Special.)
Pierce Goddard, a miner employed at At
lantic City, met death In a horrlbte man
ner there. Goddard and four others went
to the hills to get a rock to be used In a
drilling contest on the Fourth of July.
He was searching near the bottom of a
ravine, when his companions loosened a
boulder from a cliff above. The rock,
weighing several tons, rolled down the
mountain and pinned Goddard against
another rock. When hi friend found
htm Goddard was sitting upright smoking
a cigarette. His legs were almost crushed
off at the knees, but he said he felt no
pain. The rock was removed from God
dard's legs and he died In two hour. Dur
ing this time he was conscious snd gave
directions ss to the disposition of his body.
Five minute before he died he took out
his watch, and handing It to one of his
companions, sold: "Tou may have this,
for I will not need It sny more." Atlantic
City Is shocked by the sad accident and
will have no celebration as a result.
Hnroa Has P. 17 Celebration.
HURON. B. D., July 4 (Ppeclal Tele
gram.) Eight thousand to 10,0n0 people wit
nessed today's celebration, which was the
grandest ever held In this part of the
stste. Hands from PeSmet, Miller and
Huron, with Huron Prum corps, furnished
the music. The rarade waa magnificent.
Many business houses were represented
with floats, "wlft near, Bloux Chief from
Fort Thompson, (h flrst person born In
this eoiintv, headed the procession. He
rams specially for the purpoae. The city
waa magnificently decorated. The sports
st the fair grounds were witnessed by a
large crowd. A base ball game between
Huron and Itltchrork was a tie, with the
score S to J. and the money wss divided. A
balloon sscenslon and a grand display of
fireworks closed the festivities.
Are To-r Hair Hropplna One by Onef
If your acalp Itches you are doubtless suf
fering from dandruff. The dardruff germ
la digging tip your scaln In little flakes,
called dandruff, and sspplng the llfs of the
hair bulb. No hair preparation that Is a
mere hair stimulant snd tonic will cur
dandruff, because It won't kill the germ
that causes the trouble. Newbro's Herpl
rlds is the latest scientific discovery, and It
will kill the dandruff germ. Destroy the
cause snd you remove the effect; kill Ihe
germ and you will have no more dandruff,
falling hair or baldness Bold hy lending
druggls's. Send lc In stsmp for Sample
to The Herplclds Co.. Detroit, Mich. Sher
man MeConnell Drug Co., special rents.
Mlanle Mile.
TECUMSEH. Neh . July 4 (Special )
Minnie Miles, th 13-yesr-nld daughter of
Mr. and Mr Eugene D. Miles, formerly
of this city but now of San Tlernardlno.
Cal.. died In that city Monday. Her parents
are on their way to thl city with the re
mains, snd are ezpected to arrive tonight.
Tha burial I to be made In th Tecumseh
Dora Dnalao,
TECUMSEH. Neb , July 4 -(Speclal V
Miss Dora Dunlap, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Dunlsp, who died at Crawford.
Neh.. Isst Tuesday, waa burled In the ceme
tery hr yesterday. Th r. mains arrived at
tu rrilb) r? tVt ti ?9t etmlt s to fctitrtlt
The Equitable Life "Assurance Society
IT. .T. tCTTFTLY, ta?aovw rrt Nsssx,
404-403 Mzmrrrt Natl. Bum UuiU3i
Oxaitat . . . Sm.
n, ggxtt BHOWN, man
are at liberty to use
Yours truly,
S o'clock and the funeral was held at the
Dunlap home. Rev. W. F. Smith of th
Baptist church delivering the sermon. Mis
Dunlap was aged 27 years and was sick but
a short time.
Mrs. Adam Hell.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July 4.-(Bpclal.)
Mr. Adam Hell, 77 years of age, died at
her home ten miles west of this city yes
terday. She leaves one daughter and four
sons. The funeral services will be conducted
by Rev. Mr. Jung tomorrow at Glendale.
Loral Aofborttle Helpless to Qnell
Rlo and Oot.tde Aid I
MIDDLESTIORO, Mass., July 4 A mob
of young men, angered by the arrest of one
of their number, during the night, wound
ed a deputy sheriff by shooting him In the
face with a blank cartridge, assaulted a
policeman, bombarded the house of a police
Judge and stoned and stormed the town
house In an attempt to release the prisoner.
They previously had set several Area, and
when Judge Washburn, whose house wa
stoned, found that ths local authorities
were helpless to control the rloutous crowd
he telephoned to nearby places for police
assistance. Aid arrived at T o'clock, but
the mob had dispersed.
The summoned officers, however, were
placed In charge of the town for the time
being and a call was Issued for tha select
men to meet for action In the emergency.
Five of Howdy Crew Serloasly
Jared. Two of Whom Will
PITTSnURG, July 4 -Th Italian la
borers employed st the Wabash tunnel
workings near Greentree, Pa., rioted to
day and a number were seriously Injured.
Five sre now In hospital and two will
A Sample Bolt la Sent FREE by rUII
Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney remedy, fulfills every wish In promptly
curing kidney, bladder and urle acid
troubles, rheumatism and pain In the bark.
It corrects Inability to hold water and
scalding fain In passing It, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to go often during the day
and to get up many time during th night.
The mild snd extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root I soon realised. It stand,
the hlghect for It wonderful cure of the
most distressing rase.
Swamp-Root Is not recommended for
everything, but If you have kidney, liver,
bladder or uric arid trouble you will find
It Just the remedy you need.
If you need a medicine yon should hsve
ths best. Sold by druggists In fifty-cenl
and one-dollar slses. Tou may have s
sample bottle of thl great kidney remedy
Swamp-Root, and a book that tell a'.l
about It and It great cure, both sent ab
solutely free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer
at Co., Blnghamton, N. T. When writing,
be sur to mention thst you resd this gen
erous offer In The Omaha Sunday Bee
Don't make any mistake, but remember th
name, Swamp-Root. Dr. K'.Ii it Swamp
Hoot, and th address. Sin aatn-oa, N. Y .
a rry bottle, ,
Business t rr m lm ssl It IfltU in D bum toA a
Omaha. July 14
this letter as you see
Uri Bote 0. Johnson Looki Doon rind
Ihoott Herself in Breast
Married Life Had Been Happy and
Bndden Insanity Believed to Be
Responsible tor Deed Which
Was Planned.
Apparently without cause or reason for
wanting to die, Mrs. Rose C. Johnson, sged
12 years, ended her life at her home, 70S
North Thirty-second street, yesterday aft
ernoon by shooting herself In the left
breast with a shotgun. Th body was
found by her husband about 1 JO o'clock
lying In a pool of blood In the dining room,
the gun lying across It. Near the body
was an Iron poker with which she hsd
worked the trigger.
Refore firing the fatal shot Mrs. Johnson
made careful preparation for ths deed.
Every door In the house was locked and
the window shades were drawn. Shs
placed a towel on the floor and from the
position of the body and the gun It Is prob
able that she sat down on th towel, placed
the mussle of tha gun against hr left
breast and held It there with her right
arm. With the left hand she forced th
trigger with a poker, shoving ths end
against the back of ths trigger. Her right
forearm wa slightly scratched snd lacer
ated, probably the result of the rebound of
the gun. Near th body In tha floor was a
dent made by the mutsle of th gun ss It
rebounded and another where th butt
struck. It had then fallen acros the body.
Only one shell was In the gun snd that was
ths one from which the charge was fired.
Hasband Discovers the Deed.
The dead woman was the wife of John
Johnson snd It wss her husband who dis
covered the tragedy. Mr. Johnson Is em
ployed by Johnson Rros. Transfer company
and had been at work during the morning
Shortly after 1 o'clock he returned hnm
and found the front door locked and ahade
drawn over the window. Ha then went to
the dining room snd looked through the
window. There ha aw the body of his
wife. He called neighbors to his ssslstance
and together they entered the house. The
police and coroner wer notified and
Coroner Rralley had th remain removed
to the morgue, where he will hold an In
quest, probably Monday morning.
What prompted the woman to commit the
act no one knnwa. According to state
ment of her husband and neighbor he
possessed a happy disposition and she and
her husband had lived a happy married
life. At no time had they had trouble
They were married five years ago and had
no children. When Johnson went to his
work yesterday morning his wife, he said,
wa In the best of spirit and her action
gave no Intimation of what wa to occur.
Had Acted Stranaely.
During the morning, however, he had
acted queerly, so the neighbor ay, and It
I their opinion that she suddenly became
Insane from some unknown cause. She wa
een on the porch of her home with the
shutgun. which she fired several times.
Three hole shot in the floor of the back
porch Is evidence that the woman knew
not what she wa doing.
Th suicide, however, wss premeditated,
as shown by the careful preparations made.
Aside from locking the house to prevent
Interruption and placing the towel on th
floor, Mr. Johnson had dressed herself
neatly In clean linen, pew slippers and a
0 fCMKw
Cm Wit!
The rnuft of the cause.
What's the caune of
most of thn crime In the
world? Drink! Anl
what's the cauno of the
drinking? Thirnt!
What's the cause of o
many Omaha men's scorn
of Old Sol? Cool togs!
And whose the cause of
cool toog? MacCarthjI
Porous, perfect CUlng
suits $25 to $43. Just
as light Trousers, $6 to
Tailoring Company,
now at
J04-J0 S. ittn St
Nest Door to Wabash Ticket
Phone 1808.
clean white shirt waist. The authorities
were unable to find any note or anything
that would give any reason for ths deed.
Mr. Johnson bought the home In which
he snd Mrs. Johnson lived about two
months sgo, snd In It wss everything that
a housekeeper would need for comfort or
pleasure. The home waa nicely furnished
and every room was neat and clean.
Mrs. Johnson was the daughter of Mrs.
Bpeiey, who lives sbout twelve miles north
west of town.
Tries to Ward OA? Arresting Detao
tlve, bat Only Harts
NEW YORK, July 4 Joseph Agenar
lAmnthe, wanted for murder at Lowell,
Mass., resisted erret by Detective Ser
geant Brecker today. He drew a pistol
which went off during the atruggle, shoot
ing him In the abdomen. He 1 In a
critical condition.
Lamoth I wanted for the murder of
Oeorgianna Oodda, whom he la alleged to
hare killed June 2, for Interfering with
hi attentions to her slater. Alexins.
Says Trio Attacked III Bar and
Person and Shots Were Merely
DETROIT, July 4 Emll Toblan died to
day from bullet wounds In th stomach
received In a fight last night. In which
two other men were alao probably fatally
Tha men wer shot by Anthony Soloskl,
a saloonkeeper, who claims they were
members of a gang who attacked him and
his plaoe of business. Boloskl la under