THE OMAHA DA ItEEt SATURDAY, JULY i, 1003. ! I NEWS OF COUNCIL MIOH WKXTIOM. Pa vis aril drugs. ' Btockert sells carpets. Crayon snlarglng. tot Broadway. for rent, storeroom, Itl Main street. Fxpert watch repairing. Leffert. V B'y Celebrated Meta berr an tap. Neumayer ffehmldt's photos. Satisfaction guarnnteer. Diamond betrothal rlnga at LefTert's, 40i Broadway. 1K and UK wadding rings at Lefferfa 408 Broadway. Free flag or every boy and girl In town t Howe a. 810 Broadway. City Engineer Entyre returned last even Ing from a trip to Auburn, Neb. Pictures and art vih ut Jdlng gUta C a.. Alexander Co.. 123 B way. Mrs. A. Caldwell and daughter have gom to Loa Angelea, Cel., to spend the summer Mr. and Mra. O. B. Bruhen of Bhelhy, la. are guests of Mr. R. A. Smith of beveml avenue. Mr. and Mra. W. L. Thickstun will lenv. today for Manltou, Colo., to spend tht summer. A marriage license was Issued yeaterdnj to lrvtn J. White, aged i9, and Kidle Me Aneney, aged 23, both of Council Bluffs. Mra. Grace IVfrre and nieces, Mlssei Anita and Kmllle Bltrwlth, have returned from a vlalt with frienda at l'latiaraouth, Neb. For rent, ofllca room, ground floor. Ona Of the moat central locations In the buslnet portion of the city. Apply to The Be ofllca, city, Mrs. Clint g. Byers will leave Tuesda for Hot Springs' and Rpearllsh, 8. D., to pend tha summer. Mr. Byera expects tc Join her about Auguat 1. At the request of the management of Courtland Beach Mayor Morgan yesterday named eight extra special policeman to serve at the resort today. Deputy Sheriff Baker hns recovered suffi ciently from the pistol shot wound Inflicted by young Matson of Walnut to have on a visit to relatives at Dunlap, la. We contract to keep public or private houses free from ronches by the year. In Met Exterminator Manufacturing company, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone FU34. For aale, the O. U. Klce fruit farm of forty acres, two miles from courthouse In Council Bluffs, for price and terms ad dress D. W. Otis. Ul Yearl street. Council Bluffs. la. Ed Duquette, formerly of Council Bluffs, but for several yenrs paat a resident of Chicago, has returned to this city to as sume a position with the Cole-Brelsford Hardware company. Residents of Washington avenue have complained to the police of the faat driv ing Indulged In by certain parties end Chief Tlbbtts has given orders that per sons continuing the practice are to be ar rested. John Fetter of Maple River Junction, la., died yesterday at 8t. Bernard's hos pital, where he had been a patient for the laat three weeks. The remains will be taken te Maple River Junction . today for burial. Ethel, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Lewis Watson, 366 Lincoln avenue, died yesterday morning irom congestion of the lungs. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence. M. C. Vanderveer was elected treaaurer of tha Council Bluffs lodge of Elks lust night after a spirited contest for the po sition. It took five ballots to decide. The other candidates were C. E. l'rlce and C. A. Wiley. The Wabash has announoed that It will begin a aeries of regular Sunday excur sions to Council Bluffs on July 12. The ex cursions will be from all stations north of Stanberry and the trains will be scheduled to arrive In this city at 10:1)0 a. m. Congressman Walter I. Bmtth went to Auaubon last evening, where today he wfll deliver a Fourth of July oration. State Senator C. O. Saundera will speak at Coin. Attorney Clem F. Kimball at Logan, At torney John M. Oalvln at Modale and Tbmaa Q. Harrison at Quick. Mrs. A. L. Rich, living two and a half miles Ht of tht city, had her pocketbook snatched from her hand last night while standing on Broadway, near First street. The thief escaped through the crowd be fore Mrs. Rich had an opportunity to get evon look at him. The pocketbook con tained a 16 bill and about 16 In silver. Clerk Reed of tha district court received word from the superintendent of the hos pital at Mount Pleasant yesterday that Henry Grote and George Kerney of this county, who had eacaped from the dlpao maiiao ward, had written him saying they had arrived at their homea and wanted their clothes sent them. The superintend ent ssks that the men be returned to the hospital, so that when deemed advisable they may be paroled In the regular man. ner. Otherwise, the- superintendent sug- f asts, the moral effect of a commitment o the Institution will be destroyed. Fifty-Seven Years fa the Bluffs. Rev. Henry De Long yesterday celebrated the flfty-saventb anniversary of his ar rival In Council Bluffs. Mr. De Long came to what was then Kanesvllle as a small boy In the caravan of Mormons led by Brlgham Young en rout to Salt Lake. The caravan rested here some time and on July 4 Brlgham Toung and "his followers hoisted a flagpole en land now occupied by tha Dodge orchard, In celebration of the day. Kanoavllle at that time consisted principally of two log houses located near wh-ra tha City mill now sun's, on Wash ington avenue. Roderick in Trouble Again. Otto Roderick broke loose again last evening and waa arrested, charged with being drunk, disturbing the peace and re dating an officer. Whlli awaiting the ar rival of the patrol wagon Roderick fought tha officers and Patrolman Hayes was compelled to use his club. Roderick, the police say, ever slnoo he ezoiped with thirty days' Imprisonment for the assault on Railway Mall Clerk Moyer, which re sulted In the latter's death, has posed as a bad man when In his cups, end on more than one occasion the police have had to use "their club when placing film under arrest, Hess Elected Chairman. John J. Hess was elected chairman of the city republican eentral committee last night. Exclusive of Mr. Hess, nine of the twelve members comprising the committee Were present. On the first ballot Mr. Hess received votes, against S for O. fl. Blsnchard. Painter Knox res'gned as com mitteeman from the First precinct of the Third ward and his place will be filled later at a meeting cf the county central committee, Mr. Heas Is committeeman from ths First precinct of the Fourth ward and wilt, It Is expected, continue to act as such aa well as chairman. Real ate Transfers. ' These transfers were tiled yesterday In tha abstract, title and loan office of Squire ft Annls. 101 Pearl street; Osro B. Blsnchard to J. H. Jenks, i14 . 11-74-41. w. d . $. 00 Amalie Meers and husband to Oaro H. Blsnchard. q. c. d F. C. Lougee and wife to M. 8olo mon, lot . Rice's subdlv. In John son's add., w. d. ...................... Emma L. Cavln and husband to M. E. O Donald. lot 14. Auditor a sub dlv., swSa nwW 3u-7t-43. ar. d BOO 700 136 Four transfers, total ...$ T.S3 Hears nt PostoBlee. These hours will prevail at the poatornoe today Stamp window, general delivery window and money arder dlvUluo will be open from until 11 a. m. Camera will roeka but ona delivery, leaving the office at I a- m. There will be a business col lection made In the afternoon, carrier laav ' Ing the office at 1 P- m. Rural frse de livery carrier will nuke no delivery. LEWIS CUTLER unsTirriv tart SC. CmnaU Bljfa, 'Peons at I hul INTEREST FROM ' IOWA. BLUFFS. POURS LIQUOR ON CROUND Ab nt Fire Hundred Dol!-s' Worth Allowed t Float lot? toe Ewf- JElZURE MADE FOR VIOLATING LAW Conaty Attorney aires Evidence that He Is la Earnest In the Hatter SaJeoas. Hundreds of persons witnessed yesterday ifternoon the spilling of between 1400 and BOO worth of liquor into the gutters on Jouth Msln street. The destruction of the Iquor, which came from the saloon con ducted by Fred Bunting at 533 Main street, was performed by Sheriff Cousins and Dep uty Groneweg under an order from Judge Wheeler of the district oourt. The destruction of the liquor was the re sult of County Attorney Klllpack's deter mination to enforce his Sunday closing or der. It was reported that the drunken brawl on South Main street last Sunday afternoon, resulting in the arrest of two brothers named McNiller and Robert Stack, was due to the faat of the participants hav ing secured liquor at Bunting's saloon. Tha report was Investigated by Mr. Klllpack and he at once decided to close the saloon. Lost February the county attorney secured a temporary Injunction against the saloon and yesterday morning he went before Judga Wheeler and had the restraining or der made permanent. After the liquor was destroyed Deputy Knox was placed In pos session of the saloon fixtures until the costs of the action are paid. The saloon is owned by the Krug Brewing compsny and it Is understood when the costs are pnld the company will be permit ted to reopen It under different manage ment Bunting, however, will not be per mitted under tha Injunction to again enter the saloon business within the Fifteenth Judicial district of this state. Bunting denies that the men engaged In the brawl Sunday afternoon secured any drink from his place. He says they eked for It and were refused and that when later they again attempted to enter tha place he put them out. Late yesterday afternoon County Attor ney Klllpack began action in the district court to permanently restrain Colonel W. H. Beck from selling liquor In his saloon at Lake Manawa just outside the enclosure. It has been reported to the county attorney that the colonel failed to heed the Sunday closing order. The hearing on the applica tion for the injunction has been set for July U. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Boa ROW LEADS TO LITIGATION Arrests and Civil Salts Grow Ont of Attempt to Eject Men from Trolley Cnr. Aa a sequel to a general mlxup between the crew and several young men on a late car from Lake Manawa Thursday night In formations charging Chariea Barnett, train dispatcher; a. O. Mortensen, conduator, and O. H. Williams, niotorman, with as sault and battery were filed yesterday morning In Justice Ouron'a court by Wal lace Benjamin, son of Attorney Fremont Benjamin. Tha three men aecused furnished bonds In the aum of 150 each and will have a hearing next Tuesday morning. The constant pushing of one of the elec tric bells, signalling the conductor to stop, by some person , on the car started the fracas. Conductor Mortensen expostulated, but the annoyance waa persisted In and finally Mortensen ordered young Benjamin and hla componlons, whom he believed re sponsible for the annoyance, from the car. Having paid their fare they declined to leave the car, the more especially aa they dei.-cd ringing the bell or In any other manner misbehaving themselves. Then the trouble began, Conductor Mor tensen, reinforced by Train Dispatcher Barnett and Motorman Williams, attempted to eject the young men. A free-for-all fight ensued, during which it Is alleged tha motorman struck young Benjamin twice with a heavy brass controller handle. De spite the efforts of the company's employes the young men retained their places on the car. The motor crew allege that the young men were ell more or lees under the in fluence of liquor and their language waa obnoxious to a number of women passen gers. This Is stoutly denied by Benjamin and he has a long array of witnesses In sup port of his assertion. On the other hand, the motor crew state that when the proper time comes they have all the witnesses they want to prove that the young fellows' behavior was such eg to warrant their ex pulsion from the car. On the car reaching the city limits It was the Intention of Train Dispatcher Barnett to have the young men turned over to the police and he telephoned police headquar ters to hsve on officer meet the car at Pearl nd Prodway. He wis told that an officer would be sent aa soon sa ons re ported. When th ear reached Broadway no efflcer was In slpht erd one did not put In an snnesrince until the car was half-w-v to Omnhs. It Is understood t,it rr1Tn!n and Ms companions will fcHin ilt against the motor company for damage. X. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. rw. Night. FST niatrlet Court Notes. Judge Wheeler In the district court hsnded down hla decl'lon yeste-day in tha suit of C. Hafer gvnt L. B. Cousins, sheriff of Pottawattamie county, granting thn plaintiff a permanent Injunction re straining the sheriff from selling a certain lot on Pierce street to satisfy a Judgment rgaSntu attorney John Lludt, held by C"arle Greycry. Hafr secured a tax tioed to the P'opertr and on the day It 'ti recorded sl.'o plaod on r'cord a quit rlMn l-o") l.-rdt. Eort wit m'de t- riibrdtnate Kfer'e title to the Oregory Joflf ment Th' -" "" ft R. E. Fields against An-a Barto'omew erd rte-g were o--dercd trsnsfcrr'd on change of venue to Humboldt county and the plaintiff ordered j to pay ths defendants' $31 expenses incurred In coming here. Unless this amount la pa'd b fore August U tha case are to Ffnd dismissed. Mrs. Mabel F. Edgsr brought suit for d'verce from John II. Edgar, to whom she as married May II. IMS. She alleges cruel a-d Inhuman treatment and other charges, arks the custody of their 4-year-old , aon. ' Judgs Wheeltr will hold a abort session of court this morning, at which time John I d will be rxam'ned aa to his alleged unlaaful poeMalon and conversion of tha Sam Ford liquor stock, which waa sold at ahcrld'g sale June a. U00. Court will . Uteg be adjourned to Wedneaday next, when Jydfe tfacy wlU be tear t try tht divorce suit of Otto Snsr against Sophia Saar. SEARCH WARRANT IS REFUSED Coantr Attorney Holds Action Against Mnnnira Caterer la Not in Good Faith. In their attempt to enforce their demand that none but union waiters be employed at the resort Business Agent Raabe of the Council Bluffs Trades and Labor assembly and Organiser Hobbe of the International Bartenders' union Went before Justice Ouren yesterday afternoon and applied for a search warrant under the Iowa mulct law against Caterers Keymer & Son at Lake Manawa. They alleged that liquor was being sold at the pavilion in violation of the mulct law. Assistant County Attorney Hess, to whom the application was referred, refused to endorse the action of Messrs. Raabe and Hobbe and advised Justice Ouren not to Issue the warrant under the circumstances. Mr. Hess took the ground that tha applica tion was not made In good fnlth, but that the applicants were attempting to resort to a criminal action to enforce a settle ment of a civil controversy between them and Uie management at Lake Manawa. Last year the Waiters' union of Omaha attempted similar proceedings agslnst Ca terer Balduff. but the latter took the mat ter into the United States court and se cured an Injunction restraining the union from Interfering with him. It Is said thut the present management will take similar action if the Btrtenders' union persist In Its present policy of aggressiveness. later In the day Messrs. Rasbe and Hobbe secured the services of an attorney and on the letters showing Justice Ouren Issued tho search warrant asked for. The warrant was placed in the hands of Con. stable Albertl for service today. Factory Mkrlr to Be Rebuilt. WEBSTER CITY. la.. July J.-(3peclal.)-The circulators of the treasury stock of tho Northwestern Felt Shoo company hove disponed of over one-half of the 133.000 of such stock on hand, and are confident the rest will soon be taken. If it Is done the management will rebuild. Some troubles have arisen between officers of the company and George MarKeown. the manager of the factory. MacKeown lost about $7,600 of stock In the concern. He had some pat terns, so It Is claimed, In a trunk that ho refused to deliver to the company. Mac KeoWn says they are his personal property. A deputy sheriff seized the trunk at his home, while he was away, and a lively legal scrap is under way to see which party shall have possession of the trunk and patterns. Two Men Seriously Wonndcd. DES MOINES, la.. July S.-Whlle being pursued by officers this morning, William Monroe, colored, at Clinton, shot and per haps fatally wounded Harry Benson of Jacksonville, 111., and seriously wounded Joe Ryan of Clinton, who were Innocent bystanders. Monroe, who is from Jeffcrsonvllle, Mo., is an attache of the carnival company ex hibiting here, and dislocated the shoulder of another employe with a beer bottle. When an officer entered the house to arrest Monroe he fired four times into the crowd, then made hit escape. . Accidental Shot May Be FntnL ONAWA. la., July S.-(Speclal Telegram.) Harry S. Ordway. an attorney who lives on a farm In Monona county between Cas tana and Mapleton,- was accidentally sh6t with a revolver. While taking it from the' aeat of his buggy and attempting to put it In his pocket the weapon was discharged the bullet penetrating the atomach and Is supposed to be lodged In the upper part of the body. The injuries are likely to prove fatal. .Mr. Ordway la a nephew of Dr. W. W. Ordway and has lived !n the county nearly all his Ufa. . Fires Shot In Self-Defense. DES MOINES. la... July J.-Oeorge Lashalle Is at the hospital at Clinton, suf fering from a gunshot wound In ' the abdomen. The shot was flred by Hans Hansen, at Altamount, last night. Six Intestines are served and the man will die. Hansen says Lashalle entered the office picked a quorrel. later went out and returned with an Iron bar. Hansen says he thenshot in self-defense. He went to Clinton this morning and gave himself up. He Is out on ball. Two Fires In Dn Moines. DES MOINES. I ti w. - ., - 1 . wu vimui taneous fires, each starting about J;15 a. m.. manner unknown, entailed an aggre gate loss of $60,000 here today. The brick plant of the Barber Asphalt Paving company at Southwest Fourth and the Great Western tracks, waa completely destroyed. The warehouse of the Des Moines Saddlery company at East Fifth and Court avenue was totally destroyed. Both plants were insured. Aecused of Forging Checks, SIOUX CITT. Ia.. July t.-(Speclal Tele gram.) A. Frank, an upholsterer, has been arrested here for working a whole sale check racket. He forged the names of Mabel Moore and Edith Rogers and worked several business men in aums of various amo'unta. He Is supposed to have obtained several hundred dollars In this way. He was about to leave for Omaha. Cashier Charted with Larceny. MAR6HALLTOWN. U.. July $.-Spec!al Telcgram.)-Char!es K. Fillmore, cashier of the Chicago Oregt Western, has been ar rested on a charge of larceny, filed by Traveling Auditor Davidson. The amount taken Is said to be about $o00. Tax Ferret I ncovers Money. MUSCATINE. Ia., July I?-(Bpeclal.)M. N. Keller, who was employed by the county as a tax ferret, has discovered $S,000 In moneys and credits that have not been reported by dtisena of this city and county. He hns been working only three days. FIRE RECORD. Expl--lnn Cnures ninse. BEATRICE. Neb.. July $. (Special Tele gram.) Fire today consumed the stock of wall paper and paints belonging to Joseph Fountain. The firemen confined the Are to the block In which It originated. Mr. Fountain's loss I placed at $800, with $5J0 Insurance. The candy and cigar store of E. M. Oashaw, located next door east, was damaged to the extent of $300 by smoke and water. Partially insured. The loss on the building is placed at $300, with no In surance. The fire was caused by the ex plosion of a gasoline stove. Court Denies Rehearing;. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. Julv S The su- f'reme court today en banc denied a rehesr ng to Attorney Onnral Crow on his suit fur oustc of the Continental Tobscco com pany and of the Sentn Fe and other rall roeda on charges of violation of the state sntl-trurt lans. The forme'' deWalon of t1-- court was against ths attorney general. This ends the case. Health nt Smell Cost. A (ew dosea of Dr. King's New L!f Pills will cleanse, tone and Invigorate the whole system. Try them. Only tie. For tale by v MUST PUT UP FIRE ESCAPES Attorney G'utral Makei an Important Holing on the Iowa Law. t GREAT WESTERN LEASES EQUIPMENT Dr. Storms Formally KoUfted of His electlen na President of state College and Indoubtedly . Will Accept. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. July .-(Speclal )-A most Important decision In regard to the applica tion of the new Iowa law requiring Are escapes on buildings of three stories or over In height was rendered today to the gov ernor by the attorney general. A contro versy had arisen over placing fire escapes on the Lacey hotel In Oskaloosa, owned by Congressman Lacey and his brother, and they refused to put tip the escapes ordered by.8tate Labor Commissioner Brlgham after he had made the inspection required of him by law. A great deal of correspond ence followed, and . Anally the labor com missioner asked Governor Cummins to have Attorney General Mullan give an Interpre tation of the law. It was claimed by the owners of the building that the upper story Is at present unoccupied and Is therefore not within the meaning of the law relating to three-story buildings, that because It Is unoccupied they' need not comply with the written notice. Tho attorney general today upheld Ihc labor commissioner and decided that there is no exception In the law cov ering such a case and that all buildings of three stories or over must, under the law, be provided with Are escapes satisfactory to the state labor .'commissioner. A number of other similar) cases In the state were awaiting this deeMon, end now the labor commissioner will' proceed to enforce his orders In all of them. Great Western Lenses Cars. A contract was filed with the secretary of state today by the Chicago Great Western railroad In reference to some new equip ment for. the company. The contract Is in tha form cf a lease of cars, but Indicates a purchase on long time and payments. The Great Western leases from the Pullman Car company the following: One hundred box cars at $r?5.!8 each, or $TT.B96; 100 furni ture cars at $904.1S each, or $90,415; and one dining car for $14,605.30. The total expendi ture ia $180.706.30.. The contract provides for payments In annual Installments until the cara thus leased ore paid for. It Is signed by Robert T. Lincoln for the car company and A. B. 8tlckney for the railroad com pany. There "was flled "with the secretary of state the Incorporation articles of the Kel ler Manufacturing company. Shannon City, capitalised at $:&,W0. and an Increase In the capital of the George Stewart Hardware company of Washington from $15,000 to $20,000. ' ' " " Mayor, Writes n Veto. Mayor Jamea Brenton this morning vetoed the ordinance passed a shoijt time ago by the city council repealing the ordinance under which .'una Mutual Telephone company Is operating in Des Moines. He contended tftat 'to repeal the ordinance would- leave tlus, company free from all regulation ' and.; deprive the city . of the power to regustbaratea at all. By retain Ing control over ths rates of this Icom pan the clty..tqny: In some, .measure con trol the other ,, company .. nd prevent -a combination.' H. suggested that the ordi nance boamended.-ao jas to relieve the com pany from .payment of a portion of its gross receipts, to the city and that the maximum rates be raised from $3 and $1 a month to $3 ap.d $4 a month. The ordi nance will be amended In the manner Sug gested. The . Mutual company had failed In its payments to the city and asked to be relieved of Its present charter and to operate under the state law. City May Change River Courae, The city engineers have been instructed to prepare a survey of a proposed course for the outlet of the Coon river Into the Des Moines and the cost thereof and report to the city council. It Is proposed that the course of the river be materially changed and that it run through what la now tho business. district of South Des Moines, mak ing its Junction with the Des Moines at an acute angle, Instead of Joining at a right angle. It Is contended that this would prevent much of the trouble from overflow of the river. It Is estimated that the change of bourse would cost about $300,000 and It will never be done. ' Notloed Dr. Sterol. A committee of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State-college invited Rev. Dr. Albert Boynton' Storms to dinner at the Grant club and there notified him today of his unanimous, selection as president of the college. He waa assured of the hearty support of all, and he thanked them heartily for It. He reserved his decision, but will undoubtedly accept. Dr. Storms has been regarded as one of the ablest men of the city and his selection met with gen eral approval today. The friends of both Curtlss and Stanton declare they are ready to fall in and give him loyal support, and It Is believed th,at he will be able to har monise all differences that have arlaen because of the prolonged contest for the presidency. RURAL ROUTES IK ADAMS Inspector Llewellyn Establishing; What Is Known ns a Model yateni. HASTINGS, Neb.. July l.-IBpeclal.) Un less Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Brlstow adheres to a rule recently made Adams county will soon be covered by a net of rural free delivery mall routes. Through tha efforts of Senator Dietrich the Poatottlca department some time ago assigned C. E. Llewellyn, special agent of tha rural free delivery service,- to put In a model system for Adams county. Mr. Llewellyn has been here about two weeks and will have his work completed soon. There will be Ave routes from Hast ings, and other postoffices In the county will also be well cared for In the way of routes. Except In a very few caaes under the serv ice aa arranged by Mr. Liewellyn a man cannot be more than half a mile away from a route, . and there will be comparatively few even that far. The service will, in all respects, be of the most Improved and com plete In the country. Only a few of these model systems have been Inaugurated by the department and only one In Nebraska, which Is In Cass county. These county sys tems are very expensive adjuncts to the postal service and the department has been loth to Inaugurate them except in very thickly settled communities. Aa one of the results of the recent in vestigations In the Postofflee department the rural free delivery system was transferred from the Arst assistant postmaater general to the fourth assistant, J. L. Brlstow. A. W Machen. who. by tha way, was appointed under the Cleveland administration and who was rtcectly indicted for various frauds upon the government, was chief of tha rural free delivery system under the first assistant postmaster general The change In the Jurisdiction of the service has been followed by a thorougn renovation of the methods employed by that official and It la asserted that from now on routes es tablished must be In strict accordance with the rules and regulations, which have also been strengthened and made more exacting. Mr. Brlstow has given instructions that hereafter all routes must be from twenty to twenty-flve miles long and Include 100 families. It will be practically Impossible to meet such requirements In Adams county or anywhere In the state except possibly In the eastern and southeastern sections. It Is hoped, however, that arrangements may be made for the Installation of the service In Adnms county. Mr. Llewellyn is doing the best he can to meet Mr. Brlstow'a de mands and will soon submit his report to the department. Mr. Llewellyn went to Omaha last Satur day and returned Tuesday evening, accom panied by Mrs. Llewellyn, who will remain here until he flnlshes his work. Two Days Celebration nt A Ins worth. AINS WORTH, Neb.. July -(8peela! Tel egram.) Alnsworth this evening closes the Arst of Its two days' celebration. Although It has rained most of the day large crowds have been In attendance. The ball game between Alnsworth and Sprlngvlew was called off at the end of the third Inning on account of rain, with the score standing 5 to S In favor of the former. At a boras race late this afternoon a son of J. G. A k erman was run over by one of the racers and badly hurt. Visits Old Home In Germany. WEST POINT, Neb.. July S.-(Speclal.) Bernard Mannefcld, manager of the shoe department of the 8teren A Jerman com pany, left yesterday for his old home In Germany, which he left twenty years ago. He will return October 1. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Fourth In Kebruaku, but Stormy Day Is Promised for . Iowa, . WASHINGTON, July .-Forcast: For Nebraska Fair Saturday, preceded by showers In the southeast portion; Sun day, fair and warmer. For Iowa Showers and cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair and warmer In west portion. For Illinois Showers and cooler Satur day; Sunday, fair, exoept showers In ex treme south portion; fresh south winds, be coming northwest. For Missouri Showers and cooler Satur day; Sunday, fair. For Wyoming, Colorado and Montana Fair and warmer Saturday and Sunday. For Kansas Showers and cooler in east portion, fair In west portion Saturday; Sunday, fair and warmer. For South Dakota Fair Saturday and warmer In west portion; Sunday, fair snd warmer Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER.BUREAU. OMAHA, July $. Official recifd of tern- ferature and precipitation compared with he corresponding day of thi last three ya": !M. MOB. 1901. 1900. Maximum temperature... 81 W 95 87 Minimum temperature... 67 74 77 76 Mean temperature 74 82 86 f.6 Precipitation 01 .0 .0 .0 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and alnce March L 190S: Normal temperature T4 Excess for the day 0 Total excess since March 1 89 Normal precipitation 18 Inch Deficiency for the day .17 Inch Precipitation since March 1 12.84 Inches Deflclency since March 1 2. $7 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 3902.,.. 2.89 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.... 4.07 Inches Reports from' Stations at T P. M. 3 3 L c : B :8 s. : 5 CONLiTION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, cloudy - Valentine, raining North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, clear Rapid City, raining Huron, raining Wllllaton, partly cloudy Chicago, partly cloudy St. Louis, cloudy St. Pau', cloudy Davenport, raining ,. Kansas City, cloudy Havre, partly cloudy Helena, cloudy , Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, clear 61 6S $0 63! 66 6J 64 74, 2 61 8RI 90i 861 82' 6?l 72 84 SS 76 .78 .GO Ml 64 .02 ' .30 .00 .00 T Inrtlco'e" fir-e of p-ecnitntlon. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. ' Tdkeihe wife and one along r f- ": "-'"y - " js .. jk m m m -m aw sn. AN OUTING IN MINNESOTA The Lakes of Minnesota are known the world over and the attractions in the way of fishing, boating, bathing and sailing are such as will make your vaca tion a MILLER UQUOR I Vt r(7WMMMM Yimmwm ' " ...1L ' ' ' M U K-' , . 6mo Rare Blend Mild Tobacco Savo the Danda UNION gT'tl 1 RETURN July I to CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET. 'Phono lit. little long - to - bc remembered e- n ' '-Lr:z I ,,.r Z Exceptionally low rates during June, July, August and ? beptemoer. UMi on me anout your nsUing trip. W. II. BRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agt. CO., WhoUuH DJer tod Slate Afeots, Everywhere f PACIFIO mm i. v AND - - 10, Inc. a pleasure. iriiiffeif -. OMAHA, NEB n ti t i i I it ? 'I ? M l n . A 4 a