THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 4, ino3. r WEATHER UNKIND TO BRYAN Hon twinning Poitpotei BeTeral Timet 4 and Then He Id ia Rain 8torm. u PLANS UNIQUE CELEBRATION OF FOURTH epreme Coart t'pholds Omaha Pollaa Je.r la Flnlna Walter for DIs- trlbatln "lafnlr" Crl Writ Reataeraats. (From a BtatI Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. July . (Special Tole Xrara.) Doubtlesx W. J. Bryan is disposed I i'J institute an investigation of the Weather Vureau for the shabby treatment It ha accorded him In his effort to welcome his friends at his splendid new home. Fair view. First he selected two evenings In May for the reception. Inviting about 0()O friends to attend on the two evenings. Bad weather prompted a postponement and later It was announced that the functions would be held June I and (. As those dates ap proached it again became evident that the ' weather wis going to be Intolerable and the receptions were declared off Indefinitely. Duing the current wvek it was an nounced that in view of ttve presence of Hon. Tom L. Johnson of Clevekind, Lewis V. Post and Dr. Howard 8. Taylor of Chi cago at Falrview to take part In the cele bration of the Fourth, the reception would be crowded Into a single evening and all who had been invited for the doublo headod affairs previously planned were bidden to come enmasse tonight. The weather was Ideal up to the hour for the guests to assemble, when there was a terrltlo thunderstorm, accompanied by a deluge. The result was that not mora than half the number of Invited attended the re ception. Most of those who did went by the electric cars. This entailed a walk of several blocks across the prairie to the Uryn home, a sidewalk having been laid expeclally for the occasion. En route the guests passed the grove and big tent In which tomorrow's speaking la to occur, and the latter served as a retreat for numerous parties that left the cars In the midst of the rain. The big new mansion was embellished with flags and an abundance of flowers and potted plants. An orchestra on the , third floor played during the evening. In the library punch was served by a corps fc of women, and In the elaborate dining 3in on the half-basement floor ices and cuke was served by a- half a dozen young women, led by Miss Ruth Bryan. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, Mr. Johnson, Dr. Taylor and Mr. l'ost. There was an absence of formality. Many evening costumes were worn by both women and men, but they were not an es sential. The entire house waa thrown open to Inspection and elicited much extrava gant admiration. The reception continued from 8:30 until 10 o'clock. The souvenirs were tiny silken flag badges. Celebration o( tho Fourth. Hon. Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland, with Howard S. Taylor of Chicago and Lewis F. Post, editor of .The Public, guests of honor at the Bryan celebration of the Fourth of July tomorrow, arrived today, and tonight were presented to several hun dred Lincoln people at a reception at the Bryan home, Falrview. Mr. Bryan, has arranged for a celebra tion tomorrow that Is unique and unusual, but what he Insists, however, Is simply a revival of old days. Mr. Bryan says that the celebration ia not his, but that of the Jefferson club ot Falrview, of which ha la president, . but Just who the other members are la not mad known. Big delegations from out In the state ara tx pec ted, and an immense crowd Is looked for. .Several thousand seats have been pro vided and there will be a big tent to house th speakers and auditors. Tha celebration will last the greater part of the day, The program begins at 10 o'clock In tha morning with a band concert. At 11 o'clock x-State .Treasurer Wolfe and J. W. Crist will speak on "Pioneer Reminiscences," nd at 12 o'clock luncheon Will be served by the club. At 1 o'clock the speechmaklng begins again. Mr. Bryan will preside and Introduce each speaker. Mayor Johnson, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Post will all speak. Thero will be music, both vocal and In strumental, and the oolonel has left tha lutchstrlng hanging entirely out, with no "Keep oft the grass" signs visible. Waat tha goldier Boy a. The stata militia appears to be In demand for Fourth of July celebrations. Adjutant .tytneral Culver has issued an oi Hhelr movements tomorrow, order relating follows: The following companies of the Nebraska National Guard, having made aDDllcatlon to leave their home stations to participate company commanders are hereby granted permission to move their commands as follows, without expense to the state: Company L, First regiment, from Omaha to Cortlaad beach on July 1 and return on in tne oeieurauon or tne f ourth or July July . I . . n. . . a n W. Q Ann r. A Av4mn m. . M, I' ,J , ..' . v v. . 11.1. v. IV, 1 1 17111 V- kamah to Oakland on July I and return on July I. Company O. First regiment, from Beatrice to Wymora on July i and return on the same aay. J Trnrtn A fmm ftewaril (A tl.av.r Pmvm . lng on July I and return on July 6. r Company l, second regiment, from Omaha to Weeping Water on July 4 and r return on tne same aay. Oatllng gun section of Company F. See ond regiment, under command of lieuten ant Under, from Uncoln to Weeping Water on July 4 ana returning on the same day. Company F. First regiment, from Madl- nn' t'omnanv T . Rij . n A rnH rnanl frnm Norfolk, and West Point Rifles, from West Point, to Stanton on July 3 and return on July i. Commanding officers will take necaary precautions to prevent accident or loss ot property. , Holds Two Jobs Down. The state superintendent has been ap pealed to for a decision In a curious case from Sioux county. In which a man whose house la Just, on the state Una officiates as a director In both states. The farts are set forth In the subjoined letter from resident of Harrison: District No. SS of this county borders on the state line between Nebraska and Bouth Dakota. The director of dlmrlct No. 3S f ALLEN'S For Hot, Tired, Aching Swollen Feet. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a nowiler. It cures painful, suiartuitr, nervous fort and ingrow ing nails, anl instantly take the etuiR out of corns ana bunuos. It's the frreateetoonv fori discovery of the e. Makes tight or new shoes easy. A oertain cure for sweating. "Uloua and hut. tuwd, aching feet. S0.0U0 dstimouiala. lrv it Utay. Hold by all rukimu aud bboe stores, Sio. Pool accept substitute. Trial package F&EJS. Address Allen B. Olmsted, Le Koy, V. Y. t AWN'S 5 rO0T"EAJ ,J. . owns land In earn state and the Mate line runs through his house, leavlnj about half of the house In each stnte. l'nrt of the time he sleeps In the portion whleh Is In South Dnkota. He Is a director of the ad joining district on the Bouth Dakota side also. He owns property In esrh state, re sides In each state and votes at each school meeting In each state. Is he a leral voter of each district and a legal officeholder? In It lawful for him to be the director of each district If not, how can It be decided which state and district he Is a resident ot? This Is the first time In the history of the department that such a question has been put to It, but Deputy McBrten bravely attacked the problem, and Informed the anxious county officials that the proper Way to do was to make a demand upon the dual officeholder that ha choose which state he wanted to claim a residence In. I'ntll he makes the choice he will not be permitted to vote In Nebraska, as Mr. McBtien is of the opinion that a man cannot have two residences for the purpose of making him a school director In two states. lame His Pardea. Governor Mickey today signed the papers which will give old Martin Haley his free dom tomorrow. Haley is the only convict eligible for a pardon, but it Is doubtful If the man will ever know that liberty Is his again. He Is now at the Hastings asylum. and will be turned loose only If the au thorities think It Is safe for him to go. Elks eek Jfeir Home. The local lodge of Elks Is having a busi ness session tonight for the purpose of considering a proposition to buy the old J. D. Macfarland home at Fourteenth and Q streets as a permanent club house. The house Is one of the finest in the city, cost ing about ICS, 000 In the old boom days. Its owner Is dead and the place has gone Into the hands of the Northwestern Insurance company. The Commercial club had a deal on soma time ago for buying the place, but gave It up because a more central loca tion was desired. The Elks have been offered It for 130,000, and If the matter can be financed the deal will be made. Con siderable objection has arisen because of the financial side of the question, but If this can be disposed of the place will be purchased. Governor Mickey Will Cable. Governor Mickey will tomorrow help cele brate the opening of the cable line to the Philippines by sending this message to Major Brad Slaughter, a former Nebraskan now located at Manila: . Congratulation!, on the lavina- of the new cable. Great Is the triumph of genius. ine invitation to send a message was proffered by the new cable company, and the message will be one of the first to go over the cable. Other governors have re ceived similar Invitations. Mail Carriers to Meet. Tha rural free mail carriers of the state will meet here tomorrow to form a state association. Frank H. Cunningham of South Omaha la here and In charge of the arrangements. The object la to strengthen the efficiency of the service and Incidentally to get better pay for the men, who now carry Che mails at small salaries. Edward Rosewater of The Omaha Bee and Con gressman Burkett will speak. Teaser Makes a Mistake. W. H. Tonner of Lynch has played a Joke upon himself by refusing to accept an appointment for a one-year term as secre tary of the State Board of Pharmacy be cause he had been strongly recommended for the long term. The appointment was made early this week and he has Just written the secretary of state that he could not think of accepting the short term because he had been tecommended by the Board of Secretaries for the long term. Now It transpires that his appointment to the short term was made with the express understanding among members of the State Board of Pharmacy that when tha short term should expire he would be appointed for the full term, which la said to be Ave years. His declination brings to the front again the names of Messrs. Kuhn of Omaha, Dort of Auburn and Schupbach of Columbus, who were recommended by the secretaries for the short term. The Plattamouth Savings bank haa filed articles of Incorporation, with an author ised capital of $25,000 and with J. M. Rob erts, Tom Parmele, 8. H. Atwood and W. H. Newell as Incorporators. The Farmers Exchange bank of Tamora has Incorporated with an authorised cap ital stock of $50,000, of which $3,000 Is paid In. The Incorporators are L. A. Sandberg, Anna C. Sandberg and J. R. Collins. Mtlee Will Oaae Again. In the case of Joseph Williams against Joseph Miles, tha celebrated Miles, will case, a motion to modify the former opin ion haa been denied, holding that: 1. Declarations of the testator are compe tent evidence on an Issue as to whether a will was made, but will not suffice, ot themselves, to prove Its contents. 2. Where opinions are prepared by com missioners they must be permitted, nec essarily, to state their reasons in their own way, without binding the court to all that Is said arguendo, even though It con curs In- the conclusions of law and ex press findings or ract. 3. Opinions expressed by the commission ers on matters not essential to the decision. while properly set lortn to advise counsel that their arguments In briefs or at the healing have been Iduly considered, do not become necessarily the law of the case and It will not preclude further Investigation of such points, should they come before the court once more. Pretest Waa In Time. The. court holds that the district court of Douglas county committed no error In granting a writ of mandamus agulnst the Omaha Fire and Police board requiring that board to convene and hear protests against the Issuance of a saloon license to Charles Metx. John D. McRae had filed a remonstrance by mall, which the board held was received too late for considera tion. The court says: A protest addressed to a board empower I to arrant saloon licenses was sent by mall. and reoelved prior to any action granting the license protested agulnst. The board took cognisance of the same and ordered It preserved in the flies of the office. Held, that the protest was "tiled'' In the proper iiHIm within the meaning of the law. and that It became the duty of the board to "appoint a day for the hearing of the case ' under the requirements of section $, chap ter I, of tne complied statutes. Rehearing; la Refaaed. The court haa overruled a motion for a rehearing in the case ot J. C. Cleland and other members of the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' association against George U. An derson. The former Judgment ia adhered to. Commissioner Pound, who wrote the former opinion, has written one on the mo tion for a rehearing. Anderson was a lum berman who alleged that the state associa tion had damaged his business by certain methods. He had a cause of action for In Jury to hla business against some seven Joint tort-feasors. He brought an action against three of them. Pending the action he became bankrupt and listed his Interest therein among his aaseta In consequence it waa sold, along with other property, and the purchaser made a settlement with the defendants. Afterward he brought the present action against the other four tort feasors, who set up the settlement In satis faction In bar. The question is whether the interest of the bankrupt In the pending ac tion passed to the trustee and thence to the purchaser, no as to enable the latter to make a settlement The court says: Where the state atautea make a distinc tion between a plaintiff's interests in a nendlng sctlon and his cause of action be fore suit brought, making tho on assign able In cases where the other ia not. the In terest of a bankrupt in a pending action which be mia-nt sell and aaatgn. and of which hla creditors mlaht obtain the bene fit nn administration of his estate. Is to be hld "property" within the pervlew of sub division i. section Ixx. national bankruptcy act. rather than a "right of action" under subdivision 1 Walter rtaa Stead. , The supreme court late this afternoon handed down an opinion sustaining the j finding and sentence of the police court In Imposing $1 fines snd costs upon Sid Anderson and HI Johnson, striking wait ers, for distributing unfair cards, printed circulars or handbills upon the streets, and the action of the district court In de nying them a writ of habeas corpus. It holds that: "When a municipality Is expressly au thorised by legislation to enact a certain ordinance In execution of the police power, such ordinance stands on the same basis as a statute, and Its reasonableness or unreasonableness Is not a matter for the courts, except as such question would bear upon the constitutionality of a statute of the same nature. A police regulation, obviously Intended an such, and not operating unreasonably beyond the occasions of its enactment. Is not Invalid because It may affect Inciden tally the exercise of some right guaranteed by the constitution. An ordinance making It unlawful to circu late or distribute printed or written dodger, handbills or circulars upon the fmblie streets, alleys, sidewalks or pub ic grounds of the municipality does not contravene section S, article 1 of the state constitution. The opinion Is by Commissioner Pound. Woodmen Verdict Stands. In an opinion by Judge Holcomb the court denies the Modern Woodmen of America a rehearing of the case against It by Asa Coleman, from Cass county. It had been claimed because Commissioner Ames, In the original opinion, had Indulged In some very pointed language. Among other things he said: "A charitable organ ization which collects Its funds with avid ity, but Is astute In finding excuses tor not bestowing them upon the designated objects of Its bounty is not entitled to any exclusive or special consideration at the hatyla of the court. The enormous volume of litigation with which associa tions of this kind have flooded the country. and the extremely technical character of their defenses In many cases, to actions upon their beneficiary, certificates are a sufficient commentary upon an appeal for tender consideration by the Judiciary." Judge Holcomb says tn effect that these remarks were called forth by arguments tn the brief and merely express the Indi vidual opinions of the writer, who Is en titled to express his opinions In his own way. They were not material to the Issue, In which the commission had given a cor rect exposition of the lay. The parts com plained of were not binding on the court. nor does It wish td be understood as en dorsing them, but they are sanctioned by the court as an animadversion. The court has reversed and remanded the case wherein Qeorge P. Hoy was convicted of assault and battery in Cuming county because of a row over a fence across Blair road." It was because the court denied one Instruction tending to strengthen his plea of self-defense. Appeals Amendment Came. Deputy Attorney General Brown filed to day a petition In error In the supreme court against the recent ruling of District Judge Holmes restraining the secretary of state from drawing warrants In payment of legislation at a rate more than $3 a day or for a period longer than forty days. The errors assigned are so formal aa to be noteworthy. They are aa follows: . Bald Judgment is not supported by the evidence: said Judgment is contrary to the evidence; said Judgment is not supported by the laW; said Judgment Is contrary to the law; said .court er-ed in allowing a permanent Injunction against plaintiff in error; the court erred in overruling the motion ror a new trial. REFRESHING RAINS IN STATE Showers Come at Many Places and Greatly Benefit Growing Crops. GD3BON,'Keb., July a. (Special.) Almost five Inches of rain fell here last night and It Is still wet and threatening today. ST. PAUL, Neb., July t. (Special.) A fine rain fell here last night, amounting to nearly two' Inches, Just such a rain as was needed at this time. This will be sufficient for all needs of small grain, and also be a great help for corn. SCHUTLER, Neb., July S.-(Speelal.)-Three-quarters of an Inch of rain fell here last night, which was very much needed, as the surface of the ground waa so dry and hard that working the soli was very unsatisfactory. SmSll grains are In fine condition, wheat and rye ripening, soms rye being cut. Corn Is growing at a marvelous rate, yet much of It is late and weedy. WEST POINT, Neb.. July t.-(6peclal.) Crops In Cuming county generally, with the exception of corn, which Is backward, never looked better at this season of the year. Prospects are good for an abundant yield of all field crops. The timely rains have ensured a continuous, healthy growth of all products. The Intense heat of the last three days, which at times reached M degrees, culminated last night 1n a severe thunder storm, accompanied by heavy rains. No damage was done, excepting to hay, of which a large quantity was down. NORFOLK, Neb., July $. (Special.) A drenching rain visited Norfolk very earlyS last evening and continued to pour through out the night. The storm came after an extremely sultry day. The water has tended to benefit crops generally. LEXINGTON, Neb., July 8. (Special Tel egram.) The heaviest rain In the memory of the oldest Inhabitant fell here last night and today. A portion of the city had the appearance of a lake. Sidewalks are afloat In many place and water has entered a number of buildings. It is feared much damage haa been done to the grain crop. The precipitation waa 4.S Inches. ORANT. Neb.. July ' S.-(Speclal Tele- grim.) it nas Deen raining steadily all day. The wheat crop and all small grsln Is assured. Royal Xelshbors Har Pica to. M'COOt, JUNCTION'. Neb.. July J.-(Sp-elal.) Th Royal Neighbors of McCool will picnic and celobrate the Fourth of July on the Blue river st this place. A proa-ram, consisting of rnuntc. recitations, speeches, iect readings, vocal and Instru mental music, has ben prepared for the occasion. No admittance will be charged to the Krounds and everybody la ini. The Royal Neighbors, assisted by the Woodmen, will serv Ice cream and lem onade. Dies aa Retail of Debaaea. KEARNEY, Neb., July I. (Special Tele gram.) Al Young, a bartender, died In con vulsions Just before noon today In Goodell's livery stable, where he went at an early hour this morning after a night spent In playing cards and drinking. The dead man had been formerly in th saloon business at Olbbon and had no relatives In thes parts, but it Is supposed that h haa some In Kansas. Baslaeas Ilea f Play Ball. M'COOL. JUNCTION. Neb., July & (Spe cial.) Th business men on th north and south side of Main street have ahosen B. E. Lincoln captain for th south side and Dr. F. 8. Morris for th north sld. Al ready the captains ar unabl to decide on an umpire. Both aides ar practicing baa ball for tbe contest, which will tak plac next week. May Nat Reaalla Mill. YORK, Neb.. July (.(Special.) It to learned that Messrs. Redding A Bears may not rebuild th Red Lion mil la. which were burned on Monday morning, Jun St. To Had Lion mills were on of th land marks of south York oouaty and tha first mill buUL As the slant? expression rocs, and become the necessary. TAKE A few moments to where Ml 4mnmmwl in 0 hi li! U VUtu-UUVJ I l ,. f s LrU UU LrU THE SYLVAN. RETREAT Car Every Five Minutes IT IS DELICIOUS BATHING at Manhattan Iteach. 2.SOO Suits Round Trip from Omaha, 25c OPENING, SATURDAY, JULY 4 THE FLOYD-BRIGGS STOCK CO, At the Casino the Coolest Theater Ever Devised Opening Bill, "My Uncle From New York." MATINEE AND NIGHT. Opening Thursday, - Refreshments at GOVALT'S FAMOUS BAND 35 PIECES APPROPRIATE AND PATRIOTIC PRO' GRAM AFTERNOON AND NlCHT. FISHING, BOATING, BOWLING BALLOON ASCENSIONS Afternoon aid evening, with a startling novelty parachute jump never seen here. PAY A VISIT THE PICNIC GROUNDS ARE VERY For Information regarding either park apply to J. A. LOVE, JEALOUSY AND CRIME Peculiar Story Will Be Told on Stand in Murder Trial FRYMYRE OUTLINES HIS DEFENSE Hsi la Adams County Jail Bays that Dead Woman Vu His Wlfa and that He Sbot Her Accidentally. " HASTINGS. Neb.. July .-(Speclal.)-An interesting trial which will be held at the next term of the district court here will be that of Charles Frymyre. now confined In tha county Jail of Adams county, chaVged with the murder of Tracy Odlen burg Puis at Eustls, Frontier county, February 21, last. Frymyre'a parents live at Holdroge, but the young man was reared by an uncle who lives at Stockvllle. As he appears ia his cell, he Is five feet eight Inches high, compactly built, clean shaven, fairly well educated, and discloses a neatness in personal appearance. Story of Jealousy. The alleged story of the crime shows love and Jealousy as the cause. For a year Frymyre had been keeping company with Miss Oldenburg, and their relation had beuru very intimate, during the year however. Richard Puis, a neighbor, bachelor and ranchman appeared on th scene, sued for tha hand of the girl, and their marriage was the sequel. Three days after the nuptials Frymyre armed himself, mounted his horse and" rode up to the ranch house of Puis, discharg ing his pistol into the air as he rode. Mrs. Puis was the first to hear and see him. and she cried to her husband "Here comes Frymyre, shooting!" Almost simultane ously Frymyre entered the house and a desperate hand-to-hand flgnt ensued be tween the two men, and In the fray a revolver was discharged. Fry my r them ordered tne woman to go out and Into his buggy at the same time charging her husband torf remain in the house. ' His orders were obeyed and he got Into the vehicle, beside the woman, and started for his ranch on Cannon Bank. The had proceeded but a short distance when he became aware that his companion was shot. Woiaaa Was His Wlf. This fact, he says, surprised and shocked him "In fact," he continued, "Tracy and I were married fourteen months before this affair happened. She was teaching school last winter In a German community, and her folks did not like me. They tried to separate us, not knowing our relation. She waa In a delicate condition at th time and when this was known to them they forced her to marry Puis ugainst her will. As soon as I heard this, I went where she was, to take her home, to save her honor. But during the trouble which. followed she was accidentally shot and nobody realised it for several minutes after. God knows I would not have harmed her intentionally. When I found she was hurt I took her to the nearest house and sent for a doctor, and I stayed beside her until I waa arrested that night. From that hour to this my position has been misunderstood." Frymyre was greatly agitated and wept while narrating the circumstances. Norfolk Tafclaa a Ceasas. NORFOLK. Neb., July t (Special.) The city is to tak a census. This was de termined by th city council for th pur pose of determining the population, and thus securing grounds for the Issuance of bonds. It is considered that th city has grown 26 per cent since the national cen sus In 1900. Chanae la Firm Saaae. WEST POINT, Neb.. July . (Special. ) The hardware firm of Schults A Neiburg has been reorganised. Charles Btoltsman has purchased the Interest of Mr. Schults, who retires from the firm on account of 111 health. Charged with Hum (alias. COLUMBUS, Neb.. July (.(Special.) C, F. Beedel, a stranger. Is In Jail bare, charged with horsestealing. A few nlgnta ago a horse was taken from R. T. Lisco'a pasture on mile south at town and tha i SHERMAN AVENUE OR cooling breezes always blow and limpid waters ik SPECIAL JULY 4TH FEATURES - "Old Farmer Hopkins." Pavilion and Kursaal TO THE KURSAAL. POPULAR AND COOL AND SHADY. same night a set of harness and a bugy disappeared from D. H. Harrington's barn on th Duncan road. Bherlff Byrnes was at once notified and tracked his man to Shelton, where he found the property", which had been sold by Beedle. He turned back and found his man at Kearney. Beedle has nothing to say of the matter. ATTEMPTED KIDNAPING FAILS Yossg Man Comes to Rescue of Miss Kackley and Assailants ASHLAND, Neb., July S. (Special.) News has been received here of the at tempt made to kidnap Miss Linnle Kackley, a former resident of Ashland, whose parents now reside at Lena, McPherson county. Neb. The attempt to abduct Miss Kackley waa made in the evening. She was a student of the Nebraskan Wesleyan university and as she stepped out of the back door of her boarding place, which was located three blocks from the university, two men gTabbed her, throwing a handker chief over her face. The handkerchief was saturated with some kind of drug, tho ef fect of which was to make Miss Kackley unconscious. The villains were thwarted from carrying out their purpose by the presence of mind of a young man, also an Inmate of the boarding house, who was at tracted by the girl's screams. Other in mates who heard the screams thought it was only a matter of play among the young people, but this young man very luckily took It seriously and jumped through an open window, frightening the kidnapers away betore they succeeded In bearing their victim to a closed carriage nearby, which stood In waiting to receive her. In the meantime the kidnapers made their escape In the darkness with the carriage. Miss Kackley was badly frightened and could not give a description of her assail ants, but she remembered that one of the men wore a mask. Local friends of Miss Kackley believe that the present attempt to kidnap her furnishes the sequence of a ihreat made In February. 1901, while the family resided In Ashland. At that tlm a letter was posted near their door de manding that tl.000 In gold be placed neat a whistle post on the Schuyler branch ol the B. & M. railroad, failure to do so to result In the kidnaping of the daughter for a ransom. It waa then thought to be th work of parties from Ogalalla. Neb., which was at one time the home of Miss Kackley and her parents. More Telephones lor Norfolk. NORFOLK. Neb.. July a.-(Speclal ) Norfolk Is to have another telephone line. This was definitely assured yesterday by the incorporation of the Klkhorn Valley Telephone company, with headquarters In this city. The officers of the new company are: E. Duke Naven, president ; Qeorge B. Chrlntoph, vice president; I. S. Mahan, secretary and treasurer; directors, O. A. Luikart, George B. Christoph, P. C. Dings, E. Luke Naven and I. 8. Mahan. Mr. Luikart is president of the Citizens Na tional bank of Norfolk, Mr. Christoph Is a druggist. The treasurer, I. 8. Mahan. Is a resident of Lemars, Ia. The new com pany expects to be established with their exchange before fall of this year. Business Chanae at Ashlaad. ASHLAND, Neb., July S. (Special.) Th Depot hotel changed hands this week, W. L Boring succeeding F. E. Whitney as proprietor. The Edwards A Bradford Lum ber company, which has been under the management of J. W. Btratton In thl city for two years post, disposed of Its stock this week to W. 8. Parrin of Lincoln. 9. D. Russell of Sioux City, Ia.. Oeorg A.. Shaw of Fremont and 8. H. Martin of Beatrice are her In behalf of the com pany In making the transfer of the stock. Arrested for Destroyla Property. COLUMBUS. Neb.. July I. (Special.) E. W. Mann was fined 26 and costs In the county court yesterday for destroying per sonal property. He waa working In th streets of th village of Monroe and de liberately broke a lot of tiling with a pick. It Is claimed that his act was In revenge for not having been appointed overseer of streets by the village board. No Celebration at York. YORK. Nab.. July . (8jril.) Hundreds of York citizens will eel brat In the sur rounding and nearby lawns. Many will leave on th trains for Benedict, Aurora, mm3 color of one in the COUNCIL BLUFFS C THE CONEY ISLAND OF Sherman Ave. ESS U TOM vLbuii THE CAP SHEAF OF ALL DARINC ACTS The 5 Flying Banvards Tbe Greatest High Aerial Act in the Profession Afternoon and Evening. VAUGHN LEER In Sensational Dive Into a Net from a 75 Foot Elevation. SPECTACULAR SHAM BATTLE And Exhibition Drill by CO. L, THURSTON RIFLES SEE CATLING CUN IN ACTION. BIG BASE BALLOON RACES . Participated in by Prof. Murphy and Miss Broadwlck Switchback Railway, Ferris Wheel, and Scores of other Features. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN REFRESHMENTS NORDICS pL ORCHESTRA SIXTEEN PIECES. Griffiths, Room 218 First National IT S GLORIOUS ALL THE TIME! t l lenic Today. Tomorrow and Every Day Uoon OMAHA'S POLITE RESORT T Mr Krug A majestic program better than all local celebrations combined. J Roller Toboggan and Zig-Zag Alley Now Open : ter's Concert Band, The Tyrolean Warblers. The Pasnlon Play, Mun- T Paintings, Balloon Ascensions and 1,000 other pastimes. 2 THREE-MISITK CAIl SERVICE TOPAY AND TO.MOHIIOW. J A. i Tha Seward, Grand Island and other towns. A large number will form small picnic par ties and celebrate in the woods on the Lin coln creek or Blue river. There are very few in the city todny. OUT OF ONeTaIL JNT0 ANOTHER Richard Parkinson to Ue Brought to ' Kcbrnskn on Klratlon of Sentence. TACOMA, Wash., July 3. (Special Tele gramsRichard Parkinson, who will be released from the state penitentiary Mon day, will be re-arrested on a governor's warrant today, Issued at the request of the governor of Nebraska. Parkinson Is wanted in Nebraska for obtaining money under false pretenses. He was convloted In this state of a similar crime and sen tenced to one and a half years in the peni tentiary. CHILD DIES FROM ITS BURNS Two Others Are Very Low and May Also Die front Same Cause. PAPILLION, Neb., July S.-(8peclal.) The 13-year-old son of Charles Sharp died In the Omaha honpital lut night from the effects of burns received In yesterdays explosion here. The other children are very low. Settle Llglitlna Problem. NORFOLK, Neb., July . (Special.) A fight of long standing over the street light ing qestlon In Norfolk was Anally settled last night by the city council In a compro mise between the two rival companies. The competition has been between the Nor folk Klectrlo Light and Power company and the Norfolk Fuel and Light company, who manipulate a gas plant. During th period of unsettlement ther have been no lights In the residence portion of tho city at all. Now the electric light company haa been given a five years' contract for arc lights In the business portion and the gas company will furnish gas lights In th residence part. The culmination was brought about by the republican election tn this spring's municipal campaign. The party stood for "better lights." Bay Land for elevator. YORK, Neh., July I. (Special.) A busi ness meeting of the Farmers' Independent Elevator company waa held at the court house and was one of the largest attended meetings. At this meeting stock was sub scribed to the amount of $3,000. An option waa purchased on property abutting rail road property and sidetracks of the North western railroad and an application has been made for elevator privileges. Whether or r.nt the Northwestern will grant the re quest Is not known. Dies front Alcoholism. BEATRICE. Neb., July I. (Special Tele gram.) Juhn A ruts, aged 95, was found dead tn led at Wyniore tills morning. He was addicted to th use of liquor and was Intoxicated at the time of his death. Th coroner held an inquest and the verdict was that alcoholism caused his death. He waa a single man and a painter by trad. oss of time, N Remedy c It is In, carta V THE WEST I Sv X . "w f r n a Boating, Fishinf, all Kinds RefrestimctK The Best Feature Thl Hot Spell BATHING 2.000 Suits All Size. Car, 5c Great picnic grounds BALL GAME Bank Building. Omaha. PAR A common summer 00m plaint. Suinmer-Sult TTOUHpra got the colic-of-too-much-weiir Junt now. The nunedy Is a' pair of SlacCartUy (Soothing Hum mer TrouHtra cut with the MacCurtby daub, from Homespun, l'lunnel, Serge, Crash and Worsted $6 10 $13. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at J04-J06 S. 16th St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Oftlce. Phone 1808, CLE.ANLINE.SS" It the watchword for health and vigor, com fort and beauty. Mankind is learning- not only the necessity but tbe luxury of clean linest. SAPOLIO, which hat wrought such changes in the home, announces her titer triumph HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which energizes the whola body, starts the circulation and leaves aa exhilarating glow. A 11 groan and druggiitt. A BEAUTIFUL VQH&H aa Ojirih by Gnj m Ul f Blud Hair. Imperial Hair Regenerator will fwnoey ttila Any ibwle from Iilaek to the U-QtaM Ata Hltmda prortui-Mt Colortar (torts), Eullj apulir1. AO slutlr harm). Hamplcuf tmlr raU re tee. OerreiDoudouc coufidcutlaL Imperial Chemical Co.. lij W. &!d St.; N. X. sold by Sherman Ac McCottr.ell Lrug Co., Omaha. Neb. PliMfm tea k . 1 .. salfj Mavii. 1 ties Tiik.l.. ..u m u re TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only Oa Uullar a Year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Makes Moat I'seral Freseat. emottHTisi e.naiiaw a a wm am m 1