Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1903, PART 1, Page 9, Image 9

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A Remarkibli Discover)
By i Remarkable Man
he Art of Fascinating, the Power at
rharmlng, the Secrets at Pers.nal
Magnetism Fnlly ml Completely
Revealed at Last.
A Marveloaa, Mysterloas Force, Which
tilres Wonderfal Mental and Pkys
Icat trength, Orercomea All Dis
eases, Enables Yon to Kiow the
Secret Xatarea of Othera and Handle
Then aa Tan Pleaaa.
First Game Won bj Center by Hearj
Hitting in Spite of Error
tain. Three times the score was tied be
fore the winnina run wan brouzht home.
Score: R. H E.
Fullorton ...0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2011021-1111 4
St. Kdwards.6 100020000192 011 12
Batteries: Fullrrton. Yarmon and Uober:
fit. Kd wards, llinmnn and Martin. Home
run: Martin, Hoher, Yarmon. Three-base
hits: Martin, Uober (3).
Outbat and Ontacld the Moantalneera,
bat "ala Hlta Are Rot Mad at
Time When They Mean
Pittsburg Cinches Its Lead by Renting
Tfew York Before Record
Crowd. i
NEW YORK June 27 Refore S2.240. the
larcest crowd ever assembled at the Polo
grounds. In an eleven-Inning game, Pitts
burs; beat the locals today. It was one of
DENVER, June 27. (Special Telegram.)- BOod hitting. PhllllPDl pitched magnlfl-
Over 3,000 fans Journeyed to Broadwiy I cent ball and but for an error by l.ach
wouia nave enut ut ms opponents in me
regular tilne innings. Score:
R.H.n.A.K. R.H.O.A.B.
' f . i .
, jr
. 1 - j . ... -i'
St-brlng, rt.. 1 t I
lleatimont, of 0 t 3
Clark, If.... 1 t J
Wu r, Ib-M 14 6
Kru(ter, H. .. 0 0 0
BrarmUcls. lb 0 lit
Lrarh, lb.... 0 1
KUelier, lb.. U 0
park yesterday to see the Cubs make the
Omaha blta the duet on two occasions,
and well repaid mere these same fans, for
they saw Denver do up O'Rourke's pets to
the queen's taste. Unlike the game of
Friday, those of yesterday were Interesting
from beginning to finish. The Cuba put op
a great article of ball, and If they repeat
their nerfnrmanre tomorrow afternoon they I PhHaa. ... a 1
will add two more games to their credit " ZJ:
at the expense of the Omahas. The first I Totala ... 4 15 IS 14 ll Totala'; . .., 1 t
1000001 0 00 2 i
020000000 0. 0 2
TwaKm hits IV, o- n n f Kfartea T f .
me laner pucnea giu-eugeu uan nnu u.n hses: Pittsburg, 15; New York. 4. Three
vllinr ennl.t An na mora than And him I base hit. Clarke. Stolen base: Browne
..riv mr time. nrrnlv did the E'"t on errors : New York. 1; Pittsburg, 2.
I. , ;i ." First base on balls: ny Mcuinntty, l.
visitors escape a shut-out. Milton, the slab struck out: By Mi Olnnlty, 1; by Phllllppl,
unratrne. rt... oil
&trwtn'h'n, cf. 0 "T 1
I) Mrliint, lb.. 4 0 1
0 Mrrtra,. If. ..'I I I
0 nH'n. " If.. t
C-I)tIi, at 1 4
1 louder, 8b... a 1' e
writ I hart tb... 4 11
.ffWim, a... 4 9 1
irMcOlnnrtf, p a 4
0 II
4 3
4 e
1 1
. . . I ntii.i
amrria ava at lrai K (ha) nmahMi rHIOHV I riUUUUrU
rr:::jTL : .i,,...: .r r,r,:;:j. j New y0?k
iiiruuHn uivir - mammy iu ,uiu wwiudm-j.
7. Wild nllch: Philllppi. Time: 2:10. Um
pire; U'JJay.
Boston Takes m Conple
BOSTON. June 177. The home team won
both trames of a double-header from Chi
cago todny, taking a brace that coincided
with a fielding slump. In the first game
r.rtlst for the visitors, also pitched good
ball for eight Innings, but went to pieces
In the fourth Inning, when three hits, two
bases on balls and one error netted the
home team Ave runs and the game.
The second game was Intensely exciting
and was not won until the last man was I C'hlcago'a superior batting could not offset
.... i ... . . .... I their wretched fielding. Plttlngcr pitched
uuv. .1.1 ieU ... i u w,linn(r bau m the second game, an error
for the horns team, but he was put out of by Tenney in the ninth robbing him of a
It In the fifth Inning,: when be was bit on shut-out. Chicago's fielding was ragged.
h ni.i,in, ,, k.. ii. j,.. The crowd of B.buO was the largest of the
the pitching arm by a line drive off the peason and one of the largest since the
bat of Hlckey, the visitors' third baseman. American league came Into Boston as a
Lempke could use his arm no longer, so he I rival, score first game:
..... . . r.-i .u. 1 BOSTON. I CHICAGO.
' o nn iu oniuri, wi.u ji.i.nucu hid B II O A X 1 R.H O A.E
game. The latter was In good form, and I nxter, ef... t l i osistie. If
nlthnue-h ha vh lilt nmntiliit V. m man. I lnnrr, lb... a I
.... I ! 1 If
aged to keep the hits scattered so they did I, rt
little damage. Patterson,
t o
l I
the new first ""'"i. ;; i
baseman, again made good. He covers I orem'ser,' lb! 4 l
Trofpfiaor R. P. RotioHson, rych, D.,
CD., i the Krentest living toucher of
I'crsonnl MaRnotlRin. He has nstounrlpd
the aclontlsts of the world. He hog dis
covered a new system of developing and
Imparting ninjrnetlc force. He believes
the great power he has discovered lies
dormant In every Individual. He guar
antees jou can master Its strange secrets
at yoor own home and perform wonders
of, which you never dreamed. You can
know at 'a plance the secret natures
talents, weaknesses, strength and vices
of every person you meet. You can
quickly develop marvelous physical nud
mental power, overcome all diseases in
ronrself or others, banish pain and lmd
habit without drtiBU or surgery.. I'ror
fessor Robertson can rend yonr secret
nature and Influence your thought.,
thoutrh a thousand miles away. He can
teach you how to do the same. This
mav seem incredible, but he absolutely
guarantees this result under a forfeiture
i.f il.(K0.00 in cold. The power of hyp
notism, persuasion, threats and en
trcities pales into insignificance when
compared with the wonders of this
mighty force.,
Professor Robertson calls his new dis-
cotery the Kl-MoRi" System of Per
sonal Influence. Ypu do no.t have to
liavts subjects tipon which to practice.
Professor Robertson's instructions are
no vlaln and explicit that you can read
- thetu carefully and at once use this great
power secretly to Influence and coutrol
the thoughts and desires of any one you
wish. ou will be startled and mystified
at the wonderful things you can do; you
will be r.stounded at the amazing power
that you can exercise over others. Prom
inent ministers of the gospel, lawyers' and
business men have mastered Professor
UobertKon's new system and they give
it their highest' endorsement.
S. I, Yetter of Mlddletown, Pa., says:,
"Your K1-Magi' System of Personal In
fluence has brought me that success In
business for whtch I have been looking. It
Is the magnet that controls; there Is no
guesswork about It It la a scientific fact.
It has taught me to know and control my
self as well as others."
Or. H. H. Child s, Box No. 70, Saratoga
f.prlr-gs. N. Y.t writes:
'Kl-Magl' System of Personal
have for
has changed
given my
younger and
stronger every day. I find In It the key to
business success."
Sirs, J. B. Egert, of 502 Woodland
avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, writes:
"I do not see how any society worn art can
become a successful leader without a
knowledge of the wonderful secrets Im
parted by, the 'Kl-Magl system."
Mr. t.eorge V. Howard of 157 Betch
Street, Hetrolt, Mich., says:
"By means of your 'Kl-Magl' system I
have made some startling discoveries In the
characters of my friends. It Is far beyond
my fondest expectations. It should be In
the hands of every man and woman who
wishes to achieve the greatest success In
We ltave Just issued fi.000 copies of
Trofessor Robertson's new book, entltlod
"The Secret of Power." We propose to
give tbc'so c ooo copies away, absolutely
free, to interested persons for the pur
l-use or Knowing thl startling possiblli
tics of tt!s groat discovery.- We-want
you to have one free. After you get one
tc' your fiiond. He will wunt one also,
but hu must write at onco if he gets in
on oiu tree distribution, as these books
are going tery fast. After 8,(KK) copies
o! this book are distributed everybody
will want one. Rut they will cost money
then. Kemeinler, they cost you nothing
now.- Audi ess Columbia Scientific Acad'
e i:y, Hepartment 434 K, Broadway,
New Yori:.
considerable territory, and there Is little
around first bag that gets past him. At
the bat he made two good singles In, the
first game and was robbed of another In
the second by a punk decision of the um-
Malarker. p.. 4 4
0 VlChancc, lb..
0 1 Jonfl, cf
4 OTIllker, M.
1 llEvera, ib...
1 oHrly, rf..
4 viKIInK, e.....
I viMcbetea, p.,
110 0
1 II 1 1
10 4 1
I 1 I t
110 0
0 111
14 11
Totals ... ( (17 11 2' Total! ..
Foston ,....0 13 2 0
Chicago 0 0 0 4 0
. 7 11 14 II 4
0 2 0 -8
0 111-7
Two-base hits: Tenney. Moran, Jones (2),
plre. Delehanty, In right field, made two F.vers, Chance. Home run: Tinker. Stolen
wonderful catches, and Schelbeck pulled bases: Dexter, Chance. "blp,PifJ'l:Te";
.. ..., ,. , . . . . ney to Ahbsttlchlo to Moran. First base on
down several that looked good for more baflg. 0ff Menefee. 6; off Malarkey, S. Hit
than one base. Delehanty was also In good by pitched ball: By Menefee, Dexter; by
form a. far a. batting was concerned, l- AsseZbalfr vtoV. Time: f
making four hits out of five times at the upYres: Moran and Holllday.
bat In the first game and two In the sec-1 Score second game:
ona. MCHaie also had his batting clothes rhoAeI rh.o.a.b.
on. In the first he managed to get two rMtr. cf... i o ' o olsume. if.... o' I i i o
singles and In the second he mnder n nrettv I Tenny. lb... I
home run. Dundon also had his eye on the S;, "i"! 4
ball, making a three-bagger thst was one Moras.' e....-i
of the longest hits ever made on the local 5J?' lb l
grounds. For ths visitors Ilickev and Do. Aubrry. 'a.... 4
Ian did some exceptionally good stick
First game:
1 i 1 IK'aaay. . 8b.... 0 0 2 1
110 orhance, lb... 0 0 4 0
110 nljonra. cf 0 0 10
0 4 1 OiTlnker. aa... 1 0 1 1
14 1 o'evem, lb.... 0 111
111 tlHirley, tt... 0110
0 4 1 l Kllna, c 0 0 1 t
Ptttlnirr, p.. 0 0 1 1 oXundnran, p. 0 0 0 1
xnauo w u v w
Total! ... T 7 17 I (J
Waddell's wlldnexs was fatal. Attendance.
,5i. Score:
R.H O. A.E R.H.O.A.B.
Vuth, It 0 110 i:picrtnt. cf. 4 0
Barrett, cf .. 0 1 1 0 CDarl.. lb 4 4
Crawford, rf. 4 1 14 U from. 3b. 0 0
Carr. lb 0 4 10 I 8rybold, rt. . 0 4
McOulre. c . 1 1 4 1 ti Murrh. lb.. I 1
Cmirtnsr. lb. 4 4 0 1 WHoffman. It . 0 0
Cmlih, lb.... 0 0 14 U Croaa, aa. 0 0
bona, n 1 0 i 1 i shiw. c ... o 1
DonoTan, p.. 0 0 1 lnWaddrll, p... 0 1
a. 4 0 I lnv
... 1 ( 17 Tt'r
Totalo ... t (17 11 r Totalo ...1 114 11 1
Detroit 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: . Waddell. Murphy. Lush.
Sacrifice hit: Donovan,- Stolen bases: Da
vis, Lush. Base on balls: Off Donovan,
4: Oft Waddell, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Waddell. 1. First base on errors: Detroit.
2; Philadelphia, 1. Deft on bases: Detroit,
8; Phtladelpuia. ti. Struck out: By Dono
van, 7; by Waddell, . lxuibla plays: Smith
to Carr; IS. Cross to Davis. Passed balls:
McGuire, 1; Shreck, 1. Time, 1:4). Um
pires: Carruthers and II asset t.
White Sox Make It Three.
CHICAOO. June 27 Most of the runs to
day were scored on ragged fielding and
battery errors. The locals won Hiid made
It three straight bv belter hitting and
Dasa running. Attendance, j.siio. score:
HolrMS, If... 1 1 ( 0 Hi
Jonaa. cf 1 1 1 0 i
Green, rf..,. 1 0 1 0 (
Callahan. Ib. 0 1 0 4 i
lihrll, lb.... 1 I 13 I :
tlagoon, lb.. 0 4 1 i '
Tannehlll, aa 1 1 3
MrFarland, o 0 0 I 4
Owen. p 4 0 0 ((
Duuklf, p... 1 1 0 0
Total! ...
Chicago ..
New York
t ( !7 li
Darla. If 0 0 0
H. McF'd, If 0 0 0
KeMer, rf... 1 0 4
Kultl. cl 0 11
M'llllama, Ib 0 1 I
glberftld, aa 0 0 1
'onrny, Ab... 10 1
ianiol, lb... 0 0 13
leTllla, c ... Ill
rinith, p... 10 0
Jone-, If
Mohler. 2b
Delehanty, rf..
McHale, cf
Dundon, 3h
Patterson, lb...
bcneioecK, ss...
ucniei, c
McCloskey, p..
Carter. If....
Shugnrt, 2b..
"Wright, lb...
weien, rr....
Dolan, Bit..,.
Oenlns, cf...
Hlckey. 3h...
Oondlng, c...
Milton, p....
"In your
Influence I have found what I
years searched for In vain. It
the whole trend of thought and
life a new meaning. 1 feel
National Convention
D. Y. P. U. of America
Atlanta; July 9-12. 1903
For the above convention the
l.oolavllle k Kasha ill R.H.
will soil round trip tickets at
KOL'ND TU1P. Tickets will be
on sale July 7, 8. and lu, and
are good returning until July
15. excrpt that by depositing
ticket In Atlanta an extension
of return limit ran be secured
until August 15th. Three trains
daily via the 1-oaln vllle A
nasnville H. H. between St.
Ixuiiu and Atlanta, with double
dally Bleeping Car service
through to AiUnta. The route
la via Nashville, the capital of
TenneSHee, and through a
rountrv made famous by the
Civil War. and giving passen-
gera a view of Chattanooga,
lookout Mountain and many
, famous battlefield. For rates
and further Information ad
dress - '
Trav. Pass. Art . I- N. R. R,
Kansas Vlty, Mo.
.... s .or
Dir. Pass. Aft U N.R.R,
; aU Louis, Mil.
. 1 .- J
BH. PO. A. E.
14 0 0
4 2 0 0
2 2 0 1
114 2
2 0 2
0 0 3 1
0 7 2 0
10 10
Totals 84 6
11 27 IS
AB. R. BH. PO.
.. a
., S
r. 4
.. 3
.. &
.. 4
.. 2
.. 4
.. 4
0 12
1- '0 1
0 1 9
0 0 . 1
0 0 3
0 0 1
0 1 4
1 - !
0 0 0
1 "i a
M-OtaiS 32 '1 4 24 7 2
Denver 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 1 6
Omaha 0 00 0000 1 1
turned runs: Denver 1. Stolon hau..
McHale (2). Three-base hlta: Hlrkv
Dundon. First base on balls; Off McClos-
aey, s: on juiuon, o. struck: out: By Mc
Closkey, 4; by Milton, 8, Sacrifice hits:
Jones, Bhugart, Hlckey. Left on bases:
Denver, 10; Omaha, 14. First bae on errors:
Totala ... 1 ( :4 11 (
xBatted for Lundgren In ninth.
Boston 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 -7
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-base hits: Stanley K21, Abbattichio,
Harlev. Three-base hit: Kvers. Stolen
bases: Tenney (2). Double play:. Single to
livers. First base on Dans: un L,unugren,
4; oft Pittlnger, 2. Struck out: By Pit
tlnger, 2; by Lundgren. 1. Time: 1:45. Um
pires i- Moran nd Holllday, ., .
Saints Seise Advantage.
PHILADELPHIA. June 27. It looked like
an easy victory for Philadelphia today, but
Fraser weaKenea in me seventn ana St.
T no I ! Jltta. rtettlnc four runa
9 1 more than enough to win. Attendance, 4,100.
1 I Annre; '
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.B.
Farrell, lb... 1 1 4 4 IThomia. rt,. 0 0 4 0 0
Donnvan, rt.. 1 1 I 1 C Titus. If 0,1 I 0 .0
Bmoot, if.... 0 111' l-Kfl.ttr, rf... 1 1041
ltrata. aa.... o a a a irRrry, id..., l l o o
Uurka. lb,.., til 2 1 Wolr't'n, lb. .1.
11. O'Nell, If. 1 11 o Huliwltt, aa.
Hackett, lb.. 1 1 t o iGlraaon, 2b. 0
J. ONall,.o. 1 I 4 a O.Hoth,
Total! ... 4 ( 14 11 4
. 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 -7
Ieft on bases: Chicago, 5; New York, .
iWo-DHse hits: tallanan, lsbeii, 'lanne
hlll. Fults. Sacrifice hits: Holmes. Junes
Magoon (2), Uansel. Stolen bases: Holmes,
Jones, Green. Calahan. Double plays: ls
beii to McFarland to Tannehlll. Base on
balls: Oft Owen, 2; off Dunkle. 4. Struck
out: By Griffith, 2. Hit by pitched ball:
Green, Davis. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Sher
Washington Divides I p.
CLEVELAND, June 27. Cleveland and
Washington split even on a double-header
today, in the nrst Washington was wnite
washed, maklnir the fourth straight shut
out for Cleveland and the third straight
from Washington. The second was a pitch
ers' battle. In which Wilson had the better
of It. Washington won In toe eleventh on
three singles and a double. Attendance,
12,744. Score first game:
R.H.O.A.E. R H.O.A.B.
Bar, cf 1110 IrMoran, aa.... 0 0 110
Bradley. Sb. . 1 1 0 I VHelhach, If... 0 0 1 0 u
Lajole. lb... I'll! t) Clarke, lb... 0
Hickman, lb. 0 I 11 0 trCoughlln, Ib 0
McCarthy, If 0 1 I 0 O Lce, ct 0
Pllrk. rf..... 1 0 10 0 Martin. rf...0
Cllnaman, aa 4 4 1 ( 0 Hohlnaon, lb. t
Bemla, c 0 0 4 1 0,1'rlll, e 0
Berobard, p. 1 1 0 I OiOrtb, p 4
Total! ... ( 11 17 U 0 Total! ...4 4 14 11 1
Cleveland 3 3001001
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Day. Three-base hits: La
jole, Orth. Saoriflce hit: Hickman. Stolen
bases: Hickman, McCarthy, Bradley.
Double play: Cllngman to Lajole to Hick
man. First base on balls: Off Orth, 8. Left
on bases: .Cleveland, 7; Washington. 3.
Struck out: By Bernhard, 3; by Orth, 4.
Time: 1:27. Umpire: O'Laughlln.
Score second game:
R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E.
Moran. M....0 111 llBay, cf 0 0100
Selbach. If... 0 0 1 0 0 Bradley, 3b.. 114 10
Clarke, lb... 1 4 14 0 OLaJnle. lb... 1 1 1
Hlraman. id. u i it
McCarthy. It 0 I 1
Flick, rf 1 (
Icilngman, aa. 0 0 1
Abbott, c 0 14
Joea, p 0 10
xUemla 0 10
hits: Odwell, Clymer, Hart. Sacrifice hits:
Kerwln, Kngnn. Mellnr. Bne on balls: On, 8; oft Bailev, 3. Struck out: ly
FRan, 8; by Bailev. 3. Hit by pitched
ball: Oulnlnn. Ixiulle play: Sullivan to
tiart. Ift on bases: Ixnilsville, I; ( oliim
bus, 7. Time: iM. Umpire: Mullane.
Minneapolis Mnas Hardest.
KANSAS CITY, June 27. Minneapolis
won In a slugging match todny. Coons un.l
Boudrrs were knocked out of the box and
Vasblnder wns batted hard. Attendance,
). Score :
Mrt-reery. cf 1 I 1 1 tfiRolhfuaa, cf. 1 I I I 0
7 0 1 Maloney, rf . . I I U 0 0
I 0 I Nance, ib ... 1 i I 4 t
0 0 t'Grady, lb.... 0 I t 1 0
0 0 ivKnnll, If.... 0 1111
J 0 n lewe, H. ... 0 1 4 1 1
1 0 lllutler, c 1
4 4 u M, And'wn, lb 1
I 5 o'Cfon. p 0
0 I ulPoudera. p... 0
Mrlonald, p. 0
11 11 rf ll t uear, e 4
is offering
money nnd a
The Dickey,
held bv W. P.
o(en to Nebrws
live target. u
trophy if tin elri
at about ISO.
fleeted captain of the Cornell 'varallv
hew. Conch t'ourtnev and the victorious
'trsmen were accorded a great ovation
y the townspeople nnd xtudents tip,,n
llielr return bete this morning
I nlnn Pa
Spoonar, lb.. 1 I
Lallr. If 0
Cmlth. :f
Veaicer, c 0 1
Ludwia. c... 1 1
Mi Intyra, Sb 0 I
Martin, 2b... 1 1
Oyler, aa l o
Vaablnder, p. I 1
1 4 1
t 1 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 1
0 0 0
The Klopp A Parti,
Paclllc bv a score ot
a game the fenttire ol
brenklng base running i
Brown. The batteries
Doran, Milestone and Gra".
Captnln of Come
ITHACA. N. Y.. Jure 27.-AK
fin, '04, of IndlHnnpolls, Intl.,
0 7 1
1 0 1
0 11
10 0
10 4
0 10 0
Rhodes, p.
1 1 1
, 1 1
t 14 17 14
Prater, p....
MrFet'ne, p.,
(-1 1 0
0 14 1
0 110
1 4-4 0
4 0 0 !
4 C It
0 4 4
Denver, 1; Omaha. .
Second game:
Time; 2:00. Umpire:
Jones, If. 3
Mohler, 2b 2
Delehanty. rf.... 3
McHale. cf 3
Dundon, 3b........ 4
Patterson, lb,.... 4
Schelbeck, ss 4
Latimer, o , i
, 1
AB.- R. BH. PO. A. E.
0 1.00
Lempko, P,,.
Barber, p..,.
7 27
rmiKhlln. 3b. 1 1 1 4 oi
Lee, cf 1 1 4 0 Vi
Martin, rf... 1110 1
Rnblneon, 2b. 0 1 0 4 01
Prill, c 0 1 4 0 P;
Wtlaon, p.... 0 0 11
( 11 II 14 I
Totals ... 1 10 33 16 0
x Batted for Joss In the eleventh.
Washington . .0 020000000 88
Cleveland 0 000200000 02
Two-base hits: Lajole. Hickman. Brad
ley. McCarthy, Flick. Bemls. Clarke, Lee.
Sacrifice lilt: Bay. Stolen bases! Lajole,
Kobluson. Doublo plays: Cllngman to La
jole to Hickman, Robinson to Moran to
Clarke. First base on balls: Off Joss, 1;
oft Wilson, 2, Left on bases: Washington,
; Cleveland. 11, Struck out: By Joss, 4;
by Wilson, 3. Wild pitch; Joss. Time:
2:00. Umpire: O'Laughlln.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C
1 Totala ... 7 14 17 11 I
xBatted for McDonald In ninth.
Minneapolis 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 011
Knnsns City 0 020001407
Two-base hits: Gradv (2), Maloney, Me
Andrews (2), Y eager, Smith, Vasblnder (2).
McCreery. Three-base lilt: Maloney. Home
run: Martin. Sacrifice hits: McDonald,
Spooner. Stolen bases: Butler, McCreery.
Bases on balls: Oft Coons. 2; off McDonald,
1; oft Vasblnder, 2. Struck out; lty Soud
ers. 2: by McDonald. 3: bv Vasblnder, 4.
Innings pitched: By Coons. 2; by Bonders,
Sty; by McDonald, 3. Hits: Off Coons, 7;
oft Buudcrs, 9; off McDonald, 2. Left on
bnses: Kansas City, 10; Minneapolis, 4.
Time: 1:56. Umpire: Cunningham.
Standing; ot the Teanaa.
Plaved. Won. Lost. PC.
Milwaukee 55 34 21 .018
St. Paul 56 34 22 .ft'7
Indlnnapolls 55 31 24 .567
Louisville 57 2 1!S .ixw
Minneapolis fid 26 3'.' .4H4
Kansas City 47 21 26 .447
Columbus 56 23 33 .411
Toledo 67 20 37 .151
Games today: St. Paul at Milwaukee,
Minneapolis at Kansas City, Columbus at
Louisville, Toledo at Indianapolis.
Crescents Lose and Armonrs Win on
the Field Club's Diamond
The Omaha field club defeated the Cres
cents In a fast game yesterday, the final
score being 1 to 0. The pitching of Gordy
nnd the catching of Karr were features.
The Crescenta gave Rice poor support:
AB. R. BH. PO. E
- I ffeSJBT .i- FjgOV 'Z- v-
I I It aa -.aaia. Jt lm X jr-ye- ill
Anno lira Defeat Field t lob.
The Armour team won from the Omaha
Field club In a seven-Inning game yeater-
d:iy afternoon by a score cf 4 to 3. The
Field club scored Its last two mns In the
sixth on a ball under the fence. Neltlirr
team could bit the opposing pitcher with
any degree of success. The score:
Armours 01 1000 24
Field club 0001010-3
Butteries: Armours, Gellner snd Fltx
gerald; Held club, Kennsrd and Martin.
Hnngland, cf...
Crawford, c
Chambers. 2b...
Clarke, If
Davidson, 3b.
4 0
4 0
3 0
3 0
4 0
Reed, lb 3 0
Gordy, p 3 0
Malone, ss 3 1
Lund, rf 3 0
2 27
Total SO
AB. R. BH. PO. E.
Lafferty, 2b
Karr, c
Reed, 3b
Peterson, lb
Ryan, ss...;
Rice, p.
Platner, cf
Knight, rf
Tompsett, if
Tile best Irnrm-n on1 Hmct t,,,1a V. 1 . n . -
Tj , . , . . "- u.voi prpumi uiuuu luiriuer
vwuiv. uu ii.c uiui kci io-tiay IS O. O. S.
There is hardlv
. M aa v Vtlll VA IU ll 111 V. I IV tX Will.
not neara 01 or. roi 1 AO OlooU." It is a standard remedy and
a specific for all blood troubles and an unequalled spring tonic and appetizer
S. S. S. i3 guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots of which it is
composed beine selected for their alterative
!dy for all blood and skin
J, know of the anooessful use of
B. 8. 8. in many casls. It li the beat
blood remedy on the market.
the ideal remedy
diseases, as it not only purifies, enriches
and invigorates the blood, but at the
same time tones up the tired nerves and
strengthens the general system.
For Chron ic Sores and Ulcers.Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Malaria,
Amentia, Scrofula, Eczema, Psoriasis,
Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne and such other
diseases as are due to a polluted or impov
erished condition of the blood, nothing
acts so promptly and effectually as
S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the germs and- poisons ; cleanses the
system of all unhealthy accumulations and soon restores the patient to health.
If you need medical advice write us about your case and your letter wili
receive prompt attention from our physicians, for which no charge is made.
S. 8. 8. la unquestionably a rood
blood pnrifler, and the best tonio I
Tor used.
Cleveland. .,
St. Louis .
Chicago ....
New York
Totals' ... 4 1 17 11 1
xBatted for McFetrldge In ninth.
St. Louis ....0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 1-7
Philadelphia .0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 04
Two-base hits: Donovan. Farrell, Wol-
vartnn. Hacrlnce hits: Donovan. Burke.
Hnrrv 2t. Stolen bssea: Farrell (2). Smoot.
M. O Nell, woiverton, nuiswitt. Double
play: Rhodes to Hackett. Lert on bases:
St. Louis. 7: Philadelphia, 6. First base on
balls: Off Rhodes, 3; oft Fraser, 1. Struck
out: By Rhodes, 3; ry eraser, 4; by Me
0 Fetrldge, 1. Wild pitch: Rhodes. Time
2:05. Umpire: Kmsile
l Luck Aids Cincinnati
0 BROOKLYN. June Z7. Cincinnati was
1 fortunate In winning today's game from the
01 homo team. Garvin should have won, but
Ol.tnnld fielding by Strang and McCreedle In
0l,h fifth allowed Kellev's team to score
I three runs, wnicn pruvra enotign 10 win.
XI --.lo iveiiey a.iu jim;mh!h;ii imrc ueeil BUD'
nended for three any Docause ot their ac
flons In Friday's contest. Attendance, 6,000,
R.H. O A K I R.H.O.A.B
Donlln. If.... 1110 omtrani, Ib... 0 1(11
Morrlaaey, ef. 1 0 ( 4 olSheckard. If. 0 0 1 0 1
Iialan. rt ... 1 l niuoDna, cr....i o o
Backley, lb..l 1 ( 4 ojMcCreedla, rfl.l 1 1 0
Stelnfeldt, Ib 0 1 I I OlDoyla, lb.... 1 I 14 1 0
Daly, m o l X a vuianien, aa... v I 4 o
Corcoran, aa. 0 0 I 1 o! Hitler, o 0 11 I l
Plata. C......0 0 4 1-txriood. ib.... 0 0 1 4 1
Pools, p....- 114 1 OjOanrM, p... 0 0 0 ( 0
xdann.PKB ... a o tt u o
Totals ... i 11 11 tJ
I Total!
natrm1 foe Garvin In ninth.
ciriiwu runs: xviivcr. t. um&oa 6. Bioiea l .i i aaa, ai aaab
baaes: Jones, Mohler. Carter. Bhugart. V"'," S SSJSi
likMO-kDM hlta WurKae T 1,, lu'l-. I wun,.. " - " - - w v -
,... hUu. ner i a. t I Two-Dnse nits: uoian. rtteinreiat. Doyie,
v". S'"',?.?i "I " !" - DM.. ...o.. nuV.I.. TlKV.. i
lrst base
bit: Dolan. First base on errors: Denver, on pans: un rooie, i o; on uarvin. a. bacn-
Totals..... 21
Batted for Lempke In the fifth.
AB. R. BH. PO. A. E.
. 67
.... 55
.... 49
.... 56
.... 51
.... 62
.... 49
.... 65
names today: Philadelphia at Detroit,
New York at Chicago, Boston at St. Louis.
Woodruff's Batting; Helps Indianapolis
Take a Couple front
INDIANAPOLIS, June 27. Indianapolis
took both games from Toledo today. In the
first game McPartlln was effective with
men on bases, while German was hit when
hits were needed.
In the second game Reisling deserved to
win. but a little hard luck in the fourth
inning lost It for him Woodruff s batting
was the feature of both games. Attend
ance, 3,600. Score first game:
R H n. A.E I R.H. O A K
Hoarlerer. rf 4 0 1 0 O.Rmllh. rf.... 0 0 0
Vox. 2b I 1 4 o! Bernard, cf.. 0 1 4
. urner, id.., u
Sohaub. Sb.. 1
h lournoy. If. 0
Klelnow. c. 0
Carter, If 2
Shuaart. 2b. ....... .... &
Wright, 10...,.....,. bs o
Welch, rf. S . 1
Dolan, as.. 4r 1
Genius, c( 0
Hlckey, 3b I . 0
Thomas, c
Henderson, p
3 1
0 1
6 0
8 1
10 ,
...37 6 10
1 0 8 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 2 1 J 0
24 11
1 0
1 ( 17 10 i
on. a: on iarner. l. sacrinca nil: mchai. i ........ . ...,.. .v....,D.
Struck out: Bv Lemulia. 3: bv Barber 1 : I bases: Cincinnati, ; Brooklyn. .
hu Huniliirain lli nn haiu- Itenvor u'lplay: Corcoran to Daly to Beckley.
i,muh. a linn,, run- uMgi. n n.K..i I bale on errors: Cincinnati. 2. F
1; Omaha, 1. Time: 2:05. Umpire: Mess-
Milwaukee Wins Good One.
MILWAUKEE, June 27. Milwaukee won
a good game from Kansas City today.
Heavy hitting by both teams was ths tea- I Pittsburg
ture. cockman cleared the pases with a I New York
Miree-Dagger. Auoiiuuuce, tw. ocure: I Chicago
. ........ . K H-E. I Brooklyn
Milwaukee 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 1 1 Cincinnati
Kansas city ...i u u u u i u i v a z Boston
Batteries: Milwaukee. Vollendorff and I St. Louis
No games today,
I flee hit: Daly. Hit by pitched ball: Poole.
Struck out; uy Won, 4: by Uarvin. 2.
Time: 2:12. Umpire: Johnstone.
Standing of tko Teams.
Lucia; Kansua City, Cable and Messitt.
Peoria's . Errors Lois Ga
PEORIA. June 27. St, Joseph defeated
feoria in a game wnicn was cnieny nota
ble tor errors on the part ot the locals.
Attendance. 1.1KJ. Ncore: K.H.K
St. Joseph 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 U 12 0
reoria, u i u u i i v o o i s 7
Played. Won. Lost P.C.
.... 60
.... 67
.... 61
.... 65
.... 64
.... 68
.... 61)
.... 66
41 19 .683
37 20 . 643
87 24 .0r7
29 26 .527
27 27 . 600
24 84 . 414
20 40 .3.13
17 3a .3.4)
Herdon. c... 118 0 0
Coulter, cf... 0 1 0 0 0
Woodruff, aa. 1 1 1 1 II
Jonaa. If 10 10 0
Kthm. lb. . .. 1
Tamaett. lb. 0 I 1 I 0
McPartlln, p 4 10 0
ToUlt ...-4 10x14 11
1 11 0 MOwena,
rbllda, lb... 1
Oertnan, p.., 0
xxBI'k'a'p .. 0
Totala ... 1 1 14 ( I
Games In Three-I League.
At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids. : Du
bunue. 6.
At Bloomtngton Bloomington, (; Deca
tur. 4. '
Batteries: Peoria, Alloway and Hessler; , fl 'Tr 8 " W'"'0-
8t. Joseiih, Glade and McConnell. laiana. 0. r u,
Colorado springs. Jun T7 Mrti. At Davenport-Davenport. 4; Rockford. 0.
gan was easily found today when hits
meant runs and the locals won easily. A
lucky spurt In the eighth saved the visitors
from a snutout. Score: R.H.E,
Colo. Springs. ..1 0 0 1 S 0 0 4 10 1
Ues Molnas 0 0 0 a V a 1 03 7 1
Batteries: Dea Moines. Madlaan and
Fohl; Colorado Springs. Newmayer and
Standing; of tho Teams,
Boston Shuts Oat Saints, Thanks to
Splendid Pitching; ot
1 4
Played. Won. Lost P.C.
Milwaukee 44 31 18
Colorado Springs .. 60 84 16
Kansas City 26 22
Peoria 46 22 24
St. Joseph 4 22 24
lH-nver 48 22- 24
les Molncs 48 17 31
Omaha 4a 16 30 .31
Games today: Omaha at Denver. TDea
Molneg at Colorado Springs, St. Joseph at px,t.
reviita, xvauaa v., l jr it Mil n 1 uK.ce-
Ord Wins Again front leotla.
Neb., June 26. (8p-ial.) The
xna most exciting game or ball
played in ora ror tnree yrars was played
today between the Ord and Soolla teams
the score resulting to 7 In favor of the
home team. A costly error and a wild
throw lost the game for the visitors In the
last half ot the sixth Inning. It was the
second game Ord has captured from Scotia
during tha laat tan days.
Fullertoa Wlai a Hot Game.
FULLERTON. Neb.. June 27 (Special
Telegram.) Fullrrton won tha hottest aud
In sums respects the fastest game ever
flayed hero this afternoon, after fourteen
nninss. lasting an hour and forty-five
minutes. Tha contest was full of hard hit-
BT. LOUIS, June 27. Boston took the sec
ond game of the series from Rt. Inila this
7u6 I afteruocn with ease. Gibson Hitched a tine
60 1 game and the locals could not hit him
whoa hits would have counted. Sudlioff
waa ragged. Attendance, BUG. Score:
HCS-rnN a-r mrtia
4"S R.H.O.A.K.I g.HO.A.g.
864 I Dougherty. Ml 1 0 0 oiRurkett. If.. 0 1 I 0 0
foil In.. Ik... 1(11 H.ldrlck. cf. ( I ( 0
O'bTlea, cf.. I II 0 Hemphill, rf. 4 4 1 4
Freeman, rt. 4 1 1 HAadereon, lb. 4 4 11 4 0
Parent, ... 1 1 1 T, aa.. 11(0
ui hence, lb 0 I T ( 0 riu(den, e.... 0 11(0
Kerrla, lb.... 4 1(1 V Paditen. lb.. 0 0 0 1 1
Criaer, a 10 7 1 oMrt'or'k. lb. 4 4 0 1 1
Oluaoa. p.... 0 10 0 OSuduog. p... S 4 1
TetaU ... ( 11 n 14 "ll Totala ... ( ( 14 11 I
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 lt
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs: Boston, t. Two-base bits:
LaChanoe, Collins. Three-base hit: Free
man. Sacrifice hits: Collins, Crlger, Gib
son. Double plays: Collins to Ferris to
LaChance: Hemphill to Wallace. Hit by
pitcher: By Gilson, 1. Base on balls: Oft
Sudhofr, 1; oft Gibaon. L Strurk out: By
Sudhon. ; by Gibson, 6. Left on bases:
St. Louis. 7; Boston, 1 Time: 1:48. L'pi
pira; Connolly.
Detroit Wlaa Cloao Contest.
DETROIT. June 27. In one of tha heat
games of the year snd before tha largeat
ting and brilliant fteldins. with more th.n I crowd since tho tuxnlm Lara. Donovan nut
anuugh crrora to make lb outcome uncor- pitched WgddsU. adlTeLrolt, aton, by a run.
sKlelnow out on bunt.
' xx Bat ted for German In ninth
Tndlananolla 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 1
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 lt
naui on balls: Oft McPartlln. 8: off Ger
man 4. Struck out: By McPartlln, 6; by
n.rman. 6. Wild pitch: McPartlln. Hit
by pitched ball: By McPartlln, 1; by Ger
man. 1. Double piay; wooutuit to iviiim
Stolen base: Fox. Ift on bases: In
dianapolis. 6: Toledo, 10 Time: 2:06. Um
plre: Haskell.
Score second game:
R.H.O.A.E R.H.O 4 E
Hoarleyer. rf 1 1 4 0 wsmitn. rr....O 10 0
Pox Ib 1 1 1 ' 0 Bernard, cf.. 1 0 0
Herdon. c... 0 0 4 0 0 TurneT, lb... 1 1 I
Coulter, cf... 1 1 1 0 OSchaub. lb...O 1 0
Woodruff, as. 4 I 1 1 Plournoy, If. 0 0 I
Jonea, If 0 1(1 0 Klelnow, c... 0 1 (
Klhm, lb.... 0 4 11 0 oOwen. aa 0 0 1
Tamaett, lb.. 0 0 1 4 0"'hllda. lb.... 0 0 1
Newlln. p.... 0 0 0 1 OiRelallni, p.. 0 I I
Totals ... ( (till 11 Tot. la ...1 114 11
Indianapolis 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 -3
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .0 2
Bases on balls: Oft Newlln, 3. Struck
out: Bv Newlln. 2; by Relsllug, 4. Two-
base hit: Coulter. Three-base hit: Reis
ling. Sacrifice hit: I-ox. Double plays
-hiM to Owens to Turner. Fox to Wood
ruff to Klhm. Stolen base: Woodruft. Left
on bases: Indianapolis, 2; Toledo, 7. Time
1:40. Umpire: tiasaeu.
St. Paul Downs Milwaukee,
MILWAUKEE. June 27. Errors by Mil
waukee and the wlldness of Davis gave St
Paul a lead today wnicn coma not be over
come. Attendance, l.UW. Bcore:
R.H O. A g R.H O A
Oeler, If 0 0 1 4 OlSrhlaHey, lb. 1 I 14
Shannon, cf. 1 1 I 0 c, Donahue, lb. 1 I 11 0
Jaikeon. rf.. 1 1 1 0 Hi Wood, c 0 0 ( I
frhaefer, aa.. 1 1 1 0 Oi Duncan, rt.. 1 1 10
HuKKlna. 2b.. 10 11 lll'nilaub. lb.. 110 1
Kelley, lb... I 1 I 1 0, Dunleavy. If. 1 110
Wheeler, lb.. 110 1 0 Hemphill, cf. 1 1 ( 0
Pierce, 0 4 I 4 0 Vlox, aa 0 4 ( 0
Sullivan, c... 0 1(1 alDaela, p 0 0 0 1
Chech, p 1114 ujHale, p 110 4
Totala ... ( ( 11 ( ll Totala ... 1 11 17 11
St. Paul 1 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0-8
Milwaukee 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 87
Two-base hit: Unglaub. Three-base hit
Schlafiey. Stolen bases: Kelly. 2: Dun
leavy, 2; Geter, Jackson. Schaefer. Baans
on balls: off Davis. 7: oft Hale, 2; uft
Chech, i. Hit by pitched ball: By Davis,
2. Passed ball: Wood. Wild pitches: Da
vis, Chech. Struck out: By Hale. 2; by
t'liech, s. Hacrince nits: Higgins. Wheeler,
euiiivan. ieii on pases: Milwaukee,
St. Paul, li Umpire: Foreman. Time
Easy for Louisville Boys,
LOUISVILLE. June 27. Louisville out-
batted and outflelded the visitors todu
and won an easy victory. Kaymer wu
put out of the game In the sixth lor dis
puung a decision. Attendance, i.uoo. score
LOL'lsVll.I.I. 1 COLIMB18
Kerwln. rf... 1 1 1 0 voiaaaon, aa.. 0 0 1 0
Han, lb 1 I 11 0 0-Dannoa, cf-:b 1(10
Braahear, n. 1 I 1 I OiArndt, rf.... 1 1 I (
Odwell. cf... 1 1 1 4 Turner, Ib... 0 8 11
Sullivan, It. I I 1 1 I Mellor. lb... 4 10 1
riyaur. If... I 114 0 Thouey, lf ..O ( ( 0
Shrlevar. a... 1 1 4 4 0 Hayaaer. lb.. 0 111
Uuialao, as.. 1 4 4 4 0 Roach, cf.... 0 4 4 4
k.f.n. p.... ( 1 1 1 Poi, 0 4 4 ( (
"alley, p.... 0(18
Totals ...10 1 til li
I Totala ... 8 t (4 (
Ixiulaville ., 0 0 10
Columbus 1 0 0 B a 0 1
1 ' Wasa bit Brejjliegr. Three-b&io
n 1 9i C
Batteries :"For Omaha' Field Club. Gordy
and Crawford; for Crescents. Rice and
Knrr. Struck out: By Gordy. 7; by Rice, 6.
By the nscenslon of Kennard's balloon
yesterday the Omaha Field club loBt a red
hot game to the Armours by a score of 4
in 1 The nlavers were so Interested In
the balloon that they allowed two runs to
come In and made two errors. The score:
rmnurs 1 1 0 0 o z u u u 1 a j
. p, c 0 0 0 1 0 a u 11 o s b
Ttet'terlea- For Omaha Field Club. Ken-
ard nnd Martin; for Armours,, Ooelner
nd Fitzgerald. Bases on balls: Off Ken
arA i- rtr Goelner. 2. Struck out: By
Ke4tiard, 1; by Goelner, 9. Umpire: Gordy.
Office Men Are Beaten.
ti,. waMhmiiw emntnves ntlt It over the
office force of the Beebe & Runyan Furnl-
ure company Saturday ai 1 weniy-neveiiwi
iti-eet nrl Ames avenue to the tune of 6
to 8 In a seven-Inning game. 8core:
Warehouse " 9 ? ? f .
Office " o 1 u i' o-
Batteries: Nestor and Manahan. Connor
and Benish. Struck out: By Nestor, 7; by
Connor, 8. Two-tune nu: uenisn. inrse
base hit: Manahan.
lana Perfected for Event Which Is
to Occur August 10, SCO
nnd 21.
HASTINGS. Neb.. June 27. (SpocluU
The members of the Hastings racing cir
cuit held a meeting this week and perfected
tilans for the fall races, wtilcn are to ne
fiel.i In thin cltv Aunust 19. 20 and 21. Jud
Minna aaa elected secretary to succeed r.u
Hurlbut, Jr., who resigned on account of
falling health.
Mr Mlnea in an old-time horseman and
Is favorably known throughout the state
among the men of horses. There Is an
exceptionally largo field of horses In the
IseoraxKa circuit inis year anu boiiih tomiu
breakers are looked for. At the Hastings
meet there will be 83,000 hung up in purse.t,
which are to be divided us follows:
Trotting 2:20 class, $3u0; 2:J5 class,. $",00;
2:30 class, 3O0: 2:46 class, (300 ; 2:30 class,
6 years old and under, 8300.
facing 2:1, xjuo; f.x. class, ouu; iree-iur-
all, 8300. m ...
Running one-nan mile anu repeal, ,o,
three-auarter mile and repeat, 1100; one
mile and repeat, $160.
The committee Having me matter in
charge has started to fix up the stalls and
various buildings abcut the grounds so
that the horsemen ana tneir animals win
have all the comforts and accommodations
they could desire.
The track is kept In splendid condition,
and every evening that tne weamer per
mits local horsemen speed tneir trotters
and pacers. .
Dickey Bird Gun Club.
The Dickev Bird Gun club has comnieleil
arrangements for Its second annual Fout tli
of July amateur tournament on the grounttx
opposite Krug park. This will be a handi
cap shoot, ranging from sixteen to twenty
one yards, and will be open to all anintctirs
and manufacturers' agents. The puKjara
of this tournament, in the main. Is the
same as the grand Amerlcnn handicap
which was recently held In Kitntias City,
and from all indications there will be a
good sized bunch of shooters from Iowa,
Missouri, Kansas and N-lruska. Shoot
ing will commence promptly at o ciock
and continue throughout the day. The club
The Grandest Exhibition of Speed Ever Given in Omaha.
At tha Half-Mile Track, 20th and Taylor Sts.
EVENTS fll .Jm
For particulars pee LOUIS FLESCIIER, 1622 Cipitol
Avenue. - . , . ,
Tickets on sale at all bicycle stores and: at Behvon Prog
Co., 15tli and Fa mam Streets.
13 AH
re a fo)
PLUS S2.00
!U!1E 14, 15, 30 AND JULY I
Good to return a late as September 15.
iicago,Milwaukcc.St.Paul Ry.
Take the 'wife and liHle TS$
one along
1IIIT-- n , , M .--rin- , , ,lttr iAt.Z, , n rewmr-
The Lakes of Minnesota are known the world
over and the attractions in the way of fishing, boating,
bathing and sail in f are such as will make vour vaca-?
o , o ra
tion a long-to-be remembered pleasure. . n
. -
Exceptionally low rates during June, July, August and
beptember. Call on me about your fishing trip.
W. II. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Afft.