Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1903, PART 1, Page 5, Image 5

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Former L'sutenmt GoTernor Deolsret
Check Adrertising.
Arreted Man Answers Critics, Dear
Ins; Two Bpeclfle Charge Pabllely
Leveled Against Him Maes
His Resignation.
8T. IX)U13, June Zl. "Injustice has been
done ma by the publication of report about
my hsvlng received tl.000 from Havemeyer,
of the sugar trust, and 1'itO from th Amer
ican Tobacco company. It Is also falsuty
stated that John I' Carroll offered me
t-fi.OOO to keep out of the country until
after Folk left the circuit attorney' of
fice. I am trying to make an honest liv
ing, and while these stories cannot make
matters much worse. It Is neither right nor
fair that they should be published."
Sitting in his office In the Century build
ing, former Lieutenant-Governor Lee made
the above statement tonight. For half an
hour he explained his transactions, show
ing the records, check books and other evi
dence. Check Reward of Literature.
"It haa been suted that I received H,0Q0
from the sugar people In the middle of
last session. Look at this."
Mr. Lee produced a statement from hi
banker that on August 19, 1802, he deposited
a check recelvad from the American Sugar
Refining company of New Tork. He also
showed a small pamphlet chlef.y made up
of letters from grocer throughout the
country, relative to the pr position In con
gres to remove the tariff from raw Cuban
sugar. The letters had been first printed
In the St. Louis Grocer and then In the
Interstate Grocer.
"Not only were these communications
printed In both of my papers, whloh was
worth something, but I spent $340 In send'
lng 12.000 copies of them to the newspapers
o' the country," he said. "I had no under
standing with Mr. Havemeyer about the
amount which I was to receive, but he
voluntarily sent me a check for $1,000 on
the date you see here In this statement.
It was for services rendered, and had ab
solutely nothing to do with candy legisla
"Two years ago the bill passed the Sen- ,
ate, and upon my solicitation was killed
in the house committee, an I told the chair
man that It was a sand-bagging measure.
This year when they came to me far assist
ance I told them to watch out for them
selves, and took no further Interest In the
matter. Jewell was not my representative,
and that bill was my own business.
"Years ago I was on friendly terms with
members of the Liggett ft Myers Tobacco
company. I wrote the obituaries of some of
them and boosted others wheq they got
- promotions. I did every one of them a good
turn that I could. ,
"I was nominated for lieutenant governor
on June 6, 1900. I received a check for $760
from Attorney Fuller of Chicago, represent
ing the American Tobacco company. This
money was for campaign expenses, and I
took It simply a an act of friendship from
the dnsen or so of St, Louis tobacco men
. who are now at work In New Tork. An
other tobacco man gave Mr. Wlckard, one
- of my managers, a check of $260 for the
same purpose. It was simply friendship
on their part and nothing more."
Indiana Councillor Held.
EVANSVILLB, Ind., June 27.-Counctl.
man C. B. Culbertson was arrested today
... on an Indictment charging him with an
.- attempt to bribe.
During the trouble over the Cumberland
Telephone company's franchise recently
three eouncllmen. Including President M
Cuthan, testified In deposition that Cul
hertson offered them $2,000 If they would
vote against revoking the company's fran
Cea-eesstonalre Will Demonstrate
fees and Phenomena of Com
pressed Atmosphere.
rr. liOUIS. June r. Liquid air will be
exploited at the Ixmlslana Purchase exposi
tion as a concession. There will be a com
plete liquid air factory In operation, filter
ing, cleaning and drying the atmosphere,
and by successive stsgea compreeslng It
under 3 000 or 3.M0 pounds to the square
Inch, then admitting It to the llqueder and
there transforming it to a substance look
ing and flowing like water, but absolutely
Occasional entertainments or demonstra
tion will be given by expert manipulator.
numerous experiments Illustrating the mar
velous qualities of liquid air. with a p para
tus and paraphernalia to show Its possl
blllWes as a refrigerant, illumlnant. explo
sive, garbage destroyer, medical and anaes
thetic agent.
Rock Island and Burlington Officials
Declare Prnvey Contracts Inim
ical to Other Lines.
CHICAGO, June 27. Harry Gower, ssv
elatant freight traffic manager of the Rock
Island, before the Interstate Commerce
commission today, declared the Union Pr
clfle arrangement with F. H. Peavey &
Co. amounted to payment for services not
for the benefit of the railroad but which
put other roads at a disadvantage, because
grain people generally were beginning to
demand similar payments.
Other official whose testimony was dam
aging to the case of the Union Pacific were
Vice President Miller and O. H. Crosby,
assistant freight traffic manager of the
Burlington and Chairman Tucker of the
Central Freight association.
Kentucky Troops Ordsrtd to Go to An?
Length to 8nppreij Feudists.
General Marrny Accepts Draatle Or
der In Determined Spirit, while
Cltlsens Appear Ready to Rem
edy Matters Themselvee.
JACKSON, Ky.. June 27.-General Mur
ray this afternoon Issued order Intended
to make the mllltla more nearly absolute
ruler In Jackson.
The first Instructions are to the provost
marshal to report to City Judge Ca-dwell
and serve any process Issued. This com
pletely Invests Captain Longraire wltH the
authority of a town marshal.
The second order recite that absolute
safety of life and property must be main-
talned In Jackson, and If any violence of
rights, personal or property, shall occur In
the town or Breathitt county the com
mandlng officer will use the troops In actlvo
service to the extreme limit of his au
thority. The latter order m-aa posted in
conspicuous places all over the town,
Judge Cardwell and John K. Patrick
were called to camp this afternoon and
Interviewed by General Murray concerning
reports that their lives were In danger and
that they feared to walk the streets. Both
assured him that they felt secure both as
to life and property. General Murray told
both that If they desired It he would use
the mllltla In any manner they might sug
gest to protect them, but they declined
the offer. The general then decided that If
necessary he would pitch tent on Main
street and arrest anyone whom he believed
had intention on their live or property.
He ordered a Hotchklss gun placed on the
Wires Western Passenger Men Vrg lag
One Cent Kansas Harvest
Hands Rate.
TOPEKA. Kan., June 27. Governor
Bailey today telegraphed officials of the
Western Traffic association at Chicago,
asking them to grant a one-cent rate for
harvest hands from Chicago and St. Louis
to point In the Kansas wheat belt. This
Is the same rate which now exists from
Missouri river points, and the railroads
hare steadfastly refused to agree to Its
adoption any further east.
I sent an urgent message," said Gov
ernor Bailey, "and I sent It where It ought
to do some good. It Is a request which
applies equally to all western roads."
Christian Scientist Congratulate
Church's Head on Bringing; Men
Ont of Wilderness.
BOSTON, June 27. Christian Bclentlst
from far and near poured Into Boston by
regular and special train today to attend
the annual oomnyinlon service of the
mother church tomorrow. About 18,000
communicants will attend the services.
Today the "executive members" sent
message to Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, who
la at her home In Concord. N. H., which
rend In part:
We reaffirm our confidence In your min
istry, which Is leading the human race In
the way of Christ Jesus out of the wilder
ness of non-science, which haa resulted in
the worship of Gods msny, to the worship
of Omi and the only God In the spirit and
the truth. We congratulate you and all
vour adherents on the wonderful growth
of the Christian Science movement under
your wise and benign guidance a growth
without parallel In the history of religion.
In corroboration of our affirmation that
Christian Science Is the religion of our
Master we point to many thousands of our
fellow men who have been redeemed from
the bondage of sin and sickness.
Moffat t Company and Board of Trade
May Agree on Damaared Ship,
meats Question.
KANSAS CITT. June 17.-The Moffatt
Commission company' suit to restrain th
directors of the Board of Trade from sua
pending them for refusing to pay for grain
damaged in the recent flood, concerning
wnicn tns queatlon of ownership Is Involved
ha been Indefinitely postponed by mutual
me temporary injunction recently se
cured against the Board of Trade will hold
until the matter Is permanently disposed
of, a It Is likely to be shortly compro
plsre and ordered him to cloee at once,
tie was given thirty minute In which to
comply with the captain's order. Chief
Donchue later Informed Atkins when he
rslled at the station to secure permission
to reopen, that his place would have, to
remain closed until he secured permission
from the Board of Fire and Police Com
missioner to reopen.
Indulged la at Krng's
The picnic of the Woodmen of the World
at Krug park Saturday afternoon and
evening brought out a falr-slsed crowd,
which assembled from t to o'clock. There
were a number of contests during the day,
opening with a ball game. In which em
ployes of the overelgn office were pitted
against a team from Alpha camp. Seven
Innings were played before the contestants
were ready to quit and at that time the
core stood 10 to 15 In favor of the sov
ereign office employes.
Then came the races. First wss a boys'
race, fifty yards, won by Don Knee, Will
Patterson second and Charley Johnson
third. The second race was for girls, won
by Minnie Matthews, Llllle Pelant second,
Alice Peterson third. In ' both of these
event money wa divided 75 cents, 50
cents and 25 cents. The 100-yard dash,
Woodmen only, wa won by Earl miles, J.
II. Crowley second, Charles Schnlts third.
The prises were gold cuff buttons, gold
watch charm and golden stump. In the
race open to members of the Woodmen's
circle Mis Sue Redfleld won. Miss Bertha
McFadden second; prises, $3 and $2.
The nall-drlvlng contest was won by J.
Kelly,, who drove five spikes into a hard
pine timber In seventeen and one-half
seconds. Mr. Hood won the women a
nall-drlvlng contest, placing the five naila
home In forty-two seconds. V. Haskell and
J. Wyman tied In the boys' nail-driving
court house square, and gave Instructions I contest and on the drive for a tie Haskell
to Are Into any house harboring sharp-1 won.
1313 Fnrnam Street. 'Phono 1625. Omnlin, Nebrnskn.
The Leading Piano House in the West
COMMENCING Monday morning wa
will place In the bargain list nearly
fifty standard Upright and Square
PInnos at prices that will astonish the
most skeptical buyer. These fine In
struments ore collected from our entire
stock and will be found on our third
floor, where careful comparison can be
made. One carlond are new Sample
PInnos, made by a famous New York
manufacturer. Others are slightly
shopworn some' of them taken In trade
or returned from rent.
is the most essential and
proper equipment of the sum
mer home, and easily as
sumes the first place among
the Indoor amusements.
Tom Bush was arrested this afternoon
for firing a pistol on the street and fined
$20 and costs. The arrest waa made by the
soldiers. It is understood that C. W. Long'
mire, provost marshal, waa offered th
town marshalshlp by cltiiens, but declined,
The citizens are on the eve of takln af.
fairs In their own hands. As evidence of wa 1,766 to 1,703 In favor of the latter.
this $350 waa raised by leading cltiiens for
Captain Ewen, and th subscribers' name
given for publication.
There were nine entries in the rifle con
test. C. L. Mathers won wun a ecore ui
69, F. M. Barr second, score w.
After an exhibition drill by tne unuorm
degree team of Alpha camp the contests
closed with a bowling contest between
teams, R. E. MoKelvey being captain or
n. a nit T. Foley of the other. The scor
Back of each Tlnno In this list Is the
Lone Robber Stand I'p Driver While
He Rifle the Mall
BUFFALO. Wyo.June 7.-(8peclal Tel
egram.j me snenaan stage roach wa
held up In the mountain near Shell creek
by a lone 'highwayman. Driver Howard
Davidson waa compelled to sit on the box
with his hands above his head while the
lone robber cut open the mall pouch and
went through the letters; Davidson's
tory was regarded a a little hasy and
he wa arrested, a were also two strang
ers who were following the stage, but all
three men were released. A posse ha
gone to the mountain to run down the
robber. It Is not known what wn secured
Some Talking to Be none n
Eagles Are Made Knights
of AU-Sar-Ben.
The following program has been ar
ranged for Eagle night at the Ak-Sar-Ben
den. Monday, June S, after the Initiation:
Presiding W. R. Bennett, urana mum
Introduction ,. SBe3,;.,We,,t
Address of welcome C N. KoDin-
son. Member or uoara oi uucin, -
Response ;..' i'r " VUi' 'iV.'-'.M.r,
....A. B. ruicnie, rui i wj . ...... w
"The P. O. E. : What They Are'........
K C. iU" W
The' F." 6" k!:' What They Are Doing''
t ... e c
'The F. O. E.: What They Are unng
to Do" C 8. Elgutter
ov,nii Mni Ulnar Tnnlirht
V.UI I ctt ait a. ii iV I, -,,!.
1 rttiin vuiuui'
Bohemian Athletes Hold meir
State Tournament at
W liber.
WILBER, Neb., June 27. (Special Tele
,,,r,,.m,n hern today, wun ri-ire
..o, nr-nt from Omaha, South
uiuit.mnuih. Hchuvlcr. Prague,
Able, Crete anu vt uner. n ."."W.
fT." I nih.ri n nri nearly midnight
7..i. h.H tt-rured ud the mark-
urii uir ('--:--,;, , ,-,,1, ...
lng. In tne nrfi aivieiuu
place, 841V. wimer secono, ....
a m i i nUwm Uoh Uartna ft f Oman.:
WHO iucu.i noi, w. f. i,,, "
Suspect Arrested for Alleged Connec
tion with a Gang of Hotel
John Pryor. who gave his place of resi
dence as Ban Francisco, was arrested by
Detective Donohue and Heltfeldt last night
and locked up at police headquarters.' Th
police believe that he can be oonnectod
with the robbery of $15,000 worth pf dia
monds from Mrs. I. D. Webster, a guest
or tne Melrose hotel at Los Angeles. Cal.
Ono of the parties to the crime ha been
arrested In Chicago and ha confessed to
tne way the robbery wa aceomnllshed
V gave th name of William Baer, and
the Chicago police think that he is the
leader of an organized band of hotel
thieves, of which the man Prvor irrafeta
here last night may be a member. Through
the confession of Baer In Chicago a con
spiracy of huge proportions. Involving rob
beries of many thousands of dollars worth
of Jewelry In different parte of the country, gram )-The Bohemian Turnem held their
tiAa vn .iii.. "I" r." ' k.M i.-wiuv with renre-
- m . . .
j wo Deii noys at the Orest vh...
hotel, who gave their names as John Eng
yal and Charles Relnleln, have also been
taken lnt . . A .... ... .... ,
" me i.mcago police
on suspicion that they are members of the
Farmer Dea Moines Official Become
General Assistant Passenger
KANSAS CITT. June I7.-Jame . A.
Stewart, district passenger agent In Kan
sas City, has been appointed general as
sistant passenger agent of the Rock Island
to succeed E. W. Thompson, resigned.
Mr. Stewart waa formerly traveling pas
senger agent with headquarter first at
Chicago and then at Pittsburg. In Febru
ary. 1894. he was made city passenger agent
at Des Moines.
Manifolding Company Declares 'Or
ganised Labor aad Not Children
Are Employed by It.
WASHINGTON. June .-The General
Manifolding company of Franklin, Pa.,
criticism of whose contract with the Post-
office department resulted In Mr. Madden'
letter to the postmaater-general, has sent
to th Postofflce department a denial of
charge that It waa a non-union shop, and
ay it has never employed child labor In
Its plant. The matter will be Investigated
by the Inspector.
Thla waa a quiet day In the post office
investigation and there were no Important
developments. The Inspectors were busy
and there were a number of oonference
between Postmaster-General Payne and hla
Cleveland Prepare Sanltarinm Where
Conanmptlve Patlenta May
Be Treated.
CLEVELAND, June Zl -What I said to
he the first municipal tuberculosis sani
tarium In this country will be opened her
on Tuesday
All patlenta In the city hospital under
treatment for tuberculosis will be removed
to the new Institution and treated accord
ing to the latest scientific methods.
Relnleln seems to ..- k- . . second, Frank Leltner of Bouin unn.
w , .... v Morisoniai
-- -i.u .ruminuira tne robbery In
Los A n ct I . TJ. .... m
..a wcurpn M rtn-lflnrt - -
clerk at the Hotel Melrose, and while hold
ing mat position Mrs. Webster, the wife
of a Brooklyn millionaire, deposited her
Jewels with him for safe keeping n the
sate, wnen he got them In his pos-
onm, no lert With hla -rA
accomplices for New Orleans, where a por.
i i..- jeweis were pawned. Later
w.ey went to New Tork. where the rest
Were disposed of. Baer says a bell boy In
"m,w Wtt ln auee of the downfall of
Pniir in all nnrta f
have been notified to be on the lookout for
just how many are implicated, and It la
--.,1""J " iny nave scattered to
the large cities.
PfVrtl. .,1 . .
- i.u vi nm srrestea her ta. -i-i..
came Info ih . 'sui.
7" " ",v riany evening. He did
not wait for the train to arrive at the
-pot. but Jumped off when It slowed down
--- ..... vr a policeman and his da.
was -h.; a" . .'" ,umP,n -om h tram
...-v a.wHcieq attention to him.
ANTKK. This makes your purchnso
here absolutely safe. If by chance
a nythlnn Is wrong In a Piano bought
from us. It Is our pleasure to at once
make amends.
QELECTfrom the list and you will
' flud them Just as representor:
$200 (used) Gilbert- HiQfl
walnut Jy'
$s (rented) Arlon- 312R
oak case
$260 (rented) Sterling- $155
walnut case ipiuJ
K75 (exchanged) Standard- $lfi2
Vto (used Gramer J ft
rosewood .-"
$3Mused) Erbe- $188
$37S (exchanged) Mallet ft 104
Davis kv--
$ (exchanged) ivers ft Tond- $210
$S75 (exchanged) ivers A Pond- $225
1360 (shopworn) Gramer $22"
walnut c
$300 (new) Sample- $2o.J
mahogany .
$400 (marred) Pteger ft Pons- $204
oak a?t"
$.W Hardnian $2""
fine tone tt
$0 Btelnway fcEUU
largest slse
Stelnwsy ft ?". " ,
,Uyer.,.Xu in or factory
prices one-half their value
$32. $44, $58 to $123-
Terms of $2.00 Per Honth
New Pianos $5.00 Honthly
First Class Tuning; $2.50
Factory Repairing
1316 Farnam Street
We ship Pianos every
where on approval.
Honey back If you say no.
Pianos for Rent. $3.00.
IOWA BRANCH-502 Broadway.
Council Bluffs.
Telephone 368.
ESoom Ming
We have just received a car
of sample chairs and rockers,
bought at 50 cents on the dollar.
Greatest values ever offered.
This car of samples received yesterday and will be placed
on KALE MONDAY. This represents the complete sample
line of one of the largest manufacturers in this country and
will be marked at about
Half Regular Values.
SEE OUR WEST WINDOW. The greatest display of
rockers and arm chairs ever shown in the city. Natural
woods and upholstered chairs. All at the one price regard
less of value
Only 81a Hundred Killed.
MADRID, June 27. A telegram from
Tangier today conflrma the report cir
culated June 20 of the defeat of El Menehht.
the Moorish war minister. In a battle
fought with the rebels at Amnledlnna; but
It say he lost 600 men, not 8.000 a previ
ously announced.
THE HOT ONE-I don't cow you keep so cool and comfortable this
blistering weather.
THE COOL ONE-Slmpieat thing la th world. I keep cool and clean Inside,
and that snakes zne feel cool and clean outside. 1 take a CASCARET Candy
Cathartic every night before going to bed. It clean and purifies the system,
stops toot fermentation In the stomsch and bowels, and makes ezcessly. per
splratloa Impossible You know they work whll you sleep, make you feel
Cae an day,
Polle. Stop Proceeding. (. (h. D.ny
"t ly the
Harry Donnelly, who claims Albright as
hi. residence, got sleepy ,a.t nigh, after
imbibing several drinks of "Billy" Atkln.'
whisky and laid down on th. Moor
klna place te take a quiet anoose. While
he wa sleeping someone took a new pair
of shoe from his feet for which he had
a short time before given up five large
a lver dollars. Money to the amount of
11.76 and some papers were also extracted
from his pockets. After sleeping peacefully
whll thla was going on, he finally awoke
thinking It was time to tske another
drink. When he reached for his change
h found It waa gone. Me demanded It
back and when it was not forthcoming
proceeded to raise a disturbance. The first
man he laid his eyes on wss John Kelly.
Kelly now carries a dilapidated looklng
countenanee. After he finished with Kelly
he continued the fray until all the occu
pents had left the building, some by doors
and some by windows.
About the time Donnelly had finished wllji
th. last occupant th. poIKe arrived on
the scene. The only man beside Don
nelly who could be found was Kelly, and
these two were taken Into custody snd
locked up. Donnelly charged with disturb
ing the peace and Kelly a complaining
Captaia He later called at Atkins'
tirst, Hubes of
Parallel Bar Anton jnovbr, uraui n.-..,
Bartos second, Leltner third.
v&uitinar Morse nwn '
a... Hr..,air n htk Harms lie lur Mtuiiu.
k rnR (l Morse r.u fjuui, ----
Bartos second. K..i..
IxinK Jumn frucna om, r, vfv.
Omaha. second. .
High Jump I'rucna nm, i ivuo
n ,i
Pole Jumn liaveiaa nrai. i.iu, u,.i
,r i. ' i o u tirfui for seconn
r I it v-l'ounu uumo-Dvu .anan, " ,
first. 74 times; Bartos aecono . .
Rone Ulimnina nana. inv, .,
Razabek second, 28V.. .
Second Division-VV liber first, 741V4 points
South Omaha second, 619.
Medal VV. Clmioupuu, nnuti,
Ohnesor. 8outh Omaha, secona.
Uielerin t a I . KR r 1 IVII1 M K. ITHUri.
Ohnesor, South Omana, ana jirun, j-mn-
.... eiA rnp ajtwrinn .
Parallel Karl-jonepn nitMii 4
m a. a mlU Praia suarnnd.
't,sr HnrifrOhnemir first, Andlt and
Broad tiorufl onHiraiirn, iaBui, -
. - i C.S I Ivy u hi u gannnn.
Long jump t naioupaa '"""l P" '
Inches: John Folac ana wiavaa iiea ior
second. . . mtlA
nrrx . ; . . .-.v.
High Jump unnesor nmi.
nd. : . wn niiR ii.t..
tt"i .... i rs nnn i 11 1 in n-nr-l : n i 1111.. a . .
mouth, first. t times; Varecka, Bchuyl.r,
second, M. , . . f umninK emit
Andlt second.
Alleged GamMlna: Joint Raided
Tk.u w.t. erest evritement at 1W5 How
rd street ast nlKht about ii:s, wnen Haves, (llhhnns and Tatulla
n-i-..tivAa Dnvls and Ferris and Patrols
man Bloom swooped down upon the place
and arrested twenty men for gambling.
cigar store In tne ironi. n is tium
that a man named t'hnse has been con
ducting the gambling In the rear room,
but G. A. Lang and Pierre Veroheval ad
vertised themselves ss owner of the busi
ness In the front end. The two proprietors
were not arrested, but Chase wss. When
he arrived at the station he gave the
nnme of Frank Ford and his resldenc. aa
S23 Bouth Fifteenth street.
Quite a quantity of cards snd chip and
two tablea were taken to the station In
the wae'on to be used In evidence.
George Davis of South Omsha wa ar
rested Isst nlghf. charged with disturbing
the Deace by fighting-
Tom Carroll of R14 Bouth Seventeenth
street waa locked up at police hesdqusrters
i.x nieht. charged with being drunk and
Interfering with an officer.
Kdwsrd Brartshuw, colored, wasrrested
last night hv Officer Inda. He a chHrfred
with being drunk. When searched st the
station two watches. Just sllke. a watcii
chaln and some other Jewelry were found
In his possession. He also carried a re
Guy Livingston. 8770 Chicago street, w-s
plaNing with a revolver Saturday aft.-r-ii'-'n.
mtrt as a i-."lt li will cirrv ve i lit
hand In a sling for several dsys. The re
volver went off. the ball striking Living
ston on the forefinger of the right hum''
Only a slight fesh wound w.i made.
Frank Taylor quarreled with Ker.-
Pope, both colored. Saturday mu-rnoon l
cause he thought she was growing coll t'
her feelings toward him. an i t.s a result In
wms looked up snd Kfren ans released on ,
:n v.. ,A t nrnurnl. him 1tliilnl7 tiiM '
nuarrel Taylor slapped the girl in the
W. B. Oulner of Denver Is a late arrival
at the Millard. , .
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tliwley of Salt !.ak
City are gueets st ths Her Grand.
Colonel C M. Rlgg of Beatrice, wa an
Omaha visitor yesterday afternoon
Judge K. G. 1 lamer of Kearney 1 In the
city, a guest at the Merchants. He is
called here on the Wiatlk.-r land cwe
before the I'nltol Hta'.es circuit court
I. H. Krhkson of Idaho. O. W. Kuther
fold of Kearney, K. J. Adams of Apex,
Colo V. M. Wliatrheer of Bulla. Neb., M
B. Putney of York. Bernhard Kres end
John Becbjnaa ef Pender are at th. Merchants'.
KaU. 1.1 u
. . rrparla. en Aee.01 -f
Ita Dlatlnetlvenesa.
"TVl . I a l I ,
h.im7. w . "Ve ud N'wbro's
' o ,r.", terms.
I, . " cleansing the soaln
of dandruff and also for lu excellence a
general hair dresslne. i
feel fresh and it allays that i.-ki.. 7 P The game waa going on In the rear room
ri.-,...r " Mt Itching which Df the place. There Is a barber hop and
.. . ilerp clde
effectively cures dandruff, as It destroy, the
... Bam)l KfTtn
piiiui K.I. . - i - . . .""I
. r,T.. oul ana ,at"- bUdnew.
...,... tierpidde stop, falling 1Hr
and preventa baldness, it is ai .J....
hair dressing, for It lends an .h.,
" mat is ouite diatin-,i.
Sold hv leaHln. H... ..,.. ---"..
- ""''. eend 10c In
stamp, for sample to The Herplcide Co
Detroit. Midi. Rh.rm.n t. ,r,' "
. " . -onnii Drug
only $
Make Room is the Vatchvord.
Our buyers nrc in the market and we must make room
for their purchases, and have reduoed every piece of furniture
in our store FOH THIS SALE.
Carpets, Rugs and Curtains.
- ataA a an-k
We will place on sale Monday our full lino oi LiAXj
CURTAINS AND PORTIEREB. On sale Monday only, at a
Special Discount of 25 Per Cent.
Rugs! Rugs! Rugs!
Our full line of Biglow Imperial, Lowell and Bundhar
Wiltons, 9x12 rogs, ON SALE ONE DAY, at
Racine College
Grammar School
Pupils Study Under an Instructor.
Its Graduates enter any College,
or university. Social and Ath
letic advantages. Military Drill.
I For Boys of a) to IT Tear Old.
II titrated catalogue sent on appltoaMoa
Racln.', Wisconsin.
9x12 Biglow Axminster and Body Brussels Rugs, on sale
Monday, at
She Bos. of
The Only Double
TracR Railway
to Chicago
0NLY SI4.75
To Chicago
and Return
June 30, July 1. Good till
September 15.
Extraordinary rates.
Extraordinary fishing.
Minnesota and Wisconsin
cClty Ofricea
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.
TCU 624-661
iufflUvuBbt' A-tvwisi.-igi. rf.i
labor Furniture
1315-17-19 Farnam
This Way You
-Follow the Plug"
The St Lvtiis
Round Trips
St. L.oul-old June M ar.d J ly 1 S.l.lf
Boston -sold June 24th, 2Mb, 26th $31.75
Boston-sold June 30th to Jul 4tb SJ3.73
Saratoga sold Jul 4th and 6th $ J2.20
Atlanta-sold July 5ih, 6th and 7th. , S 37. IO
Detroit-sold Jul 14th sod 16ih S2I.SO
Baltimore) sold July 17ih and IHih and t-u,.. . S32.2S
Write for prices on Paul's
Oold Seal, Record Inks
uasd by
Banks and Hankers.
Life and Urn Insurance
Mercantile Mouses In Every
City and Town In America
New style quart, pint and half
pint bottles.
Paul's Ink Co. are manufactur
ing s full line of inks, mucilage
and paste, and ink in bulk.
Prices quoted on application.
II Moth Street. Jersey City, N. J.
All tickets reading over the Wabash R. R. sre good In either direction rla
Steamer between lJetrolt and Buffalo without extra charge, except meal and
berth. Htop-overs allowed, nemam Der tins la "The World s Fair Une.'
Tor berths, lake trips, folders and all Information call st Wabash
Ufllca, jitu rarnam street, vt aoaresa
Harry E. Uoore$, o- a. p. d,, Omaha, Neix
Omaha L.lhtnlnx' RodCo.
ISIS Webster Street.
Manufacturers of snd Wholesale snd
Ketail Mler In Copper Cable Light
ning Rod.
Telephone A U. OMAHA. NF.n