20 THE OMA'TIA DATLT BEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 28. 190.1. LIO.IOR IltniT A DISEASE. Kr Cnfri Are Rein Kfteete Through the Admlnlatratlon of ' a SpecHle Itemed?. That the excessive une of liquor becomes a disease la no Innncr a queslinn of din puts among modlral mm, and when the disease le once contracted It has to be treated Just as you would treat any other dlseass. When the diabase wu first dis covered many experiments were made In order to And a cure for It, and many (all urea were encountered before even a par tial cure was found. However, a remedy la now extant which haa proved to be an absolute cure, and the time necessary to effect a cur la only three daya. The formula la owned by the Oatlln Institute Co., with headquarter In Denver, Colo. They have treated and cured over 900 pa tients in Denver alone. They have recently opened office In Omaha at 218 So. 14th at., and Hare already cured several patients. Mr. W. B. Donaldson, formerly of Denver, who la president of the Institute, atated to m Be representative that some people tnlrht be Inclined to discredit the above statement, but all they ask Is av chance to substantiate what they say. References will readily be furnished to anyone who will apply at the office for them. P. 8. Laraboe, vice president, and A. S. Petti t, secretary and treasurer, are also old resldenta of Denver and come well recommended. Mr. John Rhea an old Omaha stockman, la connected with the Institute. WHO FOR VICE PRESIDENT? The Republican Hanagers Considering Roosevelt Sure of Renomlnation are Engaged In SPECULATING ON THE RUNNING MATE Attention t Garfield circle No. 11, Ladles of the Grand 'Army at the Republic, will hold its annual memorial services in Myrtle hall. Con tinental building, Sunday afternoon, June at, at I o'clock. In honor of the year's dead. !A11 members of the Grand Army of the Re public and friends are Invited to attend. Redoeart Rates Emmt and West. One far plus $2 for the round trip via Chicago Great "Western railway. Boston, on ale June 80 to July 4. Good to return July 13. Saratoga Springs. N. Y., on sale July 4 and 6. Good to return July 20. Atlanta, Gr. on sals July 6-7. Good to return July 15. San Francisco and Denver, on sale July HO. Good to return August 8L Stop-overs allowed. For further information apply to any Great Western agent, or J. P. Elmer, 0. P. A, Chicago. 111. Banfl Burns aays last week of June re duction sals. Banner lodge No. u. F. N. of A., will give etn ice cream social and ball Thursday nlng, July X Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and of I Attention, Modern Woodmen f America! Jd members of Omaha camp No. 120 are louwtsd to attend memorial services Sun day evening, June 28, at the camp's hall, northeast corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets. Members of other camps are cor dially Invited. H. D. STONE, L HF. RIEPEN, Vice Consul. Cleric. Who Will Please the President and the People and Rtrenathen the Party. Although It Is a year at least before the conventions can determine the matter, politicians of both parties are actively lay ing their wires for the presidential campaign of 1904. The Democratic situ ation is chaotic at present and no one can safely attempt a forecast of the coming contest from the democratic point of view. Theodore RooSevelt will be the republican nominee for president If he Uvea till the date of the convention. Ills partner on the republican ticket , is an unsettled problem. Names of good men all over the union are canvassed. Nebraska is honored In the discussion for friends are suggesting a WESTERNER FOR VICI3 PRESIDENT. The managers think a' western associate essential to the auccesa of the ticket. With perhaps a whole year to think about the matter it la probably a waste of time to guess at the result of the convention on vice president. In the meanwhile healthy voters, loyal to their party and loyal to the Imperial west cannot afford to over look anything which tends to make the west stronger commercially as . well as politically. Therefore.lt is entirely natural and proper that the wonderful career of THE BANKERS RESERVE 1,1 FE should be attracting widespread attention A western institution, controlled by western men, operating In western states, and thoroughly western in all Its methods of business and aggressively successful, this young company is the pride of the busi ness men west of the Missouri river. With over $8,000,000 at risk ' after five years, the Bankers Reserve promise to be a $10,000,000 company by the beginning of 1904. - B. H. ROBISOK, PRESIDENT, has developed a system of life Insurance which Is thoroughly safe, progressive,, and attractive. Full standard premiums are collected and all the benefits known to successful life Insurance actuaries which have stood the test of experience are of' fered policy holders in thts great western fiduciary Institution. Mr. Robinson wants teachers, students, ministers and others who have long vacations to put themselves In communication with him at once If they seek profitable Immediate employment write him at Omaha for territory and terms. After sj hard spell of sickness X am now able to wait on my customers again and Invite my friends to come and see ma Good cold Knur Cabinet and John lender's Malt whisky are always on hand. George Sleh, 014 North Sixteenth street Sttd.Tr! 14.701 ai4.TR! Chicago and return June 14-16-30, July 1. Good till Septemt jt 16. via "The Northwest ern Line," the only double-track road. 1401- 140S Farnam St. For Bale Duo bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress B 64, care Omaha Bee. Very Low Special Emriloa Rates, To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. T., and Chautauqua lake in June and July. Lib Oral terms and stopover privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points, 6:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, etc., send postal card to H. I Purdy, Tray. Pass. Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, XU or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago. 111. For tho 4th of July. Tou certainly are going to dress up. Tou can get an Alfred Benjamin suit of clothes at $16.00,. which no one would ever take for anything but a made-to-order suit. We also have on sale the Kohn Bros' make of suits at $10.00 and $7.60. Nothing in town touches these suits for anywhere near the price. Alfred Benjamin fine silk finished alpaca coats from $2.00 up. Fancy vests $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00. Fine mohair shirts $2.00. Pure white silk shirts $3.00. Union suits of underwean the dollar kind, for 76a Late style wide brim straw hats, 50c, 76o and $1.00. Silk neckwear 15c and 25c Everything elite a man needs to look stylish and up-to-date, at moderate prices. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1521 Doug las streets. Bomoseekers Excursions. Tho Missouri Pacific will sell both one way and round trip tickets to certain points In Southwest Missouri, Kansas, Indian and ' Oklahoma territories, Texas, Arkansas, in cluding Hot Springs. Dates of sale Tues days, July 7th and 21st. Rates one fare plus $2. For Information call on or address any agent or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agent, B. E. Corner 14th and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. 260,000 brick. $4.506.60 per thousand, at yards, 22d and Hickory streets. Wlthnell Bros. As Smith Co. Going; to Close. During the months of July and August the following Jewelers have agreed to close their stores at 6:S0 p. m. on Saturdays: Mawhlnney ft Ryan company, Albert Ed- holm. T. 1 Combs A Co., 8. W. Lindsay, Brown & Borshelm, Henry Copley and A. Mandelberg. ' Tho Wabash Railroad "In tho Good Old Summer Time" offers many special rates to Boston. Indianapolis, Baltimore, St. Louis, Saratoga, Detroit, Atlanta and other points. Call at city offloe, 1601 Farnam or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. I, Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have neen reponea to tin nealtft office: births Harry Marowlta. 624 North TClht. oenth, boy; O. Peterman. 1608 Cuming, girl: Walter L. Selby. ih4H Davenoort. rirl: Jnhn Jordan, Second and Francis, gH; Edwin HesJy. 1630 North Twentieth, girl: Ernest E. Frisk. 131S South Twenty-fifth, twin boys. Deaths Anna 8. Anderson, 76, 809 North Forty -seventh; Winnie Smith, 15, St. Jo sephs hospital; Mabel Dodson. i. 70S South Thirteenth; Caroline Bormemier, 66, 6109 iNorxn Bixieenin. "Strongest In the World." the Equitable Life Assurance society. Its policies are eight drafts at maturity. See H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants National Bank Bldg., Harry F. Roberson. formerly with R. O. Dun 4 Co.. now scent for Travelers' Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, also writes lire ana accident, aw Boutn mn at Phone 1261 Have Root print it. Many People Have discovered the DIFFERENCE be tween loo cream aoda and OUR Ice cream soda, as was demonstrated by the success of our opening last Saturday. Thou same people and MANT. MANY MOKE, have also learned the difference In the prions which we charge and thuee of other drug stores. Prloes, after quality, are what count, you know. S&c Genuine Castorla $ .24 $1.00 Parana, no Mmlt 67 26c Hire's Root Beer 14 Allcock's Plasters 11 $1.00 Miles' Nervlnr 79 Pay 1 no for Miles' goods If you wish. 60o Doan's Kidney rills S9 60c Cutlcura Salve a $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills l.Oo $1.00 Pierce's Medicines ,, .68 $1.00 Temptation Tonic 36 OUR STORE NEVER CLOSES. OAAHA'3 FAVORITE SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUQ STORE T ' -e T4T TOT. 10th lAslFACTtXitsots, Ossaha. ,srr. LL21 ' . tv - . THE BENNETT CO 20 Pianos to Sell The Pianos in stock at time of fire about 100 are.all gone but 20; these must go this week. We have 3 cars in transit and they will require all the room we can make. HERE ARE SOME PRICES FOR THE FOURTH All Sold on Easy A $230 PIANO Yours on terms to A $300 riANO Yours on terms to A $350 PIANO Yours on terms to A $400 PIANO Yours on terms to A$450riANO Yours on terms to A $500 PIANO Yours on terms to Payments suit $138 suit.. ..$156 suit.... $178 suit... $228 suit... $258 suit, ..$285 SEE THESE PIANOS WRITE ABOUT THEM Full Information and Description Cheerfully (liven Your Own Terms mm Reacni life I TOP, cam i II.H 203 So. 15th St. 'P'HE Shoe of Form. A UAH'S SHOE CHOCJLD protect not irritate ONIHOD ''THE well formed shoe soothes IrrltaHe feet. They're natural ON A HAN YU get them at wholesale. $2" and S3'" SE8Q This Atomizer 25c ("Y35c'-) Hat IksM REFRIGERATORS Peerless, White Enamel, Opal and Vilko PURE, DRY, COLO AIR MINERAL WOOL INSOLATION REDUCED PRICES Badger Refrigerators SPECIAL S6.45 I Mad of ash, removable flues, sterl Ice rack, bronie lock snrt hlnpes; in. lon. 39 in. high, 16 In. deep, holds 30 rounds of Ice. REFRIGERATORS AND OASOLINE STOVES ON PAYMENT! HILTON ROGERS & SONS CO. FOURTEENTH AND FARNAM STS Nfst fVssYAnVJ it Ll m SPECIAL S6.45 3C :.tni.:ii'j"'.-lM. 9 Fire Uorlis and 4th of July Goods . AT POPULAR PRICES Special assortments for public and pri vate displays, raiiRlng- from $1.00 to $.r.o.00. . Hcre are some barpalns for early orders: llhmk cartridge pistols, shoots Cn 22Munks special sale Blanks, 22 calibre, best made, Qn great noise makers, per box 0 Cartridge cases, including box ifc ammunition, special price Large package topedoen, hand Cn made, every one perfect, per box tw Mandarin Are crackers, 1903 Impor- Clc tation, every one perfect, pack J BUI' EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH JUST BEFORE THE FOURTH. 1513 Dodge Street, Middle of the Block. UL CI "THE 09 CENT STORE" m BaststaBSBB&kUks4lMI Smoke Omaha's Finest Sc Clfrar the KM" Tns siir '' KEY WEST T;rk & Telford Ml Favorita 15 slascs. S. Rodriguez Charier th flrpot 12 sizes. Enuello Lopes Lord Temple 10 sizes. 1 Tel. 15tlO for n box. We deliver W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company a iiii nm E& Clothing Sale' lion's suits in praj stripes, brown and pray mixtures, 7R all well mode and in all sizes, at JM 1 Any suit in the lot worth from $5.00 to $7.50. Men's suits at $5.00, in grays, browns, blues nnd blacks, made up of Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds and fancy Cheviots, in nil wool goods, and none worth less than $8.00 and up to $10.00. lUrtSchiftW 6t Marx Hind Tailored in I . laV r m llSlllSS Men's Suits at 7.r0. We lmve nil llici latest shades and fnbries In strictly nil wool Roods, niatle lip with hand padded slioulders. hair cloth fronts and In nil the latest styles. Suits Unit aro worth and have sold at $10.00 and $12.50. For $10.00 we have the trrentest line of Slen'S Suits ever shown In America for the price. Made up In Cheviots, Cassl ineres, Worsteds and fancy Cheviots, In stripes, checks, fancy nnd plain colors, hand-tailored throughout with hund- pnddod shoulders, hand-felled collars and hair cloth fronts. Regular $15.00 and $18.00 suits, for SiO SaMWMitoSMt Men's Outing Cont and rant Suits, In Cheviots, Flannels, Homespuns and Worsteds, In light, medium nnd dark colors, stripes, checks and mixtures, at 3.95, 5.00, 6.50, 7.50 10.00 Hoys' nnd children's clothing at greatly reduced prices. Made up in Sailor Blouse, Sailor Norfolks, Norfolks, double-breasted and three-piece suits, in all the latest colors and fabrics, such ns Worsteds, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Serges, nnd Homespuns. Hegular $"J.50 to $0 values, go on sale at 1.25, 150, 1-75, 2 50 and 3.50 Children's Wash Suits In Sailor Jl louses, in all colors, at 35c, 50c, 75c, l)5c and $1.25. Children's Wash Knee Fants nt 10c, 15c, 25c and 35c. KAYSERZINN REDUCED. For a starter durinK the dull season we have made a Mg reduction in the prlre of our stock of kayserzinn, comprising meat trays, tureens, pitchers, candle stick, trays, vases, etc. See our display In south window for next few days. IYIAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., JEWELERS AND ART STATIONERS. 15th and Douglas Sta., OMAHA Selection packages sent to responsible parties. Mall orders given careful attention. WRITE FOH CATALOGUE. Jw It works per fectly Fins water oil at om ixr for 6c. Br mail. Ha. Writs for catalogue offjfttw drugs, pt-I "A snt rneai-au rubber goods of all kinds. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Wbolesals and R.tall Druggists, Omaha, Neb. King of Motive Powers Is Electricity Kins of Electric Automobiles Is the We Sell Waverley Runabouts, Surrles, Stanhopes, Delivery Wagons. Model 23 Touneau as illustrated, is roomy, elegant in appearance, speedy, reliable, safe and easy to operate. We know, by test, that Waverley Electric Vehicles are the most successful of all electric automobiles. J. J. DERIGHT 6c CO., Agents, 1119 Farnam St., Omaha. SALES - STORAGE - REPAIRS. Our Extraordinany Clearing: Sale Prices are Keeping Us Rushed Summer Suitings Worth up to $30. 00 NOW 22.5020-17.50 Now is your opportunity to dress up at bedrock prices. PARIS WOOLEN CO., ( Busiet Tailors ) 1415 Douglas St P. S. All, our garments are made In Omaha. From the Kansas City Flood Harness and Saddles at big Reduction. 430 Flncle buggy harness, full Karl :iaddlo, best rubber trimmed, $17.00. !2o haws. S12. $15 harness, S10. (iood Blngle express harness, tVi.h' JJ.25 tiding bridles, 7Bc whips, i'jc l.urgu can harness soap. 35c; small harness soap, 2oc; harness dressing mat r ftinjua( can 20c; ivlo nil '.On: rarrlacre axle ureese. lOc; Metal polish, 10c and 2iK: Kly nets, lap rubes, suit c .i-fcs and valires at low prices. Tel. 2314. Alfred Cornish 1210 Farnam -st? if-.m,,. - . 1) ult case for less because we carry Didn't Get Your Clothes when they were promised, eh? That Is. the way It goes some places, but not at The Pantorium we make It a rule to get things out promptly and when promised. We give you flrst clans work at popular prices and guarantee It In every respect. Try us. THE PAHTOniUf.l OMAHA. 407 So 15th St Tel. 903 No Trouble to Please You here. You are paying the money and you are the one to be suited. And suit you we can with a (iae line of patterns, a perfect fit and a moderate price- T Helgren & Gradmannf Tailors, 309 South I6tb St. Salesman VantGtJ Experienced Omaha distributor for Nfi cigar jtor fc Kills. Heavily adv.i'ised popula line of ic and lac g "f J "b 1 romuiHiid beat trade fM"r AdUitss L.1VI MANLlTAC'ri.REJi ly y. ;' v - ; , . s.iluian rr large wsk.t snd Hlack advJ'ised popular Hammering dowu facts. Our Irlsli Homespuus ARB hundspun by Done gal colleens. They DO comprise es pecially unique weaves und patterns especially im ported for us HClected by ul last November. They ARE cool a a breath from Pike's Teak. They DO wear like woven ateel. $25 to $45, Summer Trousers of Crash, flannel and Serge, too-$5 to $15. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at J04-J0 S. 14th St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. hose 1808. IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT If you don't get a good arlp or e than a poor one would cist you. the best ana are selling mem ai Twenty Per Cent Discount. Come In and Investigate. Repairing done. ' Telephone 1058. I . . mm.im s a o B tTIAHA-TRirNR-FAtlOia- farkam3t. COURT TIES The swellest Oxfords ever produced now being" worn by the ladles of the foreign courts. Plain, medium, narrow toes in pat ent colt or Ideal kid, rampo-dall kid quarters and high Cuban heels. Three-hole Oxfords, laced with wide ribbon laces that make beautiful bow ties. PRIOE $3 50 Our only trouble has been to get enough of these Oxfords, but now we have all sizes and widths. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. Mill Mill II S I 35! By request of the large number thut we were uuable to wait uyou, we lmve decided to make SPECIAL CUT PRICES UNTIL JULY 12 We are now prepared to handle the large crowds and will not keep you waiting ho long. Teeth extracted Free. Fillings from 25c Set of Teeth 2.85 Allumloum plates 9.00 Crowns 2.50 Oold Fillings from 50c R. R. Harrison, an attorney of Prof. Henry makes affidavit that Council Rluffx. well known In the he had work done by the Union, west, says: "He had Id gold crowns and 'that it is tine, fuels natural and 6 bridge teeth at the Union, and entirely katlsfactory and after and work was satisfactory, and going to tive dentistH, found our prices about half. prices about one-half. J. O. Alexander, employed at the Mrs. I Boyd, makes affidavit Omaha Hafe liepoxit Co., says: He that she haa . had work done at found work satisfactory and prices the Union over a year ao, and about half, and says he has ra it la entirely satisfactory and prices commended every jno to go to about half what others wanted. the Union. Chas. Burnett, Ed. Carr, Mrs. H. Schoneld and numerous others, say same as above. WORK GUAR ANTKKD 10 YKARS. Incorporated under the state law. IKiN'T BE LiECEIVUD by sore head, Jealous, Idle dentists who. csn't hold their business. We do the business and are here to slay. Rooms leased. Be sure you are In the right place. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, Open daily till 8 .Hundays 9 to 4. 1522 Douglas Htreet rni i TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address Omaha, eb. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER tosla and Timely Articles. 1 nors 'UEVENT TOOTH TUOU13LE BY GOING TO THE DENTIST BE A WISE PERSON 1 BEFORE IT COMES. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, Lid) Attendant. Telephons 1085. 3rd Floor Paxton Block. An 3' i. A1 - - j ts v v. V