18 THE OMAHA DAILY HEEi SUNDAY, .TUNE 28. 1003. ron rich Altaic. PROPKFITIK" MANAGFD. IAILWAY TIME CAttD Continued. ron KXCflANOI-; To MO-acre ftrrai Hear Omttn, ever) ifn level, tillable and very best buck loan poll, for Omaha prop erty. Investigate thia. W. K. Homan, Frenser blk. 'lr-6M ijl FOR TRADE 1 to a acre In cultivation; street on side; wh"n nuMlrtrtfJ makrs 2ft lots; what have you? K . 1514 ("Hsu St., Omaha. Z M143 Sua ONIvSTORT brlrk building In flourishing Iowa town to excli inijn lor atock ! gents' Clothing. Ail.lrem. O 49. Uee. i 904 28i FOR EXCHANGE Five 15x125 ft. cnr lots, block 2. Clover dile ncit'lon. Omnhi. for lots or property In Denver, o- wl 1 sell at a bargain. Ad dress K. A. CVoper, IOiO 17th St., Denver, Colo. Z-M937 4X EXCHANflE- J150 mock of qulrk-selllng, useful article; will retail for 1226. O i Bee. Z-120 JS CONTRACTORS AND Bl ILDKRS. A. J. FIERSON, th and Burt. Tel. L.-28.18. gL ' CABPKT CI,KA5EnS. BEND your carpet and rugs to Chrlsten toti'i Carpet Cleaning Work. 2221 N. 2ith ft. Tel. 1ft.9. BKNTITS. C. H. PAUL, removed to residence, 203 Burt. Tel. F-27.J. -22 PR. E. H. BRUENINQ, 438 Paton bit Phona 874. -M238 Jy 1, ix '. j DRGSKMAKIXO. DRESSMAKING par'.ors at 2233 Seward at M Jyl DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 817 Karbach Blk. Tel. EXPERT ACCOl HTAKT. O. R. Rathbun, room IS, Cora l Nat. Bank. 24 FINAJICIAI-. .BUY SOMETHING WHICH WILL MAKE YOU MONEY THE "INSIDERS" ARE BUYING THESE STOCKS. Star 'Petroleum JUdden Fortune Holy Terror "c Battle Lake f Alder Creek l Mount Shasta ' Horseshoe ?f Golden Slipper S5c Don't buy or sell any stocks without con sulting with me. I can tell you what will make you money. WILLIS TODD, 626 N. Y. Life bldg. 127 28 FLORISTS. HESS ft BWOBODA. 1414 Farnam. 4B6 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1&18 Faruam at. M688 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage, and dead animals at reduced prices, (il N. 16th. Tel. 1778. 27 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING. CO.. Be Bldg. Tel. 2535. it LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th A Howard. 4UI LAWN MOWERS sharpened, saws filed. umDrenaa repaired. Keys, etc., SO IN. mo. iu ait. est LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN ft PRICE, St U. & N'l B'k. bid. 628 KEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors avery- wnere. MACFARLAND ft MAT, New Tork Mfe Bldg.. room KM. 'Phone 1562, 630 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel nuppiy. ntu ijeavenweruv. Tel. A-17U. 190 LOST. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER. EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS. and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 1320 FarnamSt Tel. 1064. PAINTING AND PAPERING. PAINTERS and paperhangers. 707 S. 27th Ht. See us for fist-class work, or tele phone 2141. Ward ft Harpater. IT Jy8 and Colo., Texas, Cal. Oklahoma Flyer. Wabash. St. Louts "Cannon Ball" Express a 6 St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7 Chicago. Minneapolis ft St. Paul Limited a 7 Minneapolis ft St. Paul a 1:40 pm alJ:40 pre Express Chicago local Chicago Express .... Mlasonrl Pacific. St. Louis Expreas..., K C. ft St. U Ex... ..b 7 10 56 pm 15 am :SS am to pm 35 am :35 am .alO .alO 00 am .60 pm a 1:20 am alO JO pm a 1:10 pm a 8:06 am blO:3S pm alO:3S am a 6:25 pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT IBTn ft WEBSTER. Chlenaro ft Norlbwe ad Wrocalag DIv PATENTS. H. J. COWQtLL No fee unless successful. 318 B. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 17Ba. 4s PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha, Neb. II. i . ... . . w i- T i i ivn lusiraiea pticm owm. irea, ini. MIV8.1 Jly2x PAWNBROKERS. Black Hills, Dead wood. Lead, Hot. Springs a Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d Hastings, York, David City. Superior. Gneva. Exeter and Seward.... b tkicago, si. Paol, Oinaun. Twin City Passenger. ..a loux City passenger... a Oakland Local..... b Ssisaouri Paclnc. ebraska I-oca, .Via Weeping Water b 'Stern, Nebraska Islvn. Leave. Arrive. 8:00 pm a 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8.00 pm EAOLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential, jsui uougias. BIRLINGTON STATION lOTH ft MASO. PLriHBIKG. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS steam and gas fitters; Jobbing neatly done; an orders promptly atienaea. lei. z.4i. 236 leaven worth. M 912 28 Wymore, Lincoln INebrn Denve HlnrW Bound C o 1 Vlv T.lncol Fort PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel. Z180. 643 CALL up Gardner Printing Co., Tel. A-32i"3, tor an Kinas or jod printing, on . itn &u -228 Jy8 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. Jr. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 653 mouth b 8-20 pm Bellevue ft Pacific Jet. .a 7:80 pm Bellevue ft Paclflo Jet. .a 8:50 am t hlroKO, Borlingrton A tlalnry. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3:56 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am fhlioim T.nrnl ft'lR am l1nn nm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:46 am Fust Man a 2:40 pm Itauana City, St. Joseph ft Council Hluffa. Kansas City Day Ex.. .a 9:15 am a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all :06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 am a Dallv. b Dally except Sunday, d Dallv except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 4 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 648 STORAGE. axcHoa limb p. a nan. stbamshits NSW TORK. LONBONDgftKT AND OLASOOW. MEW TOBK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. llMrlar accommodation. EmllMt Calais. Tfce Catufort of Pajuaiigers Carafully Conaldarad. 81osle or Round Trip Tlckata Iaaue4 batarean Naw Tork ayi oh. Kogliah, irlaa and all orlnoipal coiitiuaaul Mints at allractla rataa. tanf tor Book at Toara. ror tiekata or ganarai luiornutioa ppl7 to sag local asatit of the Anchor Uoo or to HoVNUSHFON BK08-. Oaa'l Aaaul. L'BJOOfO. 111. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tela. 1559-862. oou TRANCK MEDIUM. SEND 25c and stamp, with data of birth, and get trans reading of your past, prev ent and future. I tell full names, dates, age and date of marriage; give advice on love, bunlnctis, marriage, speculation, di vorce, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love Is true or false; guaranteed satisfaction. Address Mme. De Vere, Lock Box 815, Kansas City, Mo. 997 2Sx TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on Urn. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 634 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON ft LUNDBERQ, 115 So. 17th. Tel. L-2358. -636 OATB CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2075. 1705 St. MaryTs Ave M168 LEGAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR COAL. Sealed bids for coal for the year begin ring September 1 will be received by the Board of Education of the State Normal school at Peru, until 12 o clock noon. Tues day, July 28, at the office of the state superintendent, Lincoln. The school will need about 750 tons of good steam coal and bids should be for coal, f. o. b. Peru, or delivered in coal house at the school. Blank proposals and supply bonds may be obtained at my omce. WILLIAM K. FOWLER, Secretary of Board of Education. J23d lOt LOST, small blue chatelaine watch with pin, either on Dodge street car or near ltlth and Dodge. Return to Mrs. Rubin, Boston Store, Lost M930 30x LOST, gold chain and locket with "Jessie" engraved on locket. Reward at 2809 Ohio Bt. Lost M9K6 0x LOST, pocketbook with currency. Return to 23 Continental Bldg. Reward. Lost-M989 28x MEDICAL. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children: 80 years' practice. Office, 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone, F-27fc; offlce. B-2S36. DR. PR1KS, German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience In confine menls; curvs sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. 1. aillcs who have suffered for years, hupelets and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal interview la Impossible state your case luuy, uiciuov oiamp sou answer and ' advice will promptly be given. Address R. F. Pries. M. D.. lil3 Dodge SL, Omaha. Neb. LADIES. Chichester English Pennyroyal Fills are the beat; aafe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for pariUulars. "Relief fur Ladies" in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chxhes-ter Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa, SEALED BIDS will be received at the Office of Secretary of State up until 13 o clock noon or tne ztn any or June, iu, for one 76 K. W. combination engine and dynamo for use at Hastings asylum, ac cording tn plans and specifications on file In the office of secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GEORGE w. MAKSrl, Secretary of B ard. J20dl0t SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the offlce of the aecretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon on July 8th. 1103, for one water tower or stand pipe to be uned at the S. ft S. home at MUford, ns per plans and specifications on file in the of flce of aecretary of state. The board re serves the right to reject any and an nids. UKU. W. MAKSrl, Secretary of Hoard, v JJodlOt SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the offlce of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon on July 8th, 1Sk3. for 137V4 K. W. dynamo and generator for the penitentiary, as per plans and specification on flle In the office of the secretary of state. The board reaerves the right to reject any and an iin. GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary of Board J28dl0t. SEALED BID8 WILL HE RECEIVED at the offloe of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of July 8th. 1903. for tne placing or two cement floors In adlu- I t.nl mmpril'i r f ll j anH nn. nuim In . V. storage department of clerk of supreme 1 court, rne roara reaerves the right to re ject any ana all Dias. GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary of Boxrd. J2Sd10t. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder dlreases cured; a guarantee given In every cse treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D.. Ui Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of Bellevue HosplUd Medical College, New York City. MUSICAL. IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 1UT II AND MARCs Leave. Arrive. ..a 9:40 am a 7:50 pm v a t .JJ yic ..a i:a pm ..all au pm a 5:80 pm THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldga Block. Jo FOR RENT Piano players, or piun auU Iilaycr together I'laiio Player Co., 'lei. 4j0. -37 MISS ELEANOR HARDY Voice and Piano Studio 319 UA-alUL kLUCK. t'peciai lorui lu aiuiiuer oluUenu. OMAHA COLLCOK OF MUSIC, 316 ha nge lila.; summer term Apply K. It. V .,u , L. L. C. M , Director. Phone il-i -Mj4. JJ OSTEOPATHY. JID. E. ft A LICK JOHNSON, oateou uhs. cull 515. New Vork Life bldg. Tel. 1A. -o The Hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. T. tli. Atsen ft Far sail, Paxtton Blk., 61H-7 T. 13. M-.J tKS. FINCH ft MILLER. 124 8. lh fit -181 RUQ MAN l FACTl RING. OMAHA Rag racUtry, UZl Leavea. Tel. a 3:40 pm a 7:o am a 3:40 pin Union Pacific. Overland Limited The Fust Mall t'a.lfurnia Express... 1'ucllic Fxpresa Eastern Expreas 1 he Atlantic Express.. a 7:30 am i ne Colorado Special., a T:10 axa a 3 40 a Chicago Special a 3.40 am Lincoln. Beatrice Ana StromKburg Express.. b 4:00 pm bl2 VI pin North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 5:15 nm Orand Island Local b 6:80 Din b 9:35 am CulciioTO, Vlltvaus.ee at St. Panl. I lilougu Day) .kin u 7 45 am all:15 pm mi-'so run cxpreaa..a u:a pal t'lilc. to Limited a k:iu pm Din Moines Express. ...a 7:4a um ( bieuao A Nortbtteatera. "The Northw eeiern Une. r.iat Chicago .a a:4o am a 7:00 am uail a .! pat a 8:30 ai Local bioux City a it : 10 am a 3.30 pm uayugui bl. rul a ...team alu.A pi Uuylignt Chicago a a.uu am Local . ulca '....all. JO am Local Cedar Kaplda 6:10 pin Limited Chlcagu a 8:16 pm Local Carroll a 4 uo pm Fusi Chicago a fc bu pa. Kksi 8i. Paul a k.i pm Fast Mall Local bioux City b 4:00 pm Norfolk ft Bone(ol....a 7:& am Llucolu ft Long Plne....b 7:26 am Chicago. Rock, island ft Paclde. i EAST. Chlcigo Daylight L't'd a t 00 am Chlcugo Iay light Local. a t .uO ant Chloagi Express bll 15 am lion Jdulnoa Expreas.. .a 4.30 pm Chttago Fast Express, .a 1:35 pin 1 WEST. P.orky Mountain L't'd. .a 6:50 pm a 4.56 am iJSoln. Colo. Sprtnga I'nver, Pueblo and , fleet a 1:80 pm 1.00 pot 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Minneapolis v 6:80 am a 9:10 pm 2:u0 pm all: a) am 6:46 pm b 8:46 am 4:10 pm al0:25 am Bar ling-ton Beatrice Missouri Rive Leave. nd ...a 8:50 am ...a 8:60 am a 4:10 pin er iniiiLeu i.iw yiii illllB inq ruKvi , ,. ..A a iLxpreno tLii.Lv pin r a a i eatiouieu 'v'-li ' V '' i :' k -ca Ill c na ji.ii . u fill Crook and Platts- .... V .m r. Arrive. bl2:03 pm a 7 45 pm a 6:46 am a 8:10 pm a 8:10 pm a 9:08 am htri SR am a 8:27 am STEAMSHIPS. TABLE AND KITCHEN Mens. BREAKFAST. Fruit. Cereal. Cream. Broiled Fresh Mackerel. Creamed Potatoes. Bait Rising Bread. Coffee. DINNER. Clear Soup. Spiced Pot Roast. Browned Potatoes. mewea tomatoes. Radish Salad. Raspberry Shortcake. Coffee, SUPPER. Lobster Salad. Finger Rolls. ' Berries. Cake. Cocoa, Recipes. Pineapple Sherbet Put one pound of granulated sugar In a .saucepan with four cups of water and boll for quarter of an hour or until the syrup Is thick; pare and shred a nice ripe pineapple two hours be fore needed, cut out the core and sprinkle all with sugar; put the pineapple shreds, cores, etc., In the warm syrup for an hour If possible, then strain the syrup over the shredded fruit, put Into a freeier and when small crystals begin to form on the aides of the can, stir in the well beaten whites of two or three eggs and finish as usual. Pineapple Omelet Separate three eggs and beat the yolks with three teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar until very light, then add tha whites of tho eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Have d'alned half a cup of fresh grated pineapple and mix all lightly to gether. Heat a level tablespoonful of but ter In a smooth omelet pan and pour In the mixture. Place where the heat Is mod erate and even. As the omelet begins to set snund the edge cover and cook until It Is well puffed up and a delicate brown on the under side; remove the cover and set In the oven a few minutes until the top looks dry, then carefully turn onto a heated dish with the brown side on top and serve at once. Frozen Pineapple Cream To a pint of grated pineapple add the juice of one lemon and two cups of granulated sugar. Stir over the fire until the sugar is thor oughly dissolved, then stir In half a pack age of gelatine soaked In cold water and dissolved over hot water. Add the beaten yolks of four eggs, stir and cook a few minutes, then turn Into a basin set In cracked Ice. 8tlr and when the mixture begins to thicken fold in a pint of whipped cream. Turn Into a mold and pack in Ice and salt and let stand about two hours. This pudding should be froien firm enough to keep shape when It Is turned out, but the center soft enough to terve as a sauce or cream. Pineapple Pudding Line a shallow dish with slices of buttered coffee bread. Pare a plnenpple very thin and fill the dish up with the plnenpple slices snd sugar sprink led between. Cover with the buttered bread, pour over all a cup of water and bake for two hours, closely covered until nt-nrly done, then uncover long enough for the bread to brown. Pineapple Custard Put two cups of milk In a doulje boiler snd sca'.il. Beat well to gether one cup of sugar, a tablespoonful of cqrrst.'irch and four epKS. Turn the hot rellk slowly Into this mixture, beating con stantly. and then return to the boiler, add pinch of salt, stir and cook until It t' Icl'ens; remove from the Are and set rslde to rool. then add to It a pint of "hipped creim end a nedlom-slr.ed pln apple pared and grated. Freeze In the usual wav. then pack In Ice and salt and let remain for two hours. ail:l pm a i.lu pm a 6 15 am 9:50 am a 1:4a pm a 8:16 am a 2.40 pin b 9:50 am U0 26 am blu.Ji am a S 45 am tl pm a 6 35 pm bll:5u am a 1.J5 pm A New Whistler Story Mr. Q. H. Boughton. R. A., tells a capital story of his old friend. Mr. James McNeill Whistler, who. If he ever tried to mnke on enemy of the f tmous Norfolk-born, Amerl citn-bred painter, failed most signally In the attempt. Tha Glasgow corporation wanted to purchase the Whistler portrait o Csrly'e. and In due course waited upon 'he "mater" about the price fl.000 guineas) They pdriltted It was a magnificent picture but. "Do you not think. Mr. Whlatler, the sum a wee, wee bit exccaalve" "Didn't you know the price before you came to me?" asked the master with snv "Iclous blandnesa. j "Oh. aye: we knew that." replied the corporation. "Very well, then." said Mr. Whistler In his sua vest tones, "let's talk of something else," and as there was nothing else of In teres! to detsln the "corpo- 3 n" they paid tha price and trust f I ""fweglan made - i , " 3b Women 4 Who ThinK. tmv I- 3 Hi J . fta'-i TT ' fT 'i 'i 1 yr i V T 4 J .' '. aVT ir 'Wm sn Jim nV M m 1 8 a ' r:,-;u irii, .. ro mm iniiira, , j K msssr mzJw m'Ar resworn mmr (Mm 0 Yfjturrimdm a". a it t tisr Dishes prepared with Shredded Wheat are not only attractive to the eye and pleasing to the palate but appeal to the reason. The great food conservatory in which it is made is sun-flooded through 30,000 lights of glass, coursed by filtered and uniformly tem pered air and finished in white enamel. is a purer and more hygienic place than the cleanest kitchen a place where contamina tion cannot occur. No other cereal food has as great a sur face for the action of the digestive fluids as Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. This is true because the wheat is not crushed into dense masses but spun out into porous shreds. These shreds are crisp and compel thorough mastication, which strengthens the teeth and insures complete digestion. Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit perfectly nourishes the whole body and purifies tie di gestive tract. Will you use it ? Sold by all grocers Send for " The Vital Question " ( Cook Book, illustrated in colors ) free. Address The Natural Food Co. Niagara Falls. N. Y. iWs ill v Ly...:.:vlt- m MIlV SmiT m-vrrrJr ' " ' BOTTLE ift n and av. ti v 'A g a v lu fcuv, vuvr-avvuti aft Js. AAA v m w.Aft axaA a TWlZ-i J A 1 -v n w-i nl 1 awh Vn war . V i?o ! a i a- i a 4?-vtM Tis! ssf si iiuiib p-itrrK.1 lucu u r liuj itaiaiin iui ri"A family use try it at cafes use it at home e- costs no more than inferior brands. Delivered to any part of Omaha, Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Order a cane from the JETTER BREWING CO. As. iui w -a . sow VSAI ITM OM AHA TsnltlitBttttfllsl Or LEE MICHE1-L wholesalft daaler. cxjncil ni uf-pa to HAVE YOU TRIED' Jl pis It Is a pure ORANQB syrup and la excellent to use as a punch for social entertainments, etc. Try It as a PHOSPHATE at tha soda fountain, as a WATFTt ICE OR SHERBET, as a sweet jelly, pudding, sauce, eto. NAVK LADE Is the only PURE ORANGE drink on the market. TRY IT. Bold through the grocery and drug trade. Manufactured by the Los Angeles Fruit Juice Co.. Lea Angeles, Cat. W. It CLEHENTS, Distributer, 319 South Eleventh Street, Omiha. m vum CM! e a(lyo3 No woman can be too careful to see that the periodical function is kept in a healthy condition. The easiest and most certain way to do this is to take an occasional dose of Wine of Cardui to invigorate the organs which need reinforcement. Every woman is subject to some conditions which bring on female weakness. Wine of Cardui gives women strength for all the duties of life. It gives them strong nerves, pure blood freedom from pains and sickness. Make up your mind to have perfect health. Wine of Cardui not only cures, but it guards and keeps the health. The organs quickly respond to the healing vegetable ingre dients of which Wine of Cardui is composed. A healthy woman does well to take this medicine on approaching her periodical sickness. Occasional doses of Wine of Cardui save expensive services of a doctor. Wine of Cardui cures the worst cases of prolonged female troubles, and has cured thou sands of them quickly and completely in the privacy of the home. But why wait until you are sick to et.ird your health? It is better to keep in health than to fight chronic disease. Take a little thought and keep your health good without undergoing pain and suffering. Cbicors, Mis.., May 1, 1902. Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Drsught are a sure cure for til female diseases. I recommend your medicines to all my friends everywhere I go. Five months ago I could not walk across the house without great pain, but I am well again. I hsre only taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, but feel better than I bare felt in two years. Mrs. N. T. GLIDEWELL. Sand Lake, Mich., June 10th, 1902. I must write and thank yoa for the good your Wine of Cardui has dona me. Twenty-one years ago Wine of Cardai saved my mother's life, in Allen County, Indiana, and thinking ot that three weeks ago I purchased a bottle. It is the medicine a woman needs. . MOLLY OVERLAY. If yoa think yoa need advice, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies Advisory Department,1 The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatunoogs, Tena. u sAutueui sia'- . X j.