12 TTIF, OMAHA DAILY TtEK: PATUHDAY, .1UXI5 27. 1003. tiwtV ns mMTII JjTB Deposit Your Honey In Our Bank 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits Great Shirt Waist Purchase A SALE OF SHIRT WAISTS AT HALF PRICE AND LESS THAN HALF. A shirt waist manufacturer In tho east, who Is noted a n maker of the most thorough rolin lll ity. recently made a inlntake and mnde up nearly a thousand shirt wnints In exi oss of orders. Thry are waists of tho very finest Hort. manufactured Hpeclally for a high clns trade. lie sold them to us In one lot nt lens than It cost to make them. We are now able to offer Saturday grade Shirt Waists at most sensationally low pr $1.00 and $1.50 Shirt Waists at These waists are made of an excellent grade of chambrays, lawns, damasks, etc they sell everywhere else at tl and $1.60 Saturday at $2.00 and $2.50 Shirt Waists at Here are beautiful white Swiss, dimity, damask and linen lawn Waists, In all the charming new "tyles they were manufactured to sell at $2 and (2.60 Saturday at $3 and $4 Shirt Waists, at A thoroughly high grade lot of Shirt Waists, mad?, in the dainty summer thirt waist fabrics and beautifully and elaborately trimmed with cluny bands, Mexican drawn work, all-over lace effects, etc Thry were man ufactured to sell at $3 and 94. Saturday at tl.bO. $5 and $6 Shirt Waists at The most beautiful and stunning Shirt Waists ever brought into Omaha. Made of real India linen, snowy ' lawns, batistes, etc, new all-over lace trimming ana .medallion effects, worth as high as ttieach and many would sell for 16.50 and $7 Saturday rt $2.08. high ices. i ir ill nr ill Tllli HI-:LI 111.12 6TUHH. THK nKI.IAl'.IC HOKE. -d i it LAST DAYS OK f UK BIO WAIST SALK-WOMEN'fl WA18T3 AT LESS THAN manifacturers' cost, the entire stock of the big $:.n,ono waist PURCHASE NOW ON OUR COUNTERS. EXTRA SALESPEOPLE DURING THIS SALE ENABLES US TO OIVE BETTER SERVICE TO OCR CUSTOMERS. WOMEN'S WAISTS WORTH 11.50 for 6V. 9it dozen wonii'n ' WHlsts, In white and colors, made of linens, lawns and other wiilst fabrics, worth up to 11.50, Saturday 6"V WHITE WAI8TS WORTH $2, for 80. 200 ileien white shirt waists, made of Rood quality of lawn and linen, made to soil nt $2.0)1, for 8!c. WHITE CHIN. BILK WAISTS AT $1 S. 75 dozen white china silks, white lawns and llneiiH, worth up to $3.00, for $1.46. 60 dozen white waists, made of lawns, linens and white cheviots, worth $1.0", $b and $, for $2.9s. Your choice of any white wash waist on our counter worth up to $12. CO, for $4.H8. 20 dozen white waists, made of Persian lawns, Irish dlmitleH. imported linens, trim med In Mexican drawn work, Imported lares nnd fine embroideries, $S, $10 and $12, for $4.'JH. WASH SUITS 21 wash suits, made of linens and ging hams, worth up to $6.00. for $2 90. 50 silk shirt waist suits, made of wash silks, worth $15. for $9 90. Ask to see the "Czarina" underskirts, from 9c to $5.00. CHILDREN'S DRESS DEPARTMENT. 15 dozen children's dresses, In all colors, worth $1.00, for 49c. 10 dozen children's dresses, beautifully made, worth up to $6.00, for $2.96. 100 women's walking skirts, worth $8.00, for $2.98. 60 dozpn wrappers, worth $1.50, for R!c. 20 dozen women's colored waists, worth 75c, for 26c. : 200 silk waists, worth $7.60, .for $2.90. Extra Special Shoe Bargains Saturday 1.96 300 pairs men's patent colt. vlcl and velours calf ox fords, worth up to $3.60.... !00 pairs men's vlcl' kid, box calf and patent colt lace OoO pairs women's vlcl kid, in uooflyear wen or nana turn ed soles, oxford worth $1.. Rrnnltq ttrnw' if, fin tiatent shoes, $2.93. Misses slippers worth up to Child's patent slippers, bow worth up to $1.00, at 69c. 1.96 calf button $1.75, at 79o. and buckle. W'omen's hand turned Juliets, worth $2.50, at 49c. Women's tan or black oxfords, worth up to $3.50, at 98c. Missel' and boys' . linen shoes, worth $1.50, at 85c. Women's kid nnd patent strap sandals, worth $2.00, at 9He. Women's dongola strap sandal, bow nnd buckle, ic. Agents for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for MEN. and the Ultra and Orover shoes for WOMEN. Bennett's LADIES' AND BEN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY SAL? 100 dozen men's fine lisle thread shirt nnd drawers. In plain and fancy colora, worth $1.50, on sale at 7oc. All the men's bHlhrlggan shirts and draw ers, In plain and fancy colors that sold W to 75e, on sale Ht 35c. Men's $1.60 colored laundered shirts, In all stylos, with separate cults, at &oe. 60c suspenders, all kinds with leather or ilk ends, at 25c. 60o necKwear, all stylos and colors, lour-in-handst, tecks and bows, at 2."c. Men's 50c fine lisle thread, -hose, In fancy colors and black, ot 25c. Men's leather belts, in all the new shades, worth up to $2.00, on sale at 60c and 75c. MYDEN'S GROCERY BARGAINS (IT) (ID NEW HAIR DRESSING & MANICURING DEPT. ON THE TH 1 RD FLOOR. EXPERT ASSISTANTS. 21. It. Pvnt&tl & pens 21. "JT. Pranii & pant J BALDUFF Caterer Slanscom Park Pavilion Sunday, June 28th. Music Afternoon and Evening By the 22d Infantry Band Balduff's Ice Cream and Confections . 600 rases sweet corn for 9flc dozen, or 7Vc per can. 350 cases tomatoes, $t dozen or 8V4c can. 250 dozen cans California peaches, $2.60 dozen or 22c can. Cheaper peaches nt 12'Ac. 13c and 17V4C can 375 dozen cans California apricots, $1.5') dozen or J2Hc can. S-lb. can hominy 5c 3-Hi. can pumpkin 5.' 3-lb. saucr kraut ., 3c 3-lb. can beets 5c 2-lb. can string beans 5c Hominy grits lc Pearl sago '. 8Mjc Pearl Tapioca. 3V4c Oatmeal.... 2V4C Frultlna 3e. Good rice 8V, Best rye flour, per sack 45o Whole wheat flour, per sack 4fic Soda crackers 5c Milk crackers 5c Ginger snaps 5c FIT; 111 Ml "3 ' v3 y ho iig Solo of Remnants s on. ergoins rains LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THZ WEST. Grand Special Sale Saturday ON ALL.... An exquisite array of handsomely trimmed Black Chif fon, White Chiffon, Milan Tuscan, dhip ami Neonolitan Braid Hats, at EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. Investigate It pays. See us before you buy, 1508 Douglas Street. saasi IBJriBiUfC 23S& Is a'Lost Friend Gone Forever. The Spent Dollar OUR LITTLE HOME BANKS LOANED FREE. t CITY SAVINGS BANK, ,6th "omahX!" sts- 'Joseph Van Tochlne Ueta Decree of .' Hrparatlnn. Before Judge Heaton, Joseph Van Tochina -of Fort Wayne, Ind., secured a divorce 'from Cora Van Tochlne on the grounds of 'cruelty. It will be remembered that she Is the woman who was alleged to have left 'mifft Wayne suddenly with much of the .furniture In the house and went west during the winter. 8he left while her husband va at work In his store. Mrs. Van Toch'ne -u allowed alimony and the custody of the 5 daughter. err Low Special Eiraralon Rales. -To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. Y.. and Chautauqua Lake In June and July. L.lb- eral terms and stopover privileges. : On and after June 14 the new fast train ;.from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate joints, 6:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, itc, send postal card to H. !. Purdy, .Trav. Pass. Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, t J 11.. or D. M. Bowman, General Western 2 Passenger Agent, Chtcago, III. K f Tke "Queem f Americas (Wtrlnsj Places." (The poetic name given to Atlantic City) .and other Atlantic sea coast resorts, are reached from the west via the Lehigh Val iJey Railroad. rf Send I-cent stamp to General Passenger I Department. Lehigh Valley Railroad, New fJVork, for Atlantic City booklet, j. f Special Trala to Bohemian State i'X Tournament. V On Sunday. June 28, the Burlington will run a special train to Wllber, Neb., leav ing at $ a. m.; returning will Wave Wllber tat p. m. Fare, $1.80 for the round trip. ' feee me for particulars. J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. Chance to Spend Independence Day In the "Cradle of Liberty." Excursion tickets to Boston will be sold via Pennsylvania Short Lines, July 1st, 2d to 6th, inclusive, account the National Edu cational association meeting. Tickets will be good via Washington, with stop overs at national capital, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. The trip from New York to Boston may be made via rail or steamer. Excursionists may also visit Niagara Kails. Apply to H. R. Dering, A. G. P. Atft., No. 2 Sherman street, Chicago, for further Information. r .1 rienlct rU-nlcl Plcnlcl - The oply picnic of the season will be held by the Omaha Plattduetschen Vereen, Funday, June 28, at Ruser'a park.' Carry. Jlls leave Thirty-second and Center streets lvery five minutes. Train as advertised 7 Cancelled by the railroad company. t: COMMITTEE. 1 The Low Hates to Boston JVla the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on sale tJune 2b. 26 and 27. July 1. 2. J, 4 and i. , Full particulars on application to M. S. Giles. T. P. A., Chicago, or by addressing .'JJ. F. Daly. Chief A. G. P. A.. Chicago. ; 50.000 brick. $4 6ujj5 60 p r thousand, at .yards. Rd and Hickory streets. Wlthnell ; Uroa. fiffliUt Co. . Honicseekers' Excnralons. The Missouri Pacific will sell both one way and round trip tickets to certain points in 8outhwet Missouri, Kansas, Indian and Oklahoma territories, Texas, Arkansas, in cluding Hot Springs. Dates of sale Tues days, July 7th and 21st. Rates one fare plus $2. For Information call on or address any agent or Thos. F. Godfrey, Piss. nnd Ticket Agent, S. E. Corner 14th and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. Members of Washington lodge. No. 27, Degree of Honor, are requested to attend the funeral of Bister Nora Naughttn, to be held from St. Patrick's church, Fourte?nth and Castellar streets. Saturday morning, June 27. Members assemble at residence, 901 Bancroft street, at 2:16 a. m. By order of Mrs. Sarah Lancaster, Chief of Honor, Mrs. Ida McLaughlin, Recorder. People of the M eat Will rind the Best Passenger train service on the Pennsylvania system of railroads, over which through trains run from Chicago to Pittsburg, New York and allt points east. For particulars address II. R. Dering, A. G. P. Agt., No. 2 Sherman street, Chicago. 59c Overalls 25c On sale Saturday not more than two pairs to any one customer. If you are going to buy a suit and you are willing to spend $15.00 to $18.00 for it, you do yourself an injustice if you do not look over our Alfred Benjamin suits no others are as good; this make can be compared with high grade tailoring work only. We also offer special Inducements In Kohn Bros." union made suits our sale prices are $7.60 nnd $10.00. We also offer strong substantial suits for $5.00. Fine mohair shirts, $2. 'JO. Pure white silk shirts. $3.00. Union suits blue, pink and natural color "The Oneita knlt" price all over $1.00; our price 75c. Big line of slllc neckwear, your choice 15c. Straw hats very cheap. The fact of the matter Is, you had better get our prices be fore buying elsewhere It means money In your pocket. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1621 Douglas . street. Just received, a line of those late styles wide brim straw hats prices, 60c, 76c and $1.00. The Wabash Railroad "In . the Good Old Summer Time" offers many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis. Baltimore. St. Louis, Saratoga, Detroit, Atlanta and other points. Call at city office. 1401 Farnam or address HARRY E. MOORES. G. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb. The Growth of Money Just as surely as acorns will grow Into glunt oaks; rents will grow Into dollars and dollars Into hundreds If planted In good soli and cultivated correctly. Open a bank account with us and receive 4 per cent In terest. A little home safe loaned free If you desire It ' J. L. BRANDEI3 A SONS, Bankers. . X4.TSI 14 75! 914.TSI Chicago and return June 14-15-30. July I. Good till September 15. via "The Northwest ern Line." the only double-track road, lkjl 1401 rarnan St. - - .. ELD'S SATURDAY $1.00 SALE WRAPPERS, SKIRTS, PETTICOATS, WAISTS, KIMONAS, DRESSING SACQUES. Those who visit this sale will get their money's worth unJ more. The white petti coats come with tucked flounces and lice flounces choice, $1.00. Muth proof bags, O'C. Buy now. O. K. St'OKlFi n CLOAK SI IT C O., $510 Douglas Street. 'ill 4H WELCH T0TJBRE5; IS I3SO MEATS Uli GROCERIES ! 2412 and Farnam at?. FOR SATURDAY YOUNG HENS - Per Jund...tt lasC PORTERHOUSE STEAK- If- Per Pound....1. QG SIRLOIN STEAK- A Per Pound IbxC GRANULATED SUGAR- gs Per Pound )C A NO. 1 FLOUR- C I t?1 ft - 48-pound bag vlwU f - N IC- (Itw fsnsm nd tSlk Str-i hM t rapul SMOMI Surt'lM '! IIW.UM. UX1THD STATUS DBHtiSITUH V. Prsk Mrpbj. pfl4rt H H Wood, ikr ,Im lMtr ItrwA. r!'t-T V T IImnhMim, .m rM. Half fare to Boston June 24, X, SO; July L 2. $, 4. Long limit. Stopover privileges Choice of routes. Through cars to Boston; no change enroute via. The Northwestern Line, the only double track route. 14ul-1403 Farnam street. For Sale Due M:i on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress K 64, care Oinaha bte. f mm Be careful In selecting your gift. It will be viewed and criticised by many. Those whoae opinions you most es teem will see It. By it may be judged your good taste and Judgment, may nap your friendship and liberality. Uafeguard yourself by making use of us In the selection. Wo have the goods that suit. We know the latest my lea--beat makes most suitable gifts. CUT BUSS, SILVERWARE, Etc. Special prices that show refine ment, richness, at surprisingly moderate prices. Brown & Dorslicim. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. 222 S. 16th St. IJIOH GRADE Dentistry to the People of the middle west at half the usual rate. Bet of teeth, $3.00; gold ciwwns, $3.00; extracting, 25c. All VJ work warranted. BAILEY THE DENTIST CO, 812 fsitos BIU. 16lh aud Farnam St. Lady Attendant. Tel. 106. mm Qllliii The, finest and choicest of "oods are added in this sale, none reserved, $25 hats at 812.00 $29,00 hats atv 10.00 $15.00 hats at 7,50 $12.00 hats at 6,00 $10.00 hats at 5,00 All go at half price. The new sailor in Jumbo braid 50c A new selection of d uck aud pique hats at a low price. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER t'lac 1'hotoa.rayhlc Illustrations. China Values Extraordinary Haviland Decorated Tea and Breakfast Plates, each, at 25C Johnson Bros. English Tor t ela in Bread Plates, each, at ; 5C 7-piece Berry Sets, fine decorated glass, eaeh.25c One gallon Milk Crooks, at, each 6C Heavy Pressed Glass Water Bottles, at f Qq Large size Decorated Plat ters, each 25C Handsome German China Tea Tiles, 23c value, each 5C English Torcelain Bone Plates, while they last q Root Beer Bottles, quart size, per dozen 7QC Handsome new China from the world's famous patterns arriving daily and all old goods must go. s turdey Special- Woman's S6 and S750 Shirt Waists S2.90. 2o0 Woman's Pure Linen Waists,, hand em broidered in beautiful designs, positively worth ?6.00 and ST.SO, will be put on sale Saturday Morn ing at U Fill Hli 1 I I 1 1 V I I IVIrA YL .., Mrt Dapt Second Floor. Exceptional bargains in framed pictures. To interest everybody's taste. Regular 25c pictures . . .Qc Regular 35e pictures . . . Qq Regular 45c pictures . . .25c Regular 50e pictures., . 35C Regular 75c pictures.. .Qg We have the largest as sortment in photograph frames in Omajaa, up from 19 cents. To Amateur Photographers Prints by Daylight or Artificial Light tm need not send east for it. We have it. All sur faces. Binooth portrait carbon mat and rough surface mat. Size 4x5 per gross $1.50 dozen Zx'tx-r groai $3.00 dozen 6x per gross $4 50 M g - dozen t) I5c 50 c Art Cyko x7 size only Ufl dozen OU Cyko DeveUper for paier in. or plate pi r tube VpggaiffTc.ffl8fT'ii uiui'.iymz. The Grandest Exhibition of Speed Ever Given in Omaha. SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 3 P. ill At the Half-Mile Track, 20th and Taylor Sts. TEN Z0 AUTOMOBILE GRAND mr "rE EYEHTS ft YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS IT! LARGEST MACHINES IN THE STATE WILL COM PETE! SEVERAL TRIALS FOR STATE RECORDS FOR AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES. FAST TIME IS PROMISED. For particulars see LOUIS FLESCHER, 1022 Capitol Avenue. ADMISSION, 25 AND 50 CENTS. - Tickets on sale at all bicycle stores and at Beaton Drug Co., lofh and Farnam Streets. "Saying tilings" about going away things. Our Intest In things to keop us cool when the weather and the Irrepres sible office boy are doing their best to make us hot Is Gauze Crash a fabric with the comfort- of crash, with the dressiness of Serge. It takes good tailoring to fashion It properly but, then. It takes a good tailor to get a job with us. Extra Summer Trousers of Crash, Serge, Home spun or Duck $$16 to 8. $20 to $40 is the coat and trouser price. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at JM-JOt S. 16th St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 1808, I MitlP lllMllfi te l IIIIIUJWV III I IIIV WVJU l Are You Coming? TO OUR SODA FOUNTAIN OPENING IATIRDAV, JINK X7T1I. FROZEN STRAVBKRRY CUSTARD and FROZEN BANANA PUDDING, two deli cacies which have never been equaled In the soda line, will be among our specialties for Ol'KNING DAY. Music, llowers and tho prettiest fountain and store in the city await you. Join the crowd and make this a galla day at Omaha's popular soda corner. PLEASE REMEMBER WE HAVE NO COMMEKCIAI.. ICE CREAM. BUT MAKE OUR OWN. FROM PURE CREAM, FROM THE ALAMITO FARM. Store Always Open Night and Day. SCilAEFEfl'S DRUa STORE Two 'Phones TeT and 7vT. 16tu aud t hicasjo Streets. Omaha. , f DIAMONDS All sizes. All prkex. 4 .Ve clot Bat. at Su V do not get their snoes from us, but, judging from the way we've had to Increase this department in help and goods, about 90 per cent of them do. About 70 per cent of this 90 per cent buy our $1.50 shoes, because they've stood the wearing test of several years' selling and are pronounced by all of the boys as the best all-uround boy's shoe ever sold for $1.60. We want the other 10 per cent ot boye to give these $LD0 shoes a trial. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. ALTON I M IK FLOUR J iPi'1'3 (The Height of Perfection of the Miller's Art.) In view of the recent sharp advances In wheat we purchased two cars of ALTON, which are now in transit, and decided to reduce the price 2o per cwt TWENTY POUNDS GRANU LATED SUGAR HIRES' ROOT BEER EXTRACT $1.00 ...121c 25c ROLLED OATS Three Packages CHOICE COUNTRY BUTTER- 22c Per Pound w SPRING CHICKENS at 23c encarr. mm,, n KMUT T3 3Vami Farnam Sx