10 Till? OMATTA DAILY TWT.i FIHTAY, JUNE 20, 1003. Great JO Q 5a Ic of Hen' Shirts Saturday Mmgr Dress Goods Remnants Seasonable Fabrics at the Most Extraordinary Bargains Mulls, Dimities, Orjandies, Brilliantines. Mohairs, Voiles Etamines, Eolines, etc. on Sale Today. Silk Mulls. Dimities, WASH DRESS tiOODSl AT So All sold regularly at 50c yard, Friday, p:r yard Imported Dress Goods worth $3 yd, at 35c piece The highest class dress goods, Imported from France and Germany, in silk, wool and fancy dress goods. There are also many voiles, etamines and silk eolines. Tluse splendid dress goods are worth up to $3.00 a yard. 35c at, per piece Sicilians and Mohairs at 12ic a Piece One hundred bundles of Sicilians, mohairs, brilliantines, black, cream and all colors, enough to match Tor skirts, children's dresses and skirts, ramarkable offar 1 2C at, a piece 2 Black Silk Remnants at Half Price Black silk remnant of all kinds black taffetas, black peau do sole, black China silk, black fancy silks, all bo at one-third their regular value. Plain and embroidered pongee, enough J2.B0 Black and Colored Grenadines to match for waists and en- f 45 jncheB wije, ft 7 1 r tire dresses, worth up to tlC . O JL 2V 11.60 a yard, at "t 111 aL- Taffptn Kniifinnt. basement 48c BVK IHIICIO j. emnants of Fancy Silks corded silks, surrahs, wash OQ illks, etu., basement 19o and Rci Bill Remnants of laces. Inscrting-s, galoons and bands worth up to 25o a yard, at IOc, 5c, 2 I -2c and 2c Embroidery Remnants Embroideries, headings and. insertions, In narrow and medium widths, worth up to 2oo, at 7 l-2c, 5c, 3 l-2c Rettinant Sale in the Basement New mercerised white walstln worth up to 75o, in long mill 2fC lengths, go at, yard Double fold black mercerized sateens and Farmer's satin, worth up f Cfj to 60c yard, goes at, yard a- Light and dark 38-lneh percales, the kind that sells for lOo, goes 2C at, yard t a' Fine bleached muslin and cambrics, worth up to 12V4 fiXc go at, yard u'v Regular 7Hc bleached muslin, Cir long mill lengths, go at 28c drapery Swisses, for, IOc yard svjv One big table of 1H yard lengths all kinds of Ingrain carpet IOc worth 860 yard, goes at, a pleoo "GREATEST MILLINERY OFFER OF THE YEAR" $1 TRIMMED STREET HATS AT IOC Another glgantlo purchase of trimmed street hats on sale Friday In the basement millinery department. Upwards of 400 dozen of new smart stylish trimmed street hats, guaranteed to be worth at regular sale no less than 11.00 Friday, at ). f.. Prxnbti & pons DISAPPEARS WITH THE CHILD Louis H. Potta Takes His "Ward Out of Court's Jurisdiction. MOTHER OF GIRL BREAKS DOWN IN COURT Tatar Vlnsontaaler, Who Had Ordered tit Child Produced la Court, Issues Warrant for tho Arrest of Potta. 1 There were some sensational develop ments In the habaea corpus case In which Hannah Begerholm is endeavoring to secure possession of her daughter, Mabel Beger holm, before Judge Vinsonhaler yesterday morning. The first intimation that there was any thing brewing in the matter came when C. R. Bcott called the clerk of the court up by telephone and requested him to with draw the name of Bdott as attorney for Potts. The case had been set for yesterday morning when the parties were before the court Saturday and when the case was called the mother waa present with a num ber of friends. Mrs. Potts oame into court a few minutes later and announced that her husband, Louis H. Potts, had left home Wednesday and gone to parts unknown to her, carry ing with him the child who was to have been brought into court yesterday morning. When questioned she maintained that she knew nothing about her husband's plan to take the child out of the Jurisdiction of the court and that she did ' not know where he had gone. When the mother found that she could not even see her child until Potts could be located she broke down and cried, while friends endeavored without avail to comfort her. ' A warrant was Issued by the Judge and placed in the hands of the chief of police for the arrest of Potts and the recovery of the child, and the officers are now look ing for him. The case was continued until the child Is recovered. Chamberlain' atomaen and Lire Tablets Better Than PUIs. The question has been asked. In what are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TabUU superior to pills? Our answer Is -They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reliable, as they can always be depended upon. Then they cleanse and In vigorate the stomach and leave the bowels in a natural condition, while pills are mors harsh in effect and their ub la often fol lowed by constipation ' Balduff and the Fort Crook band at Hanscom park Sunday afternoon and ev'lng. For Bale Due bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress IS M. care Omaha Bee. dresses, lace and embroidery trimmed. Mauy of thet-e skirts and frowns gold for 4fl.R0 to if l.K.1. Corset covers and Urawcis at 4Sc, values Hen' Shirts Saturday worth 7Sc at 29c Silk Mousselines Fancy Organdies n 10c and 15o drapery Swisses, fc at, yard J3 Pin dot dress swiss, worth iCn up to 40c, at Printed dimity that sells for '71c I60 yard, goes at, yard Fine Eephyr and Bcott gingham, Qlp the 18c kind, at, yard OJV Pine white dimity lace lawns, cross bar nainsook, remnants, all IOc go at, yard avv Fine mercerised walstlngs, short J flp lengths, worth BOo yard, go at..v'' One big table plain and fancy CKtC weave black lawn, at, yard ...- a All kinds of prints In mill lengths, at, yard .21c 10c JJ. PtnnbtU & pong TUB BEJTJfETT COMPACT. . Groceries. We can and will save you money on your table products. Japan rtoe, special, 4o pound. This is worth at least So. Salmon, 1-1 b. can, 10c, Oil sardines, can, 4a Pickles, assorted bottle, So. Potted meats, assorted can. Sc. Baked beans, 8-lb. can, lOo. Jelly, assorted glass. So. Woe, pound, Bo. California prunes, pound, 60. FREE. Buttermilk, ice cold and delivered to all visitors in our Butter department. Smoke sale for all the smokers. Cremo cigars, each, 2fto, t for 60, 10 for 26a CANDT SPECIALS. Burnt peanuts, lOo lb. Several hundred pounds on sale at this price, . Balduff and the Fort Crook band at Hanscom park Sunday afternoon and ev'lng. Very Low Special Excursion Rates To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. T., and Chautauqua Lake In June and July, Lib eral terms and stop-over privileges. Qn and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points, 6:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, etc., send postal card to H. L. Purdy, Trav. Puss. Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, 111., or D. M. Bowman, Genera Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, ill. Fank II. Kobrraon. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON JAPAN. $00 beautifully tinted miniatures. Friday, June 26, ( p. m. City Hall, Assembly room, 6th floor. (Elevator service.) For every one In Omaha who wishes to come. Admission 63 cents. The Low Hates to nation Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway, afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on sale June 25, 26 and 27. July 1, 2, 8, 4 and 6. Full particulars on application to M. S. Gllos, T. P. A., Chicago, or by addressing C. F. Daly, Chief A. U. P. A.. Chicago. Half fare to Boston June 24, 26. 30; July 1, 2. J, 4. Long limit. Stopover privileges Choice of routes. Through cars to Boston; no change enroute via. The Northwestern I Line, the only double track route. 1401-1103 I Farnam street. 5c MRS. J. BENSON SALE OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Two Special Values, $1.15, 48c This lot of ten dnzen at $1.15 in cludes a variety of skirts and night up to S3c. flWUSffi Kl.l lAHI.n STORK, FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY In tho Groat Domestic Room. This Is the greatest remnant sale we ev er held In Omaha. Over a carload of white and colored goods at a emull trifle of their original coet. HERE ARE A FEW B0C TABLE LINEN 25C. Extra heavy quality unbleached table linen, 60 Inches wide, worth 00c Qtlr yard, for one clay at yard Sw 60C TABLE LINEN 37HC 60c quality full bleached Irish table linen, 62 inches wide, guaranteed all QTfl. pure linen, lor one day at yard.... J I aw 75C TABLE LINEN C. 75-? quality silver bleached Herman table linen, extra heavy quality, all pure linen, Inches wide, for one art.. day at yard 4J 15C ETAMINE DUCK 8AC. The new etamltie white duck for ladles' HKirts ana boys' suits, worth 150 Ql. yard, for one day at yard QSC 3T.C WHITE GOODS 12HC. One big table sheer lace stripe batiste, iiuiiinuoK, uimity ana rnndrai Ing, worth up to 35c yard, for one day at yard MT-KT.TNT KC Tllin waist- 124c Indian head and buck head muslin. 36 inches wide, Sc value, for C one day at yard QC 65C LINEN FINISH SHEETS. 42C. Linen finish bleached sheets, size 2H yds. wiur,, it, yns. long. 3-incn nem, JlrJl- worth 6ic, for one day at fS.C 16C PILLOW CASES 12V4C. 16c quality pillow cases, extra fine quality, " -xao, ine ioc value, tor 111., one day at , I9C 86C COLORED WASH GOODS REMNANTS 12HC. 6,000 yards remnants of Macname laced sinpea organdies, Swiss muslins, dotted Swisses, French batistes, corded batistes How is This for (MYDEN'S CHINA DEPARTMENT 11.25 Decorated lemonade tankards, 25a "60 per set flow blue cups and saucers, 80 each. Seml-porcelaln dinner plates, 3a Fireproof pudding dishes, 6c. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. We are about to make a big change In very cheap to get them out. All brands of Laundry Soap At per Dar Very fine Prrunes 3ic Per lb Very fine Evaporated Peaches 6k .74c -er id Very fine Evaporated Apricots rer 10 HAYDER3 Ji ft. Lsajszy Bargain Offers ' .: ::::: ' : ' Smoke Omaha's Finest " fJ 5c Cigar- the ff 1 rcl (7 S- n ill I IV V Jk Park A Telford- , I I I 1 I I V Ml Favorlta 15 slr.es. V ll I I t I ( B. Rodrlguei Charles I ill V - J the Greatr-12 slies. E '' 4 I 1 " Enuello Lopes Lord Temple 10 slies. k f Tel- 1500 ,or bo' We deliver. Ky W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company SsT" 1 " i "nil I "iii'iiiii"- i.iin r 1 fJ-ifj! Friday Special In Children's Clothing Dept. 3d Floor. $6 Splendid Vacation Suits at $2.35 Swell 35 little suits in Norfolk sailors, sailor blouses, Jr double-breasted styles and three-piece suits, Hay """"" worth up to $8, at Boys' S60 Brownie Overalls ages 8 to 8 third floor 18C Boys' $1.00 Madras Shirts on third floor 3Qc Boys' 75c Mothers' Friend Blouse Waists third floor 2Qc Boys' $1.25 Washable Bailor at Boys' $1. SO and $2.00 at WASHABLE KNEE PAINTS a to ltt at Men s All Wool Pants at 89c 400 pairs of well made Pants fully worth $2.00 a pair QQ tomorrow at 0"w A Little Money put in the bank Is not a talent hidden in a napkin. It Is earning all the time; Its work goes on while one sleeps, and even Sundays the capital is growing larger. We open accounts for one dollar or more and pay 4 per cent interest, compounded every three months. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers. Dnrrlal Trulu to Bohemian. State Toornasnent. On Sunday, June 28, the Burlington will run, a special train to Wllber, NeD., leav ing nt 8 a. m.; returning will leave Wllber nt tv m. Fare. 11.60 for the round trip. See me for particulars. J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent, 1502 f arnam Bt., umana. The Wabash Hallrnad "In the Good Old Summer Time" offer many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis, Baltimore, St. -Louis, Saratoga, Detroit, Atlanta and other points. Call at city office, 1GU1 Farnam, or address HARRY E. MOORES. G. A. P. D , Omaha, Neb. Sperial Matinee Friday. Last performance of "Graustark" Fri day afternoon. Owing to the great demand for seats they have decided to give a spe cial matinee. Any seat In the house Id cents. Ko More Klota In. Hlrhmond. RICHMOND, Va., June 25. No further rioting growing out of the street car strike was reported today. The rt'Klments ordered to reinforce the military altvmiv here have all arrived and heavy detnehments have been placed at all danger points. The com pany commenced running cars on three lines this afternoon. There Is talk of hav ing martial law declared. IMfiilrl 1'lcale! Picnic! The only picnic of the season will be he'd by the Omaha Platlduetschen Vereen. Sunday, June 28, at Ruser's park. Carry alls leave Thirty-second and Center streets everv Ave minutes. Train as advertised cancelled by the railroad company. COMMITTEE. 8,14. TBI eit.TBI S14.TB! Chicago and return June 14-16-30. July l. Good till September 15. vfa "The Northwest ern Line." the only double track road. 1101, HU1 Farnam St. Balduff and the Fort Crook band at Hauscam park Sunday taruoon aud ey'lng. CM' itKi.iAni.K sruiih. ITEMS AS AN INDEX And 1 1 u m (inn ..nit emivAa mtinmm m n A tloral designs. In pieces of from 3 to 10 yards, and several pieces of the 19 1 same design, Friday Ia3c 80C COLORED WASH GOODS REMNANTS 10C. 6,000 yards remnants of Irish and Scotch printed dimities. French lawns and ba tistes, corded batistes, Scotch madrases, yard wide zephyr King-hams, plain col ored chambrays and wide and narrow corded black India llnons. In pieces of from three to ten yards ' ift Friday tC 2C COLORED WASH GOODS REMNANTS 8S4C 4,000 yards remnants of corded printed hair line batistes, light grounds, colored printed lawns and oatlstes and ni, black India llnons Friday (JSC 15C COLORED WASH GOODS REMNANTS 6C. 4,000 remnants of Scotch and Irish dimities and lawns, seersucker and dress ging hams and yard wide light and C. dark percales, Friday tfC 6C SUMMER PRINT REMNANTS 2HC. 10,000 yards remnants of summer prints, great assortment of light and medium colors, In pieces of from 2 to 10 Ol yards, Friday fclC 200 SAMPLE SHIRT WAISTS. 200 ladles' sample shirt waists, assorted styles, worth up to $6.00, O Cfl Friday tiOU A few of those Rainy Day Skirts left black, gray and I Oft blue, Friday liSO 35c decorated milk pitchers, 10a 100-plece Imported porcelain decorated dinner set, $4.69. Decorated toilet sets, $1.69. Crystal berry and fruit saucers, lc. our grocery department and will sell goods Very fine Currants Per lb Very fine Pears Per lb Very fine Raisins Per lb Very fine Evaporated Apple Per lb .74c 84c .74c 54c BROS. IS - & in Boys' Clothing Bults basement ROC all linen two-piece Suits , 39c 12Jc 25o and 35c kind ages Lien's Overalls 25c It's the usual &0c kind; blue, with a nar row white stripe, full cut, every pair war ranted not to rip; sale price 25c; not more than two pairs to any one customer; on sale Friday and Saturday. While we are talking about overalls, let us remind you that we have the agency for Carhartt's celebrated union made overalls, "no others are as good." If you are going to buy a new suit for the 4th, why not look over our Alfred Benjamin clothes; we show an ele gant line of Benjamin suits at $15.00 and $18.00, which Is less than one-half of mer chant tailors' prices; If there is anything wrong about the tit we remedy It free of charge. If you want a good suit at a more moderate price let us show you Kohn Bros" make. We offer special value of the Kohn Bros suits at $7.50 and $10.00: be sides we sell suits at $5.00 the looks and make-up of which will surprise you. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1521 Douglas street. PAUL'S CHOICE INKS AND MUCILAGE Write for prices on Paul's Qold Seal, Record Inks used by Banks and Uankcn, Life and hire Insurance Companies and Mercantile Houses In Fvery City and Town In America New style quart, pint and half pint bottlus. Paul's Ink Co. are manufactur ing a full lino of Inks, mucilage and paBte. and ink in bulk. Prices quoted on application. PAUL'S INK CO.. s I IS Ninth Ktrest. Jorsty City, N. J. SALE. Bale of uni'l. timed storage Roods at auc tion at L'"7 Pallium utrtrt Stturday, Juno 10 u. m. All kinds furniture, carpets, ruga, stoves, fine ball rack, parlor Utblo aAtl other (ooda u 1L SCULLER MUELLER. 1313 FARNAM STREET. P AH OS liE begin to see the finish of those twelve carloads of pianos Mr. Mueller bought at half price on his recent eastern trip. They are moving fast nd we give fair warning to our friends who are thinking of a new piano that the last of them will positively be sold this week. Investigate The WOO piano selling for $240 during this sale is a sample of those offered- -it is a 1903 parlor up right Colonial or carved beauti ful genuine mahogany, walnut or oak case best ivory keys fully guaranteed and you may choose from several makes you know to be good. SAVING ALMOST HALF PUT the saving in your pocket by retting one of these today. $600 Pianos for $360 S500 Piano9-for 30O $450 Pianos -for $270 S350 Pianos-for $2IO $300 Planos-for $180 $273 Planos-for $165 On $5.00 monthly payments. Choice of twenty makes. Choioe of fiftoen designs. Choice of all woods. Don't delay. Call or write at once. We ship pianos everywhere on approval Money back if yeu say so. Pianola recitals Friday from 3 to 4 p. m. Factory tuning and repairing by factory men. TELEPHONES: ma ha I62S. Council Blaffi 368 IOWA BRANCH: 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Made by hand. - The wild-sheep wool picked, cleaned and card ed by hand the yarn dyed with home-made moss dyes by band the fabric spun by hand. That's the tale of the creation of our Specially Imported Donegal Hand spun Homespun. Shrunk by hand, cnt by hand, sewn by band, fin ished by hand. That's the tale of the creation of a MacCarthy Homespun Suit. Want one? We'll want but $25 to $45 if you do. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at 304-J06 S. 16th St Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 1808. Ladles' Waist Pin Sets- STERLING SILVER d OR In sets of three .Oll.fciJ STERLING SILVER In sets of three Pins and Lett liuckle to match $2.25 ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF STER LING BELT PINS 11 TO 10. Brown & Borsheim, JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS, 222 S. 16th St. urn $3.00 Gold Crowns from $2.85 FREE In order every mim, Work done Thl Offer ih.V.Tor Oood Until material June 20. to increase our clinic, we want Aoman and child to have their Kitu examined by the Pro fesKors. Work guarantied 10 rum. Incorporated under tale Law. 'ituHWfWATtl Hi.ins from 25c Teetn KklrtcUd HHRR Aluminum Plates from IV. Hrldg werk Iron i.Sl UNIONDENTL COLLEGE OF PAINLI SS nrNTIKTKY. 192 J Douflai. 0pi daily tl I. SuaJaM f te . Didn't Get Your Clothes when they were promised, ehT That Is the way It goes some places, but not at The Pantortum e make II a rule to get things out iromilly and when promised. We give you Hist clans work at popular prltfa and guarantee it in every respect. Try ua THE PANTOniUM OMAHA. 407 So 15th St Tel. KxJ t Over 700 Men's Negligee Shirts at 75c each. Worth $1.00 (Si $1.25 Kvery man in Omaha will have a chance to add to his supply of cool negli gee shirts today. A great many men will go to the high priced furnishers and pay f 1.00 and $1.25, according to their fancy, for exactly the same shirts as we are ottering today for 75c. Tor these shirts are sold in any amount of good stores that are proud of them at these regular prices. Every shirt is new this season the styles are handsome and varied cut gen erously full and will fit any man who wears a 14 to 17 collar. ON SALE FRIDAY at 4 4 4) 4 Mg ""WaWfflWsTHaaaBaaBaWBB 1 BBnURnmMfr MLUbKT bUHULIVI, JEWELER 107 N. I6TH ST., OPP. POSTOFFICE. Wedding Ring Headquarters Largest stock of fine 18-k Wedding Rings in the city. All sizes, shapes and weights. The Tiffany is the popular shape. X Just give ns a look when you HAVE YOU It Is a purs ORANGE syrup and is excellent to use as a winoh for social entertainments, etc puncn ICIrSiHERBET08 M WATER irLir11 otia.un,r, as a sweet lelly, pudding, sauce eto nvi.' LA5lathe "ly tURE ORANGE drink onths i market. TRJ IT Bold through the grocery and drug trade. " Manufactured by the Los Angeles ' Fruit Juice Co., Los Angeles, Cat. W. H CLEflENTS, Distributer, a 19 South Eleventh Street, Omaha. 1 1 t r O OTTLE XZ- Carefully brewedthoroughly aged -absolutely pure finest quality private brand rick flavor physicians prescribe It best of all costs no more. g2 Daltrcna te say part M Oaskt, Cemell Bluffs mr 4nter a case from the . 1 T T umn lewpnone leez .or LEE -MICHEL.L, wholesale PREPARE now by buying one of our handsome U L ana our prices are right. Take a look, anyway. Society Stationery 25c, 86c and 60c per box. MAWHINNEY 6l RYAN CO., JEWELERS AND ART 8TATIONERS. 13th and Douglaa Sta., OMAHA Selection packages sent to responsible parties. Mall orders given careful attention, WRITK FOR CATALOGUE. IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT I It you don't get a good grip or suit case for less f than a poor one would cost you, because we carry I the best and are selling them at I Tweaty Per Cent Discount. I Come In and Investigate. F Repairing done. Telephone 1058. IAIIA-TRMK-FACTORY- fast. A GREAT MISTAKE It Is certainly a great error for anybody to buy a Sewing Machine Just because It Is cheap, without being convinced about Its merits. There are too many cheap machines In the market. We hand'e the best and they are really the che.iiiest. They can always be depended on and will outwear three or four of the mall houe machine. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., Phone 1574. There Will be Music Hiring music the kind that everybody likes (lowers and SODA Yes, soda that 1m worth coming for; soda that's different from any you have ever tasted; every kind of soda; nut and fruit HUudacN, f:itn y litlXKil sodas, KHOZKN BANANA I'l'l -KINO AND KKO.K.M STRA WHKKRY IThTARD will be two leading specialties for our KTH'NTAIN OPKNINU, SATl it KAY, JI'NK '.'7. v IWi.'b Ivldney rills ??c liiki f'utlcura Bitlve X'.'c Hut klmrt's I'llls :i'.u- fiv luanl till !". .t Hire s Rout Heer U ! H..0 Oenutne C'HStorli .' , "I'' II t0 lvruna ,;"c l no Miles' Nervine TUc I What's the use of paying mure Hum ! these prices? We dUver any phtce In the city at Bdvertlsed prices. 6io l.liiuosoiie 4"c ! l'lnk of Perfection 4"c I O) I'lerce's goods t'c SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICT DRUU SI OKU Twe 'Phoaes 74T an TUT. iek a4 Chicago Slreels. Omaha. fcSDRUNICARDS MHITS DOVF. CURE ''"" ' liK t.imufdrluk.lha M.imtll for wlilc h i-annu) ilat aitar utlria thla rnirUr lilv.B In any ll'tul UU of iiUKwiVuit u( paneuli uaiit4aaiai SheriDaa UoCoaaell Prug Co.. Omaha. 75c think of buying a DIAMOND. 444444444444 TRIED DEER Fff'R R P Wf N Q CO. axaTil OMAHA Tataaat dealer, council mrr r FOR RAIN mbrellas. We have a large assortment 1514 Capitol Ave This Atomizer OCT.. BY MAIL . 25C ( 35c ) It works per fectly Fine watur oil at omiser for t!6c. Hy mall. Write for catalogue of,5!i. drugs, Pa-f-y r, clnes and rubher goods of all kinds. Shtrman&McConnell Drag Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Omaha. Neb. fl I S K 'w '-"va aW iUJk Strmtt. 1 i'atJ sjp rapiial fr.f4Mi.taU4! HurptM tmm4 ltl0P0O. lftsfsy Imh. rsia4i( f T HasnJIiss. Mat fmkv m a. m im 51