Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Bhorts1 Urgent Demand Pohe Wheat Up
on Board of Trade.
Heavy Ho Receipt at Low Price,
Offset Cereal Inflaeace and "'
pre, Provisions, Which Close
Week an Lower.
CHICAGO. June 24 Considerable exrlte
tni nt was witnessed In the ht pit today
er.d prlc wore decidedly strong. July clos
ing higher and September up 1-V(ilc;
July corn was higher. September corn
Sc higher and September oats V"o
higher, while provisions ruled weak. the
September products clotting from UVjC to
jT c lower.
The general bullish sentiment among
wheat traders and the urgent demand for
July from shorts resulted in an exceedingly
liong market the greater part of the day.
Opening price were easier on the some
wnat Improved weather reports and on dls
ppolntlng cables. July being Sfj'iC lower
t VS''a78',c and September unchanged to
ac lower at 7.Vsi7ii-e. llulllsh news from
St. Louis, with buying orders from the
southwest and the nortnwest, soon started
prices In sn upward direction, and with a
hrm close In the foreign markets the senti
ment here became extremely bullish, July
advancing to hoc and September to uc.
Rumors of a soueese In old July by a Bt.
Louis concern caused considerable unensl
nuss to shorts, which recovered freely,
thus helping In the advance, but the chief
factor whs the situation In the northwest,
where the crops are In dire need of rain.
After reacting to 79'4C July again advanced
to KHV and the rloae was at 7!)c, a gain
of lfcc. September sold up to '"c
late In the session and closed lV(flc higher
at 77Vtt77Hc. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to 630.!tno bushels. Primary
receipts were 270. 400 bushels, against 34S.iO0
bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and
Iuluth reported receipts of 12 cars, which
with local receipts of 20 cars, none of con
tract grade, made total receipt for the
three points of 14fi cars, against 2t8 cars
lost week and 306 cars a year ago.
The bullish activity In wheat, together
with a good demand from commission
houses and shorts, caused strength In corn
after an easier opening, due to the rather
bearish crop advices. There was little corn
on the market, with the greater part of
the offerings coming from longs, who were
taking prollts. After ranging between 50c
and 6iv4c July closed mc higher at Biv4c.
Sepfinber was N" higher at 60c. after
selling between 4iTc und 50ic. Local re
ceipts were 442 cars, with 51 of contract
'"oafs opened quiet, with local traders In
clined to the selling side, but the strength
In wheat oon brought out a good demand
lrom big commission houses and the mar
ket advanced. Predictions of general rains
were considered as a rather unfavorable
feature. The close was strong, with July
,e higher nt 41Sc and September Hfa-c
higher nt 344gn4",o, after selling between
33"e and 3tWMc. Local receipt were 127
cars. , . M . ...
Extremely heavy receipts of nog, with
declines of from 6c to 20c at the yards,
were Influences that eould not be offset by
the strong grain markets, and as a result
provisions ruled weak the entire day. The
selling was quite general and the market
was poorly supported. The close was weak,
Beptember pork being 27Hc lower at $16.42H;
September lard was UVjo lower at $8.67,
With ribs off lV&c at $S.95&8.97H.
Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat,
IB cars; corn, 465 cars; oats, 215 cars; hogs,
30.000 head. M ..
The leading future ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Tes'dy.
July Sept.
July Sept
July Sept.
July Sept.
v' H
i I
4flU'i?l 41S1
33f7l 4
18 28
lli 60
8 40
8 9ft
16 40
in 60
48 48K
9 00
16 20 1 18 26 1
18 40 I 16 421
8 40 1 8 45 1
8 621 8 671
16 60
16 70
8 67
8 70
8 90
8 96
8 90 1 9 10
8 97 9 15
No. 1 tOld. INew.
Cash quotation were a follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patent. $3.668.70;
winter straights, t3.20iS3.60; spring patents,
$3.UOf!4.10: spring straights, $3.46tt3.f; bak
ers. $2.46(33.00.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7881c; No. S, 1SQ
79c; No. 2 red. 79ff81c.
CORN-No. 2, 61c; No. 1 yellow, 81
OATS No. 2, 41e; No. 8 white, 4041o.
RYE No. 1, 52(&62c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 60
SEED No. 1 flax, 99c: No. 1 northwest
ern, 31.01: prime timothy, $3.90; clover,
contract grade, $11,60411.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.25
16.37. Lard, per W0 lbs., $8.408.45. Short
ribs side (loose). $3.7503.90. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), $8 004)8.12. Short clear
side (boxed), 9. 374)9. 60.
Following are the receipt and hipment,
of flour and grain yesterday:
Receipt. Shipment.
Flour, bbl ai.ssju 16,500
Wheat, bu 58,600 83,400
Corn, hu 618.800 423,700
Oats, bu 675.700 88,200
Rve, bu 21.600
Barley, bu 100,800
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was steady: creameries, 16ij21c;
dairies, 16Sl!c. Eggs, easy, at mark,
cases Included, 12&Uc. Cheese, steady;
dressed, weak: western broilers, 18iff20c;
fowls, 1.1c; turkeys. lK'el6c.
METAW-There was a decline- of Ins In
the London tin market, spot there closing
at 117 and futures nt aUIMn. Locally tin
was quiet, with spot quoted at .K i--'.i
2V87. Copper showed little change In the
London miirket, spot closing at 5 7s tid,
while futures closed 5s higher at M7std.
lxiciilly roiier was quiet and nominally
unchanged at 114 50 for lake and electro
lytic, while casting was $14. Iead giilned
1-sSd In London, closing at 11 Ins, while
In New York it was quiet at $4 12. Spel
ter, closing nt 19 Ifts In London, was un
chnnged. while locally It was also un
changed at $, nominal. Iron closed at 52 i'm
In Glasgow and at 4Ks 7d In Mlddleabor
ough. Locally Iron was nominally tin
chunged; No. 1 foundry, northern, $19 ,VK(f
in iO; No. 2 foundry, northern. $18 WMi Irf .00;
No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry,
southern, soil, $19.0ual9 60. Warrants, nominal.
Qaotatloa of the Dar o Varloai
NEW YORK. June 24. FLOUR Receipts.
0.244 bbls. ; exports, 33.738 bbls.; market
fairly active and steady; winter patents,
.j.avii ..; winter siraignis,; mm
nesotu patents, $4.40(i44.66; winter extras
82.9cn3.20; Minnesota bakers. $3.6orri3.75: win
ier low grudes, $2.70413.00. Rye flour, quiet;
rair to gooci, t-aoai zu; cnoice to fancy.
CORN MEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.14
City, $1.12; Brandy win, nominal.
RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 59e. f. o. b.,
Moat: state. 56Cn59c. c. I. f.. New York.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, .46c, c. I. f.,
uurraio; mamng. mviiowc, c. 1. r, Butlnlo.
WHEAT Receipts. oO.OTO bu. : exuorts. 53..
632 bu. Spot. Arm; No. 2 red, 84c, elevator;
No. 2 red, 85c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern
Duluth, 93V4c, f. o. b., atloat; No. 1 hard
Manitoba, KU t. o. b . afloat. It was a hull
deal In wheat, price advancing rapidly,
with July In the lead on rumors of a hl
shortage west and the light supplies every
where. Later positions were affected by
iac ni sumcieni rain in ne nortnwest
general covering and higher cables. The
market closed 131V net higher. Sales In
cluded: No. 2 red July. 844jK2Hc, closed at
S5c; Beptember. 80H(fi82c, closed at 82c;
December, 80rS2Hc, closed at 82i,c.
CORN Receipts. 93.450 bu.; exports, 31.150
bu. Spot, firm; No. 2. 68c, elevator, and
doviC, i. o. o., anoai: no. j yellow. &i)c; No,
2 white. 69o. Options were nulet all riuv.
but none the less firm, reflecting more
showers over the belt and the wheat
strength closing WfrSo net hlsrher: Julv.
6.s(jiJic, closed at Wc; September, W(ri
closed at 5hSc.
I i A'PS Ke.lnt Hi V hn Vn -,
standard white, 46c; No. I, 42c; No. 2
white, 4i'c; No. 1 white. 46c; track west
ern. 42'jj4ltc; track white state, 42'u-uTe. Op
tion were active and firm on strength else-
w nere. .
HAY Steady; shipping, 8085c; good to
choice. tl.&Wl 36.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
l& i crop, liij Jc; 19vl ci op, H17c; old.
6u6c; Pacltic coast, 19ui crop, Util.;:
l'l crop, 14(ql7c; olds. 6U9c.
HIPKS Steady; Oalveston, 20 to 26 lbs.,
lc; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas drr.
24 to 40 lbs., 24c.
LEATHER-Quiet: acid. 44525o.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, iff
Tc: Japan, nominal.
PROVISIONS Heef, dull; family, $10 60W
1150; mess. $8 60160: beef hams, $19. V-??
20 00; packet. $9 iixg 10.00; cltj extra India
mess. $16mfil8im Cut meals. nulet;
Tickled helllee. $9 25fJ10.75; pickled shoulders,
I;.7f"ti8.00: pickled hams. 111.751 12.00. Lard,
weak; western steamed. $8.75; June closed
at $8.76, nominal; refined, weak: continent
$XK5. South America. $9 60, compound, $7 60
tiSOO. Pork, easy; famllv. $18; short clear.
$17 6o.T19 2? : mess. $18 OOt 60.
TALLOW Dull; cltv H! per pkg ). 6c;
country (pkgs free). 6W6V,c.
BUTTER Receipt. 12.168 pkgs : steady;
reamerv. I)ri21c; state dairy, 17921c.
CHEKSE Re'etits, 3.538 pkgs. ; steady:
tat, full cream, fancy small colored and
white. 10c; large colored and white, 10c.
EOOS Receipts. 10.473 pkgs.; steady;
western extras, USc; western seconds to
tll,U, 16J17c.
POULTRY Alive, easier; western spring
'2Uokna, lea; fowls, Uo; turkey. Ujitfc;
C'ondMInn ef Trede and Quotation on
Staple and Fancy Prodoee.
EGOS Fresh stock, loss off, 1313c.
LIVE POl LTRY Hens, 7?(Ke; spring
chickens, per lh., 15(fil7e; roosters, accord
ing to age, 4ic: turkeys, 13(gl6c; ducks,
iffiPc; geese, b'a'lc.
BUTTER-Packing stock, )4(315c; choice
dalrv. In tubs, lnftl'c; separator, 2Ha22c.
FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, 9c;
pickerel, ,Sc; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, c;
blueftsh, 11c; whlteflsh. 9c; salmon, 15c;
haddock, 10c: codfish 12c: redsnapper. 10c;
lobsters, bollod. per lb.. 2fe; lobsters, green,
per lb., 23c; bullheads. 11c; catfish, 14c;
black bass. 17fi2'ic: halibut. 10c; shad roe,
4oc per pair; roe shad, $1 each; crapple. 12c;
herring, 6c; perch. 6c; white bass, 10c; blue
tins, be.
BRAN Per ton. $15.
HAY Prices quoted hy Omaha Whole
sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1,
upland, $10; No. 2, t9.50; medium. $9; coarse,
$8.50. Rye straw, $7. These prices are for
hay of good r lor and quality. Demand fair
and receipts light.
OATS 40c.
RYE No. 8. BOo.
OLD POTATOES Northern stock, per
bu.. 8nfjx5o; natives. 36i&40c.
new potatoes Southern, per 10., zc.
PARSLEY Per dozen bunches, 30c.
PAR8N1PH-Per bu., 40c.
CUCUMBERS Per doi., 60c; home
grown. 35c.
BEANS Home grown, wst. per bu. cox.
$2.00; string, per bu. box, $2.00.
JAU Li flower Home grown, per ao.,
CABBAGE New California, per lb., 8o.
TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket
crate, $3.26: Mississippi, per 4-basket crate.
RHUBARB Per lb.. 1C.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2 60.
ONIONS New California dry. per lb.. 2c;
Teas. ner lb . 2c.
CELERY Michigan, per flog., 25c.
STRAWBERRIES Hood rivers, $3.00.
BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-pint cae.
$1.25: per 24-quart case, $2.50.
RASPBERRIES per 24-pint case.
BLACKBERRIES Per 24-auart case. $2.60.
apricots California, per box. $1.60.
PEACHES-Callfornla. per box, $1.25.
PLUMS California. Clvman. per box.
chkhkiks California, white and mack.
per 10-lb. box. $2.
t'Afli'ALOUl'E-Florida, per crate, 3.bow
APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. 84.60; new
stock, bu., 75e.
FIGS California, par 10-lb. carton. 76o:
Turkish, per 18-1d. box, 18c.
ORANUES California navel, raney. for
176 and smaller sizes, $4.00; for 160 and
larger sizes, $3.26; Mediterranean, all sixes,
$3.003.25; Jaffa, $3.253.50; fancy blood, per
half box, $2.00.
lemons California fancy, all size.
$4.604.76; Messlnas, $4.00.
UA1E8 .Persian, in 10-iD. noxe, per ID.,
6e; per oase of 30-lb. pkgs., $3.25.
PINEAPPLES Florida, $2.75; Cuban, $Z.60.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 100.
POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled. 4c.
HIDES No. 1 green. 6Vc: No. 2 green.
5c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c;
no. l veal can. 8 to 12 lb., uttc: no. i.
veal calf, 12 to 15 lb., 6c; dry salted
hides, 8(5 12c; sheep pelts, 25Q75o; horao
hldes, $1.6OS2.60.
NUTS Walnut. No. 1 oft ahell. per lb..
16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per id.. 13c; no. z hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Brazils, per lb.. 12c Filberts, per lb.. 12o.
Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 16c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c;
small, per lb., 11c; cocoanut. per dot., 61c;
chestnut, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
walnuts, per ou.. i: hickory nuts, per bu..
St. Lonls Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUrS. June 24. WHEAT Higher;
XT 9 sail AO ah alaifatA XAwilnal wAnlr
i f m jnoii vina .- , ituiiu iiom , jVA,
83c; July, 82c; September, 76T,c; No. 2
hard, 80(Blc
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 63o; track,
64c; July, blc; September, 50c.
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, i9c; track, 40
42c; July, 39c; September, 34c; No. 2 white,
rye Higher at 65c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3.76
3.90; extra fancy and straight, $3.46fe3.70:
SEED Timothy, steady at $2.0032.60.
CORNMEAL Steady at $2.70.
BRAN Quiet: sacked lots, on east track.
HAY quiet; timothy, $12.0016.60; prairie,
$6. 004 11.00.
IRON COTTON TIES-Qulet at $1.06.
BAGGING Quiet. 6iac.
HEMP TWINE 8teady, 5c.
PROVISIONS Pork: Lower; 5"bblng.
standard mess, $16.66. Lard: Lower at
$8.06. Bacon, quiet; boxed, extra shorts,
$10: clear ribs, $10.25; short clear, $10.57.
METALS Iead: Future shipment, $4.02.
Spelter: Future shipment, $6.60.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 10c: spring,
13c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 7c; geese, ilo.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, i722c;
dairy, 15H18c.
EGGS Firm at 135, loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl 8.000 . 4,000
Wheat, bu 21,000 14,000
Corn, bu 26,000 17.0o0
Oats, bu 82,000 15,000
Kansas City Grain aad Prorlaloa.
7fc: NO. , 7tKfir,2c: No. I red, 74ca76c; No.
ItKU'iac: receipts, i car.
71c; September, 67c; cash, No. 2 hard, 73'i
..... . . . ' v - , .j. , wwv;,
cash. No. 2 mixed, W'uMo; No. 2 white, 64 tf
64c; No. 8, 62 53c. v
OATS No. 2 white, 47c.
RYH-No. 2, 6oc.
HAY Choice timothy, $13.00ffl8.f50; prairie,
BUTTER Creamory, 17Q19c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Fresh. llc.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Firm, good demand; extra western cream
ery. 22c; nearby prints, 23c.
EGGS Steady, In fair demand; fresh
nearby, 17c, loss off; western, 17o; south
western, 17c; southern, 16c.
CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New
Tork fu'l creams, choice, new, 11c; fair to
guod, lOW&loc.
Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Bran.
Cash, 85c; July, 84Sc; September, lf9
737e; No. 1 hard, Kb'c; No. 1 northern,
r."ic: No. 2 northern. 84Te; No. 8 northern,
FlAl'R-Flrst patents, $4 .JOJM $0: second
patents. $4.10(4 20; first clears, $3.1ty 3.1i;
second eleai a, $2 40.
BRAN In bulk. $14.0014.60.
American was reflected elsewhere. Con
sols were steady. Americans were firm, but
the dealings were uninteresting and wholly
professional. Urand Trunk hardened on
the tratnc returns exceeding the estimates.
PAHirt, June 24. Trailing on the bourse
tcday opened dull, but tne demand for
French rentes caused a general Improvu
ninit. Panama canal shares rose on a
rumor that the Hay-lieiran treaty will be
ratified by the Colombian congress. At the
cirse prices were firm and nuslness was
quiet. The private rate of discount was
2 13-18 per cent; I per cent rentes, 9Kf 9c
for the account; exchange on London, 2uf
lnc for checks.
BERLIN, June 24. -Business on the
bourse today was quiet. Money had a
tendency to be hiaher. Exchange on Lon
don, lm 3JHtpfg for checks; discount rates
snun hills, per cent; lor three
ths' bills, 3 per cent.
Market Flertoatea Bo Inconsistently
General Trend Is Hidden.
NEW YORK. June 24 IJttle can be gath
ered of prevailing speculative sentiment
from the movement in prices In today's
stock market. For one reason, dealings
were too small to be of any consequence
and were still In the hands of professional
traders. The movement ol prices was con
flicting and so constantly fluctuating as to
leave no room for consistent Inferences as
to the motives that promoted the opera
tions. There was some degree of strength
In the morning which seemed to be ample
continuation of yesterday's late rallv.
Prices, however, are generally lower than
last night's. Probably the real reason for
this Is that prices advanced yesterday. In
the prevailing doubt and timidity of the
board room operators they shrunk from
carrying prices far In any direction. While
one small barty buys stocks another party
avails Itself of this demand to go short
and an opportunity for fractional profit Is
sufficient to prompt the closing out of con
tracts. For several years Mr. Morgan's
return from his annual vacation In Europe
has been made the occasion for a bull
demonstration In the stock market. Today
the passage of the steamship bearing him
was bulletined from various points as It
was sighted, but the stock market failed
to respond. Some of the questions regard
ing the formations connected with Mr. Mor
gan's name awaiting derision have been
the subject of uneasy conjectures, which
may account for the changed attitude to
wards his home coming.
Tbjj engagement of $1,500,000 gold for ship
ment' to Paris tomorrow was a chilling In
fluence on the market, especially in view
of the condition of surplus reserve of the
banks and the approach of the period of
semi-annual settlements. The requirements
of this period are complicated this year hy
the falling due of subscriptions for the f.0
per cent Installments on the new stock
lssu of the Pennsylvania, Payments of
subscriptions for the stock are being made
In a desultory manner, but the large nolders
of privileges are evidently deferring their
fiayment until the last moment. The. prlvl
ege expires on Saturday. June 27. The pay
ments so far made have not disturbed the
money market, btit it Is estimated that
upwards of $20,000,001) remains to be paid
on this Account. It has been said that
the disturbance In the money market will
be prevented by the use of the proceeds
of these subscriptions for the payment of
$40,000,000 Pennsylvania loan taken out last
It appears, however, that this loan which
was for six months, does not mature until
near the middle of July. Money was
higher In London today, and discounts
hardened In Paris and Berlin, while sterling
fell away at both centers. This leaves
the qnestlon of further gold exports from
New York still open In spite of an easing
In the sterling rate here today. Excited
speculation occurred In the cotton market
today, and there was notable speculation
In corn and they are supposed to be re
sponsible for the contrary movement In
United States Steel went down to 82. com
pared to a previous low record of 83. There
was a sudden rally of at the last, but the
depression of these bonds had a sympa
thetic Influence In the stock list.
The bond market otherwise was dull
and irregular.
Total sales par value, $3,010,000. TJ. S.
new 4s coupon, advanced per cent on the
last call.
Following are the quotations on the New
York Stock exchange:
Atchlwn 6S So. Railway ptd IT
do pti Il'i Ttiu A PaclBo 21
Bal. k Ohio HSi Toledo. St. L. 4k W. 34
do ptd M do pti
CHntdUn PaelAo 121 Union Paclllo
Canada So 64V4I do pfd
Che. A Ohio SI 4 Wabaab
Chicago a Alton 26V, do pfd ,
do pfd 17 Wheeling A L B.
Ohlcaso O. W 18S do id pfd
do lit pfd 74 Wla. Central
do Id pfd 13 do ptd
Chicago a K. W 170H Adama Kl
Chicago Tar. Tr. . lay American ki.
United States Ex.
Welle-Farco Ex...
Amal. Copper ....
Amer. Car A F...
do pfd
Amer. Lin. Oil...
do pfd
American 8. A It.
do pfd
Anac. Mlnlns Co..
tit Brooklyn K. T ...
... 64 iColo. Fuel A Iran.... 64 vt
...17S Com. Oaa ltz
... t5'Cont. Tobacco pfd. ..107
... V4 un. electric
...132'. Hocking Coal
Iowa Central 264 Inter. Paper .
do pfd 44 I do pfd
bake Erie A W 2( inter, rower
do pfd la
C C. C. A St. L.... (i
Colorado Sit 17 V
do let ptd en
do td pfd I
Del. A Hudaon 172VV
Lei. Lt, A W 261
Denrer A R. 0 27
do pfd Vj.
Erie JH
do tat pfd
do Id pfd
Great Nor. pfd...
Hocking Valley..
do pfd
Illlnola Central .
.. 7
.. Hit
.. 4
.. 11
.. 13
.. 20
.. 41
.. 65
.. 16
.. la
.. 10
.. 13
.. "14
.. l
.. 4
do Dfd
L. A N
Manhattan L....
Met. Bt. Rr
Mex. Central ...
Max. National .
Minn. A St. L..
Mo. Pacific
M.. K. A T
do pfd
K. J. Central ..
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk A W...
do pfd
Ontario A W...
Penneylranla, ...
do lit pfd
do Id pfd
Bt. L. A s. r...
do lit pfd
do Id pfd
St. L. R. W
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pfd
So. Pad do
So. Railway ....
xLast sale.
. 1
. 14
. 411
. 43
. 40
. II
. 83
. 63
. la
. I7H
. 62
. 86
. HH
. 76
.106 lLaclede Oaa .....
....101 INatlonal Lead .
....1:14 No. American ....
....VIS Pacific (emit ...
.... lUi Pacific Mall ....
.... 20 Peoplea Gaa ....
.... 7 Preaied S. Car..
....1021 do pfd
.... 20 Pullman P. Car.
.... 48 Republic Steel .
...186 I do pfd
.... 6H4iTenn. Coal A Iron... 60
.... HI nuuion uaK a f..... 74fc
.... 14IU- 8. Leather 8
....liaj. do pfd
.... 48 U. 8. Rubber 13
.... 11 do pfd 60
....47 U. 8. Steel 29
.... TO' do pfd 7974
71 iWeatern Union 14
.... 41 Amer. Locomotlro. ... 22
.... 1! do ptd 8ij
....17 .K. C. Southern 13
....160 do pfd 4
....176 Rock laland 12
.... 474 do pfd at
.... 231
Milwaukee drain Market.
4c hlBher: close: No. 1 northern, 87ig87ac;
No. 2 northern. SiVtiooVtc; July, new, nc,
nominal; old. f0c. nominal.
RYE Wa He higher; No. 1. He.
BAKLEY Strong; No. X 660c; sample,
484i Mc.
CORN July, BlC asked.
Liverpool Krata Market.
LIVERPOOL, June 24 WHEAT 8pot,
quiet; No. I red western, winter, 6a Sd; No.
1 northern, spring. 6s 6'd; No. 1 California,
6 kd; futures, quiet; July, 6s 4Vd; Beptem
ber, 6s Sk,d.
CORN Steady: American mixed, new, 6s
2d. American mixed, o'd, 6 3d; futures,
guiet; June nominal; July, 4 8V1-
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 111.. June 24.-XRN-Hlgher;
No. 3. 4Tc; No. 4, 41;e.
OATS-Pull; No. I white, S0c; No. 4
white, S63!!iic.
Dalalh Orala Market.
DITA'TH. June 14. WHEAT To arrive.
No. 1 haid. WV; No. 1 northern, 4,c; No.
1 northern. 83c; July, Mc; Beptember, 77c.
OATS 3iiB Jb'tc.
Toledo Reed Market.
TOLEDO, June 24 -SEED Clover, dull
and unchanged; October, to. 70. Prime tim
othy, $1.70.
Foreign Klaaaelal,
LONDON. June 4 Money wa In fair
dfinand In the market today and rates
hardened slightly. Discount were easy.
I'ricee on the riiock exchange were fteady,
but bualnea was Inactive. The rally In
New York Money Market.
NEW TORK, June 24. MONEY On call,
steady, at 2(t2 per cent, closing at i(g.2
per cent; time money easier; sixty days,
ib8i Pr cent; ninety days, 4Vs per cent;
six montns, e per cent; prime mercantile
paper, 4445 per cent.
$1.870 Cn4 8765 for dumand and at $4.854.8510
for sixty days; posted rates, $4.86&4.8
and $4.884; commercial bills, $4.84.
B1L.VE.K uar, ojfc; Mexican dollars, 410.
HONDS Government, nrm; railroad Ir
regular. The closing quotations on bond are a
I), d. ret. la, re....10VL. A N. unl. 4a 100
do coupon loe Mei. Central 4a 74
do la. re lo'.H do 1st Inc 13
do coupon 108 1 Minn. A St. L. 4a. .loo
do new 4a, re M., K. A T. 4a 47
do coupon ido 2a 80
do Old 4a. rag 114 N. V. C. (. la 103
do coupon Ill IN. J. C. (. ..... ...Ml
do la. re K'-'t No. Pacific 4a. ...... .10
do coupon 102j do 3n 71
Atchison gen. 4a loo N. A w. c. 4i as
do ad 4i 88 Reading gen. 4a H7
Bal. A Ohio 4a 101 ist. L. A I. M. e. 6a 111
do ta H4 St. L. A 8 V. 4i....
do conv. 4a 100 x8t. L. 8. W. la 43
Canada Bo. la 1061 ado la 7a
Central ol Oa. Sa....lMS. A. A A. P. 4a 78
ug ia 111c a ou. rarinc B....
Chca. A Ohio 4l....l03 So. Railway la..
Chlcaio A A. 2a.... 7rt iTexas A P. la.
D. A Q. n. 4a ... tJ IT, Bt. L. A W. 4a. 77
C. M A St P I 4i. ..110 X'nlon Pacific 4a 10-s
C. A N. W. c. Ta....l30H! do cony. 4a ;,
aO., R. I. A P. 4a...l0iWabaih la iuv
T 00 2" 104
83' do deb. B 71
17 .Weat Snore 4a 10
taV''heal. ALB. 4l.. 88
iWla. Central 4a (si
84 Con. Tobacco 4s 81
104 Colo. Fuel cony. la.. 8S
C f! C A St L (.
sCMcago Tar. 4a....
Colorado So. 4a
Penyer A R. O. 4a.
Krle prior lien 4a...
do general 4a
F. W. A D. C. la...
Hocking Val. 4a..
x Offered, g Rid.
Boatea Stork Quotations.
cent . time loans
closing prices on
Atchison 4a
Ilea. Central a....
do pfd
Boston A Albany..
Boston A Maine...
Boetoa Elevated ...
N V.. N. H A H
Pltrkburg pfd
I'nloa Pacific
Mex. Central
Amer. Sugar
do pfd
iM,!... T A. T ..
Dominion I. A 8....
Uen. Klectrie ...
Mass. Klsctrlc ..
do pfd
t'nltad Fruit ...
I'. . Steal
Weatlnah. Common..
Au vent ure
AILoues . ..
x Ex-dlvldend.
21 Call loan. JVitNH per
iW'JTk per cent. Official
stock und bond:
. .4 tilngham
. 5S:Calumet A Hecla
. IV Centennial
.144 Copper Range ....
la& ibomlnlon Coal .
.1' Franklin
.11 Isle Royala
.1 Mohawk
. 14 Old Dominion ....
. 21 Osceola
.118 Parrot
.Ill1 Uuln.-v
.140 .3nta Fa Copper..
. IT Tamarack
.177 Trlmountaln
. N Trinity
. 81 t inted Slates ....
.lev I iah
. ! Victoria
. 7 Winona
. 13 Wolverine
8 letted topper ....
. I
1 Bid.
.. 13
.. 27
.. 14
.. 14
.". 13
.. .
.. 44
.. 13
.. f4
.. 21
.. M
.. 1
.. 17
.. I
.. 21
.. I
.. 4
.. -
.. 14
Geld Goes to France.
NEW YORK, June 24-Iiard Frere
have engaged Jl.5n0.u00 gold for shipment
to France tomorrow.
for today were $l.S2l,rJ.14; Incresse nrer
corresponding day of previous year, $216,
4(3 36.
etr York Vlnlng 1 ootnt lona
NEW YORK, June 24 -The followln
thn quotations 011 the New York Stoc
Adsms Con 10 Utile Chief .
Alice 10 lOntarto
Hree.e Is OpMr
iRmnswtck Con I jii'noenlx
ConMtnck Tunnel f jPotoal
t on. ( si A Va 180 'ssvaae
Horn Silver loo ISierra Nevada
Iron Silver 188 Small Hopes .
Leadvllle Con I jBtandard
x Ottered.
K are
k ex-
.. I
.. I
.. II
.. 10
.. 71
.. H
. !M
Cotton Market.
Firm; sales, 22o bales; ordinary, 10&-16-;
good ordinary, 119-ltic; low mldolng,
12 7-lfic; middling, 13 5-lc; good middling.
13 13-16c: middling fair. 12Ho, nominal; re
ceipts, 1.9M bales; stock. 08. o bales. Fu
tures steady; June, 14. G c; July, 143
bid; August 14. (Oc bid: September. 12l0jj
12.11c; October, lo.iS'fiiTl.iStc; November,
98!'o9.85c; Lvcemler, .81'y.82c; January,
NEW YORK, June 2I.-COTTON Opened
easy at an advance of 6& 12 points on the
near months, while the later positions were
from 8 points higher to 4 points lower; the
gains in the old crop positions were due to
the accumulating evidence of pool control
and fresh covering, while the new crop
positions enme more directly under the In
fluence of the disappointing cabins and Im
proved climatic conditions. After the call
the market ruled very excited and Irregu
lar; still sales worked lower, but after a
decline of 4'al2 points from the opening
figures the list again turned firm ana rule.i
strong during the midday session and most
of the afternoon; prices for all of the op
lions before November reached new high
points lor the season, while the later new
crop months were relatively easy; July sold
at best at 13,u9c; August, L'.SOe; September,
11. Wc; November and October, lii.48c. In
the last half hour there was the usual re
alizing by room longs, which hroutiiit
about a reaction In these positions of from
2 to 9 points, with September at 10.73c and
October 41 10.39c. The market was finally
Heady, however, and net & points higher
on all options up to and including October;
November was 1 point lower and the other
two months unchanged. Sales of futures
were estimated at 6V1O.O1IO bales.
ST. LOl'lS, June 24. COTTON-Qulet;
middling, 12tc; sales, none; receipt, none;
shipments, none; stock, 6,583 bales.
In limited demand; prices points
higher; American middling fair, i.28d; good
middling, 7.K'd; middling, 6iid; low mid
dling, 4.70d; good ordinary, 6.4'Jd; ordinary,
6.2'Jd; the sales of the day were 4,000 bales,
of which 4ot were for speculation and ex
port and Included 3,700 American; receipts,
2,000 bales, Including 1,400 American, fu
tures opened firm and closed Irregular and
unsettled; American middling, g. o. c,
June, 6.7iri6.72d; June and July, .69d; July
and August, 6.Sfijtb.67d; August and Sep
tember, 6.56d; September and October, S.Sod;
October and November, 6.6od; November
and December, B.38d; December and Janu
ary, 6.34d; January and February, 6.3Jd;
February and March, 6.82a5.33d.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 24 WOOL Unchanged;
medium grades and combing, 17(g21e; light
fine, 1518c; heavy fine, 1216c; tub-washed,
HOSTON. June 24. WOOL The demand
for wool has been quiet this week, although
a better feeling prevails. Territory wools
are quoted firmer, while some new wools
have been sold.
New territory wools quotable here at
Bl(552c for fine; 48560c for fine medium, and
45tj4tic for medium. Old territory wool Is
quoted steady. Fine staple wool Arm at 62
63c, scoured basis, with ftne at 6063c; fine
medium, 4748c, with medium at 4346o.
Territory, Idaho fine, 14914He; fine medium,
ISlHc; medium, 16cfl7c; Wyoming fine,
14150: fine medium, 16W:&lfic; medium, 17H4j
18V4c; Dakota fine, 1415c; fine medium, 16&
17c; medium, 1718c; Montana fine choice,
lSijjlRVic; fine medium choice, 18&'184c;
staple, 18SP184c: medium choice, 1818V4c.
There Is a quiet demand for fleece wools.
Prices are steady. Choice P"nnsylvanla
XX and above, 31ff32c; X, 28la29c; No. 1,
8031 c; No. 2, 80&31c Fine washed de
laines, 34g35c. Michigan, X and above, 26
26c; Nos. 1 and 2, 26 27c. Australian wools
are rather quiet, though there Is a fair
demand for crossbred s. Fine wool are
slow. Prices are firm and unchanged.
Combine;, choice, scoured basis, o385c;
good, 784.80c; average, 7678c.
NEW YORK, Juno 24. WOOL Firm.
LONDON, June 24. WOOL The arrival
of wool for the fourth series closed with
the following lists: New South Wales 9,216
bales; Queensland, '16.409 bales: Victoria,
18.868 bales; South Australia, 4,861 bales;
West Australia, ?78 ceres; Tasmania, 10,89
bales; New Zealand, 99,288 bales; Cape of
Good Hope and Natal, 46,525 bales; 48,000
bales of Australian and $8,600 bales Cape of
Good Hope and Natal were forwarded di
rect to spinners, making the total amount
available for the sales 160,000 bales. Includ
ing 19,000 held over from the third series.
Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frvlta.
APPLES Steady under a moderate de
mand, with common quoted at 46c;
prime, 6V4c; choice, 6c; fancy, Wny,a. ,
prunes are In fair Jobbing demand and the
market ruled generally firm, with stocks
of the larger and more desirable sizes re
ported moderate. Quotations range from
3c to 7c for all grades. Spot aprloot con
tinue to attract a fair Jobbing demand and
the market Is steady to firm at from 74
8c for choice and from 10c to 12V4jC for
fancy. Peaches are quiet, with choice
quoted at 7g7&c and fancy at 810V4c.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, June 24.-COFFEE Spot
Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6He; mild, quiet;
Cordova, 74f Futures opened steady
at unchanged prices to an advance of 5
points under firmer European markets, not
withstanding full receipts. Speculation was
rather more active than the revent av
erage with Importers and shorts the best
buyers. The close was steady, net 54il0
Cnlnt higher. Sale were reported of 28,750
ags, Including July at 3.70c, September at
3.90(a3.96c, November at 4.05S4.10c. January
at 4.40iij4.45c, March at 4.60c, April at 4.65c,
May at 4.t5!e4.70c, and July, 1904, 4.80c.
Oil and Itoaln.
OIL CITY, Pa., June 24 OIL-redlt bal
ances, $1.50; certificates, no bid; shipments,
112.517 bbls.; average. 79,182 bbls.; runs,
92.803 bbls.; average, 79.300 bbls.; shipments,
Lima, 73.817 bbls.; average, 69.771 bhK;
runs, Lima, 75,019 bbls.; average. 56,936 bbls.
SAVANNAH, June 24. OIL Turpentine,
firm at 47c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C. $1.55;
D. $1.60; E. $1.86; F. $1.70; O. $1.75: H. 12.25:
I, $2 70; K. $2.85; M. $J.96; N, $3; W (J, $3.10;
W W, $3.30.
NEW YORK. June 24.-OIL Petroleum,
steady. Turpentine, steady.
Sugar aud Molasses.
open kettle, 2S4 7-16c; open kettle, cen
trifugal, 3'iraVic; centrifugal whites, 4 1-lSe;
yellows, 3'fi4'4C.
MOLASSES Kettle, nominal, I31?2c; cen
trifugal, 6t18e; syrup, nominal, 19rjc.
NEW YORK. June 24.-8UGAH Raw.
steady; fair refining, 3'c; centrifugal, 96
test, 3 is-jKc; molasses sugar, zzv-igc; re
fined, teady.
Dank Clearings.
OMAHA, Neb., June St-Bank clearings
Dry Goods Market.
Market is tending upward and price, are
belne continually revised. Efforts are be
ing made In a good many instances to re
strain buyers from making as liberal pur
chases as they might desire on account of
ability to fill many of the orders, which
have already been taken. The scarcity of
cotton is becoming a serious factor with
the manufacturer.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
celpts, !.ijo0 head; active and steady to 10c
lower; natives, $4. 35?iS. 35; Texui and west
erns, $3.755.10; cows and heifers, $2.$f
4.75; veals. $.1.0iKrI5.50; bulls and stags. 13. U0
64.40; yearlings and calves, $3.254.65;
stockers and feeders, $3.604.76.
HOGS Receipts, 11.700 head; mostly 20c
lower; light and light mixed, $5.WjrS 60;
medium and heavy. $5.55(85.70; bulk, $5.6649
5.611; pigs, $4.2frri5.35.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000
head; 104325c lower; top lambs, $6.60; top
native yearlings, $6.26; top native ewe,
Slock la Sight.
Following were the receipt of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester
day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 4.")
Chicago 25.0irt 62.000
Kansas City $.
St. Ixiuis 6 5i
St. Joseph 3.000
Sioux City LWO
in. mo
.42.100 110,300 29,800
Sloes City Live Ittork Market.
SIOUX CITY, Is.. June 24 (Special Tele
gram. ) CATTLE Receipts. 1.000; stocker
slow, killer lie lowr; beeves, $1.00rrt4.K;
rows, bulls snd mined. $2.Fortf4.00; stockers
and feeders, W 2.rti4 25; calves and yearlings,
Mr, on.
HOGS Receipts. 4. WW; market Vrr2Sc
lower, selling at $5 45S5.65: bulk, $5. 605.60.
"The Pearl of Savoy" at Lake Manawa
Saturday by the Ethel Tucker Stock company.
Big Bun of Cattle and Steers Sold a
Quarter Lower Than Monday.
Oalr a Pew Sheep aad Larab Arrived
aad Prlcee Paid Were Only Abeat
a Shade Lower, Idaho Wether
Selllag Five teats Lower.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 7,uiU 6.H7
Ofhctal Tuesday 5.66 18,847 2,9.5
Official Wednesday 4,wj0 14,ou0 1.00
Three days this wek... 13.022
Same days last week..i0.63l
name week before 9.M66
Same three weeks ago. 16.54
Same four weeks ago.. 11. 410
Same day last year..., 6,238
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oniulia
for the yetar to dale and comparisons with
last year;
Cattle 487,121
Hogs 1,226,712
Sheep 647,708
Average price paid
Omaha for the last several day with com
1902. Inc.
368.648 128.473
1.2M8.408 6!
409,600 138.208
for hogs at Boutli
Date. I 1903. 1902.1901.1900.1899.189S.1SR7.
June 1...
June 3...
.'una 3...
June 4..,
June ...
June 6...
June 7...
June $..,
June ..
June 10..
June 11.,
June 12.
June 13.
June 14.,
June 16.,
June 16..
June 17..
June 18.,
June 19..
June 20.,
June 21.,
June 22.,
June 23.
June 24.
6 93S
6 07
6 991
6 85
6 76
D Ml I
d nif-a
i m
6 98S
6 01H
6 46
6 7
6 M
6 884,1
6 S3"
5 77i,4
6 67H
7 07
7 16
7 21
7 lb
7 2l'
7 36
7 &I
7 36
7 31
7 26
7 24
7 26
7 84
7 41
6 701
t 70
6 71
6 7Ui
6 1
t 831
t 111
6 bVi
6 85
6 811
6 861
6 83
5 89
6 92
6 89
6 91
6 89
6 93
4 88
4 80I
4 83
4 1
4 951
6 02
6 10
6 001
4 92!
4 86
4 85
4 89
4 95
5 03
6 OH
4 94
4 93
6 00
t 13
3 60
3 681
3 59
4 21
4 03,
4 10
4 01
3 88
3 8.1
3 M
3 40
3 32
a 31
t 68
3 osi
3 67i
3 0i
3 all
3 691 3 981 8 Ul
I 30
3 21
3 29
8 641
3 601
3 641
3 621
I 63
3 64
t 71
i 04
3 66
3 t3
3 62,
I 85
3 71
3 79
3 77!
3 90
8 84
$ 80
3 M
3 72
3 7JI
3 68
3 21
3 31
3 2
3 31
3 22
I 18
$ 80 3 21
8 la
3 16
3 21
3 21
3 26
Indicate Sunday.
The official number of car of stock
brought In today by each road was.
Cattle. H04W. Sheep.
C. M. A St P. Ry..,
Wabash Ry ,
Missouri Pacific Ry..
Union Pacific system
C. & N. W. Ry ,
F., E. A M. V. By
U, St. f.. M. A
B. A M. Ry
C, B. 4 Q. Ry......
K. C. A St. J. Ry..
C. R. I. A P. Ry..
C, R. I. A P. Ry..
Illinois Central Ry
O. Ry....49
Total receipt 269
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Swift and Company
Armour A Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Cudahy, from Kansas C
swirt, from country
Armour, from Sioux City
Lobman A Co
Hill A Huntslnger
Huston A Co
Livingstone A Shaller....
L. F. Husi
Wolf A Muman
Dennis A Co
Lee Rothchllda
Satn Werthelmer
Other buyer
Total 8,662 13.637
CATTLE There wa a liberal run of
oattle In eight this morning, and a a result
the tendency of prices was downward at
all points. The market here wa slow In
opening and It was late In the day before
even the bulk of the offerings wa dis
posed of.
The great bulk of the receipts thl morn
ing consisted of beef steer, and there were
a large number of very good quality. In
view of the big supply of steers at all
points, though, packer were very bearish
and started in bidding all of 20ij30c lower
than Monday. Salesmen were, of course,
slow to take off that much, and as a result
trading was dull from start to finish. The
late arrival yesterday had to sell about a
dime lower than the cattle that changed
hands In the morning, so that today'
market wa not more than a dime lower
than yesterday afternoon. The greatest
decline wa naturally on the heavy cattle
and on those lacking In quality, while the
best handywelghts sold to the best ad
vantage. The cow market was also slow and lower,
though tr decline was hardly as radical
as on utrai. Thn best grades of corn fed
cows did not sell over 610c lower, but
when It came to the less desirable kinds,
and especially to greasers, buyers wanted
to take oft 1016c. The market on grass
stuff has been very uneven for some time
past and as a result some sales look a good
deal better than others, but on the average
the prices paid today were not far from
10fl5c lower than yesterday.
Bulls, veal calves and stags all felt the
effects of the break on cows and ateera and
were slow sale and lower.
The stocker and feeder market was In
much the same condition lt was yesterday.
Supplies were light and so, also, was the
demand, and the market could be quoted
steady to a little lower. Representative
No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 1270 I 75 14 1141 4 40
1 4.10 I 71 II 1137 4 0
tol 4 II 17 115 4 40
4 110 4 II 17 1311 4 t
1 KD 1 15 40 113 4 U
15 Ki 4 JO 10 1141 4 45
I 1010 4 15 40 ma 4 a
I 130 4 15 IV liOT 4 45
II 1041 4 15 17 1277 4 46
10 1070 4 15 1 1210 4 70
II 1071 4 15 64 1141 4 46
14 1000 4 15 14 11.11 4 70
M 1020 4 16 10 1165 4 0
41 Ill 4 15 17 1304 4 70
II M7 4 15 II 132 4 70
46 1020 4 40 11 1174 4 70
II Is! 4 40 40 1175 4 70
II 12a6 4 40 7 12M) 4 70
17 1101 4 40 21 12l 4 70
11 M0 IH 67 1205 4 TO
i 10O0 4 40 14 1400 4 75
4 1040 4 40 26 1322 4 75
It Ml 4 40 It 1326 4 76
II 1104 4 46 1 13St 4 76
15 124 4 45 II lir.T 4 75
II 1(4.1 4 60 14 1311 4 76
II 1121 4 60 II 1110 4 75
11 lilt 4 60 43 1300 4 71
T 1160 4 60 II 1321 4 76
44 1211 4 65 17 1304 4 75
II 1044 4 65 II 12K1 4 SO
10 1437 4 65 17 1ST7 4 40
11 1201 4 15 11 1241 4 40
I Kiel 4 65 II 1211 4 10
17 1132 4 65 1 121 4 M
10 1MI 4 66 17 1311 4 64
11 1160 4 66 II 1340 4 10
II 10SI 4 40 11 11W4 4 M
14 1140 4 40 14 1261 4 60
1 1101 4 40 23 1371 4 85
II 1 1 27 4 40 1 1243 4 36
I 1131 4 10 :i 1301 4 hi
II 13SI 4 40 40 nil 4 36
4 114 4 l 10 1221 4 M
l 1211 4 40 17 1??J 4 M
K 601 1 54 I!..', 1121 4 40
II 741 4 25 II 441 4 46
731 4 16 11 1040 4 46
t 125 4 15 47 lno 4 60
14 733 4 0 14 1261 4 44
II 741 4 40 11 115 4 71
4 1041 t II 1 1114 I 0
I no iu u 1064 i to
1 410 I 6 16 ao
1 HO IU 16 1M1 4 00
I 120 I 76 II 1074 4 00
1 1020 I 76 1 1010 4 00
1015 I 00 1 1210 4 00
1 1100 I 00 I lull 4 00
J 120 I 10 14 Ml 400
1 1130 I 16 I ao 4 oo
1 1160 8 15 1 1030 4 00
I in t 40 to :i 4 oo
II 17 8 40 1 1181 4 00
4 1(i40 I 40 1 1011 4 09
1 1136 I 60 4 1IM6 4 00
6 I 60 4 1270 4 01
t 1310 I 60 1 1181 4 10
1 1160 I 60 I HMO 4 10
1 14 I 60 1 1021 4 11
II SHI I 64 4 7 4 II
II 1064 I 46 1 1 4 2
1 1044 I 44 I ,..1241 4 10
1 60 I 71 4 I'll 4 10
1 1110 I 76 1 H 0 4 II
4 M IT! 1 1076 4 26
I I'M I 45 I Ida 4 M
1 170 I 16 1 1174 4 16
1 1130 I 46 1 130 4 35
1 1031 I 40 11 1017 I 44
1 430 1 71 14 tot I 71
1 174 I 15 II Ill tf
1 67 I 45 V.4 4 06
1 340 I (a IM0 4 10
II 764 I 45 1 610 4 20
I C20 1 73 4 434 4 10
1 0 1 76
1 740 I 26 1 410 I 90
1 170 I 96 1 4 SO 10
I tt I 60 1 414 I 10
1 626 I 61 14 404 I 10
i i i 3 m in
... II
, 11
4 17
4 00
I 7
I 11
I 86
I 0
I n
I 71
I 00
II 4 I 40 M T4I
I mo l 16 ti 8t
II 4"4 I 76 14 460
4 41.1 I 60
1 12WI 1 73 1...,
1 1?) 71 I....
1 44 I IDl 1...,
1 130 I 40 .,,,
1 1640 I 60
I I !l 1...,
I tr-ft 4 oo i...,
1 110 I 15 I...,
4 211 I 60 I....
1 170 I 60
i"70 40 i inn i to
Ht)OS There was another big run of
hogs here this week which makes the sup
ply for the three days this week, about
4O.000 head, or more than the big run
the same days of last week and 11.000 more
than for the same days of last year. All
other points slso had enormous receipts, so
that prices suffered a big slump.
The market here opened generally 20c
lower than yesterdnv. wlih the hulk of ih
hogs selling from $5.65 to $5. ho, with cholre
Mm. in eciiing ns nign as la.fin. Ry the time
lul loads had changed hands the market
slowed down cnnsioei ably and for a lime
little was done, i'.u ki rs were very bearish
toward the close, as they had their more
urgent orders filled and made use of the
opportunity to pound prices still lower.
At 2 o'clock there were close to 100 load 4
ef hogs mil In first hands and there wa4
practically no trading being done. Packers
apparently nad all the hogs they warned
.iu iiiuH suuns were very iavoranie Tor a
good muiiy nogs being carried over until
No. Av
42 217
45 2
87 224
24 ICO
62 255
61 2.-1
81 220
75 215
64 226
82 223
70 2S2
65 260
77 216
71 262
67 2.V)
43 267
69 2:4
Representative sales:
Sb.. rr. No. Av. oh. IT.
o 268 ... 6 67V
so 214 Z7 232 ... 6h,u
....262 2U0 6 56 65 244 40 6 67S
....224 ... 6 65 29 278 80 6 67V.
....263 80 5 55 69 240 ... 5 67V
....279 2m 6 56 11 281 80 6 67V
....267 2f0 6 55 i 0 240 120 6 6iV
....228 80 5 65 (0 2K1 M 6 6.7
.268 200 6 65 -.'6 236 120 6 67V4
.221 80 6 65 61 2X4 ... 6 67V4
.2Hl 160 6 66 68 235 40 6 67V
.229 ... 6 65 69 2M 80 6 6V
.229 80 5 55 5S 287 80 6 67'A
.240 120 6 55 60 248 160 6 67V
.218 ... 6 55 75 229 ... 6 67V
.258 160 6 65 71 246 80 6 67W
.263 160 5 63 67 225 ... 6 67V
.241 40 6 65 64 274 ... 6 67H
.257 90 6 65 6S 260 40 6 67V
80 6 65 70 275 120 6 67
40 6 65 67 2"0 40 6 57
80 5 65 63 .276 ... 6 57
80 6 65 64 251 120 6 67
160 6 65 45 238 ... $ 67
40 t 65 68 28 80 6 67
... 6 65 48 338 300 ( 67
40 6 65 69 221 80 6 67
80 6 56 65 238 2X 6 67
.266 80 6 66 65 298 ... 6 67
.210 ... t 65 74 231 40 6 67
.2S3 240 6 65 70 228 ... 6 67
.245 ... 5 65 71 246 240 5 57
80 6 66 77 241 80
30 6 65 41 227 80
... 6 55 87 258 40
80 5 53 05 270 80
40 6 65 (8 268 ...
58 225 ... 5 55 67 2W 120
1 I 73 232 80 5 65 67 277 M
2 . J4 248 40 5 66 79 232 160
; 6S 237 ... 5 65 24 252 ...
1 86 213 1 20 5 55 67 230 80
1 ti .'4U 3 00 41 Zttl W b Vt
.. 73 2!5 40 5 65 79 276 ...
.. 78 221 80 5 5S 60 2! 80
74 204 ... 5 65 64 277 80
6 42 20.1 ... R F5 Jl5 260 80
69 245 80 6 55 FJ 265 ...
64 236 80 6 65 72 266 80
66 2S3 160 6 65 2 290 160
85 217 40 5 55 59 272 120
57 224 80 6 65 f9 201 ...
iiA 81 250 ... 8 61 63 200 ...
22? 77 234 40 6 55 6 274 ...
lJ 15 2.4 ... 5 65 61 250 80
204 41 267 80 6 65 25 314 SO
' 14 233 ... 5 65 75 2M 120
22 343 ... 6 65 70 261 80
14 211 80 5 55 62 298 80
60 276 120 5 55 66 291 ...
67 227 ... 6 55 75 256 80
67 264 ... 5 57 64 259 120
55 294 40 6 R7V4 67 273 200
... 67 240 200 5 57 67 267 ...
... 70 248 40 5 67 86 80
... 62 273 ... 6 57 75 309 ...
... 68 284 ... 5 67 60 286 80
... 75 240 80 6 67 63 304 240
67 216 160 6 67 71 254 80
69 293 ... 6 67 60 290 ...
66 293 ... 5 67 60 279 40
60 279 120 5 67 fl. 230 ...
60 233 ... 6 67 r, 317 40
69 307 ... 6 67 '42 383 ...
72 227 ... 6 67 R 277 ...
66 229 160 5 67 f8 841 ...
66 267 ... 6 57 36 286 ...
72 237 ... 6 57 64 300 ...
55 243 120 E 67 V6 298 ...
64 232 120 6 67 42 382 ...
60 257 ... 5 67 It 282 ...
8 239 80 6 67
5 67
6 67
5 67
6 57
6 67
6 tW
5 57
6 67
5 67
6 6i
5 57
5 67
5 67"?
6 67V
6 67
5 60
6 60
r. )
5 60
6 60
5 60
5 60
6 6-1
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
6 60
5 60
5 60
6 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 60
5 62
6 60
6 60
5 60
6 60
5 60
5 60
6 60
5 66
5 65
5 66
6 66
5 65
5 65
6 65
6 65
SHEEP There were only a few car of
sheen here this morning and the market
could be quoted a shade easier than yester
day. Some more Idaho wether of the same
kind arrived and thev sold for $4.25. against
$4.30 vesterdav and $4.40 on Monday, or 15c
lower than the first of the week. There
was slso a hunch of Nebraska fed wethers
on sale end thev hrouarht 14. 3H. Aside from
those two shipments there wss not much of
Importance on sale at the opening of the
market. Packers seemed to be anxious for
good stuff, but at the same time the tend
ency of prices has. undoubtedly been down
ward all the week.
There was a bunch of Oregon feeders sold
this memtnar at $3.00 that were sorted out
of those that have ben selling to packer.
Thev were about steadv with the way other
feeders have been selling of late.
Quotations: Good to choice lambs. $S.76ifJ
(.26: fair to good lambs, $6.26i6.76; good to
choice yearlings, $4.76(6.00; fair to good
yearlings. $4.504.76; good to choice weth
ers, $4.264.60; fair to good wether, $3.76tf
4.26; good to choice ewes, $3.76(34.50; fair to
arood ewes, $3.50uf3.75; feeder lambs, $2,503$'
8.50; feeder yearlings. $2,600)3.60: feeder
wethers, $2.5033.50; feeder ewes, $2.0033.75.
Representative tales:
44 buck lambs
146 Oregon ewes
10 cull ewes
261 Oregon feeder wether....
116 Oregon feeder wethers....
162 Oregon ewes and wethers
239 feede rlambs
22 ewes and bucks
460 Idaho wethers ,
11 lambs ,
2 00
I 60
3 75
8 00
8 00
8 35
3 75
3 75
4 26
6 60
Cattle and Hoc Lower, While Sheep
Are Fairly Steady.
CHICAGO. June 34. CATTLE Receipts,
25.000 head: 10c to 20c lower; good to prime
steers, $5G0g5.5O; poor to medium, 34.2MJ
4.80: stockers and feeders. $2.75(94.70; cows.
$1.604.50; heifers. $2.25W4.75; eanners. $1.60
2 80; bulls, $2 25(91.26; calves, $2.50ar!25; Texas
fed steers. $3.5S54 .60.
HOGS Receipts today, 62.000 head;
estimated receipt tomorrow, 85,000
head: left over. 15.000 head: 80e to
40c lower; mixed and butchers. $5.70it)
6 80; good to choice heavy. 85. 70476.75: rough
heavy, $5 6C4t6 76 ; light, $5.70.S6; bulk of
sales. $5.75!g6.80.
SHEEP AND TjAMRS Receipts. 18.000
head; sheep steady to 25c lower; lambs, 2Vj
to 50c lower; good to choice wethers, $4.4o
f.OO; fair to choice mixed. $3.0nirjr4.25; west
ern sheep. 2.50fr4.0; native lambs, $4.0OjJ
$80: western lambs, $4.0015.28.
The following are the official receipts and
shipment for yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 8.202 3,750
Hogs 19.81$ 1."0
Bhecp 13.690 1.659
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 8.000 natives: calves. 60 natives.
Llarht and middle weight beef, steady;
others steadv to 10c lower: cows steady to
10c lower: stockers snd feeders, slow; choice
export and dred beef steers. $1.50Cr6.10;
fair to good, $4.KoM.55: stockers and feder,
$2 75A4.0O: western fed steers. I2.90W4.85;
Texss and Indian steers. $2.75r4 20; Texa
cows $2 00(fi4.60: nstlve cows. $2 00fr4.?5: na
tive heifers. 3.25iff4 66; eanners, $1.0032.46;
bulls. $2 .25(53. to; calves. 2.eff?6 .30.
HOOP Receipts. 17,000 head: 20tJ5e lower;
ton. 15.56: bulk of sales. $6 W 60 : heavv.
t5 35fV65; mixed packers. $6.30'36rt: llarht,
$8Sf75 66: porkers, $6 iffy 68; nigs. $4 $t3 40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600
head; active and steady: Texas sheep. 10c
lower; native lambs. $4 (JOiff 76 : western
lambs. $3.66ffl 65: fed ewes. $3 WtfM.lE: Texas
clipped yearlings, $3 6074 36; Texas sllprmd
sheep, $l20g6.lO; stocker and feeder, $3 30
434 00.
t. Loels Live Sleek Market.
ST LOUIS. June 24. CATTLE Receipts,
6.500 head. Including 3.500 Texan; market
steady; native shipping and export steers.
$4 fWYaft 60; dressed beef and butcher stoers.
$4 0066 26: steers under 1,000 pounds, $3 TtMJ
4 75; stockers snd feeders, $3 0(1(84 50cow
and heifers. $2 26rr4.75; eanners. $2.0OT2.75;
bulls, $30014 25; calves. $S.Wi4jS00; Texas
and Indian steers, $3.00(84.25; cows and
heifers. $2 SW7J3 20. t M
HOGS Receipts. 10,600 head: market
lower: rag and lights. tt.tYWfS.go; packer.
15 8"8 90; butchers. $5 9Cf?6.0n.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6000
head; market steadv; native muttons, $4.00
54 66- lambs. $4 50(fJ4 50: culls and bucks.
$2 fyitf($ 50; stockers, $2 25(82.76; Texans, $3.40
Hew York l.lve Stork Market.
NEW TORK. June 24 CATTLE Beeve.
receipt. 3.066 head; steers fully 10c lower,
fat bulls weak, bolo-na bulls and cows
steadv to strong: medium to choice steer,
I4-4G35 50; cow. $1.6O4.0O; extra Ut cow.
$4 1MJ4 40. Cable firm. Export. 141 cattle
and 6,105 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 6 8T9 head; butter
milks 6c higher; veals, $5 2MJ8 00; culls. $4 60
455011; yeanlnxs, $3.iJ; city dressed calves.
Voile P'r lb- . . j
MOMS Receipts. 6,100 hd Market hde
higher; state hog. p 60li; 66.
SHEEP AND LA M H8-Recelpta, 80
bead. Sheep steadv; good to chol-e lambs
shade higher; others steady; sheep. $3
8 60; lambs, $o.764a 90; culls, $4.60; yearling.
Mlarellaaeoa Itasiaesa Receives At
teatloa from the Varloa Ma
mlclpal Depart meats.
David W. Dodson. on a compromise settle
ment by the legal department, will ie
celve $175 from the city treasury for Injuria ;
due to a defective sidewalk on North Eight
eenth, over which he walked March -1
Postmaster Crow wilt be obliged to pay
taxes on $1,600 of personal property this
year. In a communication to the council
he complains that a carriage purchased six
years ago for $90 wa assessed at $160 and
that $200 worth of used household furniture
has been assessed at $1,000. He asked (or
a reduction to $400. Tag Commissioner
Fleming, In reply, states that Mr. Crow
failed to make return of his personal prop
erty as required by law and as notified
to do. The law contemplates some penalty
In such cases and Commissioner Fleming
declined to recommend any reduction. Th ;
council adopted his report.
The South Side Improvement club hay
put on Its war paint and 19 after both the
telegraph companies and the street railway
company. It declares the poles on Vinton
from Twentieth to Twenty-third ft nul'iiiue.
that they are set in all kind of way and
Interfere with traffic on the sidewalks, and
that they must be rearranged or go. Be
fore proceeding to chop them down the
club will give the city council an oppor
tunity to compel the companies to come to
Bartlett's Addition Improvement club 1.4
the very latest organisation of its kind I 1
Omaha. It signalises It birth In 11 series
of resolution asking the council to open
Marcy street from Thirtieth to Twenty
ninth avenue for the accommodation of a
large number of people living west of
The proposition to put the fire and police
alarm wires under ground ha been, at
least temporarily, put to rest. The estl
mated cost would be between $3,600 and
$5,600 and the council has decided that even
the smaller amount will not be available
for such a purpose this year.
No street sweeping machinery will be
purchased this year, the council having
turned down a request of the Board of
Public Works for four pickup machines at
a cost of $1,835.
Ordinances have been passed by the city
council for the opening of Hickory street .
from Seventeenth to Eighteenth; grading of
Fifteenth from William to Lincoln avenue;
establishing grade of Lincoln avenue from
Twenty-sixth to Twenty-seventh and of
Twenty-seventh from Shirley street to Ed
Crelghton avenue; locating water hydrants
at Nineteenth and Spring streets and on
Nineteenth between Spring and Boulevard ,
The balloon races and the high diver are
sensational feature at Courtland Beach.
7Vomethlar Ihe Matter with Batter
Market, Conaeqaeatlr the '
Prodacers Meet.
Butter Is weiAer. That Is, not the quality
of the product of the cow and th sepa
rator, but the market. None of the dealer
eem to know Just where butter Is, but they
all feel that butter Is unreasonable and
costing too much. So yesterday afternoon at
I o'clock In the Paxton hotel numerous Im
portant producers and handler of the gen
ulno, of which all oleomargarine, butterlne.
etc., are rank Imitations, but said by their
maker to be Just as good, met to set a
figure for the buying and selling of butter
so that all butter drovers will know that
they are not paying more today than they
can sell for tomorrow.
Eggs are firmer. While still poachable In
quality they are beginning to be lea easily
approachable. The hens have figured out a
new and clever ambush for their nests or
else are going In for race suicide. The
price of the cooking egg ha r.ot advanced
yet, although It will do something If the
supply doe not soon Increase; of the throw
ing egg there are none at all for sale this
Fowl have come down another notch on
the roost. Commission house are paying 16
cent for broiler. 7 tent for hen and
th noble and sinuous rooster I down to 4
or I cent. Geese are at 5 cents, duck 7,
and the earnest farmer who wrnts to sell
turkey gets only 13 cent a pound for '
bird. Thar are not many of these
it-and of fowl offered and the hotels ar
ell f
taking what com along.
See Sam Murphy court death in mld-nlr
at Lake Manawa.
Recruits (or the Army.
Recruiting Officer Lieutenant J. H. Ker
foot of the artillery corps has reaVned
from Beatrice, where he ha been Inspect
ing the recruiting depot there. The re-rutting
service I progressing In enco-iraglns:
shape. A detachment of three recruits will
be sent to Presidio barracks, Ca'ifornlii,
this week to be assigned to the Seventeenth
Infantry, which will leave for Manila, P. I.,
about July 1. A detachment of nine recruits
In charge of a sergeant stopped over In th.i
city yesterday, enroute from Jefferson bar
racks. Mo., to Fort Walla Walla. Oregon,
for assignment to the artillery corps.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes
day, June 24:
Warranty Deeds.
S. E. Williamson snd wife to R. E.
Erwln, lot 20. block 9. Shull's 2d add $ 2,600
Emma Waller and husbar.d to Mary
Fllegel, lot 3, block L Cunningham'
ubdiv I.1"
4Dlt Claim Deeds.
Henry Gund and wife to John Ound
Brewing company, lot 6, block 195.
Omnha 10.000
D W. Merrow et al to Newell Ac
Nettle Burton, lot 2, block 26. Flor
ence 1
j H. Mlthen et al. referee, to Ellen
O'Grarty, a S3 feet of 7 feet lot 2,
block 6. Kountze' 4th add
Same to Margaret O'Orady, parts lot
1 and 2, block 4, aam
Same to Thomaa O'Orady. same
Sheriff to C. 8. Francla lot 8, block 4.
Haunder H.'s add to Walnut Hill 775
Sheriff to Emma Waller, lot 8. block 1,
Cunningham' aubdlv 1,300
ram to Stors Brewing company, lot
23 and 24, block 3, Gat City park.... 60
Total amount of transfer $16,62G
Treat all form ..r
rr Fra wipTiDt, 1 ,
yra la Omaha. M.wdu
9r4. Riiab, mc
Mful. Cur $ itrani4t.
ChasgM low. TtaalBunt
y mall, rait r trtiu
Hoi Ofltr OTr Si)
lata fe.. cm AH i Nlttf
324 Board of Trad. BIdg., Omaha
'Phone, lot and 1017. Meinbar. all prin
cipal exchangee. Writ fur our dally uuir
k.t letter.