I TITE OMAIIA DAILY JITZTa THTJKST)AY, JUNE 25. 1003. 10 50 JS New Picture Oept. on the Third Floor. 5ale of Fine Pictures In our new Picture J.U V 'PO' THURSDAY'S NOTABLE BARGAINS Ladies' Summer Gloves, Mitts An immense purchase of ladies' lisle thread lace gloves in all sizes 1,230 pair of these splendid quality lace gloves in black, white, cream, tan and all colors also thousands of pairs of all silk, mitts made of the best qual- - V ity heavy Jersey silk, nil on bargain square THURSDAY SPECIAL, worth 23c, at Ladies' and Children's fc5c, Undervests at 10c Thin rnnl Rummer undervests for ladies' and children- all elaborately lace and ribbon trimmed many with all over lace effects regular and extra sizes IOC! THURSDAY SPECIAL, worth 2oc, at 1VW Great Bargain Sale of Laces at 15c, 10c and 5c Net top Orientals, point d'esprit, serpentines, galoons, etc., all widths of bands worth alCp IOp-C high as f0c yd Thursday Special luv-lVC kJK $8 Accordion Pleated Skirts at $4.98 A huge showing of the very stylish accordion pleated and sunburst skirts. These swell skirts come in heavy Sicilians and new hip yokes, etc. The colors are the new blues and black. This is the most remarkable skirt spe cial we have been able to offer this year, Q ft worth up to $8.00, at - -z7kJ $2.50 Wash Skirts at 98c The Jaunty wash skirts that will lead in popular favor this season worth as high as 8150 each Q ftr Thursday special, at "OC $17.S0 Tailored 5ult at $8.50-Made in pretty mixed fabrics, all the spring and summer novelty effect with swell blouses and O ESf" skirts, worth up to 117.60, tomorrow at OeOvF SHIRT WAIST SUITS of percales and batistes, worth $3.50 1.98 SHIRT WAIST SUITS, made of dainty percales, ect, worth $2.00. at 98c CUT PRICES IN OXFORDS ""V The most striking summer shoe 1 "u-ii bargains vt ever offered. I A Ladles' $3 "Colonial" O Cfi Oxfords, at iOU & Ladles' $3. 00 Oxford, 4 aq j VA i.yo """X tMis' 2,so 0xtori' 1 59 STRIKING MILLINERY VALUES $2.50 Black Tucked Silk Hats at $1.00. One hundred dozen splendid quality black Jap silk hats In a number of different shapes, both large and small. Regularly sold In millinery stores at $2.60, Thursday at 1 s IM " See Our Handsome New Assortment of Pure White Dress Hats $3.50, $4.95 These hats In most stores are $6 and 98. Jf. fZ. Pmnbti & pons Jl. 3fl. Prxnbei & pert Slothing Sale Pin THK ItKLIAlll.K I1UHK. Immense purchase of boys' clothing, 376 euits new patterns and styles, worth $3.00, 438 boys' suits, extra well made, double stitched and double seat and knees, worth $3.50, at G35 boys' suits, In stylish and dress colors, superior cloth and made to sell at $4.50, sale price 743 boys' suits, great variety of shades and fabrics, never before sold nt less than $6, sale price Boys' washable knee pants at 10c, at 15c, at 25c. Washable sailor suits, at 93c, at 75c, at 50c, at 35c. 400 men's spring suits, worth $5, $7.50 and $8, all go in this sale at Complete line of Hart, Schaffner & Marx' celebrated at special low prices to sell spring suits. 850,000 Shirt Waist Purchase Last Instalment Just Received and Placed on Sale Tomorrow. EXTRA SALESPEOPLE DURING THIS SALE. AND BIOOER VALUES THAN EVER BEFORE IN WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR HOT WEATHER GARMENTS. 49c 7.90 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.50 3.75 clothing 25 dnren shirt waists, made of good quality percale, mane 10 sen for soc ana nr. lie, on sale tomorrow, each 4.96 87 dozen women's shirt waists, made In percales, dimities and lawns, IP. worth up to 11.25, for 3G 1D0 dozen women's colored and white waists made in newest effects with extra full sleeves, as displayed In our 16th street window, worth up to $2.60 nr. on sale tomorrow, at wwC 75 dozen shirt waists, made of extra qual ity dimities, lawns, linens and batistes, In white, linen color, pink, blue I is and green, worth up to $3, for Ii?3 40 dozen wnists, In fine lawns and white linens, nicely trimmed, wortn up to $6.00, sale price Women's white waists Q AO at (9.00, J7.60, J6.00, S5.00 and U90 250 wash skirts, made of ducks, plcques, linens and crash, worth AC. up to tlM, for 3C 2.90 300 wash skirts, worth up to $1.00, for 75 silk shirt waist suits, worth 112.60, for 50 women" cravenette coats, made with new pouch sleeves and dip DOC front belt, worth 112.50, for OiilV 100 women's tailor-made suits, P Af worth up to $12.50, for 9UU 300 women's walking skirts, In all new colors and styles, worth C flrt up to tS.60, for 0' UU SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY ...75c ..25c ..69c 20 dozen wrappers, worth $1.60. for 10 dozen blnck lawn wrappers, worth $1.00, for 20 dozen wash underskirts, worth $1.50, for .. FOBS are quite the thing these days for gents and ladles. We have them for $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 nobby tasty patterns. We have a handsome gold fob, $5, $(!, $7 and $8. Spend a fewi minutes In our store. Look for name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Doutlas Street. AGAINST CANNON CRACKERS Folios Department Intends to Lessen the Noise of the Fourth. WILL STRICTLY ENFORCE OLD ORDINANCE PaaJers la Omska Will Wot B Per mitted to Sell Fire Crackers Measuring- Otc Three Iacbes In Lena-th. Chief of Police Donahue baa Issued bis annual Fourth of July edlot. This year it Is broader and more sweeping that here tofore. He has Instructed the patrolmen to arrest all dealers who sell or offer for sale any fire cracker that measures over three inches In length, commonly known as the cannon cracker. The ordinance mak ing It an offense to sell such was passed In 187, but heretofore It has not been enforced. This year the chief Intends to carry out the law to the letter. The other portion of the edict Is to the effect that no fire crackers shall be fired In the city limits before S o'clock on the evening of July S. To enforce this he has instructed the police to arrest any person. man or woman, boy or girl, who disobeys it This order is for the purpose of confining accidents to a period of one day and two nights. Instead of stringing them out for a week, as was formerly 'the custom, "On the fourth," jaid the chief "peoplo are looking for fire crackers and noise and they are better prepared to take care of themselves. But before that time they are not, and the discharge of a Are cracker Is likely to start a runaway that will cause any amount of damage and perhaps personal injury. Suppression by Decrees. "For several years we have been trying to draw the line and gradually we are succeeding, for an examination of the recori shows a great decrease Id the repot of accidents. This had to be done by degrees, but the time has come when the anti-fourth celebrations must stop so far as the ftro crackers are concerned, and this year will see Its finish." Never before has the chief Issued an edict against the , offering for sale of cannon crackers, but he has contemplated it for several years. "Since the ordinance became a law," he said, "I have not enforced It rigidly because the dealers said they had large stocks of the goods on hand and it would mean the loss of many dollars to them. This year they have no excuse and none will be taken If offered They have had since 18S7 to get rid of any stock tney mignc save naa ana it is my instructions to the patrolmen to arrest any dealer who , offers these cannon crackers for sale. They are dangerous and must be suppressed." Yesterday afternoon the chief had the or dinance read to the officers and Instructed them to follow It to the letter. The Bennett Company. Prices In our grocery department cut all along the Una, Everything guaranteed. Prompt delivery. salmon carnival. Several hundred one pound flat cans of fancy red steak salmon, usual price 15c THURSDAY SPECIAL oan, 10o. . Potted meats, assorted, can. So. Apples and plums In syrup, S-lb oans, Wera 18o can, to close out, per can. So, FREE. A HANDSOME DECORATED Tea Plato With every pound of tea (tea sittings ex cepted). Fresh roasted Santos coffee, lb., 12c Soap at Gut Prices The prices given below will prevail at our store for the next few days: 4711 White Rose Soap, cake 12c 10c quality White Castile Soap for 6o Kirks juvenile soap, case nic Boccabelll Castile Boap, big bar 75c Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap small two for 5c Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 16c and 24c Oood Cocoanut OH Soap dosen for.... 16c Jap Rose Boap, cake 70 True Violet Boap (fine), box 8 cakes for 25o Benzoin and HuttermiiK soap, oox a cakes for 12o Colgate's English Process Soap, So cake, aosen sua E and Ollvtar Soap, 19o cake, box 8 cakes BOo Physicians' and Surgeons' Boap, 10c, three lor zoo Williams' Olive Oil Soap, box 3 cakes 26o Stuart s velvet tjocoa Boap, do cake, dozen owe Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Corner lOth and Dodge Bts.t Omaha, Bathing at Courtland Beach an exhila rating pastime. BROGAN FOR SPECIAL COUNSEL Resolution to Employ Him to Succeed Molmtosh la Railroad Tax Litigation. Francis A. Brogan Will tA mMtrtil toimiMl for tho city in the railroad tax cases pend ing In the United States circuit court If ia oracie action is taken on a resolution u reoiueni z,imman and now before tho city council for action. The resolution first provides that his fee shall not sxoee'd 16.000. and then rrnvMe. L a. ( ... r i i n case the olty wins the suit and the court decides that the city has the rleht to tax railroad property, the same as other propery, and not on the state assessment isures, ne snail receive a contingent fee of o,uw. The c ty Is to nv u lng and other necessary expenses. Lldderdale and Laneaboro are bright new towns on the Chicago Great Western rail way, or particulars write. Edwin B. Ma gill, manager. Town site department, Fort uoage, la. Don't miss the balloon races at Courtland Beach. Attention, W. O. XV. There will be a grand picnic at Krug Park given by the W. O. W., Saturday, June 27, A long list of attractions will take place, Races, log rolling, nail driving content, tug of war, shooting match, bowling match and ball game Alpha Camp vs. The Sovereign Office. All woodmen and their families and friends cordially Invited to attend. Special Train to Bohemian State Tournament. On Sunday, June 28. the Burlington will run a special train to Wllber, Neb., leav lng at 8 a. m.; returning will leave Wllber at 8 p. m. Fare, $1.50 for the round trio, See me for particulars. J. B. Reynolds,, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. Frank H. Hoberson. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON JAPAN. 800 beautifully tinted miniatures. Friday, June 26, S p. m. City Hall, Assembly room, 5th floor. (Elevator service.) For every one in Omaha who wishes to tome. Admission S) cents. S50.(H10 brick. 11.60 to $5 60 per thousand, at yards, 22d and Hickory streets. Wlthnell Bros. & Smith Co. caiuraay mo r-iaei Tucker company opens at Lake Mniutwa for the summer season. Half fare to Boston June 24, 25. SO; July 1, 2, S, i. Long limit. Stopover privileges Choice of routes. Through cars to Boston no change enroute via. The Northwestern Line, the only double track route. 1401-1403 Farnam street. (C' Rain Goats S22.5D This out shows the style made in good dust color of Priest ley's best cravenette, suitable for driving and traveling. SGOFIELD 1510 Douglas St. MERCHANTS WaiOHAL BANK OF OMAHA. If. X Cfcnur Warn tmi Itlk tMU ( Rbv nsss epsA rm jj LP li Iritis DAY" IN OMAHA! We ready with are . waiting for It "HARNESS" the prettiest designs and "CARRIAGES" from the acknowledged peers of the builders. YOU NEED RECREATION. CONSULT THE "CARRIAGE . MAN." ORUMMOND I8TH AND HARNEY. ZZ2EZZZI J Ptl4 up nplul (000,000. Sorplu. fowl 100,000. IMTBfl STATUS DBPOSITOHY. !tbr Vnkm. rMbler F T R.inUtnB. tMt- rvthWT I BASE- The Bennett Company. THURSDAY WE WILL SELL IN MENT 30,000 CHOICE CALIFORNIA LEMONS AT 1 PENNY EACH. Come and get all you want One cent each. No dealers supplied. fUR RELIABILITY In Dentistry has never been questioned. Owing to new facili ties we perform the best dental work at about half the usual price. Set of Teeth J3, HiidKe Teeth 13. Ki. trading 26c. BAILEY 1I1C ULnil2l,lU, 312 Fait on Blk. 10th and Farnam Sts. Lady Attendant. Tel. 10S5. rrr ' m -fx.' nV 1 IM" V 'A m 1 u r rf..iAi r I Through Train Service The bnlloon races and the high divers are sensutlunul features at Courtland Beach. For Sale Due bill on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount Ad dress E M, care Omaha Bee. The Wabash Hallrnad "In the Good Old Summer Time" offe many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis, Baltimore, 8t. Louis, Saraiu., Detroit, Atlanta and other points. Call at city ofrtoa, ltiol Farnam, or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D . Omaha, Neh. IMKII. BVTPHEN-Mrs. OUle C, wife of r-rles t. Sutphen. In this clly. June 4 I9nj Funeral from reiirlencf, I'M South Twen. ty-elghth stteet. Thursday. June ?S, at I Interment Forest Lawu. Friends The Low Hates to Boston Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Sbuthrrn railway, afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on sale June 25, 28 and 27. July 1. 2, S, 4 and t. Full particulars on application to M. 8. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or by addressing C. F. Daly. Chief A. O. P. A.. Chicago. Saro'l Burns' annual Juns 10 per cent reduction sal now going on. Very Low Speelal Excursion Rates To Boston, Mass.. Suratogh, N. Y., ana Chautauqua Lake In June and July. Lib eral terms and stop-over privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and intermediate points, 6:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, etc.. send postul card to H. L. Purdy, Trav. Psbs. Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago. 111. or D. M. Bowman, General Western l'aseenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Kotlcet Important Bartenders union, No. 24, will hold a special meeting June sa at j.w p. m., at 110 and 112 So. 14th St. JOHN C. TIERNEY. Recording Secretary. CALIFORNIA. OREGON, and all Principal Points Watt UNION PAG IF! A Sailnas Account may be opened for one dollar or more. We Issue certificates for t. S or 11 months. All deposits payable on demand. 4 per cent In terest paid. J. U BRANDEI3 & SONS. Bankers. B14.73I 11. 75! BI4.T0! Chicago and return June 14-16-30, July 1. Good till September 15, via "The Northwest ern Line," the only double track road. 1401, Hi 3 Farnam St. "The Pearl of Savoy" at Lake Manawa Saturday by the Ethel Tucker Stock com- Millions have been spent by the Union Pacific la the improvement of its line, and all human inge nuity has been adopted to protect its patrons against accident. Tho Una is renowned for its last trains and the general superiority of its service and equipment. Three Through Trains Dally to tho Fa ciflo Oosit via THE UNION PACIFIC 74 'aH traint via OmaAa mrrH f .Satf Lake C'ttv It hour, at San h'rantiul md iSyrtiand lb hourt mktiiU ( uU aimMlltur. riTT TICKET OFFirK. Pfcon ll THE BENNETT CO "anO Piano Bargains 40 SOLD We have about thirty of these brand new, up-to-date, 1903 styles of pianos left after our great sale. The Insur ance companies made the concessions we demanded, and as long as they last we will GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT THIRTY PIANOS AT ALfiOST HALF PRICE-ln oak, mahogany and walnut all latest 1903 styles. TERnS TO SUIT. COME AND SEE THET. A $250 PIANO FIRE SALE. . A $300 PIANO FIIIE SALE. . A $350 PIANO FIRE SALE. . $128 $146 .......$168 A $400 PIANO C00 FIRE SALE ...V'l-J $248 ...$275 A $450 riANO FIRE SALE A $500 PIANO FIRE SALE TERMS TO SUIT. Correspondence from country readers is solicited. All informa tion cheerfully given. , Great Specials GO ON SJe TKursday Women's Knit Underwear and Hosiery Note . M M Ml At Skat H . tue prices that follow and you'll reauiiy understand that an underwear and hosiery sale here means decisive economy. Ladles' Vests Worth 15c for 6c Made of fine quality Jersey ribbed Pea Island cotton, taped neck and arms They are 16c quality for Ladles' 25c Vests for 10c Made of fine quality lisle finished cotton yarn, Jersey ribbed, low neck, sleeveless or ribbed arm, full silk taped a 25o quality, for Ladles' 35c Vests for 19c. Made of extra fine qnallty Jersey ribbed, mercerised, finished with e lk nnd lace, full silk taped a regular 36o quality, for , .. Ladles' Combination Suits Worth 75c for 39c. Made of fine lisle thread, knee length. timbrellA shaped, trimmed with lace, sleeveless or ribbed arms, Ihco and silk finished and silk taped a regular 75c quality, for ..6c 10c 19c 25c for Ladles' Fine Hose. Come In lace and lisle thread, many handsome designs to select from, also a Hue nssortment of lace open work and highly colored best patterns The greatest line on record for tho niunvy 39c 25c Lodles' 75c doves, 45c. Made of lisle thread, mercerized and silk lace fancy mesh and silk, black, white, modes and slates, AtLn 75c quality, for 75c Crushed Leather Belts, 48c New and novel crushed leathervbelts, for ladles, latest novelties In seal, 48c walrus and undressed kid, regular Tic values Jls7e J This Way You Can See "Follow the Flag-' The St. Louis World's Fair Grounds Round Trips St. Louis sold June SO and July 1 $13. 50 Boston sold June 21th, 2-Hh, 2Gth S3I.75 Boston sold June 3t)ih to July 4th $33.75 Saratoga-sold July 4th and 5th $32. 20 Atlanta-sold July 5th, Cth and 7th $32. IO Detroit sold July 14th and 15th $2 1. SO Baltimore sold July 17th and 18th and Sept. 17-18-19 .....$32.25 All tickets reading over the Wabash R. R. are good In either direction via soamer between Detroit and Buffalo without extra charge, except meals and berth. Stop-overs allowed. Remember this Is ' The World's Fair Line." For berths, lake trips, folders and all information call at Wabash City Office, 1(01 Farnam Street, or address Harry E. Moores, G- A- p. d., Omaha, Neb. The AkSaivBen Goat Is getting a reputation for being "It" almost equal to tho Hanan shoe among shoes. The women, however, will never throw over JIanan shoes for goats or shoes made of goatskins. The Hanan shoe has a distinct style never reached by other manufacturers all lants, from the wide toe and low, flat heel to the extreme high arch and military heel. Tho only shoe makers that have been able to make a per fect mannish last In a woman's shoe probably because they make the best men's shoes. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. DON'T WORRY-WE'LL HELP YOU There Is no other one thing which su quickly and completely distracts a house wife as a bed bug. ve have the greatext fimilhllator of all hugdom that ever hap pened; It's called "Sure Death," and It Is well named, for It certainly la sure death to bui?s. It comes In four hl.es, pints, liic; quarts, 25r; hi gallons, Oic; gallons, SOc. A nice pint oil can free with i'X- or 90c slsea, or 5c extra with 16c or 20c lzns. We de liver this anv jilnre In tho elty free SAME A8 EVERYTHING WK 5"KI,Iv from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. A few of the KOWK8T PRICES In town. IXJWEST. MIND YOU. Compare 'em and see: Xe genuine t'aatorla y.. 24o $1.00 Peruna all you want ; 67c $1.00 Pierce s goods no limit c S1.00 Miles' Nervine 7Uc loo Alloock's Plasters 12c There are no 25o Allcock's Plasters. 25c Hire's Root fleer 14c 75c Moeller's Cnd Liver Oil 4c Mlc poan's Kidney Pills Me r.nc Cutleura Halve ,- SODA FOUNTAIN OrENINa SATURDAY CUT PRICB DRUO STORE Two 'Phones 747 and 7S7. 10th and Chicago Streets. Omaha. SGIIAEFER'S Deputy State Veterinarian. Food Inspector. H.L.RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmarjr, MU and Mason Sts. (7 This &fe Best of the Everything I The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago ' ' m $14.75 mm To Chicago M " J and Return r sa tIw 1. Oood till MyM J5i li . Beptember 16. rM'W-''iWi Extraordinary rates. W:'ift'l' ''" Extraordinary fishing. M-'fy- Vl i . V-'!W M Minnesota and Wisconsin mJ'A 1 V"';-' ? . tS'-Cil , City Offlce. t$?&& 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. f 'v-;'. 'o? "V- 1 omaha ft- TEL. 624-801 j '. L-: 4 S . y kiM- " C DIAMONDS fe.hTBROSBREWIN0CO. OMAHA.NI& v' All sties. All price i. 4 "i.-- -SJ" L4 COPLEY '"Ij) 7&Z : 1 IE??S WV JEWELER Jj LilMMlslMijj ...IZZI l r7ny--:z-zrn OMAHA'S YwJszB-sri bffhV&y FAVORITE COBTJOQ TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 1 II Ui&'c Only Oae Dollar a Year. J I 4 gr TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ft, . JjB Beat AsjrUaJtaral VYoekJy. "w f w mm JIasw - - Kalaa I